Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report

Loan No. 2763 Semestral Report July 2018

Second Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II)


(as of 31 December 2017)

Currency unit – taka (Tk)

Tk1.00 = $0.01209

$1.00 = Tk82.650

NOTES (i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of ends on 30 June. FY before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g., FY2017 ends on June 2017.

(ii) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.

This Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Ministry of Affairs (MoCHTA)

Environmental Monitoring Report Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Semestral Report, January – June 2018

Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Ministry of Chittagong Hill Environmental Monitoring Tracts Affairs (MoCHTA) 300161 5 A ReportC:\Users\WIT42784\Documents\CHTRDP II\PIC Reports\EMR\EMR 2018 -1\EMR Jan- June 2018 CHTRDP-II draft 180701_BS_19 July.docx Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Semestral Report, January – June 2018

Prepared by Project Management Office, CHTRDP-II, with the assistance from Euroconsult Mott MacDonald & ADSL Ltd for Asian Development Bank

Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Environmental Monitoring Report Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Issue and revision record

Revision Date Originator Checker Approver Description A 19 July Ben Witjes Dayal PMO EMR January – June 2018 draft 2018 Kumar Chakma

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Executive summary 1

1 Introduction 4 1.1 Overall project description and objectives 4 1.2 Environmental category as per ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 5 1.3 Environmental category of each subproject as per national laws and regulations 5 1.4 Project safeguards team 5 1.5 Overall project and sub-project progress and status 1 1.6 Description of Subproject (package-wise) and status of implementation 2

2 Compliance Status with National Statutory Environmental Requirements2 1

3 Compliance Status with Environmental Loan Covenants 2

4 Compliance Status with EMP 4 4.1 Role of safeguards team - institutional setup and responsibilities 4 4.2 Implementation stage of IEE 5 4.3 Grievance redress mechanisms 12 4.4 Complaints received during the reporting period 14 4.5 Overall compliance with the EMP 14

5 Approach and Methodology for Environmental Monitoring 18

6 Monitoring of Environmental Impact on Project Surroundings 19 6.1 Monitoring parameters/indicators 19 6.2 Qualitative and quantitative monitoring data 20

7 Conclusion and Recommendations 22

Appendices 24

A. List of Community Infrastructure packages, status 30 June 2018 25

B. Progress Rural Roads Package-wise, 30 June 2018 168

C. Contact details of contractors Rural Roads as per 30 June 2018 176

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D. Water Quality Tests - Community Infrastructure Component, January – June 2018 182

Tables Table 1: CHTRDP safeguards team 1 Table 2: Cumulative progress Main Interventions CI Component 1 Table 3: Rural Roads Component B – status of implementation 2 Table 4: Compliance status with national statutory requirements 1 Table 5: Compliance with Environmentally Specific Loan Covenants 2 Table 6: Environmental Responsibility Matrix 4 Table 7: Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Para intervention 5 Table 8: Package-wise Implementation Status 7 Table 9: Overall Compliance with EMP 14 Table 10: Implementation status of corrective action plan for identified issues 16 Table 11: Summary of the Sampling Program 19


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Executive summary

1. This Semi-Annual Environmental Report presents the progress of the implementation of environmental management plan (mitigation and monitoring) in different subprojects implemented under Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project 2 (CHTRDP-2) during the period from January to June 2018. The focus of this report is on environmental issues incurred due to implementation of the CHTRDP-2. As the Environmental Expert of the SQMC could not be mobilized for preparing the report, the report was prepared by PMO with assistance of the Project Implementation Consultant. It should be noted that PIC does not have an environmental expert on its team and therefore faced limitations when preparing this report. 2. Progress for Component B, Rural Roads, improved. The Rural Roads Component counts 15 subprojects consisting of 62 packages, including two smaller packages for protective works in support of two of the subprojects. Of these 62 packages, 10 are still under procurement, work on 4 packages has been completed, while work under the remaining 48 packages in various stages of implementation. While progress improved substantially for most packages, work advanced slowly on a number of packages partly due to lack of capacity on the contractors’ side, and partly due design issues. In May and June worked slowed down due to unusual heavy rainfall for the season. Procurement processes of the remaining packages progressed much slower than foreseen late 2017. LGED has expressed repeatedly that it may be difficult for contractors to complete all work before the extended project end of 30 June, in specific for three recently approved sub-projects, and may therefore require the project to be extended by another year. 3. Under Component C, Community Infrastructure, on 30 June 647 FSRs have now been prepared of which 626 have gone through the whole approval cycle and received ADB’s concurrence. As of 30 June 2018, a total of 494 subprojects had been completed, implementation of 82 subprojects is in progress; and 78 subprojects are under procurement process at three project districts. The watershed management interventions in six pilot sites under the CI component were completed during the reporting period. A day-long workshop was conducted at Rangamati on 11 June 2018 to present the results. No 6 market sheds which had been completed almost two years ago. The project also aims to construct 24 market sheds, of which six market sheds were completed more than two years ago and one was completed during the reporting period, bringing the total to seven. In addition, eleven market sheds are now under construction. The implementation process for Component C is progressing smoothly and PMO is confident that the vast majority of subprojects will be completed before January 2019, providing sufficient time for project closing and final reporting. 4. Component D, Micro Agribusiness Development, has nine subprojects, two for each of the three project districts. Progress for this component has picked up substantial during the past six months. This components demonstrates clear positive environmental impact such as intercropping, the reduction of chemical pesticides, and the introduction of pheromone traps. 5. According to the Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act 1995 and Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Rules 1997, the project falls under “Orange B” category. The

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environmental clearance for the rural road component was obtained from DoE in 13 March 2014 with a validity of one year and therefore requires renewal. For the CI component the environmental clearance was obtained from DoE in 7 January 2016, also with a validity of one year. It therefore also requires renewal. 6. According to the environmental guidelines of ADB the project falls under Category B and hence an IEE was sufficient to meet the environmental requirements. IEE reports for six sample subprojects were prepared by the project preparatory consultants. An EARF also prepared by the ADB’s PPTA team. The CHTRDP-II has adopted the EARF. IEE reports including EMP for other subprojects, which were implemented, or are being implemented, were prepared as part of the subproject feasibility report based on this EARF and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009. The project is only partly compliant with the covenant on human and financial resources as there currently is no environmental specialist in place to support PMO for the implementation of EMPs and preparation of ERPs. 7. For the Component B, Rural Roads, the FSRs of all 15 subprojects have been approved. Each FSR contains a Summary IEE. Where required it is stipulated that appropriate clauses are included in the construction contracts along with adequate arrangement to ensure compliance. The EMM is also included in the same section of the FSR, specifying Impacts, Mitigation Measures, and Institutional Arrangements for the concerned subproject. In all cases the IEE’s include a recommendation that a full EIA is not required. Similarly, the FSRs for the Community Infrastructure components include IEEs and EMMs. 8. The specific loan covenants are being complied with, be it that implementing agencies need to reapply for environmental clearances with the DoE. LGED continues to experience problems with tree replantation. 9. A three-tier Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) has been established as part of the project to settle grievances on of social, resettlement and environmental issues. No grievance was placed before the ADRF and GRC till 30 June 2018. 10. Detailed assessment of contractor’s compliance status has been assessed in respect to the applicable construction contract environmental clauses in the semestral EMR for January – June 2017. In pre-construction stage, environmental provisions had been achieved about 67% fully and 22% partially complied. In construction stage, environmental provisions had been achieved about 39% fully, 44% partially, non-complied 15% and compliance not due 2%. In the absence of an Environmental Expert in the QMC this has not been updated for the current reporting semester. Now that the first four RR packages have been completed (as well as the 3 functional buildings), compliance in post construction stage is also due. In earlier EMRs, it was also noted that occupational health and safety of the workforce have been complied partially. Main non-compliances issues noted at the time were - borrow pits are dug within 5 m of the toe of the final section of the road embankment; stockpiles of topsoil for reuse are not maintained; workers in the vicinity of strong noise do not wear earplugs; and passage of traffic is not controlled in one-way operation by posting flagmen. There are no indications this has substantially improved since. 11. For Component B, Rural Roads, monitoring for each package is first of all done by the district EE and the Upazila engineer. The PIC DTL also pays attention to EMP implementation during his site visits, but these are much less regular. Like in its previous mission, the April/May 2018 Review Mission of the ADB paid specific attention to environmental issues, especially slope cutting and safety of road workers. The major environmental monitoring mechanism of the

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project is the deployment of an Environmental Engineer as part of the SQMC under the PMO, who makes six-monthly visited to selected sites. The Environmental Engineer was not mobilized during the reporting period. During the semester no monthly, environmental site inspection reports were produced as neither PMO nor PIC have a qualified environmental expert on their team. The ADB Review Mission of September 2017 and again the one of April/May 2018 recommended that a dedicated environmental specialist at PMO be appointed. 12. Monitoring parameters vary depending upon nature of the project. CHTRDP-II is a rural development project comprising improvement of rural earthen village access road to brick pavement surfacing, construction of small bridges and culverts, stairs, sinking of tube wells, supply of small power pumps and power tillers located in the hilly rural area. Project activities have a very limited adverse impact on the environment. The environmental impacts of construction activities are project location specific, reversible and non-cumulative. Therefore pH, TP, BOD, of the water may serve the purpose for most of the subprojects with little exception. The scope of air and sound pollution is very limited. Therefore, monitoring of air quality is not important for this project. It should be added that there are no facilities for air pollution test in the project area. 13. It was reported in the previous environmental monitoring reports that LGED did not make any provision in the contracts of improvement of rural roads and construction of bridges to monitor environmental pollution related to surface water, air quality, noise (shrillness of sound), and soils (fertility of soil), which are equipment based monitoring and requires money. Therefore, no quantitative data have been provided in this report. In view of this, the extent of the environmental impacts is determined in qualitative term by field visits and visual inspection. The only exception are the samples of ground water related data collected under the community infrastructure component in relation to the establishment of drinking water wells. The project is conducting water quality test for all tube wells and ring wells constructed under the CI component. Up to 30 June 2018, a total of 1,507 tube wells and 118 ring wells were constructed. For all these wells water quality tests are done at the time of well development. During the reporting period 182 test were conducted. 14. Till the semester ending June 2017, the SQMC consultant has visited the construction works of most road improvement works under the rural road component and a substantial sample of rural infrastructure subprojects. As mentioned this was not done after July 2017, as the SQMC environmental expert was not mobilized. The environmental concerns for the improvement of union and upazila road subprojects remain: drainage congestion, soil erosion and sedimentation, slope stability, topsoil disturbance, tree felling, clearing vegetation, degradation of surface water, air pollution during construction of road and other structure, noise of construction activities, fertility of soil, health and safety for workers. 15. The environmental concerns for the community infrastructure activities remain: drainage congestion, soil erosion and sedimentation, slope stability, topsoil disturbance, tree felling, clearing vegetation, ground water, health and safety for workers, management of used engine oil drained from the power pumps and power tillers. During the ADB review missions of September 2017 and April/May 2018, additional issues were found especially for the Rural Road component, i.e. unplanned vertical cutting of slopes without appropriate mitigation measures and the delays in mandatory tree plantation. The DTL of PIC made similar observations during his site visits as recorded in his field visit reports..

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1 Introduction

1.1 Overall project description and objectives The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) has obtained a loan from Asian Development Bank (ADB) for financing Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project. Total cost of the project is $70.80 million, out of which $55.00 million is financing by ADB, $14.40 million by GoB financing and $1.40 million by the local beneficiaries. The project has started its implementation from January 2012 and is expected to be completed by 30 June 2019. The Project’s impact is to increase rural household incomes in subproject areas in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) and its outcome is increased income- generating opportunities for men and women in subproject areas. The Project comprises five main outputs, which are as follows per Revised DPPs:

(i) Institutional Development and Capacity Building, comprising capacity building and training of executing agency, implementing agencies and r el ev a nt NGOs in the areas of indigenous peoples and safeguards issues, village mapping, and project management and organizational enhancement; (ii) Rural Roads comprising improvement of 30.5 km of upazila roads, and 56.5 km of union roads plus 2,175 meters of bridges and culverts; and the extension of 3 functional buildings for LGED’s district office; (iii) Community Infrastructure, comprising construction of 92 kilometres village access roads between and within villages and 24 market sheds, improving small- scale irrigation and water supply in up to 600 villages and participatory watershed management interventions in 6 sample watersheds; (iv) Micro Agribusiness Development, comprising capacity building in relation to identification and exploitation of potential high-yield commodities, establishment of common interest groups to market commodities and improving cultivation of high- yield commodities in 9 upazilas; and; (v) Project Management, comprising establishment and operation of the PMO, the DPMOs and the PD (Roads) Office, provision of technical and implementation expertise from project implementation consultants, and establishment and operation of a safeguards and quality monitoring cell within the PMO.

The CHTRDP-2 is implemented in the three Hill Districts of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), located in the most eastern part of Bangladesh: Khagrachari, Rangamati, and Bandarban.

The purpose of Environmental monitoring report is to satisfy the environmental safeguard requirements of the Government of Bangladesh and the ADB as to fulfil the requirements written in the loan document of the project. The report has been prepared on the status of compliance of the implemented environmental related works prescribed in the EMP. As the Independent Environmental Engineer of the SQMC could not be mobilized, this report has been prepared based on information provided by the DPMC’s for the CI and MAD components and of LGED for the Rural Roads Component. In addition, observations during the field visits in September 2017 during the ADB Review Mission and by the PIC DTL and JEs during field visits were taken into account. This monitoring report covers the period January to June 2018.

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1.2 Environmental category as per ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 The project falls under “B” category according to ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 and hence an IEE is sufficient to meet the environmental requirements. IEE reports for six sample subprojects were prepared by the project preparatory consultant. An EARF also prepared by the ADB’s PPTA team. The CHTRDP-II has adopted the EARF. IEE reports including EMP for other subprojects, which were implement, or are being implemented, were prepared as part of the subproject feasibility report based on this EARF and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009.

1.3 Environmental category of each subproject as per national laws and regulations The project falls under “Orange B” category in accordance with the Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act 1995 and Environment Conservation Rules 1997. All rural road subprojects require an IEE; but most community infrastructure subprojects have minimal impacts, where a desk review is adequate. For each community infrastructure subproject as part of the subproject feasibility report, an EIA including an EMP is prepared by the implementing agencies commensurate with the degree of environmental impacts of the concerned subproject. These are consistent with GoB and ADB requirements. During the course of project implementation, monitoring of compliance and safeguard issues related to environmental matters are undertaken by the implementing agencies, PIC consultant, and SQMC consultant to ensure that the project is implemented with due concern for environmental safeguards and specifically to ensure that these issues are adequately addressed to the requirements of ADB.

1.4 Project safeguards team The table on the next page gives contact details for the members of CHTRDP’s safeguards team.

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Table 1: CHTRDP safeguards team Name Office Designatio Email Address Contact PMO n Number

Mr Sukrity Ranjann CHTRC/PMO Project Director [email protected] 01550608251, Chakma ndc Engr Shah Nurul LGED Project Director [email protected]; 02-8155580, (RR) Quadir [email protected] '01720448232 PIU Deputy Project . Mr. Abirata Chakma DPMO [email protected], Rangamati Director [email protected] 01820700145, Mr. Jugesh Chandra DPMO Deputy Project [email protected] 01835277931, Bandarban Director Tanchangya '0361-62727

Mr. Asha Pradip DPMO Deputy Project [email protected], 01715755019, Khagrachari Director Chakma [email protected] '0371-62036 EE LGED, Executive Engineer [email protected] 0351-63148 Rangamati Executive Engineer EE LGED, [email protected] 0361-62516(O), Bandarban Executive Engineer EE LGED, [email protected] 0371-61882(O), Khagrachari 1. Consultants Engr Mohammed SQMC Environmental Engr Saroj Kumar PIC Deputy Team [email protected] 01712202662 Dey Leader PIC Senior Engineer Engr Rupan Kumar [email protected] 01826182016 Chakma, form 15 EngrJanuary Rupan 2018 Kumar only PIC Junior Engineer [email protected] 01552678197 Chakma till 15 Rangamati January and Engr. AZM. Abdullah from 25 February 2018 PIC Junior Engineer Engr Raphael [email protected] 01720106492 Bandarban Engr Latifur Rahman PIC Junior Engineer [email protected] 01772494375 Khagrachari

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1.5 Overall project and sub-project progress and status As per LGED’s internal formula cumulative physical progress for Component B stands at 45.14%, with the three functional buildings fully completed. In all, 15 union and upazila roads subprojects have been approved. Together these 15 subprojects have a total length of 87 km for roads plus 2,175 m meters of bridge and culvert length. The work on the 15 UPR and UNR roads are split up in 62 packages, including the two protection work packages, each tendered separately. On 30 June 2018, tenders had been awarded and contracts signed for 52 out of 62 packages, while the remaining 10 packages are in various stages of procurement. While progress improved substantially for most packages, work advanced slowly on a number of packages were, due to lack of capacity on the contractors’ side, or design issues. In May and June worked slowed down due to more than unusual heavy rainfall for the season. Also, procurement processes of the remaining packages progressed much slower than foreseen late 2017. LGED has expressed repeatedly that it may be difficult for contractors to complete all work before the extended project end of 30 June, in specific for three recently approved sub- projects.

Under the community infrastructure (CI) component, 647 FSRs have now been prepared of which 626 have gone through the whole approval cycle and received ADB’s concurrence and hence these subprojects had either moved to or were ready to move towards contracting and execution. As of 30 June 2018, a total of 494 of the 648 subprojects had been completed, implementation of 82 subprojects is in progress; and 78 subprojects are under procurement process at three project districts. The following table gives the accomplishment for the various CI interventions.

Table 2: Cumulative progress Main Interventions CI Component1

Cumulative Progress 30 June 2018 Item Unit Rangamati Khagrachari Bandarban Total

Completed Sub -Project No 179 163 157 499 Irrigation Canal Meter 2,150 36,605 1,133 39,888 RCC Stair/ Step Meter 915 230 11,095 12,240 HBB-Footpath Km 27 17.03 40.6 84.63 U-Drain Meter 0 18.95 4,014 4,032.95 Foot Bridge Meter 205 88.15 8 301.15 Culvert / Protection wall Meter 51 113 443 607 Gravity Flow System (GFS) / 13 0 6 19 No IGF Earthen Dam Meter 0 90 117 207 Power Tiller Nos 436 205 160 801 Pump Machine Nos 697 218 65 980 Tube well Nos 433 877 197 1,507 Ring well Nos 49 5 64 118 Pond Excavation Nos 0 2 8 10 Water Reservoir Tank for 0 0 19 19 Nos water supply

1 Some minor downward corrections were made compared to the previous reporting period based on PMO information

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Market-shed Nos 4 3 0 7

The watershed management interventions in six pilot sites under the CI component were completed during the reporting period. A day-long workshop was conducted at Rangamati on 11 June 2018 to present the results.

1.6 Description of Subproject (package-wise) and status of implementation Table 3 gives the package wise status of approval, resp. implementation for the 62 packages of the 15 subprojects under Component B, Rural Roads, including the two protection work packages, each tendered separately. Of the 62 packages, 10 are still under procurement, physical work on 7 packages has been completed, while work under the remaining 45 packages in in various stages of implementation. Final bills have been settled for six of the seven completed packages.

The three functional buildings had been completed before the reporting semester with final bills settled.

For the Component C, Community Infrastructure, the list of 1,153 approved packages for each of the three project districts per FY is given in Appendix A (379 for Rangamati, 350 for Bandarban and 424 for Kagrachari). In addition, under the Community Infrastructure Component there are six pilot watershed subprojects which have now been completed. The project also aims to construct 24 market sheds, of which six market sheds were completed more than two years ago and one was completed during the reporting period, bringing the total to seven. In addition, eleven market sheds are now under construction.

Component D, Micro Agribusiness Development, has nine subprojects, two for each of the three project districts. Progress for this component has picked up substantial during the past six months.

Table 3: Rural Roads Component B – status of implementation Sl Upazil Name of Road Present Status Remarks No a (Financial in lakh Tk.) 1 Kaw- Betbunia Chairy Bazar - Laxmichari by Physical: 100% (3 Pkg) Work on other 3 packages khali HBB Upazila Road, (3 packages + 1 40% (1 Pkg) completed. Work on last package package), also started. No particular issues Financial: Tk 1139.61 (Tk 936.82) 2 Kaw- Betbunia Chairy Bazar –Baia Aoulia – Physical: 80% (57%) Package A now 100% khali Santirhat by BC, Union Road, (3 completed. Financial: Tk 477.45 packages) (Tk 277.11) 3 Kaptai Raikhali GC Ferry Ghat – Rajsthali by Physical: 35% (25%) Progress slow due to HBB + BC, Upazila Road, (4 packages), underperformance of contractor Financial : Tk. 357.78 and weather conditions. (Tk 93.05) 4 Baghai Marishya Bazar - Mayanimukh Bazar via Physical : 70% (25%, Work progressing well for first 2 -chari Babupara including One Link Road by 2 pkg) packages HBB + BC, Union Road, (2 packages + 4 20% (4 Pgs) Other 4 packages also packages) approved and work ongoing for Financial: Tk 169.45 those also. (Tk 0) 5 Baghai 60.00 m Ugalchari RCC Bridge on Horina Physical: 0% Redesign required as bridge chari Bazar – Morghona via Bottali by HBB Financial: 0% length now found to be 69 including 500 m Approach Road (1 meters rather than 60 meters. package) 6 Sadar 220 m Span PC Girder Bridge on Raicha - Physical: 42% (35%) Progress very slow. ADB called Goaliakhola (1 package) meeting in on 5 July with both Financial: Tk 478.81 contractors and LGED. To be (Tk 345.25) completed before 31/12/18. Workplan to be submitted by

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Sl Upazil Name of Road Present Status Remarks No a (Financial in lakh Tk.) 11/7 otherwise contractor will be sanctioned. 7 Sadar Holudia –Vaggakul – Tankbati Road by Physical: 0% Notice of Award issued for all 5 BC (5 packages) Financial: 0% packages 8 Ruma 28.3m2 RCC Bridge on Ruma Sadar – Physical: 95% (45%) Work almost completed, earth Ruma Bazar Road, (1 package+ 1 for 1 packages, 60% filling, site now affected by rain package Protective Work, construction of for hill protection work and inundation. Protective wall bricktoe wall) can only be completed after Financial: Tk 77.72 diversion road has been (Tk 25.21) for 1 destroyed. package, and Tk 8 for hill protection work 9 Alika- Pan Bazar –Chokhyng Tripura Para (Kalar Physical: 0% Tender awarded. Layout handed dam Jiri Road), (2 packages) Financial: 0% over, work to start soon. 10 Naik- Naikhongchari – Tumru by HBB, (13 Physical: 80% (48%) Progress remains good except hong- packages, previously 12 packages) for 12 pkg. for package 3G. Change of chari design for one RCC bridge sent Financial: Tk. to ADB for concurrence. Tender 2552.38 (Tk 1156) for additional 1 package to be received on 11 July. 11 Lama Lama – Rupshipara by HBB (4 packages, Physical: 60% (38%) Progress for two packages. has previously 3 packages) for 3 packages been approved. Revised design of bridge under package 7C from Financial: Tk. 399.00 50 m PC to 60 m RCC has been (Tk 148.81) approved. Work to start after monsoon. For package 7D, box culvert, tender documents are under preparation 12 Lama Baniarchara – Gazalia Road by BC (5 Physical: 65% (29%) Progress good for 4 pkg. For packages) for 4 packages package 8D, bridge, revised design and estimates prepared Financial: Tk632.13 (from 50 m PC to 64 m RCC) (Tk 202.03) prepared and awaiting approval CE LGED. 13 Pan- Panchari GC – Bhaibonchara GC by BC & Physical: 100% for 3 Completed. Final bills paid for 3 chari HBB, (3 packages) + 1 package for River packages. River bank packages. Protection work has Bank Protection Works projection work 50%, been approved and work started, but now damaged but heavily damaged due to strong current in river. New Financial: Tk. 617.27 design is required. (Tk 611.50) for 3 packages; protection work Tk 20.10 14 Gui- Sinduckchari Union HQ – Dullahtali GC Physical: 90% (65%) Package 5A affected by mara by BC, (2 packages) landslide and seepage, due to Financial: Tk 919.31 lost brick wall and slab washed (Tk 393.52) out. Package B completed except for one bridge. Decision on position bridge taken, new bridge will be above old one. Diversion Baily bridge in place. 15 Manik- Garitana GC – Batnatali Union by BC, (2 Physical: 80% (70%) Work progressing well and ear chari packages) completion. Financial: Tk. 545.85 (Tk 359.81) Source: LGED PD-Roads

2 Revised from 22 meters in QPR # 19

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2 Compliance Status with National Statutory Environmental Requirements2

According to the Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act 1995 and Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Rules 1997, the project falls under “Orange B” category. The environmental clearance for the rural road component was obtained from DoE in 13 March 2014 with a validity of one year and therefore requires renewal. For the CI component the environmental clearance was obtained from DoE in 7 January 2016, also with a validity of one year. It therefore also required renewal.

Table 4: Compliance status with national statutory requirements Statutory Status of Validity if Action Specific Conditions that will Package (legal)Environment Compliance4 obtained Required require environmental No./ al Requirements3 monitoring as per Environment Subproj Clearance, Consent/Permit to ect Establish5 Name Bangladesh Initial site One year, LGED Ref. Conditions in site clearance 15 rural Environmental clearance for till 13 needs to letter Ministry of Environment, road Conservation Act Component B March lodge dated 13 March 2015 subproje (BECA) 1995 and on 13 March 2015 application cts with Bangladesh 2014 s for a package Environmental renewal of as Conservation Rules the specified (BECR) 1997 environme in requires all new ntal Appendix construction and clearance B road improvement certificates projects to obtain an Environmental Clearance (EC) As above The One year, PMO Ref. Conditions in site clearance Communi Department of till 7 needs to letter Ministry of Environment, ty Environment January lodge dated 7 January 2016 infrastruc issued the site 2017 application ture clearance on 7 s for a packages January 2016 renewal of as per list for proposed the in subproject environme Appendix locations ntal A clearance certificates

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3 Compliance Status with Environmental Loan Covenants

According to the environmental guidelines of ADB the project falls under Category B and hence an IEE was sufficient to meet the environmental requirements. IEE reports for six sample subprojects were prepared by the project preparatory consultants. An EARF also prepared by the ADB’s PPTA team. The CHTRDP-II has adopted the EARF. IEE reports including EMP for other subprojects, which were implemented, or are being implemented, were prepared as part of the subproject feasibility report based on this EARF and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009.

Schedule 5 of the loan agreement stipulated environmental considerations. The compliance with environmentally specific loan covenants are shown in the Table 5 below.

Table 5: Compliance with Environmentally Specific Loan Covenants Reference Covenant Status of Compliance Action Required Environment: The Borrower shall ensure or cause the Preparation and design stage: All Schedule 5, Implementing Agencies to ensure that the applicable laws and regulations relating Page 20, preparation, design, construction, to environment, health, and safety, Para 7 implementation, operation and environmental safeguards and EARF maintenance of each Subproject and all have been complied for each subproject. Project facilities comply with (a) all Implementation stage: All applicable applicable laws and regulations of the laws and regulations relating to Borrower relating to environment, health, environment, the environmental and safety; (b) the Environmental safeguards; the EARF; and all measures Safeguards; (c) the EARF; and (d) all and requirements set forth in the measures and requirements set forth in respective IEE and EMP are being the respective IEE and EMP, and any implemented for each subproject; but corrective or preventative actions set forth health and safety measures for workers in a Safeguards Monitoring Report. are not addressed properly. Human and The Borrower shall make available the Partly complied: budget and specialist Financial necessary budgetary and human are in place for the RPs and IPP; but Resources resources to fully implement the EMPs, currently no environmental specialist is to the RPs and the IPP. in place to support PMO for the Implement implementation of EMPs and Safeguards preparation of ERPs. Requiremen ts: Schedule 5, Pages 21 &11 Safegua The Borrower shall ensure or cause the (a) Provision has been made in rds- Implementing Agencies to ensure that all bidding documents and works related bidding documents and contracts for contracts for rural road component. Provisio Works contain provisions that require Similar provision has also been made ns in contractors to: for community infrastructure Bidding (a) comply with the measures component; Docume and requirements relevant to the (b) Adequate budgetary provision nts and contractor set forth in the IEE, the has been made for all environmental Works EMP, the RP and the IPP (to the and social safeguard measures Contrac extent they concern impacts on except tree plantation and ts: affected people during environmental pollution related to

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Reference Covenant Status of Compliance Action Required Schedule 5, construction), and any corrective surface water, noise, and fertility of Page 22, or preventative actions set out in soil. Para 12 a Safeguards Monitoring Report; (c) No such incidence has (b) make available a budget for all such appeared till date; environmental and social measures; (d) Being complied; (c) provide the Borrower with a written (e) Being complied notice of any unanticipated environmental, resettlement or indigenous peoples risks or impacts that arise during construction, implementation or operation of the Project that were not considered in the IEE, the EMP, the RP or the IPP; (d) adequately record the condition of roads, agricultural land and other infrastructure prior to starting to transport materials and construction; and (e) fully reinstate pathways, other local infrastructure, and agricultural land to at least their pre-project condition upon the completion of construction.

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4 Compliance Status with EMP

4.1 Role of safeguards team - institutional setup and responsibilities The Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracks Affairs (MOCHTA) is the executing agency (EA) and is responsible for the overall project implementation. The Chittagong Hill Tracks Regional Council (CHTRC) is the lead implementing agency (LIA), with the Hill District Councils of Rangamati, Khagrachari and Bandarban Districts as the implementing agencies (IA) in their Project districts. A PMO headed by a Project Director (PD-PMO) has been established within the CHTRC in Rangamati to manage and closely coordinate project activities across all agencies. One DPMO for each of the three districts reports directly to the PD- PMO. LGED is the implementing agency for the component B - Rural Roads.

The PMO is supported by individual consultants, a Project Coordinator and Finance and Administration Officer, and by the Project Implementation Consultant (PIC), consisting of Euroconsult Mott MacDonald in association with ADSL. The NGO have been contracted to support implementation, including a Land Acquisition & Resettlement NGO, three NGOs for social mobilisation (SM-NGOs) and an NGO responsible for the implementation of the Micro Agribusiness Development (MAD) component.

Both the PMO of the CHTRC and LGED have contracted additional individual consultants, including SQMC consultants responsible for monitoring and reporting on social and environmental safeguards. The Environment Engineer under the SQMC, is responsible for overseeing and ensuring the Environmental monitoring safeguards issues of the project through direct field observation and reviewing the field reports.

The responsibilities of each organization during the various Phases of the Project are shown in Table 6 below.

Table 6: Environmental Responsibility Matrix Stage Agency Contac Responsibility Deliverables Pre- CHTRC/PMO Project Directort Preparation of EMP, EMP, bidding construction LGED Project Director (RR) incorporation of EMP documents, /Design into subproject monthly reports, DPMO Deputy Project Director feasibility report and quarterly reports, PIC Team Leader/DTL bidding documents, semestral and reporting to ADB. reports to ADB. Construction CHTRC/PMO Project Director Monitoring of EMP Monthly report, LGED Project Director (RR), implementation quarterly District EE and Upazila and reporting to reports, and Engr ADB. semestral reports to ADB. DPMO Deputy Project Director PIC Team Leader/DTL SQMC Environmental Engineer Contractors As per signed contract Implementation of Report Final report Operation/Post CHTRC/PMO Project Director Monitoring of EMP construction LGED Project Director (RR) Implementation, PIC Team Leader/DTL SQMC Environmental Engineer

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4.2 Implementation stage of IEE For the Component B, Rural Roads, with the FSRs for the last three RR subprojects being approved during the quarter, all 15 subprojects have been now approved. Each FSR contains a Summary IEE. Where required it is stipulated that appropriate clauses are included in the construction contracts along with adequate arrangement to ensure compliance. The EMM is also included in the same section of the FSR, specifying Impacts, Mitigation Measures, and Institutional Arrangements for the concerned subproject. In all cases the IEE’s include a recommendation that a full EIA is not required.

Similarly, the FSRs for the Community Infrastructure components include IEEs and EMMs. Table 7 below summarizes the main categories of interventions, their possible impact and mitigation measures.

Table 7: Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Para intervention

SL Subproje Subproject Environ- Activity Possible impact Possible mitigation ct name component mental measures category

1 Village * Construction ADB-B a. Earth work, a. May cause soil a. Many Impacts on soil due Access of HBB box cutting, erosion and drainage to road construction can be Road footpath. GoB-Orange brick soling, within construction significantly mitigated by (HBB ‘A’ drainage sites, stabilization of taking following measures; Footpaths system erodible materials, Minimizing area of ground ) construction slope failure, clearance only to the extent for proposed machinery pollution required; Balancing the road; and noise; May cause filling & cutting of earth to sedimentation and the extent siltation; Soil erosion possible; Avoiding creation results in the loss of of cut slopes and top soil, slope stability embankment which are of and addition of an angle greater than the sediment loading to natural angle of repose for drainage channels; locally available soil Cutting of trees and type; Re-vegetation & native vegetation replanting in the disturbed areas immediately; and Proper water spraying during construction in dry season to mitigate dust pollution. 2 Small Irrigation and ADB- ‘C’ Supply of Some noise may Machine should operate in scale agriculture irrigation and generate during daytime only water equipment GoB- Orange agriculture operation of power resource facilities ‘B’ equipment tiller which is local and interventio (power tillers not much disturbing; n and pumping Otherwise no impacts machines) on environment

3 Water Installation of ADB-B Earth cutting, Construction related Land disturbances and soil resource DTWs and pit works, activities such as erosion will be minimized by infrastruct RW GoB-Orange drilling of drilling of boreholes, taking precautionary ure. ‘A’ boreholes, vibration and trench measures so that there is vibration and excavation during minimal vibration drilling trench lying of pipes, can boreholes; excavated soil excavation affect the local land will be reused and proper during lying of system and cause backfilling of the trenches soil erosion and silt will be done and the Page 5 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 6 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

pipes in the run off. Excessive excavated soil will be placed soil; abstraction of water safely against erosion. As from the ground could far as possible, construction affect the existing work and boring pipe will be shallow tube during avoided during rainy season operational phase. and night time so that the impact will be minimal.

Table 8 gives the package-wise implementation status of the IIEs and EMPs. Given the large number of sub-projects, the information is provided per subproject for the Rural Roads Component and for clusters of FSRs for the Community Infrastructure Component.

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Table 8: Package-wise Implementation Status

Number Components Design Status Final IEE based on Detailed Design Site specific Remarks (Preliminary EMP (or Not yet Submitted Disclosed Final IEE Design Construction due to ADB on project provided to Stage/Detailed EMP) (detailed (Provide website Contractors Design approved by design not Date of (Provided (Yes/No) completed) Project yet Submission) Link) Director? completed) (Yes/No) Betbunia - Detailed design Yes, on… Project Yes Yes 1 Laxmichari (3 Pkg + completed for website in 1 Pkg) all packages the process of being relaunched Betbunia Chairy Detailed design Yes, on… As above As Above Yes 2 Bazar –Santirhat (3 completed for Pkg) all packages. Raikhali GC Ferry Detailed design Yes, on… As above As Above Yes 3 Ghat – Rajsthali (4 completed for Pkg), all packages Marishya Bazar - Detailed design Yes, on… As above As Above, Yes 4 Mayanimukh Bazar completed for four packages (2 Pkg + 4 Pkg) all packages still under procurement 60.00 m Ugalchari Redesign Yes, on… As above Yes Yes 5 RCC Bridge on required as Horina Bazar – bridge length Morghona (1 Pkg now found to be 69 meters rather than 60 meters. Page 7 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 8 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Number Components Design Status Final IEE based on Detailed Design Site specific Remarks (Preliminary EMP (or Not yet Submitted Disclosed Final IEE Design Construction due to ADB on project provided to Stage/Detailed EMP) (detailed (Provide website Contractors Design approved by design not Date of (Provided (Yes/No) completed) Project yet Submission) Link) Director? completed) (Yes/No) 220 m Span PC Detailed design Yes, on… As above As Above Yes 6 Girder Bridge on completed for Raicha - all packages Goaliakhola (1 Pkg) Holudia –– Tankbati Detailed design As above As Above Yes 7 (5 Pkg) completed for all packages 28.3m3 RCC Bridge Detailed design Yes, on… As above As Above Yes 8 on Ruma Sadar – completed for Ruma Bazar Road, all packages (1 Pkg + 1 Pkg Protective Work), Pan Bazar – Detailed design Yes, on… As above As Above Yes 9 Chokhyng Tripura completed for Para (2 Pkg) all packages Naikhongchari – Detailed design Yes, on… As above As Above Yes 10 Tumru (13 Pkg) completed for 12 packages Change of design for one RCC bridge

3 Revised from 22 meters in QPR # 19 Page 8 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 9 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Number Components Design Status Final IEE based on Detailed Design Site specific Remarks (Preliminary EMP (or Not yet Submitted Disclosed Final IEE Design Construction due to ADB on project provided to Stage/Detailed EMP) (detailed (Provide website Contractors Design approved by design not Date of (Provided (Yes/No) completed) Project yet Submission) Link) Director? completed) (Yes/No) sent to ADB for concurrence. Lama – Rupshipara Detailed design Yes, on… As above As Above Yes 11 (3 Pkg) completed, under implementation Baniarchara – Detailed design Yes, on… As above As Above Yes 12 Gazalia Road (5 completed for 4 Pkg) packages. For package 8D, bridge, revised design and estimates prepared and awaiting approval CE LGED. Panchari GC - Detailed design Yes, on… As above As Above, one Yes 13 Bhaibonchara GC, completed for 3 package still (3 Pkg) + (1 Pkg packages. For under River Bank River bank approval Protection) protection work design approved and

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Number Components Design Status Final IEE based on Detailed Design Site specific Remarks (Preliminary EMP (or Not yet Submitted Disclosed Final IEE Design Construction due to ADB on project provided to Stage/Detailed EMP) (detailed (Provide website Contractors Design approved by design not Date of (Provided (Yes/No) completed) Project yet Submission) Link) Director? completed) (Yes/No) work started, but heavily damaged. New design is required. Sinduckchari Union Detailed design Yes, on… As above As Above Yes 14 HQ – Dullahtali GC, completed. (2 Pkg) Garitana GC – Detailed design Yes, on… As above As Above Yes 15 Batnatali Union, (2 completed. Pkg) Component C: Community Infrastructure

Community Preliminary 627 FSRs Individual No, this is Yes 647 Infrastructure design in FSR approved by documents communicated FSR ADB, and 21 not orally during pending for uploaded supervision review at due to visit of DPMO ADB large and PIC staff numbers in view of the lack of experience of local contractors

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Number Components Design Status Final IEE based on Detailed Design Site specific Remarks (Preliminary EMP (or Not yet Submitted Disclosed Final IEE Design Construction due to ADB on project provided to Stage/Detailed EMP) (detailed (Provide website Contractors Design approved by design not Date of (Provided (Yes/No) completed) Project yet Submission) Link) Director? completed) (Yes/No) which such procedures. Community Detailed Design 648 FSRs Individual As above 12 Infrastructure/Market Completed submitted to documents FSRs Sheds ADB not uploaded due to large numbers CI/Watershed Detailed Design All FSRs Individual As above NO 6 FSRs Management Completed submitted to documents ADB and not approved uploaded due to large numbers

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Appendix C gives the list of Contact Details of Contractors’ nodal person for Component B.

During the semester no monthly, environmental site inspection reports were produced as neither PMO nor PIC have a qualified environmental expert on their team. As mentioned above a dedicated environmental specialist at PMO may be appointed in the near future following the recommendation of the AM of the ADB Review Mission of September 2017, which were again repeated in the April/May 2018 AM. Meanwhile, ADB has sent the qualified candidate list for the position to PMO for recruitment. It is now under negotiation stage.

4.3 Grievance redress mechanisms A three-tier Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) has been established as part of the project to facilitate the people in getting justice in terms of social, resettlement and environmental issues. The Alternative Dispute Resolution Forum (ADRF) is the first tier of the GRM which has been established at Headman level. At least one and in some places two women members out of five from the locality were included as their own choice in the ADRF Committees. The next tier is the Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) at Hill District Council (HDC) level. The apex part of this structure is the Regional Advisory Council (RAC) at CHT Regional level. If anyone is dissatisfied with the verdict of headman level he/she can approach the ADRF to forward the issue at GRC (HDC) level. If dissatisfaction still remains at HDC level he/she can approach to bring the issue at CHTRC level. Apart from this people will have every right to bring the issue to the court of law. The overall model of CHTRDP II’s grievance redress mechanism is summarized in the graph provided below (Figure-1).

On 2 April 2018, the ADRF committee was formed for Marishya Bazar-Maynimukh Bazar via Babu Para, Bottola & Dakkhin Saroatoli Part II Road. For two subprojects ADRFs still need to be formed.

Three GRCs had been formed earlier, one for each of the three hill districts to resolve the grievances no complaint was received so far by these GRCs under the RR, CI or MAD subcomponent.

The RAC is the top tier of GRC mechanism at regional level. It has already been activated and a meeting was held on 5 October 2017 in the conference room CHTRC.

Upon receipt of a complaint, the representative of the NGO, as the member secretary of the GRC, organizes a GRC (or ADRF) hearing. All grievance cases submitted before the GRC are to be settled within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a complaint from the AP.

As per LAR Guidelines an Executive Order process has been initiated for setting up ADRFs for all sub- projects. After service the notice at each step, the R-NGO (Taungya) subsequently held further consultations with the APs, SAPS and the communities adjacent to the roads to receive their grievance.

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Figure-1: Grievance Redress Mechanism

Aggrieved Person

ADRF Composition 1. Headman/UP Chairman, Chairperson Application Submitted 2. Karbari to ADRF through R- 3. Female Ward Member NGO 4. One Female elite 5. One male elite

Not Mitigated Mitigated

GRC Composition 1. Chairman or Representative, HDC, Chairperson 2. Representative, DC Office Forwarded to GRC with a 3. Land Officer, HDC, Member copy of verdict of ADRF 4. NGO representative, Member Secretary 5. Representative, UP, Member 6. 2 Representative of the APs, Members (at least 1 being a woman

Not Mitigated Mitigated

RAC Composition 1. Honourable Chairman or Representative CHTRC, Chairperson Forwarded to RAC 2. Representative, MoCHTA, Member with a copy of 3. Honourable HDC Chairmen of the 3 Hill Districts or their nominated councillor as representatives, Member verdict of GRC 4. Deputy Commissioner of the 3 Hill Districts or their nominated representatives, Member 5. 3 Circle Chief, Member

Not Mitigated Mitigated

Aggrieved Person may take shelter to the formal court of law

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4.4 Complaints received during the reporting period No major grievance was placed before the ADRF and GRC till 30 June 2018. Some small disputes arose during July – December 2017 to ADRF at Panchari road under the RR Component and all of these disputes were resolved amicably. No such dispute was seen during the current reporting period.

Local people are informed about the process of the grievance redressal mechanism through group discussions, consultation meetings and personal contact.

4.5 Overall compliance with the EMP Table 9 gives the status of the overall compliance with the EMP of the subprojects. Although this needs to be done on a subproject basis, in view of the large number of subprojects, we are again clustering this. In the next half-yearly EMR sub-project wise information will be provided for the Rural Roads component.

Table 9: Overall Compliance with EMP

No. Sub-Project EMP/ CEMP CEMP/ EMP Status of Action Name Part of Contract Being Implementation Proposed Documents(Y/N) Implemented and (Y/N) Additional Measures Required

B Rural Roads (15- No yes partially Issues found subprojects) satisfactory by environmental engineer (ref. previous reports) to be addressed; action plan to be prepared by LGED for this Actions required under AM of April 2018 Review Mission to be followed up.

C Community No yes satisfactory Issues found infrastructure, 499 by para-level environmental subprojects engineer (ref. completed, 78 previous projects ongoing reports) to be addressed; environmental specialist to be appointed at

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No. Sub-Project EMP/ CEMP CEMP/ EMP Status of Action Name Part of Contract Being Implementation Proposed Documents(Y/N) Implemented and (Y/N) Additional Measures Required

PMO. Action Plan to be prepared by PMO for this.

C 6 pilot watershed No Yes completed Minor management improvements subprojects in environmental protection works and repairs required as per latest report international Watershed Advisors (Oct. 2017) were undertaken during the reporting period.

D Micro- No Yes satisfactory Progress at Agribusiness field level has Development in improved substantially.

Contractors are not required to submit site-specific EMP/construction EMPs. For Component B, Rural Roads, monitoring for each package is first of all done by the district EE and the Upazila engineer. The PIC DTL also pays attention to EMP implementation during his site visits, but these are much less regular. The most important monitoring mechanism is the deployed of an Environmental Engineer as part of the SQMC under the PMO, who makes six-monthly visited to selected sites.

In the January-June 2017 EMR, a detailed assessment of contractor’s compliance status had been made in respect to the applicable construction contract environmental clauses. In pre-construction stage, environmental provisions had been achieved about 67% fully and 22% partially complied. In construction stage, environmental provisions had been achieved about 39% fully, 44% partially, non- complied 15% and compliance not due 2%. In the absence of an Environmental Expert in the QMC this has not been updated for the current reporting semester. Now that the first four RR packages have been completed (as well as the 3 functional buildings), compliance in post construction stage is also due. In earlier EMRs, it was also noted that occupational health and safety of the workforce have been Page 15 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 16 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

complied partially. Main non-compliances issues noted at the time were - borrow pits are dug within 5 m of the toe of the final section of the road embankment; stockpiles of topsoil for reuse are not maintained; workers in the vicinity of strong noise do not wear earplugs; and passage of traffic is not controlled in one-way operation by posting flagmen. A summary of three roads comprising 13 packages of contracts was presented in the January-June 2017 half-yearly report, Appendix 6. There are no indications this has substantially improved since.

Initiatives have been taken to implement six suggested actions out of seven. Till date no action has been taken for the implementation of monitoring environmental pollution related to surface water, fertility of soil, shrillness of sound. The summary of implementation status of corrective action plan is presented in the previous half-yearly report remains relevant and is there again show in Table 10 below.

Table 10: Implementation status of corrective action plan for identified issues Actions required Responsibilities Timeline Action Taken

Tree felling: 5,404 trees have Felling of 5,404 trees from two rural LGED(PD/EE) Provision After completion been removed from Garitana roads need to be planted should be made of upgrading road -Batnatoli road and Ruma @ 10 for one tree replacement policy for planting works saplings Sadar - Ruma Bazar road; but of the project. To ensure plantation, trees by 30 will be planted no provision has been made initiative should be taken for planting June 2017 along road sides. for compensatory plantation. of trees along lower slope of the road where completed. Soil erosion and Dumped loose earth at the road sides LGED(PD/EE) 30 May 2017 Contractors were sedimentation: Loose earth of Betbunia Chairy Bazar - Bara asked to compact was dumped without Aoulia - Santirhat road in Rangamati; loose earth and to compaction along the side and Lama - Rupashi Para road in cover the slope of roads. This is prone Bandarban should be removed and exposed surface to erosion, which leads to be refilled layer by layer with proper with deposited at the agricultural compaction. turf/vegetation. land. After completion of the earth filling, exposed surface should be coved with turf/ vegetation to avoid soil erosion. Unstable slopes: Unstable This steep batter slope should be cut LGED(PD/EE)/ 15 May 2017 Initiative has been batter slopes have been back to a stable grade and DPMOs already taken to noticed at some sections of biotechnology using local plant make unstable the roads. materials, or other suitable technology batter slope into should be used for slope protection stable slope. and to control soil erosion.

Landscape and future After completion of subprojects, LGED(PD/EE)/ Throughout the These activities visual intrusion: Cleaning up cleaning up of various work areas DPMOs project period will be carried out of various work areas including levelling and dressing road just after including levelling and shoulders, bridge approaches, sites of completion of dressing road shoulders, market sheds and stairs, etc. should works. bridge approaches, sites of be done and cover with vegetation/turf market sheds and stairs, etc. to minimize soil erosion and visual was not done. intrusion.

Top soils: Some portion of Stripped topsoil should be saved by LGED(PD/EE)/ Throughout the Contractors were earth materials for filling road stockpiling for reuse appropriately to DPMOs contract period asked to stock embankment was taken from prevent potential land degradation. of each contract pile the topsoil for the cutting of the road of works. reuse. adjacent agricultural land; but the topsoil was not saved by stockpiling for reuse.

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Actions required Responsibilities Timeline Action Taken

Monitoring environmental LGED should allocate sufficient fund LGED(PD/EEs) Throughout the LGED informed pollution related to surface to monitor environmental pollution as project period that fund is water, fertility of soil and per sampling programme prescribed available for this shrillness of sound was not in Table1 of this report. purpose. done due to lack of budgetary provision.

Management of used Used engine oil drained from the PMO /DPMOs/ Throughout the Being complied. engine oil: Used engine oil power tiller and power pump should PDC life of power drained from the power tillers be collected in a separate container tiller and power and power pumps release and stored in a safe place for pump supplied over land that may degrade recycling or to use for other purpose. by the Project. soil and water.

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5 Approach and Methodology for Environmental Monitoring

The project falls under “B” category according to ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 and “Orange B” category in accordance with the Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act 1995 and Environment Conservation Rules 1997. All rural road subprojects require an IEE; but many community infrastructure subprojects have minimal impacts, where a desk review is sufficient. For the community infrastructure subprojects an IEE including an EMP is prepared a part of the subproject feasibility report preparation by the social mobilization NGOs with assistance of DPMO and PIC experts. These are consistent with GoB and ADB requirements. During the course of project implementation, monitoring of compliance and safeguard issues related to environmental matters are undertaken by the implementing agencies, PIC consultant, and SQMC consultant to ensure that the subproject is implemented with due concern for environmental safeguards and specifically to ensure that these issues are adequately addressed to the requirements of ADB.

One of the instruments of Environmental Monitoring Requirement is the EMP. This is a process that includes a Monitoring Compliance Check List for the Design, Construction and Operation phases of the project. At the moment Environmental Monitoring Compliance Data is not being collected in a systematic manner from different fields of the sub-projects using the EMP-Monitoring Compliance Check List. Once the environmental specialist at PMO is appointed this should be remediated.

Sampling Program is another monitoring requirement which is important to determine compliance of the sub-project works. The extent of the impacts of environmental pollution related to surface water, ground water, air quality and noise can be determined in quantitative terms by sampling a range of related parameters. Based on these results, the mitigation measures provided for in the EMP can be adjusted accordingly.

Monitoring parameters vary depending upon nature of the project. CHTRDP-II is a rural development project comprising improvement of rural earthen village access road to brick pavement surfacing, construction of small bridges and culverts, stairs, sinking of tube wells, supply of small power pumps and power tillers located in the hilly rural area. Therefore, monitoring of air quality is not important for this project. It should be added that there are no facilities for air pollution test in the project area

The sampling follows the methodology provided in the Bangladesh national standard methods for monitoring pollutants. Other associated standards are national environmental quality standards and pollutant emission standards.

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6 Monitoring of Environmental Impact on Project Surroundings

6.1 Monitoring parameters/indicators Project activities have a very limited adverse impact on the environment. The environmental impacts of construction activities are project location specific, reversible and non-cumulative. Therefore pH, TP, BOD, of the water may serve the purpose for most of the subprojects with little exception. The scope of air and sound pollution is very limited.

A summary of the sampling program for the community infrastructure component is provided in Table 11.

Table 11: Summary of the Sampling Program #. Impact Construction Operating Period Parameter Period Freque Durati Freque Duri ncy on ncy ng Year s 1 Surface Water Twice 3 Not Dissolved per year years Needed Oxygen (DO), (if EMP Acidity (pH), requires Biological ) Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Suspended Solids (SS) 2 Ground Water Once One Not Arsenic (As), per tube time Needed Iron (Fe), well, Manganese ring (Mn), well, Chlorides IGF, and (Cl), GFS. Sulphate (S), Acidity (pH), Total dissolved solids (TDS 3 Soil Fertility Twice 3 Not Silt, Clay, per year Years Needed Organic (if EMP Carbon, Total required Nitrogen, ) Exchangeabl e Magnesium, Exchangeabl e Sodium, Exchangeabl e Calcium,

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#. Impact Construction Operating Period Parameter Period Freque Durati Freque Duri ncy on ncy ng Year s Exchangeabl e Potassium, Cation exchange capacity, Phosphorus, and Soil pH 4 Noise: Twice 2 Not dBA Shrillness of per year Years Needed Sound (feasibili ty limited due to lack of equipme nt)

6.2 Qualitative and quantitative monitoring data It was reported in the previous environmental monitoring reports that LGED did not make any provision in the contracts of improvement of rural roads and construction of bridges to monitor environmental pollution related to surface water, air quality, noise (shrillness of sound), and soils (fertility of soil), which are equipment based monitoring and requires money. Therefore, no quantitative data have been provided in this report. Therefore, the extent of the environmental impacts is determined in qualitative term by field visits and visual inspection. The only exception are the samples of ground water related data collected under the community infrastructure component in relation to the establishment of drinking water wells.

During previous semesters (till June 2017) the SQMC consultant1 has visited the construction works of most road improvement works under rural road component and a substantial sample of rural infrastructure subprojects. The environmental concerns for the improvement of union and upazila road subprojects are: drainage congestion, soil erosion and sedimentation, slope stability, topsoil disturbance, tree felling, clearing vegetation, degradation of surface water, air pollution during construction of road and other structures, noise of construction activities, fertility of soil, health and safety for workers.

The environmental concerns for the community infrastructure activities are: drainage congestion, soil erosion and sedimentation, slope stability, topsoil disturbance, tree felling, clearing vegetation, ground water, health and safety for workers, management of used engine oil drained from the power pumps and power tillers.

These concerns remain unchanged during the January – June 2018 reporting period, as LGED and PMO have not yet to put measures in place to ameliorate the situation.

During the ADB review mission of April 2018, additional issues were found especially for the Rural Road component, i.e. unplanned vertical cutting of slopes without appropriate mitigation measures and the delays in mandatory tree plantation (ref. AM, page 11). The DTL of PIC made similar observations during his site visits.

During the April Review Mission, it was again agreed to appoint a dedicated environmental safeguard specialist in the PMO to supervise the implementation of environmental safeguard measures before 30 November 2017. Page 20 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 21 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

As this was subsequently delayed, PMO was unable to conduct the required field visits. Appointment of a dedicated environmental specialist was under process at the end of the reporting semester. Water Quality Test Results for CI Component

The project is conducting water quality tests for all tube wells and ring wells constructed under the CI component. Up to 30 June 2018, a total of 1,507 tube wells and 118 ring wells were constructed. For all these wells water quality tests are done at the time of well development. During the reporting period 182 test were conducted. The DPMO maintain a detailed record of these. The list of tests performed during the reporting period is provided in Appendic D. Below a sample to the standard test report is provided.

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7 Conclusion and Recommendations

The following matters discussed in this report require follow-up:

· According to the Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act 1995 and Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Rules 1997, the project falls under “Orange B” category. The environmental clearance for the rural road component was obtained from DoE in 13 March 2014 with a validity of one year and therefore requires renewal. For the CI component the environmental clearance was obtained from DoE in 7 January 2016, also with a validity of one year. It therefore also requires renewal. · The specific loan covenants are being complied with, be it that implementing agencies need to reapply for environmental clearances with the DoE. LGED is also experience problems with tree replantation. · During the ADB review missions of September 2017 and April/May 2018, additional issues were found especially for the Rural Road component, i.e. unplanned vertical cutting of slopes without appropriate mitigation measures and the delays in mandatory tree plantation (ref. AM, page 11). The DTL of PIC made similar observations during his site visits. ADB as requested LGED for an action plan, which is overdue.

· LGED has repeatedly indicated it has problems enforcing tree replanting by contractors as these are inexperienced. It has requested that alternative modalities be explored. This need follow-up with PMO and ADB.

· The ADB Review Mission recommended that a dedicated environmental specialist at PMO be appointed for implementation of EMP monitoring before June 2018. This was still pending at the end of the reporting period.

· It was reported in the previous environmental monitoring reports that LGED did not make any provision in the contracts of improvement of rural roads and construction of bridges to monitor environmental pollution related to surface water, air quality, noise (shrillness of sound), and soils (fertility of soil), which are equipment based monitoring and requires money. Therefore, no quantitative data can be provided. Therefore, the extent of the environmental impacts is determined in qualitative term by field visits and visual inspection. ADB, LGED and PMO therefore need to come to an agreement whether equipment needs to be procured by LGED, or whether it will be sufficient to rely on qualitative observation. In that case the appointment of a dedicated environmental specialist will be urgent to ensure that qualitative observations and recording of the visits are taken up in a systematic manner. · During previous semesters the SQMC consultant has visited the construction works of most road improvement works under rural road component and a substantial sample of rural infrastructure subprojects. The environmental concerns for the improvement of union and upazila road subprojects are: drainage congestion, soil erosion and sedimentation, slope stability, topsoil disturbance, tree felling, clearing vegetation, degradation of surface water, air pollution during construction of road and other structure, noise of construction activities, fertility of soil, health and safety for workers. The environmental concerns for the community

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infrastructure activities are: drainage congestion, soil erosion and sedimentation, slope stability, topsoil disturbance, tree felling, clearing vegetation, ground water, health and safety for workers, management of used engine oil drained from the power pumps and power tillers. These concerns remain unchanged during the January – June 2018 reporting period, as LGED and PMO have not yet to put measures in place to ameliorate the situation. It is recommended that LGED and PMO develop action plans to address the issues to the extent they remain relevant as has also been agreed again during the April/May 2018 ADB Review mission.

· During the ADB review missions of September 2017 and April/May 2018, additional issues were found especially for the Rural Road component, i.e. unplanned vertical cutting of slopes without appropriate mitigation measures and the delays in mandatory tree plantation (ref. AM April/May 2018, page 10/11). The DTL of PIC made similar observations during his site visits as documented in his field visit reports.

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A. List of Community Infrastructure packages, status 30 June 2018 25 B. Progress Rural Roads Package-wise, 30 Jun e 2018 168 C. Contact details of contractors Rural Roads 176 D. Water Quality Tests - Community Infrastructure Component, July – December 2017 182

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A. List of Community Infrastructure packages, status 30 June 2018

Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

District: Rangamati

FY 2012-13

Construction of Jibtuli PDC/T-1/12- Jibtali headman 1 Completed Awarded 13/1 para village Access Road(pilot village)

Construction of Jibtuli PDC/T-1/12- 2 marketshed at Jibtali Completed Awarded 13/2 headmanpara

Installation of DSP Jibtuli PDC/T-1/12- tubewell at Jibtali 3 Completed Awarded 13/3 headmanpara(pilot village) 4nos

Construction of Bodhipur PDC/T- 4 Marketshed at Completed Awarded 1/12-13/1 Bodhipur Para

Construction of Sapchari PDC/T- marketshed at 5 Completed Awarded 1/12-13/1 Sapchari Wagga Para

Construction of Poa para PDC/T- 6 marketshed at Completed Awarded 1/12-13/1 Poapara

Sapchari PDC/T- Sapchari Wagga 7 Completed Awarded 1/12-13/2 Para Tubewell

4 Preliminary Design/Detailed Design/On-going Construction/Completed /O& M

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

FY 2013-14

Sapchari Wagga to Sapchari CDC/T- 8 Moin Para Footpath Completed Awarded 1/13-14/1 (Package-1)

Sapchari Wagga to Sapchari CDC/T- Moin Para 9 Completed Awarded 1/13-14/2 Footpath(Package- 2)

Kuturia Para Village Kuturiya PDC/T-1/13- 10 Access Completed Awarded 14/1 Road(Package-1)

Kuturia Para Village Kuturiya PDC/T-1/13- 11 Access Completed Awarded 14/2 Road(Package-2)

Bimachara Para Bimachara PDC/T- 12 Village Access Road Completed Awarded 1/13-14/1 (Package-1)

Bimachara Para Bimachara PDC/T- 13 Village Access Completed Awarded 1/13-14/2 Road(Package-2)

Chotodulu Para to Triratnakur Uttar Triratnankur CDC/T- Para 14 Completed Awarded 1/13-14/1 (Magyamachara) Village Access Road(Package-1)

Chotodulu Para to Triratnakur Uttar Triratnankur CDC/T- Para 15 Completed Awarded 1/13-14/2 (Magyamachara) Village Access Road(Package-2)

Bengchari to Devachari CDC/T- Devachari Village 16 Completed Awarded 1/13-14/1 Access Road(Package-1)

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Bengchari to Devachari CDC/T- Devachari Village 17 Completed Awarded 1/13-14/2 Access Road(Package-2)

Construction of Mubachari PDC/T- 18 Stairs at Mubachari Completed Awarded 1/13-14/1 Para (Package-1)

Construction of Mubachari PDC/T- 19 Stairs at Mubachari Completed Awarded 1/13-14/2 Para (Package-2)

Installation of 02nos. Mubachari PDC/T- Tubewell at 20 Completed Awarded 1/13-14/3 Mubachari Para (Package-3)

Installation of 05nos. Tender no. 02/2013- 21 Tubewell at Kuturia Completed Awarded 14 Para

FY 2014-15

Construction of CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 Durdurichara LGED 22 Completed Awarded 14-15/1 Road to Mitingachari Village Access Road

Construction of L- drain, X-drain, Guide CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 Wall for 23 Completed Awarded 14-15/2 Durdurichara LGED Road to Mitingachari Village Access Road

Procurement of 04nos. Power Tiller CI/SSWR/PT- & 08nos. Low Lift 24 Completed Awarded PP/RAN/2014-15/3 Power Pump with accessories Bhalachari Para

CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying 25 Completed Awarded PP/RAN/2014-15/4 Agriculture Equipment Power

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Tiller 3nos Pump Machine 6nos at Debamatha Para

Pankhoa Para CI/SSWR/PT- 26 Power Tiller & Completed Awarded PP/RAN/2014-15/5 Power Pump

Debachari Para CI/SSWR/PT- 27 Power Tiller & Completed Awarded PP/RAN/2014-15/6 Power Pump

Construction RCC CI/VAR/ST- Steps, Brick & Box 28 Completed Awarded BC/RAN/2014-15/7 Culrvert at Morongchari Para

Construction of RCC CI/VAR/FB/RAN/20 29 Foft Bridge at Completed Awarded 14-15/8 Morongchari Para

Supplying Agriculture CI/SSWR/PT- Equipment Power 30 Completed Awarded PP/RAN/2014-15/9 Tiller 3nos Pump Machine 6nos at Morongchari Para

Supplying Agriculture CI/SSWR/PT- Equipment Power 31 PP/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded Tiller 4nos Pump 15/10 Machine 8nos at Keretkaba Para

Supplying 04nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 32 PP/RAN/2014- 06nos. Low Lift Completed Awarded 15/11 Power Pump at Kandya Dozor Para

Supplying 03nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 33 PP/RAN/2014- 06nos. Low Lift Completed Awarded 15/12 Power Pump at Kuramara Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying Agriculture CI/SSWR/PT- Equipment Power 34 PP/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded Tiller 2nos Pump 15/13 Machine 4nos at Kuturia Para

Construction of CI/VAR/ST/RAN/20 35 Stair-1 at Pankhoa Completed Awarded 14-15/14 Para

Construction of CI/VAR/ST/RAN/20 36 Stair-2 & 3 at Completed Awarded 14-15/15 Pankhoa Para

Construction of CI/VAR/FB/RAN/20 37 Footbridge at Completed Awarded 14-15/16 Kuramara Para

Construction of Low- CI/VAR-SSWR/FB- cost Footbridge and 38 DTW/RAN/2014- Installation of 02 Completed Awarded 15/17 nos. Tubewell at KandyaDozor Para

Supplying 2nos. Power Tiller & 4 Low CI/SSWR/PT- Lift Power Pump 39 PP/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded with accessories at 15/18 Taktanala North East Para

Supplying 02nos. Power Tiller & 04 CI/SSWR/PT- Low Lift Power 40 PP/RAN/2014- Pump with Completed Awarded 15/19 accessories at Taktanala South West Para

Supplying 02nos. Power Tiller & CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 41 PP/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 15/20 accessories at Jamunachari Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying 2nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller & 4 Low 42 PP/RAN/2014- Lift Power Pump Completed Awarded 15/21 with accessories at Boherachari Para

Supplying 3nos. Power Tiller & 6nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Low Lift Power 43 PP/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded Pump with 15/22 accessories at Balukhali Mukh Para

Supplying 04nos. Power Tiller & CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 44 PP/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 15/23 accessories at Mitingachari Para

Construction of 18 Mile to Talukder CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 Para and Rangi 45 Completed Awarded 14-15/24 Para Village Access Road (Ch0.00- 915m)- Package-1

Construction of 18 Mile to Talukder CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 Para and Rangi 46 Completed Awarded 14-15/25 Para Village Access Road (Ch915- 1830M)- Package-2

Construction of 18 Mile to Talukder Para and Rangi CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 47 Para Village Access Completed Awarded 14-15/26 Road (Ch1830- 2746M/R-rangi00- 915)- Package-3

CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 Construction 18 Mile 48 Completed Awarded 14-15/27 to Talukder Para and Rangi Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Village Access Road-Package-4

Construction 18 Mile to Talukder Para CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 49 and Rangi Para Completed Awarded 14-15/28 Village Access Road-Package-5

Installation of 03nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 50 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2014-15/29 Kuramara Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 51 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2014-15/30 Mitingachari Para

Installation of 02nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 52 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2014-15/31 Morongchari Para

Installation of 06nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA Deep Set Tubewell 53 Completed Awarded N/2014-15/32 and Water Reservior at Chegyachari Para

Installation of Deep Tubewell and CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 54 Construction of Completed Awarded N/2014-15/33 Reservoir at Murali Para

Installation of 02nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 55 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2014-15/34 Purbakudala Para

Supplying 04nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 56 PP/RAN/2014- 06nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/35 accessories at Purba Kudal Para

CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying 02nos. 57 PP/RAN/2014- Power Tiller and Completed Awarded 15/36 04nos. Low Lift Power Pump with

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

accessories at Baradulu Para

Installation of 03nos. CI/SSWR/STW/RA 58 Shallow Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2014-15/37 Baradulu Para

Construction of CI/SSWR/DR/RAN/ 59 Irrgation Drain at Completed Awarded 2014-15/38 Baradulu Para

Installation 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 60 Completed Awarded PP/2014-15/39 Pump with Accessories at Harangi Para

Installation 06nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/201 61 Tubewell at Harangi Completed Awarded 4-15/40 Para

Construction of CI/VAR/ST/RAN/20 62 Footstep at Completed Awarded 14-15/41 Latibashchara

Construction LGED CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 Road to Nayajhiri 63 Completed Awarded 14-15/42 Para Village Access Road

Construction of RCC CI/VAR/ST/RAN/20 64 Footstep at Noyajhiri Completed Awarded 14-15/43 Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 65 Tubewell at Amthali Completed Awarded N/2014-15/44 Para

Supplying 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos. LLP with 66 PP/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded accessories at 15/45 Harinchara Mukh Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA Tubewell at 67 Completed Awarded N/2014-15/46 Harinchara Mukh Para

Supplying 04nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 06nos. LLP with 68 PP/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded accessories at 15/47 Kakrachari Upar Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 69 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/48 accessories at Bimachara Para

Construction of CI/SSWR/DTW- Irrgation Drain & 70 LIC/RAN/2014- Installation of 02nos. Completed Awarded 15/49 DSP Tubewell at Bimachara Para

Construction of CI/VAR/ST- Footstep and 71 FB/RAN/2014- Footbridge at Completed Awarded 15/50 Taktanala (North- East) Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA Tubewell at 72 Completed Awarded N/2014-15/51 Taktanala (North- East) Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 73 Tubewell at Mobboi Completed Awarded N/2014-15/52 Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 74 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/53 Accessories at Mobboi Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 75 PP/RAN/2014- 07nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/54 accessories at Boga Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 76 Tubewell at Boga Completed Awarded N/2014-15/55 Para

Supplying 05nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 77 PP/RAN/2014- 09nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/56 accessories at Khullang Para

Supplying 03nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 78 PP/RAN/2014- 06nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/57 accessories at Patachari Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 79 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2014-15/58 Patachari Para

Supplying 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 08nos LLP with 80 PP/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded accessories at 15/59 Morachengi Mukh Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA Tubewell at 81 Completed Awarded N/2014-15/60 Morachengi Muk Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 82 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/61 accessories at Amthali Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 83 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2014-15/62 Naraichari Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 84 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/63 accessories at Naraichari Para

Installation of Deep CI/SSWR/DTW- Set Tubewell and 85 WSS/RAN/2014- Distribution of Completed Awarded 15/64 Drinking Water at Taitong Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 86 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/67 accessories at Bohaltali Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 87 Tubewell at Boholtali Completed Awarded N/2014-15/68 Para

Supplying 03nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 88 PP/RAN/2014- 06nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/69 accessories at Naraichari Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 89 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/70 accessories at Mubachari Para

Supplying 03nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 90 PP/RAN/2014- 05nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/74 accessories at Devachara Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of CI/WMC/ED- Earthen Dam and 91 PD/RAN/2014- Reservoir for Completed Awarded 15/75 Irrigation Purpose at Devachari Para

Installation of 03nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA Tubewell at 92 Completed Awarded N/2014-15/76 Taktanala South West Para

Construction of Footsteps & CI/VAR-SSWR/ST- Installation of 03nos. 93 DTW/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded DSP Tubewell at 15/77 Aimacharamukh Para

Supplying 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 06nos. LLP with 94 PP/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded accessories at 15/78 Aimachara Mukh Para

Construction of CI/VAR/ST/RAN/20 95 Footsteps at Completed Awarded 14-15/80 Baghamukh Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 96 PP/RAN/2014- 06nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/81 accessories at Bagha Mukh Para

Construction & CI/SSWR/GFS/RA 97 Installation of GFS Completed Awarded N/2014-15/82 at Latibaschara Para

Inslattalion of 1no. CI/SSWR/PW- Production Well, DTW-LIC- 02nos. DSP 98 Completed Awarded PT/RAN/2014- Tubewell & 15/83 Construction of Irrigation Drain with agriculture

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

equipment at Ramatiya Para

Construction of CI/SSWR/WR-DC- Water Reservoir and 99 PT/RAN/2014- Dam with Agriculture Completed Awarded 15/84 Equipment at Sakrachari Para

Installation of Deep Set Tubewell and CI/SSWR/DTW- Distribution of 100 WSS/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded Drinking Water at 15/86 Mitingachari Marma Para

Supplying 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 101 PP/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 15/87 accessories at Dewan Para

Supplying 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 102 PP/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded Pump with 15/88 accessories at Barapul Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 103 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/89 accessories at T&T Bazar Alaka

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 104 PP/RAN/2014- 05nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/90 accessories at Vitar Para

CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying 02nos. 105 PP/RAN/2014- Power Tiller and Completed Awarded 15/91 04nos. LLP with

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

accessories at Maischari Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 106 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/92 accessories at Shamukchari Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 107 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/93 accessories at Dupchari Para

Supplying 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. LLP with 108 PP/RAN/2014- Completed Awarded accessories at 15/94 Bagkhaiya Ghona Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 109 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/95 accessories at Kola Para

Supplying 05nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 110 PP/RAN/2014- 08nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/96 accessories at Poa Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 111 PP/RAN/2014- 02nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/97 accessories at Pancharimukh Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 112 PP/RAN/2014- 02nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/98 accessories at Mondirachara Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 113 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/99 accessories at Jamerchari Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 114 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/100 accessories at Goboghona Para

Supplying 03nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 115 PP/RAN/2014- 06nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/101 accessories at Bodhipur Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 116 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/102 accessories at Buri Para

Supplying 01no. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 117 PP/RAN/2014- 04nos. LLP with Completed Awarded 15/103 accessories at Nayajhiri Para

FY 2015-16

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 118 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/01 Boherachari Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 119 DSP Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/02 Balukhalimuk Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/LIC/RAN 120 DSP Tubewell at Completed Awarded /2015-16/03 Debachara Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of CI/VAR/FB- Footstep and 121 ST/RAN/2015- Footbridge at Completed Awarded 16/05 Taktanala (South- West) Para

Construction of Stair CI/VAR/ST/RAN/20 122 1&2 at Jamunachari Completed Awarded 15-16/06 Para

CI/SSWR/GFS/RA Construction of GFS 123 Completed Awarded N/2015-16/07 at Jomunachari Para

Installation of 02nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 124 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/08 Bhalachari Para

Installation of 03nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA Tubewell at 125 Completed Awarded N/2015-16/09 Dighalchari Debamatha Para

Construction of CI/SSWR/RW/RAN work is in 126 03nos. Ring Well at Awarded 95% 30/08/18 /2015-16/10 progress Naraichari Para

Supplying of 06nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 06nos. Low Lift 127 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/11 accessories at Joganatuli Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 128 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/12 Hazachari Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 129 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/13 accessories at Hazachari Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 130 PP/RAN/2015- Power Pump with Completed Awarded 16/14 accessories at Bame Cumochumi Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/LIC/RAN DSP Tubewell at 131 Completed Awarded /2015-16/15 Bame Chumochumi Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA Tubewell at 132 Completed Awarded N/2015-16/16 Bagkhaiyaghona Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 133 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/17 Samukchari Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 134 Tubewell at Kola Completed Awarded N/2015-16/18 Para

Installation of 06nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 135 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/19 Dupchari Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 136 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/20 Maischari Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 137 Tubewell at Vitar Completed Awarded N/2015-16/21 Para

Installation of 03nos. DSP Tubewell and CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 138 water reservoir with Completed Awarded N/2015-16/22 distribution at Buri Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 02nos. CI/SSWR/DTW- Tubewell and 139 LIC/RAN/2015- Construction of Completed Awarded 16/23 Irrigation Drain at Nayajiri Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 140 DSP Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/24 Gobaghona Para

Construction of Kutukchari to CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 Chegeyachari 141 Completed Awarded 15-16/25 Village Access Road (Package-1) at Chegeyachari Para

Construction of Kutukchari to CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 Chegeyachari 142 Completed Awarded 15-16/26 Village Access Road (Package-2) at Chegeyachari Para

Construction of Chelachara to CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 143 Harangi High School Completed Awarded 15-16/27 Village Access Road at Chelachara Para

Construction of Dozor Para to CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 Rangapanichara work is in 144 Awarded 80% 30/10/18 15-16/28 Village Access Road progress (Package-1) ch- 00.00-1530.00

Construction of Dozor Para to CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 Rangapanichara 145 Completed Awarded 15-16/29 Village Access Road (Package-2) ch- 1530.00-3020.00

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 02nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 146 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/30 Pancharimukh Para

Construction of CI/SSWR/LIC/RAN 147 Irrigation Channel at Completed Awarded /2015-16/31 Pancharimukh Para

Construction of CI/VAR/FB/RAN/20 148 Footbridge at Completed Awarded 15-16/32 Panchari Mukh Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 149 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/33 Jamerchari Para

Installation of 02nos. CI/SSWR/RW/RAN 150 Ringwell at Completed Awarded /2015-16/34 Mondirachara Para

Construction of CI/SSWR/LIC/RAN 151 Irrigation Channel at Completed Awarded /2015-16/35 Mondirachara Para

Installation of 03nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 152 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/36 Talukder Para

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 06nos. Low Lift 153 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/37 accessories at Talukder Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 154 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/38 Kusumchari Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 155 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/39 accessories at Kusumchari Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 03nos. CI/SSWR/LIC/RAN 156 Tubewell at Completed Awarded /2015-16/40 Suknachari Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 06nos. Low Lift 157 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/41 accessories at Suknachari Para

Installation of 03nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 158 DSP Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/42 Kubbang Para

Supplying 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos. Low Lift 159 Completed Awarded PP/2015-16/43 Power Pump with accessories at Kubbang Para

Construction of CI/VAR/FB/RAN/20 160 Footbridge 1 & 2 at Completed Awarded 15-16/44 Kubbang Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 161 Tubewell at Toibang Completed Awarded N/2015-16/45 Para

Supplying 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 162 Completed Awarded PP/2015-16/46 Power Pump with accessories at Toibang Para

Installation of CI/SSWR/GFS/RA Gravity Flow System 163 Completed Awarded N/2015-16/47 (GFS) at Dozori Para

Supplying 02nos. CI/SSWR/PT- 164 Power Tiller and Completed Awarded PP/2015-16/48 04nos. Low Lift Pump with

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

accessories at Dozori Para

Supplying 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 165 Completed Awarded PP/2015-16/49 Power Pump with accessories at Bogachari Para

Construction of CI/SSWR/IFG/RAN 02nos. Infiltration 166 Completed Awarded /2015-16/50 (IFG) at Bogachari Para

Installation of 02nos. CI/SSWR/IFG/RAN 167 Infiltration (IFG) at Completed Awarded /2015-16/51 Bagchari Para

Supplying and Plantation of 600(Six Hundred)nos. Fruit, 700(Seven CI/WMC/TP/RAN/2 168 Hundred) Fruit tree Completed Awarded 015-16/54 sapling and 700(Seven Hundred) Bamboo at Devachari Para

Supplying 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos. Low Lift 169 Completed Awarded PP/2015-16/52 Power Pump with accessories at Bagchari Para

Construction of Stair CI/VAR/ST/RAN/20 170 1&2 at Goboghona Completed Awarded 15-16/56 Para

Installation 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 171 DSP Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/57 West Lungi Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos. Low Lift 172 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/58 accessories at West Lungi Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 173 Tubewell at T & T Completed Awarded N/2015-16/59 Bazar Alaka Para

Construction of CI/SSWR/RW/201 174 03nos. Ring well at Completed Awarded 5-16/62 Bodhipur Para

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 175 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/64 accessories at Headman Para

Supplying of 06nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 08nos. Low Lift 176 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/65 accessories at Down Para

Installation of 07nos. CI/SSWR/STW/RA 177 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/67 Bakchari Mukh Para

Supplying of 05nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 08nos. Low Lift 178 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/68 accessories at Thamabag Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 179 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/65 Headman Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 180 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/69 accessories at Nich Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 181 Tubewell at Nich Completed Awarded N/2015-16/70 Para

Construction of RCC CI/VAR/FB/RAN/20 182 Footbridge at Nich Completed Awarded 15-16/71 Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos. Low Lift 183 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/72 accessories at Amtuli Para

Installation of 03nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 184 Tubewell at Amtuli Completed Awarded N/2015-16/73 Para

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 185 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/74 accessories at Maichya Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 186 Tubewell at Maichya Completed Awarded N/2015-16/75 Para

Installation of 06nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 187 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/76 Badalchari Para

CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of 02nos. 188 PP/RAN/2015- Power Tiller and Completed Awarded 16/77 02nos. Low Lift Power Pump with

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

accessories at Badalchari Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 189 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/78 Kharikhong Para

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 190 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/79 accessories at Kharikhong Para

Installation of Ring CI/SSWR/RW/RAN 191 Well at Baghamukh Completed Awarded /2015-16/79 Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos. Low Lift 192 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/80 accessories at Bakchari Mukh Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 193 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/81 Subalchari Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos. Low Lift 194 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/82 accessories at Subalchari Para

Installation of 03nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA Tube well at 195 Completed Awarded N/2015-16/83 Krishnamachara Para

Supplying 03nos. CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 196 PP/RAN/2015- 05nos. Low Lift Completed Awarded 16/84 Power Pump with accessories at

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Krishnamachara Para

Construction of RCC CI/VAR/FB/RAN/20 Footbridge at 197 Completed Awarded 15-16/85 Krishnamachara Para

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 198 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/86 accessories at Uluchari Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 199 Tubewell at Uluchari Completed Awarded N/2015-16/87 Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 03nos. Low Lift 200 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/88 accessories at Chaindya Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 201 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/89 Chaindya Para

Supplying of 06nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 06nos. Low Lift 202 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/90 accessories at Dighalchari Para

Construction of RCC CI/VAR/ST/RAN/20 203 Footstep at Completed Awarded 15-16/91 Dighalchari Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 204 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/92 Garichara Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos. Low Lift 205 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/93 accessories at Garichara Para

Construction of RCC CI/VAR/FB/RAN/20 206 Footbridge at Completed Awarded 15-16/94 Garichara Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 207 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/95 accessories at Naba Perachara Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 208 Tube Well at Naba Completed Awarded N/2015-16/96 Perachara Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 209 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/97 accessories at Sijok College Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 210 Tube Well at Sijok Completed Awarded N/2015-16/98 College Para

Supplying of 04nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 211 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/99 accessories at Lalan Para

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 02nos. Low Lift 212 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/100 accessories at Barabanya Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 02nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 213 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/101 Barabanya Para

Construction of CI/SSWR/LIC/RAN Linked Irrigation 214 Completed Awarded /2015-16/102 Channels at Barabanya Para

Supplying of 04nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 06nos. Low Lift 215 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/105 accessories at Tinkuniya Para

Installation of 02nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 216 DSP Tube well at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/106 Tinkuniya Para

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos. Low Lift 217 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/107 accessories at Aguzachari Para

Construction of Kaptai-Rangamati CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 LGED Road to 218 Completed Awarded 15-16/110 Kamilachari Para Village Access Road at Kamilachari Para

Installation of Deep set Tube well, CI/SSWR/DTW- Construction of 219 WR/RAN/2015- water reservoir and Completed Awarded 16/111 water supply at Jibtoli Chairman Para

Installation of 08nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 220 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/112 Deppochari Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos. Low Lift 221 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/113 accessories at Na Banga Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 222 Tube Well at Na Completed Awarded N/2015-16/114 Banga Para

Construction of RCC CI/VAR/FB/RAN/20 Girder Footbridge at 223 Completed Awarded 15-16/115 Jibtoli Chairman Para

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 224 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/116 accessories at Chapkiyachara Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 225 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/117 Chapkiyachara Para

Suppying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 226 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/119 accessories at Silchari Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 227 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/120 Shilchari Para

Supplying of 06nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 06nos. Low Lift 228 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/121 accessories at Nuo Adam Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of 05nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 06nos. Low Lift 229 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/122 accessories at Keretchari Para

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos. Low Lift 230 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/124 accessories at Boroichari Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 231 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/125 Boroichari Para

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 232 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/126 accessories at Manikchari Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 233 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/127 Manikchara Para

Construction of CHTDB-HBB Road CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 234 to Lalan Para Village Completed Awarded 15-16/101 Access Road at Lalan Para

Supplying of 08nos. Low Lift Power CI/SSWR/PP/RAN/ 235 Pump with Completed Awarded 2015-16/129 accessories at Hizachara Para

Installation of 06nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 236 Tubewell at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/130 Hizachari Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 237 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/131 accessories at Hazachari Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 238 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/135 accessories at Jhoto Khamar Para

Supplying of 06nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 239 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/133 accessories at Katthali Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 02nos. Low Lift 240 PP/RAN/2015- Power Pump with Completed Awarded 16/137 accessories at Jograbil Bijoysen Karbari Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 241 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/139 accessories at Nalkhatachara Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 242 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/141 accessories at Shanhaladam Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 243 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2015-16/142 Shanhaladam Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of 02nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 244 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/147 accessories at Bara Mallya Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos. Low Lift 245 PP/RAN/2015- Power Pump with Completed Awarded 16/151 accessories at Sakrachari Mukh Para

Supplying of 03nos. Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 06nos. Low Lift 246 PP/RAN/2015- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 16/155 accessories at Koitor Hill Para

FY 2016-17

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA work is in 247 Tube Well at Awarded 80% 30/09/18 N/2016-17/07 progress Thegamuk Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 248 Tube Well at Jhoto Completed Awarded N/2016-17/4 Khamar Para

Installation of 04nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 249 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2016-17/3 Nalkhatachara Para

Installation of 05nos. CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 250 Tube Well at Bara Completed Awarded N/2016-17/5 Mallya Para

Construction of RCC CI/VAR/FB/RAN/20 251 Footbridge at Completed Awarded 16-17/2 Manikchara Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 05nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 252 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2016-17/01 Barapul Para

Construction of CI/VAR/FB/RAN/20 Footbridge at work is in 253 Awarded 80% 30/11/18 16-17/8 Sakrachari Mukh progress Para

Construction of Barabindughat to CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 254 Balukhali Samiti Completed Awarded 16-17/23 Office Village Access Road

Construction of RCC CI/VAR/FB- Footbridge and 255 Completed Awarded ST/RAN/2016-17/9 Footstep at Keretchari Para

Installation of 05nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 256 Tube Well at Ranga Completed Awarded N/2016-17/42 Durchari Para

Construction of Vajjyatuli to CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 257 Bangamura Para Completed Awarded 16-17/26 HBB Village Access Road

Construction of HBB Road at Kainda CI/VAR/TA/RAN/20 258 Para to Kainda Completed Awarded 16-17/24 Dozori Para Village Access Road

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 03nos Low Lift 259 Completed Awarded PP/RAN/2016-17/6 Power Pump with accessories at Thega Muk Para

Installation of 03nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 260 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2016-17/36 Billchara Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos Low Lift 261 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/35 accessories at Billchara Para

Construction of Machine Shed and Supplying 04nos CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller and 262 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded 05nos Low Lift 17/50 Power Pump with accessories at Ghilatuli Para

Supplying of 02nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos Low Lift 263 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/33 accessories at Boda Para

Supplying of 03nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 264 Tube Well at Boda Completed Awarded N/2016-17/34 Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 01no Low Lift Power 265 PP/RAN/2016- Pump with Completed Awarded 17/41 accessories at Ranga Durchari Para

CI/SSWR/GFS/RA Construction of GFS 266 Completed Awarded N/2016-17/48 at Shilchari Para

Supplying of 01no Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 01no Low Lift Power 267 PP/RAN/2016- Pump with Completed Awarded 17/43 accessories at Dakhin Baradurchari Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of CI/SSWR/GFS/RA Gravity Flow 268 Completed Awarded N/2016-17/32 System(GFS) at Sukarchari Para

Installation of 03nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA Tube Well at 269 Completed Awarded N/2016-17/10 Sakrachari Mukh Para

Installation of 03nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 270 Tube Well at Koitor Completed Awarded N/2016-17/52 Hill Para

Construction of CI/WSM/DCWR/R Earthen Dam 1 & 2 271 Completed Awarded AN/2016-17/49 at Kandya Dozori Para

Supplying of 02nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos Low Lift 272 PP/RAN/2016- Power Pump with Completed Awarded 17/27 accessories at Valukkya Tinchari Para

CI/SSWR/GFS/RA Construction of GFS 273 Completed Awarded N/2016-17/12 at Dupshil Para

Installation of 03nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 274 Tubewell at Koilash Completed Awarded N/2016-17/39 Para

Supplying of 06nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos Low Lift 275 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/59 accessories at Dulubonia Para

CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of 02nos 276 PP/RAN/2016- Power Tiller and Completed Awarded 17/60 04nos Low Lift Power Pump with

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

accessories at Kozoichari Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 277 PP/RAN/2016- Power Pump with Completed Awarded 17/63 accessories at Kadamtuli Goda Matha Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 02nos Low Lift 278 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/57 accessories at New Lalyaghona Para

Installation of 05nos Tube Well and CI/SSWR/DTW- Construction of Brick 279 LIC/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Irrigation Canal at 17/44 Dakhin Baradurchari Para

Supplying of 04nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos Low Lift 280 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/38 accessories at Koilash Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 02nos Low Lift 281 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/53 accessories at Ranjan Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos. Low Lift 282 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/55 accessories at Ugalchari Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of GFS CI/SSWR/GFS/RA work is in 283 at Basanta Awarded N/2016-17/51 progress Pangkhua Para

Installation of 05nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA Tube Well at 284 Completed Awarded N/2016-17/28 Valukkya Tinchari Para

Installation of 05nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA work is in 285 Tube Well at Awarded N/2016-17/66 progress Hazachari Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 01no Low Lift Power 286 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Pump with 17/66 accessories at Putichari Para

Supplying of 02nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 02nos Low Lift 287 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/78 accessories at Madan Moni Para

Supplying of 02nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos Low Lift 288 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/83 accessories at Lakkidhan Para

Supplying of 02nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos Low Lift 289 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/81 accessories at Hapchari Para

CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of 02nos 290 PP/RAN/2016- Power Tiller and Completed Awarded 17/80 04nos Low Lift Power Pump with

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

accessories at Bosti Para

Supplying of 02nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 03nos Low Lift 291 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/70 accessories at Dabua Bakur Para

Installation of 05nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 292 Tube Wells at Completed Awarded N/2016-17/56 Ugalchari Para

Installation of 04nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA Tube Well at 293 Completed Awarded N/2016-17/62 Kadamtuli Goda Matha Para

Installation of 05nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 294 Tube Well at New Completed Awarded N/2016-17/58 Lalyaghona Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos Low Lift 295 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/85 accessories at Chowdhury Para

Installation of 04nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 296 Tube Well at Awarded N/2016-17/86 Chowdhury Para Completed

CI/SSWR/GFS/RA Construction of GFS 297 Awarded N/2016-17/69 at Tripurachara Para Completed

CI/SSWR/GFS/RA Construction of GFS 298 Completed Awarded N/2016-17/13 at Shalbagan Para

CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of 01no 299 PP/RAN/2016- Power Tiller and Completed Awarded 17/68 02nos Low Lift Power Pump with

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

accessories at Tripurachara Para

Installation of 05nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 300 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2016-17/61 Kozoichari Para

Installation of 05nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 301 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2016-17/82 Hapchari Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 06nos Low Lift 302 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/73 accessories at Ramchara Para

Installation of 04nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 303 Tube Well at Ranjan Completed Awarded N/2016-17/54 Para

Installation of 09nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 304 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2016-17/77 Sukarchari Para

(i) Supplying and Plantation of 820nos Fruit Trees, 500nos Bamboo and 250nos Forest Trees at Kainda Para for Watershed Management (ii) CI/WMC/TP-COM- Supplying Drip DRIP- 305 System with Completed Awarded SRI/RAN/2015- Necessary 16/29 Accessories at Kainda Watershed (iii) Supplying Necessary Goods/Work/Equipm ent for Composting, System of Rice Intensification(SRI), Stream Bank

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Protection at Kainda Watershed Area

(i) Supplying used Tyre and Mesh for Percolation Pit at Devachari Para(ii)Supplying Drip System with Necessary Accessories at CI/WMC/PP-COM- Devachari DRIP- Watershed(iii) 306 Completed Awarded GP/RAN/2016- Supplying 17/30 Necessary Goods/Work/Equipm ent for Composting, Vagetative Gully Plugging, contour bunding for Broad Based Terrace at Devachari Watershed Area

Installation of 05nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 307 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2016-17/76 Balamchari Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 06nos Low Lift 308 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/14 accessories at Barkalok Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos Low Lift 309 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/92 accessories at Samotri Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos Low Lift 310 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/94 accessories at Vuiochara Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos Low Lift 311 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/104 accessories at Egujyachari Para

Supplying of 02nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos Low Lift 312 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/89 accessories at Jatramuro Para

Installation of 05nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 313 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2016-17/67 Putichari Para

Supplying of 02nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 04nos Low Lift 314 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/101 accessories at Manikya Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos Low Lift 315 PP/RAN/2016- Power Pump with Completed Awarded 17/99 accessories at Hemachandra Karbari Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 02nos Low Lift 316 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/75 accessories at Balamchari Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of 02nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 01no Low Lift Power 317 PP/RAN/2016- Pump with Completed Awarded 17/106 accessories at Ugalchari Mukh Para

Supplying of 03nos Power Tiller and CI/SSWR/PT- 05nos Low Lift 318 PP/RAN/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump with 17/96 accessories at Rijibil Para

Installation of 04nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 319 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2016-17/88 Jatramuro Para

Installation of 08nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 320 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2016-17/87 Jharnatila Para

Installation of 08nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA Tube Well at 321 Completed Awarded N/2016-17/103 Rangapanichara Para

Installation of 04nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 322 Tube Well at Bosti Completed Awarded N/2016-17/28 Para

Installation of 03nos CI/SSWR/DTW/RA 323 Tube Well at Completed Awarded N/2016-17/15 Barkalok Para

FY 2017-18

Supplying 03(three) no’s Power Tiller and 04 CI/SSWR/PT- (Four) no’s Low lift 324 completed awarded PP/RAN/2017-18/24 Power pump With necessary accessories at Sapchari Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying 03(three) no’s Power Tiller and 04 CI/SSWR/PT- (Four) no’s Low lift 325 completed awarded PP/RAN/2017-18/21 Power pump With necessary accessories at Gabachari Para

Supplying 06(six) no’s Power Tiller and 05 (Five) no’s Low lift Power 326 completed awarded pump With necessary CI/SSWR/PT- accessories at PP/RAN/2017-18/20 Radong Kaba Para

Supplying 02(two) no’s Power Tiller and 03 (three) no’s Low lift Power 327 completed awarded pump With necessary CI/SSWR/PT- accessories at PP/RAN/2017-18/18 Bara Harina Par

Supplying 02(two) no’s Power Tiller and 05 (five) no’s Low lift Power 328 completed awarded pump With necessary CI/SSWR/PT- accessories at PP/RAN/2017-18/34 Ram Hari Para

Construction of GFS at Purba 329 completed awarded CI/SSWR/GFS/RAN/ Kadamtuli Bag 2017-18/10 Para

Installation of 04 (Four) no's 330 Tubewell at completed awarded CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Lakkidhan Karbari 2017-18/05 Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 04 (Four) no's 331 completed awarded CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Tubewell at 2017-18/09 Manikya Para

Installation of 03 (Three) no's 332 completed awarded CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Tubewell at Rijibil 2017-18/07 Para

Installation of 03 (Three) no's 333 completed awarded CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Tubewell at 2017-18/13 Samotri Para

334 CI/SSWR/DTW-PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/15 Infrastructure Lalan Para(DTW) Completed Awarded

335 CI/SSWR/GFS/RAN/ Village 2017-18/23 Infrastructure Balosh Para(GFS) Completed Awarded

336 CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Village 2017-18/29 Infrastructure Ajjengchari Completed Awarded Para(DTW)

337 CI/SSWR/GFS/RAN/ Village 2017-18/3 Infrastructure Ukchari Para Completed Awarded (GFS)

338 CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Village 2017-18/6 Infrastructure Boradam Completed Awarded Para(Tubewell, Water Supply)

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

339 CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Village 2017-18/11 Infrastructure DabuaBakur Completed Awarded Para(DTW)

340 CI/SSWR/RW/RAN/2 Village 017-18/12 Infrastructure Ramchara Completed Awarded Para(RW)

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Village 2017-18/14 Infrastructure 341 Vuiochara Completed Awarded Para(DTW)

342 CI/SSWR/DTW-PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/31 Infrastructure Shuvaranjankarbar Completed Awarded i Para(DTW)

343 CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Village 2017-18/33 Infrastructure Uttar Manashya Completed Awarded Para(DTW)

344 CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Village 2017-18/56 Infrastructure Khamar Completed Awarded Para(DTW)

345 CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Village 2017-18/59 Infrastructure Panchari Completed Awarded Para(DTW)

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

346 CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/32 Infrastructure Uttar Manashya Completed Awarded Para(Power Tillar, Power Pump)

347 CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/55 Infrastructure Khamar Completed Awarded Para(Power Tillar, Power Pump)

CI/SSWR/DTW-PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/67 Infrastructure 348 Banglahaliya Bihar Completed Awarded Para(Power Tillar, Power Pump)

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/36 Infrastructure 349 Kamalchari Completed Para(Power Tillar, Awarded Power Pump)

CI/SSWR/DTW-PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/38 Infrastructure 350 Kakrachari Bihar Completed Para(Power Tillar, Power Pump) Awarded

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/47 Infrastructure ChelacharPara(Po Completed Awarded 351 wer Tillar, Power Pump)

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/53 Infrastructure 352 Chongrachari Completed Para(Power Tillar, Awarded Power Pump)

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/55 Infrastructure Khamar Completed Awarded 353 Para(Power Tillar, Power Pump)

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/60 Infrastructure 354 Marishyachara Completed Para(Power Tillar, Awarded Power Pump)

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/62 Infrastructure 355 Islamabad Completed Para(Power Tillar, Awarded Power Pump)

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/73 Infrastructure 356 PurbaTeka Completed Awarded Para(Power Tillar, Power Pump

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/75 Infrastructure Madyam Completed Awarded 357 Pablakhali Para(Power Tillar, Power Pump)

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/78 Infrastructure 358 Debachara Completed Awarded Para(Power Tillar, Power Pump)

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/80 Infrastructure 359 Chakua Completed Awarded Para(Power Tillar, Power Pump)

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/82 Infrastructure 360 Becharam Karbari Completed Awarded Para(Power Tillar, Power Pump)

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/85 Infrastructure 361 Longudu Completed Awarded Para(Power Tillar, Power Pump)

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/90 Infrastructure Hati 362 Mara Para(Power Completed Awarded Tillar, Power Pump)

CI/SSWR/PT- Village PP/RAN/2017-18/91 Infrastructure 363 Purba Chalyatuli Completed Awarded Para(Power Tillar, Power Pump)

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of 2016- 05nosTube Well 364 atNewLalyaghona Completed Awarded 17/58 Para

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 30 2017-18/35 04nos Tubewell at /08/2018 365 Ram Hari Para 80%

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 30 2017-18/48 04nos Tubewell at /08/2018 366 Chelachara Para 80%

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 30 2017-18/19 03nos Tubewell at /09/2018 80% 367 Bara Harina Mukh Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 31 2017-18/25 03nos Tubewell at /07/2018 368 Sapchari Para 80%

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 31 2017-18/40 04nos Tubewell at /07/2018 369 Madan Moni Para 80%

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 31 2017-18/27 03nos Tube Well at /07/2018 370 Alinagar Para 80%

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 31 2017-18/39 04nos Tube Well at /07/2018 80% 371 Kakrachari Bihar Para

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 31 2017-18/27 03nos Tube Well at /07/2018 372 Alinagar Para 80%

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 31 2017-18/39 04nos Tube Well at /07/2018 80% 373 Kakrachari Bihar Para

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 31 2017-18/27 03nos Tube Well at /07/2018 374 Alinagar Para 80%

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 31 2017-18/39 04nos Tube Well at /07/2018 375 Kakrachari Bihar 80% Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 31 2017-18/27 03nos Tube Well at /07/2018 376 Alinagar Para 80%

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 31 2017-18/39 04nos Tube Well at /07/2018 80% 377 Kakrachari Bihar Para

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 31 2017-18/27 03nos Tube Well at /07/2018 378 Alinagar Para 80%

CI/SSWR/DTW/RAN/ Installation of On going Awarded 31 2017-18/39 04nos Tube Well at /07/2018 80% 379 Kakrachari Bihar Para


FY 2014-15

Construction of 88m Implemented In FY: RCC footpath, 380m 1 Completed Awarded 2012-2013 HBB footpath & 48m long stair.

Implemented In FY: Installation of 6nos. 2 Completed Awarded 2012-2013 Deep tubewell.

Construction of 800m length Implemented In FY: 3 irrigation canal, Completed Awarded 2012-2013 pump house & reservior tank and installation and

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

supplying water pump and pipe line.

FY 2014-15

Construction of HBB Road from DPMO/BAN/2014- Bandarban- Thanchi 4 Completed Awarded 15/001 Main Road to Basanta Para. Length 1.50 k.m.

Instailation 300m CI/SSWR/DTW/BA 5 depth DSP Tube Completed Awarded N/2014-15/16 well for irrigation

Construction of RCC water reservoir, CI/SSWR/ST- construction of 60m 6 WR/BAN/2014- RCC stair to water Completed Awarded 15/01 tank & construction of 49m CC long steps.

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2 nos. 7 Completed Awarded 2014-15/16 DTW

Construction of HBB Road from Lama- DPMO/BAN/2-14- Sualok Road to 8 Completed Awarded 15/002 Punarbashan Tripura Para. Length 1390m

Construction of 510m HBB Access Road, 3nos. 3.5m CI/SSWR/ ST, RW pipe culvert, 100m 9 and WR/BAN/2014- L drain at Chimbuk Completed Awarded 15/019 Pabla Headman Para, 75m RCC stair annd 15m earthen Dam Construction

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 20m Depth Ring Well & renovation of RCC CI/SSWR, St, RW Water Reservoir 10 and WR/BAN/2014- Completed Awarded Tank, Construction 15/20 of 81m RCC Steps & 42m CC Long Steps.

Construction of HBB DPMO/BAN/2014- Road. Length 11 Completed Awarded 15/011 0.627km. & width 2m. (Package-01)

Installation of 2nos. CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 38mm Dia, 168m 12 Completed Awarded 2014-15/004 Depth Deep Tube Well. (Package -02)

Supplying & Carrying of 1nos. CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ 13 Power Tiller (Engine Completed Awarded 2014-15/01 model S195NL, 12 HP). Package-03

Installation of 3nos. CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 38mm Dia, 168m 14 Completed Awarded 2014-15/007 Depth Deep Tube Well.

Construction of L- 7m & width-1.2m Spill Weir for CI/SSWR/ST- Irrigation and 15 SW/BAN/2014- Completed Awarded Domestic use And 15/017 Construction of 41m RCC Stair at the Entrance.

Installation of 2nos. CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 38mm Dia, 168m 16 Completed Awarded 2014-15/008 Depth Deep Tube Well.

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of 56m CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ 17 CC Long Steps & Completed Awarded 2014-15/013 54m RCC Stair.

Installation of 3nos. CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 38mm Dia, 168m 18 Completed Awarded 2014-15/009 Depth Deep Tube Well.

Supplying including carrying of 2 nos. CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ 19 Power Tiller. Completed Awarded 2014-15/08-9 (Engine model S195NL, 12 HP).

Construction of HBB Road, Pipe Culvert DPMO/BAN/2014- 20 & U-Drain. Total Completed Awarded 15/004 Length-1147m. & width 1.5m

Construction of 12m DPMO/BAN/2014- 21 RCC stair at Jogesh Completed Awarded 15/004 Karbari Para.

Installation of 2nos. CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 22 38mm Dia, 168m 2014-15/006 Deep tubewell

Supplying & Carrying of 2nos. CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ 23 Power Tiller (Engine Completed Awarded 2014-15/004 model S195NL, 12 HP).

Construction of CI/VFP, 1005m HBB Village 24 ST/BAN/2014- Foothpath 160m Completed Awarded 15/22 road Protection Wall cum Drainage.

CI/VFP, Construction of 50m 25 ST/BAN/2014- CC long steps & Completed Awarded 15/22 104m RCC Stair.

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 2 nos. 20m Depth Ring well and supply & carrying 2 nos. (3000 lit.) plastic CI/SSWR/DTW,RW 26 water tank and Completed Awarded /BAN/2014-15/012 installation of 1 nos. (38mm dia 168m depth DTW with submersible motor pump & pipe line.

Construction of 218m village access road, 365m village CI/VFP, ST, PC, footpath & 60m L- 27 SC, BC/BAN/2014- drain, 1 nos. pipe Completed Awarded 15/25 culvert & 1 nos. U- drain, 24m protection wall & 2.5m canal..

CI/VFP, ST, PC, Construction of 60m 28 SC, BC/BAN/2014- RCC stair & 64m Completed Awarded 15/25 long steps.

Installation of 3Nos CI/SSWR/DTW/BA 29 38mm Dia Deep Completed Awarded N/2014-15/13 Tube Well.

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 2Nos 30 Completed Awarded 2014-15/13 Power Tiller.

Construction of HBB Road, Long Steps, DPMO/BAN/2014- U-Drain. Length 31 Completed Awarded 15/012 0.664km. & width 1.5m And Stair - 30m,w-1m.

Installation of 2nos. CI/SSRW/TW/BAN/ 32 38mm Dia, 168m Completed Awarded 2014-15/003 Deep tubewell.

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying & 33 Completed Awarded 2014-15/03 Carrying of 1nos. Power Tiller Page 77 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 78 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

(Engine model S195NL, 12 HP).

Construction of 65m RCC Stair to Stream CI/SSWR/ST,RW/B 34 & Installation of Completed Awarded AN/2014-15/014 1nos. 20m Depth Ring Well.

Construction of HBB DPMO/BAN/2014- Road. Length 35 Completed Awarded 15/009 1260m. & width 2.5m.

Construction of HBB DPMO/BAN/2014- Road. Length 36 Completed Awarded 15/010 1239m. & width 1.5m.

Installation of 3nos. CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 38mm Dia, 168m 37 Completed Awarded 2014-15/010 Depth Deep Tube Well.

Construction of HBB DPMOI/BNA/0214- 38 Road. Length-812m. Completed Awarded 15/003 & width 1.5m.

Installation of 1nos. CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 39 38mm Dia, 168m Completed Awarded 2014-15/005 Deep tubewell.

Supplying & Carrying of 1nos. CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ 40 Power Tiller (Engine Completed Awarded 2014-15/002 model S195NL, 12 HP).

Construction of HBB DPMO/BAN/2014- Road at Sonai 41 Completed Awarded 15/005 Sepru Para. Ch: 00- 1094m. & width 2m.

Construction of HBB DPMO/BAN/2014- 42 Road at Sonai Completed Awarded 15/006 Sepru Para. Ch: 1094-2188m. & Page 78 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 79 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

width 2m. And Stair- L_23m. W_1m

Girder Bridge DPMO/BAN/2014- 43 Length 8.6m. & Completed Awarded 15/007 width 3m.

Installation of 4nos. CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 44 38mm Dia, 168m Completed Awarded 2014-15/001 Deep tubewell.

CI/SSWR/ST, Construction of 65m 45 WR/BAN/2014- RCC Stair & 69m Completed Awarded 15/23 CC Long Steps.

CI/SSWR/ST, Installation of 20m 46 WR/BAN/2014- Completed Awarded Depth Ring Well. 15/23

Construction of HBB Foot Path, Length DPMO/BAN/2014- 781m. & width 1.5m. 47 Completed Awarded 15/008 & U- Drain 102m And Stair-L_18m, w_2m.

Installation of 1nos. CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 38mm Dia, 168m 48 Completed Awarded 2014-15/002 Depth Deep Tube Well.

CI/SSWR/SDW/BA 2 Nos Earten Dam 49 Completed Awarded N/2014-15/21 (16+20)m=36m

RCC Stair- CI/ST, 120m,Long Steps- 50 RW/BAN/2014- Completed Awarded 45m and Ring well 15/24 01 Nos

Construction of CI/VFP,PC and 450m HBB road, 51 WR/BAN/2014- 3nos. 3.5m pipe Completed Awarded 15/018 culvert and 105m protection wall.

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of 746m HBB road, 1mX1mX5m U- CI/VFP,PC,SC,ST drain, 3.5m pipe 52 and LIC/BAN/2014- culvert, 73m CC Completed Awarded 15/016 Long steps and Construction of 330m Irrigation Lined Canal.

FY 2015-16

Supplying & installation of 1nos. CI/SSWR/PP/BAN/ Submersible pump 53 Completed Awarded 2015-16/23 and fitting uPVC pipe to DSP for irrigation

Construction of 720m village footpath & 14m CI/SWCM, VFP, road protection wall 54 ST/BAN/2015- Completed Awarded & 1x.9x6m slab 16/31 culvert and Construction of 75m RCC stair.

Suppluing of 1 nos. CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Powertiller and 55 Completed Awarded 2015-16/14 Suppluing of 1 nos. Pump Machine.

Construction of 193m village access road, 513m village footpath, 100m U- CI/VFP, VAR, PC, Drain 2nos Box SC, DR and culvert & 4nos pipe 56 Completed Awarded ST/BAN/2015- culvert, 178m L- 16/33 drain and Construction of 88m RCC stair & 2nos RCC water reservoir tank.

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying including carrying of 2 nos. CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ 57 Power Tiller (Engine Completed Awarded 2015-16/06-7 model S195NL, 12 HP).

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Construction of 54m 58 Completed Awarded 2015-16/38 RCC stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2 nos. 59 Completed Awarded 2015-16/18 DTW

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 3 nos. 60 Completed Awarded 2015-16/18 Powertiller

Construction of 112m RCC stair, 8m CI/SSWR, WR, DR U-drain, 1nos RCC 61 and ST/BAN/2015- Completed Awarded water reservoir tank 16/34 & 7m road protection wall.

CI/SSWR, WR, DR Construction of 62 and ST/BAN/2015- Completed Awarded 132m RCC stair. 16/35

Construction of 68m CI/SSWR/SWCM RCC stair, 12m 63 and ST/BAN/2015- Completed Awarded protection wall & 16/36 42m U-drain.

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 3 nos. 64 Completed Awarded 2015-16/20 DTW

Construction of CI/SSWR, ST, 703m village 65 VFP, SC and footpath and Completed Awarded PC/2015-16/40 Construction of 45m RCC stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 3 nos. 66 Completed Awarded 2015-16/21 DTW

CI/SSWR/PT, 67 PP/BAN/2015- Suppluying of 2 nos. Completed Awarded 16/19 powertiller and

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of 1 nos. pump machine

Construction of 1041m village CI/SWCM, VFP, footpath, 3nos pipe 68 PC, ST/BAN/2015- culvert and Completed Awarded 16/30 Construction of 104m RCC stair & 35m RCC long step

upplying including carrying of 1 nos. CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ 69 Power Tiller. Completed Awarded 2015-16/15 (Engine model S195NL, 12 HP).

Construction of 800m HBB village CI/VFP,PC,DR and footpath, 100m U- 70 ST/BAN/2015- Drain & 4nos pipe Completed Awarded 16/32 culvert and Construction of 85m RCC stair.

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 71 Completed Awarded 2015-16/15 DTW

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 1 Nos 72 Completed Awarded 2015-16/16 Power Tiller.

Supplying & Carrying of 1nos. CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ 73 Power Tiller (Engine Completed Awarded 2015-16/11 model S195NL, 12 HP).

Installation of 2nos. CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 38mm Dia, 168m 74 Completed Awarded 2015-16/33 Depth Deep Tube Well.

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying including 75 Completed Awarded 2015-16/10 carrying of 1 nos. Power Tiller.

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

(Engine model S195NL, 12 HP).

Construction of 735m HBB & 70m RCC village access road, 150m HBB CI/VFP, VAR, PC, village footpath 76 SC/BAN/2015- Completed Awarded including pipe 16/026 culvert, drain & protection wall and construction of 52m RCC Stair

CI/VAR, VFP, PC, DR, ST and Construction of 7m x 77 Completed Awarded SC/BAN/2015- 3m RCC box culvert 16/26

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Deep set Tube well- 78 Completed Awarded 2015-16/14 02 Nos

Supplying of Power CI/SSWR/PT, Tiller-02 Nos and 79 PT/BAN/2014- Completed Awarded Pump Machine-01 15/12 No

CI/SSWRST/BAN/2 Construction of 71m 80 Completed Awarded 015-16/39 RCC stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2 nos. 81 Completed Awarded 2015-16/19 DTW

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 2 nos. 82 Completed Awarded 2015-16/16 powertiller

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Construction of 62m 83 Completed Awarded 2015-16/43 RCC stair.

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 84 Completed Awarded 2015-16/23 DTW

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 2 nos. 85 Completed Awarded 2015-16/22 powertiller

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Construction of 57m 86 Completed Awarded 2015-16/43 RCC stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 87 Completed Awarded 2015-16/24 DTW

Supplying of 2nos. CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Powertillers and 88 Completed Awarded AN/2015-16/23 1nos. Water pump machine

Construction of 59m CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ 89 RCC stair & 82m Completed Awarded 2015-16/41 long steps

Supplying of 2nos. CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Powertillers and 90 Completed Awarded AN/2015-16/21 1nos. Water pump machine

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Construction of 91 Completed Awarded 2015-16/37 47.5m stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 3nos. 92 Completed Awarded 2015-16/17 DTW

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 2nos. 93 Completed Awarded 2015-16/17 Powertiller

Construction of 51m CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ 94 RCC stair & 38m Completed Awarded 2015-16/44 long steps.

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 3 nos. 95 Completed Awarded 2015-16/28 DTW

Construction of CI/VFP, PC, 675m village SWCM, footpath (width- 96 Completed Awarded ST/BAN/2015- 1.5m), 12m drain, 16/45 20m protection wall & 3nos. Pipe culvert.

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of 107m RCC stair, CI/VFP, PC, 30m RCC long SWCM, 97 steps, 1nos. RCC Completed Awarded ST/BAN/2015- water reservoir tank 16/45 & 10m brick protection wall

Construction of CI/SSWR/VAR, 750m village access SWCM, road & 133m drain & 98 Completed Awarded ST/BAN/2015- 60m palisading work 16/46 and Construction of 45m RCC stair

Construction of water supply system by lifting water from CI/SSWR/WS,RT/B Poli khal/stream 99 Completed Awarded an/2015-16/47 using submersible pump with HDP coil pipe delivery at RCC reservoir tank

Construction of 500m village footpath, 3nos. Pipe CI/SSWR/WS,RT/B 100 culvert & 15m brick Completed Awarded an/2015-16/47 protection wall and Construction of 97m RCC stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 101 Completed Awarded 2015-16/27 DTW

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 1no. 102 Completed Awarded 2015-16/25 Powertiller

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 3nos. 103 Completed Awarded 2015-16/26 DTW

Supplying of 4 nos. CI/SSWR/PT, powertiller and 104 PP/BAN/2015- Supplying of 2nos. Completed Awarded 16/24 Power pump machine

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of 576m village footpath 75m L- CI/SSWR/PT, drain and 105 PP/BAN/2015- Completed Awarded Construction of 16/24 1nos. RCC water reservoir tank and 88m RCC stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 106 Completed Awarded 2016-17/35 DTW.

Construction of CI 2nos. RCC water 107 /SSWR/SWCM,WR Completed Awarded reservoir tank & /BAN/2015-16/50 20m. earthen dam.

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 4nos. 108 Completed Awarded 2015-16/29 Deep Tube Well

Construction of 613m village CI/VFP, PC, footpath and SWCM, onstruction of 126m 109 Completed Awarded ST/BAN/2015- RCC stair & 68m 16/54 long steps and additional estimate for WRT

Construction of 85m CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ 110 RCC stair & 90m Completed Awarded 2015-16/55 steps

Construction of CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ 111 84.5m RCC stair & Completed Awarded 2015-16/51 60m steps

CI/SSWR/RW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 112 Completed Awarded 2016-17/38 Ring well

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 2nos. 113 Completed Awarded 2015-16/26 Powertiller

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Construction of 90m 114 Completed Awarded 2015-16/52 stair

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

CI/SSWR/TW Installation of 1nos. 115 Completed Awarded /BAN/2016-17/36 Deep tube well

Supplying of 1no. CI/SSWR/PT, Powertiller & 1no. 116 PP/BAN/2015- Completed Awarded Water pump 16/27 machine

Construction of 88m CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ 117 stair & 40m long Completed Awarded 2015-16/53 steps.

CI/SSWR/TW Installation of 2nos. 118 Completed /BAN/2016-17/37 DTW.

Installation & CI/SSWR/GFS/BA 119 construction of GFS Completed Awarded N/2015-16/32 for water supply.

Construction of 690m village access road, 2nos. Slab CI/ VAR, SC, RW, culvert, 66m U- 120 ST/ BAN / 2015- Completed Awarded drain, Construction 16/62 of 111m RCC stair and Installation of 2nos. Ring well

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 1no. 121 Completed Awarded 2015-16/32 Powertiller

Construction of CI/SSWR/RW, 133m RCC stair & 122 ST/BAN/2015- 41m steps and Completed Awarded 16/59 Installation of 2nos. Ring well

Construction of CI/SSWR/ RW, ST/ 120m RCC stair, 123 Completed Awarded BAN / 2015-16/61 Installation of 2nos. Ring well

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 1nos. 124 Completed Awarded 2015-16/31 Power tiller

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of 470m village access road, 469m village CI/SSWR/VAR, footpath, 100m VFP, PC, SC and drain, 1nos. Pipe 125 Completed Awarded ST/BAN/2015- culvert, 1nos. U- 16/56 culvert, Construction of 105m stair and Installation of 1nos. Ring well

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 1nos. 126 Completed Awarded 2015-16/30 Power tiller

Construction of 482m village access road, 495m village CI/VFP, VAR, PC, footpath, 85m drain, work is in 127 ST/ BAN / 2015- 4nos. Pipe culvert, Awarded progress 16/64 Construction of 50m stair & 35m steps and 8m drainage system.

CI/SSWR/TW Installation of 2nos. 128 Completed Awarded /BAN/2015-16/34 Deep tube well

Supplying of 2nos. CI/SSWR/PT, Power tiller & 1nos. 129 PP/BAN/2015- Completed Awarded Water pump 16/33 machine

Construction of 482m village access road & 566m village CI/SSWR/VFP, footpath, 2 pipe 130 VAR, PC, ST/ BAN Completed Awarded culvert & 11m brick / 2016-17/65 protection wall and Construction of 73m RCC stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 131 Completed Awarded 2016-17/40 Deep tube well

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of 2nos. CI/SSWR/PT, Power tiller & 1nos. 132 PP/BAN/2015- Completed Awarded Water pump 16/34 machine

Construction of 38m CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN 133 RCC stair & 38m u- Completed Awarded / 2016-17/71 drain

CI/SSWR/TW Installation of 3nos. 134 Completed Awarded /BAN/2015-16/33 Deep tube well

Supplying of 2nos. CI/SSRW/PT,PP/B Power tiller & 1nos. 135 Completed Awarded AN/2015-16/35 Water pump machine

FY: 2016-17

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 136 Completed Awarded 2016-17/35 Deep tube well

CI/SSWR/GFS/BA Construction of GFS 137 Completed Awarded N/2016-17/117 System

CI/SSWR/RW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 138 Completed Awarded 2016-17/39 Ring well

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of RCC 139 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/71 stair & CC steps

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 1nos. 140 Completed Awarded 2016-17/37 Deep tube well

Construction of 88m CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 141 stair & 40m long Completed Awarded 2016-17/37 steps.

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 142 Completed Awarded 2016-17/37 DTW.

Installation & CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 143 construction of GFS Completed Awarded 2016-17/37 for water supply.

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of Completed CI/SSWR/ST,RW/ 133m RCC stair & 144 Awarded BAN / 2016-17/59 41m steps, 02 nos Ring wells

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of Completed 145 Awarded / 2016-17/71 120m RCC stair

Construction of 38m CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN 146 RCC stair & 38m u- Completed Awarded / 2016-17/71 drain

Construction of 482m village access CI/SSWR/VAR,VFP road & 566m village 146 ,PC & ST/ BAN / footpath, 2 pipe Completed Awarded 2016-17/65 culvert & 11m brick protection wall,77m RCC stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 147 Completed Awarded 2016-17/40 Deep tube well


CI/SSWR/CD/BAN/ Construction of 28m. 148 Completed 2016-17/76 earthen dam.

Installation and supplying Aro forestry jhum CI/SSWR/WM/BAN 149 land,bio engineering Completed Awarded /2016-17/128 stream bank,vegitable gully plugging

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of 51m. 150 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/72 RCC stair.

Installation of 1nos. CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 151 DTW with Completed Awarded 2016-17/41 submersible pump, fitting pipe line and Page 90 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 91 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

construction of tape stand & water tank stand.

Supplying of 2nos. CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B 152 power tiller & 1nos. Completed Awarded AN/2016-17/37 power pump.

Construction of 55m. CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ 153 RCC stair & 100m. Completed Awarded 2016-17/73 Long step.

CI/SSWR/RW/BAN/ Installation of 1nos. 154 Completed Awarded 2016-17/42 DTW.

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 1nos. 155 Completed Awarded 2016-17/38 power tiller.

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Construction of 45m. 156 Completed Awarded 2016-17/70 RCC stair.

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 157 Completed Awarded 2016-17/38 DTW.

Supplying of 2nos. CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B 158 power tiller and Completed Awarded AN/2016-17/38 2nos. power pump.

Construction of 75m. CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN 159 RCC stair & 55m. Completed Awarded / 2016-17/69 Long step.

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 01 nos. 160 Completed Awarded 2016-17/39 power tiller

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 1nos. 161 Completed Awarded 2016-17/44 DTW.

CI/SSWR/GFS/ Construction of GFS 162 Completed Awarded BAN / 2016-17/116 System

Construction of 70m CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN RCC stair, 23m CC 163 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/90 long steps & 60m U- drain.

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of 90m CI/SSWR/ST,RT/ RCC stair, 12m U- 164 Completed Awarded BAN / 2016-17/91 drain with reservoir tank

Construction of 52m. CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN RCC stair & 8m. 165 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/86 Landing stair & 10m side protection wall.

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 1nos. 166 Completed Awarded 2016-17/41 PT.

Construction of 41m. CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN 167 RCC stair & 40m. Completed Awarded / 2016-17/75 Long step.

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 2nos. 168 Completed Awarded 2016-17/48 PT.

CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Supplying of 1nos. 169 Completed Awarded AN/2016-17/50 PT & 1nos. PP.

Construction of 65m. CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN 170 RCC stair & 60m. Completed Awarded / 2016-17/79 Long step,

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 1nos. 171 Completed Awarded 2016-17/44 PT.

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of 40m 172 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/84 RCC stair

Supplying of 2nos. CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B 173 power tiller 1no. Completed Awarded AN/2016-17/43 Pump machine.

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 3nos. 174 Completed Awarded 2016-17/48 DTW

construction of CI/SSWR/VAR,VFP village access road, 175 ,PC& ST/ BAN / Footpath,pipe Completed Awarded 2016-17/95 culvert, L- drain, RCC Stair

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 3nos. 176 Completed Awarded 2016-17/57 DTW

CI/SSWR/VFP& construction of 177 SC/ BAN / 2016- village Footpath,box Completed Awarded 17/96 culvert

CI/SSWR/GFS/BA Construction of 178 Completed Awarded N/2016-17/99 GFS Supply

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Construction of 179 Completed Awarded 2016-17/100 RCC stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 180 Completed Awarded 2016-17/69 Deep tube well

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Construction of RCC 181 Completed Awarded 2016-17/90 Stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 182 Completed Awarded 2016-17/57 Deep tube well

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of RCC 183 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/98 Stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2nos. 184 Completed Awarded 2016-17/49 Deep tube well

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 2nos. 185 Completed Awarded 2016-17/54 power tiller.

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of RCC 186 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/80 Stair

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 1nos. 187 Completed Awarded 2016-17/47 power tiller.

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of RCC 188 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/80 Stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 03nos. 189 Completed Awarded 2016-17/47 DTW.

CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Supplying of 2nos. 190 Completed Awarded AN/2016-17/42 PT & 02nos. PP.

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of RCC CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN 191 Stair , earth dam, Completed Awarded / 2016-17/80 reservoir tank

construction of CI/SSWR/VAR,VFP village access, 192 ,PC& ST/ BAN / Footpath,box Completed Awarded 2016-17/108 culvert, pipe culvert, stair

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 2nos. 193 Completed Awarded 2016-17/70 PT

construction of CI/SSWR/VAR,VFP 800m village access 194 ,DR& ST/ BAN / road, village road Completed Awarded 2016-17/102 side brick protection wall, RCC Stair

construction of 800m village access CI/SSWR/VAR,VFP road, pipe culvert, 195 ,PC& ST/ BAN / slab culnert village Completed Awarded 2016-17/111 road side brick protection wall, RCC Stair

construction of 800m village access CI/SSWR/VAR,VFP road, pipe culvert, 196 ,PC& ST/ BAN / slab culnert village Completed Awarded 2016-17/109 road side brick protection wall, RCC Stair

CI/SSWR/VAR,SW construction of 197 CM& PC/ BAN / village access road, Completed Awarded 2016-17/112 pipe culvert

CI/SSWR/GFS/ Construction of GFS 198 Completed Awarded BAN / 2016-17/118 System

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of RCC 199 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/115 Stair

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 1nos. 200 Completed Awarded 2016-17/61 DTW.

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Construction of RCC 201 Completed Awarded 2016-17/119 Stair

Installation of 1nos. CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 202 DTWwith Completed Awarded 2016-17/57 submersible pump

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Construction of RCC 203 Completed Awarded 2016-17/72 Stair

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 02 nos. 204 Completed Awarded 2016-17/62 PT.

Construction of CI/VFP & ST/ BAN 700m village 205 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/74 footpath,88m RCC,77m long steps

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 1nos. 206 Completed Awarded 2016-17/43 DTW.

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Supplying of 1nos. 207 Completed Awarded 2016-17/40 PT.

construction of 800m village access road, 807m village footpath, 180m u- CI/SSWR/VAR,VFP drain, 3nos. pipe 208 ,PC SC & ST/ BAN culvert, 3nos. slab Completed Awarded / 2017-18/89 culbert, 12m road side brick protection wall, 41m RCC Stair, 04 nos Ring wells

Supplying & CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Carrying of 2nos. 209 Completed Awarded 2016-17/52 Power Tiller (12 HP).

CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B 210 Supplying & Completed Awarded AN/2016-17/52 Carrying of 2nos.

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Power Tiller (12 HP).pump machine

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Construction of 211 Completed Awarded 2016-17/68 120m. RCC stair.

Construction of 830m village CI/SSWR/VAR,RW footpath, 65m U- 212 & ST/ BAN / 2016- drain, 36m brick Completed Awarded 17/104 protection wall,16m RCC stair, 02 nos Ring wells

Construction of 1740m. VAR, 198m. VFP, 200m. U drain, CI/SSWR/VAR,VFP 2nos. PC, 2 SC, 213 ,PC & ST/ BAN / Completed Awarded 100m. L drain, 20m. 2016-17/81 PW., 65m RCC Stair, 03 nos Ring wells

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ 214 Supplying of 2 PT. Completed Awarded 2016-17/46

Construction of 1000m village access road, 6nos. CI/SSWR/VAR,PC/ 215 pipe culvert, 215m Completed Awarded BAN / 2016-17/77 U-drain and 60m road side protection wall.

Construction of 962m village access road, 360m village CI/SSWR/VPF,SC, footpath, 4nos. slab 216 ST,RW/ BAN / Completed Awarded culvert, 160m L- 2016-17/77 drain, 8m landing ghat, DTW with submersible pump

Supplying & carrying CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ 217 of 2nos in 12HP Completed Awarded 2016-17/40 power tiller.

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of RCC 218 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/82 stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 3nos. 219 Completed Awarded 2016-17/54 DTW.

Supplying & carrying CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B of 2nos in 12HP 220 Completed Awarded AN/2016-17/50 power tiller,Pump machine

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of RCC 221 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/110 stair

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of RCC 222 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/110 stair

CI/SSWR/SWCM, Construction of RCC 223 ST/ BAN / 2016- Completed Awarded stair 17/93

Construction of CI/SSWR/VPF,VAR village access road, 224 ,PC,SC, ST/ BAN / village footpath, Completed Awarded 2016-17/94 4nos. slab culvert, landing ghat

Supplying and CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Installation of 02nos 225 Completed Awarded AN/2017-18/58 Power tiller ,pump machine

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of RCC 226 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/85 stair

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 3nos. 227 Completed Awarded 2016-17/46 DTW.

Supplying and CI/SSWR/PT/ BAN 228 Installation of 01nos Completed Awarded / 2016-17/45 Power tiller

CI/SSWR/PT,PP/ 229 Supplying and Completed Awarded BAN / 2016-17/67 Installation of 01nos

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Power tiller ,01 pump machine

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of RCC 230 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/84 stair

Supplying and CI/SSWR/PT/ BAN 231 Installation of 01nos Completed Awarded / 2016-17/69 Power tiller

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 02 232 Completed Awarded 2016-17/55 nos. DTW.

Supplying and CI/SSWR/PT,PP/ Installation of 02nos 233 Completed Awarded BAN / 2016-17/51 Power tiller , 01 pump machine

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of RCC 234 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/83 stair

Construction of village access road, CI/SSWR/VFP,PC village footpath, 235 & WR/ BAN / 2016- Completed Awarded slab culvert, DTW 17/107 with submersible pump

Supplying and CI/SSWR/PT,PP/ 236 Installation of 01nos Completed Awarded BAN / 2016-17/51 Power tiller

CI/SSWR/ST/ BAN Construction of RCC 237 Completed Awarded / 2016-17/125 stair

Supplying and CI/SSWR/PT/ BAN 238 Installation of 01nos Completed Awarded / 2016-17/53 Power tiller

CI/SSWR/ST,RW/ Construction of RCC 239 Completed Awarded BAN / 2016-17/105 stair

FY: 2017-18

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of RCC Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ 240 stair and CC step at Awarded 2017-18/130 Lemujhiri Aga Para

Installation of 03 nos Completed CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Deep Tube Wells at 241 Awarded 2017-18/068 selected places in Lemujhiri Aga Para

Supplying and Completed CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Installation of 01nos 242 Awarded 2017-18/76 Power tiller in Lemujhiri Aga Para

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Construction of RCC Completed 243 Awarded 2017-18/131(279) stair in Choto para

Construction of RCC Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ 244 Stair at Grokhyong Awarded 2017-18/132(282) Para

CI/SSWR/ Construction of RCC Completed 245 ST/BAN/2017- stair of Baishparhee Awarded 18/133 para

installation of 03 nos Completed CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Deep Tube Wells at 246 Awarded 2017-18/63 selected places of Baishparhee Para

Construction of RCC Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ stair, Landing Ghat 247 Awarded 2017-18/137(287) & u-drainage system in Sonaram para

Construction of HBB Completed Road, slab culvert, CI/SSWR/HBB, SC RCC palisading, 248 & ST/ BAN / 2017- Awarded brick protection wall 18/140(291) & RCC Stair at Chak Headman Para

Installation of 02 nos CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Deep Tube Wells at 249 Completed Awarded 2017-18/068 selected places in Battoli Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying & Completed CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Installation of 01 no 250 Awarded 2017-18/77 Power Tiller in Anil Chakma Para

Supplying & Completed Installation of 02 nos Power Tiller & one CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B 251 water pump Awarded AN/2017-18/72 machine in krokhyong Chak Para

Supplying & Completed Installation of 02 nos CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Power Tiller & 02 252 Awarded AN/2017-18/78 nos water pump machine in Ramatiya Para

Supplying & Completed CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Installation of 01 nos 253 Awarded 2017-18/79 Power Tiller in wabrei Para

Supplying & Completed Installation of 03 nos Power Tiller & 02 CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B 254 nos water pump Awarded AN/2017-18/73 machine in Sonaichari Headman Para

Construction of RCC Completed stair & brick CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ 255 protection wall in Awarded 2017-18/139(289) Chambi Headman para

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Construction of RCC Completed 256 Awarded 2017-18/148(300) Stair

CI/SSWR/ST/BAN / Construction of RCC Completed 257 Awarded 2017-18/147(299) Stair

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Completed Awarded Construction of RCC CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ 258 Stair, Landing ghat 2017-18/146(298 & CC Stair

Completed Awarded

CI/SSWR/ ST/ BAN Construction of RCC 259 / 2017-18/145(297) Stair & CC Stair

Supplying & Completed CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ 260 Installation of 1Nos Awarded 2017-18/74 PT at Minziri para

Supplying & Completed Installation of 1Nos CI/SSWR/PP/BAN/ 261 pump machine at Warded 2017-18/75 Nawa Patong mukh para

Supplying & Completed Installation of 2Nos CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Power tillers and 262 Awarded AN/2017-18/80 1Nos pump machine at Chambi Headman para

Supplying & Completed CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Installation of 2Nos 263 Awarded 2017-18/81 Power tillers at Sonaram para

Supplying & Completed CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Installation of 2Nos 264 Awarded 2017-18/82 Power tillers at Shilartowa para

CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Completed 265 Supplying & Awarded 2017-18/83 Installation of 2Nos

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Power tillers at Choto para

Supplying & Completed CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Installation of 1Nos 266 AN/2017- Power tiller and Awarded 18/84(315) 1Nos pump machine at Nyo Aung para

Supplying & Completed CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Installation of 1Nos 267 Awarded 2017-18/85(316) Power tiller at Naziram para

Supplying & Completed CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Installation of 1Nos 268 Awarded 2017-18/86(317) Power tiller at Chahla Ching para

Supplying & Completed CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Installation of 1Nos 269 Awarded 2017-18/87(318) Power tiller at ChingKom para

Supplying & Completed Installation of 2Nos CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Power tillers and Awarded AN/2017-18/88 2Nos pump machines at 270 Bakichara para

Supplying & Completed Installation of 3Nos CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Power tillers and Awarded AN/2017-18/89 1Nos pump machine 271 at Majher para

Supplying & Completed CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Installation of 1Nos Awarded 2017-18/90(335) Power tiller at 272 Rumachar para

CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Supplying & Completed AN/2017- Installation of 1Nos Awarded 273 18/97(348) Power tiller and 2Nos pump

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

machines at Rangsango para

Supplying & Completed CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Installation of 1Nos Awarded 2017-18/98(350) Power tiller at 274 Telonia Marma para

Supplying & Completed Installation of 3Nos CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Power tillers and AN/2017- Awarded 3Nos pump 18/99(352) machines at 275 Denkichara para

Supplying & Completed CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Installation of 1Nos Awarded 2017-18/100(356) Power tiller at 276 Dolboniya para

Supplying & Completed Installation of 2Nos CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Power tillers and AN/2017- Awarded 2Nos pump 18/107(387) machines at Regra 277 para

Supplying & Completed Installation of 2Nos CI/SSWR/PT/BAN/ Power tillers at Awarded 2017-18/139(494) Boilarchar Cheoni 278 Mukh para

Supplying & Completed Installation of 1Nos CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Power tiller and AN/2017- Awarded 1Nos pump machine 18/144(514) at Mongswe prue 279 para

Supplying & Completed CI/SSWR/PT,PP/B Installation of 2Nos AN/2017- Power tillers and Awarded 18/118(422) 1Nos pump machine 280 at Bengchari para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of 78m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair at Awarded 2017-18/179(393) 281 Bhangamura para

Construction of 60m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair at Awarded 2017-18/235(517) 282 Madyam Chak Para

Construction of 93m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair, 14m. CC Awarded 2017-18/170(371) long step & 35m. U- 283 drain at Waihla para

Construction of 83m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair at Gungru Awarded 2017-18/199(446) 284 Madyam para

Construction of 68m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair & 65m CC Awarded 2017-18/145(297) stair at Chahla 285 Ching Para

Construction of 37m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair at Awarded 2017-18/168(367) 286 Bodhujhiri Para

Installation of 1no. Completed RW with CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ submerssible pump Awarded 2017-18/77(312) & water supply system at Rumachar 287 para

Construction of 65m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair, 33m. CC Awarded 2017-18/142(293) stair at Rumachar 288 Para

construction of 68m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair, 15m. CC Awarded 2017-18/143(294) stairl & WRT at 289 Raifu para

Construction of 48m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST, RCC stair, 57m brick Awarded 290 MDLW and CC stair, 1no. pond

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

RW/BAN/2017- & installation of 1no. 18/156(324) Ring well at Jaruliachara Para

Construction of Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ 112m. Stair at Nyo Awarded 2017-18/146(298) 291 Aung Para

Construction of 10m. Completed RCC stair & 48m, brick CC stair, 9m. CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC landing stair & Awarded 2017-18/233(515) 1no new community pond at Boilarchar Cheoni much 292 marma para

Construction of 66m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair, 31m. U- Awarded 2016-17/110. drain & slab culvert 293 at Ailmara Para

Construction of 45m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair & 26m. Awarded 2017-18/166(360) brick CC stair at 294 Bengchari Para

Construction of 71m. Completed RCC stair & 22m. CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ brick CC stair & Awarded 2017-18/176(386) installation of 2nos. Ring well at Regra 295 Para

Construction of Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ 106m. RCC stair & Awarded 2017-18/114(420) 55m, brick CC stair 296 at Naziram Para

Construction of 57m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair at Choto Awarded 2017-18/131(279) 297 para

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 3nos. Completed Awarded 298 2017-18/79(314) DTW at Choto Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of 27m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ landing stair at Awarded 2017-18/155(323) 299 Boroitoli para

Installation of 2nos. Completed CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ DTW at Telonia Awarded 2017-18/91(351) 300 Marma Para

Construction of 45m. Completed CI/SSWR/MDLW & RCC stair & ST/BAN/2017- community pond re- Awarded 18/161(332) excavation at 301 Telonia Marma para

Construction of Completed I/SSWR/VAR, VFP, 197m. VAR, 475m. PC and VFP, 1no. SC & Awarded SC/BAN/2017- 4nos. PC at 18/162(333) 302 Denkichara para

Construction of 33m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair at Awarded 2017-18/133 303 Baishparhee para

Construction of 64m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair at Awarded 2017-18/150(303) Krokhyong Chak 304 para

Installation of 2nos. Completed CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ DTW at Rangsango Awarded 2017-18/90(349) 305 Para

Construction of 51m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair & 36m, Awarded 2017-18/160(331) long step at 306 Rangsango Para

Construction of 94m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair at Awarded 2017-18/147(299) 307 Chimkom para

Installation of 2nos. Completed CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ DTW at Bakichara Awarded 2017-18/87(339) 308 para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of 45m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair & 32m. Awarded 2017-18/152(305) Brick CC stair at 309 Bakichara para

Construction of Completed 690m. VAR, 509m. VFP, 5nos. PC, 8m. CI/SSWR/VAR,VFP Brick protection wall, ,PC,ST & 70m. U-drain, Awarded RW/BAN/2017- construction of 24m 18/157(325) RCC stair & Installation of 2nos 310 RWs

Construction of Completed 180m. VAR, 401m. VFP, 2nos. SC, 5m. CI/SSWR/HBB, SC Brick protection wall, & ST/BAN/2017- RCC palisading Awarded 18/140(291) work and Construction of 32m. RCC stair & 311 1nos. WRT

Installation of 2nos. Completed CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ DTW at Shilartowa Awarded 2017-18/135(508) 312 Naya para

Construction of 51m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair at Awarded 2017-18/136(284) Shilartowa Noya 313 para

Construction of 55m. Completed RCC stair & 10m CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ stair side brick Awarded 2017-18/139(289) protection wall at Chambi Headman 314 para

Installation of 2nos. Completed CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ DTW at Chambi Awarded 2017-18/112(418) 315 Headman para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of 85m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair at Awarded 2017-18/132(282) 316 Grokhyong para

Installation of 1no. Completed submersible DTW CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ with water supply Awarded 2017-18/71(285) system at Ramatiya 317 para.

Installation of 2nos. Completed CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ DTW at Sonaram Awarded 2017-18/113(419) 318 para

Construction of 50m. Completed CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair & 42m. Awarded 2017-18/130 CC long step at 319 Lemujhiri Aga para

Construction of 82m. On Going CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ RCC stair at Awarded 75% 31/08/2018 2017-18/165(358) 320 Tainkhali Upar para

Installation of 4nos. On going 31/08/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ RW instead of 3nos. Awarded 50% 2017-18/116(427) DTW at Valukya 321 Para

Construction of 45m. On going 31/08/2018 RCC stair & 31m, CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ brick CC stair & 9m. Awarded 50% 2017-18/234(516) RCC landing stair at 322 Mong Swe P-ru para

Installation of 4nos. On Going 31/08/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ RW instead of 3nos. Awarded 50% 2017-18/89(344) DTW at Boroitoli 323 Para

Construction of RCC On going 31/08/2018 CI/SSWR/ST/BAN/ Stair in Badhujhiri Awarded 50% 2017-18/168(367) 324 Para

CI/SSWR/RW/BAN/ On Going 31/07/2018 Installation of RW Awarded 90% 325 2017-18/83(334) with water supply

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

system at Kathal para

Installation of On Going 31/07/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 2DTWs at Shibatoli Awarded 90% 2017-18/136(513) 326 para

Installation of On Going 31/07/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 1DTWs at Nyo Aung Awarded 90% 2017-18/134(507) 327 para

Installation of On Going 31/07/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 2DTWs at Chingkom Awarded 90% 2017-18/096(364) 328 para

Installation of 1DTW On Going 31/07/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ at Mong Swe Pru Awarded 90% 2017-18/137(514) 329 para

Installation of On Going 31/07/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 2DTWs at Awarded 90% 2017-18/92(353) 330 Denkichara para

CI/SSWR/RW/BAN/ Installation of 3RWs On Going 31/07/2018 Awarded 90% 331 2017-18/178(390) at Basudeb para

Installation of 1DTW On Going 31/07/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ with water supply at Awarded 90% 2017-18/85(337) madyam Chak para 332 para

Installation of 1RW On Going 31/07/2018 CI/SSWR/RW/BAN/ with water supply at Awarded 90% 2017-18/74(301) Headman Chak para 333 para,

Installation of 1DTW On Going 31/07/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ at Naziram para Awarded 90% 2017-18/114(420) 334 para, Baishari

Installation of On Going 31/07/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 2DTWs at Boidya Awarded 90% 2017-18/131(504) 335 Vita para para,

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 1DTW On Going 31/07/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ at Krokhyong Chak Awarded 90% 2017-18/86(338) 336 para para,

Installation of 2DTW On Going 31/07/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ at Dabangkhali para Awarded 90% 2017-18/107(402) 337 ,

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 2DTW On Going 31/07/2018 Awarded 90% 338 2017-18/99(375) at Mui Aung para ,

Installation of On Going 31/08/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 3DTWs at Mui Aung Awarded 70% 2017-18/93(357) 339 para ,

Installation of 4RWs On Going 31/08/2018 CI/SSWR/RW/BAN/ at Amtoli Awarded 70% 2017-18/138(515) 340 Tanchangya para ,

Installation of On Going 31/07/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 2DTWs at Boilachar Awarded 80% 2017-18/129(493) Cheoni mukh 341 Marma para ,

Installation of On Going 31/08/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 2DTWs at Awarded 30% 2017-18/97(368) 342 Bodhujhiri para ,

Installation of On Going 31/08/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 2DTWs at Mong Awarded 30% 2017-18/139(516) 343 Swe pru para ,

Installation of On Going 31/08/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 2DTWs at Gungru Awarded 30% 2017-18/122(447) 344 Madyam para ,

Installation of On Going 31/08/2018 CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 2DTWs at Awarded 50% 2017-18/105(395) 345 Bhangamura para ,

Installation of On Going CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 2DTWs at Awarded 90% 2017-18/124(459) 346 Khamadong para , 31/07/2018

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of On Going CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ 5DTWs at Thowai Awarded 90% 2017-18/121(444) 347 Aungya para , 31/07/2018

CI/SSWR/TW/BAN/ Installation of 1DTW On Going 31/07/2018 348 Awarded 90% 2017-18/102(384) at Jamirtoli para ,

CI/SSWR/RW/BAN/ Installation of 4RWs On Going 31/07/2018 349 Awarded 80% 2017-18/89(344) at Boroitoli para ,

CI/SSWR/RW/BAN/ Installation of 4RWs On Going 31/08/2018 350 Awarded 80% 2017-18/116(427) at Valukiya para ,


FY 2014-15

CI/SSWR/LIC/KHA/ 1 Construction of Completed Awarded 2014-15/001 Irrigation Canal & Supplying of Power CI/SSWR/PP/KHA/2 2 Pump Completed Awarded 014-15/002

CI/SSWR/DTW/KH 3 Completed Awarded A/2014-15/003 Construction & Installation of Deep tube well, CI/VAR/SC/KHA/20 4 Construction of U- 14-15/004 Culvert & Supplying of Power CI/SSWR/PT/KHA/2 5 Tiller Completed Awarded 014-15/005

Construction of CI/SSWR/LIC/KHA/ 6 Irrigation Canal with Completed Awarded 2014-15/006 line RCC drain

Construction of CI/SSWR/LIC-STW- Irrigation Canal, 7 PD/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded Shallow tube well & 15/007 Pond Re-excavation

CI/SSWR/LIC- Construction of 8 STW/KHA/2014- Irrigation Canal, Completed Awarded 15/008 Shallow tube well,

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Village Pootpath & CI/VAR/VFP/KHA/2 9 Power pump Completed Awarded 014-15/009

CI/SSWR/PP/KHA/2 10 Completed Awarded 014-15/010

Construction & CI/SSWR/DTW- Installation of Deep 11 IFG/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded tube well & 15/011 Infiltration of Gallery

CI/SSWR/LIC- 12 STW/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded 15/012 Construction of CI/VAR/VFP-SC- Irrigation Canal, 13 DR/KHA/2014- Shallow tube well, U- Completed Awarded 15/013 Culvert & Power Tiller, Power Pump CI/SSWR/PT- 14 PP/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded 15/014

CI/SSWR/DTW- Construction & 15 PD/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded Installation of Deep 15/015 tube well, Pond Re- excavation & U- CI/VAR/SC/KHA/20 16 Culvert Completed Awarded 14-15/016

CI/SSWR/LIC- 17 STW/KHA/2014- Construction of Completed Awarded 15/017 Irrigation Canal , Shallow tube well, CI/SSWR/PP/KHA/2 & Power Pump 18 Completed Awarded 014-15/018

Construction & (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 19 Installation of Deep Completed Awarded KHA/2014-15/019) tube well-03 Nos

(TN:CI/VAR/FB/KH Construction of Foot 20 Completed Awarded A/2014-15/020) Bridge (18.9m)

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

(TN:CI/VAR/FB/KH Construction of Foot 21 Completed Awarded A/2014-15/021) Bridge (18.9m)

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal- 22 DTW/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded 170m 15/022) & Deep Set tube well

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PP/K 23 Pump 1 No 8HP & 1 HA/2014-15/023) No 12HP

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal- 24 STW/KHA/2014- 366m, Completed Awarded 15/024) & Installation of Shallow tube well

Construction of Box (TN:CI/VAR/BC/KH 25 Culvert Completed Awarded A/2014-15/025) (2x1.6x2.44m)

(TN:CI/SSWR/PP/K Supplying of Power 26 Completed Awarded HA/2014-15/026) Pump-03 Nos, 10HP

Construction & (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 27 Installation of Deep Completed Awarded KHA/2014-15/027) tube well (5 Nos)

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K Supplying of Power 28 Completed Awarded HA/2014-15/028) Tiller-02 Nos, 12HP

Construction & (TN:CI/SSWR/STW- Installation of 1 no 29 DTW/KHA/2014- Shallow tube well & Completed Awarded 5/029) Deep tube well (2 Nos)

Supplying of Power Tiller-03 Nos, Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Pump 01 No (24HP) 30 PP-PVC/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded & 8 inch dia uPVC 15/030) pipe 300m with pump house

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 250m, 31 DTW/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded & Installation of 15/031) Deep set tube well-7 No

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 32 PP/KHA/2014- Tiller-2 Nos & Power Completed Awarded 15/032) Pump 12Nos

Construction of Canal Diging & (TN:CI/SSWR/CD- Installation of Deep 33 DTW/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded set tube well-1 No 15/033) for Irrigation & 5 nos for drinking water

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 34 PP/KHA/2014- Tiller-2 Nos & Power Completed Awarded 15/034) Pump 1Nos

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal- 35 STW/KHA/2014- 300m, Completed Awarded 15/035) & Installation of Shallow tube well-20

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 36 PP/KHA/2014- Tiller-1 Nos & Power Completed Awarded 5/036) Pump 1Nos

(TN:CI/VAR/FB/KH Construction of Foot 37 Completed Awarded A/2014-15/037) Bridge (7m)

Construction & (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 38 Installation of Deep Completed Awarded KHA/2014-15/038) tube well-05 Nos

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 39 PP/KHA/2014- Tiller-1 Nos & Power Completed Awarded 15/039) Pump 1Nos

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 500m, 40 STW/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded & Installation of 15/040) Shallow tube well-10 No

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 41 PP/KHA/2014- Tiller-1 Nos & Power Completed Awarded 15/041) Pump 2 Nos

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 400m, 42 DTW-STW/KHA/ Completed Awarded & Installation of 2014-15/042) Deep tube well-3 & Shallow-4 No

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 43 PP/KHA/2014- Tiller-2 Nos & Power Completed Awarded 15/043) Pump 1Nos

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal- 44 DTW/KHA/2014- 450m, Completed Awarded 15/044) & Installation of Deep tube well-2 No

Construction & (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 45 Installation of Deep Completed Awarded KHA/2014-15/045) tube well-4

(TN:CI/VAR/FB/KH Construction of Foot 46 Completed Awarded A/2014-15/046) Bridge (8.3m)

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 47 PP/KHA/2014- Tiller-2 Nos & Power Completed Awarded 15/047) Pump 3Nos

Construction & (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- Installation of Deep 48 GFS/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded tube well-2 No & 15/048) GFS

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal- 49 DTW/KHA/2014- 500m, Completed Awarded 15/049) & Installation of Deep tube well-5 No

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 50 PP/KHA/2014- Tiller-2 Nos & Power Completed Awarded 15/050) Pump 1Nos

Construction & (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- Installation of Deep 51 STW/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded (3) & Shallow (10) 15/051) Nos

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 52 PP/KHA/2014- Tiller-3 Nos & Power Completed Awarded 15/052) Pump 3 Nos

Construction of Box (TN:CI/VAR/BC/KH 53 Culvert (2.00m x Completed Awarded A/2014-15/053) 1.6m x2.44m)

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal- DTW- 520m, 54 Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2014- Installation of Deep 15/054) (2) & Shallow tube well-5 No

(TN:CI/VAR/UD/KH Construction of U- 55 Completed Awarded A/2014-15/055) Drain (7.0m)

Construction & (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ Installation of Deep 56 Completed Awarded KHA/2014-15/056) 122m (4) & Deep 85m (2)

Construction of (TN:CI/VAR/SC/KH 57 Slab/U- Culvert -2 Completed Awarded A/2014-15/057) (7m x 1.2m)

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of RCC Stair 60m & (TN:CI/SSWR/RCS Construction & 58 T-STW/KHA/2014- Installation of Completed Awarded 5/058) Shallow tube well-03 Nos

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 59 PP/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded Tiller-1 Nos & Power 15/059) Pump 2 Nos

Construction & (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- Installation of Deep 60 STW/KHA/2014- (1) for Irrigation & Completed Awarded 15/060) Shallow (3) tube well for drinking water

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K Supplying of Power 61 Completed Awarded HA/2014-15/061) Tiller-1

Construction & Installation of Shallow Tube well-8 (TN:CI/SSWR/STW- 62 Nos & 122.00m Completed Awarded DTW/2014-15/062) Deep tube 1with Genarator for Irrigation

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K Supplying of Power 63 Completed Awarded HA/2014-15/063) Tiller-3

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal- DTW- 380m, 64 Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2014- Installation of Deep 15/064) (2) & Shallow tube well-3 No

(TN:CI/VAR/FB/KH Construction of Foot 65 Completed Awarded A/2014-15/065) Bridge (7.0m)

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC/K 66 Irrigation Canal- Completed Awarded HA/2014-15/066) 700m

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PP/K Pump-1 Nos with 67 Completed Awarded HA/2014-15/067) foot valve, suction pipes etc.

Construction & (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 68 Installation of Deep Completed Awarded KHA/2014-15/068) 122m -5 Nos

(TN:CI/VAR/FB/KH Construction of Foot 69 Completed Awarded A/2014-15/069) Bridge (9.0m)

Construction & Installation of Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 70 (2) for Irrigation & Completed Awarded KHA/2014-15/070) Deep (6) tube well for drinking water

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K Supplying of Power 71 Completed Awarded HA/2014-5/071) Tiller-1

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/GFS/ 72 Gravity Follow Water Completed Awarded KHA/2014-15/072) System -GFS

(TN:CI/VAR/FB/KH Construction of Foot 73 Completed Awarded A/2014-15/073) Bridge (12.0m)

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 185m, 74 STW/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded Installation of 15/074) Shallow tube well-10 Nos

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 75 PP/KHA/2014- Tiller-2 & Power Completed Awarded 5/075) Pump-2 Nos

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC/K 76 Irrigation Canal- Completed Awarded HA/2014-15/076) 753m

(TN:CI/SSWR/PP/K Supplying of Power 77 Completed Awarded HA/2014-15/077) Pump-1 Nos

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

(TN:CI/SSWR/CD/K Canal Digging 78 Completed Awarded HA/2014-15/078) 1000m

Installation of (TN:CI/SSWR/STW/ 79 Shallow tube well-8 Completed Awarded KHA/2014-15/079) Nos

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 80 PP/KHA/2014- Tiller-2 & Power Completed Awarded 15/080) Pump 2 Nos

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 430m, 81 STW/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded Installation of 15/081) Shallow tube well-10 Nos

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 82 PP/KHA/2014- Tiller-2 & Power Completed Awarded 15/082) Pump-2 Nos

Construction & (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- Installation of Deep 83 STW/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded (2) Shallow 4 tube 15/083) well

Construction of Box (TN:CI/VAR/BC/KH 84 Culvert Completed Awarded A/2014-15/084) (1.6m x1.3m x2.44m)

(TN:CI/SSWR/PP/K Supplying of Power 85 Completed Awarded HA/2014-15/085) Pump-3 Nos

(TN:CI/WSMC/ED/K Construction of 86 Completed Awarded HA/2014-15/086) Earthen Dam

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal- PVC- 510m with UPVC 87 Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2014- pipe & Installation of 15/087) Shallow tube well-07 Nos

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

(TN:CI/SSWR/PP/K Supplying of Power 88 Completed Awarded HA/2014-15/088) Pump-2 Nos

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 700m, 89 STW/KHA/2014- Completed Awarded Installation of 15/089) Shallow tube well-08 Nos


Construction of Irrigation Canal- 380m, 15 HP (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Centrifugal Pump 90 EP/DTW/PT/KHA/2 with Electric motor Completed Awarded 015-16/090) for Irrigation, Installation of Deep Tube well for Drinking Water

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K Supplying of Power 91 Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/091) Tiller-01 Nos

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC/K 92 Irrigation Canal- Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/092) 500m,

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K Supplying of Power 93 Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/093) Tiller-01 Nos

Construction & Installation of 10 Nos Shallow Tube wells, (TN:CI/SSWR/STW- 4 Nos Deep Tube 94 DTW/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded wells-85m & 1 No 16/094) Deep Tube well with submersible Power pump

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K Supplying of Power 95 Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/095) Tiller-02 Nos

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction & Installation of 4 Nos (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- Deep Tube wells 96 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded 152m, 4 HP Power 16/096) pump-01 Nos for Irrigation

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K 97 Tiller-01 Nos & Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/097) Power Pump-02 Nos

Construction & (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 98 Installation of 4 Nos Completed Awarded KHA/2015-16/098) Deep Tube wells - 85m,

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 99 PP/KHA/2015- Tiller-2 Nos & 16HP Completed Awarded 16/099) Power pump

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 300m, 100 DTW/KHA/2015- Construction & Completed Awarded 16/100) Installation of 4 Nos Deep Tube wells - 85m,

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 1 Nos Power Tiller & 101 PP/KHA/2015- 1 No Power Pump- Completed Awarded 16/101) 12 HP

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal- 102 STW/KHA/2015- 500m & Installation Completed Awarded 16/102) of 13 Nos Shallow Tube wells -55m,

Construction of 2 (TN:CI/VAR/UD/KH 103 Nos U-Drain at Completed Awarded A/2015-16/103) Headman Para

(TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 104 Construction & Completed Awarded KHA/2015-16/104) Installation of 05 Nos

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Deep Tube wells - 152m,

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K Supplying of Power 105 Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/105) Tiller-01 Nos

Construction of Guide wall & L-Drain (TN:CI/VAR/GW- at Different chainage 106 LD)/KHA/2015- on Mirzatilla to Completed Awarded 16/106) Gagan Chandra Para Road (From 0 to 3824 M

Construction of (TN:CI/VAR/RCC- Mirzatilla to Gagan 107 CC-HBB/KHA/2015- Chandra Para Road Completed Awarded 16/107) by RCC,CC & HBB (0 to 1305 M)

Construction of (TN:CI/VAR/CC- Mirzatilla to Gagan 108 HBB/KHA/2015- Chandra Para Road Completed Awarded 16/108) by CC & HBB (1305 to 2600 M)

Construction of Mirzatilla to Gagan (TN:CI/VAR/HBB/K 109 Chandra Para Road Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/109) by HBB(2600 to 3824 M)

Installation of Deep tube weii-16 & 03 (TN:CI/SSWR/STW- Nos Shallow Tube 110 DTW/KHA/2015- well at Barnal Boad Completed Awarded 16/110(2016-17) Office & 16 Nos Deep Tube well

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 515m, 111 STW/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded & Installation of 5 16/111) Nos Shallow Tube wells

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 01(One) No Deep Tube (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- well with 4 HP Power 112 STW/KHA/2015- Pump & 05(Five) Completed Awarded 16/112) No Shallow Tube well at Chaila Karbari Para

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K Supplying of Power 113 Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/113) Tiller-01 Nos

Construction of Box (TN:CI/VAR/BC- Culvert 114 UD/KHA/2015- (1 x .36m x 2.6m Completed Awarded 16/114) x2.44m) & 3 Nos U- Drain

Construction of Foot Path (1.8m wide) by HBB over BFS (TN:CI/VAR/FP/KH 115 and Sand Filling with Completed Awarded A/2015-16/115) L-Drain & Guide wall at Budhha Ram Para

Installation of (TN:CI/SSWR/STW- Shallow tube well-01 116 DTW/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded Nos & Deep 05 Nos 16/116) at Buddha Ram Para

(TN:CI/SSWR/PP/K Supplying of Power 117 Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/117) Pump-01 No

Installation of Shallow tube well-20 (TN:CI/SSWR/STW- Nos 118 DTW/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded & Deep Tube well- 16/118) 08 Nos at Suknachari Para

(TN:CI/VAR/UD/KH Construction of 05 119 Completed A/2015-16/119) (Five) Nos U-Culvert at suknachari Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

(600mm x 7000mm ) at Suknachari Para

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K Supplying of Power 120 Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/120) Tiller-02 Nos

Installation of (TN:CI/SSWR/STW- Shallow tube well-15 121 DTW/KHA/2015- Nos Completed Awarded 16/121) & Deep Tube well- 03 Nos at Noa Para

Construction of 03 (Three) Nos U- (TN:CI/VAR/UD/KH Culvert 122 Completed Awarded A/2015-16/122) (600mm x 625x 7000mm ) at Noa Para

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying og Power 123 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded Tiller & Power Pump 16/123)

Installation of Shallow tube well-5 nos& (TN:CI/SSWR/STW- 3 nos Deep set with 124 DTW/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded 01 submersible 16/124) pump & 02 nos 4HP water pump for Irrigation

Supplying og Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-02 nos 125 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded & Power 16/125) Pump(12HP) 1 no

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 340m, 126 DTW/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded & Installation of 4 16/126) Nos Deep Tube wells

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying og Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-02 nos 127 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded & Power 16/127) Pump(12HP) 2 no2

Installation of 2 nos (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- Deep tube well with 128 PP/KHA/2015- 4HP water pump for Completed Awarded 16/128) Irrigation & 6 No Shhallow tube well

Supplying og Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-02 nos 129 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded & Power 16/129) Pump(12HP) 2 no2

Installation of Deep tube well-3 Nos for (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- drinking water & 2 130 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded Nos Deep set with 16/130) 4HP water pump for Irrigation

Supplying og Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-02 nos 131 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded & Power Pump(4HP) 16/131) 2 nos

Installation of Deep tube well-4 Nos for (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- drinking water & 2 132 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded Nos Deep set with 16/132) 4HP water pump for Irrigation

Supplying og Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-02 nos 133 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded & Power 16/133) Pump(16HP) 1 nos

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation canal-450m 134 STW/KHA/2015- & Completed Awarded 16/134) Installation of Shallow Tube Well-

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

07 No at Rangapani Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PP/K 135 Pump (16HP-1 No & Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/135) 6HP-01 No)

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC/K 136 Irrigation Canal - Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/136) 660.0m

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PP/K 137 Pump-02 No, (16HP Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/137) & 4HP)

(TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ Installation of 05 Nos 138 Completed Awarded KHA/2015-16/138) Deep Set tube Well

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-3 Nos 139 PP/KHA/2015- & Power Pump Completed Awarded 16/139) (12HP)-3 Nos ,(8HP)-1 No

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal & 140 DTW/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded Installation of 02 16/140) Shallow Tube Well

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 141 PP/KHA2015- Completed Awarded Tiller & Power Pump 16/141)

(TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ Installation of 5 Nos 142 Completed Awarded KHA/2015-16/142) Deep Set Tube Well

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 143 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded Tiller & Power Pump 16/143)

Installation of 3 Nos (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 144 Deep Set Tube Well Completed Awarded KHA/2015-16/144) at Achai Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 3 Nos Deep Set Tube Well(135m depth) (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- with Submarcible 145 SMP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded Pump & 16/145) Construction of Water Tank at School Para

Installation of 3 Nos Completed (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ Deep Set Tube 146 Awarded KHA/2015-16/146) Well(200m depth) at Dewan Para

Installation of 2 Nos Completed (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ Deep Set Tube 147 Awarded KHA/2015-16/147) Well(200m depth) at Dewan Para

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal- DTW- 300m, Installation of 148 Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2015- 01 No Deep tube 16/148) well & 05 Nos Shallow Tube Wells

Supplying of 16HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 01 No Power Tiller & 149 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded 1 No 16 HP Power 16/149) Pump

(TIN:CI/VAR/UD/KH Construction of U- 150 Completed Awarded A/2015-16/150) Drain

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal- 151 DTW/KHA/2015- 340m, Installation of Completed Awarded 16/150/A) 03 No Deep tube well

(TN:CI/VAR/UC/KH Construction of U- 152 Completed Awarded A/2015-16/151) Culvert

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 153 PP/KHA2015- Supplying of 16HP Completed Awarded 16/152) 01 No Power Tiller &

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

1 No 12 HP Power Pump

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC/K 154 Irrigation Canal- Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/153) 500m

Supplying of 12HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 02 No Power Tiller & 155 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded 1 No 16 HP Power 16/154) Pump

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 300m, Installation of DTW- 156 01 No Deep tube Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2015- well for Irrigation & 16/155) 05 No Shallow tube well

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K Supplying of 16HP 157 Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/156) 02 No Power Tiller

(TN:CI/SSWR/STW/ Installation of 8 No 158 Completed Awarded KHA/2015-16/157) Shallow Tube well

Supplying of 12HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 04 No Power Tiller & 159 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded 4 No 16 HP Power 16/158) Pump

(TN:CI/SSWR/ED- Installation of 160 STW/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded Shallow Tube well-6 16/159) Nos

Supplying of 12HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 03 No Power Tiller & 161 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded 1 No 12 HP Power 16/160) Pump

(TN:CI/VAR/FT/KHA Construction of Foot 162 Completed Awarded /2015-16/161) Bridge 12m

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

(TN:CI/WSM/BE- Tarabanchara RG-DI- 163 Watershed Completed Awarded SRI/KHA/2014- Management 15/162)

(TN:CI/WSM/ED- Godachara RG-DI- 164 Watershed Completed Awarded SRI/KHA/2014- Management 15/163)

Construction of HBB Road (2.4m wide) (TN:CI/VAR/HBB- with L-Drain, Surface LD-SD- 165 drain & Guide wall at Completed Awarded GW/KHA/2014- Babuchara BGB 15/164) camp to Nittyagan Para

Construction of Irrigation canal-345m & (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Installation of 166 STW/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded Shallow Tube Well- 16/165) 12 No at Jamini Mohan Para

Supplying of 12HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 02 No Power Tiller & 167 PP/KHA/2015- 2 No 6 HP Power Completed Awarded 16/166) Pump at Jamini Mohan Para

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC/K Irrigation canal-250m 168 Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/167) at 2 No Prokalpa Para

Supplying of 12HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 03 No Power Tiller & 169 PP/KHA/2015- 3 No 10 HP Power Completed Awarded 16/168) Pump at 2 No Prokalpa Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 2 Nos Deep tube well with (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- 4HP water pump for 170 STW/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded Irrigation & 16/169) Installationof 8 No Shhallow tube well

Supplying of 16HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 01 No Power Tiller & 171 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded 2 No 4 HP Power 16/170) Pump

Construction of 03 (Three) Nos U-Drain (TN:CI/VAR/UD/KH (600mm x 625x 172 A/2015- Completed Awarded 7000mm ) 16/171(2016-17) at Rangapanichara Para

Construction of Irrigation canal-300m (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- , DTW- Installation of 05 No 173 Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2015- Shallow Tube Well & 16/172) 02 No Deep tube well at Sushil Headman Para

Supplying of 12HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 02 No Power Tiller & 174 PP/KHA/2015- 3 No Power Pump Completed Awarded 16/173) (20HP-02 & 4 HP- 01)

Construction of Irrigation canal-500m (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC/K with Platform for 175 Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/174) installation of Power Pump at Dewan Para

Supplying of 12HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 01 No Power Tiller & 176 PP/KHA/2015- 2 No Power Pump Completed Awarded 16/175) (12HP-01 & 4 HP- 01)

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of 3 Nos (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 177 Deep Set Tube Well Completed Awarded 2015-16/176) at Kalabaniya Para

Supplying of 12HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 02 No Power Tiller & 178 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded 2 No Power Pump 16/177) (12HP)

Supplying of 12HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 02 No Power Tiller & 179 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded 1 No Power Pump 16/178) (12HP)

Construction of Irrigation canal-300m , (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 180 Installation of 02 No Completed Awarded DTW/2015-16/179) Deep tube well at Golabari Headman Para

Supplying of 12HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 01 No Power Tiller & 181 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded 2 No Power Pump 16/180) (12HP)

Installation of 3 Nos (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 182 Deep Set Tube Well Completed Awarded 2015-16/181) at Kayjai Para

Construction of Irrigation canal 200m (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Installation of 05 183 DTW-STW/2015- NoShallow tube well Completed Awarded 16/182(2016-17) & Deep for Irrigation- 02 Nos at Kukichara Marma Para

Supplying of 12HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 01 No Power Tiller & 184 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded 1 No Power Pump 16/183) (12HP)

(TN:CI/SSWR/LIC/K 185 Construction of Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/184) Irrigation canal-460m

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

at Puratan Headman Para

Supplying of 12HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 02 No Power Tiller & 186 PP/KHA/2015- Completed Awarded 2 No Power Pump 16/185) (12HP)

Installation of 2 Nos Deep Tube well for (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- Irrigation with 4 HP 187 STW/KHA/2015- pump & 11 Nos Completed Awarded 16/186) Shallow Tube well for Drinking water at Ranjan Moni Para

Supplying of 12HP (TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K 188 03 No Power Tiller at Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/187) Ranjan Moni Para

Construction of Irrigation canal 450m (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Installation of 03 No 189 STW-DTW/2015- Completed Awarded Shallow tube well & 16/189) Deep for Irrigation- 01 Nos

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K Supplying of 1 No 190 Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/190) Power Tiller (12HP)

Construction of Irrigation canal 450m (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Installation of 05 No 191 STW-DTW/2015- Completed Awarded Shallow tube well & 16/191) Deep for Irrigation- 01 Nos

(TN:CI/SSWR/PP/K Supplying of 1 No 192 Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/192) Power Pump (12HP)


Construction of U- (TN:CI/VAR/UD/KH Drain-5 Nos at 193 Completed Awarded A/2016-17/001) Suknachari (Laifu) Para,

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of (TN:CI/VAR/RW/KH 194 Retaining Wall at Completed Awarded A/2016-17/002)/A Gaganchandra Para

Installation of 6 Nos (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ Deep Tube Well & 195 Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/002) Power Tiller -02 Nos at Jarulchari Para

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K Supplying of Power 196 Completed Awarded HA/2015-16/003) Tiller -02 Nos

Installation of Deep Tube Well -04 Nos (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ for Drinking & 01 No 197 Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/004) Deep for Irrigation with 4 HP low lift pump at Thali Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT/P Tiller -02 Nos & 198 P/KHA/2016- Power Pump 02 Completed Awarded 17/005) Nos(12HP) at Thali Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT/P Tiller -01 No & 199 P/KHA/2016- Power Pump 02 Completed Awarded 17/006) Nos(6HP) at Kayjai Para

Construction of HBB Road from (TN:CI/VAR/HBB/K Karallyachari Muk to 200 Completed Awarded HA/2016-17/007) Headman Para at Chainage 0.0m - 1900.00m

Construction of Box Culvert, U-Drain, L- (TN:CI/VAR/BC-UD- Drain & Guide wall at 201 LD-GW/KHA/2016- different chainage Completed Awarded 17/008) Karallyachari Muk to Headman Para HBB Road

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of (TIN:CI/SSWR/STW 09(Nine) No Shallow 202 Completed Awarded /KHA/2016-17/009 Tube well at Adufa Para

Construction of U- (TN:CI/VAR/UD/KH 203 Drain 02 Nos at Completed Awarded A/2016-17/010 Adufa Para

Supplying of Three(03) Nos (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Power Tiller, 204 PP/KHA/2016- 2 No Power Pump Completed Awarded 17/011 (12HP) & 1 No Power Pump(4HP)at Adufa Para

Construction of Irrigation canal 520m, (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Installation of DTW- 01(one) No Deep 205 Completed Awarded WT/KHA/2016- tube well with 17/012 submarsible Pump &Construction of water Tank at Chelachara

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller 01(One) N0 206 PP/KHA/2016- Power Pump 01 Completed Awarded 17/013 (12HP & 01 (6HP) at Chelachara Para

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC/K Irrigation canal 207 Completed Awarded HA/2016-17/014 650m, at Ghat Para at Ghat Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller 01(One) N0 208 PP/KHA/2016- Power Pump 01 Completed Awarded 17/015 (12HP & 01 (6HP) at Chelachara Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of Five (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ (05) Nos Deep Tube 209 Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/016 Well at Gulokana Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-01 No & 210 PP/KHA/2016- Power Pump-02 Completed Awarded 17/017 Nos(12HP) at Gulokana Para

Installation of Six (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ (06) Nos Deep Tube 211 Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/018 Well at Kalabuniya Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-01 No & 212 PP/KHA/2016- Power Pump-02 Completed Awarded 17/019 Nos(12HP) at Kalabuniya Para

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC/K 213 Irrigation Canal- Completed Awarded HA/2016-17/020 645m at Baura Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K 214 Tiller-02 Nos at Completed Awarded HA/2016-17/021 Baura Para

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal- 215 STW/KHA/2016- 340.0m & Installation Completed Awarded 17/022 of Shallow Tube Well at Kumari Para

Construction of Single vent Box (TN:CI/VAR/BC- Culvert 216 UD/KHA/2016- (2.0x2.0x2.44m)-01 Completed Awarded 17/023 No & Construction of U-Drain (7.0m x 0.625m)-01 No

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller 03(three) Nos 217 PP/KHA/2016- & Power Pump 03 Completed Awarded 17/024 (4HP) at Kumari Para

Installation of (05) (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 218 Five Nos Deep Tube Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/025 Well at Thali Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller 02(two) Nos 219 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Power Pump 03 17/026 (4HP) at Thali Para

Installation of Shallow Tube Well 03 Nos, Deep Tube well 03 Nos for (TN:CI/SSWR/STW- drinking & Deep 220 DTW/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Tube well-02 Nos 17/027 with 4 HP submersible pump for Irrigation at Kalapani Para

Construction of U- (TN:CI/VAR/UD/KH Drain (6.0m x 221 Completed Awarded A/2016-17/028 0.625m)-01 No at Kalapani Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K 222 Tiller 02(Two) Nos at Completed Awarded HA/2016-17/029 Kalapanichara

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 320.0m & Installation 223 DTW/KHA/2016- of Deep Tube Well Completed Awarded 17/030 04(Four) Nos at Pashim Hazachara Para

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 224 PP/KHA/2016- Tiller 01 (One) No & Completed Awarded 17/031 Power Pump 01

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

(12HP) at Pashim Hazachara Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 680.0m & Installation 225 STW/KHA/2016- of Shallow Tube Well Completed Awarded 17/032 03(Three) Nos at Koilash Mohajan Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller 01 (One) No & 226 PP/KHA/2016- Power Pump 01 Completed Awarded 17/033 (12HP) at Koilash Mahajan Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC/K 227 765.0m with PVC Completed Awarded HA/2016-17/034 Pipe at Aprusi Para, Sadar Upazila

Supplying of Power Pump(12HP) 01 (TN:CI/SSWR/PP/K 228 (One) No's with Completed Awarded HA/2016-17/035 Delivery Pipe at Aprusi Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 470.00m & 229 STW/KHA/2016- Installation of Completed Awarded 17/036 Shallow Tube well - 04 Nos at Katarung Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-2 Nos & 2 Nos 230 PP/KHA/2016- Power Punp (12HP) Completed Awarded 17/037 with Delevery Pipe at Katarung Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 300.00m, Installation DTW- of Depp Tube well- 231 Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2016- 02 & Installation of 17/038 Shallow Tube well - 01 No at Nunchari Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-2 Nos & Power 232 PP/KHA/2016- Punp 01No(12HP) Completed Awarded 17/039 with Delevery Pipe at Nunchari Para

Installation of Depp Tube well for Irrigation with 4HP (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- Submersible Pump & 233 STW/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Installation of 17/040 Shallow Tube well - 01 No at Khulyang Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-2 Nos & Power 234 PP/KHA/2016- Punp 01No(12HP) Completed Awarded 17/041 with Delevery Pipe at Khulyang Para

Installation of Depp Tube well -04 Nos & (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- Construction of RCC RCC- 235 Stair for Water Completed Awarded STP/KHA/2016- Collection-40.0m 17/042 length at Jowtha Khamar Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-1 Nos & Power 236 PP/KHA/2016- Punp 02 Nos(6HP) Completed Awarded 17/043 with Delevery Pipe at Jowtha Khamar Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of -02 nos Depp Tube well for Irrigation with (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- 4HP Submersible 237 STW/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Pump & Installation 17/044 of Shallow Tube well -06 Nos at Chepru Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-2 Nos & Power 238 PP/KHA/2016- Punp 02Nos (4HP) Completed Awarded 17/045 with Delevery Pipe at Chepru Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 210.00m & 239 DTW/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Installation of Deep 17/046 Tube well -08 Nos at Bhuinya Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-1 Nos & 2 Nos 240 PP/KHA/2016- Power Punp (12HP) Completed Awarded 17/047 with Delevery Pipe at Bhuinya Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 590.00m & 241 STW/KHA/2016- Installation of Completed Awarded 17/048 Shallow Tube well - 03 Nos at Chairman Tilla Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-1 Nos & 2 Nos 242 PP/KHA/2016- Power Punp (12HP) Completed Awarded 17/049 with Delevery Pipe at Chairman Tilla Para

Construction of (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal- 243 STW/KHA/2016- 475.00m & Completed Awarded 17/050 Installation of Shallow Tube well - Page 139 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 140 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

05 Nos at Mathu Mog Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-2 Nos & 2 Nos 244 PP/KHA/2016- Power Punp (12HP) Completed Awarded 17/051 with Delevery Pipe at Mathu Mog Para

Installation of -05 nos Depp Tube well (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 245 (168.0m) at Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/052 Sapmara Tripura Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-2 Nos & Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Punp 03Nos (6HP) 246 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded with Delevery Pipe at 17/053 Sapmara Tripura Para

Installation of -06 (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ nos Depp Tube well 247 Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/054 (168.0m) at Jamini Para Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-2 Nos & Power 248 PP/KHA/2016- Punp 02Nos (12HP) Completed Awarded 17/055 with Delevery Pipe at Jamini Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 380.00m & 249 DTW/KHA/2016- Installation of Deep Completed Awarded 17/056 Tube well -04 Nos (85.0M)at Galamoni Para

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power Completed 250 PP/KHA/2016- Tiller-1 Nos & 01 No Awarded 17/057 Power Punp (12HP)

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

with Delevery Pipe at Galamoni Para

Construction of Completed Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 450.00m & 251 STW/KHA/2016- Installation of Awarded 17/058 Shallow Tube well - 05 Nos at Battali Para

Supplying of Power Completed Tiller-2 (16HP) Nos (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- & 02 Nos Power 252 PP/KHA/2016- Awarded Punp (12HP & 4HP) 17/059 with Delevery Pipe at Battali Para

Installation of Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 253 Tube well -05 Nos at Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/060 Binajuri Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-2 (12HP) Nos (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- & 01 No Power Punp 254 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded (12HP) with 17/061 Delevery Pipe at Binajuri Para

Installation of Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 255 Tube well -03 Nos at Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/062 Saday Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-1(12HP) No & 256 PP/KHA/2016- 02 Nos Power Punp Completed Awarded 17/063 (4HP) with Delevery Pipe at Saday Para

Installation of Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 257 Tube well -05Nos at Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/064 Dajar Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-2(12HP) Nos & 258 PP/KHA/2016- 02 Nos Power Pump Completed Awarded 17/065 (12HP) with Delivery Pipe at Dajar Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 545.00m & 259 STW/KHA/2016- Installation of Completed Awarded 17/066 Shallow Tube well - 07 Nos at Achalong Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-1 No & 2 Nos 260 PP/KHA/2016- Power Pump (6HP) Completed Awarded 17/067 with Delivery Pipe at Achalong Para

Installation of Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 261 Tube well -05No's at Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/068 Tindukchari Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-2(12HP) Nos & (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 02 Nos Power Pump 262 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded (12HP) with Delivery 17/069 Pipe at Tindukchari Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 415.00m & 263 DTW/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Installation of Deep 17/070 Tube well -03No's at Sumanta Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-1(12HP) Nos & (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 02 Nos Power Pump 264 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded (12HP & 8HP) with 17/071 Delivery Pipe at Sumanta Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 265 Tube well -05No's at Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/072 Edohulo Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-2(12HP) Nos & (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 02 Nos Power Pump 266 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded (12HP) with Delivery 17/073 Pipe at Edohulo Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 415.00m & 267 STW/KHA/2016- Installation of Completed Awarded 17/074 Shallow Tube well - 08No's at Sonai Aga Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-2(12HP) Nos & (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 02 Nos Power Pump 268 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded (12HP) with Delivery 17/075 Pipe at Sonai Aga Para

Installation of Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 269 Tube well -07 No's at Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/076 Mongal Bikash Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-2(12HP) Nos & (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 02 Nos Power Pump 270 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded (6HP) with Delivery 17/077 Pipe at Mongal Bikash Para

Installation of Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ Tube well -05 No's at 271 Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/078 Choto Kheda Jhouta Khamar Para

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 272 PP/KHA/2016- Tiller-2(12HP) Nos & Completed Awarded 17/079 02 Nos Power Pump (6HP) with Delivery

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Pipe at Choto Kheda Jhouta Khamar Para

Installation of Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 273 Tube well -04 No's at Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/080 Raikhong Mog Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-2(12HP) No's (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- & 04 No's Power 274 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Pump (6HP) with 17/081 Delivery Pipe at Raikhong Mog Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 440.00m & 275 STW/KHA/2016- Installation of Completed Awarded 17/082 Shallow Tube well - 07 No's at Bddyo Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-2(12HP) Nos & 276 PP/KHA/2016- 02 Nos Power Pump Completed Awarded 17/083 (12HP) with Delivery Pipe at Bddyo Para

Installation of Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 277 Tube well -06 No's at Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/084 Lambar Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-2(12HP) Nos & 278 PP/KHA/2016- 02 Nos Power Pump Completed Awarded 17/085 (12HP) with Delivery Pipe at Lambar Para

Installation of Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 279 Tube well -05 No's at Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/086 Akbari Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of Power Tiller-1 (12HP) Nos (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- & 02 Nos Power 280 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Pump (12HP & 6HP) 17/087 with Delivery Pipe at Akbari Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 430.00m & 281 DTW/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Installation of Deep 17/088 Tube well -02No's at Anil Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-2(12HP) No's (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- & 02 No's Power 282 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Pump (12HP & 6HP) 17/089 with Delivery Pipe at Anil Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- 115.00m & (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- Installation of Deep DTW- Tube well -04No's 1 283 Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2016- for drinking, 3 for 17/090 Irrigation with 4HP water pump & 1 for Shallow) at Dayal Kumar Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT/K 284 Tiller-1(12HP) No's Completed Awarded HA/2016-17/091 at Dayal Kumar Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 420.00m with cross 285 STW/KHA/2016- drain & Installation of Completed Awarded 17/092 Shallow Tube well - 08No's at Natun Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of Power Tiller-2(12HP) No's (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- & 02 No's Power 287 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Pump (12HP & 4HP) 17/093 with Delivery Pipe at Natun Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 230.00m & 288 STW/KHA/2016- Installation of Completed Awarded 17/094 Shallow Tube well - 10No's at Porsuramghat Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-3(12HP) No's (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- & 04 No's Power 289 PP/KHA/2016- Pump (12HP-2 & Completed Awarded 17/095 6HP-2) with Delivery Pipe at Porsuramghat Para

Construction of RCC Stair 80.00m for (TN:CI/SSWR/RCC water collection & ST-DTW- Installation of 4 No's 290 Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2016- Deep Tube well, 1 17/096 No's Shallow Tube well at Rannyama Chara Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 415.00m & DTW- Installation of 2 No's 291 Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2016- Deep Tube well, 1 17/097 No's Shallow Tube well at Mangal Chan Para

(TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 292 PP/KHA/2016- Tiller-2(12HP) No's Completed Awarded 17/098 & 02 No's Power Pump (12HP & 4HP)

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

with Delivery Pipe at Mangal Chan Para

Construction of RCC Stair 30.00m for water collection, (TN:CI/SSWR/RCC Construction of ST-LIC- 293 Irrigation Canal- Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2016- 445.0m & Installation 17/099 of 3 No's Shallow Tube well at Headman Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-1(12HP) No's (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- & 02 No's Power 294 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Pump (12HP & 4HP) 17/100 with Delivery Pipe at Headman Para

Installation of 5 No's Deep Tube Well for drinking 1 No's Deep Tube well for (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 295 Irrigation with 4HP Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/101 water pump for Irrigation at Thoaichai Karbari Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-2(12HP) No's (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- & 03 No's Power 296 PP/KHA/2016- Pump (6HP) with Completed Awarded 17/102 Delivery Pipe at Thoaichai Karbari Para

Installation of 4 No's Deep Tube Well for (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ 297 drinking 1 No's Deep Completed Awarded KHA/2016-17/103 Tube well for Irrigation with 4HP water pump for

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Irrigation at Uttar Suknachari Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-2(12HP) No's (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- & 02 No's Power 298 PP/KHA/2016- Pump (8HP) with Completed Awarded 17/104 Delivery Pipe at Uttar Suknachari Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 490.00m with cross DTW- drain & Installation of 299 Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2016- Deep Tube well-1 17/105 No's , Shallow Tube well -03No's at Dewan Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-1(12HP) No's (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- & 02 No's Power 300 PP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Pump (6HP) with 17/106 Delivery Pipe at Dewan Para

Installation of Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- Tube well-2 No's 301 STW/KHA/2016- with 4HP Power Completed Awarded 17/107 Pump & Shallow Tube well-10 No's

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-2 No's (12HP) 302 PP/KHA/2016- & 1 No's Power Completed Awarded 17/108 Punp(12HP) with Delevery Pipe

Installation of Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW- Tube well-4 No's & 303 STW/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Shallow Tube well-4 17/109 No's

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

(TN:CI/SSWR/PE/K 304 Pond Excavation Completed Awarded HA/2016-17/110

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-2 No's (12HP) 305 PP/KHA/2016- & 2 No's Power Completed Awarded 17/111 Punp(6HP) with Delevery Pipe

Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 350.00m, Installation DTW- 306 of Deep Tube well- 1 Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2016- No's & Shallow Tube 17/112 well-15 No's

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PP/K 307 Pump1 No's (16HP) Completed Awarded HA/2016-17/113 with Delevery Pipe

Irrigation Canal- (TN:CI/SSWR/LIC- 450.00m & 308 DTW/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Installation of Deep 17/114 Tube well- 3 No's

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller -1 No's (12HP) 309 EP/KHA/2016- Completed Awarded & 12HP Electric 17/115 Pump for Irrigation


(TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ Installation of Deep Completed 310 KHA/2016- Tube well -05No's at Awarded 17/001(001-17-18) Tindukchari Para

Supplying of Power Completed Tiller-2(12HP) Nos & (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- 02 Nos Power Pump 311 PP/KHA/2016- Awarded (12HP) with Delivery 17/0002(002-17-18) Pipe at Tindukchari Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of RCC Stair 80.00m for (TN:CI/SSWR/RCC water collection & ST-DTW- Installation of 4 No's 312 Completed Awarded STW/KHA/2016- Deep Tube well, 1 17/003(003-17-18) No's Shallow Tube well at Rannyama Chara Para

Installation of 4 No's Deep Tube Well for drinking 1 No's Deep (TN:CI/SSWR/DTW/ Tube well for 313 KHA/2016- Completed Awarded Irrigation with 4HP 17/004(004-17-18) water pump for Irrigation at Uttar Suknachari Para

Supplying of Power Tiller-2(12HP) No's (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- & 02 No's Power 314 PP/KHA/2016- Pump (8HP) with Completed Awarded 17/005(005-17-18) Delivery Pipe at Uttar Suknachari Para

Installation of CI/SSWR/STW/KHA Shallow Tube well- 9 315 Completed Awarded /2017-18/006 No's at Madhya Banchara Para

Supplying of Power Completed Tiller -4 No's (12HP) CI/SSWR/PT- & 2 No's 6HP Power 316 PP/KHA/2017- Awarded pump for Irrigation at 18/007 Madhya Banchara Para

Construction of Completed irrigation Canal- CI/SSWR/LIC- 185m, Installation of 317 DTW/KHA/2017- Deep tube well-4 Awarded 18/008 No's for drinking & 01 No's for Irrigation at Baghya Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of Power Completed CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller -1 No's (12HP) 318 PP/KHA/2017- & 2 No's 6HP Power Awarded 18/009 pump for Irrigation at Baghya Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal-415 CI/SSWR/LIC- M. & Installation of 319 STW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Shallow Tube well- 7 18/010 No's at Bacha Morong Para

Supplying of Power Tiller -2 No's (12HP) CI/SSWR/PT- & 1 No's 12HP 320 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Power pump for 18/011 Irrigation at Bacha Morong Para

Installation of CI/SSWR/STW- Shallow Tube well- 321 DTW/KHA/2017- 12 No's & Deep Completed Awarded 18/012 Tube well -03 No's at Noa Para

Construction of irrigation Canal- CI/SSWR/LIC- 350m, Installation of 322 STW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Shallow tube well-7 18/013 No's At Danga Bazar Para

Supplying of Power Completed Tiller -3 No's (12HP) CI/SSWR/PT- & 2 No's 12HP 323 PP/KHA/2017- Awarded Power pump for 18/014 Irrigation at Danga Bazar Para

Installation of Completed Shallow Tube well-4 CI/SSWR/STW- No's & Deep tube 324 DTW/KHA/2017- Awarded well-2 No's for 18/015 Irrigation at Jaduganala Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of Power Completed CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller -3 No's (12HP) 325 PP/KHA/2017- & 3 No's 6HP Power Awarded 18/016 pump for Irrigation at Jaduganala Para

Installation of Deep Tube well-02 No's, CI/SSWR/DTW- Shallow Tube well-8 326 STW/KHA/2017- No's & Deep tube Completed Awarded 18/017 well-2 No's for Irrigation at Indrajoy Karbari Para

Supplying of Power Tiller -2 No's (12HP) CI/SSWR/PT- & 2 No's 6HP Power 327 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded pump for Irrigation at 18/018 Indrajoy Karbari Para

Construction of irrigation Canal- CI/SSWR/LIC- 330m & Installation 328 STW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded of Shallow tube well- 18/019 8 No's at Indramuni Karbari Para

Supplying of Power Tiller -2 No's (12HP) & 2 No's (6HP-1 CI/SSWR/PT- No's & 12HP-1 No's) 329 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Power pump for 18/020 Irrigation at Indramuni Karbari Para

Construction of Completed Completed irrigation Canal- CI/SSWR/LIC- 550m & Installation 330 STW/KHA/2017- of Shallow tube well- 18/021 4 No's at Jarichandra Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of Power Completed Completed Tiller -1 No's (12HP) CI/SSWR/PT- & 1 No's (12HP) 331 PP/KHA/2017- Power pump for 18/022 Irrigation at Jarichandra Para

Construction of Completed Completed irrigation Canal- CI/SSWR/LIC- 590m & Installation 332 STW/KHA/2017- of Shallow tube well- 18/023 6 No's at Dhani Karbari Para

Supplying of Power Tiller -1 No's (12HP) CI/SSWR/PT- & 1 No's (12HP) 333 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Power pump for 18/024 Irrigation at Dhani Karbari Para

Construction of CI/SSWR/LIC- irrigation Canal- 334 DTW/KHA/2017- 500m & Installation Completed Awarded 18/025 of Deep tube well-4 No's at Dewan Para

Supplying of Power Tiller -1 No's (12HP) CI/SSWR/PT- & 1 No's (12HP) 335 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Power pump for 18/026 Irrigation at Dewan Para

Construction of RCC Stair-60m & CI/SSWR/RCC- Installation of STP-STW- Shallow tube Well-5 336 Completed Awarded DTW/KHA/2017- No's & Deep tube 18/027 well for Irrigation-2 No's at Karalyachari Vitor Para

CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power 337 PP/KHA/2017- Tiller -2 No's (12HP) Completed Awarded 18/028 & 2 No's (6HP) Power pump for Page 153 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 154 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Irrigation at Karalyachari Vitor Para

Construction of Completed irrigation Canal- CI/SSWR/LIC- 465.0m & Installation 338 STW/KHA/2017- of Shallow tube well- Awarded 18/029 1 No's at Dhonya Chandra Karbari Para

Supplying of Power Completed Tiller -2 No's (12HP) CI/SSWR/PT- & 2 No's (12HP) 339 PP/KHA/2017- Power pump for Awarded 18/030 Irrigation at Dhonya Chandra Karbari Para

Installation of Deep Completed Set Tube well-6 No's CI/SSWR/DTW/KH 340 (185.0m) with Stone Awarded A/2017-18/031 Cutting at Padmini Para

Supplying of Power CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller -1 No's (12HP) 341 PP/KHA/2017- & 2 No's 4HP Power Completed Awarded 18/032 pump for Irrigation at Padmini Para

Construction of CI/SSWR/LIC/KHA/ irrigation Canal- 342 Completed Awarded 2017-18/033 600m at Kanungo Para

Supplying of Power Tiller -1 No's (12HP) CI/SSWR/PT- & 1 No's (12HP) 343 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Power pump for 18/034 Irrigation at Kanungo Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of Deep CI/SSWR/DTW/KH 344 Tube Well-7 No's at Completed Awarded A/2017-18/035 Natun Bagn Para

Construction of Completed irrigation Canal- CI/SSWR/LIC- 218m & Installation 345 DTW/KHA/2017- Awarded of 5 No's Deep Tube 18/036 Well at Prathana Para

Supplying of Power Completed CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller -1 No's (12HP) 346 PP/KHA/2017- & 1 No's (12HP) Awarded 18/037 Power pump with Delivery Pipe

Construction of RCC Irrigation Canal-42m, CI/SSWR/LIC/STW/ Installation of 347 Completed Awarded KHA/2017-18/038 Shallowo Tube Well- 5 No's at Baradona Para

Supplying of Power Tiller -2 No's (12HP) CI/SSWR/PT- & 3 No's (4HP) 348 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Power pump for 18/039 Irrigation at Baradona Para

Construction of RCC Stair-30m for water CI/SSWR/RC- collection & 349 ST/DTW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Installation of Deep 18/040 Tube Well-06 No's at Sarb Siddhi Para

Supplying of 2 No's CI/SSWR/PP/KHA/2 (6 HP) Power pump 350 Completed Awarded 017-18/041 for Irrigation at Sarba Siddhi Para

Installation of Deep CI/SSWR/DTW/KH 351 Tube Well-07 No's at Completed Awarded A/2017-18/042 Samburai Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of Power Tiller -2 No's (12HP) CI/SSWR/PT- & 2 No's (4HP) 352 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Power pump for 18/043 Irrigation at Samburai Para

Construction of RCC Stair-30m & CI/SSWR/RC- Installation of Deep 353 ST/DTW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Tube Well-05No's at 18/044 Kesab Mahajan Para

Supplying of Power Tiller -1 No's (12HP) CI/SSWR/PT- & 2 No's (6HP) 354 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Power pump for 18/045 Irrigation at Kesab Mahajan Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- CI/SSWR/LIC/DTW/ 538.00m & 355 STW/KHA/2017- Installation of Deep Completed Awarded 18/046 Tube Well-01, Shallow-2No's at Jomin Dhan Para

Supplying of Power CI/SSWR/PT/KHA/2 356 Tiller -2 No's (12HP) Completed Awarded 017-18/047 at Jomin Dhan Para

Supplying of Power (TN:CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-01 No & 357 PP/KHA/2016- Power Pump-02 Completed Awarded 17/048(2017-18) Nos(12HP) at Gulokana Para

(TN:CI/SSWR/GFS/ Gravivity Flow 358 KHA/2016- Completed Awarded System 17/049(2017-18)

CI/SSWR/LIC- Construction of 359 DTW/KHA/2017- Irrigation Canal- Completed Awarded 18/050 400.00m & Installation of Deep Page 156 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 157 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Tube Well-04No's at Badi Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- 495.00m & CI/SSWR/LIC/STW/ 360 Installation of Completed Awarded KHA/2017-18/051 Shallow Tube Well- 4No's at Birendra Karbari Para

Supplying of Power Tiller -2 No's (12HP) CI/SSWR/PT- & Power Pump- 361 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded 02(12HP) at 18/052 Birendra Karbari Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- CI/SSWR/LIC- 240.00m & 362 DTW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Installation of Deep 18/053 Tube Well-6No's at Kalingga Para

Supplying of Power CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller -01 No's 363 PP/KHA/2017- (12HP) & Power Completed Awarded 18/054 Pump-01(6HP) at Kalingga Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- 500.00m & CI/SSWR/LIC/STW/ 364 Installation of Completed Awarded KHA/2017-18/055 Shallow Tube Well- 03No's at Rabishing Para

Supplying of Power Tiller -2 No's CI/SSWR/PT- (12HP)& Power 365 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Pump-2 No's 18/056 (4HP)at Rabishing Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of Deep CI/SSWR/DTW/KH 366 Tube Well-5No's at Completed Awarded A/2017-18/057 Rahindra Para

Installation of Deep Completed Tube Well-6No's for CI/SSWR/DTW/KH drinking & 01 No 367 Awarded A/2017-18/058 Deep for Irrigation at Sukhnachari Baura Para

Supplying of Power Completed Tiller -02 No's CI/SSWR/PT- (12HP) & Power 368 PP/KHA/2017- Awarded Pump-02(6HP) at 18/059 Sukhnachari Baura Para

Construction of Completed Irrigation Canal- CI/SSWR/LIC/STW/ 600.00m & 369 Awarded KHA/2017-18/060 Installation of Shell Tube Well-4No's at Kutubchari Para

Supplying of Power Completed CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller -01 No's 370 PP/KHA/2017- (12HP) & Power Awarded 18/061 Pump-01(12HP) at Kutubchari Para

Construction of Completed Irrigation Canal- 590.00m & CI/SSWR/LIC/STW/ 371 Installation of Awarded KHA/2017-18/062 Shallow Tube Well- 3No's at Reyong Mrong Para

Supplying of Power CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller -01 No's 372 PP/KHA/2017- (12HP) & Power Completed Awarded 18/063 Pump-03(4HP) at Reyong Mrong Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of Deep CI/SSWR/DTW/KH 373 Tube Well-7No's at Completed Awarded A/2017-18/064 Badhya Para

Supplying of Power Tiller -01 No's CI/SSWR/PT- (12HP) & Power 374 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Pump-02(6HP& 18/065 4HP) at Badhya Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- CI/SSWR/LIC- 450.00m & 375 STW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Installation of Shell 18/066 Tube Well-5No's at Abani Karbari Para

Supplying of Power CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller -02 No's 376 PP/KHA/2017- (12HP) & Power Completed Awarded 18/067 Pump-02(12HP) at Abani Karbari Para

Installation of Deep CI/SSWR/DTW/KH 377 Tube Well-4No's at Completed Awarded A/2017-18/068 Shilaban Para

Supplying of Power CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller -01 No's 378 PP/KHA/2017- (12HP) & Power Completed Awarded 18/069 Pump-02(12HP) at Shilaban Para

Installation of Deep Completed CI/SSWR/DTW- Tube Well-8No's & 379 STW/KHA/2017- Shallow Tube well 8 Awarded 18/070 No's at Kalapani Mansur Para

Supplying of Power Completed CI/SSWR/PT/KHA/2 Tiller -01 No's 380 Awarded 017-18/071 (12HP) at Kalapani Mansur Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Installation of Deep Completed CI/SSWR/DTW/KH 381 Tube Well-4No's at Awarded A/2017-18/072 Kalapanichara Para

Supplying of Power Completed Tiller -02 No's CI/SSWR/PT- (12HP) & Power 382 PP/KHA/2017- Awarded Pump 2 No's (6HP) 18/073 at Kalapanichara Para

Supplying of 15 HP Completed Centrifugal Pump CI/SSWR/EP- with Electric motor 383 PT/KHA/2015- Awarded for Irrigation & 16/090/2017-18/074 Supplying of Power Tiller-01 Nos

Construction of HBB Completed Road-1400.0m, CI/VAR/HBB-GW- Construction of 384 LD/KHA/2017- Guide Wall & Awarded 18/075 Construction of L- Drain at Pulinpur to Vije Kijing

Construction of Irrigation Canal- CI/SSWR/LIC- 615.00m & 385 STW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Installation of Shell 18/080 Tube Well-4No's at Senguli Para

Supplying of Power CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller -01 No's 386 PP/KHA/2017- (12HP) & Power Completed Awarded 18/081 Pump-01(12HP) at Senguli Para

Construction of Market Shed with CI/MAD/MS-TL- Toilet & Instalation 387 DTW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Deep Set Tube Well 18/082 01 No at Purba Challyatali Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Construction of Market Shed with CI/MAD/MS-TL- Toilet & Instalation 388 DTW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Deep Set Tube Well 18/083 01 No at Dudhukchara Para

Construction of Market Shed with Water & Sanitation CI/MAD/MS-TL- Facilities at Itchari 389 DTW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Mukh Para, 2 No 18/084 Kamachari Union, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila, Khagrachari

Construction of Market Shed with CI/MAD/MS-TL- Water & Sanitation 390 DTW/KHA/2017- Facilities at Tabida Completed Awarded 18/085 Para, 2 No Chengi Union, Panchari Upazila, Khagrachari

Construction of Market Shed with Water & Sanitation CI/MAD/MS-TL- Facilities at 391 DTW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Hudukchari Para, 3 18/086 No Barmachari Union, Laxmichari Upazila, Khagrachari

Construction of Completed CI/SSWR/LIC- Irrigation Canal 392 DTW/KHA/2017- 250.0m & Installation Awarded 18/087 of Deep Tube Well - 4 No at Dewan Para

Supplying of Power Completed CI/SSWR/PP/KHA/2 393 Pump with shed at Awarded 017-18/088 Dewan Para

CI/SSWR/LIC- Construction of Completed 394 DTW/KHA/2017- Irrigation Canal- Awarded 18/089 230.0 & Installation of Deep Tube Well-8 Page 161 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 162 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

No at Kangchairi Para

Supplying of Power CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-1 No & Electric 395 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Pump(15HP)-1 No at 18/090 Kangchairi Para

Construction of Irrigation Canal- 440.0, Installation of Deep Tube Well for CI/SSWR/LIC-DTW- Irrigation with 396 STW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Submersible Pump & 18/091 Installation of Shellow Tube well-2 N0 at Dhananjoy dewan Para

Supplying of Power CI/SSWR/PT/KHA/2 Tiller-1 No with shed 397 Completed Awarded 017-18/092 at Dananjoy Dewan Para

Construction of Market Shed with Water & Sanitation CI/MAD/MS-TL- Facilities at 398 DTW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Rabidhan Para, 5 No 18/093 Bhaibonchara, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila, Khagrachari

Installation of Deep Tube Well-1 no for Irrigation with Submersible Pump & CI/SSWR/DTW-wt- Water Tank, 399 STW/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded Installation of 18/094 Shellow Tube well-5 N0 at Rangapanichara Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

Supplying of Power Tiller-2 No & Power CI/SSWR/PT- Pump(6 HP)-2 No 400 PP/KHA/2017- Completed Awarded with delivery Pipe at 18/095 Rangapanichara Para

Construction of Completed Irrigation Canal- CI/SSWR/LIC-DTW- 330.0, Installation of 401 STW/KHA/2017- Deep Tube Well-2 Awarded 18/096 No & Shallow Tube Well-4 No at Chandurkhil Para

Supplying of Power Completed CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-2 No & Power 402 PP/KHA/2017- Pump(12 HP)-1 with Awarded 18/097 Delivery Pipe at Chandurkhil Para

Installation of Deep Completed CI/SSWR/DTW- Tube Well-5 no & 403 STR/KHA/2017- Awarded Construction of Stair 18/098 at Nilkumar Para

Supplying of Power Completed CI/SSWR/PT- Tiller-1 No & Power 404 PP/KHA/2017- Pump (6 HP)--2 No Awarded 18/099 with delivery Pipe at Nilkumar Para

CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power PP/KHA/2017- Tiller-2 No & Power 18/102 Pump(8 HP)-1 No & Completed 405 4HP-3 with delivery Awarded Pipe at Toi-Chakma Para

CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power PP/KHA/2017- Tiller-3 No & Power Completed Awarded 406 18/107 Pump (12HP) -1 No at Tabalchari Para

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power PP/KHA/2017- Tiller-2 No & Power 18/109 Pump (12HP) -1 No Completed Awarded 407 & (6HP)-1 No at Apurna Para

CI/SSWR/DTW/KH Installation of Deep A/2017-18/110 Tube Well-2 no for Irrigation & Completed 408 Installation of Deep Awarded Tube well -4 No at Pradip Para

CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power PP/KHA/2017- Tiller-2 No & Power Completed 409 18/111 Pump (4HP) -2 No at Pradip Para Awarded

CI/SSWR/PT- Supplying of Power PP/KHA/2017- Tiller-1 No & Power 18/113 Pump-1 No (12 HP) Completed Awarded 410 at Nabinchandra Para

Construction of HBB Completed Awarded Road- CI/VAR/HBB-GW- LD/KHA/2017- 1400.0m,Constructio 18/075 nof 411 Guide Wall &Construction

ofL- Drain at Pulinpur to Vije


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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

ConstructionofMarke t ShedwithWater& SanitationFacilitiesat Completed Awarded HudukchariPara,3No 412 BarmachariUnion, CI/MAD/MS-TL- LaxmichariUpazila, DTW/KHA/2017- Khagrachari 18/086

CI/SSWR/DTW- Installation of Deep STW/KHA/2017- Tube Well-2 no & 18/119 Installation of On going Awarded 31/08/2018 413 Shallow Tube well -5 70% No for Drinking at Battala Para

CI/SSWR/GFS/KHA Construction of /2017-18(Re- Gravity Flow System On going Awarded 85% 31/07/2018 414 Quotation)/121 (GFS) at Kalabunia Para

CI/MAD/MS-TL- Construction of DTW/KHA/2017- Market Shed with 18/089 Water & Sanitation On going Awarded 31/08/2018 Facilities at 75% 415 Rabidhan Para, 5 No Bhaibonchara, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila, Khagrachari

CI/MAD/MS-TL- Construction of DTW/KHA/2017- Market Shed with 18/082 Water & Sanitation On going Awarded 31/08/2018 Facilities at 85% 416 Hudukchari Para, 3 No Barmachari Union, Laxmichari Upazila, Khagrachari

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date

CI/MAD/MS-TL- Construction of DTW/KHA/2017- Market Shed with 18/081 Water & Sanitation On going Awarded 31/10/2018 Facilities at Tabida 35% 417 Para, 2 No Chengi Union, Panchari Upazila, Khagrachari

CI/MAD/MS-TL- Construction of DTW/KHA/2017- Market Shed with 18/080 Water & Sanitation On going Awarded 31/10/2018 Facilities at Itchari 418 Mukh Para, 2 No Kamachari Union, 75% Khagrachari Sadar Upazila, Khagrachari

CI/MAD/MS-TL- Construction of DTW/KHA/2017- Market Shed with 18/078 Toilet & Instalation On going Awarded 31/10/2018 419 Deep Set Tube Well 01 No at Purba Challyatali Para 85%

CI/SSWR/DTW/KH Installation of Deep A/2017-18/057 Tube Well-5No's at 420 Rahindra Para On going Awarded 31/10/2018 40%

CI/SSWR/DTW/KH Installation of Deep A/2017-18/058 Tube Well-6No's for drinking & 01 No On going Awarded 31/07/2018 421 Deep for Irrigation at 85% Sukhnachari Baura Para

CI/SSWR/DTW/KH Installation of Deep 422 A/2017-18/068 Tube Well-4No's at Shilaban Para On going Awarded 31/08/2018

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Status of % Expected Contract Sl Package # Package Name Implementatio Physical Completion Status n 4 Progress Date


CI/VAR/HBB-GW- Construction of HBB LD/KHA/2017- Road-1400.0m, 18/075 Construction of On going Awarded 31/08/2018 Guide Wall & 423 Construction of L- Drain at Pulinpur to Vije Kijing 90%

CI/SSWR/LIC- Construction of STW/KHA/2017- Irrigation Canal- 18/076 555.00m & On going Awarded 31/10/2018 424 Installation of Shell 45% Tube Well-4No's at Senguli Para

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B. Progress Rural Roads Package-wise, 30 June 2018

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Scheme wise Progress Report Project Name: Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP-II): Rural Roads Component, LGED Part Reporting Date: 01-07-2018 Quantity Estimate Contract Fund Financia Physical Sl. Amount Amount Name of Contract Completion Spent l District Upazila Scheme name Package No. Type Km/No Progres Remarks No. M (Tk. In ( Contractor Signing date date (Tk. In Progres . s (%) lakh) lakh) lakh) s (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 W-CHT II-RANGA-F- M/S Jalalabad Final 1 Sadar Extension of Functional Building RCC 1 129.92 122.63 18/Aug/2013 30/Jun/2015 100% 122.60 100.00% BUILD/01 Construction Total Sadar 1 1 129.92 122.63 122.60 Improvement of Betbunia Chairy Bazar– Laxmichari road W-CHTII-RANG-Kaw- M/s Selim & Final 2 HBB 2.39 19.20 293.38 313.12 22/Jan/2015 31/Dec/2017 100% 310.59 99.19% via Barmachari road (Ch. 8100-10485m) UZR/01A Brother's Improvement of Betbunia Chairy Bazar– Laxmichari road W-CHTII-RANG-Kaw- M/S Quashem Final 3 HBB 1.62 36.90 317.20 295.31 29/Dec/2014 31/Dec/2017 100% 293.61 99.42% via Barmachari road (Ch. 10485-12100m) UZR/01B Construction Kawkhali Improvement of Betbunia Chairy Bazar– Laxmichari road W-CHTII-RANG-Kaw- M/s Selim & Final 4 HBB 2.01 51.90 460.43 515.22 1/Dec/2014 31/Dec/2017 100% 436.41 84.70% via Barmachari road (Ch.12100-14110m) UZR/01C Brother's Construction of 60m RCC Girder Bridge on Betbunia Rangamati W-CHTII-Rang-Kaw- M/S Noor Syndicate 5 Chairy Bazar - Laxmichari via Barmachari Connecting HBB 0.50 60.00 227.43 273.68 17/Dec/2017 16/Jun/2019 40% 42.40 15.49% UZR/01D (Selim) Road up to Raujan upazila RHD by HBB (Ch. 0.00- 495m) Sub total 4 6.51 168.00 1298.44 1397.33 1083.01 Betbunia Chairy Bazar-Bara Aoulia-Santirhat Road at W-CHTII-Rang-Kaw- S. Ananta Bikash 6 BC 2.14 18.40 271.85 241.27 30/Jun/2016 12/Sep/2018 100% 225.67 93.54% Ch.3+070-5+210km UNR/04A Tripura (Bulbul) Construction of 35m PC Girder Bridge on Betbunia Mohammed Eunus & W-CHTII-Rang-Kaw- 7 Chairy Bazar-Bara Aoulia-Santirhat Road at Ch.5+210- BC 0.44 36.80 220.66 201.62 Brothers (Pvt.) Ltd 28/Nov/2016 14/May/2018 65% 72.70 36.06% Kawkhali UNR/04B 5+650 km (Azamkhan) Betbunia Chairy Bazar-Bara Aoulia-Santirhat Road at W-CHTII-Rang-Kaw- M/S Rangamati 8 BC 2.10 21.30 262.37 255.52 1/Jun/2016 15/Jul/2018 75% 163.48 63.98% Ch.5+650-7+750 km UNR/04C Traders (Tipu) Sub total 3 4.68 76.50 754.88 698.41 461.85 Total Kawkhali 7 11.19 244.50 2053.32 2095.74 1544.86 Construction of 25m RCC Girder Bridge on Raikhali GC BC Mithu Saleha Omar W-CHTll-RANG-Kap- 9 Ferry Ghat-Rajsthali HQ Via Mitingachari Road at & 2.39 42.40 466.40 487.43 Faruk (JV) (Omor 29/Feb/2016 30/Jun/2018 40% 132.66 27.22% UZR/06A Ch.1+070 - 1+365 & 2+550 - 4+640 km HBB Faruk) Construction of 60m RCC Girder Bridge on Raikhali GC Omar Faruque & W-CHTll-RANG-Kap- 10 Ferry Ghat-Rajsthali HQ Via Mitingachari Road at HBB 1.17 70.90 333.30 364.82 Shalaha (JV) (Omor 27/Nov/2016 25/Jun/2018 25% 44.48 12.19% UZR/06B Ch.4+640 - 5+810km Faruk) Rangamati Kaptai Construction of 2 Nos 25m RCC Girder Bridge on W-CHTll-RANG-Kap- M/S. Milton Traders 11 Raikhali GC Ferry Ghat-Rajsthali HQ Via Mitingachari HBB 0.95 51.80 306.20 352.01 29/Mar/2017 26/Sep/2018 25% 28.80 8.18% UZR/06C (Bulbul) Road at Ch.5+810 - 6+760km Construction of 42m & 25m RCC Girder Bridge on Raikhali GC Ferry Ghat-Rajsthali HQ Via Mitingachari W-CHTll-RANG-Kap- M/S Quashem 12 HBB 1.23 71.30 334.80 349.55 29/Feb/2016 30/Jun/2018 40% 74.23 21.24% Road at Ch.6+760 -7+990km UZR/06D Construction (Jamir) Total Kaptai 4 5.74 236.40 1440.70 1553.81 280.17 Page 169 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 170 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Scheme wise Progress Report Project Name: Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP-II): Rural Roads Component, LGED Part Reporting Date: 01-07-2018 Quantity Estimate Contract Fund Financia Physical Sl. Amount Amount Name of Contract Completion Spent l District Upazila Scheme name Package No. Type Km/No Progres Remarks No. M (Tk. In ( Contractor Signing date date (Tk. In Progres . s (%) lakh) lakh) lakh) s (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Improvement of Marishya bazar (Upazila sadar)- M/S. Nipa Enterprise- W-CHTII-RANG-Bag- 13 Mayanimukh bazar via Babupara, Battola & Daskin HBB 2.46 10.30 244.760 250.85 Suvrangkar Chakma 10/Jan/2017 23/Jul/2018 95% 74.44 29.68% UNR/02A Saroatoli road at Ch. 10+490-12+950km (JV) (Hosen) Baghaichari Construction of 15m RCC Girder Bridge on Improvement M/S. Nipa Enterprise of Marishya bazar (Upazila sadar)-Mayanimukh bazar via W-CHTII-Rang-Bag- (Tontumoni) 14 HBB 2.06 18.80 190.160 194.13 10/Jan/2017 23/Jul/2018 40% 41.25 21.25% Babupara, Battola & Daskin Saroatoli road at Ch. 12+950- UNR/02B 15+010km Sub total 2 4.52 29.10 434.92 444.98 115.69 Improvement of Marishya bazar (Upazila sadar)- W-CHTII-Rang-Bag- Mr. U.T. Mong 15 Mayanimukh bazar via Babupara, Battola & Daskin HBB 1.90 319.72 340.47 10/Apr/2018 30/Jun/2019 10% 0.00 UNR/02C (Jasim) Saroatoli road by HBB ( Ch. 15.01 km-16.91Km) Improvement of Marishya bazar (Upazila sadar)- W-CHTII-Rang-Bag- M/s. S S Traders 16 Mayanimukh bazar via Babupara, Battola & Daskin HBB 1.17 240.78 257.96 10/Apr/2018 30/May/2019 10% 0.00 Rangamati UNR/02D (Jasim) Saroatoli road by HBB( Ch. 16.91km-18.08 Km) Improvement of Marishya bazar (Upazila sadar)- Baghaichari S. Ananta Bikash Mayanimukh bazar via Babupara, Battola & Daskin W-CHTII-Rang-Bag- 17 BC 2.45 270.45 248.81 Tripura 10/Apr/2018 30/May/2019 20% 0.00 Saroatoli road by BC including 795m link road ( Ch.0.00 - UNR/02E (Trijit Chakma) 1.66 Km & 0.00 - 0.795 Km ) Improvement of Marishya bazar (Upazila sadar)- W-CHTII-Rang-Bag- Mr. U.T. Mong 18 Mayanimukh bazar via Babupara, Battola & Daskin BC 3.76 382.21 361.12 13/May/2018 30/May/2019 25% 0.00 UNR/02F (Jasim) Saroatoli road at Ch. 1.66 Km - 5.42 Km) Sub total 4 9.28 0.00 1213.16 1208.36 0.00 Construction of 60m RCC Girder Bridge at Ugalchari on Design and Baghaichari Upazila HQ - Ugalchari via Bottoli Bazar W-CHTII-Rang-Bag- Estimates are 19 Baghaichari BC 0.50 60.00 515.78 0.00 0.00 Road at Ch. 4970m. UNR/01A under preparation Sub total 1 0.50 60.00 515.78 0.00 0.00 Total Baghaichari 7 14.30 89.10 2163.86 1653.34 115.69 Total Rangamati 19 31.22 570.00 5787.80 5425.52 2063.32

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Scheme wise Progress Report Project Name: Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP-II): Rural Roads Component, LGED Part Reporting Date: 01-07-2018 Quantity Estimate Contract Fund Financia Physical Sl. Amount Amount Name of Contract Completion Spent l District Upazila Scheme name Package No. Type Km/No Progres Remarks No. M (Tk. In ( Contractor Signing date date (Tk. In Progres . s (%) lakh) lakh) lakh) s (%) W-B-BAN-F- Final 20 Sadar Extension of Functional Building RCC 1 129.29 199.22 Mr U.T. Mong 20/Aug/2013 30/Sep/2017 100% 193.57 100.00% BUILD/01 Sub total 1 1 129.29 199.22 193.57 Construction of 220 m Long PSC Girder Bridge over Sheikh Hemayet Ali W-B-BAN-Sad- 21 Sadar Sangu River on Raicha-Goaliakhola Road at Ch.7+150km RCC 0.10 220.00 1218.35 1261.58 & U.T Mong (JV) 30/Mar/2016 31/Dec/2018 42% 448.72 35.57% UNR/03 (Didar) Sub total 1 0.10 220.00 1218.35 1261.58 448.72 Improvement of Holudia-Vaggakul-Tankbati Road by BC W-B-BAN-Sad- 22 BC 1.95 1.00 309.11 348.31 M/s M.M Traders UNR/02A (Ch. 3.35Km-5.30Km). NOA Issued Improvement of Holudia-Vaggakul-Tankbati Road by BC W-B-BAN-Sad- 23 BC 2.01 1.80 298.99 336.05 M/s M.M Traders (Ch. 5.30Km-7.31Km). UNR/02B Improvement of Holudia-Vaggakul-Tankbati Road by BC W-B-BAN-Sad- 24 BC 1.33 36.90 332.66 380.39 Mr. U.T. Mong NOA Issued Sadar (Ch. 7.31Km-8.635Km). UNR/02C Bandarban Improvement of Holudia-Vaggakul-Tankbati Road by BC W-B-BAN-Sad- 25 BC 2.58 0.75 257.49 290.07 Mr. U.T. Mong (Ch. 8.635Km -11.21Km). UNR/02D NOA Issued Improvement of Holudia-Vaggakul-Tankbati Road by BC W-B-BAN-Sad- 26 BC 2.46 0.90 257.84 290.93 Mr. U.T. Mong (Ch. 11.21Km-13.67Km). UNR/02E Sub total 5 10.32 41.35 1456.09 1645.75 0.00 Total Sadar 7 10.42 261.35 2803.73 3106.55 642.29 Construction of 28.30m long RCC Girder Bridge on W-B-BAN-RUM- S. Ananta Bikash 27 Ruma RCC 0.13 28.30 94.79 90.48 23/Dec/2015 30/Jun/2018 95% 77.72 85.90% Ruma Sadar-Ruma Bazar Road at Ch. 1+177Km UZR/01 Tripura (Biplob) Sub total 1 0.13 28.30 94.79 90.48 77.72 75.00 m Construction of Brick Toe Wall with Jute Geo- Textile & Cladding Clay for Hill Side Slope Protection & M/S Marma 28 Ruma W-B-BAN-RUM-UZR RCC 17.49 17.31 26/Feb/2017 30/Jun/2018 60% 8.00 46.22% Stabilization Work at approach of 22 m long RCC Girder Enterprise Bridge on Ruma Sadar - Ruma Bazar Road at Ch. 1177m Sub total 1 0.00 0.00 17.49 17.31 0.00 42792.00 43281.00 8.00 Total Ruma 2 0.13 28.30 112.28 107.79 85.72

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Scheme wise Progress Report Project Name: Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP-II): Rural Roads Component, LGED Part Reporting Date: 01-07-2018 Quantity Estimate Contract Fund Financia Physical Sl. Amount Amount Name of Contract Completion Spent l District Upazila Scheme name Package No. Type Km/No Progres Remarks No. M (Tk. In ( Contractor Signing date date (Tk. In Progres . s (%) lakh) lakh) lakh) s (%) Construction of 61.0m (Ch.12+452km) long RCC Girder S. Ananta Bikash W-B-BAN-Nai- 29 Bridge on Naikhongchari - Tumbru Road RCC 0.19 54.75 203.85 179.36 Tripura 12/Apr/2016 30/Jun/2018 85% 134.39 74.93% UZR/03E (Kamal) Improvement of Naikhongchari- Tumbru Road at W-B-BAN-Nai- M/s. M.M Traders 30 HBB 1.85 19.40 251.00 221.57 12/Apr/2016 30/Jun/2018 85% 157.07 70.89% Ch.13+400 - 15+250km UZR/03A (Biblob) Construction of 15.0m (Ch.14+620km) and 48.0m S. Ananta Bikash W-B-BAN-Nai- 31 (15+125km) long RCC Girder Bridge on Naikhongchari- RCC 63.00 287.27 247.88 Tripura 12/Apr/2016 30/Jun/2018 85% 179.25 72.31% UZR/03A1 Tumbru Road (Kamal) S. Ananta Bikash Construction of 60.0m RCC Bridge on Naikhongchari- W-B-BAN-Nai- 32 HBB 0.57 60.00 295.34 261.84 Tripura 12/Apr/2016 30/Jun/2018 95% 186.97 71.41% Tumbru Road at Ch.15+250 - 15+820km UZR/03B (Kamal) Construction of 57.0m and 15 m RCC Bridge with Road W-B-BAN-Nai- M/s. QC-AC (JV) 33 on Naikhongchari- Tumbru Road at Ch.15+820 - HBB 1.08 76.00 417.46 368.54 12/Apr/2016 30/Jun/2018 75% 198.43 53.84% UZR/03C (Afser) 16+900km Construction of 25.0m RCC and 35.0m PC Girder Bridge W-B-BAN-Nai- M/s.QC-AC (JV) 34 with Road on Naikhongchari- Tumbru Road at Ch.16+900 HBB 0.74 64.30 365.33 328.40 12/Apr/2016 30/Jun/2018 80% 249.63 76.01% UZR/03D (Afser) - 17+640km Maitre Builders & Construction of 30.0m (Ch.25+805km) long Girder W-B-BAN-Nai- 35 RCC 0.09 74.00 156.26 156.26 Hazi Ali Akbar (JV) 17/Apr/2016 22/Jan/2018 50% 60.95 39.01% Bridge on Naikhongchari- Tumbru Road UZR/03G Bandarban Naikhongchari (Feroz) Improvement of Naikhongchari- Tumbru Road at M/s. Milton Traders W-B-BAN-Nai- 36 Ch.25+760 - 27+965km BC 2.21 29.90 346.29 319.23 & Sikder (JV) 10/Apr/2016 30/Jun/2018 55% 107.52 33.68% UZR/03F (Kamal) Construction of 20.0m and 23.0m RCC Bridge with Road M/s. Milton Traders W-B-BAN-Nai- 37 on Naikhongchari- Tumbru Road at Ch.27+965 - BC 0.99 53.20 341.71 326.43 & Sikder (JV) 10/Apr/2016 30/Jun/2018 60% 141.12 43.23% UZR/03H 28+955km (Kamal) Construction of 35.0m (Ch.27+458km) and 30.00m Slekh Hemayat & W-B-BAN-Nai- 38 (29+765km) long PC Girder Bridge on Naikhongchari- RCC 0.10 65.00 322.59 312.90 Friends Traders (JV) 17/Apr/2016 30/Jun/2018 75% 189.62 60.60% UZR/03G1 Tumbru Road (Babul) Slekh Hemayat & Construction of 30.0m PC Girder Bridge with Road on W-B-BAN-Nai- 39 BC 1.66 43.70 373.27 362.04 Friends Traders (JV) 17/Apr/2016 30/Jun/2018 85% 290.90 80.35% Naikhongchari- Tumbru Road at Ch.28+955 - 30+610km UZR/03I (Babul) M/s. Milton Traders Improvement of Naikhongchari- Tumbru Road at W-B-BAN-Nai- 40 BC 3.24 17.9 397.10 355.32 & Sikder (JV) 10/Apr/2016 30/Jun/2018 90% 313.47 88.22% Ch.30+610- 33+845km UZR/03J (Kamal) Tender Called Construction of 50.00m (Ch.26+023km) long Girder W-B-BAN-Nai- 41 RCC 0.09 50.00 246.78 Bridge on Naikhongchari- Tumbru Road UZR/03K Sub total 13 12.81 671.15 4004.25 3439.77 2209.32 Page 172 of 210 Environmental Monitoring Report 173 Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II) Project No.42248-013 Loan No-2763

Scheme wise Progress Report Project Name: Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP-II): Rural Roads Component, LGED Part Reporting Date: 01-07-2018 Quantity Estimate Contract Fund Financia Physical Sl. Amount Amount Name of Contract Completion Spent l District Upazila Scheme name Package No. Type Km/No Progres Remarks No. M (Tk. In ( Contractor Signing date date (Tk. In Progres . s (%) lakh) lakh) lakh) s (%) Improvement of Pan Bazar - Chokhyng Tripura Para (Kalar W-B-BAN-ALI- 42 Jiri) Road by BC (Ch. 3.60Km-4.95Km). BC 1.35 5.40 256.03 234.07 Mr U.T. Mong 0.00 UNR/05A Agreement Alikadam Improvement of Pan Bazar - Chokhyng Tripura Para (Kalar Signed W-B-BAN-ALI- 43 Jiri) Road by BC (Ch. 4.95 Km-5.81Km). (Union Road) BC 0.86 10.85 162.45 146.21 Mayadhan Chakma 0.00 UNR/05B

Total Alikadam 2 2.21 16.25 418.48 380.28 0.00 Mohammed Eunus & Improvement of Lama-Rupashipara Road at Ch.09+50 - W-B-BAN-Lam- 44 HBB 1.59 44.70 349.62 344.36 Brothers (Pvt.) Ltd 26/Sep/2016 22/Jun/2018 65% 199.13 57.83% 11+09km with 35m PC Gider Bridge at Ch. 10+635km UNR/07A (Absar) Improvement of Lama-Rupashipara Road at Ch.11+22 - W-B-BAN-Lam- M/s. M.M Traders 45 HBB 1.60 16.70 249.58 202.11 24/Nov/2016 5/May/2018 90% 119.53 59.14% 12+82km UNR/07B (Amol) Lama Construction of 60m RCC Girder Bridge on Lama - W-B-BAN-Lam- 46 RCC 0.14 60.00 275.48 200.58 QC-AC (JV) (Absar) 28/Sep/2016 22/Jun/2018 15% 23.95 11.94% Rupashipara Road at Ch.11+150km UNR/07C Tender Construction of 4.0m x 4.5m (width 20m) Box Culvert on W-B-BAN-Lam- document 46 RCC 4.00 55.49 Lama -Rupashipara Road at Ch.10+635km UNR/07D under preparation Sub total 4 3.33 125.40 930.17 747.05 342.61 60m RCC Girder Bridge and BC Road on Baniarchara- W-B-BAN-Lam- M/s M.M Traders 47 BC 1.74 66.70 427.29 355.65 20/Feb/2017 28/Jul/2018 50% 145.86 41.01% Bandarban Gazalia Raod at Ch.03+760 km - 05+500 km UNR/08A (Prokash)

Construction of 25m RCC Girder Bridge and BC Road on W-B-BAN-Lam- M/s Rip Enterprise 48 BC 1.26 27.00 283.69 221.79 12/Feb/2017 22/Jul/2018 40% 23.62 10.65% Baniarchara-Gazalia Raod at Ch.05+500 km - 06+760 km UNR/08B (Biplop)

M/s Milton Traders W-B-BAN-Lam- 49 Baniarchara-Gazalia Raod at Ch.06+760 km -09+810 km BC 3.05 457.21 387.16 & Sikder (JV) 15/Feb/2017 22/Jul/2018 70% 161.80 41.79% UNR/08C Lama (Kamal) Revised M/s Milton Traders design and 50m PC Girder Bridge on Baniarchara-Gazalia Raod at W-B-BAN-Lam- 50 BC 0.56 50.00 401.89 345.43 & Sikder (JV) 23/Feb/2017 22/Jul/2018 20% 46.44 13.44% estimate are Ch.09+810 km - 10+370 km UNR/08D (Kamal) under preparation. W-B-BAN-Lam- Mr. U.T Mong 51 Baniarchara-Gazalia Raod at Ch.10+370+12+55 km BC 2.18 0.90 314.78 250.75 12/Feb/2017 22/Jul/2018 90% 132.93 53.01% UNR/08E (Jasim) Sub total 5 8.79 144.60 1884.86 1560.78 510.65 Total Lama 9 12.12 270.00 2815.03 2307.83 853.26 Total Bandarban 33 37.69 1247.05 10153.77 9342.22 3790.59

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Scheme wise Progress Report Project Name: Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP-II): Rural Roads Component, LGED Part Reporting Date: 01-07-2018 Quantity Estimate Contract Fund Financia Physical Sl. Amount Amount Name of Contract Completion Spent l District Upazila Scheme name Package No. Type Km/No Progres Remarks No. M (Tk. In ( Contractor Signing date date (Tk. In Progres . s (%) lakh) lakh) lakh) s (%) W-KHA-F- Final 52 Sadar Extension of Functional Building RCC 1 124.27 124.04 M/s Rip Enterprize 1/Aug/2013 30/Mar/2017 100% 123.95 100.00% BUILD/01 Total Sadar 1 1 124.27 124.04 123.95 Improvement of Panchari GC-Baibonchara GC via S. Ananta Bikash Final 53 W-KHA-Pan-UZR/01A BC 2.59 11.85 257.92 290.62 6/Nov/2014 15/Sep/2016 100% 290.60 99.99% Shantipur Arunya Kutir Road (Ch: 00-2590m) Tripura Final Improvement of Panchari GC-Baibonchara GC via W-KHA-Pan-UZR/01B 54 Panchari BC 1.76 4.50 205.72 205.83 M/s. Rip Enterprise 29/Apr/2015 15/Mar/2017 100% 205.83 100.00% Shantipur Arunya Kutir Road (Ch: 2590-4350m); Final Improvement of Panchari GC-Baibonchara GC via S. Ananta Bikash 55 W-KHA-Pan-UZR/01C HBB 1.06 6.15 116.79 120.84 6/Nov/2014 30/Mar/2017 100% 120.84 100.00% Shantipur Arunya Kutir Road (Ch: 8966-10030m); Tripura

River Bank Protection work at Panchari GC-Baibonchara M/S Haque & 56 W-KHA-Pan-UZR/01D RCC 0.20 61.95 71.19 2/Feb/2018 10/Dec/2018 50% 20.10 28.23% GC via Shantipur Arunya Kutir Road (Ch: 1420m -1620m) Engineering Total Panchari 4 5.61 22.50 642.38 688.48 637.37 Khagrachari S. Ananta Bikash Improvement of Sinduckchari union H/Q-Dullahtali GC W-KHA-Moh- Tripura & M/s M.A. 57 BC 1.95 93.10 540.10 592.90 26/Jan/2016 30/06/2018 95% 494.68 83.43% via Chailyatali Road by BC Ch.0+763 to 2+713 (Km+M) UNR/05A Engineering (JV) Guimara (Taher) Improvement of Sinduckchari union H/Q-Dullahtali GC W-KHA-Moh- 58 via Chailyatali Road by BC Ch.2+713to 5+513 (Km+M) BC 2.80 84.70 511.09 600.55 RE-SB (JV) (Selim) 28/Jan/2016 31/12/2018 80% 424.63 70.71% UNR/05B with 36.00m and 25.00m span RCC Girder Bridge Total Guimara 2 4.75 177.80 1051.19 1193.45 919.31 S. Ananta Bikash Construction of Garitana GC-Batnatoli H/Q via W-KHA-Man- 59 BC 2.87 19.70 397.20 417.61 Tripure 3/Mar/2016 30/06/2018 95% 361.52 86.57% Jogyachola Road at Ch.09+172-12+037km UNR/04A (Taher/Samsu) Manikchari S. Ananta Bikash Construction of Garitana GC-Batnatoli H/Q via W-KHA-Man- Tripure & M/S. Elias 60 BC 3.51 4.75 329.20 411.35 3/Mar/2016 30/09/2018 60% 184.33 44.81% Jogyachola Road at Ch.12+037-15+545km UNR/04B Brothers (JV) (Rofik Chairman) Total Manikchari 2 6.38 24.45 726.40 828.96 545.85 Total Khagrachari 9 16.74 224.75 2544.24 2834.93 2226.48 Grand Total Rangamati, Bandarban & Khagrachari 61 85.65 2041.80 18485.81 17602.66 8080.39

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C. Contact details of contractors Rural Roads as per 30 June 2018

Name of Name of Contact Sl. No. Scheme name Package No. contact Contractor Details person

1 2 3 4 5 6 Rangamati

W-CHT II- M/S Jalalabad 1 Extension of Functional Building RANGA-F- BUILD/01 Construction Improvement of Betbunia Chairy Bazar– W-CHTII-RANG- M/s Selim & 2 Laxmichari road via Barmachari road Kaw-UZR/01A Brother's (Ch. 8100-10485m) Improvement of Betbunia Chairy Bazar– W-CHTII-RANG- M/S Quashem 3 Laxmichari road via Barmachari road Kaw-UZR/01B Construction (Ch. 10485-12100m) Improvement of Betbunia Chairy Bazar– W-CHTII-RANG- M/s Selim & 4 Laxmichari road via Barmachari road Kaw-UZR/01C Brother's (Ch.12100-14110m) Construction of 60m RCC Girder Bridge on Betbunia Chairy Bazar - Laxmichari M/S Noor W-CHTII-Rang- 5 via Barmachari Connecting Road up to Syndicate Kaw-UZR/01D Raujan upazila RHD by HBB (Ch. 0.00- (Selim) 495m) S. Ananta Betbunia Chairy Bazar-Bara Aoulia- W-CHTII-Rang- 6 Bikash Tripura Santirhat Road at Ch.3+070-5+210km Kaw-UNR/04A (Bulbul) Mohammed Construction of 35m PC Girder Bridge W-CHTII-Rang- Eunus & 7 on Betbunia Chairy Bazar-Bara Aoulia- Kaw-UNR/04B Brothers (Pvt.) Santirhat Road at Ch.5+210-5+650 km Ltd (Azamkhan)

Betbunia Chairy Bazar-Bara Aoulia- W-CHTII-Rang- M/S Rangamati 8 Santirhat Road at Ch.5+650-7+750 km Kaw-UNR/04C Traders (Tipu)

Construction of 25m RCC Girder Bridge Mithu Saleha on Raikhali GC Ferry Ghat-Rajsthali W-CHTll-RANG- Omar Faruk 9 HQ Via Mitingachari Road at Ch.1+070 Kap-UZR/06A (JV) (Omor - 1+365 & 2+550 - 4+640 km Faruk)

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Name of Name of Contact Sl. No. Scheme name Package No. contact Contractor Details person

Construction of 60m RCC Girder Bridge Omar Faruque on Raikhali GC Ferry Ghat-Rajsthali W-CHTll-RANG- 10 & Shalaha (JV) HQ Via Mitingachari Road at Ch.4+640 Kap-UZR/06B (Omor Faruk) - 5+810km Construction of 2 Nos 25m RCC Girder M/S. Milton Bridge on Raikhali GC Ferry Ghat- W-CHTll-RANG- 11 Traders Rajsthali HQ Via Mitingachari Road at Kap-UZR/06C (Bulbul) Ch.5+810 - 6+760km Construction of 42m & 25m RCC M/S Quashem Girder Bridge on Raikhali GC Ferry W-CHTll-RANG- 12 Construction Ghat-Rajsthali HQ Via Mitingachari Kap-UZR/06D (Jamir) Road at Ch.6+760 -7+990km M/S. Nipa Improvement of Marishya bazar Enterprise- (Upazila sadar)-Mayanimukh bazar via W-CHTII-RANG- 13 Suvrangkar Babupara, Battola & Daskin Saroatoli Bag-UNR/02A Chakma (JV) road at Ch. 10+490-12+950km (Hosen) Construction of 15m RCC Girder Bridge on Improvement of Marishya bazar M/S. Nipa W-CHTII-Rang- 14 (Upazila sadar)-Mayanimukh bazar via Enterprise Bag-UNR/02B Babupara, Battola & Daskin Saroatoli (Tontumoni) road at Ch. 12+950-15+010km Improvement of Marishya bazar (Upazila sadar)-Mayanimukh bazar via W-CHTII-Rang- Mr. U.T. Mong 15 Babupara, Battola & Daskin Saroatoli Bag-UNR/02C (Jasim) road by HBB ( Ch. 15.01 km-16.91Km) Improvement of Marishya bazar M/s. S S (Upazila sadar)-Mayanimukh bazar via W-CHTII-Rang- 16 Traders Babupara, Battola & Daskin Saroatoli Bag-UNR/02D (Jasim) road by HBB( Ch. 16.91km-18.08 Km) Improvement of Marishya bazar (Upazila sadar)-Mayanimukh bazar via S. Ananta W-CHTII-Rang- 17 Babupara, Battola & Daskin Saroatoli Bikash Tripura Bag-UNR/02E road by BC including 795m link road ( (Trijit Chakma) Ch.0.00 - 1.66 Km & 0.00 - 0.795 Km ) Improvement of Marishya bazar (Upazila sadar)-Mayanimukh bazar via W-CHTII-Rang- Mr. U.T. Mong 18 Babupara, Battola & Daskin Saroatoli Bag-UNR/02F (Jasim) road at Ch. 1.66 Km - 5.42 Km) Construction of 60m RCC Girder Bridge at Ugalchari on Baghaichari Upazila W-CHTII-Rang- 19 HQ - Ugalchari via Bottoli Bazar Road Bag-UNR/01A at Ch. 4970m.

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Name of Name of Contact Sl. No. Scheme name Package No. contact Contractor Details person


W-B-BAN-F- 20 Extension of Functional Building Mr U.T. Mong BUILD/01

Construction of 220 m Long PSC Sheikh Hemayet Girder Bridge over Sangu River on W-B-BAN-Sad- Ali & U.T 21 Raicha-Goaliakhola Road at UNR/03 Mong (JV) Ch.7+150km (Didar) Improvement of Holudia-Vaggakul- W-B-BAN-Sad- M/s M.M 22 Tankbati Road by BC (Ch. 3.35Km- UNR/02A Traders 5.30Km). Improvement of Holudia-Vaggakul- W-B-BAN-Sad- M/s M.M 23 Tankbati Road by BC (Ch. 5.30Km- UNR/02B Traders 7.31Km). Improvement of Holudia-Vaggakul- W-B-BAN-Sad- 24 Tankbati Road by BC (Ch. 7.31Km- Mr. U.T. Mong UNR/02C 8.635Km). Improvement of Holudia-Vaggakul- W-B-BAN-Sad- 25 Tankbati Road by BC (Ch. 8.635Km - Mr. U.T. Mong UNR/02D 11.21Km). Improvement of Holudia-Vaggakul- W-B-BAN-Sad- 26 Tankbati Road by BC (Ch. 11.21Km- Mr. U.T. Mong UNR/02E 13.67Km). Construction of 28.30m long RCC S. Ananta W-B-BAN-RUM- 27 Girder Bridge on Ruma Sadar-Ruma Bikash Tripura UZR/01 Bazar Road at Ch. 1+177Km (Biplob) 75.00 m Construction of Brick Toe Wall with Jute Geo-Textile & Cladding Clay for Hill Side Slope Protection & W-B-BAN-RUM- M/S Marma 28 Stabilization Work at approach of 22 m UZR Enterprise long RCC Girder Bridge on Ruma Sadar - Ruma Bazar Road at Ch. 1177m Construction of 61.0m (Ch.12+452km) S. Ananta W-B-BAN-Nai- 29 long RCC Girder Bridge on Bikash UZR/03E Naikhongchari - Tumbru Road Tripura(Kamal) Improvement of Naikhongchari- M/s. M.M W-B-BAN-Nai- 30 Tumbru Road at Ch.13+400 - Traders UZR/03A 15+250km (Biblob) Construction of 15.0m (Ch.14+620km) S. Ananta and 48.0m (15+125km) long RCC W-B-BAN-Nai- 31 Bikash Tripura Girder Bridge on Naikhongchari- UZR/03A1 (Kamal) Tumbru Road

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Name of Name of Contact Sl. No. Scheme name Package No. contact Contractor Details person

Construction of 60.0m RCC Bridge on S. Ananta W-B-BAN-Nai- 32 Naikhongchari- Tumbru Road at Bikash Tripura UZR/03B Ch.15+250 - 15+820km (Kamal) Construction of 57.0m and 15 m RCC M/s. QC-AC Bridge with Road on Naikhongchari- W-B-BAN-Nai- 33 (JV) Tumbru Road at Ch.15+820 - UZR/03C (Afser) 16+900km Construction of 25.0m RCC and 35.0m M/s.QC-AC PC Girder Bridge with Road on W-B-BAN-Nai- 34 (JV) Naikhongchari- Tumbru Road at UZR/03D (Afser) Ch.16+900 - 17+640km Maitre Builders Construction of 30.0m (Ch.25+805km) W-B-BAN-Nai- & Hazi Ali 35 long Girder Bridge on Naikhongchari- UZR/03G Akbar (JV) Tumbru Road (Feroz) M/s. Milton Improvement of Naikhongchari- W-B-BAN-Nai- Traders & 36 Tumbru Road at Ch.25+760 - UZR/03F Sikder (JV) 27+965km (Kamal) Construction of 20.0m and 23.0m RCC M/s. Milton Bridge with Road on Naikhongchari- W-B-BAN-Nai- Traders & 37 Tumbru Road at Ch.27+965 - UZR/03H Sikder (JV) 28+955km (Kamal) Slekh Hemayat Construction of 35.0m (Ch.27+458km) W-B-BAN-Nai- & Friends 38 and 30.00m (29+765km) long PC Girder UZR/03G1 Traders (JV) Bridge on Naikhongchari- Tumbru Road (Babul) Slekh Hemayat Construction of 30.0m PC Girder Bridge W-B-BAN-Nai- & Friends 39 with Road on Naikhongchari- Tumbru UZR/03I Traders (JV) Road at Ch.28+955 - 30+610km (Babul) M/s. Milton Improvement of Naikhongchari- W-B-BAN-Nai- Traders & 40 Tumbru Road at Ch.30+610- UZR/03J Sikder (JV) 33+845km (Kamal) Construction of 50.00m (Ch.26+023km) W-B-BAN-Nai- 41 long Girder Bridge on Naikhongchari- UZR/03K Tumbru Road Improvement of Pan Bazar - Chokhyng W-B-BAN-ALI- 42 Tripura Para (Kalar Jiri) Road by BC Mr U.T. Mong UNR/05A (Ch. 3.60Km-4.95Km). Improvement of Pan Bazar - Chokhyng W-B-BAN-ALI- Mayadhan 43 Tripura Para (Kalar Jiri) Road by BC UNR/05B Chakma (Ch. 4.95 Km-5.81Km). (Union Road)

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Name of Name of Contact Sl. No. Scheme name Package No. contact Contractor Details person

Mohammed Improvement of Lama-Rupashipara W-B-BAN-Lam- Eunus & 44 Road at Ch.09+50 - 11+09km with 35m UNR/07A Brothers (Pvt.) PC Gider Bridge at Ch. 10+635km Ltd (Absar)

Improvement of Lama-Rupashipara W-B-BAN-Lam- M/s. M.M 45 Road at Ch.11+22 - 12+82km UNR/07B Traders (Amol)

Construction of 60m RCC Girder Bridge W-B-BAN-Lam- QC-AC (JV) 46 on Lama -Rupashipara Road at UNR/07C (Absar) Ch.11+150km Construction of 4.0m x 4.5m (width W-B-BAN-Lam- 47 20m) Box Culvert on Lama - UNR/07D Rupashipara Road at Ch.10+635km 60m RCC Girder Bridge and BC Road M/s M.M W-B-BAN-Lam- 48 on Baniarchara-Gazalia Raod at Traders UNR/08A Ch.03+760 km - 05+500 km (Prokash) Construction of 25m RCC Girder Bridge M/s Rip W-B-BAN-Lam- 49 and BC Road on Baniarchara-Gazalia Enterprise UNR/08B Raod at Ch.05+500 km - 06+760 km (Biplop) M/s Milton Baniarchara-Gazalia Raod at Ch.06+760 W-B-BAN-Lam- Traders & 50 km -09+810 km UNR/08C Sikder (JV) (Kamal) M/s Milton 50m PC Girder Bridge on Baniarchara- W-B-BAN-Lam- Traders & 51 Gazalia Raod at Ch.09+810 km - UNR/08D Sikder (JV) 10+370 km (Kamal)

Baniarchara-Gazalia Raod at W-B-BAN-Lam- Mr. U.T Mong 52 Ch.10+370+12+55 km UNR/08E (Jasim)


W-KHA-F- M/s Rip 53 Extension of Functional Building BUILD/01 Enterprize

Improvement of Panchari GC- W-KHA-Pan- S. Ananta 54 Baibonchara GC via Shantipur Arunya UZR/01A Bikash Tripura Kutir Road (Ch: 00-2590m) Improvement of Panchari GC- W-KHA-Pan- M/s. Rip 55 Baibonchara GC via Shantipur Arunya UZR/01B Enterprise Kutir Road (Ch: 2590-4350m);

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Name of Name of Contact Sl. No. Scheme name Package No. contact Contractor Details person

Improvement of Panchari GC- W-KHA-Pan- S. Ananta 56 Baibonchara GC via Shantipur Arunya UZR/01C Bikash Tripura Kutir Road (Ch: 8966-10030m); River Bank Protection work at Panchari GC-Baibonchara GC via Shantipur W-KHA-Pan- M/S Haque & 57 Arunya Kutir Road (Ch: 1420m - UZR/01D Engineering 1620m) S. Ananta Improvement of Sinduckchari union Bikash Tripura W-KHA-Moh- 58 H/Q-Dullahtali GC via Chailyatali Road & M/s M.A. UNR/05A by BC Ch.0+763 to 2+713 (Km+M) Engineering (JV) (Taher) Improvement of Sinduckchari union H/Q-Dullahtali GC via Chailyatali Road W-KHA-Moh- RE-SB (JV) 59 by BC Ch.2+713to 5+513 (Km+M) with UNR/05B (Selim) 36.00m and 25.00m span RCC Girder Bridge Construction of Garitana GC-Batnatoli S. Ananta W-KHA-Man- 60 H/Q via Jogyachola Road at Ch.09+172- Bikash Tripure UNR/04A 12+037km (Taher/Samsu) S. Ananta Bikash Tripure Construction of Garitana GC-Batnatoli W-KHA-Man- & M/S. Elias 61 H/Q via Jogyachola Road at Ch.12+037- UNR/04B Brothers (JV) 15+545km (Rofik Chairman)

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D. Water Quality Tests - Community Infrastructure Component, January – June 2018

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Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) Office of the Senior Chemist, Zonal Laboratory, Rangamati Khagrachari LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Water quality Test Report: Khagrachari(Duration: January - June 2018) Site Locations Para meters (Monitoring Results) Site Date of Name of Conducti BOD TSS Arsenic Iron Chloride Mangan No. Sampling Caretaker/Owner Para Union Upazila District pH vity TN mg/L TP mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mp/L Mg/L ese mg/L uS/cm Allowable limit ( Bangladesh Standard ) 6.5-8.5 0.05 .3-1.0 150-600 0.1 Danga Bazar 1 4-Jan-18 Suresh Chakma Merung Dighinala Khagrachari 0.001 0.10 Para Danga Bazar 2 4-Jan-18 Kachu Chakma Merung Dighinala Khagrachari 0.001 0.08 Para Danga Bazar 3 4-Jan-18 Shukru Chakma Merung Dighinala Khagrachari 0.001 0.06 Para Danga Bazar 4 4-Jan-18 Gyna Joti Chakma Merung Dighinala Khagrachari 0.001

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Khagrachari (Continued) Site Locations Para meters (Monitoring Results) Site Date of Name of Conducti BOD TSS Arsenic Iron Chloride Mangan No. Sampling Caretaker/Owner Para Union Upazila District pH vity TN mg/L TP mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mp/L Mg/L ese mg/L uS/cm Allowable limit ( Bangladesh Standard ) 6.5-8.5 0.05 .3-1.0 150-600 0.1 Dhani 18 22-Feb-18 0.001 0.09 Md. Hasu Karbari Para Gomtii Matiranga Khagrachari Dhani 19 22-Feb-18 0.001 0.08 Md. Tohid Karbari Para Gomtii Matiranga Khagrachari Dhani 20 22-Feb-18 0.001 0.09 Muni Karbari Para Gomtii Matiranga Khagrachari

21 22-Mar-18 Rayongmrong Rayongmrong Halfchari Ramgar Khagrachari Nil 43 0.4 7.06

22 22-Mar-18 Thyla Marma Rayongmrong Halfchari Ramgar Khagrachari <.001 0.06

23 22-Mar-18 Thoy Onga Marma Rayongmrong Halfchari Ramgar Khagrachari <.001 0.05 Kalapani 24 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari 7.34 <.001 0.10 24 <.05 Omar Faruk Monsur Para Kalapani 25 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari 7.38 <0.001 0.07 22 <.05 Chhaaiful Bibi Monsur Para Kalapani 26 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <0.001 0.07 Md. Khalilur Rahaman Monsur Para Kalapani 27 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <0.001 0.05 Md. Fulmiah Monsur Para Kalapani 28 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <0.001 0.11 Md. Habil Miah Monsur Para Kalapani 29 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <0.001 0.06 Rahima Bibi Monsur Para Kalapani 30 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <0.001 0.10 Masud Rana Monsur Para Kalapani 31 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <0.001 0.08 Shiuli Akter Monsur Para Kalapani 32 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <0.001 0.09 Md. Lokman Hossain Monsur Para

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Khagrachari (Continued) Site Locations Para meters (Monitoring Results) Site Date of Name of Conducti BOD TSS Arsenic Iron Chloride Mangan No. Sampling Caretaker/Owner Para Union Upazila District pH vity TN mg/L TP mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mp/L Mg/L ese mg/L uS/cm Allowable limit ( Bangladesh Standard ) 6.5-8.5 0.05 .3-1.0 150-600 0.1 Kalapani 33 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <0.001 0.05 Md. Jahangir Miah Monsur Para Kalapani 34 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <0.001 0.13 Md. Anwar Hossain Monsur Para Kalapani 35 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <0.001 0.07 Asma Begum Monsur Para Kalapani 36 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <0.001 0.11 Anwar Ali Monsur Para Kalapani 37 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <0.001 0.06 Mohammad Ali Monsur Para Kalapani 38 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <0.001 0.05 Amir Hossain Monsur Para Kalapani 39 14-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari 0.12 Mohammad Ali (2) Monsur Para Dhanyachan 40 14-May-18 dra Karbari Chingee Panchari Khagrachari <.001 0.07 8 <.05 Kamesh Chakma Para 7.23 Dhanyachan 41 14-May-18 dra Karbari Chingee Panchari Khagrachari <.001 0.12 Mon Mohan Tripura Para Dhanyachan 42 14-May-18 dra Karbari Chingee Panchari Khagrachari <.001 0.06 Samiran Chakma Para Rabishing 43 16-May-18 Panchari Panchari Khagrachari <.001 0.08 26 <.05 Litan Chakma Para 7.31 Rabishing 44 16-May-18 Panchari Panchari Khagrachari <.001 0.07 Mon Mohan Tripura Para Rabishing 45 16-May-18 Panchari Panchari Khagrachari <.001 0.12 Samiran Tripura Para Vaibonchh Khagrachari 46 23-May-18 Bara Para Khagrachari 0.001 0.07 20 0.05 Sunindra Lal ara Sadar 7.22 Vaibonchh Khagrachari 47 23-May-18 Bara Para Khagrachari 0.001 0.06 Monidra Lal Tripura ara Sadar

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Khagrachari (Continued) Site Locations Para meters (Monitoring Results) Site Date of Name of Conducti BOD TSS Arsenic Iron Chloride Mangan No. Sampling Caretaker/Owner Para Union Upazila District pH vity TN mg/L TP mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mp/L Mg/L ese mg/L uS/cm Allowable limit ( Bangladesh Standard ) 6.5-8.5 0.05 .3-1.0 150-600 0.1 Vaibonchh Khagrachari 48 23-May-18 Bara Para Khagrachari 0.001 0.08 Charan Bikas Tripura ara Sadar Vaibonchh Khagrachari 49 23-May-18 Bara Para Khagrachari 0.001 0.09 Shanti Lal Tripura ara Sadar Vaibonchh Khagrachari 50 23-May-18 Bara Para Khagrachari 0.001 0.05 Merunal Tripura ara Sadar Vaibonchh Khagrachari 51 23-May-18 Bara Para Khagrachari 0.001 0.11 Benu Lal Tripura ara Sadar Vaibonchh Khagrachari 52 23-May-18 Bara Para Khagrachari 0.001 0.08 Ganja Tripura ara Sadar 53 29-May-18 Anil Para Anil Para Logang Panchari Khagrachari 7.08 Nil 25 Nil 54 29-May-18 Narad Moni Chakma Anil Para Logang Panchari Khagrachari 0.001 0.14 Prarthana 55 30-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.07 18 <.05 Gopal Ranjan Tripura Para 7.02 Prarthana 56 30-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.07 Biran Joy Tripura Para Prarthana 57 30-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.09 Nitai Tripura Para Prarthana 58 30-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.13 Tarubala Tripura Para Prarthana 59 30-May-18 Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.12 Prarthana Tripura Para 60 31-May-18 Sahadeb Tripura Kalinga Para Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari 6.91 <.001 0.06 10 <.05 61 31-May-18 Khajen Tripura Kalinga Para Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.10 62 31-May-18 Anta Bikas Tripura Kalinga Para Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.08 63 31-May-18 Anal Tripura Kalinga Para Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.12 64 31-May-18 Boiragya Tripura Kalinga Para Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.16 65 31-May-18 Barindra Tripura Kalinga Para Gomti Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.07

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Khagrachari (Continued) Site Locations Para meters (Monitoring Results) Site Date of Name of Conducti BOD TSS Arsenic Iron Chloride Mangan No. Sampling Caretaker/Owner Para Union Upazila District pH vity TN mg/L TP mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mp/L Mg/L ese mg/L uS/cm Allowable limit ( Bangladesh Standard ) 6.5-8.5 0.05 .3-1.0 150-600 0.1 Abdul Khaleque 66 6-Jun-18 Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.07 6 <.05 Chowdhury 7.2 67 6-Jun-18 Suben Tripura Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.11 68 6-Jun-18 Nipu Tripura Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.13 69 6-Jun-18 Odud Moah Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.10 70 6-Jun-18 Ismail Hossain Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.16 71 6-Jun-18 Selina Akter Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.06 72 6-Jun-18 Khorshed Alam Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.12 73 6-Jun-18 Malu Miah Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.08 74 6-Jun-18 Rezzak Miah Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.14 75 6-Jun-18 Dulal Miah Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.11 76 6-Jun-18 Ismail Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.06 77 6-Jun-18 Sujan Miah Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.09 78 6-Jun-18 Babul Mia Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.07 79 6-Jun-18 Fatema Akter Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.15 80 6-Jun-18 Malu Nowa Para Taindong Matiranga Khagrachari <.001 0.09

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Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) Office of the Senior Chemist, Zonal Laboratory, Rangamati Rangamati LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Water quality Test Report: Rangamati (Duration: January - June 2018) Site Locations Parameters (Monitoring Results) Site Date of Name of Conduc BOD TSS Arsenic Iron Chloride Mangan No. Sampling Caretaker/Owner Para Union Upazila District pH tivity TN mg/L TP mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mp/L Mg/L ese mg/L uS/cm Allowable limit ( Bangladesh Standard ) 6.5-8.5 0.05 .3-1.0 150-600 0.1 1 4-Jan-17 Mra Thwai Prue Dabua Bakur Para Fotikchari Kawkhali Rangamati 6.9 0.001 0.70 6

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Rangamati (Continued) Site Locations Parameters (Monitoring Results) Site Date of Name of Conduc BOD TSS Arsenic Iron Chloride Mangan No. Sampling Caretaker/Owner Para Union Upazila District pH tivity TN mg/L TP mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mp/L Mg/L ese mg/L uS/cm Allowable limit ( Bangladesh Standard ) 6.5-8.5 0.05 .3-1.0 150-600 0.1 Laxmidhan 28 2-Apr-18 Kaptai Kaptai Rangamati 0.002 0.37 Uthoyai Ching Marma Karbari Para Laxmidhan 29 2-Apr-18 Md. Jobbar Khan Kaptai Kaptai Rangamati 0.002 0.240 Karbari Para 30 26-Apr-18 Dhana Bikas Chakma Ajjanchari Para Saroattuli Baghaichhari Rangamati 0.001 0.70 6

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Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) Office of the Senior Chemist, Zonal Laboratory, Rangamati Bandarban LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Water quality Test Report: Bandarban (Duration: January - June 2018) Site Date of Site Locations Parameters (Monitoring Results) No Sampling Manga Village/Para Union Upazial District pH Conduc BOD TSS TN TP Arsenic Iron Chlorid nese tivity mg/L mp/L e Mg/L mg/L Allowable limit ( Bangladesh Standard ) 6.5-8.5 uS/cm 0.05 .3-1.0 150-600 0.1 1 14-Jan-18 Baishari para Gundum Naikhyongchari Bandarban 7.86 0.001 0.32 32 ˂LOQ 2 14-Jan-18 Baishari para Gundum Naikhyongchari Bandarban 7.84 0.001 0.22 22 ˂LOQ 3 14-Jan-18 Baishari para Gundum Naikhyongchari Bandarban 7.72 0.001 0.87 32 ˂LOQ 4 14-Jan-18 Baishari para Gundum Naikhyongchari Bandarban 7.68 0.001 0.26 20 ˂LOQ Tonbru 5 22-Jan-18 Gundum Naikhyongchari Bandarban 8.01 0.001 0.18 96 ˂LOQ Headman para Tonbru 6 22-Jan-18 Gundum Naikhyongchari Bandarban 8.04 0.001 ˂LOQ 96 ˂LOQ Headman para Garjanbunia 7 22-Jan-18 Gundum Naikhyongchari Bandarban 7.88 0.001 ˂LOQ 102 ˂LOQ Para 8 4-Feb-18 Jugendra para Nowapara Alikadam Bandarban 6.8 0.001 0.15 12 ˂LOQ 9 4-Feb-18 Jugendra para Nowapara Alikadam Bandarban 6.81 0.001 0.13 10 ˂LOQ 10 4-Feb-18 Jugendra para Nowapara Alikadam Bandarban 6.9 0.001 0.18 8 ˂LOQ Talukder para 11 4-Feb-18 Sadar BandarbanSadar Upazila Bandarban 7.9 0.001 0.44 26 ˂LOQ para Chambi 12 22-Feb-18 Aziznagar Lama Bandarban 7.42 0.001 0.48 39 ˂LOQ Headman para Chambi 13 22-Feb-18 Aziznagar Lama Bandarban 7.34 0.001 0.45 37 ˂LOQ Headman para 14 22-Feb-18 Sonaram Para Aziznagar Lama Bandarban 7.26 0.001 0.54 36 ˂LOQ 15 22-Feb-18 Sonaram Para Aziznagar Lama Bandarban 7.28 0.001 0.51 34 ˂LOQ 16 22-Feb-18 Boro para FaishayakhaliLama Bandarban 7.33 0.001 0.46 29 ˂LOQ 17 22-Feb-18 Boro para FaishayakhaliLama Bandarban 7.35 0.001 0.49 36 ˂LOQ 18 22-Feb-18 Ransango para Gozalia Lama Bandarban 6.9 0.001 0.44 42 ˂LOQ

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Bandarban (Continued) Site Date of Site Locations Parameters (Monitoring Results) No Sampling Manga Village/Para Union Upazial District pH Conduc BOD TSS TN TP Arsenic Iron Chlorid nese tivity mg/L mp/L e Mg/L mg/L Allowable limit ( Bangladesh Standard ) 6.5-8.5 uS/cm 0.05 .3-1.0 150-600 0.1 19 22-Feb-18 Ransango para Gozalia Lama Bandarban 6.7 0.001 0.42 45 ˂LOQ 20 26-Feb-18 Choto para FaishayakhaliLama Bandarban 7.1 0.001 0.42 30 ˂LOQ 21 26-Feb-18 Choto para FaishayakhaliLama Bandarban 7.9 0.001 0.46 33 ˂LOQ 22 26-Feb-18 Choto para FaishayakhaliLama Bandarban 7.4 0.001 0.44 28 ˂LOQ Jaruliachara 23 29-Mar-18 Sonaichari Naikhyongchari Bandarban 7.84 0.001 0.33 22 ˂LOQ para 24 4-Apr-18 Polika para Ruma Sadar Ruma Bandarban 7.6 0.001 0.44 36 ˂LOQ 25 9-Apr-18 Fatrajhiri para Gundum Naikhyongchari Bandarban 7.23 0.001 0.04 12 ˂0.05 26 9-Apr-18 Fatrajhiri para Gundum Naikhyongchari Bandarban 6.81 0.001 0.04 14 ˂0.05 27 9-Apr-18 Fatrajhiri para Gundum Naikhyongchari Bandarban 6.52 0.001 0.06 82 ˂0.05 28 9-Apr-18 Fatrajhiri para Gundum Naikhyongchari Bandarban 6.62 0.001 0.04 48 ˂0.05 Garjanbunia 29 9-Apr-18 Gundum Naikhyongchari Bandarban 6.53 0.001 0.04 40 ˂0.05 Para Garjanbunia 30 9-Apr-18 Gundum Naikhyongchari Bandarban 6.58 0.001 0.08 46 ˂0.05 Para 31 10-Apr-18 Boidya para Sonaichari Naikhyongchari Bandarban 7.86 0.001 0.32 32 ˂LOQ 32 10-Apr-18 Boidya para Sonaichari Naikhyongchari Bandarban 7.84 0.001 0.22 22 ˂LOQ 33 10-Apr-18 Boidya para Sonaichari Naikhyongchari Bandarban 7.72 0.001 0.87 32 ˂LOQ 34 21-May-18 Bakichara para Kuhalong Sadar Upazila Bandarban 6.91 0.001 0.18 18 ˂0.05 35 21-May-18 Bakichara para Kuhalong Sadar Upazila Bandarban 6.5 0.001 0.14 14 ˂0.05 36 21-May-18 Shilartowa para Rupashi para Lama Bandarban 6.67 0.001 0.11 8 ˂0.05 37 21-May-18 Shilartowa para Rupashi para Lama Bandarban 6.5 0.001 0.07 10 ˂0.05 38 21-May-18 Kairing para Choikhyong Alikadam Bandarban 6.78 0.001 0.1 8 ˂0.05 39 21-May-18 Kairing para Choikhyong Alikadam Bandarban 6.91 0.001 0.06 10 ˂0.05

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Bandarban (Continued) Site Date of Site Locations Parameters (Monitoring Results) No Sampling Manga Village/Para Union Upazial District pH Conduc BOD TSS TN TP Arsenic Iron Chlorid nese tivity mg/L mp/L e Mg/L mg/L Allowable limit ( Bangladesh Standard ) 6.5-8.5 uS/cm 0.05 .3-1.0 150-600 0.1 Sonaichari Nawa 40 21-May-18 Faitong Lama Bandarban 6.5 0.001 0.11 16 ˂0.05 Marma para

41 21-May-18 Telonia Para Aziznagar Lama Bandarban 6.52 0.001 0.11 18 ˂0.05 42 21-May-18 Telonia Para Aziznagar Lama Bandarban 6.6 0.001 0.04 16 ˂0.05 Peemrongchara 43 21-May-18 Kuhalong Sadar Upazila Bandarban 6.59 0.001 0.08 16 ˂0.05 parara 44 24-May-18 Regra para Nowa para Alikadam Bandarban 6.82 0.001 0.09 18 ˂0.05 45 24-May-18 Regra para Nowa para Alikadam Bandarban 6.79 0.001 0.06 18 ˂0.05 46 29-May-18 Rumachar Para Ruma Sadar Ruma Bandarban 6.82 0.001 0.1 16 ˂0.05 47 21-Jun-18 Majher para Sualok Sadar Upazila Bandarban 6.84 0.001 0.16 8 ˂0.05 48 21-Jun-18 Grokhyong Para Alekhyong Rowangchari Bandarban 6.84 0.001 0.24 12 ˂0.05 49 21-Jun-18 Grokhyong Para Alekhyong Rowangchari Bandarban 6.92 0.001 0.19 8 ˂0.05

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