Consultation on , , Battlefield, and Primary Schools and King's Park and Hillpark Secondary Schools and Academy – Current position noted – Request to Executive Director of Education Services.

4 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Education Services on proposals to amend the catchment areas for Merrylee, Croftfoot, Battlefield and Mount Florida Primary Schools, and King’s Park and Hillpark Secondary Schools and Shawlands Academy, advising that

(1) the Council’s Executive Committee on 25th September 2014 had approved these proposals for consultation, the outcomes of which would be reported back in February 2015;

(2) the Council was currently undertaking a review of catchment areas across the city and the south side of the city had benefitted from significant housing developments and a resulting increase in demand for primary school places;

(3) the proposals aimed to ensure more equity of distribution of the local catchment demand for primary school places against the available capacity;

(4) consultation papers would be circulated to a wide range of interested parties and stakeholders including parents/carers/children from schools affected, parents councils of establishments, staff, trade unions, community councils and an extensive timetable of community meetings had been circulated and advertised; and

(5) if the proposals were approved they would come into effect in August 2015.

After consideration, the Partnership

(a) noted the report and the consultation deadline of 1st December 2014; and

(b) requested the Executive Director of Education Services

(i) to ensure that any meetings and consultations documents be presented in plain language and consideration given to minority ethnic language formats being made available, as required; and

(ii) to report to the Partnership on the recent re-location of St Oswald’s School to St Margaret Mary’s Secondary, to update on progress of that exercise.