From: Sandra E Barlow Sent: Tuesday, 17 September 2019 1:31 PM To: Committee, EM (REPS) Subject: Submission to Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters

ATTENTION Joint Standing Committee I Sandra.E.Barlow wish to lodge several complaints regarding the May 18 2019 election. Numerous blatant lies were told by several Liberal MP’s including the Prime Minister. These same lies were repeated over and over in live broadcasts and repeated in Main Stream Media. Is it lawful for a politician to lie about the Opposition, the Leader of the Opposition or to lie about anything at all? If it is lawful, then our laws need overhauling. Suggestion: It is unlawful for any politician to lie in Parliament, to lie about anything political to the press or member of the Public. To do so, is a criminal offence. The present Prime Minister is a Pentecostal adherent, but a Christian none the less. One of the Ten Commandments is: Thou Shall not bear False Witness against Thy Neighbour. To do so is a sin. How many sins has the Prime Minister committed since he became Prime Minister? Answer: too many to count. Very recently our Prime Minister blatantly lied again regarding Sam Dastyari, saying that he NEVER said Shanghai Sam. Only when the tape of his words was played to him did he admit that he did in fact say that. He has also led a racist smear campaign about all , which couldn’t be further from the truth. This same woman the PM is so vigorously defending, Gladys Liu, cheated her way to a seat at the May Election by false advertising in a Chinese language sign that looked like it was put there by the AEC telling Chinese voters how to vote. It was misrepresentation and told voters to vote Liberal. If Labor had done that all Hell would break loose. There are different rules for Labor. Everything that goes wrong, is Labor’s fault and the idiots, the ignorant and the apathetic believe this rubbish. Thousands vent their spleen on Twitter, but the PM elevates himself above them all and dismisses the anger, the animosity towards this government because we the people in the know, know that the election was won by cheating. The ones that are in ‘the know’ won’t stand the constant unethical behaviour of lies, spin and lack of capability to hold the position of Prime Minister. They will rise up and what will Peter Dutton do? He will do what he has positioned himself to do. He will use force and we () will be under Authoritarian Rule. And not ruled by one with dignity or wisdom. But by one who sins in the face of God and smirks about it. Scott Morrison did not win the May election fairly or ethically. The entire campaign was based on one lie after another. Politicians lie with impunity: There is no one taking them to task. Why would they appoint a committee to oversee their lies such as ACIC? That would be madness, it would also be very ethical. The poor, the disabled, the mentally ill, the unemployed and Age Pensioners are despised by our Prime Minister. He stigmatises them and renders them worthless. Only the rich are exempt of his distain. Never have I felt this afraid of the future and the persons invoking that fear are the Prime Minister and the Minister for

1 Home Affairs, Peter Dutton. I don’t listen to what Peter Dutton says, as I know that it is either untrue or it will have a very detrimental effect on my health. Those that follow politics are affected by the decision that Parliament make and since this government has been in power, there have been many poor decisions made, some even Draconian. Indue card, Drug testing Welfare Recipients, Robodebt and lack of action on Climate Change. These are some of the lies that affected me, my friends and the ALP: Labor’s Inheritance Tax. Never was any such thing. Lie. Labor’s Death Tax and Death Duties. Mathias Cormann repeatedly said that the Greens endorsed Labor’s Death Duties. Untrue. I heard repeatedly that Labor will tax your rent, your home and your retirement. Untrue. I saw an ad that said Labor will tax you to DEATH, with a Christian cross and RIP: Done to scare the elderly. Then we have the lies about Franking Credits, also referred to as Pensioner tax. No such thing. If people on benefits voted for the Liberals after hearing these lies, they are very ignorant and uneducated. There are plenty living in Australia. That’s the Liberal base. Paid Lib ad: A vote for would be a vote for abortion at full term. No truth what so ever. ran an ad: More babies would die under Bill Shorten’s Labor Government. Why I ask? Look at the amount of scandals that are being swept under the carpet. Admittedly Aldi bags of cash is not a good look and that should be a matter for the police and no doubt it will be; while Paladin, Parkeelia and HelloWorld go unchallenged, other than by Social Media and the Guardian. Strange goings on when huge sums of money are given to a shed on a beach and some unheard of company to manage the Great Barrier Reef. So many secretes, so little divulged. And interview it’s spin, spin and more spin. The Liberals say that they are better economic managers in spite of Wayne Swan being a recipient of a prestigious award. They frequently say that they are cleaning up Labor’s mess. What mess? There was no mess left. MP keeps saying that the economy is in good shape. Not true. Treasury even told the Liberals not to keep saying this. It is extremely immature. Has he stopped? No he has not. Why is he being allowed to get away with this kind of behaviour? A true economist knows that the economy cannot keep growing indefinitely. I represent a lot of people who are all asking how this government keeps on stuffing up, talking garbage, lying and spinning and deceiving the public who are too dumb to know any better than to take the PM at face value. That means believing his lies and all those other Liberals and some National Party MP’s who have behaved without dignity, turning up to Parliament drunk. Poor behaviour in Parliament. Then we have Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg saying that “we are back in black” (Next year!!!). Back means NOW, not next year or the year after if ever. Why did Main Stream Media perpetuate this blatant lie? It’s pathetic and not even believable by an idiot. No one officially challenged it. Don’t you see, the Liberals know that there is no risk; they can do/say whatever they like with impunity. Donald Trump does the same and now Boris Johnson is on track doing the same thing. All three lie almost every day. I want this country Australia to be above that. Not joined at the hip with two other inveterate liars. Why is there no law against lying when it is deception? I would prefer a resolution to a revolution. I hear whispers on the Internet. People want to declare the May election unfairly won. Big Marches.

2 Warren Mundine told members of the public that there would be an increase in Pension. There is no increase other than the pittance of a few cents that it goes up every 6 months since this government came to power. Blatant lie. The Rockhampton Liberal/National Party put up a Billboard showing Bill Shorten holding a Stop Adani sign. A protester stormed the stage and Bill took the sign from him. A photo was taken to make it look like he was at a rally holding the sign. (I wish he had been, but he wasn’t). Many different lies were told about electric cars and Utes. It was wrongly reported that Labor would force tradespersons to buy electric Utes. No one was being forced to buy electric cars. The PM constantly said, “we can’t afford Bill Shorten”. We would be so much better off if he had won the election. By ‘we’, I mean anyone on benefits, any poor struggling person, disabled or elderly. I am not a member of the Labor Party and I am a swinging voter. Bill Shorten was by far the superior candidate for Prime Minister. He won all the debates and I didn’t hear him tell one lie. There was Mediscare the election before, but that was to counteract all the Liberal lies. And it is still on the cards that if the Liberal/Nationals won the next election Medicare may be in trouble. I do not trust this government with anything, certainly not Foreign Affairs, now that Julie Bishop has gone. I am dismayed that no action is being taken on Climate Change. Scott Morrison PM said today 15th September 2019 “we are meeting our Paris Targets.” No we are not and the targets are too low anyway. And now he is not attending the UN Climate Action Summit as he knows that he will be attacked for our poor effort. This is shameful behaviour and cowardly. Man up to your decisions and mistakes. Realise when you have made one and take responsibility. The PM likes the Quiet Australian. I know why. They are the ignorant who never watch the news or go online. They are not interested in politics and don’t even know who he is. If they read anything, it will be The Daily Telegraph, which lies to its readers with impunity; as do the Shock Jocks. This is where they get their information from and they tell everyone to vote LNP. Why? Because Scomo protects the wealthy and they are wealthy. Peter Dutton MP says that “we stopped the boats”. But we still hear of boats arriving. We only hear about them when it is convenient, when Peter Dutton wants to blame Labor for something and all of a sudden the boats are coming. $180 million spent on Christmas Island for nothing. A scare campaign. And how much money has been spent on the Sri Lankan family from Biloela? No one knows, but it was money wasted. Let the family stay and be a decent human being Mr Dutton; just like you did for the Au Pairs. Now that was dubious. I have been very shocked at the treatment of the ABC. Now maybe everything done was lawful, but was it ethical? The new laws regarding journalists are confronting and frightening. What next? The treatment of protesters is frightening. Is the agenda of this government to intimidate, humiliate and jeopardise the weak, the poor and the disabled? This is what is coming across, ever since Tony Abbott won his election based on promises he knew he was not going to keep. A purposely broken promise is a blatant lie. Does this government hope that all the people struggling on low wages, Newstart and the Pension will just commit suicide and stop being a burden on the government, so that they can hand out more benefits to the already rich? Is that what RoboDebt was designed to do? Please don’t try to convince me otherwise, I’m not buying it. No more spin about anything. If it has become a habit, break it. While I’m at it, here is some advice: End subsidies on Fossil Fuels for mine owners. They don’t need it. Farmers do need it. Tax the CHURCHES. They are dens of iniquity. You don’t have to

3 be religious to be a good person. With the money you receive from taxing churches, build Social Housing; not shoddy buildings/flats that will have to be demolished in ten years. Build decent free standing houses. Attend to Homelessness, we are looking like a third world country. How many dwellings could have been built from the demolition of Allianz Stadium. I know that State, but Liberal no less. Lastly, I am 77 years old and have been healthy all my adult life, but now I live with a heavy heart, a dread for the future this government is delivering; constant stress and worry. My daughter became homeless last year and I have written over 50 letters regarding this issue. Luckily I am still alive and she was able to move back in with me. She already suffers from anxiety, but much worse since she sees me anxious and fearful all the time. The Indue Card terrifies me and everyone who may one day be put on it. My life is already difficult, but it was my choosing. Scomo, you have sucked the joy out of my life. My thoughts are constantly working out how I’d cope, on Indue Card, not well. I don’t smoke, drink alcohol do drugs or gamble. Isn’t this manipulation? And will you be allowed to get away with it? I look forward to a government that respects Human Rights, is not cruel and sadistic and who looks after the inhabitants of Australia and the Environment. When we can afford it, we can look after people from other countries. Do not allow immigrants in where no affordable housing is available. Please, I want a better Australia than this.