The NIH Record U.S. Department October30 National of Health, 1979 Institutes Education, and Vol. XXXI of Welfare No.22 Health

Dr. Matilda White Riley Heads NIA's Paid Parking Social and Behavioral Research Program of , perhaps the best known are her Begins Nov.1 two-volume text on Sociological Research Parking is no longer free at NIH. Beginning and her three-volume Aging and Society. Her Nov. 1, most employees will pay $12 per latest work, the recently published Aging month to park on the campus. NIH requested from Birth to Death, an edited symposium an exception from the requirement that sponsored by the American Association for Federal employees pay for parking, but the the Advancement of Science, focuses on request was denied. sociocultural influences on aging processes. Under the new system, special parking Some of Dr. Riley's very early books areas for preferential, handicap, carpool, and include Gliding and Soaring, written with visitor parking will remain effective initially, her father, Percival White, in 1931 while she the only difference being that cars will no was an undergraduate at Radcliffe. The year longer be assigned to specific carpool lots. A before, she had written a book, How to Fly car with a carpool permit can now park in any An Airplane, but only her father's name went of the 14 carpool areas. on it because the publishers believed no The only persons exempt from paying for one would read a book about flying by a parking at NIH are: woman author! • Shift workers who work fewer than half Among Dr. Riley's first sociological in­ of their hours between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. quiries was a national survey of contraception, • Rotating shift workers whose work tour published in the mid 1930's with her changes more often than once per month. husband, also a well-known sociologist Dr. • Weekend workers. (See DR. RILEY, Page 8) (See PARK/NC, Page 3)

Dr. Riley's stature in the social science community will help to attract outstanding researchers to study the social, cultural, and psychological factors that affect the aging process and the place of older people in society.

Dr. Matilda White Riley, an internationally recognized pioneer in the sociology of aging, recently joined the National Institute on Aging as head of the social and behavioral research program. Upon approval of a reorganization of the Institute, she will assume the title of associate director for Social and Behavioral Research. Dr. Riley brings to the Institute many years of research and teaching experience at New York University, Harvard, Rutgers, and most recently at Bowdoin College in Maine as Fayerweather Professor of political economy and sociology. During the 1978-79 academic year she conducted a seminar on The Life Cycle and Aging at the Center for Advance Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, Calif. Earlier this year, she was one of four scientists elected to senior membership in the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences. NIH employees gather outside Bldg. 36 to protest paid parking for Federal wo,ic:en. Fielding questions Among her extensive writings in the field from the audience is Mr. Ager (r). (See •lory, page 3.) 'Open Season' To Enroll, Alter Health Benefits The NIH Record Is Nov. 12 Through Dec. 7 Published biweekly at Bethesda, Md., by the Editorial Operations Branch, Division of Public Information, for the During the Federal Employees Health information of employees of the National Institutes of Benefits Program's "Open Season," Nov. 12 Health, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and through Dec. 7, eligible employees may enroll New Rates for Employees circulated by request to writers and to researchers In biomedical and related fields. The content Is reprintable in 1 of 17 different plans, change options or GROUP HEALTH ASSOCIATION OF without permission. Pictures may be available on request. types of enrollment, or any combination WASHINGTON, D.C. The N(H Record reserves the right to make corrections, of these. changes, or deletions in submitted copy in conformity with . Self 1979 1980 A booklet, titled Open Season Instruc­ the policies of the paper and HEW. High Option $13.22 $13.62 tions, BRI 41-117, will be distributed in a Low Option 5.70 5.76 NIH Record Ollie• packet to all employees. Brochures on the Bldg. 31, Room 28-03, Phone •96-2125 Family major plans and premium rates for all plans High Option 34.66 36.75 Editor will be included. Low Option 16.65 19.81 Frances W. Davis The general plans are: Indemnity Benefit Stall Wrltera William 8. Reinckens Plan (Aetna Life and Casualty Company); INDEMNITY BENEFIT PLAN (AETNA) Susan Johnson Service Benefit Plan (Bl ue Cross-Blue Shield); Self Group Health Association of Washington, Staft Correapondenls High Option 7.63 8.23 ADA, Judy Fouche; CC, Susan Gerhold; DCRT, Mary Hodges; D.C. Plan; Georgetown University Community Low Option 2.43 2.75 DRG, Sue Meadows; ORR, Barbara Menick; DRS, Arthur F. Health Plan; George Washington University Family Moore; FIC, Toby P. Levin; NCI, Dr. Robert M. Hadsell; NEI, Marsha Corbett; NHLBI, Bill Sanders; NIA, Ann Dief­ Health Plan ; and Health Plus, Inc. Plan. High Option 12.60 12.56 fenbach; NIAID, Jeanne Winoick; NIAMDD, Linda Cross; Other plans available to NIH staff are: Low Option 5.75 6.52 NICHD, Pamela Driscoll; NIDR, Sal ly Wilberding; NIEHS, American Federation of Government Hugh J. Lee; NIGMS, Wanda Warddell; NIMH, Betty SERVICE BENEFIT PLAN (BLUE CROSS­ Zubovic: NINCDS, Doris Parker; NLM. Roger L. Gilkeson. Employees Plan, Alliance Health Plan, Ameri­ can Postal Workers Union Plan, Government BLUE SHIELD) Hospital Association Plan, Mail Handlers Self Benefit Plan, National Association of Letter High Option 10.76 12.31 Carriers Health Plan, Postmasters Benefit Plan, Low Option 1.73 2.06 Norman Brown National Association of Government Em­ Family ployees, and National Federation of Federal High Option 24.03 26.87 Comes Face to Face Employees. To enroll in one of these, an Low Option 5.02 5.97 employee must be or must become a With His 'Bloopers' member of the sponsoring employee GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY organization. HEALTH PLAN(*) Employees living in the area surrounding Self Columbia, Md., may enroll in the local High Option 13.30 11.75 comprehensive Columbia Medical Plan. Em­ Family ployees living in the service area of Baltimore High Option 34.84 31.75 and Calvert County, Md., may enroll in a GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY plan, the Blue Cross allld Blue Shield Com­ HEAL TH PLAN (*) prehensive Medical Plan Network. Self During the "Open Season," registration High Option 13.23 10.47 assistants will be available to answer Family questions on the program and help employees High Option 31.84 28.75 complete forms. The names of these assistants will be listedl on official bulletin HEALTHPLUS, INC. (*) (**) boards. Self Representatives of various Federal health High Option 12.51 plans will be available to answer individual Family questions concerning coverage under their High Option 35.22 plans. The session will be held on Wednes­ day, Nov. 28. The representatives will be • Plans offer only one option. located in Bldg. 1, Wilson Hall, from 1 :30 to •• New plan to be available in 1980. 4:30 p.m. All employees are invited, but Norm Brown broadcasts an NIH radio spot permission to attend should be cleared with supervisors. How would you like to be faced with your Supervisors Can Learn To Cope "bloopers" when you retire? This happened With Behavioral Problems to Norman Brown of the Audiovisual Branch, then station manager of the closed-circuit Division of Public Information, Office of Armed Forces Radio Station at the Walter A series of five weekly seminar-discussions Communications, OD. Reed Army Medical Center. During those on behavioral problems of employees is On Oct. 5, Norm was honored by a large years he was host to celebrities and VI P's scheduled to begin on Thursday, Nov. 8. group of his friends at a retirement luncheon. from all over the world. These seminars, open to NIH supervisors at all Known to his friends as "the voice of NIH," His NIH public service announcements on levels, are designed to assist them in under­ Norm completed 37 years of Government health, aired on stations around the country, standing and dealing with some common service, the last 10 at NIH, where his voice have drawn as many as 20,000 pieces of mail employee behavioral problems. was heard on television and radio programs a year from listeners. During the past year, Sponsored jointly by the Division of Person­ and in motion pictures. among other duties, he has served as host of nel Management and the Occupational His "mistakes" were the hilarious highlight an interview program with NIH scientists, Medical Service, they will be conducted by of the afternoon when a tape-composed of heard on Sunday afternoons on Station WGMS Dr. Angela Hill and Rachelle Selzer of the his "outtakes" salvaged off the cutting room during Symphony intermissions. Occupational Medical Service. floor for many years- was played. His friends gave him a variety of gag gifts Supervisors interested in attending should Before coming to NIH, Norman was an plus a 35mm camera and carrying case, which contact their personnel office by Friday, announcer at a commercial radio station, _and he plans to enjoy during his winters in Florida. Nov. 2.

Page2 The NIH Record October 30, 1979 NIH'ers Protest Paid Parking Self-Assessment, Career Options Workshop Offered to GS 9-12 Employees Have you ever thought about the skills you possess or tried to explain what your skills are? Have you ever explored how or where your skills might be used? Have you consid­ ered the importance of goals to your life? Have you ever tried to summarize your goals, values, and interests so that someone else cou Id understand them? If you haven't and would like to learn how, the Career Development Branch is sponsoring a work­ shop on Self-Assessment and Career Options. The principal aim of this workshop is to teach participants how to define their skills and goals as well as to identify organizations or institutions consistent with their needs. The workshop is an excellent orientation to the concepts of career development and self­ assessment, and is an initial module in a series on career development. Interested employees should complete a DHEW 350 Dustin Finney, legislative assistant to Congressman (Training Nomination and Authorization) and Michael D. Barnes (D-Md.), discusses paid parking forward it through appropriate channels to with NIH'ers. The congressman's office receives the Career Development Branch, Bldg. 31, many questions and comments on the sensitive Rm. B2C-39. issue from constituents. The workshop is offered at no cost to individuals or their B/I/D's, and is open to A large, vocal group of NIH employees NIH employees at the GS 9-12 levels. gathered on the patio between Bldgs. 36 and 37 at noon Oct. 16 to protest plans to charge This 1-day workshop will be held Wednes­ them for parking. day, Dec. 5, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is The meeting, which was sponsored by the limited to 20 participants. Questions regard­ EEO Advisory Council, was led by J. Harrison ing the workshop may be addressed to Dr. Ager, EEO coordinator for the National Insti­ Ursula Lohmann, 496-6211. Nomination tute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive deadline is Nov. 16. Diseases. Otis Ducker, director of the Division of Administrative Services, was on hand to Lili Kraus Featured answer questions. In FAES Concert Nov. 11 The main thing that came across during the meeting, said Mr. Ducker, was that "every­ The second concert in the 1979-80 body is violently opposed to paying for Chamber Music Series, sponsored by the parking." They feel that if paid parking is Foundation for Advanced Education in the inevitable, then there should be no preferen­ Sciences, will feature Lili Kraus in a Mozart­ tial parking and that alternatives to a flat fee Schubert piano recital. for everyone-a sliding scale based on salary, Pat Collins (r) of "Eyewitness News" interviews The concert will be held on Sunday, Nov. for example-should be considered, he said. an NIH employee during the paid parking meeting. 11, at 4 p.m. in the Masur Auditorium. Admission is by ticket only. Initially, each employee will be allowed 4 PARKING days' free parking per month. Temporary, (Continued from Page 1) 1-day permits can be obtained from the Briefing on Bike Path Plans • Stay-in-School employees. Parking Office, Bldg. 31, Rm. B1C-11, for this To Be Held Nov. 7 • Part-time employees who work 20 or purpose. fewer hours per week. This exemption does Permits are being sold at the Parking Office A briefing about present and future plans not apply to Stride employees, who will be and at other locations on campus. Parking for bike paths at NIH and in Montgomery required to pay. coordinators for the B/I/D's will notify em­ County will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 7, • Visitors, at least initially. ployees where and when to buy their per­ at noon in the Masur Auditorium. • Patients. mits; adherence to this schedule is urged, Joe Anderson, a representative of the M.C. • Persons commuting on two-wheeled though not mandatory. Park and Planning Commission, Department vehicles. Permits are also being sold in the Blair, of Transportation, will speak. There will be an • Persons in vanpools with eight or more Federal, Landow, and Westwood Bldgs. to opportunity to ask questions and offer riders. NIH employees who work there. The costs suggestions. • Handicapped employees who drive are: Blair, $15; Federal and Landow, $17; and For more information, call Huly Bray, specially equipped vehicles. Westwood, $10. 496-4713. For employees' convenience, parking per­ mits valid for periods ranging from 1 to 12 Volunteers Needed for Widowed Persons Service of Silver Spring months will be sold beginning in December. During November, only 1- and 2-month per­ The Widowed Persons Service of Silver who have been widowed at least 2 years, are mits will be available. Spring is offering its fall training sessions at in good health, and would like to serve in a The laminated permits, which must be Christ Congregational Church, 9525 Coles­ supportive relationship to a newly widowed displayed on the dashboard, can be trans­ vi lie Rd., Silver Spring, from 7 to 10 p.m. on person. ferred cars. If three people carpool, for Nov. 6, 7, 8, 13, and 14. For further information, call 588-7019 example, they need purchase only one permit. Men and women volunteers are needed between 9 and noon weekday mornings.

October 30, 1979 The NIH Record Page3 Physics Professor Earns Nobel Prize For Research on CAT Scanner NINCDS radiologists were especially grati­ fied at the award of the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Allan M. Cormack, professor of physics at Tufts University, for his contribution to computerized axial tomog­ raphy (CAT). CAT has been hailed as "probably the most important advance in radiology in 50 years," with installations of the equipment in 50 countries and more than 1,100 CAT scanners installed in the United States alone in the past few years. Drs. Giovanni Di Chiro and Rodney A. Brooks, NINCDS, have worked in close associ­ ation with Mr. Cormack for many years, and are currently coinvestigators with him and A. M. Koehler, Harvard Cyclotron Laboratory, in a project using protons instead of X-rays for computerized scanning. Since 1976, NINCDS has provided support for technical services

Neutron Therapy for Cancer Patients To Be Developed Under NCI Contracts

By Don Clayton Three contracts totaling more than $40 which have been overcome by the design million have been awarded by the National features of the new clinical neutron genera­ Cancer Institute for the development and tors. "Besides being able to treat a wider study of high-energy neutron radiotherapy variety of solid tumors located anywhere in over the next 10 years. Contract recipients the body, we should now be able to get a fair will construct treatment facilities, purchase comparison between neutron therapy and neutron generators, and provide nearly 3,000 other types of radiotherapy currently in use," cancer patients with neutron radiotherapy Dr. Pistenma explained. treatments. Neutron therapy does have some advan­ Departments of radiology at the University tages over gamma and X-ray therapy, which of California at Los Angeles and the University currently supply the majority of radiation of Washington at Seattle will be given $15.3 treatments. The ability of X-rays to kill cancer and $13.1 million, respectively. University cells depends on the presence of oxygen. Hospital in Seattle and Wadsworth Veteran's Many large tumors have oxygen-deficient Hospital in Los Angeles, both university­ (hypoxic) regions that are more resistant to affiliated hospitals, have been selected as sites X-rays. Preclinical studies of neutrons' effect for new treatment facilities. Fox Chase Cancer on cancer in animals or cancer cells in the Center in Philadelphia w ill receive $11.7 laboratory indicate that neutrons are less A nuclear medicine researcher uses a CAT scanner million and will be the site of a third dependent on the presence of oxygen. Treat­ to examine a patient's brain. treatment center. ments of cancer patients to date suggest that at the laboratory. Neutron generators, which weigh up to high-energy neutrons can successfully eradi­ 50,000 pounds and must be enclosed behind cate large, hypoxic tumors. Mr. Cormack shared the $190,000 Nobel concrete walls 6 feet thick, produce beams of Prize with Godfrey N. Hounsfield, the British high-energy neutrons. Traveling at dose to the Few Cells Recover engineer credited with producing the first working CAT scanner. Mr. Cormack's contri­ speed of light, the neutrons collide with While X-rays are sometimes ineffective atoms inside cancer cells, causing molecular bution, dating back to a paper published in against cancer cells in certain stages of repro­ 1963, dealt with the underlying physics and damage that leads to cell death. duction, neutron therapy seems to operate According to Dr. David A. Pistenma, project mathematics of the achievement. independently of cell age and kills cancer cells The Nobel Committee said in its citation: officer for the contracts, the new generators in the various stages of replication. are among the most sophisticated radiother­ "It is no exaggeration to state that no other apy devices available and have the extra In some cases, cancer cells can repair the method within X-ray diagnostics within such a advantage of being locatt:?d d irectly on damage done by X-rays. However, neutron short period of time has led to such remark­ hospital premises. therapy inflicts damage most cancer cells able advances in research and in a multitude "In the past, physics research cyclotrons cannot repair-few recover from neutron of applications as CAT scans." have been converted to supply neutrons for radiation. cancer therapy. Because the research cyclo­ These contracts are the most recent phase "These new contracts are NCl's positive trons were built near physics laboratories of NCl's support for neutron therapy. NCI response to the committee's 1978 recommen­ instead of hospitals, patients often had to interest in neutron therapy was already taking dations that several neutron generators be travel great distances to receive treatments," shape in the mid-1960's through its support installed directly in hospitals, further expand­ Dr. Pistenma said. of equipment development. In the early ing the scientific community's opportunity to Treatment of cancer patients with research 1970's, several clinical therapy programs using evaluate the potential advantages of neutron cyclotrons has many limitations, most of physics research facilities were initiated. therapy," said Dr. Pistenma.

Page4 The NIH Record October 30, 1979 Scientists Discover How Acid Proteases Work; Medical Benefits Foreseen Research completed recently by scientists in running through the crystal, so it allows the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, diffusion and binding of the inhibitor without and Digestive Diseases provides the first perturbing the crystal lattice. This crystal understanding of how acid proteases-an packing makes rhizopus pepsin a particularly important class of enzymes that cleave good model for studying the interaction of an peptide bonds- actually work. inhibitor with an acid protease. The crystallograpliic results obtained by Drs. The results of their crystallographic study David Davies, Richard Bott, Mamie Liu, and apply not only to rhizopus pepsin, but to all E. Subramanian in the Laboratory of Molecular acid proteases, says Dr. Bott. There is a great Biology may be useful in designing drugs to deal of evidence, he explains, that all acid treat hypertension and other disorders, says proteases have a common mode of action. The Dr. Bott. backbones of the molecules are similar, they Pepstatin Binding Analyzed all clip the same type of peptide bonds, they are all inhibited by the same set of inhibitors The researchers succeeded in binding a (which indicates that they have the same naturally occurring inhibitor, pepstatin, to an active site), and they all have two aspartic acid protease in crystal form. Pepstatin is a acids believed to contribute to the activity of competitive inhibitor, so it probably binds the molecule. much like a substrate would, says Dr. Bott. From analyzing the binding of pepstatin with Perform Diverse Functions the enzyme, therefore, it is possible to deduce Acid proteases perform diverse functions the arrangement of a substrate in an acid and in many cases give rise to pathological protease and the mechanism of action for this conditions. Included in this class of enzymes Dr. Bott points to the active site of peptide class of enzymes. are many important human enzymes such as c.leavage in a model of a ihizopus pepsin molecule. The acid protease they used, rhizopus renin, which is involved in the production of pepsin (from Rhizopus chinesis), crystallizes in angiotensin- a hormone that controls blood One foreseeable benefit of understanding a particularly advantageous crystal form, pressure; pepsin, a digestive enzyme; and how acid proteases work, says Dr. Bott, is that according to Dr. Bott. The entire active site of cathepsin D, a lysosomal enzyme that is it may be possible to design renin inhibitors the enzyme is accessible to solvent channels overproduced in osteoarthritis. for use in treating hypertension. Betsy Singer Named Dr. Jacobs Appointed NIH Scientist Emeritus Public Information Dr. Leon Jacobs recently received a Officer for NIAMDD certificate appointing him an NIH scientist Betsy Singer has been appointed public emeritus. information officer for the National Institute Dr. Richard M. Krause, Director of the of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Diseases, made the presentation to Dr. Jacobs Prior to joining NIAMDD's information staff in recognition of his long and distinguished in July 1978, Ms. Singer was the information career at NIH, much of which was spent officer for HEW's National Commission for with NIAID. the Protection of Human Subjects. Was Acting Scientific Director She has a B.A. degree in journalism from Louisiana State University, and is a candidate Early in his career, Dr. Jacobs was with the Laboratory of Tropical Diseases. When this laboratory later became NIAID's Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, Dr. Jacobs served as its chief for 5 years. He also served as acting scientific director of the Institute in 1964-65. Recently retired as the second Director Dr. Jacobs (r)-congratulated by Dr. Krause for his of the Fogarty International Center, Dr. Jacobs appointment as an NIH scientist emeritus­ now returns to the Laboratory of Parasitic expressed his delight at returning to the laboratory Diseases, NIAID. setting where his career began.

relations chairperson for Federally Employed Hockey Club Begins Season Women, Washington, D.C., and is a former regional representative and chapter president The NIH Hockey Club opened its season on of that organization. Oct. 25 at the Wheaton Regional Skating Rink. A native of New Orleans, La., Ms. Singer The club plays there every Thursday began her career with the Corps of Engineers' evening, 10:30 to midnight. New members New Orleans District in 1969. In 1976, she who are reasonable skaters are welcome. was selected by that agency to receive its Call Pierre Henkart, 496-1554, for further "Woman of the Year" award for her profes­ information. Ms. Singer, new NIAMDD public information offi­ sional and community activities. She was also cer, has been serving as acting 10 since March. recognized by the New Orleans Federal Executive Board for her work in the COMIINID for the master's degree in public relations at communications field. flDIRA& American University. CAMPAIGN Ms. Singer is also the national public 6Aiif I OFTIE_<'N'IW._ October 30, 1979 The NIH Record Pages Betty Avedikian Retires From NCI; Ends 30-Year Gov't Career Betty B. Avedikian, payroll liaison assistant Branch, where she secured professional in the National Cancer lnstitute's Personnel service contracts and was in charge of com­ Management Branch, is retiring this month. piling information for Who's Who in NCI. Her retirement ends a 30-year career with the Early \n her career, Mrs. Avedikian worked Federal Government, including 18 years of 2 years for the Department of the Interior service at NIH. and 10 years for the Federal Public Housing Mrs. Avedikian, who has received several Administration as a placement officer. honors including a 1975 Sustained Superior Performance Award, has worked 11 years in Proud of Armenian Heritage personnel management for both the NCI and Her parents came to the United States from NIH Personnel Management Branches. She Armenia, establishing themselves in Brooklyn, also worked 7 years in the NCI Administrative N.Y., where she was born. Proud of her Armenian heritage, Mrs. Avedikian is the matron of the Washington lodge of the Daughters of Vartan, a fraternal organization Mrs. Avedikian's retirement will include more time for people of Armenian descent. for hobbies, especially decoupage and crocheting. Known for her ability to compose poems and Also, both she and her retired husband, jingles, she says she may try her hand as a writer, Gary, are active in St. Mary's Armenian perhaps for a greeting card company. Apostolic Church.

Earned Income Tax Credit Available for Employees VISITING SCIENTIST PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS Who Are Eligible 9/27-Dr. Michel Pugeat, France, Develop­ 10/1-Dr. Ryszard Andruszkiewicz, Poland, Individuals who earn less than $10,000 per mental Endocrinology Section. Sponsor: Dr. Section on Molecular Structure. Sponsor: Dr. year, have children living with them, and Lynn Loriaux, NICHD, Bg. 10, Rm. 10B09. Erhard Gross, NICHD, Pa rk 5 Bg., Rm. 405. meet certain other eligibili ty requirements 10/1-Rina Chen, Israel, Biometry Branch. 10/1-Dr. Nuzhat Anwar, India, Laboratory qualify for a Federal income tax credit called Sponsor: Roger Connelly, NCI, Landow Bg., of Parasitic Diseases. Sponsor: Dr. T. E. Nash, the earned income credit (EIQ. Rm. SC19. NIAID, Bg. 5, Rm. 108. Until recently, eligible individuals could 10/1-Dr. Ivan G. Fantus, Canada, Clinical 10/1-Dr. Jonas Blomberg, Sweden, Viral only claim and receive the EiC at the end of and Cellular Biology Section. Sponsor: Dr. Genetics Section. Sponsor: Dr. John Stephen­ the tax year by filing an income tax return. Phillip Gorden, NIAMOO, Bg. 10, Rm. 8S243. son, NCI, Frederick Cancer Research Center. Under a new law, eligible individuals can 10/1-Dr. Joerg Hagmann, Switzerland, 10/1-Dr. Narayanasamy Elango, India, elect to receive the EiC in a different way. Developmental and Metabolic Neurology Laboratory of Biochemistry and Metabolism. By filing a special Form W-5, Earned Branch. Sponsor: Dr. Peter H. Fishman, Sponsor: Or. William Jakoby, NIAMDD, Bg. Income Credit Advance Payment Certificate, NINCDS, Bg. 10, Rm. 3DSS. 10, Rm. 9N111. eligible individuals can choose to receive 10/1-Dr. Andreas Hartig, Austria, Labora­ 10/1-Dr. Alan G. Fincham, United King­ the EiC in a series of advance payments tory of Molecular Biology. Sponsor: Dr. Ernst dom, Laboratory of Biological Structure. spread out over the tax year in the form of an Freese, NINCDS, Bg. 36, Rm. 3002. Sponsor: Dr. John Termine, NIDR, Bg. 30, Rm. addition to their pay checks. At the end of 10/1- Dr. Matti livanainen, Finland, Infec­ 216. each year, advance EiC payment arrange­ tious Diseases Branch. Sponsor: Dr. John 10/1- Dr. Hans Grondahl, Sweden, Clinical ments are automatically terminated and can Sever, NINCDS, Bg. 36, Rm. SD06. Investigations Branch. Sponsor: Dr. Richard only be renewed for the next year if the 10/1-Dr. Nicholas Jacques, United King­ Webber, NIDR, Bg. 10, Rm. SN256. employee submits a new form. dom, Laboratory of Microbiology and 10/1-Dr. Mikinori Kuwahara, Japan, Labo­ Employees who earn less than $10,000 Immunology. Sponsor: Dr. C. L. Wittenberger, ratory of Pathophysiology. Sponsor: Dr. Peter should contact their timekeeper or personnel NIDR, Bg. 30, Rm. 307. Riesz, NCI, Bg. 10, Rm. 81 BSO. offices about their possible eligibility for 10/1-Dr. Chunni Khetrapal, India, Labora­ 10/1-Dr. David Mathers, United Kingdom, earned income credit and for further infor­ tory of Chemical Physics. Sponsor: Dr. Edwin Laboratory of Neurophysiology. Sponsor: Dr. mation on securing and completing D. Becker, NIAMDD, Bg. 2, Rm. 120. Jeffery Barker, NINCDS, Bg. 36, Rm. 2C02. Form W-5. 10/1- Dr. Timothy Murray, Canada, Meta­ Dr. Li Is Sponsor bolic Diseases Branch. Sponsor: Dr. G. D. Aurbach, NIAMDD, Bg. 10, Rm. 9N246. 10/1- Dr. Masaru Okabe, Japan, Laboratory R&W Cookbook To Be Reprinted; 10/1-Dr. Heikki Seppa, Finland, l aboratory of Animal Genetics. Sponsor: Dr. Steven Li, Proceeds Will Aid PEF of Developmental Biology and Anomalies. NIEHS, Research Triangle Park, N.C. The first edition of the NIH Cookbook was Sponsor: Dr. George Martin, NIDR, Bg. 30, 10/1-Dr. Nalini Singh, India, laboratory of such a success, R&W will publish a second Rm. 416. Infectious Diseases. Sponsor: Dr. Robert edition. 10/1- Dr. Lennart Sjolin, Sweden, labora­ Chanock, NIAID, Bg. 7, Rm. 301. If you missed the deadline for the first tory of Molecular Biology. Sponsor: Dr. David 10/1- Dr. Heda Stadler, Switzerland, Labo­ printing, don't delay, take this opportunity to R. Davies, NIAMDD, Bg. 2, Rm. 316. ratory of Microbiology and Immunology. share your favorite recipes with your 10/1- Dr. Marcelo Sztein, Argentina, Sponsor: Dr. Joost Oppenheim, NIDR, Bg. 30, co-workers. Laboratory of Microbiology and Immunology. Rm. 322. All recipes must be typed on a 3x5 file card Sponsor: Dr. David Rosenstreich, NIDR, Bg. 10/1-Dr. Kenichi Umene, Japan, Labora­ and sent along with name, address, and 30, Rm. 331. tory of Molecular Virology. Sponsor: Dr. extension to: Kathy Demestihas, Bldg. 4, Rm. 10/1- Dr. Eugene Thonar, Belgium, Labora­ George Vande Woude, NCI, Bg. 41, Rm. 100. 135. tory of Biochemistry. Sponsor: Dr. Vincent 10/1-Dr. Parviz Yavari, Iran, Laboratory of The name of each recipe contributor, and Hascall, NIDR, Bg. 30, Rm. 111. Preclinical Studies. Sponsor: Dr. Forrest his/her country if foreign, will be printed next 10/1-Dr. Abraham Amsterdam, Israel, Weight, NIAAA, Flow Lab. to the contributor's name in the cookbook. Endocrinology and Reproduction Research 10/7- Dr. Ziva Yavin, Israel, laboratory of The proceeds of the sale of the cookbook will Branch. Sponsor: Dr. Kevin Catt, NICHD, Bg. Biochemical Pharmacology. Sponsor: Dr. be used to help support a number of welfare 10, Rm. 12N202. Leonard Kohn, NIAMDD, Bg. 4, Rm. B1-31 . activities for employees and Clinical Center patients.

Page 6 The NIH Record October 30, 1979 Conferees Tackle a Difficult Question- How To Educate Americans About Nutrition A diverse group of over 600 persons met With the help of the comments and at NIH recently to help HEW, the Department responses received, the task forces are now of Agriculture, and other public and private refining their original reports, and will soon agencies answer the question: How can we present HEW, USDA, and the other sponsors better educate American consumers about of the conference with recommendations nutrition during the next decade? for educating the four target population Attending the 2-day conference on nutri­ groups about nutrition. It is hoped that indi­ tion education were experts in nutrition, viduals and organizations in academia and medicine, communications, the behavioral the private sector will also implement the sciences, and other disciplines. They came recommendations, said Dr. Moragne. from all over the country, including Hawaii, In her opening remarks at the conference, Alaska, and Puerto Rico. HEW Secretary Patricia Roberts Harris urged Earlier this year, in preparation for the participants to develop "sound, practical, imaginative recommendations that HEW can meeting, some of these experts worked on four task forces that developed background use to influence research, health care delivery, and other health care deliverers." reports on the nutrition education needs of the following population groups: pregnant "You can help to overcome the confusion women, children, and adolescents; the with which so many Americans have been general public; low-income populations and making their food-buying decisions," USDA Secretary Bob Bergland told them. "You can "I pledge you my support and the President's," the elderly; and persons with diet-related Esther Peterson told the conferees in closing diseases. make a difference in helping more Americans remarks. Mrs. Peterson is Special Assistant to the to live healthier, happier, more productive President for Consumer Affairs. The draft reports were published in the lives." Aug 8 Federal Register, and the task forces While the meeting focused on how to received several hundred public responses. force recommendations and to report back communicate nutrition information, the The conference at NIH provided a forum for to the task forces on their progress by July 1, message itself was not ignored. Ors. Mark participants to add their comments. 1980. Hegsted and George Bray brought the con­ A second resolution, calling for the The meeting attracted many people who ferees up to date on the status of current establishment of an ad hoc group to look don't usually attend nutrition education con­ efforts to develop dietary guidelines for into obtaining public access time on com­ ferences, said Dr. Lenora Moragne, acting American consumers. mercial television networks for nutrition nutrition coordinator of the HEW Nutrition Other background information was education messages, was also passed. Coordinating Office. provided by Dr. Maurice Moore from the The conference proceedings containing "We had people there from the food Census Bureau, who spoke on demographics the final recommendations prepared by the industry; advertising; grass roots organiza­ in the next decade; Graham Molitar, president task forces will be published later this year as tions; state, regional, and Federal govern­ of Public Policy Forecasting, Inc., who talked a supplement to the Journal of the Society for ments; and civil rights organizations," she about the foo.d system in the 1980's; and Nutrition Education. The society, together said. ''Scientists, food and textbook editors, Richard K. Manoff, president of Manoff with HEW, USDA, the Office of Science and people from educational institutions, and International, Inc., who discussed communica­ Technology Policy of the Executive Office even a woman from a migrant camp in the tion and education in the 1980's. of the President, the Federal Trade Com­ southwest were there." The conferees were concerned about mission, and the Fogarty International Center, "As a result," she said, "a lot of strong followup on their recommendations. At the sponsored the meeting. Dr. Johanna Dwyer, voices were heard, and we got a lot of diverse final sess ion of the meeting, they passed a director of the Frances Stern Nutrition Center opinions which will be useful in developing resolution urging HEW and USDA to begin at Tufts New England Medical Center final recommendations." plans immediately for implementing the task Hospital, was chairwoman.

Dr. Ralph D. Lillie, Eminent NIH Retiree, Dies; Pioneer in Histochemistry Research Dr. Ralph D. Lillie, 83, who was with NIH While with NIH, Dr. Lillie performed the from 1925 until his retirement in 1960, first fractionation of B vitamins, contributed died Oct. 4 in New Orleans. His histochemical to the understanding of pellagra, and con­ innovations helped investigators in many ducted research on dietary cirrhosis of rats. disciplines to add a new dimension to This lead to identification of methionine their research. and choline as factors in prevention of Dr. Lillie, professor emeritus of pathology this condition. at Louisiana State University Medical School, The recipient of many honors for his had actively conducted research until he achievements and author of numerous pub­ suffered a stroke last July. At the time of his retirement from NIH, he lications in his field, Dr. Lillie was editor Mathias {Bill) Niewenhous, chief of the Position was chief of the Laboratory of Pathology in chief of the Journal of Histochemistry and Pay Management Branch, Division of Per• and Cytochemistry from 1952 to 1964. sonnet Management, retired last month. Mr. and Histochemistry, National Institute of He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Niewenhous came to NIH in 1960 as a position Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases. He had also classification specialist, and later was promoted to served as chief of the Clinical Center's Ethel A., 7 children, 16 grandchildren, and the position he held at retirement. Many friends Pathological Anatomy Department. 1 great-grandchild. and co-workers wished him well at a recent retirement party. He plans lo spend time fishing and sailing at his beach home.

October 30, 1979 The NIH Record Page 7 Dr. David Klein Interviewed for Australian Documentary DR. RILEY (Continued from Page 1) John W. Riley, Jr. "After that we wrote about young children, then about adolescents and parents, then the middle years, and now I am studying old age and John is studying death," Dr. Riley said. Matilda White Riley, born in Boston in 1911, graduated from in 1931. She did her graduate work at Harvard and the University of Vienna. In 1932-33 she became the first research assistant in the newly formed sociology department at Harvard. She spent 10 years as vice president of the Market Research Com­ pany of America, where she developed procedures for national probability sampling that are still used in social science research. Taught at NYU During World War II, Dr. Riley designed consumer requirements for the War Produc­ As the camera looms in the background, Dr. Klein (r) describes his research on the function of the tion Board, where she was one of a handful pineal gland in mammals. of women executives. After the war, she began her teaching career at New York Dr. David Klein, chief of the Section on gland in mammals, especially humans. He University and as professor Neuroendocrinology, Laboratory of Develop­ and his colleagues are particularly interested of sociology. mental Neurobiology, National Institute of in its role in reproduction and its rhythmic In the early 1960's, the Russell Sage Child Health and Human Development, pattern of production of melatonin, the pineal Foundation encouraged Dr. Riley, sociologist recently participated in a filmed interview hormone. Their work has also helped to Ann Foner, and a group of colleagues to conducted by Michael Daley of the Australian establish the pineal gland as an excellent do an overview of social science studies of Broadcasting Commission. the middle and later years. Mr. Daley is producing a documentary on experimental model for studying how neural signals control gene expression in the brain. "We went through thousands of studies," the pineal gland. This small organ, located in Dr. Riley says. "Many of them produced the center of the brain, is known to be a This documentary, which will cover the excellent findings, but many more were photoreceptor in lower animals, but its work of investigators all over the world, will flawed by methodological problems. It was an function in mammals is not well understood. include a report of an international sym­ exciting discovery to find how much work Dr. Klein's research is aimed at better posium on the pineal gland scheduled for needed to be done." understanding the function of the pineal next year in Australia.

Medicine for Layman Series Continues With Epilepsy Lecture Epilepsy, a disorder which has been poorly understood and feared throughout the ages, is the topic of the sixth Medicine for the Layman lecture tonight, Tuesday, Oct. 30, at 8 in the Masur Auditorium. Dr. Roger Porter, acting chief, Epilepsy Branch, Neurological Disorders Programs, NINCDS, and a noted specialist in epilepsy research, will discuss the different types of seizures, the medical and surgical therapies now available, and new research here at NIH. His important discoveries in developing and evaluating antiepileptic drugs and the newly created Clinical Epilepsy Research Program at Ross Holliday (c), director, Division of Engineering Services, presented the NIH Merit Award to: (I to r) the Clinical Center resulted in his being Carl F. Seils, Construction Engineering Branch; Mildred E. Steward, Planning and Control Branch; awarded a U.S. Public Health Service Mary J. Craigo, Engineering Design Branch; and Warren J. Jones, Maintenance Engineering Branch. Each Commendation Award. awardee was cited for considerable contribution toward the furtherance of the Division's mission. Next Tuesday (Nov. 6), Dr. Marc Lippman, Metabolic Neurology Branch, NINCDS, at the eases and experimental treatments for patients of NCl's Medicine Branch, will discuss breast Nov. 13 Medicine for the Layman lecture. Dr. with Fabry's and Gaucher's diseases. cancer, the risks that women face from Brady has pioneered in the research of lipid All lectures are at 8 p.m. in the Masur various factors such as heredity and birth storage diso rders such as Gaucher's, Tay­ Auditorium, and are open to the public. The control pills, breast cancer screening, and Sachs, Fabry's, and Neiman-Pick diseases. All audience has the opportunity to ask the physi­ treatments such as radical mastectomy and of these genetic disorders are characterized by cians questions on each topic, and free combined surgery and chemotherapy. enzyme deficiencies that cause lethal fat brochures are available. Enzyme research and its applications to deposits in vital organs. For more information on the remaining various genetic disorders will be covered by His work includes the development of pre­ lectures, contact the CC Office of Clinical Dr. Roscoe Brady, chief, Developmental and natal diagnostic measures for 10 genetic dis- Reports and Inquiries, 496-2563.

Pages The NIH Record October 30, 1979 Combined Federal Campaign Gets Off Nutrition Research Subject To Rousing Start Of Science Writers Seminar An NIH Science Writers Seminar on Nutri­ tion Research will be held Friday, Nov. 9, from 9 to 11 :30 a.m. Dr. Artemis P. Simopoulos, chairman of the Nutrition Coordinating Committee, Office of the Director, will moderate the meeting, which will be held in Conf. Rm. 10, Bldg. 31. The topics to be discussed include: • Vitamin A: Vitamin, Hormone, or Both? Dr. Gerald J. Chader, Section on Retinal and Corneal Metabolism, Laboratory of Vision Research, National Eye Institute. • Metabolism Studies With Isolated, Intact Small Intestine by Vascular Perfusion. Dr. Herbert G. Windmueller, Laboratory of Nu­ trition and Endocrinology, National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases. • Mineral Nutrition in the Premature Newborn. Dr. James W. Hansen, Neonatal and Pediatric Medicine Branch, National Institute The CFC Four barbershop quartet performs at the kickoff. From left are: Jim Moynihan, CC; Fred of Child Health and Human Development. Peters, retired NIH budget inquiries officer; Art The seminar is being presented by the Rounds, whose wife Cecelia is an NIH'er; and Intramural Scientists of NIH and the NIH Dr. Abdellah tells the kickoff audience of Secretary Lewis Sims, retired NIH'er and former CFC Division of Public Information. For further Harris' enthusiastic support of CFC. coordinator. information, call Jane Collins or Adrian Webber, 496-1766. The Combined Federal Campaign got off to a rousing start on Monday, Oct. 15, with a well-attended kickoff ceremony at the Clinical OMS Offers Influenza Vaccine Center 14th floor auditorium. The Occupational Medical Service is The program got under way with the CFC offering influenza virus vaccine to employees Four, a barbershop quartet of present and who, because of preexisting conditions, are former NIH employees who assembled more susceptible to the disease and to especially for the kickoff. secondary infections. CFC coordinator Lanny Newman, chief of These conditions include heart disease; the CC Office of Clinical Reports and chronic lung disease such as bronchitis, Inquiries, served as master of ceremonies. Dr. emphysema, and severe asthma; chronic Mortimer Lipsett, CC Director and CFC vice kidney disease; and diabetes mellitus. chairman for NIH, discussed this year's NIH' Vaccination is also recommended for theme, "Be A Good Neighbor," and stressed persons aged 65 and over because of the the importance of the campaign in relation higher mortality rate of influenza victims in to the NIH Mission. that age group. Dr. Malone Speaks Dr. Richard M. Krause Cr), Director of the National For more information about the influenza virus vaccine, call your OMS health unit or Dr. Thomas Malone, NIH Deputy Director, Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, private physician. The vaccine will be given in emphasized the challenge faced by keywork­ presents lhe lnstitute's first contribution for the 1980 Combined Federal Campaign to Vince Bldg. 31, Rm. B2B-47, through November. ers in getting NIH'ers to donate. Dr. Faye Thomas, NIAID campaign coordinator, and Patty Abdellah, HEW Assistant Surgeon General Lee, an Institute keyworker. and CFC departmental coordinator, said that HEW Secretary Patricia Roberts Harris is very Jackie Easter Dies; enthusiastic about the campaign and wants Former NIAID Budget Analyst HEW to take the lead in CFC contributions this year. Secretary Harris has set the HEW Jackie Easter, 54, former budget analyst with the National Institute of Allergy and goal at $1 million. Infectious Diseases, died of cancer at Holy Sophie Calderone, chief of the Disbursing Cross Hospital on Oct. 10. Services Section, DFM, also explained the A native of Kentucky, Mrs. Easter began her preparation of forms for payroll deduction. Government career with the Department of The program closed with the campaign Housing in 1943. She joined NIAID in 1961, film, "Re;iching People," and a final selection serving with the Budget Office until her by the CFC Four. retirement in August 1978. Mrs. Easter was active in the Disabled Overeaters Anonymous Meets Tomorrow American Veterans Auxiliary, serving as director of its National Educational Loan Fund, Overeaters Anonymous, sponsored by the as well as commander of the Ernie Pyle Unit Occupational Medical Service, is meeting No. 4 in Silver Spring. tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct. 31) at noon in Survivors include her husband, Alfred S., of Bldg. 31, Conf. Rm. B2B-35. Meetings will be The CFC poster that employees will be seeing all Silver Spring; daughter, Karen E. Harris of held weekly. around NIH is held by Mr. Newman and Wayne Kanapolis, N.C.; and mother, Ethel D. McVey For further information, call Jan, 496-3172, Bell, a USDA employee assigned to HEW to assist of Harlan, Ky. or Rachelle, 496-3164. in the Combined Federal Campaign.

October 30, 1979 The NIH Record Page9 Tennis Club Completes Successful Year

Women's singles finalists Elaine Murphy (r) and Marion Jackson hold the trophies they won in the NIH Fall Tennis Tournament. Members of the B Team pose after a match. L to r are: Antonio Rene, Peter Rene, Heikki Hervonen, Peter Kretchmer, Bruce Trapp, Ann Geier, Mark Geier, Mort Stimler, and Tony Rene. Not pidured are Steve Weise and Alphonse Le Cam. NIH Tennis Club Elects Officers The NIH Tennis Club, a member of the in the tournament were: The NIH Tennis Club recently elected new Greater Washington Tennis Association, Women's Singles-winner, Elaine Murphy, officers for the 1980 season. Rick Hargett was recently completed a successful year of 6-0 and 6-0; runner-up, Marion Jackson. selected as president; Lynne Reamer, vice competition. Men's"A" Singles- winner, Bradley president; Marilyn Berman, secretary; and The club's B Team (the highest level team at Lindgren, 6-4 and 6-3; runner-up, Stuart Ron Melia, treas.urer. NIH) won both their division title and the Selonick. spring doubles title. The D Team was undefeated this year; they Men's "8" Singles-winner, Ralph Harris, won their division and league titles. Members 6-3 and 6-3; runner-up, Boyd Fogel. 'Evolvement Through Involvement' of the team are: Hugh Mahanes (captain), Men's Doubles-winners, Bradley Lindgren Is Theme Herb Dorsey, Ernie Simon, Neal McKinney, and Richard Broadwell, 6-2 and 7-6; Dan Simas, Paul Holland, Dan Rubin, Bud runners-up, Heikki Hervonen and Bruce For Career Guidance Week Trapp. Steckman, Jim Strickland, Warner Greene, Bob "Evolvement through Involvement" is the Sithens, Rolf Ulvestad, Dale Bultemeier, Paul Mixed Doubles-winners, Mildred theme for this year's Career Guidance Week Brown, Ted Breitman, and Al Goldberg. Steckman and Raymond Chen, 6-3, 6-7, and which starts Nov. 4. If you would like to Members of the club's C Team include: 6-2; runners-up, James Strickland and become more involved with your career, are Dave Anderson (captain), Adi Gazdar, Heikki Nancy Eng. thinking about redirecting it or changing Hervonen, Dennis Murphy, Dick Riseberg, The NIH Tennis Club is sponsored by the it altogether, why not join the Career Stu Selonick, and Len Stein. The C Team had R&W Association. Club activities include Development Branch's Traveling Open House a split season, winning half of their matches. lessons, clinics, tournaments, flights, during this special week? In other tennis news, 91 players competed singles ladder, mixed doubles ladder, and The COB staff will help employees to get in the NIH Fall Tennis Tournament, held at tennis teams. Anyone interested in joining acquainted with the nature of career the NIH tennis courts Sept. 8-29. The finalists the club should call Tony Rene, 496-1537. development and career guidance, to learn \ more about available training programs and courses, and to check their career quotient. The open house will be held from 11 :30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on the days and at locations indicated: Nov. 5 Federal Bldg. Conf. Rm. Nov. 7 Westwood Bldg. Conf. Rm. D Nov. 8 Blair Bldg. Rm. 110 Nov. 9 Bldg. 31 Conf. Rm. 7

Immunity and Aging Seminar To Be Held Nov. 1 The National Institute on Aging will hold a seminar on The Evolution of Immunity and Aging on Thursday, Nov. 1, from 10 to 11 a.m., in Bldg. 31, Conf. Rm. 8. The seminar will be conducted by Dr. Edwin Cooper, who is professor of anatomy at the UCLA School of Medicine and director of an NIH-supported research program on Comparative and Developmental Immunology. Finalists in the men's doubles event were: (I to r) H !ikki Hervonen, Bruce Trapp, Richard Broadwell, For further information, call Susan Cantor, and Bradley Lindgren. 496-9350.

Page 10 The NIH Record October 30, 1979 Amantadine Has Role in Prevention, Treatment NLM to Provide MEDLARS Searches to Developing Of Influenza A Infections, Panel Concludes Countries in WHO Regions At a recent consensus development confer­ The panel felt that the risk/benefit consid­ The National Library of Medicine and the ence sponsored by the National Institute of erations for administering arnantadine to World Health Organization have entered into Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a panel of prevent influenza were less clear in two an experimental arrangement for 1 year under experts concluded that the drug amantadine groups: persons over 65 who have not been which the Library will provide MED LARS hydrochloride (Symmetrel) does have a role in vaccinated, and persons in households with computer searches and photocopies of journal members suffering from A strain influenza. the prevention and treatment of influenza A articles to the developing countries of the infections. The panel recommended that the decision to WHO regions of Africa, Southeast Asia, the Although amantadine was licensed in 1966, administer the drug to people in these groups Eastern Mediterranean, and the Western it has not been widely used in the United be made on an individual basis, requiring a Pacific. States because of the inconvenience associ­ greater understanding between the physician WHO has provided funds to the Pan Ameri­ ated with such prophylactic drugs, concerns and patient of the potential benefits, risks, can Health Organization which that organiza­ about side effects, and, more importantly, the and costs. tion is using to contract with one part-time The panel noted that studies to determine fact that it was licensed only for use against and one full-time individual located at NLM. the Asian influenza virus-one type of the effectiveness of amantadine in treating Dr. Norman P. Shumway, who retired as head influenza A virus. influenza patients have shown that the drug of the Library's Medical Subject Headings The key questions addressed at the con­ has "significant potential value" in reducing Section in 1974, and Kevin H. Beverly, for­ sensus development meeting on the use of the duration of fever and disability associated merly of NLM's Office of Administrative amantadine in the prevention and treatment with flu. To be effective, it must be adminis­ Management Services, are handling the W HO of influenza were: tered as soon as possible and not later than requests under contract with PAHO. • What are the potential benefits of using 48 hours after the onset of symptoms. In The agreement provides that NLM will amantadine? addition to the previously mentioned high­ accept requests for MED LARS searches either • What are the risks associated with its use? risk groups, amantadine should be strongly directly from individuals in the WHO regions • Who should take the drug and when considered for treating patients with life­ or through the WHO regional offices. Re­ should it be taken? threatening influenza! pneumonia and infants quests for photocopies of articles must be • What is the role of amantadine for use with influenza! associated croup. transmitted from a medical library, either with vaccine? With regard to undesirable side effects, the directly to NLM or through a regional office. In agreeing that the drug can help fight A panel said that clinical trials involving more Completed searches and photocopies of strains of flu, the panel of five physicians and than 11,000 persons have revealed such articles will be sent from NLM directly to the one lay person identified the circumstances nervous system symptoms as insomnia, light­ requester. The total number of services to be under which amantadine should be adminis­ headedness, nervousness, difficulty in concen­ performed under the agreement is 1,400 tered. Amantadine is recommended only trating, or drowsiness in up to 7 percent of MEDLARS searches and 2,500 interlibrary when there is epidemiologic and laboratory patients receiving amantadine twice daily. If loans. evidence of influenza A infection in the symptoms arise, they do so during the first community. 48 hours and often subside after continued Children over 1 year of age and adults at use of the drug. Trials have also shown that organ dysfunctions which may contribute to high risk because of other serious illnesses side effects disappear shortly after administra­ drug toxicity. (except kidney failure) should receive amanta­ tion of amantadine is stopped. According to the panel, when amantadine dine, the panel concluded. Also, adults who The use of amantadine in elderly persons, is given for prevention, it should be used in have not been vaccinated and whose activities based on extensive experience with Parkin­ conjunction with vaccine and until an immune are essential to the community (policemen, son's disease (the drug is used in the manage­ firemen, and selected hospital workers, for ment of Parkinson's), does not appear to response can be anticipated. If a person has example) should be given top priority when present other special problems or side effects, not received vaccine, amantadine should be the drug is dispensed. Thirdly, persons in the panel said. These patients, however, continued for 4-6 weeks, assuming flu is still "semi-closed" environments, especially older should be studied further with regard to in the community. Once a patient stops persons, who have not received vaccine would possible adverse reactions, since they repre­ receiving amantadine, its protection wears off also qualify as a priority group. sent a group with a higher likelihood of other almost immediately.

Dr. John Nelson (I), University of Texas South­ western Medical School, who was one of six panelists, enjoys a few minutes of conversation between sessions with Dr. W. Paul Glezen, Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Glezen presented Dr. Jay Sanford (second from I), chairman of the conf~rence on the use of amanta~ine, met wit~ the epidemiologic data from a 5-year surveillance of press on Oct. 16 to discuss the panel's recommendations on the use of the drug m the preventmn and influenza infections in the Houston area. treatment of influenza.

October 30, 1979 The NIH Record Page 11 NIGMS Grantee Shares Dr. Prewitt To Be Nobel for Chemistry Keynote Speaker The 1979 Nobel Prize for Chemistry has At COMPSAC 1979 been awarded to Dr. Herbert C. Brown, a grantee of the National Institute of General Dr. Judith M. S. Prewitt will be the keynote Medical Sciences, and Professor Georg Wittig speaker and a prominent participant at the of West Germany. The prize will be formally 1979 Third International IEEE Computer presented at the annual awards ceremony in Society's Conference on Computer Software Stockholm Dec. 10. and Applications, COMPSAC 1979, to be held Dr. Brown, a chemistry professor at Purdue in Chicago Nov. 6-8. University, was honored for his research on Dr. Prewitt, a research mathematician at boron chemistry. This research included the the Division of Computer Research and discovery of hydroboration, a process in Technology, will speak on Biomedical Com­ which boron-containing substances are used puting: Perspectives and Prospects before 600 to initiate and accelerate chemical reactions computer scientists from the United States between compounds that contain hydrogen and abroad. and carbon atoms. The process has evolved as She and her colleagues are giving papers one of the most powerful synthetic methods on computer decision-making based on known for producing highly purified fqrms of medical images, a topic on which her exper­ Dr. Prewitt presented a paper at a recent sympo­ biologically active substances such as amino tise is recognized worldwide. She will also sium on computer applications in medical care. acids, carbohydrates, hormones, vitamins, chair a panel on Scientific and Statistical and steroids. Software 1979. Call 496-4608 A principal source of support for develop­ Dr. Prewitt's research interests at NIH ment of the hydroboration method for include machine intelligence and pattern Call 496-4608 to hear recorded telephone chemical synthesis has been an NIGMS grant recognition in biology and medicine, image tapes on personnel topics. The schedule is: first awarded to Dr. Brown in 1963. He is the processing, medical decision-making and Date Topic 68th NIH-supported scientist to win the Nobel therapy optimization, contemporary computer Prize. Oct. 22-28 Health, Life, and Retirement architectures for image processing, automated Benefits-Rights of the Dr. Brown's discovery of the hydroboration microscopy, computerized tomography, and Part-Time Employee process also earned him the National Medal psychometrics in medical imaging. Oct. 29-Nov. 4 Political Activity of Science in 1969. The medal is the United She has written numerous technical papers Nov. 5-11 Annual Leave-Use It or States Government's highest award for and lectured extensively on these topics. Lose It distinguished accomplishment in science, mathematics, and engineering. NIH Takes Steps To Improve Participation Of Women, Minority Scientists in Research NIH is taking steps to help increase the other scientists not yet in the mainstream of proportion of women as well as racial and biomedical research. ethnic minority scientists in biomedical re­ Currently, some 23 percent of doctoral search careers. degrees in the biological sciences are earned NIH Director Dr. Donald S. Fredrickson has by women but, on the average, it is taking approved in principle a set of seven recom­ women more than 2 years longer to complete mendations submitted to him by the Coordi­ their graduate training. About 10 percent of nating Committee for NIH Minority and NIH research grant applicants are women. Women Research and Training. The committee concluded that women are The committee was established in 1974 to handicapped by lack of information about coordinate all existing or planned extramural NIH programs, support mechanisms, and research and training programs and support procedures; by rigid graduate training sched­ activities directed toward minorities and ules which do not permit interruptions or women, to assess the participation of these part-time training; and by lack of provisions Dr. Brown was honored for his work on boron groups in biomedical research, and to iden­ for facilitating reentry into research training chemistry. tify existing barriers and a course of action for and research careers after extended absence NIH to increase such participation. from the laboratory. U.S.-Poland Symposium As part of its broader activities, the com­ The recommendations proposed by the On Medical Education mittee focused attention on the concerns of committee include the establishment of a women scientists from research institutions. widely publicized central contact point for Starts Today The resulting report recommends measures scientists seeking information about NIH The U.S.-Poland Symposium on Medical that will best apply to women, minorities, and programs; modifications of guidelines for Education, starting today (Wednesday, Oct. research training to permit less than full-time 30), will be held through Nov. 1, from 9 a.m. fellowships; the use of individual fellowships to 5 p.m., in Bldg. 31, Conf. Rm. 10. which the Polish and American agencies have to facilitate reentry into research careers; and The meeting is sponsored by the Health sponsored since 1977 to exchange information the adoption of a "new investigator" research Resources Administration and Poland's on approaches to medical education. This grant to help scientists enter or reenter Department of Education and Science, Polish year's meeting will focus on Prevention, research careers. Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. Partici­ Medical Education, and Urban Society. Dr. Fredrickson directed the NIH staff to pating will be 10 Polish medical school faculty Dr. Gio Gori, National Cancer Institute, will develop detailed plans for carrying out the and health officials and 10 American speak on Nutrition and Cancer at the Oct. 31 committee's recommendations. counterparts. session at 2 p.m. The meeting is part of an annual series The symposium is open to the public. * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1979--3ll-203/ 4

Page 12 The NIH Record October 30, 1979