



SuMLtted to tlie Oreduete Fwsttlty eflf lie Mi $Ptfhiift **fll*f^^ 00*1 esw in Pertial fulfiXlaiBt of

the Begree of NMnnBR or sciiacs XB XBDUBfBXAL B3KIXRrøXB0


•VMMMMMa Aceepted

of the Oreduate School

^TttM, X963 /

Aio. 3/


X an deepXy indébted to ProfeMor NorrÍB H» SchMÍder for his direction of thia thesiaf to Professor Bicbard A. XXidA vbo served on ^y advisory coanittee, to

the other mwb^rz of BQT coanittee, Profcssor E. Bichard Heineasn snd Professor Ruíbert B. Bsichelheia, for their heXpful coMMQts SDd to Professor Nohaaed N. Ayoub vho vas kind enoiii^ to read and offer valuabla susøsstions OB certain portions of tbe aaouscript. X aa also in*

débted to ybc* S. P. Cbruen of ths Ch«B-4lill and Coatiags DÍTisÍon of Turco Products, Xncorporatad, and to Mr. Boss Petarson of Ling*T«Bco*Vousbt, Xncorporatad, for thair assistancc in furnishing th« aatarials usad in this infostiøation.

i .,>




LIST OP XUJUSTRATIC«8 v X* nrrRODucTiON i Purpose and Scope • 1 Keviev of the Literature • . • • 1


Consiâeratlon In Designlng the Xbíperlnent • 10

Physical Aspects of the Experiaent . • • . 15

Squipraent and ÎHat^TÍéXB •••••••• 15

Procedure l6

Bixperiaentel Desiga •••••• 19 III* FIKDIHas AHD IHTERPBErATIONS ^ Inspection of the Data • • • • 2^ Orapbical Aoalysis ...•.••••.•• 33 Statistical Analysis ••••.•••••• 36 IV. COMCLUSION • k6

Conclusions •• ••••• ^6

Discussion of Future Research .«••••• 50 APPENDIX 53

Â, Experiæntal Data .• • ^

B. Analyses of 7ariance Coa^tations • • 97

LIST Or RBrfiBENCBS • • • 10.4?0

iii /


ttf t-i M M O o »^ M i i O 03 Q M O ct- •< xn o C3 O ? § o ta c M o " t •g u H- M 03 c: H" o o 'B CQ o O a> gO s§ ? o SZ5 »1 O o H O 3 D 0 ocí- > C3 c+ e O 9 c o 3 H P > p •-& c^ o a o o o P P â ? c^ H* o C CB ^ cr CQ D •ti o H- et <9 J= Cfl Gî i C^ O O G »i H" ús> D t-í> <» ÎQ ^^ f 09 S» Cf M c+ H* ct I P O C d- £D » •i 03 H* OD (9 CB M ca O cr o

P ct- /5 »i H" fî*


»TJ O 'O V» VJJ VvTl .c- *:- <>J M M ro -5 Jt- i>j o ON a\ CN % % % VJÎ (0



<•>•? I Sequence of Steps in Cleaning and ^cbiag * * » . •


III Etchant Coacentration-Xtch Bate Curves ^

IV Sodiuffi Alurainate-'Ktch Rate Curves 31

V Sodium Aluiniaate-Surfece Finish Curves ' * * ^k

VI Tijae in Solution-Depth of Cut Curves -^

VII MDdel for Stch Rate /nálysis of v^ariance ^^

VIII Stch Rate Analysie of Variance Table ^^

IX Model for Surfece Finish Analysis of Variance * • k2

X Surface Flnish AnalysÍB of Variance Tsble ^^ CHAPTIK I


Purpose end Scope

Å general explanstion of the process used in this Investi- gstion has l:>een staied es followa (l): "Chem»Hill is the process used :o shape sietels to an exscting tolerance by the cheaiical reaovfíl of laetsl, or deep etehiag of perts, rether then by conventional i&echsnlcal milling or Qachining operstions.'*

The purpose of thia reseørch wes to investigate rstes of metsl resiDVr.l end surfsce fialshes vhich result frozD Gpplyi ig the

Chem-Mill Process under various coaá>iûations of vsriables pertinent to the procesô Búå to detenBine the îrønner in vhich esch vørif^ble

Piffects the øtch rote and surrace finish^

In order to conduct e siore thorough investigntion^ this

^riter limited the experiiRents to B single cheinicBl iaillir.g technique using one alumiiiuiB Rlloy. In edditiOQ the independcnt varíebles, while covering siaáble raages, were limited to certain apecific values,

Reviev of the Litereture

Cheisical milliog, or "Chem-Mill Process" which is the officirl process designation under U, S^ Petent NuiBber 2,73v,0^7, is essenti«lly the SPine procv^ss PS etching wbich h? s i eet: prpcticed for ganaratlona. The saliant differeaca ia that etdiii^ has be^ uaed priaarily for artiatic desigB and decorative purpoaea vhile cheaical niHing haa develpped^ vithin the laat sev^ral years, icto a vaXttahXe iadustrial process uhich ia áble to neet exacting tolerattces ecoaoi&ically.

The Che»«llill Proceas vas conceived in I953 ^y Mr, Manuel C« Sana^ Chief Laboratory Scientiat of the Missile Diviaion of North Anericaa Aviation, lac. Aa iaveator of the process Mr. Baaz aeaigned his patirøt rii^ta to Horth Aaericaa Aviation, lac. Itt March 195^, Horth Aærican Aviation, Inc. graated exclusive CheJB^44ill Proceas righta to Turco Producta, Inc. (2) vhich then foraed the Chen-lfill Diviaioa of Turco Producte, Xac. The successor to this diviaion ia the Chcn^Mlll aad Coatiags Divisioa of Turco Products, lac* The laaia office of this diviaion is located preseatly ia WiXndngtoaf Califomia. Aa of June I962 Chea- Mill Process productiøn facilities had beea eatablished^ through sublicenses graated by Turco Products, Iac«, by forty«nine com- panies, sevea of vhich are located in foreign countries, The najority of these coaqpaaies have faeilities for processing only aluniaum alloys (3).

laitial work vith the process vas done usiag aluoiiuuBi and iroa allqysj hovever, as of Fébniary I96I aXXoya of aXuninuxD, iron, titaaium, nagnesiua and nickeX haá beea processed ia production quantities. Most success to date hes been with aXusinuia, iron end megnesium sXXoys. The PvelløbXe Xiterature indlcetes that reseerch is being conducted presentXy vit^ other metals^ TtxQ specific metals being used in such research are unlcnovn to this vriter (l)^

Tolerance cepabilities of the process ere nomally des- cribed as being plus or minus 0.002 Inches; hovever, as of October

1959 8 nuaíher of processors offered production tolerences of plus or aainus 0.001 inches on a variety of etch depths^ Under special leborøtory conditions tolerances of e fev hundred-thousandths of an inch have been ettained {k)^ Ho inforæation concerning the detslls of such tests hes been found by the writer, In general, the tolerance obtained is dependent on the metal being used f?nd the process by which the isetal vas originally formed^

The advantages snd limitations of the process are as follovs {l)s


l^ Mechine practicelity or conventional læthods need not llmit the designer or msnufacturer of Cheni- Mill Parts. 2» A part msy be chemically milled on both sides sissiul- taneously. In doing so, the psrt is processed tvice 8S fast and varpsge vhich might result frora the relepse of •locked in* atresses is rainimized. 3. Producticn capscity is increaseci siuce laany parts ceu be chemically milled at one time. This cnti be done by chemicrlly milling s large piece before cuttiiîg out the parts or by mllllng meny separate pijces in thi> tcnk et one time^ k^ Close tolerances mpy be hi2ld when chomicrl railling^ 5. There are naay ifssre to aave veight txy using the Cbea-MilX Proceaa. 8xtrusioas^ forgiaipB, eastiagef fmwd sectloas aad decp drava parts nny be Xighteaed conaiderebly. Rav stodk, such as sheet or bar, vhich vouXd nomally be heavier becaase of the Xinitations due to standard sises aad/or niniwun I2>ldii»ss restrictlons required for fomiagj , or eastiag, nsy aXso be Xii^teæd coasidersíbXy. tJsiag the Ch«MUXX Process^ parts nay be prodaced vitíi very ^ia vsl> sectiøas vithout fear of exeessive varpage ov distortion by dbserviag lâie proper reXatioa** ship betweea pocket sise and veb thickness. 6. Qie taperiag of sheete, extrusioas or fomed aectioas is readÍXy acconpXÍshed by usiag Vtm Che»«lfiXX Process* Vnrious ta^pem nsy be nede oa eæ or both siâes of a part» 7« The desiga of sandvich construction perts can be inpTQfved by Xeayiag heavy baads or stiffeærs (iategraX vith one or botât skins) at attach poiats. S» Parts ney be fomed and heat treated prior to the Chen«MiXX op«ratioa« Since foming is easier prior to the aachiniag c^retioa, Xess expeasive fomiag dies are re^uired and costXy *check and strai^tea* vork is XargeXy eXininated, Varpage resuXtiag fron heat treatiag is aXso isinimised. 9. The process pensits the design of Xi^ter velght iategraXÍy stiffened parts vhieh are sÍnpXified by the eXimiætÍon of rivetiag, veXdiag (seeia, spot, aad fuaioa) or netaX bondiag. XO. Parts naaufactured by the Cheu'^axX Process nomaXly require no subsequeat saadiag or poXÍshing of the niXXed surface, XX. The surface fiaish of naay castiags can be greatXy iM>roved by chenicaX niXXing. X2. Thia parts nay be bXaaked out using speeiaX tethaiques ineor|>oratiag the uee of photoseasitive nasks aad spray etching equii^at«


X. FiXXet radii are detemined by depth of cut, aXloy, etchaat, naskaat, etc., and are approxinateiy equaX to the depth of cut. Inside comers take a sphericaX ahepe, outside cornears renain sharp. 2. Aluminum castings are normslly dlfficult to chrøiicaXly milX duc to thø porosity and inhono- geneity of the cest material, (AXuminum cast- ings may be cheraically milled vhere neither a smooth surface nor a hlgh strength is required.) 3» Welded ports imist be considered individually be- ceuse chemicaX mÍXling over a veXded area often resuXtø in pits and uneven etching. Man^ welded materÍaXø can be sstisfactorily chenlcaXXy miXXeâ; hovever, individuai tests shculd be performed to determine the advisebillty of chemicelly milllng e psrticular part, M. Surface irregularitîes such as dents and scratches are reproducsd in the cheiaically milied surface of aluminum alloys. Surface dents or scratches in magnesium alXoys tend to wash out or disappeer as a reauXt of chemÍcaX miXling. 5. Surface vaviness and thickness varietlons sre reproduced but not inlarged. 6. ^TWBXXJ, cuts in excess of 0.500' are not recom- mei^ed. 7« Holes, deep and narrow cuts^ narrow lands^ miå sharp steep tapers should not be attempted with the CheEî-MilX Process vithout the epprovel of the proper process control group^ Based on the foregoing advaateges and limitatlons, the recommended uses of the process heve been given in the following menner (l)« In general, the Chem-MilX Proceso should be used to: 1. Remove metøl from the surfece of formed or irregular shaped perts such as , castings^ extrusicns, or formed wrought stock, Metal laay be removed from the entire surface of the part (since m aasking is required, this is the most economicel use of the Chem-Mill Process) or from selected ereas of the part^ 2. Keduce web thickness below practical mechining, forging, cøsting, or limite. 3. Taper sheets and pre-formed ahapes. k, Produce stcpped vebs resulting in the cousolidrtlon of several detailá into one integral piece. The actuaX steps to be taken ia proceasing a chenicaXXy miXled part vary vlth the result desired, In all cases the piece

should be tûorou^ily cleaned prior to etchlag in order to r aove any foreign particXes vhich may be present. Such actioa heXps

ineure uaiform dissolution of the metal aad aids in attaiaing good adhesion betveen ^^e netal and mrøkant if a s^skant is used.

Xa nany situations metaX remDval is not desired over the entire surface of the WOIÍE pieco, îa such caaee the area or areas where metal reîaovai is not desired are covered vith cm etchant

resistant srøiskant. the earliest developed and laost comsaonXy used method of naaktng involves either dipping the vork piece in a liquid maskant or sprayiag a liquld ciaskant onto the vork piece. fhe maakant is then aXXoved to dry and an iaage in the area vhere

the etching is to be accoi^pXÍshed is inscribed in the maskant vith a sharp blade. tlMs step is knovn as scribing. The inscribed

imsge maBt be smaller than the insge desired since once the etchant has penetrated below the level of ths maskant corroeive actions begins to reraDve metel under the maskant. This phenomenon is k'-:>Hn as "under cut," Aftør the deslred image has fceen inscribed the maskant in that Breet. is peeled off. Subsequer^t to aoother c3-ea: /ig, the part Í3 tîien ready ror etchirîg. In the last threí: yenrs owicr methods i'or placiog an etchant reslr-tant image on the vork piece have bøGn develop^via Most x>romineax. of these methods are photo- graphic aii screening vhich have bo: i described brieflj- as foll'vwj C5)î Hiotography provides the highest aaá most consisteat detaiX^ and preparation time is Xow (sometimes Xess tiían two hours are required from artvork to fiaiahed piece), Oaiy a photographic aegative is required, thus eXiminatÍag the aeed for e pensive printing equipoieat, and eagineering changes nay be made by revl&iag the artvork ana malcing a nev aegative. Standard siXk screen printing techniqaes may be used to pXace an etchant resistant image on a metaX sur- fece. In this process^ an inverse, (negative) image of the desired part is pXaced oa a stainXess steel or silk screen. An ÍÍOÍ—resistant to the ©tchaat—- i® then screejsed onto the work. This produces a pattern vhich must be dried before the vork is im* mersed ia the etching bal^*

After maskii^ and scribing the next major step in the pro^* cess is the actusX etching. If no xnaaking is necessary the vork piece is sÍs^Xy cXesaed priør to etchiag, There are tvo basic etchiag teehniques. Tbí&m are electro-etchiag and eXectroless- etching* n eXc stro-etchÍng the metal is carried avay from the vork tiO an ©XectroXytÍc solution by an electric current. With eXectroXesB-etchÍng the corrosive effects of the etchant remove the metal. lach techaique hs^ certain advantages. The most sigaificant advantage of electro-ctching over ølectroless-etching i« that the fomer is capable of removiafí muai approximately tventy times faster than tbe ietter. However, electro-oLohia^ is limited to metals vhich can be plated in addition to the ÍBCt that the cost of production equipment for eXectro-etching ia nici. higher than that required for electroless-etching. 6 There are seversX æthodø vhieh use eXeetroXess*etehing»

These incXnâe inwrsioa vithout agitatioa, ianersioa vith air or steam agitatioa^ spXasli aaá spray etching. ^e first tvo nethods are the Xeast eostXy fron a setup vievpoiat. la tøe seeoad æthod agitation is ased to feeÍXÍtate netaX renovaX* la addition to ua<- c<»q^Xieated detaP8# these tvo nethøâs caa handle extresisXy Xarge parts vith reXativeXy sÍaipXe equipneat* Oa the other haad heat geærated at ^m Moxfk surfaee is not readily removed, aad products of the etchiag reaetioa are aot aXvays r«Baoved evealy fron the

VOHE sorface. This sitoation caa resuXt in a Xayer of snut covering

the area of the etehiag aetioa. Xt is sonetines desirabXe to re-

wyre the vovk pieee teni irarily for desnattiag ia order to obtain the desired eveæss of fiaish (?). Xt shouXd be aoted that the

probXen of desauttiag does aot occur vith eXectro-etching sinee the

products of the etehing reaetioa are renoved to a cathode by an

eXectrÍc carreat. Sprsy aad epXash etehing coasists of the etchaat

beiag sprayed or spXashed oato the vork piece. These techaiques

give hi^ quaXity resuXts and desauttiag is aot necessary because

the spray constsntly reiaDVes reactioa prodacts from the etchiag area,

AXso, the heat geæmted by the etchant action is renoved by con-

tinuous spray. Spray and spXash etehers are expeasive vith respect

to initiaX cost, Owy are aXso Ximited in use by the size of the

vork piece (^). 9 With regard to etch rate and surfaee fiaish, the iafoma* tloa ÍB th9 Xiterature is noatly geæraX ia æ1»ire« Stch rate^ thousaaâths of aa indi p«r aiaiite neasured acomX to the surf æe of the mxk pieee. IBm sttrf&ce fiaish of the netaX vas nsasured iB root neaa (iQIB} averagee vith vaXtiss ia nicroinches. Tlie Xiteratare iadicates that aa etcli mte of oæ-thousaadtii of aa iach per nAaate nsy b« e«peetad vith aa aXaniaun voslc pieee if the •tchiag is aeecmpXishnd ia a vater soXatioa of ábout fifteea ouaces of aXuttiaisn etehaat per gaXXoa of vater at Xd$«X95^ F. (7)« Aa average sarfaee fiai^ of oiæty BMB nsy aXso be expected for depths of eat ia aXuniaun i^ to 0.^ iæhes (X). Hiere is ao iadieation of esmct surfaee fiaish vaXæs for distiact depths of eat| hovever, aurfaee fiaishes aomaXly get vorse as the depth of eut iacreases (X).

AXthOtt^ chenicaX nÍXXiag ia by ao neaæ a totaX repXaeemat for nachiæ tooXs, the process has defiaiteXy takea a proniæat pXaee ia ia&ustry. Oæ of the nost iqportaat uses of the process has beea ia theflmaufacturiag of aireraft and nissiXes. A ceoqEiXete Xistiag of ttses here does aot eeen æcessary; hovever, as an indication of the process* iiq^rtaace, such veXX puíbXicized nissiXes as Minutenaa,

PoXaris^ aad AtXas coataia ehenicaXXy niXXed parts for structuraX conpoæats«

A root neaa square average is obtaiaed by squaring the de- viations fron the apparent ceater Xiæ at fixed intervaXs aXong the surface, sunniag and averaging these squares aad extracting their square root* It has been shovn that root mean square averages are nore aeeumte thaa arithæticaX aversges. For a more coBi>Xete dis- '••'^ averages the reader is ref erred to CHAPTEE n


Coæideratioas ia Desiffliing the Eyperiaeat Siæe the avaiXabXe Xitemture does aot eoatain detaiXed iafomatioa eoæeraiag eteh rates aad surfæe fiaishes, a aaal>er of areas vere eoæidered feasÍbXe for iaveetigatioa, It vas feXt that ei^rinsats coveriag seversX ætaXs aad aore than one etching teehaiqæ vouXd have resuXted ia such a vide sccpe of iavestlgation that eaeh speeif ie area eouXd æt have reeeived thoroue^ exanina- tioa, For this masoa, as veXX as for eeoaooiie coasiderations, oæ chenÍeaX niXXing te^iaiqæ aad a siagXe netaX vere chosea.

^&e etehing teehaiqæ used ia the experiæats vas eXeetro-

Xess-etehiag utiXisiag th» nethod of iflraersion vithout agitation, Proniæat among the reaaons for this choice vere sispXicity of setup, Xack of detaiXed iafomation eoæeraing eXectro-etching, Xov cost of the setup and videspresd use of this techniqæ in industry.

The ætaX for the experiæats coæisted of pieces of aXuni- num sXXoy 202^1, bare^ tvo iaches square and oæ-fourth inch thick,

AXuninum vas picked beeause it vas knova to be a ætaX vhich could be chenicaXXy miXXed successfuXly. Ttíe oaXy consideration in choice of the speeif ic aXXoy vas that the one chosen vas readlly

10 11

avaÍ^Lable, The size BLOâ shape of the pieces chosen enhsnced handXÍng and faciHtated depth of cut and surface f inish íaeeaure-


Prelininary experinents reveaXed that the flat surface of

the work piece vhich was in partisl contact with the etchsnt con-

taiaer duriag milling was being etched irregularly. This problem

pn^ibited accurate depth of cut ra'^îasurementswhic h forîaed the

bseis of etch rete determiriations. It vas therefore decided to

mmk the bottom surface of the work pieces with Turcoform Mask

505 (see Pi.8.te I). In this røiiner more accurate depth of cut

measurements could b® fâaâe, and saturstion of the etchîiig solution

was åelB;y'øå since the ©sount of metal resj oved "PQT unit of time was

appro3íim©.tely halved.

The primary lodependønt variables seXected for tlie experi-

mønt were time in etching solution, teîi^erature of etchaat solution,

concentmtioii of ©tchaat in eolution, and concentration of eodium

aluminate in øoiution, In the îíiajorîty of tests the initial volume

of veter in soXution was constant; however, in three nupplementar;,

tests the initial volume of water was doubled ai ! the conceaLratiotis

Oi etcliant and sodium aluminate were kept constnnt. In this re-

spect, initial voluiae of water in solution was a íifth iMepôndent

vnriable, It was known fro/a t'ie literature thet teaiperature ond etchant concenti'-ation vouXd affect tlw otch rate; however, t.li; maniioi.* in vhich thoy woi;i'a aiiC t Jic etch rate vns jriicnown (^). 12

In addition the literature indicated that sodiiimi aluminate would

ÍiEgprove etching {k)» Ho explanation vas given as to how etching would be improved by sodium aluminate; therefore, it was assumed that such iraprovement vould be either increased etch rate or smoother surface finishes, Tbje literature also ÍMicated seversl of the factors which affect the surface finish^ These were ini- tial surface fiaish, depth of cut, ths mstal used, aad the way in vhich the íoetal was formed (l),

Uncontrolled variábles for the experiment consisted of such things as atmospheric conditions and the chemical content of the vater* It was assuBed that these variábles had a negligible effect oa the results of the investigation*

The only independent variable which presented a control problem vas te] $>erature. During preliminary experiments it be- came apparent that, in most cases, the temperature of the etchant

BOlution could ba held to within plus or miuus one Centigrade degree from a stated te íperature by using an electrically heated coil coupled with røanual dexterity on the part of the' experimenter.

It was thou#it that the average temperature using thic method was sufficiently close to the desired temperatureí therefore, this raethod was uaed throughout the investigation.

During preliminary experiments, which were conducted to allov the txperiînenter to beoome familier vith the proceso and to X3 furaish iafomatioa vhieb vouXd assist ia fonuXatÍag en ei^ri- neataX dnsiga^ it MBB detemiaed that there ^i^peared to be no sigaif ieaat dif f ereæes ia iaitiaX surf ece f iaishes neasured

vith the graia of the vmtaã, as oppoaed to surf aee f iaishes neaaured across the graia of tíie netaX. Hovever, after etehiag had tiâu»a pXæe the vaXnes of sarfsee fiaish æasured across the graia vere Xarger laiaa ^æ neasured vith tbe graia* Xa additioa the raage of vaXæs observed oa the prof ÍXoneter^ vas Xarger for tliose meæureneats nade across the graia. The neæureneota vere

nade by takiag f ive traees vith th^ prof iXtMter ecross the SttTfaee of the piece vith the ^ia aad five traees across the graia. fhe aetuaX raage for a partÍeuXar readiag vas obtaiæd by suibtractiag the snaXXer vaXæ reeorded fron the Xarger vaXæ re- eorded. The raages of each five æasureneats vere Uiea aversged to give a neaa variatioa ia vaXues. AXæ the niãpoints of the ia- dÍvidusX reediags vere averaged to give sa estiæte of the average

overeXX surfaee fiaish of mdb. pieee. The resuXts of sueh æssure- neats for five pieeeSy eacfa etched uader differeat coaí:>inatioæ of teq^ratttre^ etcheat coæeatratioa^ aad sodiun aXunÍæte conceatra- tioa^ are shova ia TabXe I.

?A surfeee fiaish readiag obtaiæd fron a profiXometer is æmaXXy expressed as a raage of vaXæs; e.g. 50-70 HMS. As the tracer head of the profiXoneter moves aioag the surfaee of the ætaX the iadicstor æedXe fXuetætes. Ihe recorded surface flaish readiag represeats the Xovest sad highest vsXues observed duriag the noveæat of the tracer head across the netoX« ik

TabXe I


BampXe With Oraia Across Grein Flece Number

M*«MMVMPIMÍ|H of îîesuiir.igs Surface of Eeadings Surfacc Flnish Fittish X8 Ô9.0 26 100,0 1'-^ 39*5 i*o.5 3 X6 5í».0 ^ 63.0 /^.'- k 19 63.T Í:."' 79-5 5 xa i»6.o 29 66.5

Since f.t •í^fîií"? thought tîu^t; BU e^ítimste Cx' the C'7erali surface finish of a piece voiild be B uctter me.asui-e for deieiîaiaii.g the posøible effectfî ot the independent variables on surface finish B^ opposed to tsking the singlc highest ot.served value, it was decided that eæh value of surfGC;.':; xiaiíîh used for anelysis •.;?•: alc 1,.^ deter- râned 'bj taking the average 0? \}ie tvo valaes recorded. It WBÍ. aXøo thought that •mYe accurBt-e mh^LL..c^ by the exp;irim:,'í-t:^r would be obtained from measurements Eiaãe wiUi the grain c - the nîetal be- cavr-.e the loage of val ias WEÍB .;r.:^.i:i--?.i.' tîmri that ootained by n.irsuring aci'oss the r:*''^^^*^*^'^ o- ^î^ !ic'-£û« ?'i)r •.I'iese r28.30!ii'i, all íiurL' ':e finish meac-iuidiieiits recor('.:?d durinf: the formal ">.p rirrîfntatio'î were aeesur ?i vith t'r.e :;j-: in of tho riotal. X5 mmi^BX Aapocts of the arorineat

Sqittipneat aad MateriaXs

TtM pertJUMmt equipnsat ttseâ ia thia iavestigatioaf sXoag vith the iQ^if ie use o£ wsh itetty is shova ia TábXe 2«

*BsbXe 2

Stiuipnieat Hse Me&eureneat of Surf ace Fiaish

Mieroneter Measi»reneat of vc^ pieee thiek- aess Stop vateh Meastareneat of tiæ of vorl^ pieee ia et^iiag soXutioa Tliemonetw Measureæat of etehiag soXtttioa ts^peratttre EXeetrie faa l^iâiaætion of vapors fron etehiag soXatioa Trip baXaæe seaXes Measuren^t of etehant aad sodiun aXttniæte SXeetrieaXÍy heated eoiX Mainteaaace of etehiag soXutioa teo^rature Graduated besker Measurensat of voXiass of vater for etching soXution Buibber gXøves BandXing etchiag aad aitric acid soXtttioas Bubber eoated sproa Proteetive device 800 aad 2000 niXXiXiter beakers Coataiæz*s for etching and eXeaaiag soXtttioæ Maskaat eoated toags Traæferriag voxk pieeee to aad fron the etehing aad eXeaaing soXatioæ fiquipiisat tabXe Used for bolding beakers aod other equipneat daring etehing proeess X«Aeto kaif e HenovaX of naskaat fron vork piecee X6 The nateriaXs uæd ia the ^cperimrøt eoæisted oft X* ttreofiom Stehaat 98 2» Tisreof om Mask ^5 3« Sodittn AXuniæte^ tocâuaieaXf poøder k* nttric æid 5« AXanitsM AXXey ao^^ bare 6* Tsp vater

Fsæedam The iaÍtiaX pîiaæ ia eoadætiag a test vas coæeræd vith pveperaticm of the vork pieee. The first step ia prepariag the speeiæa væ eXeaaiag* This vas eceoiq^Xished by aXXoviag the ætaX to renaia ia a fift^ perc^st aitrie æid soXution for approaei- nately five niautes. The pieee vas thea renoved fron the aeid soXtttioa, riæed ia vater, aad aXXoved to dry. After dryiag the netaX vas dipped ia Tttrcofom Mask 505* Xa approxinately four hours t^ ÍaÍtÍaX coat of naskiag had hardøæd eæu^ to pemit a secoad dippiag. SulJoeQæat to appXieatioa of the eecond Xayer of nækaat, the pieee vas aXXoved to dry for the æxt tveaty-four hottrs. The naskaot vas thea renoved tTom one eide of the netaX by iæeribiag a square ia the nnskaat vil^ aa XWicto knife aad etripping off the naskaat by hand. Any rrøoaiaiag portÍcXes of nækaat vere renoved by aaother eXeaxiiag ia the aitric acid so- Xtttioa foXXoved by a vater rinse. The piece vas then dried, and X7 the sorfaee fiaish næ asasttmd vith the prf^iXeneter* This vas aeeeavXishod l^ tekiag five tr«eæ« æch oæ aad

Tbe æxt phæe of the test vas the etching process. å c(»i- biætion of tenq^raturet etehaat aad sodiun aXuninate vas chosen X8 frott the avaiXabXe vaXæs* Beeaæe of the i^tiysieaX ætiire of this ittvætigation it væ oot desaed aecessary to ehooæ the eos&iætion randoaîly. Siæe sooe tests took Xaager thaa otíiers, it vas sdvaa- tagtous to the txperinsottr to be aliXt to stXtet a etrtaia eossbiæ- tiæ ia aecordaæe vith the tine avaiXabXe. Afttr stXteti^ a eetftiiætioat tht spteif itd enottats of ttehant and sodiun aXuniæte vere nixtd vith tht proptr voXuæ of vattr. The soXutioa væ thea br0tt#it to tht proptr ttB^trature. At this tlæ tht vork pitee væ iatrodæed iato tht soXutioa eoineidtat vith startiag tht stop vatch. Puriag tht ttehing ptriod tht thtmoættr, vhieh vas nouattd ia a hoXdtr oa the btaktr sudi that tht buXb vas apg^ro iættly at the XtvtX of vork pitett vas vatehed for vsriatioæ ia ttnvtratum. AetæX eoatroX of the tsgqptrature væ eecoapXished by renoving the beeker fron the htatiag eoiX vhen a rise ia ttiqptratttm vas iadi- cattd aad by rtpXaeÍag tht btsker on the coiX vhea tbe tsq^rature begaa to drop. After tea niautts of ttehiag the speeiæa vas re- noved fron ^ soXutioa aad riæed ia vater. The snut vas thea re- noved fron the surfaee by ÍnBiersÍag the pieee ia a fifty«r'/als after the øtch rete had decreasea, This vas done ia order to c^bserve the rate at which the etch rate was decreasi'ag aad the effect of these conditions on surface í'iniGh.

The cleaaing and e'krai.iig; portions of the procedure were arranged oa the equlpme-rd; tsble ir:, the mrmer shown in Plate I* p-B expÍRÍned previouî lj', the r.equcncc depicted in l^xaZQ I was interrupted for the inter iediate steps of laasking and uieeauremeat,

I pcrlLiental Design

A factorial desiga e cpøri;r*:-^:t was selected i.i ordei tuat v- statistical analysis of variaii're :.''o:r f:.rAi?,lysii.j the eiTects of ti'ic independent varia'.:le.ig sÍfíîuX'-.a:.i??ûi.^.:;.l7 could b-e conduct'ed. Wit."' ftuch a design it vas aXeo possible to determine the effects of combii.e- tione of the varial)les. In edditioi. it VJG.Î possible to aivide the effect of e siîigXe variabXe into ciuvilinear con^aen-í so that BIA iaâication of the immier in vhich the iodepende.ît variable afí'ect,»d the deî>en<5o.it variable cou i be obteirii^d. 20 fiirte factort or indtptaâeat variabXæ vtrt ebæta for tht faetoriaX dæiga* Thtst vtrt ttehaat ecmetatmtiai» sodiua aXuBÍætt eoætatratioa aad ttaptratttm* AXso thræ XtvtXs or vaXuæ of tæh of these variabXæ vere stXtettd. This gavt a totaX of tvtaty-stvmi eonbiætioæ of ttdiaat eoæeatratioa, sodittn aXuniæ^ eoæ«itratioa aad t«qptraturt. Xa ordtr to add nom stæitivity to tht aaaXytis of variaæt aad to bt sbXt to ætinatt tht txptrintntaX trror ia the invætigatioa proctdiartf thrtt rtpXieatioæ vith taeh coidbiætioa vere eoadæted. The re- ftttXtiag aaiAier of tests væ thæ tÍ|^ty-oæ. For thtst ti^ty-oæ ttsts tht iaitÍaX voXoæ of vattr ia soXutÍæ væ 600 niXXiXittrs, ^t vaXttts for ttaptraturt vert stvtaty-fivt^ ti^ty-fivt aad aiæty< fivt dtgræs Ctatigrade. Tbe coæeatratioæ of etehaat æed vere forty-one, fÍfty-eÍXf aad 8tvtaty«oæ graæ per 600 niXXiXiters of vattr* The coætatratioæ of sodiun aXuniætt æed vere zero, ttoåxty*oS4§xt, aad stvtaty-six grsæ v^ 600 niXXiXiters of vater. 3t3LtctÍoa of the vaXuts for these varÍsbXts vas bætd oa a recon- ænâatioa ia the Xittraturt of a eoflâiination eoataiaiag f if tæa ounces of etehaat ptr gaXXon of vater ead tea ounces of sodiua aXuniæte ptr gaXXoa of vattr vith tht soXution tenperature beiag IÔ5 to X93 degrees Pahreriheit (k), A contoiætion of fifty-six graas of etehaat aad thirty-ei|^t grons of sodiua aXuniæte ia 60O niXXiXiters of vat^ at ei|^ty-f ive degreæ Ceatigrade is approxi- ættly tqaivaXtat to the reeoanended coribiætioa. AXso oæ vaXae 21



M <*•< -H y N sa H o o d 1.J VO t. i3 S ^ -§ g :::í r^' oî O . í^ cû •«^-' '^ é , 'A y f.} 4J ' t — — — > Mi r ''l 0 s

irv g î 1 ^ o ^ f—4 M '-;»f-( • 2) *-••aîi Cí C l ^4 M O •-»< Hi cn- r\^ 9 4- f^ri 0 :o .á :•-"! o g •p 13 j^—t / C»•<^ TO ", ^ rJ-4 f1 t: 61 '-; OJ cs •i-i «H Cî >< tí •*» Cî Cî ^ O H H ra íSJ o o > >


fj 1 I M 1 I M 1 M y 22 above and one value beXøw the recoOTaended values vsre selected

for each variáblo.

he iavestigation ot the effect of voluae of water wes

vejry linited in order that a laore thorou^^ investigatioa of the

three varishles raentioned ahove could be accoszplished. The tests

for the effect of volume of water coasisted of selecting tdiree of

the cos^inations of ^tchant, aodium aluminate and tea )erature. The

smouat of water^ etchant and sodiua aluninate vere tíien doubled

giving equaX concentration vith a larger volume of solution.

ThsBe tests nere run at the saxie tenperatures SB the equivalent

coQâ^iimtions with 600 aiilliliters of vater. Because these experi-

ments were very lÍ3iited| en indicetion of the effect of the voluæe

of water wms obtained by laerely coasparing the results of the larger

volume tøBts with those conducted st the 600 milliliter level,

Sixice timø was alsc aa independent variable, coraparison of

etch rates could be sccosapXished oniy when all values iu the

analysis were recorded for e particular tiisej e.g. after twenty

fflinuteo of etching. Surfnce fi nishes could also be conipared for a

particuler etching tine; hovevor, o problem with such en analyeis

wns the fact that the depth of cut, e factor which was known to

fiffect the surface finlsh, wes rarely the same for laore than several

combii^tions st a particular tiiae o' etchiav,, Depth of cut coulcl

not be included in thia investigetion as &fi independeiit veria'bl,:

fiincs tíie ctch rates for the vnrious combinatiOiiB wore un nown 23 prior to coadtteting tht aetuaX tetts. Boifever^ a statistieaX aaaXysis of variaact ivith sttrface fiaish as the depeadeat variábXe vas eonduettd bastd on t^ assuas^tion that the dtpths of cat vere esseatiaXXy tbt saine for the etarfaee finishes ehosea* The aodeX^ aXoag vith iattrprttatioas of the rtsuXts of this anaXysis, is givta in Che^ter XX.

fhe prætduarts aad desi^ expXaiaed ia this chspter itere ttsed to obtaia the data i^eh are shova ia Appeadix A* 3he foX-

Xowing ehspttr contairø the various aaaXysee vhich vere coaducted vith these data. rmmm AKD mtmBmmom AXX iafomatioa rteordtd duriag the fomsX exptrinsats of this iavtstigatioo is tsîmXated ia AppeMix A* For coæiseaess^ taeh distiæt coBã>iaatioa of t«Qptrat»irt, etchaat coaceatratioa, aad sodiun aXoniaatt ccmetatratioa vas givta a code aui^er, !Che ecsd iaatioos for tæh code m»Í3er are shøim ia fsbXe 3« Xa Appendix A tht ain&ier btfore tht dash repreetats tht ee6t>inatÍoa of the three variabXtsi the auBâ^er afttr ^ dash rtprtstats the n^icatioa for that eoÉbiaatÍoa* for txas^^^ the Code Hu8i>er X-2 desigaatee the stcoad test vith fort3r*-oae grens of etchaat, ao sodiua aXuniaate, aad a ttHiptraturt of 9^^ Oeatigrade. Tte three tests coaducted vith X200 niXXiXÍt<»>s of vattr vere givta Code Kuidtmrs X'-X, 6-X, aad X2-X. Ttume Code %aâ>ers viXX be used ia succeediag portioas of this thtsis to rtfer to partÍcttXsr cosíiinatioas of the vsriábXts,

tion of the Oata Frior to a grtj^eaX or statÍsticaX aaalytis of the data, the vriter txaniaed tht iafomation by observatioa. This exaniaation rtveaXed seirtraX iattrtstiag facts eoactraiag the rtXationships oaot i the iadeptadeat aad dtptadeat vaxiabXes, 0& the other haad the ia- terpretations of the data vhich couXd be nade soXely by inspection vere Xinited ia auidber and gtatraX ia aature. Tto of tht more 6bvious fiadians reveaXed by iuspection vere 25 TebXe 3 IDiafTIFlCATIOK aP COMBINATIDIB BI CODB NUMBEfôî CB-Code Kuaå>er B-Grans of Etchaat per 600 nI.of vattr SA-(hrans of Sodiun AXuniaatt per 600 nX»of vater T-Ttaaptrature ia degrtts Ceatlgrade

4miÊmÊmmÊ>mmmmmHmimmmmmmmmmmmmÊmmmmmmmimmtimømmmÊmMmmmmmmm\í >iir • • i i—»—i—i n i i !•«•>——»11—•—. C17 B SA # 55 i SÃ T^

X kX 0 95 i5 7X 38 95

2 kx ^ 95 16 kx 0 85 3 kX 76 95 X7 kx 76 85 k kX 0 75 X8 kx 38 Í35 5 ÎX 0 75 X9 IX 0 85 6 ÎX 0 95 20 7X 76 85 T 36 0 85 2X 7X 38 85 8 36 76 85 22 kx 76 75 9 56 38 85 23 kl 38 75 XO 56 0 95 ai* 56 76 75 u 56 76 95 25 56 38 75 X2 56 38 95 26 7X 76 75 X3 56 0 75 27 71 38 75 Xk 7X 76 95 26 the effects of t«B|;>erature and etchant concentration on etch rate.

It vas evideat that for any particular ccsíbination of etchant concentration and sodiitia aluminate concentration the etch rate increased vith an Increase in teapcrature, Also it vas noted that for a Qr distinct cosíbination of tes^erature and sodiun alussinate coacentratiøn the etch rate increaéed with an increase in etchant conc entration.

Another iatcresting observation wes that the coBû>inations having higher initiel etch rates also showed a decrease in etch rate sooner than the coîsiLîinations having lover initial etcb rates,

In all cases láie etch rate eppeared to be relatively constsnt, consldoring møasure aent errcrs, during the first forty miaute: of etching.

It was aXso noted that surface finiahes deteriorated con- siderably during the first ten ainutes of etchiag. After the first etchirig period the surface finishee tendeã to get worse gradually

QS the tiaie in the etching solutior increased. No epecific inter- pretation concerning which coÆbinations rerulted in a better s.r- fece l'inish could be vmåe; however, it appe&red that after aiiy particu ar tiise of etching there were no significant difference^ in surface finishes among the various experimenta.

An examination of the results of the three teats conduccea with 1200 jîiilliliterB oi' water in solution revealoû slightl higher etch rat^ thaa tbe equaXly eoneeatrated soXutioas coataiaing

600 niXXiXittrs of vattr. These iacreaaes varied fron siproxi- nattly .OOOX to .0003 iaches ptr niautt* Xa additioa iâm tests vith tbe Xarger voXuat of eoXution did aot shov a decrtase in ttch ratt as ^uielOy as the oQm«f^^ tests vith 6C0 nUXiXiters of vattr* A eeaq;»arÍsoa of si;»itact fiaishes resuXtiag fron the X200 aiXXÍXittr XeveX reveaXed ao evideat treaâs* flierefore, no inter- prttatioa coaceraiag po&sibXe difftrtae^ ia sttrfact fiaishes betveea

the tvo XeveXs vas nsdt. It is thcHi^t that nore exteasive research

ia t^is area viXX bt aecessâry to detemixie lâiether or aot volune

of soXtttioa afftets the surfaee fiaish.

With the exetptioa of tht three txptriaeats cittd abovô, the

fastest etch ratts vere obtaiatd vith eoiiãdiaations 6, }M, aad X5. The iaÍtiaX ttch ratts o$»taiaed vith thtse co»ft>ination8 vere aXX

cXote to .00x5 inehes per niautt. The sXovest eteh rates resuXted

fron tests vitái cosâ^iuatioas k, 22, and 23. Tbe initiaX etch rates vith thtse cosi>ination8 vere ia the aeighborhood of «0005 inchee per


The higheot average surface finish readiag was arouad 100 BMS,

Hectdiags ia this viciaity vere aoted vitíi several coafeinations, and

average rtadiags of 100 BHB did not occur gtaeraXly uatiX the vork pitcc had beea etched in excess of XOO ninutes. 28

GraphicaX Atalysis

SeveraX portions of t^e data were snalyzed graphicaXly in order to obtain e laDre vivid and aeeciingful interpretation about the effects of the independent variables upon dependent variables.

The first three graphs show the effects of tesipereture, etchant concentration aná sodlum aluminate conceatration on the average etch rate duriog the first forty laintttes of etching.

These grephs are illustrated in Plates II, III and BT. It was assuned that the average etch rate during the first forty laiuutes of etching was a good estimte of the constant etch rate which would reøult froia constaatly reîffloving the products of the etching reaction fron solution* Such a constant etch rate can be main- tained with the electro-etching technique; however, e nuch fester rate of metal removal can be obtained with electro-etching deperidlag on the fi iount of electric current applied to the solution. Based on the data it appears that a good estiiaate of the depth of cut can be made at aay point during the coastant etch rate period. &ti-

Tiates of the depth of cat after the rate starts decreasing would be very difficult without fu tht:-r inver.tigation. Sincs esch solu- tion appeered to have a relatively constant etch rate duriiig the first íorty ilnuteB of etchiag, that point at forty minutea wa:) chosen as a logical place to aiaalyze the effects ox" the inc'eperidef.t variables on etch rate. 29 PLATE II


15 _


tm c •H 13 u & 4-1 o (U' L2 09 § •p •H 3 s;L l •H ^ as & >> +5 »4 •gio 0 PM •cH -P a 0} CO Ik •H (U <

1* _ Etchant and Sodium Aluminate Concentrations constant for each curve.

~I ^ Te-iperoture (cie;:ree6 Centigrade)




I 13H

O Q) •P 00 S «> c •P -H 11_ tí

10- £ •p d n (0 9- ^* «M O ^ (0 ci- tí jd •H +J M tî 3 C Q « 0) 3 7- ss+* 0 I u o o 5-

> 4«

3- Teciperature and Sodium Aluniinate Concentrstion constant for 2_

UT ^3 71 (Etchant Concentration (grams per 600 ml.)


Xlu 6 Xk X5 13-

•H la- u o m a 4^ S| 10- ^^ u u & Q. •P XI mu aq •r» .H 8-

•H «M t^ O 7-

S1 6_

I 5_

U 'w o 16 5 > 4 - íl 13 X7 r<; 22 í-h 18 ^7 5- 23 P3 . i.poiature ai l Etchaut Coiu Gf.tretion constant for each curve.

Sodiu s /luminete Concentretion(yF'u; i)er 600 T'-I,)


Plates II, III, and IV were all constructed ia a similar nanner. Each cur^e contains three poiats. For all three points oa a perticular curve tvo of the lnav*peadeQt variableø have tbe saiae valuøs. The otJier indepeadent variable, shown on the absciesa, has the values Indicated on the horizontal scale st each point, For each point the value on the ordlnate is the îoean of the Bverage ©tch rates during the first forty ninutes for the thre^? replicetions of thst coîsbinatlon. The nuBfcers shown indi- cete the coîBbinations represented by that curve.

An e amiaation of Plates II, III, and IV revealr that the thrøe points on most curves closely approxiraate a stralght ?Ane.

With Flates II and III there is a def inite ii reaBe in the etch rate es the independent variable increaBeîs. i\l8o, the slopes of the curves in Plate II are higher, in general, than the slopes of the curves on Plate lîl. The two graphs are interpreted SB meariing that an incroase In teî ^erature or etchant concentration wit rin the

Bpecified ranges results in a proportionsl increase in etch ratc.

It also fåppearø that an increase in teiHperature fro'n one level to the next higher level gives a slightly larger increase in etch ra&e tban the increace in etch rate brougbt sbout by B corresporiJlr^ increa e in etche<ît conceatration, The curves of P ate I" ere ffluch more difficult to interpret; however, there eppears to be either a rlight increase or no chanp;?^ in etch ^Pît? es th.- aodiu; alurainote concentration ÍG Increased. 33

Siace it vas suspeeted that the addition of sodium eXaniaate night iaffrovm the surface fiaish a greph sinÍXar to FXate XV vas constructed vit^ surface fiaish es the depeadeat varÍiú»Xe« ISiis graj^^ PXate V, vas fomed in m stly the sazoe naaner as FXate ZV exeept that the ordiaate of each point vas obtaiæd by caXcuXatiag the neaa of the nidpoints of the surf ace fiaish ranges after for^ niautes of etching for the three repXi* catioas of ^m coaibinatioa at that poiat, Tbm surface finish readiags at forty ninutes of etehing were used siace it vas thought that aasr effect of sodiun sXaniaate wouXd be evideat at that point*

Surface fiaishes after nore thmn forty ninutes of etching vere aot used siace it vas feXt that decreasiag etch retes night affect the sarface fiaish thus nslciag iaterpifetation nore difficuXt* Aa eacaaiaation of PXate V reveaXed no geæraX tread concerning the effect of sodiua aXoniaate oa surface finish, A nore thorough aaaXysis of the effects of the iadependeat variábXes on surface fiaish is incXuded uader StatisticaX AaaXysis*

PXate VX depicts the vey in vhich depth of cut increased as tine progressed. OaXy a fev coabinations are shova in order to svoid confusioa* Curves for eXX other cosd:>Íaations vouXd have been siniXsr ia nature and vouXd have f aXXen betveea the upper aad lower curves shovn, la the vicinity of the end point each curve begins to XeveX off, some more quickly thaa others, Of course none of the curves vouXd becoiæ hari ontsX uatiX the etch rate had dropped to PLAT13 V

16 X7 cic. 55 23 Tioe in solutiOi. - ^40 minutes. X8 25 Etchant Concoatratlon and 'X'eripoycture constant foi each 5U curve. 53 T "^T 7F Sodium AliirQinai Concentration (í^rt'.Tas per G^ ÎPJL.)

S0DIUr4 ALUÎ'IT:/>TE - ;;;: d'/CE FIIÍISH CUlîVES 35


o I •H 3 M

O 5


o o o (sôHDtx- î^no jo mdoa 36

s^ro« The steeper curves tend to leveX out sooner then láie curves

vith sssaXXer sXopes. ^is is because the etch rate dropped off

faster aad laore significaatly for those coabinations haviag a hÍÉ^

iaitial.etch rate. Xt is also evideat that the deptái of cut for

the combinatioas rua at the X200 aiXXiliter XeveX were sigaifi-

caatly Xarger as tine progressed thaa the equivaXent coabinatloas

run et the 600 miXXÍXiter XeveX. This can be attributed mainly to

the fect that the etch rate renained constant Xoager with coatoina-

tions X-X, 6-*3C, aud 12*X than vith coaibinatious X-1, 6-1, snd 12-1.

3tetisticeX A-naXysis

Computations for the tvo statistical aaaXyses of varlance

are given in Appendi B. The data u^ed In conduetiag the analyses

vere takea from the eigSity-one tests conducted at the 600 aillillter


The first anaXysis of variance was conducted to determine

the effects of tes^erature^ etchant concentration, aud soaiuix

aiuminate coacøntration oa the etch rate. The arrangeiDent of datîi

fo this mielysis Is shovn ia Plsie VII. B&sed oa ti'e assuHQ^tiou

thet the íjtch rate for each test was constant during the first

fon;y raiautee of etching, the total depth of cut vtxa divided b;

forty to give an estiraatiou of the constant etch rate, *R:ie oversge etch rate for a forty rainute period v&s eelected in preference to the average etch rate which ccnilâ )\€^\'(.} beei. coHputed after ten. 37

O ir\ O O o o o «A lA * « o • H lA •^ . tA lA H H lA H H H

ii ir\ O tf\ c o o ITv lA o « 8 8 * irv » • « « H C.) H H H H H H H

O O lA tn lA lA LTv R ^ lf\ OJ OJ « H i O o-, O 1* o o H S H H H

tr\ iA O Q o » 8 tf\

o 1 ® ' O 'A lA 8 S iA o 9 « • íA o 0\ O O CO Í " ' CO 0\ es H H H H M > W\ !A lA 8 8 ô H[ i 8 ih^*"* ^*-*-* f co ro


,• •

S2 iA Q tA lA 8 o W lA l>- » » H J?| • o é . t-- <0 Cí)

^^*c;—' ..-' ^••- ""'--....-.v : >íS- UA O O lA \S\ C CJ S uS lA ;- tA irs vû VO VO VD I»IWW«IIM; iBiiiWiiHl Wlliif^t*—">*"»*•• •"^^^ vd ^ vû

iPv •.f\ S 0. O \ H * • • « « » ' LfN lA lA ^

oq.sTi isntV îOTi'^P*^;i 2' >-» I +? • I SO ! -iJ I ('^ vr^ V %, 38 tveaty^ pr thirty aiaatea, Ihe reasoa for this choice vas that si^h a procedure t^ided to give nore accuracy to the etch rate neasurenents* Far maaigXm, the n^sured etch rate during the first tea miaote period nsy have beea «0006 inches per niaate and sa ideaticaX nt^ureneat for the seccnd tea loiiaite iatervaX nsy have reeuXted ia aa eteh rate of »0007 iaches per niaute, AppXyiag the eoastaat eteh rate sseuaptíto it is XogÍcaX to concXude that the actaaX etch rate dariag tbe first tveaty Biautes vas cXoeer to •00075 iaches per ninute than it was to either «0003 or ,0007 inches per admite* Siaee the eteh rate for B3X tests sppeared to be reXativeXy constaat daring the first forty ninutes of etching, siniXar reasoaing vss ^XÍed to the first four etching periods« Bach vaXue ia PXate VXZ represeats the average etch rate f or one repXicatioa of a particaXar coat^inatioQ* To faciXitate conputa» tionsy ^e average eteh rateSf ia iaches per minute^ vere nuXtipXied by XOfOOO* MuXti^^catioa by this constsat did aot affect the neaaiag of the resuXts of the probXenî hovever, to estiaate the variaace of experineataX error it vss aecessary to divide the Meaa Square of the error obtained fron cutations by the square of the constaat, ia táiis caae Í00,000t000*

The resuXts of this aaaXysis are shovn in PXate YIII. These resuXts nay be iaterpreted as foXXovs:

X* The effect of tem^rature oa the average etch rate duriag the first forty niautes of etohiag is significaat at thc .01 H H OJ W H, C\] C30 tA O O H H O H H O H H « . Vû • • • . . í-- iA » p- WN ^- !>• lA £— £— C4 ^ t>- CJ '»w '•i l>- CJ H H O H H O lA tA iA H o• « o« o* « « • « o « O^í -*• .^-í

Q tA CO H VD lA CO PVH. Ci H 0\ H fn d H fO -» o« • • ro« CJ S. o o m o o O H E-i

» fsí H <•**? Ci H ^ CO lA s


u '•n o o Q «\ tA ON tA C) VÛ tT %.) ,4- 8 t~ H ás CO 0? -* O -=f &; H lA f?') H • * • lA« » • « '>~cni « C-.] CJ • • ^7 b-. O O o H H H T'-'^ H o o

O > £3 'lî QJ O H •H y o D •P ã C! M o r. d 4^ •P •H O e: u VI 4í ^^ <:: a es o o -P » H cí d U tj' cî •H ^ •H c; î> GJ o o O M •P C H J3 rH M o cî u r..> •p •r ; .;-; +3 ca o c- Cî 9 u H I 1.3' ^ 3 o o .9 O ko XeveX« The effect of t^^rature is Xiaear^ i«e^ sa inerease ia etch rate proportioaaX to aa increase ia t«sgperatore is obteiæd ia the raage of t«qperatures covered ia this iavestigatioa.

2« the effect of etchaat coaceatration on tãie average eteh rate duriag tlie first forty aiimtes of etchiag is sigaifi* caat at the .OX XeveX* fhis effect of etehaat coae^tratioa is Xiaear, i«e«^aa inerease ia etch rate proportioaaX to the iacrease ia etehaat coaceatratioa is obtaiaed.

3« the effect of sodiun aXuaiaste eonceatration on the average eteh rate duriag the first foH^ ninutes of etehiag is sigaifieaat st the «05 XeveX. AXso the effeet of the Xinear cosg^ai^it of sodiun aXuniaate is sigaificaat at the«05 XeveXi i«e«, aa iacresse ia sodiun aXuniaate conceatratioa resuXts is a pro« partioaaX iacreaae ia etch arate. 4« Hhe cosi>iaatioa of teiaperature aad etchaat coacentra- tioa has a sigaif ieaat effeet oa the etch rate et the .OX level. !ZhÍ8 effeet is ia additioa to the iaâividuel effeets of temperature and etehaat coaceatratioa, Aa iaspection of the date revesls that aa iaerease ia both teiiS»erature ead etchsat concentretion causes sa incresse ia eteh rate*

3« Aa estinate of the experinsatoX variance vas obtoined by dividiag the error neaa square, 0*326, by 100,000,000• ^iis vsXue vas 3«26 X 10*^ vhich indieates a snsXX vsrience vas pre- veXaat ia the eteh rote determinntion* kx Siace the eteh rates tor the various eoafcinations vere un« kaovn prior to conductiag the saeperineats, it vas is^ossÍbXe to aiXX aXX pieces to a partieaXar depth of eut« Rovever, it vas desirabXe to eXininate the effeet of depth of cat fron the surface fiai^ aaaXysis of variaace« TtíXs vas attenpted by seXeeting depths of cttt vhich vere a@ eXose together as possibXe* Tbe arraag«aeat for the surfaee f iaish aaaXysis of variaaee is shovn ia PXate IX« The vaXues of surfi»:e fiaish are averages of the tvo extrene vsXues of surface finish at the dep^ of cut iadicated beXov the surface f inish readiag* Xt caa be seen that the depths of cut seXeeted raage from «0^ to ^CkX inches« This appears to be a vide variaace ia cos^arisoa to the depths of cut; hovever, an iaspeetion of the ^ta reveaXs that the surface fiaish vaXues used are very cXMe to, ani ia aany cases the sane, ss the readiag vhieh vouXd have been o^taiæd ií aXX pieces had beea etehed «035 iaches. For exanvXe, the vaXue for coafcinatÍOB 9*3. vas 70 at a depth of cut of «030 inches* he aext depth of cut nearest to «035 inches recorded vith conbiaation 9«X vae «029 inches, and the surface fiaiah readiag fOr that depth of cut vas aXso 70« îherefore the assusption that the surfece fiaish readiag for coiâ>ination 9-X at vaXues be- tveea «029 aad .GkX inehes vas 70 seenø feasibXe.

Aa iaspection of the experimentaX data shovs thet the initiaX surf ace readiags recorded vere aXX siniXar but thst the exaet vaXues vary from 5-XO EMS to 5-35 îîMS. For the surface i>2

o H H H fn O • o^t o§ lAín O OO L^f*^ lAf*^ O c » • o • O ,^o • O • O H lA . lA • • O cy • cu « lA * iA^^ o • CVJ • lA^ vo^ \0 w N^ VØw lAw ir\w

O H O co H tí\try o^ O O rr^ 0-5 • O =.« • O °«s •O O • tA • o • lA • tA • o • % "Ã \aw VO'-' VOw —-—

dl H H H tAcri iA«n O 2Ci O f^ tACO o rt tfVfi') tAf^> o m • O * O • O • O • O • O « O • o H lA • CvJ iA • » • OJ • o • VO wi- VO V£>w m -ar- V£) '"»««• lAw

s OJ fO f^> O ro l^ o

u 1 CVI O co H O f^> o O fíî O oo • o • O • o iAf»^ ^«& • O O • CVî • « • o o • lA • tA » tA'W O • Q • o \0 •'-^ lAw s t-w v5 VOw VD w

H tAO tA"^ O § lAm O^í tAf*") O f^î O PO o co * O »0 • O • o • o H • o Cí • Q * f*~ • • o * o tA • • o lA • CJI • trv' VO w' VO w vø o • c ^

0} H H ^ lAro o ^ tAÎn O rr> IAC**Í lA^ tAíTi O^ • o o • O • O • O O • o • o • o » o Ê«- • » V-; pL cg • ^~« « tAw \^ «w \Q ^3 o • Cvî • frM«M»^ lA^ VO vû^^

» Oj CJ o H 5A f^') ÎAS lAO^ o » O • O O o lA • o CM » • o tA ' CJ • ÍAw fw • ÎK' lA OJ • lAw •O ' VO lAw

O H O O tAr<") cn lAfv^ lAfV) lA fv-í tr\ cn lA C'-) lAOO Í2) • 'O • O * o O • O • O • O • o lA H t-' * Cv' "• OJ • lA" tfV' OJ • VD w VD w VD VO*

(D Q%Tauxiv.ríj\f •p CC -P V - i:'i l'-. d Vû ch a o O •p E-« w % ^3 f iaish aaalysls of variance it wes assuned that sXl work pieces had the saiae iaitiaX surface flnieh. In order to vaXidate this assuB^tion the folXovlng statistícaX test vse conducted. 1?he averagø of the initiaX surface finish reeding for each of the ei|^ty-one tests vas caXculated, Bight sas^Xes of ten each were chosen raadojaiy fron these vaXues, k one vay anaXysis of variai e vas coaducted to deterraiae if there vas aay sigaificant âifferíince anong the sas^les, Ttie resuXts of this test indicated there vas no sigaificant difference ajgong the saapXes at the .05 level«

Based on this detemination, it vas assuæd that the initial sur- face finisheø of ©11 vork piec@s vere essentially the saine,

fh© results of this anelysis of variance ere indicated in

Plate X. Th®m resuXts sift^ be interpreted ss follova;

1, Soâium aXuminate has a signlficsrit effect et the «01 level on the surfac© finish, This effect ic linear in nature, i«e., as sodium ©luminate is sdded to the solution the surfece finish becoiQes proportionstely worse«

^, The coEibination of teîspereture anâ etchant has a &igni- ficent effect st the «01 level oa the surface finish. An inspection of the tlata indîcates that ©n increase in etchsnt coLi.^eutra'wiJíi coupled vlth a decreese la téiîîperat ui} results iu an irpioved surfsce fiuish.

3. The estinate of 8>"peri!3entrl v?riønce for t;ii6 enelysis ves IÔ.596, Purther investigatîoi using the etch rates obteined in kk thio researeh vouU probably aesist ia redæing the experineataX variaace* AdditionaX re^ications vouXd aXso aid ia reduciag the experlnnataX variaace,

Xt is thou^t that each type of aaalysis used in this ehf^ter proved to be vaXaabXe by itseXf j faovever, the findiags of the ^iree types of aaaXysis, ^ea vieved joiatly, give a broader basia oa idiieh to neike coacXusions* l!he foXXoviag chspter coataias defiaite eoncXttsions based oa the aaaXyses coaducted ia this chsp* ter« âXso iacXuded ia Chspter XV is a diacussioa of the indications of fiadings about nhich ao defiaite concXueioas couXd be aede« H tA '•5 o O & .0 1 3 CO * * s s lA lA tA t^ e # • m fr» CJ

o ÎX? H H H O O •^ -?; • « ^ d fO î*^ • câ CJ « • CJ C\í o t 1 t få lA cy S^ H 'l^. VO CN 00 lA co H • • • • • -ar • « • O O H H ^ H « O ?>• H

9**% H S « f ^ lA f « * «, « Cj cn cTs vo f>0 H H

C4 Ûí CO f^ l^ -* CO i^ s

5:* S '!*? Oi cri m c? lA

« • .8 6 t • t ^ CJV h- • -* o JSt 2? d :S r • fâ


•P H O o lU Ti o •P -P 5 ã •p CØ d æ •H •p s M c: C3 o o p o o '-1 H o ^•3 (9 o u «Q H îi ..-I u I ,0 s •p g ^ i CO CBAmR X?

comimicm Becauae vaXues of etch rate aad surface fiaish varied sXig^tXy for each conbiaation troa repXieatioa to repXication it vas obvious that stateaeota concerning exact etch rates aad surface fiaishes vhieh vouXd resuXt froa a particttXar coabina- tioa of the iadepeadeat variabXee vere not feasibXe. AXtíiouc^ the actuaX vaXues givea ia Âp^eadix A do furaish a guide to etch rates aad surfæe fiaishes vhich night be expected vith præedores siniXar to tk^e used ia this investigation, it vas thoa#it ^t greater eai^iasis øhouXd be attached to concXusions of a Xess specif ic nature vhich vouXd sppXy to eXectroXess- etehing in geneyaX*


!Po avoid nisXeadÍag interpretations of the resuXts of this iavestigation, severaX facts shouXd be kept cXearly In nind vhen consideriag the coneXusioas* These are: X« lîhe concXusions apply only to bare AXuninum

AXXoy 20Sk* 2« The resuXts of this investigatioa were obtained usiag eXectroXess-etching vithout agitation« k6 kl 3« Tkim eoacXttsioas coaceraiag the effeets of the iade* peadeat variebXes sppXy oniy to the raages of the inâepeadeat variabXes used ia this iavestigation«

^« !Qie coaeXttsions coæeraiag the effects of tenpera- tore, etchaat coacentrationf aad sodiim aXaninate coaeeatratioa on etch rate pertaia to the average

etch rate duariag the first forty niatttes of etchiag. 5* Ibe concXttsioas coaceraing tiie effeets of te^^rature, etehaat conceatration ead sodiun aXanÍaate concea* tratioa oa sarf ace f iaish pertaia to aorf aee f iaishes at depths of eut betveea «029 inches aad «0^X inehes*

6« Tbtí first tea concXasions Xisted ia the foXXoviag paragrs^h appXy oaXy to those tests conducted at the

600 niXXiXÍter XeveX«

Based on aaalyses of the data ia Appeadix A, the concXusions of this

iavestigatloa Bre as foXIovst X« Of the iadepeaâeat varisbXes usedi^ tei^erature affects

the etch rate nost 8ÍgaificaatXy« An snaXysis of

variance shoved the effect of teaperature on etch

rate to be sigaificaat at the .OX XeveX. Aa ia*

crease ia teaperature resuXts ia aa increase ia etch

rate« The effect of tei^perature on etch rate is ap-

proxÍnateXy Xin«mr. kQ

2» Stehaat eoaceatratioa has tbe a«xt nost signifi* eaat effeet on etch rate* Aa aaaiysis of variaace shoved the effect of etchaat eoncentration oa eteh rate to be aigaificaat at the .OX XeveX, Aa iæreaae ia etehaat conceatration reeuXts ia an iacrease ia eteh»rate« Hhe effect of etchant ooaceatratioa on etch rate is s^roxÍnateXy Xinear.

3» Tlm ^âiiaatioa of tMiMirature aad etehant concea- tratioa has aa effect on etch rate vhich is statis* tÍeaXXy sigaifieaat at the .OX XeveX* A sinuXtaaeous iaerease ia teaiperature aad etchaat conceatration resuXts ia aa iaerease ia etch rate« ^« Sodiun aXiæinate coaceatration has a significant effeet oa etch rate. This effect is statÍstieaXXy sigaificaat at the «05 XeveX* Aa increase in the sodiun aXuniaate conceatration resuXts in an iacrease

ia etch rate« The effect of sodiun aXuniaate concen- tration on etch rate is approxinateXy Xinear.

5« 3odiun aXunÍaate conceatration has a sigaificaat effect on swrface finish« This effect is statisti^ caXXy sigaificaat at the .OX XeveX« Aa iacrease ia sodiun aXuninate conceatration resuXts in surface fiaish deterÍoration« The effeet of sodiun aXianlnate coæeatratioa on surface finish is approxinateXy linear* k9 6« Té^perature sloae has no aigaifiesat effect oa surf eee f iaish*

7* Stchaat coæeatration aXoæ has æ sigaificaat effeet oa starfaee fiaish.

@« fhe eoabiaation of etehaat eoæeatration aad teq^ratore has a sigaificaat effect on surface fiaish« This effect ie staUstieaXXy sigaificaat at the •OX XeveX« Tbere is aa iadicatioa that aa iærease ia etchaat eoncentratioa eoapXed vith a decrease ia tenporature resuXts in sa iaproved sttirface fiaish«

9* Tkm etch rate renains reXativeXy constaat duriag the iaitiaX etehing* This consteat etch rate period varies fron approxinateXy forty ainutes to approxi« nateXy 200 winutes depeading oa tíie coafeination of ^e iadepeadeat variabXes used. The coostant etch rate period for conbinations having high InltlaX rates is, in geæraXf shorter than the constant etch rate period for coBâ:>ination8 haviog Xov initiaX etch xates* X0« As depth of cut increases the surface finish teiids to deteriorate. This deterioration is greatest during the first tea ninutes of etchiug« After the first tea niautes of etching the 8uz*face finish deteriorates graduaXXy.

TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE 50 XX« There ia aa iadieation that both the etch rate aad

conataat eteh rate period iærease vith ea iærease ia voXuas of soXatioa* X2« There Ís aa iadication that an iærease ia voXune

of soXutioa does aot affect the surfæe fiaish sigaificaBtXy«

Oisi^ussion of Futiire Hesearch The researeh ia ^iis iavestigatioa eacoiq>assed onXy a snaXX portioa of the over«midX pXeture of ch^caX niXXing« There is vezy XittXe puibXished iafomation avaÍXabXe coæeraing nu^y fæets of the proeessi therefore^ nany areas are avaiXabXe for ÍBvestigation« Oæ probXen of prof essionaX interest to the XadustrisX lÍBgiaeer vouXd be that of findiag the nost eeoaoniceX vay in vhich to aeeosg^Xish a givea ^b, For exsiqpXe, a coi^ny aic^t reeeive ao order to prooess a Xarge nunber of sisebXe pieces of tám aXXoy used ia this investigation* Xa such a situation^ eXectroXess*etching nay be the oaXy præticaX vay to process the nateriaX« The tuo predoniaaat costs ia a probXsss of this kind voaXd probably be the eost of Xabor and the cost of the process. Labor costs couXd be heXd to s niniimnii by processiag the nateriaX in the shortest possibXe tine. This couXd be dono by using the fastest availe le etch rate« On the other haadj thc cost of the procees vouXd be high because of the additionaX nnteriaX necessary to attain the 51 fastest possibXe etch rate. Another cost increase night resuXt f rcaa edditioc»X pover needed to maintain the etching solution

at higher tetsperetures, Wit^ the proper infomatloa concerning verioue costs the poiat at vhich tlfô sum of the labor aiid process

costs resulted in a nininua total cost could be detenained. k probleîa of thls type eouXd aXso incXude other factors vhich nighv

appXy to a precticaX situationí e«g«, the feaslbiXity of ej^paadiag

facÍXÍtÍes in order to cos^lete the job in a shorter time.

SeversX factors knovn to affect surface fiaish vere not

included in this investlgetion, As nentioned prevlously, two of

these factors are initiaX surfece finish and depth of ciit. By usiisg

the etch rates determiæd by this research depth of cut couXd be

controXXed closeXy, Also specinens vith different initisl surfacv:

finishøø Gould be tested, An experiiaent which would assist in

quantifying the efføcts of depth of cut aná initial surface finish

on the resulting eurface finishes could be designed, Such aji ex-

periajent vould be liisited to the oluîainuffi alloy used in thia invcsti'

gationj hot?øver, wlth © proper desiga the results could be cuiiFeied with the resultø of this research to deterinine vhich l'actor is mo'jt predominant wlth regard to the resulting surface firiish,

An investigation sirøilar to this investigatio/. could bo accoraplÍBhed using wlder ran^'eB for the iridependent Vi'ria')lcs„ Tne results of etchaat concentrstions greøter than those uned ir; thli3 52

Inveotigation arc unkaovn to this writer. Fosalbly lower t^pera- tures than thosa used in this research would affect surfaee finishes.

Depth of cut could also be iacluded m an iadependant vsriable in such an investigation vithout appreciably increasing the a fôunt of experinentatioa necessary,

Several other laetals could be investigeted using a design siuilar to the design explalned In Chapter II.

An inv stigation usiog electroless-etchlng with sir or stesíti egitation to eid ia reiaoving reactioa products fron the etchinq area would fom the basis for an interestlng coiz^>arÍ8on with the results of thls investigation, One point of intercrøt in such a project would be a coBiperiøon of the cost of the agitator with the Increase In etch r&te obtained as a result of using the agitator,

The topica mentioned above sre only o sinall sample of the ereas available for investigation using cheinical jllling, It i3 thought by thle writer that the full iiaportance of the process hae

æt yet been reallzed, Future developments will probably raake the process adsptable to a niuch greater ran^se of metals then is pre- sently being used. In sddltion, refiao.ae its of th- techniques lein^ used today laay increeise considerm;ly zhe cspabilities cT the process,

The solutions of current probleas wiH, no doubt, prejipi-ûste ma y aew qt.ieGtions. Thus it apijears that „iil con-inue to present chnllenges to leBearchers well into the future. APFS8D3DC

A« SxperiaentaX Bata B« AaSdl^es o€ Variaæe Cesvatations

53 APPEBDXX A: SXPEEIMENTAL fiATA CCB«Coiâ>iaatioa Coâe iluidber aad Date of Test CXT«<:ianiXative ijaaersion tiae ia niautes T<»Thiekae8s ia iæhea íiC^íksptk of cut in iæhes S^«Bt^ rate ia iæhes j^ niaate

^^^urfsee fiaish (root neaa squere avere^ in nicroiæhes) B»£tehaat ia grans per 600 nÍXXiXiters BA^Sodian aXuniaate ia grans per 600 niXXiXiters iyT«»Desired teaiperature ia degrees Ceatigrade ATIt<»AetuaX tes^rature reage ia degrees Ceatigrade m m m—m m—É é t^ m x*x 0 0«260 MIMMflntHI tmmmm 5^20 kl 0 ^5 mmmm

1.4*63 xo o«ã50* 0«0X ,oox ko^ 9»»-95 20 O.SÍlO 0.02 «oox* k0^3 9í*-96

30 o.as^* 0«03X •OOXl" 50-75 9»»-96

ko 0.2x8 0«0tl2 «oou* 50-75 9i»-95 50 0«209 o«05X «0009 60-65 9^-96 60 o.xs^ o«o6x «00X 60-90 9»f-96

70 0.X92 o«o68 «0007 60«95 9í»-95 80 0«XB5 0,075 «0007 75-100 9í»-s:^

90 0.X79 0.08X «0006 80-105 93-98 100 0.175 0.085 «000it 80-110 9i*-99

5^ 55

SSl „., ,„ M, m s 8A TT" Á«) X-2 2-26-63 0 0.267 eavS'i^íW 5-ao kX 0 95 ••«^

l ko o«a29* •03Ô •OQX 55-77 9»i-96

^ 0«aX9 «ui|0 •OOX* 55*70 94-96

60 0.g09* •058 •oox* 60-75 94-96

70 0«2GuL •066 •0008 60«80 94-96

80 0«X9^* •073 «0007*^' 70-90 9<>-96

X-3 0 o.aSr mmmm mimmm 5*20 kX 0 95 <•>««>•• 3-X2-63 xo 0«2^* •009 •0009 i>5-6o 93-96

20 0.^7* •Oâo •OOXX i(5-65 9i»-96 30 0«236 •03X «00^" 50-70 94-96

** , ' IftO 0,226 •o^x «oox 50-75 9»»-96

50 0.226* .05X «oox* 55-75 94-96 • . V- . 60 0.207 «060 .. .0009* 65-85 94-S6

70 0.X99* «068 •0008* 70-90 93-96

mmmm «>»«»«• —•. x-x 0 0.259* ( 5-25 kx 0 95

1^.10-63 xo o,aí>9'* «ox •00X0 U5-60 9í*-96

(X200naJ 20 0.239' •02 •00X0 60-75 9»»-96 30 o.asfT •032 «00X2 65-85 93-96

ko 0«2X5* «OÍ*i^ «00X2 70-90 93-96 56

fssr^ 611 'f ""-T5" - ..„ ..JE^R A m m 50 ©•ao3* •056 •00X2 70-90 93-96 60 0^X9X* •068 •00X2 70-90 93-96

TO 0.XT9* •060 •00X2 70-90 Skø96

60 o.xeô* •O^X •OOU 70-95 93-96 90 0«X58- •xox •00X0 70-xoo 93-97 xoo ©•149" •xxo •0009 75*XOO 93-97

xxo O.lfeX" •U6 •0008 80-UO 93-97 X20 0»X37- •X^ •OOO^ do-u5 93-97

X30 0«X33* •X26 •oooti 80-X20 92-98

2*X 0 ©•258 mmmm «»«•«»«• 5v25 4X 38 95

x-5-63 xo o«24a •OX .oox 50-70 94-95

ao 0,237* •02X •oou* 50-75 94-95 30 ©•22fr •03X •oox* 50-80 94.95 40 0«2X6 •042 •oou 60-85 9i>-96 50 0«206 •<^2 •oox 60-90 94-96

60 0«X97 •06X .0009 60-95 9»»-95 70 0«X88 •orro .0009 70-xoo 9U-96

80 0.X80 .077 .0007 70-X05 94-96 90 0^X74 •084 •0007 75-XXO 94-97

xoo 0»X70 •088 •0004 75-XX5 95-9^

xxo 0^X66 •092 •OOOi^ 80-U5 94-97

X20 0^X63 .095 .0003 85-X2O 93-97 57 m CIT lc m" W s SÃ DT ATR 2-2 0 0.260 —— ..»•.«1 5-25 4X 38 95 •»•«•• 2-28-63 xo 0.250* .OX .oox* 50-70 94-96 20 0.240 .02 .001* 50*^70 94-96 30 0.229* .O^X .oou* 55-70 94-97 40 0.2X9* •04X .oox 60-80 94-97 50 0,2X0* .040 .0009 65-85 94-96 60 0,202 .058 ,0008* 75-97 94-97

2-3 0 0.265* mmmm mmmm 5-X5 4X 38 95 3-11-63 10 0,255 «01 ,001* 45-60 94-96 20 o«a44* «021 ,QOJi* 45^0 9*»-96 30 .0234* «03X ,0OX 45«65 93-96 40 0.224 .04X .001* 55-70 93-96 50 0.2X4 .051 .001* 60-80 94-96 60 .0205* .060 .0009 70-90 94-96 70 O.X97* .068 •0008**75-95 94-96

3-x 0 0.259 —— 5..10 41 76 95 —- X-7-63 XO 0.248 .OU .oou 50-70 94-95 20 0.238 .02X .001 50-75 94-95 30 0.227 .032 .OOU 55-80 95-97 40 0.2X6 .043 .00X1 :;o-Oo 93-95 50 0.206 ,053 .oox 55-85 9^-96 58 céM ew § tfc Jte st s âA M Á» 70 0«X89 .070 .0007 60-95 94-97 80 ©•XÔ2 ,077 .0007 65-XOO 94-97 90 0«X76 «083 ,0006 65-XOO 94-98 XOO 0«X70 «089 •0006 65-XOO 95-99 xxo o«x66 ,0^ .0004 6^X00 94-xoo X20 0,X63 .096 «0003 65-XOO 9í»-100

3-2 0 0«262 -^— — - 5-25 4X 76 95 2-2rr-63 xo o«25x* .ou ^oôu" 55-70 94-96 20 o«a4x* .oax .oox 55-70 94-96 ^ 0.23X* .O^X «O0X** 55-70 94-96 40 0«22X •OÍtX •OOX" 55-75 94-96 50 0«2X2^ ,050 .0009* 60-80 94-97 60 o^ao5* .057 .0007** 65-85 94-97 TO 0*X98 «06U «0007* 70-90 94-96

3.3 0 0^a63 —— 5-20 4X 76 95 3-X6-63 xo o.a^^* •0X0 .oox* 55-75 94-96 20 0.aí»2 .02X •OOU'* 55-75 9»*-96 30 0.232 •o^x .oox 60-80 9^-96 40 o^aax* .oit2 .oou* 65-80 9>»-97 50 0.2X2* •05X ^0009 70-90 94-96 60 0.203* ^060 .0009 75-95 9»*-96 59 m m ' ^ m SF E SA DV ATR

4-X 0 o*a68* —— 5-85 4X 0 75 2-47-63 XO o.a64* Mk .0004 60-75 74.76

20 0.260 .008 •0004* 70-90 74-77

30 O0SS& •0X2 •0004 65-85 74.77 40 0.252' •0X6 •0004^ 60-80 74.76

50 0*247* •OSX •00(^**6o-î5 74-77 60 0«áii3 .025 •000»!* 55-70 74-76

70 0,238* •030 .0005* 50-65 74-77 80 0.234 #034 •oooit* 50-70 74-77 90 0,229* .039 •0005* 55-70 73-76

XOO 0*225 •043 •OOO^* 55-70 74-77 xxo 0«;^ •048 .0005 55-70 74-77 xao o*ai5* .053 •0005* 60-75 74-76

X30 0«2U* .057 •ooo4**6o*8o 74-77 X40 0.206* •062 .005 70-85 74-78

X50 o«aox* •067 •0005'"70-90 74-77 160 0«X97 •07X •0004* 70-XOO 74-77

X70 O.X93 •075 •0004 80-XO5 74-79

X60 ^•X89 •079 •0004 80-xxo 74.77 X90 0,2B6^ •082 •0003 85-XlO 73-77

200 0^X83* •085 .0003 90-U5 72-78 60 cmå m— f 'ir ^ s# s áA øaí AM 4-2 0 o«a64 mmmm —— 5-25 4X 0 75 2-^»*63 XO o^aâo" «004 .0004* 70-90 73-76 J 20 o«a55 •009 .0005" 70.90 74-76 30 0«2$X •0X3 •0004 55-75 74-76 40 0,847 •0X7 •000»» 50-70 74-76 50 o*a4a •022 «0005 50-65 74-76 60 0.237 •02? •0005 50-65 74-76 70 o«a32 •032 •ooc^ 50-65 74-76 80 o.aarr* .037 •0005* 50-70 73-76 90 0.223* •04X .0004*^55-70 74-76

XOO 0,2X8 .046 .0005" 55-70 74.76

XXO 0«2I4* •050 .000»!* 55-70 74-76 X20 0.209* .055 •0005**60-80 74-77

X30 0,205 •059 ,0004* 60-80 74-76

X40 o.aoi^ •oé^ ,000^" 60-80 74.76

X50 0«X97* .067 .0001» 60-85 74-77 x6o 0«X93* •OÎX .0004 75-90 74-77 X70 0.X9X* •073 .0002 80-XOO 74-76 X80 0,X88 •076 .0003 80-xop 7í»-78 i»«3 0 o«a67* —- —- 5-xo kx 0 75 3-23-63 xo o«a62* «005 •0005**55-75 74-76 6X

E SA DT AÎR «Í9«SMM«MM«HSMÍ8U ? y IS ao 0.257* .0X0 .0005 55-75 74.76 30 0.252* ^0X5 .0005 50-70 74-76 40 0.247* #020 .0005 50-65 74.76 50 o.a4a* .025 •0005 45-65 74-77 60 0.237* #030 .0005 45-60 74.76 70 0.232 .035 .0005* 45-65 74-76

80 0.2^* ^040 .0005* 50-^5 74-76 90 0.222 M5 .0005 50.65 74-77 XOO 0.2X8* .049 .0004**50-65 74-76 uo 0.2x3* .054 .0005*^55-75 74-76 X20 0.208* .059 .0005 60-80 74-76 X3O 0.20»» ,063 .000»»* 65-85 74-76 X40 0.200 .067 .0004 65-85 74-77 X50 O.X96 .07X .000^ 70-90 74-77 160 0.X93 .074 .0003 75-85 74-77

^mX 0 0.259 —-- 5-ao 7X 0 75 X.9-63 XO 0.25X .008 .0006 50-70 75-78 20 0.243* .0X6 .0008* 55-75 74-76 30 0.235 .024 .0008 55-80 74-75

40 0.227 •032 ,0006 60-85 74-75

50 0*2X9* .OUO .0008 60-85 74-75 62 ijjlíi ' Cifl^' 'f W m m z sH W m 60 o.axa .047 ,0007 60-85 74-76

70 0.205 .054 .0007 60-90 74-75 80 O.X97 •d6a .ooc^ 60-90 74-76

90 0.X90 .069 .0007 60-90 74-76

xoo O.X83 .076 ,0007 60-90 74-76 uo oa77* .082 .0006 60-90 74-75 xao 0.X7X .m ,,000 6 60-90 74-75 X30 ojy67 .092 .OOOi^ 60-95 74-76

5-2 0 0.572 «V«I»«M «*>«»«»• • 5-X5 7X 0 T5

3-7-63 xo 0.265* .007 »0007* <*5-65 7»»-76

20 0.258 .0X4 ,0007* 50-^5 74-77 30 0.25X «oax lOOOT 50-65 74-77 4o 0.2M» .028 .0007 50-^5 74-77 50 0,236 «036 .0008 50-65 74-76 60 Oi229* .043 .0007* 50-65 74-77 70 o.aai .05X ,.000 8 50-6$ 7^-77 80 0.214 •058 ,0007 50-65 74-77

90 0.207 .065 .0007 55-70 74-77 100 0.200* .072 .0007* 55-70 74-TT

uo O.X9»* •078 ^ «.0006 * 55-70 7i*-T7 X20 0.X88 .034 .Û006 6o«/5 TÍ»-T6 63 céÉ ép T BC m. 3F S SA AÎR

5-3 0 0.260* 5-20 7X 0 75 —•

3-X9-63 xo 0.252 .008 .0008* 45-60 74-77 20 0.344^ .0X6 .oa^"' 50-65 74-77

30 0.836* .02»» .0006 50-65 74-77 40 0.226"* .032 .00^** 50-65 74-76 50 0.220* •040 .0008 50-70 74-76

60 0.2X2* •0^8 •0008 50-70 74-76 70 0.204* .056 .0008 50-70 74-76

80 O.X97* .063 ,0007 50-70 74-76

90 0.X90* .070 .0007 55-75 74-76

6-x 0 0.258 mmmm .«>Mi«lr«» XO-25 TX 0 95 mmnmmm x-xo-63 xo 0*2í»3 «0X5 .00X5 50-70 93-95 20 0.226 .030 ,00X5 40-70 93-95

30 0.2X4 .00X4 50-75 93-95 4o 0,200* .058 .00X4 50-75 93-95

50 0.X8T .07X .00x3 50-75 9»»-96

60 0.X75 .083 .00X2 50-70 95-97 70 O.X63 .095 •00X2 45-70 95-9T

80 O.X53 .X05 ,00X0 50-80 94-96

90 0.149 .X09 .000»* 60-XOO ^3-96 100 0.146 .U2 .0003 70-XOO 95--'; 64 m ûfí"' t "••Tzr m 3? £ SA C7 AIR

6-a 0 0.272* mmmm mmmm 5*25 7X 0 95 .»»»•• a-23-63 10 0.257* •0X5 «00X5 45-60 94-96

20 0.a43" .029 .00X4**45.65 94-96

30 o,2a9* .Ol»3 .00X4 50-70 94-^

40 0.2X4* .058 .OOX5""'50-70 94-96

50 0.203 .069 .OOU* 55-75 9»»-96

60 0.X9X •08X .00X2* 55-75 9»»-96

6-3 0 0.267* mmmm «•>«,<».. 5—X5 7X 0 95 «««»«»«, 3-U-63 xo 0.25X •0X6 .00X6* 50-65 94-96

20 0.233 .034 .00X8 50-70 94-96 30 0.2X6* .Ô5X .00X7* 60-80 9»»-96

40 0.200 .067 .00X6* 65-85 94-96

50 O.Xd6 .08X .00X4 65-85 94-96

60 0«X72 .095 .00X4 65-85 94-97

6-x 0 o«26x •» •,«!•• 5-25 7X 0 95

4-X2-63 xo 0.î?»^ .0X7 .00X7 55-75 9»»-95 {X200nX}20 0.226 .035 .00X8" 60-85 '9^-96 30 0.208* .053 .0013 65-85 9»»-96

»»0 0.X90* .07X .00X8 65-85 9U-96

50 O.X73" .008 .00X7**65-85 9»»-96

60 O.X55 .XO6 .00X8* 65-65 9i»-9T 65 ccx CXf T w 1» SF S SA PT Arø

70 O.X38 .X23 .0017 60-85 93-97

80 0.X22 .X39 .00X6 60-65 93-97

90 O.XÛT* •X54 •00X5" 65-9Ô 93-97

xoo 0.095* .lÚ^ .00X2 65-90 93-97

xxo 0.066 .X75 .0009* • 92-97

X20 0.078 .103 •0008 « 92-97

X30 0.070 a9X •0008 * 93-97

7-X 0 0.261 »«•• «*«•>«»*# 5-30 56 0 35

1-16-63 10 0.25X ,0X0 .001 40-éO 85-86

20 0.241* .0^ .oox* 4o-6o 8»»-65

30 0.233* .028 .0008 Ho-60 3»» .65

»»0 0.225 •036 .0008 4o«6o 8l»-86

50 0.217 .04ii ,0006 45-65 34 .8T 60 o.ao9 .052 «0008 50-TO 8U-86 70 0..20X .060 .0008 50-T5 3U-86

80 0.193 .068 «0008 55-80 8»»-86 90 0,185 .076 •0008 60-85 83-85 xoo 0.180 .08X .0005 60-90 33-85

uo 0.175 .086 .0005 ?'0-l05 03-66

120 o.iTo .091 .OOC'5 80-UO 83-35

• Thê piec-e Tjecaae so thln that accurete suriace fInish acasureiaeats vere aot feasible. (J6

CCH C» T DC 2S SF lâ SA Vt A«R

7-a 0 0.266* mmmm «<•»•«• 5-25 56 0 85

3-X-63 xo 0.258* .008 .0006 »»5-60 83-85 4» 20 0.25X* .0x5 .ooor 45-60 8»»-86 30 0.242* .02») .0009** 45-éO 8i»-87

40 0.234* •032 .0008** 45-60 84-66

50 0.226* «040 .0008 45-65 8ÍÍ.8T

60 0.2X8* .048 •OOOÔ 45-65 6»»-86

70 0.209* .057 .0009** »•5-65 8»»-86

80 0.202 .064 .0007 50-65 8»»-8T

90 O.X95* .OTX .0007** 55-75 8i»-8T

7-3 0 0«259 mmmm 5-20 56 0 85 •™

3-X5-63 xo 0«249* •ox .oox"* 50-60 84-86

20 0.240* .0X9 .0009** 50-65 61*-86

30 0.229* .030 .oou 50-70 8»»-Ô6 40 0.2X8* .04X .oou"* 60-do 6»»^

50 0.209 .050 .0009* 60-do 8»»-86

60 0.200" .059 .0009* 60-do 31» .8T

70 0.X9X .068 .0009" 65-85 8»»-86

80 O.X82 .077 .0009 65-85 84-86

90 O.X75 .084 .0007 65-85 6ÍI-3Ô • xoo O.X68* .09X .0007" 70-90 83.86 67 ccs crr T 8c -" ER SF S SA OT ATR

8-X 0 0.259* •!•»•«•.« • 5-25 56 76 85

X-X7-63 xo 0.250* ,.00 9 «0009* 50.70 85-66

20 o«a4o* ,.0X 9 .001~ 50-75 84-85 30 0.230 ..02 9 .001 55-75 8»»-65

40 0.2PX .038 .0009 55-80 83-85

50 0.2X2 .oi»7 ,0009* 60-80 85-87

60 o«ao3 i .056 .0009 60-80 85-86

70 0.195"* •-.064 •0008 55-80 84-86

80 0.187 ..OT. ^ .0008 60-80 84-86

90 0.179"" ..08 0 .0008* 65-65 85-88

xoo 0.172 ..08 7 ,0007 70-95 83-86 uo 0.X65* ..09 4 «0007* 75-XOO 85-86

xao 0.X60 .099 ,0005* 75-X05 85-Ô7

X30 O.X55 ..xo» » ,0005 75-UO 35-88

x4o O.X50* ,.10 9 .0005* do-uo 85-86

X50 O.X46* . 113 .000»» 80-UO 8»»-88

8-2 0 o«265* -— 5-25 56 76 85 3-2-63 10 0.256 009 .0009 5)-70 81»-36

20 0.2Í»7* . 018 .0009 50-75 3ÍÍ.3T

30 0.238* , 0í?T .0009 55-75 3i»-36

ko 0.230 . 035 .0008* 55-75 3Í4-8T

50 0.22X* « 044 ,0009 55-75 Qk "j'J 68 ciiii áW' ' i' ••5? "• m SF s SA DT Affi

60 o.ai3* .052 .0008 55-75 8'(-86 70 o.aoô* .rø •oocrr 55-75 8î».87 do O.X99" •O66 .0007 60^ 84-86

8-3 0 0.268* ^mm «»«•(•«•<» 5-X5 56 T6 85 .» ^ W.4M

3-17-63 10 0.258- .010 .001 55-75 Qk^

20 0.2Íí8' .020 .001 55-75 8»»-86

30 0.^" •O3O •001 55-75 84-86

4o 0.228 •040 .oox" 55-75 34-86 50 0.2X8* ,050 .oox' 60-80 84-87

60 0.209 .059 ,0009* 60-80 84-86 70 0.200" .068 .0009* 60-80 3»i.86

9-X 0 0.259 «•«•1«)* «* «»•<»•- 5-XO Sí"' 38 85 X-X8-63 XO 0,250* .009 .0009* »»5-65 8»»-85

20 0.24l~ •016 .0009 50-75 83-85

30 0.P30* ,029 •0011""' 55-85 84-85

40 0.22X .038 .0009* 55-85 33-35

50 0.2X1* .048 .001*" 60*35 ;>3-aS

60 0,í?0;?* .05T .0009* 60-85 oi<-36

70 0.192* .06T ,001"" 60-30 34-36

80 0.183* ,076 .0009 60-85 8U-86

90 0.1T6 .083 «000T* 60-35 8»»-86 69 ccii cl* f PC M SF E SA H* ATR

100 0.X6Ô* .091 «0008* 65-85 63-86

XXO 0.X62"" .097 .0006* 70-95 83.87

120 O.X55* .10»» .0007""" 75-xoo 83.66

x^ 0.X50" .XO9 «0005* ^-X05 84-8T

9-2 0 0.^* 5-25 56 38 85

3-2-63 XO 0.ía7* .009 .0009 45-65 8»»-86

20 0«^8 .018 .0009* 45-65 8»»-66

30 0«239" .027 .(X)09* 50-70 8i»-8T

40 0.229* .037 .0010'* 50-70 3»»-86

50 Ô.220* .046 •0009 50-70 3ÍI-86

60 0,2X2 •05»» .0006* 50-70 8i»-6T

70 0.20»»* .062 .0008* 50-70 8i»-8T

9-3 0 0.260" — •W>«M «. «. 5-25 56 33 85 3-X8-63 10 0.250* ,01 .001 50-TO 34-86

20 0.í>39 .02X .0011" 55-T5 8Í4-86

30 0.229 .031 .001 60-80 84-86

40 0.2X9* .04l .001" 60-80 8i».36

50 0.2X0* ,050 ,0009 60-80 8i»-86

60 0.20X .059 .0009* 60-80 ^.}Li -LK^

70 0.X92 .068 .0009 65-65 8»»-36 70

CCS Cl* ^ m ER SF 5 SA Vft ATR

xo-x 0 0.259 — mmmm 5-20 56 0 95 «»••«»«> x-18-63 10 0.247 .0X2 .(X)X2 45-65 9»»-96

ao 0.234 .025 .00X3 45.65 94.96

30 0.22X .038 .00X3 50-75 9»»-96 40 0.209 .050 .00X2 55-75 94.96

50 0.198 .o6x .0011 55-75 9i»-96 60 0.1Ô7 .072 .

80 0.169* ,090 ,0003' 65-95 94.96 90 0.163 ,096 ,0006 70-100 93-96

10-2 0 0.26X* m*m'm •M •»«. «k 5-20 56 0 95 2-25-63 10 0.249* ,0X2 .0012 45-65 93-96 20 0.238"* .023 .OOU »»5-65 93-96 30 o.aas* «036 .0013"" 50.70 93-96 40 0.213* •0i»8 .00X2 55-75 94-96 50 0.202 .059 ,0011* 55-75 9i»-96

60 0.192 .069 .001 55-75 9i»-)6 70 0.182" .079 .001* ÚO-75 94-97

10-3 0 0.263 -— «.«*«. M 5-20 56 0 >5 3-13-63 10 0.250* .013 .0013" i»5-6o 94-96

20 0.236 •027 .OOlií* :5-75 "2-6 71


40 0.208 .055 .00X4" 60-do 94.96

50 0.X95** .068 .00x3* 60-80 9»»-96 6o O.X64* .079 .oou*^ 65.80 94-97

70 O.X73* •O90 .oou 65.80 93-96 4 xx-x 0 o.afe* 'w«»«» —• 5-30 56 76 95 .m mm mm ^m

X-X9-63 10 o.a»»9* ,0x3 .00x3* 50-.80 9»»-96 20 0,235" .027 .00X4 55-85 94.96 30 0.221 .04X «0014 94.96 4o 0.208* .054 .0013" 50.70 9»»-97

50 0.X97 .065 •OOU 50.70 94-97 6o O.X66* .076 .0011" 55-do 94-98

70 O.X77 .085 .0009* 65-85 9i»-97 8o O.X68 .09»» .0009 70-90 9»;-97

90 0.X6X .101 .OOOT 70-105 9»»-97

.100 0,X54 .X08 .0007 75-105 9»»-97

0.266 5-25 56 76 95

2-25-63 xo 0.253 .0x3 .00x3 55-70 20 o.a»»o .026 .0013 55-70

30 0.227"* .039 .0013* 50-70 '?U-97 40 0.214* .052 .0013"" 50-70 9»*-96

50 0.202* .064 .0012 50-70 94->6 72


60 0éX92 .074 .OOX 50-70 9»»-97

70 O.X83* .083 •0009* 60'.8o 9»»-97

U-3 0 0.264* «.M>W «IP«i|l«i»M» 5-15 56 76 95 M» ** P. •«

3-X6-43 10 0.251 «0X3 .00X3* 50-TO ^-96

20 0.^:38* «026 .0013" 55-75 94.96 30 0,225* .039 .00x3 55-75 94-96 4o 0.2X3 • 051 .00X2* 55-75 9Í*-96 50 o.:îa2* .062 .oou* 55-75 9ÍÍ-96 60 o.x^a" ,(yf2 .oox 60-80 9ÍÍ-96

X2.X 0 0.^ — «B4H>«»«# 5-20 56 38 95

X-2X-63 xo 0.247* .0x3 .00x3 55-70 93-95

20 0.235* .025 .00X2* 60-T5 93-95 30 0.220 •0i»0 .00X5* 55-75 9»»-95

40 0.206* .05»» .00X4*" 50.70 94-96

50 O.X9i» .066 .00X2* »•5-65 94.97 60 O.X82* .078 .00X2" 55.80 94-97

70 O.X73* .087 .0009** ^O'^^ 9i»-97 80 O.X6l»* ,096 •OOO^"' 60-90 93-9T

90 O.X56* .X04 .0008 70.95 9i»-9T xoo O.X52" ,X08 .000'»* 70.XO5 92-97 ÍCll T BC m. 8F E SA DT A9R

X2-2 0 0.267* 1M*lt»'«- mmmtm 5-XO 56 38 95 2-25-63 10 0.254* .0X3 .0013** 45-65 94.96

20 o.ai»i* •<3^ .00X3 55-70 9^-96

30 0.229 .038 •0012* 50-70 93-96

40 0.2X7* .050 •00X2 50.70 93-96 50 0.207 .060 .001 50.70 9»»-96

60 O.X98 •069 .0009 55-75 94-96

12-3 0 0.267* mwmmm mmmmm 5-20 56 38 95 .*•»«»«»

3-U.63 xo 0.253*' .0X4 .00X4 60-80 9λ-96 20 o.a4o* .027 .00x3 60-80 94-96 30 0.227 •040 .00x3* 65-85 94-96

40 0.2x5* .052 .0012* 65-85 9i»-96

50 0.203* .064 .0012"' 65-85 94.^

60 o«X93 .074 .0010 65-35 94.96

12-X 0 0.5x6 — 5-20 56 38 C5

it-X»»«.63 xo 0.503 .0x3 .0013 ií5-6o 9»»-96

{1200 ax) 20 0.490 .026 .0013 »»5-65 94-96

30 0,477"' .039 .0013* i»5-65 9Í4-96

1»0 0.463* .053 .001»»""' i*5-6o 9ÍÍ-96 50 0.450* ,066 •0013 40-55 •i»-S6

60 0.1» 37 •0T9 •0013* »»0.55 M' 6

70 0.i*rî5 .091 •0012 40-55 9i»-'xS Ti*

CCN CIT T C m sr SA m A1SR

80 0.413 .103 .0012 40-55 9»»-9T

90 0.i»01* .U5 .0012" 40-60 94-96

100 0.392 .1^ •0009* 45-65 94.96

uo 0.382 .13^ .0010 50-TO 94.9T

120 0.3T3 .143 •0009 50-TO 9»»-97

130 0.364 .152 .0009 50-70 93-97

140 0.358 .158 .0006 50-T5 >3-97

150 0.35X •165 •OOOT 50-T5 93-9T

160 0.345 .ITl .0006 55.T5 92-9T

13-1 0 0.262 — 5-35 56 0 Tí

i-21-63 10 o.a5T ,005 .0005 45-T5 /5-76

20 0.252 .010 .0005 5Û-T5 V5-TT

30 o.aitô" ,016 .0006* ^o-T5 75-TT

ko 0«:^l" .021 .0005 50-T5 T4-T6

50 0.235 .02T .0006" 50-T5 ^3-TT

60 o«r;3o*' .032 .0005* 53-75 74-T6

TO 0.2í?i» .033 .0006* 50-TO 74-T6

3o 0.213* .04»* .0006' :?0"7o (4-T6

90 0«213 .049 .0005 50-70 T^-7r

100 0.207 .055 .0006 50-T5 74 -T3

110 O.'^OP . 060 .0005 55-T5 T4-T8

120 0«197 .o6> .0005 55-.^0 74-77 T5 ccs CIT T IXî m 3F £J SA i?r ATP.

130 0.192* ,070 .0005^ 60-85 T4-T8

l4o O.I8T .0T5 .0005 65-90 T4-T8

150 0.182 .080 •0005 70-95 74-T8

160 0.1T8 .084 .0004 70-100 T4-78

13-2 0 0.260* —.. 5-15 56 0 T5 -—

3-8-63 io 0.255 .005 .0005* 45-60 74-77

20 0.250 •010 .0005 45-65 74-T6

30 0.245 .015 .0005 45-60 T4-TT

40 0.240 .020 .0005 45-60 T4-TT 50 0,235" .025 .0005* 45-60 T4-T6

60 0.230" .030 .0005 45-60 T4-76

To 0.ÍÍ24* .036 .0006**' 45-60 /4-76

80 0.213* .042 .0006 '.5-60 7 i. -76

90 0.213"" .04T .0005 50-65 í ^ -TT

100 0.207 .053 ,0006" 50-70 74-TT

110 0.201"^ .059 .JO06 * 55-75 T4-r.

.:..2G 0.196^ .06»* .0005 55-75 T»*-7''

130 0.192 .068 .0004 60 ••60 T4-70

l4o 0.188" • v7 ( C .0004* 60-85 .'•--7T

13-'^ V J 0.-::63 5-15 5^ 0 T5

•: „o3»63 10 0.25T .006 .0006 50-70 V^ -77

20 0.252 .011 .0005 50-TO 74-7C. 76

CCH CIT PC m SF i:: Di'. D- ÂTR Ømmimimmm tMmm '1 30 0.246 .017 .0006 5Ô-65 T4-T6

40 0.239 .024 .OOQT 45-65 T4-TT

50 0.232 .031 .OOOT 45-60 T4-T6

6o 0.226 .03T .0006 45-60 T4-T6

70 0.221" .042 .0005* 50-65 T4 -T6

80 0.215 .048 .0006"* 50-65 74-T6

90 0.209 .054 .0006 50-TO ;4-TT

100 0.204' .059 .C005* 50-TO T4-TT

110 0.199' .064 .0005 55-T5 74-TT

120 0.194' .069 .0005 60-80 74-TT

0.1Í59' .074 .0005 60-30 T4-T6

l4o 0.185* .073 .0004 60-80 T4-T6

150 0«l80^ .083 .0005"" 65-35 74-T6

14-1 0 0.260" 10-?5 Tl T6 95

•25-^3 10 n .345' .015 .0015*"'" 50-T5 93-9^•• 4 20 0.229 .031 .0016 50-T5 4. 30 0,2i5 .045 .0014 45-65 24-97 40 0.200^ .060 ,0015" 45-75 94-96 .1 50 0.133" .07?^ .001;: 45-75 94-96

6o 0.176 .06^^ .OOi'- 45-75 .'^-96

70 0.166* .094 .0010 50-80 94-9i

2-; 0.156* ,104 .0010 60-Ô5 >4-yr TT


90 0.148* .U2 ,0008 60-KX) 94-97

100 0.145* .U5 .0003 65-100 93-98

l4-2 0 0..^* .-— 5-20 Tl T6 25

2-25-'^3 10 O.Í>5^2" ,016 .0016** 45-60 94-96

30 0.236" .032 .0016 45-60 •94-96

30 0.220 .048 .0016'*' 45-60 94-9T

4o 0.^* .062 .0014 45-60 94-97

50 0.193 «075 .0013* 45-60 r^-97

6o 0.181" .08T .0012* 45-60 94-9T

Mt 14-3 0 0.259 «M .. M 5-2-^ Tl 76 95

3-16-63 10 0.242* .OOIT*" 45-65 94-96

'"0 0.226 .033 .0016 45-65 9^-96 •1 30 ,048 .0015 45-65 94-9T o..:.^ii 4o o.l9T*^ .062 .0014*"* 45-65 94 -96

50 0.184~ .0013 45-60 94-56

6o 0.171 .088 .0013"'*' 45-60 9H-96

15-1 0 0.;?59 — 5-'5 71 33 9'} •• .- ir «-

l-''5"''^3 10 0.243* .016 .0016** 4 >- (%J 2^:-96

0.^23 # , j .0015* 50-T5 94-96 4 - ,;';. .O^sT 50-TO 9A -96 *!>• 0.,212 40 0,19T* .062 .0015 50-70 ^--.2:'

50 0.184* . < >• .0013 45-2:3 94-<^ Td

'''r' .'f i.-Oi'i Clf T DC m £F .£ SA DT ATí^

60 0.174 .085 .0010* 45-65 94-tS

Tû 0.162"* .097 ,0012 50-T5 9»»-9T

80 0.155" .104 .0007 55-85 94-93

90 0,146* .113 .0009"" 60-85 94-96

100 0.143 .106 .0003* 65-l o 93-97

15-2 0 0.264* — 5-25 71 33 95 —.-_

í^-23-63 10 o.a49 .015 .0015 50-65 94-S6

0.233* .031 .0016*" 50-65

30 0.219" .Oi*5 .0014** 50-65 94-S^

40 0,205 .059 .0014" 50-65 94-96 4 50 45-60 94-96 0.193" .071 .0012 60 G.181 .083 .0012~ 45-60 M^^

15-3 0 0.267* 5-15 71 33 95

r. ^r-* 3-Í163 10 .017 .0017 1 j-- ( \j SA-96

20 0.234" ^033 .ooi6'- • 50-70 94-/9

30 0 '-'10* .o4ô 59-75 9»*-96

40 0,205 .062 .0014* 55 M'; 24-96

9(,) 0.12;-' .075 .0013 55-70 94-9^

60 0.1/2 .038 .0023 55-70 •; !f -96

16-1 0 0.2'^9* — 5-30 41 0 05

i-30-r,3 10 0.253* ,0'JO ,0206 '2-65 34-36

20 0. •4T"' .012 .0006 45-60 34-i.^»6 79

CCH CIT T DC B5^ sr s SA m ATR

30 0.239* .020 ,0008'*" »»5-65 84-66

40 0.23X* .028 .0008 45-65 84-86

50 0.223 .0^ .OOC^ 50-65 34-66

60 0.2X6 .043 .0007 55-70 84-86

70 0.208* .05X .0008" 60-75 33-85

80 o.aox ,058 .0007 60-85 35-6T

90 0.193 .066 .0000 70-95 34-8T

100 0.187* .072 .0006" 80-100 84-8T

uo 0.183 ,076 .0004 80-X05 84-6T

16-2 0 0.267" mmwm mm.m ømim 5-25 ^i 0 85 —- 1 84-36 3-1-63 10 0.260 ,007 .0007"" 50-70 20 0.253* «0X4 .0007 50-70 84-36

'30 0..24T .020 .0006* 50-65 34-36

40 0.£^0 .027 ,0007" 45-60 84-86

50 0.233* .03^ .0007 45-60 34-37 4 45-65 04-86 60 0.226 .041 .0007 34-86 70 0.220 .047 .0006 55-70 34-87 80 0.2X4* .053 ,0006 60-30 0^-36 90 0.:-O9~ «053 .0005 65-35

M. •• * 0 -r; —- 16-;^ 0 0.260 5-25 -a 50-65 84-86 3-X5-6:J 10 0.253" .007 .0007 .34-36 20 0.245 .015 .0003" 50-(^5 80


30 0,237 -023 .0008 50-65 84-86

40 0.229 .031 .0008 50-TO 64-86

50 0.221 .039 .0008 50-75 34-86

60 0.213 .04T .0008 55-T5 84-86

70 0.206* .05»» .OOOT" 60-80 84-86

Bo 0.200' .060 .0006** 65-85 84-86

90 0.19»»" .066 .0006 TO-90 33-36

IT-X 0 0.260 --~ 5-25 41 76 85

1-31-63 10 0.253" .ooT .OOOT* 50-75 33-85

90 0.245 .015 .0008 55-75 84-36

30 0.236 .024 .0009 55-80 34-3T

40 0.228 .032 .0003 55-75 64-36

50 0.220 .o4o .0008 60-ÔO 85-3v

60 0.213 .04T .0007 60-3o 35-3T

70 0.205 «055 .0008 60-85 34-36

80 0.198 .062 .0007 65-90 04-3T 4 90 0.191 .069 .0007"" 70-95 0.-87

100 0,186 .OT^ .0005 75-100 34-87 uo 0.180 .030 .0006 3}-100 33-37

120 0.1^5* .085 .0005*" 80-110 ci4-8/

iT-2 0 0.<:64' 5-15 41 T6 35

3-6-63 1 ' 0.256 0.256" ;\n.^ • .0003 50-T2 2jj.a5 81


20 0.248* .016 .OOO^" 50-TO 84-36

30 0.241' .023 .OOOT** 55-T5 84-86

4o 0.233 .031 .0006** 60-80 84-86

50 0.225 .039 .0006 60-80 34-86

60 0.21T* .04T .0008 65-80 84-8T

To O.Sll" .053 .0006** 65-85 34-86

80 O.S04 .060 .0007"* TO-90 84-8T l 90 0.198" .066 .0006 T5-X00 8if-86

lT-3 0 0.263 í'^ ^ ••- • --. 5-15 »»1 T6 ->:

3-l8'-í ^3 10 0.255" .088 .0006* 55-75 34-86

2*0 0,246 .OIT .0009" 55-T5 34-86

30 0.238' .025 .0006* 55-T5 84-86

40 0.230* .033 .0008 60-80 84-86

50 0.222* ,04l .0008 60-80 34-8T

6o 0.2X5 .048 .0007* 65-85 84-86

70 0.208" .055 .OOOT* 65-90 84-36

80 0.201' .062 .O'OOT TO-90 '•<]i •"-

l3-l 0 0.259* møf^f— mm mm mmøø 5-25 '+l 38 85

2-3-6: :; 10 0.252* .007 ,0007 50-70 84-86 f 34-3T IJ 0,245 .0x4 .wO( 50-fO

30 0.233 .0, 1 .0007 53-75 0Í.-3T

40 0.-31'*' .0:.^ .0007* 50-75 84-36 82 tm CT£ 'llll I.IIII .1 .•II Dc m SF E SA ^x ATR 50 0.-'23' .03^^ .0008 55-80 84-8T

6o 0.21T~ .042 .0006** 60-35 34-86

TO 0.23.0 .099 .OOOT" 65-90 84-8T

30 0.203* .056 .OOOT* T5-X00 íik -3T

90 0.197* ,062 ,0006 T5-X05 34-86

100 0.192 .O6T .0005 ao-uo 34-36

liO O.I8T** .0T2 ,0005* 80-uo 34-36

18-2 0 0..25i^ «•!>«.—« —. 5-25 41 38 35

3-2-63 10 0,'áik^ .007 .0007 50-65 33-8T

;,fO 0.;23S .013 .0006- 50-65 84-86

30 0.230* .0,21 .0008" 50-65 34-37

40 O..223* j)-'6 .OOOT 50-70 34-86

50 0,21T" .034 .0006** 55-T5 34 -6'(

60 0.210* .04l .OOOT"' 6o-3o 84-8T

70 KJ « . 'tJv.*' .045 .0004* 60-30 1 Ol^ ^O i

80 0.201 .050 .0005 TO-90 .34 -3' í'

lB-3 0 0,7-60 — —- 5-15 -^l 38 85 ,m mm m» mm

3-18-63 10 -0.252 .008 .o:)o3 50-70 34-vX)

••>1. « - ''.'>!') ... ..) f .016 .0008" 50-TO

30 0 2^^^* .0'i> %"10 2:; -%

40 0,229 .021 .0007* 55-70 34 -a6

90 0.221* .03 J , ' KV^ 55-T5 8»^.37 83

StM-tTt" fi "•'••• vc m Sf 2 SA m ATE

60 0.214 ,o46 .0007* 60-80 84-86

70 0.207 .053 .0007 60-80 84-66

80 0.201' .059 .0006* 70-90 84-86

19-1 0 0.259* «»«*«» 5-30 71 0 85 -^-«

2-9-63 10 0.249 .010 .001* 55-70 34-87

20 O.23Ô ,021 .00x1 55-T5 34-66

-30 0.227* .032 .oou' 55-T5 84-86

40 0.2X7" .042 .001^^ 55-T5 84-86

50 0.206 .053 .oou"" 55-T5 84-87

60 0.196* .0^3 .001 60-T5 34-86

70 o.iar .072 .0009* 60-T5 34-3T

80 0.178 .081 .0009 60-^ 34-86

90 0.169 ,<^0 .0009 60-85 34-86

100 0.161 ,098 .0008 65-85 34-86

19-2 0 0,262* M.'M'M. •M

3-1-63 10 0.251* .ou .0011 50-70 34-36

20 0.21*0 1$ \Jci.^ .oou 50-70 84-36

30 0.229* .033 .oou 50-70 34-3T 44 .043 50-70 84-36 4o 0.219' .001 50 o.ao8* .054 ,oou"' 50-70 34-36

60 0.198** .06ij .001 50-70 84-86

70 0.139* .073 .0009 50-70 34-37 84

CCM Cb fiC .m 3F E SA DT hTR

o.xôo .062 .0009 50-T5 84-86

19-3 0 0.264 ^m* aøm im 5-15 71 0 85 3 -X3-63 10 0.253 • OU .oou 45-60 84-86

20 0.241"" .023 .0012* 50-65 84-86

30 0.228 .036 .0013"* 50-70 84-86

40 0.215 .049 .0013 50-70 84-87

50 0.203 .061 .0012 55-75 34-66

60 0.193 .071 .0010 65-65 84-^86

TO 0.185 .079 .0008 65-85 84-86

20-1 0 0.259* — 5-25 71 76 s^ mm tm mmm

2-9-63 10 0.248 ,ou .oou 55-75 84-86

20 0,237" .or'2 .0011 60-80 84-36

30 0.225* .034 .0012"* 60-80 3^-36

40 0,214 .045 .oou 55-75 34-86

50 0.203 .056 ,0011 60-75 34-00 4^* 84-87 6J 0.193" ,066 .0010 60-75 70 0.183" .076 .0010 60-75 84-86

80 0.173* .086 ,0010"" 55-TO 84-87

90 0.164 .095 ,0009* 60--75 84-86

100 0.155* .104 .000':'"' 55-To 34-67

20-'^' 0 0.263 •M *« M «» M <•«« 5-20 71 76 85

^-1-6^ 10 0.>51* .012 .0012' 44-65 34-86 35

CCK CIT T DC i^ SF E Si\ m ÂTR 44 20 0,^0' 64-86 .023 .0011 * 50-65 30 0.229" .034 ,oou 50-65 84-86

40 0,2X8'" .045 •OOU 50-65 84-86

50 0.207 .056 •OOU' 50-65 84.87

6o 0,197* ,066 .001" 50-70 84-86

70 0.188* .075 .0009 50-70 84-86

20-3 0 0« «^HU. •M»W*i «(« 5-20 71 76 35

3-17-63 10 0.249* .012 .0012 50-70 84.87 44 20 0.237* .Oi^ •0012 50-70 34-37 4 ^O .037 .00X3"" 55-75 84-6í> >» 0.224 44. 40 0.213" .048 .oou 55-75 34-36 50 0.202' .059 .0011 55-75 34-86

60 0.19X .070 .oon"* 50-70 34-86

70 0.l8x .080 ,001 50-70 84-86

80 0,17.2" ,089 .0009* 50-70 34-36

M .» M •» 21-1 0 0.259* mm ømm — 5-25 71 30 95

2-10-63 10 0.248 .ou .0011* 55-75 34-d;.

20 0.237 .022 .0011 J4-36

30 0.226' «033 .0011* 60-3o 8ÍÍ-37 4o 0.214* .045 .0012"" 60-80 84-86

50 0.204" .055 .0010** 60-a? 84-3T

60 0.195* .•;)t35 .0010"' 60-30 34-36 86

CCH CIT tc ^f 1 SA DT Arø

70 0,184 .075 .0010 60-80 84-86

80 0.IT6 .083 .0008 60-80 84-86

90 0.168" ,09X .0008 65-65 84-8T

100 0.160" .099 .0008 65-90 3ij-86

21-2 0 *• mm .* >• «• a. A« iWr 0.265* 5-30 Tl 38 85

3-2-63 10 0.254* .ou .oou 50-70 3^Î-86

20 0.243 .022 «\AJJ.X 50-TO 84-37

30 0.^32 .033 .0011 50-TO 34-87

40 0,221 ,0^ik .0011" 50-TO 84-37

50 0.221 ,054 .0011 50-T5 84-86

60 0.201* .064 .0010 50-T5 84-86

21-3 0 0.268 WW *ø •*^ W M. ••« M. 5-12 Tl 38 35 3-18-63 10 0..;'^5^^' .012 .0012* 50-65 84-86

ÍK) 0,243 .025 .0013"* 55-TO 84-86

30 0.230 ,038 .0013 55-T5 34-07 4 40 0.213" .050 60-T5 81; -:9/ .0012 50 0.2^:57 ,061 ,0011" 60-30 ^)'.-36

60 0,1:;:^ .072 .0011 60-80 34-36

70 0.185 .083 .0011 60-80 •,34 ..37

22-1 0 0.26;) •«»»«« ^m m 5-:5 41 T6 T5

2-13-63 10 0.25^^" .005 .0005* 45-65 74-r6

. 20 0.250 .010 .0005" 45-65 74.76 87 ccH cn T bb Eî^ SF S Í5^> m ATR

30 0.245" .0x5 .0005* 50-65 74-76

40 0.239 .021 ,0006" 50-70 T»*-T6

50 0.234 .026 .0005 50-70 T4-TT

6o 0,228 .032 •OOO6 50-75 74-76

70 o..2a4* .036 .0004 60-80 T»*-TT

8o 0.220 .040 .0004* 60-35 T4-T6

90 0.215* .045 .0005' 65-85 74-76

100 0.211 ,049 .0004 70-90 74-76

110 0.207* .053 .0004 70-90 74-T7

op-p 0 0.268" — 5-20 41 76 75

3-9-63 10 0.262 .006 .0006' 45-60 74-77

20 0.257 .011 .0005 50-70 74-76

30 0.252~ .016 .0005* 50-65 r^i -76

40 0.248' . •,/ •.-..,' .0004 50-70 74-76

50 0.241 .o',6r .0007" 50-70 74-76

60 G.236 .032 .0005 52-70 74-76

70 0.231 .037 .0005 50-70 74-77

f>... ^r-^YC O'.J 0.,?27" .041 ,0004 75-76

90 O.^'-^' .045 .0004 55-T5 74-7:>

2f:-3 0 0.254* «* m,.m 5--9 41 T6 T5 4 3>.7--í33 10 0.249 .005 ,0005 50-65 74-76

{' •-' 0.244' .010 .0005* ''O-70 74-77 88

CCH CI •iiiiff. DC ÆL E SA m ATR 30 0.239 .0x5 .0005 50-TO 74-76

40 0,233 .021 .0006" 55-75 74-76 50 0.226' .026 .0005 55-75 74-T6

6o 0.223" .031 .0005' 55-75 T4-77

TO 0.218" .036 ,0005 60-75 74-T6

8o 0.213 .041 .0005" 60-80 T4-T6 90 0,^9 .<^5 .0004 60-80 T»*-TT

1(X) 0,205* .049 .0004 65-85 T3-TT

23-1 0 0,259 — m «w«M mm 5-25 »»1 38 75

2-14-63 10 0.253* .006 .0006" 45-60 T4-T6 20 0.246 .ou •0005* 50-65 T4-T6

30 0.243 .016 «0005 50-65 T»*-T6

40 0.236" .021 «0005* 50-70 T4-TT

50 0.233" .026 .0005 50-70 T4-T6

60 0.228 .031 .0005" 50-75 74-/7

TO 0.223 .036 .0005 60-75 74-77

60 0.213* .041 .0005 6d-8o 74-77

90 0.214 .045 .0004* 65-85 74-77

100 0.210" .049 .0004 65-35 "i^ -76

110 0«206" .053 .0004 65-90 74-76

23-2 0 0.264' — 5-.K) 41 38 75

:i-^-63 10 0.259" .005 .0005 45-60 7^ -76 69 ccH m " ' * m m SF g SA DT ATB R

20 0.254" .010 .0005 50-65 T4-T6

30 0.248^^ .0x6 . 006*" 50-65 T4-TT 40 0.243^ .021 .0005 50-65 T»*-76

50 0.238^ «oa6 .0005 50-65 T»Í-T6

6o 0,233^ .031 .0005 59-65 74-76

70 0«228^ .036 .0005 50-70 T4-TT

80 0.2^' .o4o ,0004** 50-TO T»*-T6

90 0.220* .044 .0004 50-TO T4-T7

23-3 0 0.264 — 41 38 75

3-22-63 10 0,259 .005 .0005 45-60 T4-T6 l '•'iA 0.254' .010 •0C/.)5^ 50-65 T4-77 30 0.249 .015 .D005" 50-65 T4-T6

40 0,2í44 .0;X' .0005 50-65 73-76

50 O..239 .025 .0005 50-65 74- 6

60 0,234 .030 ,0005 59-65 74-76

70 0.229 .035 ,0005 50-65 V:-76

80 0.224* .o4o ,0005" 55-70 74-.'6

90 0.219* .045 .0005 55-75 74-76

100 0.215* ,04';,,' .0004 55-75 73-77

110 0.211 .053 .'.)004* 60-80 73-77

-^; -1 :) 0.265* 5-;^5 :^6 T6 T5

2-15-63 10 0.259 ,006 .0006* '^5-65 lk'76 90


20 0.253*" .012 .0006* 50.TO 74-76

30 0.^6 .019 .0007 50-TO T4-T6

40 0,24o' .025 ,0006* 50-TO T4-T6

50 0.234' .03X .0006 50-70 T4-T6

6o 0.227* .036 .OOOT 50-70 T4-TT

70 0.22J. .044 .0006* 50-70 74-TT

80 0.2X5 .050 .0006 50-70 T4-T6

90 0.209^ .056 .0006' 50-70 T4-T6

100 0,203* ,062 .0006 55-75 T4-?7

uo 0.198* «067 .0005 55-75 74-76

120 0.193" .072 .0005** 60-75 74-76

24-p 0 o.a6x* — 5-25 56 76 75

3-9-63 10 0.255 .006 .0006* 45-60 7ÍÍ-77

20 0.249 .012 .0006 45-60 T^-TT

30 0.243 .0X8 .0006 50-TO 74-76

40 0.237 .024 .0006 50-TO T^-76

9^) 0.231 .030 .0006 50-TO 74-7T

60 0,225 .036 .0006 50-TO T4-T6

70 0.220" .041 .0005* 55-T5 74-77

80 o...a4* .047 .0006"" 55-T5 T4-TT

90 0.209 .052 .0005* 55-T5 T4-TT

100 0.204 .057 .0005 X'-75 74-77 OC'^ CTI' T DC st^ SF BA DT

2't-'-i 0 0.26T — 5-::0 56 76 75 -—

.oo^'vy wf ...... ^ 0.260* ,CX)T 50-70 7^-77

Í>ÍJ 0.254 .013 .0006* 55-'0 74-76

30 0.^8' .019 .0006 55-T5 74-77

40 0.2^2' .025 .0006 5i^-75 7^-76 74-76 'j>\.' 0.239 ,032 .OOOT" 55-75

60 0.229 .038 .0006 55-75 74-77

70 0.223 ,044 .0006 :>5-75 74-76

00 0.21T .050 .0006 55-75 74-76

QO 0, :''ii* .056 .0006" ?5-75 74-76

100 0..206 .051 .0005* 55-75 74-:'6

110 0.201* •••/."•^ .0005" 6o-3o 74 -7^

05 „1 0 0.252* «1. M. 5-25 56 33 75-—

..-15-63 10 0.246* .006 ,0006 45-60 7^'-76

,20 o.:?4o .01'-^ .0006 45-60 74-r6

30 0,233* .019 .OOOT" 45-60 74 -77

40 0.22T* .025 .0006 45-65 7^;-í "

50 0.220* .932 .OOOT 50-65 74-76

60 0«2i4* .033 .-^ -•„• • <: 50-65 74-76

V) .044 ,OJ'JÍ> 50-65 74-76

80 o«:;m^ ,"\C"| .OOOT' 50-65 74-76

»1 _ /.-. 90 0.19 .\y .' .0000 '-> :-70 74-A 92

ccN crr T DC m SF S SA DT ATR

100 O.I9O" .062 .0005** 55-TO T4-T6

uo 0,185" •07 •0005 55-T5 74-77

25-2 0 0,266* — — 5-25 56 38 T5

3-10-63 xo 0.259 .007 •OOOT* 45-60 74.77

20 0.253* «013 .0006* 45-65 74-T6

30 0,247" .0X9 .0006 50-65 74-TT

4o 0.240 .026 .OOOT"" 50-65 T4.T6

50 0.234 .032 .0006* 50-65 TÍ»-T6 6o 0.226 «036 .0006 50-TO T4.T6 70 0.222* .044 .0006* 50-TO T4-T6 ôo 0.216' .050 .0006 50-TO T4-T6

90 0.210 .056 .0006" 55-T5 74-77 100 0,204 .062 .0006 55-T5 74-77

110 0.199 .06T .0005 55-T5 74-76 120 0,19^ .0T2 .0005 60.60 73-77

25-3 0 0.266" mm im wm ãmmi mmt 5-10 56 38 T5 3-21-63 10 0.259" .OOT .OOOT 45-65 T4-TT

20 0.859" ,014 .OOOT 50-65 T4-76 30 0.246" .020 .0006 50-65 T4-TT

40 0.239" .02T .OOOT 50-TO 74-77

50 0.232 .034 .OOOT' 50-TO T^-TT

60 0.226 •040 .0006 50-TO T4-T6 93


70 0.2X9 ,047 .0007 50-TO 74-TT

80 0.213 .053 .0006 55-70 T4-TT

90 0.20T .059 .0006 55-75 T4-TT

100 0.202" .064 .0005* 50-75 74-76 * 110 0.19T «069 .0005' 60-75 T4-T6

26-1 0 0.269* m^mm tm, mnm m^ 5-25 Tl T6 T5 ---- 2-15-63 10 0,262* «007 • 0007 45-60 74-76

20 0.254* .015 .0008 50-65 74-76

30 0,24T* .022 ,0007 60-65 74-T6 44 40 0.240' .029 .0007 50-65 T4-TT 50 0.232"* .037 .0008 50-TO T4-76

60 0.224* .045 .0008"" 50-TO 74-76

70 0.217 •052 .0007* 50-TO T4-TT

80 0.210 «059 .0007 50-TO T4-T6

90 0v203* .066 .OOOT" 50-TO T4 'TÍ

100 0.X97' .072 .0006** 50-TO T^-76

110 0,X9X" .078 .0006 50-TO T9-T6

96-2 0 0.263 — 5-20 Tl 76 75

3-T-63 10 0,255* .008 ,0008 45-60 7h^r(

;>0 0.248* .015 .OOOT 60-TO TÍ*-T6

30 0.-^41* .0r>2 .OOOT 50-^0 T4-TT 4.4 4o .o,- T4-76 0.23^" .OOOT 50-TO 9k m cM T ÛC m SF E SA DT ATR

50 0.226* .037 .0008" 55-TO T4-T6

60 0.2X9 « *^*»*T .OOOT* 55-T5 T4-TT

TO o.a.2" .051 .OOOT 55-T5 74-77

80 0.205 ,056 .OOOT' 55-T5 74-77

90 0.X96* .065 .OOOT" 55-75 74-77

100 0.X92 .071 .0006* 55-75 74-n

uo 0.186 .077 .0006 55-75 74-77

26-3 0 0.266" — mm. tm »0 0» 5-15 71 76 75 — 3-20-63 10 0.258" ,008 .0008 50-65 T4-T6

20 0,250 ,016 .0008" 55-75 74-TT

30 0.242 .024 ,0008 55-75 T4-T6

40 0.235 .031 ,0007 55-75 T4-T6 50 0,227* .039 .0008" 55-75 74-76

60 \f • aJL)^ .04T .0008 55-75 T4-TT 4- TO .054 ,0007 55-75 T^-T6 0.212 80 0.205 .061. .0007* 55-75 T4-r6 90 0.198* .068 .0007" 55-T5 7^-76

100 0.192 .074 .0006 55-T5 7^-76

liO 0,165 .081 ,0i)07 55-T5 74-7T in 0,178 .033 .OOOT 50-TO 73-77 130 0.172" .094 .0006* 50-TO 73-TT 140 0,166* .100 .0006" 50-70 T3-TT 95

^^^ C T T DC ER 3P E SA rø ATI^

27-X 0 0.268 — 5-10 Tl 36 T5 2-16-63 10 0.261 .ocrr .0007 45-63 T4-T6 20 0.254 .014 .0007 45-65 T4-T6 30 0,^7' .021 .0007* 50-TO T4-T6 40 0«239* .02^ .0008"- 50-TO 74-76

50 V . Ctj/u. .0^ .0007* 50-TO 74-77 60 0.2^* .044 .0008" 50-TO ;4-TT

70 0.217* .051 .0007 50-TO 7^-T6

80 0.210* .058 .0007 50-TO 74-76

90 0.203* .065 .0007 55-T5 7i*-76 100 0.197* .OTl .0006 55-T5 74-76

110 0,191 .OTT .0006* 55-T5 74-T6

27-2 0 0.262 #• •* .M m» 5-15 Tl 38 75

3-8-63 10 0.255 .ooT .0007* 45-65 .'4-TT 20 0.24T .015 .0008 45-65 T4-TT 30 0,24o' ,000T* 45-65 Ti»-T6 4o 0,232* .030 .0008"" 50-70 74-76 ^4 50 0.225" .03T .oooT 7k'fG 60 0.21T" .045 ,0008 50-75 74 -76

70 0.209 .053 .0008" 50-75 74 -76 80 o.3:?i* .061 .0008" 55-75 74-7T

90 0.195' .0006** 55-T5 74-77 96


100 0.188 .07^ .OOOT' 55-T5 T4-76

110 0.182' .080 .0006* 55-80 74-T6

•rf-3 0 0.266* 5-^5 Tl 38 75 -_—

3.»00-63 10 .0258* ,ooB .0008 50-65 T4-T6

20 ,0251"^ .015 ,000T** 50-TO T4-77 30 0.243 .023 .0

4o 0.235 .031 .0003 55-TO 74-T6

50 0.227 .039 .0008 55-T5 T4-TT

60 0.219* .oki ,0008" 55-T5 74-77

70 0,212* .054 .0007 55-T5 T^í-TT

Bo 0.205 .061 .OOOT* 55-T5 74-76

90 0.198 .068 .OOOT 60-T5 74-76

100 ÍXI92" .074 .0006* 60-T5 74-76

110 0.186 .000 .0006' 60-T5 74 -76 APPE8DIX BS ASftLYSES OF VARIAHCB CQMPUTATIOlfâ

Stch Rate Anelysis oî yariaace X. Correctlon Factor 3 (766)^ = 589.624 • 728x.779^ er' 8X 2. ToteX Suffi of Squares s ^ x^ - 7a8X.779 1 - 8U7,X25 - 726X.779 « 835.346. 3. TeB5>erature Sum of Squares « (.X66.75)^ * (254.50)^4(346.75)^ 27 . 7aØX.779 • 78ÔX.903 - 728X.779 « 600.X24. 4. Btchaût Su of f'queree = (204.50)^ 4 (255.50)^^ 4 (308.00)^ 27 . 726X.779 « 7^60.X67 - 726X.779 • X96.368. 5. Soditin AXuffllnate Sum of Squarea « (249.00)^ 4 (259.00)^ 4 (260.00)^ 27 . 726X.779 » 7264.5X9 - 726X.779 • 2.740. 6. Teoiperftture-Btcheat Sum of Squares

• (44.50)^ ^(54.50)^ 4 (67.75)^ 4 (67«25)^ 4 (84.50) • * (102.75)^ . ^ • 4(U6.50)2 4 (137.50)^ - 72ÔX.7T9 -600.124-198.388 ~———i— -i»M»»M. •!. .1.—i— I II I I l.lll • II I, I ip I II 9

9T 98 • 6093.556 . Ô080.29X

• 13.265.

7. Teaíperature . Sodlum AXumioate Suia of Squares

« (5g.50)^ 4 (57.75)^ 4 (56.50)^ 4 (62.25)^ 4 (65.50)^ 4 (66.75)^ 9 4 (U4.25)^ 4 (X15«75)^ 4 (U6.75)^ - 726X.TT9 - 600.X24 . 2,740 9 « 7Ô85.X25 - 7664.643 « 0.482. 8. Etchant'^Sodlmii AXuaiûate Sum of Squeree

-, (65,00)^ 4 (8X.75)^ 4 (X02.25)^ 4 (68.25)^ 4 (8T.75)^ 4 (X03.00)^ 9 4 ^71.25)^ 4 (86.00)^ 4 (X02«75)^ - 726X.779 - 198«368 - 2.740 9 « 7^64.486 - 7482.907 » 1.579. 9. Etchsnt-SodiuBi AXuaiíiøtc-TeMperature Sum of Squares

« (X3*25)^ 4 (16.25)^4(23«00)^ 4 (2X.50)^ 4 (27>25)^ 4 (33.50)^ * (^0.25)^ • ( 8.g5)^ * (itS.T )^ • (15.S0)^ • (22.S0)^*(21.75)^*(19.75)^

* (^.00)^ • (^.75)^ * (U.OO)" * (39.0Û)S * (1«5.7S)^ • (15.75)^ 3 4 fX8.50)^^ 4 (22.25)^ 4 (24,00)^ * (28.25)^ 4 (34.50)^ i (31.30)^ 3 4 (39.25)^ 4 (46.00)^ - 7a6X.779 - 600.1>4 - 198.388 - 0.740 3 ^ . X3^265 - 0.482»X.579 2 6099.542 - 6098.357

• X.l85^ 99

X0« ttlnear Cow>iieot of T«Biper»ture SUIQ of Squerea g.l) {X66.75) 4 (0) (254.50) 4 (X) (346.75)] ^ • jjBof 55 54 • 33.400 » 6oo,oo.

U. Quedretlc CoB^&ent of Ti»^^eretttre Sum of Squares « 600.X24 . 600.00 » 0»X24. X2. I»laeer Caeqponent of Sodit n AXtaaisate Sua of Squarea • 5-X) (249.00) 4 (0) (2^9.00) 4 (l) (260.OO)] ^

• íaf • ia «2.24X. *5îr 54^

X3. Quadretlc CoB^ponent of Sodium AXuainate BVSBÍ cf quaree

s 2.740 . 2.aííX » 0.449. X4. Ulnear COÊi^mat of Ktchant Bum of Bquares - t?.l) (204.50) 4 (O^ (255.50) 4 (X) (308.00)]^

- 1123^521^ « Í2J|EÆ «198.375.

X5. Quadratlc Componeat of Itchsnt Sum of Squeres « 198.388 - X98.375 « 0.013- StArface Fluish AnBlysis of Varlauce X. Corr^ction ?actor » (5005)^ • 25>0?O,Q25 = 309.259.567.

2. TotaX í iJJEi of Squareîs * zl ^ " 309^259«5^7 5 3U,462.500 - 309,259^567

« 2202«933. 100 3« Tengperature S\m of Squarea = (^627.50)^ 4 (1702.50)^ 4 (l67^,m)g . 309,259.567 27 • 309,366«204 . 309,259.567

: XO6.637. 4 • Sodium AXumiaate Q\m of Squares 2 (1587.50)^ 4 (1697>50)^ 4 (1720.001^ . 309,259-567 27 z 309,631.944 . 309,259-567 a 372.377. 5. Stchant Sum of Squarea

= (X680)^ 4 (1675)^ 4 (1650)^ - 309,259-567 27 5 309,876.704 . 309#259.567 s 19-X37. 6. Temperature-'Stchant Su» of Squarea T (542.5)^ 4 (527.5)^ 4 (557.5)^ 4 (570.0)^ 4 (56o.Q)^ 4 (572.5)^ o 4 (567.5)^^ i (567.5)^ 4 (520.0)^ . 309,259-567 - 19-137 - IO6.637 9 - 309,693.055 - 309,365.3^X a 307.7x4.

7. Tenjperaturt?-Sodiuia Alumincte Sum of Squares - (522.5)^ 4 (545«0)^4(560.0)^4(517.5)^ 4 (590«o)^4(595.0)^4(54T^5)^ 9 4 (562.5)^ 4 (565.0)^ - 309,259.56T - 3T2«3TT - IO6.63T 9

: 309,883«333 - 309,T38«58l z 144.T52. 8. Sodium Alumlnste-Etchent Sum of Squeres - (S3g.s)g*(5gg.s)^*(5i.g.5)''4 (se^.o)^* l^Ti.o)^H5^l.-i) í (??-.^) 9 xox • (5TT.5)^ 4 (550.0)^ - 309,259.567 - 372.377 • 19.X37 9 • 309,781.944 . 309,65X»06X • X30.Ô63. 9. Stchont*Soâiæn AXunin«te.Tefî?perature Sum of Sqiiaree « (a^.?)^4 (l6T,5)^4(X8T.g)^4(rrp.O)^4(X62^)^4{l8g.O)^4(X6^0)^ 3 Hi??i?)^*Cl70tO)^*W.?)^Hi75fO)^-^(i9g>?)^^(i?5>o)^-^(goOtO)" 3 f(l?5*<>)^'»(lQg.?)^t(^>0)^HlB0.0)'4(l8T.g)^4

U« íi^eâretic Cou^nent of Bodlu.^ AJ.Mî2Ínete Su n of Squf)rerí • 372.377 - 325.116 » 47.261. LIS OP RSFS^EÎCES

(1) The Chem-MiU and Goatings Division of urco Products, Inc, The Cheg-Mlll Design Manual, A Jîaaual Prtíparccl by the Chem- BÍÍU sad Cootings Divisicn of Tur.co Products, Inc, Feb. 1961, pp. 1-2, 6, 19-20.

(2) Tox, GGorge H. Jr,, The Ohea-Klll Pr^ceas , . . Machlalr.g Magnesium by A ControUed Chemlcsl Reactloii, A Repoirt to The Mftgnesiuî i .^ssociation, Cleveland, Qhio, Cct. ?-7 to I9, I960, Prepared by The CheH-MiU enå Coatings Divlsion of Turco Products, Inc, -pp, 2, 9-10.

(3) The Chem.Mill an^ Coritinga Divisicn of Turco Products, Inc, Chem-Mill Sublicenses and Froduction Ffecilities, A List of Chem-Mill Sublicensss âad Production FacilitÍGS, Prepared by The Che8i.Mlll and Coatings Division of Turco Products, Inc, June I962.

(4) Gault, J, 1.., 2hepherd, C. •;., snd lluller, H. H., "'"hemicîl MiUing", Metal Progress, Oct. 1959, PP« I08-UI.

(5) Benton, P,. R. C, Beuchspies, D. A., and Woodring, G. iJ.,î "/ Productîon Mfin^ø Guido to CheMcal Machining", Anericon Machiniat, Aug. 6, 1962, pp. 73-60. ømmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^ w r •- (6) LewÍE, K, B., The Qrlndinjs Wheel, 2nd ed. rev,, The Judson Con^íønv, Cleve and, Ohio, 195^', PP. 94-95«

(T) Letter froîB -2. f. Gruen, Assi^tant to th^- Division Ifensger, The Cheîîi-MiU ond Coatings Division of Turco Products, Inc to Mr. M. ÎI, 2-hneidør, 'îisiotaat ?î*ofessor, Vex: s TechaologÍcaX CoUege, Aug. T, 1962«