Jordan King

3 h ·

A hologram/ impersonator of made its debut Sunday, mirroring the late icon's signature slick dance moves. Many audience members in the audience became emotional and all of his fans from all over the world had very extreme reactions to the show. Many of Michael Jackson's fans felt this was an exploitation of his talent and that using a halogram/ impersonator of Michael Jackson was an insult to the late singer. What most people have to realize is that Michael Jackson Inc. is a Brand. I believe that whoever produced this event did a fantastic job in producing a beautiful tribute to him and his memory. All of the media outlets reported that is was the best part of the Music Award Show. Once again, proving Michael Jackson was and is the best entertainer that ever lived.

Mi piace · · Condividi

 Piace a Nan Foster, Jacqueline Ravelle Bass Myers e altri 4.

Chris Garner Agreed Jordan.

3 h · Mi piace · 1

Jordan King Thanks ..

3 h · Mi piace · 1

Andy Denbaum totally agree Jordan

3 h · Mi piace · 1

 Nan Foster thats right ., and people tried to ruin mj brand when he was alive , wreck his endorsement deals to put the screws to him and extort him..the same thing is going on right now is obvious ..that is how the shakedown occurs..i am delighted he got such positive press regarding that thing.

3 h · Mi piace · 1

Jordan King That's right isnt it better then hearing about Winy Wade or Safechuck?

3 h · Mi piace · 1

Nan Foster There is a reason put his condo on the market the day after AEG lost its appeal, had his travel arrangements all set for hawaii and his house sold very quickly, just as he hit the TODAY show .His accusations came out the same day the estate was promoting the Vegas shows and Joamie King was going on talk shows promoting it ..He is an irrelevant and bitter scumball who has decided , even if he gets nothing out of the estate , he is going to damage their brand.He is more pissed at Branca than mj..he wants to hit him where his talent it , making they are doing a rerun of threatening bad press and ruining endorsement deals ..Im glad most people are laughing at these accusations except demon of course ..

3 h · Mi piace

Jordan King I think its no coincidence that Safechuck & Wade decided these lies when they did

3 h · Mi piace

Jada Steen Well said Jordan - A beautiful tribute to a beautiful man.

2 h · Mi piace

 Nan Foster Of course not..look at all the deals the estate had in place..they had kenny whats his face the choreographer promoting the new album on dancing with the stars, it was everywhere ..the fact that the thing got rousing positive support without mention of thta bs in articles is a great victory because that shit was suppose to show the estate they could eclipse all they worked for with these accusations..thereis a reason demon has unblocked me and others on twitter..she is trying to ignite a social media war using tmz etc, and most people at least fans have lsughed at it..even TMZ hasnt gotten on board with that stuff as of never know , amybe they had their own deals with the estate, but this is the first time in 20 yrs the "accusations" havent had an impact on sales and endorsements..i only wish that Branca was in charge when mj was alive becasue the people he had supposedly "helping him "in 2003 were helping themselves instead'

2 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta The hologram/impostor has nothingtodo with MJ and there is no need of a fake or real hologram dancing to a remixed song to "prove" MJ was and is the best. There is nothing to prove. MJ is dead and ppl shoud stop this disgusting exploitation.

2 h · Modificato · Mi piace

Nan Foster marco , it isnt about proving he is the best at anything, I already know he is , for me ,it is the fact that eh general public liked it so much and missed mj so much,,THAT is important to me, that that was the main sentiment instead of bs accusations..If you think that is exploitation , maybe you are right , but so are those accusations , and i would rather have a positive image prevail than the garbage those people are puching,jmo

2 h · Mi piace · 2

Jordan King Well Said Nan Foster

2 h · Mi piace

 Nan Foster Marco has some very valid points regarding the estate stuff and I understand that , there are alot of questions regarding the will , i would like to know about , but i would much rather have mj kids seeing his image cheered and missed by millions than have his son show up at school and have to put up with that BS

2 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Do u need a hologram to miss MJ? Do u need to disrespect that much the man and his family via replacing him on stage to have ppl missing him? This is about morality. Where is morality in ppl that let MJ slip and replaced him...the man practically was useless... There is not 1 bit of morality in having greedy corporations that boycotted MJ;s own product in life , now playing fake promoting products based on fake duets and bogus remix. Where all these ppl were when MJ was alive? Using media against him.Nothing changed today. This "pro MJ" publicity is all is allbout ppl making $off him. If MJ wanted peace in his life, he could have simple give up all his catalogs to those ppl in 2002 and find peace. He did not. He jumped on a bus wearing a bulletproof vest, speaking up aganst the same ppl that now puta hologram on stage and buy tv advertising to talk good about the product...invincible and charity songs of MJ were boycotted by the same ppl instead...shame

2 h · Modificato · Mi piace

Jordan King Forrest Day @xRNFNRx · 23h @AlanDukeCNN AMAZING! They need to bring that on tour! Makes you realize how much you miss him! #mj hologram

2 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster Hi Marco Do u need a hologram to miss MJ? no Do u need to disrespect that much the man and his family via replacing him on stage to have ppl missing him? WHICH family ? his brother that was in the audience ?

2 h · Mi piace 

Nan Foster His family that was at the after party, the nephew that performed at some other party?

2 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta MJ was useless for corporations in life and easy to replace in death. The songs stolen from his vault and a fake or real hologram, are enough for corporations to profit. The man himself and his ability to record songs for years to come, was not welcomed, it was boycotted, becuase MJ wanted to be independent. He was a problem. Next will see MJ's mummy , monwalk on stage and fans will applause and call it legacy and demand a standing ovation for the mummy

2 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Call me when his kids will be happy about seeing their father being replaced by a fake or real hologram.

2 h · Modificato · Mi piace

Nan Foster Hey I cant type as fast as you...if you want to talk to me then slow down..if you are just looking to spew fine, ..i dont read that fast either..BUT do not talk to me klike i am some kind of bhoob..YOu havent cornered the market on brians

2 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster Call me when his kids will be happy seeing Wade robson all over tv saying h=their dad gives great head'

2 h · Mi piace 

Nan Foster Which would youlike the general public to believe at this time..??

2 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Thathas nothing to do with a hologramon stage. Who defend the man MJ ? The estate ? You ? Who ? Call me when you and the etate will'

2 h · Mi piace

Jordan King A-MEN Wade is the real issue

2 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster which do you think is more painful for his children ?

2 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster OF COURSE IT DOES what do you think these peole are after ?

2 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster do you think their motive is justice ?? or do you think it is corporate warfare

2 h · Mi piace

 Marco Balletta Wade is put out there on purpose. If u guys do not see any connection between fake allegations and Corporations , and the IRS, u need some sort of raeality check

2 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster I dont know who is really supposed to be running the estate , do you ?? who do you htinkhe wanted , you tell me?

2 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster OF COURSE he is put out there on purpose kidding .

2 h · Mi piace · 1

Marco Balletta Everyone is acting like having a hologram perform in place of MJ and a new MJ album, solve the problems.

TheEstate is run by /AEG/Corporations through Corporate lawyers. Allegations are on purposeput to have the Estaet walk away from IRS, which will NEVER will...they are screwed

2 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster Who do you think MJ wanted in charge ?? I hear everybody say not branca but i dont hear who it is supposed to be..who is it??

2 h · Mi piace

 Marco Balletta In absence of a will his heirs would have been. The will is fake. Point. Legally they might own MJ. Morally , they own nothing...they own products and hologram to have a puppet dance and sing to generate money...screw the man

2 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster Marco , in a perfect world , we wouldnt have to be discussing this becasue MJ would neve rhave been accused and tortured by personal AND corporate greed..we all know that , but here is where we are now , and i dont care how much or how little his estate makes..i care about the memory of those kids fatrher and how this bunch of people are willing to tear their heart out for money and power

2 h · Mi piace · 1

Nan Foster so his heira would be his children and who would be making decisions for ht echildren?

2 h · Mi piace · 1

Marco Balletta and u like their hologram and u support their fake good publicity ?

2 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta That would be a family problem.The Jackson family, as every family, would have faced it. The kids would not have been kids forever

1 h · Mi piace

Jordan King Tupac had it,and alot of people enjoyed it ,if you dont like it,dont watch

1 h · Mi piace 

Nan Foster that is not an answer and also , i dont take my own kid talking to me like im an jerk, ao im not taking it from you either,,i havent attacked your character but you seem tio be attacking mine

1 h · Mi piace · 1

Jordan King And Tupac had remixes same thing

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster which part of the family ?there are all fractured in their opinion dont you agree

1 h · Mi piace · 1

Marco Balletta Thanks god that tupac is not MJ

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta It is family problem. u do not own MJ, u do not own his family. U are a fan

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster marco , i understand your passion , i dont understand your insulting people who dont agree with you or question anything or anyone .that is when you lose when trying to get your position waiting for you to call me fat next lol 1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Stars die and they are exploted to make money and ppl applaude. let MJ rest in peace.

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster I would ne intersted to find out who Janet has in charge of her you know??

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster What business is the Jackson family in ?? the entertainment isnt like they just fell off the turnip truck ..this is how that business is ..that is why it is called SHOW BUSINESS ,,business is about making moeny

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta It her choice and problem. What hasthis to do with frauds related to a man that exposed corporations wanting his catalogs and now owning him?

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster MJ liked making money too.he knew he was worth it

1 h · Mi piace

 Marco Balletta MJ gave $ to charity. =He was not a greedy rat. He gave a meaning to his art. everything MJ believed in is in the toilet

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster How exactly do you put all that on Branca..and mind you , im not a fani, but you are putting me in a position where you want me to defend the guy or throw him under a bus

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster MJ wanted to make the most money he possible could nad he wanted other artists to enjoy that too..of course he gave his moeny to charity , but without demanding as much as he could , he wouldn have been able to giv eas much

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta It is you problem what u think about branca. Branca is a puppet in the hand of corporations thesamecorporations that promote a product while attackingthe man with fake false accusations

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster ok which corporation? tell me EXACTLY where all the bodies are buried , so maybe i can understand

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Theman was alive and making $ to giveback. The man his dead . I can die withno music. MJ will be remebered for his music, not for remix, duets, "new" songs, holograms 1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster but do so without treating me like I am some kind of dissodent , becasue all that does is antagonize people

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Sony/MJ EState/AEG

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster if you want to tell peopl ehow you feel , youdont slap them across the face befor you start talking

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster AEG i will give you ..i know they suck..I am not sure that the estate attys were on boared with them

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster who do you think was mj manager at the time of his you not think branca was brought back on board??

1 h · Mi piace

Jordan King

Xscape Is Awesome (5 Reasons Why)

All Channels: MattsFTR: MattsFTRDeleted: ht... Altro...

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Branca was not like by MJ 1 bit. MJ did n ot wantanythingto do with Branca

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta King, do u do advertising and marketing ?

1 h · Mi piace

 Jordan King of course why

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta They do not need you. They own media (including TMZ) , forums, TV etc

1 h · Mi piace

Jordan King Im not advertising ,Im just saying I liked it yesterday and thats my damn right!!

1 h · Mi piace

Jordan King especially on my own page

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster hiw do we know he didnt want anything to do with Branca?

1 h · Mi piace · 1

Nan Foster I do believe that there are people out there specifically ther to promote certain ideas, but im not one of them and that is why im willing to listen

1 h · Mi piace · 1

 Marco Balletta Products and a mummified "MJ" in form of hologram willnever erase this:

#MJFam It is pretty obvious what Sony is trying to do - Michael Jackson 30th Anniversary Fan...

Watch the video «#MJFam It is pretty obvious what Sony is trying to do - Michael... Altro... 1 h · Mi piace · Rimuovi anteprima

Nan Foster and how would you suggest that all the debt that mj had been paid up so his kids could have something

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta "debt" ? Why don'tulook into SOny ad lawyers taking money form MJ for years and pushing him on purpose on debts and loans ? Sony stealing revenues and lowering the real value of his assets...samecrapthat estte is doing with IRS

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster see i realize he owned half the catalog , but my understand is it was mortgaged very heavily and it wasnt free and clear and didnt allow him to have any of the money or new song investments the sony side had until he paid it off. do i think that the 2003 accusations were to destroy him yeah i do, and i think sneddon was behind it and sony ended up givign him info on his finances jmo.but business is like politics, one minute you are enemies , the next minute you can be breaking bread togethte...

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster I am watching your video marco, just likei always do.

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Someone should buy from Cascio this peace of paper and frame it

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta MJ was clear about who was what. KJ spoke about ppl stealing what his hers . Morality and decency , the one gone in who for personal desire want more from MJ forgetting what happened to the man. There is no morality in who sell products when in life hurt MJ.

King :

Being happy for a new MJ Estate/Sony’s product is like dancing in a party organized by who hurt Michael Jackson, while they are watching u dancing like a fool, while they are counting the money they have made off you through the “new music/product” they are playing in the party and that you paid them to listen to.

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster your video isnt working for me marco..let me aask you a question..How many people watching that show in the general public, know anything about the estate sony aeg , all those people and how many people know mj has been accused of sexually abusing children ?? everybody knows he has been accuse yet again..I am happy people are cheering and missing him , even if it is for a shitty reason, because his kids have enough on their plate , and im betting 90 percent of the people watching dont even jnow hwo john branca is..that is a victory for me, when those accusations are not front and center..after these peopple crawl under thier rock again , then i will be looking at the rest of it , but right now , i am waiting to see what their next punch is ... 1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta I amnot a puppetgetting fool around by a cirque put on purpose to clap hands to MJ while trashing him at the same time as man. Do u think ppl forget about trash abuit MJ because of a hologram ? Delusion

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster yes i have seen that from april 2003, however i have seen branca with the dream team at the beverlyhilton after that involved in talks when debbie rowe was at the ivy with schaffell..

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster oh wow , well can you expolain that to blanket you think he wants to hear aabout corporate greed or do you think he enjoys seeing his dad praised.?

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta dram team ? he plaid basketball ?

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster dream team?whopplayed basketball?

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster you getting to type as bad as i do LOL 1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta U have such twisted vie of what ismoral and immoral. Because he sees an hologram dancing, hologram put up by ppl that hurt his father in life, it does not going to give him comfort for the crap they talk about his father. HE lost his father, not the hologram

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster people who hurthis father,,,there is a long line of them , isnt there?? what wer ethe jacksons doing putting the kids on oprah ,,she skewered him nearly daily when his trial was going on and yet they hire a chef to impress her becsue they were promoting a book..

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster jackie jackson is in bed with the estate ..what is your take on him >\

1 h · Mi piace

Matt Constantino Here's the deal. All fans ever do is bitch and complain, a lot of you won't like this, because it's true, but fans ruin his legacy WAY more than haters do. Cause at least haters (despite thinking he's a pedo) admire his talent/dancing/music and do it without bitching. The non-fans loved this performance, and the fans hated it. Yes, you can say the non-fans liked it because they are not familiar with his moves or face, and we are, but who cares?? it got such a huge and amazing positive reaction, and just like with "This is it", "immortal", "Michael", "bad25", and "Xscape" all fans can ever do is bitch and complain and appreciate nothing. You can all throw out your "Stop exploiting his death" excuse all you want, but you will remain wrong 100% of the time, if they never released anything ever again, his legacy WILL fade away and die, (again, bitch all you want, it's true, just because he did so much in life, doesn't mean he'll be remembered in 20 years by this current generation). And as far as the performance goes, again, it did not match his dancing or face, but I think they put in real genuine effort to make it look good and realistic, and if you get past a few mistakes, it was overall pretty enjoyable and entertaining. The effects, the music, dancers, everything was pretty cool. and as far as them "using an impersonator" or just generally fucking it up, do some research into the technology they used, there's actually reasonable explanations for why it turned out the way it did.

1 h · Mi piace · 2

Nan Foster Hetweets about how great things are ...and i see him still involved with the rest of the family..they dont hold it against him

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster do you ?

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster do you think it helped when the jackson still worked for aeg wehn the mother was suing them?

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta IT is Jackis' problem, notmine. Whatever the single membersdo, it is them. Nothingtodo with what MJ felt about corporations using him in lifenad in dead

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster see these are thing s that i read and wonder about .

1 h · Mi piace 

Jordan King Well said Matt Constantino

1 h · Mi piace · 2

Nan Foster oh come on....

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster he is promoting their stuff..the jacksons are a brand themselves ..

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta It is his problem,not mine. Jackie and the rest have nothing to do with what MJ felt andtold his fans

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster THAT is his family dont think they know more than we do? well im not sure, so you can get upset all you want with me, but that isnt how you change anyone mind.btw, I notice your fromn New York..Im also a Red Sox fan lol

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Matt and King, buy your products. Your excuses are so immoral and ignoring of MJ's words. Not surprised whatsoever. What is disgusting is erasng MJ's story and true feelings for producs. I see just greed in your actions. Nothing more. MJ is a legend. With zero releases, MJ will be rembered forever . HE was a pioniere. Nothing will change that. This is all about yours and corporations greed 1 h · Mi piace

Jordan King what Matt Constantino wrote is the best way to put it

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta That is 1 or some of his family mebers that unforuantely haeve to deal volontarly and involontarly with scubags corporations. Nothing will change what were MJ;s feelings and that will be forever min too, because I do not support products in the hands of scumbags and fraudulent ppl that steal from IRS and family that pay taxes legally

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta What u and costantino stand for is good for buing your products. Keep buyiing King.

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster i understand your thoughts on what his likeness was worth..see, i read all your stuff, but I am not sure whaat they were using as a deduction to offset it ..OBVIOUSLY mj likeness was worth millions

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster I fdont know they were stealing from the irs yet do you ?

1 h · Mi piace

 Matt Constantino Nope, it's just the realistic view, you idiots complain everytime something is released because it's never enough. and by the way, IF they stopped releasing stuff, then you'd just say "WHY ARE THE KEEPING MJ'S UNRELEASED MUSIC LOCKED AWAY? THE FANS SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO HEAR IT!" fucking hypocrites.

1 h · Mi piace · 1

Nan Foster I think q has a point butthen again he is using wades/safechuck lawyer also ..hmm

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta deductions ? they stole. Point. Likness is based on potential future income. U buyng the productis helps IRS. Good Job, keep buying !!

1 h · Modificato · Mi piace

Nan Foster Marco if i was an accountant , i may know more but im not ..i just cant see a high profile estate like that , tryingot pull something that sounds so blatant..

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta hey fucking thing, I do not want any new release. I am fine with what MJ left.

1 h · Mi piace

Matt Constantino You say that now, but if the last thing ever released truly was Thriller 25, you'd be bitching. 1 h · Mi piace · 1

Nan Foster as i said , i dont know that much about it , and neither does the general public.all they saw was accolades for the beloved michale Jackson hologram becasue people miss him so much

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta MJ unrelesedcanbe kept locked..and by the way your trashsony and estate allowed to be leaked online.

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Ppl miss him so much without need of a hologram. Hologram is such a disrespectand total bs

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster giys , I am bowing out of this , if you ever want to talk to me marco, you can always message me, we are still friends , at least i am .

1 h · Mi piace

Matt Constantino ??? Just thought i'd throw more your way. Were you aware that MJ worke with Sony again for Thriller 25 and thus no longer hated them? So there goes your "sony" argument.

1 h · Mi piace

 Marco Balletta Costantino , I do not buy your usual BS. Thiller 25was released from because part of the old ctalog. MJ was rereleasing old tuff becuase forced in debts. MJ died with NO contract with sony Point

1 h · Modificato · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Save your BS for somonelse

1 h · Mi piace

Jordan King Thriller 25 w/ Akon &b wil i am Kanye West & Fergie That was Sony in 2008 when MJ was alive!!

1 h · Mi piace

Matt Constantino It isn't BS. MJ worked with sony for it, it's a fact. too bad.

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster NO MARCO his fabs miss him ..peoplein genbral thought he was a freak and probably a criminal becasue it mad a lot of moey for tabloids and greedy family and it got an obsessive DA if a little corporate greed will righ thte ship and show him for how WE KNOW HIM , the kind generous beautiful humble man , then i say ok..

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta King, I can not believe u buy such bs

1 h · Modificato · Mi piace 

Matt Constantino Marco's logic: "nothing shoud have been released after Thriller 25, all other unfinished or finished work should be locked away never to be seen or heard, and we should allow his memory to be constantly diminished by lack of new products and constant molestation accusations".

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta MJ was forced to work to live. Sony OWNED his backcatalog. To release it had to go though sony

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster all thes people including all th ejackson s are in this business..even the mother is in business , she made deals withthe3 moonies , so nobody is s a saint when it comes to business

1 h · Mi piace

Jordan King Thriller 25 is from Sony Fact MJ Worked on that project Fact

1 h · Mi piace

Nan Foster guys i have to go ,,good night all taking an aspirin

1 h · Mi piace · 2

Jordan King need more then that lol 1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta FACT: MJ died with NO NEW contract with sony. His last album of new material was invincible. New material was going to release NOTwith sony. point

1 h · Mi piace

Matt Constantino Just so the fools know. Do you truly think we aren't aware that they are milking it? Of course we know that. But thats what BUSINESS is. They need to make money with a product. "Michael" was a clear failure, complete BS and just a scam for money, but with this now being Xscape era? I see genuine effort. Too bad you can't.

1 h · Mi piace

Matt Constantino Ultimate collection counts as new material since it had numerous unreleased songs we never heard, so yeah.

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta MJ was not back in good termas with sony. MJ;s lawyer at the time, Lopez was clear. ALL those were coming from BACK CATALOG .

1 h · Mi piace

Matt Constantino oh and here's ANOTHER point. If it wasn't sony, then who? I ask you, WHO? Would you rather AEG take over? No, you wouldn't. Get over it and accept that Sony has the rights.

1 h · Mi piace · 1 

Marco Balletta MJ had NO NEW contractwith any newlabel. He had 8 years to sign a contract with sony and he did NOT

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta THere are other music labeles. when MJ died it was found a piece of paper inhis room talking about other labels and NOT sony

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta 8 years = NO CONTRACT with Sony .

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta 8 years MJ tryingtosurvive starved bythe same corporations that now sell u xscape

1 h · Mi piace

Matt Constantino where is this 8 year gap? 2001 - 2008 is not 8 years, it's 7. and 2009 to - 2014 is not 8 years either. so more BS from you lol

1 h · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Call them 6 orwhatever. NO contract with sony

59 min · Mi piace 

Marco Balletta 2009 MJ died with NO contractwith sony

59 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino Let me throw this point at you then. Forget the labels, forget the companies, ok? Good. You should still support new products. They are good products and by not buying, you are destroying MJ's legacy and all future sales. Don't let your hatred for sony cloud your respect for MJ. Try to comeback to that one.

58 min · Modificato · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Hehad years to sign acontract with sony and get $$ and he did NOT

58 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta NO NEED of new RELEASES !! Many artist that are legend donotrelease shit after they died and they are stilllegend. This protect the legacy is such a bs

57 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino Wrong. All deceased artists have products still coming. To this very day Elvis has products coming out.

57 min · Mi piace

Jordan King Bob Marley,Tupac,,Elvis 56 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino and yes there is, his memory and legacy will fade if nothing is released and will be covered by memories of molestation accusations.

56 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta NOttrue. other legend they released nothing. Still lgend

56 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino it's only been 5 years, and before Xscape, people were already forgetting about him. Imagine in 20 years from now. Such an idiot.

56 min · Mi piace

Jordan King even John Lennon came out w/ more music

55 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino It is true. and even if 1 or 2 legends didn't come out with anything, THEY weren't surrounded by constant negativity like MJ is with this pedo shit. IF NOTHING IS RELEASED, HIS MEMORY WILL BE "PEDOPHILE" AND NOTHING MORE. that is how this generation functions. Accept it.

55 min · Mi piace

 Marco Balletta forgetting MJ. U are such a shame > MJ will be remembered for moonwalk and BJ etc, not for fake mix and fake duets. You are a disgrace to MJ;s artistivc value

55 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta U are calling what MJ left in life BS

55 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta NONEW release willever cover the allegations. That is anotherBS

54 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino First of all, I never called what MJ left for us Bs, don't even try to lie to me just because I'm outsmarting you. 2ndly, all legends have stuffed released after death. 3rdly, since there are constant assholes coming out with these pedo accusations, that is all people will focus on in a couple years. As of right now, it has only been 5 years and people are already forgetting, but I guess you're too blind for that. Just because you will remember "billie jean" doesn't mean others will, and i PROMISE YOU, most people, especially this clueless generation, will NOT remember, your grasp of reality is so low.

53 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta WOW, and u call yourseld a MJ;s fan trashing what MJ achived in history of music to be forgotten ?

52 min · Mi piace

 Matt Constantino oh and your last comment is also wrong. The Xscape release has completely blocked out Jimmy Safechuck, and even if it didn't, at least we have music to help get out mind off it.

52 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino Okay, you're too clueless for me, even I can't convince someone with this magnitude of stupidity.

51 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta You estate do not give a shit about the man whatsoever. They staid shut to accusaton while the family defended MJ and becasue the etstae did not step up, the false claims remained and no action was taken

51 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino Write that in english, It's too incoherent for me to read.

50 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Your esate is such BS !! and ppl that thinkthat buyng will erase acusaitions is either abulshitter or a toy in the hand of ppl that bring on purpose allegations

50 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta So stop reading and go to buy yourproduct and keep bullshitting about how MJ was. 49 min · Mi piace

Jordan King that is so true Matt about Jimmy Safechuck

49 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino It will not "Erase" it, it will help keep the music legacy and memory alive and help us deal with the BS of people like wade and jimmy. god you are SOO fucking idiotic, UGH

49 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta King, I am truly disgusted to what u stand for. No idea how u invite ppl that talk about MJ abd deend MJ when u defend corporations. King, who are you ?

49 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino just the fact that this marco guy takes the statement "this generation will forget songs like "billie jean" as me insulting MJ, proves how royally stupid he is. So fucking stupid, I'm starting to think this fuck is actually an internet troll.

48 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino He is a real fan who wants to support the legacy unlike fuckers like you who'd rather have people like Jimmy safechuck at the front of the spotlight. PWNED.

48 min · Mi piace

 Marco Balletta Yep, Constantino, keep buying. MJ legacy will die withour JT and JB or else duing duets and BS

48 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Costantino you are such a fucked up corporation fucker slave. Huge asshole

47 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino lol. Marco, you will never beat me in a debate. Give up.

47 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta King, ban me because I can stand fuckers

47 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino Nope. I am the biggest MJ advocate on YouTube, and I know much, muc more than you.

46 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta and remeber King, you were up there, u are down into the mud today

46 min · Mi piace

 Jordan King no Matt makes Videos about MJ & Defends Mike

46 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino LOL. nah, he is quite big after putting up with a shithead like you.

46 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino King, ban him. he is ruining the legacy of MJ, and it disgusts me.

46 min · Mi piace

Jordan King why cause I dont stick up for u

45 min · Mi piace · 1

Marco Balletta King, u do not stick up for MJ. U sticj up for Corporationsandu buy theirBS

44 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta I can careless. What is disgusting is that u invite ppl playing fake with them

43 min · Modificato · Mi piace

 Matt Constantino LOL. "Don't ever buy a product after the artist death, that is so insulting, instead boycott everything and ruin their sales, thats how you give respect" - Marco's "Flawless" logic.

43 min · Mi piace

Jordan King O yeah Lets see u get Mj's family on your show & Tom Mesereu and body Guards

42 min · Mi piace · 1

Matt Constantino hahahahahhaha!

42 min · Mi piace · 1

Marco Balletta and more important I do not use ppl for rating and live off them. I have my own job. So many parasites around

41 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino I have been a fan for 16 years and have become the biggest MJ advocators on YouTube. I have handled several MJ arguments, and debated with and outsmarted hundreds of haters. I am also one of the most known fans on YT, plus I am an MJ impersonator. But no, I'm the bad one? What the fuck have you done? LOL

41 min · Mi piace

Jordan King I have my own job Pal I work for The News ,I work in a resturant I dont right stupit stuff all day 40 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta I havebeen a fan formore than 25 years and "fans" slave of corporationslike u truly disgust me. I amhappyto haveseenMJ live 3 times in my life. No need of BS holograms

40 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino MJ would hate you that you actually went to go see him yet you boycott everything. What an asshole. I want MJ to stay at #1 on the charts, unlike you.

39 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta MJ was not about being#1 via immorality . Keep buying and feed immorality

38 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino More lack of knowledge. MJ desired, and said it several times, that he wanted to be #1 and stay there his entire life.

38 min · Mi piace

Jordan King Geez if you read the top ,you would read the top (Many of Michael Jackson's fans felt this was an exploitation of his talent and that using a halogram/ impersonator of Michael Jackson was an insult to the late singer.)Maybe you would of not written everything you did

37 min · Mi piace 

Marco Balletta I am telling you, king, ban me. I have no respect

36 min · Mi piace

Andy Denbaum Im sorry I have to go with what Matt said out of everybody peace!

22 min · Mi piace · 2

Marco Balletta Kepp buying otherwise MJ's legacy die. More allegationswill come and ppl will keepbuying. Keep feeding them. Good job

21 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino Thank you for proving yourself wrong with your own words

20 min · Mi piace

Jordan King you do know that the Money goes 2 his Children rite

19 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino no, he doesn't, he doesn't know anything.

19 min · Mi piace

 Marco Balletta money tohischildren ? Good luck king...

18 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino oh god, he's reached a new low. why isn't he blocked yet?

18 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Go to count how much $ havebeen made , how much money went to pay back forced debts and how much money is in the trust. Look at who own themoney and decide what to do with$ and consider moral other ppl stealingproperty and making money off them and sending u money....

17 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino "blah blah blah talking out my ass" thats all i see now.

16 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta such a disgustin...all u guys say comes exactly form theass of the gready corporations

16 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta it feels like talking with an ass

16 min · Mi piace

 Matt Constantino well you are opening your mouth.. *cough*

16 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta count the moneuy in the tust

16 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta bogus trust created toscrew up beneficiaries

15 min · Mi piace

Andy Denbaum I even know that And I barely now anything about this I just dont understand why a person cant hear something or watch something without all of this garbage, AT Marco why do you care so-much where the money goes anyway Cant fans just enjoy what he left #omg

14 min · Mi piace · 1

Matt Constantino THAN YOU ANDY.

14 min · Mi piace · 1

Marco Balletta “The Jackson lawyers were likely more worried about their own paychecks than doing the right thing by Mr. Jackson. Tying up the Jackson estate in probate court is very profitable for Mr. Jackson’s attorneys and could have easily been avoided by using t...Altro...

Michael Jackson’s Probate Reveals Secrets and an Estate of $600M, but His Children Haven’t...

Mr. Jackson’s poor estate planning has put his family through years of high-cost... Altro...

14 min · Mi piace · Rimuovi anteprima

Andy Denbaum np

14 min · Mi piace

Matt Constantino KING, block this ignorant, stupid, uneducated, zombie fuck please!!

14 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta enjoy what left ? NO , it is about what MJ believed in and fought for 8 years !!

13 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta U IGNORE MJ , becuase u want enjoy some new music and an hologram 13 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Trust Fund for Michael Jackson’s Kids Remains Empty Altro...

Trust Fund for Michael Jackson's Kids Remains Empty: Report

Credit: Lester Cohen/WireImage/Getty Images. Although Michael Jackson has made n... Altro...

12 min · Mi piace · Rimuovi anteprima

Marco Balletta This is the BS u stand for

Michael Jackson’s Image and Likeness ($2,105) is “more profitable than a solo tour by a living Michael Jackson”, isn’t it?...Altro...

Michael Jackson And The Economics Of Touring After Death

The King of Pop's new show could end up being more profitable than a solo tour. 12 min · Mi piace · Rimuovi anteprima

Andy Denbaum just a report from the media , I just trying tgo say let the ppl who liked Like it!!

11 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta #MJFam Katherine Jackson Audit Request Blocked?

“My audit is being done to see the details of where the money is coming from and where it is going. The beneficiaries should be entitled to all detailed documentation so they can see what THEIR money is paying for.”...Altro...

Katherine Jackson Audit Request Blocked?

Katherine Jackson may have ordered an audit for the Michael Jackson's estate, however, the executors are refusing to grant her request.

11 min · Mi piace · Rimuovi anteprima

Marco Balletta Who wrote/penned & planned MJ’s current “Will” with a revocable trust?

- The current executor and lawyer’s firms (that are part of MJ Estate today) that have sworn, under penalty of perjury, that the “will” was signed in LA the same day MJ was instead...Altro...

9 min · Mi piace 

Marco Balletta U all want frauds be shut to enjoy an hologram...."legacy"

8 min · Mi piace

Jordan King dont ppl realize if the hologram didnt happen the haters would be talking abt Jimmy Safechuck would you like that? ,and call him a pedo which in Criminal Law is the worst thing to be called!,Id rather the hologram then MJ be called a pedo and if your a real fan so would u!!!

6 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta MJ have been callled a pedo for years and he did not release albums foryears. He dealt with it andhe fought for his rights. Hecould have give up to corporations, play by their rules and allthe accusations would have gone..he did not . I fight as he did.

4 min · Modificato · Mi piace

Matt Constantino I personally like the album the best. Those 8 songs are great and 6 of them we're leaked before MJ even died, they were needed to be officially released. It was a good idea, and they worked hard, unlike with "Michael" so shut up

3 min · Mi piace

Marco Balletta Nothhingchange your and their immorality.

3 min · Mi piace

 Marco Balletta Buy theproduct. Truth will live forever , same as MJ;s OWN legacy

2 min · Mi piace