naOU 0( MKJCHHKlOtKKlaaCKiaOOaOOfKKHKKIOlKll Decoration Day, Program for Memorial Day, May 30. -ao TO- LOCAL NEWS Tuesday, May 30tli, will be observed Flowers will be taken to the cemj>- as Memorial Day. On that particular tery at S;;10 a. ra. and distributed un­ McCrossen's ioaD(iaiintKKjmKM)onoti day the people of the nation will join der tlie direction of comrades froui in a great pilgrimage to the graves of Posts of Ihe G. A. R. (or your Seed Buckwheat. tlie departed soldiers and sailors to At lOa. m., at Asii street bridge, Having made a special purcliase of Riaclc Silics Drugs and Chemicals, A few bushels left. First come, strew them over with beautiful tlow- W, R. C. No, 131, will conduct the Paris Green, Hellebore, llrst .served. PII(IC^'I^•: MiLb.s. ers, tliereby to keep fresh in the mem­ annual ceremony of strewing llowers for Shirt Waist Suits and Waists, we make tlie ories of the living their heroic sacrl- Insect Powder, Moth Balls. ,Sec notice of house and lot for sale. upon the water In lionor of our sailor following' special prices and would advise being tlces and noble deeds of valor in be- dead. They will be assisted by chil­ early to get the best selections. Otir stock of Kfloils Is fresh atnl reliable, with New ribbons and neckwear, Ikown's. lialf of our country. As patriotic the right priees, We have a well se- • dren and comrades of the G. A. E., looted stock ot KIneSlatlooery, Rcfid Geo. A. Karle's Jap-a-lac ad. citizens, let each and every one of us who are especially Invited to be pres­ Toilet Taper, ICte., Ktc, II tills Issue.: do all we can to promote and keep this ent. most worthy custom perpetuated. W. n. ncCROSSEN, Druggist, W. .1. Adiiiiis will take the scliool At one p. m. the memorial proces­ Taffeta Silk : Peau de Sole Silk census tlii.s.year. Therefore, as mayor of the city of sion, under command of Marshal J. G. Masoiii, Michixan. 27.inch, regular $1.00 quality, fi 27.inch, regular $1.00 quality, fiC/i .Wc wiisli silks, sale price 20c tills Mason, I reiiuest that all of our citi­ Snook, win form on Ash street, with cut to cut to _o;3t week at Brown's. *. zens join In its observance, all places right resting on C street, In the fol­ lowing order; Mason Drum Corps, 36.inch, regular 51.25 quality, QQ Strawberries reached Mason May (if business be closed from one o'clock 36.inch, regular $1.25 quality, ^ j QQ Phil. McKernan Post, Steele Bros. Ifltli. Tliey were from .Illinois. p. 111. iintil the exerijises are over. Michigan (Tentrai This day should be observed as a Post, W. R. C. and other auxiliary 36.inch, regular $1.50 quality, (Jj For Sale—Ifurses, buggies and har­ 36-inch, regular $1.50 quality, tfj J A " The Niusara Falls Route." national mourning day and not one of societies. Tlic jirocesslon will proceed ness. N. N. Rousi.:. SOtJTIIWAlt!). sport, games or prollt. The patriot­ south un C street, west on Oak to B cut to .^'•'y 9:loa. in. liiiop.tn. Sil'ip.ni Maaon Roystnii Bros, have given Fuller's ism and appreciation of our people of street, where teachers and pupils of Jackoon. 1(1:00 'Ji'Jo 0:10 photograph gallery a coat of paint. the great sacrltices made by our citi­ the public schools will join and form These Sill