FRIDAY December 13, 2013 | Opinion 7 Toward a community of solidarity with resilience

Kimihiro Ishikane and evolving part of our partnership. working of Asia-Pacifi c. the “trap.” which is ambitious but impor- able so that our voice is heard by Our “heart-to-heart” relations Our partnership, in this regard, We can also enhance our cooper- tant; regional order or architecture ASEAN and other partners. defi nitely remain as it has been involves not only facilitating the ation in such fi elds as environment building with ASEAN. Two distinct Last but not least, the importance apan is hosting the ASEAN Ja- for 40 years. The more our rela- physical connectivity which is still protection, energy conservation, changes are taking place in the re- of in our relationship pan Commemorative Summit tions strengthen over the years, the insuffi cient in many parts of ASEAN, food security, social safety net, aging gion: multilayered architecture for- with ASEAN cannot be overempha- in Tokyo. Each head of state steadier Japan and ASEAN move but also promoting institutional society and others. We have a lot to mation (ASEAN, ASEAN+1, +3, EAS, sized. Indonesia occupies a critically or government from all 10 from “donor-recipient” relations connectivity, which is essential to share with ASEAN in these fi elds as ARF, ADMM+ etc) and the trans- important place as a country that JASEAN member states will convene to real “partnership” relations. Our realize smooth transaction of goods, a country that has overcome some of formation of geopolitical landscape. is making every effort to embody in Tokyo to commemorate our 40 emphasis on development coopera- services and capital. Agreement on these challenges, while still strug- Under such circumstances, what aforementioned basic values and years of friendship and cooperation, tion and on disaster management, service and investment chapters of gling in many other fi elds. kind of game are we going to play? having overcome many diffi culties as well as to chart our partnership however, will remain the same AJCEP and the conclusion of RCEP In the political-security fi eld, our Though balance of power is a re- such as military dominant autocrat- into the future. within the context of gap narrowing are also important in this regard. partnership should be much more ality of international politics, play- ic regime, religious confl icts, ethnic Japan and ASEAN share common among member states and of realiz- Another challenge is to overcome enhanced. Cooperation should be ing games solely along this reality confl icts and turbulent transitional interests in keeping and developing ing a community of solidarity with what is usually referred to as the encouraged in such fi elds as anti-pi- might make ASEAN a board game of period to democracy. an open, transparent and networked resilience. “middle income trap”. Japan can racy measures, actions against trans- “Go,” where competing powers try As Indonesia has gone through all region that ensures enduring peace, Our interaction in the fi eld of share its experience on how to nur- national crimes, cybercrimes as well to get their respective followers to these, its words weigh much more stability and prosperity, while economy is evolving. We are de- ture small and medium sized enter- as cooperation in peace building/ gain more infl uence than others. In- vis-a-vis other ASEAN countries ASEAN exists as its central compo- termined to work with ASEAN to prises, which can play a critical role keeping or protection and promo- stead, at the venue of external pow- than other external partners includ- nent. Our relationship has been suc- achieve its community building by in gap-narrowing and inclusive eco- tion of human rights, etc. ers’ engagement, ASEAN should be ing Japan. We will closely work with cessful in many ways to make this 2015 and beyond. ASEAN’s inte- nomic development. On South China Sea, Japan should a hub of regional architecture. Indonesia not only in a bilateral con- region one of the most vibrant cen- gration is moving into new stages Networks of production centers be clear and fi rm in its message and Japan is willing to support text but also in that of ASEAN and ters of the 21st century. through broader and deeper con- of Japanese manufacturing industry action. Japan, with her legitimate ASEAN’s endeavor in this regard, as Asia-Pacifi c for the peace and pros- We should not, however, be com- nectivity, which will generate values in the region will continue to offer strategic interests at stake like all long as ASEAN strives to be strong, perity of the region. placent. Looking back at what we of more than just a sum of individual unparalleled opportunities for ca- others, is determined to work with united and cherish basic values such have achieved together, and taking ten countries. The important part pacity building, technology transfer, ASEAN to ensure peace and stabil- as rule of law, democracy, human into consideration in the chang- of Japan’s new future as our Prime nurturing of relevant companies, ity based upon established Interna- rights, etc. that are clearly embed- The writer is Ambassador Ex- ing dynamics within the region, we Minister Shinzo Abe describes: “Ja- which is indispensable for countries tional laws. ded in the ASEAN Charter. Japan, traordinary and Plenipotentiary need to discern the continuing part pan is back”, lies in the better net- to take new steps forward avoiding I wish to note here, one thing also, should be strong and reason- Mission of Japan to ASEAN. What’s next for the WTO after the Bali deal? Lori Wallach and Ben Beachy one of the few countries that wisely yet, they are empowered to decide maceutical and other corporations system. And Peru, having ratifi ed The opposition to these dubi- THE GLOBALIST/WASHINGTON, D.C refused to subject its fi nancial ser- whether an important public inter- are now launching an unprecedent- nearly two-dozen investment trea- ous tribunals has also reached the vices sector to the WTO’s broad est policy should be deemed a viola- ed wave of these investor-state cas- ties and signed onto an ISDR-em- Global North. After a multi-year oberto Azevêdo, the new deregulation requirements. Un- tion of expansive, but vaguely-word- es. The UN reports that the cumula- bodying US FTA with the US, should review under the past conservative World Trade Organization like those countries that did, Brazil ed foreign investor privileges. tive number of investor-state cases be a darling of foreign investors. government, Australia concluded R(WTO) head, has earned weathered the 2007/2008 global For example, a Peruvian anti- has jumped tenfold since 2000. The reality is the opposite. The that the investor-state regime was praise for avoiding the implosion fi nancial crisis with limited impact. toxics policy is now being attacked Corporations are using this tool to UN reports that in 2012 Brazil was not in its national interest. It refuses that has characterized many past Another example of Brazil’s savvy by a US corporation, as is Canada’s go up against consumer safeguards, the world’s fourth most popular des- to be subjected to the US-proposed WTO meetings. However, the real is its refusal to accept an obscure- medicine patent policy. And US to- environmental laws, fi nancial regu- tination for foreign investment, only expansion of the investor-state sys- question is what lesson the new di- sounding provision that is usually bacco behemoth Philip Morris has lations and other polices that they outdone by the United States, Hong tem through the Trans-Pacifi c Part- rector general should draw from his buried in the trade and investment launched cases against progressive claim inhibit their “expected future Kong and China. nership, a sweeping FTA currently intense fi rst few months of WTO agreements and pushed onto other anti-smoking laws in Uruguay and profi ts.” These tribunals have already While Brazil easily clinched Latin under negotiation. leadership. countries by the United States and Australia, after failing to undermine ordered governments to pay billions America’s top spot as a foreign in- Given Brazil’s proven success in The Bali deal indicates that, while the EU. the health laws in domestic courts. to foreign corporations, while bil- vestment magnet, Peru ranked as refusing such costly schemes and attempts to expand the scope and Known as “investor-state” dispute To outsiders, this may sound like lions more in claims remain pending. one of the region’s lowest foreign engaging in the global economy on jurisdiction of the WTO do not en- resolution (ISDR), this mechanism a conspiracy theory. If only. In the Given that, why would any coun- investment recipients. Indeed, study more pragmatic terms, will Roberto joy support from most member empowers foreign corporations to name of investment promotion, try want to sign on to such a one- after study has found zero correla- Azevêdo take a cue from his home countries, Azevêdo may fi nd more bypass the domestic legal systems of US trade negotiators over the past sided system? Most likely, it is a case tion between a country’s submission country, learn from the recent back- support in heeding long-standing the countries in which they operate. two decades have quietly inserted of deceptive advertising. Sweeping of its public policies to the whims of pedaling in the Bali deal and bring calls to alter existing WTO rules. Instead, it allows them to drag sov- these far-reaching provisions into a investor privileges, it was reasoned, investor-state tribunals and its abil- a new perspective to the WTO? The If Azevêdo is to take this lesson ereign host governments before ex- panoply of “free trade” agreements were required to attract a steady ity to attract foreign investment. odds may be long, but the world can to heart and chart a new direction trajudicial tribunals with a stunning (FTAs) signed with 17 mainly de- fl ow of investment into developing No wonder then that South Af- only hope so. for the world’s most powerful com- demand — compensate corporations veloping countries. European coun- countries. Investor-state clauses rica is in the process of terminat- merce organization, he can take a for health or environmental policies tries have inked nearly 1,000 Bilat- were originally presented as pro- ing its BITs with investor-state en- Lori Wallach is director, and Ben cue from his home country. Brazil (or other government actions) that eral Investment Treaties (BITs) that moting investments. forcement, as is Ecuador. Countries Beach is research director, of Public has proven successful in challenging the investors fi nd inconvenient. contain the same mechanism with If the agreements had worked as such as Bolivia and Venezuela have Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. old globalization agendas and craft- These tribunals are comprised of developing countries in Latin Amer- advertised, Brazil should be hurting withdrawn from the World Bank This article is part of Ford Founda- ing its own trade policy. three private sector attorneys, un- ica, Africa and Asia. for investment after rebuffi ng BITs forum where most investor-state tion’s Reforming Global Finance Brazil stands out because it was accountable to any electorate. And As a result, US and EU oil, phar- and US FTAs that enshrine the ISDR cases are tried. Governance project.

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Your letters Text your say Service at Ragunan Veterinary Hospital Fatal train crash The other night my girlfriend, her roommate and I came home to fi nd a stray cat had wandered into their place in Tebet, South Your comments on the crash between a commuter train serving the dent like this one, not that they will Jakarta. It had apparently been in some kind of terrible accident. Serpong, South Tangerang, to Tanah Abang, , route ever locate him. Topic of the day Half of its face was hanging from its skull. Its paws were matted and a gas tanker at a railway crossing in Pondok Betung, , There is a way to prevent any fu- with dried blood from where it had tried to clean itself. It just sat which left at least seven people dead and injuring dozens of others: ture similar accidents but it is very there, barely moving. expensive, it is to install tunnels or Mystery of two powerful women We fi nally found a 24-hour clinic that would make house calls. bridges at each crossing thus mak- While Bunda Putri, mentioned in the beef- The woman who showed up said the wounds were most likely Accidents happen. The ques- warning sounds, most drivers speed ing collisions impossible. import graft case and believed to be an from someone pouring boiling water on it. She did her best to tion is how well we handle up and try to beat the barrier, which I Exbrit infl uential power broker, is still a mystery, clean it up, but it was still in very bad shape. Our options, she said, them when they occur. assume should be completely closed the First Family has, again, been linked were to take it to Rumah Sakit Hewan Jakarta (Jakarta Veterinary Most people were only watch- before any train is allowed to pass. I agree with PT KAI president to a separate corruption case when the court heard testimony about Sylvia “Ibu Hospital) in Ragunan, which was open around the clock and lo- ing instead of helping because they It didn’t appear that way in this director Ignatius Jonan that state- Pur” Sholehah, reportedly a close family cated next to a shelter, or to kick it out the door. We put the cat in didn’t know what to do. case. As to the Pak ogah, the per- owned oil company Pertamina confi dante. What do you think? a box and grabbed a taxi for Ragunan. Eddy Arjuna Zainy son who directs motorists for small should be held responsible for the Send your thoughts by email, SMS, Twitter At the hospital, the receptionist fetched the veterinarian on change, I have often asked why the accident. I hope that Pertimina is or Facebook. Include your name and city. duty. We explained what had happened. Could the hospital take Over the years I have ob- police allow them to control traffi c held responsible for all losses of life the animal? He said it could not. The shelter? It was closed. Could served that rather than stop all over the country and who is re- and monetary losses as well. we leave it here for a doctor to take to the shelter in the morning? when a railroad crossing sponsible when they cause an acci- Dewi Thompson No, that wasn’t the procedure. If you want to take it to the shel- ter, he said, you have to come back tomorrow morning. Would the shelter even take it? He wouldn’t give us a straight answer. He just Comments on other issues said he didn’t know. From the very start of this whole exchange, he had one eye on the Sinetron playing on the TV in the lobby. The least he could Pertamina kicks off What is the point of building for the traffi c cop because he was man in without any hesitation. have done was show some semblance of concern. But he barely that tower when Pertamina has just trying to do his job. He wasn’t Valkyrie even glanced at the animal. tower construction not been able to control corruption asking for a payout. He was going to All he did was hand us a bill for Rp 1.2 million (US$ 99.82) if within the company? Maybe the issue a ticket. There is inconsistent enforce- we wanted to pay for a week’s stay minimum. At one point we Dec. 10, Online fi rm wants to show the world that I hope they fi nd the motorist — ment here. We let an underage driv- stepped outside to have a look at the shelter. When we returned, Pertamina is one the best oil and and make sure he’s found by a group er who crashed his expensive sports both he and the receptionist were gone. Some veterinarian. State-owned oil and gas company petroleum companies in the world? of police offi cers. car at high speed and killed seven in- I understand that in Indonesia cats are regarded as more akin to PT Pertamina kicked off on Mon- It would be better if Pertamina X Simaging nocent people get away with it, but rats than as creatures to invite inside the house. But such indiffer- day the construction of its landmark built refi neries to process crude oil we are spending time to track down ence as shown by the veterinarian makes me sick to my stomach. offi ce building, the Pertamina En- into petroleum across Indonesia’s Arrest the motorbike rider and an angry motorist. ergy Tower. islands rather than building this put him in jail. That would help Malam Philip Jacobson The 99-story building is being built tower. By producing such a refi nery teach the man a lesson, and also Jakarta on a 5.7-hectare plot in Rasuna Epi- network, Indonesia would not need send a clear message to other motor- centrum in Kuningan, South Jakarta, to import so much fuel. cyclists out there, whose insolence is Former PKS boss gets and is said to signify the company’s Mounte Cristo so prevalent. 16 years for graft Jakarta’s public hearing goal of becoming a world-class en- Our road users drive as though ergy company. they were anarchists, with the re- Dec. 10, p1 I refer to an article titled “Public hearing in Jakarta to net pub- Traffi c offender sult that the roads are in total chaos! lic aspiration,” (The Jakarta Post, Nov. 27). Your comments: verbally abuses police Perhaps it is a refl ection of the state The Jakarta Corruption Court Such a public hearing is certainly a very good idea but I am Another sign of the property of our society, especially with the sentenced former Prosperous Justice afraid the hearing will be very diffi cult to organize because it will bubble. When a state-owned com- Dec. 6, Online economy in a downward spin. Party (PKS) chairman Luthfi Hasan be attended by approximately 1,500 people who come from many pany that does not know how to run Henry Manoe Ishaaq to 16 years in prison for graft different backgrounds with many different ideas. its business (oil distribution) begins A man wearing Islamic attire yelled and money laundering on Monday. Why doesn’t Jakarta Governor Joko “Jokowi” Widodo just in- setting up a property business, then at traffi c police who wanted to give I am disappointed the police did vite the public to visit his website and welcome them to openly it reminds me of the performance him a ticket for not wearing a helmet not measure up to their spotless uni- Your comments: voice their complaints, comments, ideas or suggestions about traf- artist who in 2011-2012 set up his while driving a motorcycle in Karawa- forms. I doubt they can handle big- It is really good to see the sen- fi c congestion, fl ooding, security and so on? own coal mining company. ng, West Java. The traffi c offender was ger messes than this. tences getting heavier. There may be This could be done in the same way as the Post does with its Now you see a lot of artists setting so angry that he even accused the cops Dinero hope after all. Readers’ Forum. I believe the response from public would be phe- up property businesses; surprisingly, of having insidious motives. Loro Blonyo nomenal. To deal with this situation Jokowi could organize a team Pertamina is doing the same thing. I I watched this incident feeling to arrange the incoming mail, channel the comments to compe- think that soon, Pertamina’s presi- Your comments: disgusted at the way the police failed The verdict is questionable. The tent people, summarize them and submit the results to the gover- dent director Karen Agustiawan will In many other countries, that type to detain that man. If this man is not sentence is longer than those hand- nor to let him respond. become a Sinetron (TV soap opera) of behavior toward a traffi c police tracked down and disciplinary ac- ed down to other corrupt politicians. This is a forum open to the public so that everybody can follow star. State-Owned Enterprises Min- offi cer would have been met with a tion taken against him, it’ll only en- Why should Muhammad Naza- the development of each problem. ister Dahlan Iskan, please instruct baton to the side of the head. Later, courage more people to defy author- ruddin’s (former Democratic Party Karen and her team to learn how to the motorist would wake up in a cell. ity. The policeman in this incident treasure) sentence be lighter than Robby Kaware distribute oil from a small company. It shows once again the lack of clearly had no courage. An honest Luthfi ’s? Jakarta Siswa Rizali training for police here. I feel sorry policeman would have pulled this Aryani