Navicat for PostgreSQL is an easy-to-use graphical tool for PostgreSQL development. From writing simple SQL queries to developing complex , Navicat for PostgreSQL is designed to accommodate a wide range of users, from PostgreSQL beginners to seasoned developers. Connect to local/remote PostgreSQL servers and compatible with cloud databases like , , Amazon RDS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud and Huawei Cloud, and all PostgreSQL database objects.

Feature Overview Diversified Manipulation Tool Use Import Wizard to transfer data into a database from diverse formats, or from ODBC after setting up a data source connection. Export data from tables, views, or query results to formats like Excel, Access, Seamless Data Migration CSV and more. Add, modify, and delete records with our spreadsheet-like Grid View together with an Data Transfer, Data Synchronization and Structure array of data editing tools to facilitate your edits. Synchronization help you migrate your data easier Navicat gives you the tools you need to manage and faster for less overhead. Deliver detailed, your data efficiently and ensure a smooth process. step-by-step guidelines for transferring data across databases. Compare and synchronize databases with Data and Structure Synchronization. Set up Intelligent Database Designer and deploy the comparisons in seconds, and get the detailed script to specify the changes you want to Create, modify and manage all database objects execute. using our professional object designers. Convert your databases into graphical representations using a sophisticated database design and modeling tool Easy SQL Editing so you can model, create, and understand complex databases with ease. Visual SQL Builder will help you create, edit and run SQL statements without having to worry about syntax and proper usage of commands. Code fast Make Collaboration Easy with Code Completion and customizable Code Snippet by getting suggestions for keywords and Synchronize your connection settings, models, stripping the repetition from coding. Quickly locate queries and virtual groups to our Navicat Cloud and correct PL/PGSQL coding errors using our service so you can get real-time access to them, debugging component such as setting breakpoints, and share them with your coworkers anytime stepping through the program, viewing and modifying and anywhere. With Navicat Cloud, you can variable values, and examining the call stack. leverage every minute of your day to maximize your productivity.

Increase your Productivity Advanced Secure Connection

Our powerful local backup/restore solution guides Establish secure connections through SSH you through the backup process and reduces the Tunneling and SSL ensure every connection is potential for errors. Compile professional high- secure, stable, and reliable. Support different quality reports in minutes using an interactive authentication methods of database servers such design interface and efficient workflow, and set an as GSSAPI authentication. Navicat 12 provides more automation for repeatable deployment process like authentication mechanisms and high-performance report generation, database backup, and script environments so you never have to worry about execution at a specific time or day. No matter where connecting over an insecure network. you are, you can always get the job done. Feature Matrix

Connection Essentials Standard Enterprise PostgreSQL 7.3 or above Amazon Redshift, Amazon Aurora, Amazon RDS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Huawei Cloud Secure connection: SSH/HTTP/SSL GSSAPI authentication Export/import connection settings Navicat Cloud Collaboration: create projects, add members Synchronize connections and queries Synchronize models Synchronize virtual groups Data Viewer and Editor Grid view Form view Foreign key data selection Text, Hex, Image and Web viewer/editor Raw mode editing Find and replace Filter records SQL Processing PL/PGSQL Debugger SQL Editor Visual SQL Builder Code Snippet and Completion SQL Code Beautifier/Minifier Find and replace Create parameter queries Open query files in an external editor (Windows and macOS Edition only) SQL console (Windows and macOS Edition only) Data Modeling Physical model Reverse/forward engineering Auto layout Add vertices, layers, images, notes, labels and shapes Print database diagrams to PDF and graphic files Import/Export Import/export data from/to plain text file formats: TXT, CSV, XML, JSON Import/export data from/to most popular formats: DBF etc Import data from ODBC, MS Excel, MS Access Export data to MS Excel Export data to MS Access (Windows and macOS Edition only) Export data to HTML (Windows and Edition only) Data Manipulation Data Transfer Data/Structure Synchronization Backup/Restore Essentials Standard Enterprise Backup/restore database Convert backup file into SQL script Dump/Execute SQL file Automation Set schedule on backup, query execution, import/export, data transfer and data synchronization Schedule report printing - Printer, PDF, Excel, HTML, etc (Windows Edition only) Run profiles from different servers in a single batch job Include attachment for export file/report in notification email Server Security Manage user Server Monitor Other Useful Features Report Builder (Windows Edition only) ER Diagram view Virtual grouping Customize connection colorings Database wide search Favorites list Print database/schema/table structure Run profile from command line

macOS version Windows version

We offer a 14-day fully functional free trial of Navicat for PostgreSQL to download, FREEFREE please visit: Navicat for PostgreSQL Overview: TRIALTRIAL More than 40% of the Fortune 500 rely on Navicat every day.

Navicat is the choice of over 3 million database users all around the world. Over 160,000 registered customers across 7 continents and 138 countries have chosen our products.

“ I really like the new GUI in Navicat. The Speed of Navicat is very fast and its Interface is very nice. Stability has also been strengthened. ” Karsten Torp Rasmussen Senior Consultant, KPMG Advisory


System Requirements Windows macOS Linux iOS

PremiumSoft was founded in 1999 and has developed a wide variety of applications for Windows, macOS, Linux and iOS. Our talented team of software engineers is known for producing top-quality software and we maintain a stellar reputation for providing world-class customer support.

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