Extreme Events (Optical Rogue Waves) in Self-Pulsing Lasers
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Extreme events (optical rogue waves) in self-pulsing lasers Alejandro Hnilo Centro de Investigaciones en Láseres y Aplicaciones (CEILAP), Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas para la Defensa (CITEDEF), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y tecnológicas (CONICET), Argentina. Non Linear Optics Annual Contractor Review, October 8th, 2015. Basic Research Innovation Collaboration Center (BRICC), Arlington, Virginia. AFOSR grant FA9550-13-1-0120, “Nonlinear dynamics of self-pulsing all-solid-state lasers” DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 1 Láseres Sólidos Laboratory Andrés López Marcelo Kovalsky Alejandro Hnilo Mariana Toscani Myriam Nonaka Carlos Bonazzola Agostina Villanueva Mónica Agüero Noelia Axel Santos Lacapmesure DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 2 What is a rogue (or freak) wave? •The term comes from Ocean science. •It refers to waves of very high amplitude appearing in calm weather. • Rogue waves appear and disappear suddenly. •They do not propagate far. •They are unusual phenomena, but appear much more often than can be expected in a Gaussian distribution. •For a long time, their existence was put in doubt. •The first reliable observation of a rogue wave was reported by a drilling platform in the North Sea in 1995 (Draupner wave). DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 3 Ocean Rogue Waves Rogue wave estimated at 60 feet moving away from ship after crashing into it a short time earlier. In the Gulf Stream off Charleston, South Carolina, with light winds of 15 knots. Pictures from NOAA ( 2006) Rogue waves hit cruise ships. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 4 The causes of rogue waves are not well understood yet • Some theoretical descriptions of rogue waves assume a Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (NLSE). • There are many physical systems described by the NLSE. • These systems are easier to study experimentally than the waves in the high seas, and may provide hints on the formation of ocean rogue waves. • In particular, Optical Rogue Waves were observed by Solli et al. in 2007, as fluctuations of the light intensity at the edge of the spectrum produced in a micro-structured optical fiber pumped by femtosecond laser pulses (a system which is usually described by the NLSE). DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 5 Optical rogue waves, or extreme events. After the pioneering work in 2007, optical rogue waves were observed in many optical systems and devices. Most of them were specially designed to produce large fluctuations of the light intensity. Our group reported the first observation of optical rogue waves in a standard laser cavity: (The Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser was customarily described by a NLSE). DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 6 Why studying optical rogue waves (ORW)? • In general, optical systems are advantageous “toy systems” to study the phenomenon (easy change of the control parameters and fast record of large sets of statistical data). • In the particular case of the self-Q-switched all-solid- state laser, controlling the formation of ORW would allow the emission of pulses of high intensity at selected times of interest, without having to scale up the whole device. •This is specially interesting for laser rangefinders or target illuminators aboard small unmanned flying vehicles (which is a standard use of these lasers), where the size and weight of power supplies and heatsinks are critical. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 7 When do I get an optical rogue wave? In Ocean dynamics, A fluctuation is considered “rogue” or “extreme” if its amplitude exceeds twice the “Abnormality index” or 4 (sometimes, 8) times the standard deviation. In Optics, additional criteria are: • A distribution with a long tail towards high intensities (“L shaped”). • Kurtosis > 3 (higher tail than a Gaussian). Our Project involves the experimental study of optical rogue waves in self-pulsing lasers (lasers with a nonlinear, or saturable, absorber): • Self (or Kerr-lens)-mode-locked Ti:Sapphire laser (pulses of fs duration at rate 100 MHz); “fast” saturable absorber, λ=808 nm. • Self Q-switched all-solid-state Neodymium laser (pulses of ns duration at rate 10 KHz); “slow” saturable absorber, λ=1064 nm. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 8 Warning Yet, due to time limitations, only the results for the all- solid-state laser will be described in this talk. All the main features of the ORW in the Ti:Sapphire have been explained (and recently published: Phys. Rev. A 91, 013836, 2015). The most important result is that we have established that ORW occur in this laser only if a threshold similar to the Modulational Instability condition is crossed. This result makes this laser attractive as a toy system to study the formation of ocean RW. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 9 ORW in the all-solid-state Neodymium laser This laser is made of a diode-pumped active medium and a crystal saturable absorber. The absorber is slow: some “memory” remains of the features of the previous Q-switch pulse. It is not described by the NLSE, but ORW here have a practical interest: 1” Pump diode 2W, 3 A - No cooling Pump diode 40W, 50 A – Forced air or water needed. Average energy pulse: cooled. Average energy pulse: 0.24 mJ. 0.06 mJ. Echo from a non-cooperative target at 10 Km: OK Even an increase of a factor 4 above the average pulse (what often occurs during a ORW regime) makes the smaller version useful for a rangefinder or target illuminator. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 10 The Nd:YVO4+Cr:YAG prototype to study ORW The Nd:YVO4 active medium fixes a stable linear polarization operation. The V-shape of the cavity makes the mode diameter to vary strongly near mirror M2. Hence, by adjusting the position (x) of the Cr:YAG crystal, the saturation parameter and the dynamical regime are changed. As x→0, the laser output passes from uniform Q-switching to period doubling cascades, chaos, a period-3 stable window and chaos + ORW. The available theory predicts chaos, but no ORW. We observed ORW only if the Fresnel number is relatively high (#F≈5). DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 11 Two types of observed extreme events: Intensity and time. The two time variables associated with a pulse (ORW or not). In the uniform self-Q-switching regime, Δt+= Δt- = constant. Dimension of embedding (dE) and Lyapunov exponents are calculated from recorded time series, for I, Δt+ and Δt-. Average intensity = 100 ORW in Intensity are not preceded by an ORW in time, but an ORW in Intensity is followed by an ORW in time. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 12 Time and spatial complexities are correlated Up: I vs Δt-. Low: color-coded intensity curves of the laser spot. Left: x=7.25mm, dE=7, two positive Lyapunov exponents, complex I vs Δt- diagram, many lobes in the spot. Center: x=7mm, dE=7, period 3, all Lyapunov exponents are negative, period-three window, simple I vs Δt- diagram, few lobes. Right: x=6.75mm, dE=8, one Lyapunov exponent is positive, ORW are observed, complex I vs Δt- diagram, many lobes. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 13 Intensities at two different points in the laser spot. dE=6, two Lyapunov >0, X=17mm. (a-d) Intensity in photodiode B (IBi) vs photodiode A (IAi), for different values of separation (in mm): (a) 0, (b) 1, (c) 3 , (d) 8. Red dots indicate ORW of the simultaneously recorded total intensity time series. Note that ORW in total intensity are not ORW in all the points in the spot! Histogram of total intensity Kurtosis= 6.02. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 14 Spatial correlation changes with the dynamical regime Regimes #1 (X=17mm) and #2 (X=5mm) are hyperchaotic with ORW; #3 is periodic. The arrows on the laser spots indicate the initial position and direction the correlation is measured. The horizontal red lines in the series indicate the ORW event threshold. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 15 Phase coherence is lost in presence of ORW Contour plots of laser spot and heterodyne interferograms. Upper row: chaotic regime without ORW (dE = 6, one Lyapunov >0, X= 8 mm). Lower row: with ORW (dE= 6, two Lyapunov >0, X= 6 mm). The region marked with a black line indicates where the fringes blur. Blurring is not observed in absence of ORW even if the regime is chaotic. This suggests the existence of coherence domains and provides further support to the hypothesis that transverse mode interaction is key in the appearance of ORW. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 16 ORW behave more regularly than the average pulse. → Superposition of 112 time traces centered at ORW of a time series. The evolution around an ORW is more predict- ↑ able than around First return maps indicate an average pulse. that ORW are preceded and followed by pulses of rather well defined intensity. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 17 Conclusions for the ORW in the all-solid-state laser • Strong indications that the formation of ORW is related with the nonlinear interaction of several incoherent transversal modes. •Even though this system is not ruled by the NLSE, its basic mechanism seems close to the intuitive idea on the formation of ocean rogue waves (i.e., mode interaction). •The trajectory in phase space before and after and ORW seems relatively well defined, this results encourages the goal of predicting and controlling them. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 18 Future work, planned and possible. •Single-pulse images of the spot (with an ultrafast camera, >104 fps) will determine the features of the patterns associated with an ORW. • Pumping with a VCSEL (instead that a laser diode) will allow determining the value of #F with precision (and hence, its importance).