' _ . ¦ ....r 7^ * i v ; r "Patronize One Another.'* "Patronise One Another." Classified .' *¦>*-¦Advertisements.». »d _tjj

: i... u;n . the next after that $30 (second grade) for PENSION ATTORNEYS. books an6 WANTED. REAL ESTAT* MEDICAL. manual la- Pictures. totnl inability to perform any AND PENSION POINTERS. bur. Of course. the disabled condition for FOR AGE. pjOLYOAMY; OR4 Tflfc ftYSTERIKS NATIONAL TRIBUNE COUPONS, AND THINK.-IF YOU DONT FUR- THOSE SUFFERING FROM J>ENSIONS JL trm«of Morromil^tv.* ft,n amj authentic WANTED- UT* CONTEST. cbue some * * WEAK* rates are is and ot a of tbe STOP of tht followingproperty, you will mla JP DMMt WblCh M the which these provided only Under the Commissioner's new order pension history this strange sect; thrilling account For every one sent me I will give all of the following, the chance of a lifettma. ¦boaId pltMOW Of lift as is due or indirectly to the Increase of pension can now be granted on account of Inner life and teachings of-tne Mormons; the aecrrt sent postpaid and satisfaction guaranteed: 25 nice white uki Juvan Pills. Om bos will tell aatoryof Answered and such directly ntes and Tile Lansing, the Capital City o! Mlchlfta, has a popula¬ marvelous results. This mtdlclM Inquiries Suggestions line of You cannot ob¬ age. initiation ceremon!^ exposed; the prac¬ envelopes, site 4x6'<; one good pen; three 10-cent pack* tion of over 20,000. 11 haa over MO I®- baa mors rejuvaa- service and duty. Write us at once, giving your present age, service, tices, dark and detaining mysteines of these people, ages of best garden seeds; four small 16-page story book* manufacturing atlng. vitalising fore* than haa wr bm oftnd. or grade and If a whether crime* at .tltuUonn. employing from fttoM) persons each; State tain the $50 "intermediate" pensioner, the rate now drawing and which the reader will turn pale: licentious¬ and one Cereal Coffee regular price 25a This with over "Juven Pills sis O. K. Send one box aa before." Made. under old or new and we will send you ness us a of the women de- recipe, Agricultural College, 1,000 students and bar¬ rating unless in consequence of disability law, promptly taught j»art dtriton creed: coffee Is far better t ban Mocha or Java; tt la truly a God¬ ing a national reputation, besides many other State In¬ Boston, Mmr. more or less a proper application blank to enable jou to avail your¬ ranched and degraded; full account of the action of send to coffee-drinkers. It Is made from sclld grain, stitutions with "Juven Pills are *11 you claim, sad X sm In due to the service you require self of the tne u. o. 600 fin* buildings and grounds; (bar trunk my Mti beneiit of this new order. senate concerning*)**] Sraoot. Nearly costs less than five cents per pound; It Is healthy, deli- line railroads; one with yf.tr." Esrlhsm. lows. another . electric road, several more aid and attendance of person WM. pages, many startling engravings. Agents can sell 20 clous and cheap. heuded this tine "Juven Pills have dona me s deal FLETCHER A CO., a lOc. way; churches and schools; Carnegie grsat of rood. J. Valley Falls. N. Y..As your last every day. copies day. Complete outfit, j All of the above sent to any address for one coupon. Library costing £15.000. It lias one automobile Many thsnks" Phifer, Tenn. R., Attorneys before the Pension Bureau, OTHER .BOOKS. Addiess 800 factory "I think Juven PilU sre tbs boat for increase was granted as to 002 F St. N. I). C. GRfyVT employing men, and several smaller ones, all of So. vary thing oat.** application W., Washington, Laid to De¬ C. F. Clarke. Agent, 1# Roy. N. Y. which will double their within a in New Berlin. N. V. the Church and litis Snares ______capacity year, tact, pensioned disability, there is technically PENSION DECISIONS. -lh^eT"stroy Our Ilibllc 8Chools. 7 lousing is the center fbr lha manufacture of automo¬ ..Juven Pills have done me s hesp of good." Cenle* no clnim pending for you in the Pension CiERVICE PENSION. sntan in and Modern Methods of Win¬ COPY OF THE CANNONEER. biles and gasoline engines. The city Is beautlftolly lo¬ ?Ills, lows. IO COMKAI>KS OVER 62 YEARS OF AGE Sociely His cated at .'I have received should file a new MARRIAC.r AND DIVORCE.JURISDICTION. Victims. WANTED.ONEBy A. BueL' ' Address L. A. Pierce, 1409 74th St., the confluence of the Grand and Cedar Rivera, wonderftil benefit from Jove* Bureau. Probably you are entitled to ftl to per month. ning 111. Is laid out, with Pills" Brooklyn, N-. Y. and refer to tho $12 ^ oara Behind the Curtains. unicago, handsomely straight, wide, shady "Jnven Pills have done application for increase In the pension claim of Melissa, widow Send iiHQse. company iind regiment, with f I retain¬ «r< World and Miss Church Member. streets, and is in fact an Ideal city, with better pros¬ me so much good I want the fee; blanks will be forwarded. Balance of the fee, for luture growth and than worth more." Grandy, Neb. fl evidence you have tiled since grant¬ of Samuel A. S. Boyd, the Pension Bu¬ ing w ar Between Russia and Japan. service.legitimate de- pects development any city "I sm last |5. payable when pension Is allowed. Greatest Calamities B^timore Fire and Detectivetective work promptly and privately attended to. of Its size In Michigan. Notwithstanding all these ad¬ In getting slong nicely, and may Clod bleaa yos ing of your application. reau held claimant not to be the legal Correspondence solicited. World;* eeause of fraud. It appeared 011 Publishing Co., Springs, Michigan Central It R. run (through this tract, the "Juven Pills have done m;> a wonderful amount of limits the f»'C thereun¬ LOOalso 29 other kinds. Highest prices paid. Send Grand Trunk good. I am well with which act expressly special examination that the claimant had |T> ENSIONS- PATENTS CI, AI MS. nsi or what you have, terms. Address N. O. double track STM«-rn along one end, and pleased the results" Pratt City, to There is no decision which L JAMES S. M< DONOGH, PEOPLE'S HAND-BOOK SERIES.-PRICJ5 inclosing the Ietition for divorce. On appeal it The American Family Cook Book. instructions and samples. This Sons, thehirgest agricultural implement manufactur¬ sge of 6-. but the pills are surely a To obtain 11ABER Successful Solicitors of Pensions. The Modern C' Cir. ers in the decided In making pension under the art of 1S1M). held I Assistant Secretary Miller, Dec. 11, Over twenty Hoyie. eveaiugx F.Clarke, Agent, Dep., state, have purchased 25 acres for a new fac¬ Improvement my physical condltlou." benefit of the for years' experience. Mrs. Partington Grab Bag. LeRoy* N°"y tory site. Nothing in the city equals it, even at double York, Pa. the provision extending 11108 > : I 8fc-4o Warder Building, Washington, D. G. Famous Comic Recitations. the asked for this. but the of chil¬ price I>on't delay, write at once Sent by mall In plain package only on receipt of pension permanently-helpless ''There is but one question at issue, Famous Dramatic Recitations. for particulars. We also have for sale 50 farms, at from this advertisement and the it is DESERTION RE- The Minstrel or Burnt Cork Comicalities. to and fl. dren beyond age of 10, necessary and that is as to the validity of the de¬ PENSIONS, BOUNTIES; Show; EDUCATIONAL. $30 $75 per acre, in Ingham Eaton Countlea, the Made their that the child in be under 10 at * * * I nioved, all V. 8. Wars; damage and land rlalms; The Reliable Book of Outdoor Games. richest farming section of Michigan. Also city proper¬ oy originators, C. I. HOOD CO., propria question cree of divorce referred to. collections; patents, trade-Qiarks. L. D. Immell, 810 The Practical Hoi'seand Cattle Doctor. ty of all kinds. tors, Hood's Sarsaparilla, Lowell, Mass 187 the date of the soldier's death. If the "It may l>e stated, as a proposition of Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. The Practical Poultry MEN.LEARN RAPID AND ORNA- For information any of the above Keeper. "Y'OUNGmental for show cards, etc. Practical regarding property widow was pensioned under the Mexican law, that if a decree upon its face shows Home Amusements. . lettering address J. W. Bailey A Son. The Dyer Jenison Barry How to Train Animals. lessons for home study. Students everywhere. Pros- Co., Ltd., or T. E Potter, Mich. war service pension act of 1887 this pro¬ a want of jurisdiction, such decree is un¬ XTEW PENSION LAWS SENT FREE. APPLY pectua free. Add rem \V. A. PorH'ac MU*ii. ljuising, KHEUMATISM. Haines City, Florida, would not in i> to Nathan Bickford, Co. B, 5th N. H. Vols.; Staff, Every Boy His Own Toy Maker. Ihompwn, Jsn. vision for children apply any questionably void; anil it is undoubtedly 20th 014 F D. C. Money-Making Secrets. Phillips Co., 9. 'OA. event, ns the said aet of 18M7 made no Corps, street, Washington. A (tort I/oad of Fun. now is the time Drug true that where the record in the case BY MAIL.CARDS WRITTEN Florida..comrades,to prepare to come to Florida the coming Fall, Wsrren, Ps for children. There has l>een no decree recites PENSIONERS DRAWINO LESS Humorous Recitations. PENMANSHIPto onler; any color, and all Jciudsof Pen work. and the Desr Sirs: Dec. 25, was provision snows certain facts, and the Fireside Games. Audress C. K escape blizzards of the North. Come where dsns 1901, taken with whst physV new law enacted title to pen¬ a is INVALIDthan 112 should address, sending stamp for answer. Chamberlla Gays, 111. you can live long and easy on a beautiful lake; pronoanced conferring contrary facts, such decree often, J. it. Pension 1041 Walnut Hundred Conundrums and Riddles. plenty sion under the act of 18JK) to children of Capt. Alderman, Attorney, i will send four for25 or 10 ffcr 50 turtle, fish and game; two gardens a year; all vegeta¬ though not always, held to be void. Etreet, ElmIra, N. Y. < any cents, any cents, bles most all kinds of and MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM. contracted since June 20, 1800. * P«ld. Send postage stamps or postal order. grow; fruit; purest water, marriages when a decree shows full Addressijf.i all orders to 98 N. MUSIC-MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS health asauied; nothing for fuel and but little for ckMhes. I hsd it bad. I took, aa I a matter of new con¬ Daniel Hottinger, Califor¬ To a few select comrades thought, every known renv This is jurisdiction, and the record sustains the ATTENTION ! IF YOUR CLAIM nia Ave. (formerly 642 W. 18th St.,) Chicago, I1L who don't care to work too edy; paid out enough money, anyhow. I was of the act of 1800. Children PENSIONERS,for original or Increase of penaion has been re¬ hard, and wish to take life easy, which can do, on helpless for nearly eighteen entirely struction necessary jurisdictional facts recited in their on they Raw months; about that tims jected, write at once, giving your postoflice address FOR 15 CENTS.-THIS COLLEC- pensions and above atooe. One doesn't want your ad In The National/Tribune. sent for a of soldiers and sailors of the war of the the then such a decree is 1 ftfl £°NGStlon much land as it Is no then sent for bottle) decree, always and sending stamp for answer to Capt. J. M. Alder¬ TRIBUNE BOOKS. contains all the favorite American war here, farming country, only for another; then another, and now I am out who were under 10 when their considered valid and until over¬ man, Elmlra, N. Y. eongs, negro melodies, etc..such as "Sherman's March garden, fruits, Ac. This Is no real estate or informa¬ of the medicine business I binding ^fATIONAL to tion but is all for the entirely. give Crocker's father died and also under 10 on July 1. a court the Sea, "My Mother-ln-L«w," "Ben Bolt," etc. bureau, right above kind only. Rheumatic Remedy the credit of mi i csn turned by of competent jurisdiction, PENSION BUSINESS PROMPTLY AT- PRICE LIST. 9 by11 'nches. Order this collec¬ All those wishing a history of Florida will receive no neartlly recommend it. curing 1880. are entitled to claim under * * * "\r°UR , .^h Ii?5e ^Ml,re pension tion. X tended to by an old eoldier 15 years a Pension tion. Price 15 cents. C. F. Clarke, LeRoy, N. Y. attention; so don't ask it. Florida Is good enough for Very trnly, I. F. Tower. the law for of pensionable announces will Address Ira Ohio. toboolr send the me; have been here 15 years, aud intend to answer the P. general period "The Department that it Attorney. W. Booton. Gallipolis, i«?u?.r*J~.lnt,? YDe Phillips Drug Co., result in the appeal being dismissed with¬ abb* rights. t H Inning of the West. l*artVL Cloth. I'ostageSc. .60 sale or exchange for oklahoma AND PATENTS.J. H. BRUNEMER, or Indian K out consideration. The appeal may be in "In the within case the decree is regu¬ PENSIONS012 East Capitol St., Washington, D. C. For Territory lands. 160 acres of good land, WISH THAT EVERY MOTI the form of a letter the claim MISCELLANEOUB BOOKS. T>JG STAMP OFFER..WE WILL SELL FOR A with small meadow;Sec. 20,Town 31, R. 47, In the beau¬ WHAT A BLESSING PACAL B describing lar in all respects, all necessary jurisdic¬ a Packet of 20 stamps, a valuable tiful Antelope Valley. And 160 acres in Sec. 6, Town to the household. It would be the by official number, setting out the action tion and facts are shown in PENSIONS..REUBEN E. SMITH, ATTORNEY ollection from Korea,J"lly Russia, etc. (each 31, R. 47. This quarter has a barn, 30x50; cattle sheds more lives from jurisdictional at 420 Fifth street I>. C. American-Spanfsh War. Cloth. Postage 27c... |2.00 Japan, packet saving those fatal m«.»s.., of the Pension Bureau and showing the the decree and unoii the the de¬ I Law, n.w., Washington, Orators. Cioth. Six Vols. Post.60c. 5.00 contains at least one fliill set) lor only 10 cents. H. T 100 feet long, and other improvements. All in Dawes ss Croup, Diphtheria, Inflammation of the record; Goody Stamp Co., Washington, Kan. county, Nebraska, and worth per acre. Address lungs, and sll forms of reasons why such action is erroneous and cree is valid in the State iu Ofllcial of U. S. Cloth. Postage 22c. 2.00 flO Throat snd Lung undoubtedly Lite of McXfnley.History Silk back. Postage 36c....t..I 2 00 Isaac Kendall, 8cous Blurt'. Neb. Trouble. unjust. which it was rendered, and as there is ADDRESSES WANTED. Washington During War Time. Paper, Post. 10c. .00 PACAL BALM cures Coughs, Asthma, II. W. C. Otwell. Ind..The IT. S. no evidence of fraud attempted against the American Conflict. Greeley. Two Vols. Paper. MISCELLANEOUS. "IT^OR SALE.TWO AND THREE-QUARTER Catarrh of the Head, Stomach and Womb, Court of Claims has decided that the of the De¬ ANTED--The address of auy comrade who was Postage 48c 2.00 X1 Acre Lot, well fenced; six-room house; barn, 18x40; Piles. Kar snd Eye trouble, Scslpsod Skin Volunteers of 1800 who served pensionable rights any person W' in l*atersnn Park Hospital during December, Bayard's Courier. Cloth. Postage 12c 1.50 pens, latest household woodshed and chicken yards; well, windmill and 1.600- Diseases. In Pacal Balm you get both Philippine partment accepts such decree as conclu¬ 1864, nnd January. 186.~>; those who remember the Old Cloth. I'ostage lie..- 1.50 Fountainnovelties for the kitchen, mailable; black cant- gallon tank; water piped in house aud bath-tub; small quantity and quality. Our 25c. jar holds full time and were discharged with their sive. man callwl Mosby. whose feet were dead. 1 would Si and.'Squire. Second Veaf of Service. Lea- nendem hair set of Bros, sliver orchard; plenty of shade; halt mile from business cen¬ one and one-half ounces, instead of ons like to "Shbrty." pins, destroyer, Rogers ter. or ounce, the usual organizations are entitled to two months* ''Act ion reversed." hear Irom Frank Ilall. Chas. Hart, James P. U'erette Postage 8c 25 knives and forks, sugar-spoon. gold-HJ led stick or shawl $850.00. Call, write to II. H. Van Dusen, San size. extra under the act of Jan. 12. 1800. Kunnit, Couklln or Scholield. Address Hiram Boop, bi and Shorty," on the Mnrch to the Sea lea¬ pins, Parisian perfumed rolled-gold watch charm Madv Jacinto, Cal. Every honest druggist that has sold pay Box 324. St. i/OUis, Mich. therette. 25 or Pacal Baim long for his in re¬ Postage Be gentleman's), periodicals, books, bluine. camera 4x5. to learn enough customers This decision has been acquiesced POST ELECTIONS. History O.A.R. leatherette. Postage 4a'"/..."'. .25 griddle greaser, tin-can opener.best, sharpest, strong¬ SALE-CHOICE HOME IN THE ORANGE its worth, will tell you that with the after ANTED.The address of MaJ. Finney, Pat Hag- First Class. leatherette.. Post. 5. .25 est iu the ladies' and waist FORBelt. Two and a half acres set to oranges and equal advantage* he can sell more I*acal cently by Treasury Department an WT ,®°2k' L.S.,a delight supporter Balm than all considerable and legal controversy. ) Wort. Ohio; Commnndpr, f. II. ? V gerty. or Ja.lle^ Merrick, who were guarding l^okIw orld s Sweetest Songs. Leatherette.. Post. 4. .25 lengbtener. These all can go by mail anywhere. Be lemons. Good buildings; electric lights; rural free de¬ other remedies In salve or delay MH.H k: S. \ . t. |>. i). Bhode«; J. V.C.. J. M. Oanlner- the ammunition train from City Point to Danville, 8tamP. please. and livery; three railroads; good schools aud churches: Balm form. P. II. S..No is made for Lliaplain.Au*. Muz: I. D.. H. T J Address Tint National. Tribune, D.C. 6i'ir? rw°!; or any Washington, aoid. Jay Dickens, Alpine, N. Y. society; good aud plenty of it. Ii. F. Long- Liver free sample of Pacal the admission of members of a soldier's - f?c MnUh: O. (j.. j.o. Arnold: other comrade who was guarding aliove-mentloned well, Ontario, California. Granules. at of of ri.. <»eo. Miller; Ad, t, K A. Kvans; a M., J. K Kyler- tram who was acquainted with Henry Joues, of Co. D, By druggists or prepaid upon receipt of family any the Branches the 1 rustee. J. .1. De Moss. 49th :M».")0 WE ALL LOVE, best ever written. A SURE CURE FOR 30 price to all of the to Pa. Hugh Bouaii, l»age Ave.,St. Louis, Mo. .foe word»and mil-! RHEUMATISM, CENTS-1 for sale in the best farming part* United States or National Home. If you have reference Admiral Foote I'o^.XewHaven,Coon.: Command¬ sic pre9*rv« and keep them as white as district of Canada. a State Home, consult the er. Daniel It norton; S. V. C'.. John M. Crewe; J. V. sic.Tnciif^J#^.TOpy,9H5SKT.fche9;Including focal score. '*hls Album contains the fol- 1 v ory, 30 cts.; hair grower, the simplest thing on earth Farms Illinois, ranging in sizes from 80 to 305 Price 25c. and 50c. Superintendent U. Alfred Alcork; Q. M.. William K Whlu>esev; SARAH A. BLAND', R. R. NO. 8, PERU, unabridged: "Ameri- makes It grow at once, prevents dandruff, and wili acres, close to markets, schools and churches: well-im¬ Address or (Jovirnor thereof. desires an to the where¬ £ m"*«Jmpiete:»od»t in Cold proved. to acre. Call Surg.,t.eo. \\. Dadman: Chaplain. Weston Ferris- 6 Indiana, information U'/.1 ^o|#ks Home,",«7mW's the Cold. make the hair grow most luxuriently, 30 cts.; a sure Prices, $85 $150 per (or write, PACAL BALM CO., St. Lonis, Mich. E. N. C.. Gadsden, Ala..The six regi¬ D.,Ueo (4. Bevnold*; O. U.. David W. Benjamin; AsVt abouts, If living, or if dead, the time and place of his rf*Ground Star Spangled Ranner," "Home, Sweet cure for catarrh, 30 cts.; ladles' monthly regulator, that with inclosed stamp.) on S. D. Fread, Co. C, 143d 111., ments of from rebel K- Asa't Chaplain, Alonzo death, of her husband, Francis M. Bland, Co. D, 99th Home, 'Old Kentucky Iftftbef' "Hall Colombia," w ill not fall, let the cause be what it may, 30 cts. These Box 352, Letna, Coles Co., 111. HOME CURE infantry organized 1ml. Vol. Inf. of tb#lUnswi," "Yankee Doo- have been tried and are FOR CANCER deserters and of war DerrifK. Mcmlier uf Board of Trustees, D. (>. I bom¬ 't&e,°?m recipes genuine. Your drug¬ A Thousands of dollars have been prisoners and desig- bard; Board of Belief, I.narrl E. Peck. » Iten Bolt," rciotcfl.oii an olepnt grade of gist can fill them for you at a few cents' cost. 30 cents OF 69 5 MILES FROM COUNT of spent and yean - ACRES. Y- labor exerted to discover the cause snd Hated as "U. S. Volunteer Infantry" and Post, 33. BiufTnn, Ind.; Crmmnnder. M. of any soldier who served in mnsicpaper,with hand.v»meand odrablecover. These Address Jane Massie, 292 17«ARM? seat of Lawrence County, Ohio. Good house and cure for that terrible perfect a M.\tJ'allyJu-tLs; S. V. V.. John J. V. W. A. Don- civil war and who made homestead songs, If purchased, would dMft #00. Sent to any ad- 10th St., Ironton, Ohio. T of water disease, caucer. The csuse U numbered from 1 to 0. are pensionable Forbes WANTED-Address application 10 F. 18 Union outbuildings; plenty gnf»r a June 27. 1800, as construed reso¬ ^ Haw*hurst; Chap- Colhoff, Hospital Steward,5th U.S. Vols.,line ,~i# w7,*r silver-plated trimmings regular 75 cent pipe; will SALE.FINE CORNER LOT.UNENCUM- lion of Oils which have wonderlul effects on by joint kin Z A.i ^v».:.eiis; Surg., I,. d'liomereue: O. I) S. Dak. of your indlvid- send one to address for 45 or will send one dis»ase^ »» <*'¦ Ridge, fc1,d P^^«>^.Word any cents; for bered.one mile from center of of tissue, leaving unhai med the sound. The oils sre lution of July 1. 1002, they en¬ Mo* (>. j. «. to J" . It to you in the best 30 cents If me FOR city <;5,000 pop¬ ruilg provided Zimmerman; Utter: -Delete lie'. . \f,"n you will send the names of live of your one minute from five minutes and safe, and can he med at home in in on or partmenr Norm (j. WriteW'lfflf"(A for particulars. Army friends who I ulation; trolley car, fine trifle most cases. Don't listed U. S. service before Jan. 1. Encampmen'. Cooper; Alternate, addresses of John Trott, K- pw^ervelt, smoke. have only 500 of these pipes, so giadcu school; good fire service near. Cheap for cash. with death: write at once for free books . and Record 186TJ. These were H'les; Del-urates t<. Memorial Committee, John WANTED-i-PostofliceHenry Luytou and John all of Co. Olth Navy Company, Philadelphia, Pa. order early. Address C. F. Clarke, Agent, Le Itoy.N. Y. particulars. Address Dr. D. giving regiments organized Homergue. M. D.; F. C. Brlce, G, Address J. P. Brown, 51 Marble St., Springfield, Mass. M. Byk Co., Drawer 505, - Trustees, Ohio. Address Alonzo B. New Iud. from March. 18#4. to ISOo. and the v«!Vi J, !', I." Holcomb, Lexington, Indianapolis, May, Miles. I" Haig. II. B. Masters; Counc il of Adminis- Ohio. "AOAZIXE*. NoyKLS, BOOKS. AND *l*TORTH KNOWING.-FOR 25 CENTS I WILL 5th and 0th regiments seem to have been tralio,.. U.S. Belmont. B. Halg, A. A. , K. 4°£. papers all done uj^ lb ti{g Tiuudles weighing ' * country for old vets. recruited and after Jan. 18r.r» 1-. Baccus. (ieo. F, Mead. iwT-,.1*73 pdrtnds each, artd r»t*ft*-sold at 20. 3,cough cure, worth for information. C. F. late 2s>ih O. the late Dr. S. f>. facKband, of the'act June 27. The Bev. B. II. . Stamp Waldrou, V.L, for 180o. ... KSS; 27 joint Chaplain, Wjllsmswii; .A* . AddJw Parker, years in his successful " LUe ***** Wilson Mcrritt, Putnam Florida. resolntion of July "T. 1002. in of ST« o. D.. Wm. M. Goodridge; Q. C. F. Clarke, Agent, Te Roy, ft. Y. Warwick Cecil [or Welaka, Co., treatment of private diseases of men, sent Afee to suf¬ provided 1" 2.I'ooie;o. c;.. fJeo. Feiilngham. : WANTED OF S. VT. RAM&EY, Co., Md. fering men for a two-cent feet that no ex-Confederate should be en¬ kfrWefman: dead or alive. J. N. stamp, by Mrs. Parker, ad¬ iPo'vt, ?2, Geneva, Xeh.: Commander. J,. P. INFORMATION Ramsey, Bremeu,Ga. . sale-farm of 90 ministratrix of his estate. These formulas to DO YOUR OWN CEMENT i» acrfs, in cul- cure falling titled pension tinder the act of 1800 for . ". J- Henderson; J. V. C., Daniel War- C)^ In the How to DOLLAIt (»1.0°> rOIl FORMULA FORI Fortlvation. 40 in woodland; new house, new barn: manhood, varicocele, hydrocele, etc. I am no 'Tree n 'J11 'W^uctiona following: U. S. service if it that he had stap'e«: siirg., It. m. Ilazlett; Q. i-tL L, f ^ : L'enient Sidewalk Construe-1 ON*roakiog good whisky. A letired wholesale whisky fine place; splendid home; one mile irom town; young sample," "deposit," or "C.O.D." lakir, but make this appeared w vi- Jr' ,lin,I PERSONAL. I .aIV . ^rn^nV- c, ofler, as I f»-el it a . enlisted in U. S. service with the under¬ '¦tS" V Y°an*: »- Ihmiiu; lion,I,.? 50c..,rJl Reinforced Concrete Construction, f-- Potg-J man made lortane from it. Can be trade for 31 cents on-hard, apples, j>eaches, plums and cherries. H. S. sacred duty to suffering humanity. fl'J-ui»e.e,ate,Ni',av,1S;AI. Loghry; Aitensate, M. Voung. paid on receipt of price. Address Cement and Engl-1 sriap *,iy* m6D- Address J. B. Artum. Woods, Leitchfleld, Ky. Write to-day. Mrs. II. C. Parker, 88 A Street, standing that he should never be entitled FUTURE REVEALED..MAIL DATE OF 1G6 La l»oxit/via?'19«, Marengo,foSIowa, Ohio. Toledo, and 2.V. to ne»*ring News, Salle bt.^ Chicago, III. - to pension for such service. As a matter UKbirth D. B. Henderson, Richmond, SALE.VIRGINIA FARMS-ALL APPLICATIONS UNDER RECENT ORDER. Ind. Also, Magic Trick ltic. .- 1 SI/.FX; of fact, no such stipulation was ever made Cards, A or south who f2.00 I WILL GIVE YOU A RECIPE THAT ITHJRclose to churches, electric cars and railroads, MEN MADE YOUNG AND YOUNG MEN fhc National Tribune is to fur- ^*y. raw:,northaddress I will send, free of charge, Xj^OR l00t TOt iU 8hoep- H- M- Joue*. cities aud schools. Now Is the time to buy homes in OLDstrong and vigorous by Dr. Yousout's celebrated by the IT. 8. in ex-Confederate . prepare . vital Marriage correspond " At,ermanent and harmless. A small box mailed, at least for disabilities nnder Commissioner of Pensions. Price, 65 cents POULTRY, BIRDS and FINE FARM OF FORTY ACRES OF LASH sealed, in plain wrapper, for 2u cents, stamps or lily ratings paper free..the best in MY PETSTOCK. one-fourth southwest of large box, £1.00. Three l»oxes (lull silver; the general law not more than per hundred. Address The National Trib¬ existence. Eastern CEE ADVERTISEMENT IN AJMOTHER A mile Norman, Cleveland safe treatment),$2.50. aggregating .Til) Marriage Agency 80, Bridgeport, Conn. urtrter bead of l*ersonai. Mark Weller, SOMETHING YOU Count}-, Oklahoma, for sale. Price $3.<00. Address delivery guaranteed. Call or write. Franklin $17 may be added together to make such I»a. Ave. N. W.. Washington, Fairfox Va WANT AND JUST WHAT Albert C. Powell, Findlay, Ohio. Remedy Co., Dept. J, 51'J Third Avenue. New York. rate. In the recommend¬ une^ paper-best published ,y»u lM*ve lM'en looking for Is the Unique Incubator practice ratings Free. L. A. Ohio. and Brooder. It only costs you a one-cent postal card ed by Examining Surgeons are almost Marriage Gunnels, Toledo, to get the catalogue. Thirty days' trial. Every ma¬ SALE.PLANTATION.444 ACRES COT- L? WANK A NERVE FOOD (i I VMS VIGOR AND AGENTS WANTED. chine warranted. : ton and Tobacco stock and Nerve Force to weak men. h« redueed or en¬ Address ' the Enique Incubator, I^OR plantation, including Magnetic. alt liful generally very materially MUSTERED OUT. RRIAGE DI RECTORY FREE: best published; LockBox 107, Oregonla, O. farming Implements. Gcod income property. Price vitality, and renews youth. Perfect maiihoy dale, 158, indigestion, Ac..send ti.oo disabilities upon which U^KfilKin <"atiar)at -'?(). He removed toCanad'i you soldiJ« Ini winter at ne^c frf^.mr<'fKiiVun\NoVi range: eggs, fl.50 lor Folio 157. Price $35. Address Jason Ware, Liucoln- Dyspepsia,for a sure cure recipe. Don't despair. Don't his ... 184- to Chicago in !H«; to St. in ISM I A cent of money. All we ask is a slight favor that will 25 to 30 cents a dozen. I preserved 13-tat1 nri00 ife?lor o0.-n Mentionm*' ,!as *rni, but send claim rests, and ordinarily the Exam¬ Joseph National Tribune.* M. J ville Ave., Belfast, Me. wait, to-day, and you get relief In five minutes gust, I«B1, he enlisted a*(U.ptainof ( o C, 3d Mi'ch not*e more than five minutes of your time. Send My "U. 'f"rtcd in It. It No. Iiid. after you get You'll bless ining Surgeons are required to report C^v m*layl, withwithin.flu,T>\which?*",*sherW'!W0- each year with Anderson, 2, Warren, reciiiel the day you sent for k fully and after disttnguisJied service and hecan.-e o| iniuries photograph to-day. Mahoning Novelty Co., Dept. C, reinvested, it. Address S. P. as to the claimant's u. .he Pa. the profits, and now she has all made from tio SALE-THREE VALUABLE PROPERTIES Scawell, Eagle Springs, N. C. condition without con¬ sustained service i,e reigned; re^nl^dla,!! Big Run, |1«,346, ANCONAS, BRED FOR UTILITY ; located. Good as( in 7th Mh-h. u l,e«.. e n>r relnve.sted for eight years. You can buy eggs very ITIORCentrally investment. fining themselves to disabilities which lie aptaii: Cav., the same «atiw IMPORTEDand exhibition. Best Winter layers, big white eras A. Seymour. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. he was forced to re>i«:u He- was a man of ex. eptio aJ HAVE THE BEST HOME PLAN OF WORK «toaoceirfs;^gure the are out the fact that If PILES, ECZEMA, TETTER, ULCER¬ has based his claim on. It would prob¬ profits"vomipl£ro,nr° Prw*®rve them costs a cent a reople finding they want ew» ITCHINGOUS sores, fever sores, and all skin diseases and died In full possess-,,, of his faculhei I that was ever offered; $300 per cent, profit. No I ; they must have Anconas. Pairs, 17.00: trios and prompt¬ lie well to file additional atmit.p< <>B>K.At \ June but a dozen. can t answer letters, as I travel but anv ncr- il0 ly permanently curcd for 50 cents Acme Oint¬ ably evidenee. if Baker->fSe>d, t., 3J, 0f |ieur« canvassing, simple home plan of work that can Emrs, fl.00 and f£00 j>er 15. Beautiful SALE.2-ACRE LOT, GOOD BUILDINGS; a by diseav. C. I so be or Information by addressing the catalogue fr£' in trees and near ment. tiiumph of scientific medicine. Sent mall .possible, liefore taking an appeal. This is (,u«,rge one, aged \ear.«. enlistI done In spare time evenings. Seven parlies netted PwmiSS m61 p wanted. Nothing like it ever Barred Bradley strains, the best in size and ex¬ II. C. Keith, S-811 Monroe St.. entitled to notice of the time and plaee KKILOwi4'~At^AOnimpl*Utney, M. Dak.,clrh,ldr*Feb. 11, Isaac- Kel- I sale, containing work, £l? tra good layers; 15 Also stock for sale at SPECIALKanches, Kansas or Missouri. Wri e for my fee Toledo, Ohio. ij Initiation, costumes, and HighL Adiires» a" eggs, fl.fio. of taking unless the investi¬ low.s.i,.Z He was iwrn March 13. 1M5 In Maine; enlisted robes, signs, grips pass words mur i^UoiritoH ^V^USFilson UJ& New reasonable price. Jno. W. Wright, Wis. list. F. H. Humphrey, Fort Scott, Kansas. testimony, of the following named orders: Revised Oddfellow, son, Cumberland, Darlington, { i ATARRIL gation is of a criminal character. A.Mlb Me.; dischaiged May 17 ship, with Patriarchs Militant und Rebekah W Va/ mCo. «as wound'vi fir»t three degrees, SALE OR TRADE-TWO TOWN LOTS ly WORST CASES CURED BY A SIMPLE E. (}., Lismore. Minn..The "Age" June II, 18ft3, at KurtW H IV0,lnrad«ajifi a^ain at OiMMjiifm 90c.; Freemasonry, deKrees, 90c.; first seven PLYMOUTH ROCKS THAT ARE 1 in Neb.; close in. Platted in 1880. Price remedy. Po-ltively sure cure; 50 cents. C. E. degiees, f1.40; <'ouncil and Tem- °E- °ERK Vs. AN UNWORK \\ hlte. hjgns lor in seasiui, for 15 IriOR Lincoln, Tucker, order of the Commissioner of Pensions IJ' J1 1004. does settlers he was one of Its best (Eastern Star,, 50c.; Feci Orientl (Cypher), $2.50; Scotch ra"ft<1a Mexico that will bring formula that will cure roup for fl.oo. Address \V. J." t-.tiw-ns, a n.'^e, il!si two 100io1 w,,h or no M. YOU ARE AND 1 >ALD FADKD not mean a separate and distinct pension man, a a and a con,nwl». Jfe Rite, volumes, 1,000 pages, $2.40; Modem Wood¬ hminn- LT." |m,."t capital and Owsley, D., lhorntowu, lnd. WISE, DESIRE TO BUY HEADS, GRAY. OR FALLING friend, neighls^r, entered man, Knights of Pvthlas, Red For¬ "e* h,tr f,,rtber information Inclose property iu the central of I> liair, dandruff or any scalp trouble cured, .stats or rate on account of age in addition to a homestead here In.lMuand«ew- coutiuued here his resi¬ M<*n, Maccabees, fciir! V S>ar.° IF portion Michigan, you dence while he lived. esters, Patriarchs Militant, Rebekans,each,50c. Guar¬ fcUxai,enterfOhio. Barred Rocks Write lor 1904 fore you make your purchase elsewhere. Treatment in reach of all. L. N. O. oAMok At Clarion, Pa., March 24 Williams r-. ed. KUDOLPH only. Catalogue 331 North Carr, on aeeount of disability. The ord«*r will A 2d h. Remit by postal money order or registered letter now ready, giving list of winnings, Fall and Whiter Lansing, the capital city, has a population of 20.000; Anderson Street, Los Angeles. Cal. ' Battalion, 17th V. I uV JI e Usu-d to Mark Weller, Fairfax, Va. . .« "Stt-'WREK-.'WORK ADAPTED shows, nuttings, egg Ac. stock for sale. Com¬ five railroads, four of them trunk lines thut run into benefit only those not pensioned but who at Chanceilortville Va May prices, a Ink. J !" d at y S>1 O to either hex; gor»d staple: used dally nearlv rade Joseph S. O. Chicago; good street-car system; 10 br.ck ward school come its terms a'Vtas-3, dksciiaigi Fort Preble, Me.. loo.» *p V GasjKM*; Rudolph, with a school GO BLIND.-SEND fl FOR >vithin and those who 1IU1.MAN.-At every household; few sj>are hbuk Will show buildings, central buildingco£tlng$75,000; lor FORMULA ¦'.ro but are Washburn, HI., March 10 Joseph A turns; customer receives a $35,000 Carnegie Library l»eing built; fine State build DON'T curing cataracts, scums and all foreign pensioned receiving ' > < 'omrade HiHman was in ,8ortioii, gives city brittle, drop a card, and get your money. No der the act of 1800 or the general to be eggs hatching. F. Bowman, iikeville.Mai sewerage. fake. E. M. B. Scott, law. sire buried by the Post with a Ku muSir^ 1 he morning !t is safe to that this offered below has Pharmacist, Ottumwa, I./wa. can get an increase to $K (under the aer dt-'slrc. glory. say property KrJsl.l.B. At 4;i,,lauaueiie Morning Glory. Mixed, all RCK-KS AND BLACK Twenty acres inside ofcity limits. Michigan Central fL Helwig, Ave., Canal Dover, O. subsequent to the Hose of the Mexican zzisssj-" 15. shades, KUSSp-JAP-OJIINPisE ruzzLi: mystery MINORCA EGGS Railroad runs along the west side, 60 rods; Grand J-IND-sAy..Died at his home at Beaver iu» i-n per packet, j\ i*ew 4ti(f M cmdeffbl'iKJ£,ATeaser. IMooses BP.. fl.00 for 15. W. R. Carle, R. R. 1, Jacobsburg, O.' war 30, and '. Trunk Western with its double track runs along the YOU HARD OF (May 1848) before March 4. ''hidtiay. iiorn j. A. Plymouth Seed Co., Welesley, Mass. K"rlou*' the HEARING OR DEAF? 1861. For disability incurred in service in A{" , north line; Cedar River along the east border. VRESend stamp for full particulars how to restors such Address W. B. Splendid factory' site. your hearing, I y < ne w »o w as deaf for 30 years. John period invalid pension can be had Joues, Sllvpr Creek, N. Y. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE. I have the following farms for sale withiu thirty Garmore, Dept. W, ML Lookout, Cincinnati, Ohio. upon proper proofs; PAINTS. miles of Lansing, Mich., prices from $25.00 to $100.00 pension commencing per ; : per acre, located iu the following counties: 15 in Eaton, from date of filing of the last of evi¬ "I DRPA INT. ckto lis Week, SALE OR EXCHANGE-CYPHERS INCU- 12 in nine in J*» S ,000 will be paid far any and piece )OW J5AW WO"*' SPA'RE .' new, 120 eggs, 15.00; two-ininute Ingham, Clinton, five in Ionia, and two in Opium, Morphine dence to the American Hag. Interment Oak ¦ A. L a TIME, I^ORbator, f churn Jackson. In size from 10 to 800 acres. J_ Cocaine disease I cannot cure. Treatment at requisite establishment of Tiidge SeL'rv Rice, prominent manufacturer of Adams. ' cost for 25 White they range The Comrade I-uidsay move.1 to in N. has discovered a flO.OO, f3.00; Wyandottes, cockerels farms are well stock home, without pain or loss of time. Pay on instalments title. Michigan Y., process of a . to others a widow two ^ making new.kind No can vasalng. >. an«I pullets at f2.00 to each; eggs, #2.00 i>er 15* i(i 00 large adapted raising; leaves and «ot,s» of paint wltiuait the use of oil. He < alls it ,'(fl f5.00 to fruit, sugar-beets, and a Write Dr. H. C. Keith, S-811 Monroe St., Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. E. *.» Powdrpaint. M Mass. IH?r hundred. Oscar tV grain, potatoes, large AC., Dnluth. Minn..The fact MANN..At tstella, Neb., March 7 jumh i» It comes to the farmer a dry and all that is '"ortl, Herbster, Ottawa/llL tract is adapted to the raising of The that the He died in a powder, re¬ peppermint. soldier was receiving a pension at alone,suddenly, pasture field, bavh.g beenu quired Is cold water to make a paint weather CENTS owner raised and sold from his first crop on ten acres CURE In good health. He was born .SeoL Mi is« u. r tire and as proof, FOR SStt'tWKKUL ARTICLE^. to close an In death does not settle the title of the widow proof durable as oil jaiint. It adheres to us^il ilaV flat sale, estate.u & pat- 1003, $2,500 in oil. Five cholcf residence lots four UHEUMATISMA thiee days tr.-uiinent for 25c. will Q(>e. O. He served four stoue or ^ every kfeyx^jr homp ent for an article manufactured and can be blocks from the Money ba ta pension nor does it M- yeWh,P(Vc fS any surface, wood, brick, spreads and looks friends to send with you. Indian For easily capitol, facing east on the largest stale relunded if this sample package fails to relieve. Lib settle the rate of KI.1IANY. -At HwioyiirU'k t?1^ )(M. like oil paint and costs about one-fourth as a«vi«tt»n bead chain handled through the mails. This Is an excellent or*. pnrk in the several houses and business eral to her J,imeS much. two yards'long, or a solid grffd-Wled rin* anvY «,!. city. Also, prices agents H. F. schwarz, 4s*> Murray Ave, pension. McKlha"y' afUr ih^nu Write to Mr. A. L. ltlce, Manufr, 450 North St., Address Wm. 'AV. Be '' ? port unity to secure a side line. Write quick and eet property. Milwaukee, Wis. !)¦ yiLr-; N. the name Barton, *#"n. Y. as It must be sold at once. J. B Ritten- Two fine residence lots In Salt Lake II., Oxford. Ohio..See reply to Adams, Y., giving of the dealer from rtw > City, Utah, which H. W. whom you buy your paints. Mr. Rice will send you a Earticulars.ouse, P3 Yonge St.. Toronto, Canada. has a population of over 50,000, aud is a railroad center C.. above. The Regulars serving free trial also .BOYS A3f EVERY- for all of the States west the CURE.FOR |1 WE WILL SEND RECIPB ' eolor card and D^GIRLS of Mountains. ."the was at the battle of packaK'*, full information where to take Rocky to cure auy case of In from 10 to Philippines do not come under the <-aptured Mill Knrin^ fcn.i"^ I5 showing you how you can save a good dollars. WANTED orders ft»r,otjj line color reproduc- For Information regarding any of the above property I>ILE piles 20 days, no days \\ as exclianged; was wounded hi S2? many uons of fhmoiis iwintlnga Sell at SALE..1 HAVE ABOUT THREE GROSS matter how long standing; blind or Philippine extra pay which re- Write to-day. wWft}x20. s?ghM of cans suitable for write T. E. Potter, Lausing, Mich. bleeding piles decision, was discharged ln ls^ Ho Sttfui8 IaU"rul soldiern!,mU,{h:aud Liberal commissions! Samplk -picture and full outfit.' FOR hail-pound baklnjr-powder Guaranteed. R. W. Oldham. Williamstowri, O. llth V Vo1- Cav. and 26th a worthy citizen. and one gross Of 4-oz. screw-top bottles, which I will !atu,to !u 8uu»ir& Addre8Sj- *'¦ 61 Marble 50c. TO P. 49th \oIunteer MONTOOMERY.-At Htella. Neb Feb ir 1 Brown, St., Sprlng- WEDDLE, Fau- Infantry. REUNIONS. te%!;s!wa .' <>. MEDICAL. > for an old J* St. IS. Montgomery. He was born at I .a Porte I ii'ii il' 0eldC>Man. ClOMRADES.SENDbush, Ky., and tried prescription foi Louis. Mo..Evidently 1 1*42. n Heptemlter, ItW3, he enlisted in Co J lirn kidney and bladder troubles. Claims such as you mention are lud., and served until peac<\ A Stella ATH MASS. BATTERY.-28th Reunion GIVE AWAY AT YOUR OWN PRICE- not now -|J- Vf at rpO both wood WEAK MEN FREE. ORNIKURA .THE GREAT CORN Collect a hie, or you were held not to of him. after his death: "Jasper Montt'omJ' °°* Young's Hotel, Boston, April 10. Augustus C J_ Shop and tools, and iron tools. A aood CURE. within the be of the be.t citizens of IhSmunU?TV White, Secretary and Treasurer. thing. No shop here. The reason for selling too old QURES Don't auffer longer. Sent postpaid for 25 cents class of naval men in contem- and a U to at the business ti INSURES LOVE AND A Write to-day. Kornlkura Co., Christian, upright honest, Keuticinanl'n work any longer.' Address M Remedy Ripley, Ohio. in . . the order in sense of the word. His adored >ry Cass Mo. vn ,, prescribed the al- family b?n. ¦ u/f, wliK>~ Dunn, ltaymore, Co., ' CURED.NO K\ivif JRationowance referred to for ever knew him was his friend/' . BICYCLES. HAPPY HOME FOR ALL. >ILRS traveling expenses . street mkn 30 SAUNDKKS..At Ueorgetown N v ». ^ canvahsei^a^d *' sale or Irr Preferred; days fr^ pft£FvJlARDriio1 Co., 1034 ^t is not likely that anv allowance Co. IWth Agents,we have a nsw arlici^to>«fl'er vnn v«..i exchange.patent right now any man may quickly cure himself after years N an Buren St., Chicago. Henry Saunders. A, N. Y*., aged & vea. u' A $100 CHAIN LESS IN ForBest general-purpose basket for the priee ever could be had was an esteemed comrade of Carey W . S# WHEEL, CRATE; of suffering from nervous weakness, lost vari¬ by special act for traveling MoT-VS HAVEnever ridden on. Want N. T. coupons, good in made. NY ant stock of goods, steam or gasoline engine vitality, ri^RY MY OREGON BALSAMIC SALVE. GOOD expenses not allowable under Department of New York. At the tim.'#34' 1904, for same. The one the most °r What haVe y°U? K A' cocele, etc., and restore the organs to strength and any regit in- he was which position h« had offering coupons he- 1,oi3le^- Letart; X for cuts burns, boils, etc. 25 cts per box; reduced or In foroe at Chaplain, he?d n^arJv^i!l> Tore May 10 gets the wheel. Clifton Pub. Co., Box W Va?1 vigor, pimply 6end your name and uddress to Dr. rales for large quantities Wm. A. v IaJT the time of dis¬ the time since the orgainzatloi, of tiie I'ost. Waterville, Maine. 4397, Wroe, Gardiner, ore. charge. What refer to as Knapp Medical Co., 865 null Building, Detroit, Mich., you to reduc¬ SALE.A COMPLETE SET OF THE WAR REWARD! .I tion in rank or grade without .g**d IjlOR Official Records of the Union and they will gladly send Dee recipe, with full direc¬ ADIES, #1,000 POSITIVELY court-mar¬ ^ _i enlisted r? .> so that man cure I" guarantee my nerer-ftultug ERGO-KOLO COM¬ tial has MEN'S and Confederate Armies. What offer is made' F' O li tions, any may easily himself at home. reference only to the army. Harwixxl FURNISHINGS. Address 408 POUND to safely relieve the longest, most obstinate Madeary Bldg., Portland, Ore. This Is certainly a most generous offer, and the follow¬ case of In to J. A. S., Cavendish, Vt.If wish to SIMMONS.- At Dempaey. Idaho Jan 19 r« .. delayed monthly periods three five days you Simmons. He was born in MADE-TO-ORDER SUITS ATM LE~ ing extracts taken from their daily moll show what without harm, pain, or interference with work. change the style of Teunes'iee^lnl?/ fine suits at AND ASYRUP.125 GALLONS Double Mall, signing yoftr name, enlisted for three yeais In 6th,u Mo. Pro'v. MEN'S.10; $12, $14 and $16; extra fine suits atone 1 Key" maple^ syrup, six g&llous In a case, at $1 oo men think of their generosity: |1.50. strength, fl. Dr. Soathlngton R Co, write to the U. S. at close of isM, uTv fu at (18, $20 and $22. $2 Supply Co., Box ftj, Numidiu. Pa N. T., 515 Main St., Kansas Mo. Pension Agent through disciuirged war. deposit; balance C.O. D. at ex¬ per gailon cash with order, or money order.. Sauford ..Dear Sirs.Please Dept. City, whom you d?aw your press office. Write fur order blanks. Frauk Ohio. accept ray sincere pension. By filing a Claysvllle, Washington Co., Pa. Leonard, GENTS Russell, llampdeu, Geauga Co., thanks for yours of recent date. I have given LaFRANCO'S WANTED-l-OUTFIT SI 100 PI.'I» . compound. duly-verified account of actual A r^r your treatment a thorough test, and the benefit expenses DRUG AND GROCERY STORE. has been It LADIES-DRSafe, speedy regulator; 25 cents Druggists or evidence in a K°?J* ,SA,I K-> extraordinary. has completely mail. Booklet free. l>r. LaFranco, Pa. ^ pension Only drug store in village or 600 Inhabitants. Rtil braced me up. I am Just as vigorous as when Philadelphia, ?f record can obtain Classified NOVELTIES. sons for selling, loss of eon, the druggist. Address a boy, and you caunot realize how happy I authorization^t'JhVtt0rnerfor his Idvertisements, EXPENSES Comrade W. A. liose, Almond. N. y. ] am." OUR HARMLESS REMEDY Hatievaa reimbursement for ~ to men , fail .tch expenses WONDER WATCH FOR wlth^r?M^» I^»NI). our Poultry Goods. LADIES:without suppressed menstruation. For free trial by ths claimant. The very latest New $35 q-haorwou "Deab Sirs.Your method worked beauti¬ address Paris Chemical Co., Dept. 14, Wis monuments! TnK novelty. York has tons Co., Dept. 112, Parsons, SALE.ONE TWO-STORY 6TORE HOUSE Results were Milwaukee, N. H..The recom- wild over them. Made to sell for 25 cents. 10 and with fully. exactly what I needed. #c*ndia' cents Send I^OR lot, wareroom, Ac., with slock of ten- Strength and vigor have returned rates so silver and 2-cent stamp for sample. Suitable for CAN ACTUALLY GET RICH eral merchandise. Improvements cost to build S6 000 completely ADIES, MY REGULATOR NEVER FAILS.. £ension many McNamaia, 1801 "\^OU Address J. M. and is entirely satisfactory." L Box free. Dr. F. May, Box S3, 111. more if in Spring St., Carey. Morehead, Ky. " Bloominglou, ttlac.place nfof 18thso intelligible L^es^and^geuUemen. Cleveland' Dkar Sir*.Yonrs was received and I had you substitute "dollars" no trouble In making use of the as di¬ USE OUR never-tailing Monthly SALE.A COLUMBIA GRAND GRAI'HO- recipe tree. Remedy. Tj^OR rected, aiid can ft is a boon to Trial Olive Drug Co , Dept. 27, Buffalo, N. Y. ?ow drawin* 517 per mouth, SOLID INSTANT- Hood as new; cost trutnftilly any LADIES, -tne next higher rate in PRINTING. ST?; Srrv^WA11ITC11 Av v K T1111!,28 r.ecords» 1 weak meu. 1 am greatly improved iu strength your case is £24 fvO. I'* M.\reJfL'irstakebake, Peoria, O. and vigor." 1)1 ICS, OUR Monthly Regulating Tablets aefM ! *tbf tI,ird *rade (disability CARDS, LATEST STYLES, NEATLY LAfail. Bo\ free. L Friar Mad. Ox. Bullato, N. T. equivalent to Iors of 85 . All Is hand or foot") and CALL1NOprinted. cents a hundred, postpaid. Chaa SALE U.^S, PATENT. ARTICLE A correspondence strictly confidential, mailed In if bunds Co., Wsynesburf, Ohio. ouit I^jlOlt-household necessity. Bfice rMuoubla AddressAddrem plain sealed envelope. The recipe is free for the ask- your children wet thi J. C. Mothers,bed. address Mrs J. li. Jsoop.-ou, oi I XridlH, WifskMMto, ofclgk Md they want every man to bare it. Kansas, with stunt o. for i>articulanL