Entry to Qatar from 14 Countries Suspended

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Entry to Qatar from 14 Countries Suspended BUSINESS | Page 1 SPORT | Page 1 QP to Spaniard acquire Campillo Yara’s wins Qatar 25% stake Masters in Qafco published in QATAR since 1978 MONDAY Vol. XXXXI No. 11482 March 9, 2020 Rajab 14, 1441 AH GULF TIMES www. gulf-times.com 2 Riyals Amir receives message from Canadian PM Entry to Qatar from 14 countries suspended z Temporary ban that comes into force today aimed at preventing spread of coronavirus z MoPH reports three new confirmed cases of Covid-19 QNA ing visas upon arrival, those with a residence The ministry stressed that the risk of the Doha or work permit, and temporary visitors.” coronavirus spreading in the country remains Qatar has urged all citizens and residents to low. avoid all but essential travel at this time. For any inquiry related to the coronavirus, ntry to Qatar has been temporarily sus- The statement said that these precaution- the residents can call 16000, toll-free around pended for people from Bangladesh, ary measures may be subject to further updates the clock. EChina, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Leba- based on the latest guidance of the national The MoPH has issued a number of tips for non, Nepal, Pakistan, The Philippines, South health authorities and international organisa- schools and nurseries to protect the staff and Korea, Sri Lanka, Syria and Thailand. tions on the spread of coronavirus, in order to students from Covid-19. The Government Communications Offi ce ensure the safety of all residents of Qatar. With three more people tested positive for (GCO) said yesterday that in addition to Qa- Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Health the virus yesterday, MoPH has reassured that His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani yesterday received a verbal message from tar Airways’ announcement regarding fl ights (MoPH) yesterday reported three new con- the situation in the country is well under con- Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pertaining to relations between Qatar and Canada and ways to and from Italy, entry to Qatar is temporar- fi rmed cases of Covid-19 in Qatar, bringing trol and has advised the public to contact the to enhance them. Canadian prime minister’s special envoy Joe Clark conveyed the message during ily suspended for all those intending to travel the number of confi rmed cases of the virus in hotline number 16000 in case of any ques- a meeting with HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz from certain countries, as of today. the country to 15 so far. tions and inquiries related to Covid-19. The al-Thani. During the meeting, friendly relations between the two countries as well as aspects of their The decision comes as a preventive meas- The three new cases, found among expatri- ministry has also appealed the general public development and promotion were reviewed, and issues of mutual interest were discussed. Page 4 ure due to the spread of coronavirus (Cov- ates, have been admitted to the Communica- to maintain good personal hygiene and follow id-19) worldwide. ble Diseases Centre under complete quaran- the tips provided to make sure that they keep In a statement, the GCO said yesterday that tine, and everyone who shared the residence clear of the virus. the step comes in line with Qatar’s eff orts to with them has been isolated, in addition to The advisory for the schools and nurseries take all necessary preventive measures to limit checking all the people who came in contact highlight the best practices to be followed as the spread of coronavirus. with them to make sure they are not infected, well as certain practices to be discontinued “The decision aff ects all individuals in- the offi cial Qatar News Agency said quoting a to prevent the infection of Covid-19. These Ministry approves 42 tending to enter from these countries, includ- MoPH statement. steps can help prevent the spread of the virus among the school community. According to the advisory, students and Coronavirus toll crosses 3,600 staff should wash their hands with soap and applications for new running water for 20-40 seconds whenever The number of novel coronavirus cases The most affected countries after China they sneeze or cough. The institutes have globally stood at 109,032, including more than are: Italy (7,375 cases, 366 deaths), South been advised to regularly clean bathrooms, 3,600 deaths, across 99 countries and ter- Korea (7,313 cases, 48 deaths), Iran (6,566 fl oors, tables, chairs, toys and other surfaces schools and KGs ritories by yesterday evening, according to a cases, 194 deaths) and France (1,126 cases, with disinfectant. The door and window han- report compiled by AFP from off icial sources. 19 deaths). dles of the institutes also should be regularly Since 1700 GMT Saturday, 4,129 new cases Since 1700 GMT Saturday, China, Italy, Iran, cleaned with disinfectant. total of 42 applications to open new pri- tain the relevant approvals to move forward and and 236 new deaths had been reported. South Korea, France, Spain, the Netherlands, According to the advisory, these insti- vate schools and kindergartens were ap- open their schools. China - excluding the territories of Hong Kong Iraq, Hong Kong and Australia have recorded tutes should watch out for symptoms such A proved by the Ministry of Education and The ministry grants a preliminary approval and Macau - where the epidemic emerged new deaths while Argentina and Egypt con- as fever, cough or difficulty to breath among Higher Education’s Private Schools Aff airs Sec- to encourage the investors to start projects in at the end of December had 80,695 cases, of firmed their first deaths. Moldova, Bangladesh, the students and staff. Staff and students tor, local Arabic daily Arrayah reported yester- the private education sector while abiding by which 3,097 were fatal. There were 44 new Bulgaria and Paraguay announced the first with such symptoms should stay away from day. the approved regulations and standards in the infections and 27 deaths there since 1700 cases on their soil. schools. A source from the ministry told the daily 58 field. GMT Saturday. Asia recorded a total at 0900 GMT Sunday of Students and staff are advised not to hug applications were received from diff erent inves- The main conditions for approving an appli- Outside China, a total of 28,337 cases have 89,725 cases (3,163 deaths), Europe 11,887 cas- or kiss when greeting. Students should be tors since the opening of applications on No- cation to open a private school include having been recorded around the world since the es (408 deaths), the Middle East 6,912 cases educated on the importance of covering their vember 3 last year. a suitable building according to the set stand- epidemic began, including 695 deaths. (200 deaths), US and Canada 270 cases (16 mouth and nose with their upper sleeve or a However, such approvals do not necessarily ards and the designated space for each category, There have been 4,085 new cases and 209 deaths), Oceania 83 cases (3 deaths), Africa disposable tissue when they cough or sneeze. mean that 42 new private schools and kinder- obtaining the Civil Defence approval regarding new deaths outside China since 1700 GMT 80 cases (1 death), Latin America and the They should also dispose of the tissue in a gartens will open next year, as explained by the safety and security conditions, and all the oth- Saturday. Caribbean 74 cases (1 death). closed bin immediately. To Page 6 source. The approved applicants will have to er necessary approvals from the entities con- complete all the necessary procedures and ob- cerned. Italy locks down millions as Covid-19 deaths jump to 366 Reuters But with the Italian economy already Milan on the edge of recession, some local politicians pushed back against the measures, which leaked out before the taly ordered a virtual lockdown regions were consulted. across much of its wealthy north, On Saturday, health offi cials had Iincluding the fi nancial capital Mi- expressed alarm at the apparent lack lan, in a drastic new attempt to try to of concern in the general public, as contain an outbreak of coronavirus that fi ne weekend weather attracted large saw the number of deaths leap again crowds to the ski slopes outside Milan. sharply yesterday. But streets were notably quieter than The unprecedented restrictions, normal as northern cities woke up to which aim to limit gatherings and curb the news today. movement, will impact some 16mn National carrier Alitalia said it would people and stay in force until April 3. suspend international and domestic They were signed into law overnight by services from Milan’s main Malpensa Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. airport from today and operate only The new measures say people should domestic fl ights from the smaller Li- not enter or leave Lombardy, Italy’s nate airport. richest region, as well as 14 provinces in However, all museums, gyms, cultural four other regions, including the cities centres, ski resorts and swimming pools of Venice, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Photographers take pictures of the empty Juventus stadium before the Italian Serie A football match Waiters move tables and chairs inside the Cafe Florian in in the targeted zones will have to close. Reggio Emilia and Rimini. Juventus vs Inter Milan which was played behind closed doors, in Turin yesterday. Saint Mark Square, Venice, just before 6pm yesterday. Top fl ight Serie A soccer matches were Only people with proven, work-re- played behind closed doors despite a call lated reasons, or health problems will courage, with fi rmness and determina- number of coronavirus cases jumped told the Corriere della Sera newspaper normally today but one trader said he from the country’s sports minister to stop be able to move in and out of the exclu- tion,” said Conte.
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