370 Thorax 1994;49:370-378 Tropical respiratory medicine 1

Series editor: A Bryceson Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.4.370 on 1 April 1994. Downloaded from Pulmonary infections in the tropics: impact of HIV infection

Charles L Daley

Respiratory infections are a major cause of patients (73 5%) were HIV-1 seropositive. morbidity and mortality in persons living in Tuberculosis and bacterial were tropical and developing countries. Although the most common pulmonary infections and the number and variety of pulmonary patho- occurred in approximately equal frequency in gens found in tropical areas are enormous, the HIV- 1 seropositive and seronegative most infections are due to routine viral, bacter- groups. Unlike in the USA, P carinii pneumo- ial, and mycobacterial organisms. Infection nia occurred in only 11 (5%) HIV-1 seroposit- with Mycobacterium tuberculosis is particularly ive patients. common. The World Health Organisation Of all the pulmonary infections encountered (WHO) estimates that 8-10 million new cases in the tropics clearly M tuberculosis is one of of tuberculosis occur each year worldwide, and the most significant pathogens. Data from sub- over three quarters of these cases are in the Saharan and Haiti have shown that tropics.' between 17% and 66% of tuberculosis cases Infection with the human immuno- are HIV-1 seropositive.2 Moreover, studies of deficiency virus (HIV) is also common in many the pulmonary complications of HIV infection tropical countries. In 1992 the WHO esti- in Africa have noted that 50% of seropositive mated that 9-11 million adults, mostly in de- patients presenting with pulmonary symptoms veloping countries, were infected with HIV.2 have tuberculosis.7 The significant impact of http://thorax.bmj.com/ Although AIDS is basically the same disease HIV on tuberculosis in developing countries in all parts of the world, the prevalence of will be discussed by Nunn and colleagues in microorganisms in an environment governs another article in this series. This review will the patterns of disease encountered. Thus, focus on the non-tuberculous pathogens substantial variation occurs in the combination affecting HIV infected patients in tropical and of diseases that predominate in different areas developing nations. of the world.3 Even within a given country, diseases vary depending on whether the popu- lation is urban or rural. on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. The overlap of HIV infection and the many Bacterial pulmonary pathogens found in the tropics has PNEUMOCOCCUS made pulmonary infections a common mani- Before the AIDS epidemic community festation of HIV infection. In a large study acquired pneumonia was one of the most com- from Nairobi, Kenya pulmonary disorders mon causes of admission for acute disease in accounted for 28-4% of admissions in HIV-1 general hospitals in East Africa, accounting for seropositive patients compared with 16-5% in 9-10% of such admissions.89 Between 1981 seronegative patients.4 Although the spectrum and 1983 was second only to of disease can be quite broad, most of the malaria as a reason for adult admissions at pulmonary infections in HIV-1 infected Kasama General Hospital in Northern Zam- patients are similar to those seen in non-HIV bia.'0 As in the USA, Streptococcus pneumoniae infected individuals. The geographical dif- has been the most common cause of bacterial ferences are primarily due to varying frequen- pneumonia: in 1976, 20% of patients present- cies rather than the kinds of infections.5 In the ing with pneumonia to Kenyatta National USA Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Hospital had pneumococcal bacteraemia."1 are the most common Data from subSaharan Africa have shown infectious pulmonary complications of HIV that acute bacterial infections are also a leading infection.6 Tuberculosis, though increasing in cause of morbidity and mortality in HIV the USA, is still much less common. On the infected adults. It is estimated that acute bac- other in countries where infec- terial infections account for at least one quarter Division of Pulmonary hand, tropical and Critical Care tion with M tuberculosis is highly prevalent, of medical admissions to one of East Africa's Medicine, University tuberculosis and bacterial pneumonia repres- largest hospitals.'2 Moreover, community of California, San ent the infections acquired pneumonia accounts for 17% of ad- Francisco, California major pulmonary (table 1). 94143-0841, USA In a recent study from Burundi, 302 consecu- missions to the same hospital.'3 As in the pre- C L Daley tive patients hospitalised for acute respiratory AIDS era, Str pneumoniae is still the most isolated.'214 Reprint requests to: disease were evaluated with fibreoptic bron- common Gram positive organism Dr C L Daley. choscopy.7 Of the total, an astonishing 222 In a large cohort of lower socioeconomic class Pulmonary infections in the tropics: impact of HIV infection 371

Table 1 Spectrum ofpulmonary infections among HIV-1 infected patients in in Nairobi subSaharan Africa* (values are community acquired pneumonia percentages) the mortality rate was higher among HIV-1 Country n PCP Tuberculosis Bacterial Fungal Other seropositive patients (17%) than seronegative Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.4.370 on 1 April 1994. Downloaded from Zimbabwe** 35 8 12 8 2 7 individuals (8%).'3 However, among prosti- Burundi 222 11 109 79 1 25 tutes in Nairobi with invasive pneumoccoccal ** 40 0 6 NA 2 NA Tanzania*** 125 0 65 15 0 20 disease there were no deaths reported despite 29 episodes of bacteraemia.'5 There was also PCP = Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia; NA = not available. * Studies used bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (with or without transbronchial no difference in mortality among HIV-1 sero- biopsy). positive and seronegative patients in a study of ** Patients with smear positive tuberculosis were excluded. *** Unpublished data, C Daley. bacterial infections from Dar es Salaam, Tan- zania.'7 The rate of recurrence has been shown to be increased both in the USA and in female prostitutes in Nairobi, Gilks reported Kenya.'5 In a study ofpneumococcal disease in that invasive pneumococcal disease was the prostitutes from Nairobi 22% of the patients most frequently encountered serious HIV suffered a recurrence.'5 associated infection, more common than tuberculosis.'5 Although some studies have not shown a NOCARDIOSIS difference in the rate of bacterial pneumonia Nocardia asteroides is a branching filamentous among HIV-1 seropositive patients,716 recent Gram positive rod which usually produces cohort and case-control studies have shown disease in immunocompromised individuals. increased rates of disease among HIV infected The organism is found worldwide in soil and individuals.'2131517 Gilks and colleagues noted decaying organic matter. In a recent review of that, not only was pneumococcal pneumonia the English language literature over 40 cases of the most common cause of community nocardiosis had been reported in HIV-1 acquired bacteraemia, but it occurred at a infected patients,20 although few cases have significantly higher rate among HIV seroposi- been reported from the tropics. In the earliest tive patients.'5 More recently they reported on report of AIDS from Rwanda one of 26 145 cases of community acquired pneumonia patients was noted to have nocardial pleuro- in Nairobi of which 104 episodes were due to pneumonia.2' Likewise, in Zimbabwe one of 50 Str pneumoniae."3 Fifty two patients (50%) patients with interstitial infiltrates was found were HIV-1 positive compared with seven to have pneumonia due to N asteroides.22 Mili- (7%) of controls (trauma victims). Similarly, ary nocardiosis has also been identified histolo-

Pallangyo and coworkers in Dar es Salaam, gically in the of three of 57 AIDS http://thorax.bmj.com/ Tanzania reported that 15 out of 45 patients patients who underwent post mortem exami- (33%) with pneumonia were found to be nation in Uganda, one of 52 in Cote d'Ivoire, HIV-1 seropositive compared with four (9%) and in occasional Zairian patients.23 of the control group.'7 Thus clinically defined Although nocardiosis is frequently dissemi- bacterial pneumonia was significantly associ- nated at presentation, the is the most ated with HIV-1 seropositivity. common site of involvement.20 Symptoms of The clinical presentation of pyogenic pneu- nocardiosis in HIV- 1 infected patients are

monia is similar to that seen in HIV-1 sero- usually non-specific: most patients present on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. negative patients. Most patients present with with fever, night sweats, malaise, cough, and the acute onset of cough and fever.'8 Lobar weight loss. The chest radiograph is frequently pneumonia is the most common radiographic notable for upper lobe, cavitary infiltrates24 presentation;'214 all but a single patient with and is thus indistinguishable from tuberculo- pneumococcal bacteraemia in one study had S1S. obvious, radiographically confirmed lobar Definitive diagnosis requires culture of res- pneumonia.12 Bacteraemia is very common piratory specimens because cultures are among HIV infected patients. Gilks and co- rarely positive.20 Since cultures are unlikely to workers evaluated 506 consecutive admissions be available in many areas, the diagnosis to Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi over should be suspected if the characteristic mor- a six month period;'2 26% of the HIV-1 phology is seen on Gram stain; filamentous, infected patients were bacteraemic compared beaded, branching Gram positive rods. In a with 6% of the seronegative group. In a study review by Javaly and colleagues20 the Gram of community acquired pneumonia from the stain was suggestive of nocardial infection in same investigators, bacteraemia was common 47% of patients. The organism may also stain in both the HIV-1 seropositive (45 of 52 weakly acid fast. The radiographic presenta- patients) and seronegative patients (35 of 52).'3 tion, coupled with the fact that the organism Response to treatment is usually good and is can stain acid fast, may cause the disease to be no different in seropositive and seronegative misdiagnosed as tuberculosis. In fact, two such individuals.'8 Although approximately 10% of cases were reported from Uganda.25 patients with lobar pneumonia in the tropics The optimum regimen and duration of ther- fail to improve with penicillin,'9 this cheap and apy for nocardiosis in the setting of HIV-1 well tolerated antibiotic is still the drug of infection are not known. Sulphonamides (tri- choice for community acquired pneumonia, methoprim-sulphamethoxazole) have been the regardless of HIV status, in tropical and devel- treatment of choice in non-HIV-1 infected oping countries. patients with nocardiosis.20 It is likely that The mortality rate has varied significantly these agents will also be effective in HIV-1 between studies.'31517 Among patients with infected patients although the high rate of 372 Daley

toxicity to trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole26 dwellers and that most cases of melioidosis may limit its use in this population. Other occur in farmers. Thus, the incidence of agents with in vitro activity to N asteroides melioidosis should increase as the HIV epi- include minocycline, some third generation demic spreads into rural areas. Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.4.370 on 1 April 1994. Downloaded from cephalosporins, amikacin, and amoxacillin- clavulanic acid.20 Some authors recommend treatment for at least 6-12 months and, per- haps, indefinitely since recurrences have been reported. is a budding encap- sulated which is globally distributed. Between 1981 and 1987 the prevalence of MELIOIDOSIS cryptococcal infection among AIDS patients Meliodosis is an infection caused by the Gram in the USA was 5-7% with higher rates in negative motile bacillus, Pseudomonas pseudo- regions of higher prevalence.29 The prevalence mallei. The disease is endemic in south east of cryptococcal disease among AIDS patients Asia, northern Australia, and West Africa.27 in Haiti is approximately 13%. In some areas More than 750 cases of melioidosis have oc- within subSaharan Africa as many as 30% of curred in Thailand during the last decade, and AIDS patients have cryptococcosis.30 Al- over 75% of the patients were farmers. though the portal of entry is usually the lung, Patients may present with disseminated dis- most patients present with meningitis or disse- ease, cutaneous disease, or isolated pulmonary minated disease: isolated pulmonary involve- involvement. ment is relatively unusual. Of 222 patients In a recent review from Bangkok 49 cases of evaluated in Bujumbura, Burundi only one melioidosis were noted between 1975 and patient was diagnosed with cryptococcal pneu- 1987.27 Of these patients, 29 had disseminated monia.7 Two of 40 patients in a clinical study disease and 20 had localised disease. Almost all from Uganda were diagnosed with crypto- of the patients had an underlying immuno- coccal pneumonia.31 No cases of pulmonary compromising condition like diabetes mellitus, cryptococcosis were found in a post mortem collagen vascular disease, or haematological study from Cote d'Ivoire.32 malignancy. Only one of the cases had AIDS. More recently, data from Rwanda suggest The patient was a 52 year old homosexual man that cryptococcal pneumonia is not uncom- with a CD4 lymphocyte count of 60/mm3 and mon, at least in that region.3334 Between Janu- left lung infiltrates who presented with recru- ary 1990 and March 1992 28 HIV-1 seroposi-

descent bacteraemic melioidosis. tive patients were diagnosed with cryptococcal http://thorax.bmj.com/ The clinical presentation of melioidosis is pneumonia. The organism was isolated from non-specific so diagnosis requires isolation of sputum, pleural fluid, and bronchoalveolar the organism.27 Immunocompromised patients lavage fluid. The serum cryptococcal antigen usually present with fever and infiltrates on the was negative in all patients who did not also chest radiograph. Radiographic presentation is have an extrapulmonary site of infection. non-specific and may show extensive pneumo- There are two varieties of Cr neoformans: nia, diffuse infiltrates, abscess formation, or variety gattii and variety neoformans.35 Most

hilar adenopathy. In disseminated disease cases of Cr neoformans reported in HIV- 1 on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. diagnosis is usually made through culture of infected individuals have been of the neofor- blood and/or respiratory specimens. mans variety. Variety gattii is restricted to P pseudomallei is usually sensitive in vitro to geographical areas mainly in tropical and sub- tetracycline, chloramphenicol, third genera- tropical areas. Since 1987 six cases of variety tion cephalopsorins, and trimethoprim-sulpha- gattii have been reported from Zaire, Rwanda, methoxazole.28 If the patient is clinically toxic, and Brazil.35 In one patient from Rwanda the two antibiotics are usually recommended dur- chest radiograph revealed a right lower lung ing the initial 30 days followed by 60-150 days infiltrate as well as right hilar adenopathy. of trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole alone. In Fibreoptic bronchoscopy was performed when the septicaemic form of disease trimethoprim- the patient did not improve with penicillin and sulphamethoxazole and a third generation trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole. Cr neofor- cephalosporin are recommended. For patients mans variety gattii was isolated from the bron- intolerant of trimethoprim-sulphamethoxa- choalveolar lavage fluid. Cryptococcal antigen zole another of the antibiotics listed above was negative in the cerebrospinal fluid and should be substituted. serum. The mortality rate in immunocompromised The treatment of cryptococcosis will depend patients with melioidosis can be substantial, on the availability of various antifungal agents. particularly if there is a delay in treatment. In The drug of choice in the USA has been one study from Thailand, of 14 immunocom- amphotericin B, with or without flucytosine.29 promised patients with disseminated disease However, these agents are frequently not who had a delay in treatment or were treated available in tropical countries. Fluconazole inappropriately, all but one died.27 Thus, early (400-800 mg/day) has been shown to be effec- diagnosis and institution of combination anti- tive as primary treatment as well as long term biotic therapy is crucial. maintenance therapy (200-400 mg/day).29 Although melioidosis has been infrequently Taelman and colleagues in Rwanda recently reported as an HIV related pulmonary com- showed that giving itraconazole (200 mg/day) plication, it should be pointed out that most to patients with isolated pulmonary crypto- HIV infected patients in Thailand are urban coccosis prevented future dissemination.34 Pulmonary infections in the tropics: impact of HIV infection 373

HISTOPLASMOSIS PENICILLIUM MARNEFFEI is a dimorphic soil Penicillium marneffei is an unusual dimorphic dwelling fungus which is endemic in the fungus that has been reported to cause disease Americas. H capsulatum, rare in Africa before in both immunocompromised and normal Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.4.370 on 1 April 1994. Downloaded from the AIDS epidemic, was reported in 1984 in a hosts.48 The fungus is endemic to south east Zairean subject with symptoms indicative of Asia and southern China. In most of the cases AIDS.36 The organism has also been identified reported the disease has presented as a sys- in a few lungs in post mortem examination in temic mycoses. A recent review from Thai- Zaire. causes African land documents 21 cases of disseminated , a fungal infection occurring P marneffei in HIV infected patients.48 One mainly in West and Central Africa.37 Unlike case has also been reported from Zimbabwe.49 cryptococcosis, which has increased dramati- Of the 21 patients reported from Thailand cally since 1981, there has been no increase in 11 had a cough as part of their initial presenta- African histoplasmosis in the Congo. Of 11 tion.48 The chest radiograph was abnormal in cases reported none occurred in an AIDS six patients; three showed diffuse reticulo- patient. There have been a few cases reported, nodular infiltrates, two patients had localised however. Carme and colleagues recently interstitial infiltrates, and one patient had a reported a 26 year old male from Brazzaville, focal alveolar infiltrate. Diagnosis was usually made from cultures of blood, bone marrow, or Congo with disseminated disease.38 A white skin biopsy. heterosexual European patient was reported Amphotericin B is the current treatment of with African histoplasmosis in 1987,3940 and an choice and the recommended duration of treat- African child from Guinea Bissau with HIV-2 ment is 6-8 weeks for a total cumulative dose infection was reported with disseminated dis- of 40 mg/kg. However, in the study cited ease.39 Three AIDS patients from Belgium above48 nine patients were treated with 400 mg who had lived in Africa developed dissemi- itraconazole for eight weeks and six responded nated H duboisii and one of the three had well. Six of eight patients treated with ampho- pulmonary involvement.4' tericin also responded well. Four patients died Amphotericin B remains the drug of choice before treatment was begun. As with melioido- for the treatment of histoplasmosis in AIDS.42 sis, this infection may become more common Ketoconazole, with or without a prior course as HIV moves into rural areas. of amphotericin, has been used, but sometimes with disappointing results.29 After induction

therapy patients should be maintained on life- (PCP) http://thorax.bmj.com/ long maintenance therapy with either weekly The taxonomy of Pneumocystis carinii is cur- intravenous amphotericin, oral fluconazole, or rently in question. Long considered a proto- itraconazole. zoa, recent data have shown that the organism is more closely related to fungi.50 Nevertheless P carinii is a ubiquitous organism found in every region of the world5' and it is the most Paracoccidioidomycosis is caused by the common infectious pulmonary complication of

Paracoccidioides brasiliensis HIV infection in the USA: PCP develops in on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. and is one of the most frequent systemic 75% of HIV infected patients at some time mycoses in Latin America.43 The disease may during the course of their disease.6 present with cutaneous involvement, pulmon- The frequency of PCP is, however, quite ary involvement, or dissemination. Despite its different in tropical countries. In a review of endemicity, there have been only a few cases the literature Blaser and Cohn examined the reported involving HIV- 1 infected indi- reported frequencies of various HIV related 4'-6 complications and the way in which they dif- viduals, though some authors feel it is more fered from region to region and population to common but not reported.43 Most patients population.52 The frequency of PCP (20%) have had disseminated disease although some reported among persons native to the tropics have had pulmonary involvement. The chest was significantly lower than for persons who radiographs have been notable for diffuse had acquired HIV infection through blood reticulonodular infiltrates, sometimes with borne or sexually transmitted routes in more hilar adenopathy.44 developed countries. PCP was diagnosed more Patients have been treated successfully with frequently in developed countries among nat- various regimens including amphotericin B, ives of developed countries (73%) than among sulphadiazine, and imidazole compounds.47 natives of the tropics (35%). Ketoconazole (200-400 mg/day) has been used The first cases of PCP noted in African successfully to treat paracoccidioidomycosis in patients with AIDS were diagnosed in normal host. Itraconazole (100 mg/day) ap- Europe.5' Five of 23 AIDS patients reported pears to be more potent than ketoconazole and by Clumeck and colleagues had PCP, three of studies are underway. The duration of treat- whom were diagnosed at post mortem exami- ment is unknown, but the recommended nation. PCP has been identified in 14-24% of duration is between six and 18 months. Life- African patients with AIDS treated in Europe long prophylaxis is necessary and at least two and in 37% of patients with AIDS of African patients have been placed on suppressive origin in the USA.5 Whether the exposure to therapy with sulphadiazine (1-6 g/day) with P carinii occurred in Africa or after leaving is good early results. not known. 374 Daley

Table 2 Prevalence of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia immunofluorescence, although no cysts were (PCP) in subSaharan Africa identified. Country No. studied No. (%) with PCP Reference PCP has also been reported in patients Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.4.370 on 1 April 1994. Downloaded from Sputum induction: infected with HIV-2.6" Of 30 patients with Tanzania 83 3 (3.6%) 58 HIV-2 infection 17 were found to have AIDS Zambia 27 0 59 according to the criteria of the Centers for BAL/TBB: Burundi 222 11(5%) 7 Disease Control. Eight patients with AIDS Congo 45 5 (11%) 57 had respiratory problems: two had pulmonary Tanzania 100 0 16 Uganda 40 0 31 tuberculosis, another had a non-tuberculous Zimbabwe 37 8 (22%) 49 mycobacteria, two had (one also Necropsy: had tuberculosis), two had recurrent episodes C6te d'Ivoire 53 5 (9%) 32 Uganda 22 0 61 of pneumonia without identification of a path- Uganda 57 3 (5%) 23 ogen, and one had PCP diagnosed at post BAL= bronchoalveolar lavage; TBB = transbronchial biopsy. mortem examination. Post mortem studies have demonstrated prevalences similar to those reported in clinical studies. Over a six month period in 1989 all Even before the AIDS epidemic cases of deaths on a pulmonary medicine ward in Abid- neonatal PCP were occasionally reported from jan, Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa underwent the Congo54 and Uganda.55 Although cases necropsy.32 Of 473 patients admitted to the suggestive of PCP were identified in two of the hospital ward 38% were HIV-1 positive, 4% earliest reports of AIDS in Africa,2"56 it was were HIV-2 positive, and 14% reacted to both not until 1989 that investigators in Zimbabwe viruses. A total of 100 patients (21%) died. documented the first cases of PCP among The pathology of 78 necropsies showed, not AIDS patients in Africa.49 McLeod and surprisingly, that the predominant cause of coworkers prospectively evaluated HIV-1 death in the HIV seropositive patients (40%) infected patients with clinical and radiographic was disseminated tuberculosis. Pyogenic or evidence of lung disease. Patients with smear bronchopneumonias were the second leading positive tuberculosis were excluded. Thirty cause of death. PCP was found in only 9% of seven subjects were evaluated over an 11 the HIV infected patients who underwent nec- month period and fibreoptic bronchoscopy ropsy. It was also identified in another patient with bronchoalveolar lavage and transbron- who died of nocardiosis, providing an overall chial biopsies were performed on 35 subjects. prevalence of 12%. PCP was not found in a

Tuberculosis was diagnosed in 12 subjects. limited post mortem series of 22 AIDS http://thorax.bmj.com/ P carinii was found in only eight (22%) patients in Kampala, Uganda, although tuber- patients (table 2). More recently investigators culosis and cryptococcus were common.6" in Zimbabwe reported that, of 50 patients with Studies from Haiti have indicated rates of acute interstitial pneumonia, 17 had PCP and PCP similar to those in subSaharan Africa. 16 had tuberculosis.22 Two hundred and twenty nine patients with Studies from other areas of Africa have AIDS were studied between 1979 and 1984 in reported lower prevalences of PCP ranging Haiti.62 PCP was diagnosed in only 7% of 131

from 0% to 11% (table 2).7163157 In a study cases compared with 71% of the first 80 AIDS on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. from Mulago Hospital in Kampala, Uganda 40 patients seen at the New York Hospital in New patients with pulmonary disease were eva- York City. Tuberculosis occurred in 31 of 131 luated with fibreoptic bronchoscopy: P carinii (24%), making it the most common pulmonary was not identified.3' Nor was PCP noted in a pathogen. prospective study from Dar es Salaam, Tanza- Data from Latin America have suggested nia in which over 100 HIV infected patients that PCP occurs at a rate intermediate to that with symptoms of pulmonary disease were seen in Africa and the USA. In Brazil, of 2135 evaluated.'6 Forty five Congolese AIDS adult patients with AIDS the most common patients at the Brazzaville University Hospital presenting diagnosis was PCP which occurred who were smear negative for tuberculosis were in 425 cases (20%).63 Another 265 (12%) cases evaluated with bronchoscopy.57 Bronchoalveo- had PCP plus another infection. The next lar lavage demonstrated P carinii in only five most common diagnosis was M tuberculosis. In (11%) cases. And finally, in Bujumbura, Bur- southern Brazil 45% of homosexual urban undi only 11 (5%) HIV infected patients were AIDS patients were diagnosed with PCP.64 found to have PCP.7 The clinical and radiographical presentation Using sputum induction with hypertonic of PCP appears to be similar among the dif- saline investigators in the Iringa district of ferent regions. However, the frequent occur- Tanzania recently reported that three of 83 rence of tuberculosis in developing countries sputum specimens (3-6%) were positive for makes differentiation of the two diseases diffi- P carinii.58 Mycobacteria were found in 32 cult. Clinical features most consistent with a patients (38-5%). Of note, two of the three diagnosis of PCP in one study were a respira- patients with PCP also had pulmonary tuber- tory rate of over 40/min.22 In contrast, coarse culosis. Twenty seven HIV seropositive reticulonodular infiltrates on the chest radio- patients with clinical pneumonia and symp- graph favoured tuberculosis. The treatment toms of two weeks or greater duration were of choice is trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole. studied in Lusaka, Zambia with sputum in- Other antipneumocystis agents are often not duction.59 Only four of the Zambian patients available in tropical areas. had something resembling trophozoites on As noted above, there are wide variations in Pulmonary infections in the tropics: impact of HIV infection 375

the prevalence of PCP throughout the world, tropical and temperate countries there have and even among different regions of sub- been relatively few cases reported in AIDS Saharan Africa. The lower rates seen in Africa patients. There have been several case reports and Haiti could be related to a number of of S stercoralis hyperinfection from the USA Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.4.370 on 1 April 1994. Downloaded from factors including absence of the organism from and Europe,7273 countries where the prevalence the environment, less exposure to the - of strongyloides infection is relatively low. ism, difference in host susceptibility, earlier Extraintestinal strongyloides has been infre- deaths in AIDS patients due to more patho- quently reported from Africa.5674 The preval- genic organisms like M tuberculosis, or the lack ence of strongyloides infection is also high in of diagnostic facilities. It should be clear from south east Asia but no cases have been the clinical and post mortem studies men- reported in the English language literature. tioned above that, when these diagnostic facili- From Latin America there has been one report ties are available, PCP is found much less each from Guatemala,75 Brazil,76 and Mexico.77 frequently in subSaharan Africa than in North A Colombian man in the USA78 and a Brazilian America or Europe. in the UK79 were also diagnosed with the The organism P carinii is not only found hyperinfection syndrome. in the environment; exposure appears to be Most patients with hyperinfection present similar worldwide. Wakefield and colleagues with fever, cough, and shortness of breath. studied 150 subjects from Gambia and the UK Chest radiographs usually show diffuse infil- using an ELISA of human immunoglobulin trates.79 The diagnosis has been made by find- responses to rat derived P carinii.65 The pre- ing the helminth in respiratory specimens and/ valence of significant titres of antibody to or stool. Enteric organisms like E coli can often P carinii steadily increased with age and in- be isolated in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid. cluded more than 70% of both populations by At least two cases with strongyloides hyper- eight years of age. Recently, Smulian and infection had concomitant PCP.7278 colleagues studied both HIV-1 seropositive The treatment of choice of strongyloides and seronegative patients from five different hyperinfection is thiabendazole, 25 mg/kg regions of the world.5' They showed that P twice daily.79 The duration of treatment in carinii was highly prevalent in the USA, Haiti, HIV-1 infected patients is unknown. In one Mexico, Africa, and Korea. The seropreva- review of the literature the only surviving lence was 82-8% in the three regions studied in patient was treated for five days with three Africa (Zaire, Kenya, South Africa). Haiti had courses 10 days apart followed by monthly the lowest seroprevalence rate at 63-8%. De- courses of thiabendazole.79 Most patients have

spite the high P carinii seroprevalence rate died either directly or indirectly from their http://thorax.bmj.com/ noted in Kenya, PCP could not be induced in a infection. Despite the rarity of clinically signi- corticosteroid immunosuppressed mouse ficant strongyloides infection in HIV infected model by investigators in Nairobi.66 individuals, it seems prudent to treat any It has also been postulated that AIDS patient who has the helminth isolated in the patients in the tropics die before they become stool. immunocompromised enough to develop PCP.325967 While this may be true, since HIV

infected patients in developing nations do not Pleural effusions on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. live as long as patients in more developed Tuberculosis was the predominant cause of countries,6368 it is not the only answer. Crypto- pleural effusions in Africa before the AIDS coccal meningitis usually occurs around the epidemic.808' Limited data suggest that the same level of immunosuppression and this same is true today among HIV- 1 infected manifestation of AIDS is quite common in patients. An increasing number of pleural ef- some parts of Africa.6' fusions were noted over an eight year period in the Department of Internal Medicine of the Centre Hospitalier de Kigali, Rwanda.82 A Parasitic pneumonia total of 127 patients with pleural effusions of STRONGYLOIDIASIS undetermined aetiology were enrolled in a pro- Despite the many parasitic diseases endemic to spective study. Pleural tuberculosis was diag- tropical and developing nations, very few have nosed in 110 (86%) patients and confirmed been reported to cause pneumonia in HIV histologically and/or bacteriologically in 90 infected patients. Strongyloides stercoralis, a (82%). Of the 90 patients tested for HIV-1 helminth which is common in many tropical infection, 82 (83%) were positive. This is and subtropical areas, has occasionally been similar to data from Zambia where tuberculo- reported as the cause of pulmonary disease. sis patients with pleural effusions were found The prevalence of this organism in stool to be HIV-1 seropositive in 81% of cases.83 samples varies from region to region: USA, Only five patients (4%) in the study from 04-40°%; Brazil, 15-82%; Ecuador, 1-16%; Rwanda had a non-tuberculous parapneumo- subSaharan Africa, 26-48%.69 In a study of nic effusion.82 Escherichia coli and salmonella B 100 AIDS patients from Brazil, 10% had were cultured in one of these patients. Malig- S stercoralis isolated from a stool sample.70 nant effusions were diagnosed in six (5%) of Similarly, in Zambia, of 63 HIV seroposi- the patients: three with Kaposi's sarcoma and tive patients evaluated for chronic diarrhoea one with lymphoma were HIV-1 seropositive; 6% had S stercoralis isolated: none were iso- two with carcinoma were HIV-1 seronegative. lated from the HIV-1 negative controls.7' In Bujumbura, Burundi radiographically Despite the prevalence of the helminth in apparent pleural effusions were noted in nine 376 Daley

( epiratory condition ing countries will have bacterial pneumonia or tuberculosis, the diagnostic evaluation should focus on these pathogens. As noted in the ipstory and physical Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.4.370 on 1 April 1994. Downloaded from examination figure all patients should be evaluated for acid fast bacilli in their sputum. For patients with a / evere dyspnoeao \ Yes Refer (supportive \ clinical and radiographical presentation con- respiratory distress? treatment if available) sistent with bacterial pneumonia, penicillin should be started. If the sputum is smear No negative for acid fast bacilli, and the patient is Sputum acid fast unlikely to have bacterial pneumonia or tuber- stain x 3 culosis on clinical grounds, bronchoscopy should be considered to rule out opportunistic Acid fast bacteria Yes present? infections. Where these facilities are not avail- able, patients should be treated empirically for tuberculosis. In areas where PCP has been documented to occur, empirical treatment with trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole should also be considered. Although not widely avail- able, the use of sputum induction could be helpful in patients who are not producing sputum spontaneously. As noted above, since most pleural effusions in HIV infected patients are caused by tuber- culosis, pleural fluid and sputum should be examined for the presence of acid fast bacilli. Unless a bacterial empyema is discovered, treatment for tuberculosis should be begun until cultures have returned or the patient has shown clinical improvement. Because of the lack of diagnostic facilities in many areas of the developing world, more unusual pathogens may be difficult to diag- nose. Fortunately, due to the rarity of these

infections, sophisticated facilities are seldom http://thorax.bmj.com/ needed. For now, physicians caring for HIV infected patients in the tropics or returning from the tropics should be familiar with the more comon manifestations of the pulmonary complications of HIV infection. Tuberculosis Simplified algorithm for dealing with respiratory problems in patients with HIV infection. Reproducedfrom ref. 84 with permission. and bacterial pneumonias are clearly the most frequently encountered pulmonary diseases.

However, as the HIV epidemic moves into on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. of 79 patients with pneumonia: eight HIV- 1 rural areas the spectrum of disease is likely to seropositive and one seronegative patient.7 change, with some of the more unusual patho- Only two cases of empyema in seropositive gens - for example, melioidosis, Penicillium sp patients were reported. - becoming more common. Continued surveil- Since most pleural effusions in HIV-1 sero- lance is therefore necessary so that diagnostic positive persons are caused by tuberculosis, and treatment algorithms can be modified as patients should be examined accordingly. necessary. Pleural fluid and tissue specimens should be 1 Harries A. Tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency sent for acid fast bacilli smear and culture, if virus infection in developing countries. Lancet 1990; possible. In any patient in whom the diagnosis 335:387-90. 2 Raviglione M, Narain J, Kochi A, HIV-associated tubercu- is in doubt, empirical treatment for tuberculo- losis in developing countries: clinical features, diagnosis, sis should be commenced. and treatment. Bull WHO 1992;70:515-26. 3 Morrow R, Colebunders R, Chin J. Interactions of HIV infection with endemic tropical diseases. AIDS 1989;3(Suppl 1): S79-S87. 4 Gilks C, Otieno L, Brindle R, Newnham R, Lule G, Evaluation of HIV infected patients with Were J, et al. The presentation and outcome of HIV- pulmonary disease related disease in Nairobi. Q J Med 1992;82:25-32. 5 Kreiss J, Castro K. Special considerations for managing The evaluation of respiratory symptoms in suspected human immunodeficiency virus infection and HIV infected patients in the tropics will AIDS in patients from developing countries. Jf Infect Dis 1990;162:955-60. depend on the diagnostic and laboratory facili- 6 Meduri G, Stein D. Pulmonary manifestations of AIDS. ties available, as well as the prevalence of Clin Infect Dis 1993;14:98-113. 7 Kamanfu G, Mlika-Cabanne N, Girard P-M, Nimubona S, specific pathogens in the environment. The Mpfizi B, Cishako A, et al. Pulmonary complications of WHO has developed a diagnostic algorithm human immunodeficiency virus infection in Bujumbura, Burundi. Am Rev Respir Dis 1993; 147:658-63. for dealing with respiratory problems in 8 Barr R. A two year prospective analysis of emergency patients with HIV infection (figure).84 In cer- admissions to an adult medical unit at the Kenyatta National Hospital. E Afr Med Jf 1972;49:772-82. tain areas where more elaborate diagnostic 9 Shaper A, Shaper L. Analysis of medical admissions to facilities are available the algorithm can be Mulago Hospital. E Afr Med J 1957;35:647-53. 10 Allen S. Lobar pneumonia in Northern Zambia: clinical modified. study of 502 adult patients. Thorax 1984;39:612-6. Since most patients in tropical and develop- 11 Slack R, Stewart J, Lewis C, Cameron D, Carvalho G, Pulmonary infections in the tropics: impact of HIV infection 377

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