YARRA CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL PLAN 2009–13 Yarra City Council Phone: 9205 5555 Fax: 8417 6666 TTY: 133 677 then ask for 9205 5555 333 Bridge Road, Richmond 140 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford Website: www.yarracity.vic.gov.au Email: [email protected] Post: PO Box 168 Richmond 3121


2nd edition, printed March 2012 Front cover: Street Lunar Festival, photograph by Angela Bailey. 1 Contents


02 Executive Summary 08 Strategic Objectives 05 Councillors 08 Making Yarra More Liveable 06 What is a Council Plan? 14 Ensuring a Sustainable Yarra 07 Role of Local Government 18 Serving Yarra’s Community 24 Supporting a Diverse and Dynamic Yarra 30 Building Council’s Capacity and Performance 36 Strategic Resource Plan 2 City of Yarra Council Plan

Council Plan 2009 – 13 Council’s Role Executive The Council Plan sets out the medium- Local government has a broad term direction of Council and the responsibility for ensuring the viability Summary outcomes sought by Councillors for and sustainability of each municipality. their term. This Plan has a strategic However, local government is required Yarra is home to an estimated focus, concerned with setting out our to deliver a wide range of services Strategic Objectives for the next four under Victorian legislation or funding 78,000 residents, and the years and outlining some of the values, agreements with State and Federal local economy has some 8,720 policy, research and evidence sitting Governments, limiting the scope for businesses with more than behind each objective. changing services. 58,000 PEOPLE employed. Yarra’s Each year, in line with the Budget Council also needs to act consistently community includes a large process, Council will produce an with State, Commonwealth and number of visitors, tourists, Annual Plan identifying how Council international legislation such as the employees, business owners, will work towards achieving the Disability Act, the Victorian Charter property owners, community Strategic Objectives. Council priorities, of Human Rights and Responsibilities, major projects, capital works, service and all the United Nations human rights organisations, local services improvements as well as actions in conventions that Australia is party to. and community groups as response to Council strategies and Yarra City Council meets community well as residents. plans will be set out in the Annual needs through different services. Plan. Progress against this activity will Universal services are those used be detailed in Council’s Annual Report, by most residents such as waste with major projects and service highlights management or libraries, maintaining reported to Council in a quarterly street trees, sports ovals, local parks progress report. and gardens, or local infrastructure such as roads, bike paths or footpaths. Other services respond to particular community needs such as children’s or aged services, leisure centres, public health services, issuing permits or enforcing local laws. A range of ‘internal’ services are not directly experienced by residents but are crucial to the delivery of our public services, for example, finance, human resources and information services. 3 Executive Summary

Liveability Responsiveness In developing this Council Plan, An important organisational focus for liveability emerged as a strong Council is ensuring our services respond theme and explains the overall drive to local needs and are maintained at a behind Council’s work. Liveability is high standard. about the qualities that make Yarra Global, national, regional and local a place where people want to live. changes, whether environmental, Important elements of liveability include economic, social or political, require strong communities, good planning and Council to continue to reassess how urban design, community infrastructure, well our services and infrastructure accessible and efficient transport and are meeting our community’s needs. a healthy environment. With around half of residents new to A recent inquiry by the Victorian Yarra in the last five years, Council’s Competition and Efficiency Commission services must be sensitive to changing linked Victoria’s liveability to both needs and must ensure that residents the quality of life of citizens as well know about the range of services Liveability as the State’s competitiveness and they may want to access. This degree is about the prosperity. Key findings included the of turnover of residents, alongside a need for better informed decision vibrant local economy, also increases qualities making, effective integration between the number of ‘amenity’ issues arising that make government efforts, and for ‘best over different uses of space within practice’ regulation. The important Yarra a the same precincts: complaints ‘leadership role’ of local government over issues such as noise, litter place where in supporting the liveability of local and public behaviour. areas was noted. people want An increasing population and changing Key issues impacting on Yarra’s to live community expectations also create liveability were raised by the community pressure for the ongoing review of through surveys and consultations, Council services. To ensure our services including transport issues (access are accessible and delivered to agreed to parking, the level of traffic and standards, each service requires an congestion), neighbourhood amenity assessment of how well it is meeting (noise, cleanliness of streets, graffiti), the needs of its users. sustainability (particularly environmental and economic) and community connectedness (housing affordability, access to services such as child care). 4 City of Yarra Council Plan

Executive Summary

Strategic Direction Drawing on these issues, as well as – Building Council’s Capacity those raised throughout the Council and Performance – ensuring our Plan, Council has arrived at five Strategic internal systems, processes and Objectives. Each picks up a different people are equipped to deliver aspect of Council’s service delivery responsive, high-quality services. over the next 4 years: Clearly these Strategic Objectives – Making Yarra More Liveable – a focus are broad, picking up on both the for many of Council’s core activities many challenges and opportunities facing Yarra, as well as capturing the – Ensuring a Sustainable Yarra – value and intent of Council’s ongoing working to address our environmental service delivery. impacts Many issues and priorities will be – Serving Yarra’s Community – encompassed by more than one providing human services that meet the Strategic Objective, reflecting the needs of a wide range of residents to multiple aims and integration of maintain their health and wellbeing local government’s work. – Supporting a Diverse and Dynamic Yarra – supporting vibrant communities as well as neighbourhood and activity centres

TRAM 5 Councillors

Councillors Councillors were elected in November 2008 for a four-year term.


Cr Amanda Stone Cr Geoff Barbour Cr Stephen Jolly 0429 358 170 0438 034 241 0437 856 713 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Cr Alison Clarke Cr Josh Funder Cr Dale Smedley 0428 509 943 0428 386 337 0409 174 747 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Cr Jackie Fristacky Cr Anthony Main* Cr Sam Gaylard 0412 597 794 0407 529 658 0448 586 884 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

*Cr Main was elected in 2011 to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Cr Jane Garrett. 6 City of Yarra Council Plan

In this way a Council Plan is more Strategies – a set of ways Council of a ‘strategy’ indicating medium to will work to achieve each Strategic long range thinking rather than more Objective. Strategies will clearly What is detailed instructions or a map of what relate to ongoing Council services a Council Council will do. and priority projects. Whilst we can plan for the known – Strategic Indicators – how progress Plan service improvements or scheduled towards the Strategic Objectives will capital works – most of the value of be evaluated. the Council Plan is in providing guidance A Council Plan provides of how to deal with the unknown – Annual Planning guidance to Councillors, the issues, partnerships or funding and Reporting staff, community, State and that may become available along the Council will produce an Annual Plan way. The Council Plan needs to engage Federal governments, and alongside each year’s Budget, setting with what’s happening in Yarra and out specific projects and activities local service providers on what may impact on us. that Council will undertake towards how Council will respond achieving the Strategic Objectives. to the opportunities and Elements of the Council Plan This will include priority projects, capital challenges the municipality Under the Local Government Act works projects, actions in response to faces over the next four years. (1989), each Council is required to Council strategies and plans, as well produce a four-year Council Plan by as service improvements and targets. 30 June in the year following a general Council will detail progress against Council election. A Plan needs to these projects and actions in the include Strategic Objectives, Strategies, Annual Report, with progress on priority Strategic Indicators and a Strategic projects as well as service highlights Resource Plan. and achievements provided through As only the Strategic Resource Plan a quarterly report. is defined under the Act, Yarra City Council has interpreted the other elements in the following way: Strategic Objectives – the ‘outcomes’ Councillors want to have achieved within their four-year term, and the underlying issues or problems Council wants to address. 7 Role of Local Government

Under the Act, the “primary objective of a Council is to endeavour to achieve the best outcomes for the local community having regard to the long term and cumulative effects of decisions”. Council strives towards this objective through different approaches: a significant role in many and varied local service delivery (e.g. libraries, childcare, delivered meals), infrastructure provision and maintenance (e.g. community centres, footpaths or streetscapes), strategic planning (e.g. land use), Role of regulation and enforcement (e.g. permits), facilitation (e.g. economic Local Government development), representation and advocacy (e.g. social justice issues, lobbying for better public transport), Local government is one of community development (e.g. the three tiers of government community grants program), and in Australia, alongside the through partnerships (e.g. working with State and Commonwealth service providers to assist new migrants). Governments. Under For more information about local Australia’s federal system government see the Victorian of government, some powers Government’s Guide to Local Government or visit the websites were given to the national of the three main local government government through the peak bodies: Australian constitution, state Guide to Local Government, governments are empowered www.localgovernment.vic.gov.au under State constitutions, Australian Local Government while Victorian Councils are Association (ALGA), www.alga.asn.au largely empowered under the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), Local Government Act (1989). www.mav.asn.au Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA), www.vlga.org.au 8 City of Yarra Council Plan

Making Yarra More Liveable 9 Making Yarra More Liveable

Strategic Intent

Council will work to improve the services that affect the liveability of Yarra. Town planning, roads and transport, as well as waste management, all impact on our local amenity. Continued construction and development, as well as sustained population growth, place significant pressure on Yarra’s liveability. 10 City of Yarra Council Plan

Planning Over the last six years, Yarra has Urban consolidation can be a averaged population growth above better option, allowing for existing the Victorian average, adding over infrastructure and services to be 1,000 people per annum for the last enhanced to meet a larger population. three years. Yarra is forecast to grow While Yarra will need to accommodate at around 1% each year over the its share of housing growth, the next 15 years, reaching a population Municipal Strategic Statement (Yarra’s of 89,000 by 2026. This growth is strategic plan for land use development) witnessed in the high number of directs medium and higher density planning applications relative to Yarra’s residential development to strategic population and dwelling numbers. redevelopment sites. Yarra’s community Approximately 1,400 planning permit seeks to protect the suburban, low-level applications are now being made each and active streetscapes that promote year, with between 10% and 15% community life. for large scale developments. In 2008, Yarra also has a significant turnover 1,380 building permits were approved of residents, with around half the for work totalling $439 million, Yarra’s population having moved to the City highest ever amount. within the last five years. A major Yarra ’s recent population challenge for us is how we manage growth has been largely driven by (plan for) this growth and change, today Commonwealth Government policy, and how we mediate the competition particularly the increase in the intake between different interests and needs. of skilled migrants and partly the Liveability is also about Yarra A difficulty identified in the Municipal impact of the ‘baby-bonus’. The two being a place where people Strategic Statement (Yarra’s strategic options for accommodating this growth plan for land-use) is the balance are able to easily access and in Melbourne are to continue the between the regional (retail and enjoy community amenities. To urban sprawl or to concentrate higher entertainment focus) and local roles make the municipality liveable density housing in inner and middle- of Yarra’s Activity Centres. Other urban areas, with measured growth is to embrace the needs of challenges for Yarra include how new in nominated growth areas. people experiencing barriers development integrates with existing communities, the limited land for large into the mainstream economic Urban sprawl is costly (environmentally, socially and economically) as all developments and high property costs, environment. Social inclusion infrastructure and services are slow and the balance between regulatory and connectedness make Yarra to develop, there is relatively little local roles that support growth whilst a liveable community. employment and residents are highly protecting local amenity. dependent on cars for travel. 11 Making Yarra More Liveable

Travel Yarra is close to Melbourne’s Central Melbourne average (16%). Most Business District (CBD), and two major public transport through Yarra is now freeways/tollways (M1 and M3) run overcrowded during peak hours, with through the City alongside numerous limited room for additional passengers. arterial roads. Essentially, Yarra is located Key concerns for Council are the between the eastern dormitory suburbs loss of community amenity from (which have relatively few professional inappropriate levels of traffic on main jobs) and the CBD which has a high roads and particularly ensuring the proportion of Victoria’s professional jobs. State Government is adequately Melbourne has faced increasing levels investing in increasing the capacity of of travel from high employment levels the public transport system to reduce as well as population and economic vehicle traffic. State Government growth. Future travel demand in suggestions to extend clearways and Melbourne will negatively impact possibly build flyovers or underpasses on Yarra unless there is support for along Hoddle Street would increase adequate alternatives such as improved through traffic and reduce local amenity. bicycle paths, ‘friendly’ walking paths It is also crucial to ensure that residents and footpaths and improved capacity are able to move around Yarra to and services on Melbourne’s public access jobs, schools, services and shops, transport network. especially without the need to use cars. Cycling and walking have minimal Increased activity, and more residents/ environmental and amenity impacts housing, has led to greater demand for and significant health benefits. Public car parking. Within a small municipality, transport (trains, trams and buses) and with a strong commitment for more for longer distance travel is also far ‘friendly’ cycling and walking paths, less environmentally demanding and reassessing our parking management should meet the needs of those unable will be an ongoing focus. to walk or ride. The Municipal Strategic Statement The City of Yarra’s local infrastructure vision includes commitments for most includes 260 kms of roads, 85 kms travel to be by walking, cycling or of laneways, 170 kms of stormwater public transport. Objectives in the MSS drains and 491 kms of footpaths. relevant to managing change include Yarra has the highest level of non-car accommodating forecast population use for travel to work in Melbourne. increases, as well as reducing conflicts More than two in every five residents between different uses, the reliance walk, cycle or catch public transport on cars and the impact of traffic. to go to work (42%), well above the 12 City of Yarra Council Plan

Local Amenity Across these areas – property development, travel growth and greater business activity – Council faces Yarra increased pressure to balance support for local development while at the same today time protecting neighbourhood amenity. Engaging the broader community in understanding these different needs, alongside clear local laws and sensible enforcement, will help to minimise conflict and disruption for the community. Effective waste management also contributes to the local amenity and is a major community service provided by Council, with over 12,000 tonnes of domestic rubbish and over 9,000 tonnes of recycling collected annually. Council also provides street sweeping and manages 600 park and street waste bins. Minimising waste and increasing recycling and reuse are important environmental priorities for Council. In particular, Council is working to reduce the amount of food waste currently going into land fill.

TRAM 13 Making Yarra More Liveable

Strategies Initiatives Council’s work to achieve this Strategic Activities and projects Council proposes Objective will include the following to work on over the next four years, strategies: subject to approval through the annual Budget process, include: Way – Ensure appropriate land use planning 1. Streamline planning applications – Advocate for public transport Forward improvements 2. Implement structure plans, urban design frameworks and the Open – Increase bicycle use through improved Space Strategy Council will employ the access and infrastructure for bicycles following Strategies, will and pedestrians 3. Clear communication of local laws dealing with amenity issues measure progress through – Promote improved community amenity these Strategic Indicators and liveability in the context of the late 4. Advocate to State and and proposes some Initiatives night economy and other contested Commonwealth Governments to achieve the Strategic factors on public transport Objective of Making Yarra – Ensure access to, and improve, public 5. Produce and implement a Parking More Liveable. space in activity and neighbourhood Management Strategy centres. 6. Implement further traffic calming measures through Local Area Traffic Strategic Indicators Management Studies (LATMS) Council’s progress towards this Strategic Objective will in part be measured and 7. Review and implement the reported through these Indicators: Waste Management Strategy – Sustained decrease in the number 8. Develop and implement of ‘amenity’ complaints to Council a Bicycle Strategy (both new and repeat complaints) 9. Review the amount of road – Significantly rejuvenate at least four key pavement in Yarra that can be public places (urban space) across Yarra made available for other uses, with a view to increase open space, – Reduction in ‘failure to determine’ porous surfaces and bike paths planning appeals to 10% or below by 2011 10. Complete a Heritage Review and seek to incorporate these controls – Achievement of at least five separated in the Planning Scheme. on-road bike routes and five major off-road bike route upgrades by 2013 – Complete at least three Structure Plans. 14 City of Yarra Council Plan

Ensuring a Strategic Intent

Sustainable Council is committed to reducing Yarra’s eco-footprint and working to restore our Yarra local environment. Addressing climate change, reducing our use of limited resources such as energy and water, as well as minimising our waste and pollution, are important Council priorities. Increasing and improving local open space and biodiversity are also critical. 15 Ensuring A Sustainable Yarra

In contrast, there are highly Yarra urbanised areas of the City with almost no open space including today Collingwood, Cremorne and North Richmond. Yarra is renowned for The , Merri and large historical gardens, particularly Darebin Creeks form three Edinburgh and Darling Gardens located in North Fitzroy and of Yarra’s boundaries Clifton Hill. Yarra has more than to the south, east and 230 hectares of open space, north. The Merri Creek and including playgrounds, sports ovals Yarra River have adjoining and 120 parks and gardens, a linear open space reserves greater amount per person (34m2) 2 which are highly valued by than the (27m ) although less than the Cities of residents of Yarra and wider Melbourne (99m2) or Port Phillip metropolitan Melbourne for (61m2). their recreational and nature Around 28% of Yarra is covered conservation values. by roads and other hard surfaces, another 28% by roofs. Much of the rain falling in Yarra thus ends up as polluted stormwater running in to our rivers and creeks. 16 City of Yarra Council Plan

Challenges and Opportunities Yarra Australia has the fourth highest ‘eco- Reducing and redressing our impacts footprint’, the amount of land required on the natural environment are also today to support each person, and Yarra’s eco- important to ensuring local biodiversity, footprint is greater than the Australian especially along waterways and average. There is a heightened focus on associated parkland. environmental sustainability as dramatic Melbourne’s limited water supplies weather events around the globe, and mean there is also pressure to reduce long-term drought in south-eastern Council and the community’s water Australia, impact on our basic needs Yarra City Council usage. Through a range of projects and way of life. Council has recently adopted the Council has already achieved significant Yarra Environment Strategy which Many of Australia’s Pacific neighbours water savings, and these types of outlines a vision for local sustainability – are now becoming ‘climate refugees’ as projects will continue but there is for “a vibrant, liveable and sustainable their islands are rendered uninhabitable still much to be done to assist the inner city that the community can be by rising sea levels. Yarra community to become more proud of” and sets targets for both There is a global need to reduce water-efficient. Council’s operations and for the wider resource use, particularly the The Yarra community is increasingly community. dependence on the limited supplies aware of the environmental cost of Community expectations about of fossil fuels – coal, gas and oil – which ‘food miles’ and the benefit of local the environment are changing, with are also major sources of greenhouse food production. Yarra’s community a clear view that Council will take gases. Council can reduce its resource gardens are a valued resource, especially a leadership role. use more easily, however this is a small for flat-dwellers without private proportion of the community’s use: gardening opportunities. Council will Council has set a range of it is estimated that only 1% of Yarra’s seek to increase local food production, environmental targets in the Yarra greenhouse gases are produced particularly through an increase in Environment Strategy. Many of these through Council operations. community gardens. targets are specific to Council’s operations with a strong expectation Reducing car use can be achieved Extreme weather, particularly heatwaves, that these will be achieved on time through improving public transport has a larger effect on vulnerable (these are detailed on page 17 as options and capacity, as well as communities. Residents with disabilities, Strategic Indicators). Two important better and more bike paths and bike seniors and those on low incomes community outcomes set by Council parking, improved footpaths and are less able to cope with high and are for: more shady street trees. Improving prolonged temperatures, or to adapt the ‘environmental’ design aspects their homes through better insulation – a 25% reduction in greenhouse of new and existing buildings will and appropriate air-conditioning. emissions across the community by ensure greater energy efficiency, and Council will continue to work with 2012 (and carbon neutrality by 2020) this is most effectively done very early the State Government and local health – a 25% reduction in water consumption in the design and planning stage. services to ensure the community across the community below the is aware and better able to deal 2000/2001 baseline year. with heatwaves. 17 Ensuring A Sustainable Yarra

Strategies – Reduction in Council’s energy consumption by 30% below 2000/ Council has Council’s work to achieve this Strategic 2001 baseline set a range of Objective will include the following strategies: – Increase Yarra’s street trees by at least environmental 250 per annum – Ensure access to a high quality ‘green’ targets in open space network aiming for fully – Treat stormwater runoff to meet 10% the Yarra accessible features of Best Practice Performance Objectives for stormwater quality improvement – Reduce Yarra’s negative environmental Environment as set out in Melbourne Water’s Water impacts, with a focus on maximising Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines Strategy early improvements – Implement at least 10 community – Encourage local food production and sustainability initiatives. community gardens – Enhance Yarra’s environmental Initiatives performance Activities and projects Council proposes Way – Promote Yarra as a leader in to work on over the next four years, environmental programs including subject to approval through the annual Forward responding to climate change and Budget process, include: engaging residents in such programs 1. Develop and set up an ‘energy Council will employ the as Greener Houses Growing Greener foundation’ to undertake energy following Strategies, will Neighbourhoods through the audits and retrofits of residential neighbourhood house network measure progress through dwellings these Strategic Indicators – Work to increase the proportion of 2. Introduce five new parks by 2013 planning applications that incorporate and proposes some Initiatives Environmentally Sustainable Design 3. Build Water Sensitive Urban Design to achieve the Strategic and Accessibility Design principles. projects including wetlands, rain Objective of Ensuring a gardens, street tree pits and tanks, Sustainable Yarra. Strategic Indicators and provide support for residents to introduce their own water tanks and Council’s progress towards this Strategic grey water systems Objective will in part be measured and reported through these Indicators: 4. Implement the other actions from, and reach the targets set, in the – Increase in residents living within 400 Environment Strategy. metres walking distance to open space – 40% reduction in potable water consumption in Council operations by 2013 (below 2000/01 baseline) – Council to be carbon-neutral by the end of 2012 18 City of Yarra Council Plan

Serving Yarras Community 19 Serving Yarra’s Community

Strategic Intent

Council provides many of the local human services and facilities important to the community’s health and wellbeing. This includes ensuring early childhood health, education and development, providing support and opportunities for younger adults, supporting positive ageing, as well as assisting older residents to remain in their homes. Sport and recreation facilities are also important to local wellbeing. 20 City of Yarra Council Plan

Yarra today

Yarra is a great place to live Yarra’s Community and raise families, with access Council supports community wellbeing Public health services are also vital to to a wide range of services, through many of its services – maintaining community health, such support as well as facilities, particularly to families and children, as immunisations, inspections of food youth and older people as well as premises, controlling infectious diseases and a diverse community residents with a disability. These services or monitoring retailers to prevent the with a mix of ages, cultures range from ensuring access for all sale of tobacco to children. and households. to basic services as well as targeted Local recreation, leisure and sports support for high-needs groups. facilities – the range, standard and In Family and Children’s Services, capacity – are important to supporting Council provides Maternal and Child community wellbeing. Council provides Health Services for all residents with three leisure centres – at Collingwood, young children, as well as meeting local Fitzroy and Richmond – as well as the needs through Council run preschools, Burnley Golf Course, 17 sports grounds, child care centres, after school an athletics track and three lawn programs and youth programs and bowls facilities. support services. Aged and Disability Community facilities are central Services provides support to older to running Council and community residents in Yarra such as home care, services as well as providing meeting personal care, respite care, delivered and activity space for Yarra’s many meals and community transport. community groups. 21 Serving Yarra’s Community

Health and Wellbeing Each Council is required to prepare a The Victorian Charter of Human Rights Despite a generally well-to-do community, Municipal Public Health Plan (MPHP) and Responsibilities, alongside other Yarra residents have a life expectancy every four years under the Health Act State and Commonwealth legislation below the Victorian average. The most (1958) setting out local health issues such as the Disability Act, provides clear recent data estimates that a male child and challenges, and how Council and values and processes to guide Council born today has a life expectancy of 78.8 local services will work to address these. and the community. Programs such as years compared to the Victorian average Council will continue to work with A Fairer Victoria and the Commonwealth’s of 80.0 years, while a female child has a its partners to develop evidence work on social inclusion are providing life expectancy of 83.9 years compared based approaches to reducing alcohol support to community projects. to the Victorian average of 84.3 years. related harm. This will include working Healthy weight and physical activity with community health services and are major contributors to good Victoria Police, advocacy to the State health. Poor diet and inactivity directly Government as well as working through contribute to chronic diseases including the IMAP group (four inner urban cardio-vascular disease, diabetes and Councils) to develop a regional cancer. Access to good foot and bike approach to managing the negative paths supports more active populations. impacts of alcohol.

Mental health is a major source of poor Social Justice health across Australia, and is estimated Council has a strong commitment to account for one-third of the poor to achieving social justice outcomes health in Yarra (Disability Adjusted for our residents, improving the Life Years). opportunity and capacity for citizens Yarra has the 7th highest level of alcohol to participate equally in our society. related assaults in Victoria as well as Council will continue its work with the high levels of alcohol-related Emergency community sector and other levels of Department presentations (almost twice government to challenge discrimination, the State level). Research is suggesting and address disadvantage, whether that a higher density of liquor licences in based on income, age, gender, cultural a given precinct increases the problems background or different abilities. from alcohol. In particular, Council has been working Consequences of illicit drug use are a with existing and emerging migrant significant local health issue whilst drug communities as well as Yarra’s indigenous dealing and associated crime have a community. Through local projects, major impact on the sense of safety Council’s Community Grants Program and amenity of local areas. and building the relationships between residents, service providers and Council, more opportunities are available for residents to be active in their community. 22 City of Yarra Council Plan

According to Australian Taxation Public Housing Yarra Office figures, Yarra has the 5th highest A large proportion of Yarra’s population average, as well as median, wages are public housing tenants. There are just today in Victoria. under 5,000 public housing dwellings In the latest Census, over 2,500 in Yarra comprising 13% of Yarra’s residents identified that they needed dwellings, and 7% of all Victoria’s public some assistance in core activities (self- housing stock. Significantly, 33% of care, movement or communication). Victoria’s high-rise public housing is Almost two-thirds of these residents in Yarra. were aged 65 years or older. Ensuring Yarra is Victoria’s most socially and public spaces and services are accessible economically diverse community – to people with different abilities is vital a large very-disadvantaged population to all residents being able to participate lives alongside significant affluence. in their communities. Yarra has more high and more Many Council and community low-income households than the services, especially child care and Melbourne average. Neighbourhood Houses, are central Yarra is the only municipality that has to ensuring widespread participation a high proportion of its population living in community life. in very disadvantaged neighbourhoods – 9% of residents live in a collector Different Needs Affordable Housing district with a disadvantage index value and Attributes Central to Yarra’s diversity is social and below 700 (a value of 1,000 is the Inclusion is focused on how we ensure affordable housing as well as access to average for Australia). all residents can participate in their employment. In 1993, Yarra’s median With a decline in funding for new public community – regardless of age, gender, house price was 23% higher than the housing during the 1990s and 2000s, income, education, skills, language skills Melbourne median. In 2007, Yarra’s there has been a relative decline in the or disability. It relates to the concept median house price was 63% higher. amount of public housing. This has led of exclusion which is concerned with The decline in the affordability of to public housing being prioritised to the multiple and linked problems many housing is reducing the diversity of our those with the greatest needs. High-rise people face, such as unemployment, community, with fewer older residents public housing has a high concentration bad health and poor housing. and people on lower incomes able to of the greatest disadvantage. Yarra is home to a generally affluent live here. More people with jobs in Yarra A current focus is advocating for community. ’Gentrification‘ has turned need to travel in from outside the City. increased public housing renewal Yarra from working class to middle projects and integration into the general class suburbs, as more educated and community. New Commonwealth professionally-employed people choose Government programs promise to move to inner-city suburbs for their significant renewed funding for ‘bohemian’ character and proximity to social and affordable housing. work, night-life and services. 23 Serving Yarra’s Community

– Deliver accessible and integrated initiatives Way services to support our community Activities and projects Council proposes – Improve community facilities to support to work on over the next four years, forWard local services and community activity subject to approval through the annual Budget process, include: – Ensure access to a range of quality COunCiL WiLL EmPLOY thE recreational and sporting places, spaces 1. Complete the planned upgrade fOLLOWinG StRatEGiES, WiLL and activities of Collingwood Leisure Centre mEaSuRE PROGRESS thROuGh – Review and improve Council’s services to 2. Deliver affordable housing as part thESE StRatEGiC indiCatORS and ensure they are cost-effective, accessible of Council’s three-year project PROPOSES SOmE initiativES tO and appropriately targeted 3. Work with State Government and aChiEvE thE StRatEGiC ObjECtivE – Encourage social inclusion through service providers to develop the Atherton Gardens Hub Of SERvinG YaRRa’S COmmunitY. understanding and addressing local needs 4. Plan for the development and – Advocate for, and participate in, operation of the Lourdes Children’s affordable housing initiatives. Centre 5. Contribute to the redevelopment strategic indicators of the North Richmond Community Council’s progress towards this Strategic Health Centre which will include a Objective will in part be measured and new Maternal & Child Health Centre reported through these Indicators: 6. Work with service providers and – Timeliness of delivery of Council’s home the local community to review and care, personal care and respite care update Council strategies including services for older people and people the Municipal Public Health Plan, with a disability: target 95% Municipal Early Years Plan and – Council long day care places occupied Youth Strategy by Yarra residents: target 85% 7. Council will plant new trees next to strategies – Targets for Key Age and Stage Visits as all playgrounds for long-term natural Council’s work to achieve this Strategic per Department of Education and Early shade and construct shade structures Objective will include the following Childhood Development requirements: where no current shade is provided strategies: 12 months – 80%, 18 months – 88%, for playgrounds – Create community hubs including 2 years – 81% and 3.5 years – 77% 8. Continue to advocate for accessible children’s services and facilities for – At least 25 rental units available through housing and other disability parents and children Council’s affordable housing projects: provisions in the planning scheme. – Be a leader in local government, 239 Brunswick St project and the 9. Gain government and community ensuring social justice principles are Affordable Rental Housing Development commitment to the development of fundamental to our community services Fund. an indoor sports facility as part of the overall redevelopment of the gasworks site in North Fitzroy. 24 City of Yarra Council Plan

Supporting a Diverse and Dynamic Yarra 25 Supporting a Diverse and Dynamic Yarra

Strategic Intent

Council supports Yarra’s vibrant and different neighbourhood and activity centres through arts and cultural activities and events, libraries and broader economic development, a dynamic mix of galleries, retail and hospitality businesses, cultural events, education and recreation activities. 26 City of Yarra Council Plan

The global financial crisis is likely to Over 58,000 people work in businesses have a major effect in Yarra, impacting and organisations across the City on large employers as well as the of Yarra. The main occupations are retail sector. Maintaining a viable local professionals (31% for Yarra compared economy, including local centres, will to Melbourne’s average of 24%), clerical be critical over the next four years. or administrative roles (17% for both Yarra and Melbourne) or as managers Vibrant and diverse neighbourhoods (15% compared to 13%). are linked to a strong sense of place and identity, as well as a diverse population. At least 65% of Yarra’s population aged Many visitors are drawn to Yarra for 15 years or older are part of the labour its eclectic mix of shopping precincts, force. Some 38,000 Yarra residents are reflecting our local communities. Yarra’s employed, mainly as professionals (41% arts, culture and heritage buildings also compared to Melbourne’s average of contribute to neighbourhood identities. 23%), managers (14% compared to 13%) and in clerical or administrative Diversity can be understood as a very roles (13% compared to 16%). broad concept, concerning all of the difference in a community whether Education about people – such as age, people Lifelong learning is important to a who live with a disability, language, community’s creativity and vibrancy. cultural background, religious beliefs Community based facilities such as and socio-economic status, about University of the 3rd Age (U3A) and activity – such as festivals, community Neighbourhood Houses provide the events, business and employment, opportunity for all residents to develop or about places – such as heritage new skills and interests, responding to buildings, parks, local identities and local community needs. These facilities Yarra icons, neighbourhood character complement formal education: primary or streetscapes. and secondary schools, as well as TAFE and universities. today Yarra’s Local Economy Overall, Yarra has a well-educated Around 8,720 businesses are based in population. More Yarra residents Growing local employment Yarra of which the majority (80%) are hold a degree or higher qualification and business has been critical small businesses with 0–4 employees, (39% of those 15 years or older) than and only 2% have 50 or more to Yarra’s prosperity. Increased the Melbourne average (34%). employees. Large businesses though, land and rental prices are a employ the most people in Yarra. The At least 1 in 5 Yarra residents were major impediment to economic two largest categories of businesses are attending an educational institution development, impacting on the Property and Business Services (20%) and in 2006, with 7,941 residents in higher start up of smaller businesses. Health and Community Services (11%). education and 5,309 in pre-primary 27 Supporting a Diverse and Dynamic Yarra

or secondary school. The majority Diversity Around 27% of Yarra’s population were of higher education students are The greatest job growth in developed born overseas, placing us as the 16th ‘mature-age’ with 59% of TAFE countries is in highly skilled, creative or highest level for a local government students and 54% of university innovative work. Creative/knowledge area in Victoria, and at a similar level to students aged 25 years or older. workers want diverse, tolerant and the Melbourne average. Of those born vibrant communities, with a strong overseas, 62% arrived in Australia prior Inner Melbourne Action Plan sense of neighbourhood and identity. to 1996. IMAP is a partnership between A diverse community is better able to However, Yarra has the 7th highest Melbourne, Port Phillip, Stonnington match local employment needs and proportion of people born overseas and Yarra councils, and recognises the support a vibrant local economy. This with low English proficiency. Over value of the connection between creative diversity includes a mix of business 5,000 Yarra residents have no or little cities and economic development: types and sizes (including local services proficiency in spoken English. “An Inner Melbourne Region that and organisations) as well as residents Yarra’s public housing, in particular, is embodies creativity, liveability, prosperity across the range of ages, incomes, also home to many migrants and recent and sustainability in a range of diverse skills, abilities, interests and cultural refugees. It is important to work with neighbourhoods. A region where the backgrounds. these communities to ensure they are 19th century character informs modern The traditional owners of the land accessing appropriate services. development to create pedestrian are the Wurundjeri Aboriginal people oriented places – places that support a of the Kulin Nation who originally tolerant and inclusive community and inhabited the area that is now known provide a variety of experiences and as Richmond, Collingwood and Fitzroy. opportunities for residents, workers The Kulin Nation consisted of five and visitors; a region that responds to different language groups, who used its capital city role by supporting arts, the Melbourne area as a significant entertainment, retail, regional facilities meeting site. Yarra continues to be an and the functions of the port.” important meeting place for Aboriginal Eleven key strategies are outlined in the people in Victoria. Plan, with 57 actions to progress these Council has been working with key strategies to be implemented over the local agencies and service providers to next 5–10 years. improve the health and wellbeing of Yarra’s Aboriginal community. This work will continue through a combination of direct Council services, partnerships with State Government and local agencies, as well as advocacy for culturally responsive services and facilities in Yarra.

TRAM 28 City of Yarra Council Plan

Look and Feel of our Heritage can relate to a wide variety Yarra Neighbourhoods of places, including a building or group A key focus for Council is to ensure of buildings, site or area, land or a today our neighbourhoods and activity centres landscape, a memorial, a tree, garden provide the sense of vibrancy, richness or parkland, the place of a historical and character of our places that attracts event, urban areas, towns, or industrial people to live, work and shop here. sites, archaeological sites, as well as spiritual and religious places. Promoting Yarra’s history (places, stories, events as well as buildings), The judgement of the significance indigenous heritage, our cultural of a heritage place is made on a landmarks, public art, streetscapes broad cultural basis and considers and ensuring appropriate public space its significance in terms of its history, (open and urban) are important to architecture, aesthetics, spirituality, this local character. and/or social meaning. The suburbs of Yarra have a rich and Clean, attractive and safe streets varied history, which is reflected in the will encourage active centres and City’s built form, natural environment neighbourhoods, which improves and diverse community composition. the viability of local business and Gentrification has seen a shift from employment. an industrial to a residential, commercial and retail focus as the population, and Creative Places demand for inner-city living increases. Council services and community centres Many of the former factories have can play a major role in neighbourhoods. been converted into warehouse and Libraries and Neighbourhood Houses studio apartments. meet a range of educational, learning, social and cultural needs and bring The City of Yarra is home to a large together our diverse community. number of historical buildings and Children’s centres, halls, seniors’ centres sites that are of interest and value and the town halls are also central to to the community. Council has a the vibrancy of our neighbourhoods. strong commitment to the protection and enhancement of the City’s rich Art and cultural activities, including historical fabric. local galleries, festivals and public art contribute to the individual character and identity of our neighbourhoods. 29 Supporting a Diverse and Dynamic Yarra

Strategies Initiatives Council’s work to achieve this Strategic Activities and projects Council proposes Objective will include the following to work on over the next four years, strategies: subject to approval through the annual Budget process, include: – Enhance local employment activities 1. Complete the design and – Support vibrant and diverse construction of the North neighbourhoods and centres Fitzroy library – Foster and promote vibrant arts, 2. Review the Arts and Culture Strategy cultures and communities 3. Review the Aboriginal Partnerships – Contribute to, develop and maintain Plan the local and regional economy 4. Implement actions from the – Support lifelong learning, including Economic Development Strategy through libraries and Neighbourhood Houses 5. Promote local activities where people can meet with neighbours such as – Recognise and celebrate our cultural street parties heritage and diversity. 6. Review and develop the Disability Way Strategic Indicators Access and Inclusion Strategy. Council’s progress towards this Strategic Forward Objective will in part be measured and reported through these Indicators: – Increase library use by 5% by 2013 Council will employ the (including website use & loans) following Strategies, will – Maintain the diversity of community measure progress through groups applying and receiving grants these Strategic Indicators and through Yarra’s Community Grants proposes some Initiatives to Program achieve the Strategic Objective – Maintain business participation of Supporting a Diverse and in Council’s business training and Changing Yarra. development program. 30 City of Yarra Council Plan

Building Council s Capacity and Performance 31 Building Council’s Capacity and Performance

Strategic Intent

Council continues to work to improve its services, responding to changing community needs as well as delivering cost- effective and quality local services. Internal services, such as finance, human resources or information services, combine with each service area to drive continuous improvement – adapting existing services and looking for innovative ways to better meet Yarra’s needs. 32 City of Yarra Council Plan

Responsiveness Responsiveness is about making sure the organisation is positioned to understand community needs, identify how these can be met and ensure these initiatives are implemented. In a competitive, global context the challenges and opportunities facing Yarra can change quickly. Recent years have seen significant changes in State and Commonwealth policy and Yarra programs, along with a relative decline in funding to local government. today Talk of a new era of greater cooperation between Australia’s three levels of government (cooperative Local government faces many There has been declining State and federalism) may bring major changes Commonwealth funding to local challenges which increase to how each level of government funds government, with grants not keeping the demand on existing and provides services. up with real-cost increases and resources – such as community economic growth. Additionally, in Regional collaboration through projects expectations for better quality many areas there has been a continued such as the Inner Melbourne Action Plan services to address local issues issue of cost-shifting: where existing (IMAP) reflect this greater emphasis on and needs, and State funding agreements fail to keep up cooperation and seek opportunities for and Commonwealth impetus with rising service costs, or responsibility regional collaboration that will assist is placed on Councils with no, or Yarra in achieving its objectives. to take on responsibilities inadequate, resources to support this. for new areas, as local Council focus on customer As a consequence, local communities responsiveness, driving organisational government is often more are spending more to maintain existing improvement, staff development, effective in delivering services services or meet obligations. use of evidence and policy provides an to local communities. Council needs to deliver more efficient, opportunity for developing accessible effective and responsive services to policies which would ensure that access meet these changing expectations. issues are considered in any future Over the next four years there will be systems and procedures including a focus on improving the processes, procurement of goods and services, systems and staff capability to provide particularly in the area of electronic leading services. and information technology. 33 Building Council’s Capacity and Performance

The demographics of Council Organisational Priorities employees should be as mixed as the Organisational change and Yarra community itself. That requires improvement are being driven by improvement of recruitment policies work on our organisational culture and practices to accommodate the (the Organisational Culture Inventory), needs of applicants and employees and are focused on a commitment to with disabilities. This would benefit service improvements. Council by strengthening overall Council’s Executive has set a vision for: performance and status as a leading “An organisation committed to change municipality on human rights and through an energised, cohesive team social justice. of professionals, recognised for our Ultimately, our success in continuing leadership, innovation and service.” to deliver quality services, facilities and Achieving this vision, and improvements, infrastructure will be determined by our will be ‘through developing our people, ability to understand local needs and improving our systems and processes, adapt to meet these needs. and building positive relationships with the community and each other’. Customer Service Central to responsiveness is ensuring The Executive has also set clear expectations for how staff will that our services are of high standards, work (Yarra’s values): that service-users know what to expect and that Council meets those – integrity expectations and standards. – accountability While some Council services are used by – teamwork most residents – like waste management or libraries – many others are focused – respect on particular groups such as children’s – innovation. services. It is important that there is clear information, readily available, outlining the services Council provides and how to access these. There is also a clear expectation that Council will engage the community in both shaping and designing its services, as well as seek regular feedback on how well those services are performing. 34 City of Yarra Council Plan

Staff Evidence and Policy Base Yarra Further challenges for Council include a Council also has an external role that skills shortage across many professions includes identifying gaps between today in local government, high levels of staff local service provision and need (e.g. turnover, changing types of work and social services) and working with other increasing community expectations. governments and agencies to address These all challenge our ongoing ability these gaps. to deliver services. Central to modern government is a Meeting Council’s need for skilled strong engagement in policy debates staff links strongly to the objective of and developments across the three ‘maintaining the City’s creativity and levels of government. A solid evidence diversity’. Council needs to attract base is key to well informed and skilled, ‘knowledge workers’, as planned services. innovation is central to being responsive Council has a responsibility, and to a changing environment. opportunity, to inform other tiers of Retaining staff and building their government, local business, service skills and experience are also pivotal providers, community organisations to delivering quality services to the and residents, assisting them with community. data and knowledge about the local community and its needs.

Other Challenges A key issue for modern government is the multiple roles Council has, beyond simple service delivery. Council works as a partner, advocate, coordinator, leader and provider of community infrastructure. Trends in public administration are for greater integration internally and externally, particularly with other public services (joined-up government). Council cannot abdicate responsibility for this, but there is still a role for Council as an advocate or representative of community needs and views. 35 Building Council’s Capacity and Performance

Strategies Initiatives Council’s work to achieve this Strategic Activities and projects Council proposes Objective will include the following to work on over the next four years, strategies: subject to approval through the annual Budget process, include: – Encourage broad community engagement in Council’s planning 1. Roll out the Customer Response and decision making Management system – Ensure efficient and effective services 2. Develop customer service guarantees across the organisation – Ensure a financially sustainable Council, through a balanced budget and 3. Improve the integration, capacity maintaining Yarra’s infrastructure and performance of IT systems – Develop responsive services 4. Complete the staff accommodation review. – Develop our people and improve our systems and processes – Focus the organisational workload to deliver on agreed Council priorities – Encourage and support a workforce that reflects our community’s diversity – Ensure that our systems and processes are accessible and inclusive.

Strategic Indicators Council’s progress towards this Strategic Objective will in part be measured and Way reported through these Indicators: Forward – 80% of Capital Works completed within the year – Council’s overall performance rating Council will employ the ≥ 65 (measured in the Department following Strategies, will of Planning and Community measure progress through Development survey) these Strategic Indicators and – Successful achievement of customer proposes some Initiatives to guarantee targets achieve the Strategic Objective – Debt Servicing Cost Ratio 2% of Building Council’s Capacity (the ratio of debt repayments and Performance. to Council’s total revenue). 36 City of Yarra Council Plan

Strategic Resource Plan

Under the Local Government Four Standard Financial Statements Details supporting the Strategic Act, the Council Plan must are required in the SRP: Resource Plan are provided in the Annual Budget 2009–10. This includes: include a Strategic Resource a) standard statement of financial Plan (SRP) which sets out performance (income) – long term financial plan how Council will fund the b) standard statement of financial – rating strategy, forecast rate increases FOUR-year Council Plan. position (balance) as well as the fees and charges pricing policy c) standard statement of cash flows – borrowing strategy and d) standard statement of capital works. – asset management strategy. Four tables set out Council’s forecast financial position for the end of Future changes in the SRP, and more 2008–09, the Annual Budget for discussion of the specific initiatives and 2009–10 and forecast Budgets for activities Council will undertake, will be the three following financial years. detailed in subsequent Annual Budgets. 37 Standard Statement Standard Statement of Financial Performance Income Forecast Actual Budget Strategic Resource Plan 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 $’000 ‘000 ‘000 ‘000 ‘000

Rates 65,080 67,970 71,029 74,226 77,566 Parking Revenue 17,382 18,584 18,956 19,335 19,721 User Charges, Fees and Other Fines 8,568 8,711 8,972 9,241 9,519 Leisure Centre Fees 6,919 7,183 7,398 7,620 7,849 Grants Commission 1,728 1,427 1,448 1,470 1,492 Government Grants 6,882 6,763 7,067 7,403 7,758 Reimbursements & Contributions 4,400 3,234 3,331 3,431 3,534 Interest Received from Other Entities 1,205 650 673 700 731 Capital Grants 1,095 2,590 3,290 2,000 1,910 Total Revenue from ordinary activities 113,259 117,112 122,164 125,426 130,080

Employee Costs 46,254 48,117 50,042 52,043 54,125 Contract Payments 16,149 17,203 17,719 18,251 18,798 Maintenance 5,100 5,132 5,286 5,445 5,608 Other Materials and Services 21,502 23,279 23,976 24,697 25,436 Bad and Doubtful Debts 1,269 1,293 1,319 1,345 1,372 Depreciation & Amortisation 15,800 16,100 16,261 16,424 16,588 Borrowing Costs 238 137 62 17 225 Total Expenses from ordinary activities 106,312 111,261 114,665 118,221 122,152

Net gain on disposal of property, infrastructure, 310 1,700 2,100 1,108 143 plant and equipment. Net Result before Transfers to Reserves 7,257 7,551 9,599 8,313 8,071

Transfers to Reserves (1,000) (1,850) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) Transfers from Reserves 1,000 1,000 2,500 1,000 1,000 Net Result after Transfers to Reserves 7,257 6,701 11,099 8,313 8,071 38 City of Yarra Council Plan Standard Statement of Financial Position Balance Sheet Forecast Actual Budget Strategic Resource Plan 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 $’000 ‘000 ‘000 ‘000 ‘000

ASSETS Current Assets Cash Assets 15,812 15,497 16,790 18,506 17,975 Receivables – Rates 1,866 1,919 1,996 2,083 2,176 Receivables – Parking Fines 5,640 6,052 4,409 4,497 4,587 Receivables – Other 2,823 2,823 2,823 2,823 2,823 Accrued Income 354 354 354 354 354 Prepayments 200 200 200 200 200 Inventories 100 100 100 100 100 Total Current Assets 26,795 26,945 26,672 28,563 28,215 Non-Current Assets Investments in Associates Receivables 20 20 20 20 20 Other Financial Assets 6 6 6 6 6 Property, Infrastructure, Plant & Equipment 1,083,147 1,089,398 1,098,497 1,109,141 1,118,029 Total Non-Current Assets 1,083,173 1,089,424 1,098,523 1,109,167 1,118,055 TOTAL ASSETS 1,109,968 1,116,369 1,125,195 1,137,730 1,146,270

LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Payables 8,261 8,219 8,123 8,062 8,590 Trust Funds 1,286 1,312 1,338 1,365 1,392 Income in Advance 527 538 549 560 571 Provisions – Employee Entitlements 6,356 6,547 6,743 6,945 7,154 Interest Bearing Liabilities – Borrowings 1,364 937 486 835 800 Total Current Liabilities 17,794 17,553 17,239 17,767 18,507

Non-Current Liabilities Provisions – Employee Entitlements 899 926 953 982 1,011 Interest Bearing Liabilities – Borrowings 1,422 486 0 3,665 3,365 Total Non-Current Liabilities 2,321 1,412 953 4,647 4,376 TOTAL LIABILITIES 20,115 18,965 18,192 22,414 22,883 NET ASSETS 1,089,853 1,097,404 1,107,003 1,115,316 1,123,387

Represented by: Accumulated Surplus 547,161 553,862 564,961 573,274 581,345 Asset Revaluation Reserve 535,548 535,548 535,548 535,548 535,548 Other Reserves 7,144 7,994 6,494 6,494 6,494 EQUITY 1,089,853 1,097,404 1,107,003 1,115,316 1,123,387 39 Standard Statement Standard Statement of Cash flows

Forecast Actual Budget Strategic Resource Plan 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 $’000 ‘000 ‘000 ‘000 ‘000

Cash Flows from Operating Activities Receipts from Ratepayers 65,096 67,917 70,952 74,139 77,473 Interest Received from Other Entities 1,205 650 673 700 731 Parking Revenue 15,730 16,879 19,279 17,901 18,259 Government Grants Received 9,705 11,480 10,516 10,783 11,111 User Charges Fees and Other Fines Received 15,487 15,894 16,371 16,862 17,368 Reimbursements & Contributions Received 4,400 3,234 3,331 3,431 3,534 Payments to Suppliers (43,259) (46,949) (48,397) (49,799) (50,687) Payments to Employees (46,043) (47,899) (49,818) (51,777) (53,852) Borrowing Costs (238) (137) (62) (17) (225) Net Cash provided by Operating Activities 22,083 21,069 22,845 22,223 23,712

Cash Flows from Investing Activities Payments for Infrastructure, Property Plant (18,798) (16,922) (16,154) (15,652) (20,044) & Equipment New Works (5,042) (5,298) (6,761) (10,178) (4,206) Proceeds from Sale of Property, Plant 700 2,200 2,300 1,308 343 & Equipment Net Cash (Used in) Investing Activities (23,140) (20,020) (20,615) (24,522) (23,907)

Cash Flows from Financing Activities Proceeds from Borrowings 0 0 0 4,500 500 Repayment of Capital Works Borrowings (1,814) (1,364) (937) (486) (835) Net Cash (Used In) Financing Activities (1,814) (1,364) (937) 4,014 (335)

Change in Cash Held (2,870) (315) 1,293 1,716 (531) Cash at Beginning of Financial Period 18,682 15,812 15,497 16,790 18,506 Cash at End of Financial Period 15,812 15,497 16,790 18,506 17,975 40 City of Yarra Council Plan Standard Statement of Capital Works

Forecast Actual Budget Strategic Resource Plan 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 $’000 ‘000 ‘000 ‘000 ‘000

Capital works areas Roads, Footpaths, Kerb & Channels 6,920 7,400 6,331 7,823 7,665 Drainage 675 590 500 314 875 Bridges 160 170 34 36 60 Transport & Road Safety 911 974 808 1,099 1840 Open Space Improvements 4,818 4,834 4,651 4,931 3,228 Buildings/Properties 7,316 10,026 10,502 11,073 7,451 Plant & Equipment 2,371 1,731 1,829 1,578 1,597 Information Systems 3,297 1,664 1,395 1,496 1,184 Library 426 385 350 350 350 Total Capital Works 26,894 27,774 26,400 28,700 24,250

Represented by: Renewal 14,842 13,433 13,399 12,957 14,443 Upgrade 6,957 7,719 4,550 4,434 5,601 New 5,095 6,622 8,451 11,309 4,206 Total Capital Works 26,894 27,774 26,400 28,700 24,250


Yarra City Council Phone: 9205 5555 Fax: 8417 6666 TTY: 9421 4192 Richmond Town Hall 333 Bridge Road, Richmond Collingwood Town Hall 140 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford Website: www.yarracity.vic.gov.au Email: [email protected] Post: PO Box 168 Richmond 3121