Minutes of a meeting of Parish Council held at St Oswald’s Church Room, Burneside, on Tuesday 1st April 2014 at 7pm.

Present were Councillors M G Marvin (Chairman), E Bateman, D Daws, K P Dawson, M P Gibson, D Ginsberg, T Hill, R D Wade, C I Westworth and J E Wilkinson, District Councillor C Holland, PCSO Mark Hutchinson, two residents and the Clerk Mr K M Price. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor J Harrison.

14/40 Public participation: None.

14/41 Requests for Dispensations: None.

14/41 Declarations of Interest:

Councillor Westworth declared an interest in matters pertaining to the Standards Board, of which he is a member.

14/42 Minutes:

The minutes of the meeting held on 4th March 2014, having been circulated were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Some minor amendments suggested by Councillor Harrison (emailed) were considered but were not felt necessary.

14/43 Police Report:

PCSO Mark Hutchinson said there had been no crime specific to Burneside since the last meeting. He later emailed his report and reported on the joint crackdown on rural crime by , Lancashire and North Yorkshire Police. This will concentrate on cross-border checks on vans and trailers, scrap dealers, vehicles carrying livestock etc. Residents are reminded to be vigilant and to report any suspicious incidents to the Police, especially traders who call in the area and who may not have the required credentials.

14/44 Clerk’s Report:

a. Notice Board at Boningate (minute 14/34 refers). The replacement board is still awaited. b. Code of Conduct training (minute 14/34c, 14/20g and 14/11h refer). This has now been arranged for Monday 2nd June at Town Hall at 10am. Some Councillors have already booked to attend and the Clerk hopes to be there too. c. Carus Green Golf Course (minute 14/45e and 14/26b refer). A further communication had been sent to the Environment Agency; a reply had been received but there was still nothing further to report. d. Burneside Youth Club (minute 14/35c refers). The Clerk had been in touch with Liz Cornford of Young Cumbria, who had taken all the details of the outstanding invoice and the contact details for the Bryce Institute. She will follow the matter up and also assured the Council that the Youth Club would be reminded to keep within the budget set in the Council’s Precept for them. The Council was thanked for its continued support of the club which is much appreciated. e. New website (minute 14/35e refers). This is now in hand and will be set up over the next few weeks. The new webmaster will liaise with Councillor Ginsberg in due course. f. Ryan Airey, Burneside Cricket Club Under 10’s, had written to say the club had been successful in raising the extra funding they had applied for from CCC and the Anglers Trust and thanked the Council for its support received. g. SLDC Licensing Act 2003. The weekly list included an application from the Jolly Anglers Inn for a Minor Variation to Premises Licence. This was noted.

14/45 Finance:

a. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:

MB Digital £16.80 Photocopier charge St Oswald’s PCC £450.00 Toilet contribution (formerly BLAG) (noted) HMRC £307.40 PAYE (noted) D Ginsberg £306.00 Printing for BNP (noted) Furness Glass £606.37 Repair of bus shelter (noted) K M Price £167.40 Quarterly expenses to 31st March (includes use of home office)

b. The report from the Internal Auditor on the accounts for 2013-14 was received. There were no outstanding issues raised for the Council’s attention.

c. The Clerk presented the provisional accounts for 2013-14 and these were received by the Council. The Chairman and Clerk were authorised to sign Parts 1 and 2 of the Annual Return. It was noted that the abbreviation in the accounts for ‘Burneside Neighbourhood Plan’ should read ‘NPfB’ instead.

d. An application from Burneside Brass for financial assistance was considered. In view of the large amount of funding being sought from various sources, it was agreed that this should be a matter for further consideration when the Precept for 2015-16 is set. The Clerk will respond appropriately.

e. The £500 from Councillor Stan Collins’ budget had not yet been received by the Council and Councillor Holland agreed to follow this up.

14/46 Planning:

The Clerk to follow up again the issues surrounding planning consent at Tenement Tarn, discussed last year, and discover if there has been any further action taken by LDNPA Officers.

14/47 Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting:

This will be held on Tuesday 15th April 2014 at 7pm in the main hall of the Bryce Institute. Andy Lloyd of Cumbria Rural Housing Trust will give a presentation on Community Land Trusts. A number of village organisations will be notified and posters displayed 10 days before the event.

14/48 Proposed Community Infrastructure Levy – Consultation and Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule:

Possible projects for any Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) suggested were:

a. Improvements to the Bryce Institute. b. Improvements to the play area. c. Hollins Lane – safety measures d. Air quality improvement through lower speed limits.

14/49 Reports/Updates etc:

a. District Council. Councillor Holland said that a meeting of the Flood Action group is to be arranged, having missed a meeting in January, and the Environment Agency will be approached for a suggested date. b. LLRUG. Councillors Gibson and Westworth had attended at Community Rail Partnership meeting in Kendal Town Hall when the possible cost of re-surfacing Station Road had increased to £125,000. There is the possibility of a footway being constructed at the side of the approach. It was resolved that Councillors Gibson and Westworth would take the matter to the LLRUG meeting to be held on 7th April in order to ascertain what is likely to happen.

c. Traffic Action group:

The following amendments to the Terms of Reference were agreed to:

Section 1, part B - now specifies the Willink Recreation Ground rather than the more general 'sports field and adjacent areas' - has added Bonningate, Burneside Hall Park Road, Winter Lane to Plantation bridge.

Section 2 - now includes also Speed limits, Vehicle Weight limits, Cycle Ways.

It is hoped that the Speed Indicator Device (SID) may be brought back into the parish soon.

d. Dales Way Permissive Path. The letter applying for funding has been fully supported by the Council. e. LAP. The Chairman said the underspend on this year’s accounts has been distributed to support projects in Kendal, rather than in Burneside.

f. Burneside Neighbourhood Plan:

The Chairman summarised the progress made on the Neighbourhood Plan, which is still suspended and going through the complaints procedure at SLDC. Discussion took place around whether to keep the suspension (this also being the advice of CALC). Correspondence from Mr Alan Thompson was also noted but did not receive the support of the Council. It was resolved to accept the report of the advisory group and continue with the suspension. Councillor Westworth wished for it to be recorded that he did not accept this report.

14/50 Open Forum:

a. The roadside on Sharpes Lane is breaking up and there are large potholes present. The Clerk will report this to CCC. b. The fence on the play area at Chapelfield has been repaired, but the lower part of the fence has not been dealt with. The Clerk will contact the Anglers Trust again. c. Complaints have been received regarding blocked drains at the junction of New Road/Main Street and at Steeles Row. The Chairman will investigate. d. A number of complimentary remarks had been received following the repair of the bus shelter at Steeles Row.

14/51 Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 6th May 2014 at 7pm at St Oswald’s Church Room, Burneside. This will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting.

Agenda items so far:

a. Election of Officers b. Dapper Dick 2014 Award – please bring suggested names.

The Chairman intimated that he would not be standing for re-election to the Council at the Parish Elections in 2015.

The meeting closed at 8.40pm.



Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Burneside Parish Council held at St Oswald’s Church Room, Burneside, on Tuesday 6th May 2014 at 7pm.

Present were Councillors M G Marvin (Chairman), E Bateman, D Daws, D Ginsberg, T Hill, and C I Westworth, County Councillors S B Collins, one member of the public and the Clerk Mr K M Price. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors K P Dawson, M P Gibson, J Harrison, R D Wade, and J E Wilkinson, and District Councillor C Holland.

14/52 Election of Chairman:

Councillor M G Marvin was elected Chairman for 2014-15.

14/53 Appointment of Vice-Chairman:

Councillor JE Wilkinson was appointed Vice-Chairman for 2014-15.

14/54 Appointment of Representatives to other bodies:

It was resolved that Representatives to other bodies would continue as at present.

14/55 Requests for Dispensations: None.

14/56 Declarations of Interest:

Councillor Westworth declared an interest in any matters relating to the Standards Board of which he is a member.

14/57 Minutes:

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st April 2014, having been circulated were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

14/58 Police Report:

The Clerk read the Police Report, which had also been circulated to all Councillors. It was encouraging that more calls are being received from local communities reporting crimes and suspicious behaviour in their neighbourhoods. Schemes for local communities like Farm Watch, Horse Watch, and Neighbourhood Watch are all on the Cumbria Community Messaging website and Speed Watch groups are being set up by Police volunteers throughout the parishes.

14/59 County Councillor’s Report:

Councillor Collins reported as follows:

a. Investigations have taken place regarding the possibility of erecting new bus stops on the A591. Plantation Bridge was not a possible site, Plumgarths requires further consideration but the top of Sharpes Lane, on both sides of the road, would seem to be suitable. b. He will follow up the Council’s request for a replacement bus stop pole at Hollins Lane. c. Signs have been left in the verge following road works at Hall Road and this has been reported three times. d. The flashing warning lights outside St Oswald’s School were hit by a large vehicle several months ago and have not been repaired. e. Work on drains in the parish has continued and Councillor Collins was thanked for his work. f. The Police had confirmed that the Drop-in at the Bryce Institute is monthly on the third Wednesday in the month.

14/60 Clerk’s Report:

a. The minutes of the last Traffic Management Advisory Group meeting were circulated. b. The Notice Board at Boningate (minute 14/34 and 14/44a refer) has now been replaced. c. New website (minutes 14/44e and 14/35e refer). The new website is almost ready to go live and it was suggested Councillors should look at it and let the Clerk have their comments. Photographs will be added in June. d. £500 from Councillor Collins budget towards possible Hollins Lane footway (minute 14/45e refers). This is still being auctioned via the Clerk and Councillor Holland. e. Tenement Tarn (minute 14/46 refers). A response had been received from Mark Balderson of LDNPA. Investigations are gathering pace and a PCN has been served on the owner. The timber chalet can be used for staff accommodation. Further consideration is being given to this matter. f. Fence at the play area on Chapelfield (minute 14/50b refers). The Anglers Trust had indicated that all parts of the fence which were broken have now been repaired including the section near the small gate and the gate now seems to be hanging correctly. g. A letter of thanks had been received from Gordon Lawson, Secretary of the Bryce Institute, thanking the Council for their continued support.

14/61 Finance:

a. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:

St Oswald’s PCC £63.75 Newsletter contribution (to note) Bryce Institute £1,000.00 Donation (Precept) (to note) AON £522.10 Insurance premium T Flitcroft £50.00 Internal Audit Communicorp £12.00 Subscription for ‘Clerks and Councils Direct’ K M Price £32.40 New website subscription K M Price £71.42 Old website subscription

b. The monthly cash and budget statements were noted.

c. A request for funding to be made available to engage Tom Wolfe (NPfB) was resolved, the likely cost to be in the region of £500-£600. There would be two sessions of around two hours each, a drop-in session in June and a workshop in September. Expert guidance is required for these. 14/62 Planning:

The following applications were considered and approval recommended:

7/2014/5223 Toadpool Farm, Kendal. Extension of roofing within farmyard to create self feed area for livestock. 5/14/9003 Burneside Mill, Burneside. Notification & Consultation on a Waste County Matter Application for Planning Permission. SL/2014/0423 The Mill Race, Cowan Head. Detached domestic garage.

14/63 Motion from the Chairman:

The following motion, from the Chairman, was considered:

“That the Council will designate representatives to investigate and report back on the possibilities offered by Community Land Trusts”.

This had arisen following the Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting, when Andy Lloyd of Cumbria Rural Housing Trust had made a presentation on Community Land Trusts. It was resolved that the Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Group will take on board liaison with CRHT (their Terms of Reference permit this) and Councillor Ginsberg will arrange a meeting of the Advisory Group in order to discuss the possibilities offered by Community Land Trusts.

14/64 Reports/Updates etc:

a. Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Group. The application had already been suspended for several weeks. The Chairman and Councillor Ginsberg outlined recent developments, including a meeting held at the end of April with representatives of SLDC. A further response from David Sykes, Director of People and Places at SLDC, was felt to be wholly inadequate. After much discussion it was unanimously resolved to withdraw the Neighbourhood Plan application. A proposal to leave a decision until the next meeting did not receive a seconder. The Advisory Group will continue and consider a revision of the Community-Led Plan. The Chairman will table a discussion to take place at the next meeting of the Kendal LAP. The Advisory Group will produce 1,000 flyers for distribution with the Parish Newsletter, explaining the current position.

(The business of the Council was adjourned briefly to allow Mr Alan Thompson to address the Council concerning the above item)

b. Fence at Carling Field. No progress has been made on this matter and the Clerk agreed to contact Carter Jonas about it again. c. Carus Green Golf Course (minute 14/44c, 14/45e and 14/26b refer). The work here is now finished but there has been no notification in writing yet. The Clerk will ask if they can verify that the work on the banks of the Rivers Kent and Sprint will not have a knock-on effect on flooding in Burneside. d. LLRUG. No report.

14/65 Open Forum:

It was reported that flowers have been cut down during recent grasscutting at the Millennium Green.

14/66 Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 3rd June 2014 at 7pm at St Oswald’s Church Room, Burneside.

(The following matter was taken in private)

14/67 Dapper Dick Award:

A name was unanimously agreed as the recipient of this year’s Dapper Dick Award. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman will make arrangements for the presentation.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm.



Minutes of a meeting of Burneside Parish Council held at St Oswald’s Church Room, Burneside, on Tuesday 3rd June 2014, at 7pm.

Present were Councillors M G Marvin (Chairman), E Bateman, D Daws, K P Dawson, M P Gibson, D Ginsberg, J Harrison, T Hill, R D Wade, C I Westworth and J E Wilkinson, one member of the public and the Clerk Mr K M Price. Apologies for absence were received from District Councillor C Holland and PCSO Mark Hutchinson.

14/68 Public participation:

Mr Alan Thompson reported that the Burneside Heritage Group will be holding a commemoration of World War 1 on 4th August at St Oswald’s Church Room. This will include a coffee morning and display for which they have been given the material following the Bryce Institute event.

14/69 Requests for Dispensations: None.

14/70 Declarations of Interest:

Councillor Westworth declared an interest in any matters relating to the Standards Board of which he is a member.

14/71 Minutes:

The minutes of the meeting held on 6th May 2014 having been circulated were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

14/72 Police Report:

PCSO Mark Hutchinson had emailed his report. There has been a reduction in crime in over the past 12 months and it is encouraging that more calls are being received from local communities reporting crimes and suspicious behaviour in their neighbourhoods. Schemes for local communities such as Neighbourhood Watch, Farm Watch and Horse Watch are all on the Cumbria Community Messaging website and Speed Watch groups are being set up by Police volunteers throughout the parishes. There had been no reported crimes in Burneside. With summer approaching, residents are advised to review their security arrangements.

Councillor Wade reported recent damage to the rubber surface at the play area and an attempted fire on a seat. There had also been recent vandalism at the Sprint Holme bus shelter. The Police have been informed.

Councillor Bateman reported that lights had been seen on Potter Fell Road after 11pm and there had been quite an amount of fly-tipping in that area. The Clerk agreed to report this to the Police.

14/73 Clerk’s Report:

a. Peter Colley, LLRUG, asking if the Parish Council would write to First Transpennine Express, regarding the trains which do not stop at Staveley and Burneside, making it difficult for residents to use the service over a fairly long period during both mornings and afternoons. This was resolved. b. CALC. Election of Parish Member to the Lake District National Park Authority. The three candidates were considered and votes cast, the Chairman and Clerk being authorised to sign the voting papers for return. c. Paul Rogers, SLDC, asking who the Council’s representative on the Standards Committee will be for the forthcoming year. Councillor Westworth is happy to continue and the Council supports this, but it was not felt that his initial term was complete at this point. d. Helen Lancaster, Carter Jonas, re; Carling Field. The Council is advised that they are in the process of making arrangements with the current tenant to take back in hand part of their licensing arrangements so that works can be carried out to the field boundary. At the same time this will also allow them to ensure that any risk of livestock escaping onto the road can be reduced given the current condition of the fence line. e. Contribution to Hollins Lane footpath project (minutes 14/60d and 14/45e refer). The Clerk is still following this matter up. f. Carus Green Golf Course (minutes 14/64a, 14/44c, 14/45e, 14/26b refer). The Clerk awaits a further response from his communication.

14/74 Finance:

a. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:

M B Digital £16.80 Photocopier charge Bryce Institute £47.00 Hire of hall Bryce Institute £322.00 Burneside Youth Club

b. The monthly cash and budget statements were noted.

14/75 Planning:

The following decision, notified to the Council by the Planning Authority, was noted:

7/2014/5099 Lath Bield, Boningate. Infill beneath existing balcony to provide additional internal space at ground floor level, along with extension of existing slate roof over same area, along with associated alteration to affected elevations. Granted.

14/76 Purchase of defibrillator:

It was agreed, in principle to purchase a defibrillator for the village centre, but Councillor Wade agreed to research the likely costs and to report back to the next meeting.

14/77 Motion from the Chairman:

The following motion, from the Chairman, was resolved:

"The Council expresses its concern over the recently proposed reduction to the Ambulance Service Provision in Cumbria by the NWAS. The Council feels there are implications of these plans having a "knock on" effect for South Lakeland, which could be left with less cover." It was agreed that copies should be sent to Cumbria Health Overview and Scrutiny, Quality Care, NWAS, and MP Tim Farron.

14/78 Neighbourhood Plan:

The letter from Mr Alastair McNeill of SLDC following the Council’s request to withdraw the Neighbourhood Plan had been circulated. A meeting has been promised with representatives of SLDC and, until this has been arranged, it was resolved to take no action at present.

14/79 Reports/updates etc:

a. The Chairman gave the following updates:

i. A letter was read from a visitor to Maudes Meadow home in Kendal, expressing appreciation of the recent visit of the Bryce Street Strummers. The Strummers will be at the Duke William in Staveley on Friday 6th June. ii. He reported on his attendance the previous day at the training session run by SLDC on the Code of Conduct. He commented on the rules for the granting of Dispensations, Tenders, and Predetermination. The Clerk will arrange for Councillor’s Interests to be placed on the website. iii. Councillor Holland had reported that a resident has some flood bags which she is prepared to give to the Council. Councillor Wade agreed to deal with this. iv. Depending on the outcome of the Neighbourhood Plan application, it may be necessary to alter the terms of reference of the Advisory Group.

b. LLRUG. Councillor Westworth reported that there had been a meeting in the Bryce Institute last week, which he had attended. A new timetable is now in operation.

(Councillor Gibson left the meeting at 8.15pm)

14/80 Open Forum:

Councillor Wade, as Highwayman, agreed to report the following matters:

a. Three matters reported by a resident of Bowston. b. Damaged wall at Croppers PLC car park opposite the Church, caused by vehicle impact. c. Grass on the Plumgarths junction is very overgrown and sight lines are reduced considerably. d. Potholes on the Burneside to Skelsmergh road at Burneside Hall corner. e. Potholes at Longsleddale Road end.

The following matters were also raised:

a. Age UK would like to hold classes in the Church Room to enable older residents to use a computer, but it would be necessary to install wi-fi. Age UK will supply the computers and the manpower, and the Vicar is agreeable to the installation. It was agreed in principle to support this and it was resolved to research the costs of the installation and report back to the next meeting.

(Councillor Hill left the meeting at 8.30pm)

b. Councillor Wade asked for a review of the operation and provision of Post Office Counter Services in the Parish, and the Chairman agreed to examine the matter.

c. Councillor Ginsberg raised the matter of the future Chairmanship of the Council as Councillor Marvin had intimated that he would not be standing for re-election to the Council in May 2015. The Council is requested to consider this over the next few months.

14/81 Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 1st July 2014 at 7pm at St Oswald’s Church Room, Burneside.

The meeting closed at 8.40pm.



Minutes of a meeting of Burneside Parish Council held at St Oswald's Church Room, Burneside, on Tuesday 1st July 2014 at 7pm.

Present were Councillors M G Marvin (Chairman), E Bateman, D Daws, D Ginsberg, J Harrison, R D Wade, C I Westworth and J E Wilkinson, and two members of the public. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors K P Dawson and M P Gibson, County Councillor S B Collins, District Councillor C Holland and PCSO Mark Hutchinson. Councillor T Hill arrived during the meeting.

The Chairman welcomed Councillor Lois Sparling, the new Chair of Natland Parish Council, who was in attendance to observe.

14/82 Public participation:

Mr Alan Thompson reported that the Burneside Heritage Group would be putting on an exhibition in commemoration of World War 1, in the Church Room from 28th July to 4th August. Also there would be a Coffee Morning on Saturday 2nd August, when group members will be available to answer questions on their research into 25 members of the parish who served in the war.

14/83 Requests for Dispensations: None.

14/84 Declarations of Interest:

Councillor Westworth declared an interest in any matters relating to the Standards Board of which he is a member.

14/85 Dapper Dick Award:

This year's Dapper Dick Award was presented to Mr Alan Thompson, in recognition of his work on behalf of the community over many years. Mr Thompson responded appropriately.

14/86 Minutes:

The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June 2014, having been circulated were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

14/87 Police Report:

The Clerk read the Police Report. The importance of safeguarding one's possessions, especially during the summer months, was emphasised. Kendal Rural NPT has a new Sergeant, Paul Mellard, as Sergeant John Stephens has now retired. There had been three crimes in Burneside since the last meeting, including a public order offence, damage to a vehicle and criminal damage to a door. Police had been called to a suspicious incident on Potter Fell when several personal items and some vehicle parts were located by a local resident and returned to the owner. the vehicle was subsequently taken to a scrapyard. SLDC has been informed regarding fly tipping in the area.

Plant pots had been deposited on the Millennium Green at the weekend and the PCSOs would be informed. Councillor Wade said there had also been an unreported break-in the previous weekend in Burneside.

14/88 Clerk's Report: a. The verges between Burneside and Bowston have now been cut. The order for remaining cutting has been issued and should take place between now and 15th August. b. The hedge at Kentrigg is protruding into the road and Councillor Wade has reported this to both CCC and the Police. c. Election of Parish Member to the Lake District National Park Authority. The results of the election were given (minute 14/73 refers) and it was noted that Mr J M Farmer had been recommended to the Secretary of State for appointment. d. Contribution to Hollins Lane footpath project (minutes 14/73e, 14/60d, and 14/45e refer). The Clerk is awaiting a reply from the latest contact he has been given at SLDC. e. Ambulance Service provision in Cumbria (minute 14/77 refers). A response had been received from Cumbria Health Overview and Scrutiny, and acknowledgements from the other bodies contacted. The Council's concerns had been passed to the appropriate officers. f. SLDC is arranging further Code of Conduct training (minute 14/79a refers) and dates will be notified when available.

14/89 Finance: a. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:

M B Digital £16.80 Photocopier charge John Crawford £40.00 Window cleaning at bus shelter HMRC £307.40 PAYE Bryce Institute £218.00 Burneside Youth Club Bryce Institute £42.00 Hire of Hall Alan Thompson £25.00 Dapper Dick Award Society of Local Council Clerks £47.31 Subscription (19% of £249) K M Price £176.78 Quarterly expenses to 30th June (including use of home office) b. The monthly cash and budget statements were noted.

14/90 Planning:

The following decision, notified to the Council by the Planning Authority, was noted:

5/14/9003 Certificate of Lawful Development. Burneside Mill, Burneside. To regularise works to an existing CHP Chimney which include raising its height by 4 metres. Granted.

It was regretted that this is a retrospective application, the Council having expressed its disapproval of the number of such applications in recent years.

14/91 Review of Parish Boundaries:

A letter to the Chairman from Kendal Town Council had been circulated. The letter invited Councillors to attend and speak if required at a meeting of the Town Council on 3rd July 2014. when a proposal to 'to approve a formal request to SLDC to conduct a limited Community Governance Review, with the objective of aligning Kendal Town Council's boundary with the town's new development boundary as defined in the recently adopted Local Plan'.

The report on the meeting of Burneside Advisory Group, held earlier this day, together with the recommendations therein were considered, and it was resolved:

'That the Council makes a formal request to South Lakeland District Council to conduct a limited Community Governance Review, with the object of including the Hallgarth Estate into Burneside Parish'

Councillor Hill and the Clerk agreed to liaise on this correspondence.

14/92 Purchase of defibrillator:

Both the Chairman and Councillor Wade had obtained quotations for the provision of a defibrillator. It was resolved to seek advice from the Ambulance Service to see if they could provide a speaker to address the Council on this issue. The Clerk agreed to contact Councillor John Holmes who leads on the Lyth Valley First Responders, for advice.

14/93 Neighbourhood Plan:

In view of the letter from Kendal Town Council (above) there was nothing further to discuss at this stage.

Councillor Ginsberg reported on the recent drop-in sessions, which had not been well attended but had indicated that there was a level of support for the Plan among residents. A meeting with a planning consultant will take place this coming week. The Council will also need to consider 'Best Value' in these matters.

14/94 Installation of wi-fi:

Mr Alan Thompson had obtained two quotations for the installation of wi-fi at the Church Room. Age UK had offered to provide the equipment needed for them to hold computer lessons and they would supply the manpower too.

An email from the Bryce Institute, stating that the Institute already has wi-fi, was noted.

Upon being put to the vote, it was resolved by five votes to three, with one abstention, not to proceed with this matter. However, the Council records its thanks to Mr Thompson for his research.

14/95 Reports/updates etc: a. There will be a meeting of the Flood Action group on 15th July at 6.30pm at the Bryce Institute. The Chairman is unable to attend so other Councillors are encouraged to do so. b. The Chairman reported on correspondence from the Environment Agency regarding Carus Green Golf Course (minutes 14/64a, 14/44c, 14/45e, 14/26b refer). the Council is assured that recent works there will not increase the risk of flooding elsewhere in the parish. c. There is a meeting of the Kendal LAP the following evening at 6.30pm at the Shakespeare Centre and as many Councillors as possible are encouraged to attend. d. A meeting is arranged with representatives of the Advisory Group and SLDC on Thursday 3rd July at 1.30pm to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan for Burneside.

14/96 Open Forum: a. Councillor Hill reported various highways matters and Councillor Wade agreed to deal with these. b. Councillor Bateman reported a pothole on land in front of Holmes House and Councillor Wade agreed to pass this on to CCC Highways. c. The Chairman said that the bus stop replacement pole had still not been fixed, after almost three years of waiting. d. Councillor Ginsberg said that the Burneside village sign was not positioned correctly. It was agreed that this should be an agenda item for the next meeting. e. Councillor Ginsberg asked if 'Future Chairmanship of the Council' could be an agenda item for the next meeting and this was agreed.

14/97 Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 9th September 2014 at St Oswald's Church Room, Burneside, at 7pm.

Although there is usually no meeting in August, the Chairman indicated that there is the possibility that a meeting may have to be called.

Agenda items so far: a. Meetings of the Council from October to March - to confirm the provisional arrangements made for the meetings during this period to be held at the Bryce Institute at 2pm. b. Siting of the Burneside village sign. c. Future Chairmanship of the Council.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm.


Dated: Minutes of a meeting of Burneside Parish Council held at St Oswald's Church Room, Burneside, on Tuesday 9th September 2014 at 7pm.

Present were Councillors M G Marvin (Chairman), E Bateman, K P Dawson, M P Gibson, J Harrison, R D Wade, C I Westworth and J E Wilkinson, two members of the public and the Clerk Mr K M Price. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Daws, D Ginsberg and T Hill, District Councillor C Holland and PCSO Mark Leigh.

14/98 Public participation:

Mr Peter Crawford reported large trees behind 7 and 8 Chapelfield, which are blocking out light and overhanging the fence. The Chairman agreed to make enquiries.

14/99 Requests for Dispensations: None.

14/100 Declarations of Interest:

Councillor Westworth declared an interest in any matters relating to the Standards Board, of which he is a member.

14/101 Minutes:

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st July 2014, having been circulated were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

14/102 Police Report:

There was no Police Report. It was resolved to ask why Burneside has now been incorporated into Kendal for policing purposes, rather than being part of the rural team. It was also agreed to ask what the new boundaries for this area are and why the transfer has taken place. It was reported that there has recently been a theft of 33 sheep from a field in Selside parish.

14/103 Correspondence: a. Tim Farron MP. Dates for surgeries were noted, but it was agreed to ask why there was no surgery advertised for Burneside in either the current or the last list of dates. b. The Clerk said that new regulations regarding the filming and recording of Council meetings have now been issued and it was resolved to circulate these as an agenda item for the next meeting, in order that the Council may have an official policy. c. The Clerk indicated that new audit regulations are due to be made by the government later this year which will affect Councils with a Precept of less than £25,000. He will keep the Council informed of developments. d. Hollins Lane footpath. The Clerk confirmed that the contribution towards this work is still being followed up (minute 14/88d, 14/73e, 14/60d, and 14/45e refer). e. A response had been received from Transpennine Express regarding the trains that do not stop at Staveley and Burneside. It was resolved to write again and express the Council's dissatisfaction at the new timetable, which is no improvement on the situation. Copies of correspondence will be sent to LLRUG and Tim Farron MP.

14/104 Finance: a. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:

MB Digital £33.60 Photocopier charge (2) (noted) St Oswald's PCC £63.75 Newsletter contribution (noted) St Oswald's PCC £60.00 Hire of room (noted) SLDC £422.81 Street lighting ( noted) LLRUG £13.00 Subscription (noted) SELRAP £15.00 Subscription (noted) Webma ster £285.00 Website (noted) C J M Property £980.48 Notice boards (noted) Bryce Institute £299.00 Burneside Youth Club (noted) Bryce Institute £42.00 Hire of room (noted) K M Price £32.60 Website subscription K M Price £11.99 Domain transfer M B Digital £16.80 Photocopier charge John Crawford £40.00 Window cleaning - bus shelters Burneside Sports Committee £100.00 Donation via Chairman's allowance b. The monthly cash and budget statements were noted. The budget statement indicated that the Burneside Youth Club are close to using the whole of their precepted amount and the Clerk agreed to write to them to point this out to them. If there is a need for further finance, the Club should approach the Council before the setting of the 2015-16 Precept. c. A request for financial assistance towards lighting at Station Road (via LLRUG) was considered and it was resolved that the Council will cover the estimated £1950, pending grants or contributions that may be received from other sources towards reimbursement of some of this amount. Councillor Wade said he was making an approach to New Progress Housing for assistance. d. The Clerk has recently renewed his computer equipment at a cost of around £591. It was agreed in principle that the Council will pay this amount, and the other Councils where he is Clerk will be asked to contribute pro-rata. VAT will also be reclaimed and the net cost to this Council is likely to be around £94. These arrangements will be confirmed at the next meeting.

14/105 Planning:

The following applications were considered and it was resolved the Council has no objections to either of them:

SL/2014/0728 Larchbank Barn, Burneside. Proposal to replace wooden windows with UPVC.

SL/2014/5459 Gateway Inn, Crook Road. Formation of new dormer window to second floor, 2 new doors onto new balcony on first floor, ground floor single storey extension to rear of property, new entrance lobby to side of building, extended entrance lobby to front, new sliding / folding doors to front, landscaping to front gardens, adjustments to terrace and alterations to access road to the rear of the property. 14/106 Future Chairmanship of the Parish Council:

In the absence of Councillor Ginsberg, this was deferred until the next meeting.

14/107 Winter Council Meetings:

It was resolved to revert to the 'winter timetable' from the next meeting, to be held at 2pm at the Bryce Institute. It was noted that the change back to evening meetings will take place prior to the 2015 Elections.

14/108 Neighbourhood Plan:

The notes from the meeting with representatives of Kendal Town Council on 29th July had been circulated. After much discussion it was proposed that 'The application for a Neighbourhood Plan is withdrawn'. Four Councillors voted in favour of the proposal and there were three abstentions.

The Chairman agreed to draw up alternative Terms of Reference to allow the Advisory Group to continue and broaden their work. These will be submitted to the next meeting for approval.

14/109 Burneside Village sign:

It was resolved to ask CCC Highways what the cost of a replacement village sign would be, on the approach to Burneside from Kendal. It was also agreed to ask if any replacement sign could be sited in the correct position at the parish boundary.

14/110 Purchase of defibrillator:

The Clerk reported on the contact he had made with Councillor John Holmes, but the person he was put in touch with had not replied. the Chairman and Clerk will follow this up and try to arrange for a qualified speaker to attend the next meeting.

14/111 Reports/Updates etc: a. LLRUG. Councillors Gibson and Westworth reported on the recent meeting they had attended. b. Traffic Advisory Group. Councillor Harrison's report is attached to these minutes. It was resolved that the Chairman agreed to assist the group and arrange a publicity meeting with the local press and County and District Councillors.

Councillor Wilkinson reported on her recent attendance at a meeting at Lancaster University. A project brief in traffic management is being drafted in the next few weeks by Dr Andy Pickard and Carolyn Hayes for the Council to consider. If approved, a project would be given to a PhD student in December and the production of a final paper would be December 2015. There may be some expenses incurred by the student towards travel etc and the Traffic Advisory Group could possibly fund this via the Precept. c. It was RESOLVED that the public and press be excluded from the next item, due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed:

The Chairman read the Record of a Closed Executive Meeting held on 31st July 2014, attended by himself and Councillor Wilkinson. It was noted that the Council website has been closed down.

14/112 Open Forum: a. Councillor Wade reported the lack of white and yellow lines at various locations in the parish and the Clerk agreed to report these to CCC Highways. b. Comment was made concerning the Carus Green Golf Course signage but no proposals were made. c. The hedge at Kentrigg is overgrown and forcing vehicles into the middle of the road. The Clerk will report this to CCC Highways. d. The use of the Willink Field by sports group has led to an increase in litter and the Clerk agreed to report this to Joanna Parkin at the Anglers Inn Trust. e. Concern was expressed at children's behaviour around the parish in recent weeks and the Clerk agreed to mention this to PCSO Mark Leigh.

14/113 Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 7th October 2014 at 2pm at the Bryce Institute.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm.



Minutes of a meeting of Burneside Parish Council, held at the Bryce Institute, Burneside, on Tuesday 7th October 2014, at 2pm.

Present were Councillors E Bateman, D Daws, M P Gibson, T Hill and R D Wade, Inspector P Latham and PCSO Mark Leigh and the Clerk Mr K M Price. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors K P Dawson, J Harrison, M G Marvin, C I Westworth and J E Wilkinson, County Councillor S B Collins and District Councillor C Holland.

Councillor R D Wade agreed to chair the meeting.

14/114 Public participation: None.

14/115 Requests for Dispensations: None.

14/116 Declarations of Interest:

There were no Declarations of Interest made in respect of any items on the agenda.

14/117 Minutes:

The minutes of the meeting held on 9th September 2014, having been circulated were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

14/118 Police Report:

Inspector Paul Latham introduced PCSO Mark Leigh, who is the new PCSO covering Burneside. He also explained why Burneside has been moved from the Kendal Rural area to the Kendal area. It was agreed that this provided better policing in Burneside. PCSO Leigh gave his report, which indicated that there had been no reported crimes in the parish since the last meeting. A campaign is being conducted during the autumn that highlights driving safely and checking tyre pressures and treads regularly. There will be a high visibility foot patrol throughout the village on the run up to Halloween and safety advice talks are being held in local schools.

14/119 Clerk's Report: a. Following concerns expressed by the LAP at the lack of communication between Parish Councils and CCC Highways, a meeting has been arranged on Tuesday 14th October to discuss the issues. Councillor Wade agreed to attend. b. The Chairman had reported that a tree surgeon would attend to Mr Crawford's trees shortly (minute 14/98 refers). c. The fence by Carlingdale has been replaced. d. Hollins Lane footpath (minutes 14/88d, 14/73e, 14/60d, 14/45e and 14/103d refer). The Clerk had now been advised to submit an official invoice to SLDC and had been given an order number. This has now been done and the funding should be transferred soon. e. A further response is awaited from Transpennine Express regarding the trains that do not stop at Staveley and Burneside (minute 14/103e refers). f. The Clerk had made contact with Young Cumbria concerning the Youth Club payments from the Precept (minute 14/104b refers) and asked them to apply to the Precept Meeting if further funding was required. g. The installation of lighting at Station Road is expected to proceed shortly (minute 14/104c refers). h. Remembrance Wreath. The Clerk will check with Councillor Wilkinson that this is in hand. i. The Council's request for a limited Community Governance Review had not been granted by SLDC. j. A letter had been received from a resident of Burneside, complaining about the state of the children's playground. The Clerk had passed this on to Amanda Shaw and also to the Anglers Trust. Councillor Wade said that when the grass is cut, the arisings are not taken away, resulting in them being washed down the drains and causing a blockage. The Clerk agreed to mention this to the Anglers Trust. k. a. Recruitment to Kendal Independent Custody Visiting Panel. New members are required and details of how to apply were circulated. l. A resident of Cowan Bridge had approached the Clerk for help concerning a street lamp that was out. This has now been remedied. m. Tim Farron MP regarding his surgeries in Burneside (minute 14/103a refers). He is willing to replace one of his Kendal surgeries with one in Burneside if there is sufficient interest and would appreciate a recommendation of a venue and contact details. Noted.

14/120 Finance: a. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:

M B Digital £16.80 Photocopier charge HMRC £307.60 PAYE St Oswald's PCC £40.00 Hire of room St Oswald's PCC £63.75 Newsletter contribution BDO £240.00 External Audit fee K M Price £179.36 Quarterly expenses to 30th September (including use of home office) b. It was resolved to pay £591.23 for the replacement of the Clerk's computer equipment, as agreed in principle at the last meeting. This will be shared by the Councils where he is Clerk and the net cost to Burneside, after VAT is refunded, will be £93.74, which is well within the amount precepted for admin. c. The monthly cash and budget statements were noted. d. The Clerk presented the report from the External Auditor (BDO) on the Council's accounts for 2013-14. One very minor issue had been raised with most Councils and this had been responded to. The auditor stated that all the information submitted had been in accordance with proper practices and no issues of non-compliance had been raised.

14/121 Planning:

The following decisions, notified to the Council by the Planning Authority, were noted:

SL/2014/0728 Larchbank Barn, Burneside. Proposal to replace wooden windows with UPVC. Granted. SL/2014/0775 Land adjacent to Thorncop, Bowston. Discharge of conditions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 16 attached to planning permission SL/2013/0380 Discharge granted

14/122 Future Chairmanship of the Parish Council:

This was deferred until the next meeting.

14/123 Hollins Lane:

The following proposal was discussed:

"To consider making a proposal to Cumbria County Council (Highways) to widen a section of Hollins Lane in the interests of safety."

It was felt that a decision should not be made as so many Councillors were absent and this will be an agenda item for the next meeting. Councillor Hill felt that this should be part of a wider strategy to address a number of similar issues around the parish.

Councillor Wade agreed to speak to St Oswald's School regarding a possible 20mph speed limit in that area at school starting and finishing times.

14/124 Parish Development Sub-Committee:

The proposed Terms of Reference for the Parish Development Sub-Committee had been circulated and these were agreed. This Committee replaces the NPfB group.

14/125 Local Area Partnership:

Kendal Town Council has withdrawn from the Kendal LAP. It was agreed that Burneside would continue and the terms of reference, which had been circulated, were adopted.

14/126 Filming and recording of Council meetings:

The draft Protocol on the filming and recording of Council meetings had been circulated and this was approved. It will now become the Council's policy on this issue.

14/127 Burneside Village sign:

The Clerk is awaiting a response from CCC Highways on this matter and it will be an agenda item for the next meeting.

14/128 Purchase of defibrillator:

A number of quotations had been obtained by both the Chairman and Clerk and advice sought and received by email from various bodies. No decision was made to purchase such an item but Councillor Wade said he would ask New Progress Housing if they were prepared to make a contribution towards it.

14/129 Reports/Updates, etc: a. LLRUG. Councillors Gibson and Westworth had attended the recent meetings and were encouraged that the situation regarding the lighting at Station Road is being resolved. The Council's thanks to them was recorded for the work they have done in progressing this matter. b. Community-Led Plan. The withdrawal of the Neighbourhood Plan had been acknowledged by SLDC, by both David Sykes and Debbie Storr. Councillor Hill updated the meeting and said that he and Councillor Wilkinson are working with our partners as before and there had been a useful partnership meeting held earlier that day. The appointment of a landscape consultant is going forward and they will carry out a scoping exercise based on the Neighbourhood Plan. It is hoped that Burneside and Kendal will remain as two separate entities, while still working together. A letter from Eric Jones of Burneside Brass Band was noted, and this group hopes to be a part of future parish development plans. c. County and District matters. None. d. Traffic Management Advisory Group. Councillors had been updated by email since the last meeting.

14/130 Open Forum: a. Councillor Bateman noted the recent death of Mr John Schofield, who used to be a regular attendee at Council meetings and helped in issues surrounding Potter Fell a number of years ago. b. The condition of the former toilet block was described as 'disgraceful' and discussion took place as to how this situation might be resolved. It is in private ownership and the Council has been unable to elicit a response from the owner. Councillor Hill said that this would be part of a wider initiative and it was hoped that it would be addressed in due course.

14/131 Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 4th November 2014 at 2pm at the Bryce Institute, Burneside.

The meeting closed at 3.45pm


Dated: Minutes of a meeting of Burneside Parish Council held at the Bryce Institute, Burneside, on Tuesday 4th November 2014 at 2pm.

Present were Councillors M G Marvin (Chairman), E Bateman, D Daws, M P Gibson, D Ginsberg, J Harrison, R D Wade, and J E Wilkinson, District Councillor C Holland, PCSO Mark Leigh, one member of the public and the Clerk Mr K M Price. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors K P Dawson and C I Westworth,

(The meeting commenced with a brief presentation by Andy Vickers and Nick Pearson (Street Scene Manager) of SLDC Technical Support Services, on the introduction of recycling facilities for cardboard and plastic in the area. A number of questions were asked and the Council records its thanks to both officers for this presentation).

14/132 Public participation:

The Chairman welcomed Laura Miller to the meeting.

14/133 Requests for Dispensations: None.

14/134 Declarations of Interest:

There were no Declarations of Interest made in respect of any items on the agenda.

14/135 Minutes:

The minutes of the meeting held on 7th October 2014, having been circulated were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman, after an amendment in minute 14/119l, where 'Cowan Bridge' should read 'Cowan Head'

14/136 Police Report:

PCSO Mark Leigh gave his report and encouraged everyone to take part in the current consultation on future policing, as the force are having to make massive savings in their budget. Now the darker nights are here, residents are reminded to be vigilant with regards to the security of their property and that of neighbours. There will be high visibility foot patrols in Burneside and speed checks will be carried out at various times with the radar. There had been no reported crimes since the last meeting.

14/137 Clerk's Report:

a. John Crawford, who cleans the bus shelters, has provided the Council with a copy of his Public Liabilities Insurance, together with his Certificate Number in the Safe Contractor Scheme. b. Station Road lighting (minute 14/119g refers). Installation has been delayed due to a gas main having been discovered and permission is needed before the lighting cables can be buried. c. Burneside Youth Club (minute 14/119f refers). Young Cumbria has been in touch with the Clerk and passed all the required information to the Youth Club.

d. Burneside Station - First Transpennine Express - (minute 14/119e refers). A letter from Dick Smith, Assistant Secretary of LLRUG, has been received, who has now spoken to the Customer Relations Manager, who has promised to contact the Council regarding the trains that do not stop at Burneside.

14/138 Finance:

a. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:

M B Digital £16.80 Photocopier charge Chris Rabone £840.00 Grasscutting - Millennium Green (noted) Bryce Institute £146.00 Burneside Youth Club

b. The monthly cash and budget statements were noted.

c. It was resolved not to pay the website/domain subscription, as this is now only covering Burneside Heritage Group.

d. Expenditure in connection with the improvement of the permissive path alongside Hall Road (section of the Dales Way) was approved, at £2650.00 plus VAT.

e. Estimates for bus shelter repairs at Sprint Holme and the removal of graffiti are to be sought by Councillor Ginsberg.

f. A quotation of £96.56 plus VAT was accepted for the printing of 10 copies of the Burneside survey.

g. It was agreed to make a donation of £60 to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. The wreath is on order and will be laid by Councillor Wilkinson on 9th November.

14/139 Planning: None.

14/140 Future Chairmanship of the Parish Council:

Councillor Ginsberg addressed the Council and said that, in view of the fact that some Councillors, including the Chairman, would not be standing for election next year, consideration needs to be given to seeking others in the community who would be interested in standing, including those with possible leadership qualities. The Clerk advised that it is a legal requirement for a Council to have a specific Chairman and so a 'rolling' chairmanship would not be acceptable.

14/141 Hollins Lane:

Mark Cropper has agreed that a modest widening can be requested and County Councillor Collins is arranging for a survey, the report of which is awaited. The Clerk agreed to ask CCC Highways for this widening and also for an up to date work schedule and contact details for the Highway Steward.

14/142 Local Area Partnership:

It was resolved to extend an invitation to the following Wards in Kendal to join the Burneside & Kendal LAP: Kendal Underley, Kendal Strickland, Kendal Mintsfeet, Kendal Strickland Fell and Kendal Fell. These all share a boundary with Burneside. This will be sent to the relevant Kendal Town Councillors and copied to Jenny Draper at SLDC.

Councillor Harrison had circulated a report of the LAP meeting on 14th October with CCC Highways, attended by herself and Councillor Wade. She had also circulated a report of the LAP meeting on 22nd October on Parish Communications.

14/143 Burneside Village sign:

The Clerk had received a response from CCC Highways and the cost of new signs would be £500 per sign. It was agreed to defer this for a while, as it is hoped it will be part of a wider scheme in due course. In the meantime, it will be passed on to the Development Sub- Committee.

14/144 Community Notice Boards:

It was reported that advertisements are appearing on the parish notice boards outside the shop that should be on the inside boards instead. It was agreed to make it known, via the Parish Newsletter, that the boards outside are for use by the Parish Council only.

14/145 Purchase of defibrillator:

Councillor Wilkinson reported the she had approached James Cropper PLC regarding the placement of a defibrillator but had been advised that such a provision should be visible in the community and therefore the Cricket Club might be a better location. It was agreed to defer this at present, but Councillor Wade and the Clerk will follow up possible funding that might be available and the Clerk will contact the Staveley Pharmacy, where the chemist was involved in the provision of equipment in Staveley.

14/146 Wall on Hall Road/Hall Park:

This is owned by South Lakes Housing. The Clerk will contact them to explain the situation and ask that, if the wall cannot be kept in repair, for a metal 'chicane' barrier to be installed.

14/147 Reports/Updates etc:

a. Chairman. The Chairman reported on a recent Overview & Scrutiny Meeting, when advice had been given on commenting on pre-application planning. There is to be a follow-up meeting. b. District Councillor. Councillor Holland said the next meeting of the Flood Action Group would be on 11th November at 6.30pm at the Bryce Institute. c. Planning Development sub-Committee (circulated) d. LLRUG. No report. The AGM will be held next week. e. Traffic Management Advisory Group (circulated). The group will follow up contact with PCSO Mark Leigh and arrange for him to attend one of their future meetings. 14/148 Open Forum:

As time had run out this was deferred to the next meeting.

14/149 Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 9th December 2014 at 2pm at the Bryce Institute, Burneside. This will be the Precept Meeting.

The meeting closed at 4pm.


Dated: Minutes of a meeting of Burneside Parish Council held at the Bryce Institute, Burneside, on Tuesday 9th December 2014 at 2pm.

Present were Councillors M G Marvin (Chairman), E Bateman, K P Dawson, M P Gibson, D Ginsberg, J Harrison, T Hill, R D Wade, C I Westworth and J E Wilkinson, PCSO Mark Leigh, four members of the public and the Clerk Mr K M Price. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D Daws. County Councillor S B Collins arrived at 3.45pm.

The Chairman welcomed Lauren Watson from NWAS NHS Trust who addressed the Council on the possibility of obtaining a defibrillator for use in the village and demonstrated the use of the machine. If purchased through NWAS the costs would start at £841 plus VAT. The Council will consider this matter further.

14/150 Public participation:

a. Mr Alan Thompson reported that Burneside Heritage Group wish to erect a permanent memorial to mark the centenary of World War 1, and to renew the Lych Gate at St Oswald's Church, together with a plaque. Various funding possibilities are being explored, the likely cost could be in the region of £1,000. b. Mr Alan Thompson mentioned a 'Burneside Present and Past' Facebook page, where village events can be advertised. c. Mr Alan Thompson said that (minute 14/138c refers) Burneside Heritage Group had been a sub-group of the Parish Council when the former website was in operation. The Clerk is constantly receiving reminders of non-payment for the website subscription, despite giving clear notice of cancellation, and it was resolved to ignore any further correspondence.

14/151 Requests for Dispensations: None.

14/152 Declarations of Interest:

There were no Declarations of Interest made in respect of any matters on the agenda.

14/153 Minutes:

The minutes of the meeting held on 4th November 2014, having been circulated were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

14/154 Police Report:

PCSO Mark Leigh had circulated his report. A question was asked as to whether the number of PCSOs might be cut, the Council having made it clear during an earlier consultation that the number of PCSOs should be maintained. There have been no reported crimes in Burneside since the last meeting and residents were warned to be vigilant, especially during the holiday period, and ensure valuables were hidden from view and doors locked.

14/155 Clerk's Report:

a. The hedge at Kentrigg has still not been cut and the Clerk agreed to remind CCC Highways again. b. Cumbria Community Messaging. A Councillor is required to be the lead contact for this. c. A letter was read from CCC Highways, which confirmed the situation regarding Hollins Lane (referred to elsewhere in these minutes). d. Wall at Hall Road/Hall Park (minute 14/146 refers). A reply had been received from South Lakes Housing and their Maintenance Officer is looking into the matter. e. Mr James Douglas, Headteacher at St Oswald's C of E School informed the Council that he has arranged for the branches of the chestnut tree in the school grounds that are overhanging the pavement in Howgill Close to be cut back. (This was in response to a request made some months ago). f. Network Rail will shortly be carrying out work on the vegetation surrounding the track. This email has been circulated to all Councillors as well as to affected residents.

14/156 Finance: a. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:

M B Digital Ltd £16.80 Photocopier charge Printing Plus £96.56 Printing of survey results Andrew Thould £40.00 Bus shelter window cleaning Bryce Institute £46.00 Hire of room K M Price £21.21 Non-Consolidated payment (1) (see note) b. The monthly cash and budget statements were noted. c. After consideration of the Budget Report prepared by the Clerk, it was resolved that this Council makes a Precept upon South Lakeland District Council for the financial year 2015-16 in the sum of £23,422. The Clerk and two signatories are authorised to sign the Precept forms once these are issued by SLDC. d. The Clerk mentioned an issue concerning holiday pay that had arisen at some of the other Councils where he is Clerk and the fact that the current Contract of Employment is not up to date. It was resolved to make this an agenda item for the next meeting and the Clerk will circulate details to all Councillors, with the agenda. d. It was resolved to adopt the increase in Clerk's salaries as recommended by NALC/SLCC of 2.2% from 1st January 2015. There will also be a Non-Consolidated payment made immediately. This is £100 in the case of a full-time Clerk but in Burneside's case it equates to £21.21 net. e. An invoice for £362.00 was presented from the Bryce Institute for the Youth Club hire. As there is only £297 left from the amount precepted, it was resolved not to pay this. The Clerk will explain the position to the Bryce Institute and ask for a representative of Young Cumbria (who had responded to the Council's correspondence concerning this matter) to address a future meeting of the Council. f. A quotation of £585 for bus shelter repairs at Sprintholme and the removal of graffiti was considered but it was resolved to obtain a second quotation and bring this to the next meeting.

g. Permissive Footpath improvement alongside Hall Road (section of the Dales Way). The Chairman reported that Dales Way Association had made some progress, and were planning to work with CCC to use funding from the New Homes Bonus to deal with the whole of the path. It was resolved to contribute the funding agreed (£2,650.00 plus VAT) to this project.

h. It was resolved to contribute £1,000 and a letter of support, when needed, to Burneside Brass Band.

14/157 Planning:

a. The following application was considered and it was resolved to make no comment on it:

SL/2014/1131 Godmund Hall, Burneside. Conversion of barn into dwelling.

b. The following recommendation had been made to the Planning Authority since the last meeting:

SL/2014/1019 Gateside Farm, Burneside. Roof over livestock handling yard. No objections.

c. The following decision, notified to the Council by the Planning Authority, was noted:

7/2014/5459 Gateway Inn, Crook Road. Formation of new dormer window to second floor, two new doors onto new balcony on first floor, ground floor single storey extension to rear of porperty, new entrance lobby to front, new sliding/folding doors to front, landscaping to front gardens, adjustments to terrace and alterations to access road to the rear of the property, flue and extracts. Granted.

14/158 Local Area Partnership (LAP):

The Clerk had circulated each of the Kendal Wards that share a boundary with Burneside but had received no replies at all. There is therefore no LAP currently operating for Burneside & Kendal.

14/159 Reports/Updates etc:

a. TMAG. Councillor Harrison gave her report which she will now circulate to all Councillors and she will liaise with the Clerk so that a letter can be sent to Councillor Collins, asking for implementation of 6a (20mph speed limit when the school signs in the village are flashing) and 6b (Creation of a Ghost Pathway on the village side of Hollins Lane -£500 is now available for this to proceed) in the report as a matter of urgency.

The Chairman reported as follows:

b. The LDNPA Draft Partnership Plan 2015-2020 has been published and identifies highways improvements on the A591 between Windermere and Grasmere. There are meetings to discuss this at both Ambleside and Windermere this week. c. At the recent AGM of CALC, it had been resolved to support the creation of a Unitary Authority for Cumbria. d. There will be a meeting at Kendal Fire Station on 11th December regarding flood risks. e. He had attended the South Lakeland LAP Health Evetn in Kendal recently.

f. Parish Development Sub-Committee. Councillor Hill said that much has been happening, but that the key meeting will be on 9th January. Councillor Ginsberg has circulated the six-page development brief. g. LLRUG. Planned electrification of the Windermere Branch Line may lead to complications at the Sharpes Lane level crossing. h. Councillor Ginsberg again raised the matter of the future chairmanship of the Council and urged Councillors to try and make contact with suitable people in the parish who might be interesting in serving in this capacity.

i. Councillor Collins said there will be a 15% cut in the highways budget in the forthcoming year. He is supporting the TMAG in looking at Hollins Lane and other options to address traffic problems in the village. He has requested installation of a drain to prevent flooding on the A591 at the jawbones, and asked residents to inform him of other instances of flooding.

14/160 Meeting dates for 2015:

The following dates were provisionally agreed. The Clerk agreed to look into a possible change of date for the March meeting.

Tuesday 3rd February Bryce Institute 2pm (already booked) Tuesday 10th March Bryce Institute 2pm (already booked) Tuesday 7th April St Oswald's Church Room 7pm Tuesday 12th May St Oswald's Church Room 7pm (Annual Meeting) Tuesday 2nd June St Oswald's Church Room 7pm Tuesday 7th July St Oswald's Church Room 7pm Tuesday 1st September St Oswald's Church Room 7pm Tuesday 6th October Venue and time to be agreed Tuesday 3rd November Venue and time to be agreed Tuesday 1st December Venue and time to be agreed (Precept Meeting)

The Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting must be held between 1st March and 1st June in each year - date to be agreed at a later meeting.

14/161 Open Forum: a. Councillor Wade had been in touch with the owner of the former toilet block with a view to getting the graffiti removed and the block tidied up. He will report further at the next meeting. b. Councillor Bateman asked if there could be a bin for dog waste installed at Holmes Houses. However, if this was done the Parish Council would have to pay for its emptying, so no proposal was made.

14/162 Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 3rd February 2014 at 2pm at the Bryce Institute.

The meeting closed at 4pm.


Dated: Minutes of a meeting of Burneside Parish Council held at the Bryce Institute, Burneside, on Tuesday 3rd February 2015, at 2pm.

Present were Councillors M G Marvin (Chairman), D Daws, K P Dawson, M P Gibson, D Ginsberg, J Harrison, T Hill, R D Wade, C I Westworth and J E Wilkinson, PCSO Mark Leigh, two members of the public and the Clerk Mr K M Price. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor E Bateman and District Councillor C Holland.

15/1 Public participation: None.

15/2 Requests for Dispensations: None.

15/3 Declarations of Interest:

15/4 Minutes:

The minutes of the meeting held on 9th December 2014, having been circulated were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

15/5 Police Report:

PCSO Mark Leigh had submitted a written report and he summarised this. Residents are reminded to be vigilant, especially as rural opportunistic thefts continue, and ensure that all outbuildings and sheds are kept securely locked. Anything suspicious should be reported using the 101 number, while emergencies should be reported on 999.

15/6 Clerk's Report:

a. Environmental Partnership Fund. The Clerk reported that a number of ongoing projects had been submitted for consideration for funding, after consultation with the Chairman. b. South Lakes Housing. An order had been issued for the rebuilding of the wall at Hall Park/Hall Road (minute 14/146 and 14/155 refer). c. Correspondence had been received from a resident concerning the state of the fence alongside the path from Burneside Road/Main Road down to the river. Councillor Wilkinson agreed to report this. d. Tim Farron MP - future surgeries. It was agreed to suggest that future surgeries could be held in St Oswald's Church Room, if available, and the Council would meet the cost. e. Survey of indoor sports facilities. This was passed to the Parish Development sub- committee. f. SLDC Overview and Scrutiny. Suggestions are invited for potential work in 2015- 16 and the Chairman should be notified of these before 13th February.

15/7 Finance:

a. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:

M B Digital £16.80 Photocopier charge (noted) HMRC £312.80 PAYE (noted) M G Marvin £26.32 Ink cartridges K M Price £145.48 Quarterly expenses to 31st December (including use of home office)

b. The monthly cash and budget statements were noted.

c. There being no alterative quotations, it was agreed to proceed with the original quotation of £585 for bus shelter repairs at Sprint Holme (minute 14/156f refers).

d. Burneside Youth Club. The Clerk reported on recent correspondence with Young Cumbria (minute 14/156e refers). Representatives of Young Cumbria were unable to attend this meeting and it appeared there was much confusion regarding the Council's grant made via the precept, which was not a guarantee to pay all invoices relating to the club's use of the Bryce Institute. It was felt that future funding from the Council may be in jeopardy if the situation is not resolved and it was agreed to invite a representative to attend the next meeting. Parish Councillors who are observers at committee meetings of the club have indicated that they have not been informed of any such meetings for some time.

e. Following the circulation of further information by the Chairman since the last meeting, the possible purchase of a defibrillator was considered. It appeared the full cost would be £1,686 but no site had been identified and there was no one available to take charge of it. It was resolved to place the matter on hold for the time being, although it is something that the Council feels would be an asset to the parish in due course. The Chairman agreed to make enquiries as to what the usage is for other local defibrillators and pass this on to the Development sub-committee to see if a location could be found.

15/8 Planning:

a. The following decisions, notified to the Council by the Planning Authority, were noted:

SL/2014/1019 Gateside Farm, Burneside. Roof over livestock handling yard. Granted. SL/2014/1131 Godmund Hall, Burneside. Conversion of barn into dwelling. Granted.

b. The following applications were considered:

SL/2014/1233 Tenement Tarn, Burneside. Retention of summerhouse and secure container.

This is a retrospective application and as such the Council is unhappy about it. It is believed to be already in use as living accommodation which is not the use indicated on this application.

SL/2014/1081 Land at Carus Green Golf Club. Erection of two new dwellings.

Refusal recommended for the following reasons:

South Lakeland Local Development Framework : (adopted 20th October 2010):

CS1.1 – Sustainable Development Principles

-The development will add to flood risk, being in close proximity to the -vehicular traffic generated by the homes will add to the deterioration of air quality in the area


-The development adds to the coalescence of individual settlements (Burneside/Kendal) and thereby fails to protect their individual character and setting. -The new development does not sufficiently safeguard and enhance the natural environment and local biodiversity – notably the SSSIs and SACs within the area, including the River Kent and its tributaries -The development does not minimise air pollution through implementation of an Air Quality Management Plan, and increases the risk of flooding. CS8.2 Protection and enhancement of landscape and settlement character - The development erodes the green gap as stated in the LDF/Allocations of Land DPD:

"Land will be identified in the Allocations of Land DPD as forming a green gap where: If developed it would cause or add to the risk of future coalescence of two or more individual settlements between which it is important to retain a distinction. Green Gaps should: Contribute to maintaining a settlement’s identity, landscape setting and character;"

The Council has concerns that the proposed access road will :

- go over part of a Right of Way across the area of the course - will thus prove a safety hazard for walkers using the Right of Way and golfers on the course - goes sufficiently close to the River Kent to be a threat to species, habitats and wildlife corridors and so affect biodiversity conservation and enhancement

( CS8.1 Green infrastructure)

The Council notes that this site was not included in the Land Allocations Document and Maps for either Burneside or Kendal

15/9 Former toilet block:

Councillor Wade reported that this matter is ongoing and he is awaiting a reply from the owner.

15/10 Parish website:

The following resolution was considered:

"That the Council sets up an advisory group, to report back in April, to consider the need, costs, and implementation involved in setting up a Parish Web site in the manner and style set by Bootle2020" (http://www.bootle2020.co.uk/)

It was resolved to pass this to the Parish Development sub-committee for their consideration in due course.

It was also resolved that the Clerk and Councillor Ginsberg will liaise on the possible preservation of the domain name previously in use and. if necessary, pay for its continuance.

15/11 Permissive path (section of Dalesway):

The following resolution was considered:

"That the Council require the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to monitor the progress made by CCC on the restoration of sections of permissive path (sections of the Dalesway), and report back to Council in June 2015, at which time Parish Funding may be withdrawn and redirected to the original purpose of restoration of the smaller section along Hall Road if no substantial progress towards a completion date has been made."

It was, however, resolved that the Clerk will contact Geoff Fewkes and Guy Timperley to ask for confirmation that the work will be carried out in the financial year 2015-16.

15/12 Local Area Partnership (LAP):

The Clerk had contacted each of the Kendal Wards that adjoin Burneside parish and had only received one reply, which was negative. There appeared to be no interest from Kendal in the LAP so at present the LAP comprises a single parish - Burneside.

15/13 Reports/Updates:

a. Traffic Management Advisory group. Councillor Harrison reported that a meeting will be held on 11th February. A letter has been sent to Councillor Stan Collins and a detailed reply is awaited. A PhD student from Lancaster University has been allocated to the Council to conduct a traffic survey. Ellergreen Estates has agreed to be responsible for the student, who will report to Councillor Wilkinson and Arty Cropper. b. Parish Development sub-committee. An update had been circulated to all Councillors. Councillor Ginsberg reported on the meeting held on 5th January and Councillor Hill spoke on the importance of the whole Council, together with the Clerk, 'owning' the partnership plan as a long-term strategy.

(As time had run out, the remaining business was left until the next meeting)

15/14 Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 10th March 2015 at 2pm at the Bryce Institute.

The meeting closed at 4pm.



Minutes of a meeting of Burneside Parish Council held at the Bryce Insittute, Burneside, on Tuesday 10th March 2015 at 2pm.

Present were Councillors, M G Marvin (Chairman), E Bateman, D Daws, M P Gibson, D Ginsberg, T Hill, R D Wade, C I Westworth and J E Wilkinson, five members of the public and the Clerk Mr K M Price. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors K P Dawson and J Harrison, District Councillor C Holland and PCSO Mark Leigh.

The Chairman introduced Mark Griffiths, who is the Area Manager for Young Cumbria, who was attending in order to discuss the Council's concerns regarding Burneside Youth Club. The Council was informed about the de-commissioning of the youth service in Cumbria, and the service is in future to be taken in-house together with Children's Services. It is expected that Burneside Youth Club would continue as at present from Easter to the summer holidays before any changes are made. In response to questions from the Chairman, it was stated that there has not been a meeting of the youth club committee for well over 12 months.

The Council will need to consider what future funding might be available for the club and this would be discussed later in the meeting.

15/15 Public participation: None.

15/16 Requests for Dispensations: None.

15/17 Declarations of Interest:

Councillor Westworth declared an interest, as a member of the Standards Board, in any relevant matters.

15/18 Minutes:

The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd February 2015, having been circulated were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

15/19 Police Report:

The Clerk read the Police Report. Only one crime had been reported since the last meeting, which was criminal damage to a vehicle on 1st March. Residents are reminded to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity and to note any vehicle registration numbers.

15/20 Clerk's Report:

a. CALC. Advance notice of the Election of Parish Members to the Lake District National Park Authority. The Clerk has details if any Councillor is interested. b. The KADBUS Newsletter was distributed.

c. Permissive path at Hall Road (section of Dalesway). (minute 15/11 refers). The Clerk had contacted Geoff Fewkes and Guy Timperley and received assurance that the work is still on track to be completed by the original deadline (set by the main funders) of later summer 2015. Tenders have been received for the potential contractors and the contract will be awarded shortly. The application to legally close the footpath whilst the works are undertaken is in motion. This will give a six month window between May and October for the works to be undertaken. There is no legal requirement to close the permissive path but the definitive path will need to be closed.

It appears, though, that the landowners are not committed to an agreement and the path will remain a Permissive Path and not a legal Right of Way.

d. Tim Farron MP had replied regarding the possibility of holding surgeries in Burneside. (minute 15/6d refers). He thanked the Council for the offer of a room. e. An application form to enable the Council to apply for funding to the Environmental Partnership Fund has been received. The Chairman agreed to take this and to consider what funding might be applied for from the list already supplied to the Fund.

15/21 Finance:

a. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:

St Oswald's PCC £450.00 Annual contribution towards toilets Bryce Institute £16.,00 Hire of hall Andrew Thould £40.00 Window cleaning bus shelters MB Digital Ltd £16.80 Photocopier charge

b. The monthly cash and budget statements were noted.

c. It was resolved that the Council will not be offering any funding for Burneside Youth Club at present, pending further developments.

d. It was resolved that the Council will pay for the retention of the domain name 'Burneside', that could be used for any future website that might be set up. Councillor Ginsberg agreed to action this.

e. A proposal to revise the Clerk's Contract of Employment in the light of new legislation, which would include the payment of holiday pay, was agreed in principle, subject to the Clerk making enquiries via SLCC concerning the validity of the pension clause in the current contract. This will be an agenda item for the next meeting.

15/22 Planning: None.

15/23 Former toilet block.

Councillor Wade said he is still awaiting a reply from the owner.

15/24 Local Area Partnership (LAP):

The following was resolved:

'That Burneside Parish Council actively pursues discussions with District and County Officers and interested parties from Kendal Town Council, with the aim of reconstituting the Burneside-Kendal LAP on a limited basis'

The Chairman explained the function and organisation of the LAP meetings.

This will be an agenda item for the next meeting.

15/25 Parish Council Agenda and Minutes:

The following was resolved:

'That the Agendas and Minutes of Parish Council meetings be circulated by email on a regular, automatic, and ongoing basis (until unsubscribed) to residents who request them from the Clerk'

This regularises what currently happens.

15/26 Parish Development Sub-Committee:

A report was received from the Parish Development Sub-Committee on progress towards point 3.2 and 3.3 in the Terms of Reference.

The committee realises the need to complete the revised Community-Led Plan (2015-20) but would like the Council to take responsibility for the revision.

The Sub-Committee will make recommendations, however, pertaining to Development Briefs required by SLDC as part of its local Development Framework and Land Allocations documents, especially the Lane Foot development at Hallgarth.

The initial Brief is to be received on 30th March and it is anticipated that the Sub-Committee will be in a position to present this to the Council in late July. It would be preferable for a professional presentation to be made but obviously there would be a charge for this service. .

15/27 Reports/Updates etc:

a. Chairman. None. b. County and District Councillors. None. c. LLRUG. Councillors Gibson and Westworth had attended a meeting during February. The lighting at the station has now been given the go-ahead.

d. Traffic Management Action Group - this had been circulated to all Councillors.

The following points were made:

i. It was agreed to contact Councillor Collins again for his response on the short and long term action points for CCC Highways to take forward. ii. It was agreed to ask PCSO Mark Leigh, regarding the Police data detailed in the report, why this data is collected, for what purpose and who can have sight of it. iii.The Clerk agreed to contact Nick Raymond of CCC Highways to ascertain who the Area Steward is. iv. Councillor Wilkinson reported on the visit in May/June of a student from Lancaster University to conduct a traffic survey in the village. v. The SID will be in the parish for four weeks from 3rd May.

15/28 Open Forum:

a. Councillor Bateman reported the lack of road markings at Staveley road end. b. Councillor Westworth reported street lights which are out at Carlingdale, Bournville and Sprint Holme. the Clerk agreed to ask CCC what the sequence for checking street lights is. c. The Chairman has reported potholes on Burneside Road. d. Councillor Wade asked what is happening in the car park at Bridge Street. Apparently it is a temporary situation while the flood wall is put up, but Councillor Wilkinson agreed to make enquiries. e. Councillor Wade reported recent problems with sewage in the road behind the Church. The Clerk agreed to contact United Utilities about this and ongoing concerns in the Steeles Row area. It is alleged that the crayfish are being poisoned by this.

15/29 Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting:

This will be held at the Bryce Institute, Burneside, on Tuesday 21st April at 7pm. It was agreed that the evening's topic will be the provision of a Youth Club in Burneside.

15/30 Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 7th April 2015 at 7pm at St Oswald's Church Room, Burneside.

The meeting closed at 3.50pm

