el üc.irrt.ohncr 1,Hf /,xxx–xxx(2006) 7/8, Heft 119, Münch.Tierärztl.Wochenschr. Berl. 2 Zusammenfassung 0005-9366/2006/11907-XXX $15.00/0 Code Statement: Clearance Center Copyright U.S. Summary 2006 04. 30. Angenommen: 2006 02. 21. Eingegangen: uni-giessen.de christian.bauer@vetmed. E-Mail: Autor: Korrespondierender ISSN 0005-9366 KG Verlagsgesellschaft mbH&Co. © 2006Schlütersche XXX–XXX (2006) 119, Münch.Tierärztl.Wochenschr. Berl. ssoasi,Jdmea pig Jodamoeba, suis, Schlüsselwörter: bei 1–4 Wochen alten Ferkeln nachgewiesen. woche mit8–12 % nurunwesentlich. Die Ausscheidungsprävalenz von 22%bei5–7 Wochen alten Tieren). 52%bzw. an(60%, kontinuierlich Entamoeba- -, Dagegen stiegderAnteil der (18%)undfieldanachraschab. das Maximum lenz derAusscheidung von Präva- Die stadien deranderenProtozoenarten abererstdanachnachgewiesen. Jodamoeba dung warenzwischendenProtozoenarten unterschiedlich. tix 20 Betriebe), Infektionen mitfolgenden Protozoen wurdenfestgestellt: gruppen (<1bis5–7 untersucht.Wochen) mitdemSAF-Konzentrationsverfahren unauffälligenFerkeln ausunterschiedlichen Alters- von 514klinisch Kotproben Dazuwurden Infektionen mitIntestinalprotozoen zuerfassen. beiSaugferkeln unddasaltersabhängige die Häufigkeit Vorkommen von schnittsstudie wares, Quer- Ziel einerin20südhessischenFerkelerzeugerbetrieben durchgeführten pig Jodamoeba, Isospora suis, Keywords: piglets. the age. mastix course of (oo)cyst excretion. course of(oo)cyst of whereasthat respectively, 52% and 22%, ased untiltheageof5–7weeks to 60%, Entamoeba Balantidium, of proportion (18 %)in2–3weeks oldanimalsfollowed decline.The by asharp prevalence of later on.The already inthefirstweek oflife whereassheddingoftheotherparasites started (16 of20farms), Infections withthefollowing protozoan specieswere detected: using thesodiumacetate-acetic acid-formalin (SAF)concentrationtechnique. 514 clinicallyunaffected pigletsofdifferent age(<1to 5–7weeks) were examined Faecal samplesof ce ofintestinal protozoan parasites inunweaned piglets. to evaluate theprevalence andage-dependentoccurren- central Germany, Hesse, insouthern on20pigbreedingfarms wasperformed survey A cross-sectional infections in suckling piglets insuckling infections occurrence ofintestinal protozoan Prevalence andage-dependent 2 1 I Made Damriyasa I Made Protozoen beiSaugferkeln Häufigkeit intestinaler undaltersabhängigesAuftreten etefrSuiso nmlDsae,UaaaUiest ai Indonesia Udayana Bali, University Centre for StudiesonAnimalDiseases, Germany Giessen, JustusLiebigUniversity Institute ofParasitology, Chilomastix sp. (6) und (6) sp. sp. (6) and (6) sp. Zse udnbrisvrEd e rtnLbnwce Fäkal- -Zysten wurden bereitsvor Endederersten Lebenswoche, aatdu oi hlmsi,Emra Entamoeba, Eimeria, Chilomastix, , Entamoeba Eimeria positive animalsremainedonalowlevel of8–12%independent oocysts were foundoocysts transientlyinthe faecesof1–4weeks old Entamoeba Eimeria 1,2 aatdu oi hlmsi,Emra Entamoeba, Eimeria, Chilomastix, Balantidium coli, , Christian Bauer Christian , spp. (6). Beginn und Beginn Verlauf derZysten-/Oozystenausschei- (6). spp. or p (15), sp. spp. (6).The protozoan and speciesdiffered inthestart (6).The spp. oder Isospora Jodamoeba Isospora- p (15), sp. I.suis Jodamoeba

AUTORKORREKTURJodamoeba Chilomastix- oocysts and oocysts 1 oocyst excretion increasedto amaximum oocyst Jodamoeba oytnerihei e .3 Lebenswoche inder2.–3. erreichte Oozysten Eimeria- positive suckling pigletscontinouslyincre- positive suckling -positiven Saugferkel mitdemAlter -positiven Saugferkel p (14), sp. Oozysten wurdenvorübergehend Oozysten ytnvrirea e .Lebens- abder2. Zysten variierte Jodamoeba p (14), sp. Isospora (I.)suis Isospora (I.)suis Balantidium coli cysts were detected cysts I.suis Balantidium coli -Oozysten und -Oozysten (9), Chilomas- (9), (16 der Chilo- el üc.irrt.ohncr 1,Hf /,xxxx(06 3 xxx–xxx(2006) 7/8, Heft 119, Münch.Tierärztl.Wochenschr. Berl. fered withthespecies (Figure 1). shown). to harbour eggs withtheirfaeces;onthese farmssowswere known 31 pigletsaged1–5weeksfrom 6 farmsshedstrongyle ransomi loides rcooa suis trichomonas mastix sp., by indecliningorder ofprevalence, followed, farms. ted insucklingpigletsirrespective oftheirageinall Infection withatleastoneprotozoan specieswas detec- Results 2002). (Ackermann, square testusingthestatisticalsoftware packageBIAS positivity were analysedforsignificanceby thechi- Agegroup differences in 1990). nique (MartiandEscher, intestinal parasite stagesby theSAFconcentration tech- Faecal sampleswere qualitativelyexaminedfor pled. were sam- n=63), n=60;5–7weeks, n =89;4–5weeks, n=125;3–4weeks, n=148;2–3weeks, 1–2 weeks, n=29; dividedinsixageclasses(<1week, litters, 514unweanedpigletswithoutdiarrhoea from 114 total, In 4–5 pigletsperlitterofdifferent ageoneachfarm. Individualfaecalsampleswere collectedfrom farms. removal anddifferent disinfectionmethods onmost and cleaningoffarrowing penswas performedby dung Nursing sows andtheiroffspringswere keptonstraw bedding, inearlysummer. Germany, southern Hesse, The survey was performedon20pigbreeding farmsin Material andMethods cies includingflagellates( Pigs are hostsofanumberintestinalprotozoan spe- Introduction Entamoeba the suis trichomonas occurrence ofintestinalparasites inunweanedpiglets. was toevaluate thep theaimofpresent cross-sectional survey Therefore, of infectionswithotherprotozoan infectionsinpigs. However, there islittleinformationavailable onage-dependency 2005). 2002;Hamadejova and Vitovec, al., 1999;Niestrath et 1989;Meyer etal., and Christensen, piglets 2–4weeksofageiswelldocumented(Henriksen ivsaa 2004). Visvesvara, ciliate are asource ofhumaninfections(Schusterand andpigsharbouringthis enteropathogen inhumans, pigs andregarded ascommensals;however, protozoan speciesmentionedare non-pathogenicin Theother 2005). under certainconditions(Gaudieetal., Eimeria 2002). 2001;Niestrath etal., young piglets(Wieler etal., 2004). schies etal., 2001;Daug- 1999;Damriyasa, 1997;Meyer etal., son, 1995;EydalandKonrads- 1994;Quilezetal., (Pakandl, Beginning and timecourseofcyst/oocyst excretion dif- The age-dependent Jodamoeba p Tbe1.Patent (Table infectionswith 1). sp. Balantidium coli infections may causeclinicaldiseaseinolderpigs aatdu B)coli Balantidium (B.) sp., eentdtce nayaia.However, were notdetectedinany animal. Oesophagostomum sp., , ,( ), Endolimax Jodamoeba Isospora suis .suis I. .suis I. was themostp revalence andage-dependent Chilomastix sp., is apathogenicparasite of Eimeria sp.) and infection beinghighestin Blastocystis amoeba( , , Eimeria .suis I. AUTORKORREKTURinfections (datanot spp., sp., oocysts and revalent species Blastocystis p.and spp. Giardia Giardia Endolimax p or sp. ssoasuis Isospora .coli B. Entamoeba Strongy- sp., sp., Chilo- Joda- is an Tri- Tri- sp., sp. ), exception of (P <0.001)forallprotozoan speciesfoundwiththe excretion inthesixageclassesdiffered significantly Thep 1–4 weeksoldpiglets. tified by species)were foundoccasionallyinthefaecesof dent oftheageanimals. excretion remained onalowlevel of8–12%indepen- whereas thep pectively, res- 52%and22%, until anageof5–7weeksto60%, ba Theproportion of a sharpdecline. maximum of18%in2–3weeksoldanimalsfollowedby suis I. For whereas sheddingoftheotherparasites startedlater. moeba Chilomastix Eimeria Isospora suis Jodamoeba Entamoeba Balantidium coli 1: TABLE FIGURE 1: from 20 farms insouthernHesse. faecal samplesofsucklingpiglets(<1weekto5–7weeksage) 20 farmsinsouthern Hesse. Isospora suisand Eimeriaspp.insucklingpiglets (n=514)from dium coli,Entamoeba sp.,JodamoebaChilomastix sp., aaieNme f Ltes( 1)Piglets (n=514) Litters (n=114) Numberof Parasite or p.61 33 7 37 13 15 6 spp. cysts were detectedalready inthefirstweekoflife, the p Jodamoeba sp. 153632 7314 p 91 67 36 17 19 6 sp. sp.142925 5510 Overall prevalence ofprotozoan parasitesdetectedin Age-dependent prevalence ofinfections withBalanti- revalence ofoocyst excretion increased toa Chilomastix oiieNme ecnaeNme Percentage Number Percentage Number positive positive pigletsincreased continously am oiiepstv oiiepositive positive positive positive farms 64 71821 108 37 42 16 92724 5010 . revalence of Eimeria revalences ofcyst/oocyst aatdu,Entamoe- Balantidium, oocysts (notiden- Chilomastix cyst el üc.irrt.ohncr 1,Hf /,xxx–xxx(2006) 7/8, Heft 119, Münch.Tierärztl.Wochenschr. Berl. 4 cemn,H (2002): H. Ackermann, References Damriyasa, I. M., I. N. A. Suratma, I. M. Dwinata, C. Bauer (2000): Bauer C. Dwinata, M. I. Suratma, A. N. I. M., I. Damriyasa, (2001): M. I. Damriyasa, piglets olderthanoneweek. (1994) detectedthisflagellatesporadically insuckling suis nas We furtherdidnotobserve 1991). (Pakandl, sent inpigsfrom anageofthree days inBohemianfarms thisprotozoan was frequently pre- (1995);incontrast, al. whichisinaccordance withtheresults ofQuilezet cysts, We didnotfind age-dependent occurrence. show thattheseprotozoa differinthep andthedataclearly and two coccidia)were detected, oneflagellate two amoeba, tozoan species(oneciliate, exception of withthe infections insucklingpigletsisrather scanty, Knowledge onthep Discussion 00 arys,2001). 2000; Damriyasa, 1994; Damriyasa etal., as alsoreported insows(Pakandl, were diagnosedatarather lowlevel inpiglets(Table 1) nicity oftheseprotozoan speciesinpigs. immunoge- ifany, 2001)reflect onlyalow, Damriyasa, 2000; 1997;Damriyasa etal., Eydal andKonradsson, high p dent increase oftheseinfections(Figure 1)andtheir Boththeage-depen- 1981). mia (SansomandGleed, ble-housed pigletstoprevent from iron deficiency ane- in iron isknowntobeaphysiological behaviour ofsta- Ingestionofsow faecesbeingrich faeces (coprophagy). mostlikelyduetoingestionofcysts from sow birth, moeba not diagnosedinany pigletofourstudy. 2001)were also 2000;Damriyasa, 1991; Damriyasa etal., tions occurringinweanersandsows(Koudela etal., early cyst sheddingof The 1990). amoeba infaecalsamples(MartiandEscher, technique forthedetectionofprotozoa including in thepresent study hasbeenproved tobeasensitive theSAFconcentration methodused Infact, methods. differences may beexplainedby different detection These 1994). was foundinsucklingpiglets(Pakandl, another study notany ofthethree protozoan species dium in Germany onlyafew unweanedpigletsshed intwo othersurveys Incontrast, 2000). (Hindsbo etal., coli B. Ahighp were themostcommonspecies. Patent infectionswiththeflagellate aatdu oi Entamoeba Balantidium coli, io. teaIay btatn.E35p. Abstract no. Stresa-Italy, sitol., uhsuni ühsice eree.D.md e.thesis, 165pp. Justus LiebigUniversityGiessen, vet. med. Dr. Zuchtsauen insüdhessischenBetrieben. Hochheim. ai noei.I:Po.18 In:Proc. Indonesia. Bali, and serological survey onendoparasite infectionsofsowsin yt Otn 95 ilre l,20) andin 2001), 1995; Wieler etal., cysts (Otten, in pigletsofaDanishfarmwas alsoreported eaecsi reigsw Pknl 1994; revalences inbreeding sows(Pakandl, indicates thatpigletsare infectedsoonafter though usingacultivation methodPakandl Isospora suis ISfrWnos eso .6 Epsilon Version 7.06. BIAS für Windows, revalence andcourseofprotozoan Querschnittsstudie zuParasitosen bei Balantidium Inthepresent survey sixpro- . th n.Cn.Wl.As d.e.Para- Adv.Vet. Ass. Wrld. Conf. Int. Giardia p and sp. , Entamoeba or Endolimax Chilomastix Jodamoeba revalence and revalence of Tritrichomo- Blastocystis and Balanti- infec- Faecal Joda- sp. sp. ya,M,K Konradsson (1997): K. M., Eydal, agcis .(2006): A. Daugschies, ic,I .J . .H .Borgsteede (2005): M. H. F. M., J. A. I. Eijck, Daugschies, A., S. Imarom, M. Ganter,W. Bollwahn (2004): Bollwahn Ganter,W. M. Imarom, S. A., Daugschies, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Damriyasa was supportedby aresearch grant ofthe IM. Acknowledgement 2005). steede, 2002;EijckandBorg- 2001;Niestrath etal., Wieler etal., 1999; 1998;Meyer etal., 1995;Roepstorffetal., Otten, 1994; uncommon inpigfarmsnowadays (Eyskeretal., ny andother European countriesthatthisparasite is sent results confirmdatafrom earlierstudiesinGerma- Concerning the mothers. results duetoingestionofegg-contaminatedfaeces thesefindingsare considered asfalse-positive 1997), isapproximately 3weeks(Talvík etal., tomum spp. Because theminimumprepatent periodofOesophagos- detected infaecalsamplesof1–5weeksoldpiglets. tee 2005). steede, 2004;EijckandBorg- 2001; Daugschiesetal., Damriyasa, insows Eimeria However, 2005). 2002; EijckandBorgsteede, 2001;Niestrath etal., 1999; Wieler etal., Meyer etal., suckling pigletsshed Inotherstudiesnotany oronlyfew lowing coprophagy. the firstweekoflifemay have beenpassedthrough fol- atleasttheoocysts shedin Therefore, 2006). Daugschies, cine Theprepatent periodofpor- aged 1–4weeks(Figure 1). 1982). (Stuart etal., amoeba mentionedabove, unlike Thistimecoursemeansthat, 2005). 2002;Hamadejova and Vitovec, 2001; Niestrath etal., 1989; Wieler etal., dies (HenriksenandChristensen, decline (Figure 1)corresponding toresults ofearlierstu- observed in2–3weeksoldpigletsfollowedby asharp and thehighestp dent thatinitialinfectionstakeplaceshortlyafterbirth, Itisevi- 2006). 2002;Mundtetal., 2001; Niestrath etal., sing diarrhoeaandreduced weightgain(Wieler etal., ned theimportanceof otherstudieshave strongly underli- clinical symptoms, hough allthepigletssampledinthissurvey didnotshow Alt- 2005). 2005;Mundtetal., Hamadejova and 2002; Vitovec, 2001;Niestrath etal., 1998; Wieler etal., et al., 1995;Roepstorff 1994;Otten, an countries(Eyskeretal., parasite ofyoung pigletsinGermany andotherEurope- Strongyle ( Eimeria The present dataconfirmthat Parasitol. Soc. Scand. Bull. and otherzoonotic parasites inIcelandicpigs. ae,6 Parey, Stuttgart: Parasitologie. ed.Veterinärmedizinische T., Schnieder, am nTeNtelnsVt e.Commun. Res. farms in The Netherlands.Vet. organic and conventional pig nal pigparasites onfree-range, B Med. Vet. of Eimeria Eimeria infections are p th oocyst excretion was onlyfoundinfew piglets d,359–368. ed., 7 p.i osa iltpouigfrsi emn.J. insows atpiglet-producing farms inGermany. spp. 66. , s71 as dependingonthespecies(see: is 7–10days,

AUTORKORREKTUR51 Oesophagostomum 135–139. , revalence ofoocyst sheddingwas rtzeifkinndsShens In: Protozoeninfektionen desSchweines. .suis I. eaet(optrfe l,1998; revalent (Roepstorffetal., Eimeria toglie ransomi Strongyloides The p .suis I. as anenteropathogen cau- ) eggswere occasionally revalence of is highlyimmunogenic oyt Otn 1995; oocysts (Otten, .suis I. A survey ofgastrointesti- is awidespread 29 .coli B. Balantidium coli 407–414. , Prevalence the pre- and the el üc.irrt.ohncr 1,Hf /,xxxx(06 5 xxx–xxx(2006) 7/8, Heft 119, Münch.Tierärztl.Wochenschr. Berl. te,A (1995): A. Otten, Daugschies (2002): A. Joachim, A. Takla, M. M., Niestrath, ud,H-. .Jahm .Bca .Daugschies(2006): A. Becka, M. Joachim, A. H.-C., Mundt, ud,H-. .Chn .Dushe,A oci,H Prosl, H. Joachim, A. Daugschies, A. Cohen, A. H.-C., Mundt, ee,C,A oci,A Daugschies (1999): A. Joachim, A. C., Meyer, (1990): Escher E. H., Marti, ade .M,R .Eas .H Done(2005): H. S. Evans, J. R. M., C. Gaudie, aaeoa . .Vitovec (2005): J. K., Hamadejova, odl,B,E o_kv,J íoe,M aad,J Kulda (1991): J. Pakandl, M. Vítovec, J. Noh_nková, E. B., Koudela, ykr . .A ora,W olnes .H .Verheijden (1994): M. H. J. Hollanders, W. Boerdam, A. G. M., Eysker, erke,S . .P .Christensen (1989): B. P. J. A., S. Henriksen, idb.O,C .Nesn .Adese,A .Wliga,M Bendi- M. Willingham, L. A. Andreassen, J. Nielsen, V. C. O., Hindsbo. thesis, Hannover Veterinary School, 109 pp. 109 vet. HannoverSchool, Veterinary thesis, med. Dr. kelerzeugerbetrieben inNordrhein-Westfalen. MedB Vet. Isospora suis nen BedeutungvonInfektionenmit Res. Parasitol. sis. suis emn,SizradadAsra .e.Md B Med. J.Vet. Switzerlandand Austria. Germany, R.Schmäschke,B.Westphal (2005): R.Schmäschke,B.Westphal ern am.e.Parasitol. rearing farms.Vet. suis 163–166. etglsVt Rec. ment gilts.Vet. aaiooiceSulnescugn cwi.Md Wschr.120 Med. Schweiz. parasitologische Stuhluntersuchungen. phozoites ofthe Giardia igpgesi h ehrad.e.Quart. sing pigletsin The Netherlands.Vet. The p spora suis eerhfr.At.e.Scand. Acta.Vet. research farm. ce oftheintestinalciliate Nielsen(2000): N.O. Nielsen, M.A. xen, imrh.Po.5 Proc. diomorphs. Coccidiaandintestinalcocci- ed. P., In: Yvoré, age ofthehost. Sheedingofoocysts of Denmark. : anexperimentalmodelformammalianintestinalcoccidio- 1473–1476. , in larger pigletproduction unitsandonspecializedpiglet revalence of infection inpigs:detectionandvitro isolationoftro- npgesVt e.Czech Med. in piglets.Vet. 49 saptoe ncnetoa iltpouto.J. as apathogeninconventional pigletproduction. Untersuchungen zurEpizootiologieundpathoge- 176–180. , 98 Isospora suis Giardia intestinalis th 157 167–175. , n.CciissCn.Tus 489–492. Tours, CoccidiosisConf. Int. 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