第九届马中企业家大会 暨 首届马中青年企业家论坛 The 9th - Entrepreneurs Conference cum The 1st Malaysia-China Young Entrepreneurs Conference

纪念册 Commemorative Book 3 概述 Overview 4 献词 Messages 8 开幕仪式 Opening Ceremony 目录 12 交 换 协 议 书 / 联 络 处 授 牌 仪 式 Exchange of MOU / Liaison Office Signage Awarding Ceremony 16 主旨演讲 Keynote Speech 18 专题论坛 Thematic Discussion 22 分场论坛 Sub- Forum Session 48 专场 Specialised Session 52 第十届马中企业家大会交棒仪式 Handover Ceremony of MCEC 2020 54 联欢晚宴 Gala Dinner

CONTENTS 62 贵宾接待 VIP Reception 66 会后考察 Post-conference Field Trip 72 画页 Photographs 80 前期工作安排 Pre-conference activities and arrangements 92 鸣谢单位 Acknowledgement of Appreciation 93 工作委员会阵容 List of Working Committee 96 马来西亚-中国总商会简介 Introduction of MCCC

2 概 第九届马中企业家大会 Overview 述 The 9th Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference 踏入2019年,全球人民将陆续迎来极富划时代的标志事项。 对于马中两国,2019年标志着马中迈入建交四十五周年,两国可望承先启后,继往 开来,携手开创更康庄明亮的锦绣前景。 “一带一路”倡议从提出到迄今已是第六个年头。“一带一路”将从谋篇布局的“大 写意”阶段,转向精耕细作的“工笔画”阶段,沿线各国无不翘首以盼。 同时,2019年是5G技术商用元年,也将是5G全球竞争真正开始的一年。 为配合马中建交四十五载、“一带一路”倡议六周年以及5G新技术普及化的共同到 来,第九届马中企业家大会(MCEC 2019)以更加求真务实、积极奋进的作风,加上精 确细分的多元分场论坛以及企业交流会形式,致力为出席者创造新商机,稳健布局!

2019 marks multitudinous epoch-making events. Malaysia and China are celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations this year. With the two countries' rich historical ties, Malaysia and China will work hand in hand towards a greater glory. The "Belt and Road" initiative has entered sixth year since its inception. The focus of the "Belt and Road" initiative will shift from the conceptual level to implementational stage catering to specific needs. Countries involved are looking forward to it. 2019 is the first year of commercialization of 5G technology and it is also the year when 5G global competition really begins. In conjunction with the 45th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Malaysia and China and with the macro environment in mind, "The 9th Malaysia- China Entrepreneurs Conference (MCEC 2019)" - aims to provide a platform for discovery of business opportunities through multiple sub-forums sessions.

首届马中青年企业家论坛 The 1st Malaysia-China Young Entrepreneurs Conference (MCYEC 2019)

“大众创业、万众创新” — 中国总理李克强 “今天的年轻人应该掌握足以建立起伟大国家的知识和技能。” — 马来西亚首相敦马哈迪 乘着工业4.0的兴起,顺应新时代年轻人创业的呼声,首届马中青年企业家论坛应势 诞生;一项由马中总商会青年企业家委员会为马中青年企业家量身定做的国际交流平 台,论坛主题为“破茧.再创”。通过穿针引线聚集创业精英,并举办青年创业论坛以及数 码经济论坛,让青年企业家迎合掌握未来经济转变。

"Mass entrepreneurship, mass innovation" — Li Ke Qiang, the Premier of China

"The youths of today should equip themselves with the knowledge and skills to build a great country." — Tun Dr. , Prime Minister of Malaysia

With the advent of Industry 4.0 and young entrepreneurs' needs for growth, The "1st Malaysia-China Young Entrepreneurs Conference" has been launched. The 1st Malaysia-China Young Entrepreneurs Conference is a platform for young entrepreneurs of Malaysia and China to expand their businesses. The theme for this conference is "Breakthrough and Innovate". Through this conference and particularly its sub-forums, young entrepreneurs gain the opportunities to attract business funding and business networks.

3 献 Messages 词 马中总商会总会长 拿督陈友信 Datuk Tan Yew Sing President of Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC)

马中企业家大会(MCEC)走过九个年头,成功化零为整,在推动马中 经贸关系、人文互动以及友好往来的民间层面上,缔造了一个又一个新视 野 、新 格 局 、新 高 峰 。 第九届马中企业家大会基本延续了往年的精细、务实风格。而且,在 本会臂膀——青企会匠心独运的构想和心思慎密的行动努力下,首创了马 中青年企业家论坛(MCYEC 2019),为孵化青年企业家创造平台,献谋 供策。 在本届大会提倡“马中建交四十五载,再创辉煌”的主题号召下,我们 欢迎各位有识之士支持我们、加入我们、协助我们。且让我们携手共进, 在求真务实中同谋新事业,在积极奋进中共创新商机!

The Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference (MCEC) has gone through nine years, from nothing to nowadays existence and has repeatedly created new horizons, new structure and new heights in the promoting of economic and trade relations, people-to-people interaction and friendly relations between Malaysia and China.

The 9th MCEC (MCEC 2019) is continued the exquisiteness and pragmatic s t y l e a s p r e v i o u s y e a r s . W i t h t h e m e t i c u l o u s p l a n n i n g o f t h e Yo u n g Entrepreneurs Committee (Youth Wing of MCCC), the 1st Malaysia-China Young Entrepreneurs Conference (MCYEC 2019) is launched to initiate a platform to incubating young entrepreneurs.

We welcome people with breadth of vision to join, to support and to assist the MCEC 2019 - "A greater Glor y- 45 th Anniversary of Malaysia-China Diplomatic Relations".

Together, we seek, innovate and create new business opportunities.

4 马来西亚首相对华特使兼 马中商务理事会主席 陈国伟 YB Tuan Malaysia Special Envoy to China cum Chairman of Malaysia-China Business Council

第九届马中企业家大会暨首届马中青年企业家论坛,让马来西亚青年企业家立足大马,放眼世 界,在“一带一路”的新形势下,马来西亚青年企业家从事马中贸易,都占了许多先天的优势。 政治上,马来西亚是第一个与中国建立邦交的东盟国家,建交45年来一直维持友好和睦的良好 双边关系。马来西亚政府坚持一中政策,不断在国际重要场合中明确表态支持“一带一路”倡议,充 分显示马中在国际政治舞台上的紧密合作关系。 经济上,在促进贸易投资自由化和便利化,鼓励进一步开放市场,反对保护主义和单边主义的立 场上,马中两国是高度一致的。去年马中两国总贸易达到破历史纪录的1086亿美元,这说明马中经 贸非同小可的关系。 文化上,马来西亚具备多元文化、多元种族、多元宗教的条件,在这种环境熏陶下的马来西亚华 商具备多语沟通能力和跨文化的适应能力,在促进马中经贸方面扮演了重要的桥梁角色。 马来西亚的市场不大,要突破事业发展的局限,就必须有国际视野和宏大格局,把眼光放在中 国-东盟自贸区这个20亿人口的大市场。马来西亚天然资源丰富,先天的优势就是原产业和农产品。 经过马来西亚新政府各有关部门和单位不断努力之下,中国政府最近承诺将增加马来西亚棕榈油的 采购量,也允许马来西亚冷冻带壳猫山王榴梿出口到中国。 马中青年企业家躬逢历史的战略机遇,应好好把握眼前商机,开创更多出路!

The 9th Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference (MCEC) and the 1st Malaysia-China Young Entrepreneurs Conference (MCYEC) enables Malaysia young entrepreneurs to establish themselves not only to Malaysia but also to the world. Under the "Belt and Road" Initiative, Malaysia young entrepreneurs who engaged in Malaysia and China trade have many innate advantages. Politically, Malaysia is the first ASEAN country to establish diplomatic relations with China, and has maintained friendly and harmonious bilateral relations for 45 years. The Malaysian Government adheres to the One-China policy and has made clear its support for the "Belt and Road" Initiative in important international forums, fully demonstrating the close cooperation between Malaysia and China in the international political arena. Economically, the two countries are highly consistent in promoting trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, encouraging further market opening, and opposing protectionism and unilateralism. Last year, the total trade between Malaysia and China reached a record of USD108.6 billion, indicating that the economic and trade relationship between Malaysia and China is indescribable. Culturally, Malaysia has the conditions of multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious, and in this environment, Malaysia Chinese businessmen have multilingual communication skills and cross-cultural adaptability, playing an important role in promoting Malaysia and China economy and trade. Malaysia market is not huge. To break through the limitations of development, we must have an international perspective and a grand pattern, and place our eyes on the huge market of china-ASEAN free trade area with a population of 2 billion. Malaysia is rich in natural resources, congenital advantage is the primary industry and agricultural products. Thanks to the continuous efforts of relevant departments and units of the new Malaysian government, the Chinese government recently promised to increase the purchase of Malaysia palm oil and allow Malaysia to export frozen durian to China. Young Entrepreneurs in Malaysia and China should seize the strategic opportunities and create more opportunities!

5 第九届马中企业家大会 工委会主席 颜登逸 Ngan Teng Ye Organising Chairman of The 9th Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference (MCEC 2019)

2019年,适逢马中建交45周年纪念,马中总商会的年度品牌活动“马 中企业家大会”也迈入第九届,主题为“马中建交四十五载 再创辉煌”。 我谨代表马中总商会热烈欢迎本地及海外的企业家们相聚吉隆坡为洽谈 合作,共建“一带一路”倡议。 本会很荣幸获得马中商务理事会加入联合举办行列,更显得本届大会 意义重大,并以促进马中两国经贸与投资为轴心,为各位企业家带来新的 商机和新的体验。 此外,今年的大会增设另一个亮点,首设“马中青年企业家论坛”,重 点探讨创科发展的影响力,所以国人必须看准创新科技时代的到来,及时 抓住发展新机遇。 马中总商会将于本届大会继续寻求创新,推动大会迈向高质量发展。

Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) is proud to present the 9th Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference (MCEC 2019) with the theme "A Greater Glory" in year 2019.

2019 also sees Malaysia and China celebrating 45th Anniversary Establishment of Diplomatic Relations. We would like to open our invitation to all entrepreneurs, local and overseas alike, to join us in for business opportunities.

We are honoured indeed to have Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC) to co-organise MCEC and MCYEC 2019. The presence of MCBC signifies the increasing recognition of the event in promoting Malaysia-China bilateral trades ad providing business platform for entrepreneurs.

We are proud to also announce the introduction of the 1st Malaysia-China Young Entrepreneurs Conference (MCYEC) with and emphasis of technopreneurships. Digital Economy is becoming incresingly significant in the contribution of overall economy. With the MCYEC platform, we invite young entrepreneurs to explore and participate in digital economy.

6 首届马中青年企业家论坛 工委会主席 杨秀丽 Yong Siew Lee Organising Chairperson of The 1st Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference (MCYEC 2019)

首 届 马 中 青 年 企 业 家 论 坛 围 绕“ 创 新 、创 业 、创 造 、创 优 ”的 精 神 ;在 自主创业道路上奋勇搏击;展望青年创业的明天;让青年企业家们更好的 创造辉煌。 本届马中青年企业家论坛将促使青年创业者,得到更多资源分享,建 立 互 助 互 利 关 系 ,达 到 一 个 共 享 平 台 。 创业在于它可以较快地实现自我成长,创业既充满风险,又充满机 遇,创业是自己对自己的承诺,是全力以赴的拼搏。 2019年最受期待的就是5G网络时代,它将我们带入第7次信息革 命,它的到来,连接新的行业,催生新的服务,带来新的体验,改变了我们 前所未知的领域。 我们希望通过首届青企大会,面对面交流,共享学术盛宴,发现新思 路,新机遇,共创美好未来。

The first Malaysia-China Young Entrepreneurs Conference revolves around the spirits of "Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Creation, and Excellence"; endeavoring to excel in the midst of self-employment; looking forward to the future of youth entrepreneurship; and enabling young entrepreneurs to create greater brilliance.

This Young Entrepreneurs Conference allows young entrepreneurs to obtain more resources, build relationships with mutual benefit, and establish a sharing platform. In the modern era, our main objectives are always a win-win situation, mutual benefit and grouping, only then will enterprises become stronger and stronger.

We hope through this first Young Entrepreneurs Conference we can achieve face-to-face exchanges, academic sharing, discoveries of new ideas, new opportunities and after all creating a brighter future.

7 开 第九届马中企业家大会暨 Opening Ceremony 首届马中青年企业家论坛 幕 The 9th Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference cum 仪 The 1st Malaysia-China Young Entrepreneurs Conference

式 马来西亚-中国总商会(马中总商会)年度国际品牌活动——第九届马中企业 家大会暨首届马中青年企业家论坛,于2019年10月12日在马来西亚国际贸易展 览中心(MITEC)盛大举行,圆满落幕! 2019年欣逢马中建交45周年,本届大会响应这个重要里程碑的时代号召, 主题定调为“马中建交四十五载,再创辉煌”,意指为马中两国的稳健发展,继续 携 手 共 进 ,再 创 佳 绩 。 值得一提的是,本届大会获得与马来西亚-中国商务理事会(马中商务理事 会)联办,显示出马中企业家大会备受重视,得到官方的高度肯定和认可。 大会不单聚集了1200位海内外参会者,包括马来西亚、中国及东盟等政府与工商 界代表,更是史无前例地邀请到超过35位来自马来西亚与海外的知名及重量级主讲与 主持嘉宾,为各领域企业带来紧贴时代脉搏的指引,让整个大会生色不少。 其中,由马中总商会青年企业家委员会主导,首创的马中青年企业家论坛,为 马中青年企业家量身定做一个国际交流平台,迎合时下“大众创业,万众创新” 及国内创业年轻化、传统企业迈向转型趋势,成为一大前瞻性的新亮点。

Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) renowned annual event, the 9th Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference (MCEC 2019) cum the 1st Malaysia-China Young Entrepreneurs Conference (MCYEC) was held on October 12, 2019, at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC) with a successful conclusion. This year is the 45th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Malaysia and China. To commemorate this important milestone, the theme of the Conference is set to be "A Greater Glory-45th Anniversary of Malaysia-China Diplomatic Relations". Its mean that we will continue to work together and achieve further successes. Most notably, this conference was co-organised by Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC) which shows that MCEC has received great attention and recognised by the government. This conference had successfully attracted 1200 government and businesses representatives from Malaysia, China and ASEAN. It also invited more than 35 heavy- weight speakers and moderators from local and abroad for the first time to provide guidance to the enterprises to keep pace with the times. MCYEC 2019 was spearhead by the MCCC Young Entrepreneurs Committee with theme "Breakthrough and Innovate". This conference will cater the current trend of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" as well as modernisation of domestic entrepreneurship and the transformation of traditional enterprises to become a new forward-looking highlight.

8 马中总商会总会长拿督陈友信 Datuk Tan Yew Sing, President of MCCC 马中两国的合作契机,可以说是多方面、多层次的。目前,马 来西亚正在积极部署工业4.0的发展,特别需要高科技技术 人才以优化我国的经济结构。我认为中国这方面的强大优 势,正是可以配合我国的优先选择。其中的重点项目,包括 人工智能、智慧城市、跨境电商、移动资讯、移动支付,以及 农业智能加工等等。 The opportunity for cooperation between Malaysia and China can be said to be multi-faceted and multi-tiered. Currently, Malaysia is actively deploying the development of Industry 4.0, it is especially in need of high-tech talents to optimize Malaysia's economic structure. I believe that China's strong advantage in this respect, is in line with the priority of our country. Key projects include artificial intelligence, smart cities, cross-border e-commerce, mobile information, mobile payment, and agricultural intelligent processing, etc.

第九届马中企业家大会工委会主席颜登逸 Mr. Ngan Teng Ye, Organising Chairman of MCEC 2019 第九届马中企业家大会主题为“马中建交四十五载,再创辉 煌”,大会以促进马中经贸与投资为轴心,同时为企业家们 带来新商机与新体验。首创的马中青年企业家论坛更是重 点探讨创科发展的影响力,国人必须看准新科技时代的到 来 ,及 时 抓 住 发 展 新 机 遇 。 The 9th Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference with the theme of "A Greater Glory — 45th Anniversary Malaysia-China Diplomatic Relations" was aim to promote bilateral trade and investments between Malaysia and China. In conjunction with digital revolution and also promotion of young entrepreneurship, we have launched the first Malaysia-China Young Entrepreneurs Conference. We are must seize the arrival of new era of science and technology to seize this new opportunities for development.

雪兰莪州务大臣阿米鲁丁沙利 YAB Tuan , Chief Minister of 中国是马来西亚最大的贸易伙伴国,亦是雪兰莪州最紧密的 合作伙伴,中国在雪州投资额高达39亿令吉。即使马中两国 有着不同的文化背景,但是两国有着共同的宏愿与价值观, 希望两国企业家能以本次大会为契机,携手合作、互利共 赢 ,再 创 辉 煌 。 China is Malaysia's largest trading partner, and also Selangor's most fruitful partner with RM3.9 billion in investments last year. Although Malaysia and China come with different historical backgrounds, we share some common aspirations and values. I hope entrepreneurs from Malaysia and China will take this conference as an opportunity to work together for mutual benefit and win- win results.

9 左起为马中总商会副总会长谢中正、拿督林恒毅、草根天使会会长陈维伟、首届马 中青年企业家论坛工委会主席杨秀丽、马中商务理事会旅游与文化委员会副主任拿 督伍安琪、榴梿产业顾问林振琪、中国电科集团有限公司副总经理杨军、马中总商 会署理总会长卢国祥、大马投资发展局主席兼马中友好协会会长拿督马吉德、马中 总商会总会长拿督陈友信、雪兰莪州务大臣阿米鲁丁沙利、马来西亚能源、工艺、科 学、气候变化与环境部长杨美盈、启迪控股常务副总裁陈鸿波、中国福建省商务厅厅 长吴南翔、绿驰通讯集团首席执行员兼董事经理潘振祥、第九届马中企业家大会工 委会主席颜登逸、广东省驻东南亚(吉隆坡)经贸办事处主任李敬、马中总商会永 久荣誉会长陈凯希与拿督黄汉良,以及马中商务理事会理事拿督马汉坤。 From left were MCCC Vice President Mr. Kevin Siah and Dato' Joseph Lim, President of Grass-roots Angels Mr. Weiwei, MCYEC 2019 Organising Chairperson Ms. Yong Siew Lee, MCBC Deputy Head of Tourism & Culture Committee Dato' Angie Ng, Durian Industries Consultant Mr. Lim Chin Kee, Vice President of CETC Mr. Jun, MCCC Deputy President Mr. Loo Kok Seong, MIDA Chairman Dato Abdul Majid Ahmad Khan, MCCC President Datuk Tan Yew Sing, Chief Minister of Selangor YAB Tuan Amirudin Shari, Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change Malaysia , Tus-Holdings Co. Ltd Chief Operating Officer Mr. Herbert Chen, Director of Fujian Commerce Department Mr. Wu Nanxiang, Non- Independent Non-Executive Director of G3 Global Berhad Mr. Puan Chan Cheong, MCEC 2019 Organising Chairman Mr. Ngan Teng Ye, Guangdong Economic and Trade Office in South-East Asia (KL) representative Mr. Li Jing, MCCC Life Honorary President Mr. Tan Kai Hee and Dato' Bong Hon Liong, and MCBC Director Dato' Beh Hang Kong.

10 司仪王彪民与黄佩玲。 Emcee PM Wang and Emily Ng.

首届马中青年企业家论坛 工 委 会 主 席 杨 秀 丽( 左 起 )、马 中 总 商 会 署 理 总 会 长 卢 国 祥 、永 久 荣 誉 会 长 拿 督 黄 汉 良 、能 源 科 艺 环境部长杨美盈、雪兰莪 州务大臣阿米鲁丁沙利、 马中总商会总会长拿督陈 友 信 、永 久 荣 誉 会 长 陈 凯 希、马中商务理事会理事 拿督马汉坤及第九届马中 企业家大会工委会主席颜 登 逸 ,为 第 九 届 马 中 企 业 家大会暨首届马中青年企 业家论坛掀开序幕。 Grand opening for MCEC 2019 cum MCYEC 2019. From left: MCYEC 2019 Organising Chairperson Ms. Yong Siew Lee, MCCC Deputy President Mr. Loo Kok Seong, Life Honorary President Dato' Bong Hon Liong, Minister of MESTECC YB Puan Yeo Bee Yin, Chief Minister of Selangor YAB Tuan Amirudin Shari, MCCC President Datuk Tan Yew Sing, Life Honorary President Mr. Tan Kai Hee, MCBC Director Dato' Beh Hang Kong and MCEC 2019 Organising Chairman Mr. Ngan Teng Ye.

11 马来西亚-中国总商会举办的“第九届马中企业家大会暨首届马中青年企 交 业家论坛”,成功促成马中两国企业家获得至少2亿令吉的交易额。 Exchange of MOU / Liaison Office Signage Awarding Ceremony Transaction worth at least RM200 million in business deals was made between 换 Malaysian and Chinese entrepreneurs at the "9th Malaysia-China Entrepreneur Conference (MCEC) and 1st Malaysia-China Young Entrepreneurs Conference 协 (MCYEC)" organised by Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC). 议 书 交换协议书仪式 / Exchange of MOU 联 由安四方集团所发展的Cubic Botanical @ South Bangsar位于吉隆坡的 黄金地段,主打现代化及绿色生活的家居概念,致力于为大家打造一个舒适的居 络 家环境,吸引许多买家纷纷入场投资,而该集团也配合“第九届马中企业家大会 暨首届马中青年企业家论坛”的举办,在众人的见证下与中国浙江省东阳第三建 处 筑工程有限公司(东阳三建)签署并交换协议书,正式委任后者为建筑和技术合 授 作伙伴。 The Cubic Botanical@ Bangsar South developed by Ancubic Group is located at the prime location in Kuala Lumpur. It is a resident property inspired by modern and 牌 green living and is designed to creating a comfortable living environment for everyone. Many investors flocked to buy its residential units for investment. 仪 Ancubic Group signed and exchanged Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with CEDY Third Contracting and Trading (M) Sdn Bhd at the "9th MCEC cum 1st MCYEC" 式 and officially appointed the company as its construction and technology partner.

在能源科艺环境 部 长 杨 美 盈( 左 一 )、雪 州 州 务 大 臣阿米鲁丁沙利 和马中总商会总 会长拿督陈友信 的 见 证 下 ,安 四 方集团执行总监 拿 汀 杨 凯 娟( 左 二 )与 东 阳 三 建 董事长楼正文交 换 协 议 书 ,正 式 展开合作关系。 Minister of MESTECC YB Puan Yeo Bee Yin (first from left), Chief Minister of Selangor YAB Tuan Amirudin Shari and MCCC President Datuk Tan Yew Sing witness the exchanged of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Ancubic Construction Sdn Bhd director Datin You Ooi Keen (second from left) and CEDY Third Contracting and Trading (M) Sdn Bhd president and director-general Lou Zheng Wen which marks the beginning of their partnership.

12 马来西亚数字经济发展局和中国国家发展和改革委员会国际合 作中心也在会上交换了谅解备忘录,旨在加强双方在数字经济领域 的合作与经验交流,并针对信息通信技术的快速变化,迎接数字融 合加速发展的挑战与机遇,促进马来西亚和中国政府及企业投资与 合作,以便两国在各种数字科技,如人工智能、物联网,大数据分 析、网络安全、精明城市和电子政务方面,携手共建一个更大的数字 经济合作及交流平台。

International Cooperation Center of the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) exchange a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on strengthening digital economic collaboration. The purpose of this MoU is to strengthen cooperation and exchange of experiences in various areas of digital economy such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data Analytics (BDA), cybersecurity, cloud based applications, smart cities and more. This MOU will spur the business development of Chinese enterprises in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries, to attract Chinese enterprises to invest in Malaysia, and to improve the research and development capabilities of Malaysian information and communication technology companies.

在能源科艺环境部长杨美 盈( 左 一 起 )、雪 州 州 务 大 臣阿米鲁丁沙利和马中总 商会总会长拿督陈友信的 见 证 下 ,中 国 国 家 发 展 和 改 革委员会国际合作中心重 大活动处处长牟雄兵(左 二 )与 马 来 西 亚 数 字 经 济 发 展局首席运营官拿督黄婉 冰交换协议书,开启新的商 机之门。 Minister of MESTECC YB Puan Yeo Bee Yin (first from left), Chief Minister of Selangor YAB Amirudin Shari and President of MCCC Datuk Tan Yew Sing witness the exchange of MoU between Director of Major Events Organisation, International Cooperation Centre Division of National Development and Reform Commission of P.R. China Mr. Mou Xiongbing (second from left) and Chief Operating Officer of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) Dato' Ng Wan Peng. This marks a path to new business opportunities.

13 联络处授牌仪式 Liaison Office Signage Awarding Ceremony

马来西亚-中国总商会与福建省商务厅也在会上举行联络处授牌仪式。联络 处的成立,将成为马来西亚-中国总商会在福建省的窗口,促进两地经贸往来,服 务各企业。福建省商务厅作为马来西亚-中国总商会驻福建省联络处,将协助马 来西亚-中国总商会宣传该商会形象、服务马来西亚企业和海外企业,促进经贸 往来。

Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) and Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce held the liaison office signage awarding ceremony during the event. The establishment of the liaison office opens the door of opportunity for MCCC in Fujian, which will spur economic and trade activities between both countries and serve various enterprises. As the liaison office for MCCC in Fujian, Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce will assist MCCC in promoting its organisation, serve Malaysian and overseas enterprises to promote economic exchanges.

14 福建省商务厅吴南翔厅长(左二起)和马中总商会总会长拿督陈 友信,在能源科艺环境部长杨美盈与雪州州务大臣阿米鲁丁的 见证下,相互移交牌匾,标志着双方合作工作全面启动。 Minister of MESTECC Yeo Bee Yin and Chief Minister of Selangor Amirudin Shari witness the exchange of plaque between Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce director-general Wu Nanxiang and MCCC President Datuk Tan Yew Sing.

15 主 马中建交四十五载 再创辉煌 Keynote Speech The 45th Anniversary 0f Malaysia-China Diplomatic Relations 旨 for Greater Glory 演 2019年是马来西亚和中国建交45周年,两国在过去几十年间在不同领域取 讲 得了丰硕成果。特别是在经贸方面,马中双边贸易额从1974年的2亿美元(约合 14.18亿人民币)增长到2018年的1086亿美元(约合7697.79亿人民币)。 从投资角度看,中国连续多年成为马来西亚重要投资国,去年在制造业总共 投资了49.3亿美元(约合359.45亿人民币)。 如今,世界经济呈现出了新的发展趋势。第九届马中企业家大会通过“马中 建交四十五载 再创辉煌”主题演讲环节,邀请了马来西亚能源、科艺、环境部长 杨美盈和中兴通讯原任高级副总裁张任军担任主旨演讲嘉宾,与参会者分享马中 两国今后的经贸合作方向。

2019 marked the 45th anniversary of Malaysia-China relations. The two countries have achieved tremendous results in different industries in past decades especially in economics and trade. Malaysia-China bilateral trade have increased from USD200 million (RMB1.418 billion) in 1974 to USD108.6 billion (RMB 77.979 billion) in 2018. From investment perspective, for many years, China has become an important investor in Malaysia. A total of USD4.93 billion (35.945 billion) was invested in manufacturing sector last year. Now, a new world economics trend has emerged. The organisers of the ninth MCEC has invited Malaysia Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (Mestecc) Yeo Bee Yin and ZTE Corporation former senior vice president Zhang Renjun as speakers for the 45th anniversary of Malaysia-China diplomatic relations for greater glory. They are sharing with participants the future economic and trade cooperation between Malaysia and China.

马来西亚能源、科艺、环境部长杨美 盈在发表主旨演讲时表示,马来西亚 政 府 计 划 提 高 新 能 源 所 占 比 例 ,到 2025年把该比例从当前的2%提高 到20%。 “为了达到这一目标,我们需要额外 的4100兆瓦的新能源项目。” 杨美盈认为,当前政府的新能源政策将会给马中两国企业带来 新的商机。 “为了实现新能源2025目标,需要总额330亿令吉(约合

16 558.86亿人民币)的投资。而马来西亚政府也将继续为投资者提供激励措 施,比如绿色投资免税优惠(GITA)、绿色收入免税优惠(GITE)以及绿色技 术 融 资 计 划 2 . 0( G T F S 2 . 0 )。” 如今中国在新能源领域走在了世界的前列,希望马中两国越来越多的企业能 在该领域合作。 Malaysia Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (Mestecc) Yeo Bee Yin said in her keynote speech that the Malaysian government planned to increase the usage of renewable energy from two per cent to 20 per cent in 2025. "In order to achieve this target, we need an additional supply of 4,100 megawatts for renewable energy projects." Yeo Bee Yin believed that the government's new energy policy would bring new business opportunities to enterprises in Malaysia and China. "A total of RM33 billion (approximately RMB55.886 billion) investment is required to achieve the goal of renewable energy 2025. Malaysian government will continue to provide incentives for investors, for example, Green Investment Tax Allowance (GITA), Green Income Tax Exemption (GITE), and Green Technology Financing Scheme 2.0 (GTFS 2.0)." Now that China is in the forefront of renewable energy in the world, I hope to see more Malaysia and China companies collaboration in this segment.

中兴通讯原高级副总裁张任军认为数字经济、 汽车制造、高科技、信息通讯技术等新兴领域 将成为中马合作的新增长点。 张任军建议,在中马建交45周年之际,中马两 国企业应该以"一带一路"为契机推进双方纵深 合作,即深化传统领域合作并打造合作的新增 长点。 当前全球正在经历的第四次技术革命,其中以5G为代表的信息技术,以人工 智能为代表的生产制造技术,正在构筑人类传统经济想数字经济转型,传统 生产制造向智能制造转型。 ZTE Corporation former senior vice president Zhang Renjun believes the emerging industries such as the digital economy, automobile manufacturing, high technology, and information and communication technology will become new growth points for China-Malaysia cooperation. Zhang Renjun suggests that on the 45th anniversary China-Malaysia diplomatic relations, Chinese and Malaysian enterprises should take the "Belt and Road" initiative as an opportunity to promote in-depth bilateral collaboration, which aims to deepen collaboration in traditional sectors and create new growth points for collaboration. At present, the world is changing to the Fourth Industrial Revolution which includes information technology sector accelerated by 5G and manufacturing technology disrupted by artificial intelligence. They are transforming traditional economy to digital economy and from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing.

17 专 马中经贸投资新机遇 Thematic Discussion Thematic New Opportunities of Bilateral Trade and 题 Investment between Malaysia and China 论 为鼓舞马中两国经贸往来新前景,第九届马中 坛 企业家大会开辟全新专题论坛环节,盛邀马中两国 多位重量级嘉宾就“马中经贸投资新机遇”开讲, 联手勾勒马中两国新机遇大蓝图,为各领域企业带 来紧贴时代脉搏的指引。 In order to encourage new prospects for trade and economic exchanges between Malaysia and China, the 9th Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference opened up a new forum segment and invited several distinguished guests from both countries to speak on "New Opportunities of Bilateral Trade and Economic Investment between Malaysia and China" to provide guidance for enterprises to keep pace with the times.

18 安邦智库全球项目主管王怡 Wang Yi, Head of Global Development Program at ANBOUND 中国和马来西亚的双边经贸关系历经考验,始终友好共存,双边经贸纽 带是坚实而牢固的。世界形势非常复杂,不可能没有风浪和冲击,但中马 贸易投资一定会继续前行。 在中国高科技投资等方面,马来西亚投入研发(R&D)经费总支出目前不 足GDP的2%,然而欧美中日等国均高于这个比例;马来西亚需要加大研 发投入力度,提供足够的科技专业人才。 The bilateral economic and trade relations between China and Malaysia have withstood the test and coexistent. The economic and trade ties are strong. Even though the world situation is complicated, but China- Malaysia trade and investment will certainly continue to move forward. In terms of China's high-tech investment, Malaysia's total spending on research and development is currently less than 2% of GDP, which is lower than Europe, America, China, Japan and other countries. In view of this, Malaysia needs to increase their investment in R&D and prepare sufficient technology professionals.

中国电子科技集团有限公司副总经理杨军 Yang Jun, Vice President of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) 中国电科高度重视与马来西亚在数字经济领域的合作,希望将其打造为中国电科助力中国 与马来西亚两国在“一带一路”框架下高水平合作的典范。 中国电科将进一步加快与马来西亚政府、企业、高校和高端人才的紧密合作,策划并建立中 国电科在马来西亚乃至东南亚的联合研发、市场推广、技 术转化、人才引进的区域中心。 CETC attaches great importance to its cooperation with Malaysia in the field of digital economy and hopes to create it as an example of how CETC help China and Malaysia to achieve a high level of cooperation under the framework of the "Belt and Road" initiative. CETC will further accelerate its close cooperation with the Malaysia government, enterprises, universities and high-end talents to plan and establish a regional center for joint R&D, marketing promotion, technology transformation and talent acquisition in Malaysia and even Southeast Asia.

19 绿盛世集团(马来西亚)总裁兼首席执行长 拿督曾建华 Dato' Chang Khim Wah, President and Chief Executive Officer of Eco World Development Group Berhad 政府宣布从2020年开始,外国人在城市地区 买房的门槛从100万令吉降至60万令吉的决 定是明智的。这项措施有助于吸引更多外国 人来马置业,进而推动本地经济发展。 绿盛世跨国发展的经验是,找到合适的合作 伙伴是跨国发展重要的成功条件。 The government announcement as to reduce the threshold for foreigners to buy housing in urban areas from RM1 million to RM0.6 million starting in 2020 is a wise decision. This measure will help attract more foreigners to buy their own homes and thus boost local economic development. The experience of Eco World's transnational development is that finding a suitable partners is an important condition for the success of transnational development.

马来西亚投资发展局推广部执行主任 西瓦苏里亚姆迪 Sivasuriyamoorthy Sundara Raja, Executive Director Investment Promotion of MIDA 政府有多项免税计划吸引高质量投资,包括高 达25年的免税期。在马来西亚做生意的利润 甚至可以高达17%至20%,这是别处难找 的。 吸引高新科技投资的同时,必须先考虑自身是 否 能 够 提 供 足 够 的 专 业 人 才 。很 多 马 来 西 亚 人 在世界各地发展,政府正在努力争取回流。 The government has several tax-exempt programs to attract high-quality investments such as tax-free period up to 25 years. The profit of doing business in Malaysia can even be as high as 17% to 20% which is difficult to find elsewhere. While attracting investment in high and new technology, we must consider whether we can provide enough professionals. Many have developed around the world and the government is working hard for brain gain.

主持嘉宾:马来西亚数字经济发展局首席运营官拿督黄婉冰 Moderator: Dato' Ng Wan Peng, Chief Operating Officer of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)

20 颜登逸赠送纪念品予嘉宾后合影留念。 左起为西瓦苏里亚姆迪、王怡、黄婉冰、颜登逸、曾建华和闫宁。 Ngan Teng Ye presenting a token of appreciation to the speakers and the moderator. L-R: Sivasuriyamoorthy Sundara Raja, Wang Yi, Dato' Ng Wan Peng, Ngan Teng Ye, Dato' Chang Khim Wah and Yan Ning.

中国电子科技集团有限公司科技部副主任闫宁 Yan Ning, Deputy Director of Science & Technology Department, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC)

21 分 Sub-Forum SessionSub-Forum 一带一路 共建共享 民心相通 商贸互惠 场 Joint Development in Belt and Road Initiative, Strengthening 论 People Connectivity, Enhance Reciprocity in Business 坛

王文博士 Dr. Wang Wen

中国人民大学重阳金融研究院执行院长 Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies (RDCY), Renmin University of China

“一带一路”进入2.0阶段 "Belt and Road Initiative" 2.0 十九大报告再次重申“一带一路”,将“倡议”升级为“国际合作”,表 明了中国政府持续推进“一带一路”的决心与耐心。第二届“一带一 路”国际合作高峰论坛明确强调要“聚焦重点、深耕细作”,共同绘制 精致细腻的“工笔画”,推动共建“一带一路”沿着高质量发展方向不 断前进。 The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China reiterated to upgrade the "initiative" of BRI to "international cooperation". This shows the determination of the China government towards the BRI. The 2nd One Belt, One Road International Cooperation Summit Forum had also clearly stressed the need to focus on key issues and work intensively to jointly promote and construct the BRI towards high-quality development.

“一带一路”消费市场潜力巨大 "Belt and Road Initiative" huge potential consumer market “一带一路”沿线大多数是世界上经济增长最快的国家,增速远高于西 方国家。从市场规模来看,欧美等发达市场的总人口在8亿左右,虽然 当前消费能力相对较强但增长潜力有限,相比之下,“一带一路”市场规 模庞大,印度、埃及、埃塞尔比亚、尼日利亚等国均为人口上亿的市场, 人口结构上平均年龄也相对较低,消费潜力巨大。 Most of the countries along the BRI route are the countries with the fastest growing economy in the world, the acceleration in economic growth is much higher than that of the western countries. In terms of market size, the total population of developed markets such as Europe and the United States is around 800 million. Although the current consumption capacity is relatively strong, the growth potential is limited. In contrast, the BRI market is large in scale. India, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria and other countries are all markets with a population of hundreds of millions. The average age of the population structure is relatively low and the consumption potential is huge.

22 依扎兹・阿兹哈先生 Mr. Eizaz Azhar

清真产业发展公司(商业部)总经理 General Manager of Commercial Division Halal Industry Development Corporation

提供最佳认证程序和清真标准 Provide the best certification procedures and Halal standards 清真产业发展公司旨在推动发展清真准则、审核和认证,为清真产品和服务提 供必要的平台,向全球提供最佳的认证程序和清真标准。通过该司颁发的 HALAL证书可在世界各国通用。 The Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) aims to lead the development of Halal standard, audit and certification plus capacity building for Halal products and services. HDC sets the bar for Halal best practice to enrich the development of Halal standards globally.

克里斯南・切利亚先生 Mr. Krishnan Chelliah

马来西亚货运代理公司副主席 Deputy President of Federation of Malaysia Freight Forwarders (FMFF)

大数据助力物流业 Big Data helps logistic industry 在当今互联网时代下,任何产业都和互联网挂钩,物流业自然也不例外。互联 网、大数据、云计算,工业4.0等新型信息技术正推动着物流业的变革。通过在 这些环节中对大数据等充分利用,得以加强货物流量等,进而推动物流行业转 型升级,提高客户满意度,创造更多商机。 In today's era, new information technologies such as Internet, big data, cloud computing and industry 4.0 are pushing forward the reform of the logistics industry. By making full use of big data in logistics industry, the flow of goods can be strengthened, thus promoting the transformation and upgrading of the logistics industry, and will improve customer satisfaction and creating more business opportunities.

23 黄永良先生 Mr. Steven Wong 中 国 建 设 银 行( 马 来 西 亚 )有 限 公 司 战略及业务发展总监 Chief Operating & Financial Strategist of China Construction Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

“建行集团以‘金融科技’(Fintech)作为发展战略,致力发挥金融科 技的原动力,通过聚焦客户个性化需求,提升客户响应速度及体验质 量,不断驱动金融科技与业务创新发展” "CCB Group takes 'Financial Technology (Fintech)' as its development strategy committed to the driving force of financial technology. By focusing on customer's individual needs, it enhances customer response speed and continuously drives financial technology and business innovation."

主持人:李国源硕士 Moderator:Mr. Sean Lee 马中总商会财经投资委员会主席 Chairman of Business, Economics and Investment Committee, MCCC

王文(右)进行分析和解答提问者 的疑惑。左为主持人李国源。 (Right) Dr. Wang Wen is answering queries from attendees. (Left) Q&A session moderator Sean Lee.

24 在座参会者踊跃发言提问。 Event attendees are asking questions in excitement.

25 主讲人与参会者交流互动。 The speaker is interacting with attendees.

26 人文、康养、生态游 Culture, Health & Eco Tourism

拓宽视野,商机处处 Broaden horizons abounds with business opportunities

林振琪先生 Mr. Lim Chin Kee 榴梿产业专家 Durian Industry Consultant

榴梿产业:从国内走向国际 Durian industry: from Malaysia to international 当前榴梿的种植、销售与出口可谓红红火火。种植榴梿是高成本的行 业 ,平 均 每 棵 榴梿树的成本是马币4,000。从种植到结果大约需5年; 到了第8年进入高产期。预期每棵树每年的盈利是马币3,600。榴梿树 的寿命可达100至300年,甚至500年。因为这个缘故,种植榴梿可让 五代人受益。 马 来 西 亚 势 必 可 发 展 农 业 旅 游 。吃 榴梿之 余 ,也 可 让 游 客 品 尝 榴梿蜜、 榴梿花、参观果园等。榴梿的吃法也开始多样化,包括酿榴梿酒 、煮 榴 梿火 锅 、将 榴梿加入Nasi Lemak等。简言之,榴梿是可以从国内走向 国际的大产业。 The current planting, sales and export of durian can be described as booming. Growing durian is a high cost business, on average a cost for a durian tree is RM4,000. It takes five years from planting to fruiting. By the eigth year, it has entered a high yield period. The expected annual profit per tree is Rm3,600. Durian tree life can reach 100 to 300 years, even 500 years. For this reason, planting durian benefits five generations. Malaysia is bound to develop agricultural tourism. In addition to eating durian, tourists can also taste durian honey, durian flowers, visit durian orchard and so on. The ways of eating durian have been diversified. This includes making durian wine, durian hotpot, adding durian to Nasi Lemak, and more. In short, durian is a big industry that can go from domestic to international.

27 冯久玲女士 Mdm. Foong Wai Fong 亚洲大趋势研究所创始所长 Megatrends Asia founder and director

康养趋势带来全球产业 Wellness trends create a global industry 康养变成一种新趋势和生活价值观。因应康养的需求所发展出来的各 种行业,已经成为全球性的大产业,在2017年就已达到4.2兆美元。 就这个范畴,旅游的模式和需求也发生巨大的变化,从旅游发展为旅 居,参与者期待丰富的体验、享用营养并可持续性生产的真正食品,推 动文化美食的兴起。人们也开始从以往的物质导向,调整为良辰美景 的 追 求 ,促 成 环 境 美 学 。 马中两国在康养方面各自具备本身的优势和强点。马来西亚的气候适 合居住;人民经历多种文化、多种语文的长期熏陶,具备与世界合作的 知识和经验。中国地文化底蕴深厚,在生活哲学、生活艺术与养生之 道早已自成一格,只要有资金的投入,可创造另一种财富。 Wellness has become a new trend and life values. Various industries have developed in response to the needs of health care have become a huge global industry. It has reached USD4.2 trillion in 2017. Due to this awareness in wellness, the mode and demand of tourism have also undergone tremendous changes. From shorten tour to stay longer and in depth travelling, tourists look for a rich experience, to enjoy nutritional and sustainable real food. This has propelled the development and learning of l o c a l c u i s i n e . P e o p l e h a v e a l s o b e g u n t o s w i t c h f r o m f o c u s i n g o n materialism to the pursuit of beautiful scenery which has promoted environmental aesthetics. Malaysia and China each have their own advantages and strengths in terms of wellbeing. Malaysia has a liveable climate, its people have experienced in cultivation in different cultures and languages, and they have the knowledge and experience to collaborate with the world. The cultural heritage of China is profound. It has long established itself in the philosophy of life, the art of living, and the way to keep in good health. With the investment of funds, another wealth can be created.

28 杨小勤先生 Mr. Yang Xiaoqin 北京多蒙国际旅游文化传媒有限公司 创 始 人 、董 事 长 兼 总 裁 Beijing Duo Meng International Tourism and Cultural Media Co., LTD president, founder and director

王涛先生 Mr. Wang Tao 北京山海集团文旅集团执行总裁 Beijing Shanghai Wenlv Group executive director

旅游业开启了中马文化合作与交流的新篇章 Tourism opens a new chapter in China-Malaysia cultural collaboration and exchange 今年是中国建国70周年,也是马中建交45周年。近年来,马来西亚一直 是中国游客最受欢迎的出游目的地之一。也是猴年快乐旅行社总裁的王 涛指出,2018年,该旅行社已将超过2.5万人次游客运送到马来西 亚 ,2 0 1 9 年 ,预 计 将 超 过 3 万 人 次 。 以此为契机,未来的山海文旅集团和猴年快乐旅行社将与马来西亚政 府及相关企业在文化旅游和多元化产业上进行更多、更深入的交流与合 作,尤其推动更多中国人到马来西亚旅游,以及为马来西亚人办理中国 游学。 This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of China and the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia. In recent years, Malaysia has become one of the most popular destinations for Chinese tourists. Wang Tao, who is also the CEO of Monkey Happy Travel said, in 2018, the travel agency has arranged tours for more than 25,000 tourists to Malaysia. Because of this opportunity, Beijing Shanghai Wenlv Group and Monkey Happy Travel will work closely with Malaysian government and relevant cultural and tourism agencies to promote Malaysia tourism to more Mainlanders and will assist Malaysian to study in China.

29 拿督伍安琪博士 Dato' Dr. Angie Ng 马中商务理事会旅游与文化委员会副主任 Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC) deputy head of tourism and culture committee

马来西亚文化产业发展投资潜能与机遇 Investment Potential and Opportunities for the Development of Malaysia's Cultural Industry 传统旅游扩大为“深度休旅康养”,涵盖范围除了商场购物,也包括 生态旅游、医疗旅游、教育旅游、体育旅游、投资旅游、冬夏令营、 马来西亚夏日家园、马来西亚第二家园计划等。尤其“第二家园”计 划,马来西亚具备的条件及政府提供的优惠,包括十年签证、长期居 留权、一人申请全家可获益、进出自由、语言通、空气好、无天灾、经 济安稳,教育多选择等。 Traditional tourism can be expanded to "in-depth leisure and recreation", it covers eco-tourism, medical tourism, educational tourism, sports tourism, investment tourism, winter and summer camps, Malaysian summer homes, Malaysia Second Home Programme (MM2H), and others except for shopping at malls. In particular, the MM2H, Malaysia has the conditions and government offers, including ten-year visas, long-term residency, one applicant can apply for the whole family, freedom of entry and exit, language advantage, good air quality, no natural disasters, economic stability, education and others.

主持人:元生基金会执行长 陈亚才先生 Moderator:Action Jijin Berhad director Mr. Tang Ah Chai

30 王涛(左起)、马中总商会中央理事戴振标、杨小勤、伍安琪、马中总商会署理总会长卢国 祥、陈亚才、林振琪和冯久玲合影留念。 Group photo: Wang Tao (from left), MCCC national council member Tai Chin Peow, Yang Xiaoqin, Angie Ng, MCCC deputy president Loo Kok Seong, Tang Ah Chai, Lim Chin Kee, and Foong Wai Fong.

场面座无虚席。 Full house at the conference.

31 32 数码经济 & 青年创业 Digital Economy & Young Entrepreneurship

马来西亚-中国总商会青年企业家委员会(马中总商会 青企会)首次主办的“马中青年企业家论坛”是本届大 会的亮点之一,主题为“破茧·再创”。顺应新时代年 轻人创业的呼声,及席卷全球的数码经济创新时代, 青企会举办两场分别以“数码经济”及“青年创业”为 主轴的论坛,让大家通过国际交流平台,迎合掌握未 来经济转变。 The 1st Malaysia-China Young Entrepreneurs Conference (MCYEC 2019) was one of the highlights of the conference, first time hosted by Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce Young Entrepreneurs Committee (MCCC YEC) with the theme "Breakthrough and Innovate". YEC organised sub-forums focusing on "Digital Economy" and "Young Entrepreneurship" respectively. This is to in line with the call of Young people to start up in the new ear and the ear of digital economy innovation sweeping the world. Through this sub-forums, provide an exchange platform for young entrepreneurs to cater the future economic transformation.

数码经济 Digital Economy

2019年是5G技术商用元年,也将是5G全球竞争真正开始的一年。在这个数码经济的 创新年代,青企会聚集科技领域精英、专家与学者,通过两场不同主题的对话,与大家从宏 观角度探讨国际至大马与东盟在数码丝绸之路的挑战与机会,同时分享人们对人工智能发展 的误区,加以纠正及分析企业应该如何与时并进以从中受益。 2019 is the first year of commercialization of 5G technology and it is also the year when 5G global competition really begins. In this era of digital economy innovative, YEC gather elites, experts and scholars from the related sector to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the Digital Silk Road from International to Malaysia and ASEAN through macro perspective. At the same time, to share the people's misconceptions about the development of Artificial Intelligence and analyze how enterprises can benefit from it.

33 专题对话 Panel Dialogue(1) 中国的数码丝绸之路:马来西亚和东盟的机遇与挑战 China's Digital Silk Road: Opportunities and Challenges for Malaysia and ASEAN

Edward Law先生 Mr. Edward Law SecureMetric公司首席执行官 CEO and Executive Director of SecureMetric Berhad

卢刚博士 Dr. Lu Gang 动点科技首席执行官 Founder & CEO of TechNode

李家建先生 Mr. Lee Kar Kin 双威集团数字化兼中国业务副总经理 Assistant General Manager of Digital Business, China, Sunway Group

陈宏峻先生 Mr. Matthew Chen Sunline International集团首席执行官 Group CEO, Sunline International

34 左起为主持嘉宾陈志辉、主讲嘉宾Edward Law、卢刚、李家建与陈宏峻,以及青企会主席张柏垣。 L-R: Moderator Tan Chee Fai, Speaker Edward Law, Lu Gang, Lee Kar Kin, Matthew Chen and YEC Chairman Bryan Chong.

首届马中青年企业家论坛工委会副主席梁鶱 宝(左)赠送纪念品给马来西亚数字经济发展 局副总裁丘伟宗与中国国家发展和改革委员 会国际合作中心重大活动处处长牟雄兵。 MCYEC 2019 Deputy Chairman Adrian Leong presents a token of appreciation to Mr Hew Wee Choong, Vice President of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and Mr. Mou Xiongbing, Director, Division of Major Events Organisation, International Cooperation Centre of National Development Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China.

主持嘉宾:鼎智科技首席技术官陈志辉博士 Moderator: Dr. Tan Chee Fai, Chief Technical Officer, Robolab Technology Sdn Bhd

35 专题对话 Panel Dialogue(2) 企业如何从人工智能中获益 How can Business Benefit from Artificial Intelligence

潘振祥先生 Mr. Puan Chan Cheong G3 Global公司非独立非执行董事 Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of G3 Global Berhad

史慧娴女士 Ms. See Wai Hun JurisTech首席执行员 JurisTech CEO

李俊洲先生 Mr. Joe Lee 马来西亚中科创达商务总监 Business Director of ThunderSoft Malaysia

36 左起为主持嘉宾Mark Koh、主讲嘉宾潘振祥、史慧娴、李俊洲与苏通,以及青企会署理主 席林励肯。 L-R: Moderator Mark Koh, Speaker CC Puan, See Wai Hun, Joe Lee, Su Tong and YEC Deputy Chairman Lim Le Kern.

苏通先生 Mr. Sutong 博彦科技创新研究院院长 Head of Innovation Centre, Beyondsoft Corporation

主持嘉宾:Supahands首席执行员兼联合创始人 Mark Koh Moderator: Mr. Mark Koh, CEO & Co-Founder of Supahands

37 38 青年创业 Young Entrepreneurship

Kamarul先生 Mr. Kamarul Muhamed Aerodyne Group创始人兼首席执行员 Founder and CEO Aerodyne Group

创业一定要有目标及推动力,且必须时刻保持警惕,制订战略,并不断思考挑战 现状的方法,确保领先市场。就如Aerodyne,我们的服务从飞行营运到数据管 理,我们不但在问题发生前发现问题,一旦发现后立即修复及采取补救措施。 Entrepreneurship must have goal and impetus, always be vigilant, develop strategy and constantly think about challenging the existing method to ensure a leading market. Like Aerodyne, our services from flight operation to data management. We not only identify problems before it occur but also repair and take remedial measures once discovered.

陈维伟先生 Mr. Chen Weiwei 草根天使会会长 President of Grass-roots Angels

创业者要有梦想和勿忘初心,才能坚持走下去。不过,现今社会不缺有梦想的创 业者,而是缺少有梦想的天使投资人。最佳的孵化器天使是自己的企业成功 后,有勇气回头帮助种子期的创业者。他们除了要俱备经验,还要有初心和梦 想 ,并 能 和 种 子 一 起 坚 持 下 去 。 Entrepreneurs must have dreams and remember their initial mind to move forward. However, today society lack of angel investors with dreams but not the entrepreneurs with dreams. The best incubator angel is the entrepreneurs who have the courage to go back and help the seed stage after their business success. They should have experience, initial mind, dreams and able to persevere.

39 林月金女士 Ms. Kim Lim PichaEats首席执行官与联合创始人 CEO & Co-Founder of PichaEats

自己和两位伙伴联同难民们合作搞餐饮服务,是为了提供就业以及 教育机会给难民们。PichaEats的使命是建立一个平台,让难民通 过食物来重建生活,而企业的核心是先改变自己,进而改变社会。 所以我们的社会企业不仅提供餐饮服务,也设立难民之家,进行社 会活动。 My partners and I have work with the refugees to provide catering services in order to provide employment and educational opportunities for the refugees. PichaEats's mission is to establish a platform for refugees to rebuild their life and the core value of their social enterprise is to change themselves first then the society. Therefore, PichaEats not only provide catering services, but also set up refugee homes and organised activities.

李创先生 Mr. Louis Li 安永EY数字资本战略创始人及总监 Co-Founder and Director of the Digital Capital Strategy team at Ernst and Young (EY)

创业后要如何发展?第一是问题,去发现问题并解决;第二是产品 服务,例如提供竞价功能;第三是公司平台,具备不同的服务项目; 第四是闭环生态。类似跨界经营,看起来是卖电子产品,实质上也 是一个舱库及流物,同时也是金融公司。 How to develop your business? Firstly to find and solve problems, second is product and services, such as offering competitive price, third is through company platform to provide different services, and fourth is closed-loop ecology. It is similar to cross-border operation such as looks like selling electronic products and essentially it is also a warehouse and financial company.

40 农俊先生 Mr. Nong Jun 瑞柏美医疗美容创始人 Founder of Ruibomei Cosmetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery Institution

若要提高创业成功率,就要选择门槛高、有很多规范和监管的行业,因为已有 游戏规则,技术好就可以打赢。如果没有这些条条框框,竞争者太多,冲进去 就比较容易失败。选择落后的行业,把最先进的科技设备运用在此,才是创业 的机会。 In order to increase the success rate to starting a business, one must choose industries with high threshold, many regulations and supervision. This is because the rules of game already exist and you can win with good skill. Without these rules and regulations, if there are many competitors will be easier to fail. Choosing a backward industries and applying the most advanced technology and equipment are the opportunities to start a business.

左起为主持嘉宾蓝志锋、主讲嘉宾农俊、Kamarul、首届马中青年企业家论坛工委会主席杨 秀丽、陈维伟、李创及林月金。 L-R: Moderator Lum Chih Feng, Speakers Nong Jun and Kamarul, MCYEC 2019 Organising Chairperson Yong Siew Lee, Speakers Chen Weiwei, Louis Li and Kim Lim.

41 主持嘉宾:CityPLUS FM内容经理 蓝志锋 Moderator: Mr. Lum Chih Feng, Content Manager of CityPLUS FM

42 园区发展稳建设 优势互补创多赢 Sustainable Development of Industrial Parks With Synergistic and Win-Win Arrangements

拿汀潘秀燕 Datin Angelyn Lim 世裕发展有限公司执行董事 Tanah Mestika Sdn Bhd executive director

霹雳州目标欲成下一个马来西亚投资丰富的州属 aims to become a state with most investment and development projects in Malaysia 拿汀潘秀燕阐述霹雳州或成为马来西亚下一个投资丰富 的州属,因此发展金达湖景的倡议获得该州政府的全力 支持。同时,也获得当地所有政府部门的批准发展,进行 建立私立大学、医疗中心和购物中心等。金达湖景是规划中的安曼湖景城的其中一个镇,土 地面积约为124.53英亩,由13块总面积116.86英亩的土地组成,再加上两个总面积7.67 英亩的湖。 Datin Angelyn Lim said Perak would be the next state in Malaysia with the most investment and development projects. Thus, Gerbang Tasik Kinta development initiative has received full support from the state government. At the same time, local government agencies have approved various development projects including private universities, medical centres, shopping malsl and others. Gerbang Tasik Kinta is one of the towns in Bandar Tasik Amanjaya with an approximate land area of 124.53 acres consist of 13 sub blocks of land (116.86 acres) and water bodies measuring 7.67 acres.

王小承先生 Mr. Xiao Cheng, Wang (Sean) 中国电建地产(马来西亚)公司董事、总经理暨 海赋盛世产业园投资公司董事长 PowerChina Real Estate (Malaysia) Group Ltd director & general manager and Eco World PowerChina Business Park Sdn Bhd director

海赋盛世项目,坐拥八大优势 The eight advantages of PowerChina Business Park 凭借中国电建在基础设备开发方面的丰富经验,马来西 亚政府雇员公积金管理局的资金支持,结合绿盛世集团 常年开发工业园的专业知识和解决方案,海赋盛世产业园不仅是马来西亚的最稳妥选择,更 是坐拥八大优势的马来西亚首都产业园。 With PowerChina's extensive experience in infrastructure development, the financials upport from Employee Monetary Fund (KWSP), and Eco World's perennial expertise and solutions in industrial parks development, PowerChina Business Park not only is Malaysia's safest choice but also an industrial park in the capital city with eight advantages.

43 陈鸿波先生 Mr. Hebert Chen 启迪控股常务副总裁 Tus-Holdings Co. LTD chief operating officer

培养科技企业孵化器 Cultivate incubators for technology enterprises 陈鸿波介绍了20多年来,启迪控股通过旗下 孵化器、科技园及科技城开展科技创新创业 服务及科技成果转化的成就及经验,以及近 年来在“一带一路”国际化发展领域的模式和成效。 “培养科技企业的成长,是中国制造向中国创造转变发展模式的重要因素之一, 以启迪之星为代表的科技企业孵化器所走过的路程和所取得的成绩就是很好的 案 例 。” Herbert Chen said for more than 20 years, Tus-Holdings through its incubators, science park and technology city has succeeded in carrying out technological innovation and entrepreneurship services and transformation of science and technology as well as its achievements in international development due to Belt and Road initiative. "Cultivating the growth of technology companies is one of an important factor in switching from making things in China to creating things in China. The success story of Tus-Holdings incubators for technology companies is one of the examples."

黄福水先生 Mr. Huang Fushui 北京宏福集团董事局主席、北京市企业发展 促进会会长 Beijing Enterprise Development Promotion Association president and Beijing HongFu Group chairman

《以及人之老 探养怡之福》 Assisted living facilities for the elderly 黄福水介绍了北京市企业发展促进会成员构 成,行业分布,愿借一带一路大政国策,与马 来西亚企业家广泛交流、深度合作。同时,也重点介绍了北京宏福集团借鉴国际 养老产业的做法和经验,结合中国国情,创建了由居家孝贤养老传统转向社区专 业化养老的新模式。 Huang Fushui introduces the organisational structure of Beijing Enterprise Development Promotion Association, industrial distribution, and will through Belt and Road initiative work alongside Malaysian entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, he also talks about how Beijing HongFu Group learnt from the practices and experiences of the international assisted living industry and then incorporated with Chinese culture to establish a new model for community assisted living for the elderly.

44 刘俊贤先生 Mr. Travis Low 乐漫堂动漫创始人暨新加坡漫画文创协会会长 The Association of Comics & Creative FUNICS president and Founder of FUNICS (China & Singapore)

厦门千亿产业链 Xiamen 100 billion industry 软件和信息服务业是厦门市千亿产业链之一,厦门软件 园是厦门市发展软件和信息服务业的核心载体。2018 年,厦门市软件和信息技术服务业全年实现软件业务收 入达人民币1493亿,而厦门软件园(一期、二期、三期)的企业总数高达 4478家,行业人才超过10万人。 未来,软件园将大力发挥平台载体的作用,按照“人工智能+”数字产业和“ 区块链+”数字产业的产业布局,推动互联网、大数据、人工智能与实体经济 深度融合,打造“数字产业化、产业数字化”新兴产业,培育新的经济增长 点 ,形 成 新 动 能 。 Software and information industry is one of the 100 billion industries in Xiamen. Xiamen Software Park is the core carrier for the development of software and information industry in Xiamen. In 2018, Xiamen software and information technology industry has recorded software business revenue of RMB149.3 billion. While the total number of enterprises in Xiamen Software Park (Phase I, Phase II and Phase III) is 4,478, and the industry has more than 100,000 experts. In future, Software Park will make full use of platform carrier according to the industrial layout of the "AI +" digital industry and the "Blockchain +" digital industry to promote the deep integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and the physical economy to create "digital industrialization, industrial digitalization" as an emerging industry to cultivate new economic growth and to form new momentum.

主持人:丘光耀博士 马来西亚-中国商务理事会时任首席执行官 Moderator: Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC) former CEO Hew Kuan Yau

45 马中企业家共聚一堂,围绕园区发 展稳建设,优势互补创多赢,阐述己 见,交流共享,与会者各获各得。 Malaysian and Chinese entrepreneurs are gathered here committed to build a steady development of the park, complement each other to create a win-win situation, express opinions, exchange and share ideas.

在论坛互动交流环节,陈鸿波(左一)与马中企业家们就马来西亚未来的科技园 区建设发展及其他项目的合作进行了探讨。 During the interaction session in the forum, Hebert Chen (from left) discusses the future development of science and technology parks in Malaysia and other projects with Malaysian and Chinese entrepreneurs.

46 马中总商会副总会长拿督林 恒毅(中)赠送纪念品予主讲人。 MCCC vice president Datuk Joseph Lim presents a token of appreciation to the speaker.

47 专 中国·福建—马来西亚经贸合作推介会 Specialised Session Specialised China·Fujian - Malaysia Economic and Trade Promotion 场 Conference

在吉隆坡成功举办中国·福建-马来西亚经贸合作推介会。推介会由福建省 商务厅、马中总商会共同主办。雪兰莪州投资促进机构、马来西亚中国银行、厦门 大学马来西亚分校、马来西亚福建社团联合会、马来西亚福建总商会等相关负责 人与当地企业家代表及福建省企业家代表逾200人出席了推介会。 吴南翔厅长与马来西亚雪兰莪州行政议员、州工商常务委员会主席拿督邓章 钦先后在推介会上致辞。双方一致认为,要以今年4月第二届“一带一路”国际合 作高峰论坛中马两国元首达成的共识为指引,进一步深化两国经贸合作交流,通 过充分发挥各自产业和产品优势、积极组织经贸代表团互访、参加对方举办的展 会、推介会等方式,努力推动双方合作向更大规模、更宽领域、更高层次发展。 福建商友邦网络科技有限公司、福建富强石材有限公司等福建企业在会上做推 介,与马方企业开展交流,达成多个合作意向。

China (Fujian) – Malaysia Economic and Trade Conference, which was jointly organised by Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce and Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce was successfully held in Kuala Lumpur. There were 200 participants attended the promotion conference, including representatives of Invest Selangor Berhad, Bank of China (M) Berhad, Xiamen University Malaysia, The Federation of Associations of Malaysia and Malaysia Fujian Chamber of Commerce. Wu Nanxiang, Director-General of Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce and YB Dato' Teng Chang Khim, Selangor State Executive Councillor for Investment, Industry & commerce and SME addressed a speech at the promotion conference. Both parties agreed to further deepen the economic and trade cooperation exchanges between the two countries, the consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries at the second "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit in April this year, and strive to promote the development of cooperation between the two countries to a greater scale, wider field, and higher level by giving full play to their respective industries and products, actively organising exchange visits of economic and trade, and participating in exhibitions and seminars organised by both countries. Fujian enterprise such as Fujian Shangyoubang Network Technology Co. Ltd. and Fuqiang Stone Co. Ltd. made recommendations at the meeting, and exchanged views with the Malaysian Enterprises to reach various cooperation intentions.

48 福建省商务厅厅长吴南翔致词。 拿督邓章钦介绍雪州投资商机。 Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce Selangor state executive councillor for director-general Wu Nanxiang is delivering investment industry & commerce and small & speech. medium enterprise, YB Dato' Teng Chang Khim.

吴南翔厅长(左二)与马中总商会沙巴分会会长陈伟裕(右起)及总会副总会长拿督刘国城合影。 (Second from left) Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce director-general Wu Nanxiang, (from right) MCCC branch president Michael Chin and MCCC vice president Datuk Lau Kok Sing are seen taking group photo.

49 各企业家进行项目推介。 Entrepreneurs are promoting their respective projects.

50 51 第 Handover Ceremony of MCEC 2020 十 届 马 中 企 业 家 大 会 交 棒 仪 式 第九届马中企业家大会成功 举 行 ,圆 满 结 束 。 晚宴上,第九届马中企业家大 会工委会主席颜登逸(右二 起)在马中总商会总会长拿督 陈友信及交通部长陆兆福见 证下,移交马中企业家大会旌 旗予福建省商务厅厅长吴南 翔,落实第十届马中企业家大 会在福建省福州市举行;右为 第十届马中企业家大会工委 会主席拿督施明玉。 The 9th Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference was successfully held and concluded. At the gala dinner, Mr. Ngan Teng Yi (second from right), Organising Chairman handed over the MCEC flag to Wu Nanxiang, Director of Fujian Commerce Department, in the presence and witnessed of Datuk Tan Yew Sing, President of MCCC and YB Loke Siew Fook, Minister of Transport. It marked the 10th Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference handover from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Fuzhou in Fujian, China next year. Right is Dato' See Meng Geok, the organising chairperson for MCEC 2020.

52 陈友信 Tan Yew Sing 第十届马中企业家大会将再次踏出国门,远赴中国福州 举行。这项大会获得福建省商务厅支持。双方也互设商 务联络处,为当地会员企业探讨进军福建的机遇。 The 10 th Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference will once again go beyond borders to Fuzhou, China. The conference was supported by the Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce. MCCC and Fujian Department of Commerce also set up a business liaison office to explore opportunities for local member enterprises to enter Fujian.

陆兆福 Loke Siew Fook 2020年财政预算案宣布,大马政府将为中国投资设立“特 别渠道”,优先处理审批中国投资。我有信心马中两国关系 一定会持续深化,希望马中在商贸与航运领域有更多合作。 Budget 2020 announced that Malaysia government will set up a "special channel" to giving priority to the processing and approval of China’s investment. I am confident that the relations between Malaysia and China will continue to deepen and I hope that there will be more cooperation between Malaysia and China in the fields of commerce and shipping.

吴南翔 Wu Nanxiang 马来西亚是福建在东盟的第四大贸易伙伴、第二大投资 目的地和第三大外资来源国。我们相信,福建与马来西 亚经贸合作空间巨大。 Malaysia is Fujian's fourth largest trading partner in ASEAN, second largest investment destination and third largest source of foreign capital. We believe that there is great room for economic and trade cooperation between Fujian and Malaysia.

联欢晚宴工委会主席陈祈福 Organising Chairman of Gala Dinner 随着新一届理事上任,本会将继续吸引、鼓励和帮助更多 青年企业、女企业、多元种族企业及新兴领域企业,将两 国经贸推向高峰。 With the new term of office (MCCC National, YEC and WEC council), our chamber will continue to attract, encourage and help more young enterprises, women's enterprises, multi- ethnic enterprises and enterprises in emerging fields to push the economic and trade of the two countries to the peak.

53 联 马中总商会29周年庆 Gala Dinner Gala 欢 MCCC 29th Anniversary 晚 宴

54 55 56 联欢晚宴安排了精彩且富地方特色的演 出,包括马来西亚多元种族迎宾舞、福建 省的戏曲《十八相送》、舞蹈《烟雨坊 巷》、海浪音公主谢淑恩演唱、福建籍知 名歌手蔡恩慧演唱等,精湛的演出让出 席者拍手赞好。 The gala dinner fantastic shows included Malaysia's multi-ethnic welcome dance, Fujian's drama, and singing performance by Charmaine Chia and Cai Enhui, a well- known singer from Fujian. The superb performance made the attendees amazing.

57 司仪陈俐杏 Emcee Pauline Tan

58 59 马中总商会第12届中央理事 第6届青企会理事 首届女企会理事 就职典礼 The 12th MCCC National Council The 6th Young Entrepreneurs Council The 1st Women Entrepreneurs Council Installation Ceremony

马中总商会女企业家委员会 MCCC Women Entrepreneurs Committee

马中总商会新届理事宣誓就职,由交通部长陆兆福(左起)、永久荣誉会长陈 凯希与拿督黄汉良监誓。 YB Loke Siew Fook, the Minister of Transport (from the left), Mr. Tan Kai Hee and Dato' Bong Hon Liong, the Life Honorary Presidents of MCCC administered the sworn in by the 12th MCCC National Council.

60 马中总商会第12届中央理事会 MCCC 12th National Council

马中总商会青年企业家委员会 MCCC Young Entrepreneurs Committee

61 第九届马中企业家大会暨首届马中青年企业家论坛星光熠熠,邀请到雪兰莪 贵 州务大臣阿米鲁丁沙利、大马能源、工艺、科学、气候变化与环境部长杨美盈担任 VIP ReceptionVIP 开幕嘉宾,也分别邀请到多位国内外政府机构、企业及商协会代表参与其盛,包 宾 括大马投资发展局主席拿督马吉德、雪兰莪州行政议员拿督邓章钦、雪州投资促 进机构首席执行员拿督哈山阿兹哈里、大马数字经济发展局首席运营官拿督黄 接 婉冰、中国福建省商务厅厅长吴南翔、G3 Global Bhd非独立非执行董事潘振 祥、富晟国际控股有限公司董事长冯垂彬、马中商务理事会拿督马汉坤理事、江 待 苏省驻新加坡和马来西亚经贸代表处主任代表沈立国、广东驻东南亚(吉隆坡) 经贸办事处主任李敬,本会多位领导包括永久荣誉会长陈凯希与拿督黄汉良、名 誉会长丹斯里林福山、名誉顾问吴立洋、会务顾问宋兆棠、拿督陈天场、拿督陈 展鹏等也出席支持。 The MCEC 2019 cum MCYEC 2019 have got a star-studded line up of guests. Apart from YAB Amirudin Shari, Chief Minister of Selangor and YB Yeo Bee Yin, Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change, the conference also invited various representatives of local and foreign government agencies, enterprises and business associations to participate, including Dato' Abdul Majid Ahmad Khan, MIDA Chairman, YB Dato' Teng Chang Khim, Executive Councilor of Selangor State, Dato' Hasan Azhari bin Hj. Idris, CEO Invest Selangor Berhad, Dato' Ng Wan Peng, Chief Operating Officer MDEC, Mr. Wu Nanxiang, Director of Fujian Commerce Department, Mr. Puan Chan Cheong, Non-independent Non-Executive Director of G3 Global Bhd, Mr. Feng Chui bing,Chairman of Fusun International Holding Limited, Dato' Beh Hang Kong, Director of MCBC, Mr. Shen Liguo, Representative of the Jiangsu Economic and Trade Representative Office in Singapore, Mr. Li Jing, Guangdong Economic and Trade Office in South-East Asia (KL) representative. MCCC leaders including Life Honorary President Mr. Tan Kai Hee and Dato' Bong Hon Liong, Honorary President Tan Sri Lim Hock San, Honorary Advisor Ng Lip Yong, Executive Advisor Soong Siew Tong, Datuk Tan Tian Teo, Datuk Tan Ten Pong also graced the conference to show their support.

杨美盈(左)与陈凯希交换名片。 Yeo Bee Yin (left) exchanging business card with Tan Kai Hee.

62 左起:卢国祥、哈山阿兹哈里、阿米鲁丁沙利、陈友信、颜登逸、 谢中正及张柏垣。 L-R:Loo Kok Seong, Hasan Azhari, Amirudin Shari, Tan Yew Sing, Ngan Teng Ye, Kevin Siah and Bryan Chong.

63 64 65 会 Post-conference Field Trip 雪兰 后 Selangor 考 察 第九届马中企业家大会暨首届马中青年企 业家论坛结束后,隔天(13日)也特别安排了 海外企业家前往雪兰莪和马六甲进行商务考察 交 流 ,寻 求 合 作 共 赢 的 契 机 。 以第九届马中企业家大会工委会主席颜登 逸为首的雪兰莪考察团,分别参观了位于英达 岛潜在发展总值高达50亿令吉的雪兰莪生物 科技湾,以及位于雪州莎亚南靠近哥打哥文宁 区,由绿盛世发展的Eco Sanctuary,也是一座 以绿色生态环境为主题的围篱式综合城镇。 After MCEC 2019 & MCYEC 2019 is wrapped. On the next day (13th), the working committee has specially arranged overseas entrepreneurs to go to Selangor and for business inspections and exchanges, seeking opportunities for win-win collaboration. MCEC 2019 organising chairman Ngan Teng Ye led the Selangor study group to visits Pulau Indah and Kota Kemuning. They have visited Selangor Bio Bay, an area with the potential development value up to RM5 billion. They also visited Eco Sanctuary at Kota Kemuning, a project by Ecoworld. It is a fenced comprehensive town with the theme green eco-environment.

绿盛世负责人之一向代表团讲解 Eco Sanctuary的产业计划。 Ecoworld representative is presenting to the group about Eco Sanctuary development plan.

66 代表团在Eco Sanctuary的销售厅留影。 The Selangor study group takes group photos at Eco Sanctuary's retail office.

67 代表团在雪州生物科技湾展览厅前合影。 The Selangor study group takes photos at Selangor Bio Bay.

Central Spectrum业务发展经理沈小珍(左二)向代表团讲解雪州生物科技湾 近年的发展计划。 Central Spectrum business development manager Sim Siaw Ching (second from left) is presenting to the study group about Selangor Bio Bay development plans in recent years.

68 马六甲 Malacca

另外,马六甲考察团则在马中总商会副总会长谢中正的陪同下展开了系列考察 项目,包括皇京港、三叔公土产专卖店及逛古城,同时也受到马六甲州政府对华特使 邱培栋国会议员设宴款待一行前来的代表团,并向代表团“招商”,欢迎中国及香港 前来马六甲投资。出席交流会的嘉宾,包括广东省驻东南亚(吉隆坡)经贸办事处暨 珠海市驻东南亚(吉隆坡)经贸代表处首席代表宋延亮、格西当州议员谢守钦、马中 总商会(马六甲)分会会长拿督林国安、署理会长李传财及副会长奚达山等。 Meanwhile, the Malacca study group was led by MCCC vice president Kevin Siah to visit several places including Melaka Gateway, San Shu Gong souvenir shop, and Malacca City. Kota Melaka MP has prepared a banquet for the group and has promoted the state to Mainlanders and Hong Kongers and welcomes them to invest in Malacca. Present were Guangdong Province Economic and Trade Office in South-East Asia (KL) and Zhu Hai Economic and Trade Office in South-East Asia(KL) chief representative Song YanLiang, Kesidang assemblyman Alex Seah Shoo Chin, MCCC Melaka Branch President Datuk Lim Kok Ann, deputy president Lee Chuan Chye and vice president Ki Ta Sang, and others.

邱培栋(中)聆听海外企业家的分享。 Khoo Poay Tiong (middle) listens to sharing of experience from overseas entrepreneurs

69 拿督林国安(右三起)赠送纪念品予邱培栋。左起谢中正和谢守钦;右起为奚达 山与拿督陈天场。 Datuk Lim Kok Ann (third from right) presents tokens of appreciation to Khoo Poay Tiong. (From left) Kevin Siah and Alex Seah Shoo Chin; (from right) Ki Ta Sang and Datuk Tan Tian Teo.

海外考察代表团与马中总商会成员和嘉宾合影。 The study group representatives take group photos with MCCC members and guests.

参观马六甲皇京港 Visit Melaka Gateway

70 71 画 Photographs 页

会场外也设立 桌位供赞助商 与各企业家和 参会者进行商 业洽谈。 Tables are also set up outside the venue for sponsors to conduct business negotiations with entrepreneurs and participants.

72 来自安四方集团的代表。 The representatives of Ancubic Group.

马中总商会(霹雳州)分会理事在大会前合影留念。 MCCC Perak State Council take a group photo before the start of the conference.

73 感谢志愿者的辛勤付出。 Thanks the volunteers for their hard work.

74 参会者纷纷在大会照相板前留影纪念。 Participants took photos in front of photo booths. 75 马中总商会领导与嘉宾在大会照相版前合影。 MCCC leaders are taking photos with guests in front of photo booths.

马中总商会领导率领一众嘉宾在大会入口处前留影。 76 MCCC leaders and guests are having their photos taken at the entrance to the conference. 77 马中总商会总会长拿督陈友信(中)与柔佛州分会理事合影。 MCCC President Datuk Tan Yew Sing (middle) and MCCC State Council of are taking group photos.

马中总商会领导与晚宴嘉宾在大会照相板前合影。 MCCC leaders and gala dinner guests are having their 78 photos taken in front photo booths. 79 前 礼貌拜会 Pre-conference and Activities Arrangements 期 Courtesy Visits 工 作

安 访北京大学马来西亚校友会 A visit to the Peking University 排 Alumni Association of Malaysia 第九届马中企业家大会工委会主席颜 登逸拜访北京大学马来西亚校友会财 政熊傅羽(右),旨在介绍本届大会的 活动详情。左为工委会主席特别助理 林濟燕。 MCEC 2019 organising chairman Ngan Teng Ye visited Peking University Alumni Association of Malaysia treasurer Yoong Fu Yee. (From left) MCEC 2019 organising chairman special assistant Ling Chei Yen.

接待马来西亚林氏总商会代表团 Welcomed the delegation of Malaysia World LIN Chamber of Commerce 马来西亚林氏总商会(马林总商会)总会长拿督斯里林家仪博士(左三)率领其 理事拜访本会,并由第九届马中企业家大会工委会主席颜登逸亲自接待。其他出 席者包括马林总商会人力资源组主任林国兴(左起)和副秘书长林纪顺。右起工 委会主席特别助理林濟燕和马中总商会副总会长谢中正。 Malaysia World LIN Chamber of Commerce president Datuk Sri Dr. Robert Lim Jia Ngee (third from left) led the council members to visit MCCC. The delegation was welcomed by MCEC 2019 organising chairman Ngan Teng Ye. (From left) Man Power of Malaysia World LIN Chamber of Commerce director Lim Kok Hing and assistant secretary-general Lim Kee Soon. (From right) MCEC 2019 organising chairman special assistant Ling Chei Yen and MCCC vice president Kevin Siah.

80 访艾芬银行 A Visit to Affin Bank 第九届马中企业家大会工委会主席颜登 逸(中)率领工委会前往艾芬银行,获得 艾芬银行财务总监陈国顺(左二)接待。 左为马中总商会财政戴炳煌。 MCEC 2019 organising chairman Ngan Teng Ye (middle) led the MCEC delegation to Affin Bank. The delegation was welcomed by Affin Bank group treasury director Tan Kok Toon (second from left).

访马中总商会永久荣誉会长陈凯希 A Visit to MCCC Life Honorary President Tan Kai Hee 马中总商会29周年庆联欢晚宴工委会主席陈祈福(左)和第九届马中企业家大会工委会主 席颜登逸(右三)率队拜访永久荣誉会长陈凯希,旨在汇报活动筹备进展。左二为海鸥集团 董事陈景岗。右起工委会主席特别助理林濟燕和马中总商会副秘书长陈云枫。 MCCC 29th Anniversary gala dinner organising chairman Tan Kee Hock (left) and MCEC 2019 organising chairman Ngan Teng Ye (third from right) led a delegation to visit MCCC Life Honorary President Tan Kai Hee to report on the progress of the preparations for the event. The delegation was welcomed by Hai-O managing director Tan Keng Kang (second from left) and Tan Kai Hee. (From right) MCEC 2019 organising chairman special assistant Ling Chei Yen and MCCC deputy secretary-general Tan In Fong.

81 访马来西亚-中国商务理事会 A Visit to Malaysia-China Business Council 第九届马中企业家大会工委会副主 席张柏垣(左二起)率队拜访联办 单位——马中商务理事会,并由时 任首席执行官丘光耀博士接待,旨 在商讨如何办好大会,以利惠马中 青年企业家,通过对接项目及整合 资 源 ,创 出 佳 绩 。 MCEC 2019 deputy organising chairman Bryan Chong (second from left) led a delegation to visit co-organiser Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC). The delegation was welcomed by MCBC former CEO Dr. Hew Kuan Yau.

访马中总商会永久荣誉会长拿督杨天培 A Visit to MCCC Life Honorary President Datuk Yong Ah Pwi 第九届马中企业家大会工委会主席颜登逸(前排左)率领工委会拜访永久荣誉会 长拿督杨天培,旨在汇报活动筹备进展;右为马中总商会法律事务委员会主席拿 督郑今智。后排左起为工委会主席特别助理林濟燕、马中总商会副总财政杨子 威、秘书长陈炳钟和总财政戴炳煌。 MCEC 2019 organising chairman Ngan Teng Ye (front row from left) led a delegation to visit MCCC Life Honorary President Datuk Yong Ah Pwi to report on the progress of the preparations for the event; from right MCCC legal committee chairman Datuk Teh Kim Teh. Back row from left: MCEC 2019 organising chairman special assistant Ling Chei Yen, MCCC deputy treasurer Yong Cher Vee, Secretary-General Tan Peng Chung and treasurer Thay Peng Hong. The delegation was welcomed by MCCC Life honorary president Datuk Yong Ah Pwi.

82 访万科(马来西亚)控股公司 Visit VANKE Holdings (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 第九届马中企业家大会工委会 拜会万科(马来西亚)控股公 司 ,获 得 该 公 司 董 事 总 经 理 朗 聪 亲自接待。会后,工委会主席颜 登 逸( 左 四 起 )赠 送《 光 辉 四 十 载》图片集予朗聪。左起首届马 中青年企业家论坛工委会主席杨秀丽、第九届马中企业家大会工委会副主席张柏垣和马中 总商会副总会长谢中正。右为马中总商会总财政戴炳煌。 The committee member of MCEC 2019 visited VANKE Holdings (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and was welcomed by VANKE Holdings (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd managing director Lang Cong (second from right). After the meeting, MCEC 2019 organising chairman Ngan Teng Ye (fourth from left) presented "40 Years of Glory" photo collection to Lang Cong. (From left) MCYEC 2019 organising chairperson Yong Siew Lee, MCEC 2019 deputy organising chairman Bryan Chong, and MCCC vice president, Kevin Siah. (Fron right) MCCC treasurer Thay Peng Hong.

访马来西亚中国企业家联合会 A visit to China Entrepreneurs Association in Malaysia (PUCM) 第九届马中企业家大会工委会主席颜登逸(左起)拜会马来西亚中国企业家联合会 (PUCM)总会长拿督李中平,并向他介绍本届大会的活动详情。右为工委会主席特别助理 林濟燕。 MCEC 2019 organising chairman Ngan Teng Ye (from left) visited China Entrepreneurs Association in Malaysia (PUCM) president Datuk Keith Li and informed him the details and activities of this conference.(From right) MCEC 2019 organising chairman special assistant Ling Chei Yen. The delegation was welcomed by PUCM president Datuk Keith Li(middle)

83 雪兰莪州务大臣阿米鲁丁巡视第九届马中企业家大会暨 首届马中青年企业家论坛展位 Chief Minister of Selangor YAB Amirudin Shari toured the exhibition booth of MCEC 2019 cum MCYEC 2019

雪州州务大臣阿米鲁丁出席于八打灵再也喜来登酒店举办的2019年第三届 雪兰莪国际商业峰会推介礼后,在雪州行政议员拿督邓章钦和雪州投资促进机构 首席执行员拿督哈山阿兹哈里的陪同下巡视各合作伙伴的展位。 Chief Minister of Selangor YAB Amirudin Shari attended the launching ceremony of Selangor International Business Summit 2019 (SIBS) at Shereton Hotel, Petaling Jaya. He was accompanied by Selangor state executive councillor for Investment, Industry & Commerce and SME Dato' Teng Chang Khim and Invest Selangor Berhad CEO Dato' Hasan Azhari.

第九届马中企业家大会工委会副主席张 柏垣(中)向阿米鲁丁汇报大会进展。 MCEC 2019 deputy organising chairman Bryan Chong (middle) report to Amirudin Shari on the progress of the conference.

84 第九届马中企业家大会暨首届马中青年企业家论坛推介礼 Launching Ceremony of MCEC 2019 cum MCYEC 2019

日期 Date:12.06.2019 地点 Venue:马中总商会4楼礼堂 MCCC 4th floor Hall

第九届马中企业家大会暨首 届马中青年企业家论坛推介 礼。右起为第九届马中企业 家大会工委会主席颜登逸、 马来西亚对华特使兼马中商 务 理 事 会 主 席 陈 国 伟 、农 业 及农基工业部副部长沈志 勤、马中总商会总会长拿督 陈友信及首届马中青年企业 家论坛工委会主席杨秀丽。 MCEC 2019 cum MCYEC 2019 launching ceremony. (From right) MCEC 2019 organising chairman Ngan Teng Ye, Malaysia Special Envoy to China and Chairman of MCBC TB Tan Kok Wai, Agriculture and Agro-based Industries deputy minister YB , MCCC President Datuk Tan Yew Sing, and MCYEC 2019 organising chairperson Yong Siew Lee.

记者会。 Press Conference.

陈 友 信( 左 二 )赠 送 纪 念 品 予 沈 志 勤 ,感 谢 他出席推介礼;左为颜登逸。右起为杨秀丽 及陈国伟。 Tan Yew Sing (second from left) presented a token of appreciation to Sim Tze Tzin to show appreciation for attending the launching ceremony. (From left) Ngan Teng Ye, from right Yong Siew Lee and Tan Kok Wai.

85 86 87 媒体报道 Media Coverage

88 大会前 媒体报道 Pre-Conference Media Coverage

89 接 受《 9 8 8 》访 问 Interviewed by Chinese radio station 988FM 第九届马中企业家大会工委会主席颜登逸(右二起)和首届马中青年企业家论坛 主席杨秀丽受邀成为《988早点up》的交换角度嘉宾,也为10月12日的企业家 大会做宣传。 MCEC 2019 organising chairman Ngan Teng Ye (second from right) and MCYEC 2019 organising chairperson Yong Siew Lee were invited to share ideas at the 988 Morning Up programme and to promote MCEC cum MCYEC which would take place on Oct 12.

90 接受《星洲日报》专访 Sinchew Daily exclusive interview 第九届马中企业家大会工委会主席颜登逸受 访时表示,马中总商会最特别之处就是没有 种 族 限 制 ,因 为 马 中 贸 易 经 济 必 须 惠 及 整 个 马 来 西 亚 ,不 只 是 华 族 ,大 马 各 民 族 都 要 分 享到这块经济蛋糕。 MCEC 2019 organising chairman Ngan Teng Ye said the most special thing about the Malaysia- China Chambers of Commerce is that there were no racial restrictions. The Malaysia-China bilateral trade benefit Malaysia as a whole, not only to Chinese, all ethnic groups in Malaysia will get a fair share of this economic pie.

接 受《 财 经 时 报 》专 访 Interviewed by Business Times 第九届马中企业家大会工委会主席颜登逸和首届马中青年企业家论坛主席杨秀丽 接受《财经时报》专访。左起《财经时报》马来西亚分社通讯员隆斐、编辑符翠 仪、杨秀丽、《财经时报》马来西亚分社首席执行官王定洲及颜登逸。 MCEC 2019 organising chairman Ngan Teng Ye and MCYEC 2019 organising chairperson Yong Siew Lee appeared for an exclusive interview. (From left)Business Times Malaysia bureau correspondent Long Fei, Business Times editor Josephine Foo, Yong Siew Lee, Business Times CEO James Ong, and Ngan Teng Ye.

91 第九届马中企业家大会暨首届马中青年企业家论坛 鸣 工委会主席与全体委员向以下联办单位、合作单位、 Acknowledgement of Appreciation 认可单位、支持单位、赞助单位对于促成本届大会圆 谢 满成功的鼎立支持与密切配合,致上最诚挚的感谢。 MCEC 2019 cum MCYEC 2019 Organising Chairman and 单 Committee wish to acknowledge and thank the following for their support and contribution towards the succeed 位 of MCEC 2019 cum MCYEC 2019.

92 工 2019年马中企业家大会工委会名单 List of Working Committee 作 大会主席 拿督陈友信 顾问 卢国祥、郭隆生、拿督林恒毅、李素桦 委 主席 颜登逸 员 副主席 张柏垣 会 总策划 陈炳钟 委员 谢 中 正 、拿 督 刘 国 城 、陈 祈 福 、李 志 贤 、拿 督 施 明 玉 、 阵 DATO' R. RAJENDRAN、陈云枫、戴炳煌、杨子威 分场论坛策划 拿督林恒毅 容 ·分 场 论 坛 一:一带一路 共建共享 民心相通 商贸互惠 李国源 ·分 场 论 坛 二:人 文 、康 养 与 生 态 游 卢国祥 ·分 场 论 坛 三:数 码 经 济( 青 企 论 坛 ) 梁鶱宝 ·分场论坛四:青 年 创 业( 青 企 论 坛 ) 杨秀丽 ·分 场 论 坛 五:园区发展稳健设 优势互补创多赢 丘光耀博士 场地策划 戴炳辉 文宣策划 陈云枫 接待策划 许径铬、李国源硕士、杨凯斌、拿督郑今智律师、林励肯、 AHMAD TAJUDDIN、拿督黄彦杰、张志聪、拿督黄锡琦、林立运、 罗章武律师、戴振标、张联兴、EUGENE ROY JOSEPH、 刘雪俪、谢文英、拿督黎德坤、李素桦律师、拿督沈哲初、 拿督陈品均、郑荣兴、丘洁光、陈国顺、赖文德、李传财、 IR ZANI BIN IBRAHIM、ABDUL MOHSEIN、 RAVINDRAN NAVARATNAM、TENGKU SHAHRIR 分会招揽 各州分会会长 (拿督林国安局绅、黎永强、石声亮、拿督杨慕材、 拿督施明玉、陈伟裕、拿督刘乃好、高一瑞、拿督赵毓庭)

招揽(国外) 林恒毅(组长)、丁 扬 岗 、拿 督 黄 振 兴

招揽(国内) 李志贤(组长)、拿 督 叶 绍 平 、颜 海 錀 、丘 洁 光

工委会主席 林濟燕 特别助理 秘书处 周 美 馨 、符 玉 婷 、陈 翠 桃 、林 芷 企 、王 慧 仪 、林 英 华 、苏 逸 轩 、 李 翠 琴 、杜 佳 玲

93 Organising Committee of MCEC 2019

Conference Chairman Datuk Tan Yew Sing Advisor Loo Kok Seong, Kerk Loong Sing, Dato’Joseph Lim, Alice Lee Sok Wah Chairman Ngan Teng Ye Deputy Chairman Bryan Chong Chief Coordinator Tan Peng Chung Committee Members Kevin Siah, Datuk Lau Kok Sing, Tan Kee Hock, Lee Chee Hian, Dato' See Meng Geok, Dato' R. Rajendran, Tan In Fong, Thay Peng Hong, Yong Cher Vee Sub-forum Coordinator Dato' Joseph Lim Sub-forum 1: Joint Development in Belt and Road Initiative, Strengthening People Connectivity, Enhance Reciprocity in Business Sean Lee Sub-forum 2: Culture, Health & Eco Tourism Loo Kok Seong Sub-forum 3: Digital Economy Adrian Leong Sub-forum 4: Young Entrepreneurship Yong Siew Lee Sub-forum 5: Sustainable Development of Industrial Parks with Synergistic and Win Win Arrangements Dr. Hew Kuan Yau Venue Coordinator Thay Peng Hooi Propaganda Coordinator Tan In Fong Reception Coordinator Koh Keng Kok, Sean Lee, Yong Kai Ping, Datuk Teh Kim Teh, Lim Le Kern, Dato' Yeat Siaw Ping, Ahmad Tajuddin, Dato' Wong Yuan Cheat, Cheong Chee Choon, Dato' Bong Siak Kee, Michael Lim Lip Oon, Loo Chang Woo, Tai Chin Peow, Chong Lian Hing, Eugune Roy Joseph, Shirley Low Swee Lan, Cheah Von Ying, Dato' Lai Tak Kuan, Datuk Sim Tiak Choo, Dato' Chin Yoke Choon, Teh Eng Hin, Hew Kit Kong, Tan Kok Toon, Lun Mon Tick@Lai Ven TE, Lee Chuan Chye, Datuk Tan Choon Hwa J.P, Ir Zani Bin Ibrahim, Abdul Mohsein, Ravindran Navaratnam, Tengku Sharir Branches Canvasser Datuk Lim Kok Ann, Lai Weng Keong, Cheou Siah Liang, Datuk Yeoh Moh Chai, Dato' See Meng Geok, Michael Chin Wee Yee, Datuk Lau Nai Hoh, Koyu Aid, Dato' Andy Chiew Yoke Theng

Overseas Canvasser Dato' Joseph Lim (Leader), Ting Yong Kang, Dato' Jeffrey Ng Chin Heng

Local Canvasser Lee Chee Hian (Leader), Dato' Yeat Siaw Ping, Helen Seibt, Hew Kit Kong

Special Assistant of Organising Chairman Ling Chei Yen Secretariat Chiew Mui Kheng, Foo Yoke Teng, Chin Chui Thau, Kelsey Lim, Heng Hui Yi, Lim Eng Hwa, Soh Yi Xuan, Lee Choi Kum, Toh Cha Lin

94 2019年马中青年企业家论坛工委会名单 主席 杨秀丽 副主席 梁鶱宝 顾问 谢 文 英 、杨 碧 珊 总策划 戴炳辉、林锦忠 创意组 林键珳 市场组 陈奕卉、唐舒颋 物流组 张运来 公关组 陈垚卉 招揽 林振豪 论坛策划 邓秉顺 委员 陈 宇 扬 、谢 碧 珊

Organising Committee of MCYEC 2019 Chairman Yong Siew Lee Deputy Chairman Adrian Leong Advisors Cheah Von Ying, Yong Pik Shan Chief Coordinator Thay Peng Hooi, Andy Lim Creative Director Roger Lim Marketing Director Yvette Chin, Joey Tng Logistics Director Roy Chong PR Director Ravenna Chen Recruitment Leader Carson Lim Forum Coordinator Benson Tan Committee Members Tan E Yang, Coral Chia

联欢晚宴工委会名单 大会主席 陈友信 主席 陈祈福 副主席 拿督施明玉 总策划 卢国祥 副总策划 丘洁光 财政 陈云枫 分会协调 拿督林国安、黎永强、石声亮、拿督杨幕材、Ir Zani Bin Ibrahim、陈伟裕、 拿督刘乃好、高一瑞、拿督赵毓庭 票务总监 Dato' R. Rajendran 场地总监 Eugene Roy Joseph 特别支援 颜海錀及女企会 秘书处 全体秘书

Organising Committee of Gala Dinner President Datuk Tan Yew Sing Chairman Tan Kee Hock Deputy Chairman Dato' See Meng Geok Chief Coordinator Loo Kok Seong Deputy Chief Coordinator Hew Kit Kong Treasurer Tan In Fong Branches Coordinator Datuk Lim Kok Ann, Lai Weng Keong, Cheou Siah Liang, Dato' Yeoh Moh Chai, Ir Zani Bin Ibrahim, Micheal Chin, Datuk Lau Nai Hoh, KoYu Aid, Dato' Andy Chiew Ticketing Manager Dato' R. Rajendran Floor Manager Eugene Roy Joseph Special Support Helen Seibt & Women Entrepreneurs Committee Secretariat MCCC Secretaries

95 简 马来西亚-中国总商会简介 Introduction

介 马来西亚—中国总商会,简称"马中总商会"成立于1990年,是非官方、非盈 利、多元种族的独立民间商业团体。 马中总商会的成立宗旨是为了促进马中两国经贸发展与投资合作;加强本会 与马中政府机构及民间工商团体的联系;以及维护会员的利益。 本会在马六甲州、霹雳州、柔佛州、槟城州、登嘉楼州、沙巴州、砂拉越州、 吉兰丹州和彭亨州设有9个分会,在全国拥有1,800个企业会员,涵盖贸易、制 造、金融、农业、旅游、教育、房地产、谘询等行业。 同时,本会也成立青年企业家委员会作为团结青年、培养新领导层及协助本 会及中央理事会推广会务和行政单位。 随着中国的崛起,本会作为推动马中经贸发展所扮演的桥梁角色,日益重 要。在成立27年来,本会不仅与马来西亚国际贸易及工业部、马来西亚财政部、 马来西亚旅游部、马来西亚原产部等相关政府部门与机构、工商团体及马来西亚 中资企业协会保持密切合作,也和中国商务部等相关政府部门与机构、中国驻马 大使馆经商处、中国国务院侨办、侨联、中国国际贸易促进委员会、中国海外交流 协 会 、中 国 - 东 盟 博 览 会 秘 书 处 、中 国 — 东 盟 商 务 与 投 资 峰 会 秘 书 处 、中 国 国 际 商 会 、中 华 全 国 工 商 业 联 合 会 、中 国 中 小 企 业 国 际 合 作 协 会 、中 国 外 商 投 资 企 业 协 会等保持联系。 承蒙广东旅游局的信任与支持,本会自2014年起受委为广东驻马旅游合作 推广中心。此外,亦从2015年开始,受到成都海外交流协会的委托,成为海外成 都联络处。 在双边互动频繁的良好态势下,本会除了接待来自中国各省市的代表团,同 时也在马来西亚和中国主办、协办或参加商品展览会、经贸及投资洽谈会与交易 会 ,例 如 广 交 会 、中 国 - 东 盟 博 览 会 、中 国 中 部 博 览 会 、中 国 西 部 博 览 会 、中 国 吉 林 东北亚投资贸易博览会、中国国际投资贸易洽谈会(厦门)、中国哈尔滨国际贸易 洽谈会、宁夏国际清真食品及用品展览会、中国(青海)国际清真食品及用品展览 会、华东交易会、昆明交易会,义乌国际博览会、中国国际中小企业博览会、广东 21世纪海上丝绸之路国际博览会等。 2002年,马中总商会高瞻远瞩首创"中国-东盟合作论坛"。此论坛为当时中 国-东盟19亿人口自由贸易区的建构未雨绸缪,进行深度探讨。 本会随后也捉紧新机遇,自2011年开始每年主办"马中企业家大会",并于 2014、2016和2018年三度跨出国门远赴厦门市、成都市与南京市举行,在促 进马中经贸合作方面发挥了重要作用,得到各界高度认可! 在共缔双赢的大前提下,本会将继续为促进马中两国的经贸发展与投资合作 献力!

96 Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce Introduction

Founded in 1990, Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) is a non-governmental, non-profit, multi-ethnic and independent business association. MCCC aims at promoting interaction, cooperation and development in trade, investment and other industrial and commercial fields between Malaysia and China as well as protecting the interests of our members. MCCC has 9 branches in different states: Malacca, Perak, Johor, , , Sabah, , and . Currently, MCCC has over 1,800 corporate members, covering trade, manufacturing, finance, agriculture, real estate, tourism, education, consultation, services and other industries. Meanwhile, MCCC also established the Young Entrepreneurs Committee to unify youth, fostering new leadership and assisting MCCC and National Council to promote the affairs of the Chamber and administrative units. Following the rise of China, MCCC has become increasingly important as a platform to promote Sino-Malaysian economic and trade development. On top of forming tight cooperation with government agencies such as the Ministry of International Trade And Industry Malaysia, Ministry of Finance Malaysia, Ministry of Tourism Malaysia, Ministry of Primary Industries Malaysia, business associations and China Enterprises Association in Malaysia, we also maintain close relationship with relevant Chinese government agencies such as the Economic & Commercial Counsellor’s Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council (OCAOSC), All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade(CCPIT), China Overseas Exchange Association (COEA ), China-ASEAN Expo Secretariat, China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit Secretariat, China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, China International Cooperation Association of SMES (Cicasme), China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (CAEFI) and so forth. With the support of Guangdong Tourism Bureau, MCCC has been appointed as the Guangdong Tourism Cooperation and Promotion Center Malaysia since 2014. In addition, from the beginning of 2015, MCCC was commissioned by the Chengdu Overseas Exchange Association (CDOEA) to become its Overseas Liaison Office. In addition to frequent reception of delegations from various provinces and cities in China, MCCC also organises, co-organises or participates in exhibitions, trade and investment fairs, such as Canton Fair, China-ASEAN Expo, Expo Central China, Western China International Fair, China-Northeast Asia Expo, China International Fair for Investment & Trade (CIFIT), China Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair, China (Ningxia) International Halal Food/Muslim Commodities Festival and the Investment & Trade Fair, China (Qinghai) International Halal Food and Products Fair, East China Fair, Kunming Fair, Yiwu Imported Commodities Fair, China International Small and Medium Enterprises Fair, Guangdong 21st Century Maritime Silk Road International Expo and so forth. In 2002, MCCC organised the first " China - ASEAN Cooperation Forum". This forum was held to discuss the construction of a free trade zone for China-ASEAN 1.9 billion population. Hereafter, MCCC has seized the opportunity to organise the "Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference" (MCEC) yearly since 2011. In 2014, 2016 and 2018, the MCEC has even been held beyond border in Xiamen, Chengdu and Nanjing, China respectively. The MCEC is highly recognized by all circles as it plays an important role in promoting the economic and trade cooperation between Malaysia and China. Under the premise of creating a win-win situation, MCCC will continue to promote the Sino- Malaysia economic and trade development and investment cooperation.


出版单位 马来西亚-中国总商会 PUBLISHER Malaysia-China Chamber Of Commerce

校对 林 濟 燕 、符 玉 婷 PROOFREAD BY Ling Chei Yen, Foo Yoke Teng

出版日期 2019年12月 PUBLICATION DATE December,2019

版权所有 翻印必究 Copyright Reserved