Scoring and Interpretation for Amen Brain Systems Checklist ( The medications and supplements mentioned are commonly used. This is not a comprehensive list. This is for educational and informational purposes and is not a substitute for consultation with the prescribing MD. The results can be used to help give your patients prescribing MD the information that they need to treat the patient. The goal is to provide accurate information, educate and inform the patient, and work with the prescribing MD as compassionate informed team surrounding the patient. )


Amen Brain System Checklist Please rate yourself on each of the symptoms listed below using the following scale. If possible, to give us the most complete picture, have another person who knows you well (such as a spouse, partner or parent) rate you as well. List other ______0 1 2 3 4NA Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Very Frequently Not Applicable/Not Known

Other Self ______1. Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes ______2. Trouble sustaining attention in routine situations (i.e., homework, chores, paperwork) ______3. Trouble listening ______4. Fails to finish things ______5. Poor organization for time or space (such as backpack, room, desk, paperwork) ______6. Avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort ______7. Loses things ______8. Easily distracted ______9. Forgetful ______10. Poor planning skills ______11. Lack clear goals or forward thinking ______12. Difficulty expressing feelings ______13. Difficulty expressing empathy for others ______14. Excessive daydreaming ______15. Feeling bored ______16. Feeling apathetic or unmotivated ______17. Feeling tired, sluggish or slow moving ______18. Feeling spacey or “in a fog” ______19. Fidgety, restless or trouble sitting still ______20. Difficulty remaining seated in situations where remaining seated is expected ______21. Runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate ______22. Difficulty playing quietly ______23. "On the go" or acts as if "driven by a motor" ______24. Talks excessively ______25. Blurts out answers before questions have been completed ______26. Difficulty waiting turn ______27. Interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or games) ______28. Impulsive (saying or doing things without thinking first) Eight symptoms or less is considered normal. Nine symptoms that are rated “frequently” or “very frequently” high probability that there will either be over activity or under activity in the frontal cortex. Medications such as Adderall, Vyvanse, Ritalin, Concerta, Focalin, and to a lesser degree Welbutrin will enhance frontal cortex function. Dopamine is derived from amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine. These supplements may be used to enhance levels. Supplements such as Ginkgo Biloba, D-phenylalanine, L-phenylaline,dl-phenylaline, protein and protein powder. Being in love (i.e. PEA) is the most rewarding stimulant lasts 6-18 months till the brain is saturated, then takes daily acts of love even if a person does not “feel like it”!  Low dopamine can also be related to low testosterone. ______29. Excessive or senseless worrying ______30. Upset when things do not go your way ______31. Upset when things are out of place ______32. Tendency to be oppositional or argumentative ______33. Tendency to have repetitive negative thoughts ______34. Tendency toward compulsive behaviors ______35. Intense dislike for change ______36. Tendency to hold grudges ______37. Trouble shifting attention from subject to subject ______38. Trouble shifting behavior from task to task ______39. Difficulties seeing options in situations ______40. Tendency to hold on to own opinion and not listen to others ______41. Tendency to get locked into a course of action, whether or not it is good ______42. Needing to have things done a certain way or you become very upset ______43. Others complain that you worry too much ______44. Tend to say no without first thinking about question ______45. Tendency to predict fear Five symptoms marked frequently or very frequently indicate there is a high likelihood of over activity in the cingulate. The cingulate is the “gear shifter” of the brain, and when it is “stuck” people have difficulty shifting out of negative thoughts. Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are indicative of over activity in the cingulate. Serotonin and Norepenephine play an important role in cingulate function. The cingulate is also influenced by over activity in the basal ganglia. Imbalances in the hormones Testosterone, Thyroid, Insulin, Estrogen, Progesterone, etc. result in imbalances in every system of the brain. Medications such as Prozac, Effexor, Pristiq, Cymbalta, Lexapro, Zoloft, Paxil, etc. will influence both the cingulate and the limbic system. Luvox can be highly effective for people who struggle with OCD. Five symptoms marked “frequently or “very frequently” are indicative of a high probability off over activity in the anterior, medial, or posterior cingulate gyrus. ODD is indicative of a high probability of over activity in the posterior cingulate gyrus. Supplements such as St. John’s Wort, 5-HTP,L-tryptophan, Saffron, Rhodiola Rosea, and others help enhance serotonin in the cingulate and limbic systems. Low Vitamin D can contribute to depression and cognitive processing problems. ______46. Frequent feelings of sadness ______47. Moodiness ______48. Negativity ______49. Low energy ______50. Irritability ______51. Decreased interest in others ______52. Decreased sexual desire and thoughts ______53. Feelings of hopelessness about the future ______54. Feelings of helplessness or powerlessness ______55. Feeling dissatisfied or bored ______56. Excessive guilt ______57. Suicidal feelings ______58. Crying spells ______59. Lowered interest in things usually considered fun ______60. Sleep changes (too much or too little) ______61. Appetite changes (too much or too little) ______62. Chronic low self-esteem ______63. Negative sensitivity to smells/odors Five Symptoms or more that are marked “frequently or very frequently” indicate there is a high probability of over activity in the thalamo-limbic system. The above mentioned medications and supplements will help improve limbic and cingulate function. SAM-E is highly similar to Welbutrin. Highly effective anti-depressant and does have the potential of stimulating the basal ganglia as well as improve dopamine in the frontal cortex. If a person is bipolar SAMe or Welbutrin can trigger a manic episode. ______64. Frequent feelings of nervousness or anxiety ______65. Panic attacks ______66. Symptoms of heightened muscle tension (headaches, sore muscles, hand tremor) ______67. Periods of heart pounding, rapid heart rate or chest pain ______68. Periods of trouble breathing or feeling smothered ______69. Periods of feeling dizzy, faint or unsteady on your feet ______70. Periods of nausea or abdominal upset ______71. Periods of sweating, hot or cold flashes ______72. Tendency to predict the worst ______73. Fear of dying or doing something crazy ______74. Avoid places for fear of having an anxiety attack ______75. Conflict avoidance ______76. Excessive fear of being judged or scrutinized by others ______77. Persistent phobias ______78. Low motivation ______79. Excessive motivation ______80. Tics (motor or vocal) ______81. Poor handwriting ______82. Quick startle ______83. Tendency to freeze in anxiety provoking situations ______84. Lacks confidence in their abilities ______85. Seems shy or timid ______86. Easily embarrassed ______87. Sensitive to criticism ______88. Bites fingernails or picks skin Five symptoms or more that are marked “frequently or very frequently “ indicate that there is a high probability of over activity in the left and right basal ganglia. GABA influences the basal ganglia. This region of the brain is also “addiction central”. The supplements GABA, and Pharma Gaba help calm basal ganglia over activity. Medications such as Gabapentin , and Gabitril can be highly effective in calming basal ganglia over activity as long as there is no hx of mood cycling. Otherwise Gabapentin or Gabitril can trigger mood cycling, and can become suicidal or homicidal. If mood cycling is evident to help calm basal ganglia over activity consider Trileptal, Lamictal, and Topamax (i.e effective with eating disorders, and alcoholism). Tegretol can be highly effective if explosive rage is present (i.e hitting , throwing , etc. ). Omega 3 Fatty Acids at 5-6 grams of EPA/DHA can be helpful in lowering basal ganglia over activity and stabilizing the temporal lobes. Tragically Xyprexa, Seroquel, and Risperdal are given in small doses to help with sleep and lowering anxiety. Side effect of low dopamine in the am results in people having great difficulty getting going. Also SPECT Scans are showing that long term use can result in cortical atrophy. Benzodiazepine family is commonly used. We use as last resort. ______89. Short fuse or periods of extreme irritability ______90. Periods of rage with little provocation ______91. Often misinterprets comments as negative when they are not ______92. Irritability tends to build, then explodes, then recedes, often tired after a rage ______93. Periods of spaciness or confusion ______94. Periods of panic and/or fear for no specific reason ______95. Visual or auditory changes, such as seeing shadows or hearing muffled sounds ______96. Frequent periods of deja vu (feelings of being somewhere you have never been) ______97. Sensitivity or mild paranoia ______98. Headaches or abdominal pain of uncertain origin ______99. History of a head injury or family history of violence or explosiveness ______100. Dark thoughts, may involve suicidal or homicidal thoughts ______101. Periods of forgetfulness or memory problems In the last 22 years so far when patients or their family members rated the basal ganglia and the temporal lobes with five symptoms or more “frequently or very frequently” 100% of the time their SPECT Scans have come back showing temporal lobe instability and over activity in the left and right basal ganglia. The above medications listed for the basal ganglia influence the temporal lobes. At present do not know a supplement that is effective with mood cycling. Orotate is a supplement commonly used but needs routine blood levels just like Lithium . Important to screen for drug and alcohol use. Marijuana in the most frequently used drug to calm basal ganglia over activity. High basal ganglia and temporal lobe instability can also be a tip off for opiate abuse, alcoholism, eating disorders, gambling, etc. Frequent stops for fast food fixes will also help calm basal ganglia over activity.

You can go to for brain healthy supplements. You can take another test online that will tell you the supplements you need. If you buy use my code “ecenter5” and you will receive a discount! Or if you want you can scan and email the above checklist to [email protected]. I can send the suggested supplements this list would recommend, and you can purchase them online from Dr. Amen.