Via Ascanio 14, Albano Laziale 00041, Roma mobile: +39 345 6266062

Sapienza mail: [email protected] Personal mail: [email protected] Skype: irene-parisi Gender: Female | Date of birth: 18/06/1991 | Nationality: Italian


18th of September 2018 I won a Sapienza’s scholarship called ”Borsa di Perfezionamento Estero” to attend - 4th of March 2019 courses and traineeships at foreign and international University organizations, in agreement with law 398, of November 30, 1989. For this reason, I have suspended for six months my PhD activity spending these six months at Goldsmiths University of London. During this period, I have attended the module ‘Introduction to coding with Matlab’ offered in the context of Goldsmiths’ MSc in Computational Neuroscience. While I was there, I have carried on the project involving individuals with Developmental Coordination Disorder developing advanced EEG analysis skills and improving my skills applying EEG on babies.

1st of November 2017 - Period abroad - PhD Program in Cognitive, Social and Affective Neuroscience 18th of September 2018 (CoSAN), La Sapienza University and IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia (); Position self-funded; Supervisor: Salvatore Maria Aglioti; Main interest: Electroencephalography (EEG) methodology, Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Developmental Coordination Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder), cross-modal links in perception, attention and action, in peripersonal and extrapersonal space, posture effects on visual and tactile spatial perception and attention.

I have stated my PhD program abroad with the Goldsmiths University supervised by José Van Velzen. I have carried out a project involving individuals with Developmental Coordination Disorder (still ongoing). I handled the recruitment process, getting in touch with participant, sending the online questionnaire and checking the eligibility. I managed the experimental session (about six hours) administering a motor and IQ assessment in the morning and supervising and managing the EEG session in the afternoon. I supervised MSc and BSc students involved in the project. I have scored the questionnaires, building a database and preprocessed the EEG data. Test used: -Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Third edition), -Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC-2). -Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales-Self-Report: Long Version (CAARS-S:L) -The Adult Developmental Coordination Disorder Checklist -Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA), -Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20).

Master’s Degree in “Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychological Rehabilitation” October 2014 - University of Study of Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology December 2016 Grade: 110 /110 cum laude – First Class Honors

“Benefits of a passive exoskeleton on rehabilitation process in patient with multiple Thesis title sclerosis”

Experimental Type of thesis

Cognitive Neuroimaging Subject of study

Exoskeleton, Orthosis, fMRI, Rehabilitation, Multiple Sclerosis Key words

Prof. Gaspare Galati Supervisor

Bachelor’s Degree in “Psychology and Health” September 2011- University of Study of Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology September 2014

“Stress and depression among mind, body and brain” Thesis title

Review Type of thesis

Psychiatry Subject of study

PNEI, stress, depression Key words

Prof. Roberto Brugnoli Supervisor


September 2018 – Collaboration with the Goldsmiths InfantLab February 2019 Department of Psychology Lewisham Way, New Cross, London SE14 6NW, United Kingdom Main activities and responsibilities: During these six months, I have collaborated with the InfantLab at Goldsmiths University. I have carried out an EEG project concerning the multisensory integration in infants 4-8-10 months old, investigating whether babies expect to feel a touch when they see something moving towards them. I have been involved in a behavioral study about cross modal generalization in babies with 5-9 months old. I have trained intern students part of EUSA program. I have learnt the application and the analysis of the EEG technology on infants.

March 2017 – Internship at Goldsmiths University of London February 2018 Department of Psychology Lewisham Way, New Cross, London SE14 6NW, United Kingdom Main activities and responsibilities: In the context of this internship I received a training in EEG lab techniques and analysis methods using MatLab Toolbox EEGLAB. I was involved in additional training lab assistants (for TMS and tDCS) and participants recruitment. I carried out a work about the coupling of action and perception by measuring modulations in sensory perception due to different goal movements towards different areas of space (peripersonal and personal space) and body (middle chest, shoulders), using a delayed motor task. By means of EEG was possible to elicit the component relative to the electrophysiological correlate of the somatosensory processing modulated by motor preparation and the closeness to the body. I handled the recruitment process contacting people and arranging appointments; I explained the experimental procedure to participants, I managed the experimental session (consent form, questionnaires, putting the cap and the electrodes, explain instructions, deliver task and recording the EEG) and I built a database of the experiment. I also carried out the preprocessing of the EEG data using EEGLab.


Mother tongue(s) Italian

Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Spoken Spoken Listening Reading interaction production English B2 B2 B2 B2 B2

Communication skills ▪ excellent communication skills gained from my experience as children tutor and through all my part-time work experiences, through theatrical workshop, and through my course study in particular during the thesis work.

Organisational / managerial ▪ excellent organizational skills gained through my experience at Goldsmiths skills University managing experimental sessions and teaching how to apply the EEG properly and the experimental procedure to MSc and BSc students. I have developed these skills also throughout my job experience as organizer and promoter of a summer camp for children with the “Spazio Lavoro, Cooperativa Sociale ed Integrata O.N.L.U.S in summer 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Digital competence ▪ Good use of the statistic software SPSS ▪ Good use of E-Prime ▪ Basic use of MatLab ▪ Good use of EEGLAB toolbox ▪ Excellent command of office suite ▪ Good command of photo editing software gained as an amateur photographer and after a basic course of basic photography

Other skills Voluntary of Italian Red Cross on the local committee of , Genzano, (Comuni dell’Appia) from October 2012 to present. Director of child service for animation project in the pediatric ward of DE SANTIS" Hospital, Via Achille Grandi, 00045 Genzano (Roma). CRI Certifications: -First aid and accident prevention and civil protection for the adult population. -B.L.S.D.: performer of basic life support and defibrillation. -P.B.L.S.D.: performer of pediatric basic life support and defibrillation. -Operator CRI in emergency

10th of December 2015 Training Course on Safety for Magnetic Resonance, given by Prof. Pietro Luigi Indovina, expert Manager in MR at the I.R.C.C.S. Santa Lucia. “Specific Risks of MRI in accordance with art. 36 del D.Lgs 81/08 e s.m.i. e in accordance to security standard expected from art.2 del D.P.R. 08.08.94 n 542

12th of October 2017 – MATLAB course at UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14th of December 2017 general introduction to MATLAB, basics of computer programming and design and implementation of standard cognitive neuroscience experiments using toolbox

12th of December 2017 British Neuroscience Association (BNA) member

17th of July 2018 – I attended the Birmingham ERP boot Camp, led by Professor Steven Luck, 20th of July 2018 Center for Mind and Brain (UC Davis) and Dr Emily Kappenman, San Diego State University, to further develop procedures that are used in ERP research, with an emphasis on how specific ERP components can be used in the study of many aspects of cognitive neuroscience, including perception, attention, language, and memory.