SIA& i '

Vol. 8, No. 4 BALBOA HEIGHTS, CANAL ZONE, NOVEMBER 1, 1957 5 cents

Gift ofthe Canal Museum r\ £S^3

All lock wall recesses have been filled with concrete workmen are engaged in building pyramid back of gate. to provide smooth running surface for big tires. Here Steel plating was used foi reinforcing at many places.

ing over water pipes of (he sprinkler system on the gates. GATUN GETS READY While the locks have now been made ready for the use of the new towing loco-

motives, it will probably (S r ,„, u) For new LeTourneau towing devices. Maintenance Division completes extensive alterations needed for locomotives.

Gatun Locks have been brushed and along which the fender tires will operate combed for a big date. was covered with gunite and then fin- For the past six weeks men from the ished with Plascite, a patented, paint-like Maintenance Division have swarmed substance which provides a highly glossed over the walls and gates of the two lower and slick surface on which the tires can lock chambers to make them ready for be moved up and down under pressure use of the new type towing locomotives while the .ship is being raised or lowered

manufactured by Et. G. LeTourneau, Inc., in the lock chambers. of Longview, Tex. According bo a sched- Other work involved filling-in, with

ule furnished by the manufacturers, the reinforced concrete, various recesses in new devices arc to be delivered and as- the kick walls and the installation of sh el s •mbled ready for testing at Gatun this plating for protection of the bridge. month. The ladder and snubbing-hook recesses The Maintenance Division work has over which the fenders will operate were been chiefly that of filling holes, rein- all tilled with concrete. The recesses for forcing, protective plating, sand blasting, the big fender chains were [tartly filled guniting, painting, and Plasciting. The and the narrowed openings protected by

work is scheduled to be completed this hinged COVer plates. The openings back week at a total cost of slightly over of thi' lock gates where mitered ends of

$70,000. the gates lit into the wall recesses were

Primarily, the work done at Gatun filled by the construction of five-fool tri- Locks was required for the operation of angular sections of reinforced concrete.

tin- l>i'_' rubber-tired fenders which will be Precast concrete beams were used to fill Used on the new LeTourneau devices for the culverl discharge slots and these holding ships away from the lock walls were grouted into place to provide a as they are under tow. Much of the smooth operating surface for the fender work was below the normal water level tires.

in the two lower chambers and it was The reinforcing required has been done

r Hie east chamber out j to take principally by the installation of heavy of service from September 25 until Oct- steel plating. This was required along

i he ober 1 1. vehicular bridge over which the fen- This phase of the work was rushed •" der tires will pass in towing vessels into completion at a record-breaking pace to the lower chamber. It was also necessary minimize the time required for single-lane to remove the heavy wooden timber fen- n at (latun. and the men on the ders along the top of the approach wall job were highly praised for their work by install steel-plated lamps at the

top < 'anal officials. junction < f the approach and lower cham- Key to successful operation of rhe Le- Approximately 16,000 square feel of ber wall.-. Other work of this nature in- Tourneau devices are giant fenders to on the center wall was sand cluded the installati d "f protective plat- hold ships in fow away from walls. and refinii hed. After being sand q "' blasted to a smooth surface, the area THE REVIEW November 1, 19 CONGRESS

Members meet here this month for Zone studies. Formal hearings slated.

November with its three holidays and pre-Christmas shopping is always a crowded month for Zone residents. Congresswoman Leonor K. Sullivan, of Missouri, heads This year the month has added signifi- group from Merchant Marine and Fisheries Commitiee. cance with the scheduled official visits of two Congressional groups, one of which will hold formal hearings. There are many matters of vital inter- there are numerous other matters of a The visit of Congresswoman Sullivan est to the Canal administration and Gov- lesser nature affecting the Canal and its and her group holds special interest since ernment employees in this area which will operations which House members are ex- her Subcommittee normally handles all be under consideration when Congress re- pected to investigate during their visits. legislation directly relating to the Canal convenes next January which are to be Complete details of the visits had not enterprise. The Subcommittee is sched- given first-hand study by the two groups. been arranged at the end of last month, uled to arrive during the last week in The visits by the members of the two and the exact date of arrival of the Mer- November and be here for about two Committees, both from the House of chant Marine and Fisheries Subcommit- weeks. No announcement has been made Representatives, will give the individual tee had not been announced. on any formal hearings. members valuable information on these Formal hearings will be held in the Congressional members expected on varied subjects. In addition, the Con- Canal Zone by the Subcommittee on this trip include Representatives Alfred gressional groups will have an opportun- Matters Relating to Personnel Activi- E. Santangelo, of New York; John J. ity of taking a personal look at the sites ties in the , headed Allen, Jr., of California; L. Mendel Rivers, and facilities where changes are scheduled by Congressman Young. This will be of South Carolina; Timothy P. Sheehan, The two groups are: one of the rare occasions when a Con- of Illinois; William S. Mailliard, of Cali- The Panama Cana! Subcommittee of gressional group holds hearings here, fornia; Vincent J. Dellay, of New York; the House Merchant Marine and Fish- although two such hearings have been Robert J. Mcintosh, of Michigan; Ed- eries Committee with Mrs. Leonor K. held within the past three years. ward J. Robeson, Jr., of Virginia; and Sullivan, U. S. Representative of Mis- Congressman Young's group will take Frank W. Boykin, of Alabama. All are souri, as Chairman. testimony on legislation already before not members of the Panama Canal Sub- A Subcommittee of the House Post the House to implement the agreement committee but the entire group will be Office and Civil Service Committee, of of the 1955 Treaty with respect to per- in the Zone on that Subcommittee's which Representative John Young, of sonnel practices in the Canal Zone. The business. Texas, is Chairman. principal features of this legislation are One of the principal objectives of the Among the many matters of special provisions for the adoption of a single visit by this group will be the investi- interest to the Canal and its employees, wage scale for all Government agencies gation of a possible solution of the Isth- already scheduled or expected to be before in the Canal Zone and the inclusion of mian Canal problem on a long-range Congress next year are: non-U. S. citizen Canal employees in the basis. Congressman Herbert C. Bon- The single wage legislation which was Civil Service retirement plan. ner, Chairman of the House Commit- approved by the Senate at the last session Committee members scheduled to at- tee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, of Congress; the replacement of housing tend include Representatives Robert W. announced during the closing days of and other facilities in the New Cristobal Hemphill, of South Carolina; Ralph J. Congress this year that his committee area which will be transferred to Panama; Scott, of North Carolina; Glenn C. Cun- would make on-the-site investigations the short range plans for increasing the ningham, of Nebraska; and David Den- of alternate canal routes. capacity of the Canal; investigations re- nison, of Ohio. The Sub-committee will Mrs. Sullivan, Chairwoman of the Sub- lating to alternate Canal routes or major be accompanied by two staff members, committee, has written Governor Potter alterations of the existing waterway; a representative of the U. S. Civil Service asking that arrangements be made for the changes in Canal Zone medical services Commission, a Department of State rep- members to visit and make an aerial in- and facilities based on the Falk report; resentative, and at least one representa- spection of some of the routes. Arrange- additional funds for the construction of tive from the Department of Defense. ments are being made for an aerial in- the high level bridge over the Canal; and Some of the group are sailing from spection of the proposed San Bias and salary increases and other prospective New York November 15 and will arrive Atrato River canal routes as well as a legislation affecting Federal Government November 21, while others will arrive by visit to Nicaragua and a flight over the employees as a whole. air about November 23. The exact date canal route there. In addition to these broad subjects, of the formal hearings has not been set. Also being arranged at Mrs. Sullivan's request are inspection trips to the Canal

Novembei 1, 1957 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW properties and areas being (See page 4) )


Division Award For NO DISABLING INJURIES SEPTEMBER COMMISSARY AND SERVICE CENTER NAVIGATION DIVISION MAINTENANCE DIVISION HOUSING AND GROUNDS DIVISION DREDGING DIVISION ELECTRICAL DIVISION INDUSTRIAL DIVISION MOTOR TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Twelve ol 14 employees receiving cash awards for suggestions are shown re- FIRE DIVISION ceiving checks from Acting Gov. H. M. Arnold on Administration Building RAILROAD DIVISION steps. At left, back to camera, is John D. Hollen, Chairman of Incentive POLICE DIVISION Awards Committee. Checks totaling $285 were given out early last month. STOREHOUSE AIDS TO NAVIGATION Mrs. Margaret M. Janssen, purchase of Cash incentive awards ranging from SANITATION DIVISION $15 to $50 were presented last month to microtype typewriter: $15. 14 employees of the Canal organization. Rudolph L. Jemmott, improvement for AWARDS THIS CALENDAR YEAR The presentations were made by Acting filing material orders: $15. Aids to Navigation 9 Governor Hugh M. Arnold in a special Mrs. Helen L. Meisinger, method of ac- Electrical 9 9 ceremony held on the front steps of the counting for cancelled and restated in- Fire Housing and Grounds... 9 Administration Building. voices: $15. Sanitation- - 9 The names of the employees and the Mrs. Dorothy II. Neville, return of car Dredging 8 amount of the checks they received for by Panama Line: $15. Maintenance 8 Motor Transportation 8 ideas which were approved and adopted George E. Shoemaker, V-belt length Storehouse 8 follow: finder: $15. by the Company-Government Hospitals and Clinics. 7 Ralph K. Skinner, additional Yerifax 7 Mrt. Helen F. Hoverson, food service Industrial -- machines: $15. Commissary and Service Center 6 simplification: $50. 6 Daniel C. Zitzmann, revision of forms: Police Walker, Mrs. MaybeUe H. bench at Los Railroad - 6 $15. Rios Railroad Station and change in Di- Navigation 3 Ray D. Wilson, ship incident illustra- 2 ablo Commissary hours: $30. Locks. tions: $15. Terminals 1 Mrs. Anne A. Lawson, procedures for clearing account: $25. Norman C. Anderson, a protective for FREQUENCY RATE Disabling injuries per 1.1 0,000 employee- cable splice: $25. hours worked. Miss Beatrice II. Simonis, support-bars SEPTEMBER 19S7 for patient safety, comfort, and self-help:

BUREAU i 5 ip Lj $20. ^ Mrs. Martha D. Carey, method of or- Supply and Employee Service Bureau v^ dering supplies: $15. 1

Engineering and Construction Bureau Tn CONGRESS i transferred • fCnnimwdlmm to Civil Affairs Bureau ::•;:} Panama under terms of v the Republic of 1 the 1955 Treaty. The group will also BL C. Z. Govt. -Panama Canal Co. (This Month ; visit sites for replacement facilities and i "~1 confer with various Canal officials on

plans for such replacements. ?:::: i i Many of the Congressmen coming to visited hen' the Isthmus this month have Transportation and Terminals Bureau before and already have a valuable know-

if general local conditions. Several

have \ i m leveral occa I Accompanying the Bouse members will be the wives of two of those from the Number ot Disabling Injuries Man Hours Worked l'n t ( iffice and Civil Service Committee, and six of the Merchant Marine and Fish- Frequency Rale this month eries Committee. Wives present! |

' uled to accompany their husbands are LEGEND ::] Accumulative Frequency Rale this Calendar Year mningham, Mrs. Dennison, Mrs. 1951 19551956 Calendar Year Average Rivers, Mrs. Sheehan, Mrs. Mailliard, Zj Mrs. Dellay, Mrs. Mcintosh, and Mrs. Bovkin. THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW November 1, 1957 Civic Council Election Plans

The Event of the Month in Oc-

tober is pictured on this month s

cover. It shows some of the guests at the 200,000th transit ceremony leaving the Grace Line s Santa Mercedes" at Locks. VOI I Without doubt the proudest man in the Panama Canal on that day, October 4, was Capt. Theodore Brennan, master of the Santa freighter which won the numerical honor of making the 200,000th transit by an ocean-going commer- cial ship. The veteran skipper is shown above with Acting Gover- nor Hugh M. Arnold holding the special certificate. Also participa- Beverly Boyett, left, and Marilyn Ward get instructions from Dean R. C. Hackett on holding polls for Pacific side Council. Students will help again this year. ting in the ceremony were Capt. K Warner S. Rodimon, the Canal's Marine Director, and F. X. Zeimetz The annual Civic Council elections in There are 36 candidates for 24 vacancies. of the Panama Agencies, local the Canal Zone will be held during the Pacific side polling places, with the num- agent for the Grace Line. first week in November with more than ber of candidates from each area in paren- The simple but impressive cere- 150 candidates in the running this year. thesis: Ancon-Balboa (9) —Gorgas Hos- mony was held on the bridge of the With two exceptions, Gamboa and pital, Civil Affairs Building, Administra- "Santa Mercedes" as it was being Rainbow City, all Council elections are tion Building, and Payroll Building (old locked through Miraflores Locks. to be held next Tuesday. Because of the Ancon clubhouse); Balboa (10)—Balboa The master and his crew did not large number of Gatun residents who High School, Balboa Commissary, Post receive news of the distinction work shifts, elections there are to be held Office, Industrial Division Building; Di- until Canal boarding officers came today and tomorrow, November 1 and 2. ablo Heights (9) Commissary and Serv- aboard in the Balboa harbor. Be- Residents of Rainbow City will be polled ice Center; Los Rios (8) —No polling- tween then and the time the vessel tomorrow, November 2, the elections booths. Special voting booths will also entered Miraflores Locks, the en- there being moved up this year because be at Miraflores and Pedro Miguel Locks. tire forward section of the ship had of the celebration of "Colon Day" next received a new coat of paint. LA BOCA November 5. Because of Tuesday. This was the third such ceremony La Boca's evacuation, balloting will be All residents have been urged to par- which has been held in the Canal's conducted in the La Boca Commissary ticipate in the Civic Council elections. history. The practice of honoring and in Pedro Miguel at House No. 326. This is the second year in which gener- such ships was instituted just 19 There are 10 vacancies. For the first ally-uniform voting procedures and elec- years before when the 100,000th time, the La Boca Council officers will tion dates have been used. commercial transit was made by be elected the same as in other Latin Complete details of election plans of the S.S. "Steel Exporter." In April American communities. That is, the all communities had not been arranged 1951, the S.S. "Nevadan" re- Council members themselves will elect in time for this edition of The Review. ceived a certificate for making the their officers by secret ballot instead of The summary below, however, gives the 150,000th trip by an ocean-going the person getting the highest popular general information as to the number of commercial liner. vote becoming Council president. candidates, vacancies, and the time and place of polls in the individual communi- PARAISO -November 5. There are ties. will be open from 8 o'clock in CANAL Polls 31 candidates for 15 positions. The five g the morning until 5:30 o'clock in the voting places in Paraiso, which will re- JZurJi. afternoon unless otherwise stated. main open until 6:00 p. m., are: the First

GATUN—November 1 and 2. Candi- Baptist Church, the Salvation Army, the Official Panama Canal Company Publication dates will be contesting for 10 vacancies. elementary school; the Civic Center; and Published Monthly At Balboa Heights, C. Z. The only polling place will be at the Paraiso High School. Printed by the Printing Plant, Mount Hope, Canal Zone Gatun Service Center. SANTA CRUZ—November 5. There CRISTOBAL-MARGARITA - Nov- YV. E. Potter, Governor-President are about 25 candidates for 12 vacancies. ember 5. There are 16 announced candi- Hugh M. Arnold, Lieutenant Governor Voting precincts: Service Center; Com- dates for eight Council vacancies. Polling W. G. Arey, Jr., Public Information Officer missary; the Dust Bowl area; and at will at: Cristobal Commissary, places be McFarlane Parkway. J. Rufus Hardy, Editor Margarita Commisary; Hos- Eleanor McIlhenny, Assistant Editor pital; New Cristobal High School; and RAINBOW CITY — November 2. Eunice Richard, Editorial Assistant Margarita Service Center. The Margar- There are 42 announced candidates for ita Service Center will remain open until 30 councilmen and 12 alternates. The On sale at all Panama Canal Service Centers, 7:00 m. Rainbow City Council will make a per- Commissaries, and Hotels for 10 days after publica- p. tion date at 5 cents each. Subscriptions, $1 a year; GAMBOA—November 5. There are sonal canvass of each area in its jurisdic- mail and back copies, 10 cents each. 14 candidates for 12 vacancies. Voting tion, at times to be announced, rather Postal money order! made payable to the Pan- in the Gamboa Commissary. than set up various voting places. In ama should mailed to Editor, Canal Company be addition, a special election place may be The Panama Canal Review. Balboa Heights. C. Z. PACIFIC COUNCIL- -November 5. established in the Rainbow City High School. November 1 . 1957 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW Supervisor to General Supply Clerk. Sup- ply Division. PROMOTIONS AND TRANSFERS Mrs. Juanita F. Day, from Acounting Clerk to Accounting Assistant, Supply Div- ision. TRANSPORTATION AND TERMINALS September 15 through October 75 BUREAU Norbert W. Hammond, from Guard to Employees who were promoted or trans- John H. Poole, from Telephone [nstaller- Supervisory Cargo Assistant. Terminals ferred between September 15 and October Maintainer to Automatic Telephone Com- Division. 15 are listed below. Within-grade promo- munication Equipment Maintainer I. Elec- Richard C. Condon, from Firefighter, tions are not reported. trical Division. Fire Division, to Train Dispatcher, Railroad ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCH Allen K. Miller, from Electrical Engineer Division.

I Distribution Systems) to Supervisors Elec- Limber, from Agent-Operator to Elizabeth Mitchell, from Clerk-Typist. Quincy trical Engineer (Generation and Transmis- Train Dispatcher. Railroad Division. Locks Division, to File Clerk. Records sions), Engineering Division. Irwin K. Meier, from Train and Agent- Section. CIVIL AFFAIRS BUREAU Mrs. Carol B. Cantrell, from Secertary. Operator to Train Dispatcher, Railroad

i Mil. i- of Health Director, to Clerk-Typist, I >iv ision. George L. Cain, from Custom-. Guar 1 to OTHER PROMOTIONS Customs Inspector. Customs Division. Power Conversion Project. Worker Promotion^ « hich did not involve changes Mrs. Mildred R. Beggs, from Substitute James A. Wood, from Sheetmetal in title follow : Elementary School Teacher. to Foreman Sheetmetal Worker, Mainte- Teacher to Technii ian, nance Division. Fred A. Dube, Orthopedic Division of Schools. Gorgas Hospital. Evans, from Clerk. Supply Frank L. Cunningham, from Field Super- Mrs. Mary E. Mrs. Doris L. Barfield, Cargo Clerk, Clerk (Typing). Division of visor to Supervisor. Southern District, Elec- Division, to Terminal- Piv ision. trical Work Branch. Electrical Division. Schools. Richard R. Potter, Electrical Engineer, S. Lang, from Doorman. Diablo Charles A. Behringer, from Supervisor} Peter Electrical Division. to Substitute Window Clerk. Construction Inspector, Contract and In- Theater, Howard S. Engelke, Chief, Communica- Division. spection Division, to General Engineer, Postal tions Branch, Electrical Division, from Pumping Plant Fmgineering Division. David A. Hone, Donald M. Boland, Accountant, Internal

II. Maintenance Divi- Walter A. Colclasure, Contract Spei i il Operator Audit Branch. Policeman, Police Division. ist, from Contract and inspection Division Pet^r Ubrau, from Window Clerk to to Engineering Division. Distribution Clerk, Postal Division, HEALTH BUREAU Benjamin A. Darden, from Distri i Po RETIREMENTS Mrs. Eva M. Harte, from Storekeeping 1 ision. ( nander to C lief, Police >i\ lice Clerk to General Supply Clerk. Gorgas Joseph M. Corso, from Guard, Locks Claud Kreger, York; Rotary I lospital. M. New Branch, to Policeman, Police Di- Security MARINE BUREAU Drill Foreman, Dredging Division; IS years vision. and S months; Canal Zone for the present. Richard K. Jenks, from Industrial Plant OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Martin Nickel, Maryland; 1 ..hi:.:: Pipe Electrician III to Industrial Plant Electri- Rosemarie Kenealy, from Gen- litter and Sheetmetal Worker, Industrial Mrs. J. cal Systems Inspector, Industrial Division. St. eral Accounting Clerk to General Claims Division; 38 years, 6 months, 6 days; William J. Nickisher, from Electric Audit Division. Petersburg, F'la. Examiner, General Welder to Combination Welder, Industrial Journey, from Supervi- Mrs. Frances L. Division. Supervisory Ac- sory Clerical Assistant to D. Barnes, from Distribution and counting Assistant. Accounting Division. J. Window Clerk, Postal Division, to Locks Mancinelli, from Systems Ac- NOVEMBER SAILINGS Albert D. Security Patrolman. Locks Division. count, int. Accounting Policies and Pro- John W. Urey, from Pipefitter to Lead cedures Staff, to Auditor, General Audit FROM CRISTOBAL Foreman, Pipefitter and Sheetmetal Work- Division. er, Industrial Division. Cristobal November 6 Clair V. Hughes, from Clerk-Typist Mrs. .1 neon Noveml er 13 Ralph J. Dugas, from Lead Foreman. to Clerk. Rates and Analysis Branch. 23 Pipefitter and Sheetmetal Worker to Lead ( 'ristobal Noveml per CONSTRUCTION .1 Nov ember 30 ENGINEERING AND Foreman II, Pipelining and Sheetmetal neon BUREAU Shop, Industrial Division. FROM NEW YORK Wireman to Mortimer J. Brennan, from SUPPLY AND EMPLOYEE SERVICE BUREAU Anton - Novembei 5 Powsr Plant Electrician Electrical Division 15 Manager. Tivoli Cristobal. .____...... November Mrs. Winnie M. Compston, from Typist, Henry J. Chase, from .1 neon Nov ember 22 to Clerk-Typist, Guest House, to Supply Officer I Drugs and Engineering Division, which leave New York Friday Sundries), Supply Division. Southbound ships Electrical Division. are in Haiti the following Tuesday. Those which Hamilton, from Manager, Robert E. Seavey, Jr., from Substitute Stanley M. s.iillr.nii New York Tuesday spend Satunl.iv in Haiti. in two days aftei Window Clerk. Postal Division, to Engi- Hotel Washington, to Manager, Tivoli Northbound, the ships stop Haiti Guest House. Clearing Cristobal: Monday for those which sail from neering Ud, Meteorological and Hydro- Cristobal Saturday, and Friday for those which clear graphic Branch. Vernon F. Kepford, Jr., from Commissary Cristobal Wednesday.

jobs during his summer vacations from Navv. He began his Canal service as a school and in 1920 started an apprentice- signalman in the Navigation Division but ship .is a shipjoiner. A short time alter he has been with the police force since l".i(>. ANNIVERSARIES had become a craftsman, he was caught in The other two 30-year anniversary em- the force reductions of the mid-20's and left ployees both work at Gorgas Hospital, 'to^ the Canal service for several years When both are second generation Canal emploj Although Carl Graff Breitenbach is a returned in 1929 he worked with the ees. Mrs. Stella N. Frampton is the daugh comparative newcomer to the Panama he Municipal Engineering Division and i he ter of the late W. R. Newbold. Jr., foi man) Canal organization his service with the Division. Division is Constructing Quartermaster For years with the old Fortifications i mal d ites back only to 1947 -he no the past several years he has been in car- lln first Canal job was with the former Stranger to the government service. Last pentry for what is now the Maintenance Mechanical Division, and I. net she worked month he completed 40 years service, 30 ision. for the Engineer. She is now Per- States Nav I )iv Office of w hich were with the United ) \ Mr. Pervin. a native Bostonian, came to sonnel Clerk ai Gorgas. Mrs. Edith T. Mc- Born in I til a, V '., he enlisted in Sep Canal Zone as a Stall Sergeant in the Allister is .1 clerk in the Medi. a] ( elllel al tember 1917 and served with the Navv the is was stationed at Quarry Heights t iorgas I lospital, she the daughter ol through two great wars. For over 14 years Army. He ke.l when he left the military service in 1940 i In late 1 G I i.'w bridge, n ho woi foi ( I , hid Pellv Ifl'n it, holding the service a clerk in the old Suppl) Depart- the I lodging Division. All ol her posis of Chief Gunner's Mate and Chiel to be le ment. In 1942 he was transferred to the has been in i he I lealth Bureau. Ma in al \rius. 1- >iv Polii e .ind ire I ision but was in I hat Part of hi N i was aboard the 25 YEARS action post only a brief time when he was recalle I USS Massachusetts, on which he saw Both ol the i iien w ho completed a quarter to act iv e dm v with i he Ai mj fot se\ eral .,,. ifii i i| i and in the Pai His om ni ,i centurj ol government service in CX t .ii I le has been employed in lie License manding offii ei was < lapt H. 11. Mi Lean, tober have continuous Canal service, al S» lion since his return to I he Canal organ- latei Marine Superintendent ol I he Pan- though eight years ol Leonard B. Wilson's ization. 25 w .is with i he ai med sei \ ii es

< .10 Mr. Breitenbai h i ame to the anal Zone YEARS Mi \\ ilson, a tow ing loi omotive operatoi

1947 as an Enginee 1 in February 1. tuber's quartet ol 10-yeai employees .it the Pacini Locks, comes from Old Trap,

Division. The following ( I ion in with the Marine are s.|>lit evenly between those with un- \ lie joined I he lanal organizal

I >.« k year he was promoted to the post ol broken and broken Canal service and be- 1940 as a . hauffeui with the Motor Trans-

. ... position ol Lead has also wmked holds the tween i nit la in lets and native born Isthmians, portation Division He All ol his service has been Divisions Dock Foreman. The pair with unbroken Panama I anal with the Maintenance and Fire on the Atlantii side ol the Isthmu service are Julia Guenzi, who teacl here S. Engelke's 25 years ol ervii e, .15 YEARS grade at Balboa elementary school, and Howard

William E. Hughes, a sergeant in the < ma howevei hive all been with the Panama Thirty-fifth anniversaries in government

I now ( Imi I Zone l' e force. Miss Guenzi was bom ( '.mal organ izal ion, le is ol he service were celebrated lasl month bj two ol Electrical in Silver Plume, • olo and i ame here in Communications Branch the C. Conover, I ead Ca I emplo; ees, Max 1927 bom Clarkdale, Ariz, She taught al Division Born in Anion and a member "I liter in the e I )i

-. - began his I /.me I v a family, be I 'ei II . M iguel foi 10 eat befi ire hi well known . ion, and George M. Pervin, Clerk in the s, -i ( \\ the , ith i apprentii e moved to I he Balboa a hool . e int anal areei as an ii of the Civil Affairs Bureau. t when he , I months in 1937 I nines Iroin two III [ughes, w ho Dalla ount excepti .mover was born in Buda, . but Canal Zone with the worked ai the I oi ks, all of his quarter cen- Tex , came to the , the < anal Zi ' mngster.

His 1. 1 1 her, H. II. Conover. ».i..i shipwright November 1, 1957 The younger Conover worked in various THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW CIVIL DEFENSE © NEWS The second revision of the Canal tone Civil Defense anil Disaster Relief Plan has been submitted to the Governor's Office for final approval. Main- sections of the plan have been revised, mos1 important being the plan for rescue service, and the reorgan- ization of the rescue and operation forces for disaster relief. Further details will be submitted when final action has been taken by the Governor.

All local-rate communities will have an- nual election of officers in November among the members of the Civil Defense Volunteer Corps groups with installation of officers planned for December. Mrs. Charlotte Kennedy will conduct specialized training classes in the United States local towns during November.

NOVEMBER VOLUNTEER CORPS MEETINGS Date Town Place Hour 6 Margarita and Service Center 9 a.m. New Cristobal Margarita

13 Rainbow City School 6:30 p. m. 14 Santa Cruz Service Center 8 p.m. Mary Hebert presides at Balboa senior class. Cheering her are Eileen Damerau, iS Paraiso School 7:30 p. m. class secretary, Raul Barbara, vice president, and Allen Ward, class-sponor. 19 Gatun Service Center 9 a. m. 20 Diablo Service Center 9:30 a. m. Miss Mary Hebert broke all precedents and will be one of the initiates at cere- at Balboa High School this year when monies on November 13 in the Balboa she was elected President of the Senior Theater. She has been active in student turv has been spent with the Electrical Di- Class. She is the first girl to win this affairs since entering Balboa High having vision and in communications. honor in the more than 30 years in which served as Secretary of the Freshman Class. 20 YEARS records are available, perhaps She is a member of the Drama Club, Pep Five of the nine Company-Government such and employees who rounded out 20 years of the first in the school's history. Club, and Future Teachers of America. service in October have not only unbroken Mary is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. In winning her race for Senior Presi- with the Panama Canal but with service W. H. Hebert, of Diablo Heights, her dent, Miss Hebert faced three male can- their employing divisions, as well. father being Chief Admeasurer in Balboa. didates, Raul Barbara, of Curundu, who They are: Martha W. Goodwin, who comes from Bald Eagle. Pa., Head Nurse, The new class president was recently came in second and was elected as Vice Gorgas Hospital; Hector M. Grant, whose elected to the National Honor Society President; Don Ryter, and Paul Bennett. birthplace was Jersey City, N. J., Pilot with the Navigation Division; Rita G. Gribbons, a native of New Brunswick, Canada, like Lake Miss Goodwin, a Head Nurse at Gorgas -O T O 17 Dates For Closing La Boca Hospital: Adolph Kapinos, formerly of Levels rVlk5H/ Goodyear, Conn., a Police Sergeant with Commissary, Service Center the Police Division; and Robert C. Sievers, Jr., who came from St. Louis, Mo., and is The rains finally came—to the Gatun The remaining sections of La Boca Specialist in the now Supervisory Baker drainage basin. Supply Division. were largely depopulated last month as Other 20-year employees with continuous After lagging far behind any year on the families assigned quarters at Pedro Ship- Panama Canal service are Eugene S. record, the inflow into Madden and Gatun Miguel moved out. The last of these ley, who comes from Kingston, Tenn., and Lakes took a sudden jump last month were moved during the present week. now, as a Police Captain, heads the Cris- with the result that uneasiness about fill- tobal Police District; and Leon M. Warren, It has been announced at the Supply Inspection and Estimates Engineer in the ing the two lakes began to be allayed. and Employee Service Bureau that both born in Engineering Division. He was Oro- Madden Lake rose 13 feet from Octo- Commissary and Service Center in La Boca ville, Wash. ber 1 to October 23, and rose will close their doors on December 31. The remaining pair, whose Canal service 1.9 feet during the same period and ex- is broken, are: Eiden W. Coffey, once of The closing of the Commissary and Monroe, Oreg., Wireman Foreman I at the ceeded the 85-foot elevation for the first Service Center will result in a force re- Pacific Locks; and Charles A. Mockus, time this year on October 25. The level duction of 13 full-time and two WAE whose birthplace was Hilldale, Pa., Window- of Madden Lake on October 22 was 229 employees in the La Boca Commissary, Clerk with the Postal Division. Although feet, about ten feet under the mark Mr. Mockus' service is not continuous it and four full-time and 30 part-time em- has all been with the Postal Division. needed to begin hydroelectric generation. ployees at the Service Center. Force re- 15 YEARS An indication of the changed picture duction notices were being delivered this Seven of October's 15-year employees in the water supply was the comparative week to the employees affected, giving have unbroken Panama Canal service. figures on net yield of the Gatun water- them 60 day's notice. They are: Fred Blohm, Lead Foreman J. shed. At the end of September the net The same force reduction procedures Painter, Maintenance Division; Dr. Louis Fink, Veterinarian with the Division of Vet- yield for the year was only 1,662 cubic will be used for these employees as those erinary Medicine; Robert H. Fisher, Auto feet per second. At the end of October at the first of the year when several com- Repair Machinist, Motor Transportation this figure had risen to 2,864 cubic feet missaries and service centers were closed. Division; Charles J. Hurley, Senior Tow- per second, which is still less than half The Schools Division has announced boat Master, Navigation Division; Dr. Leon for a normal calendar year. that the La Boca School will continue in J. Malock, Psychiatrist, Corozal Hospital; Mrs. Nye C. Norris, Personnel Clerk, Per- Diesel power generation this year has operation until the close of the school- sonnel Bureau; and James W. Watson, been at the highest rate ever. Over 45 year which will be the first week in Feb- Towboat Master, Navigation Division. million ruary. Arrangements have already been Those with broken Canal service are: kilowatt-hours had been generated Hubert Hart, Towing Locomotive Operator, up to the middle of last month by the made to provide free bus transportation Atlantic Locks; Raymond F. Hesch, Ma- Diesel plants. for those children who have moved to chinist and Diver, Pacific Locks; James A. Rainfall over the Isthmus was reported Pedro Miguel. Marchuck, Policeman, Police Division; Mrs. It has been announced that cash pay- Faye C. Minton, Administrative Officer, at about average or above for the month Office of the Engineering and Construction of October, except along the Atlantic ments will be made in lieu of conversion Director; Louis L. Seldon, Hospital Elec- coast, according to W. H. Esslinger, Chief of frequency-sensitive electrical equip- trician I, Maintenance Division; Albert L. Hydrographer. Up until the beginning ment owned by employees residing in La Taylor, Chief Towboat Engineer, Ferry Boca who will be required to move out Sen-ice; and C. V. Torstenson, Pilot, Nav- of last month precipitation had been very igation Division. light over the Gatun watershed. of the Zone by the end of the year. Such cash payments will be based on inventor- November 1,1957 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW ies of this equipment as of October 15. 1 1

Zone Hospitals Plan Credit Unions Celebrate

Celebration Of 75th

Anniversary, Nov. 17

Sunday, November 17, will be cele- brated in the Canal Zone this year as Hospital Day during which the general public will be invited to visit the various medical facilities which provide the com- munity with service the year round. The designation of a special date as Hospital Day is in keeping with similar celebrations annually throughout the United States in which communities give special recognition to the highly-trained corps of men and women who provide their medical care. The celebration in the Canal Zone has a special significance in that it marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of Gor- International Credit Union Day was justifiably celebrated with great fanfare gas Hospital and the establishment of October 20 by over 3,000 members of Zone's Federal Credit Unions. Above, hospital and medical facilities in the Pan- part of big parade at Santa Cruz, followed by dedication services and field day. ama Canal organization. The entrancing Canal officials and other organizations helped to make the day a big success story of this record of service since Gorgas Hospital was built by the French is told in a special Diamond Jubilee Supplement of The Panama Canal Review. PAGES FROM THE The Diamond Jubilee is also being marked by the issuance of a three-cent commemorative stamp by the Canal Zone

/ ' Postal Service. The stamp has for its - u h'V? t''\" ~^. THIS MONTHXAflMTH Ri^l >/ central design a picture of the Gorgas Hospital Administration Building. The 12^3 stamp is to be issued Sunday, November 50 Years Ago of 1 16.80 feet at the Alhajuela gauging sta- 17, and orders for first-day covers are tion 25.8 feet above low water level. now being received. Orders may be Ten Congressmen, nine of whom were The rise of the Chagres flooded the pit placed with the Postmaster at Balboa. members of the House Committee on excavated within the cofferdam for laying the Zone Col. Charles 0. Bruce, Health Director, Appropriations, visited Canal concrete at , laying down a in November 1907. They rode through has announced that Gorgas, Coco Solo, foot-thick layer of silt, and delaying the sites Locks and Palo Seco Hospitals will all hold open the Cut, inspected for Gatun work on the dam for several weeks. house to the general public on Hospital and Dam, visited hospitals, saw ware- Day. Details of the arrangements for the housing at Mount Hope, and, finally, 10 Years Ago individual hospitals will be announced held hearings here on appropriations to fi- The most comprehensive study of the later during the month as plans are form- nance the Canal work for the coming year. Isthmian Canal problem ever made was ulated. The first accidental explosion involving completed 10 years ago this month. On A brief ceremony and open house is loss of life in five months in the Cnlcbra November 22, 1047, copies of the official being planned at Gorgas from 9 until 1 Division killed two laborers and showered report on the Isthmian Canal Studies o'clock in the morning. Col. Norman H. fragments of rocks on the Culebra Admin- and Gov. J. C. Mehaffey's recommenda- Wiley, Gorgas Hospital Director, has an- instration Building, the ICC Clubhouse, tion for converting the Panama Canal to nounced that various Panama Canal offi- the Culebra Hotel, and various family and a sea-level waterway were mailed to the cials will participate in the ceremony at bachelor quarters. Secretary of the Army. There was no which time the introduction of the com- An entire village built by the French announcement at that time as to the con- memorative stamp will be made. and completely buried by dense jungle tents of the report. Maj. Bruno Eisen, Coco Solo Hospital growth was discovered at Caimito Mu- Panama and the United States still had Superintendent, has also made plans for lato by engineers who were locating the reached no agreement, in November residents of the Atlantic side to visit the center line of the Canal in the Chagres 1947, of on the question defense sites in Panama. various operating departments that Division. The village contained -2 liar- of interest. The United States rejected I'unania's pro- hospital of public A tour of the racks and mess halls, nine sets of family posal that any renewal the ID-year lease hospital departments will he held between quarters, and a small machine shop. of on Rio llato Air Base be subject to 1 joint 9 and 1 o'clock in the morning. Hospi- Most of the buildings were in good both countries, anil tal personnel will he in attendance to enough condition to be repaired. approval of Panama's give visitors an explanation of the various ambassador, Dr. ./. ./. VoMarino, was or- services. 25 Years Ago dered back to Washington to stand by for further negotiations. The general public will he invited to Canal traffic, which had been at a low

i m Hospital at any tune Palo Seco be- William Jr., a level for most of the year, was beginning A. Van Siclen, second- o'clock in the "i tween 9 morning and e, ion l appointed to revive somewhat. Although Novem- general emplo] was Sup- in the on o'clock afternoon Hospital Day. of the Atlantic Locks. ber transits were six less than those for erintendent He Dr. Ezra Hurwitz, Superintendent, has October, the daily average was the high- succeeded Hugh A. Thomas. all o announced thai a party is being est for any month since September 1931. planned for the hospital patients that \\ heat ihipments for the month totaled One Year Ago the day al which time patieni I will give 253,246 long tons, the largest month's an exhibition of native dances. Good neighbors from both sides of the shipment of thai commodity for almost border got together on November 15 This will be the tir I time in tie four y last year to celebrate the Tivoli's fiftieth l !anal Zoic that a general observ- II. /,!//c in \ 1 Thatcher, ance of Hospital Day has been held. obi mil i 198& a "threi eri birthday. Maurice onlj

mi < • surviving member of the Isthmian Canal i type flood" the 'hag loloni I Bi uce of for Canal traffic for Over !', hours. Al its Commission, made a special trip here and other health official are I nua imum, tfu river reached an elevation the occasion. an in\ it al Zone resident to " making the observance a mem- one. 3 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW November 1, 1957 SHIPPING


FORMER RECORDS Commercial . 646 TO TOP 771 Government 18 18

Featured by the transit of the 200- quarter of the past fiscal year to five to Totals _ 664 ~789 000th ocean-going commercial ship, Pan- one in the comparative period this year. TOLLS* ama Canal traffic for the first quarter The tonnage of ships in ballast for the 1956 1957 that of any of this fiscal year surprassed month of September was reported at Commercial $2,865,538 $3,508,949 preceding quarter in the waterway's his- 776,500 tons, far in excess of any month Government 99,122 69,019 tory in the number of ocean-going vessels. in the postwar period. Prior to the be- Total.... $2,964,660 $3,577,968 The first three-month period of this ginning of this fiscal year, the tonnage 'Includes tolls on all vessels, ocean-going and small. fiscal year also included a new monthly of ships in ballast was averaging about TOTAL CARGO (Lone Inns) record of 812 commercial transits, sur- .300,000 tons monthly, less than half of 1956 1957 passing by four the record set last September's total. Commercial 3,560,245 3,936,498 March. The new record was set in Aug- The increase in ballast tonnage for Government . 113,984 36,360 ust, normally a light month in Canal tankers is due principally to the heavy Total 3,674,229 traffic. movement of Venezuelan oil through the 3,972,858 Ocean-going traffic during the period Canal to the Pacific, with tankers return- totaled 2,453 transits, of which 82 were ing empty. made by U. S. Government vessels. This Partly accounting for the increase of South American Trade total established an average of 818 ships ore carriers in ballast is the continued a month, about 80 above the monthly use of this type of ship during the sum- Routes Show Increase average for the fiscal year 1957 when the mer months. In previous years, many The continued increase in business in latest annual traffic record was estab- ore carriers were taken off of routes South American countries on the Pacific lished. through the Canal for service in the coast was indicated in traffic figures of Although the number of large Govern- north Atlantic while favorable weather the Panama Canal during the first quar- ment ships using the Canal during the conditions prevailed. Ore shipments have ter of this fiscal year. first quarter of this year was higher than continued heavier through the Canal this There were over 100 more ships in in the comparative figure of the past fis- summer with the entry of many carriers transit through the Canal during the first cal year, the big increase in traffic was specially built for this trade. Conse- three months of this fiscal year on routes in ships of the commercial category. quently, ballast figures for this class of to South America than in the compara- vessel have also risen as they normally One of the most significant features of tive period of a year ago. The heaviest return empty to the ore centers in South commercial traffic for the past quarter increase was shown on the route between America. was an abnormal rise in the number of the east coast of the United States and Canal in ballast. While these factors are normal for vess?ls going through the South America. On this route there were Statistics for period showed in- tankers and ore carriers, an indication of the an 558 transits during the past quarter, a some slackening in is indi- crease in the number of tankers, cargo world trade gain of 84 ships of the ocean-going com- vessels, and ore carriers transiting with- cated by the increase in ballast tonnage mercial category on the route in the first out cargo. for dry-cargo vessels. Normally, the bal- quarter of fiscal 1957. tonnage freighters in Ship tonnage figures for the first quar- last of transit A substantial gain was also shown on ters of 1957 and 1958 below indicate the through the Canal is made up principally the route between Europe and South by fruit ships returning empty to the increase of ships with empty holds: America. In the first quarter of the banana plantations of Central and South 1957 1958 past fiscal year there were 174 transits America. This tonnage has been boosted by ocean-going vessels. This Laden 8,834,000 10,186,000 year the considerably, however, during the first number was 210 for a gain Ballast 1,178,000 2,210,000 of 36. three months of this year increas- by an Other trade routes through the Canal These figures show the relationship of ing number of other types of dry-cargo showing gains this year over last were the laden ships those in ballast dropped vessels going through the Canal with to United States Intercoastal, the East from a ratio of eight to one in the first empty holds. Coast U. S. and Central America route; the East Coast U. S. and the Far East; and the route between Europe and the MONTHLY COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC AND TOLLS West Coast of the U. S. and Canada. The shipment of petroleum through Vessels of 300 tons net or over the Canal from the Atlantic to the Paci- fic and the movement of ores in the op- (Fiscal years) posite direction were leading features in the commodity movements for the first Tolls Transits three months of this fiscal year. The Month (In thousands of dollars) amount of oil shipped from the Atlantic 1957 1938 to the Pacific during the past quarter totaled 1,797,000 tons, an increase of al- 788 669 457 $3,668 $3,054 $2,030 July most 400,000 tons over shipments in the August 812 653 505 3,599 2,888 2,195 first quarter of the past fiscal year. September. 771 646 444 3,504 2,861 1,936 Ore October 699 461 3,083 1,981 shipments this year from the Pacific to November _ 654 435 2,876 1,893 Atlantic destinations aggregated 1,982,- December.. 751 439 .3,420 1,845 000 in the past quarter, an increase of January 701 444 3,161 1,838 nearly 650,000 over the comparable per- February _ _ 673 436 3,033 1,787 March 808 506 3,603 2,016 iod last year. April 767 487 3,430 1,961 Substantial increases were shown in the 783 465 May 3,551 1,887 tonnage of other commodities. From the June 775 445 3,484 1,801 Atlantic to the Pacific these included

Totals for first 3 months coal and coke, iron and steel manufac- of fiscal year $10,771 S8.803 $6,161 tures, soybeans, ammonium compounds, ores, and chemicals. Cargo shipments Total for fiscal year $38,444 $23,170 from the Pacific to Atlantic showed in- creases in lumber, wheat, nitrate of soda, bananas, coffee, iron and steel manufac- November 1. 1957 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW tures, and barley. !

^ SHIPS ,nd SHIPPING ^l New Look At Corozal

200,000th Celebration A gala celebration in honor of the 200,000th transit of the Panama Canal early last month by the Grace Liner Santa Mercedes, was held October 24 at the Union Club in Panama by Frank X. Zeimetz, local Manager of the Grace Line, and Mrs. Zeimetz. Acting Governor and Mrs. Hugh M. Arnold, members of the Governor's staff, members of the Cabinet, and other high Panama Government officials were in- cluded among the 800 or more guests. Also invited were Panama Canal personnel connected with the actual handling of ships in the Canal; Canal Zone and Panama shipping and oil com- pany agents; businessmen connected with exporting and importing business in Pan- ama; and members "f the press. The "New Look" A "new look" at the Panama Canal was given this week by a passenger aboard the SSGaUic, a Shawl Savfll & Albion Co. Dresses for the women patients are now gaily coloied prints. Ltd., vessel en route to New Zealand. The passenger able to get a different view Clothes do make a difference, as a cotton twills, based on a sport-shirt ides, of the waterway was a big giraffe being number of both men and women patients and the women are sporting colorful cot- shipped from the London Zoo to the New at Corozal Hospital can testify. ton-print dresses. Zealand Government. If he didn't un- A few months ago, som:> of them were According to h-alth authorities, the derstand what he saw, he had the benefit outfitted with bright new clothes, as an hospital is trying to get away from the of chatter from four chimpanzees accom- experiment, to replace the shapeless, obsolete idea of the institutional type of panying him to his new home. faded blue denims which had been the clothing. New Service trademark of the hospital for many years. In addition to the matter of funds, The result is such an amazing boost of another slowdown in the replacement A new service between U. S. Gulf ports morale that all of th? old denims will b? program is the question of fitting. But and the Far East has been started by the replaced by the gay new wearing app irel hospital officials hope that in the not too Fernville Far East Lines, whose ships as soon as funds are available. distant future all of the patients will be are regular customers of the Canal. The The men's suits are made of gray wearing the new suits and dresses. line is now offering sailings on the 14th and 28th of each month from Gulf ports Trim gray khaki has replaced the mens' shapeless blue denims. through the Panama Canal to Manila and Hong Kong. One sailing a month i: ' !:;::-:- „ | ' ' $ has been scheduled for the ports of | ^ Djakarta, Singapore, Yokohoma, and Kobe, all via Hong Kong. The Fernville vessels carry general cargo and are also on a regular sailing schedule between New York and Far Eastern ports. Big Ore Ship Another new giant ore ship arrived at the ('anal during the latter part of < ((tu- ber. It was th" SS Rio San Juan, an addition to the Trans-World Carriers fleet, on its maiden voyage from Germany to Sin Juan, Peru. The ship is 657 feet long and has an NT-foot beam. Its dis- placement tonnage is 45,000 tons and gross tonnage is 12,858 tons. The big ore carrier was built in Germany and will he on a regular run from Peru through the Panama ('anal to East Coast United

Stal i p irl New Customer Coming The Royal Mail Lines, Ltd., have an- nounced the addition of the M. S. I.m-li w Loyal to their United Kingdom, West Central America, and Pacific of the locks during overhaul periods. Indies, Alterations Are Begun Northwesl service. The ship, which will The Pacific Locks are to I verhauled some soon become another customer of the At Pedro Miguel Locks during the coming dr] ia >n and

• Panama Canal, was launched recently al of the work require I will b compl the Belfast shipyard of Harland & Wolf, Pedro Miguel Locks will be operating both Pedro Miguel and Miraflore l id the and was scheduled for delivery in October. at a limited capacity for about three after the overhaul begins. Mosl oi feet space for work, except that which will he It has 575,750 cubic of weeks while work is in progress which done dur- has genera] cargo, including 151,000 cubic bates unwatering thi irhaul, already been ao ora feet for refrigerated cargo. There are culvert. Both traffic lanes will be kepi in pli he

' Lit ion a >". to I I for 12 passengers and service, but with single-culvert operati Alteration the latun Locks were pool. permanent open-air tiled swimming The work is being done by Mainte- made in time for the lasl overhaul there.

:, > The new .-hip is due to arrive at the < Janal forces. It is in They increased the \

Principal commodities shipped through the Canal (All figures in thousands of long tons) Gatun Gets Ready ATLANTIC TO PACIFIC

First Quarter, Fiscal Years Commodity 1958 1957 1938

Petroleum and products (ex :lu les asph ilt) 1,749,282 1,364,904 178,635 Coal and coke l.Ki-. .71,') SOS, 166 47,077 Iron and steel manufactures d 16,923 183,1 !0 646,493 305,830 417,307 1 1 1,416 2 19,398 287,369 146,787 171,585 108,182 900

1 53,988 91,496 42,072 117,077 328,898 3,207 108,937 67,980 27,985

<) Paper and p ip -i pro lucts >.m 135,697 132.018 Machinery 95,023 77,929 46,081 Aiiun mium comp tunds 93,415 58,686 554 Wheal -. 87,121 69,948 343 70,613 69,179 62,666 69, MO 109,691 83,729 1,302.577 1,282,445 1,175,149

Total 6,553,565 5,827,386 2.989,009


First Quarter, Fiscal Ye trs Commodity 1957 1958 1938 Gatun lock-wall sec/ion is clicked up where big lubber-tired fender will run. ( >ri--, various 1,932,050 1,339,987 541,685 Lumbar 799,406 705,788 877,574 Wheat 501,776 473,789 40,873 (CarMnued from paye !) be a matter of Canned food products 369,597 337,658 30o,650 several weeks before they are used for Sugar 310.650 3 >4,838 439.129 Bananas 265,178 177,424 8,670 towing ships into and out of Gatun Locks. Nitrate of soda 240,495 6S,b51 222,756 A detailed schedule has been prepared Metals, various 223,507 227,234 173,729 Food products in refrigeration (except fresh fruit"; 124,415 16 4.005 45,205 for the testing period which calls for a Barley 87,817 53,755 53,158 considerable time in the training of Locks Coffee 78,919 65,633 37,173 personnel in the use of the devices on the Petroleum and products (excludes asphalt) 79,650 164,162 978,129 return track at the locks and later on the Copra 62,765 61,758 35,092 Cotton, raw 48,857 41,051 37,071 towing tracks before they are used in Iron and steel manufactures 16,034 57,368 5,966 handling regular traffic. All others 955,553 885,488 850,245 After arrival the new locomotives will

Total _ 6,156,707 5,178,840 4,655,102 be unloaded on the north end of the center wall by the 75-ton crane-boat Atlas or the 250-ton floating crane Her- cules. The LeTourneau company will Canal Commercial Traffic by Nationality of Vessels send a team to the Isthmus to assemble and test the locomotives and later to First Quarter, Fiscal Years train Locks Division personnel in their 1958 1957 1938 use. Nationality Num- Num- Num- All of the initial trials will be made on Tons Tons ber of ber of ber of the return track. These will include tests of cargo of cargo of cargo transits transits transits for operation of the towline booms, trac- tion, braking, and all electrical and me- 4 13,222 3 3,316 chanical check-outs. After the satisfac- 307 1,852.111 295 1,919,057 292 1 667 795 19 96,093 18 101.454 2 10,096 tory completion of these trials, the loco- 14 118,516 13 88,079 2 15,115 motives will be moved to the towing 50 81,370 56 78,179 tracks for a series of similar tests in addi- 5 52,260 4 37,304 92 501,427 80 293,411 55 254,567 tion to operation of the ship fenders. 13 18,501 14 24,.,:.:) The first towing work to be done will 2 4,695 7 27,772 5 18,452 be Panama Canal Company equipment 24 127,565 27 149,490 28 146.78S outside of normal operating hours for 209 650,590 158 521,759 91 450,641 Gatun Locks. This will be followed by ii 282,955 288.248 n 31 181,941 the towing of small commercial vessels Honduran - 77 96,638 72 56,655 9 2,926 which can be scheduled for lockage out- 2 11 176 1 8,250 side of normal operating hours. 51 I09,i 79 36 179.673 13 39,933 It is presently anticipated that this 154 996,051 120 853.040 75 S ' I 490 3 14,318 trial period will require from three to six 258 2,106,440 138 1.212,838 months time after which the two test 2 5,754 locomotives can be placed in regular Netherlands. 47 222,583 54 211,765 60 217,168 operation. 21 34.308 9 16,594 Norwegian 246 1,200,024 199 1,023,276 155 855,770 The LeTourneau devices will only be Panamanian 136 695,450 114 628,464 54 155,169 used in handling ships through the lower 11 57,655 11 59,369 Philippine _ 5 30,722 3 15,127 east chamber at Gatun. The present 14 63,600 10 32,037 2 15 7 S0 towing locomotives will be used to tow 45 181,014 41 206 194,446 31 545 all vessels from the middle chamber Swiss. 1 10,091 through the upper chamber throughout United States. . 526 3,110,649 469 2,960,913 495 2,860,S14 the testing period. If it is determined 2 1 ,95 5 2! 151 that the new devices are satisfactory, al- terations to the upper half of the east Total 2,371 12.710.273 1,968 11,006,226 1,406 7,642,111 chambers will be required before the new locomotives can take over complete tow- November 1, 1957 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW ing duties for the east lane. ' 4-c -&>- - -RECORDS-

There was a time not many years ago when a Canal traffic record had a chance to stand unchallenged for several years but statisticians have had a difficult time during the past 12 months in keep- ing account of new records. New daily, weekly, monthly, ani yearly records have been established and "broken, some two or three times, since July 1956, the beginning of the past fiscal year. During the 12-month period ending in September of this year each month set a record in the amount of commercial tolls for the corresponding month in the Canal's 43 years of operation. Also, during this period there were ten months in which ocean-going commercial transits exceeded any of the previous corresponding ten months. The record-setting pace was only slightly less for all ocean-going traffic moving through the Canal. Neither Oc- tober nor November of last year broke previous marks for those two months, but since then each month has estab- lished a new record for that particular month. Without doubt this string of new monthly marks will be extended to in- clude October. Traffic during the past month was exceptionally high and all indications were, when this edition of the Review went to press, that tolls and transits would set new records for the month of October in both commercial and total ocean-going traffic. The freighter "Hawaiian Tourist" awaits repairs in Cristobal after disastrous The following chart shows the number collision in Canal channel last month with the big New Zealand liner "Ran- of ocean-going commercial vessels and gitane." It was one of the worst in the Canal's history. Fortunately no casualties tolls collected each month from October resulted. Canned goods are shown on deck. Port side was practically wrecked L956 through September 1957 and month- ly records established before that period. Records as compiled last month are in- TRAFFIC MOVEMENT OVER MAIN TRADE ROUTES dicated in boldface type. At the present The following table shows the number of transits of large, commercial vessels (300 net rate and growth of traffic many of these ton- or over) segregated into eight trade routes: will not long stand. Firsl Qu irter, Fiscal Year-. k wsi is Previous record, and year Past 12 months I iiiied Si. ite- Intercoastal established I .. Fast Coast ni . S. and South \m. i ii

East Coast of U. S and I Central Vmei ii a (i, 709 tobei 699 (1955) ast of I S ind Far East November (.54 636 (1954) I'.S. Canada Ea t and Australasia

I F.l IT ope and "1 . S Canada December 751 670 (1953) West Coast Europe and South Amei i> a 701 668 (1955) January Europe and Australasia February 07 ( (.81 (I 956) All othei routes March 808 712 (1956) Total Tr.if'ti April 7(.7 692 (1956) CANAL TRANSITS—COMMERCIAL AND I. S. (,<>\ KRNMENT May 783 703 (1956) 775 '.74 (1956) June First Quarter, Fiscal Years July 7XS 727 (1955) 1958 1957 1938 August '812 o7o (1955) September 771 686 (1955) Atlantic Pacific to lo ["otal [otal l.a.,1 monthly record. *All-time I'.n Hi. Atlantii

TOLLS Commen id \ essels: (In thousands) 1,1 so 1,191 2.^71 1,968 1,406 Previous 110 110 2•> Past 12 m \ 1, 1,310 2,609 '.lis 1.017

e ' iblished

i si,, ivei nmenl ve (3,083 >5 (1955) 50 82 OS 2,87(. 2.700 (1955) Small 20 13 00 01 2..12II 2,963 (1953) 12') 3,161 2,844 (1956) ["otal < iovernmenl 58 93 |5| 3,033 wins (1956)

i s 1 ,1 3,603 1,069 (1956) 1 commercial and 1

3,430 (1956) i lovernment 1,357 1.403 !,760 3,551 1,210 (1956) els undei (on net tons or 500 d tons. 3,481 (1956) pis on which tolls are credited, Priot to [ulj I. 1951, Government operated 3,668 (1955) ships transited free. J.599 .'.''so (1055) 3. SHI S.053 (1955) *AIl-time monthly ret ord 12 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW November 1, 1957