28 Selected Girls - Orphans

Harriet Adams (Rosie) is 13 years old and attends Kellet Secondary School. She lives in Shouson Hill.

Lily Caines (Violet) is 12 years old, lives on The Peak and attends .

Sophie Connell (July) is 10 years old and lives in Cyberport. She attends Kennedy School.

Hattie Conway (Kate) is 9 years old and lives in . She attends School.

Poppy Conway (July) is 11 years old and attends Quarry Bay School. She lives in North Point.

Aurora Corrado (Duffy) is 9 years old, lives in Pokfulam, and attends the .

Grace Cheng (Duffy) is 10 years old and lives on The Peak. She attends the Diocesan Girls’ Junior School.

Ruby Dalmer (Violet) is 10 years old, lives in Happy Valley and attends the Australian International School.

Catherine Ding (Eleanor) is 11 years old and attends the Chinese International School. She lives in Happy Valley.

Maya Duncan (Kate) is 9 years old and lives in Shouson Hill. She attends the French International School.

Harley Greasley (Pepper) is 9 years old and lives in Pokfulam. She attends the French International School.

Hannah Guo (Eleanor) is 10 years old and lives in Happy Valley. She attends the Chinese International School.

Aoife Haakenson (Pepper) is 11 years old and attends Hong Kong International School. She lives in Tai Tam.

Sabine Hirsch (Molly) is 8 years old and lives in Shouson Hill. She attends .

Aldi Ho (July) is 9 years old and attends St Paul’s Co-educational College Primary School. She lives in Ap Lei Chau.

Jenny Jones (Rosie) is 12 years old and attends Kellett Secondary School. She lives in Pokfulam.

Natalie Kirke (Kate) is 8 years old and lives in Sai Kung. She attends the Australian International School.

Jocelyn Landes (Rosie) is 12 years old, lives in Repulse Bay and attends the International Christian School.

Lexine Lee (Becky) is 13 years old and lives in Tin Shui Wai. She attends St Stephen’s College.

Chiara Martin (Pepper) is 12 years old and attends the American International School. She lives in Kowloon.

Kelsey McLennan (Molly) is 8 years old and lives in Pokfulam. She attends the Canadian International School.

Evangeline Ng (Duffy) is 10 years old and lives in Kennedy Town. She attends Kennedy School.

Eloise Oliver (Becky) is 10 years old and attends the Chinese International School. She lives in Clearwater Bay.

Amelia Phipps (Eleanor) is 10 years old and attends the = Peak School. She lives in Mid-Levels.

Tara Rodwell (Becky) is 11 years old and lives in Pokfulam. She attends .

Christina Seigrist (Molly) is 7 years old and lives in Sai Kung. She attends the Chinese International School.

Olivia Wong (Molly) is 8 years old and attends Quarry Bay School. She lives in North Point.

Ashley Woo (Violet) is 9 years old and lives in Fotan. She attends the International Christian School.