Report on the Fiscal 2021 State Operating Budget (SB 190) And the State Capital Budget (SB 191) And Related Recommendations

By the Chairmen of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee and House Appropriations Committee

Joint Chairmen’s Report Annapolis, 2020 Session

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ii General Assembly of Budget and Taxation Committee

2020 Session Membership Roster

Senator Guy Guzzone, Chairman Senator Jim Rosapepe, Vice Chairman

Capital Budget Subcommittee

Senator Douglas J. J. Peters, Chairman Senator Craig J. Zucker, Vice Chairman

Senator George C. Edwards Senator Melony Griffith Senator Nancy J. King Senator Cory V. McCray Senator Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr.

Education, Business, and Administration Subcommittee

Senator Craig J. Zucker, Chairman

Senator Sarah K. Elfreth Senator Nancy J. King Senator Andrew A. Serafini

Health and Human Services Subcommittee

Senator Melony Griffith, Chairman

Senator Adelaide C. Eckardt Senator Jim Rosapepe Senator Johnny Ray Salling

Public Safety, Transportation, and Environment Subcommittee

Senator Cory V. McCray, Chairman

Senator George C. Edwards Senator Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. Senator Douglas J. J. Peters

iii iv General Assembly of Maryland House Appropriations Committee

2020 Session Membership Roster

Delegate Maggie McIntosh, Chair Delegate Michael A. Jackson, Vice Chair

Capital Budget Subcommittee

Delegate Mark S. Chang, Chair Delegate Ben Barnes, Vice Chair

Delegate Wendell R. Beitzel Delegate Jefferson L. Ghrist Delegate Keith E. Haynes Delegate Michael A. Jackson Delegate Delegate Carol L. Krimm Delegate Michael McKay Delegate Delegate Delegate Geraldine Valentino-Smith Delegate

Education and Economic Development Subcommittee

Delegate Ben Barnes, Chair Delegate Jared Solomon, Vice Chair

Delegate Mark S. Chang Delegate Catherine M. Forbes Delegate Jefferson L. Ghrist

v Health and Social Services Subcommittee

Delegate Kirill Reznik, Chair Delegate Geraldine Valentino-Smith, Vice Chair

Delegate Delegate Delegate Pat Young

Public Safety and Administration Subcommittee

Delegate Keith E. Haynes, Chair Delegate Susie Proctor, Vice Chair

Delegate Delegate Paul D. Corderman Delegate Michael McKay

Transportation and the Environment Subcommittee

Delegate Marc Korman, Chair Delegate Carol L. Krimm, Vice Chair

Delegate Wendell R. Beitzel Delegate Delegate Delegate Ric Metzgar



April 16, 2020

The Honorable Bill Ferguson President of the Senate State House Annapolis, Maryland 21401-1991

The Honorable Adrienne A. Jones Speaker of the House Annapolis, Maryland 21401-1991

Dear President Ferguson and Speaker Jones:

We are pleased to submit the reports of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee and House Appropriations Committee dealing with the final actions taken on Senate Bill 190 and Senate Bill 191. Senate Bill 190 is the State operating budget, making appropriations for support of the State government, for aid to local governments, and for other purposes during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, and for deficiency appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020. Senate Bill 191 is the State capital budget, authorizing general obligation debt for State facilities and for grants to local governments and nonprofit organizations for construction of and improvements to facilities and infrastructure.

These reports incorporate detailed statements of all reductions made to the appropriations and also contain expressions of legislative intent and policy guidelines that are an integral part of the action taken on the budgets. Explanations of reductions and other actions are provided where the rationale may not be obvious.


Guy Guzzone, Chairman Maggie McIntosh, Chairman Senate Budget and Taxation Committee House Appropriations Committee

vii viii Agency Instructions Responding to Restricted Appropriations or Report Requests

The Joint Chairmen’s Report (JCR) lists each action adopted by the General Assembly in the budget bill, including reductions and budget bill language, with explanations. Budget language may, among other things, restrict funding pending the submission of a report or other action. The JCR also includes committee narrative adopted by the budget committees, which is generally used to request reports or additional information.

Restricted Appropriations: Where all or a portion of an appropriation is restricted, approval to release restricted funds should be requested from the budget committees, with a copy sent to the agency’s budget analyst at the Department of Legislative Services (DLS). Each request should include a cover letter addressed to the budget committee chairs and should identify the agency, the amount restricted, the fund source, and should specifically note that the release of restricted funds is being requested. Failure to copy the DLS analyst may result in delays in processing release of fund requests. See “Submission Procedures” below for specific direction for all items.

Please note that some restricted items have a specific due date. If a due date cannot be met, an agency should submit a letter to the budget committees and DLS to request an extension (see “Requesting an Extension” below).

Reports: Budget language or committee narrative may request an agency to complete an extensive study, status report, or other actions. All reports requested via committee narrative have a specific due date. An extension should be requested for any item where submission may exceed the designated due date.

Submission Procedures: All agency reports and studies submitted in response to committee narrative or budget bill language are required to be submitted both in electronic form and hard copy:

 Electronic copies should be sent via email to [email protected]. The naming convention for each item should include the session year of the JCR, the page in the JCR on which the item’s Information Request appears, an agency abbreviation, and the title of the report (e.g., 2020_p95_DNR_Dredging Report). DLS will distribute electronic copies to the Office of Policy Analysis staff and members of the budget committees. Electronic documents may EITHER use Adobe Acrobat OR Microsoft Word software, with tables and charts in either Word or through use of embedded (not linked) Excel files. (Word 2013 and Excel 2013 are preferred, but DLS can convert older versions.) NOTE: If files to be emailed are larger than 10 MB, they cannot be sent via email. Contact Rebecca Ruff at [email protected] for instructions for posting large files on the DLS FTP site; and

 Mail five hard copies to the legislative library. Please address the packet to:

Sarah Albert DLS Library and Information Services 90 State Circle Annapolis, MD 21401-1991

Requesting an Extension: If a time extension for any item is needed, please send correspondence indicating why an extension is needed (and the anticipated submission date) to the budget committee chairmen. Please copy [email protected] and the DLS analyst.


x Department of Legislative Services

Executive Director Victoria L. Gruber

Director, Office of Policy Analysis Ryan Bishop

Coordinator, Fiscal and Policy Analysis David C. Romans

Operating Budget Managers Simon G. Powell Rebecca J. Ruff

Capital Budget Manager Matthew D. Klein

Information Systems Support Patrick S. Frank Jason A. Kramer

Committee Report Coordinators Andrew D. Gray (Operating) Anne P. Wagner (Capital)

Quality Control Editor Maureen R. Merzlak

Committee Staff Senate Budget and Taxation Committee House Appropriations Committee Phillip S. Anthony Matthew B. Jackson Matthew J. Bennett Michele K. Lambert Erika S. Schissler Priya Narapareddy

Other Analysts Sara J. Baker Steven D. McCulloch Jacob C. Cash Grace M. Pedersen Andrew C. Garrison Samuel M. Quist Emily R. Haskel Anne P. Wagner Laura H. Hyde Kenneth B. Weaver Ian M. Klein Caleb E. Weiss Nicholas J. Konzelman Tonya D. Zimmerman

xi Support Staff Mary Alice Gehrdes, Operating Budget Support Coordinator Katylee M. Cannon, Capital Budget Support Coordinator Danielle A. Clemons Kamar Merritt Susan Eckert Brett A. Ogden Katherine K. Hayward

xii Department of Legislative Services 2020 Budget Assignments

Sara J. Baker Maryland Higher Education Commission Student Financial Assistance University System of Maryland Overview University of University of Maryland Baltimore County University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Jacob C. Cash Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Administration and Offices Community Supervision Corrections Division of Pretrial Detention Overview Police and Correctional Training Commissions

Patrick S. Frank Board of Public Works Department of General Services Department of Information Technology Maryland Stadium Authority Public Debt

Andrew C. Garrison Department of Veterans Affairs Maryland Department of Health Administration Behavioral Health Administration Health Professional Boards and Commissions Health Regulatory Commissions Office of Health Care Quality Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems

xiii Andrew D. Gray Canal Place Preservation and Development Authority Chesapeake Bay Overview Department of Agriculture Department of Natural Resources Department of Planning Department of the Environment Maryland Environmental Service

Emily R. Haskel Department of Commerce Department of Housing and Community Development Maryland Department of Labor Maryland Economic Development Corporation Maryland Technology Development Corporation State Lottery and Gaming Control Agency

Laura H. Hyde Interagency Commission on School Construction Maryland State Department of Education Aid to Education Funding for Educational Organizations Headquarters

Ian M. Klein Aid to Community Colleges Baltimore City Community College Higher Education Overview Morgan State University University System of Maryland Bowie State University Coppin State University University of Maryland Global Campus University System of Maryland Office

Matthew D. Klein Capital Fiscal Briefing

Nicholas J. Konzelman Department of Juvenile Services Department of State Police Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services Maryland Emergency Medical System Operations Fund Maryland State Department of Education Maryland Center for School Safety Military Department

xiv Jason A. Kramer Department of Budget and Management – Personnel Maryland Supplemental Retirement Plans Payments to Civil Divisions of the State State Retirement Agency Subsequent Injury Fund Uninsured Employer’s Fund

Steven D. McCulloch Maryland Department of Transportation Debt Service Requirements Maryland Transit Administration Overview State Highway Administration The Secretary’s Office Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

Grace M. Pedersen Department of Aging Department of Disabilities Department of Human Services Administration Child Support Administration Overview Executive Department – Boards, Commissions, and Offices Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing State Board of Elections

Simon G. Powell Maryland Department of Health Medical Care Programs Administration

Samuel M. Quist Comptroller of Maryland Maryland Commission on Civil Rights Maryland Public Broadcasting Commission Maryland School for the Deaf Maryland State Library Agency Secretary of State State Treasurer

Rebecca J. Ruff State Reserve Fund

xv Anne P. Wagner Department of Budget and Management – Secretary Maryland Department of Health Developmental Disabilities Administration Overview Prevention and Health Promotion Administration Public Health Administration Maryland State Department of Education Early Childhood Development

Kenneth B. Weaver Executive Department – Governor Judiciary Maryland Tax Court Office of Administrative Hearings Office of Attorney General Office of Public Defender Office of State Prosecutor Property Tax Assessment Appeals Board State Archives State Department of Assessments and Taxation Worker’s Compensation Commission

Caleb E. Weiss Historic St. Mary’s City Commission Maryland African American Museum Corporation Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Aviation Administration Maryland Port Administration Motor Vehicle Administration Maryland Insurance Administration Maryland Transportation Authority

Tonya D. Zimmerman Department of Human Services Family Investment Office of Home Energy Programs Social Services Maryland Energy Administration Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Office of People’s Counsel Public Service Commission

xvi Contents

Budget Code Page

Agency Instructions ...... ix

Fiscal Note ...... xxv

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget ...... xxvii

Payments to Civil Divisions of the State Payments to Civil Divisions of the State ...... A15O00 1

General Assembly General Assembly of Maryland ...... B75A01 2

Legislative and Judicial Judiciary ...... C00A00 3 Office of the Public Defender ...... C80B00 10 Public Service Commission ...... C90G00 14 Uninsured Employers’ Fund ...... C96J00 15

Executive and Administrative Control Board of Public Works ...... D05E01 16 Executive Department – Governor ...... D10A01 17 Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing ...... D11A0401 18 Department of Disabilities ...... D12A02 19 Maryland Energy Administration ...... D13A13 20 Boards, Commissions, and Offices ...... D15A05 23 Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services ...... D21 26 Department of Aging ...... D26A07 35 State Board of Elections ...... D38I01 39 Department of Planning ...... D40W01 42 Military Department ...... D50H01 44 Department of Veterans Affairs ...... D55P00 45 xvii Budget Code Page

Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund ...... D70J00 46 Maryland Health Benefit Exchange ...... D78Y01 47 Office of Administrative Hearings ...... D99A11 50

Financial and Revenue Administration Comptroller of Maryland ...... E00A 51 State Department of Assessments and Taxation ...... E50C 55 Property Tax Assessment Appeals Boards ...... E80E 59

Budgetary and Personnel Administration Department of Budget and Management Office of the Secretary ...... F10A 60 Office of Personnel Services and Benefits ...... F10A02 61 Office of Budget Analysis ...... F10A05 64 Department of Information Technology ...... F50 65

Personnel Administration and Retirement State Retirement Agency ...... G20J01 68

General Services Department of General Services ...... H00 69

Transportation Department of Transportation ...... J00 72 The Secretary’s Office ...... J00A01 75 Debt Service Requirements ...... J00A04 78 State Highway Administration ...... J00B01 81 Maryland Port Administration ...... J00D00 83 Motor Vehicle Administration ...... J00E00 84 Maryland Transit Administration ...... J00H01 85 Maryland Aviation Administration ...... J00I00 86 Maryland Transportation Authority ...... J00J00 87

xviii Budget Code Page

Natural Resources Department of Natural Resources ...... K00A 89

Agriculture Department of Agriculture ...... L00A 93

Health Maryland Department of Health Office of the Secretary ...... M00A01 96 Public Health Administration ...... M00F 98 Prevention and Health Promotion Administration ...... M00F03 100 Office of the Chief Medical Examiner ...... M00F05 101 Deputy Secretary for Behavioral Health ...... M00K 102 Behavioral Health Administration ...... M00L 104 Developmental Disabilities Administration ...... M00M 107 Medical Care Programs Administration ...... M00Q 112 Regulatory Commissions ...... M00R01 121

Human Services Department of Human Services Office of the Secretary ...... N00A01 124 Social Services Administration ...... N00B 126 Office of Technology for Human Services ...... N00F00 131 Local Department Operations ...... N00G00 133 Child Support Administration ...... N00H00 138 Family Investment Administration ...... N00I00 141

Labor, Licensing, and Regulation Maryland Department of Labor ...... P00 147

Public Safety and Correctional Services Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services ...... Q00 151 Administration and Offices ...... Q00A 153

xix Budget Code Page

Maryland Correctional Enterprises ...... Q00A03 156 Corrections ...... Q00B 157 Community Supervision ...... Q00C 158 Police and Correctional Training Commission ...... Q00G 160 Division of Correction – West Region ...... Q00R 161 Division of Correction – East Region ...... Q00S 162 Division of Pretrial Detention ...... Q00T 163

Public Education Maryland State Department of Education Headquarters ...... R00A01 164 Aid to Education ...... R00A02 168 Funding for Educational Organizations ...... R00A03 173 Maryland Center for School Safety ...... R00A06 180 Interagency Commission on School Construction ...... R00A07 182

Higher Education Morgan State University ...... R13M00 185 Maryland Public Broadcasting Commission ...... R15P00 186 University System of Maryland ...... R30B00 187 Bowie State University ...... R30B23 188 University of Baltimore ...... R30B28 189 University of Maryland Global Campus ...... R30B30 190 University System of Maryland Office ...... R30B36 191 Maryland Higher Education Commission ...... R62I00 192 Higher Education ...... R75T001 196 Baltimore City Community College ...... R95C00 200

Housing and Community Development Department of Housing and Community Development ...... S00A 202

Commerce Department of Commerce ...... T00 205

xx Budget Code Page

Maryland Technology Development Corporation ...... T50T01 209

Environment Department of the Environment ...... U00A 210 Maryland Environmental Service ...... U10B00 216

Juvenile Services Department of Juvenile Services ...... V00A 217

State Police Department of State Police ...... W00A 218

Debt Public Debt ...... X00A00 222

Reserve State Reserve Fund ...... Y01A 223

Sections Section 2 ...... 224 Section 17 ...... 225 Section 21 Executive Long-term Forecast ...... 226 Section 22 Across-the-board Reductions and Higher Education ..... 226 Section 23 Reporting Federal Funds ...... 227 Section 24 Federal Fund Spending ...... 227 Section 25 Reporting on Budget Data and Organizational Charts ... 228 Section 26 Interagency Agreements ...... 229 Section 27 Budget Amendments ...... 231 Section 28 Maintenance of Accounting Systems ...... 233 Section 29 Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Company Fund Accounts ...... 234 Section 30 The “Rule of 100” ...... 235 Section 31 Annual Report on Authorized Positions ...... 236 Section 32 Positions Abolished in the Budget ...... 237 xxi Budget Code Page

Section 33 Annual Report on Health Insurance Receipts and Spending ...... 237 Section 34 Chesapeake Bay Restoration Spending ...... 238 Section 35 Submission of the Uniform Crime Report ...... 240 Section 36 Baltimore City Crime Prevention Initiative ...... 241 Section 37 Transfer of the Opioid Operational Command Center ... 241 Section 38 Medicaid Data Memorandum of Understanding ...... 242 Section 39 Need for Licensed Placement Beds ...... 242 Section 40 Reduction of Health Insurance Contributions ...... 244 Section 41 Department of Information Technology Position Reduction Savings ...... 244 Section 42 Report on Agencies with Multiple Personally Identifiable Information Audit Findings in 2019 ...... 245 Section 43 2022 Pollbook Project Development Timeline...... 246 Section 44 Hospital Stays ...... 247 Section 45 Enforcement and Inspection Position Strength Assessment and Vacant Position Filing ...... 248 Section 46 Expanded GIS Data ...... 250

Technical Amendment Technical Amendment ...... 252


Budget Code Page

Report on the State Capital Budget (SB 191) ...... 253

Items in Fiscal 2021 Capital Budget – Contingencies/Reports ...... 255

Items in Fiscal 2021 Capital Budget – Other Restrictions and Language .... 257

Capital Program for the 2020 Session ...... 259

Legislative Bond Initiative Projects – 2020 Session ...... 277

Maryland Stadium Authority ...... DA03 287

Board of Public Works General State Facilities ...... DE0201 288 Judiciary ...... DE0211 289

Maryland Department of Health ...... MA01 290

Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Division of Pretrial Detention ...... QT04 291

Interagency Commission on School Construction...... RA0702 292

University System of Maryland University of Maryland, College Park Campus ...... RB22 295 Bowie State University ...... RB23 296 Towson University ...... RB24 297 University of Maryland Eastern Shore ...... RB25 298 Coppin State University ...... RB27 299 University of Maryland Baltimore County ...... RB31 300 University System of Maryland Office ...... RB36 301

Maryland Higher Education Commission ...... RI00 302

Morgan State University ...... RM00 303

University of Maryland Medical System ...... RQ00 304

Department of Housing and Community Development Division of Neighborhood Revitalization ...... SA24 305 Division of Development Finance ...... SA25 307

xxiii Budget Code Page

Department of the Environment Office of the Secretary ...... UA01 308 Miscellaneous Grant Programs ...... ZA00 309

Local Senate Initiatives ...... ZA02 345

Local House of Delegates Initiatives ...... ZA03 376

SECTION 2 – Chapter 22 of the Acts of 2017 as Amended by Chapter 9 of the Acts of 2018 and Chapter 373 of the Acts of 2019 ...... 393

SECTION 13 ...... 394

SECTION 14 ...... 401

SECTION 15 ...... 402

SECTION 16 ...... 403


Fiscal Note Summary of the Budget Bill – Senate Bill 190

Higher General Funds Special Funds Federal Funds Education Funds Total Funds Governor’s Allowance 1 Fiscal 2020 Budget $19,540,602,063 $9,569,634,124 $13,381,629,278 $4,774,010,928 $47,265,876,393 Fiscal 2021 Budget 20,205,894,764 2 9,605,504,378 3 13,885,016,520 4,818,096,855 48,514,512,517

Supplemental Budget No. 1 Fiscal 2020 Deficiencies $33,887,563 $1,780,703 $3,023,365 $0 $38,691,631 Fiscal 2021 Budget -51,976,251 89,384,771 504,297 37,912,817 Subtotal -$18,088,688 $91,165,474 $3,527,662 $0 $76,604,448

Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2020 xxv Fiscal 2020 Deficiencies -$6,394,640 -$6,206,380 -$287,500 $0 -$12,888,520

Fiscal 2021 Contingent Reductions -401,507,571 8,550,000 4 0 0 -392,957,571 Subtotal -$407,902,211 $2,343,620 -$287,500 $0 -$405,846,091

Legislative Reductions Fiscal 2020 Deficiencies -$17,814,974 -$419,104 $0 $0 -$18,234,078 5 Fiscal 2021 Budget -123,790,410 -8,577,783 -75,030,396 0 -207,398,589 Total Reductions -$141,605,384 -$8,996,887 -$75,030,396 $0 -$225,632,667

Appropriations Fiscal 2020 Budget $19,550,280,012 $9,564,789,343 $13,384,365,143 $4,774,010,928 $47,273,445,426 Fiscal 2021 Budget 19,628,620,532 9,694,861,366 13,810,490,421 4,818,096,855 47,952,069,174 Change $78,340,520 $130,072,023 $426,125,278 $44,085,927 $678,623,748

1 Reflects $615.2 million in proposed deficiencies, including $223.3 million in general funds, $135.8 million in special funds, $255.3 million in federal funds, and $0.8 million current unrestricted funds. Assumes $35.0 million in unspecified general fund reversions, $101.5 million in targeted general reversions, and $0.5 million in targeted special fund reversions. Excludes $43.5 million that double counts general fund spending. 2 Assumes $35.0 million in unspecified general fund reversions. 3 Excludes $40 million that double counts general fund spending. 4 Assumes $8.6 million in special funds to back-fill for general fund reductions. 5 Assumes $11.6 million in special funds to back-fill for general fund reductions.


Study Status/ Status/

Study Study Study Status

F R O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate


750,000 $250,000 8,250,000 Amount


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Study Status/ Status/

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F O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

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Study Status/ Status/

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F O O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

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– –



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D13A13.08 D13A13.01 D12A02.01 D11A04.01 D05E01 C96J00.01 C90G00.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Study Study Study Study Status

R R R O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate


100,000 100,000 250,000 45,500,000 Amount


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– –

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Study Status/ Status/

Study Study Study Study Study Study

C R R R O O O Note

Bill House House

192 Bill Senate


250,000 100,000 100,000 11,136,063 Amount


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– – – – – –

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Status Sta Study Status Study

F R R R R O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate



100,000 100,000 470,00 600,000 100,000 1,530,000 Amount



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rogram rogram to be used to establish new CFL reports reports on the the administration and utilization of the

tlist data for for data tlist each p

other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose (CFL) (CFL) p in jurisdictions not previously program. served by the Requires MDOA 1 September to submit self for Life a report by jurisdiction jurisdiction that are on 2021. 15, January due by program the waitlist for each Restricts funding until MDOA submits on Community for Life program. The report is due 2020. 1, September Restricts funding for community services to be Program. Nutrition State the to support used Restricts funding until MDOA submits a report due is report The funds. general new of use the on funds. of expenditure the to prior Restricts funding for the Community of Life Restricts Restricts funding until GOCPYVS report submits on t a infection for rape victims. The 1, 2020. December report is due Restricts funding two un wai 1, 2020,


Children and Children Division Youth of Department Aging (MDOA) MDOA MDOA MDOA MDOA MDOA GOCPYVS Maryland

D26A07.03 D26A07.03 D26A07.03 D26A07.03 D26A07.01 D26A07.01 D21A03.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Status Status Status Status Status Status Status

R O O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

GF Fund

150,000 Amount


, 2020, 2020, ,

potential potential

outcomes outcomes of

response rates rates response -

, 2021, on , 2021, on Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items to submit quarterly reports on certification of grant urisdiction self urisdiction ination between the SBE staff staff SBE the between ination ntingencies/reports on the administration of public on policies affecting detained

, epartment of Legislative Services Services Legislative of epartment on the status of census outreach

(DoIT) Contingency Language Contingency

2020, 2020, 2020

2020, 2020, the D the ,

, 2020, 2 1, s information technology projects. technology information s

1 , ’

on geocoded addresses for prisoners. The

) 15

echnology echnology DLS other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose ( 1, 2020. August by due is letter Requires MDP May to j local and MDP by submit a and a report by January 1 report Census. the 2020 by Requires SBE to submit a report by July 1 July by report a submit to SBE Requires coord on improved board. and the Requires SBE August to individuals. submit Information of Department the and SBE a Requires report T by on SBE Restricts funding until MDP submits confirming an a MOU has letter been signed between and MDP Requires Requires MDOA October to submit allocations to Area a Agencies on Aging (AAA) report and a report by by January 1 AAA. each for levels funding to changes Requires MDOA October to submit Marylanders. older for guardianship a report by

– –


(MDP) Elections Elections (SBE) of Department Planning Maryland Maryland MDP SBE SBE MDOA of Board State MDOA

03 D40W01.03 D40W01.03 D38I01.03 D38I01.01 D38I01.01 D26A07. D26A07.03 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Study Status Study Status Status Study

C R O O O O O Note

Bill House House

192 Bill Senate

SF SF Fund

450,000 3,500,000 Amount



unding unding dedicated to Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items ment ment Health Insurance on reinsurance program

ntingencies/reports on the likelihood and the impact impact the and likelihood the on th the submission of the

Maryland Maryland Department of Health on enrollment resulting from the , 2020, Contingency Language Contingency the the 30

, 2020, , to submit quarterly reports on the


s funding until MHBE submits a report ,

2022 budget.


other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose is due December 1, 2020. 1, December is due Requires MHBE July to submit Maryland Easy a Enroll Program. report by Requires MHBE September to submit assessment provider the of use planned and costs a funds. report by (MDH) (MDH) Fund. Crisis Opioid the in funds for plan funding Requires Maryland Auto Insurance Administration and to submit a report the by Maryland 1 October assessment. Auto Maryland of a Reduces funding MHBE for the mandate altering contingent on legislation Restrict report The MHBE. of needs funding future the on Expresses Expresses intent that the Military and Department DBM budget funds for the Army National Guard maintenance improving f facility subprogram functionality in wi fiscal a new Requires the Opioid Center and Operational Command


Automobile Automobile Fund Insurance Benefit Exchange (MHBE) Department Department Department MHBE MHBE MHBE Maryland Health Health Maryland Military Military Maryland Military Military

D78Y01.01 D78Y01.01 D78Y01.01 D78Y01.01 D70J00 D50H01.03 D50H01.02 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Status Status

F F R O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

SF GF Fund

300,000 1,600,000 10,059,068 Amount

27 Positions Tax System

private private letter ruling Integrated Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items s database for the second ’ on administrative law judge to to submit a report by ntingencies/reports

Tobacco Tobacco Commission will be 2020,

, Contingency Language Contingency OAH 1


s the of Comptroller Maryland to submit 2


other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Require quarterly reports on the Integrated Tax System project. Restricts Restricts funding for the project until the submits Comptroller documentation of Alcohol certifying Maryland and that provided office space the and access to Enforcement Division the Field half of June fiscal 2021. Restricts positions and associated funding The from report the Field Enforcement Division is to support the Alcohol due and Tobacco 1, 2021. January Commission effective Requires Requires November workloads. Restricts administrative funding to be used support implementation of a to process.

– –

– – – –


earings Division Maryland Field Enforcement Division Maryland Revenue Administration Maryland Field Enforcement Administrative Administrative H (OAH) Maryland Revenue Administration Comptroller of of Comptroller Comptroller of of Comptroller Comptroller of of Comptroller Office of of Office of Comptroller

E00A06.01 E00A06.01 E00A04.02 E00A04.01 D99A11.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Study Status Status Study Study Study Study

R O O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

GF Fund




a report by on compliance

tax lien sales. lien tax

, 2020, on on PTAAB hearing Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items

on real property valuation on real property valuation on on tracking the State fleet on property property on


, 2020, , 2020, , 2020, , 2020, , 2020, Contingency Language Contingency 1 1 1 1

other restrictions/contingencies/reports funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Requires Requires DBM December to type. fuel by inventory submit a until Restricts submits funding a DBM report on report the by fiscal 2020 closeout data for the Employee and Retiree Health 2020. 1, October by is due report Insurance Account. The Requires Requires SDAT November to submit Requires a SDAT report December to by submit and transparency. equity a Requires report PTAAB by December to submit 1 postponements. Requires Requires the of Comptroller Maryland to submit a report by December 31 sales. cigar premium online tax excise for issues Requires SDAT December to submit vacancies assessor a report by

– –

budget budget

B) Office Office Office


– –


of the of the Secretary of Personnel and Services Benefits and Taxation Taxation and (SDAT) Assessment Appeals Boards (PTA Maryland Field Enforcement Division of Department Assessment DBM DBM SDAT Tax Property State State SDAT Comptroller of of Comptroller

F10A02.01 F10A01.02 F10A01.02 E80E00.01 E50C00.05 E50C00.05 E50C00.05 E00A06.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


s Study Status/ Status/ Status Study Statu Status Status Status

O O O O O F, O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate


90,000 60,000

1,350,000 Amount

15 Positions

fiscal fiscal 2022

based platform -

services Integrated - s prescription drug ’ s s medical and dental ’ Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items on on device as a service on the salary actions. salary the on on the total statewide costs of of costs statewide total the on to submit a report by , ntingencies/reports

. information technology positions positions technology information


, 2020, , 2020, , Contingency Language Contingency 1, 4

(MD THINK), a cloud


other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Networ designed and built by the Department of Human (DHS) Services Requires DoIT September to procurement. submit a report by Requires Requires DBM to submit complete subobject detail by program Objects 08 for and 12 Comptroller by the third 2021. January Wednesday of Restricts positions and associated funding to be used to enhance DoIT by salaries creating a new for scale salary and requires DoIT 4 September to submit Requires a report DoIT September by the Maryland Total Human Requires DBM to submit quarterly reports on the the on reports quarterly submit to DBM Requires performance of the State plan. the on reports quarterly submit to DBM Requires performance of the State plans.

– –

Office Office Office Office Office Major Major Major Major

– – – – –

Agency T

Development Development Project Fund Information Technology Development Project Fund of Budget of Budget Analysis Information Technology of Personnel of Personnel and Services Benefits of Personnel and Services Benefits DoI DoIT DoIT DBM DBM DBM

F50A01.01 F50A01.01 F50 F10A05.01 F10A02.02 F10A02.02 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Status Status Study Study Study

R O O O O,R Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

GF GF Fund


100,000 Amount




Consolidated Consolidated

. Additionally, Authority of Authority the City 15, 2020. Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items on the cost savings of otify the budget committees committees budget the otify on an agency office moving office moving agency an on


020, 2 , 2020, , 2020,

, Contingency Language Contingency r if certain changes to projects are 1 18

other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose program program with the submission of the final draft and Transportation versions notification is required as needed throughout the of Program budget yea release the to prior days 45 due the are Reports made. needed. as of funds, submit submit a redevelopment report plans for on public December by is due report housing. the The Restricts funding until conditions the Office of Legislative and Audits (OLA) submits a report on the status fiscal of recent most the to related actions corrective audit. compliance Requires DGS December to website. submit a n to MDOT Requires report capital transportation the to changes proposed on by Requires Requires SRA November to off Division the Investment moving submit a Restricts funding pending report establishment on theworkgroup Housing of a by of Annapolis (HACA); Arundel County, the City of Annapolis, and the and HACA, Housing Commission of Anne Arundel Anne County

– –

Office Office

Office of of Office of Office

– –


Transportation Transportation (MDOT) Operation and Operation Maintenance Procurement and Logistics Procurement and Logistics of Department Agency (SRA) Agency General Services (DGS) of Facilities Maryland Maryland DGS DGS State Retirement Retirement State of Department

J00 H00D01.01 H00D01.01 H00C01.01 G20J01.43 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Status Status Status Study Status

R R O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

SF SF Fund

500,000 5,855,901 Amount

122.2 9,057.5 Positions over over

aid unless a


in -

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items et committees and only to to only and committees et to submit a report by ts. The report is due with the the with due is report The ts. on modifications to the

time time equivalents except upon

Consolidated Consolidated Transportation ntingencies/reports - T , Contingency Language Contingency 2025 2020 -

without without review and comment by the ,

1 prior to the expenditure of funds. of expenditure the to prior

based scoring system. scoring based -


days days

port is submitted to the budget committees. The The committees. budget the to submitted is port other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose budget budget committees. Notification 45 is 2020 fiscal required for outstanding debt maximum Limits to $3,877,330,000. Requires MDOT to nontraditional debt outstanding submit and anticipated information paymen service debt on annual September forecasts. and January financial October project may that funds special of level certain a Specifies be expended for operating grants re report is due 45 days prior to the expenditure of funds. Prohibits MDOT from expending funds for any system preservation or $500,000 minor projects that fiscal are Program not included in the Prohibits Prohibits MDOT from adding additional regular positions and full budg the to notification address business growth at the Port of Baltimore and/or emergency meet to or Airport Marshall Baltimore/Washington Thurgood International needs. Requires MDO

– –

s s s ’ ’ ’ Debt Debt Debt The The The

– – – – –


Service Service Requirements Service Requirements Secretary Office Secretary Office Secretary Office MDOT MDOT MDOT MDOT MDOT MDOT

J00A04 J00A04 J00A01.03 J00A01.02 J00A01.01 J00 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Study Status

F F F R O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate


200,000 5,000,000 1,000,000 Amount


budget budget


Maryland Maryland Transit Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items pension plan. pension

to submit a report by ) on funding for the

on the monitoring and ort of Baltimore. of ort ntingencies/reports MTA , Contingency Language Contingency (MDTA) 2020 2020, 2020,

, ,

1 project. tunnel Street 1

mmunity Enhancement to be used to fund fund to used be to Enhancement mmunity icts icts funding for Safety, Congestion Relief other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose intercepting intercepting of P the at substances firearms Requires and MPA October to controlled Howard submit a report by and Community Enhancement to be contributions used for to ( Administration the Restricts funding for Safety, Congestion Relief Co and project. specific a for planning preliminary aid transportation providing for funding Restricts to Baltimore City to be used to Roa of York study engineering fund a traffic Requires MPA and the Maryland Transportation Authority October Limits Limits the outstanding amount at the of end MDOT of nontraditional fiscal 2021 submits debt unless and the justification needs providing committees a report report The debt. nontraditional increasing the for to is the due 45 days statement. official prior preliminary to the publication of Restr a

– –

SHA SHA Debt Debt State MPA

– – – – – –


(MPA) Highway Highway Administration (SHA) Port Maryland Administration Service Service Requirements MDOT MDOT MDOT MDOT MDOT MDOT

J00D00.02 J00D00 J00B01.05 J00B01.01 J00B01.01 J00A04 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Study Study Status Status Study Study Study

O O O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate




, 2020, ort ort by deadline -


and year year special fund

- - s involvement in the the in involvement s ’

on on local aid for the Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items private partnership. - a multi on the location of the

to submit a report by deadline deadline is due by on the future expansion of the the of expansion future the on -

submit submit pre

ntingencies/reports . on MDTA on A A to submit a rep ost , , 2020, 2020

, 2020, 2020, , , , 2020, 2021, on Contingency Language Contingency 270 public

2020 2 - , 1 1


deadline report is due by July 1 1 20


95 northbound express toll lane. toll express 95 northbound 495 and I pan. - - other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose overhead replacement plan. replacement overhead Requires DNR and DBM to fiscal submit with the 2022 for the Resources program Natural improvement budget submission Maintenance Critical the Fund and Development a Program. capital Requires Requires MDTA November I Requires MDT October I Requires MDTA and MDOT to submit a report by October 1 construction of a third Chesapeake Bay Bridge s Requires DNR January to submit a report by Requires Requires MVA to reports on the implementation of the REAL ID. The pre and December the Requires p MTA December to garage. parking Brunswick submit a report by

– –

ion Motor Motor MTA

– – Land


Resources Resources (DNR) the of Office Secretary Acquisit and Planning Natural Natural Vehicle Vehicle Administration (MVA) DNR Department of Department MDTA MDTA MDOT MDTA MDOT

K00A05.10 K00A01.01 K00A01.01 J00J J00J J00J J00H01.05 J00E00 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Study Study Study Study

F R O O O C,F Note

1488 Bill House House

985 Bill Senate


200,000 140,000 250,000 Amount


with with the

s of the dairy

onment onment to submit with Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items the statu

on the implementation of to fund a nonmatching grant to submit a report by


Based Based Industry Development l Farm Enterprise Program - used 2020, 2020,

, Contingency Language Contingency 2021, on 1 s agricultural strategic plan. strategic agricultural s

’ ,


other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Requires Requires MDA January to industry. submit a Restricts funding for report the Maryland Agriculture and by Resources to Corporation be used to the of support creation two positions and equipping the Office of Certified the Loca contingent on program. legislation to establish the Requires Requires DNR, Department of DBM, the Envir and the the fiscal 2022 budget Maryland Chesapeake a summary report Bay on programs that have over 50% restoration of their activities restoration. Bay Chesapeake to spending related directly for Requires MDA December Maryland Restricts funding for the Waterway Improvement Improvement Waterway the for funding Restricts Program to be Beach. St. Claire Cape the of replenishment for Restricts funding until DNR submits fiscal 2022 expenditures budget plans the for Trust. 2010 Bays Coastal Atlantic annual the Chesapeake work and and

– –

– – –



Chesapeake Chesapeake and Coastal Service of Department Agr (MDA) the of Office Secretary Chesapeake Chesapeake and Coastal Service Chesapeake and Coastal Service MDA MDA Maryland Maryland DNR DNR DNR

L00A12.20 L00A12.10 L00A11.01 K00A14.02 K00A14.02 K00A14.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Status Status Study Status Study Status Status

R R O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

GF GF Fund

250,000 1,000,000 Amount

Positions a report on

Office Office of Resource Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items

e use of the fiscal 2020

on on local health department on on the opportunities for on the accreditation and ntingencies/reports

, on th H H to submit a report by H to submit a report by

, report report on Contingency Language Contingency MDH MDH to submit a report by 2020, 2020, 2020 , 2020,

, ,

1 1 2020

, 15

equires MD other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose staffing staffing of the Office Examiner. of the Chief Restricts funding until BHA submits Medical quality and performance measures in the Public Behavioral Health System. The report is due by 1, 2020. October October creating apprenticeship facilities. programs in Requires State July deficiency agency. by activities for coronavirus Requires MDH and DBM to submit a report by preparedness October 1 formula. funding Requires MD October Requires Requires MDA to submit with the fiscal budget 2022 a funding. grant Conservation Restricts funding until MDH submits the during issued a payments estimated the dealing report transition to a Organization. new Administrative Services R

– –

Public Public PHA PHA Office Office Office

) – – – – – –


BHA Behavioral Behavioral Health Administration ( of the of the Secretary Health Administration (PHA) of the of the Secretary MDH MDH MDH MDH MDH MDA MDH

1.01 5.01 M00K01.01 M00F0 M00F02.07 M00F01.01 M00A01.07 M00A0 L00A15.04 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Study Study Study Study Study

R R R R R O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate


100,000 100,000 500,000 250,000 1,000,000 Amount

Positions s in the

and the second second the and nctionalities nctionalities on

, 2020, 2020, ,

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items

. ntingencies/reports The The report is due by 2020


Contingency Language Contingency 1

ember other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Restricts funding until MDH submits two reports reports two submits MDH until funding Restricts on the implementation of the fu and system Supports and Services Term Long the community service provider rate structures. The 1 June by due is report first 2020. 1, October by is due report Restricts funding until MDH submits a report on a report on submits MDH until funding Restricts substance use disorder limitations in the Medicaid program. The report residential treatment 2020. 1, September by is due for to be used reimbursements provider Restricts purpose that for to be used reimbursements provider Restricts purpose that a report on submits MDH until funding Restricts the uses of the Waiting List Equity Fund. 2020. 1, October by is due The report Restricts Restricts funding until BHA submits a report on the causes for increase of expenditure psychiatric rehabilitation program. The report is 1, 2020. December due by a report on submits MDH until funding Restricts Assertive Community Treatment measurement standards. Sept

– –


– – – – – – – A)


(DD Developmental Developmental Disabilities Administration MDH MDH MDH MDH MDH MDH MDH

M00M01.01 M00M01.01 M00L01.02 M00L01.03 M00L01.01 M00L01.01 M00K01.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Study Status Status Study

F C C R O O O O Note

Bill House House

192 192 Bill Senate


100,000 750,000 140,261 23,651,144 10,000,000 26,507,537 Amount

Positions by by and


Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items on the Baltimore City 2020. on transitioning youth

waiver waiver services. The report is ntingencies/reports

, the the rates in effect as of

. , 2020, based Contingency Language Contingency

- 2020 15

, funding funding for a 4% community service 2020



centered planning. 1 -

benefit analysis of expanding home - uires MDH to submit with the fiscal 2022 other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Deficit Assessment. Deficit Reduces funding to support an increase in rural pharmacy dispensing legislation authorizing a transfer from the Board fees the program. Fund to support of Pharmacy contingent on Requires MDH November to project. capitation submit a report Requires Requires MDH October to placements. submit a Restricts funding report until MDH and Institution by the Hilltop submits cost a report community providing 1, December due by a Restricts provider purpose. reimbursements to Reduces funding contingent upon enactment of that Medicaid the from funding increasing legislation Restricts Restricts provider rate increase to be used to rates adjust for the all community services to a level 4% higher than March Req allowance performance measures person related to

– –


– – – – – – – –


Care Programs Care Programs Administration (MCPA) MDH MDH MDH MDH MDH MDH MDH MDH

3 M00Q01.0 M00Q01.03 M00Q01.03 M00Q01.03 M00Q01.01 M00M01.02 M00M01.02 M00M01.02 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Study Study Study Study Study Study

O O O O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate




, by by 15

on Community First Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items on on implementing on the impact of HSCRC HSCRC of impact the on

, 2020, to submit a report by on the delivery of Medicaid provider provider reimbursements to ntingencies/reports

, 2020, 2020, , ,

on reimbursement methodology for for methodology reimbursement on 2020, 2020, Hepatitis Hepatitis C treatment in the

, , Contingency Language Contingency 2020 1

, 1


, 1

program on Medicaid dual eligible enrollees. eligible dual on Medicaid program

other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Restricts Restricts provider purpose. reimbursements to Restricts the that supplemental behavioral appropriation health for purpose that recommendations recommendations to improve the organization Medicaid. of processes and business Requires MDH and report the a submit to Health (HSCRC) Commission Review Services Cost 15 November by led Requires MDH December dental services. Requires MDH July to nutrition. enteral submit a report Requires MDH to submit a report by January by report a submit to MDH Requires 2021, on program. HealthChoice Requires MDH to beginning August 1 submit quarterly data. financial Choice reports Requires MDH October to submit a report by

– –


– – – – – – – –



M00Q01.10 M00Q01.10 M00Q01.03 M00Q01.03 M00Q01.03 M00Q01.03 M00Q01.03 M00Q01.03 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Study Study Study Study Study Study

R R R O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate


250,000 100,000 500,000 1,000,000 Amount


th th it and the the and it

mit mit a report by

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items

on factors affecting low evaluating evaluating the Maryland l Cost of Care. The report is , ntingencies/reports C C to submit a report by on the policy tools available to

general general fund appropriation of the 2020

Contingency Language Contingency e placements. 2020, 2020, 1,

, , 2020, 1 1

hom - of - other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose factors factors services affecting provided to children in out Requires DHS November to retention. social worker submit a Restricts the report Maryland by Legal purpose. Services Program to that impact impact on the Tota 2020. 15, September due by Requires HSCR October Care Program. Primary Requires HSCRC October to sub profits. hospital excessive to constrain HSCRC Restricts funding for the Resources Commission Community to Heal be used Coalitions. Improvement Local Health to support Restricts funding until DHS submits a report on Restricts Restricts funding Maryland Medical until System submits a report on the specific University responses aud OLA the in made recommendations of by to due is report The report. audit forensic internal the 1, 2020. October findings and Restricts funding until HSCRC submits a report on the hospital medical liability market and

– –

Office of of Office of Office Office of of Office

– – – – –

– – –


the Secretary the Secretary the Secretary Commissions Regulatory Commissions Regulatory Commissions Regulatory Commissions Regulatory Regulatory Commissions Regulatory DHS DHS DHS MDH MDH MDH MDH MDH

N00A01.04 N00A01.01 N00A01.01 M00R01.03 M00R01.02 M00R01.02 M00R01.02 M00R01.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Status Study Study Study Study Status Status

R R R O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate


100,000 100,000 1,000,000 Amount

Positions t by 815 and

he placement costs of Chapters Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items

on on the impact of high the the accounts/trust opened on the outcomes for foster

on child placement agency to submit a report by ntingencies/reports

why why no changes will be made.

, 2020, , 2020, 2020, 2020,

, Contingency Language Contingency

15 1 31 2021, 2021, on

, a report on the plan use of the adoption 1

of 2018.

other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose vacancy vacancy rates on child welfare of care. quality outcomes and Requires DHS December to worker shortages and options for submit addressing the a shortages. repor Requires DHS December care. out of aging youth savings. The report is due July 1, 2020. July due is report The savings. Restricts funding unless DHS subprogram budget 2022 includes fiscal the of submission in the detail separately identifying t for youth in hospital settings department. incurred by the Requires DHS January to and maintained as submit a result a 816 report Requires by DHS November to submit a report by Restricts Restricts funding until DHS submits a report on planned new foster information on care rate 2020. 1, due September is report The structure or Restricts funding funds federal made expended from savings recognizing for the eligibility purpose for subsidized of adoptions until submits DHS

– –


– – – – – – –


Services Services Administration (SSA) DHS DHS DHS DHS DHS DHS DHS

N00B00.04 N00B00.04 N00B00.04 N00B00.04 N00B00.04 N00B00.04 N00B00.04 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Status Study Status

R R O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

GF GF Fund

250,000 250,000 Amount

Positions re re

technology technology 2020.

program program in


monthly monthly reports on - ta on child welfare Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items

information it has reallocated to positions ntingencies/reports that that major

Contingency Language Contingency


other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Child Welfare Services program Child Welfare to program Services that use only or for the transfer to N00G00.01 Payments. Maintenance Foster Ca Restricts funding until DHS submits demonstrating a report certain jurisdictions sufficient to meet caseload standards and provides da caseloads and filled positions required to meet jurisdiction. by standards caseload Restricts Restricts the general fund appropriation for the Foster Care Maintenance program for that use only. Restricts the general fund appropriation for the Foster only. use that for 1 No. Budget Supplemental Care Maintenance Restricts the general fund appropriation for the Restricts Restricts funding until DHS submits a report on the MD THINK major information technology July by due is This report project. Requires DHS to submit bi the expenditures MD and development project. of the

– –

of of

– – –

Foster Foster

ance ance –

LDO Local LDO LDO Office of of Office Office

– – – – – –


Child Welfare Welfare Child Services Welfare Child Services Department Department Operations (LDO) Care Mainten Payments Care Foster Maintenance Payments Technology for Technology Human Services for Technology Human Services DHS DHS DHS DHS DHS DHS

N00G00.03 N00G00.03 N00G00.01 N00G00.01 N00F00.04 N00F00.04 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Study Status Status Status Status Study Status

R R O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

GF GF Fund

100,000 100,000 Amount

Positions ipation ipation istance istance

through through the

and the second

Assistance related related Assistance

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items , 2020, benefits

) submit submit quarterly performance ntingencies/reports

SNAP Contingency Language Contingency Supplemental Supplemental Nutrition Ass 15, 2020.

r SNAP for Children Act. The first report report first The Act. Children for SNAP

other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose This report is due 45 days before the release of funds. Restricts funding until DHS submits a report on the changes to impacts rule the related of federal SNAP program. Decembe The partic on report a submit to DHS report Requires is Employment SNAP the for data performance and due and by Training program. The 31, 2020. December report is due by Support Services (BCOCSS). (BCOCSS). Services Support Requires DHS to Managing for submit Results submission annually performance Cash Temporary for with measures its cases. support child Requires DHS to submit a by due report is report on The BCOCSS. for increased oversight legal 1, 2020. November Restricts funding until OLA submits a report on the resolution of repeat audit findings audit. by compliance fiscal recent DHS most the to related Requires Requires DHS to submit two reports on children receiving Program ( Summer is due by September 1 2021. 15, January by is due report Requires DHS to reports for the Baltimore City Office of Child

– –

– tion tion


– – – – – – – –


(FIA) Administration Administration (CSA) Investment Administra Assistance Assistance Payments Support DHS DHS DLS DHS DHS DHS DHS DHS

0.04 N00I00.04 N00I0 N00I00.04 N00H00.08 N00H00.08 N00H00.08 N00G00.08 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Status Status Status Study Status Study Status

O O O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate



Positions and and the

, 2020,

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items ce ce development programs.

ntingencies/reports 020. . The report is due by Contingency Language Contingency 30, 2 is due by November 1, 2020. November by due is

eport is due by June 30, 2021. by due is eport other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose report is due by November 1, 2020. November by is due report Requires MDL to submit a report on tracking outcome for workfor 1, 2020. November by due is report The Requires the Maryland Racing Commission to submit annual reports on horse 2020. 1, October by is fatalities. due report The Requires Requires DHS to submit assistance a application denial rates and efforts to report on energy reduce documentation denial November rates Requires due MDL unrecoverable federal to fund revenues. The report to 1, 2020. October by is due missing submit a report on Requires MDL to submit The a Act. Apprenticeship POWER report the by affected on projects Requires Requires DHS to submit a report tracking for on employment and training programs. outcome report The Requires DHS to submit two reports on energy first The times. processing application assistance report is due by December 31 r second

– –

– –

Office Office Office Office (MDL)


– – – – – –

Agency cretary

Se of the Secretary Maryland Racing Commission OHEP of Department Labor the of Office Secretary of the Office of of Office Energy Home Programs (OHEP) MDL MDL MDL Maryland Maryland DHS DHS DHS

P00E01.02 P00A01.01 P00A01.01 P00A01.01 N00I00.06 N00I00.06 N00I00.04 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Study Status Status Status

F R R O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate


100,000 100,000 7,157,230 Amount 890,000,000

Positions hich hich

eport eport is due by

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items tion tion for the purpose of vices vices provider and the MAT


Contingency Language Contingency other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Restricts Restricts funding for substance abuse treatment until DPSCS submits substance abuse ser a report on Complex. Pretrial Baltimore at the pilot program the new 1, 2020. September by due is report The Justice the on report a submit to DPSCS Requires Reinvestment Act. 1, 2020. December The r Restricts Restricts the appropria Comptroller Object 01 Salaries and Wages for only. purpose that Restricts funding for substance abuse treatment services to be used only for that purpose or for implementing Chapter 532 directs DPSCS to of create a Medication Assisted 2019, Baltimore the at program pilot (MAT) Treatment w Complex. Pretrial Restricts funding Restricts funding until MDL submits a report on report The programs. apprenticeship construction 1, 2020. October by is due Requires MDL to submit a positions in the correctional education report program. on vacant 2020. 1, October by due is report The

– –

Office Office )

– Division Division

ctional ctional – –


DPSCS of the of the Secretary Public Safety Safety Public and Correctional Services ( of Workforce of Workforce Development and Adult Learning Corre Education DPSCS DPSCS DPSCS MDL of Department MDL

Q00A01.01 Q00 Q00 Q00 P00G01.13 P00G01.07 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Study Status Status Status Study Study Study

R C O O O O O O Note

Bill House House

192 Bill Senate

GF GF Fund

100,000 1,300,000 Amount


Budget Budget

increases increases

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items Drinking Driver Monitor Monitor Driver Drinking

report is due by

. The report is due by

g. g. The report is due by The The report is due by ntingencies/reports

. for the for DPP


s supervision fee. s supervision 2021 ’ Contingency Language Contingency

15, 2020. 15, , 1,

contingent on language in the 15

15, 2021.


other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose the program Requires DPSCS DPP to submit September a report Requires on DPSCS community to supervision services and treatment submit provided a by report November on October Requires DPSCS to submit a report staffing, programs, and on sales. The MCE report is due 15, 2020. September by Restricts funding until DPSCS submits a report on plans to replace the Brockridge Correctional August 15, 2020. by due is report The Facility. funding Reduces Program Reconciliation and Financing Act that Requires Requires DPSCS to submit a report on position abolishments, reclassifications, and 1, 2020. September by due is report The transfers. Requires DPSCS to submit a report analyzing local 911 staffin January Requires DPSCS contraband. to submit The a report on

– –

DPP DPP Office Office Office

– – – – – – – –


PSCS Probation (DPP) and Offices Maryland Correctional Enterprises (MCE) Corrections of Division and Parole of the of the Secretary of the Secretary Administration DPSCS DPSCS DPSCS D DPSCS DPSCS DPSCS DPSCS


Q00C02.01 Q00C02.01 Q00C Q00B01.01 Q00A03.01 Q00A02.04 Q00A01 Q00A01.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Study Study Status Study Study Status

F R R R O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate



100,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 Amount

20 Positions

onsultation onsultation

mits mits monthly s data security ’

Detention Facility. Facility. Detention

to submit a report by

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items on MSDE DoIT on its accounting practices. accounting on its to to submit a report by

. The report is due by ntingencies/reports Chesapeake , 2020, , 2020, , release pilot program. release pilot - Contingency Language Contingency

30 1, 2020.

s Future.

’ s pre ’ estricts estricts funding until DPSCS submits a report other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose redistributed redistributed as needed to meet personnel needs for the implementation of Maryland the Blueprint for Requires MSDE September Requires MSDE and December 30 procedures. Restricts Restricts funding until DPSCS sub and attrition. on hiring reports Restricts funding to be women used for creating R a on the federal the of operations funding agreement 2020. 1, December by due is report The for the Recommends that 20 vacant positions be Requires Requires DPSCS community supervision drug testing. to The report submit 1, 2020. October by is due a report Restricts funding until DPSCS, on in c with the Maryland State Police, submits a report Commission Training Correctional and Police on training facilities December

– –

– DPP Police


– – – – –

– –


MSDE Department of Department Education ( Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Police Corrections Corrections of Division Pretrial Detention and Correctional Training Commission MSDE MSDE Maryland State State Maryland DPSCS DPSCS Maryland State State Maryland DPSCS DPSCS DPSCS

R00A01 R00A01 R00A01 Q00S02.03 Q00T04.01 Q00R02.01 Q00G00.01 Q00C02.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Status Study Status Status Status Status

R O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

GF Fund

100,000 Amount


family family

report report by

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items to to submit a ntingencies/reports on the transition to the Maryland Maryland the to transition the on on on the current organizational DE DE to submit a report by on on the Division of Rehabilitative Contingency Language Contingency 2020,

, 1 2020, 2020,

, , 1 1

other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Requires Requires MSDE to submit a report child on care and prekindergarten expansion. The 1, 2020. November by is due report Services qualified employment placements. employment qualified Services Restricts funding until MSDE submits a report the through awarded funds federal for accounting is report The Fund. Development and Care Child 1, 2020. November due by Requires MSDE to submit childhood a education report expansion on spending. early The 1, 2020. December by is due report Requires Requires MSDE July the department. in structure Requires MS August Program. Assessment Comprehensive Requires MSDE July to submit a report by

– –

– – –

– – – – – –


ducation E Headquarters of Division Early Childhood Education Headquarters of Division Early Childhood Education Headquarters of Division Early Childhood Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters MSDE MSDE MSDE MSDE MSDE MSDE

R00A01.10 R00A01.10 R00A01.10 R00A01 R00A01 R00A01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Status Study Status Study Study

F C O O O O O O Note

348 Bill House House

267 Bill Senate

GF GF Fund

437,341 649,159 Amount


ides ides the budget

Bay Bay Foundation for

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items 2020. Funding Funding for Educational ntingencies/reports

– Chesapeake ding ding for Advanced Placement

Contingency Language Contingency



hool hool Program. The report is due by other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Pathways Pathways in Technology Early Sc College High July to MSDE Requires and a reportMDH on submit services. health based school for claims Medicaid 1, 2020. October by due is report The Requires MSDE to submit quarterly reports on expenditures. program Scholarship Child Care Requires MSDE and MDH to submit to MSDE Requires a reportand MDH on submit the autism waiver and its capacity. The report is 1, 2020. November due by Restricts fun testing only for the transfer to R00A03.03 Other Institutions Organizations for the purpose of grant providing to a the programming. educational Restricts funding program. testing AP a new establishing contingent on legislation Requires MSDE to submit a report on the Restricts Restricts the transfer of Education until the funds transfer is reviewed from by the Aid budget to committees prior and comment and review to days 45 committees prov effect. taking transfer to the Requires MSDE to submit a report is report The disparities. on compensation education special 1, December due by

– –

Aid to Aid to Aid Aid to Aid to Aid to Aid to Aid Aid to Aid to Aid

– – – – – – – –


Education Education Education Education Education MDH Education Education Education Education MSDE MSDE MSDE MSDE MSDE MSDE MSDE MSDE

2.13 0A02.59 R0 R00A02.13 R00A02.13 R00A0 R00A02.13 R00A02.07 R00A02.07 R00A02 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Study Status

R C C O O Note

1300 1300 Bill House House

1000 1000 Bill Senate

SF GF Fund

100,000 6,500,000 Amount


to to , to , olarship olarship

s financial

s Future Fund s Future Fund ’ ’ Public Schools

- of of legislation of legislation

to provide funding to provide funding

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items

. ntingencies/reports amendment amendment

2020 eprint eprint for Maryland

Contingency Language Contingency 1,

tudent. tudent. price lunch program receive $155 per - other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose November of distribution the concerning language Modifies funding for the of 40% than more where schools that so Program Aid to Non the students reduced are eligible s eligible for the free or Concentration of Poverty grant funds. grant of Poverty Concentration Provides authorization contingent on the to enactment process a budget the from the Governor, Blueprint for Maryland to recommendations support from the in Education. Excellence and Innovation Commission the the to on grant a of purpose the for funding Restricts Maryland implementation School for the submit Blind a of until MSDE report information. on that The school report is due by Requires Requires MSDE to submit a report on program data analysis for 2020. 1, December by the due is report The program. Child Care Sch Provides authorization contingent on the to enactment process a budget the from the Governor, Blu to schools identified as eligible to receive

– –

FEO Aid to Aid Aid to Aid to Aid

– – – – –

Agency nding for for nding

(FEO) Education Fu Educational Organizations Education Education MSDE MSDE MSDE MSDE MSDE

R00A03.04 R00A03.01 R00A02.60 R00A02.60 R00A02.59 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Status Study

R O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

GF Fund

100,000 Amount

Positions xtbooks xtbooks ith ith program

Public Schools -

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items

rant for fiscal 2020. The ntingencies/reports Public Schools Program to certify certify to Program Schools Public - Contingency Language Contingency d requires MSDE to submit a BOOST schools must have participated in the Aid Aid the in participated have must schools Public Schools Program. Public Schools - other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose needs, needs, an 15, 2021. January report by Program Restricts funds pending the receipt of a from report MSDE on the allocation Resource of Officer the G School 1, 2020. September by is due report nondiscrimination nondiscrimination compliance to schools return in tenoncompliance all and requires and technology received through the fiscal 2021 MSDE. to allocation Modifies language related to Options the and Opportunities Broadening for Students Today (BOOST) Program to specify the year in which eligible to Non Modifies language requirements, scholarship and reporting Program related to special with students to awards for funds reserves the BOOST Modifies Modifies participating language in the Aid to Non Program to to submit student handbooks or other written require policies related to student admissions to MSDE schools to review for compliance w requirements. eligibility in participating schools require to language Adds Non to Aid the

– –


– – – – –


Maryland Maryland for Center School Safety (MCSS) MSDE MSDE MSDE MSDE MSDE

R00A06.01 R00A03.05 R00A03.05 R00A03.04 R00A03.04 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Status Status Status Status

F R O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

GF GF Fund

100,000 3,500,000 Amount


be be

specifies specifies the

public public schools

public public schools for eport eport on the status of Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items s Managing for Results ’

ntingencies/reports ed. Contingency Language Contingency

on. ligibility ligibility requirements for non other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose reduction and adds language restricting funds for for funds restricting language adds and reduction Nonpublic School Safety Grants distributed as to grants only to non school safety improvements. Also e and that IAC will administer Nonpublic School funds. Grant Safety Requires Requires IAC and the MSDE Office of Human budget the updating report a submit to Resources committees on the status of the filling of vacant 1, 2020. July by due is report The positions. Requires IAC to submit a r the Integrated Master Facilities Asset 1, 2020. September by is due reportThe project. Library Requires IAC to revise its Managing for Results performance measures survey buildings related Modifies to language to school remove a contingent Requires Requires the annual submission of performance as Line Tip Safety School the to related measures part of the submissi agency on report a of receipt the pending funds Restricts Assessment. Facilities Statewide the of status the 1, 2020. July by due is report The

– –



– Agency

(IAC) Commission Commission on School Construction IAC IAC IAC IAC IAC MSDE Interagency

.01 R00A07.02 R00A07.01 R00A07.01 R00A07 R00A07.01 R00A06.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Study Study Study Study Status

O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate




RN). RN). . . The profit profit - - outcomes outcomes

15, 2020.

Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items t of a private, for to to submit a report on the


. . The report is due by to to submit a report on the funding

to submit a report on the the on report a submit to

ing ing recommendations made in a to to submit a report on the status of

Contingency Language Contingency 1, 2020. s pass rate for its nursing program for

’ UB MSU BSU other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Requires Requires USMO to submit a report on the status of implement recent report on by the due is report The Grove. financial Shady at Universities viability of the 1, 2020. October Council Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX August 1, 2020. by due is report The Requires the implementation of its realignment plan December by is due report Requires UMGC National Footprint competitiveness Campaign and December market Requires Requires for the developmen and located on with, medical affiliated its school 2020. October 1, by due is report The campus. Requires of strategies university implemented to National required Nursing of Board Maryland the improve the

of –


– – –

M Agency

M niversity niversity University University System Maryland Office (USMO) Bowie State State Bowie University (BSU) of University Baltimore (UB) of University Maryland Campus Global (UMGC) University (MSU) of System Maryland (US USM US USM Morgan State State Morgan U

R30B36 R30B30 R30B28 R30B23 R13M00.00 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Status Status Status Status

C O O O O O Note

Bill House House

192 Bill Senate

GF GF Fund

21,435,089 32,000,000 Amount

Positions st st

. ancial ancial


Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items

institutions to that purpose. that to institutions ntingencies/reports


USM Contingency Language Contingency of providing students with financial 15,

Public Institutions of Higher Higher of Public Institutions - other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose is due on December 31, 2020. on December is due Restricts funding for Workforce Development at Initiatives December Requires MHEC to submit a report on financial aid by expected family by due contribution, is report The 2019. based fiscal for received on data 2020. June 30, Reduces the appropriation for funding the reduce to legislation contingent of enactment on the the Joseph A. Sellinger Non Formula for Aid to Requires MHEC to feasibility submit a report The report 1. May to prior notifications award aid on the Requires Requires MHEC to submit practices and a annual progress made report toward the on The credentials. degree for goal 55% completion be 15, 2020. December by is due report impact the on report a submit to MHEC Requires of credit completion requirements for fin aid awards. The report is due by

– –

ns of ns


Education for Support Operated State Institutio Higher Education Higher Higher Education Commission (MHEC) MHEC Higher MHEC MHEC MHEC Maryland Maryland

R75T00.01 R62I00.48 R62I00.03 R62I00.01 R62I00.01 R62I00.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Status Status Status Status

O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate




s College s College feasibility ’ convene convene a . The report

s Future. The to ’


USMO USMO to to continue to provide Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items

, and Saint Mary

ntingencies/reports , and USM to submit a report on on report a submit to USM and , MSU , Baltimore City Community , 2020. (SMCM)

Contingency Language Contingency 14, MSU


other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Requires Requires College the use of contractual employees. The report is 1, 2020. October due by of Maryland workloads instructional faculty on reports annual at each institution. December The report is due by Requires MHEC postsecondary on report a submit and and workgroup USM to strategies and alignment with recommendations convene a on the Blueprint for 1, 2020. December by is due report Maryland Requires Requires MHEC and workgroup and submit a report on the of establishing a law school at 1, 2020. December by is due Requires USM

– –

– – – – ated ated


Education Education for Support Operated State of Institutions Higher Education Education for Support Operated State of Institutions Higher Education Education for Support Oper State of Institutions Higher Education for Support Operated State of Institutions Higher Education Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher

R75T00.01 R75T00.01 R75T00.01 R75T00.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Study Study Status Status Study Study

O O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate



Positions s ’

infrastructure infrastructure

, and Maryland

SMCM Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items ,

The The first report is due by ntingencies/reports MSU December 1, 2020. December and the second report is due by and and the initiation of the Mayor Contingency Language Contingency

ent , 2020, 15

other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose stability. The report is due May 4, 2020. May due is report The stability. Requires DHCD to for Plan Allocation Qualified the of development submit a report Low Income Housing Tax on Credits. The report is the 1, 2020. November due by of meeting its realignment plan objectives. The 2020. 5, October by is due report Requires BCCC to enrollm submit two Scholars reports Program. on June 30, 2020. November Requires BCCC to submit a report on the status of its 6, 2020. information July by due is report The renovation. technology Requires BCCC to submit a report on the status of senior leadership positions and institutional Requires Requires USM, to and Universities submit Colleges Independent a report on their mold by is due report mitigation plans. The Requires BCCC to submit a report on the status

– –


Housing and Housing Community Development (DHCD) the of Office Secretary Education for Support Operated State of Institutions Higher Education BCCC of Department BCCC BCCC BCCC Higher Higher

0.01 S00A2 R95C00 R95C00 R95C00 R95C00 R75T00.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Status Status Status

F F F O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate


100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Amount


for the use of

the the construction of the Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items to to submit a report on fund


ntingencies/reports r 1, 2020. 2020. for for the use of providing grants to

HCD HCD to submit a report on the Contingency Language Contingency 1,

Commerce ion ion of the Purple Line Light Rail Owned Owned Businesses Account. The report -

Make Office Vacancies Extinct program. Vacancies Office Make

other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Purple Line Light Rail Project. Rail Light Line Purple Restricts funds for providing grants to businesses impacted by the construct Project. the Requires manager activity in the Small, Women Minority, and Octobe by is due Restricts funds for Development the Assistance Maryland Authority Economic and (MEDAAF) Fund businesses impacted by Requires Requires DHCD Housing Income Low for monitoring compliance to submit Tax a Credits. September report on The Requires D report contract management of Section 8 housing. The is 1, 2020. September by is due report due of purpose the for only used be to funds Restricts by

– –

– – –

Office Office Office

– –


Development of Division and Business Sector Industry Development Commerce (Commerce) the of Office Secretary the of Office Secretary of Division and Business Sector Industry of the of the Secretary of the Secretary Commerce Commerce Commerce Department of Department DHCD DHCD

T00F00.23 T00F00.23 T00F00.15 T00A00.01 S00A20.01 S00A20.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


dy Study Status/ Status/

Stu Study Status Status

R R C O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate


200,000 100,000 10,000,000 Amount


cost cost estimate for


Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items to include in the annual



. 2020

Contingency Language Contingency 1,

Commerce other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Tire Cleanup November and Restricts funds pending Recycling the submission of annual Fund Maryland Clean Air Annual Report the Fund and by a report on the solvency of Clean the Maryland Air Fund. 1, 2020. November The reports are due by Requires MDE to submit annually with its budget budget its with annually submit to MDE Requires submission a cash flow spreadsheet for the Bay Fund Restoration Restricts funds pending the submission of annual Maryland the Scrap Tire Annual Report and a report on the solvency of the Maryland Used Requires Requires Income Marylanders for Jobs More the report on Tax Credit Reserve Fund a participation. future projected Restricts funds for the contingent enactment on Program, Infrastructure Maryland Technology the establishing of legislation

– –

Air and Air Land

– –


Radiation Radiation Administration Corporation Corporation (TEDCO) of Department the Environment (MDE) the of Office Secretary and Materials Administration Division of of Division and Business Sector Industry Development Technology Development MDE MDE Maryland Maryland Maryland Commerce

.01 U00A07.01 U00A06 U00A01.11 T50T01.09 T00F00.24 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Status Study Status Status Study Status

R R O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

GF GF Fund

100,000 100,000 Amount

Positions s due s due

submission submission of a

2019 Maryland Clean - Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items and and the second report is


. ntingencies/reports , 2020, 2020

2020 ,

Contingency Language Contingency

1, 31

ization ization of positions. The report is due by other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Visibility Patrol Initiative. The i first report Initiative. Patrol Visibility by December 15 2021. June 15, due by Requires DSP to submit a report on Toxicology Unit and November testing. The report is due by Restricts Restricts funds pending the report on Partnership. the December The Baltimore City report Strategic Requires is DSP to civilian due submit a 1, 2020. November report by on the Requires DSP and biannual GOCPYVS report to on submit the a Baltimore Enhanced Restricts Restricts fiscal 2020 deficiency funds pending the submission of 2015 by due are reports The Reports. Annual Fund Air 1, 2020. May Requires MES and DBM to submit a statement for funding MES with its fiscal 2022 budget submission.

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W00A01.03 W00A01.02 W00A01.01 V00D02.01 U10B00.41 U00A07.01 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Status Study Status Study

R O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

GF Fund

100,000 Amount

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– –

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00A00.01 Section 17 Section Section 2 Section Y01A04.01 X W00A01.04 W00A01.04 Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Status Status Status

O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate



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– –



Section 24 Section 25 Section Section 23 Section Section 22 Section Section 21 Section Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Status Status Status Status

O O O O O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate



Positions s may may

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Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items ntingencies/reports e funding sources during , on the status of positions created Stat Contingency Language Contingency -


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greements greements in excess of $100,000 other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose be added during the provides for fiscal exceptions year to the to limit. This requires 100 also and DBM June to with submit non a fiscal report by by DBM. by Establishes a be used. may amendments policy under Requires MDH, which MSDE, and budget reports DHS on appropriations and todisbursements on submit thereafter. and monthly 15, 2020, August Requires CEIC of status the regarding 2020, 1, July toon beginning submit monthly account. ledger control the reports Restricts the number of new positions that Requires all State agencies and public institutions institutions public and agencies State all Requires of higher education to report on all interagency a DBM to submit a consolidated report on these agreements by December 1, requires 2020. This also that interagency agreements with State all agencies in excess of $500,000 for fiscal new 2021 be approved higher education

– –


Employers Insurance Company (CEIC) DBM MDH MSDE DHS Chesapeake DBM DBM


Section 30 Section Section 29 Section Section 28 Section Section 26 Section Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Study Status Status Status Status

R O O O O, R O, Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

GF GF Fund

1,000,000 1,000,000 Amount


30 30

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mmittees; mmittees; provides for withholding of State other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Uniform Uniform Crime Report co Aid for funds (SAPP) forProtection Police local GO by jurisdictions until a local jurisdiction submits certain crime data to DSP; DSP and GOC tha jurisdictions report on November 1, 2020, including withheld. funding SAPP the amount of allows allows for incumbents in abolished positions to position. inanother employment State continue Requires DBM to submit an accounting of the employee and retiree health plan revenues and expenditures with Governor the submission Restricts funds pending of historical the and restoration spending. projected This 1, 2020. December Chesapeake report is Bay due by Restricts funds pending receipt of the 2019 Requires Requires DBM July to contractual submit full a and July 1, 2020, and requires reports as needed report on the creation, by transfer, or abolition of regular positions. into moved being from employees State Prevents positions that were abolished in the budget and

– –



Section 35 Section Section 34 Section Section 33 Section Section 32 Section Section 31 Section Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/

Status Study Study

R R R O Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate


200,000 200,000 200,000 Amount


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ember 15, 2020. 15, ember ncreasing ncreasing capacity for psychiatric care for MDH MDH by July other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose University University of Maryland School of Social Work report. 2020 the with beginning Restricts funds in DHS Child Welfare Services and MDH on i youth, detailing placement beds, a plan to increase capacity, and the plan need to improve psychiatric crisis response for for youth to prevent hospitalizations additional December due by Sept Authorizes the Governor to transfer all positions and funding for D50H01.08 MEMA Operational Command Center from the Military to Department Restricts funds pending the receipt by signed of a of sharing of Medicaid data and the sharing of this data in the Restricts Restricts funds pending including clarification of the receipt roles that DSP and of withi a play GOCPYVS report Prevention Initiative, an update regarding establishment the of Intelligence Center, evaluation the of performance measures Baltimore for this initiative, Regional detail and for grant fiscal award 2020. The report is due by

– –



MEMA Emergency Emergency Management Agency ( MDH MDH DHS DHS DHS MDH Maryland Maryland DSP GOCPYVS

Section 39 Section Section 38 Section Section 37 Section Section 36 Section Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Study Status Study Status

R R R R Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate



200,000 7 400,000 300,000 Amount


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other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose Restricts Restricts funds for MDE and MDA pending the receipt of quarterly reports on compliance and enforcement inspections further and positions and enfor compliance vacant and receipt receipt of a report on the 2022 Major Project, including how funds will be used and a timeline for development leading up to the 2022 July 1, 2020. due by is reportThe cycle. election DHS for funds Restricts the receipt of a report on emergency room visits and hospital stays by placements lack of placements. available or September The appropriate report in is due by Restricts Restricts funds for STO, pending receipt of DBM, a report and from MSDE agencies have reported their outstanding plans to correct issues personally identifiable related by due is report The 2021. 1, February by SCISO information to (PII) 1, 2021. May to prote Restricts funds for

– –



SCISO Information Information Security Officer ( MDA MDE DHS MDH DJS SBE DoIT OLA Chief State

Section 45 Section Section 44 Section Section 43 Section Section 42 Section Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees


Study Status/ Status/ Status Status

R R Note

Bill House House

Bill Senate

SF GF Fund

250,000 600,000 Amount

Positions , , wing wing MDOT MDOT , ,

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Commerce Commerce SHA , Items in Fiscal 2021 Budget 2021 in Fiscal Items

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SHA SHA Contingency Language Contingency until until MDOT develops and makes until until MDOT develops and makes DoIT DoIT GIS) GIS) data and maps showing MDOT capital other restrictions/co funds restrictedfunds for another purpose due on January 1 January due on report on the status of this GIS da 1, 2021. January Restricts funds for the Performance Improvement, Governor and available layered GIS data and maps and projects capital MDOT sho layered available makes and develops Commerce GIS data and maps that show all tax credits, and dataand the GOPI GIS DoIT and have reviewed maps. A report on the status of this GIS data is Restricts Restricts funds for and DoIT system information layered geographic available ( projects and develops and makes available layered GIS data and GOPI and credits, tax all show that maps and DoIT have reviewed the GIS data and maps. A

– –



GOPI Office of of Office Performance Improvement ( GOPI GOPI Commerce MDOT DoIT Commerce MDOT DoIT Governor’s Governor’s

Section 46 Section Section 46 Section Budget Code Budget Status: Brief review Study: Comprehensive response C: C: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on enactment of legislation inF: Items the fiscal 2021 budget inO: Items the fiscal 2021 budget R: Items in fiscal 2021 budget contingent on review by the Legislative Policy Committee or budget committees

lxxiii A15O00 Payments to Civil Divisions of the State

Budget Amendments

A15O00.01 Disparity Grants

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $250,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of a Disparity Grant for Baltimore City may not be expended until Baltimore City includes in its Capital Improvement Plan an upgrade for a facility in East Baltimore that would be suitable as a transfer site for small haulers that need to dispose of waste and provides a report to the budget committees detailing the transfer site location and timeline for opening. The report shall be submitted prior to the expenditure of funds, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending receipt of this report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not received.

Explanation: The budget committees are concerned about illegal dumping in Baltimore City and the lack of a transfer site for small haulers that could mitigate the illegal dumping problem. This action restricts a portion of Baltimore City’s Disparity Grant until a transfer site for small haulers is included in Baltimore City’s Capital Improvement Plan and a report is provided detailing the site and its timeline for opening.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on transfer site for Baltimore City 45 days prior to the small haulers expenditure of the funds

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 1 B75A01 General Assembly of Maryland

Budget Amendments


B75A01.07 Office of Policy Analysis

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that this appropriation is increased by $2,000,000 and 6 regular positions are added.

Explanation: This action adds funding for salaries and wages as well as positions to accommodate increased workload.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 2 C00A00 Judiciary

Budget Amendments

Add the following language:

Provided that $2,662,280 in general funds for new positions is reduced and 46.0 new positions (35 regular employees and 11 full-time equivalent contractual bailiffs) are eliminated.

Explanation: This action eliminates 46.0 general funded positions (35 regular employees and 11 contractual bailiffs) in the Judiciary’s fiscal 2021 budget. This expansion of services is unaffordable in light of the Judiciary’s overall budget request. This reduction does not include the problem-solving court case managers/coordinators and Baltimore County clerk positions.

Add the following language:

Further provided that $5,713,700 in general funds, $377,991 in special funds, and $83,363 in reimbursable funds for employee merit increases in fiscal 2021 is reduced. The Chief Judge is authorized to allocate this reduction across the Judiciary.

Explanation: This action eliminates funding for fiscal 2021 merit salary increases for Judiciary employees. A separate action provides funding for a cost-of-living adjustment, keeping salary enhancements for Judiciary employees consistent with the Executive Branch.

Add the following language:

Further provided that the Judiciary’s budget is increased by $4,537,198 in general funds and $282,818 in special funds to provide employees with a 2% general salary increase effective January 1, 2021. The Chief Judge is authorized to allocate these funds across the Judiciary.

Explanation: This action provides funding to the Judiciary to provide its employees with a 2% general salary increase in fiscal 2021, the same salary enhancements given to other State employees.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 3 C00A00

Add the following language:

Further provided that it is the intent of the General Assembly that all general salary increases provided by the Executive Branch for State employees be provided for the Judiciary in the budget of the Department of Budget and Management.

Explanation: In fiscal 2021, the Judiciary’s budget request included a $6.9 million fiscal 2020 deficiency appropriation to provide its employees with a 3% cost-of-living adjustment retroactive to July 1, 2019. This request, the first in Judiciary history, was the result of the current process where general salary increases are historically budgeted within the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), and merit increases are budgeted within the Judiciary. Budgeting salary enhancements in different areas of the State budget has made it difficult to evaluate the full scope of compensation and equity regarding judicial employees compared to other State employees. This language expresses intent that all general salary enhancements provided by the Executive Branch for employees statewide be budgeted within DBM.

C00A00.04 District Court

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $8,250,000 of the general fund appropriation may be expended only for the purpose of providing attorneys for required representation at initial appearances before District Court Commissioners consistent with the holding of the Court of Appeals in DeWolfe v. Richmond. Any funds not expended for this purpose shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: This language restricts the use of $8.25 million of the Judiciary’s general fund appropriation for the implementation of DeWolfe v. Richmond.

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce funding for the Appointed Attorney Program 250,000 GF by $250,000. This action leaves $8.25 million for the program, which should be sufficient to meet demand based on historic utilization. In fiscal 2019, actual expenditures for this program were $7.75 million. The Chief Judge is authorized to allocate this reduction across the Judiciary.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 4 C00A00

2. Reduce funding for subobjects related to building 3,541,327 GF repair and computer maintenance, supplies and equipment, communications, advertising and printing, microfilm, and the Clerks of the Circuit Court. The Chief Judge is authorized to allocate this reduction across the Judiciary.

3. Reduce operating expenses in line with historical levels 1,500,000 GF of spending. The Chief Judge is authorized to allocate this reduction across the Judiciary.

Total Reductions 5,291,327 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 1,605.00 1,605.00 0.00 General Fund 218,114,834 212,823,507 5,291,327 Total Funds 218,114,834 212,823,507 5,291,327

C00A00.06 Administrative Office of the Courts

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $750,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of providing grants through the Administrative Office of the Courts may not be expended for that purpose but instead may be transferred by budget amendment to program D21A01.01 in the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services to be used only to provide funds for the Pretrial Services Program Grant Fund, established by Chapter 771 of 2018. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise and shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: This language allows the Governor to transfer $750,000 by budget amendment to support a pretrial services program in the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 5 C00A00

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce the appropriation for general fund grants. This 560,000 GF will keep all special, federal, and reimbursable fund grants as well as adult drug court and required compensation increases for county magistrates at the requested levels. The Chief Judge is authorized to allocate this reduction across the Judiciary.

Total Reductions 560,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 242.00 242.00 0.00 General Fund 75,696,933 75,136,933 560,000 Special Fund 22,000,000 22,000,000 0 Federal Fund 268,822 268,822 0 Total Funds 97,965,755 97,405,755 560,000

Fiscal 2020 Deficiency

C00A00.10 Clerks of the Circuit Court

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce fiscal 2020 deficiency funding for a 3% 2,814,974 GF cost-of-living adjustment. The Chief Judge is 177,951 SF authorized to allocate this reduction across the Judiciary.

Total Reductions 2,992,925 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 6,472,250 3,657,277 2,814,973 Special Fund 383,111 205,160 177,951 Total Funds 6,855,361 3,862,437 2,992,924

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 6 C00A00

Committee Narrative

Appointed Attorney Program Costs and Utilization: The committees remain interested in the costs and operations of the Appointed Attorney Program. The committees request a report, to be submitted by October 1, 2020, detailing the fiscal 2020 costs and utilization of the Appointed Attorney Program.

Information Request Author Due Date

Appointed Attorney Program Judiciary October 1, 2020 costs and utilization

Adult Drug Court Evaluations and Transparency: The committees are concerned about the ongoing impact of drug addiction in the State and the role that adult drug courts can play in the State’s response to this crisis. The committees request that the Office of Problem Solving Courts (OPSC) prepare a status report on how it intends to use performance evaluation benchmarks developed by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC). Specifically, the status report should address the following issues:

 the status of the implementation of a performance management system for adult drug courts in the State;

 whether and to what extent OPSC has adopted the objectives and benchmarks for adult drug courts developed by NCSC;

 whether OPSC has a plan for the evaluation of outcomes for each adult drug court at regular intervals;

 how OPSC will ensure that service providers and drug court managers are providing all data necessary for evaluation;

 whether the Judiciary intends to make results of performance evaluations available to the public; and

 an estimate of the variable correctional, court, and other savings associated with adult drug courts.

Information Request Author Due Date

Adult drug court evaluations Judiciary July 1, 2020 and transparency

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 7 C00A00

Judicial Transfers Report: While cases filed in State courts have declined (but have begun to level off), the Judiciary has not always seen judicial or employee workloads decrease at the same rate. At the same time, dramatic case declines such as those seen in Baltimore City offer an opportunity for the Judiciary to move judges and staff to other jurisdictions. Currently, the Judiciary has the ability to recall senior judges in extenuating circumstances to fill a need. In addition, pursuant to Section 1-605(c) of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, the Judiciary can also assign a judge to sit temporarily in a county other than the judge’s county of residence to assist in reducing workloads in that county. However, these are temporary, short-term solutions. In keeping with both prudence and the need for flexibility, if the Judiciary were able to transfer judges as it would any other employee, it could reduce the need for new, expensive, and time-consuming judgeship requests and save funding for the State.

As a result, the Judiciary should report to the committees on its current abilities under the law to provide workload relief to the State courts; details on the type of statutory changes that would be required to assign judges as needed; consultation with the National Center for State Courts or other legal authorities that support this type of adjustment; and any other pertinent information that would allow the budget committees to understand if judicial transfers could be a viable option for both the Judiciary and the State to reduce workloads and unnecessary expenses.

Information Request Author Due Date

Judicial transfers report Judiciary November 1, 2020

Statewide Expungement Report: Pursuant to Sections 10-101 to 10-110 of the Criminal Procedure Article, Maryland citizens can have certain criminal records expunged and removed from public inspection. While there are already a variety of eligible crimes, misdemeanors, and records that can be expunged, numerous statutory changes have increased the various case types that qualify for expungement. Currently, the number of expungements is 44% as high as the number of criminal cases statewide. As this trend continues, the Judiciary’s expungement workload has increased significantly. The committees are interested in this topic and request that the Judiciary submit a report that includes the following:

 data on the type of crimes or citations expunged;

 the number of expungements per jurisdiction in the last three fiscal years;

 the ratio of expungements to criminal cases in District and circuit courts for the last three fiscal years;

 the current expungement caseload for Judiciary employees; i.e., the amount of time taken to process expungement petitions on average in each jurisdiction or court district;

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 8 C00A00

 to the extent possible, an accounting of the additional hours that expungements have added to the court workload and the number of employees required to absorb the added expungement processing time;

 information on the expungement process in State courts from petition application to approval or rejection, and any Judiciary efforts to educate the public on the expungement process; and

 information on partial expungements, including the total amount of partial expungement petitions, the specific challenges associated with these types of petitions, and the potential usage of software to automatically erase certain charges from public view.

Information Request Author Due Date

Statewide expungement Judiciary November 1, 2020 report

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 9 C80B00 Office of the Public Defender

Committee Narrative

C80B00.01 General Administration

Workload Reduction Pilot Program Data Report: In recent years, the Office of the Public Defender (OPD) has noted that while caseloads per attorney have changed, the actual workloads for its attorneys have remained either consistent or have risen. By increasing the number of cases that can be handled via multi-case dockets to private bar attorneys, the Workload Reduction Pilot Program (WRPP) has enabled the agency to decrease its overall caseloads. Therefore, it is the intent of the budget committees that OPD submit a calendar year update that includes, but is not limited to, the following information with its annual Managing for Results submission:

 total dockets paneled and average cases per docket;

 average number of cases resolved;

 total number of cases resolved in total and by district;

 estimated savings due to cost avoidance of the resolved cases; and

 total funding of the WRPP for the most recent fiscal year.

Information Request Author Due Date

WRPP data report OPD January 1, 2021, and each year thereafter

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 10 C81C Office of the Attorney General

Budget Amendments

C81C00.01 Legal Counsel and Advice

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $250,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of operations in the Office of the Attorney General may not be expended for that purpose but instead may be used only to establish and fund the Senior and Vulnerable Adult Asset Recovery Unit. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund. Explanation: This language restricts funding for the implementation and operation of a Senior and Vulnerable Adult Asset Recovery Unit.

C81C00.04 Securities Division

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce funding for contractual positions due to the 300,000 SF agency’s previous low hiring rate for Securities Division contractual employees. Due to unfilled positions in this area, the agency reverted $1.2 million in fiscal 2019.

Total Reductions 300,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 21.00 21.00 0.00 General Fund 2,757,393 2,757,393 0 Special Fund 1,224,869 924,869 300,000 Total Funds 3,982,262 3,682,262 300,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 11 C81C

Committee Narrative

C81C00.22 Baltimore City Violent Crime Prosecution Division

Baltimore City Violent Crime Prosecution Division Memo of Understanding and Activity Report: It is in the interest of the budget committees that the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) and the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office (SAO) collectively enter into a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) due July 1, 2020, that fully codifies the operational relationship between the OAG’s new Baltimore City Violent Crime Prosecution Division and SAO. This MOU must include rules or directives that govern (1) the specific prosecutorial and geographic jurisdiction of each party; (2) the types of investigations and types of crimes to be pursued by each party; and (3) the sharing of information and communications between both parties.

Additionally, OAG shall present a report by January 1, 2021, that should include, but not be limited to, the following division information:

 total matters litigated;

 the total number of cases, both filed and assigned;

 cases by crime committed;

 the total number of indictments along with conviction rates as well as any other relevant performance measures; and

 to the extent possible, complete information on OAG and SAO activity including cooperation with local stakeholders such as the Baltimore City Police Department and other relevant organizations; attorney caseload and workload data; division structure and organizational charts; any pertinent data regarding organized crime and narcotics investigations; and information about the division of labor, decision making, and chain of command between the division and SAO with State, federal, and local agencies in terms of how cases are received, processed, adjudicated, and closed.

Further, it is the intent of the budget committees that the division does not hire existing SAO employees to fill newly created vacancies. To effectuate this, OAG should commit to not hiring attorneys currently employed by SAO as part of the signed MOU and include the total number of division attorneys hired and which specific organization each of its employees was hired from in its January 2021 report submission.

Further, it is the intent of the budget committees that if the MOU is not signed by July 1, 2020, the new division will begin operations as originally intended.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 12 C81C

Information Request Authors Due Date

Baltimore City Violent Crime OAG July 1, 2020 Prosecution Division MOU Baltimore City SAO

Activity report OAG January 1, 2021

Report on State Policy Recommendations to Increase Electronic Advance Directive Registrations: The committees are concerned about the low percentage of Maryland residents who have electronically registered their advance directives, especially their designated health care agents. Therefore, the committees request that the State Advisory Council on Quality Care at the End of Life and the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) prepare a report on policy options that might increase the number of residents taking action. The council should assess the potential efficacy of policies including, but not limited to, inviting residents to either designate or decline naming a health care agent when registering their vehicle(s) or renewing their drivers’ license with the Motor Vehicle Administration, when obtaining auto or health insurance with their insurance carrier(s), and/or when submitting their State taxes (i.e., similar to the program described in the Insurance Article § 31-201).

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on State policy OAG December 1, 2020 recommendations to increase State Advisory Council on electronic Quality Care at the End of advance directive Life registrations

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 13 C90G00 Public Service Commission

Committee Narrative

C90G00.01 General Administration and Hearings

Electric Vehicle Recharging Station Pilot Program: The committees are interested in receiving additional information about the ongoing pilot program for the installation and ownership of electric vehicle recharging stations by investor-owned utilities (IOU). The Public Service Commission (PSC) ordered IOUs to install and own a certain number of these stations, which were required to be installed on land owned or leased by a unit of State, county, or municipal government for public use. PSC reported that it receives information regularly on the pilot program. The committees request PSC provide information on the status of installation by IOU including the location of the installations, the cost by IOU for the utility and for ratepayers, the cost for use of the recharging station, and information on benefits to the State and ratepayers from these installations.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on electric vehicle PSC December 1, 2020 recharging station pilot program

Energy Supplier Pricing and Marketing: The committees continue to be concerned about energy supplier marketing and pricing. In particular, the committees are concerned that certain energy suppliers may be targeting certain communities with high rate and high fee plans. The committees request that the Public Service Commission (PSC) provide a report on the current offers as posted on the PSC website for energy supplier pricing that contain variable rates and/or termination fees. The information provided should describe the use of variable rates in the current offers posted on the PSC website for energy supplier pricing, including current rates, how the listed rates compare to the Standard Offer Service rate for that period, and the trigger for a change in the variable rates (if available). The report should also include information provided on the website about offers that have termination fees in the reported pricing and the structure of those termination fees (if available). PSC should also report on the monthly number of electricity customers enrolled with suppliers by utility service territory in recent years. PSC should also report on the door-to-door sales activities reported by retail energy suppliers, including the number of suppliers reporting activities by zip code. PSC should note the period that the marketing data covers.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on energy supplier PSC December 15, 2020 pricing and marketing

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 14 C96J00 Uninsured Employers’ Fund

Committee Narrative

C96J00.01 General Administration

Report on Operational Needs and Actuarial Study: The budget committees are concerned about the massive increase in operating expenditures due to the procurement of a contract with a third-party administrator (TPA) to perform many core functions of the agency. The committees direct that, in conjunction with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), the Uninsured Employers’ Fund (UEF) produce a report documenting whether or not a TPA is needed beyond the current five-year contract. The report should also provide an analysis of the agency’s current and future staffing needs in light of the shift of primary agency functions to an outside vendor. The report should also provide an update on the progress of obtaining an outside actuarial evaluation of the health of the fund and appropriateness of the assessment on workers’ compensation awards.

Information Request Authors Due Date

UEF operational needs and UEF September 1, 2020 status of actuarial study DBM

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 15 D05E01 Board of Public Works

Committee Narrative

Operational Reporting: In continuance of the practice that began in July 2008, the committees request that the Maryland Zoological Society submit audited financial statements for fiscal 2020 and year-to-date monthly attendance figures for the zoo for fiscal 2021 by visitor group. This should include a breakdown of the kinds of passes allocated.

Information Request Author Due Date

Audited financials Maryland Zoological Society November 1, 2020

Monthly attendance Maryland Zoological Society Quarterly report by July 15, 2020 October 15, 2020 January 15, 2021 April 15, 2021

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 16 D10A01 Executive Department – Governor

Budget Amendments

D10A01.01 General Executive Direction and Control

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Increase turnover to 3.65%. The agency has a current 112,590 GF vacancy rate of 10.3%; an increase in turnover will be more in line with both historical and recent levels.

Total Reductions 112,590 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 81.50 81.50 0.00 General Fund 12,514,907 12,402,317 112,590 Total Funds 12,514,907 12,402,317 112,590

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 17 D11A0401 Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Committee Narrative

D11A04.01 Executive Direction

Ways to Protect and Serve Users of Sign Language Interpreting Services: A recent report from the Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ODHH) recommended the credentialing of interpreters. However, deferring to a nonprofit’s standards may not be the most effective way to protect deaf and hard of hearing Maryland constituents from unskilled, fraudulent, and unethical interpreters. This approach also does not actively plan for continued and adequate interpreting service provision in the State. Given the importance of quality interpreters to the deaf and hard of hearing community and the importance of the deaf and hard of hearing community to the State the committees request that ODHH submit a report describing:

 policy options that the State could implement to protect its deaf and hard of hearing residents from unskilled, fraudulent, or unethical interpreters; and

 a strategic plan that does not rest solely on Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. certifications to ensure an adequate pool of competent interpreters in the State.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on ways to protect and ODHH September 1, 2020 serve users of sign language interpreting services

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 18 D12A02 Department of Disabilities

Committee Narrative

D12A02.01 General Administration

Information Technology Accessibility Initiative Update: In the 2019 session, the budget committees requested that the Maryland Department of Disabilities (MDOD) submit a report on the status of the State’s website information technology (IT) accessibility. Although MDOD was unable to provide the requested information at the time, MDOD informed the budget committees that it was beginning its statewide IT accessibility initiative and outlined its plans going forward. In light of this timeline and the fact that the budget committees have not yet received the information they requested, the committees again request that MDOD submit a report including:

 an assessment of the current nonvisual accessibility of State websites and documents;

 national best practices and innovative techniques to achieve better access;

 recommendations to improve accessibility that would be appropriate for State agencies;

 cost estimates for any recommendations made by MDOD; and

 a plan describing how the IT Accessibility Initiative will be implemented.

In addition, the budget committees request that MDOD, in consultation with the Department of Information Technology and the Department of General Services, develop and submit a guideline document that can be distributed to all State agencies to be used when developing Requests for Proposals that are compliant with IT accessibility standards.

Information Request Author Due Date

IT Accessibility Initiative MDOD November 15, 2020 update

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 19 D13A13 Maryland Energy Administration

Committee Narrative

D13A13.01 General Administration

Strategic Energy Investment Fund Revenue, Spending, and Fund Balance: The committees are interested in ensuring transparency in Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) revenue assumptions and spending included in the budget as well as available fund balance. The committees request that the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) provide an annual report on the revenue from the RGGI carbon dioxide emission allowance auctions, set aside allowance, and interest income in conjunction with the submission of the fiscal 2022 budget as an appendix to the Governor’s Budget Books. The report shall include information on the actual fiscal 2020 budget, the fiscal 2021 working appropriation, and the fiscal 2022 allowance. The report shall detail:

 revenue assumptions used to calculate the available Strategic Energy Investment Fund (SEIF) from RGGI auctions for each fiscal year, including the number of auctions, the number of allowances sold, the allowance price in each auction, and the anticipated revenue from set-aside allowances;

 interest income received on the SEIF;

 amount of the SEIF from RGGI auction revenue available to each agency that receives funding through each required statutory allocation, dues owed to RGGI, Inc., and transfers or diversions of revenue made to other funds; and

 fund balance for each SEIF subaccount for the fiscal 2019 actual, the fiscal 2020 actual, the fiscal 2021 working appropriation, and the fiscal 2022 allowance.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on revenue DBM With the submission of the assumptions and use of RGGI Governor’s Fiscal 2022 auction revenue Budget Books

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 20 D13A13

Fiscal 2020 Deficiency

D13A13.07 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programs, All Other Sectors

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce the deficiency appropriation for the Combined 241,153 SF Heat and Power Program to reflect the available funding from the Exelon Corporation and Pepco Holdings, Inc. merger for this program.

Total Reductions 241,153 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Special Fund 367,061 125,908 241,153 Total Funds 367,061 125,908 241,153

Budget Amendments

D13A13.08 Renewable and Clean Energy Programs and Initiatives

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that $6,500,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of Maryland Energy Infrastructure Grants, Contributions in Aid of Construction Dispensation Fund, and technical assistance from the Maryland Gas Expansion Fund may not be expended for that purpose but instead may be transferred by budget amendment to the Department of Housing and Community Development program S00A25.04 Housing and Building Energy Programs to be used only for low-income residential weatherization as part of the Electric Universal Service Program. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall be canceled.

Explanation: This language restricts the funding in the Renewable and Clean Energy Programs and Initiatives program of the Maryland Energy Administration from the Maryland Gas Expansion Fund created as a result of a condition of approval of the WGL Holdings, Inc. and AltaGas Ltd. to be used in the Department of Housing and Community Development for low-income residential weatherization.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 21 D13A13

Committee Narrative

Revenue from Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment: The fiscal 2021 allowance includes $1.8 million to continue supporting the Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment Rebate Program. The State, through the Strategic Energy Investment Fund, has supported the purchase and installation of electric vehicle recharging equipment through a tax credit and later the rebate program since fiscal 2011. As the use of electric vehicles grows and the State support for recharging equipment continues, the committees are interested in understanding more about the potential for generating revenue from the use of electricity for vehicle recharging. The committees request that the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) submit a report on options for revenue generation from the sale of electricity for vehicle recharging including a description of the method (for example, point of sale or fees). MEA should include a review of efforts in other states, including a discussion of both enacted revenue generation options and those under current or previous consideration.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on revenue generating MEA November 15, 2020 options from electric vehicle recharging equipment

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 22 D15A05 Boards, Commissions, and Offices

Budget Amendments

D15A05.03 Governor’s Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of general administration may not be expended until the Governor’s Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs submits a report to the budget committees that provides the date that the Director of Compliance and Legislative Affairs position will be filled and, when filled, describes the work the Director is doing to support State agencies in diversifying their procurement awards. The report shall be submitted by July 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted.

Explanation: The budget committees are concerned about low Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) participation rates. The committees are also concerned that the Director of Compliance and Legislative Affairs has been vacant since May 1, 2018. Keeping key positions filled is critical for an effective MBE program. The Governor’s Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs (GOSBA) testified that this position requires highly specialized credentials and offers essential support to State agencies. This language restricts funds pending receipt of a report that provides the date this position will be filled and describes how, when filled, the position is supporting State agencies in diversifying their procurement awards.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on the Director of GOSBA July 1, 2020 Compliance and Legislative Affairs position

Committee Narrative

Policies Affecting Small, Minority, and Women Business Enterprises: The budget committees are concerned about low levels of Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) participation rates. The State goal is an MBE participation rate of 29% of the value of procurement contracts. The Governor’s Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs (GOSBA) reports that most State agency procurements are under the 29% goal, with numerous agencies having an MBE participation rate of less than 10%. GOSBA, in consultation with the Board of Public Works (BPW), should examine procurement practices that affect small, minority, and women business enterprises and identify policies that would improve small, minority, and women business enterprise participation rates. The report should do the following:

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 23 D15A05

 describe the existing requirements for State procurements that affect local small, minority, and women business enterprises;

 describe how MBE data is collected and reported, including how multi-year contracts are scored;

 identify components of Requests for Proposals, including bonding requirements and contract liability terms and conditions, that may prevent small, minority, and women business enterprises from responding to procurement opportunities or submitting competitive proposals;

 identify ways procurements can be structured to increase MBE opportunities, including types of procurements that could require a minimum of 25% participation from small, minority, and women business enterprises;

 propose ways that GOSBA and BPW could better educate prime contractors on the value of MBE relationships and methods for fostering these relationships;

 examine the small, minority, and women business enterprise certification processes for constraints that may impede the success of qualified applicants and report on those findings;

 provide updated data on the benefits of small, minority, and women business enterprises to the State; and

 identify current policies being used in other jurisdictions, including those at the local level in Maryland or in other states, that could be beneficial if adopted statewide.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Policies affecting small, GOSBA November 1, 2020 minority, and women BPW business enterprises

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 24 D15A05

Budget Amendments

D15A05.25 Governor’s Coordinating Offices Shared Services

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Delete funding and associated positions for the Office 153,328 GF 2.00 of Education Accountability (PIN 024198 and 024348). With the Maryland State Department of Education’s Office of Education Accountability and the creation of the Office of the Inspector General, another Office of Education Accountability, budgeted in the Governor’s Coordinating Offices, is duplicative.

Total Reductions 153,328 2.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 7.00 5.00 2.00 General Fund 1,477,513 1,324,185 153,328 Total Funds 1,477,513 1,324,185 153,328

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 25 D21 Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services


Budget Amendments

Add the following language:

Provided that $45,500,000 in federal crime victim assistance funding provided through the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services (GOCPYVS) shall be allocated in fiscal 2021 for the purpose of continuing victims of crime services.

Further provided that GOCPYVS is authorized to process a budget amendment recognizing additional federal funds to reach the mandated $45,500,000 threshold.

Further provided that $250,000 of the general fund appropriation for GOCPYVS may not be expended until GOCPYVS submits a report by November 1, 2020, regarding the federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funding. The report should include:

(1) total active VOCA grant awards as of January 1, 2020, including grant number, implementing agency, project title, start date, end date, amount of award, jurisdiction of implementation, and the brief description/abstract of the grant;

(2) for each VOCA grant award in item (1) and for any other VOCA grant awards made subsequently, a description of whether for the federal fiscal year beginning October 1, 2020, the award was continued, awarded, or otherwise funded, including the grant number, implementing agency, project title, start date, end date, amount of award, jurisdiction of implementation, and the brief description/abstract of the grant; and

(3) identification of any decrease or other change in victim services funding between items (1) and (2), the justification for each grant award change, and the impact on the continuity of crime victim services.

The budget committees shall have 45 days from the receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted.

Further provided that it is the intent of the budget committees that the primary purpose of the programs funded through the VOCA grant awards be to ensure continuity of trauma-informed, high-quality services for victims of crime.

Explanation: The language addresses concerns among victim services providers that a reduction in federal VOCA funding will result in a loss of services available to victims of crime in Maryland. In order to ease the impact of the loss in funding, GOCPYVS is required to allocate $45.5 million in VOCA funds to victim service providers to maintain continuity of service;

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 26 D21

GOCPYVS is also authorized to process a budget amendment to achieve this end. This mandated appropriation will be one time in nature and will only apply to the fiscal 2021 appropriation and the subsequent fiscal 2021 grant funding cycle.

The language also requests a report providing information for all active VOCA grants as of January 1, 2020. The report should additionally detail whether each of the grant recipients received the same level of VOCA funding during the federal fiscal 2020 VOCA grant cycle and the information on each of the grant programs receiving such funds. This report should specifically identify any changes in victim services funding between January 1, 2020, and October 1, 2020, and the subsequent impact on the continuity of crime victim services.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on the continuity GOCPYVS November 1, 2020 of VOCA services

Budget Amendments

D21A01.01 Administrative Headquarters

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation to the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services’ (GOCPYVS) Administrative Headquarters may not be expended until GOCPYVS and the Victim Services Unit submit a report detailing the allocation of the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funding for the federal fiscal 2015, 2016, and 2017 fund cycles. This report should identify funds expended for the purpose of the direct provision of services, administration, and funds that went unobligated. The report should also evaluate the success of Maryland’s VOCA funding program using performance metrics to detail how these funds have translated to improved outcomes for victims of crime. This report shall be submitted no later than December 1, 2020. The budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of the receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted.

Explanation: In past legislative sessions, concerns were raised that the State was receiving a significant increase in federal VOCA funding that was going unspent. This language requests GOCPYVS to provide additional detail regarding the expenditure of VOCA funds for the three most recently completed funding periods: federal fiscal 2015, 2016, and 2017. This language further requests GOCPYVS to discuss how the programs funded with VOCA funds translate to improved outcomes for victims of crime.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 27 D21

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on VOCA spending GOCPYVS December 1, 2020 and outcomes

Committee Narrative

Nonprofit Services in Maryland: The Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services (GOCPYVS) allocates more than $100 million in grants each fiscal year to each of Maryland’s 23 counties and Baltimore City. In order to identify the communities being served by these grants, as well as to identify any services gaps, the budget committees request a report detailing all federal and State grants allocated by GOCPYVS to nonprofit organizations operating within Maryland during the fiscal 2021 funding cycle.

This report should identify the services provided by each nonprofit organization and the demographics of those being served and their ZIP codes of residence. Further, this report should discuss how each ZIP code served by these organizations compares to the geographic distribution of violent crime within that respective jurisdiction. The budget committees request that this report be provided no later than January 1, 2021.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on nonprofit services GOCPYVS January 1, 2021 in Maryland

Budget Amendments

D21A01.02 Local Law Enforcement Grants

Amend the following language from the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $11,136,063 of this appropriation, representing the entirety of the local law enforcement grants to the Baltimore City Police Department and the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office, may not be expended unless the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, in coordination with the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office and the Baltimore Police Department, submits a comprehensive annual crime strategy for the city, which must include specific measurable actions the city will take to address crime, be based on a threat assessment, and include annual crime reduction targets for homicides, nonfatal shootings, violent crime, firearms–related offenses, and property crime. The crime reduction strategy report shall be submitted to the Governor and budget committees by October 1, 2020. By December 31, 2020, and quarterly thereafter, the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice shall report on progress made on the crime reduction targets included in the annual crime reduction strategy. Further provided

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 28 D21 that the Baltimore Police Department enters their warrant information into the National Criminal Information Center (NCIC) / Maryland Telecommunications Enforcement Resources System (METERS)

, provided that $11,136,063 of this appropriation, representing the entirety of the local law enforcement grants to the Baltimore City Police Department and the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office, may not be expended unless the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, in coordination with the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office and the Baltimore Police Department, submits a year one update to the comprehensive five-year crime strategy for the city submitted during the 2020 fiscal year. The crime reduction strategy report shall be submitted to the Governor and budget committees by October 1, 2020. The budget committees shall have 45 days following the receipt of a report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert back to the General Fund if the report is not submitted.

Further provided that by December 31, 2020, and quarterly thereafter, the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice shall provide quarterly performance reports on progress made on the crime reduction strategy.

Further provided that the Baltimore Police Department enters its warrant information into the National Criminal Information Center/Maryland Telecommunications Enforcement Resources System.

Explanation: This action amends language included in the fiscal 2021 Budget Bill as introduced by the Governor. This action restricts grant funding to Baltimore City provided through the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services until the Baltimore City Mayor’s Office, the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office, and the Baltimore Police Department provide an update to the five-year crime strategy, which was submitted during the 2020 fiscal year. This language also requires the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice to provide quarterly performance metrics on progress made in the reduction of crime.

Information Request Author Due Date

Crime reduction strategy GOCPYVS October 1, 2020 update

Quarterly performance GOCPYVS December 31, 2020 reports April 1, 2021 July 1, 2021 October 1, 2021

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 29 D21

Committee Narrative

Protecting Against Hate Crimes Grant: The Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services’ (GOCPYVS) fiscal 2020 working appropriation provided $3.0 million in grant funding to religious institutions at risk of hate crimes. GOCPYVS accepts applications on a rolling basis. As of January 1, 2020, less than one-third of the working appropriation had been expended. The budget committees request a report, due September 15, 2020, detailing the allocation of these grant funds during the fiscal 2020 grant funding cycle.

This report should specifically identify the grant recipients and the total number of grant applications received. For each grant recipient, the report should detail the respective amount of the grant award and how the grantee expended these funds. Finally, the report should identify the total amount of grant funds allocated and unallocated at the close of the 2020 fiscal year.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on fiscal 2020 GOCPYVS September 15, 2020 Protecting Against Hate Crimes grant

Budget Amendments

D21A01.04 Violence Intervention and Prevention Program

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $250,000 of this appropriation provided for a grant to the Children and Parent Resource Group, Inc. shall be reduced contingent on the enactment of legislation repealing the mandate that funding be provided to the Children and Parent Resource Group, Inc.

Explanation: This language reduces the general fund appropriation to the Violence Intervention and Prevention Program (VIPP) by $250,000, contingent on a provision which would relieve the statutory mandate that the Children and Parent Resource Group, Inc. receive $250,000 each fiscal year, beginning in fiscal 2020 through 2023, through VIPP. Additionally, this language minimizes the State’s work with organizations currently under review by the Office of the Attorney General.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 30 D21

Children and Youth Division

D21A02.01 Children and Youth Division

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation to the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services’ Children and Youth Division may not be expended until the Children and Youth Division submits a report on behalf of the Children’s Cabinet to the budget committees on out-of-home placements containing:

(1) the total number of out-of-home placements and entries by jurisdiction over the previous 3 years and similar data on out-of-state placements;

(2) the costs associated with out-of-home placements;

(3) an explanation of recent placement trends;

(4) findings of child abuse and neglect occurring while families are receiving family preservation services or within 1 year of each case closure;

(5) an evaluation of data derived from the application of the Maryland Family Risk Assessment; and

(6) areas of concern related to trends in out-of-home placements and potential corrective actions that the Children’s Cabinet and local management boards can take to address these concerns.

Further provided that each agency or administration that funds or places children and youth in out-of-home placements shall assist the Children and Youth Division and comply with any data requests necessary for the timely production of the report. The report shall be submitted to the budget committees by December 31, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of the receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise for any other purpose. Should the report not be submitted by the requested date, the restricted funds shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: The out-of-home placements report was annually requested of the Governor’s Office for Children to be submitted to the budget committees each December; it is frequently submitted several months past the due date, with the 2018 out-of-home placements report being submitted on April 30, 2019. The out-of-home placements report is a useful evaluative tool to

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 31 D21 assess the well-being of Maryland’s youth and families, and to identify areas of concern related to youth placed out of home. Given the rising rate of out-of-home placements and the annually late submission of this report, this action restricts funds within the Children and Youth Division’s administrative budget pending the submission of the 2020 report.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on out-of-home Governor’s Office of Crime December 31, 2020 placements Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $100,000 of this appropriation may not be expended until the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services (GOCPYVS) submits a report by October 15, 2020, regarding funding provided to Local Management Boards (LMB) through the Children’s Cabinet Interagency Fund (CCIF). The report should include the different strategies that GOCPYVS uses to determine funding levels for LMBs, as well as any future plans that the agency may have to alter funding or grant procedures. The report should also include, in consultation with LMBs, an evaluation of the effectiveness of funding procedures on current outcomes, the rationale behind funding criminal justice-related grants through LMBs, and how the current and proposed funding goals and programs address and assist families and youth of all ages and backgrounds. The budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment following the receipt of the report. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted. Further provided that it is the intent of the budget committees that the primary purpose of the programs funded through the CCIF grants be to ensure a safe, stable, and healthy environment for all children and families in order to promote positive child well-being.

Explanation: This language restricts funds pending the receipt of a report regarding the funding strategies and priorities for the grants provided to Local Management Boards through the Children’s Cabinet Interagency Fund. This language also expresses legislative intent that CCIF grant be used for programs that support the positive well-being of all children and families.

Information Request Author Due Date

LMB funding report GOCPYVS October 15, 2020

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 32 D21

Victim Services Unit

D21A03.01 Victim Services Unit

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purposes of general administration may not be expended until the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services’ (GOCPYVS) Victim Services Unit (VSU) submits a report on care for postexposure prophylaxis administered through the Pilot Program for Preventing Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection for Rape Victims. This report shall include the following:

(1) the number of patients that qualified to receive postexposure prophylaxis under the pilot program;

(2) the number of patients that chose to receive postexposure prophylaxis;

(3) the total amount requested for reimbursement by providers and the total amount reimbursed to providers for the postexposure prophylaxis;

(4) the number of requests for reimbursements submitted, granted, and denied, including the reasons for each request denied;

(5) the cost of the postexposure prophylaxis treatment and follow-up care provided under the pilot program;

(6) the date the pilot program was fully implemented; and

(7) discussion of the process for treatment providers to apply for and receive reimbursement under this program.

This report shall be submitted to the budget committees no later than December 1, 2020. The budget committees shall have 45 days following the receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert back to the General Fund if the report is not submitted.

Explanation: Chapter 431 of 2019 established the Pilot Program for Preventing Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection for Rape Victims to be administered by VSU. Under this program, a victim of an alleged rape or sexual offense or a victim of alleged child sexual abuse be provided with a full course of treatment and follow-up care for postexposure prophylaxis for the prevention of HIV infection. This language restricts funds pending the submission of a report detailing the number of patients eligible for postexposure prophylaxis,

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 33 D21 the number who received it, and the costs associated with this program. The report should also provide background on the process of receiving reimbursement through the program.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report of the Pilot Program GOCPYVS December 1, 2020 for Preventing HIV Infection for Rape Victims

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 34 D26A07 Department of Aging

Budget Amendments

D26A07.01 General Administration

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of general administration may not be expended until the Maryland Department of Aging submits two reports to the budget committees. The first report should describe its method of waitlist data collection and each Area Agency on Aging’s (AAA) approach to waitlist management. The second report should provide the waitlist data from each AAA, by program, as of January 1, 2021. This second report shall be submitted by January 15, 2021, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending receipt of these reports may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if both reports are not submitted.

Explanation: As consideration of waitlist data is essential to determining the effectiveness of service, this language restricts funds until the Maryland Department of Aging (MDOA) creates a method for collecting waitlist data from local AAAs for each program’s waitlist and a description of each AAA’s approach to managing waitlists.

Information Request Author Due Date

Methodology for collecting waitlist MDOA September 1, 2020 data for each program

The number of individuals in each MDOA January 15, 2021 jurisdiction that are on the waitlist for each program

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $100,000 of this appropriation for general operating expenditures may not be expended until the Maryland Department of Aging (MDOA) submits a report to the budget committees analyzing the current administration and utilization of the Community for Life (CFL) program. The report shall include the following: (1) data about each grantee of the program since its inception, including the membership capacity of each CFL, the amount of funding each CFL was originally granted, the amount each CFL has expended, the amount of the State grant that the CFL intends to encumber, and the amount of funding, by source, that each grantee receives from other sources to support operating expenses of the CFL program; (2) fiscal 2020 actual data about members’ utilization of the core CFL services, which include transportation, service navigator assistance, and home repair and maintenance; (3) membership

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 35 D26A07 totals for each CFL as of July 1, 2020; (4) the number of members that benefit from a scholarship as of July 1, 2020; and (5) a list of engagement events, informational publications, and other outreach efforts hosted by CFLs and MDOA throughout fiscal 2020 to increase awareness of the program throughout the State, and outreach efforts planned for fiscal 2021. The report shall be submitted by September 1, 2020, and the committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted.

Explanation: The committees are concerned that only 123 Marylanders are currently benefitting from the $1 million previously appropriated to the CFL program. According to a Joint Chairmen’s Report response, grantees are also taking longer than anticipated to become financially self-sustaining. This language restricts funds pending receipt of a report describing the administration of the CFL program and current utilization of CFL services.

Information Request Author Due Date

CFL administration and MDOA September 1, 2020 utilization

D26A07.03 Community Services

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $470,000 of this appropriation for community services may be expended only to increase funding for the State Nutrition Program. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: The Maryland Department of Aging’s allowance includes a $2,000,000 general fund increase to support Area Agencies on Aging administration of community services. A recently implemented population-based formula to allocate State Nutrition Program funds resulted in a reduction of funding levels to certain jurisdictions from previous funding levels that were not based on a formula. This language restricts $470,000 of the increased funding for the purpose of the State Nutrition program to hold harmless those jurisdictions set to lose funding from prior year levels in fiscal 2021.

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $1,530,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of community services may not be expended until the Maryland Department of Aging submits a report to the budget committees describing how the funds will be used and, to the extent applicable, distributed among the Area Agencies on Aging. The report shall be submitted prior

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 36 D26A07 to the expenditure of the funds, and the budget committees shall have 30 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending receipt of this report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not received.

Explanation: The Maryland Department of Aging’s (MDOA) allowance includes $2,000,000 in new general funds to support administration of community services. This language restricts a portion of these funds pending a report on how the funds will be used and, to the extent applicable, distributed among the Area Agencies on Aging.

Information Request Author Due Date

Use of new general funds in MDOA Prior to the expenditure of the MDOA funds

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $600,000 of this appropriation for the Community for Life (CFL) program may be expended only to establish new CFLs in jurisdictions with populations above 600,000 that have not yet received funding under this program. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: The Maryland Department of Aging’s allowance includes $600,000 to establish new CFLs throughout the State. This language restricts these funds for the purpose of establishing new CFLs in jurisdictions not previously served by the program.

Committee Narrative

Timeline for Community For Life Self-sufficiency: The committees direct that the Maryland Department of Aging (MDOA) submit a report describing expected timelines for when each Community for Life (CFL) grantee will achieve self-sufficiency, a plan for how each CFL will achieve self-sufficiency, and current participation for each grantee.

Information Request Author Due Date

Timeline for CFL MDOA September 1, 2020 self-sufficiency

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 37 D26A07

Grant Allocations to the Local Area Agencies on Aging: The committees want to ensure that grant allocations to the local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) are made in a timely, predictable manner so that AAAs may effectively provide services to Maryland’s elderly population and adequately prepare their local government budgets with accurate expectations of State support. It is the intent of the committees that all allocations to AAAs are made no later than October 1, 2020; that funding levels will not change after January 1, 2021; and that AAAs are adequately informed of potential fiscal 2022 funding changes anticipated by the Maryland Department of Aging (MDOA). The committees request that MDOA submit two reports. The first shall be submitted no later than October 2, 2020, and certify that all allocations of Community Services funds were made to AAAs by October 1, 2020. The second report shall be submitted no later than January 1, 2021, and identify potential changes to fiscal 2022 funding levels for each AAA.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on certification of grant MDOA October 2, 2020 allocations to AAAs

Report on potential funding level MDOA January 1, 2021 changes for each AAAs

Public Guardianship Administration: The committees are interested in the current administration of public guardianship for older Marylanders. The committees request that the Maryland Department of Aging (MDOA) provide a report that does the following:

 evaluates the efficacy of the current public guardianship program;

 describes the types of cases that the public guardianship program currently does and does not serve;

 provides the distribution of funding for public guardianship among the Area Agencies on Aging;

 identifies evidence-based practices that are currently included in the State’s administration of public guardianship in the State; and

 explores opportunities to improve public guardianship administration in the State.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on public guardianship MDOA October 1, 2020 administration

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 38 D38I01 State Board of Elections

Committee Narrative

D38I01.01 General Administration

Improving Coordination with the Board: The committees are interested in opportunities to improve coordination between the State Board of Elections (SBE) staff and the board. The committees request that SBE submit a report describing its plan for improved coordination between staff and the board. The plan should outline a specific time period within which staff will inform the board of decisions made by staff regarding election administration, information technology development project management, and interactions with local boards of elections.

Information Request Author Due Date

Improved coordination SBE July 1, 2020 with the board

Overview of Policy Regarding Detained Individuals: The budget committees are interested in voting policies affecting individuals committed to pretrial detention. The committees request that the State Board of Elections (SBE) submit a report that provides an overview of State policy regarding voting eligibility throughout the adjudicatory and correctional process, describes policies that affect detained individuals, identifies policies and initiatives that may differ between local boards of elections, and examines whether there are opportunities for improvement within current State policy to provide greater access to voting for detained individuals.

Information Request Author Due Date

Policies affecting detained SBE August 1, 2020 individuals

Budget Amendments

D38I01.02 Help America Vote Act

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce special fund appropriation for pollbook wide 661,875 SF area network (WAN), to reflect the decision to use federal funds for this purpose. The agency is authorized to process a budget amendment that allocates federal funds to purchase WAN equipment for any of the

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 39 D38I01

six largest jurisdictions that opt to use WAN in the 2020 elections.

Total Reductions 661,875 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 10.00 10.00 0.00 General Fund 7,641,912 7,641,912 0 Special Fund 15,950,861 15,288,986 661,875 Federal Fund 1,102,560 1,102,560 0 Total Funds 24,695,333 24,033,458 661,875

D38I01.03 Major Information Technology Development Projects

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce special funds for the Agency Election 215,613 SF Management System (AEMS). The available funding for AEMS through fiscal 2021 totals $4.4 million, as reflected in the Governor’s fiscal 2021 Budget Books. However, in the agency’s testimony to the operating analysis, the agency informed the committees that it expects that the final cost of this project will be $3.5 million. This action reduces the fiscal 2021 special fund appropriation to align with the agency’s most recent estimate for AEMS funding needs. This action retains $12,500 in special funds in fiscal 2021 to provide for Department of Information Technology oversight. A companion general fund reduction is made in the Department of Information Technology budget.

Total Reductions 215,613 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Special Fund 1,379,551 1,163,938 215,613 Total Funds 1,379,551 1,163,938 215,613

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 40 D38I01

Committee Narrative

Quarterly Information Technology Development and Spending: The committees request that the State Board of Elections, in consultation with the Department of Information Technology (DoIT), submit quarterly reports on July 1, 2020; October 1, 2020; January 1, 2021; and April 1, 2021 on all information technology (IT) project activities undertaken by SBE including a listing of all IT development projects, a description of the actions undertaken in that quarter, an assessment of timeliness of the project with respect to the project schedule, a description of costs incurred in that quarter, an assessment of the cost of the project with respect to estimated project costs, and a listing of deficiencies or concerns related to the projects.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Quarterly reports on IT SBE July 1, 2020 development DoIT October 1, 2020 January 1, 2021 April 1, 2021

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 41 D40W01 Department of Planning

Budget Amendments

D40W01.03 Planning Data and Research

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $150,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of general administrative expenses in the Planning Data and Research program may not be expended pending the submission of a confirmatory letter from the Maryland Department of Planning to the budget committees by August 1, 2020. The letter shall indicate that a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the Maryland Department of Planning and the Department of Legislative Services on the provision of geocoded addresses for prisoners listed in the database maintained by the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. The budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of the receipt of the confirmatory letter to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the confirmatory letter may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the confirmatory letter is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: This action restricts funding pending the submission of a confirmatory letter that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) and the Department of Legislative Services on data sharing of geocoded addresses for prisoners. The Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2020 contains a provision requiring the MOU.

Information Request Author Due Date

MOU on geocoded addresses MDP August 1, 2020 for prisoners

Committee Narrative

Outcome of the 2020 Census: The committees are interested in the outcome from the 2020 Census in terms of (1) the immediate self-response rate and feedback from the Maryland Department of Planning and local jurisdictions to increase the self-response rate and (2) the influence on Maryland’s self-response rate of the 2020 Census Grant Program created by Chapter 18 of 2018 (2020 Census Grant Program – Establishment and Funding), the Maryland Department of Planning’s (MDP) own census outreach efforts, and the work of the Maryland Complete Count Committee. Therefore, the budget committees request that MDP report by May 15, 2020, on the status of census outreach by MDP and the local jurisdictions in response to real-time self-response rate information. In addition, the budget committees request that MDP report by January 1, 2021, on whether Maryland met its goal of being in the top 10 states for self-response rate; the lessons learned from the 2020 Census Grant Program, MDP’s own census

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 42 D40W01 outreach efforts, and the work of the Maryland Complete Count Committee; and the funding and resources needed to improve the self-response rate for the 2030 census.

Information Request Author Due Date

Outcome of the 2020 Census MDP May 15, 2020 January 1, 2021

Budget Amendments

D40W01.04 Planning Coordination

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Abolish a vacant principal planner position in the 104,221 GF 1.00 Planning Coordination program. PIN 032069 has been vacant for over a year, and the agency claims that the position is being held vacant to meet turnover expectancy despite the agency having sufficient vacancies year-round to satisfy projected turnover.

Total Reductions 104,221 1.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 22.00 21.00 1.00 General Fund 1,771,556 1,667,335 104,221 Federal Fund 61,772 61,772 0 Total Funds 1,833,328 1,729,107 104,221

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 43 D50H01 Military Department

Committee Narrative

D50H01.03 Army Operations and Maintenance

Improving the Functionality of Army National Guard Facilities: It is the intent of the budget committees that the Army National Guard maintenance funding dedicated to improving facility functionality, as identified by the Military Department’s Managing for Results performance measure, be more easily identifiable in the agency’s budget. It is the intent of the committees that the Military Department, in coordination with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), begin to budget funds within the new subprogram for maintenance expenses specifically dedicated to improving the functionality of the Army National Guard facilities beginning with the fiscal 2022 budget.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Army National Guard Military Department With the submission of the maintenance funding DBM fiscal 2022 budget dedicated to improving facility functionality

D50H01.08 Opioid Crisis Fund

Opioid Crisis Fund: The budget committees request quarterly reports for fiscal 2021 on the funding plan for the funds contained in the Opioid Crisis Fund (OCF) from the Opioid Operational Command Center (OOCC) as well as the Maryland Department of Health (MDH). These reports are to include the spending plan for these funds, including the fund source for each line item, as well as any changes to the spending plan and any performance metrics that have been gathered by OOCC from programs receiving this funding.

Information Request Authors Due Date

OCF quarterly reports OOCC September 30, 2020 MDH December 31, 2020 March 31, 2021 June 30, 2021

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 44 D55P00 Department of Veterans Affairs

Budget Amendments

D55P00.02 Cemetery Program

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Delete the funding for 2 new caretakers for the 65,452 GF 2.00 cemetery program (PIN #s: 104489, and 104490). This action still allows for five new cemetery positions over the fiscal 2020 budget which also added 17 new cemetery positions.

Total Reductions 65,452 2.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 78.00 76.00 2.00 General Fund 5,985,939 5,920,487 65,452 Special Fund 980,636 980,636 0 Federal Fund 1,706,038 1,706,038 0 Total Funds 8,672,613 8,607,161 65,452

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 45 D70J00 Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund

Committee Narrative

Report on the Likelihood and Impact of a Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund Assessment: The Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund (Maryland Auto) is required to assess a surcharge on automobile insurance companies in the State after the following two triggers occur: (1) the surplus of the Insured Division falls below 25% of the three-year average of direct written premiums; and (2) Maryland Auto experiences an operating loss. The surplus to assessment ratio is estimated to stand at 1.29 at the end of calendar 2019. Due to the concern that an assessment on automobile insurance companies would be passed through to Marylanders, the committees request that Maryland Auto and the Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) prepare a report on the likelihood of an assessment and the impact that it would have on the price of automobile insurance premiums in Maryland. The report should include projections on the likelihood of an assessment during calendar 2020 through 2025. The report should also note the impacts of the expiration of the Maryland Auto premium tax exemption in 2022 and the impact of declining investment revenue in the event of a market slowdown. Additionally, the report should include information on potential legislative initiatives that would address this issue. The report shall be provided to the budget committees by October 1, 2020.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on the likelihood and Maryland Auto October 1, 2020 impact of a Maryland Auto MIA assessment

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 46 D78Y01 Maryland Health Benefit Exchange

Budget Amendments

D78Y01.01 Maryland Health Benefit Exchange

Amend the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that $3,000,000$3,500,000 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation altering the mandate for the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange.

Explanation: This action modifies the special fund reduction contingent on the Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2020, reducing the mandate for the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange to reflect the lowering of the mandate to $31.5 million in fiscal 2021 only. The reduced mandate better aligns with recent spending, which was less than $29 million in fiscal 2018 and 2019.

Amend the following language to the special fund appropriation:

Further provided that $450,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of operating the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) may not be expended until MHBE submits a report that evaluates the appropriate future State funding level of MHBE, taking into account the available federal funding to support activities of the agency, for fiscal 2022 and beyond. The report should take into account the current required activities of the agency and any activities related to legislation enacted in 2020. The report shall be submitted by December 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of the receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall be canceled if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The General Assembly is interested in a new evaluation of the funding needs for MHBE as the current mandated level has not been reevaluated in the time that MHBE has been a mature organization. This language restricts funds until MHBE submits a report evaluating the appropriate future funding level of the agency that takes into account current activities and available federal funding.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on future funding MHBE December 1, 2020 needs of MHBE

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 47 D78Y01

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce funding for the development of a reinsurance 210,000 SF claims system that is not needed. The Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) was notified in January 2020 that the Edge Server (the federal system for claims) would continue to be available, after it was initially expected to end after 2020. This reduction leaves $40,000, which is the level of funding that MHBE anticipates requiring for the annual fee for the Edge Server.

Total Reductions 210,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 67.00 67.00 0.00 Special Fund 23,430,140 23,220,140 210,000 Federal Fund 22,541,402 22,541,402 0 Total Funds 45,971,542 45,761,542 210,000

Committee Narrative

Maryland Easy Enrollment Health Insurance Program: Chapters 423 and 424 of 2019 created the Maryland Easy Enrollment Health Insurance Program (MEEHP) to allow for the sharing of information between the Comptroller and the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) for the purpose of determining eligibility for Medicaid, the Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), or Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC). For tax year 2019, individuals may authorize the sharing of information after indicating that they are interested in obtaining minimum essential coverage. MHBE will make a preliminary determination of eligibility and provide notice to the individual. The committees are interested in understanding the impact of this change on enrollment. The committees request that MHBE submit a report on Medicaid, MCHP, and enrollment in Qualified Health Plans with an APTC that result from MEEHP for tax year 2019 filings.

Information Request Author Due Date

Enrollment resulting from MHBE July 15, 2020 MEEHP

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 48 D78Y01

Reinsurance Program Costs and the Provider Assessment: The State Reinsurance Program is in place for plan year 2019. However, due to claims run out and the need to know full year claims data, the actual cost of the program for that year remains uncertain. Estimates have differed substantially for both the first year and out-year costs. Given the uncertainty regarding the cost of the reinsurance program, including the first payments to be made in fiscal 2021, the committees request that the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) report on the payments made for the reinsurance program for plan year 2019 (including the amount by each fund source) and an updated forecast of spending and funding needs over the waiver period. In addition, to the extent that not all of the provider assessment funds included in the fiscal 2021 budget are needed for that purpose, MHBE should report on the planned use of those funds in fiscal 2021, including for an additional or new subsidy program or whether the funds will be canceled to be used in a later fiscal year.

Information Request Author Due Date

Reinsurance program costs MHBE September 30, 2020 and planned use of the provider assessment

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 49 D99A11 Office of Administrative Hearings

Committee Narrative

D99A11.01 General Administration

Report on Administrative Law Judge Workloads: Due to the wide variety of case types that agency administrative law judges (ALJ) are responsible for, the use of multi-case dockets is a useful way to streamline casework and dispose of cases in a more timely fashion. While overall ALJ caseloads declined by approximately 4% in fiscal 2019 from the previous year, the actual workload for judges has remained constant or increased, according to various other work-related metrics, such as the number of decisions written per ALJ per year. The committees are interested in determining the scope of ALJ workloads. Therefore, it is the intent of the budget committees that the agency submit information on the type and number of dockets per year for each judge as well as any other work-related measures that can assist the committees in understanding and quantifying ALJ workloads.

Information Request Author Due Date

Administrative law judge Office of Administrative November 1, 2020 workload reporting Hearings

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 50 E00A Comptroller of Maryland

Budget Amendments

Add the following language:

Provided that 3 regular positions and $165,300 in general funds and $6,084 in special funds are reduced.

Explanation: This language deletes 3 vacant positions (PIN 046589, 003203, and 003460) and associated funding. These positions have been vacant for one year or longer.


E00A04.01 Revenue Administration

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $300,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of administration may not be expended for that purpose but instead may be used only for the purpose of implementing a private letter ruling process. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: This action restricts administrative funding to support the implementation of a private letter ruling process within the agency. A private letter ruling is a written statement issued to a taxpayer that interprets and applies tax laws to the taxpayer’s represented set of facts.

E00A04.02 Major Information Technology Development Projects

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that $10,059,068 of this appropriation made for the purpose of the Integrated Tax System major information technology project may not be expended until the Comptroller of Maryland submits documentation to the budget committees certifying that the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission shall be provided office space at the current location of the Comptroller’s Office in the City of Annapolis, and that the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission shall be provided access to the existing comprehensive document management and licensing database system currently used by the Field Enforcement Division within the Comptroller’s Office for alcoholic beverages and tobacco enforcement activities. Office space and access to the database shall be provided for the period of January 1, 2021, through June 30, 2021. The documentation shall be submitted by June 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 30 days from the date of receipt to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the documentation may not be

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 51 E00A transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall be canceled if the documentation is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The language restricts $10,059,068 in special funds for the Integrated Tax System (ITS) Major Information Technology Project until the Comptroller of Maryland submits documentation certifying that the agency will provide the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission office space and access to the Field Enforcement Division’s existing comprehensive document management and licensing database for the second half of fiscal 2021.

Information Request Author Due Date

Documentation of Comptroller of Maryland June 1, 2020 certification that the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission will be provided office space and database access for the second half of fiscal 2021

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce special fund support for the Integrated Tax 700,000 SF System Major Information Technology Project because of available fund balances due to greater project funding than costs in prior years. A corresponding reduction of $2.0 million in general funds is made in the Department of Information Technology budget.

Total Reductions 700,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Special Fund 10,759,068 10,059,068 700,000 Total Funds 10,759,068 10,059,068 700,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 52 E00A


E00A05.01 Compliance Administration

Strike the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that $320,000 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation changing the statute such that the Comptroller could place quarterly ads in newspapers directing readers to the Comptroller’s website rather than publishing the name of every individual with unclaimed property in one publication.

Explanation: This action is a technical amendment that strikes a contingent reduction.


E00A06.01 Field Enforcement Administration

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $1,600,000 and 27 positions in program E00A06.01 Field Enforcement Administration in the Comptroller of Maryland may not be expended for that purpose but instead may only be transferred by budget amendment to the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission, program E17A01.01 for the staffing and operations of that Commission. This transfer shall occur on January 1, 2021. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: This language transfers Field Enforcement Division staff who are currently responsible for licensing and regulatory duties related to alcoholic beverages and tobacco and the associated funding for these positions from the Comptroller of Maryland to the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission, for the second half of fiscal 2021.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 53 E00A

Committee Narrative

Report on the Integrated Tax System: The committees request quarterly reports on the current status, cost projections, and timeline for the Integrated Tax System (ITS) Major Information Technology Development Project. The report should include details on the use of fiscal 2021 funding and ITS project development costs.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on the ITS project Comptroller of Maryland July 1, 2020 October 1, 2020 January 1, 2021 April 1, 2021

Excise Tax Compliance for Online Premium Cigar Sales: Chapter 735 of 2019 required online premium cigar establishments to pay excise tax as provided in Section 12-302 of the Tax-General Article. It is recognized that compliance has not been possible due to difficulties in properly calculating the correct amount of tax owed. The committees request the Comptroller, in consultation with online premium cigar companies, to study ways in which to solve this compliance problem and report to the committees by December 31, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Study on compliance issues Comptroller of Maryland December 31, 2020 for excise tax on online premium cigar sales

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 54 E50C State Department of Assessments and Taxation

Budget Amendments

E50C00.02 Real Property Valuation

Amend the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $3,578,517 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation changing the funding formula for the State Department of Assessments and Taxation’s Real Property Valuation program. Authorization is granted to process a special fund budget amendment of $3,578,517 to use the special fund revenue to replace the aforementioned general fund amount.

Explanation: This is a technical amendment to strike a contingency.

E50C00.04 Office of Information Technology

Amend the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $442,337 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation changing the funding formula for the State Department of Assessments and Taxation’s Office of Information Technology program. Authorization is granted to process a special fund budget amendment of $442,337 to use the special fund revenue to replace the aforementioned general fund amount.

Explanation: This is a technical amendment to strike a contingency.

E50C00.05 Business Property Valuation

Amend the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $334,920 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation changing the funding formula for the State Department of Assessments and Taxation’s Business Property Valuation program. Authorization is granted to process a special fund budget amendment of $334,920 to use the special fund revenue to replace the aforementioned general fund amount. Explanation: This is a technical amendment to strike a contingency.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 55 E50C

Committee Narrative

Real Property Valuation Assessor Vacancy Report: The budget committees continue to be concerned about reports of the serious staffing and hiring problems in the Real Property Valuation Program and its assessor positions due to noncompetitive salaries, a high number of employees leaving State service, and inadequate recruiting and hiring. Therefore, the State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT) shall provide a report due December 1, 2020, that includes, but is not limited to, the following information by employee class title and jurisdiction:

 the number of employees in the program that have left State service;

 the number of new hires and positions posted;

 the number of qualified applications received in response to each posting segmented by qualification level;

 the length of time from the posting of each position to the acceptance of an offer of employment;

 an update on SDAT’s Annual Salary Review regarding assessor positions; and

 a full strategic plan that presents SDAT’s overall hiring process, recruitment efforts, challenges, and proposed solutions; a list of jurisdictions with the most vacancies and SDAT hiring efforts in those jurisdictions; a listing of hiring milestones and projected hires by jurisdiction through fiscal 2022; and any additional information that would be helpful to the committees in understanding how the agency intends to solve the vacancy issue.

Information Request Author Due Date

Real property valuation assessor SDAT December 1, 2020 vacancy report

Maryland Jurisdiction Tax Lien Sale Information Report: In some Maryland jurisdictions, a home can be placed into a tax sale for relatively minor amounts due in property taxes (and in some cases, for municipal liens such as water bills). For example, in Baltimore City, a house can be put up for tax sale with just $750 in property tax delinquencies. The State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT) Ombudsman’s Office is likely the only authority in the State where collecting select property tax lien sale information for each county would be appropriate, given the mandate of Chapter 730 of 2019 that created the office. Therefore, SDAT should collect the following information from each jurisdiction for the most recent fiscal year:

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 56 E50C

 property tax delinquency thresholds (i.e., the minimum amount required to initiate a homeowner property tax lien sale);

 the length of the jurisdiction’s tax lien sale redemption period (if any);

 the total number of property tax lien sales; and

 the neighborhood of each property tax lien sale.

The agency should include this information in a brief update to the budget committees as the goal is to understand any factor that may affect property tax delinquency and what measures can be taken to offer tax relief to homeowners in the State.

Information Request Author Due Date

Property tax lien sale report SDAT November 1, 2020

Real Property Valuation Equity and Transparency Report: The budget committees continue to be concerned about transparency and equity in the State’s property tax assessment process. Because the State Department of Assessment (SDAT) Real Property Valuation Program and its assessors conduct statewide assessments, and information is needed about how this process is conducted, the budget committees request that the agency provide a report due December 1, 2020, which includes, but is not limited to, the following information:

 for the last five fiscal years, the total number of and zip code for all appeals, successful appeals, and properties reassessed because of a successful appeal;

 for the last five fiscal years, for those properties reassessed, the change in assessed value for each property;

 an explanation of the SDAT property tax assessment appeals process including whether a reassessment of one property requires that the entire block be reassessed and what the average value increase or decrease is after reassessment;

 specific information about the Neighborhood Adjustment Factor (formerly known as the Market Value Index), how it is calculated, and if there is a range for this factor for properties within certain areas; and a specific explanation of all formulas and factors calculated in the assessment process;

 an explanation of which specific metrics account for a decrease in property values in an area that is experiencing a continued increase in sale prices; as well as any information

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 57 E50C

and examples as to how SDAT calculations can produce assessment values that are below current market value;

 an equity evaluation that examines the properties that were successfully reassessed according to zip code that quantifies whether these properties are in lower, middle, or upper income areas; and

 a full report on SDAT efforts to ensure transparency and equity in its assessment processes and procedures.

Information Request Author Due Date

Real property valuation SDAT December 1, 2020 equity and transparency report

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 58 E80E Property Tax Assessment Appeals Boards

Committee Narrative

E80E00.01 Property Tax Assessment Appeals Boards

Property Tax Assessment Appeals Boards Hearing Postponements Report: One of the primary goals of the Property Tax Assessment Appeals Boards (PTAAB) is to conduct its hearings in a timely and efficient fashion. While its appeals backlog was significantly high in calendar 2015, the agency has reduced the backlog substantially in fiscal 2019. However, PTAAB continues to report that in the five largest State counties, hearing backlogs continue to exist and can be exacerbated whenever key parties to the hearing postpone. In particular, the committees are concerned because one of the main reasons for appeals backlogs was due to hearing postponements by commercial real estate litigants. When cases are postponed, the time delay can result in these litigants receiving additional compensation from their clients as high as 18%. Therefore, the committees request that PTAAB submit a report by December 1, 2020, on this topic. The information provided should include the following data for the last two fiscal years:

 the number of hearing postponements from all litigants;

 the reason(s) given for all hearing postponements by county and litigant type;

 a sample case walkthrough that outlines the overall time PTAAB employees spend on a hearing from initiation to completion, the amount of time lost due to hearing delays, and the typical estimated compensation benefit to a commercial real estate attorney due to the hearing delay;

 to the extent possible, any estimates on the amount of increased expenses by the State due to hearing postponements; and

 any legislative or agency modifications in rules or procedures (such as reducing the number of postponements allowed) that could assist PTAAB in hearing cases in a timely fashion.

Information Request Author Due Date

PTAAB hearing PTAAB December 1, 2020 postponements report

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 59 F10A Office of the Secretary Department of Budget and Management

Committee Narrative

F10A01.02 Division of Finance and Administration

State Fleet Inventory Tracking by Fuel Type: Special funds from the Strategic Energy Investment Fund have been allocated in fiscal 2020 and 2021 to support the State’s efforts to switch from conventional fuel vehicles to electric vehicles. While the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has indicated that it maintains an information system to track State fleet inventory, it relies on a vendor to provide the number of vehicles by fuel type. The committees are interested in monitoring the State fleet inventory by fuel type and request that DBM track on an ongoing basis:

 the number of active vehicles by fuel type (including gas, diesel, and zero emission);

 the number of fully electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles; and

 electric vehicle purchases.

DBM should submit this information for fiscal 2020 and 2021 year-to-date by December 1, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on State fleet DBM December 1, 2020 inventory tracking

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 60 F10A02 Office of Personnel Services and Benefits Department of Budget and Management

Budget Amendments

F10A02.01 Executive Direction

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $50,000 of this appropriation may not be expended until the Department of Budget and Management submits a report on the fiscal 2020 closeout of the Employee and Retiree Health Insurance Account. This report shall include (1) closing fiscal 2020 fund balance; (2) actual provider payments due in the fiscal year broken out by medical payments for active employees, medical payments for non-Medicare-eligible retirees, medical payments for Medicare-eligible retirees, prescription drug payments for active employees, prescription drug payments for non-Medicare-eligible retirees, and prescription drug payments for Medicare-eligible retirees; (3) State employee and retiree contributions, broken out by active employees, non-Medicare-eligible retirees, and Medicare-eligible retirees; (4) an accounting of rebates, recoveries, and other costs, broken out into rebates, recoveries, and other costs associated with active employees, non-Medicare-eligible retirees, and Medicare-eligible retirees; (5) any closeout transactions processed after the fiscal year ended; and (6) actual incurred but not received costs. The report shall be submitted to the budget committees by October 1, 2020. The budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment following the receipt of the report. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: This annual budget bill language requires the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) to submit a report with fiscal 2020 closeout data for the Employee and Retiree Health Insurance Account. This annual language is updated to request the information be provided in categories of active employees, non-Medicare-eligible retirees, and Medicare-eligible retirees.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on fiscal 2020 DBM October 1, 2020 closeout data for the Employee and Retiree Health Insurance Account

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 61 F10A02

Committee Narrative

F10A02.02 Division of Employee Benefits

Quarterly Prescription Drug Plan Performance: The State entered into a pharmacy benefit manager contract with CVS Caremark effective January 1, 2018. The contract is expected to generate savings through better prices, enhanced rebates, and a new drug formulary. The budget committees request that the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) provide quarterly prescription drug plan performance data to the budget committees in order to monitor the trends of prescription drug utilization and costs. The report should provide information on the highest cost prescription drugs by category of treatment; the prescription drugs accounting for the largest increases in drug spending; the top 25 most costly individual prescription drugs in generic, brand, biologics, and specialty drug categories; recent drug patent expirations; and upcoming new drug patent approvals. Additionally, the reports should include data on the cost drivers and drug trends by actives, non-Medicare retirees, and Medicare retirees.

Information Request Author Due Date

Quarterly State prescription DBM September 15, 2020 drug plan performance December 15, 2020 March 15, 2021 June 15, 2021

Quarterly Medical and Dental Plan Performance: In recent years, the State has implemented different strategies to contain medical costs. The budget committees request that the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) submit quarterly reports on plan performance of the State’s medical and dental plans. Reports should provide utilization and cost data broken out by plans as well as actives, non-Medicare-eligible retirees, and Medicare-eligible retirees. The reports should include utilization per 1,000 plan participants; and unit cost and per member costs for hospital inpatient services, hospital outpatient services, professional inpatient services, professional outpatient services, and ancillary services that are provided by the State’s health plans.

Information Request Author Due Date

Quarterly medical and dental DBM September 15, 2020 plan performance reports December 15, 2020 March 15, 2021 June 15, 2021

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 62 F10A02

Budget Amendments

F10A02.09 SmartWork

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce funding for the SmartWork Program from 1,000,000 GF $2 million to $1 million to better reflect actual program usage.

Total Reductions 1,000,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Total Funds 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 63 F10A05 Office of Budget Analysis Department of Budget and Management

Committee Narrative

F10A05.01 Budget Analysis and Formulation

Submission of Select Budget Detail: The level of budget detail provided to the General Assembly has changed following the implementation of the Department of Budget and Management’s (DBM) new budget system, BARS. The committees request that DBM submit complete fiscal 2022 subobject detail by program for Comptroller Objects 08 and 12 by the third Wednesday of January 2021 in an electronic format subject to the concurrence of the Department of Legislative Services.

Information Request Author Due Date

Comptroller objects 08 and DBM Third Wednesday of 12 budget detail January 2021

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 64 F50 Department of Information Technology


F50A01.01 Major Information Technology Development Project Fund

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions

1. Reduce funding for the Medicaid Management 1,000,000 GF Information System II replacement information technology development project based on expectations of program spending in fiscal 2020 and 2021. 2. Reduce funding for the Maryland Total 16,500,000 GF Human-services Information NetworK Major Information Technology Development Project to reflect anticipated spending in fiscal 2020 and 2021. 3. Reduce general funds appropriated in the Major 2,000,000 GF Information Technology Development Fund (MITDPF). The Department of Information Technology (DoIT) estimates that annual revenues from resource sharing agreements (RSA) are $1.1 million. These funds are deposited into the MITDPF. The MITDPF does not reflect these revenues for fiscal 2020 and 2021. Recognizing these revenues provides an additional $2 million enabling a general fund reduction of the same amount. DoIT is authorized to appropriate up to $2 million RSA revenues deposited into the MITDPF in fiscal 2020 and 2021. 4. Reduce general funds for the Agency Election 215,612 GF Management System (AEMS). The available funding for AEMS through fiscal 2021 totals $4.4 million, as reflected in the Governor’s fiscal 2021 Budget Books. However, in the State Board of Elections’ (SBE) testimony to its operating analysis, SBE informed the committees that it expects that the final cost of this project will be $3.5 million. This action reduces the fiscal 2021 general fund appropriation to align with the agency’s most recent estimate for AEMS funding needs. This action retains $12,500 in general funds in fiscal 2021 to provide for Department of Information Technology oversight. A companion special fund reduction is made in the SBE budget. Total Reductions 19,715,612 0.00

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 65 F50

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 96,552,770 76,837,158 19,715,612 Special Fund 8,649,796 8,649,796 0 Total Funds 105,202,566 85,486,954 19,715,612


Budget Amendments

Add the following language:

Provided that 15 regular positions shall be reduced from the budget of the Department of Information Technology (DoIT), and that $90,000 in general funds, $60,000 in special funds, and $1,350,000 in reimbursable funds associated with these positions may not be expended for that purpose but instead may be used only for the purpose of enhancing DoIT salaries by creating a new salary scale for information technology positions. The Department of Budget and Management and DoIT should report on salary actions to the budget committees by September 4, 2020. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund or be canceled.

Further provided that the budget of DoIT shall be reduced by $30,000 in general funds and $20,000 in special funds.

Explanation: DoIT’s vacancy rates have been between 16% and 25% since January 2018. There currently are 55 vacant positions, which is 42 positions above the budgeted turnover rate for fiscal 2021. This action abolishes 15 regular positions that have been vacant for over one year and also increases the fiscal 2021 budget turnover rate to the level in fiscal 2020. Savings will be used to reduce the DoIT budget by $500,000 with $1.5 million restricted for salary enhancements. The Department of Budget and Management and DoIT shall create a new salary scale for information technology positions and report to the budget committees on the salary scales and enhancements by September 4, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on salary actions DoIT September 4, 2020

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 66 F50

Committee Narrative

Total Statewide Costs of the Department of Human Services’ Maryland Total Human-services Integrated NetworK: The Maryland Total Human-services Integrated NetworK (MD THINK) is a shared human services platform. The objective is to keep individual data in one system instead of numerous silos throughout State government. Other State systems, such as the Maryland Department of Health’s Medicaid Management Information System, are being migrated onto MD THINK. Appendix N of the Governor’s Budget Highlights for fiscal 2021 shows that the total cost to the Department of Human Services is $468 million. These costs do not include all costs borne by State agencies to migrate onto MD THINK. The Department of Information Technology (DoIT) should report to the committees on the total estimated cost of MD THINK. This should include costs by year and also costs incurred as well as required in the future of all State agencies by State agency. The report should be submitted by September 4, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on total costs of DoIT September 4, 2020 MD THINK

Device as a Service Procurement: The committees note that other states have begun to pursue ‘Device as a Service’ models for the procurement, inventory management, maintenance, and support of hardware and associated operating systems. The committees request that the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) provide a survey of states that have already undertaken this type of procurement or have issued requests for proposals for this type of service, including but not limited to, the number of State employees served, the number of devices available for selection, and types of operating systems. The committees request a report to include a contrast between the annual costs of these procurements with the equivalent costs incurred by the State under the current procurement model for and support of DoIT’s inventory, maintenance, and support of hardware and associated software. Further, the report should address any concerns that DoIT has related to security and inventory matters that present barriers to the State moving to a ‘Device as a Service’ model. This report shall be provided by September 1, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on device as a service DoIT September 1, 2020 procurement

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 67 G20J01 State Retirement Agency

Committee Narrative

G20J01.43 Investment Division

Cost Savings of Moving the Investment Division Off-budget: In fiscal 2019, the Investment Division of the State Retirement Agency (SRA) moved off budget. The division added 6 positions in fiscal 2021 and has future plans to add 20 more. With the planned growth of the Investment Division, the budget committees want to ensure that cost savings to the pension trust fund are being realized. SRA should produce a report detailing the expenses of the Investment Division compared to the estimated cost savings resulting from not procuring comparable contractual services from outside the agency.

Information Request Author Due Date

Investment Division cost SRA November 1, 2020 savings

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 68 H00 Department of General Services

Budget Amendments


H00C01.01 Facilities Operation and Maintenance

Amend the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $383,000 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent on the enactment of legislation altering the mandated level of funding provided for the City of Annapolis as a Payment in Lieu of Taxes, provided that $40,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of a mandated level of funding to the City of Annapolis as a Payment in Lieu of Taxes may not be provided until: (1) the establishment of a workgroup on the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis (HACA); and (2) the City of Annapolis, in consultation with Anne Arundel County, the Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County and HACA, submit a report to the budget committees with the findings of the workgroup on the conditions of public housing and with recommendations for short-term and long-term plans for redevelopment. Specifically, the report shall:

(1) identify in a HACA property any existing or chronically recurring hazardous condition that may be identified according to the Building and Maintenance Code of the City of Annapolis;

(2) identify any dangerous or unsafe aspects, features, locations, or conditions existing or prevailing on or about HACA property, including any recent harmful or unsafe behavior patterns, incidents, or trends;

(3) articulate the existing preservation and upkeep scheme; and

(4) articulate the redevelopment plan, including prospective funding requirements and sources, and a prospective schedule.

The report shall be submitted by December 15, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending receipt of this report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The language requires that $40,000 of the Payment in Lieu of Taxes for the City of Annapolis may only be provided after the establishment of a work group on HACA and the budget committees receive a report on the conditions of public housing in Annapolis.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 69 H00

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on conditions and Anne Arundel County December 15, 2020 redevelopment plans for City of Annapolis public housing HACA Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Increase the fiscal 2021 turnover rate to the fiscal 2020 500,000 GF level. The fiscal 2020 budgeted turnover rate is 7%. 24,000 SF Since January 2018, vacancy rates have been averaging 6,000 FF more than 9% per month. In January 2020, the department had 70 vacant positions, which is 34 positions more than are needed to meet the turnover rate. It is unlikely that the vacancy rate will average 5.7% as budgeted in fiscal 2021.

Total Reductions 530,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 197.00 197.00 0.00 General Fund 33,061,542 32,561,542 500,000 Special Fund 378,967 354,967 24,000 Federal Fund 1,134,040 1,128,040 6,000 Total Funds 34,574,549 34,044,549 530,000


H00D01.01 Procurement and Logistics

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that since the Department of General Services’ Office of State Procurement (OSP) has had four or more repeat findings in the most recent fiscal compliance audit issued by the Office of Legislative Audits (OLA), $100,000 of this agency’s administrative appropriation may not be expended unless:

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 70 H00

(1) OSP has taken corrective action with respect to all repeat audit findings on or before November 1, 2020; and

(2) a report is submitted to the budget committees by OLA listing each repeat audit finding along with a determination that each repeat finding was corrected. The budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of the receipt of the report to review and comment to allow for funds to be released prior to the end of fiscal 2021.

Explanation: The Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee has requested that budget bill language be added for each unit of State government that has four or more repeat audit findings in its most recent fiscal compliance audit. In this case, OSP has five repeat audit findings. Each such agency is to have a portion of its administrative budget withheld pending the adoption of corrective action by the agency and a determination by OLA that each finding was corrected. OLA shall submit reports to the budget committees on the status of repeat findings.

Information Request Author Due Date

Status of corrective actions OLA 45 days before the release of related to the most recent funds fiscal compliance audit

Committee Narrative

Transparent Agency Office Moving Process: The Department of General Services’ (DGS) Office of Real Estate is responsible for procuring office leases. This process can be complicated and opaque. The office has a substantial workload, and leases take time to procure. In recent years, it has been common for DGS to negotiate 50 real estate contracts annually. Procuring lease office space usually takes 18 to 24 months. So that this process is transparent, DGS should develop a web page that provides the status of its real estate procurements. DGS should post procurements on the website within a week after releasing a Request for Proposal. This should include acceptable locations of the office space. DGS should also post the location and specifications of the winning bid on the website within one week after entering into an agreement with a vendor. DGS should report to the committees on the status of including this information on its website by December 18, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on agency office DGS December 18, 2020 moving website

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 71 J00 Department of Transportation

Budget Amendments

Add the following language:

Provided that it is the intent of the General Assembly that projects and funding levels appropriated for capital projects, as well as total estimated project costs within the Consolidated Transportation Program, shall be expended in accordance with the plan approved during the legislative session. The department shall prepare a report to notify the budget committees of the proposed changes in the event that the department modifies the program to:

(1) add a new project to the construction program or development and evaluation program meeting the definition of a “major project” under Section 2-103.1 of the Transportation Article that was not previously contained within a plan reviewed in a prior year by the General Assembly and will result in the need to expend funds in the current budget year; or

(2) change the scope of a project in the construction program or development and evaluation program meeting the definition of a “major project” under Section 2-103.1 of the Transportation Article that will result in an increase of more than 10% or $1,000,000, whichever is greater, in the total project costs as reviewed by the General Assembly during a prior session.

For each change, the report shall identify the project title, justification for adding the new project or modifying the scope of the existing project, current year funding levels, and the total project cost as approved by the General Assembly during the prior session compared with the proposed current year funding and total project cost estimate resulting from the project addition or change in scope.

Further provided that notification of project additions, as outlined in paragraph (1) above; changes in the scope of a project, as outlined in paragraph (2) above; or moving projects from the development and evaluation program to the construction program shall be made to the General Assembly 45 days prior to the expenditure of funds or the submission of any contract for approval to the Board of Public Works.

Explanation: This annual budget bill language requires the department to notify the budget committees of proposed changes to the transportation capital program that will add a new project that was not in the fiscal 2020-2025 Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP) or will increase a total project’s cost by more than 10%, or $1 million, due to a change in scope. Reports are to be submitted with the draft and final versions of the CTP with each using the 2020 session CTP as the basis for comparison. In addition, notification is required as needed throughout the budget year if certain changes to projects are made.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 72 J00

Information Request Author Due Date

Capital budget changes from Maryland Department of With draft CTP one CTP version to the next Transportation (MDOT) With final CTP

Capital budget changes MDOT 45 days prior to the throughout the year expenditure of funds or seeking Board of Public Works approval

Add the following language:

The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) may not expend funds on any job or position of employment approved in this budget in excess of 9,057.5 positions and 122.2 contractual full-time equivalent (FTE) positions paid through special payments payroll (defined as the quotient of the sum of the hours worked by all such employees in the fiscal year divided by 2,080 hours) of the total authorized amount established in the budget for MDOT at any one time during fiscal 2021. The level of contractual FTE positions may be exceeded only if MDOT notifies the budget committees of the need and justification for additional contractual personnel due to:

(1) business growth at the Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore or Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, that demands additional personnel; or

(2) emergency needs that must be met, such as transit security or highway maintenance.

The Secretary shall use the authority under Sections 2-101 and 2-102 of the Transportation Article to implement this provision. However, any authorized job or position to be filled above the regular position ceiling approved by the Board of Public Works shall count against the Rule of 100 imposed by the General Assembly. The establishment of new jobs or positions of employment not authorized in the fiscal 2021 budget shall be subject to Section 7-236 of the State Finance and Procurement Article and the Rule of 100.

Explanation: This annual budget bill language establishes a position ceiling for MDOT each year to limit growth in regular positions and contractual FTEs.

Information Request Author Due Date

Need for additional regular or MDOT As needed contractual positions

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 73 J00

Add the following language:

Further provided that $10,500,266 in special funds is reduced to increase turnover. The department may allocate this reduction among the department’s programs.

Further provided that the Maryland Department of Transportation is authorized to increase by budget amendment the special fund capital appropriation for the Maryland Port Administration by $10,000,000 to provide a portion of the funds needed for the Howard Street Tunnel Project.

Explanation: This language reduces funding in order to increase turnover and authorizes the department to increase the special fund capital appropriation for the Maryland Port Administration by budget amendment by $10 million in support of the Howard Street Tunnel Project using the funds freed up through this reduction.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 74 J00A01 The Secretary’s Office Department of Transportation

Committee Narrative

J00A01.01 Executive Direction

Project-based Scoring System Modifications: The committees believe that the project-based scoring system required by Chapter 30 of 2017 should be modified:

 to create a separate category to evaluate projects procured as a public-private partnership (P3) according to criteria specific to P3 projects; and

 to provide preferential points for projects that span more than one jurisdiction.

The committees request that the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) study these proposals and provide a report to the committees that:

 discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed change; and

 provides draft legislation for necessary changes to current law to implement each proposal.

MDOT should submit this report by October 1, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report and draft legislation MDOT October 1, 2020 on changes to project-based scoring pursuant to Chapter 30

Health Effects of Air Traffic Noise Study: It is the intent of the budget committees that the study of the health effects of air traffic noise on communities surrounding Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport be conducted by the University of Maryland, Baltimore Campus.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 75 J00A01

Budget Amendments

J00A01.02 Operating Grants-In-Aid

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that no more than $5,855,901 of this appropriation may be expended for operating grants-in-aid, except for:

(1) any additional special funds necessary to match unanticipated federal fund attainments; or

(2) any proposed increase either to provide funds for a new grantee or to increase funds for an existing grantee.

Further provided that no expenditures in excess of $5,855,901 may occur unless the department provides notification to the budget committees to justify the need for additional expenditures due to either item (1) or (2) above, and the committees provide review and comment or 45 days elapse from the date such notification is provided to the committees.

Explanation: This annual language caps the level of special funds provided for operating grants-in-aid. The cap may be increased to match unanticipated federal dollars or to provide new or expanded grant funding upon notification to the budget committees.

Information Request Author Due Date

Explanation of need for Maryland Department of 45 days prior to expenditure additional special funds for Transportation operating grants-in-aid

J00A01.03 Facilities and Capital Equipment

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that no funds may be expended by the Secretary’s Office for any system preservation or minor project with a total project cost in excess of $500,000 that is not currently included in the fiscal 2020-2025 Consolidated Transportation Program, except as outlined below:

(1) the Secretary shall notify the budget committees of any proposed system preservation or minor project with a total project cost in excess of $500,000, including the need and justification for the project and its total cost; and

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 76 J00A01

(2) the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of notification to review and comment on the proposed system preservation or minor project.

Explanation: This language provides legislative oversight of grants exceeding $500,000 that are not listed in the current Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP).

Information Request Author Due Date

Notification of the intent to Maryland Department of 45 days prior to expenditure fund a capital grant exceeding Transportation $500,000 that is not listed in the current CTP

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 77 J00A04 Debt Service Requirements Department of Transportation

Budget Amendments

Add the following language:

Consolidated Transportation Bonds may be issued in any amount, provided that the aggregate outstanding and unpaid balance of these bonds and bonds of prior issues may not exceed $3,877,330,000 as of June 30, 2021.

Explanation: Section 3-202 of the Transportation Article requires the General Assembly to establish the maximum debt outstanding each year in the budget bill. The level is based on the outstanding debt as of June 30, 2019, plus projected debt to be issued during fiscal 2020 and 2021 in support of the transportation capital program.

Add the following language:

The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) shall submit with its annual September and January financial forecasts information on:

(1) anticipated and actual nontraditional debt outstanding as of June 30 of each year; and

(2) anticipated and actual debt service payments for each outstanding nontraditional debt issuance from fiscal 2020 through 2030.

Nontraditional debt is defined as any debt instrument that is not a Consolidated Transportation Bond or a Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle bond; such debt includes, but is not limited to, Certificates of Participation, debt backed by customer facility charges, passenger facility charges or other revenues, and debt issued by the Maryland Economic Development Corporation or any other third party on behalf of MDOT.

Explanation: The General Assembly is interested in monitoring the use of nontraditional debt by MDOT. The information requested provides the budget committees with additional information on the usage and annual costs of nontraditional debt.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 78 J00A04

Information Request Author Due Date

Nontraditional debt MDOT With the September forecast outstanding and anticipated debt service payments

Nontraditional debt MDOT With the January forecast outstanding and anticipated debt service payments

Add the following language:

The total aggregate outstanding and unpaid principal balance of nontraditional debt, defined as any debt instrument that is not a Consolidated Transportation Bond or a Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle bond issued by the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), exclusive of any draws on the federal Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loan for the Purple Line Light Rail Project, may not exceed $1,226,530,000 as of June 30, 2021. The total aggregate outstanding and unpaid principal balance on the Purple Line TIFIA loan may not exceed $925,315,170 as of June 30, 2021. Provided, however, that in addition to the limits established under this provision, MDOT may increase the aggregate outstanding unpaid and principal balance of nontraditional debt so long as:

(1) MDOT provides notice to the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee and the House Appropriations Committee stating the specific reason for the additional issuance and providing specific information regarding the proposed issuance, including information specifying the total amount of nontraditional debt that would be outstanding on June 30, 2021, and the total amount by which the fiscal 2021 debt service payment for all nontraditional debt would increase following the additional issuance; and

(2) the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee and the House Appropriations Committee have 45 days to review and comment on the proposed additional issuance before the publication of a preliminary official statement. The Senate Budget and Taxation Committee and the House Appropriations Committee may hold a public hearing to discuss the proposed increase and shall signal their intent to hold a hearing within 45 days of receiving notice from MDOT.

Explanation: This language limits the amount of nontraditional debt outstanding at the end of fiscal 2021 for non-TIFIA debt to the total amount that was outstanding from all previous nontraditional debt issuances as of June 30, 2019, plus an anticipated issuance of $350 million for the concourse A/B connector and baggage handling system at the Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. TIFIA debt outstanding for the Purple Line Project is capped at the projected maximum debt outstanding level that will occur during the construction phase of the Purple Line Project. The language allows MDOT to increase the amount of

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 79 J00A04 nontraditional debt outstanding in fiscal 2021 by providing notification to the budget committees regarding the reason that the additional debt is required.

Information Request Author Due Date

Justification for increasing MDOT 45 days prior to publication of nontraditional debt a preliminary official outstanding statement

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 80 J00B01 State Highway Administration Department of Transportation

Budget Amendments

J00B01.01 State System Construction and Equipment

Add the following language:

, provided that $5,000,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of Safety, Congestion Relief and Community Enhancement projects may not be expended for that purpose but instead may be transferred by budget amendment to the Maryland Transit Administration program J00H01.02 Bus Operations to be used only for contributions to the Maryland Transit Administration pension plan. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall be canceled.

Explanation: The Maryland General Assembly added intent language to the fiscal 2020 budget that funding for the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) pension plan be increased by $5 million each year until the budgeted amount equaled the actuarially determined contribution contained in the most recent actuarial valuation report. The budget as introduced does not comply with this intent with the amount budgeted for the MTA pension plan increasing by less than $500 over the fiscal 2020 amount despite the actuarially determined contribution exceeding the amount budgeted by more than $10 million. This language restricts $5 million of the State Highway Administration (SHA) capital appropriation because SHA has the largest capital appropriation among the department’s units and since the department should adequately cover its operating expenses prior to funding the capital program, a reduction to the capital appropriation is consistent with the priority of use of Transportation Trust Fund resources.

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

Further provided that $1,000,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of Safety, Congestion Relief and Community Enhancement projects may not be expended for that purpose but instead may only be used for preliminary planning for Segment D of MD 28, Norbeck Road, and MD 198, Spencerville Road/Sandy Spring Road. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall be canceled.

Explanation: This language restricts funds for preliminary planning for a specific project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 81 J00B01

J00B01.05 County and Municipality Funds

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that $200,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of providing transportation aid to Baltimore City may be used only for a traffic engineering study of York Road in Baltimore City.

Explanation: This language restricts a portion of Baltimore City’s transportation aid to be used only for a traffic engineering study of York Road.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 82 J00D00 Maryland Port Administration Department of Transportation

Committee Narrative

Monitoring and Intercepting of Firearms and Controlled Substances at Port of Baltimore Report: The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Police provide security and police services for the Maryland Port Administration (MPA) at the Port of Baltimore. This is in addition to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and U.S. Coast Guard presence at the Port of Baltimore. Given the concern about the Port of Baltimore being used as an entry point into the State for firearms and controlled substances, the budget committees request that MPA, in consultation with MDTA, submit a report that outlines, without divulging information that might jeopardize public safety or national security, the MDTA Police procedures for the monitoring and interception of these materials, as well as efforts to improve these measures. Additionally, the report should highlight the role that MDTA Police, private security contractors, CBP, and the U.S. Coast Guard each play in the effort to intercept firearms at the Port of Baltimore and the coordination between MDTA, private security, and these federal agencies. The report should include the types of inspections carried out, explanation of what triggers an inspection of cargo, and the frequency of these inspections. The report shall be provided by October 1, 2020.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on monitoring and MPA October 1, 2020 interception of firearms and MDTA controlled substances

J00D00.02 Port Facilities and Capital Equipment

Howard Street Tunnel Project Funding Report: The Howard Street Tunnel project was awarded a $125 million U.S. Department of Transportation Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) grant in July 2019. Federal funds are in conjunction with CSX funds and the following sources of State funding: general obligation bonds; general funds; Baltimore City highway user revenue; a Maryland Transportation Authority loan; and the Transportation Trust Fund. Due to the significant reliance on nontransportation related sources of State funding and the potential negative consequences to the viability of the project if the funding falls through and the INFRA grant is lost, the budget committees request that the Maryland Port Administration (MPA) submit a report outlining the plan if one or more of the State funding sources is unavailable and who will be responsible for funding any cost overruns during the course of the project. The report shall be provided by October 1, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on Howard Street Tunnel MPA October 1, 2020 project funding

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 83 J00E00 Motor Vehicle Administration Department of Transportation

Committee Narrative

Maryland REAL ID Act Implementation Report: Federal law requires that starting October 1, 2020, all state-issued drivers’ licenses and identification cards be in compliance with the REAL ID Act requirements if an individual seeks to enter a federal facility or board a commercial domestic airline flight. Due to the potential consequences for Maryland residents who are not in compliance with the REAL ID Act when the deadline passes, the budget committees request that the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) submit a pre- and post-deadline report regarding the implementation of the October 1, 2020 REAL ID deadline. These reports should include the number of Maryland residents not in compliance as of June 1, 2020, and November 1, 2020, respectively, providing a breakdown by gender, age, ethnicity, zip code, and jurisdiction. The pre-deadline report should also provide information on the number of outstanding recalled drivers’ licenses and identification cards and MVA’s efforts to meet the deadline, along with an explanation of the rubric that was used to decide which MVA facilities would be open for additional days and extended hours. The post-deadline report should include information on MVA’s plan to address Maryland residents still not in compliance, including the agency’s actions to reach communities that are more difficult to contact. The reports shall be provided by July 1, 2020, and December 1, 2020, respectively.

Information Request Author Due Date

Pre-deadline report on REAL MVA July 1, 2020 ID implementation

Post-deadline report on MVA December 1, 2020 REAL ID implementation

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 84 J00H01 Maryland Transit Administration Department of Transportation

Budget Amendments

Committee Narrative

J00H01.05 Facilities and Capital Equipment

Brunswick Parking Garage Study: The budget committees request that the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) conduct a study on where a parking garage in Brunswick, Maryland that is in close proximity to the MARC station and the downtown area could be constructed. MTA should submit the study to the budget committees by December 1, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Study on the MTA December 1, 2020 Brunswick, Maryland parking garage location

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 85 J00I00 Maryland Aviation Administration Department of Transportation

Budget Amendments

J00I00.02 Airport Operations

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce funds for new consulting contract due to fiscal 270,000 SF constraints.

Total Reductions 270,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 451.50 451.50 0.00 Special Fund 218,779,812 218,509,812 270,000 Federal Fund 645,500 645,500 0 Total Funds 219,425,312 219,155,312 270,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 86 J00J Maryland Transportation Authority

Committee Narrative

Future I-95 Northbound Express Toll Lane Expansion Report: The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) has currently completed or started construction of Express Toll Lanes (ETL) on two of the four I-95 sections identified in its 2003 I-95 Master Plan. Given the possibility of future ETL development on the remaining two sections, the budget committees request that MDTA submit a report that outlines any further ETL development plans that MDTA has for I-95 along with updated cost estimates and project timelines. The report should also include discussion of any alternatives to ETLs on the remaining northbound sections of I-95 that MDTA is considering. The report shall be provided by November 2, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on future I-95 MDTA November 2, 2020 northbound ETL expansion

I-495 and I-270 Public-private Partnership Maryland Transportation Authority Bonds Report: The plan for financing the I-495 and I-270 project involves the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) issuing one or more series of bonds to pay for a portion of the project. The repayment of these would come solely from revenue generated from the public-private partnership (P3) program and would not be backed by toll revenue from MDTA facilities. Given that this constitutes a new form of MDTA financing of non-MDTA facilities, the committees request that MDTA submit a report that outlines the scope of MDTA loans to this project, the use of these funds, and MDTA’s claim on toll revenue from the project. Additionally, this report should include an explanation of the need for a second trust agreement and how it will differ from the existing trust agreement. The report shall be provided by October 1, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on MDTA MDTA October 1, 2020 involvement in I-495 and I-270 P3

Maryland Transportation Authority Third Chesapeake Bay Bridge Span Construction Local Aid Report: The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) is responsible for the ongoing planning process for the construction of a third Chesapeake Bay Bridge span. Given the impact of the existing spans on the counties on both sides of the Chesapeake Bay, the budget committees request that MDTA, in consultation with the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), submit a report regarding the support that would be provided to local communities during and after the construction of a third Chesapeake Bay Bridge span. This

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 87 J00J report should outline the anticipated financial support by the State, MDTA, and MDOT to counties to handle increased traffic due to the third Chesapeake Bay Bridge span. Additionally, this report should identify the level of funding, the State agency responsible, the rubric that will be used to determine the funding split between the counties involved, and a timeline for providing the State funding. If there are no current plans for State aid to the counties involved in a potential third Chesapeake Bay Bridge span, the report should explain why this is the case and how counties are expected to fund the increased costs associated with the higher levels of traffic. The report shall be provided by October 1, 2020.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on local aid for the MDTA October 1, 2020 construction of a third MDOT Chesapeake Bay Bridge span

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 88 K00A Department of Natural Resources

Committee Narrative


K00A01.01 Secretariat

Multi-year Special Fund Overhead Replacement Plan: The budget committees are concerned that insufficient information has been provided about the scope of the Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) multi-year plan to replace the special fund overhead charged to the Office of the Secretary with general funds. In addition, the budget committees are concerned that DNR appears to be shifting from a funding model of self-sustaining special funds to a funding model making greater use of general funds. Therefore, the budget committees request that DNR submit a report on its multi-year special fund overhead replacement plan with additional information about its special funds and interunit reimbursable fund arrangements. The report shall be submitted by January 20, 2021. The additional information about DNR’s special funds and interunit reimbursable fund arrangements shall include an analysis of the following:

 the relative burden to be shared by the general public and the user community for the work funded by each special fund;

 the revenue goals, expenditure plans, and desired fund balance levels for each special fund and explanations for these determinations;

 the fee structure history for each special fund;

 scenarios for future fee increases, expenditure reductions, or both in order to address the revenue goals, expenditure plans, and desired fund balance for each special fund;

 the source of the reimbursable funds supporting DNR’s interunit reimbursable fund arrangements by fund and fund type;

 the equitableness of DNR’s reimbursable fund arrangements; and

 the implementation of the special fund overhead replacement plan in fiscal 2022 and the out-years.

Information Request Author Due Date

Multi-year special fund overhead DNR January 20, 2021 replacement plan

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 89 K00A


K00A05.10 Outdoor Recreation Land Loan

Natural Resources Development Fund and the Critical Maintenance Program Capital Improvement Program: The committees are concerned about the impact of the inclusion of large unplanned projects on the ability of the Natural Resources Development Fund to provide for amenities at the Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) facilities and the Critical Maintenance Program to reduce the project and funding backlog. Therefore, the committees request that DNR and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) continue to develop a capital improvement program for the Natural Resources Development Fund and the Critical Maintenance Program that is updated to conform with the statewide 2021 Capital Improvement Program. DNR’s capital improvement program shall include project estimates of planning, construction, and equipment funding by fiscal year for all projects; project prioritizations; explanations for any changes in project scheduling or amount; and a general depreciation schedule for DNR’s facilities. The narrative shall be submitted with the fiscal 2022 budget submission.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Natural Resources DNR Fiscal 2022 budget Development Fund and the DBM submission Critical Maintenance Program capital improvement program

Budget Amendments


K00A14.01 Waterway Capital

Amend the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that $250,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of waterway improvement capital projects may not be expended for that purpose but instead may be used only for the following project in the following specified amount:

(1) $250,000 for a nonmatching fund grant for replenishment of the Cape St. Claire Beach.

Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall be canceled.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 90 K00A

Explanation: This action restricts Waterway Improvement Program funding in the Department of Natural Resources’ pay-as-you-go operating budget appropriation for one project.

K00A14.02 Chesapeake and Coastal Service

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that $200,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of administration may not be expended until the Department of Natural Resources submits the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays 2010 Trust Fund annual work and expenditure plans as required by Section 8-2A-03 of the Natural Resources Article. The work plan shall identify the planned work to be funded with money from the Trust Fund for fiscal 2022, including annual nutrient and sediment reduction targets, performance measures, and accountability criteria. The expenditure plan shall identify planned expenditures for the work plan and include an accounting of all money distributed from the Trust Fund in fiscal 2020. The report shall be submitted with the fiscal 2022 budget submission, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of the receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall be canceled if the report is not submitted.

Explanation: This language restricts funding in the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) pending the submission of the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays 2010 Trust Fund annual work and expenditure plans as required by § 8-2A-03 of the Natural Resources Article.

Information Request Author Due Date

Chesapeake and Atlantic DNR Fiscal 2022 budget Coastal Bays 2010 Trust submission Fund annual work and expenditure plans

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Abolish a vacant position in the Chesapeake and 59,828 SF 1.00 Coastal Service. PIN 224528 has been vacant for more than a year.

Total Reductions 59,828 1.00

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 91 K00A

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 67.00 66.00 1.00 General Fund 2,040,990 2,040,990 0 Special Fund 59,830,874 59,771,046 59,828 Federal Fund 9,324,013 9,324,013 0 Total Funds 71,195,877 71,136,049 59,828

Committee Narrative

Summary of Chesapeake Bay Restoration Spending: The budget committees request that the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) provide a report on Chesapeake Bay restoration spending. The report shall be drafted subject to the concurrence of the Department of Legislative Services (DLS) in terms of both electronic format to be used and data to be included. The scope of the report is as follows: Chesapeake Bay restoration operating and capital expenditures by agency, fund type, and particular fund source based on programs that have over 50% of their activities directly related to Chesapeake Bay restoration for the fiscal 2020 actual, fiscal 2021 working appropriation, and fiscal 2022 allowance to be included as an appendix in the fiscal 2022 budget volumes and submitted electronically in disaggregated form to DLS.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Summary of Chesapeake Bay DBM Fiscal 2022 budget restoration spending for DNR submission programs that have over 50% MDE of their activities directly related to Chesapeake Bay restoration

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 92 L00A Department of Agriculture

Committee Narrative


L00A11.01 Executive Direction

Maryland’s Agricultural Strategic Plan Implementation: The budget committees appreciate the submission of Maryland’s agricultural strategic plan and understand that there are ongoing stakeholder discussions about implementation of the plan. The budget committees request that the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) submit a report on the status of these discussions, including any information about action items, responsible parties, and implementation status. The report is requested to be submitted by December 1, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Maryland’s agricultural MDA December 1, 2020 strategic plan implementation


L00A12.10 Marketing and Agriculture Development

Dairy Industry Status Report: The budget committees are concerned that the dairy industry in Maryland is facing the dual challenge of low milk prices and high feed costs. Therefore, the budget committees request that the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) submit a report on the overall status of the dairy industry in Maryland including the number of farms, milk production in million pounds, and average milk price for calendar 2015 through 2020; and what actions are being taken to mitigate the concerns of low milk price and high feed cost. In addition, the budget committees request that the report include the following calendar 2019 and 2020 measures by month for the Dairy Margin Coverage Program: all milk prices in dollars per hundredweight; feed cost for the program in dollars per hundredweight; the milk margin above the feed cost; and the Maryland dairy farmer payment with $9.50 protection. The report is requested to be submitted by January 1, 2021.

Information Request Author Due Date

Dairy industry status report MDA January 1, 2021

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 93 L00A

Budget Amendments

L00A12.20 Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that contingent on the enactment of SB 985 or HB 1488, $140,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of making grants to or providing equity investment financing for agricultural and resource-based businesses may not be expended by the Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation for that purpose but instead may be transferred only by budget amendment to the Maryland Department of Agriculture, program L00A12.10 Marketing and Agriculture Development for the hiring of two staff and equipping of the Office of the Certified Local Farm Enterprise Program. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: SB 985 and HB 1488 have been introduced in the 2020 legislative session to establish the Office for the Certified Local Farm Enterprise Program. The legislation requires the Maryland Department of Agriculture to create 2 positions to provide staff for the Office for the Certified Local Farm Enterprise Program. The Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation (MARBIDCO) is specified as the administrator of the Certified Local Farm Enterprise Food Aggregation Grant Fund – also established by the legislation. This action restricts MARBIDCO funding for the hiring of two staff and equipping of the Office of the Certified Local Farm Enterprise Program.


L00A15.02 Program Planning and Development

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Delete funding for the Animal Waste Technology 1,500,000 SF Fund. The funding was budgeted as being supported by Strategic Energy Investment Fund special funds that were a condition of approval for the Exelon/Constellation merger. This funding is not available for this purpose, so the special fund appropriation is unnecessary.

Total Reductions 1,500,000 0.00

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 94 L00A

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 4.00 4.00 0.00 General Fund 354,131 354,131 0 Special Fund 1,892,126 392,126 1,500,000 Federal Fund 1,050,000 1,050,000 0 Total Funds 3,296,257 1,796,257 1,500,000

Committee Narrative

L00A15.04 Resource Conservation Grants

Office of Resource Conservation Grants Funding Report: The budget committees are concerned that there is insufficient information in the support materials provided with the fiscal 2021 budget to determine the grant funding in the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s (MDA) Office of Resource Conservation. Therefore, the budget committees request that MDA submit a report on the Office of Resource Conservation grant funding levels for the fiscal 2021 working appropriation and fiscal 2022 allowance by fund and fund source including, but not limited to, the following grants: Manure Transport Program; Cover Crop Program; Animal Waste Technology Fund; Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program; Phosphorus Management Tool; grants to farmers; and agricultural technical assistance to soil conservation districts. The report is requested to be submitted with the fiscal 2022 budget submission.

Information Request Author Due Date

Office of Resource MDA Fiscal 2022 budget Conservation grants submission funding report

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 95 M00A01 Office of the Secretary Maryland Department of Health

Budget Amendments


M00A01.01 Executive Direction

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $1,000,000 of this appropriation made for the purposes of executive direction may not be expended until the Maryland Department of Health submits a report to the budget committees on the administrative services organization transition and estimated payments made during the transition. The report shall be submitted by July 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) transition to a new Administrative Services Organization (ASO), effective January 1, 2020, found many providers unable to register, submit claims, or receive proper reimbursements. MDH’s short-term solution for providers is to issue estimated payments based on calendar 2019 services until April 20, 2020, when the new ASO will hopefully be ready to process claims. This language restricts funding from the MDH Secretary budget until a report is submitted detailing the full scope of the estimated payments issued during this period of transition. This report should also address progress made on the ASO functionality and client-access issues that may have resulted from the ASO transition. Further, the report should include the process for reconciliation of estimated payments to providers, inconsistencies between provider claims records and MDH’s, and financial impacts experienced by providers during this transition period.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on estimated payments MDH July 1, 2020

M00A01.02 Operations

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Delete funding for Local Health Improvement 1,000,000 GF Coalitions to be replaced with special funds from the Community Health Resource Commission.

Total Reductions 1,000,000 0.00

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 96 M00A01

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 217.00 217.00 0.00 General Fund 22,942,958 21,942,958 1,000,000 Special Fund 10,834 10,834 0 Federal Fund 9,284,514 9,284,514 0 Total Funds 32,238,306 31,238,306 1,000,000

Committee Narrative


Apprenticeship Program at State Facilities: The budget committees are interested in the opportunity for apprenticeship programs at the State-run facilities, including those for developmentally disabled patients, psychiatric patients, and those with chronic care needs. The budget committees request that the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) submit a report detailing the opportunities for creating a pilot apprenticeship program at the State facilities. The report should give consideration to the following aspects of a potential apprenticeship program:

 combinations of facilities, colleges, and other training providers that would make the best partnerships for this program;

 occupations that would be best suited for apprenticeships;

 costs of operating the program and potential benefits gained through recruitment and retention of State employees; and

 obstacles to creating and scaling apprenticeships.

MDH’s report should also address compensation plans, including participation in the State’s employee pension system. The report should be submitted by October 1, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Opportunities for creating MDH October 1, 2020 apprenticeship programs in State facilities

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 97 M00F Public Health Administration Maryland Department of Health

Budget Amendments


M00F01.01 Executive Direction

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce general funds for administrative costs related 500,000 GF to the Maryland Primary Care Program.

Total Reductions 500,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 93.50 93.50 0.00 General Fund 10,463,045 9,963,045 500,000 Special Fund 408,570 408,570 0 Federal Fund 8,478,607 8,478,607 0 Total Funds 19,350,222 18,850,222 500,000

Supplemental Budget No. 1 – Fiscal 2020 Deficiency

M00F01.01 Executive Direction

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that the Maryland Department of Health shall submit a report to the budget committees on the use of this general fund appropriation disaggregated by unit of State government. The report shall be submitted by July 15, 2020.

Explanation: Supplemental Budget No. 1 provides a fiscal 2020 deficiency totaling $10.0 million for coronavirus preparedness activities. The budget committees are interested in receiving an update on how these funds were spent and by which agencies.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 98 M00F

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on fiscal 2020 MDH July 15, 2020 deficiency for coronavirus preparedness

Committee Narrative


M00F02.07 Core Public Health Services

Local Health Department Formula Funding: Section 2-302 of the Health – General Article mandates formula funding for Core Public Health Services (funding for local health departments (LHD)) with an annual adjustment factor set to inflation and population growth. The formula, as currently written in statute, does not account for ongoing expenditures related to annual general salary increases, salary increments, or health insurance costs. Further, the data required to calculate the formula increase is difficult to get on a timely basis during budget development.

Due to variations in how the base and adjustment factor have been calculated in prior fiscal years, the budget committees are concerned that the formula has been applied inconsistently. The budget committees request that the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), in consultation with LHDs and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), submit a report by October 1, 2020, clarifying the prior year LHD funding that should be included in the base and how the annual adjustment factor compared to actual LHD expenditure change in fiscal 2018 through 2020, actual non-State LHD expenditures by jurisdiction and State funding outside of the mandated formula funding by jurisdiction allocated to LHDs in fiscal 2018 through 2020, and any recommendations to change the formula.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on LHD formula MDH October 1, 2020 funding DBM

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 99 M00F03 Prevention and Health Promotion Administration Maryland Department of Health

Budget Amendments

M00F03.04 Family Health and Chronic Disease Services

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Delete federal funds due to double budgeted 9,851,721 FF expenditures under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children.

Total Reductions 9,851,721 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 174.60 174.60 0.00 General Fund 43,843,449 43,843,449 0 Special Fund 51,357,874 51,357,874 0 Federal Fund 157,735,715 147,883,994 9,851,721 Total Funds 252,937,038 243,085,317 9,851,721

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 100 M00F05 Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Maryland Department of Health

Committee Narrative

M00F05.01 Post Mortem Examining Services

Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Accreditation and Staffing: The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) was placed on provisional accreditation status in May 2018 due to the cases examined per medical examiner exceeding accreditation limits. Although the office corrected this violation for the July 2019 inspection, the office was again put on provisional status due to a physical hazard caused by a leak in the roof of its facility. Recent vacancies, including the chief medical examiner position, also cause concern for the OCME accreditation status moving forward. The committees request that the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) provide:

 an update on OCME’s accreditation status following the expiration of its current provisional status in May 2020;

 an update on the roof repair project, including project costs, funding sources, and completion date;

 information on the use of per diem pathologists to assist in meeting caseload standards, including year-to-date expenditures;

 the status of filling vacant medical examiner positions; and

 information on new efforts to increase staffing to ensure that OCME can return to or maintain full accreditation in the future.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on OCME MDH October 1, 2020 accreditation and staffing

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 101 M00K Deputy Secretary for Behavioral Health Maryland Department of Health

Budget Amendments

M00K01.01 Executive Direction

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $250,000 of this appropriation made for the purposes of executive direction may not be expended until the Behavioral Health Administration submits a report to the budget committees detailing quality measures available for the treatment of specialty behavioral health services in the public behavioral health system. The report shall be submitted by October 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of the receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: Growth trends in the Public Behavioral Health System (PBHS) in recent years have caused concerns regarding the appropriateness of the care settings and the quality of care being provided in PBHS. This language requests that the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) compile a report on potential quality measures that would be available and useful to ensure that Marylanders in PBHS are receiving high-quality specialty behavioral health services in the most appropriate settings.

Information Request Author Due Date

Quality and performance BHA October 1, 2020 measures in PBHS

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $250,000 of this appropriation made for the purposes of executive direction may not be expended until the Behavioral Health Administration submits a report to the budget committees detailing the increase in psychiatric rehabilitation program expenditures and utilization. The report shall also include reasons for the significant growth in psychiatric rehabilitation program expenditures, utilization, and providers. The report shall be submitted by December 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: Increases in psychiatric rehabilitation program (PRP) expenditures have caused the need for a deficiency appropriation in fiscal 2020. If the current growth trend continues, PRP

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 102 M00K spending could be the main cause of future budget shortfalls. This language requests that the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) submit a report on the increases in PRP expenditures and utilization.

Information Request Author Due Date

Causes for the increase in BHA December 1, 2020 PRP expenditures

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 103 M00L Behavioral Health Administration Maryland Department of Health

M00L01.01 Program Direction

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purposes of program direction may not be expended until the Maryland Department of Health submits a report to the budget committees on Assertive Community Treatment. The report shall be submitted by September 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The budget committees are interested in Assertive Community Treatment (ACT), an evidence-based practice designed to serve high-risk individuals and reduce unnecessary hospital utilization, and the evaluation of these programs. The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) has been planning to transition from the Dartmouth Assertive Community Treatment Scale (DACTS) to the Tool for Measurement of Assertive Community Treatment (TMACT). These scales are used for measuring ACT teams on fidelity to the ACT model. The budget committees request a timeline for moving from DACTS to TMACT. The report should also discuss any incentives, assistance, or other programs planned for providers to ensure compliance with new TMACT standards.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on ACT measurement MDH September 1, 2020 standards

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purposes of program direction may not be expended until the Maryland Department of Health submits a report to the budget committees on substance use residential treatment funding limitations. The report shall be submitted by September 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The Maryland Department of Health’s (MDH) Medical Assistance program (Medicaid) limits substance use disorder (SUD) residential treatment reimbursement to two nonconsecutive 30-day stays within a calendar year. The ability to bill Medicaid for these services and receive federal fund reimbursement is through an 1115 waiver from the federal

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 104 M00L government. The budget committees are interested in aligning residential treatment reimbursements with clinic best practices and request that MDH submit a report on SUD residential treatment. This report should address medical findings for best practices in length and frequency of treatment as well as possible opportunities to seek waivers to expand treatment. Further, the report should include timelines for seeking adjustments or revisions to the Medicaid reimbursement policies for SUD residential treatment.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on SUD treatment MDH September 1, 2020 limitations in the Medicaid program

M00L01.02 Community Services

Add the following language:

Provided that these funds are to be used only for the purposes herein appropriated, and there shall be no transfer to any other program or purpose except that funds may be transferred to programs M00L01.03 Community Services for Medicaid State Fund Recipients or M00Q01.10 Medicaid Behavioral Health Provider Reimbursements. Funds not expended or transferred shall be reverted or canceled.

Explanation: This language restricts the entire appropriation for substance use disorder treatment, uninsured treatment, or other community service grants for that purpose or for provider reimbursements in M00L01.03 Community Services for Medicaid State Fund Recipients or M00Q01.10 Medicaid Behavioral Health Provider Reimbursements.

Amend the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $3,584,956 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation reducing the required provider rate increase for certain behavioral health services.

Explanation: Technical amendment to strike contingent language.

Amend the following language to the federal fund appropriation:

, provided that $801,541 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation reducing the required provider rate increase for certain behavioral health services.

Explanation: Technical amendment to strike contingent language.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 105 M00L

M00L01.03 Community Services for Medicaid State Fund Recipients

Add the following language:

Provided that these funds are to be used only for the purposes herein appropriated, and there shall be no transfer to any other program or purpose except that funds may be transferred to programs M00L01.02 Community Services or M00Q01.10 Medicaid Behavioral Health Provider Reimbursements. Funds not expended or transferred shall be reverted or canceled.

Explanation: This language restricts the entire appropriation for Medicaid State Funded Mental Health Services for that purpose or for provider reimbursements in M00L01.02 Community Services or M00Q01.10 Medicaid Behavioral Health Provider Reimbursements.

Amend the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $1,141,973 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation reducing the required provider rate increase for certain behavioral health services.

Explanation: Technical amendment to strike contingent language.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 106 M00M Developmental Disabilities Administration Maryland Department of Health

Budget Amendments

M00M01.01 Program Direction

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $500,000 of this appropriation may not be expended until the department submits a report to the budget committees including recommendations for expanded uses of the Waiting List Equity Fund, an estimate for the number of individuals on the waiting list for community services that would be served under the expanded uses, a timeline for when the agency plans to propose amendments to the statute establishing the fund, and a timeline for spending down the current balance in the fund. The report shall be submitted by October 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if a report is not submitted.

Explanation: At the close of fiscal 2019, the Waiting List Equity Fund (WLEF) had a balance of over $8.0 million. The committees are concerned that the growing fund balance can be used more effectively to provide services for more individuals on the waiting list for community services. The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) has indicated that it worked with stakeholders to develop specific recommendations for changes in the allowable use of the WLEF and planned to propose a change in the statutory and regulatory authority of the fund. However, the department has not provided concrete recommendations or any analysis for the number of individuals who would be served.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on WLEF uses MDH October 1, 2020

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $1,000,000 of this appropriation may not be expended until the department submits two reports to the budget committees providing updates on the agency’s implementation of the new functionalities on the Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) system and community service provider rate structure. The first report shall be submitted by June 1, 2020, and shall include descriptions of the finalized rates, any phase-in decisions, any bridge funding availability, a provider impact analysis based on the final rates, a State budgetary impact based on the final rates, the findings of the LTSS pilot, the corrections applied to the LTSS system as a result of the pilot, and the timeline for meeting the federal electronic-visit verification requirement. The second report shall be submitted by October 1, 2020, and shall provide updates on the final operationalized rates; the number of providers, individuals, and service types

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 107 M00M transitioned to the LTSS system; the number of providers, individuals, and service types that have not transitioned and a timeline for when they will switch systems; the initial impact of new rates on providers; the initial impact of new rates on community services spending; agency spending on bridge funding and the process the agency will use to recoup any overpayments; any defects or issues with the billing and reimbursement functionality of LTSS; any defects or issues with the service authorization functionality of LTSS and service authorization process overall; and the progress in meeting the electronic-visit verification requirement. The budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the reports to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of both reports may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if both reports are not submitted.

Explanation: The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) is simultaneously transitioning the community service program under the Developmental Disabilities Administration to new functionality on the State’s LTSS system, a fee-for-service reimbursement model with new rates, and new community-based services. The department plans to begin implementation in July 2020 but has not announced a comprehensive implementation plan that outlines the final rates, how these rates will be applied, and how a phased-in approach may take place, among other considerations.

Information Request Author Due Date

New rate and LTSS transition MDH June 1, 2020 report October 1, 2020

M00M01.02 Community Services

Add the following language:

Provided that $26,507,537 in general funds, $140,261 in special funds, and $23,651,144 in federal funds of this appropriation made for the purpose of a 4% community service provider rate increase may only be used to adjust the rates for all community services to a level 4% higher than the rates in effect as of March 1, 2020. Notwithstanding this requirement, the rates for community services provided to individuals in the Long Term Services and Supports pilot program may increase by more than 4%. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund or be canceled.

Explanation: Chapters 10 and 11 of 2019 mandate an annual 4% provider rate increase beginning in fiscal 2021 across all community services funded by the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). This language restricts funds for that purpose. However, the rates for community services provided to individuals in the Long Term Services and Supports pilot program may still receive a rate increase higher than 4% as deemed necessary by DDA.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 108 M00M

Strike the following language from the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $13,253,768 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation reducing the amount of the annual funding increase to community service providers.

Explanation: This action is a technical amendment to strike a contingency.

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce the general fund appropriation for the Quality 461,354 GF Improvement Organization services contract in anticipation of an enhanced federal fund match.

Total Reductions 461,354 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 118.50 118.50 0.00 General Fund 722,395,870 721,934,516 461,354 Special Fund 6,146,790 6,146,790 0 Federal Fund 644,463,564 644,463,564 0 Total Funds 1,373,006,224 1,372,544,870 461,354

Strike the following language from the special fund appropriation:

, provided that $70,130 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation reducing the amount of the annual funding increase to community service providers.

Explanation: This action is a technical amendment to strike a contingency.

Strike the following language from the federal fund appropriation:

, provided that $11,825,575 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation reducing the amount of the annual funding increase to community service providers.

Explanation: This action is a technical amendment to strike a contingency.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 109 M00M

Committee Narrative

Person-centered Planning Performance Measures: The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) is integrating the service authorization and person-centered planning process on the agency’s integrated care management system, known as Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS). These plans must be authorized at least once every 12 months, and more often if changes in an individuals’ services are necessary. Due to the workflow and multiple approvals needed at different stages to authorize a person-centered plan, it is possible that delays and backlogs in this process could cause issues in individuals receiving approval for services. The budget committees request that MDH include goals, objectives, and performance measures related to the processing and timing of person-centered plans in its fiscal 2022 Managing for Results submission.

Information Request Author Due Date

Performance measures related MDH With the submission of the to person-centered planning fiscal 2022 allowance

Transitioning Youth Placements: The budget committees are concerned that individuals who are eligible for adult services funded by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) are not starting these services in a timely manner after aging out of youth services. The budget committees request that DDA submit a report by October 1, 2020, including:

 the number of transitioning youth referred to DDA who have exited the State educational system, have not received approval for DDA funding since exiting, and/or have not begun DDA-funded services (aggregated by fiscal year from fiscal 2018 to 2021 year to date);

 a list of reasons that transitioning youth who exited the State educational system and were referred to DDA in fiscal 2018 through 2021 year to date have not begun to receive DDA-funded services;

 barriers and delays that have prevented transitioning youth from receiving approval and placement into DDA-funded services;

 DDA’s plan to ensure that services for transitioning youth are approved and provided in a timely manner for individuals who exit the educational system in fiscal 2021; and

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 110 M00M

 a timeline and necessary steps to ensure that all transitioning youth who are deemed eligible for DDA-funded services throughout fiscal 2021 are able to begin services by July 1, 2021.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on transitioning youth MDH October 1, 2020 placements

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 111 M00Q Medical Care Programs Administration Maryland Department of Health

Budget Amendments

M00Q01.01 Deputy Secretary for Health Care Financing

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation intended for administration may not be expended until the Maryland Department of Health and the Hilltop Institute at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, in consultation with other stakeholders, submit a report to the budget committees that provides a cost-benefit analysis of expanding access to long-term care services through home- and community-based waivers. The analysis should include: (1) a comparison of all health care costs incurred by individuals by different levels of acuity who have moved into waiver services and those who remain on the waiting list for waiver services; (2) to the extent practical, comparison data for a five-year period; (3) how to capture savings from provision of waiver services through Medicaid that accrues to Medicare for the benefit of the Medicaid program; (4) the extent to which the provider community can accommodate additional individuals served though waiver and similar Medicaid services; and (5) any other information that is necessary to adequately capture the full extent of incurred cost and cost avoidance from more fully utilizing waiver services. The report shall be submitted by December 1, 2020 and the committees shall have 45 days from the date of the receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted. Explanation: This language restricts funds pending the receipt of a report providing a longitudinal cost-benefit analysis, including all health care costs, of expanding home- and community-based waiver services including proposals to accrue savings realized by Medicare for the benefit of the Medicaid program.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Cost-benefit analysis of MDH December 1, 2020 expanding home- and Hilltop Institute community-based waiver services

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 112 M00Q

M00Q01.02 Office of Systems, Operations and Pharmacy

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Increase turnover to 9%. The budgeted turnover rate is 207,000 GF 7.7%. The most recent vacancy rate in the 414,000 FF Administration is 11.2%. The reduction is taken in the Office of Enterprise Technology but may be allocated across the Administration as appropriate.

Total Reductions 621,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 90.00 90.00 0.00 General Fund 4,606,745 4,399,745 207,000 Federal Fund 12,866,098 12,452,098 414,000 Total Funds 17,472,843 16,851,843 621,000

M00Q01.03 Medical Care Provider Reimbursements

Add the following language:

All appropriations provided for program M00Q01.03 Medical Care Provider Reimbursements are to be used for the purposes herein appropriated, and there shall be no budgetary transfer to any other program or purpose.

Explanation: The annual budget bill language restricts Medicaid provider reimbursements to that purpose.

Strike the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $15,084,737 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation reducing the required provider rate increase.

Explanation: Technical amendment to strike contingent legislation.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 113 M00Q

Amend the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $10,000,000 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation increasing the Medicaid Deficit Assessment for fiscal 2021.

Explanation: The language implements a general fund reduction of $10.0 million contingent on legislation increasing available funding from the Medicaid Deficit Assessment and makes a technical change.

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $750,000 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation authorizing the transfer of a like amount of special funds from the Board of Pharmacy Fund.

Explanation: The language makes a reduction to funding to support an increase in rural pharmacy dispensing fees contingent on legislation authorizing a transfer from the Board of Pharmacy Fund to backfill the reduction.

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce general funds in the nonemergency 3,900,000 GF transportation program to align with the most recent federal fund participation rate in that program.

2. Reduce general funds based on the availability of 2,629,183 GF special funds from the Cigarette Restitution Fund.

3. Reduce funding based on expectations of revenues 3,000,000 GF received as a result of improved auditing of hospital claim payments. This reduction is based on the Maryland Department of Health’s response to a recent audit finding noting that few audits of hospital claims were done since 2007 to ensure that Medicaid was not paying for services that were not provided, medically necessary, or were not appropriately priced.

Total Reductions 9,529,183 0.00

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 114 M00Q

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 3,178,930,546 3,169,401,363 9,529,183 Special Fund 882,296,805 882,296,805 0 Federal Fund 5,848,171,206 5,848,171,206 0 Total Funds 9,909,398,557 9,899,869,374 9,529,183

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that authorization is hereby provided to process a special fund budget amendment of up to $2,629,183 from the Cigarette Restitution Fund to support Medicaid provider reimbursements.

Explanation: The language authorizes the transfer of up to just over $2.6 million from the Cigarette Restitution Fund to support Medicaid reimbursements. This transfer is related to a reduction of a like amount of special funds for nonpublic schools.

Strike the following language to the federal fund appropriation:

, provided that $19,122,643 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation reducing the required provider rate increase.

Explanation: Technical amendment to strike contingent legislation.

Committee Narrative

Baltimore City Capitation Project: In the 2019 interim, the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) undertook a review of the Baltimore City Capitation Project, a program serving individuals with severe and persistent mental illness in Baltimore City. The review was done in the context of possible expansion of the program. The report noted the need for additional research prior to making such a decision. The committees remain interested in the potential to expand the program and request that MDH investigate service utilization changes by recent program enrollees; determine what group would most benefit from the program; assess whether more variation in capitated rates is needed; determine how many providers could assume the risk associated with a capitated program, even one with limits on risk such as the current program, including an analysis of how the program could expand geographically based on that risk assessment; and track State-only costs that were not part of the original analysis.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 115 M00Q

Information Request Author Due Date

Baltimore City Capitation MDH November 15, 2020 Project

Hepatitis C Treatment in the HealthChoice Program: In January 2020, the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) removed fibrosis restrictions for accessing new Hepatitis C therapies. The committees are interested in the result of this change on the extent of Hepatitis C treatment, treatment adherence, and cost in the HealthChoice program. The information should provide detail by individual managed care organization.

Information Request Author Due Date

Hepatitis C treatment MDH January 15, 2021

Community First Choice Program Financial Data: Spending under the Community First Choice (CFC) program is expected to approach $400 million in fiscal 2021. In order to better forecast future growth in the program, the committees request that the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) submit quarterly reports on spending in CFC. The reports should include monthly enrollment, utilization, and cost data that can be used to support actual budget expenditures under the program. The initial report should include data that reconciles to actual spending in fiscal 2018 through 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

CFC financial data MDH Quarterly beginning August 1, 2020

Medicaid Business Processes and Organization Structure: In July 2018, Medicaid hired a consulting firm to review its existing business processes and organizational structure and to make recommendations for improvement. The resulting report released in December 2018 contained a wide-ranging set of options for improvement around eligibility decisions, internal organization, cost-saving and revenue enhancement proposals, and minority health and health disparities. The committees are interested in an updated timeline of the implementation of recommendations that the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) is pursuing.

Information Request Author Due Date

Medicaid business process MDH October 1, 2020 and organization structure changes

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 116 M00Q

Impact of Health Services Cost Review Commission-led Programs on Medicaid Dual Eligibles: Medicaid spending on dual-eligible enrollees (enrollees eligible for Medicaid and Medicare) is disproportionate to enrollment. The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) has investigated various efforts to substantially reform service delivery for these individuals but has not implemented them. Rather, MDH has adopted an approach of monitoring how programs utilized by the Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) under the Total Cost of Care model can benefit Medicaid spending on the duals. The committees are interested in a report on what programs are being utilized by the duals and the benefits accruing to Medicaid.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Medicaid dual-eligible MDH November 15, 2020 enrollees HSCRC

Delivery of Medicaid Dental Services: Since 2009, a single statewide dental Administrative Services Organization (ASO) has overseen services for the Maryland Medicaid Healthy Smiles Dental Program. ASO is responsible for credentialing, billing, and dental provider issues. The current ASO contract is set to expire at the end of calendar 2020. The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) is currently working on a Request for Proposals for a new ASO contract.

Across the states, there are different models for delivering dental services, including dental services being carved into managed care (as they were in Maryland before 2009) or carved out; and, for carved out services, delivered using an ASO model or through an independent managed care organization.

Although it appears that MDH is committed to the ASO model for the immediate future, the budget committees are interested in learning about the advantages and disadvantages of the various service delivery models in place for dental services. The budget committees request that MDH, in coordination with interested stakeholders, review the different models used by states for dental services, in particular the use of an independent managed care organization. In that review, MDH should look specifically at performance in delivering quality dental care, cost versus the current ASO model in place in Maryland, and how states have been able to expand dental services with savings generated by changing service delivery models.

Information Request Author Due Date

Delivery of Medicaid dental MDH December 1, 2020 services

Enteral Nutrition: The budget committees are concerned that the current reimbursement methodology for enteral nutrition (tube feeding) does not cover the costs associated with providing enteral nutrition services. The budget committees request that the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) develop a reimbursement methodology to cover the costs

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 117 M00Q associated with enteral nutrition services. MDH is requested to submit a report detailing the revised methodology and the extent of funding that would be provided under the revised methodology compared to the existing reimbursement rate.

Information Request Author Due Date

Reimbursement methodology MDH July 1, 2020 for enteral nutrition

Fiscal 2020 Deficiency

M00Q01.03 Medical Care Provider Reimbursements

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce deficiency funding based on lower estimates of 15,000,000 GF fiscal 2020 need.

Total Reductions 15,000,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 37,295,041 22,295,041 15,000,000 Special Fund 106,253,135 106,253,135 0 Federal Fund 160,868,991 160,868,991 0 Total Funds 304,417,167 289,417,167 15,000,000

Budget Amendments

M00Q01.07 Maryland Children’s Health Program

Strike the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $21,467 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation reducing the required provider rate increase.

Explanation: Technical amendment to strike contingent legislation.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 118 M00Q

Strike the following language to the federal fund appropriation: , provided that $89,448 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation reducing the required provider rate increase.

Explanation: Technical amendment to strike contingent legislation.

M00Q01.08 Major Information Technology Development Projects

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce funding for the Medicaid Management 5,000,000 FF Information System II replacement information technology development project based on expectations of program spending in fiscal 2020 and 2021. A general fund reduction of $1.0 million is proposed in the Department of Information Technology budget.

Total Reductions 5,000,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Federal Fund 78,301,291 73,301,291 5,000,000 Total Funds 78,301,291 73,301,291 5,000,000

M00Q01.10 Medicaid Behavioral Health Provider Reimbursements

Add the following language:

Provided that these funds are to be used only for the purposes herein appropriated, and there shall be no transfer to any other program or purpose except that funds may be transferred to programs M00L01.03 Community Services for Medicaid State Fund Recipients or M00L01.02 Community Services. Funds not expended or transferred shall be reverted or canceled.

Explanation: This language restricts the entire appropriation for Medicaid behavioral health provider reimbursements for that purpose or for provider reimbursements in M00L01.03 Community Services for Medicaid State Funded Recipients or M00L01.02 Community Services.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 119 M00Q

Amend the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $6,374,783 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation reducing the required provider rate increase for certain behavioral health services.

Explanation: Technical amendment to strike contingent language.

Amend the following language to the federal fund appropriation:

, provided that $12,219,970 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation reducing the required provider rate increase for certain behavioral health services.

Explanation: Technical amendment to strike contingent language.

Supplemental Budget No. 1

M00Q01.10 Medicaid Behavioral Health Provider Reimbursements

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that these funds are to be used only for the purposes herein appropriated, and there shall be no transfer to any other program or purpose except that funds may be transferred to programs M00L01.03 Community Services for Medicaid State Fund Recipients or M00L01.02 Community Services. Funds not expended or transferred shall be reverted.

Explanation: This action adds annual language that restricts the supplemental appropriation for Medicaid behavioral health provider reimbursements for that purpose or for provider reimbursements in M00L01.03 Community Services for Medicaid State-funded recipients or M00L01.02 Community Services.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 120 M00R Regulatory Commissions Maryland Department of Health

Budget Amendments

M00R01.01 Maryland Health Care Commission

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that $500,000 of this appropriation to be used as a grant to the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center may not be made until the University of Maryland Medical System submits a report to the budget committees and the Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee (JAEC) detailing specific responses to findings and recommendations contained in the March 2020 Office of Legislative Audits Special Review of Board of Directors Activities and the December 2019 Special Committee of the Board of the University of Maryland Medical System internal forensic audit report undertaken with advice by Latham and Watkins, LLP. The report shall be submitted by October 1, 2020 and the budget committees and JAEC shall have 45 days to review and comment from the date the report is received. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be expended or transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall be canceled.

Explanation: A March 2020 Office of Legislative Audits (OLA) report on board activities at the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) identified nearly $115 million in payments made by UMMS to Board members or related businesses from January 2016 to April 2019. The OLA report also referenced two other reports conducted by independent auditors and highlighted 10 significant recommendations to improve fiscal compliance made in these reports. One report, conducted by Latham and Watkins, LLP is a forensic audit of the financial transactions between UMMS and Board members. The budget committees request a report on specific responses to the findings and recommendations made throughout the OLA audit and the internal forensic audit report including steps being taken to implement the recommendations made throughout the reports.

Information Request Author Due Date

Update on the findings and UMMS October 1, 2020 recommendations made pertaining to UMMS payments to Board members

M00R01.02 Health Services Cost Review Commission

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that $250,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of administration may not be expended for that purpose and instead may only be used to fund an independent actuarial analysis of the state’s hospital medical liability market. The independent actuarial analysis shall

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 121 M00R include: (1) the cost of hospital self-insurance programs including the availability, adequacy and affordability of hospital reinsurance in the state; (2) an examination of hospital reinsurance climates in other states and the ability of states to maintain adequate access to hospital reinsurers; (3) the impact on Maryland’s medical liability climate of implementing each of the provisions of California’s Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act; and (4) recommendations on how to stabilize the hospital liability market in the state to ensure both continued access to essential services and success under Maryland’s Total Cost of Care Model.

The Health Care Services Cost Review Commission shall submit the independent actuarial analysis to the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee, Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee, Senate Finance Committee, House Judiciary Committee, House Health and Government Operations Committee, and the House Appropriations Committee by September 15, 2020. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall be canceled.

Explanation: The committees are concerned with hospital medical liability insurers leaving Maryland. The lack of hospital medical liability insurers requires far greater risk retention by hospitals, leading to increased premiums and coverage exclusions and restrictions. These factors could also impact Maryland’s ability to meet the goals under the Total Cost of Care (TCOC) model. The committees request the Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) to fund an independent actuarial analysis of the hospital medical liability insurance market, including the potential impact on TCOC.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on the hospital HSCRC September 15, 2020 medical liability market, and impacts on TCOC

Committee Narrative

Health Services Cost Review Commission Evaluation of the Maryland Primary Care Program: Given the role of the Maryland Primary Care Program (MDPCP) in transforming care in the State under the Total Cost of Care Model, the budget committees request information on the effectiveness of the program. In particular, this evaluation should focus on cost-savings from MDPCP reducing unnecessary utilization or hospitalization for patients participating in MDPCP over the increased expenditures from provider incentives.

Information Request Author Due Date

Evaluation of MDPCP Health Services Cost October 1, 2020 Review Commission

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 122 M00R

Health Services Cost Review Commission Policy on and Management of Hospital Profits: Given the spending targets under the Total Cost of Care Model and Maryland’s regulation of hospitals under global budgets, the committees are interested in how the Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) intends to manage hospitals that are generating excessive operating profits under regulated rates. HSCRC should submit a report detailing its policy on the appropriate level of hospital profits, detail tools available to regulate hospital profits, and outline future plans to employ these strategies to contain regulated profits.

Information Request Author Due Date

Policy tools available to HSCRC October 1, 2020 HSCRC to constrain excessive hospital profits

Budget Amendments

M00R01.03 Maryland Community Health Resources Commission

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that $1,000,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of community health grants may not be expended for that purpose and instead may be used only to support Local Health Improvement Coalitions. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall be canceled.

Explanation: This budget language restricts $1,000,000 of special funds in the Community Health Resource Commission (CHRC) budget to be used to support Local Health Improvement Coalitions. This action is related to the rejection of a Budget Financing and Reconciliation Act proposal that would reduce the special fund amount available to CHRC from $8 million to $4 million.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 123 N00A01 Office of the Secretary Department of Human Services

Budget Amendments

N00A01.01 Office of the Secretary

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of general administration may not be expended until the Department of Human Services submits a report to the budget committees that identifies the factors affecting the low proportion of out-of-home placement cases that receive appropriate physical and mental health services and a strategic plan for improving the rate of appropriate services provided to children in out-of-home placements. The report shall be submitted by October 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted.

Explanation: The budget committees are concerned that just 41% of out-of-home placement cases reviewed were provided with appropriate physical and mental health services in fiscal 2019. This language restricts funds pending receipt of a report describing factors affecting the low proportion of out-of-home placement cases that receive appropriate physical and mental health services and a strategic plan for improving the rate of appropriate services provided to children in out-of-home placements.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on factors affecting services Department of October 1, 2020 provided to children in out-of-home Human Services placements

Committee Narrative

Factors Affecting Low Social Worker Retention: The budget committees request that the Department of Human Services (DHS) investigate the factors at play affecting low social worker retention rates, including, but not limited, to compensation, work environment, workload, adequacy of staffing, and sufficient opportunities for employee growth. The budget committees also recommend that the department develop a strategic plan for improving social worker retention. The budget committees request that the findings regarding factors affecting low social worker retention and the plan to improve retention be reported to the budget committees on November 1, 2020.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 124 N00A01

Information Request Author Due Date

Factors affecting low social DHS November 1, 2020 worker retention

Budget Amendments

N00A01.04 Maryland Legal Services Program

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that this appropriation made for the purpose of the Maryland Legal Services Program may be expended only for that purpose. Funds not used for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: The language restricts the general fund appropriation of the Maryland Legal Services Program (MLSP) to that purpose and, if it is not needed for that purpose, requires that the funds revert to the General Fund. During the fiscal 2013 closeout process, the Department of Human Services recorded an unprovided for payable in the MLSP. That was the second consecutive year an unprovided for payable was recorded and the fourth since fiscal 2007. Given the important functions of the MLSP, it remains necessary to ensure that the program is adequately funded. Similar language has been adopted in each of the last six fiscal years.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 125 N00B Social Services Administration Department of Human Services

Budget Amendments

N00B00.04 General Administration – State

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of administrative expenses may not be expended until the Department of Human Services (DHS) submits a report to the budget committees on a planned new foster care rate structure including detail on how the provider rates will be calculated, whether the change will impact the availability of federal funds to support foster care payments, and the timeline for implementing the new rate structure. If DHS decides not to proceed with a new foster care rate structure, the report shall instead detail the reason why no change will be made and a planned timeline for consideration of any future changes. The report shall be submitted by September 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The fiscal 2020 budget of DHS Social Services Administration included funding to support a contract for the development of a new foster care rate structure. DHS reported that it was working with the University of Maryland School of Social Work Institute for Innovation and Implementation and the Hilltop Institute at the University of Maryland Baltimore County on this project. During the 2019 session, DHS indicated that the report would be completed in December 2019 with a plan to begin using this structure for fiscal 2021. Committee narrative in the 2019 Joint Chairmen’s Report requested that DHS provide a copy of this report with submission of the fiscal 2021 budget. DHS did not submit the report as requested with the budget submission, and the fiscal 2021 allowance does not reflect a change in the rate structure. This language restricts funds until DHS submits the report on planned changes to the foster care rate structure and requests that if the department chooses not to proceed with any changes in the rate structure, the report instead explain why it did not move forward with these changes.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on planned new foster DHS September 1, 2020 care rate structure or information on why no changes will be made

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 126 N00B

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $1,000,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of recognizing savings from expanded federal fund eligibility for subsidized adoptions may not be expended until the Department of Human Services submits a report detailing the planned use of the funds, including describing specific child welfare activities that will be completed or undertaken with the funds. The report shall be submitted by July 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted.

Explanation: The fiscal 2021 allowance of the Department of Human Services (DHS) Social Services Administration contains $2.0 million of general funds in the General Administration – State program as part of a requirement to spend savings that result from expanded federal fund eligibility for subsidized adoptions for child welfare activities. While the department has adequately described the need to spend these savings in response to federal requirements, DHS did not describe the activities that these funds would support. This language restricts half of these funds until DHS submits a report describing what activities these funds will support.

Information Request Author Due Date

Planned use of adoption DHS July 1, 2020 savings

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of administrative expenses may not be expended unless the Department of Human Services includes in the fiscal 2022 budget subprogram detail for the fiscal 2020 actual, fiscal 2021 working, and fiscal 2022 allowance that separately identifies payments and anticipated payments by the department for youth in both medical hospitals and psychiatric hospitals that are not covered by Medicaid. The detail shall be submitted with the fiscal 2022 budget, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the detail is not provided.

Explanation: The Department of Human Services (DHS) does not separately identify in the budget placement costs associated with the youth in hospitals for periods in which Medicaid does not cover the placement. As these are costs incurred by DHS and the costs could be significant based on recent lengthy stays beyond medical necessity, the General Assembly is concerned that these costs are not identifiable in the department’s budget. This language restricts funds pending inclusion of this information in the fiscal 2022 budget submission.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 127 N00B

Information Request Authors Due Date

Placement costs for youth in DHS With the submission of the hospital settings incurred by the Department of Budget and fiscal 2022 allowance department Management

Committee Narrative

Protecting the Resources of Youth in State Custody Accounts: Chapters 815 and 816 of 2018 reduced the amount of federal benefits received on behalf of youth in foster care that the Department of Human Services (DHS) could use to support the cost of foster care beginning at age 14. The amounts not used for the cost of care were to be conserved. The chapters became effective October 2018. The amounts conserved do not appear in the State budget; however, the committees are interested in continuing to monitor the impact of this legislation on youth in State custody. The committees request that DHS provide information by jurisdiction and month for the period November 2019 through December 2020 on the number of accounts opened on behalf of youth as a result of Chapters 815 and 816 and the number of accounts for which subsequent deposits have been made. The committees also request that the report include information on the average amount conserved in each account by age group specified in the chapters and the total amount conserved in these accounts by age group specified in the chapters.

Information Request Author Due Date

Accounts/trusts opened and DHS January 1, 2021 maintained as a result of Chapters 815 and 816 of 2018

Impact of Vacancies on Child Welfare Outcomes: The budget committees are interested in better understating the impact of the current high vacancy rate on outcomes and other measures of performance related to child welfare. The budget committees are particularly concerned about the impact of social worker position and family services caseworker position vacancies in child welfare on outcomes related to recurrence of maltreatment, rate of victimization per 100,000 days of foster care, reentry into care within 12 months of an exit to reunification, reentry into care within 12 months of an exit to guardianship, and child deaths in which abuse or neglect is determined to be a factor. The budget committees request that the Department of Human Services (DHS) examine and report on the impact of high vacancy rates and low five-year retention rates of these positions on these child welfare outcomes. DHS should also report on how high child welfare caseloads impact the quality of in-home services provided to prevent entry or reentry into care.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 128 N00B

Information Request Author Due Date

Impact of high vacancy rates DHS November 15, 2020 on child welfare outcomes and quality of services

Child Placement Agency Provider Staffing Concerns: The budget committees are concerned about the impact of regulatory requirements on the ability of Child Placement Agency providers that contract with the Department of Human Services (DHS) to recruit, hire, and retain staff. The committees request that DHS, in collaboration with the contracted Child Placement Agency providers, evaluate the causes of Child Placement Agency staffing shortages and identify options for addressing the shortage in qualified workers for these providers. The committees request that options considered include reviewing the regulations regarding Child Placement Agency worker qualifications to increase provider flexibility and the potential for implementing hiring incentives. The budget committees request that DHS submit a report describing the findings from the evaluation and recommendations to address the staffing shortages.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on Child Placement Agency DHS December 1, 2020 worker shortages and options for addressing the shortages

Outcomes for Foster Youth Who Aged Out of Care: The budget committees are concerned about whether youth who aged out of foster care are leaving care with appropriate supports in place to ensure a successful transition. The Department of Human Services (DHS) indicates that it will be able to report on data related to these outcomes after care with the implementation of the new information technology system. The committees request that DHS report on:

 the number and share of youth aging out of care who have a stable place to live and who do not have a stable place to live in the first year after exit;

 the number and share of youth aging out of care who are participating or have participated in employment and training programs, including the number who completed programs; and

 the number and share of youth aging out of care who are attending colleges and universities, including both community colleges and four-year institutions, and who receive the Maryland Tuition Waiver for Foster Care Recipients.

If possible, DHS should report this data by month for fiscal 2020 and year-to-date fiscal 2021. If monthly data is not reported, DHS should identify the period that the provided data covers.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 129 N00B

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on outcomes for foster youth DHS December 31, 2020 aging out of care

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 130 N00F00 Office of Technology for Human Services Department of Human Services

Budget Amendments

N00F00.02 Major Information Technology Development Projects

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce federal funds for Maryland Total Human 7,500,000 FF Services Integrated NetworK (MD THINK). The available funding for MD THINK through fiscal 2021 is higher than needed to cover planned expenditures, and planned expenditure levels are unlikely to be realized. A companion general fund reduction is made in the Department of Information Technology budget.

Total Reductions 7,500,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Federal Fund 94,771,080 87,271,080 7,500,000 Total Funds 94,771,080 87,271,080 7,500,000

N00F00.04 General Administration

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $250,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of general administration may not be expended until the Department of Human Services submits a report describing the timeline to completion, including detail for each system, for the Maryland Total Human-services Integrated NetworK development. The report should also include spending by source over the course of fiscal 2021 and 2022 with monthly milestones to be achieved. The report shall be submitted by July 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of the receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The fiscal 2021 allowance includes a $66.1 million deficiency for the Maryland Total Human-services Integrated NetworK (MD THINK) expenditures in fiscal 2020. The total project cost has grown each year. To monitor the use of its appropriation the General Assembly is interested in further monitoring of project spending in addition to schedule and scope updates. This language restricts funding until the Department of Human Services (DHS) submits a

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 131 N00F00 timeline of development and spending over the remainder of the project’s estimated funding timeline.

Information Request Author Due Date

MD THINK spending and DHS July 1, 2020 development timeline

Committee Narrative

Bimonthly Maryland Total Human-services Integrated NetworK Development and Expenditure Updates: The committees request that the Department of Human Services (DHS) provide bimonthly updates including the following information:

 Maryland Total Human-services Integrated NetworK (MD THINK) encumbrances/expenditures by project component since the prior report, specifically identifying components supported by other agencies;

 the actual general/federal fund split for each category of expenditures;

 a description of the activities since the prior report;

 an update on the timeline for activities to be completed during the year; and

 a description of any schedule delays, scope changes, or cost increases, including the reason for the delay or changes.

Information Request Author Due Date

Bimonthly updates of DHS July 15, 2020 MD THINK expenditures and September 15, 2020 development November 15, 2020 January 15, 2021 March 15, 2021 May 15, 2021

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 132 N00G00 Local Department Operations Department of Human Services

Budget Amendments

N00G00.01 Foster Care Maintenance Payments

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that these funds are to be used only for the purposes herein appropriated, and there shall be no budgetary transfer to any other program or purpose. Funds not expended shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: This annual language restricts general funds appropriated for foster care payments to that use only. This restriction prevents a transfer of general funds to other programs that might create or increase a deficit in spending in the Foster Care Maintenance Payments program (N00G00.01).

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce funds budgeted from Cost of Care 1,000,000 SF Reimbursement that will not be available to support foster care payments. Chapters 815 and 816 of 2018 required that beginning October 1, 2018, a portion of federal benefits received on behalf of youth 14 and older be conserved rather than used for the cost of care. The Department of Human Services has implemented the legislation. However, the fiscal 2021 allowance continues to reflect the level of spending from this source based on levels from prior to the implementation. This action reduces the special fund appropriation for the Cost of Care reimbursement to the level of funds expected to be available for the cost of care after the required funds are conserved.

Total Reductions 1,000,000 0.00

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 133 N00G00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 209,320,229 209,320,229 0 Special Fund 4,283,046 3,283,046 1,000,000 Federal Fund 74,388,193 74,388,193 0 Total Funds 287,991,468 286,991,468 1,000,000

Supplemental Budget No. 1 – Fiscal 2020 Deficiency

N00G00.01 Foster Care Maintenance Payments

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that these funds are to be used only for the purposes herein appropriated, and there shall be no budgetary transfer to any other program or purpose. Funds not expended shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: This language is annually added to the general fund appropriation of N00G00.01 Foster Care Maintenance Payment to restrict the funding to that use only. This restriction prevents a transfer of general fund to other programs that might create or increase a deficit in spending in the program. This action adds this annual language to the deficiency appropriation for the program included in Supplemental Budget No. 1.

Budget Amendments

N00G00.03 Child Welfare Services

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that these funds are to be used only for the purposes herein appropriated, and there shall be no budgetary transfer to any other program or purpose except that funds may be transferred to program N00G00.01 Foster Care Maintenance Payments. Funds not expended or transferred shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: This annual language restricts general funds appropriated for the Child Welfare Services program to that use only or for transfer to N00G00.01 Foster Care Maintenance Payments.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 134 N00G00

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $250,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of administrative expenses in Child Welfare Services may not be expended until the Department of Human Services (DHS) submits a report that demonstrates that DHS has reallocated to Baltimore, Carroll, and Prince George’s counties the number of caseworker and supervisor positions needed, in combination with existing filled and vacant positions in the jurisdiction, to meet the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) caseload standards. The report should also include data on the number of cases and positions required based on the caseload to meet the CWLA caseload standards, by jurisdiction, for the following caseload types current within 70 days: intake screening, child protective investigation, consolidated in-home services, interagency family preservation services, services to families with children-intake, foster care, kinship care, family foster care, family foster homes – recruitment and new applications, family foster homes – ongoing and licensing, adoption, interstate compact for the placement of children, and caseworker supervision. The report shall be submitted by December 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted.

Explanation: Maintaining an adequate child welfare workforce is essential to improving the outcomes for children entering the State’s care. This language restricts funds until DHS submits a report that demonstrates it has reallocated to Baltimore, Carroll, and Prince George’s counties sufficient caseworker and supervisor positions needed to meet CWLA caseload standards and also includes in the report data necessary to determine whether the caseload ratios have been met by jurisdiction. The caseload reports submitted by the department in fiscal 2019 and 2020 have indicated that Baltimore, Carroll, and Prince George’s counties did not have enough filled positions to meet these standards on the whole or enough vacant positions that could be filled to allow the jurisdiction to meet the standards.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on caseload data and filled DHS December 1, 2020 positions assigned by jurisdiction for specified caseload types and reallocations of positions to certain jurisdictions

N00G00.08 Assistance Payments

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduced funding for the Supplemental Nutrition 50,000,000 FF Assistance Program (SNAP) to better reflect anticipated spending. The fiscal 2021 allowance

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 135 N00G00

includes funding for SNAP at the level of the fiscal 2018 expenditures ($931.5 million) despite caseload decreases of more than 5%. The fiscal 2019 expenditures in the program were $885.8 million. This reduction still provides sufficient funding to support an increase in the caseload from the fiscal 2020 year-to-date spending levels. The agency is authorized to process a budget amendment if the spending for the program increases beyond the available remaining appropriation.

Total Reductions 50,000,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 47,610,808 47,610,808 0 Special Fund 6,445,657 6,445,657 0 Federal Fund 1,044,449,048 994,449,048 50,000,000 Total Funds 1,098,505,513 1,048,505,513 50,000,000

Committee Narrative

Children Served in the Summer Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Chapters 635 and 636 of 2019 created a supplemental benefit for children receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in jurisdictions that chose to implement the program. The program was designed to provide $100 in benefits ($30 per month in June, July, and August and $10 in December) per year. Jurisdictions are able to apply for State matching funds, which are based on the Public School Construction matching rate. The chapters mandated $200,000 in State funds for the program. At this level of funding, only 2,000 children could be served; however, the required local matches will enable additional children to receive the benefit. The participating jurisdictions and the amount of local funds available for the program are unknown, as the approval process is not complete. In June 2019, there were 246,431 children receiving SNAP benefits across Maryland. Given the limited State funding for the program and the lack of information on the amount of local funding available to support the program, the committees request that the Department of Human Services (DHS) provide two reports with the following information:

 the number of children served by jurisdiction;

 the benefit level provided per child by jurisdiction;

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 136 N00G00

 the total funding available for benefits in the program, including local funding by jurisdiction; and

 the number of children in participating jurisdictions that are not able to receive benefits due to insufficient funding by jurisdiction.

The first report should cover the summer portion of the program (June, July, and August), while the second report should cover the winter portion of the program (December).

Information Request Author Due Date

Children receiving benefits DHS September 1, 2020 through the Summer SNAP for Children Act

Children receiving benefits DHS January 15, 2021 through the Summer SNAP for Children Act

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 137 N00H00 Child Support Administration Department of Human Services

Budget Amendments

N00H00.08 Child Support - State

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce the federal funding for the Harford County 842,805 FF State’s Attorneys cooperative reimbursement agreement. The fiscal 2021 budget includes positions and related funding to transfer duties of the State’s Attorneys office from Harford County to the State but also includes funding for the cooperative reimbursement agreement. This reduction removes the duplicative funding.

Total Reductions 842,805 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 69.30 69.30 0.00 General Fund 3,164,139 3,164,139 0 Special Fund 11,122,223 11,122,223 0 Federal Fund 30,064,248 29,221,443 842,805 Total Funds 44,350,610 43,507,805 842,805

Committee Narrative

Baltimore City Office of Child Support Services Performance Report: Child support services in Baltimore City are administered by Veritas HHS, LLC (Veritas) through a privatization contract. In the most recent performance update submitted in response to the 2019 Joint Chairmen’s Report, the Department of Human Services (DHS) reported that Veritas was not meeting two of the minimum performance measure goals. The committees request that DHS submit reports on Veritas performance in federal fiscal 2020 and in the first two quarters of federal fiscal 2021. The reports should include:

 best practices and operational procedures being used or modified by Veritas to improve performance;

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 138 N00H00

 Baltimore City Office of Child Support Services (BCOCSS) performance measures set against the goals used to determine federal incentive payments;

 BCOCSS performance measures set against the goals set by DHS to determine incentives or liquidated damages;

 any incentives or liquidated damages assessed; and

 a discussion of any changes to the privatization contract and the method used to make the change.

Information Request Author Due Date

BCOCSS performance DHS October 1, 2020 January 1, 2021 April 1, 2021 June 30, 2021

Performance Measures for Temporary Cash Assistance-related Child Support Cases: Since fiscal 2020, the Department of Human Services (DHS) has passed through a portion of the child support payments collected on behalf of Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) recipients. The committees request that DHS include annually beginning with the fiscal 2022 Managing for Results submission the average monthly collections for TCA-related cases, the number of families that received passed through collections, the number of children that received passed through collections, the total collections on arrears for TCA-related cases, and the percent of TCA-related cases with a support order.

Information Request Author Due Date

Performance measures for DHS Annually beginning with the TCA-related child support submission of the fiscal 2022 cases allowance

Increased Legal Oversight for Baltimore City Office of Child Support Services: Baltimore City handles 27% of the State’s child support cases. Child support services in Baltimore City are administered by Veritas HHS, LLC through a privatization contract. In addition, the State retains State positions in Baltimore City from prior to the privatization. The State positions perform legal/court work that supports enforcement actions. The committees are concerned that these State positions are not overseen by the contractor, which is involved in other enforcement duties. Instead, court workers are overseen by the Assistant Director of the Baltimore City Office of Child Support Services (BCOCSS) that reports to the director, who works in a different building. Generally, legal/court workers and those that oversee legal/court

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 139 N00H00 work are located in the same building in other jurisdictions. As at least two of the recent audit findings from the Office of Legislative Audits (OLA) May 15, 2019 fiscal compliance audit may be addressed by greater oversight of legal work, the committees request that the Department of Human Services (DHS) explore ways to reorganize its child support administration in Baltimore City so that positions that perform legal work will have the opportunity for greater coordination with the director. The committees request that DHS submit a report that includes the following:

 best practices and operational procedures that would address audit findings in the OLA May 15, 2019 fiscal compliance audit;

 the feasibility of colocation of the State regular positions in Baltimore City that perform legal work with the director; and

 an assessment of the adequacy of oversight for positions that perform legal work statewide.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on increased legal oversight DHS November 1, 2020 for BCOCSS

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 140 N00I00 Family Investment Administration Department of Human Services

Budget Amendments

N00I00.04 Director’s Office

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that since the Department of Human Services (DHS) Family Investment Administration has had four or more repeat findings in the most recent fiscal compliance audit issued by the Office of Legislative Audits (OLA), $100,000 of this agency’s administrative appropriation may not be expended unless:

(1) DHS has taken corrective action with respect to all repeat audit findings on or before November 1, 2020; and

(2) a report is submitted to the budget committees by OLA listing each repeat audit finding along with a determination that each repeat finding was corrected. The budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment to allow for funds to be released prior to the end of fiscal 2021.

Explanation: The Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee has requested that budget bill language be added for each unit of State government that has four or more repeat audit findings in its most recent fiscal compliance audit. Each agency is to have a portion of its administrative budget withheld pending the adoption of corrective action by the agency and a determination by OLA that each finding was corrected. OLA shall submit a report to the budget committees on the status of repeat findings.

Information Request Author Due Date

Status of corrective actions OLA 45 days before the release of related to the most recent funds fiscal compliance audit

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of the Director’s Office in the Family Investment Administration may not be expended until the Department of Human Services submits a report to the budget committees detailing the impact of recent federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) rule changes. The detail should include for the period January 2020 through November 2020:

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 141 N00I00

(1) the number of able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD) separately by jurisdiction and month;

(2) the number of ABAWDs determined ineligible for benefits due to ABAWD requirements separately by jurisdiction and month; and

(3) the number of ABAWDs that returned to benefits after complying with the requirements separately by jurisdiction and month.

The report shall also include information on the number of SNAP applicants and recipients who no longer qualify, do not qualify for benefits, or have had their benefits reduced as a result of any finalized federal rule change related to broad-based categorical eligibility or the standard utility allowance. The report shall be submitted by December 15, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) finalized changes to the waiver process related to ABAWD requirements in December 2019. The rule changes go into effect on April 1, 2020. Waivers in 13 jurisdictions in Maryland are expected to end at that time, as none of these jurisdictions are expected to qualify for a waiver under the new rules. In addition, in calendar 2019, USDA also proposed rule changes related to the use of broad-based categorical eligibility for eligibility determination and the calculation of the standard utility allowance included in the deductions related to the income and benefit level. The General Assembly is concerned about the impact of these final and proposed rule changes. This language restricts funds in the Family Investment Administration until the Department of Human Services (DHS) provides a report detailing information about the impact of the changes.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on the impact of final DHS December 15, 2020 and proposed rule changes related to SNAP

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 142 N00I00

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Delete 1 regular position (PIN 080945) that has been 28,905 GF 1.00 vacant for longer than one year. As of January 1, 2020, 2,689 SF the Family Investment Administration had 35,628 FF 189.5 vacant positions, including 6 positions that had been vacant for longer than one year. Five of the long-term vacancies are transferred to other areas of the Department of Human Services in the fiscal 2021 allowance. This action deletes the remaining long-term vacant position.

Total Reductions 67,222 1.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 228.00 227.00 1.00 General Fund 10,002,815 9,973,910 28,905 Special Fund 649,362 646,673 2,689 Federal Fund 31,265,256 31,229,628 35,628 Total Funds 41,917,433 41,850,211 67,222

Committee Narrative

Performance Data for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training Program: The committees continue to be interested in the participation in and performance of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training Program (E&T), particularly given the changes to the waiver rules related to able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD). The committees request that the Department of Human Services (DHS) report on:

 spending by source for fiscal 2020 actual and fiscal 2021 estimates;

 distribution of funds by local department of social services and third-party partner;

 current program offerings, including those by third-party partners, and any planned changes in program offerings;

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 143 N00I00

 performance in the national performance measures for the fourth quarter after completing an employment and training program, including both the total population and ABAWD population for federal fiscal 2018;

 performance in each of the national performance measures, including both the total population and the ABAWD population for federal fiscal 2019;

 performance in the State option measures identified in the State plan for program components serving 100 or more individuals, including both the total population and the ABAWD population for federal fiscal 2019 and, to the extent available, federal fiscal 2020;

 participation in SNAP E&T by participant characteristic as defined in the performance measures, including education, gender, age, and ABAWD status for federal fiscal 2020; and

 efforts to increase program participation, particularly for the ABAWD population.

Information Request Author Due Date

SNAP E&T participation and DHS December 31, 2020 performance

Employment and Training Program Outcomes: The budget committees are interested in better understanding the employment and training programs available to customers of the Family Investment Administration. The budget committees request that the Department of Human Services (DHS) provide information on:

 the various employment and training (E&T) programs offered by fund source, how those programs are provided to customers, and how the customers transition between employment and training program offerings funded through different sources (for example, how customers move from Work Opportunities programs to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) E&T programs);

 the restrictions that may apply on comingling of funds between programs funded by various sources and whether that presents a barrier to providing E&T services to customers;

 the outcome data tracked by DHS for each type of E&T program, including the Work Opportunities programs, SNAP E&T, and the Noncustodial Parent Employment Program; and

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 144 N00I00

 the feasibility for tracking outcomes for periods longer than four quarters after program completion.

DHS should specifically describe whether the data is collected for outcomes at the jurisdictional level and whether it is collected by program provider. If the data is not currently tracked at the jurisdiction or provider level, the department should develop a plan for tracking outcomes by jurisdiction and provider. The department should also describe how it works with the Maryland Department of Labor in the operation of the programs to ensure that the State has a consistent E&T program across agencies.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on outcome tracking for E&T DHS November 1, 2020 programs

N00I00.06 Office of Home Energy Programs

Energy Assistance Application Processing Times: The committees are interested in continuing to monitor the local administering agencies (LAA) energy assistance application processing times. The committees request that the Department of Human Services (DHS) provide by LAA:

 the number of applications received;

 the average number of days to process applications;

 the number of days to process applications; and

 the number and percent of applications processed within 30 days, 55 days, and longer than 60 days.

The report should note the date of the data. The data should be current through November 1, 2020, for the report due December 30 and current through May 1, 2020, for the report due June 30.

Information Request Author Due Date

Application processing times DHS December 31, 2020

Application processing times DHS June 30, 2021

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 145 N00I00

Denial Rates for Energy Assistance Applications: The committees are interested in monitoring the progress on reducing denial rates for energy assistance applications due to missing information. The committees request that the Department of Human Services (DHS) submit a report on:

 application denial rates by benefit type (Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP) bill payment, EUSP arrearage assistance, Maryland Energy Assistance Program bill payment, and natural gas arrearage assistance) for the fiscal 2019 actual, fiscal 2020 actual, and year to date in fiscal 2021

 most common causes for application denials separately for the bill assistance benefits and arrearage assistance benefit programs;

 steps taken by Local Administering Agencies to work with customers to avoid application denials due to missing documentation; and

 any changes in policy implemented in recent years or planned to assist in reducing application denial rates for energy assistance benefits.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on application denial rates and DHS November 30, 2020 efforts to reduce denial rates due to missing documentation

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 146 P00 Maryland Department of Labor

Budget Amendments

P00A01.01 Executive Direction

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Increase turnover to 8.2%. The budgeted turnover rate 247,000 GF is 7.09%. The most recent vacancy rate in the department is 13.34%. The reduction is taken in Executive Direction but may be allocated across the department as appropriate.

2. The fiscal 2021 allowance includes additional funds 110,328 SF over the intended amount for the Clean Energy Jobs Act. This action reduces the funds to the intended level.

Total Reductions 357,328 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 24.00 24.00 0.00 General Fund 12,517,298 12,270,298 247,000 Special Fund 1,715,611 1,605,283 110,328 Federal Fund 3,304,793 3,304,793 0 Total Funds 17,537,702 17,180,374 357,328

Committee Narrative

Unrecoverable Federal Fund Revenues: The statewide closeout audit confirmed that the Maryland Department of Labor (MDL) has prior year unrecoverable federal fund revenues of $6,375,000. The committees request a report identifying where in State records this debt is located and detailing a plan to pay down the remaining debt.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on unrecoverable MDL October 1, 2020 federal fund revenues

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 147 P00

Providing Our Workers Education and Readiness Apprenticeship Act: The committees request a report on the capital projects that met the standards outlined in the Providing Our Workers Education and Readiness (POWER) Apprenticeship Act (Chapter 782 of 2017), the location of those projects, the number of apprentices that worked on those projects, and the number of contractors or subcontractors that worked on those projects and paid into the Maryland Apprenticeship Training Fund, covering all available data following implementation of the data collection system.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on projects affected by Maryland Department of November 1, 2020 POWER Apprenticeship Act Labor

Report on Workforce Development Program Outcomes: The committees are interested in better understanding the department’s workforce development programs and their outcomes. The committees request that the Maryland Department of Labor (MDL) submit a report including the following information:

 the various workforce development programs offered and the outcome data tracked by MDL for each program, including whether programs track data on wages and retention;

 whether outcome data is tracked by jurisdiction and provider;

 a comparison of program success across sectors;

 the biggest barriers to success in each program; and

 the feasibility of tracking outcomes for periods longer than four quarters after program completion.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on outcome tracking MDL November 1, 2020 for workforce development programs

P00E01.02 Maryland Racing Commission

Horse Fatalities: The committees request an annual report on horse fatalities at Maryland racetracks during training and racing. The report should include the number of fatalities at each track and identify the cause of each fatality as well as potential contributing factors, including

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 148 P00 but not limited to track surface, track conditions, and/or necropsies positive for various medications. In addition, the report should include the number of retired racehorses rescued and the number of racehorses killed at the end of their racing days. The first report should include an update on the implementation of new safety rules.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on horse fatalities Maryland Department of October 1, 2020, and each Labor year thereafter

Budget Amendments

P00G01.07 Workforce Development

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of the Office of Workforce Development may not be expended until the Maryland Department of Labor submits a report to the budget committees on journeyworker to apprentice ratios in construction apprenticeship programs and specifically (1) the number of construction apprenticeship programs that are operating at a 1:1 journeyworker to apprentice ratio; (2) the number of programs operating at a 1:2 journeyworker to apprentice ratio; (3) the number and percentage of employers participating in a construction apprenticeship program with a 1:2 ratio that are utilizing the 1:2 ratio; (4) details of any Occupational Safety and Health Administration and/or Maryland Occupational Safety and Health violations involving employers utilizing the 1:2 ratio; (5) how employers utilizing a 1:1 ratio are impacted during the bidding process for projects by employers utilizing the 1:2 ratio; and (6) any plans by the department to standardize the ratio for all construction apprenticeship sponsors. The report shall be submitted by October 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of the receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted.

Explanation: The language restricts $100,000 pending the receipt of a report on the number and percentage of construction apprenticeship programs and employers with certain journeyworker to apprenticeship ratios, occupational health and safety violations by programs operating at a certain ratio, the impact on the bidding process for projects, and the department’s plans, if any, to standardize the ratio for all construction apprenticeship sponsors.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 149 P00

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on journeyworker to Maryland Department of October 1, 2020 apprentice ratios in Labor construction apprenticeship programs

Committee Narrative

P00G01.13 Adult Corrections Program

Correctional Education Vacancies: The committees request a report on the Maryland Department of Labor’s progress in filling vacancies in the correctional education program. The report should include the status of PINs 053419, 055372, and 055644, including whether these positions have been reclassified and/or filled.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on correctional Maryland Department of October 1, 2020 education vacancies Labor

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 150 Q00 Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

Budget Amendments

Add the following language:

Further provided that $5,000,000 in general funds shall be reduced to reflect personnel savings associated with the abolishment of 521 positions across the department.

Explanation: The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services is directed to abolish 521 positions through budget bill language. This related action deletes a portion of saved personnel costs due to these position abolishments while ensuring that funding is sufficient to fill vacant positions.

Add the following language:

Further provided that $890,000,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of Comptroller Object 01 Salaries and Wages may be expended only for that purpose. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund or be canceled.

Explanation: The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services had substantial salary savings in recent fiscal years due to high levels of vacancies in all employee categories. In fiscal 2019, $18.8 million in excess salary funds were used to cover shortfalls in other areas of the budget. Spending funds in this manner does not provide adequate transparency to the budget committees regarding the actual destination of appropriated funds. This language provides the department with the flexibility to use $14.4 million in salary savings in other areas of its budget but ensures that most of the salary savings will only be used to support personnel costs without affecting necessary spending on additional overtime or bonus programs. Finally, this language ensures that necessary spending is requested through either a supplemental budget or the deficiency process.

Add the following language:

Further provided that $7,157,230 of this appropriation for the purpose of substance abuse treatment services may only be expended for that purpose or for the purpose of providing aid to political subdivisions to implement Chapter 532 of 2019. Funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year shall revert to the General Fund or be canceled.

Further provided that $100,000 of this appropriation for the purpose of substance abuse treatment services may not be expended until the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) submits a report on the new substance abuse treatment services provider and the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Pilot Program in the Baltimore City Pretrial

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 151 Q00

Complex. The report shall include a description of the new vendor and substance abuse treatment services that are provided at DPSCS facilities, a description of actions taken to establish an MAT Pilot Program at the Baltimore City Pretrial Complex, and a description of the planned use of restricted substance abuse treatment funds. The report shall be submitted by September 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: Chapter 532 of 2019 directs DPSCS to create a MAT program within the confines of the Baltimore Pretrial Complex as well as apply for funding to support local detention centers required to create their own treatment programs. DPSCS has historically underspent the appropriation for substance abuse services and does not have a contract in place for these services. Additionally, current funding for local detention centers may not be adequate to ensure the efficient creation of MAT programs for local detainees. This language ensures that funds for substance abuse services will only be spent for that purpose or shall revert to the fund of origin at the end of the fiscal year.

Information Request Author Due Date

MAT Pilot Program report DPSCS September 1, 2020

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 152 Q00A Administration and Offices Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

Committee Narrative

Q00A01.01 General Administration

Justice Reinvestment Act Report: The budget committees request that the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) submit a report by December 1, 2020, on the following items:

 annual updates on the number of offenders petitioning and approved for new Justice Reinvestment Act Report (JRA) provisions including, but not limited to, administrative release, medical/geriatric parole, certificates of rehabilitation, and graduated sanctions;

 the number of offenders affected by new diminution and earned compliance credit rules; and

 annual JRA cost savings updates along with any efforts/initiatives to increase savings.

Information Request Author Due Date

JRA report DPSCS December 1, 2020

Position Abolishments and Reclassifications Report: The budget committees request that the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) submit a report by September 1, 2020, on the following items:

 all fiscal 2020 and 2021 abolishments, reclassifications, and transfers including the position titles, what facility or division they came from, and what agency or division they are being transferred or reclassified into, along with the effect these position changes are having on operations; and

 a briefing on the impact of the fiscal 2019 and 2020 changes in correctional officers (CO) compensation and the department’s expectations regarding those changes on CO retention and recruitment.

Information Request Author Due Date

Position abolishments and DPSCS September 1, 2020 reclassifications report

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 153 Q00A

Q00A01.04 9-1-1 Emergency Number Systems

Local 9-1-1 Staffing Analysis Report: With the advent of Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG911) and overall changes to the State 9-1-1 system, the budget committees are concerned about staffing within local public safety answering points (PSAP). In order to ensure a PSAP environment that enables the approximately 1,300 9-1-1 specialists across the State of Maryland to serve their communities and flourish personally and professionally within the public safety community, the budget committees request a report due January 15, 2021, on the following:

 a breakdown of the number of budgeted and vacant positions at each local PSAP;

 a breakdown and analysis of salaries and benefits for entry-level and advanced 9-1-1 specialists, including a discussion of disparities between various jurisdictions;

 an analysis of how wage and benefit discrepancies affect efforts to recruit and retain highly qualified and well-trained 9-1-1 specialists as well as any other systematic staffing issues;

 an analysis of the training needs of 9-1-1 specialists in a changing emergency response environment; and

 a status update indicating the progress of each PSAP in implementing NG911.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Local 9-1-1 staffing Emergency Number Systems January 15, 2021 analysis report Board Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

Q00A02.04 Security Operations

Report on Contraband: The budget committees request that the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) submit a report by October 15, 2020, on overall trends in contraband finds, including:

 an analysis of trends in contraband finds using data from at least three fiscal years;

 a review of departmental rules and procedures regarding contraband detection;

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 154 Q00A

 a review of recent changes to contraband detection, including a discussion of Suboxone film as both contraband and as medication used in the department’s Medication Assisted Treatment pilot program; and

 an analysis of personnel in the Canine Unit, including the impact of high vacancies on the ability to carry out tactical contraband searches.

Information Request Author Due Date

Contraband report DPSCS October 15, 2020

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 155 Q00A03 Maryland Correctional Enterprises Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

Committee Narrative

Q00A03.01 Maryland Correctional Enterprises

Maryland Correctional Enterprises Staffing, Programs, and Sales Report: The budget committees are concerned that recent trends in sales, employment, and staff vacancies may inhibit the ability of Maryland Correctional Enterprises (MCE) to carry out its mission to improve employability upon release, enhance safety and security, reduce prison idleness, and produce quality goods and services. The budget committees direct the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) to submit a report by September 15, 2020, providing the following information:

 a breakdown of regular and special programs to include employment data;

 a review of MCE audit findings and steps taken to address faulty inventory records;

 an analysis of sales and employment trends and any steps that can be taken to maximize sales and employment; and

 an analysis of the impact of MCE vacancies on audit findings, sales, and employment trends.

Information Request Authors Due Date

MCE staff, programs, and MCE September 15, 2020 sales report DPSCS

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 156 Q00B Corrections Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

Budget Amendments

Q00B01.01 General Administration

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation may not be expended until the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services submits a report on plans to replace the Brockbridge Correctional Facility (BCF). The report shall summarize actions taken to downsize BCF, provide a funding estimate and construction timeline for any necessary facility renovations, and provide a detailed description of operational and programmatic plans for the new facility. The report shall be due August 15, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) announced in January 2020 that BCF is depopulated and will be replaced by a comprehensive Pre-Release, Re-Entry, and Workforce Development Facility. This action requires the department to report on plans for renovating BCF and provide a detailed description of the programs and operations that will take place once the new facility opens.

Information Request Author Due Date

BCF replacement report DPSCS August 15, 2020

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 157 Q00C Community Supervision Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

Budget Amendments

Add the following language:

Provided that $1,300,000 of the general fund appropriation for the Division of Parole and Probation shall be reduced contingent on enactment of legislation to increase the Drinking Driver Monitor Program supervision fee. The Division is authorized to allocate this reduction across the regions.

Explanation: The language reduces general fund support for Drinking Driver Monitor Program (DDMP) operations contingent on legislation authorizing an increase in the DDMP supervision fee. The fee at the current amount is no longer sufficient to support operations, requiring $1.3 million in general funds to be added to the fiscal 2021 allowance. The additional revenues available from the fee increase eliminate the need for a general fund appropriation. This reduction is intended to be distributed across the Division of Parole and Probation (DPP) regions where general funds are appropriated. DPP is authorized to process a budget amendment recognizing the additional special funds available to support DDMP operations.

Committee Narrative

Q00C02.01 Division of Parole and Probation - Support Services

Division of Parole and Probation Caseload Report: In recent fiscal years, the Division of Parole and Probation (DPP) has been working to reduce caseloads to a manageable level for its parole and probation agents. While vacancies and caseload ratios marginally improved in fiscal 2019, vacancy rates remain above 10%, and some offices have over 100 cases per agent. The budget committees request a report due by September 15, 2020, from DPP on the following:

 efforts to maintain uniform caseloads below the national average in each region;

 the exact breakdown of support staff and general supervision caseloads by office into DPP supervision levels (low, moderate, high risk, administrative, and Violence Prevention Initiative) for fiscal 2019 and 2020; and

 an evaluation of staff realignment between regions.

Information Request Author Due Date

DPP caseload report DPP September 15, 2020

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 158 Q00C

Community Supervision Treatment and Services Report: Division of Parole and Probation (DPP) agents supervise offenders in the community in addition to referring offenders to employment, treatment, and housing services. Employment is a primary indicator for successful reentry into society following correctional or community supervision, yet the employment rate of supervisees upon case closure in fiscal 2019 was 28%, below the performance goal of 30%. The budget committees request a report from DPP on the services that it provides to offenders during and following supervision, including but not limited to employment assistance, mental health and medical treatment, housing assistance, and other reentry services. This report should include current enrollment and expenditures and should be submitted to the committees by November 1, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Community Supervision DPP November 1, 2020 services report

Community Supervision Drug Testing Report: The Division of Parole and Probation (DPP) is responsible for administering drug testing for prohibited substances of offenders supervised in the community, as ordered by a sentencing authority. Testing rates have declined dramatically since the switch to a new vendor in fiscal 2018. Additionally, while the rate of positive results increased to 25% in fiscal 2019, the sharp decline in sample size makes comparisons difficult between years. The budget committees request a report due by October 1, 2020, including the following:

 an overview of drug testing policies, including what offenders are subject to testing, how often testing occurs, the way results are processed by staff, and the provision of laboratory technicians for testimony at hearings;

 a breakdown of drug testing and results for fiscal 2017 to 2020 by type of substance;

 an analysis of these results, including possible reasons for any increase in drug use rates among supervisees, and steps taken to address high drug-use rates; and

 a review of the operational impacts of testing less frequently.

Information Request Author Due Date

Community Supervision drug DPP October 1, 2020 testing report

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 159 Q00G Police and Correctional Training Commission Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

Budget Amendments

Q00G00.01 General Administration

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that $50,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of management studies and consultants may not be expended until the Police and Correctional Training Commissions, in consultation with the Maryland State Police, submit a report to the budget committees outlining the results of a utilization analysis of the Public Safety Education and Training Center driver training course, firearms training course, and overall classroom space. The utilization analysis shall include (1) a quantitative analysis of subscription and utilization rates of the driver training course, firearms training course, and other classrooms from the beginning of fiscal 2019 to present, broken down by audience type and instructor type; and (2) an evaluation of these results, including the identification of areas that require additional resources or strategic enhancements. The report shall be submitted by December 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending receipt of this report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall be canceled if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: Utilization of the resources housed in the Public Safety Education and Training Center (PSETC) is of interest to the budget committees in determining the appropriateness of new initiatives and budgetary changes. The driver training track and firearms course are especially of interest, considering the unique service that they provide to public safety professionals in the region. The budget committees request that an evaluation of current resources and space be performed to better understand the needs of public safety professionals. This language restricts Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission police training funds in the Police and Correctional Training Commissions (PCTC) budget so that trends in the prescription or overprescription of special PSETC resources are better understood.

Information Request Authors Due Date

PCTC training facilities PCTC December 1, 2020 report Maryland State Police

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 160 Q00R Division of Correction – West Region Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

Budget Amendments

Q00R02.01 Maryland Correctional Institution – Hagerstown

Add the following language:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation may not be expended until the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services submits hiring and attrition reports to the budget committees on a monthly basis. The reports shall include a breakdown of all hires and separations for each month by category of employee (correctional officer, community supervision agent, or administrative employee) and by reason for separation. The report shall also include narrative summarizing all hiring events and changes to the hiring process that occurred each month; the quantity, type, and cost of bonuses disbursed; as well as overall applications received, tested, and interviewed. The first report shall be submitted to the budget committees no later than August 15, 2020 and the committees shall have 45 days to review and comment from the date the first report was received. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: Hiring within the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) has dropped to unsustainable levels, threatening the safety of staff and inmates at facilities and hampering efforts to carry out major projects and policy reforms. The department submitted the Correctional Officer Hiring Strategic Plan Report in December 2019, detailing efforts to improve the hiring process and increase hiring numbers, which are currently 50% lower than the calendar 2010 through 2015 average. The monthly reports requested in fiscal 2021 will enhance the ability of the budget committees to track all departmental hiring as well as the success of recent initiatives.

Information Request Author Due Date

DPSCS hiring and attrition DPSCS August 15, 2020 and monthly report thereafter

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 161 Q00S Division of Correction – East Region Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

Budget Amendments

Q00S02.03 Maryland Correctional Institution for Women

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $1,500,000 of this appropriation may only be expended for the purpose of creating a women’s pre-release pilot program. The pilot program must consist of the following:

(1) a separate, comprehensive rehabilitative space only for women who are eligible under the prerelease security level;

(2) a community-based unit or facility with less restrictive requirements that allows offenders to be closer to family, transportation, and community resources that will provide them with assistance;

(3) a location situated in close proximity to where the greater number of offenders will be returning; and

(4) evidence-based and gender-responsive programs and services.

Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: In 2009, the pre-release facility for women was closed, and the State currently lacks gender equity with regards to pre-release opportunities for incarcerated women returning to society. This language restricts funds for the sole purpose of piloting a program that would provide equitable pre-release opportunities for incarcerated women. The pilot program should be housed in a unit or facility separated from men and from women of higher custody status than pre-release. There should be evidence-based programming and adequate connections to community services, transportation, and family.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 162 Q00T Division of Pretrial Detention Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

Budget Amendments

Q00T04.01 Chesapeake Detention Facility

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $1,000,000 of this appropriation may not be expended until the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services conducts a review of the federal agreement to operate the Chesapeake Detention Facility as a federal facility, reaches out to the U.S. Marshals Service to renegotiate the agreement, and submits a report on these efforts to the budget committees. The report shall include a detailed history of the use of this facility as a federal detention center, results of efforts to renegotiate the agreement, options to reduce the reliance on general funds for this facility (including the consequences of exiting the agreement prior to expiration), and plans for the facility following the conclusion of the agreement. The report shall be submitted by December 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The Chesapeake Detention Facility (CDF) is used as a federal detention center for the U.S. Marshals Service but is operated by the Division of Pretrial Detention (DPD). DPD received $20 million as supplemental funding to construct the Dorsey Run Correctional Facility and receives a contractually negotiated per diem payment for each inmate housed. The per diem rate is no longer sufficient to support CDF operations, resulting in the State subsidizing the detainment of federal offenders. In this report, the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) shall revisit the federal agreement, seek ways to increase the per diem rate, and report on these efforts to the General Assembly. The report will include a history of DPSCS actions regarding the contract and address plans for CDF usage following the conclusion of the contract.

Information Request Author Due Date

CDF funding report DPSCS December 1, 2020

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 163 R00A01 Headquarters State Department of Education

Budget Amendments

Add the following language:

Provided that it is the intent of the Maryland General Assembly that the Maryland State Department of Education redistribute 20 vacant positions to meet obligations specific to implementing recommendations in line with the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future.

Explanation: The Maryland State Department of Education currently has approximately 50 vacant positions. The committees recommend that 20 of these positions be redistributed to meet personnel needs identified as needed to implemented Blueprint for Maryland’s Future.

Committee Narrative

Improvements to Accounting Practices: The committees request that the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) provide a report by September 30, 2020, on its accounting practices that includes an explanation for all fiscal 2020 encumbered and reverted funds for any amount that does not equal zero. In a recent fiscal 2019 closeout audit, the Office of Legislative Audits found that MSDE improperly retained $569,000 in special funds as well as incorrectly encumbered over $1 million for the Students with Disabilities – Aid to Education Program. In a three-year audit released in July 2019, the Division of Rehabilitative Services paid $10.9 million more for consumer services than budgeted, and federal fund reimbursement requests for the Nutrition Block Grant were not always complete and timely, resulting in lost investment income totaling approximately $300,000.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on accounting MSDE September 30, 2020 practices

Updates to Data Security Procedures: The committees request that the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) prepare a report on MSDE’s data security procedures by December 30, 2020, that includes an update on their progress to remediate all findings in the audit report and account for funds expended by each agency on remediation. MSDE is responsible for the safekeeping of many types of sensitive, personally identifiable information. An Office of Legislative Audits audit in July 2019 indicated that MSDE had four separate findings in regard to information systems security and control with two recommendations repeated either in full or in part from the last audit.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 164 R00A01

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on data security MSDE December 30, 2020 DoIT

Clarifications to Organizational Structure: The committees request that the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) report on the current organizational structure of its office. In 2019, MSDE reported that it had restructured their organization. However, MSDE’s organizational chart does not include some offices and independent units within MSDE, such as the new Office of the Inspector General. By July 1, 2020, MSDE should provide the committees with a report that includes its organizational chart, clarifies office and division responsibilities, and elaborates on the relationship of MSDE to its independent units, including the office or offices that supervises these units.

Information Request Author Due Date

Organizational chart and MSDE July 1, 2020 structure

Transition to the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program: The committees request that, by August 1, 2020, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) report on the transition from the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) assessments to the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP). Spring 2019 was the last administration of PARCC; in spring 2020, students will take MCAP. MSDE has not released a cost estimate for the changeover from PARCC to MCAP or a comprehensive cost analysis of the MCAP assessments. MSDE should provide the committees with MCAP costs compared to PARCC and any additional costs or savings for MCAP due to projected enrollment growth or decline. Data for this transition should be provided for fiscal 2020 to 2024.

Information Request Author Due Date

Transition to MCAP MSDE August 1, 2020

Division of Rehabilitative Services Placements Under New Criteria: The committees request that the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) report on the Division of Rehabilitative Services (DORS) qualified employment placements by July 1, 2020. Due to changes in 2017 in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), DORS has continued to have a steady decline in placements. MSDE should report to the budget committees on the reasons for this continued decline and review this Managing For Results (MFR) performance goal in light of the WIOA changes with changes in the MFR to start in fiscal 2022.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 165 R00A01

Information Request Author Due Date

Report and review of MFR MSDE July 1, 2020

R00A01.10 Division of Early Childhood Development

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of administration may not be expended until the Maryland State Department of Education submits a report to the budget committees accounting for federal funds awarded through the Child Care and Development Block Grant and Child Care Mandatory and Matching Funds of the Child Care and Development Fund. The report shall detail beginning balances, gross income, expenditures, and ending balances from fiscal 2016 to 2020 in a format specified by the Department of Legislative Services. The report shall be submitted by November 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: Due to recent federal actions, Maryland has received increased federal funds through the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) to provide child care financial assistance to low-income families and to improve the quality of child care services. The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has simultaneously implemented programmatic changes to the Child Care Scholarship program that rapidly increase projected CCDF expenditures, yet it has not been able to submit consistent accounting of available CCDF funding. This language withholds funds until MSDE submits a report accounting for recent CCDF beginning and closing balances.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report accounting for CCDF MSDE November 1, 2020 balances by fiscal year

Committee Narrative

Early Childhood Expansion Funding: The fiscal 2021 allowance allocates $45.6 million in special funds from the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund to expand early childhood services through prekindergarten expansion grants, capacity building efforts, the Maryland Infants and Toddlers program, and supportive services offered at Judy Centers and Family Support Centers. By December 1, 2020, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) should submit a report to the budget committees that provides year-to-date spending of these special funds by

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 166 R00A01 purpose and the number of Judy Centers and Family Support Centers created in fiscal 2021. The report should also provide the fiscal 2021 prekindergarten expansion grant awards by jurisdiction and the number of prekindergarten slots created or improved with the additional special funds.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on early childhood MSDE December 1, 2020 expansion spending

Family Child Care Involvement in Prekindergarten Expansion: The State currently offers various grants for public and private prekindergarten providers to serve low-income students and improve the quality of their programs. In the fiscal 2021 budget, there is also increased State investment in early childhood expansion. The committees request that the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), in consultation with experts and stakeholders in family child care, develop a model or models of supporting family child care providers in becoming eligible for State funding and programs to expand prekindergarten. The committees request that by November 1, 2020, MSDE submit a report that:

 researches the policies of other states or localities that partner with family child care providers to deliver prekindergarten;

 assesses the potential use of consortiums and community hubs;

 examines child care credentialing and alternative pathways to prekindergarten teaching certification;

 outlines a model or models for involving family child care providers as eligible recipients of State funding to expand prekindergarten; and

 reviews other topics related to its development of this model or models.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on family child care MSDE November 1, 2020 and prekindergarten expansion

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 167 R00A02 Aid to Education State Department of Education

Budget Amendments

Add the following language:

Provided that the Maryland State Department of Education shall notify the budget committees of any intent to transfer funds from program R00A02 Aid to Education to any other budgetary unit. The budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of notification to review and comment on the planned transfer prior to its effect.

Explanation: The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) should not transfer any funds from Aid to Education until the transfer is reviewed by the budget committees.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on any transfer of MSDE 45 days prior to transfer funds from R00A02

Committee Narrative

R00A02.07 Students With Disabilities

Compensation Disparities in Special Education: The committees are concerned that compensation disparities exist between special education teachers in nonpublic special education schools and special education teachers in public schools. Before December 1, 2020, the Maryland Department of Education (MSDE) should provide a report with compensation data (wages and benefits) and qualifications (certification area, years of experience, and terminal degree) for public school special education teachers and nonpublic school special education teachers by jurisdiction and grade level served for fiscal years 2018 through 2020. The report should include an analysis of identified wage and compensation disparities and recommendations for remediation. If needed, MSDE should consult with the Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on special education MSDE December 1, 2020 compensation disparities

Autism Waiver Capacity: The Autism Waiver is administrated by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the Maryland Department of Health (MDH). In fiscal 2021, MSDE’s budget increased $78,000 for this program, which currently serves

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 168 R00A02

1,201 children and their families but has a waitlist of over 5,000 children. Due to the number of children currently on the Autism Waiver waitlist, the budget committees request an update to the 2018 Joint Chairman’s Report on this waiver and its capacity challenges. For both MDH and MSDE, this report should specify fiscal 2019 and 2020 expenditures, fiscal 2021 allowances, review of provider rates for those years, and how these agencies are working to increase provider capacity.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on the autism waiver MSDE November 1, 2020 MDH

Budget Amendments

R00A02.13 Innovative Programs

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $437,341 of this appropriation made for the purpose of Advanced Placement testing may not be expended for that purpose, but instead may be transferred by budget amendment to Program R00A03.03 – Other Institutions – Funding for Educational Organizations for the purpose of providing a grant to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for educational programming. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund.

Further provided that $649,159 of this appropriation is contingent on the enactment of HB 348 or SB 267, the AP Opportunities Act of 2020. Funds not expended for this purpose shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: This action transfers a portion of the funds provided for a new program to help students cover the costs associated with taking Advanced Placement (AP) tests to instead provide a grant to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for educational programming. This language also makes the remainder of the funding for the new AP testing program contingent on the enactment of legislation establishing the new program.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 169 R00A02

Committee Narrative

Report on Pathways in Technology Early College High School Program: The Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) Program enrolls students in grades 9 through 14 to complete a high school diploma and associate’s degree, as well as earn work experience. However, the costs of this program are difficult to determine due to the increasing number of students entering the program in grade 9. The budget committees request that the Maryland State Department of Education provide a report on P-TECH that includes current enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year in the program, anticipated enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year in the program, and estimated costs for the program in fiscal 2022.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on P-TECH MSDE July 1, 2020

Medicaid Claims for School-based Health Services: A 2019 Joint Chairmen’s Report (JCR) report found that the State and local education agencies (LEA) would need to take several steps to initiate Medicaid claiming for school-based health services. The committees are concerned that due to the complexity of this process, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) will not continue to pursue steps to help LEAs implement this type of claiming system, which would potentially provide significant savings. The committees request that by October 1, 2020, MSDE and MDH provide additional detail on the five areas identified in the 2019 JCR as necessary to implement Medicaid claims for school-based health services. This report should include a timeline and approximate costs for implementation, as well as approximate savings for the State and LEAs if such a program were to be implemented.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on Medicaid claims for MDSE October 1, 2020 school-based health services MDH

R00A02.59 Child Care Subsidy Program

Child Care Scholarship Program: Recent changes to the Child Care Scholarship (CCS) program, specifically lifting enrollment freezes, expanding income eligibility, and increasing provider reimbursement rates, are expected to substantially increase program participation and expenditures. General fund expenditures for the CCS program are expected to increase in future years as federal funds from the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) become insufficient to support the full impact of these programmatic changes. The rapid increase in program expenditures is especially concerning as the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has implemented enrollment freezes in the past due to limited funding availability.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 170 R00A02

MSDE should report quarterly on CCS expenditures, including the amount of CCDF funds being spent that were carried over from prior fiscal years, the amount of newly authorized federal funds, and the amount of general funds. These reports should disaggregate CCDF funding used directly for scholarships and funding used by MSDE Headquarters in support of the CCS program specified by purpose. In its August 1, 2020 report, MSDE should provide actual data as it relates to the CCS program in the final quarter of fiscal 2020 and fiscal 2020 overall. MSDE should also report quarterly on the provider reimbursement rate as a percentile of the market rate, statewide and by region. The reports should include the total number of children and families receiving CCS per month and the number of children and families receiving CCS who are newly eligible as a result of the emergency regulation effective August 1, 2018. Finally, MSDE should provide quarterly updates on whether it is maintaining a CCS waiting list and, if so, which income categories are impacted and how many children are on the waiting list.

Information Request Author Due Date

CCS quarterly expenditure MSDE August 1, 2020 reports November 1, 2020 February 1, 2021 May 1, 2021

Child Care Scholarship Program Data Analysis: Since June 2018, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has not contracted with any entity for the purpose of projecting Child Care Scholarship (CCS) program participation. Subsequent programmatic changes, including expanding income eligibility, have already caused program utilization to increase and rising reimbursement rates are likely to further increase participation. MSDE indicates that it anticipates proposing an advanced research and data analysis contract for the CCS program to the Board of Public Works in February 2020. The committees request that MSDE submit a report by December 1, 2020 with the new vendors’ program participation forecast by income category and an analysis of the fiscal impact of increasing income eligibility and reimbursement rates.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on CCS program data MSDE December 1, 2020 analysis

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 171 R00A02

Budget Amendments

R00A02.60 Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Grant Program

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that, contingent on the enactment of HB 1300 or SB 1000, the Governor is authorized to process a fiscal 2021 budget amendment recognizing $6,500,000 in special funds from the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund to support the implementation of recommendations from the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education. Funds should be distributed as follows:

Programs Amount

Accountability and Implementation Board $1,500,000 Career and Technical Education Committee and Skills Advisory Board $300,000 School Based Health Centers $1,300,000 Behavioral Health Training $700,000 Teacher Training $500,000 Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Expert Review Teams $500,000 MSDE, School-level Financial Reporting System $1,700,000

Explanation: Approximately $6.5 million in unanticipated fund balance is expected for the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund at the close of fiscal 2020. This language authorizes the Governor to process a budget amendment recognizing the availability of those additional special funds in fiscal 2021 and specifies how the additional funding should be expended, contingent on the enactment of legislation implementing the recommendations of the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education.

Add the following language to the special fund appropriation:

Further provided that, contingent on the enactment of HB 1300 or SB 1000, the Governor is authorized to process a fiscal 2021 budget amendment that provides sufficient funding from the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund for all schools identified as eligible to receive a Concentration of Poverty grant in the 2020-2021 school year. Explanation: This budget amendment authorizes the Governor to expend special funds from the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund on schools identified as eligible to receive a Concentration of Poverty grant funds in the 2020-2021 school year.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 172 R00A03 Funding for Educational Organizations State Department of Education

Budget Amendments

R00A03.01 Maryland School for the Blind

Amend the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that the $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of providing a grant to the Maryland School for the Blind (MSB) may not be expended until the Maryland Department of Education and MSB submit a report that includes, but is not limited to:

(1) federal, State, and local sources of revenue, including formula, Enhanced Services grant, and local education agency funding;

(2) expenditures identified in accordance with State object and subobject categories;

(3) a 5-year capital improvement plan that includes preventative maintenance costs; and

(4) consideration of how MSB might transition from a private school to a public school similar to Maryland School for the Deaf.

The requested revenue and expenditure data shall be provided for fiscal 2019 actuals through fiscal 2023 estimates. The report shall be submitted to the budget committees by November 1, 2020. The budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted.

Explanation: Section 8-314 of the Education Article requires that the budget submitted by the Governor to the General Assembly include the operating and administrative budget for MSB, including a complete list of revenue sources and expenditures. In a 2019 report, MSB determined that a new State funding model is necessary for the school to avoid financial instability. This language restricts funds pending receipt of detailed revenue and expenditure data consistent with other State budgeting practices, along with a proposed multi-year capital plan for the school, in order to better evaluate MSB’s operations.

Information Request Author Due Date

Financial information for Maryland Department of November 1, 2020 MSB Education

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 173 R00A03

R00A03.04 Aid to Non-Public Schools

Amend the following language:

, provided that this appropriation shall be for the purchase of textbooks or computer hardware and software and other electronically delivered learning materials as permitted under Title IID, Section 2416(b)(4), (6), and (7) of the No Child Left Behind Act for loan to students in eligible nonpublic schools with a maximum distribution of $65 per eligible nonpublic school student for participating schools, except that at schools where at least 20% from 20% to 40% of the students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch program, there shall be a distribution of $95 per student., and at schools where more than 40% of the students are eligible for the free or reduced- price lunch program there shall be a distribution of $155 per student.

Explanation: This action amends language modifying the distribution of funding for the Aid to Non-Public Schools Program so that schools where more than 40% of the students are eligible for the free or reduced-price lunch program receive $155 per student. Similar language has been included in the budget since fiscal 2017. It also strikes language regarding the No Child Left Behind Act due to technical differences with the reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

Amend the following language:

(2) Not charge more tuition to a participating student than the statewide average per pupil expenditure by the local education agencies, as calculated by the department, with appropriate exceptions for special education students as determined by the department; and

(3) Comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended.; and

(4) Submit its student handbook or other written policy related to student admissions to the Maryland State Department of Education for review to ensure compliance with program eligibility requirements.

Explanation: This action requires schools that participate in the Aid to Non-Public Schools Program to submit a student handbook or policy on student admissions to the Maryland State Department of Education in order to ensure compliance with program eligibility requirements.

Add the following language:

Further provided that a nonpublic school participating in the Aid to Non-Public Schools Program R00A03.04 shall certify compliance with Title 20, Subtitle 6 of the State Government Article. A nonpublic school participating in the program may not discriminate in student admissions, retention, or expulsion, or otherwise discriminate against any student on the basis of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. Nothing herein shall require any school or institution to adopt any rule, regulation, or policy that conflicts with its religious

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 174 R00A03 or moral teachings. However, all participating schools must agree that they will not discriminate in student admissions, retention, or expulsion or otherwise discriminate against any student on the basis of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. Any school found to be in violation of the requirements to not discriminate shall be required to return to the Maryland State Department of Education all textbooks or computer hardware and software and other electronically delivered learning materials acquired through the fiscal 2021 allocation. The only other legal remedy for violation of these provisions is ineligibility for participating in the Aid to Non-Public Schools Program. Any school that is found in violation of the nondiscrimination requirements in fiscal 2020 or 2021 may not participate in the program in fiscal 2021. It is the intent of the General Assembly that a school that violates the nondiscrimination requirements is ineligible to participate in the Aid to Non-Public Schools Program, the Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Today Program, the James E. “Ed” DeGrange Nonpublic Aging Schools Program, and the Nonpublic School Security Improvements Program in the year of the violation and the following two years.

Explanation: This action requires a nonpublic school participating in the Aid to Non-Public Schools Program to certify compliance with Title 20, Subtitle 6 of the State Government Article (Discrimination in Employment). It also specifies that a participating school may not discriminate in student admissions on the basis of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. Violation of these provisions means that a school will be ineligible for the program. Similar language has been included in the budget since 2017. This action also specifies that schools that violate the provisions must return all textbooks and technology received through the program to the Maryland State Department of Education. It also states that a school that violates the nondiscrimination requirements in fiscal 2020 or 2021 is not eligible to participate in the program in fiscal 2021 and states legislative intent that any school that violates the nondiscrimination requirements is ineligible to participate in any program that provides funding to nonpublic schools for a total of three years.

R00A03.05 Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Today

Amend the following language:

(a) participate have participated in Program R00A03.04 Aid to Non-Public Schools Program for textbooks and computer hardware and software administered by MSDE; during the 2019-2020 school year;

Explanation: This language specifies that in order to participate in the Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Today (BOOST) Program during the 2020-2021 school year, a nonpublic school must have already participated in the Aid to Non-Public Schools Program during the 2019-2020 school year. This language eliminates ambiguity for the Maryland State Department of Education, specifying that nonpublic schools are eligible for BOOST for the 2020-2021 school year by participating in the Aid to Non-Public Schools Program in the previous school year.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 175 R00A03

Amend the following language:

(c) administer assessments to all students in accordance with federal and State law; and administer national, norm-referenced standardized assessments chosen from the list of assessments published by the U.S. Department of Education to qualify nonpublic schools for the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program. The nonpublic schools must administer the assessments to all students as follows:

(i) English/language arts and mathematics assessments each year for students in grades 3 through 8, and at least once for students in grades 9 through 12; and

(ii) a science assessment at least once for students in grades 3 through 5, at least once for students in grades 6 through 9, and at least once for students in grades 10 through 12; and

(d) comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, Title 20, Subtitle 6 of the State Government Article, and not discriminate in student admissions, retention, or expulsion or otherwise discriminate against any student on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. Nothing herein shall require any school or institution to adopt any rule, regulation, or policy that conflicts with its religious or moral teachings. However, all participating schools must agree that they will not discriminate in student admissions, retention, or expulsion or otherwise discriminate against any student based on race, color, national origin, or sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. If a nonpublic school does not comply with these requirements, it shall reimburse MSDE all scholarship funds received under the BOOST Program for the 2020-2021 school year and may not charge the student tuition and fees instead. The only other legal remedy for violation of this provision is ineligibility for participating in the BOOST Program.

(2) MSDE shall establish procedures for the application and award process for scholarships for students who are eligible for the free or reduced price lunch program. The procedures shall include consideration for award adjustments if an eligible student becomes ineligible during the course of the school year.

(3) MSDE shall compile and certify a list of applicants that ranks eligible students by family income expressed as a percent of the most recent federal poverty levels.

(4) MSDE shall submit the ranked list of applicants to the BOOST Advisory Board.

(5) There is a BOOST Advisory Board that shall be appointed as follows: 2 members appointed by the Governor, 2 members appointed by the President of the Senate,

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 176 R00A03

2 members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and 1 member jointly appointed by the President and the Speaker to serve as the chair. A member of the BOOST Advisory Board may not be an elected official and may not have any financial interest in an eligible nonpublic school.

(6) The BOOST Advisory Board shall review and certify the ranked list of applicants and shall determine the scholarship award amounts. The BOOST Advisory Board shall take into account the needs of students with disabilities on an Individualized Education Plan or 504 Plan when determining scholarship award amounts.

(7) MSDE shall make scholarship awards to eligible students as determined by the BOOST Advisory Board.

(8) The Unless the student has special needs due to a disability, the amount of a scholarship award may not exceed the lesser of:

(a) the statewide average per pupil expenditure by local education agencies, as calculated by MSDE; or

(b) the tuition of the nonpublic school.

(9) In order to meet its BOOST Program reporting requirements to the budget committees, MSDE shall specify a date by which participating nonpublic schools must submit information to MSDE so that it may complete its required report. Any nonpublic schools that do not provide the necessary information by that specified date shall be ineligible to participate in the BOOST Program.

(10) Students who received a BOOST Program scholarship award in the prior year who still meet eligibility criteria for a scholarship shall receive a scholarship renewal award. For students who are receiving a BOOST Program scholarship for the first time, priority shall be given to students who attended public schools in the prior school year.

Further provided that the BOOST Advisory Board shall make all scholarship awards no later than December 31, 2020, for the 2019-2020 school year to eligible individuals. Any unexpended funds not awarded to students for scholarships shall be encumbered at the end of fiscal 2021 and available for scholarships in the 2021-2022 school year.

Further provided that $700,000 of this appropriation shall be used only to provide an additional award for each student with special needs that is at least equal in amount to the BOOST Program scholarship award that student is awarded in accordance with paragraph (6) above.

Further provided that MSDE shall submit a report to the budget committees by January 15, 2021, that includes the following:

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 177 R00A03

(1) the number of students receiving BOOST Program scholarships;

(2) the amount of the BOOST Program scholarships received;

(3) the number of certified and noncertified teachers in core subject areas for each nonpublic school participating in the BOOST Program;

(4) the assessments being administered by nonpublic schools participating in the BOOST Program and the results of these assessments. MSDE shall report the assessment results reported by nonpublic schools to the budget committees in an aggregate manner that does not violate student data privacy;

(5) in the aggregate, for each BOOST Program scholarship awarded (a) the nonpublic school and grade level attended by the student; (b) the school attended in the 2020-2021 school year by the student; and (c) if the student attended the same nonpublic school in the 2019-2020 school year, whether, what type, and how much nonpublic scholarship aid the student received in the 2019-2020 school year and will receive in the 2020-2021 school year;

(6) the average household income of students receiving BOOST Program scholarships;

(7) the racial breakdown of students receiving BOOST Program scholarships;

(8) the number of students designated as English language learners receiving BOOST Program scholarships;

(9) the number of special education students receiving BOOST Program scholarships;

(10) the county in which students receiving BOOST Program scholarships reside;

(11) the number of students who were offered BOOST Program scholarships but declined them as well as their reasons for declining the scholarships and the breakdown of students attending public and nonpublic schools for students who declined scholarships;

(12) the number of students who received BOOST Program scholarships for the 2019-2020 school year who are attending public school for the 2020-2021 school year as well as their reasons for returning to public schools; and

(13) the number of students who received BOOST Program scholarships for the 2019-2020 school year who withdrew or were expelled from the nonpublic schools they were attending and the reasons for which they withdrew or were expelled; the schools they withdrew or were expelled from; and the length of time students receiving BOOST Program scholarships were enrolled at a nonpublic school before withdrawing or being expelled.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 178 R00A03

Explanation: This language specifies priorities for the Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Today (BOOST) Program scholarship awards and makes nonpublic schools that do not provide required information to the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) by a certain date ineligible for participating in the BOOST Program. The language also provides that for the 2020-2021 school year, the BOOST Advisory Board shall make all scholarship awards no later than December 31, 2020, and any unexpended funds not awarded to students shall be encumbered for scholarships in the next year. This language also requires MSDE to report by January 15, 2021, on the distribution of the BOOST scholarships, information on the students receiving BOOST scholarships, teacher certifications for nonpublic schools participating in the BOOST Program, and assessments being administered in nonpublic schools participating in the BOOST Program, including student performance. The language also requires that MSDE report on students who choose to decline scholarships or attend public schools after participating in the BOOST Program in the past, along with their reasons for doing so, and information on students receiving scholarships for the 2019-2020 school year who withdrew or were expelled from the nonpublic schools that they were attending Finally, the language requires that the BOOST Advisory Board shall take into account the special needs of students with disabilities as it is determining scholarship award amounts and that $700,000 of the BOOST appropriation shall be used to provide higher awards for these students.

Information Request Author Due Date

BOOST Program MSDE January 15, 2021 participation

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce funding for the Broadening Options and 2,629,183 SF Opportunities for Students Today program.

Total Reductions 2,629,183 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Special Fund 10,000,000 7,370,817 2,629,183 Total Funds 10,000,000 7,370,817 2,629,183

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 179 R00A06 Maryland Center for School Safety State Department of Education

Budget Amendments

R00A06.01 Maryland Center for School Safety – Operations

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation within the Maryland Center for School Safety may not be expended until the center submits a report to the budget committees detailing the allocation of the School Resource Officer (SRO) Grant for the fiscal 2020 funding cycle. The report should further identify any local school systems that have failed to submit an SRO Adequate Coverage Plan by the July 1, 2020, deadline and the respective SRO Grant funds withheld from each noncompliant school during the fiscal 2021 grant funding cycle. The report shall be submitted by September 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: Chapter 30 of 2018 requires local school systems to submit SRO Adequate Coverage Plans each year. The first report submissions were due by July 1, 2019 and must demonstrate that each public school in the district employs SROs or provides sufficient local law enforcement resources to adequately provide security to that school. By the start of the 2019-2020 school year, only 66% of school systems had submitted the report. The statute also allocated $10 million for the SRO Grant in fiscal 2020 for the purpose of assisting local school systems achieve adequate safety coverage by SROs or local law enforcement agencies. This report requests information regarding the allocation of the SRO Grant during fiscal 2020 and the amount of grant funds withheld from schools who fail to submit an SRO Adequate Coverage Plan for the fiscal 2021 grant funding cycle.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on the allocation of Maryland Center for School September 1, 2020 the SRO Grant for fiscal 2020 Safety

Committee Narrative

School Safety Tip Line Performance Measures: Operating out of the Maryland Emergency Management Agency headquarters, the Maryland School Safety Tip Line is a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week anonymous tip line for citizens to report concerns such as a threat to a school, bullying in a school, or mental health. Performance measures for this program are not currently reported as part of the Maryland Center for School Safety’s (MCSS) Managing for Results (MFR) submission. The committees request that MCSS demonstrate the volume of calls received

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 180 R00A06 each year by event type, the closure rate, and outreach efforts to advertise the tip line service, as part of their annual MFR submission.

Information Request Author Due Date

School Safety Tip Line MFR MCSS With submission of the fiscal 2022 budget books

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 181 R00A07 Interagency Commission on School Construction State Department of Education

Budget Amendments

R00A07.01 Interagency Commission on School Construction

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation may not be expended until the Interagency Commission on School Construction submits a report to the budget committees on the status of the Statewide Facilities Assessment, which will include the agency’s progress to secure a third-party vendor, the anticipated timeline for completing the required assessment, and its anticipated cost. The report shall be submitted by July 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: Chapter 14 of 2018 requires the Interagency Commission on School Construction (IAC) to contract with a third-party vendor to complete the Statewide Facilities Assessment (SFA). Following this assessment, IAC is to develop standards and procedures to comprehensively update data on school facilities so that these data are not more than four years old. Due to delays in the procurement of a third-party vendor, this assessment has not started. This language directs IAC to submit a report on the status of this assessment in order to provide the budget committees with an update on the agency’s progress in meeting the requirements in Chapter 14.

Information Request Author Due Date

Status of SFA IAC July 1, 2020

Committee Narrative

Status Update on the Interagency Commission on School Construction Staffing: In fiscal 2019 and 2020, the Interagency Commission on School Construction (IAC) received 8 additional positions in recognition of the agency’s enhanced responsibilities from the enactment of Chapter 14 of 2018. The agency has struggled to fill these positions and, when combined with agency departures, is currently operating with nearly half of its allotted positions vacant. Due to these continued hiring challenges for IAC and the potential impact of these vacancies on the implementation of statutory requirements in Chapter 14, the budget committees direct IAC and the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Office of Human Resources to jointly report to the budget committees by July 1, 2020, on how MSDE and IAC intend to fill current vacancies.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 182 R00A07

Information Request Authors Due Date

Status update on IAC staffing IAC July 1, 2020 MSDE

Status Update on the Integrated Master Facilities Asset Library: Chapter 14 of 2018 requires the Interagency Commission on School Construction (IAC) to create an Integrated Master Facilities Asset Library. The library will house local education agency (LEA) preventive maintenance data and schedules as well as data collected in the Statewide Facilities Assessment. The library will be made available to LEAs in a cloud-based system. Due to a delay in the procurement of this system, the budget committees direct IAC to report by September 1, 2020, on its progress to secure a third-party vendor for this library, the timeline for this project, and its anticipated cost.

Information Request Author Due Date

Status of Asset Library IAC September 1, 2020

Revision of the Interagency Commission on School Construction’s Managing for Results Measures: Prior to the adoption of Chapter 14 of 2018, the Managing for Results (MFR) measure for the Interagency Commission on School Construction (IAC) in regard to number of school buildings surveyed was a cumulative measure that counted school buildings surveyed in the last six years. Chapter 14 requires school building survey data to be no less than four years old. Due to the misalignment of IAC’s current MFR measure with Chapter 14, the budget committees direct IAC to adopt new MFR measures for school building surveys that, at a minimum, provide a count of school buildings surveyed each year. IAC shall submit the revised MFR measures beginning with the fiscal 2022 data submission.

Information Request Author Due Date

Revision of MFR IAC With the fiscal 2022 data submission

Budget Amendments

R00A07.02 Capital Appropriation

Amend the following language to the general fund appropriation:

General Fund Appropriation, provided that $40,000,000 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of the Building Opportunity Fund legislation that authorizes

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 183 R00A07 certain revenue bond proceeds be used for the Healthy School Facility Fund and the School Safety Grant Program, provided that $3,500,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of Nonpublic School Safety Grants shall be distributed as grants to nonpublic schools in Maryland for school safety improvements. Provided that grants may be provided only to nonpublic schools that were eligible to participate in the Aid to Non-Public Schools R00A03.04 (for the purchase of textbooks or computer hardware and software for loans to students in eligible nonpublic schools) during the 2019-2020 school year or nonpublic schools that serve students with disabilities through the Non-Public Placement Program R00A02.07 Subprogram 0762, with a maximum amount of $65 per eligible student for participating schools, except that at schools where at least 20% of the students are eligible for the free and reduced-price meal program or for schools that service students with disabilities through the Non-Public Placement Program, there shall be a distribution of $85 per student and no individual school may receive less than $5,000. Further provided that funds shall be administered by the Interagency Commission on School Construction.

Explanation: This action removes the contingency based on passage of the Building Opportunity Fund legislation. It also amends language for the Nonpublic School Safety Grants to specify eligibility requirements and provides that the Interagency Commission on School Construction will administer Nonpublic School Safety Grant funds.

Strike the following language to the special fund appropriation:

, provided that $30,000,000 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of the Building Opportunity Fund legislation that authorizes certain revenue bond proceeds be used for the Healthy School Facility Fund.

Explanation: This action removes the contingency based on the passage of the Building Opportunity Fund legislation from the appropriation for the Healthy School Facility Fund.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 184 R13M00 Morgan State University

Budget Amendments

R13M00.00 Morgan State University

Add the following language to the current unrestricted fund appropriation:

, provided that the appropriation for the purpose of Morgan State University (MSU) shall be reduced by $260,000. Further provided that MSU may not increase resident undergraduate tuition in fiscal 2021 above the budgeted increase of 2%.

Explanation: This language reduces MSU’s general fund appropriation by $260,000 and specifies that MSU may not increase resident undergraduate tuition in fiscal 2021 above the budgeted 2% increase.

Committee Narrative

Report on Private Medical School Proposal: The budget committees are concerned about the development of a private, for-profit medical school affiliated with, and on the campus of, Morgan State University (MSU). The committees want to ensure that no State funds will be utilized on this project and wish to better understand how the institutions plans to privately fund this proposal. A report should be submitted that provides the funding plan for this proposed medical school.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on privately funded MSU October 1, 2020 medical school

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 185 R15P00 Maryland Public Broadcasting Commission

Supplemental Budget No. 1

Strike the following language:

Amendment No. 5:

On page 110, in line 25, strike “$215,561” and replace with “$314,734” and in line 28, strike “813” and replace with “816”.

Updates the language to reflect corrected mandate funding and correct chapter number.

Explanation: This action strikes language in technical amendment No. 5 of Supplemental Budget Bill No. 1, which increases the dollar amount of the Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act (BRFA) contingent reduction to be consistent with the action in the BRFA rejecting the reduction.

Budget Amendments

R15P00.02 Administration and Support Services

Strike the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $215,561 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation that would repeal the increase in funding mandated by Chapter 813 of the 2017 legislative session.

Explanation: This action is a technical amendment that strikes a contingent reduction.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 186 R30B00 University System of Maryland

Budget Amendments

Add the following language:

Provided that the unrestricted fund appropriation made for the purpose of University System of Maryland (USM) institutions shall be reduced by $5,000,000. Further provided that USM institutions may not increase resident undergraduate tuition in fiscal 2021 above the budgeted increase of 2%.

Explanation: This language reduces USM’s unrestricted fund (general fund) appropriation by $5.0 million and specifies that institutions may not increase resident undergraduate tuition in fiscal 2021 above the budgeted 2% increase.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 187 R30B23 Bowie State University University System of Maryland

Committee Narrative

Bowie Nursing Program Update: Bowie State University (BSU) has faced difficulties in meeting the Maryland Board of Nursing (MBON) required National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) pass rate for its Nursing Program. MBON placed the BSU Nursing Program on conditional approval in 2013 where it has remained through 2020. BSU has implemented strategies meant to improve this pass rate. The budget committees request a report that documents how the actions identified by BSU have improved the NCLEX-RN required MBON pass rate.

Information Request Author Due Date

BSU Nursing Program update BSU August 1, 2020

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 188 R30B28 University of Baltimore University System of Maryland

Committee Narrative

Status of Implementing Realignment Plan: The University of Baltimore (UB) recently announced a plan to realign the institution in response to the continuing challenges that it has been facing including budgetary constraints due to declining enrollment. Actions can be categories in one of four goals: positioning UB as a leading professional and career-focused institution in the region; student success; community engagement; and financial stability. The committees request a report that includes the status of plan implementation, including a timeframe for full implementation and the results from actions that have already been implemented. The report should be submitted by December 15, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Status of implementing UB December 15, 2020 realignment plan

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 189 R30B30 University of Maryland Global Campus University System of Maryland

Committee Narrative

Report on the National Footprint Campaign and Market Competitiveness: The University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) is undertaking a $500 million National Footprint Campaign, which includes $289 million for a national campaign and $211 million for a regional campaign, to increase enrollment from outside the Baltimore-Washington area. UMGC has performance metrics in place to ensure that the advertising data is meeting internal targets. Initial results have been mixed. The committees request that UMGC submit a report by December 1, 2020, on the goals of the advertising campaign and progress toward the goals. The report should include the return on investment attained on the regional and national advertising expenditures based on enrollment.

In addition, UMGC has stressed the need for continued flexibility within its business model to maintain its competitiveness in the online higher education space. UMGC should report back on the ongoing discussion with the University System of Maryland Board of Regents and the Chancellor regarding (1) needed enhancements to the UMGC business model that will enable UMGC to respond swiftly and prudently to changes in the online market; (2) the strategic direction of the institution; and (3) enhanced tuition flexibility in order to provide eligible, qualified Maryland resident and nonresident distance, adult, and military learners with affordable, quality education.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on the National UMGC December 1, 2020 Footprint Campaign and market competitiveness

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 190 R30B36 University System of Maryland Office University System of Maryland

Committee Narrative

Status of Implementing Universities at Shady Grove Financial Viability Report Recommendations: In 2019, concerns about the financial sustainability and continuing enrollment decline at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) prompted the budget committees to ask the University System of Maryland Office (USMO) to submit a plan to ensure the fiscal viability of USG. USMO convened a commission comprised of various stakeholders. The commission submitted a report on ensuring the financial viability of USG that contained 33 recommendations that focused on leadership; governance; USG’s funding model, expansion of USG’s mission; and the transportation needs of USG students, faculty, and staff. The committees request that USMO submit a report providing a status of implementing the recommendations by October 1, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Status of implementing USG USMO October 1, 2020 financial viability report recommendations

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 191 R62I00 Maryland Higher Education Commission

Committee Narrative

R62I00.01 General Administration

Report on Best Practices and Annual Progress Toward the 55% Completion Goal: The budget committees understand that, in order to meet the State’s goal to have at least 55% of Maryland’s residents age 25 to 64 holding at least one degree credential by 2025, accurate and timely information on degree progression and best practices is needed to ensure that the State is on track to meet the goal. The budget committees request that the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) annually collect and analyze student- and transcript-level data on progression, graduation, and other relevant metrics from each public institution of higher education, including community colleges and regional higher education centers. MHEC should submit a report by December 15 each year that analyzes the data and shows each institution’s progress toward the State and institutional goals in 2025. The report should also include a summary of best practices and findings on the effectiveness of institutions’ programs as well as any concerns regarding lack of progress or best practices that are not being implemented by institutions.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on best practices and MHEC December 15, 2020 annual progress toward the 55% completion goal

Report on Impact of Credit Completion Requirement on Financial Aid Awards: Beginning in the 2018-2019 academic year and in a student’s third academic year, students receiving the Educational Excellence Award must successfully complete 30 credit hours in the prior academic year in order to receive the full award amount. Students who completed at least 24 credit hours but less than 30 credit hours will have their awards prorated, and those who do not complete at least 24 credit hours lose their award. The committees are interested in the impact the new 30- credit-hour requirement had on students in the 2019-2020 academic year, particularly if students are meeting the requirement in order to receive the full amount of award, how many students had their awards prorated, and how many students lost eligibility. The report should also include the graduation rates of students who completed 30 credit hours compared to those who completed less than 30 credit hours. The report should provide summary data by segment (community colleges, four-year public, and independent institutions) and by institution. The report is due by December 15, 2020.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 192 R62I00

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on impact of credit Maryland Higher Education December 15, 2020 completion requirement on Commission financial aid awards

Institutional Aid, Pell Grants, and Loan Data by Expected Family Contribution Category: In order to more fully understand all types of aid available to students, the committees request that data be submitted for each community college, public four-year institution, and independent institution on institutional aid, Pell grants, and student loans. Data should include, by expected family contribution (EFC), the number of loans and average loan size of federal subsidized and unsubsidized loans and loans from private sources as reported to the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC). Additionally, data should be provided on Pell grants, including the number and average award size by EFC. Finally, data should include the number of institutional aid awards and average award size by EFC for institutional grants, institutional athletic scholarships, and other institutional scholarships. The data in the response should differentiate between need-based aid and merit scholarships. Data should also include the number of institutional aid awards and average award size by EFC for tuition waivers/remissions of fees to employees and dependents and students. Waiver information for students should be reported by each type of waiver in State law. This report should cover fiscal 2019 data received by MHEC from State institutions and is to be submitted in an electronic format (Excel file).

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on fiscal 2019 MHEC June 30, 2020 financial aid categories by EFC

Budget Amendments

R62I00.03 Joseph A. Sellinger Formula for Aid to Non-Public Institutions of Higher Education

Amend the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $21,435,089 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation to reduce the grant to private colleges and universities.

Explanation: The language reduces funding of the Sellinger formula.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 193 R62I00

R62I00.47 Community College Facilities Renewal Grant Program

Strike the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $4,333,000 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation enabling mandated Community College Facilities Renewal grants to be funded through the operating or capital budget.

Explanation: Technical amendment to strike contingent legislation.

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduction to conform to 5% of funding for the 333,000 GF Community College Construction Grant Program.

Total Reductions 333,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 4,333,000 4,000,000 333,000 Total Funds 4,333,000 4,000,000 333,000

R62I00.48 Maryland Community Colleges Promise Scholarship Program

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce funding for the Maryland Community College 3,500,000 GF Promise Scholarship Program. Based on the number of awards and amount of total awards made in the 2019-2020 academic year, the full $15.0 million in funding will not be needed. This reduction still leaves $11.5 million to fund new awards and renewals.

Total Reductions 3,500,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 15,000,000 11,500,000 3,500,000 Total Funds 15,000,000 11,500,000 3,500,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 194 R62I00

Committee Narrative

Report on Award Notifications: In order for students to make informed decisions when deciding to attend college, they need timely information regarding the amount of financial aid they will receive. The committees request the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) to submit a report on the feasibility of notifying students of financial aid awards by May 1 and the changes required to implement such a change. The report should be submitted by December 31, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on award notifications MHEC December 31, 2020

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 195 R75T0001 Higher Education

Budget Amendments

R75T00.01 Support for State Operated Institutions of Higher Education

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that the appropriation made for the purpose of University System of Maryland (USM) institutions shall be reduced by $5,000,000. Further provided that USM institutions may not increase resident undergraduate tuition in fiscal 2021 above the budgeted increase of 2%.

Explanation: This language reduces USM’s general fund appropriation by $5.0 million and specifies that institutions may not increase resident undergraduate tuition in fiscal 2021 above the budgeted 2% increase.

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $32,000,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of funding Workforce Development Initiatives at the University System of Maryland institutions may be expended only for that purpose. Funds not used for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: This language restricts $32.0 million of University System of Maryland’s general fund appropriation provided to support Workforce Development Initiatives for that purpose.

Add the following language to the unrestricted fund appropriation:

Further provided that the appropriation made for the purpose of Morgan State University (MSU) shall be reduced by $260,000. Further provided that MSU may not increase resident undergraduate tuition in fiscal 2021 above the budgeted increase of 2%.

Explanation: This language reduces MSU’s general fund appropriation by $260,000 and specifies that MSU may not increase resident undergraduate tuition in fiscal 2021 above the budgeted 2% increase.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 196 R75T0001

Committee Narrative

Report on the Feasibility of a Bowie State University Law School: The committees request the University System of Maryland Office (USMO), in collaboration with the Maryland Higher Education Commission, to convene a workgroup to determine the feasibility of a law school at Bowie State University (BSU) or locating a law school in Prince George’s County. The report should include the advantages and costs of establishing a school of law at BSU regional demand and enrollment needed to justify a law school considering other area law schools and accreditation and regulatory requirements in establishing or locating a law school. The workgroup should include representatives from the General Assembly, BSU, and the Maryland State Bar Association. The report should be submitted by December 1, 2020.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on the feasibility of a USMO December 1, 2020 Bowie State University Law Maryland Higher Education School Commission

Instructional Faculty Workload Report: The committees request that the University System of Maryland (USM), Morgan State University (MSU), and St. Mary’s College of Maryland (SMCM) continue to provide annual instructional workload reports for tenured/tenure-track faculty. By focusing on these faculty, the committees gain a sense of the teaching activities for the regular core faculty. However, there are other types of instructional faculty at institutions such as full- and part-time nontenured/nontenure-track faculty including adjunct faculty, instructors, and lecturers. Focusing on only tenured/tenure-track faculty provides an incomplete picture of how students are taught. Therefore, the report should also include the instructional workload when all types of faculty are considered. Additional information may be included at the institution’s discretion. Furthermore, the USM report should include the percent of faculty meeting or exceeding teaching standards for tenured/tenure-track faculty for the University of Maryland, Baltimore Campus.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Annual report on faculty USM December 14, 2020 workload MSU SMCM

Report on Postsecondary Strategies to Implement the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: The committees request a workgroup be established to develop postsecondary strategies and alignment with the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education’s recommendations and the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (SB 1000/HB 1300). The workgroup will be staffed by the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) and the University System of Maryland

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 197 R75T0001

(USM) and will consist of representatives from USM institutions, MHEC, the Maryland State Department of Education, the Maryland Department of Labor, community colleges, independent colleges, and apprentice sponsors. The report will focus on institutional goals and plans to reach the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education’s goals for dual enrollment; articulation with bachelor’s, associate’s in arts, and apprenticeship and career credential programs; reform of teacher education; and expansion of prekindergarten teacher education. The workgroup should develop recommendations in consultation with the Accountability and Implementation Board and the Career and Technical Education Committee established by SB 1000/HB 1300. The report should be submitted to the committees by December 1, 2020.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on postsecondary MHEC December 1, 2020 strategies on the Blueprint for USM Maryland’s Future

High Use of Contractual Employees: The budget committees are concerned about the high number of contractual employees employed at Morgan State University (MSU), Baltimore City Community College (BCCC), and the University System of Maryland (USM). The committees request a report on the use of contractual employees, including the number of contractual employees by classification and length of service. In addition, the report should include the plan, including a timeline, for converting contractual employees to full-time positions.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on contractual MSU October 1, 2020 employment BCCC USM

Report on Mold Mitigation Plans: Well-publicized mold outbreaks at the University of Maryland, College Park Campus (UMCP) buildings in 2018 and 2019 led to concerns regarding its response to the situation. While this lead to an independent report for UMCP on their response, the committees are interested in the plans and protocols regarding mold mitigation at all four-year institutions in Maryland. The committees request the University System of Maryland (USM), Morgan State University (MSU), St. Mary’s College of Maryland (SMCM), and Maryland Independent Colleges and Universities, Association (MICUA) institutions submit a report on their mold mitigation plans. The reports should include mold inspection and remediation plans, institutional protocols, a public notification plan, and efforts to address any mold problems for all campus buildings. The report is due by December 1, 2020.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 198 R75T0001

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on mold mitigation USM December 1, 2020 plans MSU SMCM MICUA

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 199 R95C00 Baltimore City Community College

Committee Narrative

Realignment Plan Status Update: Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) has begun implementing realignment tasks as a result of the required institutional realignment. A status report was provided on October 1, 2019, that identified the progress that BCCC has achieved in meeting the 12 required realignment tasks. The budget committees request a report on the institutional realignment plan that further documents progress toward completion of the realignment plan’s objectives.

Information Request Author Due Date

Realignment plan update BCCC October 5, 2020

Enrollment and the Mayor’s Scholars Program: Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) had seen decreases in enrollment for full-time equivalent students (FTES) from 2011 through 2018. FTES enrollment marginally increased in 2019 as a result of multiple enrollment strategies and the initiation of the Mayor’s Scholars Program (MSP). The committees request two reports on MSP: a June report that includes updated information on MSP for the 2019-2020 academic year; and a November report that identifies what actions are being taken to increase enrollment per FTES. Additionally, the November report should provide the following information on MSP: (1) the number of applications received for the first, second, and third cohort; the number of students who enrolled each semester; and the number of first-year students who enrolled in the second and third year; (2) the number of students who participated in the Summer Bridge program for the first, second, and third cohort; (3) the number of students in the first and second cohort who have successfully completed at least 15 credits each semester or a total of 30 credits in their first academic year; and (4) the amount of financial aid provided to scholars in year one, two, and three by cohort, including the total amount each year and the average student award.

Information Request Author Due Date

Enrollment and MSP BCCC June 15, 2020 November 30, 2020

Information Technology Infrastructure Renovations: Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) has faced numerous difficulties in updating its information technology (IT) infrastructure. This has resulted in many IT shortcomings for BCCC, including but not limited to, being unable to procure a new Enterprise Resource Planning system, being unable to properly safeguard student data, and not adequately providing malware protection for its computers. The committees request a report that documents the status of the implementation of the IT

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 200 R95C00 infrastructure renovation, including if internal timelines were met and if cost estimates were correct, as well as any additional findings that occurred as a result of the upgrade process.

Information Request Author Due Date

IT infrastructure plan update BCCC July 6, 2020

Senior Leadership and Institutional Stability: The committees wish to ensure that the high turnover that has recently transpired at Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) in senior leadership positions positively impacts the college’s operations. Nearly 70% of the senior leadership positions have been filled within individuals who began their employment at BCCC within the past 10 months. Additionally, the remaining 30% of senior leadership positions are either currently vacant or the institution is engaged in active searches to fill. The committees request a report on the status of all cabinet level positions, identifying which positions are currently vacant, which BCCC are engaged in active searches to fill, and when the institution expects to have all senior leadership positions filled.

Information Request Author Due Date

Senior leadership positions BCCC May 4, 2020 and institutional stability

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 201 S00A Department of Housing and Community Development

Committee Narrative


S00A20.01 Office of the Secretary

Qualified Allocation Plan: The committees are interested in better understanding the process for the development of the Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits. The committees request that the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) submit a report detailing the decision making process used in the drafting of the annual QAP and the factors that are considered in setting or altering criteria.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on the development of DHCD November 1, 2020 the QAP

Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Compliance Monitoring: The committees are interested in better understanding the procedures and outcomes related to compliance monitoring for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). The committees request that the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) provide a report detailing:

 a complete list of each LIHTC project including the total number of rental units and the percentage of rental units that are low-income units;

 the department’s procedures for conducting on-site inspections of LIHTC units;

 the categories of findings related to on-site inspections and the number of findings in fiscal 2018, 2019, and 2020;

 the categories of findings related to the review of low-income certifications and other supporting documents and the number of findings in fiscal 2018, 2019, and 2020; and

 what actions are taken by either DHCD or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in response to findings.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on LIHTC compliance DHCD September 1, 2020 monitoring

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 202 S00A

Report on Section 8 Contract Administration: The committees are interested in better understanding the procedures and outcomes related to the contract management of Section 8 housing in the State. The committees request that the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) provide a report detailing how the department executes its contract administration functions, specifically:

 the department’s procedures for performing management and occupancy reviews;

 the department’s procedures for inspecting and responding to health and safety issues;

 a complete list of each development under contract for compliance management;

 the categories of findings related to inspections performed under the contract and the number of findings in fiscal 2018, 2019, and 2020; and

 what actions are taken by either DHCD or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in response to findings.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on Section 8 contract DHCD September 1, 2020 administration

Budget Amendments


S00A24.01 Neighborhood Revitalization

Strike the following language from the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $200,000 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation repealing the mandate that funding be provided for the National Capital Strategic Economic Development Fund.

Explanation: This is a technical amendment to strike a contingency.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 203 S00A

S00A24.02 Neighborhood Revitalization – Capital Appropriation

Strike the following language from the general fund appropriation:

Further provided that $5,000,000 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation altering the mandate for the Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund.

Explanation: This is a technical amendment to strike a contingency.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 204 T00 Department of Commerce

Budget Amendments


T00A00.01 Office of the Secretary

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of administration may not be expended for that purpose but instead may be used only for the Make Office Vacancies Extinct program. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: The language restricts $100,000 for the Make Office Vacancies Extinct program. The program was established by Chapter 846 of 2017 but has never received funding.

Committee Narrative

T00F00.15 Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Business Investment Account

Report on Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Businesses Account Fund Manager Activity: The committees request a report detailing how the Department of Commerce (Commerce) promotes fund manager activity in the Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Businesses Account (SMWOBA). Specifically, the report should include:

 the department’s plans for disbursing additional funds;

 program lending goals for each fund manager;

 actions taken by Commerce to promote fund managers’ use of available funds and to ensure fund managers meet program lending goals; and

 outreach efforts by Commerce to increase awareness of the program for eligible businesses.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on SMWOBA fund Commerce October 1, 2020 manager activity

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 205 T00

Budget Amendments


T00F00.23 Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority and Fund

Add the following language:

Provided that $1,000,000 in general funds and $1,000,000 in special funds made for the purpose of the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority and Fund may not be expended for that purpose but instead may be used only to provide grants to businesses impacted by the construction of the Purple Line Light Rail Project in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties. Funds not expended for this restricted purpose may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall either be canceled or shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: This action restricts funding in the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority and Fund to be used for grants to businesses impacted by the construction of the Purple Line.

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. The allowance includes $10 million in funding for the 9,000,000 GF Howard Street tunnel project in the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority and Fund. This action reduces funding for the project that should be funded through the Transportation Trust Fund.

Total Reductions 9,000,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 10,000,000 1,000,000 9,000,000 Special Fund 18,000,000 18,000,000 0 Total Funds 28,000,000 19,000,000 9,000,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 206 T00

T00F00.24 More Jobs for Marylanders Tax Credit Reserve Fund

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce funding for the More Jobs for Marylanders 7,063,374 GF income tax credit program in order to limit the department’s authority to issue new tax credits.

Total Reductions 7,063,374 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 9,063,374 2,000,000 7,063,374 Total Funds 9,063,374 2,000,000 7,063,374

Committee Narrative

More Jobs for Marylanders Income Tax Credit Reserve Fund Annual Report: The committees request that the Department of Commerce (Commerce) include in the annual report on the More Jobs for Marylanders Income Tax Credit Reserve Fund a cost estimate that accounts for projected participation in the program by new companies and includes projected expenses for five years. Commerce should also include this same information for the Sales and Use Tax Refund Reserve Fund.

Budget Amendments

T00F00.25 More Jobs for Marylanders Sales and Use Tax Credit Reserve Fund

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Delete funding for the More Jobs for Marylanders sales 1,000,000 GF and use tax refund program due to lower than anticipated usage.

Total Reductions 1,000,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 1,000,000 0 1,000,000 Total Funds 1,000,000 0 1,000,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 207 T00


T00G00.02 Office of Tourism Development

Strike the following language from the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $1,600,000 of this appropriation shall be reduced contingent upon the enactment of legislation eliminating the mandated funding for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra.

Explanation: This is a technical amendment to strike a contingency.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 208 T50T01 Maryland Technology Development Corporation

Supplemental Budget No. 1

T50T01.09 Maryland Technology Infrastructure Fund

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $10,000,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of financial assistance to eligible recipients under the Maryland Technology Infrastructure Program is contingent on legislation enacted in Calendar 2020 establishing the program.

Explanation: This language makes funding for the Maryland Technology Infrastructure Program contingent on legislation establishing the program.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 209 U00A Department of the Environment

Committee Narrative


U00A01.11 Capital Appropriation – Bay Restoration Fund – Wastewater

Bay Restoration Fund Cash Flow Spreadsheet: The budget committees are concerned that the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has not provided sufficient information about the accounting of the Bay Restoration Fund (BRF) Wastewater Account to understand the cash flow needs of the program. Therefore, the budget committees request that MDE submit an electronic editable cash flow spreadsheet for the BRF with the fiscal 2022 budget submission and annually thereafter. The spreadsheet should reflect fund balance information that takes into account all commitments and obligations made by MDE on the use of the BRF and shall include the following schedules: capital project costs; revenues and expenditures; and revenue bond debt issuance and debt service.

Information Request Author Due Date

BRF cash flow spreadsheet MDE Fiscal 2022 budget submission and annually thereafter

Budget Amendments


U00A04.01 Water and Science Administration

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Abolish vacant positions in the Water and Science 185,315 FF 3.00 Administration. PINs 073045, 014618, and 075388 have been vacant for more than a year.

Total Reductions 185,315 3.00

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 210 U00A

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 328.50 325.50 3.00 General Fund 19,288,723 19,288,723 0 Special Fund 8,782,771 8,782,771 0 Federal Fund 13,030,662 12,845,347 185,315 Total Funds 41,102,156 40,916,841 185,315


U00A06.01 Land and Materials Administration

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $200,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of general administrative expenses in the Land and Materials Administration may not be expended pending the submission of the Maryland Scrap Tire annual report and a separate report on ways to make the Maryland Used Tire Cleanup and Recycling Fund solvent. The report on ways to make the Maryland Used Tire Cleanup and Recycling Fund solvent shall include information concerning all of the fund’s expenditure categories – Scrap Tire Program, Land and Materials Administration, department indirect costs, stockpile cleanups, and Maryland Environmental Service projects and administration – as follows:

(1) an analysis of the appropriate level at which the recycling fee per tire should be set and expenditures should be prioritized in order to address all of the funding needs;

(2) a description of what is included in each of the expenditure categories for each fiscal year from fiscal 2012 to 2021 and explanations for changes between fiscal years;

(3) the impact of the fiscal 2012 Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund loan for the Garner/Brandywine stockpile cleanup on the sustainability of the Maryland Used Tire Cleanup and Recycling Fund; and

(4) a five-year funding plan for fiscal 2021 through 2025 for the known and estimated stockpile cleanup projects, as well as the other expenditure categories based on the revenue and expenditure analysis outlined above.

The requested reports shall be submitted no later than November 1, 2020. The budget committees shall have 45 days from the date the reports are received to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the reports may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the reports are not submitted to the budget committees.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 211 U00A

Explanation: This action restricts funding pending the submission of the Maryland Scrap Tire Annual Report and a report on ways to make the Maryland Used Tire Cleanup and Recycling Fund solvent by November 1, 2020. Section 9-275(c) of the Environment Article specifies that an annual status report is due on or before November 1 of each year, which has not been consistently met. In addition, the Maryland Used Tire Cleanup and Recycling Fund is exhibiting a declining fund balance.

Information Request Author Due Date

Maryland Used Tire Cleanup Maryland Department of the November 1, 2020 and Recycling Fund annual Environment and solvency reports

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Abolish vacant positions in the Land and Materials 127,064 FF 2.00 Administration. PINs 014484 and 080144 have been vacant for more than a year.

Total Reductions 127,064 2.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 243.50 241.50 2.00 General Fund 2,722,231 2,722,231 0 Special Fund 19,875,425 19,875,425 0 Federal Fund 10,116,041 9,988,977 127,064 Total Funds 32,713,697 32,586,633 127,064


U00A07.01 Air and Radiation Administration

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of general operating expenses in the Air and Radiation Administration may not be expended until the Maryland Department of the Environment submits the fiscal 2020 Maryland Clean Air Fund annual report and a separate report on ways to make the Maryland Clean Air Fund solvent. The report on ways to make the Maryland Clean Air Fund solvent shall include:

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 212 U00A

(1) a fiscal year summary of the amount of emissions that were billed to all Title V sources;

(2) the total amount of revenue received against those billable emissions;

(3) the direct and indirect operating expenses charged to the Title V operating permits, including a breakdown of one-time and ongoing costs for fiscal 2015 through 2020;

(4) the fiscal 2020 revenue structure for the Title V operating permits; and

(5) recommendations to address the long-term solvency of the Maryland Clean Air Fund.

The requested reports shall be submitted no later than November 1, 2020. The budget committees shall have 45 days from the date the reports are received to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the submission of the reports may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the reports are not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The fiscal 2021 operating budget bill includes a $750,000 general fund deficiency appropriation for the Air and Radiation Administration due to declining Clean Air Act Title V operating permits, which reflects ongoing revenue concerns. This action restricts fiscal 2021 funding until the submission of both the fiscal 2020 Maryland Clean Air Fund annual report and a report on ways to make the Maryland Clean Air Fund solvent.

Information Request Author Due Date

Maryland Clean Air Fund Maryland Department of the November 1, 2020 annual and solvency reports Environment

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Abolish vacant Air and Radiation Administration 148,500 SF 3.00 positions. PINs 077321, 087262, and 018394 have been vacant for more than a year.

Total Reductions 148,500 3.00

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 213 U00A

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 164.00 161.00 3.00 General Fund 3,252,844 3,252,844 0 Special Fund 9,739,184 9,590,684 148,500 Federal Fund 4,884,813 4,884,813 0 Total Funds 17,876,841 17,728,341 148,500

Fiscal 2020 Deficiency

U00A07.01 Air and Radiation Administration

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of supporting air quality monitoring, permitting, and compliance in the Air and Radiation Administration may not be expended until the Maryland Department of the Environment submits the delinquent fiscal 2015 through 2019 Maryland Clean Air Fund annual reports required by Section 2-107(3) of the Environment Article by May 1, 2020. The budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of the receipt of the reports to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the submission of the reports may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the reports are not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has not submitted the fiscal 2015 through 2019 Maryland Clean Air Fund annual reports required by Environment Article Section 2-107(3). This action restricts funding in the fiscal 2020 general fund deficiency appropriation pending the submission of the delinquent reports.

Information Request Author Due Date

Maryland Clean Air Fund MDE May 1, 2020 annual reports

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 214 U00A

Budget Amendments


U00A10.01 Coordinating Offices

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Abolish vacant Coordinating Offices positions. 43,677 SF 2.00 PINs 018216 and 055160 have been vacant for more 63,371 FF than a year.

Total Reductions 107,048 2.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction Position 98.00 96.00 2.00 General Fund 4,700,023 4,700,023 0 Special Fund 28,835,108 28,791,431 43,677 Federal Fund 1,703,689 1,640,318 63,371 Total Funds 35,238,820 35,131,772 107,048

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 215 U10B00 Maryland Environmental Service

Committee Narrative

U10B00.41 General Administration

Maryland Environmental Service Funding Statement: The committees request that the Maryland Environmental Service (MES) provide a report on the following:

 undesignated unrestricted net assets for fiscal 2020, 2021, and 2022 estimated and an explanation for any changes between each of these years, including revenues credited to and expenditures debited from the net assets;

 overhead rate for fiscal 2020, 2021, and 2022 estimated;

 project reserve fund status by beginning balance, approved retainage, funds used, and interest earned for fiscal 2020 and 2021 for the State Reimbursable Project Contingency Fund, the Eastern Correctional Institution Steam Turbine Contingency Fund, and the Department of Natural Resources Project Contingency Fund; and

 justification for the changes in reimbursable project funding for fiscal 2020, 2021, and 2022 estimated based on a discussion about how MES’s undesignated unrestricted net assets allow for reducing MES’s overhead rate for State reimbursable projects and how project reserve funds are available for any under budgeting.

The report should be submitted in coordination with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) with the fiscal 2022 budget submission.

Information Request Authors Due Date

MES funding statement MES Fiscal 2022 budget DBM submission

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 216 V00A Department of Juvenile Services

Budget Amendments


V00D02.01 Departmental Support

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of this appropriation made for the purpose of providing administrative support may not be expended until the Department of Juvenile Services submits a report detailing the operations of the Baltimore City Strategic Partnership to the budget committees. This report shall identify the entities participating in this partnership and the respective role and responsibilities of each, detail the processing of cases under this partnership, identify performance measures demonstrating the efficacy of this partnership, and comment on how the partnership will impact juvenile caseloads. The report shall be submitted by December 31, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: Governor Lawrence J. Hogan, Jr. and the Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) announced the new Baltimore City Strategic Partnership in December 2019 with the goal to improve early intervention efforts for low offending youth. Details on the nature of this partnership are, however, light. This language requests additional information on the structure and operational nature and the impact of this partnership.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on the Baltimore City DJS December 31, 2020 Strategic Partnership

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 217 W00A Department of State Police

Committee Narrative

W00A01.01 Office of the Superintendent

Civilianization: In December 2016, the Office of Legislative Audits released a report that identified 127 positions in the Department of State Police’s (DSP) workforce currently filled by sworn troopers that could be civilianized; DSP agreed that 84 have potential to be civilianized. In the three years since that report, DSP remains well short of civilianizing the 84 potential positions. Pursuing civilianization enhances public safety and generates cost savings to the State. It is the intent of the budget committees that DSP continue to pursue reclassifying positions for civilianization and submit a report no later than November 1, 2020, discussing these efforts.

Information Request Author Due Date

DSP civilianization report DSP November 1, 2020

W00A01.02 Field Operations Bureau

Baltimore Enhanced Visibility Patrol: The Department of State Police (DSP) works in collaboration with the Baltimore Police Department and the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services (GOCPYVS) as part of the Baltimore Enhanced Visibility Patrol Initiative to detect and deter criminal activity. The budget committees request that DSP, in consultation with GOCPYVS, submit a biannual report providing the following information:

 the list of police agencies participating in the initiative and the number of personnel deployed to the initiative;

 the Baltimore police districts in which the initiative operates;

 the number of warnings, citations, and safety equipment repair orders issued;

 the number of warrants served;

 the number of firearms seized; and,

 the number of persons arrested.

The first report will be submitted to the budget committees on December 15, 2020, and the second report will be submitted on June 15, 2021.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 218 W00A

Information Request Authors Due Date

Baltimore enhanced visibility DSP December 15, 2020 patrol report GOCPYVS June 15, 2021

W00A01.03 Criminal Investigation Bureau

Department of State Police Toxicology Unit: The Department of State Police’s (DSP) Toxicology Unit is responsible for performing tests to detect the presence of drugs and other illegal substances in the blood of impaired drivers. These test results may be used as evidence in cases involving driving under the influence of drugs, but due to the current test backlog, the process takes approximately 10 months to yield results. The budget committees remain concerned with the length of time it takes for the Toxicology Unit to provide the results for drug tests, and the subsequent impact on public safety. The budget committees request a report, to be provided no later than November 1, 2020, detailing the following information:

 the number of toxicology lab technicians currently employed by DSP and their respective salaries and benefits;

 the number of cases currently involving driving under the influence of drugs in the test backlog;

 DSP’s plans to address the backlog and to prevent future backlogs; and

 the personnel and equipment needs to implement these plans.

Information Request Author Due Date

DSP Toxicology Report DSP November 1, 2020

Budget Amendments

W00A01.04 Support Services Bureau

Add the following language to the general fund appropriation:

, provided that $100,000 of the appropriation for the Support Services Bureau within the Department of State Police (DSP) may not be expended until the department provides the budget committees with an update on its transition to the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) method of reporting crime statistics. The report shall provide the following:

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 219 W00A

(1) a list of jurisdictions and State agencies that are currently NIBRS compliant;

(2) the current status of implementing the transition;

(3) actions taken by DSP to assist local reporting agencies in becoming NIBRS compliant; and

(4) the identification of federal fund sources available to reporting agencies to assist in their transition to NIBRS.

The report shall be submitted by November 15, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment following the receipt of the report. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: By January 1, 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is requiring all State Uniform Crime Report (UCR) data to be reported consistent with NIBRS, and Maryland cannot currently accommodate. Currently, DSP reports summary crime statistics only. Given that NIBRS reporting requires significantly more enhanced data reporting, it is likely that local law enforcement agencies will need significant State or Federal assistance for procurement, information technology upgrades, data conversion, technical support, and training. As the agency responsible for the current UCR, this language asks the department to provide an update in its efforts to achieve compliance.

Information Request Author Due Date

Update on the NIBRS DSP November 15, 2020 transition report

Committee Narrative

Aviation Command Pilot Recruitment: The budget committees remain concerned with the significant vacancy rates among pilots in the Maryland State Police Aviation Command (MSPAC), particularly at the Trooper 5 Cumberland Aviation Section. Personnel limitations resulted in the shutdown of night shift operations in Allegany, Garrett, and Washington counties. It is the intent of the budget committees that MSPAC remain engaged in a pilot recruitment campaign to fill the pilot vacancies and return Trooper 5 to 24-hour service coverage.

Further, it is intent of the budget committees that the Department of State Police (DSP) begin an incentive program to encourage pilots to locate to the Cumberland Aviation Section as well as sections on the Eastern Shore. The committees request a report on recruitment efforts and the development of incentive programs by October 1, 2020.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 220 W00A

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on MSPAC pilot DSP October 1, 2020 recruitment and incentive programs

Financing Aviation Command Fleet Maintenance: It is the intent of the budget committees that no funds expended through the Maryland Emergency Medical System Operations Fund may be used to finance the enrollment of the Maryland State Police Aviation Command in a helicopter fleet maintenance service program.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 221 X00A00 Public Debt

Budget Amendments

X00A00.01 Redemption and Interest on State Bonds

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Reduce the debt service appropriation to reflect lower 5,000,000 GF debt service costs than assumed in the budget bill. The budget bill assumes that fiscal 2021 debt service costs will be $1,350 million. The Department of Budget and Management advises that excess appropriations were added to provide a hedge. Reducing the appropriation $5 million still provides a $2.3 million hedge. Further, in recent years due to the State’s cautious budgeting approach, actual spending has been lower than the appropriation.

Total Reductions 5,000,000 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 226,000,000 221,000,000 5,000,000 Special Fund 1,113,000,000 1,113,000,000 0 Federal Fund 11,000,000 11,000,000 0 Total Funds 1,350,000,000 1,345,000,000 5,000,000

Committee Narrative

Review of Bond Sale Premiums: The State Treasurer’s Office (STO), the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), and the Department of Legislative Services (DLS) should examine bond premiums that are realized at general obligation bond sales. This examination should include uses of bond premiums, costs of bond premiums, and options for reducing long-term debt service costs, such as resizing bond sales to reduce premiums.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Review of bond sale STO October 30, 2020 premiums DBM DLS

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 222 Y01A State Reserve Fund

Budget Amendments

Y01A02.01 Dedicated Purpose Account

Reduce appropriation for the purposes indicated: Funds Positions 1. Delete funding for the fiscal 2021 transfer tax 38,170,449 GF repayment.

Total Reductions 38,170,449 0.00

Amount Position Effect Allowance Appropriation Reduction Reduction General Fund 266,503,782 228,333,333 38,170,449 Total Funds 266,503,782 228,333,333 38,170,449

Committee Narrative

Y01A04.01 Catastrophic Event Account

Repayment of the Catastrophic Event Account and the Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Businesses Account: In September 2016, $2.5 million was transferred from the Catastrophic Event Account, and $2.3 million was transferred from the Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Businesses Account (SMWOBA) into the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Neighborhood BusinessWorks program to provide loans to businesses in Ellicott City. Another $2.5 million was transferred from the Catastrophic Event Account in July 2018. As part of its review of the transfer of funds from the Catastrophic Event Account, the Legislative Policy Committee recommended that DHCD develop a process by which the funds or repaid loans are credited to the Catastrophic Event Account. DHCD and the Department of Budget and Management should submit a report that provides data regarding the number and amount of loans provided, the outstanding balance of these loans, and the number and amount of any forgiven loans. This report should be submitted to the budget committees by January 15, 2021.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on Catastrophic Event DHCD January 15, 2021 Account and SMWOBA Department of Budget and repayment Management

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 223 Sections

Budget Amendments

Amend the following section:

SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That in order to carry out the provisions of these appropriations the Secretary of Budget and Management is authorized:

(a) To allot all or any portion of the funds herein appropriated to the various departments, boards, commissions, officers, schools and institutions by monthly, quarterly or seasonal periods and by objects of expense and may place any funds appropriated but not allotted in contingency reserve available for subsequent allotment. Upon the Secretary’s own initiative or upon the request of the head of any State agency, the Secretary may authorize a change in the amount of funds so allotted.

The Secretary shall, before the beginning of the fiscal year, file with the Comptroller of the Treasury a schedule of allotments, if any a list limited to the appropriations restricted in this Act to be placed in contingency reserve. The Comptroller shall not authorize any expenditure or obligation in excess of the allotment made and any expenditure so made shall be illegal.

(b) To allot all or any portion of funds coming into the hands of any department, board, commission, officer, school and institution of the State, from sources not estimated or calculated upon in the budget.

(c) (b) To fix the number and classes of positions, including temporary and permanent positions, or person years of authorized employment for each agency, unit, or program thereof, not inconsistent with the Public General Laws in regard to classification of positions. The Secretary shall make such determinations before the beginning of the fiscal year and shall base them on the positions or person years of employment authorized in the budget as amended by approved budgetary position actions. No payment for salaries or wages nor any request for or certification of personnel shall be made except in accordance with the Secretary’s determinations. At any time during the fiscal year the Secretary may amend the number and classes of positions or person years of employment previously fixed by the Secretary; the Secretary may delegate all or part of this authority. The governing boards of public institutions of higher education shall have the authority to transfer positions between programs and campuses under each institutional board’s jurisdiction without the approval of the Secretary, as provided in Section 15-105 of the Education Article.

(d) (c) To prescribe procedures and forms for carrying out the above provisions.

Explanation: This language limits the amount of appropriations that can be placed into contingency reserves to only those items restricted by the General Assembly.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 224 Sections

Amend the following section:

Judiciary Clerk of Court A (@ 118,600) 5 593,000 Judiciary Clerk of Court B (@ 121,600) 6 729,600 Judiciary Clerk of Court C (@ 122,750) 6 736,500 Judiciary Clerk of Court D (@ 124,500) 7 871,500 Judiciary Clerk of Court I (A) (@118,600) 7 830,200 Judiciary Clerk of Court II (B) (@121,600) 6 729,600 Judiciary Clerk of Court III (C) (@122,750) 6 736,500 Judiciary Clerk of Court IV (D) (@124,500) 5 622,500

Explanation: This is a technical correction to Section 3 to reflect the correct titles and numbers of Clerk of Courts positions.

Amend the following section:

SECTION 17. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That funds appropriated to the various State agency programs and subprograms in Comptroller Objects 0152 (Health Insurance), 0154 (Retirees Health Insurance Premiums), 0175 (Workers’ Compensation), 0217 (Health Insurance), 0305 (DBM Paid Telecommunications), 0322 (Capital Lease Telecommunications), 0839 (HR Shared Services), 0874 (Office of Attorney General Administrative Fee), 0876 (DoIT IT Services Allocation), 0894 (State Personnel System Allocation), 0897 (Enterprise Budget System Allocation), and 1303 (rent paid to DGS) are to be utilized for their intended purposes only. The expenditure or transfer of these funds for other purposes requires the prior approval of the Secretary of Budget and Management. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Budget and Management may transfer amounts appropriated in Comptroller Objects 0152, 0154, 0217, 0305, 0322, and 0876 between State departments and agencies by approved budget amendment in fiscal 2020 and fiscal 2021. All funds budgeted in or transferred to Comptroller Objects 0152 and 0154, and any funds restricted in this budget for use in the employee and retiree health insurance program that are unspent shall be credited to the fund as established in accordance with Section 2-516 of the State Personnel and Pensions Article.

Further provided that each agency that receives funding in this budget in any of the restricted Comptroller Objects listed within this section shall establish within the State’s accounting system a structure of accounts to separately identify for each restricted Comptroller Object, by fund source, the legislative appropriation, monthly transactions, and final expenditures. It is the intent of the General Assembly that an accounting detail be established so that the Office of Legislative Audits may review the disposition of funds appropriated for each restricted Comptroller Object as part of each closeout audit to ensure that funds are used only for the purposes for which they are restricted and that unspent funds are reverted or canceled.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 225 Sections

Explanation: This language pertaining to restricted objects of expenditures is amended to disallow transfers to other purposes and makes it possible for the Office of Legislative Audits to track the disposition of funds in restricted statewide subobjects.

Add the following section:

Section 21 Executive Long-term Forecast

SECTION 21. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Governor’s budget books shall include a forecast of the impact of the executive budget proposal on the long-term fiscal condition of the General Fund, the Transportation Trust Fund, and higher education Current Unrestricted Fund accounts. This forecast shall estimate aggregate revenues, expenditures, and fund balances in each account for the fiscal year last completed, the current year, the budget year, and 4 years thereafter. Expenditures shall be reported at such agency, program or unit levels, or categories as may be determined appropriate after consultation with the Department of Legislative Services. A statement of major assumptions underlying the forecast shall also be provided, including but not limited to general salary increases, inflation, and growth of caseloads in significant program areas.

Explanation: This annual language provides for the delivery of the executive’s General Fund, transportation, and higher education forecasts and defines the conditions under which they are to be provided.

Information Request Author Due Date

Executive forecasts Department of Budget and With submission of the Management Governor’s fiscal 2022 budget books

Add the following section:

Section 22 Across-the-board Reductions and Higher Education

SECTION 22. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That all across-the-board reductions applied to the Executive Branch, unless otherwise stated, shall apply to current unrestricted and general funds in the University System of Maryland, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Morgan State University, and Baltimore City Community College.

Explanation: This section explicitly applies reductions intended for the full Executive Branch to the University System of Maryland, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Morgan State University, and Baltimore City Community College unless their exclusion is specifically stated.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 226 Sections

Add the following section:

Section 23 Reporting Federal Funds

SECTION 23. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Governor’s budget books shall include a summary statement of federal revenues by major federal program sources supporting the federal appropriations made therein along with the major assumptions underpinning the federal fund estimates. The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) shall exercise due diligence in reporting this data and ensure that they are updated as appropriate to reflect ongoing congressional action on the federal budget. In addition, DBM shall provide to the Department of Legislative Services (DLS) data for the actual, current, and budget years listing the components of each federal fund appropriation by Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number or equivalent detail for programs not in the catalog. Data shall be provided in an electronic format subject to the concurrence of DLS.

Explanation: This annual language provides for consistent reporting of federal monies received by the State.

Information Request Author Due Date

Reporting components of DBM With submission of the each federal fund fiscal 2022 budget appropriation

Add the following section:

Section 24 Federal Fund Spending

SECTION 24. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That in the expenditure of federal funds appropriated in this budget or subsequent to the enactment of this budget by the budget amendment process:

(1) State agencies shall administer these federal funds in a manner that recognizes that federal funds are taxpayer dollars that require prudent fiscal management, careful application to the purposes for which they are directed, and strict attention to budgetary and accounting procedures established for the administration of all public funds.

(2) For fiscal 2021, except with respect to capital appropriations, to the extent consistent with federal requirements:

(a) when expenditures or encumbrances may be charged to either State or federal fund sources, federal funds shall be charged before State funds are charged except that this policy does not apply to the Department of Human

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 227 Sections

Services with respect to federal funds to be carried forward into future years for child welfare or welfare reform activities;

(b) when additional federal funds are sought or otherwise become available in the course of the fiscal year, agencies shall consider, in consultation with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), whether opportunities exist to use these federal revenues to support existing operations rather than to expand programs or establish new ones; and

(c) DBM shall take appropriate actions to effectively establish the provisions of this section as policies of the State with respect to the administration of federal funds by executive agencies.

Explanation: This annual language defines the policies under which federal funds shall be used in the State budget.

Add the following section:

Section 25 Reporting on Budget Data and Organizational Charts

SECTION 25. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That it is the intent of the General Assembly that all State departments, agencies, bureaus, commissions, boards, and other organizational units included in the State budget, including the Judiciary, shall prepare and submit items for the fiscal 2022 budget detailed by Comptroller subobject classification in accordance with instructions promulgated by the Comptroller of Maryland. The presentation of budget data in the Governor’s budget books shall include object, fund, and personnel data in the manner provided for in fiscal 2021 except as indicated elsewhere in this Act; however, this may not preclude the placement of additional information into the budget books. For actual fiscal 2020 spending, the fiscal 2021 working appropriation, and the fiscal 2022 allowance, the budget detail shall be available from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) automated data system at the subobject level by subobject codes and classifications for all agencies. To the extent possible, except for public higher education institutions, subobject expenditures shall be designated by fund for actual fiscal 2020 spending, the fiscal 2021 working appropriation, and the fiscal 2022 allowance. The agencies shall exercise due diligence in reporting this data and ensuring correspondence between reported position and expenditure data for the actual, current, and budget fiscal years. This data shall be made available on request and in a format subject to the concurrence of the Department of Legislative Services (DLS). Further, the expenditure of appropriations shall be reported and accounted for by the subobject classification in accordance with the instructions promulgated by the Comptroller of Maryland.

Further provided that due diligence shall be taken to accurately report full-time equivalent (FTE) counts of contractual FTEs in the budget books. For the purpose of this count, contractual FTEs are defined as those individuals having an employee-employer relationship with the State. This

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 228 Sections count shall include those individuals in higher education institutions who meet this definition but are paid with additional assistance funds.

Further provided that DBM shall provide to DLS with the allowance for each department, unit, agency, office, and institution, a one-page organizational chart in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format that depicts the allocation of personnel across operational and administrative activities of the entity.

Further provided that for each across-the-board reduction to appropriations or positions in the fiscal 2022 Budget Bill affecting fiscal 2021 or 2022, DBM shall allocate the reduction for each agency in a level of detail not less than the three-digit R*Stars financial agency code and by each fund type.

Further provided that DBM shall provide to DLS special and federal fund accounting detail for the fiscal year last completed, current year, and budget year for each fund. The account detail, to be submitted with the allowance, should at a minimum provide revenue and expenditure detail, along with starting and ending balances.

Further provided that DBM shall provide to DLS by September 1, 2020, a list of subprograms used by each department, unit, agency, office, and institution, along with a brief description of the subprograms’ purpose and responsibilities.

Explanation: This annual language provides for consistent reporting of fiscal 2020, 2021, and 2022 budget data and provides for the submission of department, unit, agency, office, and institutions’ organizational charts to DLS with the allowance. It also requires DBM to allocate across-the-board reductions to positions or funding to ensure transparency in budget allocations approved by the General Assembly. Finally, it requires DBM to provide information on special and federal fund accounts as well as a list and description of all subprograms used by State entities.

Information Request Author Due Date

Agency organizational charts DBM With submission of the and special and federal fund fiscal 2022 budget accounting detail

List of subprograms DBM By September 1, 2020

Add the following section:

Section 26 Interagency Agreements

SECTION 26. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That on or before August 1, 2020, each State agency and each public institution of higher education shall report to the Department of

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 229 Sections

Budget and Management (DBM) any agreements in place for any part of fiscal 2020 between State agencies and any public institution of higher education involving potential expenditures in excess of $100,000 over the term of the agreement. Further provided that DBM shall provide direction and guidance to all State agencies and public institutions of higher education as to the procedures and specific elements of data to be reported with respect to these interagency agreements, to include at a minimum:

(1) a common code for each interagency agreement that specifically identifies each agreement and the fiscal year in which the agreement began;

(2) the starting date for each agreement;

(3) the ending date for each agreement;

(4) a total potential expenditure, or not-to-exceed dollar amount, for the services to be rendered over the term of the agreement by any public institution of higher education to any State agency;

(5) a description of the nature of the goods and services to be provided;

(6) the total number of personnel, both full- and part-time, associated with the agreement;

(7) contact information for the agency and the public institution of higher education for the person(s) having direct oversight or knowledge of the agreement;

(8) total indirect cost recovery or facilities and administrative (F&A) expenditures authorized for the agreement;

(9) the indirect cost recovery or F&A rate for the agreement and brief description of how the rate was determined;

(10) actual expenditures for the most recently closed fiscal year;

(11) actual base expenditures that the indirect cost recovery or F&A rate may be applied against during the most recently closed fiscal year;

(12) actual expenditures for indirect cost recovery or F&A for the most recently closed fiscal year; and

(13) total authorized expenditures for any subaward(s) or subcontract(s) being used as part of the agreement and a brief description of the type of award or contract.

Further provided that DBM shall submit a consolidated report to the budget committees and the Department of Legislative Services by December 1, 2020, that contains information on all

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 230 Sections agreements between State agencies and any public institution of higher education involving potential expenditures in excess of $100,000 that were in effect at any time during fiscal 2020.

Further provided that no new higher education interagency agreement with State agencies with a projected value in excess of $500,000 may be entered into during fiscal 2021 without prior approval of the Secretary of Budget and Management.

Explanation: This annual language requires DBM to report on all interagency agreements between State agencies and public institutions of higher education having a total potential expenditure over the term of the agreement in excess of $100,000. This applies only to agreements for the purchase of goods and/or services and does not apply to grants or space agreements. Further, it requires that no new higher education interagency agreement with State agencies with a projected value in excess of $500,000 be entered into during fiscal 2021 without prior approval of the Secretary of Budget and Management.

Information Request Author Due Date

Consolidated report on DBM December 1, 2020 interagency agreements

Add the following section:

Section 27 Budget Amendments

SECTION 27. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That any budget amendment to increase the total amount of special, federal, or higher education (current restricted and current unrestricted) fund appropriations, or to make reimbursable fund transfers from the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services or the Maryland Emergency Management Agency made in Section 1 of this Act shall be subject to the following restrictions:

(1) This section may not apply to budget amendments for the sole purpose of:

(a) appropriating funds available as a result of the award of federal disaster assistance; and

(b) transferring funds from the State Reserve Fund – Economic Development Opportunities Account for projects approved by the Legislative Policy Committee (LPC).

(2) Budget amendments increasing total appropriations in any fund account by $100,000 or more may not be approved by the Governor until:

(a) that amendment has been submitted to the Department of Legislative Services (DLS); and

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 231 Sections

(b) the budget committees or LPC has considered the amendment or 45 days have elapsed from the date of submission of the amendment. Each amendment submitted to DLS shall include a statement of the amount, sources of funds and purposes of the amendment, and a summary of the impact on regular position or contractual full-time equivalent payroll requirements.

(3) Unless permitted by the budget bill or the accompanying supporting documentation or by any other authorizing legislation, and notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3-216 of the Transportation Article, a budget amendment may not:

(a) restore funds for items or purposes specifically denied by the General Assembly;

(b) fund a capital project not authorized by the General Assembly provided, however, that subject to provisions of the Transportation Article, projects of the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) shall be restricted as provided in Section 1 of this Act;

(c) increase the scope of a capital project by an amount 7.5% or more over the approved estimate or 5.0% or more over the net square footage of the approved project until the amendment has been submitted to DLS and the budget committees have considered and offered comment to the Governor or 45 days have elapsed from the date of submission of the amendment. This provision does not apply to MDOT; and

(d) provide for the additional appropriation of special, federal, or higher education funds of more than $100,000 for the reclassification of a position or positions.

(4) A budget may not be amended to increase a federal fund appropriation by $100,000 or more unless documentation evidencing the increase in funds is provided with the amendment and fund availability is certified by the Secretary of Budget and Management.

(5) No expenditure or contractual obligation of funds authorized by a proposed budget amendment may be made prior to approval of that amendment by the Governor.

(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, any federal, special, or higher education fund appropriation may be increased by budget amendment upon a declaration by the Board of Public Works that the amendment is essential to maintaining public safety, health, or welfare, including protecting the environment or the economic welfare of the State.

(7) Budget amendments for new major information technology projects, as defined by Sections 3A-301 and 3A-302 of the State Finance and Procurement Article, must include an Information Technology Project Request, as defined in Section 3A-308 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 232 Sections

(8) Further provided that the fiscal 2021 appropriation detail as shown in the Governor’s budget books submitted to the General Assembly in January 2021 and the supporting electronic detail may not include appropriations for budget amendments that have not been signed by the Governor, exclusive of the MDOT pay-as-you-go capital program.

(9) Further provided that it is the policy of the State to recognize and appropriate additional special, higher education, and federal revenues in the budget bill as approved by the General Assembly. Further provided that for the fiscal 2022 allowance, the Department of Budget and Management shall continue policies and procedures to minimize reliance on budget amendments for appropriations that could be included in a deficiency appropriation.

Explanation: This annual language defines the process under which budget amendments may be used.

Add the following section:

Section 28 Maintenance of Accounting Systems


(1) The Secretary of Health shall maintain the accounting systems necessary to determine the extent to which funds appropriated for fiscal 2020 in program M00Q01.03 Medical Care Provider Reimbursements and M00Q01.10 Medicaid Behavioral Health Provider Reimbursements have been disbursed for services provided in that fiscal year and shall prepare and submit the monthly reports by fund type required under this section for that program.

(2) The State Superintendent of Schools shall maintain the accounting systems necessary to determine the extent to which funds appropriated for fiscal 2020 to program R00A02.07 Students With Disabilities for nonpublic placements have been disbursed for services provided in that fiscal year and to prepare monthly reports as required under this section for that program.

(3) The Secretary of Human Services shall maintain the accounting systems necessary to determine the extent to which funds appropriated for fiscal 2020 in program N00G00.01 Foster Care Maintenance Payments have been disbursed for services provided in that fiscal year, including detail by placement type for the average monthly caseload, average monthly cost per case, and the total expended for each foster care program, and to prepare the monthly reports required under this section for that program.

(4) For the programs specified, reports must indicate by fund type total appropriations for fiscal 2020 and total disbursements for services provided during that fiscal year up through the last day of the second month preceding the date on which the report is to be

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 233 Sections

submitted and a comparison to data applicable to those periods in the preceding fiscal year.

(5) Reports shall be submitted to the budget committees, the Department of Legislative Services, the Department of Budget and Management, and the Comptroller beginning August 15, 2020, and submitted on a monthly basis thereafter.

(6) It is the intent of the General Assembly that general funds appropriated for fiscal 2020 to the programs specified that have not been disbursed within a reasonable period, not to exceed 12 months from the end of the fiscal year, shall revert.

Explanation: This annual language requires the maintenance of accounting systems for certain programs, states the intent of the General Assembly that general funds not disbursed be reverted, and requires reporting of disbursements by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), and the Department of Human Services (DHS).

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on appropriations and MDH August 15, 2020, and monthly disbursements in M00Q01.03, MSDE thereafter M00Q01.10, R00A02.07, and DHS N00G00.01

Add the following section:

Section 29 Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Company Fund Accounts

SECTION 29. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the General Accounting Division of the Comptroller of Maryland shall establish a subsidiary ledger control account to debit all State agency funds budgeted under subobject 0175 (Workers’ Compensation) and to credit all payments disbursed to the Chesapeake Employers Insurance Company (CEIC) via transmittal. The control account shall also record all funds withdrawn from CEIC and returned to the State and subsequently transferred to the General Fund. CEIC shall submit monthly reports to the Department of Legislative Services concerning the status of the account.

Explanation: This section provides continuation of a system to track workers’ compensation payments to the CEIC Fund for payments of claims, current expenses, and funded liability for incurred losses by the State.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 234 Sections

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on the status of ledger CEIC Monthly beginning on control account July 1, 2020

Add the following section:

Section 30 The “Rule of 100”

SECTION 30. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Board of Public Works (BPW), in exercising its authority to create additional positions pursuant to Section 7-236 of the State Finance and Procurement Article, may authorize during the fiscal year no more than 100 positions in excess of the total number of authorized State positions on July 1, 2020, as determined by the Secretary of Budget and Management. Provided, however, that if the imposition of this ceiling causes undue hardship in any department, agency, board, or commission, additional positions may be created for that affected unit to the extent that an equal number of positions authorized by the General Assembly for the fiscal year are abolished in that unit or in other units of State government. It is further provided that the limit of 100 does not apply to any position that may be created in conformance with specific manpower statutes that may be enacted by the State or federal government nor to any positions created to implement block grant actions or to implement a program reflecting fundamental changes in federal/State relationships. Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, BPW may authorize additional positions to meet public emergencies resulting from an act of God and violent acts of man that are necessary to protect the health and safety of the people of Maryland.

BPW may authorize the creation of additional positions within the Executive Branch provided that 1.25 contractual full-time equivalents (FTE) are abolished for each regular position authorized and that there be no increase in agency funds in the current budget and the next two subsequent budgets as the result of this action. It is the intent of the General Assembly that priority is given to converting individuals that have been in contractual FTEs for at least 2 years. Any position created by this method may not be counted within the limitation of 100 under this section.

The numerical limitation on the creation of positions by BPW established in this section may not apply to positions entirely supported by funds from federal or other non-State sources so long as both the appointing authority for the position and the Secretary of Budget and Management certify for each position created under this exception that:

(1) funds are available from non-State sources for each position established under this exception; and

(2) any positions created will be abolished in the event that non-State funds are no longer available.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 235 Sections

The Secretary of Budget and Management shall certify and report to the General Assembly by June 30, 2021, the status of positions created with non-State funding sources during fiscal 2018 through 2021 under this provision as remaining, authorized, or abolished due to the discontinuation of funds.

Explanation: This annual language, the Rule of 100, limits the number of positions that may be added after the beginning of the fiscal year to 100 and provides exceptions to the limit.

Information Request Author Due Date

Certification of the status of DBM June 30, 2021 positions created with non-State funding sources during fiscal 2018 through 2021

Add the following section:

Section 31 Annual Report on Authorized Positions

SECTION 31. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That immediately following the close of fiscal 2020, the Secretary of Budget and Management shall determine the total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) positions that are authorized as of the last day of fiscal 2020 and on the first day of fiscal 2021. Authorized positions shall include all positions authorized by the General Assembly in the personnel detail of the budgets for fiscal 2020 and 2021, including nonbudgetary programs, the Maryland Transportation Authority, the University System of Maryland self-supported activities, and the Maryland Correctional Enterprises.

The Department of Budget and Management shall also prepare a report during fiscal 2021 for the budget committees upon creation of regular FTE positions through Board of Public Works action and upon transfer or abolition of positions. This report shall also be provided as an appendix in the fiscal 2022 Governor’s budget books. It shall note, at the program level:

(1) where regular FTE positions have been abolished;

(2) where regular FTE positions have been created;

(3) from where and to where regular FTE positions have been transferred; and

(4) where any other adjustments have been made.

Provision of contractual FTE information in the same fashion as reported in the appendices of the fiscal 2021 Governor’s budget books shall also be provided.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 236 Sections

Explanation: This annual language provides reporting requirements for regular positions and contractual FTEs.

Information Request Author Due Date

Total number of FTEs on DBM July 14, 2020 June 30 and July 1, 2020

Report on the creation, DBM As needed transfer, or abolition of regular positions

Add the following section:

Section 32 Positions Abolished in the Budget

SECTION 32. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That no position identification number assigned to a position abolished in this budget may be reassigned to a job or function different from that to which it was assigned when the budget was submitted to the General Assembly. Incumbents in positions abolished may continue State employment in another position.

Explanation: This language prevents employees from being moved into positions abolished in the budget. It also allows that incumbents in abolished positions may continue State employment in another position.

Add the following section:

Section 33 Annual Report on Health Insurance Receipts and Spending

SECTION 33. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Secretary of Budget and Management shall include as an appendix in the fiscal 2022 Governor’s budget books an accounting of the fiscal 2020 actual, fiscal 2021 working appropriation, and fiscal 2022 estimated revenues and expenditures associated with the employees’ and retirees’ health plan. The data in this report should be consistent with the budget data submitted to the Department of Legislative Services. This accounting shall include:

(1) any health plan receipts received from State agencies, as well as prescription rebates or recoveries, or audit recoveries, and other miscellaneous recoveries;

(2) any health plan receipts received from employees and retirees, broken out by active employees, non-Medicare-eligible retirees, and Medicare-eligible retirees;

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 237 Sections

(3) any premium, capitated, or claims expenditures paid on behalf of State employees and retirees for any health, mental health, dental, or prescription plan, as well as any administrative costs not covered by these plans, with health, mental health, and prescription drug expenditures broken out by medical payments for active employees, non-Medicare-eligible retirees, and Medicare-eligible retirees, and prescription drug expenditures broken out by active employees, non-Medicare-eligible retirees, and Medicare-eligible retirees; and

(4) any balance remaining and held in reserve for future provider payments.

Explanation: This language provides an accounting of the health plan revenues received and expenditures made on behalf of State employees and retirees. The language proposes that the language in the report be consistent with the budget data submitted with the budget bill.

Add the following section:

Section 34 Chesapeake Bay Restoration Spending

SECTION 34. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That $200,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Maryland Department of Planning, $200,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Department of Natural Resources, $200,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Maryland Department of Agriculture, $200,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Maryland Department of the Environment, and $200,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Department of Budget and Management made for the purpose of general operating expenses may not be expended unless the agencies provide a report to the budget committees on Chesapeake Bay restoration spending. The report shall be drafted subject to the concurrence of the Department of Legislative Services (DLS) in terms of both electronic format to be used and data to be included. The report shall include:

(1) fiscal 2020 annual spending by fund, fund source, program, and State government agency; associated nutrient and sediment reductions; and the impact on living resources and ambient water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen, water clarity, and “chlorophyll a” for the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries to be submitted electronically in disaggregated form to DLS;

(2) projected fiscal 2021 to 2025 annual spending by fund, fund source, program, and State government agency; associated nutrient and sediment reductions; and the impact on living resources and ambient water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen, water clarity, and “chlorophyll a” for the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries to be submitted electronically in disaggregated form to DLS;

(3) an overall framework discussing the needed regulations, revenues, laws, and administrative actions and their impacts on individuals, organizations, governments, and businesses by year from fiscal 2020 to 2025 in order to reach the calendar 2025

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 238 Sections

requirement of having all best management practices in place to meet water quality standards for restoring the Chesapeake Bay, to be both written in narrative form and tabulated in spreadsheet form that is submitted electronically in disaggregated form to DLS;

(4) an analysis of the various options for financing Chesapeake Bay restoration including public-private partnerships, a regional financing authority, nutrient trading, technological developments, and any other policy innovations that would improve the effectiveness of Maryland and other states’ efforts toward Chesapeake Bay restoration;

(5) an analysis on how cost effective the existing State funding sources, such as the Bay Restoration Fund, Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays 2010 Trust Fund, and Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund among others, are for Chesapeake Bay restoration purposes; and

(6) updated information on the Phase III WIP implementation and how the loads associated with the Conowingo Dam infill, growth of people and animals, and climate change will be addressed.

The report shall be submitted by December 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of the receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: This language restricts funding in the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP), the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA), the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) unless the agencies provide a report by December 1, 2020, on recent and projected Chesapeake Bay restoration spending and associated impacts and the overall framework to meet the calendar 2025 requirement of having all best management practices in place to meet water quality standards for restoring the Chesapeake Bay. In addition, the language expresses the interest that the report include information on policy innovations that improve the effectiveness of Maryland and other states’ efforts toward Chesapeake Bay restoration; an analysis of how cost effective the State funding sources are that are being used; updated information on the Phase III WIP implementation; and how Conowingo Dam infill, people and animal growth, and climate change will be addressed.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Historical and projected MDP December 1, 2020 Chesapeake Bay restoration DNR spending MDA MDE DBM

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 239 Sections

Add the following section:

Section 35 Submission of the Uniform Crime Report

SECTION 35. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That $1,000,000 of the general fund appropriation within the Department of State Police (DSP) may not be expended until DSP submits the Crime in Maryland, 2019 Uniform Crime Report (UCR) to the budget committees. The budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment following receipt of the report. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Further provided that, if DSP encounters difficulty obtaining, or validating the accuracy of, the necessary crime data by November 1, 2020, from local jurisdictions who provide the data for inclusion in the UCR, DSP shall notify the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services (GOCPYVS). From each jurisdiction’s third quarterly State Aid for Police Protection (SAPP) disbursement, the office shall withhold a portion, totaling at least 15%, but no more than 50%, of that jurisdiction’s SAPP grant for fiscal 2020 upon receipt of notification from DSP. GOCPYVS shall withhold SAPP funds until such a time that the jurisdiction submits its crime data to DSP and DSP verifies the accuracy of that data. DSP and GOCPYVS shall submit a report to the budget committees indicating any jurisdiction from which crime data was not received by November 1, 2020, and the amount of SAPP funding withheld from each jurisdiction.

Explanation: The annual language was originally added because DSP had not been submitting its annual crime report in a timely manner due to issues related to receiving crime data from the local jurisdictions. The 2017 UCR was not submitted until March 2019, and the 2018 UCR was not submitted as of January 2020. As such, this language withholds a portion of the general fund appropriation until the budget committees receive the 2019 UCR. The language also specifies that GOCPYVS, upon receipt of notification from DSP, must withhold a portion of a delinquent jurisdiction’s SAPP grant until certain crime data is received by DSP. Finally, DSP and GOCPYVS must submit a report to the budget committees that includes information on any jurisdiction that did not report crime data by November 1, 2020, and the amount of SAPP funding that was withheld from each jurisdiction.

Information Request Author Due Date

2019 UCR data verification DSP November 1, 2020

45 days prior to the 2019 UCR DSP expenditure of funds

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 240 Sections

Add the following section:

Section 36 Baltimore City Crime Prevention Initiative

SECTION 36. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That $100,000 of the general fund appropriation within the Department of State Police (DSP) and $100,000 of the general fund appropriation within the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services (GOCPYVS) may not be expended until DSP and GOCPYVS jointly submit a report identifying the role each plays within the Baltimore City Crime Prevention Initiative (BCCPI) to combat violent City. This report should specifically provide an update regarding the establishment of the Baltimore Regional Intelligence Center (BRIC). The report should also provide and evaluate measurable performance metrics related to the DSP Strike Force and BRIC, and discuss how they compare to the performance measures detailed in the Joint Report on BCCPI. Finally, this report should discuss all grant awards allocated in fiscal 2020 under this initiative and provide information on the grant recipients and how these funds were used.

The report shall be submitted by September 15, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund.

Explanation: Despite a considerable amount of State resources provided to support the crime reduction efforts in Baltimore City, the State’s role remains unclear. This report requests DSP and GOCPYVS to submit a joint report clarifying the role each plays in the BCCPI, an update regarding the establishment of BRIC, performance metrics to demonstrate the efficacy of the initiative, and grant award detail for fiscal 2020.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Performance report on BCCPI DSP September 15, 2020 GOCPYVS

Add the following section:

Section 37 Transfer of the Opioid Operational Command Center

SECTION 37. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, effective July 1, 2020, the Governor is authorized to transfer all positions and funding in program D50H01.08 MEMA – Opioid Operational Command Center from the Military Department to the Maryland Department of Health Office of the Secretary, program M00A01.01 Executive Direction.

Explanation: The Opioid Operational Command Center (OOCC) was established by Executive Order 01.01.2017.01 in March 2017. In December 2018, a second executive order formalized the OOCC structure and moved the agency within the Maryland Emergency Management

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 241 Sections

Agency (MEMA) under the Military Department. The early grant activity of OOCC resulted in several Office of Legislative Audits findings and an investigation by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) Office of the Inspector General. This section authorizes the Governor to transfer OOCC and necessary positions back from MEMA to MDH Office of the Secretary to provide greater oversight of OOCC grant activity.

Add the following section:

Section 38 Medicaid Data Memorandum of Understanding

SECTION 38. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That $100,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Department of Human Services (DHS) and $100,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) made for the purpose of general administration may not be expended until DHS and MDH submit a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signed by the secretaries of both agencies, that provides for the sharing of Medicaid data and inclusion of this data in the Life After Welfare report from the University of Maryland School of Social Work beginning with the 2020 report. The signed MOU shall be submitted by July 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the MOU may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the MOU is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: The Life After Welfare Annual Update reports analyze outcomes of the Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) receipt. Nearly all of those that exit the TCA program receive Medicaid, yet this information has not been included in the Life After Welfare analysis since 2017 because this data is owned by the Maryland Department of Health. This language requests that an MOU be signed by both agencies to provide for sharing of Medicaid data and incorporation of Medicaid data into the Life After Welfare analysis.

Information Request Authors Due Date

MOU providing for the DHS July 1, 2020 sharing of Medicaid data and MDH inclusion of this data in the annual Life After Welfare report

Add the following section:

Section 39 Need for Licensed Placement Beds

SECTION 39. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That $100,000 of the general fund appropriation made for the purpose of administrative expenses in program N00G00.03 Child

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 242 Sections

Welfare Services and $100,000 of the general fund appropriation made for the purpose of administrative expenses in program M00L01.01 Program Direction may not be expended until the Department of Human Services (DHS) and Maryland Department of Health (MDH) submit a report that:

(1) details how many additional licensed placement beds are needed to ensure that no child who requires placement in a psychiatric unit of a hospital, other hospital placement, residential child care program, or residential treatment center due to conditions meeting statutory criteria of psychiatric need, neurocognitive disorder, or other comparable condition is faced with the lack of suitable placement after being in a hospital emergency room for 30 or more hours for both youth in the custody of DHS and all youth in need of placement;

(2) develops a plan to increase capacity to meet the number of beds needed by placement type, including a timeline for creation of sufficient space;

(3) provides information on the number of additional placement beds created by type of placement since January 1, 2020;

(4) provides options for other treatment models that allow youth to remain in a family setting while receiving treatment;

(5) provides a plan for developing or increasing the psychiatric crisis response activities for youth to prevent the need for out-of-home placements, emergency room visits, or inpatient psychiatric care; and

(6) provides information on psychiatric crisis response activities for youth funded by the Social Services Administration of DHS or the Behavioral Health Administration of MDH in the fiscal 2020 actual and the fiscal 2021 working appropriation.

The report shall be submitted by December 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of the receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: Concern has been raised recently over youth in foster care and other youth remaining in hospitals longer than is medically necessary and over whether youth are being taken to emergency rooms when psychiatric placements are not available. The fiscal 2021 allowance of DHS Child Welfare Services includes approximately $550,000 to support crisis response for prevention of out-of-home placement or inpatient psychiatric hospitalization through the Baltimore Child and Adolescent Response System. The General Assembly is interested in understanding what additional capacity is needed to meet the need for youth to prevent long stays in emergency rooms or inpatient psychiatric facilities and the current availability of crisis response programs for youth. This language restricts funds in DHS and MDH until a report is

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 243 Sections submitted detailing the need for additional placement beds, a plan to increase capacity, and a plan to improve psychiatric crisis response for youth to prevent hospitalizations.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on increased capacity for DHS December 1, 2020 psychiatric care for youth MDH

Add the following section:

Section 40 Reduction of Health Insurance Contributions

SECTION 40. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That for fiscal 2021 funding for State health insurance contributions for employees and retirees shall be reduced by $10,000,000 in Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch agencies. Funding for this purpose shall be reduced in Comptroller Object 0152 (Health Insurance), Comptroller Object 0154 (Retirees Health Insurance Premiums), and Comptroller Object 0217 (Contractual Health Insurance) within programs in the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch agencies in Section 1 of this Act in fiscal 2021 by the following amounts in accordance with a schedule determined by the Governor, the Presiding Officers, and Chief Judge:

Programs Fund Amount General Assembly of Maryland General Fund $107,880 Judiciary General Fund $519,556 Executive Branch General Fund $6,832,238 Judiciary Special Fund $33,747 Executive Branch Special Fund $1,592,087 Executive Branch Federal Fund $914,492

Explanation: The State Employees’ and Retirees’ Health Insurance Account is expected to close fiscal 2021 with excess fund balance. The reductions in the Executive Branch are to be applied to all agencies and higher education institutions proportionally to the fiscal 2021 allowance. This language reduces the fund balance by $10 million ($7.5 million in general funds).

Add the following section:

Section 41 Department of Information Technology Position Reduction Savings

SECTION 41. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the reimbursable funds appropriation in the Department of Information Technology programs F50B04.01 State Chief of Information Technology, F50B04.02 Security, F50B04.03 Application Systems Management, and F50B04.04 Infrastructure, shall be reduced by a total of $450,000. Funding shall be reduced

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 244 Sections from within programs in the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch agencies in Section 1 of this Act in accordance with a schedule determined by the Governor, the Presiding Officers, and the Chief Judge. The reduction shall equal at least the amount indicated for the funds listed:

Fund Amount General $270,000 Special $90,000 Federal $90,000

Explanation: This partially reduces reimbursable funds for 15 regular positions in the Department of Information Technology that are abolished. The positions have been vacant for over one year.

Add the following section:

Section 42 Report on Agencies with Multiple Personally Identifiable Information Audit Findings in 2019

SECTION 42. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That since three agencies have had repeat findings in the calendar 2019 compliance audit reports issued by the Office of Legislative Audits (OLA) for problems protecting personally identifiable information (PII), $100,000 of the general fund appropriation for administration in Program E20B01.01 Treasury Management in the State Treasurer’s Office, $100,000 of the general fund appropriation for administration in Program F10A01.01 Executive Direction in the Department of Budget and Management Office of the Secretary, and $100,000 of the general fund appropriation for administration in Program R00A01.01 Office of the State Superintendent in the State Department of Education Headquarters may not be expended until:

(1) agency representatives from agencies with repeat PII audit findings in calendar 2019 have met with the State Chief Information Security Officer (SCISO) to identify and document a path for resolution of any outstanding issues and the agency has taken corrective action with respect to PII protection, including articulating any ongoing associated costs and a timeline for resolution if the corrective action is not complete;

(2) the SCISO submits a report to OLA by February 1, 2021 addressing corrective actions taken to protect PII, a path and timeline for resolution of any outstanding issues, and any ongoing costs associated with corrective actions; and

(3) a report is submitted to the budget committees and the Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee (JAEC) by OLA listing each repeat audit finding in accordance with (1) above that demonstrates the agencies’ commitment to correct each repeat audit finding. The report shall be submitted to the budget committees and JAEC by May 1, 2021, and the committees and JAEC shall have 45 days to review and comment

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 245 Sections

from the date the report is submitted. Funds restricted pending the receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted.

Explanation: Commonly accepted cybersecurity standards are guided by CIA, which stands for confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Protecting PII is a key element of confidentiality. Not all State agencies are properly protecting PII. Audit reports from calendar 2019 identified repeat PII findings in the Department of Budget and Management, State Department of Education, and Office of the State Treasurer. This language requires that these agencies report their plans to correct outstanding PII issues to the SCISO. The SCISO should review these plans and report to OLA about these agencies’ plans. OLA should review SCISO’s findings and report on the commitment to resolving these repeat findings to the budget committees and JAEC.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on repeat PII findings SCISO February 1, 2021 OLA May 1, 2021

Add the following section:

Section 43 2022 Pollbook Project Development Timeline

SECTION 43. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That $100,000 of the general fund appropriation in the State Board of Elections (SBE), and $100,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) made for the purpose of general operating expenses may not be expended until the SBE, in consultation with the DoIT, submits a report that outlines how the 2022 pollbook system will be developed for use in the 2022 gubernatorial election. The report should include a development timeline with specific milestones to be achieved, expenditures anticipated to achieve each milestone, and the projected date of completion for each milestone. The report should also include affirmation by DoIT of SBE’s proposed backup plan should the system not be ready in 2022. The report shall be submitted by July 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if a report is not submitted. Explanation: The 2022 Pollbook Project is a new Major Information Technology Development Project for SBE. The Information Technology Project Report has limited details due to the newness of the project. This language restricts funds pending submission of a report that describes the timeline for completing this project in advance of the 2022 election cycle.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 246 Sections

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on how funds will be SBE July 1, 2020 used and the development DoIT timeline leading up to the 2022 election

Add the following section:

Section 44 Hospital Stays

SECTION 44. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That $250,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Department of Human Services, $250,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Maryland Department of Health, and $250,000 of the general fund appropriation for the Department of Juvenile Services all made for the purpose of general operating expenses may not be expended until the agencies provide a report to the budget committees on:

(1) the number of youth in out-of-home placements served in emergency rooms for psychiatric evaluation or crises by month for fiscal 2019 and 2020 separately by child placing agency;

(2) the average length of stay in an emergency room for youth in out-of-home placements served in emergency rooms for psychiatric evaluation or crises for fiscal 2019 and 2020 separately by child placing agency;

(3) the total number of youth in out-of-home placements served in medical hospitals or inpatient psychiatric hospitals separately by type of hospital by each child placing agency for fiscal 2019 and 2020;

(4) the average length of stay for youth in out-of-home placements served in medical hospitals or inpatient psychiatric hospitals separately by type of hospital by each child placing agency for fiscal 2019 and 2020; (5) the number of days that youth in out-of-home placements served in hospitals were in the hospital longer than was deemed medically necessary by either the hospital or a judicial finding separately by type of hospital for each child placing agency for fiscal 2019 and 2020;

(6) the placement type after discharge separately by type of hospital for each child placing agency, including identifying the number of youth placed out-of-state after discharge;

(7) the number of youth in out-of-state placement by child placing agency in community-based and non-community-based settings due to the lack of available or appropriate in-state placements due to psychiatric or other medical conditions in fiscal 2019 and 2020 separately for each child placing agency; and

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 247 Sections

(8) efforts of the child placing agencies to reduce the number of youth in out-of-state placements in community-based and non-community-based settings due to the lack of available or appropriate in-state placements.

The report shall be submitted by September 1, 2020, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. Funds restricted pending the receipt of a report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the report is not submitted to the budget committees.

Explanation: Concern has been raised recently over youth in foster care and other youth in placements by State agencies that remain for long periods of time in emergency rooms or in the hospitals, particularly after the period when the stay is medically necessary. This language restricts funds from the child placing agency until the agencies submit a joint report that provides information on emergency room and hospital stays by youth in out-of-home placements. The report also requests information on out-of-state placements due to lack of available or appropriate in-state placements due to medical or psychiatric conditions.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on emergency room Department of Human September 1, 2020 visits, hospital stays, and Services out-of-state placements for Maryland Department of youth with psychiatric and Health medical conditions Department of Juvenile Services

Add the following section:

Section 45 Enforcement and Inspection Position Strength Assessment and Vacant Position Filling

SECTION 45. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That $200,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) and $200,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) made for the purpose of general operating expenses may be expended only for the purpose of filling vacant compliance and enforcement positions, provided, however, that no funds may be expended until MDE and MDA jointly prepare and submit quarterly reports on July 1, 2020; October 1, 2020; January 1, 2021; and April 1, 2021, which shall include:

(1) an evaluation of the adequacy of Maryland’s current authorized compliance and enforcement positions in the departments. In completing the assessment, the departments shall:

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 248 Sections

(a) provide information on the delegation of authority to other entities; and

(b) assess the impact of the role that technology has played on compliance and enforcement responsibilities;

(2) a comparison of the size, roles, and responsibilities of the departments’ compliance and enforcement positions to neighboring or similar states;

(3) a list of all inspection activities conducted by the MDE Water and Science Administration, the Land and Materials Administration, the Air and Radiation Administration, and the MDA Office of Resource Conservation;

(4) the number of:

(a) regular positions and contractual full-time equivalents associated with the inspections, including the number of vacancies for fiscal 2013 through 2020 actuals; and

(b) fiscal 2021 current and fiscal 2022 estimated appropriations;

(5) PINs and titles for all positions filled with restricted funding and how the positions are being used; and

(6) a description of the use of and outcomes from any next generation compliance techniques to increase compliance with Maryland’s environmental regulations.

Further provided that funding restricted for this purpose may be released quarterly in $50,000 installments for each agency upon receipt of the required quarterly reports by the budget committees. The budget committees shall have 45 days from the date the reports are received to review and comment. Funds restricted may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund if the reports are not submitted to the budget committees and the released funding is not used to fill vacant compliance and enforcement positions.

Explanation: This language restricts funding until the submission of quarterly reports from MDE and MDA to the budget committees on compliance and enforcement inspections and positions and then further restricts the funding for filling vacant compliance and enforcement positions. The 2019 Joint Chairmen’s Report included the request for a similar report on compliance and enforcement inspections and positions for Chesapeake Bay restoration.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 249 Sections

Information Request Authors Due Date

Enforcement and inspection MDA July 1, 2020 position strength assessment MDE October 1, 2020 and vacant position filling January 1, 2021 April 1, 2021

Add the following section:

Section 46 Expanded GIS Data

SECTION 46. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That $100,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Governor’s Office of Performance Improvement (GOPI), $250,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Department of Commerce (Commerce), $250,000 of the special fund appropriation in the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), and $250,000 of the general fund appropriation in the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) made for the purpose of general operating expenses may not be expended until:

(1) MDOT develops and makes available layered geographic information system (GIS) data and maps that show all MDOT capital projects and State Highway Administration access permits;

(2) Commerce develops and makes available layered geographic information system (GIS) data and maps that show all tax credits; and

(3) GOPI and DoIT have reviewed the GIS data and maps.

GOPI, Commerce, MDOT, and DoIT shall report to the budget committees on the status of this GIS data. The report shall be submitted by January 1, 2021, and the budget committees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of the report to review and comment. GOPI, Commerce, and DoIT funds restricted pending receipt of the report may not be transferred by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose and shall revert to the General Fund or be canceled if a report is not submitted.

Explanation: State agencies collect GIS data. Technology has evolved so that GIS data is commonly available, and State agencies can make this data available to the public. It is the intent of the General Assembly that State agencies continue to expand GIS data that is being offered. This restricts funds in GOPI, Commerce, MDOT, and DoIT and requires these agencies to generate GIS data and maps about MDOT capital projects, State Highway Administration (SHA) access permits, and tax credits. The agencies should report on their progress by January 1, 2021.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 250 Sections

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on GIS data GOPI January 1, 2021 concerning MDOT capital Commerce projects, SHA access permits, MDOT and tax credits DoIT

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 251 Technical Corrections

Budget Amendments

Technical Amendment

Renumber SECTION 21. 44. 47. and SECTION 22. 45. 48.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Operating Budget, April 2020 252

Report on the State Capital Budget (SB 191)

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 253

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 254

1, 2020

Due Date August 1, 2020 August September 1, 2020 December

Report Report Report Report/ Letter

3500 West 3500 West Contingencies/Reports

– family policies and policies family redevelopment onredevelopment the

facilities at at facilities ield Hospital Center. ield Hospital

-exempt bond issuance. Capital Budget Budget Capital

term plan for the - Services, Maryland Police and Correctional Contingency Language/Narrative guiding principlesguiding for hern Parkway. Requests that MDH convene with convene the that MDH Requests Department of General Commissions, of Department Maryland Training Maryland HistoricalPlanning, Trust, otherand that report a stakeholders to prepare community adopts Springf the at grounds workgroup of with a meet that DHCD Requests sector partners private submit reportand that a - outlines multi department’s the tax for strategies consultation in of Baltimore, City the that Requests with community and University with Coppin State parties, affected of group diverse input a from timeline development the regarding report a submits long and Nort


Items in Fiscal 2021 Fiscal in Items

– Rental (MDH) Agency Housing and and Housing Community Development (DHCD) Program Housing Programs Department of Health Department of Miscellaneous Grant Maryland

ZA00 SA25E Budget Code Budget MA01

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 255

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 256

Items in Fiscal 2021 Capital Budget – Other Restrictions and Language

Budget Code Agency Contingency Language/Narrative

RA0702C Interagency Commission on Specifies that nonpublic schools that serve students with disabilities through the School Construction (IAC) Nonpublic Placement Program (R00A02.07) are eligible for grants. Limits the use Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint – Senator James E. “Ed” of grants to three years from the date that funding became available, and unexpended DeGrange Nonpublic Aging funding after three years will be transferred for public school construction. Schools Program

RA0702D IAC – Supplemental Capital Restricts funds for certain jurisdictions and waives the local match requirement for Grant Program for Local certain funds granted by IAC. School Systems

RI00A Maryland Higher Education Restricts funds for certain projects. 257 –

Commission – Community Capital Budget, April 20 Capital College Construction Grant Program

RQ00A University of Maryland Expresses intent that the State support for the Comprehensive Cancer and Organ Medical System (UMMS) – Transplant Center at UMMS totals $175.0 million. Comprehensive Cancer and Organ Transplant Treatment Center

20 SA24A DHCD – Baltimore Regional Restricts funds for grants to specific participants in the Housing Upgrades to Benefit

Neighborhoods Initiative Seniors Program for home safety improvements, home rehabilitation services, energy efficient upgrades, or weatherization services.

SA24E DHCD – Strategic Demolition Restricts funds for grants to certain projects or areas of the State. Fund

Items in Fiscal 2021 Capital Budget – Other Restrictions and Language

Budget Code Agency Contingency Language/Narrative

UA01A Maryland Department of the Specifies the distribution of grants to certain areas of the State for projects that Environment – reduce the risk of loss of life and property from flooding. Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Comprehensive Flood Management Program

258 –

Capital Budget, April 20 Capital 20

Capital Program for the 2020 Session

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

State Facilities DA0201A MDOD: Accessibility $1,851,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,851,000 Modifications DA03A MSA: Department of 3,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 3,500,000 Legislative Services Building Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint DE0201A BPW: Construction 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 Contingency Fund DE0201B BPW: Facilities Renewal Fund 23,476,000 0 10,000,000 0 0 0 33,476,000 1 DE0201C BPW: Fuel Storage Tank 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Replacement Program DE0201D BPW: Lawyer’s Mall 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,000,000 Underground Infrastructure Replacement DE0201E BPW: Shillman Building 713,000 0 0 0 0 0 713,000 Conversion 259 – DE0201F BPW: Courts of Appeal 2,450,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,450,000

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Building DH0104A MD: Combined Support 5,049,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,049,000 Maintenance Shop DH0104B MD: Maryland Emergency 585,000 0 0 0 0 0 585,000 Management Agency Headquarters Renovation and Expansion FB04A DoIT: Public Safety 9,613,000 0 0 0 0 0 9,613,000 Communications System RP00A MPBC: Maryland Public 900,000 0 0 0 0 0 900,000 Television Transmission Systems Replacement RP00B MPBC: Studio A Renovation 545,000 0 0 0 0 0 545,000 and Addition ZA00AD MISC: Historic Annapolis 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Restoration

Subtotal $58,182,000 $0 $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $68,182,000

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

Health/Social DA0701A MDOA: Senior Centers $344,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $344,000 Capital Grant Program MA01A MDH: Community Health 6,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,500,000 Facilities Grant Program MA01B MDH: Federally Qualified 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 Health Centers Grant Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Program RQ00A UMMS: Comprehensive 500,000 0 7,000,000 0 0 0 7,500,000 1 Cancer and Organ Transplant Treatment Center RQ00B UMMS: R Adams Cowley 3,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 3,000,000 Shock Trauma Center – Phase III ZA00AG MISC: Johns Hopkins 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000,000 Bayview Medical Center – New Inpatient Building and

260 Renovations –

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital ZA00AP MISC: MedStar Franklin 3,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 3,500,000 Square Hospital – New Surgical Tower ZA01A MISC: Atlantic General 800,000 0 0 0 0 0 800,000 Hospital ZA01B MISC: Frederick Memorial 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 Hospital ZA01C MISC: The Johns Hopkins 691,000 0 0 0 0 0 691,000 Hospital ZA01D MISC: Kennedy Krieger 450,000 0 0 0 0 0 450,000 Children’s Hospital ZA01E MISC: MedStar Montgomery 400,000 0 0 0 0 0 400,000

Medical Center ZA01F MISC: Meritus Medical Center 509,000 0 0 0 0 0 509,000 ZA01G MISC: Mount Washington 750,000 0 0 0 0 0 750,000 Pediatric Hospital ZA01H MISC: Sinai Hospital of 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Baltimore – Center of Hope Subtotal $24,944,000 $0 $7,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $31,944,000

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

Environment KA0510A DNR: Natural Resources $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,000,000 $0 $9,000,000 Development Fund KA0510B DNR: Critical Maintenance 0 0 0 0 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 Program KA0510C DNR: Program Open Space – 0 0 0 0 42,090,768 3,000,000 45,090,768 State Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint KA0510D DNR: Program Open Space – 0 0 0 0 44,185,905 0 44,185,905 Local KA0510E DNR: Rural Legacy Program 0 0 0 0 17,999,092 0 17,999,092 KA05A DNR: Community Parks and 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 Playgrounds Program KA0906A DNR: Ocean City Beach 0 0 0 0 2,000,000 0 2,000,000 Maintenance KA1401A DNR: Waterway Improvement 0 0 0 0 13,500,000 2,500,000 16,000,000 Fund KA1402A DNR: Coastal Resiliency 4,160,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,160,000 261

– Program

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital KA1701A DNR: Oyster Restoration 8,730,000 0 0 0 0 0 8,730,000 Program LA1111A MDA: Maryland Agricultural 0 0 0 0 42,105,178 0 42,105,178 Land Preservation Program LA1205A MDA: Salisbury Animal 1,074,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,074,000 Health Laboratory Replacement LA15A MDA: Maryland Agricultural 8,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 8,000,000 Cost-Share Program UA0104 MDE: Hazardous Substance 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 500,000 Cleanup Program

UA0111A MDE: Bay Restoration Fund 0 0 0 0 75,000,000 0 75,000,000 UA0112 MDE: Bay Restoration Fund 0 0 0 0 15,000,000 0 15,000,000 Septic System Program UA01A MDE: Comprehensive Flood 5,980,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 6,180,000 2 Management Program UA01B MDE: Maryland Drinking 4,032,000 0 0 0 14,800,000 14,716,000 33,548,000 Water Revolving Loan Fund

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

UA01C MDE: Maryland Water 7,686,000 0 0 0 111,600,000 38,430,000 157,716,000 Quality Revolving Loan Fund UA01D MDE: Mining Remediation 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Program UA01E MDE: Supplemental 4,175,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,175,000 Assistance Program

Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint UA01F MDE: Water Supply Financial 1,426,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,426,000 Assistance Program UB01A MES: Infrastructure 11,576,000 0 0 0 4,710,657 0 16,286,657 Improvement Fund

Subtotal $59,839,000 $0 $0 $700,000 $395,991,600 $58,646,000 $515,176,600

Public Safety QR0202A DPSCS: Housing Unit $7,460,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,460,000 Windows and Steam Heating System


– QS0101A DPSCS: Jessup Region and 921,000 0 0 0 0 0 921,000

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Western Maryland Perimeter Security Upgrades QS0101B DPSCS: Jessup Region 994,000 0 0 0 0 0 994,000 Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade QS0208A DPSCS: High Temperature 18,141,000 0 0 0 0 0 18,141,000 Distribution and Perimeter Security Improvements QT04A DPSCS: Demolition of 5,647,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,647,000 Buildings at the Baltimore City Correctional Complex QT04B DPSCS: Therapeutic 0 0 8,000,000 0 0 0 8,000,000 1 Treatment Center WA01A DSP: New Berlin Barrack and 158,000 0 0 0 0 0 158,000 Garage WA01B DSP: New Cumberland 2,352,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,352,000 Barrack and Garage WA01C DSP: New Tactical Operations 742,000 0 0 0 0 0 742,000 Building

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

ZB02A DPSCS: Frederick County 1,263,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,263,000 Adult Detention Center Phase IV Medical Addition ZB02B DPSCS: Queen Anne’s 4,852,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,852,000 County Detention Center Additions and Renovations ZB02C DPSCS: St. Mary’s County 5,530,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,530,000 Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Adult Detention Center Upgrades, Housing, and Medical Units

Subtotal $48,060,000 $0 $8,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $56,060,000

Education RA01A MSLA: Public Library Capital $7,300,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,300,000 Grant Program RA0702A IAC: Aging Schools Program 6,109,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,109,000 RA0702B IAC: Public School 280,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 280,000,000 263 – Construction Program

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital RA0702C IAC: Senator James E. “Ed” 3,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 3,500,000 DeGrange Nonpublic Aging Schools Program RA0702D IAC: Supplemental Capital 75,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 75,000,000 Grant Program RA0702E IAC: Built to Learn Act 0 150,000,000 0 0 0 0 150,000,000 3 of 2020 RA0702F IAC: Healthy School Facilities 0 0 0 30,000,000 0 0 30,000,000 Fund RA0702G IAC: Public School Safety 0 0 0 10,000,000 0 0 10,000,000 Grant Program

RA0702I IAC: Non-Public School 0 0 0 3,500,000 0 0 3,500,000 Security Improvements RE01A MSD: Veditz Building 425,000 0 0 0 0 0 425,000 Renovation

Subtotal $372,334,000 $150,000,000 $0 $43,500,000 $0 $0 $565,834,000

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

Higher Education RB21A UMB: Central Electric $9,944,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,944,000 Substation and Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades RB22A UMCP: Campuswide Building 5,000,000 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 10,000,000 Systems and Infrastructure Improvements

Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint RB22B UMCP: Chemistry Building 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,000,000 Wing 1 Replacement RB22C UMCP: School of Public 0 0 5,000,000 0 0 0 5,000,000 1 Policy RB22D UMCP: Maryland Basketball 0 0 5,000,000 0 0 0 5,000,000 1 Performance Center RB23A BSU: Communication Arts 6,100,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,100,000 and Humanities Building RB23B BSU: Pedestrian and Vehicular 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 Infrastructure

264 – RB24A TU: New College of Health 6,437,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,437,000

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Professions Building RB24B TU: Athletic Fields 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 RB25A UMES: School of Pharmacy 26,287,000 0 31,000,000 0 0 0 57,287,000 1 and Health Professions RB25RB UMES: Campus Flood 0 10,000,000 0 0 0 0 10,000,000 Mitigation Project RB26A FSU: Education and Health 30,069,000 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 35,069,000 Sciences Center RB27A CSU: Percy Julian Sciences 7,513,000 0 0 0 0 0 7,513,000 Building RB27B CSU: Public Safety Building 450,000 0 0 0 0 0 450,000 RB31A UMBC: Utility Upgrades and 6,041,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,041,000 Site Improvements RB31B UMBC: Sherman Hall Façade 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 and Infrastructure Improvements RB34A UMCES: Chesapeake 1,448,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,448,000 Analytics Collaboration Building

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

RB36A USMO: University of 31,202,000 0 31,000,000 0 0 0 62,202,000 1 Maryland at Southern Maryland Third Academic Building RB36B USMO: Capital Facilities 0 12,000,000 0 0 0 0 12,000,000 4 Renewal RC00A BCCC: Liberty Campus Loop 4,623,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,623,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Road and Entrance Improvements RD00A SMCM: Academic Building 30,678,000 0 0 0 0 0 30,678,000 and Auditorium RD00B SMCM: Campus Infrastructure 4,472,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,472,000 Improvements RI00A MHEC: Community College 87,324,000 0 0 0 0 0 87,324,000 5 Construction Grant Program RI00B MHEC: Community College 0 0 0 4,000,000 0 0 4,000,000 Facilities Renewal Grant 265

– Program

1 Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital RM00A MSU: Deferred Maintenance 5,000,000 0 5,000,000 0 0 0 10,000,000 and Site Improvements RM00B MSU: New Health and Human 5,382,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,382,000 Services Building RM00C MSU: New Student Services 4,851,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,851,000 Support Building ZA00X MISC: Garrett College – 9,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 9,200,000 Community Education and Performing Arts Center ZA00AK MICUA: The Johns Hopkins 4,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,000,000 University

ZA00AL MICUA: Notre Dame of 4,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,000,000 Maryland University ZA00AM MICUA: Maryland Institute 4,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,000,000 College of Art

Subtotal $301,171,000 $32,000,000 $77,000,000 $4,000,000 $0 $0 $414,171,000

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

Housing and Community Development DW0108A MDP: Maryland Archeological $215,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $215,000 Conservation Laboratory Expansion and Renovation DW0108B MDP: Patterson Center 4,590,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,590,000 Renovations DW0111A MDP: African American 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Heritage Preservation Grant Program DW0111B MDP: Maryland Historical 600,000 0 0 0 0 0 600,000 Trust Capital Grant Fund DW0111C MDP: Maryland Historical 0 0 0 0 300,000 0 300,000 Trust Loan Fund DW0112A MDP: Historic Revitalization 0 0 0 9,000,000 0 0 9,000,000 Tax Credit SA2402A DHCD: Community 0 0 0 0 0 12,000,000 12,000,000 Development Grant Program 266 – SA24A DHCD: Baltimore Regional 12,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 12,000,000 6

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Neighborhoods Initiative SA24B DHCD: Community Legacy 6,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,000,000 Program SA24C DHCD: Neighborhood 8,000,000 0 0 500,000 2,200,000 0 10,700,000 Business Development Program SA24D DHCD: Seed Community 0 0 0 5,000,000 0 0 5,000,000 Development Anchor Institution Fund SA24E DHCD: Strategic Demolition 26,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 26,500,000 7 Fund

SA24F DHCD: National Capital 0 0 0 7,000,000 0 0 7,000,000 Strategic Economic Development Fund SA25A DHCD: Homeownership 16,000,000 0 0 0 3,000,000 0 19,000,000 Programs SA25B DHCD: Housing and Building 0 0 0 0 8,600,000 1,000,000 9,600,000 Energy Programs

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

SA25C DHCD: Local Government 9,180,000 0 0 0 0 0 9,180,000 Infrastructure Fund – Rural Broadband SA25D DHCD: Partnership Rental 6,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,000,000 Housing Program SA25E DHCD: Rental Housing 25,000,000 0 0 12,000,000 16,500,000 8,000,000 61,500,000 Programs Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint SA25F DHCD: Shelter and 3,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 3,000,000 Transitional Housing Facilities Grant Program SA25G DHCD: Special Loan 4,000,000 0 0 0 4,400,000 2,000,000 10,400,000 Programs

Subtotal $122,085,000 $0 $0 $33,500,000 $35,000,000 $23,000,000 $213,585,000

Local Projects DE0602A MISC: Cal Ripken, Sr. $0 $0 $0 $500,000 $0 $0 $500,000 Foundation Turf Field

267 – DE0602B MISC: Boys and Girls Clubs 0 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,000

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital of Metropolitan Baltimore Infrastructure DE0602C MISC: Maryland Alliance of 0 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,000 Boys and Girls Clubs Safety and Security Enhancements DE0602D MISC: End Hunger Kitchen 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 500,000 ZA00A MISC: A Wider Circle – 700,000 0 0 0 0 0 700,000 Community Service Center ZA00B MISC: Anne Arundel County 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 – Defenders of Freedom Capital Gazette Memorial

ZA00C MISC: Arch Social Club – 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Stabilization and Revitalization ZA00D MISC: Bainbridge 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000,000 Development Corporation Naval Training Center Site ZA00E MISC: Baltimore County – 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000,000 Public Safety Facility

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

ZA00F MISC: Boy Scouts of America 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Baltimore Area Council Broad Creek Infrastructure Improvements ZA00G Brunswick Volunteer 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 Ambulance and Rescue Facility Expansion

Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint ZA00H MISC: Carroll County 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 Agriculture Center and Shipley Area Facility Upgrades ZA00I MISC: Carroll County – 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 Charles Carroll Community Center ZA00J MISC: Carroll County – New 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Sewer Pump Station ZA00K MISC: Carroll County Public 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Safety Training Center 268 –

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital ZA00L MISC: Charles E. Smith 600,000 0 0 0 0 0 600,000 Jewish Day School – Capital Improvements ZA00M MISC: Chesapeake Bay 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 Maritime Museum – New Exhibition Building ZA00N MISC: Chesapeake Culinary 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 Center – New Community Space ZA00O MISC: City of Cumberland – 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Baltimore Street Town Centre ZA00P MISC: City of Frostburg – 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 City Hall Relocation ZA00Q MISC: City of Gaithersburg – 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 New Police Station ZA00R MISC: City of Hyattsville – 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 Police Headquarters Renovation and Addition

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

ZA00S MISC: Compass Regional 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Hospice – Hope and Healing Center ZA00T MISC: Compass Regional 400,000 0 0 0 0 0 400,000 Hospice – New Hospice Center ZA00U MISC: Delmarva Community 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Services – Chesapeake Grove Intergenerational Center ZA00V MISC: Franciscan Center – 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 Building Repairs ZA00W MISC: Frederick County 1,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,500,000 Public Safety Training Facility Expansion and Renovation ZA00Y MISC: Girl Scouts of Central 450,000 0 0 0 0 0 450,000 Maryland, Inc. – Camp 269 –

Woodlands Renovation Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital ZA00Z MISC: Hagerstown 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 Revitalization ZA00AA MISC: Harford County – Ma 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 and Pa Trail ZA00AB MISC: Harford County – The 400,000 0 0 0 0 0 400,000 Harford County Agricultural Center ZA00AC MISC: Helping Up Mission – 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Women’s and Children’s Center ZA00AE MISC: House of Ruth 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000

Maryland – Administrative Building and Shelter ZA00AF MISC: Imagination Stage – 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 New Storage Facility ZA00AH MISC: Kent School – 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 Performing Arts Wing ZA00AI MISC: Lexington Market 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000,000

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

ZA00AJ MISC: Maryland Historical 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Society – Building Renovations ZA00AN MISC: Maryland State Fair – 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Renovations ZA00AO MISC: Maryland Zoo in 5,050,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,050,000 Baltimore Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint ZA00AQ MISC: Mount Pleasant 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 Development Corporation – Mount Pleasant Family Life Center ZA00AR MISC: National Aquarium in 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,000,000 Baltimore ZA00AS MISC: NorthBay Education – 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 Capital Improvements ZA00AT MISC: Olney Theatre Center – 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000,000 Site Improvements and Artists’ Village 270 –

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital ZA00AU MISC: Paul’s Place – 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 Community Training Kitchen ZA00AV MISC: Pearlstone Center – 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Campus Renovation and Expansion ZA00AW MISC: Queen Anne’s County 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 Arts Council – Center for the Arts Renovation ZA00AX MISC: Ralph J. Bunche 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 Community Center ZA00AY MISC: Ripken Stadium 1,419,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,419,000

ZA00AZ MISC: Roberta’s House – 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 New Grief Support Center ZA00BA MISC: Ronald McDonald 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 House Charities Baltimore – New Ronald McDonald House ZA00BB MISC: Salisbury Revitalization 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

ZA00BC MISC: Sheppard Pratt Hospital 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000,000 – Sheppard Pratt at Elkridge ZA00BD MISC: Somerset County – 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 Crisfield-Somerset County Airport Hangars ZA00BE MISC: St. Francis 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Neighborhood Center – Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Expansion ZA00BF MISC: St. Mary’s County – 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 Regional Agricultural Center ZA00BG MISC: The League for People 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 with Disabilities – Facility Upgrade ZA00BH MISC: The Y in Central 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Maryland – Infrastructure Improvements and New Family Center ZA00BI MISC: Town of La Plata – 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 271 –

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Kent Avenue Corridor Community Center ZA00BJ MISC: Town of Mount Airy – 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 Rails to Trails CSX ZA00BK MISC: Town of New Market – 171,000 0 0 0 0 0 171,000 Stormwater Drains Infrastructure ZA00BL MISC: University of Maryland 600,000 0 0 0 0 0 600,000 – New Hillel Student Center ZA00BM MISC: Upper Bay Counseling 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 and Support Services – Interior Outfitting

ZA00BN MISC: Washington County 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Public Service Academy – New Training Facility ZA00BO MISC: Waterfront Partnership 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 of Baltimore – Rash Field Improvements ZA00BP MISC: Greenway Avenue 750,000 0 0 0 0 0 750,000 Stadium

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

ZA00BQ MISC: 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Children’s Museum ZA00BR MISC: Johns Hopkins 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 Medicine New Research Building, Children’s Medical and Surgical Center, and North Tower Annex Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint ZA00BS MISC: Maryland Science 1,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,500,000 Center ZA00BT MISC: Kennedy Krieger 1,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,500,000 Institute – Gompers School Building ZA00BU MISC: Special Olympics 875,000 0 0 0 0 0 875,000 Maryland Headquarters ZA00BV MISC: Merriweather Post 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000,000 Pavilion ZA00BW MISC: Round House Theatre 1,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,500,000

272 ZA00BX MISC: Prince George’s 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,000,000 –

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital County Amphitheatre at Central Park ZA00BY MISC: Prince George’s 4,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,000,000 County Public High School Athletic Facilities ZA00BZ MISC: Bay Sox Stadium 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 ZA00CA MISC: Bladensburg 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 Waterfront Dock ZA00CB MISC: Southern Maryland 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Agricultural Land Preservation ZA00CC MISC: Ebenezer A.M.E. 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 Church ZA00CD MISC: Arena Players 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 ZA00CE MISC: National Cryptologic 125,000 0 0 0 0 0 125,000 Museum – Cyber Center of Education and Innovation ZA00CF MISC: Habitat for Humanity 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 of the Chesapeake

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

ZA00CG MISC: Baltimore Police 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 Mounted Unit Stables ZA00CH MISC: Patriot Point 320,000 0 0 0 0 0 320,000 ZA00CI MISC: Warrior Canine 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Connection ZA00CJ MISC: Hippodrome 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Foundation Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint ZA00CK MISC: Baltimore Museum of 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000,000 Art ZA00CL MISC: Prince George’s 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 Hospital Center Redevelopment ZA00CM MISC: Hands On Patterson 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 Park Public ZA00CN MISC: Gilchrist Center 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Baltimore ZA00CO MISC: Hoen Lithograph 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 Building 273 – ZA00CP MISC: Modell Performing 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Arts Center at the Lyric ZA00CQ MISC: Southern Bridge 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 ZA00CR MISC: National Center on 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 350,000 Institutions and Alternatives Expansion ZA00CS MISC: Goodwill Industries of 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Monocacy Valley ZA00CT MISC: Lake Linganore 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000,000 8 Dredging ZA00CU MISC: Religious Coalition for 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Emergency Human Needs

ZA00CV MISC: Kent County High 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 School ZA00CW MISC: Hero Dogs, Inc. 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 ZA00CX MISC: Rockville Welcome 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 Center ZA00CY MISC: Sandy Spring Meadow 7,000 0 0 0 0 0 7,000 Basketball Court

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

ZA00CZ MISC: YMCA Bethesda- 325,000 0 0 0 0 0 325,000 Chevy Chase ZA00DA MISC: College Park City Hall 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 ZA00DB MISC: Seat Pleasant City Hall 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 ZA00DC MISC: The Ivy Village 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 Incubator for Nonprofit Excellence Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint ZA00DD MISC: Long Branch-Garland 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 350,000 Neighborhood Park ZA00DE MISC: North County High 443,500 0 0 0 0 0 443,500 School Field House ZA00DF MISC: Maryland University of 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 350,000 Integrated Health ZA00DG MISC: Jonathan Street 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 Revitalization ZA00DH MISC: Sinai 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 ZA00DI MISC: Hagerstown Baseball 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 274 – Stadium

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital ZA00DJ MISC: Innovated Center for 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Autonomous Systems ZA00DK MISC: Westside Regional 400,000 0 0 0 0 0 400,000 Park ZA00DL MISC: Annapolis Regional 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 Library ZA00DM MISC: Middle Branch Park 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 ZA00DN MISC: Patuxent Park 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 ZA00DO MISC: Discovery Park 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 ZA00DP MISC: Pedestrian Trail 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 Improvements ZA00DQ MISC: East Pines 400,000 0 0 0 0 0 400,000 ZA00DR MISC: Pedestrian Bridge 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 Lighting and Trail ZA00DS MISC: Preservation Maryland 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 75,000 Burtis House ZA00DT MISC: Fort Washington 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 Medical Center

Bonds Current Funds (PAYGO) General Bond Budget Code Project Title Obligation Revenue Premium General Special Federal Total Funds

ZA00DU MISC: Brooklyn Park Youth 80,000 0 0 0 0 0 80,000 Athletic Park ZA00DV MISC: Lakeshore Volunteer 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 Fire Department ZA00DW MISC: PAL Centers 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 ZA00DX MISC: Severn 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Intergenerational Center Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint ZA00DY MISC: Roger Pipomore Park 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 350,000 ZA00DZ MISC: City of Laurel 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 Municipal Park ZA00EA MISC: Bishop McNamara 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 High School ZA00EB MISC: Community Action 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 Council Early Childhood Education Center ZA00EC MISC: Garrett County Public 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 Schools Track Improvements ZA02 Local Senate Initiatives 15,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 15,000,000 275 –

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital ZA03 Local House Initiatives 14,978,500 0 0 0 0 0 14,978,500

Subtotal $121,499,000 $0 $0 $1,500,000 $0 $0 $122,999,000

Current Year Total $1,108,114,000 $182,000,000 $102,000,000 $83,200,000 $430,991,600 $81,646,000 $1,987,951,600

Deauthorizations ZF00 Deauthorizations as Introduced -$9,114,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 -$9,114,000

ZF00A Additional Deauthorizations -4,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 -4,000,000

Subtotal -$13,114,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 -$13,114,000

Adjust Current Year Total $1,095,000,000 $182,000,000 $102,000,000 $83,200,000 $430,991,600 $81,646,000 $1,974,837,600

Transportation CTP $0 $505,000,000 $0 $0 $697,710,000 $1,225,846,000 $2,428,556,000

Transportation DPA $0 $0 $0 $125,000,000 $0 $0 $125,000,000

Grand Total $1,108,114,000 $687,000,000 $102,000,000 $208,200,000 $1,128,701,600 $1,307,492,000 $4,541,507,600

BCCC: Baltimore City Community College MDP: Maryland Department of Planning BPW: Board of Public Works MES: Maryland Environmental Service BSU: Bowie State University MHEC: Maryland Higher Education Commission CSU: Coppin State University MICUA: Maryland Independent College and University Association CTP: Consolidated Transportation Program MISC: miscellaneous DHCD: Department of Housing and Community Development MPBC: Maryland Public Broadcasting Commission DNR: Department of Natural Resources MSD: Maryland School for the Deaf DoIT: Department of Information Technology MSLA: Maryland State Library Agency DPA: Dedicated Purpose Account MSU: Morgan State University DPSCS: Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services PAYGO: pay-as-you-go Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint DSP: Department of State Police SMCM: St. Mary’s College of Maryland FSU: Frostburg State University TU: Towson University IAC: Interagency Commission on School Construction UMB: University of Maryland, Baltimore Campus MD: Military Department UMBC: University of Maryland Baltimore County MDA: Maryland Department of Agriculture UMCES: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science MDE: Maryland Department of the Environment UMCP: University of Maryland, College Park Campus MDH: Maryland Department of Health UMES: University of Maryland Eastern Shore MDOA: Maryland Department of Aging UMMS: University of Maryland Medical System MDOD: Maryland Department of Disabilities USMO: University System of Maryland Office

1 Section 16 of the Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan (MCCBL) of 2020 authorizes the use of $102 million of bond premium proceeds from the sale of State 276 –

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital general obligation bonds in fiscal 2021. 2 The budget authorizes the funds to be used as follows: $188,000 for the Cumberland Flood Control System; $700,000 for the Annapolis City Dock Stormwater and Flood Mitigation; $3,000,000 for Ellicott City Maryland Avenue Culverts; $428,000 for rehabilitation of Hunters Mill Pond; $368,000 for the Cambridge Seawall Replacement; $106,000 for the Easton North Fork Tanyard Branch Stream Restoration; $6,000 for the Chambers Lake Dam Repairs; $172,000 for the Crisfield Tide Gates Culverts Modification and Pump Station; $945,000 for the Fruitland Tuxents Branch Stormwater Drainage Upgrade; and $67,000 for the stormwater repairs along Frederick Avenue in Baltimore City. 3 The Built to Learn Act (HB 1) authorizes up to $125 million annually from the Education Trust Fund to support the debt service on $2.2 billion of revenue bonds programmed to be issued from fiscal 2021 through 2024, of which $150 million is anticipated to be issued by the Maryland Stadium Authority in fiscal 2021. 4 Does not include use of the University System of Maryland (USM) Plant Funds of $16.385 million for the USM Facilities Renewal Program and $8.615 for the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Western Regional Training Center. 5 Does not include the use of $4.0 million from the Community College Facility Grant Program fund balance. 6 The budget restricts $850,000 to be used only to fund grants to participants in the Housing Upgrades to Benefit Seniors program. 7 The budget restricts $5.0 million to be used as a grant to the County Executive and County Council of Howard County for demolition and site improvements in Ellicott City, and $500,000 as a grant to the Board of County Commissioners of Allegany County for the demolition and site improvement of the former Allegany High School. 8 The budget reprograms $1.0 million originally authorized in the MCCBL of 2014 to support the Downtown Frederick Hotel and Conference Center to instead be used to fund the dredging of Lake Linganore bringing the total amount of State funding support for the project to $3.0 million.

Source: Department of Legislative Services

Legislative Bond Initiative Projects – 2020 Session

Match/ Project Title House Initiative Senate Initiative Other Total Funding Requirements Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Allegany Allegany County Informational Historic Markers $5,000 $5,000 Grant Allegany Oxford House $50,000 50,000 Grant Civil Air Patrol Squadron Building 42,000 42,000 Grant Western Maryland Scenic Railroad 45,000 45,000 Grant Subtotal $92,000 $50,000 $0 $142,000

Anne Arundel American Legion Guy C. Parlett Post 7 $38,000 $38,000 Hard 277 – American Legion Post 141 25,000 25,000 Grant

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Bello Machre Community Training and Gathering Center 150,000 150,000 Hard Benson-Hammond House 50,000 $50,000 100,000 Soft(U,2) Brewer Hill Cemetery 70,000 70,000 Grant Deale Elks Lodge No. 2528 40,000 40,000 Hard Downtown Annapolis Mural Project 15,000 15,000 Soft(2) Goshen Farmhouse 60,000 60,000 Hard Langton Green Community Farm 50,000 50,000 100,000 Soft(1,2) Lindale Middle School 60,000 60,000 Grant Linthicum Elementary School 60,000 60,000 Grant Linthicum Veterans Memorial 82,000 82,000 Soft(2,3)

National Cryptologic Museum - Cyber Center of Education $125,000 125,000 Grant and Innovation

North County High School Field House 1,000,000 443,500 1,443,500 Grant Northeast High School Physical Endurance Training Course 50,000 25,000 75,000 Hard PlayEastport 40,000 40,000 Hard Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse 50,000 50,000 Soft(3) West County Family Support Center 100,000 100,000 200,000 Soft(2) Woods Community Center 100,000 100,000 Hard Subtotal $920,000 $1,345,000 $568,500 $2,833,500

Match/ Project Title House Initiative Senate Initiative Other Total Funding Requirements

Baltimore City Ambassador Theater $150,000 $100,000 $250,000 Hard Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Andre De Shields Center for the Arts 2,500,000 2,500,000 Grant Baltimore Clayworks, Inc. 100,000 100,000 Soft(2) $2,000,000 2,000,000 Grant Baltimore Police Mounted Unit Stables 250,000 250,000 500,000 Hard Belair-Edison Neighborhoods, Inc. 200,000 200,000 Soft(1,2) Blight Reduction and Homeownership Initiative 270,000 270,000 Soft(2) BLISS Meadows Farmhouse 50,000 50,000 Hard Bon Secours Community Works 100,000 100,000 Soft(1) Cecil Elementary School Community Park 25,000 275,000 300,000 Soft(2) 278 – Central Baltimore Partnership 1,000,000 1,000,000 Hard

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Chesapeake Shakespeare Company’s Downtown Theatre 200,000 200,000 Hard Clay Hill Public Charter School 300,000 300,000 Grant Community Mediation Center-Safe Streets 75,000 75,000 Hard Community Mediation Program-Mediation Center 75,000 75,000 Grant Creative Alliance 100,000 100,000 200,000 Soft(1,3) Fayette Street Outreach Organization Community Center 100,000 100,000 Grant Forest Park Senior Center 150,000 100,000 250,000 Soft(1,2) Gilchrist Center Baltimore 1,000,000 1,000,000 Grant Govans Ecumenical Development Corporation 25,000 25,000 Soft(2) Greenmount West Community Center 30,000 30,000 Hard Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake 250,000 250,000 Grant

Hamilton Elementary/Middle School 75,000 75,000 Hard Harlem Park Community Center 200,000 200,000 Soft(1) Hippodrome Foundation 1,000,000 1,000,000 Grant Hoen Lithograph Building 200,000 200,000 Grant Hon’s Honey Storefront 50,000 50,000 100,000 Soft(U,1) Howell Celebrating Lives Viola Family Support Center, Inc. 150,000 150,000 Soft(1) Italian Cultural Center of Maryland 25,000 25,000 Soft(2,3) Itineris Foundation 100,000 100,000 Hard Kappa Alpha Psi Youth and Community Center 150,000 150,000 Soft(1,3) LIFE Church Ministries Food Pantry 10,000 10,000 Grant

Match/ Project Title House Initiative Senate Initiative Other Total Funding Requirements

Living Classrooms Opportunity Hub 150,000 150,000 Hard Lovely Lane Arts and Neighborhood Center 25,000 25,000 Hard Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Modell Performing Arts Center at the Lyric 500,000 500,000 Grant New Antioch Baptist Church Community Outreach Center 15,000 15,000 Soft(2) Orchard Street Church 300,000 300,000 Soft(all) Our Saviour Lutheran Church 40,000 40,000 Soft(3) Park West Health System 500,000 500,000 Soft(2,3) Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm 100,000 150,000 250,000 Soft(3) Port Discovery 1,000,000 1,000,000 Grant Public School 103 150,000 200,000 350,000 Soft(1,2) South Baltimore Community Land Trust 200,000 200,000 Soft(1,2) 279 – Southern Bridge 500,000 500,000 Grant

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Ulman House 100,000 100,000 Soft(2,3) Young Adult Residential Fellowship Program 125,000 125,000 Soft(all) Youth Empowered Society Drop-In Center 100,000 100,000 Hard Subtotal $2,435,000 $6,505,000 $7,000,000 $15,940,000

Baltimore Baltimore Association of Nepalese in America $25,000 $100,000 $125,000 Soft(2) Beacon of Hope 75,000 75,000 Hard Community Assistance Network Food Pantry 150,000 100,000 250,000 Soft(3) Community Therapy Clinic 150,000 75,000 225,000 Hard Cromwell Valley Park 50,000 150,000 200,000 Hard

Franklin Woodlands Trail 40,000 40,000 Grant Gordon Center for the Performing Arts 75,000 75,000 150,000 Hard Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Inc. 25,000 25,000 Soft(1) Gunpowder Elementary School 150,000 150,000 Grant Hazelwood Park Skatepark 150,000 150,000 Hard Junior Achievement of Central Maryland, Inc. 150,000 150,000 Soft(3) Liberty Community Development Youth Center 250,000 300,000 550,000 Soft(2,3) Liberty Road Volunteer Fire Company 300,000 300,000 Grant Mann Residential Treatment Center 25,000 25,000 Soft(3) McCormick Elementary PAL Recreation Center 50,000 50,000 Hard

Match/ Project Title House Initiative Senate Initiative Other Total Funding Requirements

National Center on Institutions and Alternatives Expansion $350,000 350,000 Grant Parkville High School Athletic Facilities 50,000 50,000 Grant Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company 75,000 75,000 150,000 Hard Relay Town Hall 22,500 22,500 Hard Simmons Museum of Negro Leagues Baseball 50,000 50,000 Grant Sparrows Point High School Scoreboards 15,000 15,000 Hard St. Stephen Church Fire Suppression Water Tank 55,000 55,000 Hard Timonium Elementary School 25,000 25,000 Hard Towson Armory Building 250,000 250,000 500,000 Soft(2,3) Towson High School Stadium 50,000 175,000 225,000 Soft(2) Upper Falls Odd Fellows Lodge 53,000 53,000 Soft(all) 280 – WIN Team Headquarters and Treatment Facility 300,000 300,000 Grant

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Woodlawn High School Athletic Facilities 150,000 150,000 Grant Subtotal $1,947,500 $2,113,000 $350,000 $4,410,500

Calvert Calvert Animal Welfare League $25,000 $25,000 Hard Calvert Marine Museum 100,000 $150,000 250,000 Hard End Hunger Warehouse 200,000 200,000 Soft(all) Kellams Complex 50,000 50,000 Hard Subtotal $375,000 $150,000 $0 $525,000


Caroline County Public Schools Track Replacement $200,000 $168,500 $368,500 Grant Subtotal $200,000 $168,500 $0 $368,500

Carroll Historical Society of Carroll County $40,000 $40,000 Hard Mount Airy Center Street 500,000 500,000 Hard Penn-Mar Human Services and Change 50,000 50,000 Soft(2,3) Westminster Rescue Mission 100,000 100,000 Soft(1) Subtotal $690,000 $0 $0 $690,000

Match/ Project Title House Initiative Senate Initiative Other Total Funding Requirements

Cecil Rev. Duke Log Cabin $150,000 $150,000 Hard Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Subtotal $150,000 $0 $0 $150,000

Charles LifeStyles Homeless Services Center $200,000 $200,000 Soft(2) Lions Camp Merrick 60,000 60,000 Grant St. Ignatius Chapel Point and St. Thomas Manor $250,000 250,000 Hard Velocity Center 100,000 100,000 Soft(2) Waldorf Multipurpose Civic Center 100,000 100,000 Soft(2) Subtotal $360,000 $350,000 $0 $710,000 281 –

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Dorchester American Legion Post 91 $100,000 $100,000 Soft(all) Maces Lane Community Center $200,000 200,000 Soft(2) Patriot Point $320,000 320,000 Soft(2,3) Richardson Maritime Museum 100,000 100,000 Hard Subtotal $200,000 $200,000 $320,000 $720,000

Frederick Brunswick Emergency Operations Center $476,000 $476,000 Hard Brunswick Reservoir Site Infrastructure 500,000 500,000 Hard Carroll Manor Fire Company 42,000 $42,000 84,000 Grant

Frederick Arts Council, Inc. 50,000 50,000 Soft(2) Goodwill Industries of Monocacy Valley $500,000 500,000 Grant Jefferson Community Tennis Court 13,000 13,000 Grant Lake Linganore Dredging 2,000,000 2,000,000 Grant Maryland Ensemble Theatre 75,000 75,000 Soft(2) Middletown Downtown Core Economic Revitalization 203,000 203,000 Hard Museum of the Ironworker 50,000 50,000 Hard(U) Phoenix Foundation of Maryland 42,500 42,500 85,000 Hard Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs 500,000 500,000 Grant Shafer Farm House 100,000 100,000 Soft(1)

Match/ Project Title House Initiative Senate Initiative Other Total Funding Requirements

Sophie and Madigan Lillard Memorial Playground 200,000 200,000 Hard Town of New Market Stormwater Infrastructure 171,000 171,000 Hard Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Weinberg Center for the Arts 200,000 200,000 Hard Subtotal $1,901,500 $134,500 $3,171,000 $5,207,000

Garrett Believe in Tomorrow Children's House at Deep Creek Lake $13,000 $14,200 $27,200 Hard Broadford Park Trails 50,000 50,000 Grant Garrett County Public Schools Track Improvements 200,000 $100,000 300,000 Grant Subtotal $263,000 $14,200 $100,000 $377,200

282 – Harford

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Aberdeen Family Swim Center $100,000 $100,000 Grant Havre de Grace Community Redevelopment Plan $150,000 150,000 Grant Havre de Grace Performing Arts Center 100,000 100,000 Grant Hosanna School Museum 50,000 50,000 Hard The Sgt. Alfred B. Hilton Memorial 50,000 50,000 Hard Walters Mill Canoe and Kayak Launch 25,000 25,000 Hard Subtotal $325,000 $150,000 $0 $475,000

Howard Athelas Institute $25,000 $25,000 Hard Community Action Council Early Childhood Education Center $150,000 150,000 Soft(all)

Howard County Conservancy $350,000 350,000 Soft(U,all) Howard County Veterans Monument 350,000 350,000 Soft(2) Living in Recovery, Inc. 75,000 75,000 Hard Long Reach Village Center 100,000 100,000 Hard Main Street Ellicott City Streetscape 250,000 250,000 Soft(2) Maryland University of Integrative Health 350,000 350,000 Soft(1,3) The Community Ecology Institute 100,000 100,000 Soft(1) The Living Farm Heritage Museum 200,000 200,000 Soft(2,3) Winter Growth 50,000 50,000 Hard Subtotal $800,000 $700,000 $500,000 $2,000,000

Match/ Project Title House Initiative Senate Initiative Other Total Funding Requirements

Kent Kent County High School $250,000 $250,000 Grant Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Subtotal $0 $0 $250,000 $250,000

Montgomery Arts on the Block Studio Expansion $100,000 $100,000 Soft(2) BlackRock Center for the Arts $250,000 250,000 Soft(2) Charles E. Smith Life Communities 50,000 50,000 100,000 Hard Easter Seals Inter-Generational Center and Regional 150,000 150,000 Hard Headquarters Fairland Recreation Park 100,000 100,000 Soft(all) 283 – Hero Dogs, Inc. $30,000 30,000 Grant

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Homecrest House 175,000 175,000 Soft(3) Ivymount School, Inc. 25,000 125,000 150,000 Hard Jewish Foundation for Group Homes, Inc. 150,000 150,000 Hard Kensington Multipurpose Recreation Center 100,000 100,000 Hard Long Branch-Garland Neighborhood Park 350,000 350,000 Grant Montgomery County Homeless Youth Drop-In Center 217,500 217,500 Hard OASIS Farm 44,000 44,000 Soft(3) Olney Family Neighborhood Park 100,000 100,000 200,000 Soft(all) Rockville Welcome Center 200,000 200,000 Grant Round House Theatre 1,500,000 1,500,000 Grant Sandy Spring Meadow Basketball Court 7,000 7,000 Grant

Sandy Spring Museum 34,500 34,500 Hard VisArts 150,000 150,000 Hard Warrior Canine Connection 500,000 500,000 Grant Willett Branch Greenway 175,000 225,000 400,000 Soft(all) YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase 325,000 325,000 Grant Subtotal $1,371,000 $950,000 $2,912,000 $5,233,000

Prince George’s Alice Ferguson Foundation $200,000 $200,000 Soft(1) American Legion Post 66 $30,000 30,000 Grant

Match/ Project Title House Initiative Senate Initiative Other Total Funding Requirements

Berwyn Heights Senior Center 50,000 50,000 Soft(1) Bishop McNamara High School 250,000 $250,000 500,000 Soft(all) Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Bladensburg World War I Memorial 160,000 160,000 Hard Camp Springs Elks Lodge No. 2332 30,000 30,000 Grant College Park City Hall 500,000 500,000 Grant Crossland High School 325,000 325,000 Grant Educare Resource Center 50,000 50,000 Grant Fort Foote Baptist Church 200,000 200,000 Soft(2) Fort Washington Community Space 50,000 50,000 Soft(1) Glut Food Co-op 50,000 50,000 Soft(2) Goodloe Alumni House 50,000 50,000 Hard 284 – Greenbelt Station Hiker and Biker Trail 50,000 200,000 250,000 Hard

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Hyattsville Police Headquarters 25,000 125,000 150,000 Soft(3) Hyattsville Teen Activity and Mentoring Center 50,000 50,000 Soft(1) Lake Arbor Golf Course 250,000 250,000 500,000 Hard Laurel Museum at Riverfront Park 100,000 100,000 Hard Riverdale Park Municipal Center 50,000 25,000 75,000 Hard Riverdale Park Trolley Car/ Public Amenity Space 250,000 250,000 Soft(U,1,2) Sacred Heart House on the Hill Community Outreach 75,000 75,000 Hard Sarvis Empowerment Cafe 50,000 75,000 125,000 Hard Savor Food Hall 75,000 75,000 Hard Seat Pleasant City Hall 250,000 250,000 Grant Success Factors Foundation Youth Development Center 75,000 75,000 Soft(2)

Temple Hills Swim Club 50,000 50,000 Soft(1) The Ivy Village Incubator for Nonprofit Excellence 50,000 250,000 300,000 Soft(1) Walker Mill Community Development 150,000 150,000 Soft(2) Subtotal $1,570,000 $1,850,000 $1,250,000 $4,670,000

Queen Anne’s Haven Homes $150,000 $150,000 Soft(2) Maryland Museum of Women’s History 150,000 150,000 Grant Queen Anne’s County Arts Council 125,000 125,000 Soft(1) Subtotal $425,000 $0 $0 $425,000

Match/ Project Title House Initiative Senate Initiative Other Total Funding Requirements

St. Mary’s Chancellor’s Point Community Sailing Center $73,300 $73,300 Soft(U,2) Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint Chopticon High School $100,000 100,000 Soft(2) Sotterley Plantation 50,000 50,000 Hard Subtotal $150,000 $73,300 $0 $223,300

Talbot American Legion Post 77 $100,000 $100,000 Soft(1) St. Michaels Community Center 25,000 25,000 Soft(1) Subtotal $125,000 $0 $0 $125,000

Washington 285 – Easterseals Adult Day Services Hagerstown Center $150,000 $150,000 Soft(2)

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital Hagerstown BMX Track $75,000 75,000 Soft(2) Smithsburg Community Volunteer Fire Company 75,000 75,000 Grant Smithsburg High School Athletic Facilities 50,000 50,000 Soft(2) Subtotal $275,000 $75,000 $0 $350,000

Wicomico Lower Eastern Shore Inclusive Play $100,000 $100,000 Soft(3) Queen City Elks Lodge No. 1051 and Success Temple No. 154 100,000 $100,000 200,000 Grant Wicomico County Bookmobile 100,000 100,000 Soft(all) Subtotal $300,000 $100,000 $0 $400,000

Worcester Believe In Tomorrow House at the Beach $50,000 $50,000 $100,000 Soft(2,3) Pocomoke City Elks Lodge No. 1624 75,000 75,000 Hard Subtotal $125,000 $50,000 $0 $175,000

Grand Total $15,000,000 $14,978,500 $16,421,500 $46,400,000

Match Key: 1 = Real Property; 2 = In Kind Contribution; 3 = Prior Expended Funds; U = Unequal

Note: Projects funded in the “Other” category are authorized as nonmatching fund grants.

Source: Department of Legislative Services

Joint Chairmen’s Report Joint 286 –

Capital Budget, April 2020 Capital

DA03 Maryland Stadium Authority

DA03A Maryland Stadium Authority Department of Legislative Services

Building ...... $ 3,500,000

Add the following language:


(A) Department of Legislative Services Building. Provide funds to continue design of the renovation or new construction of the Department of Legislative Services building (Anne Arundel County) ...... 3,500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 3,500,000 3,500,000

Explanation: This action provides funds to continue the design of either a renovation or the new

construction of the Department of Legislative Services building.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 287 DE0201 General State Facilities Board of Public Works

DE0201B Facilities Renewal Fund ...... $ 23,476,000

Allowance Change Authorization 34,726,000 -11,250,000 23,476,000

Explanation: This action reduces the amount of general obligation bond funds for the Facility Renewal Program. A separate action provides $10 million in anticipated bond premiums to partially

restore funding for this program.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 288 DE0201 Judiciary Board of Public Works

DE0201F Courts of Appeal Building ...... $ 2,450,000

Add the following language:

(F) Courts of Appeal Building. Provide funds to design a new Courts of Appeal Building in Annapolis (Anne Arundel County) ...... 2,450,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 2,450,000 2,450,000

Explanation: This language adds an authorization to continue the design of a new Courts of Appeal


Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 289 MA01 Maryland Department of Health

Committee Narrative

Springfield Hospital Center Property Uses: The committees are interested in the future of the State-owned property at the Springfield Hospital Center. The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) is completing a facilities master plan that will identify surplus land and building stock throughout the State-run hospitals. Following the completion of the facilities master plan, MDH should convene with the Department of General Services (DGS), the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions (MPCTC), the Maryland Department of Planning, the Maryland Historical Trust, and surrounding community stakeholders to prepare a report that adopts guiding principles for the redevelopment of surplus State property on the grounds of the Springfield Hospital Center. These principles should encourage the creation of a comprehensive plan for the full utilization of the site that:

• eliminates the short- and long-term costs to the State for infrastructure maintenance, security, and any other capital or operating costs wherever possible;

• encourages methods of property sale and transfer that maximizes the return to the State, taking into account any costs associated with potential environmental remediation;

• is consistent and coordinated with Smart Growth efforts and programs of State government; and

• minimizes damage to historic, cultural, and natural resources or environmentally sensitive lands and encourages rehabilitation of available historic buildings.

Information Request Authors Due Date

Report on the future of uses for MDH September 1, 2020 property at the Springfield DGS Hospital Center MPCTC

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 290 QT04 Division of Pretrial Detention Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

QT04B Therapeutic Treatment Center ...... $ 0

Allowance Change Authorization 14,974,000 -14,974,000 0

Explanation: This action deletes general obligation bond funding for the Therapeutic Treatment Center. A separate action provides $8 million in anticipated bond premiums for this project, which will leave sufficient design funding to support project development and production of schematics on

a reasonable timeline.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 291 RA0702 Interagency Commission on School Construction

RA0702C Senator James E. “Ed” DeGrange Nonpublic Aging Schools

Program...... $ 3,500,000

Amend the following language: (C) Senator James E. “Ed” DeGrange Nonpublic Aging Schools Program. Provide funds to be distributed as grants to nonpublic schools in Maryland for expenditures eligible under the Aging Schools Program established in § 5-206 of the Education Article, including school security improvements. Provided that grants may be provided only to nonpublic schools eligible to receive Aid to Non-Public Schools R00A03.04 (for the purchase of textbooks or computer hardware and software for loans to students in eligible nonpublic schools) or nonpublic schools that serve students with disabilities through the Non-Public Placement Program R00A02.07 Subprogram 0762, excluding preschools in fiscal 2021, with a maximum amount of $100,000 and a minimum amount of $5,000 per eligible school.

Further provided that:

(a) An Unless a school serves students through the Non-Public Placement Program, an eligible school may apply and qualify for a grant as specified below based on the following criteria:

(1) At least 20% of the school’s students are eligible for free or reduced price meal programs;

(2) Tuition charged to students is less than the statewide average per pupil expenditure for public schools as calculated by the Maryland State Department of Education; and

(3) The school has a facility with an average age of 50 years or more; and

(b) If a school meets:

(1) All three of the criteria specified above, or serves students through the Nonpublic Placement Program, the school may receive up to $100,000;

(2) Two of the three criteria specified above, the school may receive up to $75,000; and

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 292 RA0702

(3) One of the three criteria specified above, the school may receive up to $25,000.

Further provided that if more eligible schools apply and qualify for grants than the total authorizations, the Maryland State Department of Education shall prorate the grants based on the total authorization amount. Further provided that the funds shall be administered by the Maryland State Department of Education and the Interagency Commission on School Construction.

Further provided that grants made to nonpublic schools shall be expended within 3 years of the date that funding for the grants became available. Any funding for grants that is unexpended following 3 years of having become available shall be transferred to the Unreserved Statewide Contingency Account for Public School Construction.

Explanation: This action restores language from the fiscal 2020 capital bill that specifies grants made to nonpublic schools must be expended within three years of the date of that funding or they

will be transferred to the Unreserved Statewide Contingency Fund.

RA0702D Supplemental Capital Grant Program ...... $ 75,000,000

Amend the following language:

Supplemental Capital Grant Program for Local School Systems. Provide funds to local school systems with enrollment growth that over the last 5 years exceeds 150% of the statewide average or with 300 or more relocatable classrooms. These funds shall be administered in accordance with § 5-313 of the Education Article and can be used for grants to local boards of education for federal E-rate-eligible special construction such as fiber and broadband infrastructure projects for E-rate-eligible applicants, provided that $50,000,000 of this authorization shall be distributed as follows:

(1) Anne Arundel County ...... 6,981,468

(2) Baltimore County ...... 9,468,851

(3) Caroline County ...... 476,189

(4) Frederick County ...... 3,568,365

(5) Howard County ...... 4,870,012

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 293 RA0702

(6) Montgomery County ...... 13,637,391

(7) Prince George’s County ...... 10,997,724

Further provided that notwithstanding § 5-313 of the Education Article, $25,000,000 of this authorization shall be distributed as follows:

(8) Anne Arundel County ...... 2,195,122

(9) Caroline County ...... 1,219,512

(10) Frederick County ...... 1,219,512

(11) Howard County ...... 9,268,293

(12) Montgomery County ...... 8,658,537

(13) Prince George’s County ...... 2,439,024

Further provided that notwithstanding Title 5, Subtitle 3 of the Education Article, grants awarded by the Interagency Commission on School Construction under items (8) through (13) of this authorization shall not require a local cost–share match ......

Allowance Change Authorization 40,000,000 35,000,000 75,000,000

Explanation: This language provides additional $35.0 million in fiscal 2021 grants under the Supplemental Capital Grant Program for Local School Systems to be allocated by the Interagency Commission on School Construction as specified. The language also specifies a portion of the

additional funds shall not require a local cost-share match.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 294 RB22 University of Maryland, College Park Campus University System of Maryland

RB22C School of Public Policy ...... $ 0

Allowance Change Authorization 2,500,000 -2,500,000 0

Explanation: This action deletes general obligation bond funding for the School for Public Policy

building. A separate action provides $5 million in anticipated bond premiums for the project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 295 RB23 Bowie State University University System of Maryland

RB23B Pedestrian and Vehicular Infrastructure Improvements ...... $ 150,000

Add the following language:

(B) Pedestrian and Vehicular Infrastructure Improvements. Provide funds to design, construct, and equip pedestrian and vehicular infrastructure improvements in connection with development of a Maryland Area Regional Commuter line station (Prince George’s County) ...... 150,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 150,000 150,000

Explanation: This action adds funds for the design, construction, and capital equipping of pedestrian and vehicular infrastructure improvements in preparation of the development of a Maryland Area

Regional Commuter line station.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 296 RB24 Towson University University System of Maryland

RB24B Athletic Fields ...... $ 1,000,000

Add the following language:

(B) Athletic Fields. Provide funds to design, construct, and equip infrastructure improvements to the athletic fields ...... 1,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 1,000,000 1,000,000

Explanation: This adds an authorization to fund continued improvements to the athletic fields at

Towson University.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 297 RB25 University of Maryland Eastern Shore University System of Maryland

RB25A School of Pharmacy and Health Professions ...... $ 26,287,000

Allowance Change Authorization 61,287,000 -35,000,000 26,287,000

Explanation: This action reduces funding for the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions by $35 million. A separate action provides $31 million of bond premiums for the project. The remaining $4.0 million of the reduction is due to a delay in the start of construction. This funding will not be

needed in fiscal 2021.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 298 RB27 Coppin State University University System of Maryland

RB27A Percy Julian Sciences Building ...... $ 7,513,000

Allowance Change Authorization 17,513,000 -10,000,000 7,513,000

Explanation: This action reduces fiscal 2021 funding for the Percy Julian Sciences Building

Renovation. A separate action increases the fiscal 2022 preauthorization by the same amount.

RB27B New Public Safety Building ...... $ 450,000

Add the following language:

(B) New Public Safety Building. Provide funds to begin design of a new Public Safety Building (Baltimore City) ...... 450,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 450,000 450,000

Explanation: This language adds an authorization to begin preliminary design of a new Public

Safety Building at Coppin State University.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 299 RB31 University of Maryland Baltimore County University System of Maryland

RB31B Sherman Hall Façade and Infrastructure Improvements ...... $ 1,000,000

Add the following language:

(B) Sherman Hall Façade and Infrastructure Improvements. Provide funds to design, construct, and equip façade and other infrastructure improvements to Sherman Hall ...... 1,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 1,000,000 1,000,000

Explanation: This action provides funds for façade and other infrastructure improvements to

Sherman Hall.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 300 RB36 University System of Maryland Office University System of Maryland

RB36A University of Maryland at Southern Maryland Third Academic

Building ...... $ 31,202,000

Allowance Change Authorization 62,202,000 -31,000,000 31,202,000

Explanation: This action reduces the amount of general obligation bond funds for the University of Maryland at Southern Maryland Third Academic Building. A separate action provides $31 million

of bond premiums to fully fund the project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 301 RI00 Maryland Higher Education Commission

RI00A Community College Construction Grant Program ...... $ 87,324,000

Amend the following language:

Community College Construction Grant Program. Provide funds to assist the subdivisions in the acquisition of property and in the design, construction, renovation, and equipping of local and regional community college buildings, site improvements, and facilities. The funds appropriated for this purpose shall be administered in accordance with § 11-105(j) of the Education Article, provided that notwithstanding Section 6 of this Act, work may continue on each of these projects prior to the appropriation of all funds necessary to complete the project ......

(12) Prince George’s Community College – Largo Student Center Renovation and Addition (Prince George’s County)

Allowance Change Authorization 84,456,000 2,868,000 87,324,000

Explanation: This language adds $1,368,000 to provide sufficient funds for the Hagerstown Community College Center for Business and Entrepreneurial Studies to award the construction contract and $1,500,000 to continue the design of renovations and additions to the Prince George’s

Community College Largo Student Center.

RI00B Community College Facilities Renewal Grant Program ...... $ 0

Allowance Change Authorization 4,223,000 -4,223,000 0

Explanation: This action deletes GO bond funding for the Community College Facilities Renewal

Grant Program. The program is funded with $4.0 million of general funds in the operating budget.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 302 RM00 Morgan State University

RM00A Deferred Maintenance and Site Improvements ...... $ 5,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 10,000,000 -5,000,000 5,000,000

Explanation: This action reduces general obligation bond funding for deferred maintenance and site

improvements. A separate action provides $5 million of bond premiums to fully fund the project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 303 RQ00 University of Maryland Medical System

RQ00A Comprehensive Cancer and Organ Transplant Treatment Center ..... $ 500,000

Amend the following language:

Comprehensive Cancer and Organ Transplant Treatment Center. Provide a grant to the University of Maryland Medical System to design, construct, and equip facilities to expand clinical programs of the Marlene and Stewart Greenbaum Comprehensive Cancer and Organ Transplant Treatment Center, provided that it is the intent of the General Assembly that the State commitment to this project totals $175,000,000 ......

Allowance Change Authorization 7,500,000 -7,000,000 500,000

Explanation: The 2020 Capital Improvement Program maintains a State commitment to the Comprehensive Cancer and Organ Transplant Treatment Center at $125 million. This action adds language that expresses the intent of the General Assembly that the State commitment to the project total $175 million, consistent with language included in the Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan (MCCBL) of 2018 and MCCBL of 2019. This action also reduces general obligation bond funding for the project. A separate action provides $7 million of anticipated bond premiums to fully

fund the project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 304 SA24 Division of Neighborhood Revitalization Department of Housing and Community Development

SA24A Baltimore Regional Neighborhoods Initiative ...... $ 12,000,000

Amend the following language:

(A) Baltimore Regional Neighborhoods Initiative. Provide funds for grants and loans to nonprofit community development corporations or coalitions to fund comprehensive revitalization strategies for sustainable community areas in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Anne Arundel County, provided that $850,000 of this authorization may be used only to provide grants to the following participants in the Housing Upgrades to Benefit Seniors program for the purpose of providing grants to senior homeowners for home safety improvements, home rehabilitation services, energy efficiency upgrades, or weatherization services:

(1) Banner Neighborhoods Community Corporation;

(2) St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center;

(3) Green and Healthy Homes;

(4) Civic Works;

(5) Fayette Street Outreach Organization;

(6) Clergy United for the Transformation of Sandtown; and

(7) Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc. 12,000,000

Explanation: This language restricts funds in the Baltimore Regional Neighborhoods Initiative to be used only for a program to assist elderly homeowners fund improvements to their homes in order

for them to age in place.

SA24D Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund ...... $ 0

Allowance Change Authorization 5,000,000 -5,000,000 0

Explanation: This action deletes general obligation bond funding for the Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund. A separate action in the Budget Reconciliation and Financing

Act of 2020 would provide for $5 million in general funds for the program.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 305 SA24

SA24E Strategic Demolition Fund ...... $ 26,500,000

Amend the following language:

Strategic Demolition Fund. Provide funds for grants and loans to government agencies and community development organizations for demolition, land assembly, architecture and engineering, and site development in designated Sustainable Communities. The funds shall be administered in accordance with § 4-508 of the Housing and Community Development Article. Provided that any financial assistance awarded under this program is not subject to § 8-301 of the State Finance and Procurement Article. Further provided that $5,500,000 of this authorization may be used only to provide grants as follows:

(a) County Executive and County Council of Howard County for the design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, demolition, and site improvement of buildings located in Ellicott City ...... 5,000,000

(b) Board of County Commissioners of Allegany County for the design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, demolition, and site improvement of the former Allegany High School ...... 500,000

Explanation: This action restricts a portion of funds in the Strategic Demolition Fund to be used for the demolition and renovation of buildings in Ellicott City impacted by the recent floods as well as

for the demolition of the former Allegany High School.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 306 SA25 Division of Development Finance Department of Housing and Community Development

Committee Narrative

Private Sector Participation in Rental Housing Development Financing: The committees are concerned about the limited access for private sector participation in multifamily rental housing financing administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) due to recently enacted policies that effectively preclude the use of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-insured loans originated by private sector partners. The committees request that DHCD schedule meetings with a workgroup of interested private sector lending partners to jointly develop strategies and policies that would enhance private sector participation and increase the volume of housing production for low- and moderate-income households in Maryland. After these meetings, DHCD should prepare and submit a report that fully outlines the department’s multifamily policies and strategies for tax-exempt bond issuance, the allocation of 4% and 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits, and the allocation of State-appropriated subordinate debt. The report should provide a complete accounting, examination, assessment, and projected outcomes of the alternative policies and strategies considered and evaluated by DHCD and the private sector lending partner workgroup. This report should be submitted to the committees by December 1, 2020.

Information Request Author Due Date

Report on bond issuance policy DHCD December 1, 2020 changes

SA25B Housing and Building Energy Programs ...... $ 0

Allowance Change Authorization 1,000,000 -1,000,000 0

Explanation: This action deletes general obligation bond funding for the Net Zero Program.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 307 UA01 Office of the Secretary Department of the Environment

UA01A Comprehensive Flood Management Program ...... $ 5,980,000

Amend the following language:

(A) Comprehensive Flood Management Program. Provide funds to local governments for projects that reduce the risk of loss of life and property from flooding. Grant funds may be used to acquire flood-prone properties for demolition or relocation, install flood warning systems, and construct flood control projects, including engineering studies required to support the design of these projects. Capital projects that assist with flood management techniques may include but are not limited to: flood control dams, levees and dikes, stormwater detention or retention structures, and flood proofing, provided that this authorization be distributed as follows:

(1) Cumberland Flood Control System and Concrete Repairs (Allegany County) ...... 188,000

(2) Annapolis City Dock Stormwater and Flood Mitigation (Anne Arundel County) ...... 700,000

(3) Ellicott City Maryland Avenue Culverts (Howard County) ...... 3,000,000

(4) Hunters Mill Pond Rehabilitation (Wicomico County) ...... 428,000

(5) Cambridge Seawall Replacement (Dorchester County) ...... 368,000

(6) Easton North Fork Tanyard Branch Stream Restoration and Stabilization (Talbot County) ..... 106,000

(7) Chambers Lake Dam Repairs (Caroline County) ..... 6,000

(8) Cristfield Tide Gates Culvert Modification and Pump Station (Somerset County) ...... 172,000

(9) Fruitland Tuxents Branch Stormwater Drainage Upgrade (Wicomico County) ...... 945,000

(10) Baltimore City Frederick Avenue (Baltimore City) ...... 67,000

Explanation: This action provides an allocation of the authorization for the Comprehensive Flood

Management Grant Program.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 308 ZA00 Miscellaneous Grant Programs

Committee Narrative

Assessment of Police Training Facilities: The budget committees are concerned about the impact of the development of the Public Safety Building at Coppin State University (CSU) upon the vacated Public Safety Training Facility at 3500 West Northern Parkway. The committees wish to ensure that the City of Baltimore seeks input on the future use of the Public Safety Training Facility at 3500 West Northern Parkway facilities. Funding is programmed for fiscal 2021 to begin design of the New Public Safety Building on the campus of CSU. A report should be produced between CSU and the City of Baltimore that identifies the timeline for the move, use of the facilities immediately after they are vacated, and the long-term plan for the Northern Parkway facilities once the Academy vacates. There shall be community input from a diverse group of affected parties in the formulation of the report.

Information Request Author Due Date

Assessment of Police Training Baltimore City, in consultation August 1, 2020 Facilities with CSU

ZA00A A Wider Circle – Community Service Center ...... $ 700,000

Allowance Change Authorization 500,000 200,000 700,000

Explanation: This action increases the funding for A Wider Circle – Community Services Center.

ZA00D Bainbridge Development Corporation Naval Training Center Site ..... $ 2,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 500,000 1,500,000 2,000,000

Explanation: This action increases funding for the Bainbridge Development Corporation – Naval

Training Center Site.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 309 ZA00

ZA00E Baltimore County – Public Safety Facility ...... $ 2,000,000

Amend the following language:

(E) Baltimore County – Public Safety Facilities. Provide a grant to the County Executive and County Council of Baltimore County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of facilities for Baltimore County’s Fire Department and Police Department County Police Department’s Precinct 1 – Wilkens (Baltimore County) ......

Allowance Change Authorization 500,000 1,500,000 2,000,000

Explanation: This action adds funds for the Baltimore County – Public Safety Facilities project and

amends the project description.

ZA00F Boy Scouts of America Baltimore Area Council Broad Creek

Infrastructure Improvements ...... $ 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 450,000 50,000 500,000

Explanation: This action adds funds for the Boy Scouts of America Baltimore Area Council Broad

Creek Infrastructure Improvements project.

ZA00J Carroll County – New Sewer Pump Station $ 500,000

Amend the following language:

Carroll County – New Sewer Pump Station Hampstead Wastewater Treatment Plant. Provide a grant to the Board of County Commissioners of Carroll County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a new sewer pump station at the Maintenance Center capital improvements and upgrades to the Hampstead Wastewater Treatment Plant (Carroll County) ......

Explanation: This amends the authorization to change the use of the funds to support the capital

improvement and upgrades to the Hampstead Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 310 ZA00

ZA00M Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum – New Exhibition Building ... $ 300,000

Amend the following language:

(M) Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum – New Exhibition Building Capital Improvements. Provide a grant to the Board of Governors of the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a new exhibit building capital improvements for the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (Talbot County) ......

Explanation: This action is a technical change to correct the project name.

ZA00R City of Hyattsville – Police Headquarters Renovation and Addition ..... $ 200,000

Amend the following language:

City of Hyattsville – Police and Public Safety Headquarters Renovation and Addition. Provide a grant to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Hyattsville for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the City of Hyattsville’s police and public safety headquarters (Prince George’s County) ......

Explanation: This action is a technical change to correct the project name.

ZA00V Franciscan Center – Building Repairs ...... $ 200,000

Allowance Change Authorization 250,000 -50,000 200,000

Explanation: This action reduces funding for the Franciscan Center – Building Repairs project.

ZA00X Garrett College – Community Education and Performing Arts

Center ...... $ 9,200,000

Allowance Change Authorization 8,500,000 700,000 9,200,000

Explanation: This action adds funding for the Garrett College Community Education and

Performing Arts Center project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 311 ZA00

ZA00AF Imagination Stage – New Storage Facility ...... $ 300,000

Allowance Change Authorization 250,000 50,000 300,000

Explanation: This action adds funds for the Imagination Stage – New Storage Facility project.

ZA00AG Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center – New Inpatient Building

and Renovations...... $ 2,000,000

Amend the following language:

Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center – New Inpatient Building and Renovation. Provide a grant to the Board of Trustees of the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Inc. Johns Hopkins Health System for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of an inpatient building (Baltimore City) ......

Explanation: This action is a technical change to correct the grantee name.

ZA00AK The Johns Hopkins University...... $ 4,000,000

Amend the following language:

(AK) Maryland Independent College and University Association – Johns Hopkins University. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $2,667,000$4,000,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of Johns Hopkins University for the acquisition, design, construction, and equipping of the Henrietta Lacks Building at Johns Hopkins University’s East Baltimore Campus, subject to the requirement that the grantee provide an equal and matching fund for this purpose. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ......

Allowance Change Authorization 2,667,000 1,333,000 4,000,000

Explanation: This action increases funding for the Maryland Independent College and University

Association grant to Johns Hopkins University Henrietta Lacks Building Project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 312 ZA00

ZA00AL Notre Dame of Maryland University ...... $ 4,000,000

Amend the following language:

(AL) Maryland Independent College and University Association – Notre Dame of Maryland University. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $2,667,000$4,000,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of Notre Dame of Maryland University for the design, construction, and equipping of renovations to the Knott Science Building, subject to the requirement that the grantee provide an equal and matching fund for this purpose. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ......

Allowance Change Authorization 2,667,000 1,333,000 4,000,000

Explanation: This action increases funding for the Maryland Independent College and University

Association grant to Notre Dame of Maryland University Knott Science Building project.

ZA00AM Maryland Institute College of Art...... $ 4,000,000

Amend the following language:

(AM) Maryland Independent College and University Association – Maryland Institute College of Art. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $2,667,000$4,000,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of Maryland Institute College of Art for the design, construction, and equipping of renovations to the 81 Mosher Street Building, subject to the requirement that the grantee provide an equal and matching fund for this purpose. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ......

Allowance Change Authorization 2,667,000 1,333,000 4,000,000

Explanation: This action increases funding for the Maryland Independent College and University

Association grant to Maryland Institute College of Art 81 Mosher Street renovation project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 313 ZA00

ZA00AO Maryland Zoo in Baltimore ...... $ 5,050,000

Allowance Change Authorization 4,750,000 300,000 5,050,000

Explanation: This action adds funds for the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore – Infrastructure

Improvements project.

ZA00AP MedStar Franklin Square Hospital – New Surgical Tower ...... $ 3,500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 2,000,000 1,500,000 3,500,000

Explanation: This action adds funds for the new surgical tower and infrastructure improvements at

MedStar Franklin Square Hospital Center.

ZA00AQ Mount Pleasant Development Corporation – Mount Pleasant

Family Life Center ...... $ 100,000

Allowance Change Authorization 500,000 -400,000 100,000

Explanation: This action reduces funding for the renovation of the Mount Pleasant Family Life

Center project.

ZA00AT Olney Theatre Center – Site Improvements and Artists’ Village .... $ 2,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 250,000 1,750,000 2,000,000

Explanation: This action adds funding for the Olney Theatre Center Site Improvements project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 314 ZA00

ZA00BB Salisbury Revitalization ...... $ 1,000,000

Amend the following language:

Salisbury Revitalization. Provide a grant to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Salisbury for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, expansion, site improvement, and capital equipping of infrastructure upgrades in the City of Salisbury (Wicomico County) ......

Explanation: This action is a technical change to correct the grantee name.

ZA00BE St. Francis Neighborhood Center – Expansion ...... $ 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 750,000 -250,000 500,000

Explanation: This action reduces funds for the St. Francis Neighborhood Center – Expansion


ZA00BF St. Mary’s County – Regional Agricultural Center ...... $ 200,000

Amend the following language:

St. Mary’s County – Regional Agricultural Center. Provide a grant to the St. Mary’s County Commissioners Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission of the Tri-County Council of Southern Maryland for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Regional Agricultural Center (St. Mary’s County) ......

Explanation: This action makes a technical change to correct the grantee name.

ZA00BK Town of New Market – Stormwater Drains Infrastructure ...... $ 171,000

Allowance Change Authorization 100,000 71,000 171,000

Explanation: This action adds funds for the Town of New Market – Stormwater Drains

Infrastructure project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 315 ZA00

ZA00BP Greenway Avenue Stadium ...... $ 750,000

Add the following language:

(BP) Greenway Avenue Stadium. Provide a grant to the Greenway Avenue Stadium Capital Improvement Fund, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements at Greenway Avenue Stadium (Allegany County) ...... 750,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 750,000 750,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for infrastructure improvements to Greenway

Avenue Stadium.

ZA00BQ Port Discovery Children’s Museum ...... $ 1,000,000

Add the following language:

(BQ) Port Discovery Children’s Museum. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of The Baltimore Children’s Museum, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Port Discovery Children’s Museum, including fabrication and installation of exhibits (Baltimore City) ...... 1,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 1,000,000 1,000,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Port Discovery Children’s Museum.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 316 ZA00

ZA00BR Johns Hopkins Medicine New Research Building, Children’s

Medical and Surgical Center, and North Tower Annex ...... $ 2,500,000

Add the following language:

(BR) Johns Hopkins Medicine New Medical Research Building, Children’s Medical and Surgical Center, and North Tower Annex. Provide a grant to the Board of Trustees of the Johns Hopkins Health System for the planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, and capital equipping of a new medical research building to house the Children’s Medical and Surgical Center including the North Tower Annex (Baltimore City) ...... 2,500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 2,500,000 2,500,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Johns Hopkins Medicine New Medical

Research Building, Children’s Medical and Surgical Center, and North Tower Annex.

ZA00BS ...... $ 1,500,000

Add the following language:

(BS) Maryland Science Center. Provide a grant to the Board of Trustees of the Maryland Science Center for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements at the Maryland Science Center (Baltimore City) ...... 1,500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 1,500,000 1,500,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Maryland Science Center.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 317 ZA00

ZA00BT Kennedy Krieger Institute – Gompers School Building ...... $ 1,500,000

Add the following language:

(BT) Kennedy Krieger Institute – Gompers School Building. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Kennedy Krieger Institute, Inc. for the planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Gompers School Building 1,500,000 (Baltimore City) ......

Allowance Change Authorization 0 1,500,000 1,500,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Kennedy Krieger Institute.

ZA00BU Special Olympics Maryland Headquarters ...... $ 875,000

Add the following language:

(BU) Special Olympics Maryland Headquarters. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of Special Olympics Maryland for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a new headquarters facility at Towson University (Baltimore County) ...... 875,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 875,000 875,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Special Olympics Maryland

Headquarters project.

ZA00BV Merriweather Post Pavilion ...... $ 2,000,000

Add the following language:

(BV) Merriweather Post Pavilion. Provide a grant to the Downtown Columbia Arts and Cultural Commission c/o Merriweather Post Pavilion to assist in funding the design, construction, reconstruction, renovation, repair, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements at the Merriweather Post Pavilion (Howard County) ...... 2,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 2,000,000 2,000,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for Merriweather Post Pavilion.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 318 ZA00

ZA00BW Round House Theatre ...... $ 1,500,000

Add the following language:

(BW) Round House Theatre. Provide a grant to the Board of Trustees of the Round House Theatre, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Round House Theatre facility (Montgomery County) ...... 1,500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 1,500,000 1,500,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Round House Theatre.

ZA00BX Prince George’s County Amphitheatre at Central Park ...... $ 5,000,000

Add the following language:

(BX) Prince George’s County Amphitheatre at Central Park. Provide a grant to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a new amphitheatre located at Central Park (Prince George’s County) ...... 5,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 5,000,000 5,000,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Prince George’s County Amphitheatre

at Central Park.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 319 ZA00

ZA00BY Prince George’s County Public High School Athletic Facilities ..... $ 4,000,000

Add the following language:

(BY) Prince George’s County Public High School Athletic Facilities. Provide a grant to the Prince George’s County Office of the County Executive for the planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of athletic facilities at Prince George’s County public high schools (Prince George’s County) .. 4,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 4,000,000 4,000,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for Prince George’s County Public High School

Athletic Facilities.

ZA00BZ Bay Sox Stadium ...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(BZ) Bay Sox Stadium. Provide a grant to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements at the Bay Sox Stadium, also known as Prince George’s Stadium (Prince George’s County) ...... 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 500,000 500,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Bay Sox Stadium.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 320 ZA00

ZA00CA Bladensburg Waterfront Dock ...... $ 250,000

Add the following language:

(CA) Bladensburg Waterfront Dock. Provide a grant to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a new dock at the Bladensburg Waterfront (Prince George’s County) ...... 250,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 250,000 250,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Bladensburg Waterfront.

ZA00CB Southern Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation...... $ 1,000,000

Add the following language:

(CB) Southern Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation. Provide a grant to the Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland for the purposes of acquiring land preservation easements and purchases in support of the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission (Regional) ..... 1,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 1,000,000 1,000,000

Explanation: This action provides a grant to the Tri-County Council of Southern Maryland for the

acquisition of land preservation easements and purchases.

ZA00CC Ebenezer A.M.E. Church ...... $ 100,000

Add the following language:

(CC) Ebenezer A.M.E. Church. Provide a grant to the Ebenezer A.M.E. Church for the planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Ebenezer A.M.E. Church in Fort Washington (Prince George’s County) ...... 100,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 100,000 100,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Ebenezer A.M.E. Church.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 321 ZA00

ZA00CD Arena Players ...... $ 100,000

Add the following language:

(CD) Arena Players. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Arena Players, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of Arena Players theatre (Baltimore City) ...... 100,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 100,000 100,000

Explanation: This action adds an authorization for infrastructure improvements to the Arena Players


ZA00CE National Cryptologic Museum – Cyber Center of Education and

Innovation ...... $ 125,000

Add the following language:

(CE) National Cryptologic Museum – Cyber Center of Education and Innovation. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of The National Cryptologic Museum Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Cyber Center of Education and Innovation (Anne Arundel County) ...... 125,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 125,000 125,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the National Cryptologic Museum.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 322 ZA00

ZA00CF Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake...... $ 250,000

Add the following language:

(CF) Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake homes in Belair Edison (Baltimore City) ...... 250,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 250,000 250,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant to Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake for

homes in Belair Edison.

ZA00CG Baltimore Police Mounted Unit Stables ...... $ 250,000

Add the following language:

(CG) Baltimore Police Mounted Unit Stables. Provide a grant to the First Mile Stable Charitable Foundation, LLC for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Baltimore Police Mounted Unit facilities (Baltimore City) ...... 250,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 250,000 250,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Baltimore Police Mounted Unit Stables.

ZA00CH Patriot Point ...... $ 320,000

Add the following language:

(CH) Patriot Point. Provide a grant to the Patriot Point LLC for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Patriot Point retreat facility, located in Dorchester County (Dorchester County) ...... 320,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 320,000 320,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Patriot Point retreat facility.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 323 ZA00

ZA00CI Warrior Canine Connection ...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(CI) Warrior Canine Connection. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Warrior Canine Connection, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Warrior Canine Connection facility, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County) ...... 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 500,000 500,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Warrior Canine Connection facility.

ZA00CJ Hippodrome Foundation ...... $ 1,000,000

Add the following language:

(CJ) Hippodrome Foundation. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Hippodrome Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the France-Merrick Performing Arts Center, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 1,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 1,000,000 1,000,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the France-Merrick Performing Arts Center.

ZA00CK Baltimore Museum of Art ...... $ 2,000,000

Add the following language:

(CK) Baltimore Museum of Art. Provide a grant to the governing board of The Baltimore Museum of Art, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Baltimore Museum of Art facility, including repairs to the buildings’ roofs, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 2,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 2,000,000 2,000,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Baltimore Museum of Art facility.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 324 ZA00

ZA00CL Prince George’s Hospital Center Redevelopment ...... $ 200,000

Add the following language:

(CL) Prince George’s Hospital Center Redevelopment. Provide a grant to the Redevelopment Authority of Prince George’s County for the planning and design of the redevelopment of the former site of the Prince George’s Hospital Center (Prince George’s County) ...... 200,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 200,000 200,000

Explanation: This action adds a grant to the Redevelopment Authority of Prince George’s County to assist with the planning and redesign of the redevelopment of the former Prince George’s Hospital

Center site in Cheverly, Maryland.

ZA00CM Hands On Patterson Park Public ...... $ 300,000

Add the following language:

(CM) Hands On Patterson Park Public. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Patterson Park Public Charter School, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of Hands On Patterson Park Public, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 300,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 300,000 300,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for Hands On Patterson Park Public.

ZA00CN Gilchrist Center Baltimore ...... $ 1,000,000

Add the following language:

(CN) Gilchrist Center Baltimore. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of Gilchrist Hospice Care, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Gilchrist Center Baltimore facility, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 1,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 1,000,000 1,000,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Gilchrist Center Baltimore facility.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 325 ZA00

ZA00CO Hoen Lithograph Building ...... $ 200,000

Add the following language:

(CO) Hoen Lithograph Building. Provide a grant of $200,000 to the 2101 East Biddle, LLC for the purchase and installation of security cameras, outside lighting, and other security equipment for the Hoen Lithograph Building, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 200,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 200,000 200,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Hoen Lithograph Building.

ZA00CP Modell Performing Arts Center at the Lyric ...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(CP) Modell Performing Arts Center at the Lyric. Provide a grant of $500,000 to the Board of Trustees of the Lyric Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Modell Performing Arts Center at the Lyric, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 500,000 500,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Modell Performing Arts Center at the


ZA00CQ Southern Bridge ...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(CQ) Southern Bridge. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Mary Harvin Transformation Center Community Development Corporation for installation of a parking lot, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 500,000 500,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Southern Bridge project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 326 ZA00

ZA00CR National Center on Institutions and Alternatives Expansion ...... $ 350,000

Add the following language:

(CR) National Center on Institutions and Alternatives Expansion. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the National Center on Institutions and Alternatives, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the National Center on Institutions and Alternatives facility, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 350,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 350,000 350,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the National Center on Institutions and

Alternatives Expansion project.

ZA00CS Goodwill Industries of Monocacy Valley...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(CS) Goodwill Industries of Monocacy Valley. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of Goodwill Industries of Monocacy Valley, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Platoon Veterans Services Center at Goodwill, located in Frederick County (Frederick County) ...... 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 500,000 500,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Goodwill Industries of Monocacy

Valley project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 327 ZA00

ZA00CT Lake Linganore Dredging ...... $ 2,000,000

Add the following language:

(CT) Lake Linganore Dredging. Provide a grant to the County Executive and County Council of Frederick County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, site improvement, and capital equipping of dredging and sediment removal from Lake Linganore, located in Frederick County (Frederick County) ...... 2,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 2,000,000 2,000,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Lake Linganore Dredging project.

ZA00CU Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs ...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(CU) Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs. Provide a grant to the Board of Trustees of the Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs in Frederick County, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs facility, located in Frederick County (Frederick County) ...... 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 500,000 500,000

Explanation: This action adds an authorization to fund infrastructure improvements to the Religious

Coalition for Emergency Human Needs facility.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 328 ZA00

ZA00CV Kent County High School ...... $ 250,000

Add the following language:

(CV) Kent County High School. Provide a grant of $250,000 to the Board of Education of Kent County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the athletic track and tennis courts at Kent County High School, located in Kent County (Kent County) ...... 250,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 250,000 250,000

Explanation: This action adds an authorization to fund infrastructure improvements to the

Kent County High School athletic track and tennis courts.

ZA00CW Hero Dogs, Inc...... $ 30,000

Add the following language:

(CW) Hero Dogs, Inc. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of Hero Dogs, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Hero Dogs facility, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County) ...... 30,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 30,000 30,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for infrastructure improvements for Hero Dogs,


Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 329 ZA00

ZA00CX Rockville Welcome Center ...... $ 200,000

Add the following language:

(CX) Rockville Welcome Center. Provide a grant of $200,000 to the Board of Directors of CASA de Maryland, Inc. and the County Executive and County Council of Montgomery County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Rockville Welcome Center facility, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County) ...... 200,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 200,000 200,000

Explanation: This adds an authorization to fund infrastructure improvements to the Rockville

Welcome Center.

ZA00CY Sandy Spring Meadow Basketball Court ...... $ 7,000

Add the following language:

(CY) Sandy Spring Meadow Basketball Court. Provide a grant to the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County for the design, construction, repair, reconstruction, renovation, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Sandy Spring Meadow community basketball court, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County) ...... 7,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 7,000 7,000

Explanation: This adds an authorization to fund infrastructure improvements to the Sandy Spring

Meadow community basketball court.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 330 ZA00

ZA00CZ YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase ...... $ 325,000

Add the following language:

(CZ) YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Young Men’s Christian Association of Metropolitan Washington for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase facility, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County) ...... 325,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 325,000 325,000

Explanation: This action adds an authorization to fund infrastructure improvements at the YMCA

Bethesda-Chevy Chase facility.

ZA00DA College Park City Hall ...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(DA) College Park City Hall. Provide a grant to the Mayor and City Council of the City of College Park for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of retail and community space plazas at the new College Park City Hall, including improvements to the site’s grounds, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 500,000 500,000

Explanation: This adds an authorization to fund infrastructure for retail and community space at the

new College Park City Hall.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 331 ZA00

ZA00DB Seat Pleasant City Hall ...... $ 250,000

Add the following language:

(DB) Seat Pleasant City Hall. Provide a grant to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Seat Pleasant for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Seat Pleasant City Hall facility, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 250,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 250,000 250,000

Explanation: This adds an authorization for infrastructure improvements to the Seat Pleasant City


ZA00DC The Ivy Village Incubator for Nonprofit Excellence ...... $ 250,000

Add the following language:

(DC) The Ivy Village Incubator for Nonprofit Excellence. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of The Ivy Community Charities of Prince George’s County, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of The Ivy Village Incubator for Nonprofit Excellence facility, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) .... 250,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 250,000 250,000

Explanation: This adds an authorization for infrastructure improvements to the Ivy Village

Incubator for Nonprofit Excellence.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 332 ZA00

ZA00DD Long Branch-Garland Neighborhood Park ...... $ 350,000

Add the following language:

(DD) Long Branch-Garland Neighborhood Park. Provide a grant to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of Long Branch-Garland Neighborhood Park, including the installation of playground equipment and improvements to the park’s grounds, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County) ...... 350,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 350,000 350,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Long Branch-Garland Neighborhood

Park project.

ZA00DE North County High School Field House ...... $ 443,500

Add the following language:

(DE) North County High School Field House. Provide a grant of $443,500 to the Board of Education of Anne Arundel County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a boys and girls team field house at North County High School, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 443,500

Allowance Change Authorization 0 443,500 443,500

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the North County High School Field House


Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 333 ZA00

ZA00DF Maryland University of Integrative Health...... $ 350,000

Add the following language:

(DF) Maryland University of Integrative Health. Provide a grant to the Board of Trustees of the Maryland University of Integrative Health, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Maryland University of Integrative Health facility, including improvements to the building’s parking lot, located in Howard County (Howard County) ...... 350,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 350,000 350,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Maryland University of Integrative

Health project.

ZA00DG Jonathan Street Revitalization ...... $ 250,000

Add the following language:

(DG) Jonathan Street Revitalization. Provide a grant to Preservation Maryland for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements and upgrades in Jonathan Street, located in Hagerstown, Maryland (Washington County) ...... 250,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 250,000 250,000

Explanation: This adds a grant to fund infrastructure improvements and upgrades on Jonathan Street

in Hagerstown, Maryland to assist in the city’s revitalization efforts.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 334 ZA00

ZA00DH Sinai Hospital of Baltimore ...... $ 1,000,000

Add the following language:

(DH) Sinai Hospital of Baltimore. Provide a grant to the governing board of Sinai Hospital to assist in the renovation and expansion of the neonatal intensive care unit at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Inc. located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 1,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 1,000,000 1,000,000

Explanation: This adds a miscellaneous grant for Sinai Hospital of Baltimore for the renovation and

expansion of the neonatal intensive care unit.

ZA00DI Hagerstown Minor League Baseball Stadium ...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(DI) Hagerstown Minor League Baseball Stadium. Provide a grant to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Hagerstown for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a minor league baseball stadium, located in the City of Hagerstown (Washington County) ...... 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 500,000 500,000

Explanation: This action provides a grant for a minor league baseball stadium in Hagerstown,


Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 335 ZA00

ZA00DJ Innovative Center for Autonomous Systems ...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(DJ) Innovative Center for Autonomous Systems. Provide a grant to the Southern Maryland Navy Alliance for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of office and meeting space for the Innovative Center for Autonomous Systems (St. Mary’s County) ...... 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 500,000 500,000

Explanation: This action provides a grant to the Southern Maryland Navy Alliance for the Innovative

Center for Autonomous Systems.

ZA00DK Westside Regional Park ...... $ 400,000

Add the following language:

(DK) Westside Regional Park. Provide a grant to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Frederick for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements to Westside Regional Park, located in the City of Frederick (Frederick County) ...... 400,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 400,000 400,000

Explanation: This provides a grant to the City of Frederick for infrastructure improvements to the

Westside Regional Park.

ZA00DL Michael E. Busch Annapolis Library ...... $ 100,000

Add the following language:

(DL) Michael E. Busch Annapolis Library Signage. Provide a grant to the County Executive and County Council of Anne Arundel County for the design, construction, and capital equipping of signage for the Michael E. Busch Annapolis Library (Anne Arundel County) ...... 100,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 100,000 100,000

Explanation: This action provides a grant for signage for the Michael E. Busch Annapolis Library.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 336 ZA00

ZA00DM Middle Branch Park ...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(DM) Middle Branch Park. Provide a grant to the Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks for the planning, design, construction, repair, reconstruction, renovation, site improvement, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements to Middle Branch Park (Baltimore City) .... 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 500,000 500,000

Explanation: This provides a grant for infrastructure improvement to Middle Branch Park located

in Baltimore City.

ZA00DN Patuxent River State Park ...... $ 100,000

Add the following language:

(DN) Patuxent River State Park. Provide funds for the design, construction, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements to Patuxent River State Park (Montgomery County) ...... 100,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 100,000 100,000

Explanation: This action adds funds to make infrastructure improvements to Patuxent River State

Park in Montgomery County.

ZA00DO Discovery Park at the University of Maryland ...... $ 150,000

Add the following language:

(DO) Discovery Park at the University of Maryland. Provide a grant to the Mayor and City Council of the City of College Park for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a community space and park in the Discovery District, including improvements to the site’s grounds, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 150,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 150,000 150,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Discovery Park at the University of

Maryland College Park Campus.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 337 ZA00

ZA00DP Paint Branch Pedestrian Improvements ...... $ 200,000

Add the following language:

(DP) Paint Branch Pedestrian Improvements. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the College Park City – University Partnership, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, engineering, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements to pedestrian connectivity adjacent to Paint Branch Parkway, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 200,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 200,000 200,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for pedestrian improvements adjacent to Paint

Branch Parkway.

ZA00DQ Beacon Heights – East Pines Redevelopment ...... $ 400,000

Add the following language:

(DQ) Beacon Heights – East Pines Redevelopment. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of Sowing Empowerment and Economic Development, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the properties at Beacon Heights – East Pines Purple Line Station, including redevelopment for mixed-use retail and residential development (Prince George’s County) ...... 400,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 400,000 400,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Beacon Heights East Pines Purple Line

Station Redevelopment project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 338 ZA00

ZA00DR Paint Branch Trail and Underpass of the Baltimore Avenue Bridge ...... $ 250,000

Add the following language:

(DR) Paint Branch Trail and Underpass of the Baltimore Avenue Bridge. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the College Park – University Partnership, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of walkways along the Paint Branch Trail and Baltimore Avenue Bridge underpass (Prince George’s County) ...... 250,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 250,000 250,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Paint Branch Trail and Underpass of

the Baltimore Avenue Bridge project.

ZA00DS Burtis House Stabilization ...... $ 75,000

Add the following language:

(DS) Burtis House Stabilization. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of Preservation Maryland for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Burtis House, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 75,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 75,000 75,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Burtis House Stabilization project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 339 ZA00

ZA00DT Fort Washington Medical Center...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(DT) Fort Washington Medical Center. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Fort Washington Medical Center, Inc. for the acquisition of medical equipment including but not limited to a new CAT scan and magnetic resonance imaging equipment, located in Fort Washington (Prince George’s County) ...... 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 500,000 500,000

Explanation: This action provides a grant for new medical equipment at the Fort Washington

Medical Center.

ZA00DU Brooklyn Park Athletic Complex ...... $ 80,000

Add the following language:

(DU) Brooklyn Park Athletic Complex. Provide a grant to the County Executive and County Council of Anne Arundel County and the Board of Education of Anne Arundel County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a new Brooklyn Park Athletic Complex, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 80,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 80,000 80,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for the Brooklyn Park Athletic Complex.

ZA00DV Lakeshore Volunteer Fire Department ...... $ 100,000

Add the following language:

(DV) Lakeshore Volunteer Fire Department. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Lakeshore Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. for the acquisition and purchase of new fire and rescue equipment and vehicles (Anne Arundel County) ...... 100,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 100,000 100,000

Explanation: This action adds a grant to the Lakeshore Volunteer Fire Company for the purchase

and acquisition of fire and rescue equipment and vehicles.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 340 ZA00

ZA00DW Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks Police

Athletic League Centers ...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(DW) Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks Police Athletic League Centers. Provide a grant to the Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks for acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of Baltimore County Police and Athletic Center facilities (Baltimore County) ...... 500,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 500,000 500,000

Explanation: This action adds a grant for Police and Athletic Centers in Baltimore County

ZA00DX Bishop McNamara High School ...... $ 250,000

Add the following language:

(DX) Bishop McNamara High School. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of Bishop McNamara High School, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the La Reine Science and Innovation Center at Bishop McNamara High School, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 250,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 250,000 250,000

Explanation: This actions adds a miscellaneous grant for Bishop McNamara High School.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 341 ZA00

ZA00DY Laurel Municipal Building ...... $ 150,000

Add the following language:

(DY) Laurel Municipal Building. Provide a grant to the City of Laurel for the planning, design, and construction of the city’s municipal building, including capital improvements to all building entry points, a secure location for passport assistance, and new security cameras (Prince George’s County) ...... 150,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 150,000 150,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant to the City of Laurel for the Laurel Municipal


ZA00DZ Pip Moyer Recreation Center ...... $ 350,000

Add the following language:

(DZ) Pip Moyer Recreation Center. Provide a grant to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Annapolis for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of playgrounds and parks at The “Pip” Moyer Recreation Center and other Annapolis locations, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 350,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 350,000 350,000

Explanation: This action adds a miscellaneous grant for playgrounds and parks at The “Pip” Moyer

Recreation Center and other Annapolis locations.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 342 ZA00

ZA00EA Severn Intergenerational Center ...... $ 1,000,000

Add the following language:

(EA) Severn Intergenerational Center. Provide a grant to the Anne Arundel County Community Development Services, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, renovation, reconstruction, rehabilitation, site improvement, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements for the Severn Intergenerational Center (Anne Arundel County) ...... 1,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 1,000,000 1,000,000

Explanation: This action provides a grant for infrastructure improvements for the Severn

Intergenerational Center.

ZA00EB Community Action Council Early Childhood Education Center .... $ 150,000

Add the following language:

(EB) Community Action Council Early Childhood Education Center. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Community Action Council of Howard County, Maryland, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Long Reach Head Start Center (Howard County) 150,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 150,000 150,000

Explanation: This adds a grant for infrastructure improvements to the Long Reach Head Start


Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 343 ZA00

ZA00EC Garrett County Public Schools Track Improvements ...... $ 100,000

Add the following language:

(EC) Garrett County Public Schools Track Improvements. Provide a grant to the Board of County Commissioners of Garrett County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the athletic tracks at Southern Garrett High School and Northern Garrett High School (Garrett County) ...... 100,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 100,000 100,000

Explanation: This action provides a grant to the Board of County Commissioners of Garrett County for improvements to the Southern Garrett High School and Northern Garrett High School athletic


Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 344 ZA02 Local Senate Initiatives


(A) Allegany County Informational Historic Markers. Provide a grant of $5,000 to the Board of Directors of the Cumberland Historic Cemetery Organization, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of informational historic markers at multiple cemeteries, located in Allegany County (Allegany County) ...... 5,000

(B) Civil Air Patrol Squadron Building. Provide a grant to the Board of Governors of the Civil Air Patrol for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Civil Air Patrol Squadron Building, located in Allegany County (Allegany County) ...... 42,000

(C) Western Maryland Scenic Railroad. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of Western Maryland Scenic Railroad Development Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a railroad tamping machine, located in Allegany County (Allegany County) ...... 45,000

(D) American Legion Guy C. Parlett Post 7. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $38,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Guy C. Parlett Post No. 7, American Legion, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the American Legion Guy C. Parlett Post 7 facility, including improvements to the buildings parking lot, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 38,000

(E) American Legion Post 141. Provide a grant of $25,000 to the Board of Directors of The American Legion, Department of Maryland, Cook-Pinkney Post No. 141, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the American Legion Post 141 building, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 25,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 345 ZA02

(F) Bello Machre Community Training and Gathering Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Bello Machre, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Bello Machre Community Training and Gathering Center, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 150,000

(G) Benson-Hammond House. Provide a grant of $50,000 to the Board of Directors of the Anne Arundel County Historical Society, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Benson-Hammond House, located in Anne Arundel County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $5,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Anne Arundel County)...... 50,000

(H) Brewer Hill Cemetery. Provide a grant of $70,000 to the Board of Directors of the Brewer Hill Cemetery Association, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of Brewer Hill Cemetery facilities, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 70,000

(I) Deale Elks Lodge No. 2528. Provide a grant of $40,000, to the Board of Trustees of the Deale Elks Lodge 2528 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Deale Elks Lodge building including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Anne Arundel County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $10,000 (Anne Arundel County) ...... 40,000

(J) Downtown Annapolis Mural Project. Provide a grant of $15,000 to the Board of Directors of the Downtown Annapolis Partnership, Inc. and the Mayor and City Council of the City of Annapolis for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of murals on city buildings in Annapolis, located in Anne Arundel County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $1,500. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions. (Anne Arundel County) ...... 15,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 346 ZA02

(K) Langton Green Community Farm. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Langton Green, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Langton Green Community Farm facility, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Anne Arundel County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property or in kind contributions (Anne Arundel County) ...... 50,000

(L) Linthicum Elementary School. Provide a grant of $60,000 to the Board of Education of Anne Arundel County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of Linthicum Elementary School, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 60,000

(M) Linthicum Veterans Memorial. Provide a grant of $82,000, to the Board of Directors of the Linthicum Veterans Memorial, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Linthicum Veterans Memorial, located in Anne Arundel County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $62,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Anne Arundel County) ...... 82,000

(N) Northeast High School Physical Endurance Training Course. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Education of Anne Arundel County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Program at Northeast High School, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 50,000

(O) PlayEastport. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $40,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Eastport Elementary P.T.A., Inc. and the Board of Education of Anne Arundel County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of an outdoor play space at Eastport Elementary School, including the installation of playground equipment and improvements to the grounds, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 40,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 347 ZA02

(P) Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the United States Lighthouse Society, Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse, located in Anne Arundel County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Anne Arundel County) ...... 50,000

(Q) West County Family Support Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Kingdom Kare, Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the West County Family Support Center, located in Anne Arundel County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Anne Arundel County) ...... 100,000

(R) Woods Community Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Woods Community Center, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Woods Community Center, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 100,000

(S) Ambassador Theater. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Artspace Baltimore, LLC for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Ambassador Theater, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 150,000

(T) Belair-Edison Neighborhoods, Inc. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $200,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Belair-Edison Neighborhoods, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of commercial properties in the Belair-Edison community, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property or in kind contributions (Baltimore City) ...... 200,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 348 ZA02

(U) BLISS Meadows Farmhouse. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Backyard Basecamp, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the BLISS Meadows Farmhouse facility, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 50,000

(V) Cecil Elementary School Community Park. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of The Central Baltimore Partnership, Inc. and the Board of Education of Baltimore City for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Cecil Elementary School Community Park, including improvements to the park’s grounds, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Baltimore City) ..... 25,000

(W) Chesapeake Shakespeare Company’s Downtown Theatre. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $200,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of the Chesapeake Shakespeare Company for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Chesapeake Shakespeare Company’s Downtown Theatre, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 200,000

(X) Community Mediation Center – Safe Streets. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Community Mediation Program, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Safe Streets program facilities, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) .... 75,000

(Y) Community Mediation Program–Mediation Center. Provide a grant of $75,000 to the Board of Directors of the Community Mediation Program, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the community mediation building, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 75,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 349 ZA02

(Z) Creative Alliance. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of the Creative Alliance, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Creative Alliance facility, including repairs to The Patterson building’s roof, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ...... 100,000

(AA) Forest Park Senior Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Forest Park Senior Center, Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Forest Park Senior Center, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property or in kind contributions (Baltimore City) ...... 150,000

(AB) Govans Ecumenical Development Corporation. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Govans Ecumenical Development Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Govans Ecumenical Development Corporation facilities, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Baltimore City) ...... 25,000

(AC) Greenmount West Community Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $30,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Greenmount West Community Center Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Greenmount West Community Center, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 30,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 350 ZA02

(AD) Hamilton Elementary/Middle School. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Parks & People Foundation, Inc. and the Board of Education of Baltimore City for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Hamilton Elementary/Middle School playground and schoolyard, including the installation of playground equipment and improvements to the grounds, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 75,000

(AE) Harlem Park Community Center. Provide a grant of $200,000, to the Board of Directors of the St. James Development Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Harlem Park Community Center facility, located in Baltimore City, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $50,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Baltimore City) ...... 200,000

(AF) Hon’s Honey Storefront. Provide a grant of $50,000, to the Board of Directors of Drink at the Well, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a storefront for Hon’s Honey, located in Baltimore City, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $40,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Baltimore City) .... 50,000

(AG) Howell Celebrating Lives Viola Family Support Center, Inc. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Howell Celebrating Lives Viola Family Support Center, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Howell Celebrating Lives Viola Family Support Center facility, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Baltimore City) ...... 150,000

(AH) Italian Cultural Center of Maryland. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Italian Cultural Center, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Community Health, Nutrition and Culinary Training Center, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ...... 25,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 351 ZA02

(AI) Kappa Alpha Psi Youth and Community Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation of Metropolitan Baltimore, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Kappa Alpha Psi Youth and Community Center, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ...... 150,000

(AJ) Living Classrooms Opportunity Hub. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of the Living Classrooms Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Living Classrooms Opportunity Hub facility, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 150,000

(AK) Lovely Lane Arts and Neighborhood Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of The Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the City and Precincts of Baltimore for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Lovely Lane Arts and Neighborhood Center, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 25,000

(AL) New Antioch Baptist Church Community Outreach Center. Provide a grant of $15,000 to the Board of Trustees of the New Antioch Baptist Church for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the New Antioch Baptist Church Community Outreach Center, located in Baltimore City, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $6,500. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Baltimore City) ...... 15,000

(AM) Our Saviour Lutheran Church. Provide a grant of $40,000 to the Our Saviour Lutheran Church for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of Our Saviour Lutheran Church facility; located in Baltimore City, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $10,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ...... 40,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 352 ZA02

(AN) Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the AgriHoodBaltimore facility, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ...... 100,000

(AO) Public School 103. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Beloved Community Services Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Public School 103 building, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property or in kind contributions (Baltimore City) ...... 150,000

(AP) Ulman House. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Ulman House facility, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ...... 100,000

(AQ) Young Adult Residential Fellowship Program. Provide a grant of $125,000, to the Board of Directors of the Pleasant Hope Community Development Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Young Adult Residential Fellowship Program facilities, located in Baltimore City, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $100,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property, in kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ...... 125,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 353 ZA02

(AR) Baltimore Association of Nepalese in America. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of the Baltimore Association of Nepalese in America Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Baltimore Association of Nepalese in America building, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Baltimore County) ...... 25,000

(AS) Beacon of Hope. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Sparrows Point/North Point Historical Society, Inc. and the Board of Education of Baltimore County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Beacon of Hope project at Sparrows Point High School, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County)...... 75,000

(AT) Community Assistance Network Food Pantry. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Community Assistance Network, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Community Assistance Network Food Pantry, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore County) ...... 150,000

(AU Community Therapy Clinic. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Jewels School, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the JEWELS Community Therapy Clinic, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 150,000

(AV) Cromwell Valley Park. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the County Executive and County Council of Baltimore County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of Cromwell Valley Park, including improvements to the park’s grounds, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 50,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 354 ZA02

(AW) Gordon Center for the Performing Arts. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Jewish Community Center of Baltimore, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Performing Arts, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 75,000

(AX) Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Inc.. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of GBMC Healthcare, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the expansion of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center facility, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Baltimore County) ...... 25,000

(AY) Gunpowder Elementary School. Provide a grant of $150,000 to the Board of Education of Baltimore County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Gunpowder Elementary School playground, including the installation of playground equipment and improvements to the site’s grounds, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 150,000

(AZ) Hazelwood Park Skatepark. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the County Executive and County Council of Baltimore County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a skatepark at Hazelwood Park, including the installation of a parking lot and improvements to the park’s grounds, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 150,000

(BA) Junior Achievement of Central Maryland, Inc. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Junior Achievement of Central Maryland, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Junior Achievement Youth Workforce and Innovation Center, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore County)...... 150,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 355 ZA02

(BB) Liberty Community Development Youth Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $250,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Liberty Community Development Corporation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Liberty Community Development Youth Center, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore County) ...... 250,000

(BC) Mann Residential Treatment Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of the Sheppard Pratt Health System, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Mann Residential Treatment Center, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore County) ...... 25,000

(BD) McCormick Elementary PAL Recreation Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the County Executive and County Council of Baltimore County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a Police Athletic League recreation center at McCormick Elementary School, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County)...... 50,000

(BE) Parkville High School Athletic Facilities. Provide a grant of $50,000 to the Board of Education of Baltimore County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Parkville High School athletic facilities, including the installation of a turf field, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 50,000

(BF) Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 75,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 356 ZA02

(BG) Relay Town Hall. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $22,500 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Executive Board of the Relay Improvement Association of Baltimore County, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Relay Town Hall building, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ... 22,500

(BH) Timonium Elementary School. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Education of Baltimore County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Timonium Elementary School playground, including the installation of playground equipment, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 25,000

(BI) Towson Armory Building. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $250,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of GGCAL Towson Row LLC for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Towson Armory Building, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore County) ...... 250,000

(BJ) Towson High School Stadium. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Towson High School Sports Boosters Club, Inc. and the Board of Education of Baltimore County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a comfort station at the Towson High School Stadium, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Baltimore County) ...... 50,000

(BK) Woodlawn High School Athletic Facilities. Provide a grant of $150,000 to the Board of Education of Baltimore County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the athletic facilities at Woodlawn High School, including a flood study and improvements to the baseball and softball fields, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 150,000

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(BL) Calvert Animal Welfare League. Provide a grant of $25,000, to the Board of Directors of the Calvert Animal Welfare League, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Calvert Animal Welfare League building, located in Calvert County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $10,000 (Calvert County) ...... 25,000

(BM) Calvert Marine Museum. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Calvert Marine Museum Society, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Calvert Marine Museum Paleontology Collections and Research Center, including landscaping and improvements to the site’s grounds, located in Calvert County (Calvert County) ...... 100,000

(BN) End Hunger Warehouse. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $200,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of End Hunger in Calvert County, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the End Hunger Warehouse, located in Calvert County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property, in kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Calvert County)...... 200,000

(BO) Kellams Complex. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Chesapeake Beach for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Kellams Complex, including improvements to the site’s grounds, located in Calvert County (Calvert County) ...... 50,000

(BP) Caroline County Public Schools Track Replacement. Provide a grant of $200,000 to the Board of Education of Caroline County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the athletic track at Colonel Richardson High School, located in Caroline County (Caroline County) ...... 200,000

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(BQ) Historical Society of Carroll County. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $40,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of The Historical Society of Carroll County, Maryland, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Historical Society’s three buildings, located in Carroll County (Carroll County) ...... 40,000

(BR) Mount Airy Center Street. Provide a grant of $500,000, to the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Mount Airy for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Mount Airy Center Street extension, located in Carroll County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $450,000 (Carroll County) ...... 500,000

(BS) Penn-Mar Human Services and Change. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Penn-Mar Organization, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of Penn-Mar Human Services and Change organization, located in Carroll County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Carroll County) ...... 50,000

(BT) Westminster Rescue Mission. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Westminster Rescue Mission, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a women’s addiction treatment services building on the Westminster Rescue Mission campus, located in Carroll County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Carroll County) ...... 100,000

(BU) Rev. Duke Log Cabin. Provide a grant of $150,000, to the Board of Trustees of The Historical Society of Cecil County, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Rev. Duke Log Cabin, located in Cecil County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $25,000 (Cecil County) ...... 150,000

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(BV) LifeStyles Homeless Services Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $200,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Lifestyles of Maryland Foundation, Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the LifeStyles Family Shelter, located in Charles County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Charles County) ...... 200,000

(BW) Lions Camp Merrick. Provide a grant of $60,000 to the Board of Directors of the Lions Camp Merrick, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Lions Camp Merrick facilities, including upgrades to the septic system and repairs to the cabins’ roofs, located in Charles County (Charles County) ...... 60,000

(BX) Waldorf Multipurpose Civic Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of County Commissioners of Charles County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Waldorf Multipurpose Civic Center, located in Charles County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Charles County) ...... 100,000

(BY) American Legion Post 91. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Dorchester Post No. 91 Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the American Legion Post 91 facility, including improvements to the building’s parking lot, located in Dorchester County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property, in kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Dorchester County)...... 100,000

(BZ) Richardson Maritime Museum. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Richardson Maritime Museum, Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of Richardson Maritime Museum facility, located in Dorchester County (Dorchester County)...... 100,000

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(CA) Brunswick Emergency Operations Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $476,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Brunswick for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a new emergency operations center in the City of Brunswick, located in Frederick County (Frederick County) ...... 476,000

(CB) Brunswick Reservoir Site Infrastructure. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $500,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Brunswick for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a storage tank at the Brunswick Reservoir, located in Frederick County (Frederick County) ...... 500,000

(CC) Carroll Manor Fire Company. Provide a grant of $42,000 to the Board of Directors of The Carroll Manor Fire Company, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the sewer system at the Adamstown Fire Station, located in Frederick County (Frederick County) ...... 42,000

(CD) Frederick Arts Council, Inc. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors to The Frederick Arts Council, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Frederick Arts Council Theater, located in Frederick County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Frederick County) ...... 50,000

(CE) Jefferson Community Tennis Court. Provide a grant of $13,000 to the Board of Directors of the Jefferson Ruritan Club, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Jefferson community tennis court, including improvements to the site’s grounds, located in Frederick County (Frederick County) ...... 13,000

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(CF) Maryland Ensemble Theatre. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of the Maryland Ensemble Theatre, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Maryland Ensemble Theatre facility, located in Frederick County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Frederick County) ...... 75,000

(CG) Middletown Downtown Core Economic Revitalization. Provide a grant of $203,000, to the Burgess and Commissioners of the Town of Middletown for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of pedestrian and vehicular improvements to the Downtown Core, including improvements to the area’s sidewalks, located in Frederick County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $172,000 (Frederick County) ...... 203,000

(CH) Phoenix Foundation of Maryland. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $42,500 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Phoenix Foundation of Maryland, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a school for students who are recovering from substance abuse, located in Frederick County (Frederick County) ...... 42,500

(CI) Shafer Farm House. Provide a grant of $100,000, to the Board of Directors of the Burkittsville Preservation Association, Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Shafer Farm House, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Frederick County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $5,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Frederick County) ...... 100,000

(CJ) Sophie and Madigan Lillard Memorial Playground. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $200,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Sophie and Madigan’s Playground, Inc. and the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Frederick for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Sophie and Madigan Lillard Memorial Playground, located in Frederick County (Frederick County) ...... 200,000

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(CK) Weinberg Center for the Arts. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $200,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Weinberg Center for Arts, for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Weinberg Center for the Arts, located in Fredrick County (Frederick County) ...... 200,000

(CL) Believe in Tomorrow Children’s House at Deep Creek Lake. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Believe in Tomorrow National Children’s Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Believe in Tomorrow Children’s House at Deep Creek Lake respite housing facility, including landscaping and improvements to the facility’s grounds, located in Garrett County (Garrett County) ...... 13,000

(CM) Broadford Park Trails. Provide a grant to the Mayor and City Council of the Town of Oakland for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of recreational trails at Broadford Park, including improvements to the site’s grounds, located in Garrett County (Garrett County) ...... 50,000

(CN) Garrett County Public Schools Track Improvements. Provide a grant to the Board of County Commissioners of Garrett County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the athletic tracks at Southern Garrett High School and Northern Garrett High School, located in Garrett County (Garrett County) ...... 200,000

(CO) Aberdeen Family Swim Center. Provide a grant to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Aberdeen for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Aberdeen Family Swim Center, located in Harford County (Harford County) ...... 100,000

(CP) Havre de Grace Performing Arts Center. Provide a grant of $100,000 to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Havre de Grace for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a cultural and scholastic event center, including the performance of a feasibility study, located in Harford County (Harford County) ...... 100,000

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(CQ) Hosanna School Museum. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of the Hosanna Community House, Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Hosanna School Museum, located in Harford County (Harford County) ...... 50,000

(CR) The Sgt. Alfred B. Hilton Memorial. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of The Sgt. Alfred B. Hilton Memorial Fund, Inc. and the Mayor and City Council of the City of Havre de Grace for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Sgt. Alfred B. Hilton Memorial at Millard Tydings Memorial Park, located in Harford County (Harford County) ...... 50,000

(CS) Walters Mill Canoe and Kayak Launch. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the County Executive and County Council of Harford County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a canoe and kayak launch facility at Deer Creek, located in Harford County (Harford County) ...... 25,000

(CT) Athelas Institute. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Athelas Institute, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of two homes for developmentally disabled adults, located in Howard County (Howard County) ...... 25,000

(CU) Living in Recovery, Inc. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Living in Recovery, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Living in Recovery residential facilities, located in Howard County (Howard County) ...... 75,000

(CV) Long Reach Village Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the County Executive and County Council of Howard County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a commercial kitchen at Long Reach Village Center, located in Howard County (Howard County) ...... 100,000

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(CW) Main Street Ellicott City Streetscape. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $250,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the County Executive and County Council of Howard County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the streetscape along Main Street in Ellicott City, including improvements to the site’s sidewalks, located in Howard County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Howard County) ...... 250,000

(CX) The Community Ecology Institute. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of The Community Ecology Institute, Ltd. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Community Ecology Center, located in Howard County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Howard County) ...... 100,000

(CY) The Living Farm Heritage Museum. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $200,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Howard County Antique Farm Machinery Club, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the James Clark Main Display Building at the Living Farm Heritage Museum, located in Howard County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Howard County)...... 200,000

(CZ) Winter Growth. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Winter Growth, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Winter Growth facility, located in Howard County (Howard County)...... 50,000

(DA) BlackRock Center for the Arts. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $250,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of the Germantown Cultural Arts Center, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the BlackRock Center for the Arts, located in Montgomery County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Montgomery County)...... 250,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 365 ZA02

(DB) Charles E. Smith Life Communities. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Governors of the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Charles E. Smith Life Communities facilities, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County)...... 50,000

(DC) Homecrest House. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $175,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the National Capital B’nai B’rith Assisted Housing Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Edwards Building, located in Montgomery County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Montgomery County) ...... 175,000

(DD) Ivymount School, Inc. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of The Ivymount School, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Ivymount School, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County) ...... 25,000

(DE) Jewish Foundation for Group Homes, Inc. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Jewish Foundation for Group Homes, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Jewish Foundation for Group Homes program, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County)...... 150,000

(DF) Montgomery County Homeless Youth Drop-In Center. Provide a grant of $217,500, to the Board of Directors of the Montgomery County Collaboration Council for Children, Youth and Families, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Montgomery County Homeless Youth Drop-In Center, located in Montgomery County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $21,750 (Montgomery County) ...... 217,500

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(DG) OASIS Farm. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $44,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Organization for Advancement of and Service for Individuals with Special Needs (OASIS), Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the OASIS Farm facility, including repairs to the buildings’ roofs and improvements to the facility’s parking lot, located in Montgomery County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Montgomery County) ...... 44,000

(DH) Olney Family Neighborhood Park. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Olney Family Neighborhood Park, including the installation of playground equipment, located in Montgomery County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property, in kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Montgomery County) ...... 100,000

(DI) Sandy Spring Museum. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $34,500 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Sandy Spring Museum for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Sandy Spring Museum, including improvements to the building’s parking lot, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County)...... 34,500

(DJ) VisArts. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of The Metropolitan Center for the Visual Arts, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the VisArts facility, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County)...... 150,000

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(DK) Willett Branch Greenway. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $175,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Willett Branch Greenway, including improvements to the site’s grounds and the installation of landscaping, located in Montgomery County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property, in kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Montgomery County) ...... 175,000

(DL) American Legion Post 66. Provide a grant of $30,000 to the Board of Directors of The Disney-Bell Post 66 American Legion Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of new signage for American Legion Post 66, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 30,000

(DM) Berwyn Heights Senior Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Berwyn Heights for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Berwyn Heights Senior Center facility, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Prince George’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Prince George’s County) ...... 50,000

(DN) Bishop McNamara High School. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $250,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Bishop McNamara High School, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the La Reine Science and Innovation Center at Bishop McNamara High School, located in Prince George’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property, in kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Prince George’s County) ...... 250,000

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(DO) Bladensburg World War I Memorial. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $160,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Bladensburg World War I Memorial, Peace Cross, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County)...... 160,000

(DP) Camp Springs Elks Lodge No. 2332. Provide a grant of $30,000 to the Board of Directors of the Camp Springs Lodge No. 2332, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America, Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Camp Springs Elks Lodge No. 2332, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 30,000

(DQ) Educare Resource Center. Provide a grant of $50,000 to the Board of Directors of the Educare Resource Center, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Homeshare Plus housing facilities, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ... 50,000

(DR) Fort Foote Baptist Church. Provide a grant of $200,000 to the Board of Trustees of the Fort Foote Baptist Church for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Fort Foote Baptist Church Youth and Adult Center, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Prince George’s County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $100,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions. (Prince George’s County) ...... 200,000

(DS) Glut Food Co-op. Provide a grant of $50,000 to the Board of Directors of Glut Food Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Glut Food Co-op facility, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Prince George’s County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $15,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions. (Prince George’s County) ...... 50,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 369 ZA02

(DT) Goodloe Alumni House. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Bowie State University Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Goodloe Alumni House, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 50,000

(DU) Greenbelt Station Hiker and Biker Trail. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Greenbelt for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Greenbelt Station Hiker and Biker Trail, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 50,000

(DV) Hyattsville Police Headquarters. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Hyattsville for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Hyattsville Police Headquarters facility, located in Prince George’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Prince George’s County) ...... 25,000

(DW) Hyattsville Teen Activity and Mentoring Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Hyattsville for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Hyattsville Teen Activity and Mentoring Center facility, located in Prince George’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Prince George’s County) ... 50,000

(DX) Lake Arbor Golf Course. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $250,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the former Lake Arbor Golf Course property into community open space, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County)...... 250,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 370 ZA02

(DY) Laurel Museum at Riverfront Park. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Laurel for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Laurel Museum at Riverfront Park, including improvements to the site’s grounds, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County)...... 100,000

(DZ) Riverdale Park Municipal Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Riverdale Park for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Riverdale Park Municipal Center, including improvements to the facility’s grounds, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 50,000

(EA) Sacred Heart House on the Hill Community Outreach. Provide a grant of $75,000, to the Archdiocese of Washington–Sacred Heart Church for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the House on the Hill Community Outreach building, located in Prince George’s County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $40,000 (Prince George’s County) ...... 75,000

(EB) Sarvis Empowerment Cafe. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Central Kenilworth Avenue Revitalization Community Development Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Sarvis Empowerment Cafe, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 50,000

(EC) Temple Hills Swim Club. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Temple Hills Swim Club, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of an outdoor swimming pool at the Temple Hills Swim Club, located in Prince George’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Prince George’s County) ...... 50,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 371 ZA02

(ED) Haven Homes. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Haven Ministries, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of Haven Ministries’ Housing Assistance Program facilities, located in Queen Anne’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Queen Anne’s County) ...... 150,000

(EE) Maryland Museum of Women’s History. Provide a grant of $150,000 to the Board of Directors of the Mary Edwardine Bourke Emory Foundation, Inc., Benefit Corp. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Maryland Museum of Women’s History facility, located in Queen Anne’s County (Queen Anne’s County) ...... 150,000

(EF) Queen Anne’s County Arts Council. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $125,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of The Queen Anne’s County Arts Council, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Queen Anne’s County Arts Council Annex building, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Queen Anne’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Queen Anne’s County) ...... 125,000

(EG) Chopticon High School. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Education of St. Mary’s County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Chopticon High School stadium field press box, located in St. Mary’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (St. Mary’s County) ...... 100,000

(EH) Sotterley Plantation. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of Historic Sotterley, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Sotterley Plantation, located in St. Mary’s County (St. Mary’s County)...... 50,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 372 ZA02

(EI) American Legion Post 77. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of The American Legion, Department of Maryland, Blake-Blackston Post No. 77, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the American Legion Post 77 building, located in Talbot County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Talbot County) ...... 100,000

(EJ) St. Michaels Community Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the St. Michaels Community Center, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the St. Michaels Community Center, located in Talbot County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Talbot County) ...... 25,000

(EK) Easterseals Adult Day Services Hagerstown Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Easter Seals Serving DC/MD/VA, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Easterseals Adult Day Services Hagerstown Center, located in Washington County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Washington County) ...... 150,000

(EL) Smithsburg Community Volunteer Fire Company. Provide a grant of $75,000 to the Board of Directors of The Smithsburg Community Volunteer Fire Company for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the eating stand facility at the Smithsburg Community Volunteer Fire Company, located in Washington County (Washington County) ...... 75,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 373 ZA02

(EM) Smithsburg High School Athletic Facilities. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Smithsburg Athletic Booster Club, Inc. and the Board of Education of Washington County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the athletic facilities at Smithsburg High School, including improvements to the stadium and sports fields, located in Washington County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Washington County) ...... 50,000

(EN) Lower Eastern Shore Inclusive Play. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the County Executive and County Council of Wicomico County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of an inclusive playground and sensory trail, including installation of playground equipment and improvements to the site’s grounds, located in Wicomico County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Wicomico County)...... 100,000

(EO) Queen City Elks Lodge No. 1051 and Success Temple No. 154. Provide a grant of $100,000 to the Board of Trustees of the Queen City Lodge No. 1051, I.B.P.O.E. of W., Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Queen City Elks Lodge No. 1051 and Success Temple No. 154 building, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Wicomico County (Wicomico County) ...... 100,000

(EP) Wicomico County Bookmobile. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the County Executive and County Council of Wicomico County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Bookmobile, located in Wicomico County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property, in kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Wicomico County) ...... 100,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 374 ZA02

(EQ) Believe In Tomorrow House at the Beach. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Believe in Tomorrow National Children’s Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Believe In Tomorrow House at the Beach facility, located in Worcester County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Worcester County) ...... 50,000

(ER) Pocomoke City Elks Lodge No. 1624. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Pocomoke Lodge No. 1624 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Pocomoke City Elks Lodge No. 1624, located in Worcester County (Worcester County) ...... 75,000

Explanation: This action adds Senate sponsored and selected legislative bond initiatives.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 375 ZA03 Local House of Delegates Initiatives


(A) Allegany Oxford House. Provide a grant of $50,000 to the Board of Directors of Archway Station, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Allegany Oxford House facility, located in Allegany County (Allegany County) ...... 50,000

(B) Benson-Hammond House. Provide a grant of $50,000 to the Board of Directors of the Anne Arundel County Historical Society, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Benson-Hammond House, located in Anne Arundel, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $5,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Anne Arundel County) ...... 50,000

(C) Goshen Farmhouse. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $60,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Goshen Farm Preservation Society Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Goshen Farmhouse, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 60,000

(D) Langton Green Community Farm. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Langton Green, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Langton Green Community Farm facility, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Anne Arundel County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property or in kind contributions (Anne Arundel County) ...... 50,000

(E) Lindale Middle School. Provide a grant of $60,000 to the Board of Education of Anne Arundel County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the tennis courts at Lindale Middle School, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 60,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 376 ZA03

(F) North County High School Field House. Provide a grant of $1,000,000 to the Board of Education of Anne Arundel County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a boys and girls team field house at North County High School, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 1,000,000

(G) Northeast High School Physical Endurance Training Course. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Education of Anne Arundel County for Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Program at Northeast High School, located in Anne Arundel County (Anne Arundel County) ...... 25,000

(H) West County Family Support Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Kingdom Kare, Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the West County Family Support Center, located in Anne Arundel County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Anne Arundel County) ...... 100,000

(I) Ambassador Theater. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Artspace Baltimore, LLC for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Ambassador Theater, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 100,000

(J) Andre De Shields Center for the Arts. Provide a grant of $2,500,000 to the Board of Directors of the Fund for Educational Excellence, Inc. for for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Arts at Baltimore City College, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 2,500,000

(K) Baltimore Clayworks, Inc.. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of Baltimore Clayworks, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Baltimore Clayworks facility, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Baltimore City) ..... 100,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 377 ZA03

(L) Baltimore Police Mounted Unit Stables. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $250,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the First Mile Stable Charitable Foundation, LLC for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Baltimore Police Mounted Unit facilities, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 250,000

(M) Blight Reduction and Homeownership Initiative. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $270,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Cherry Hill Development Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of seven blighted homes for homeownership, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Baltimore City) ...... 270,000

(N) Bon Secours Community Works. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Bon Secours of Maryland Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Early Head Start Program facility, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Baltimore City) ...... 100,000

(O) Cecil Elementary School Community Park. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $275,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of The Central Baltimore Partnership, Inc. and the Board of Education of Baltimore City for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Cecil Elementary School Community Park, including improvements to the park’s grounds, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Baltimore City) ..... 275,000

(P) Central Baltimore Partnership. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $1,000,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of The Central Baltimore Partnership, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the North Calvert Green redevelopment project, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 1,000,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 378 ZA03

(Q) Creative Alliance. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of the Creative Alliance, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Creative Alliance facility, including repairs to The Patterson building’s roof, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ...... 100,000

(R) Fayette Street Outreach Organization Community Center. Provide a grant of $100,000 to the Board of Directors of The Fayette Street Outreach Organization, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Fayette Street Outreach Community Center, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 100,000

(S) Forest Park Senior Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Forest Park Senior Center, Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Forest Park Senior Center, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property or in kind contributions (Baltimore City) ...... 100,000

(T) Hon’s Honey Storefront. Provide a grant of $50,000, to the Board of Directors of Drink at the Well Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a storefront for Hon’s Honey, located in Baltimore City, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $40,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Baltimore City) ...... 50,000

(U) Itineris Foundation. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Itineris Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Itineris Foundation building, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 100,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 379 ZA03

(V) LIFE Church Ministries Food Pantry. Provide a grant of $10,000 to the Board of Trustees of Life Church Ministries for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the food pantry for LIFE Church Ministries, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City)...... 10,000

(W) Orchard Street Church. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $300,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Baltimore Urban League, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Orchard Street Church, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property, in kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ...... 300,000

(X) Park West Health System. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $500,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Park West Health Systems, Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Park West Belvedere facility, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ...... 500,000

(Y) Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the AgriHoodBaltimore facility, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore City) ...... 150,000

(Z) Public School 103. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $200,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Beloved Community Services Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Public School 103 building, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property or in kind contributions (Baltimore City) ...... 200,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 380 ZA03

(AA) South Baltimore Community Land Trust. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $200,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the South Baltimore Community Land Trust Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of eight units of permanently affordable community land trust housing, located in Baltimore City. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property or in kind contributions (Baltimore City) ...... 200,000

(AB) Youth Empowered Society Drop-In Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Strong City Baltimore, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Youth Empowered Society Drop-In Center, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 100,000

(AC) Baltimore Association of Nepalese in America. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of the Baltimore Association of Nepalese in America Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Baltimore Association of Nepalese in America building, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Baltimore County) ...... 100,000

(AD) Community Assistance Network Food Pantry. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Community Assistance Network, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Community Assistance Network Food Pantry, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore County)...... 100,000

(AE) Community Therapy Clinic. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Jewels School, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the JEWELS Community Therapy Clinic, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 75,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 381 ZA03

(AF) Cromwell Valley Park. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the County Executive and County Council of Baltimore County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of Cromwell Valley Park, including improvements to the park’s grounds, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 150,000

(AG) Franklin Woodlands Trail. Provide a grant of $40,000 to the Board of Directors of the Reisterstown Improvement Association, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Franklin Woodlands Trail, including improvements to the site’s grounds, and the installation of landscaping and exercise equipment, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 40,000

(AH) Gordon Center for the Performing Arts. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Jewish Community Center of Baltimore, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Performing Arts, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 75,000

(AI) Liberty Community Development Youth Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $300,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Liberty Community Development Corporation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Liberty Community Development Youth Center, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore County) ...... 300,000

(AJ) Liberty Road Volunteer Fire Company. Provide a grant of $300,000 to the Board of Directors of The Liberty Road Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Liberty Road Volunteer Fire Company facility, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 300,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 382 ZA03

(AK) Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 75,000

(AL) Simmons Museum of Negro Leagues Baseball. Provide a grant of $50,000 to the Board of Directors of The Hubert V. Simmons Museum of Negro Leagues Baseball, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, capital equipping, and expansion of the Simmons Museum of Negro Leagues Baseball, including the design, fabrication, and installation of exhibits, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 50,000

(AM) Sparrows Point High School Scoreboards. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $15,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Education of Baltimore County for for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the baseball and softball programs at Sparrows Point High School, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 15,000

(AN) St. Stephen Church Fire Suppression Water Tank. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $55,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the St. Stephen’s Roman Catholic Congregation, Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a fire suppression water tank at St. Stephen Church, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 55,000

(AO) Towson Armory Building. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $250,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of GGCAL Towson Row LLC for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Towson Armory Building, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore County) ...... 250,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 383 ZA03

(AP) Towson High School Stadium. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $175,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Towson High School Sports Boosters Club, Inc. and the Board of Education of Baltimore County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a comfort station at the Towson High School Stadium, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Baltimore County) ...... 175,000

(AQ) Upper Falls Odd Fellows Lodge. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $53,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Upper Falls Lodge #175, “IOOF”, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Upper Falls Odd Fellows Lodge building, located in Baltimore County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property, in kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Baltimore County) ...... 53,000

(AR) WIN Team Headquarters and Treatment Facility. Provide a grant of $300,000 to the WIN Team LLC for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the WIN Team headquarters and treatment facility, located in Baltimore County (Baltimore County) ...... 300,000

(AS) Calvert Marine Museum. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Calvert Marine Museum Society, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Calvert Marine Museum Paleontology Collections and Research Center, including landscaping and improvements to the site’s grounds, located in Calvert County (Calvert County) ...... 150,000

(AT) Caroline County Public Schools Track Replacement. Provide a grant of $168,500 to the Board of Education of Caroline County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the athletic track at Colonel Richardson High School, located in Caroline County (Caroline County) ...... 168,500

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 384 ZA03

(AU) St. Ignatius Chapel Point and St. Thomas Manor. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $250,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of the Corporation of the Roman Catholic Clergyman for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of St. Ignatius Chapel Point and St. Thomas Manor, located in Charles County (Charles County) ...... 250,000

(AV) Velocity Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees College of Southern Maryland for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Velocity Center, located in Charles County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Charles County)...... 100,000

(AW) Maces Lane Community Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $200,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Mace’s Lane Community Center, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Maces Lane Community Center, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Dorchester County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Dorchester County) ...... 200,000

(AX) Carroll Manor Fire Company. Provide a grant of $42,000 to the Board of Directors of The Carroll Manor Fire Company, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the sewer system at the Adamstown Fire Station, located in Frederick County (Frederick County) ...... 42,000

(AY) Museum of the Ironworker. Provide a grant of $50,000, to the Board of Directors of the Catoctin Furnace Historical Society, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the museum of the Ironworker, located in Frederick County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $38,000 (Frederick County) ...... 50,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 385 ZA03

(AZ) Phoenix Foundation of Maryland. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $42,500 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Phoenix Foundation of Maryland, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a school for students who are recovering from substance abuse, located in Frederick County (Frederick County) ...... 42,500

(BA) Believe in Tomorrow Children’s House at Deep Creek Lake. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $14,200 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Believe in Tomorrow National Children’s Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Believe in Tomorrow Children’s House at Deep Creek Lake respite housing facility, including landscaping and improvements to the facility’s grounds, located in Garrett County (Garrett County) ...... 14,200

(BB) Havre de Grace Community Redevelopment Plan. Provide a grant of $150,000 to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Havre de Grace for for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the reuse of two commercial properties, located in Harford County (Harford County) ...... 150,000

(BC) Howard County Conservancy. Provide a grant of $350,000, to the Board of Trustees of The Howard County Conservancy, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Carriage House building and a new pole barn, located in Howard County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $150,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property, in kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Howard County) ...... 350,000

(BD) Howard County Veterans Monument. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $350,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of The Howard County Veterans Foundation, Inc. and the County Executive and County Council of Howard County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Howard County Veterans Monument at Vivian C. “Millie” Bailey Park, located in Howard County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Howard County) .... 350,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 386 ZA03

(BE) Arts on the Block Studio Expansion. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of Artpreneurs, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Arts on the Block studio expansion, located in Montgomery County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Montgomery County)...... 100,000

(BF) Charles E. Smith Life Communities. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Governors of the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Charles E. Smith Life Communities facilities, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County)...... 50,000

(BG) Easter Seals Inter-Generational Center and Regional Headquarters. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Easter Seals Serving DC/MD/VA, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Inter-Generational Center, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County) ...... 150,000

(BH) Fairland Recreation Park. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of bike trails at Fairland Recreational Park, including improvements to the park’s grounds, located in Montgomery County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property, in kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Montgomery County)...... 100,000

(BI) Ivymount School, Inc.. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $125,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of The Ivymount School, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Ivymount School, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County)...... 125,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 387 ZA03

(BJ) Kensington Multipurpose Recreation Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the County Executive and County Council of Montgomery County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a multipurpose recreation center, including the installation of playground equipment, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County) ...... 100,000

(BK) Olney Family Neighborhood Park. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $100,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Olney Family Neighborhood Park, including the installation of playground equipment, located in Montgomery County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property, in kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Montgomery County) ...... 100,000

(BL) Willett Branch Greenway. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $225,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Willett Branch Greenway, including improvements to the site’s grounds and the installation of landscaping, located in Montgomery County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property, in kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Montgomery County) ...... 225,000

(BM) Alice Ferguson Foundation. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $200,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Alice Ferguson Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Hard Bargain Farm Environmental Center, located in Prince George’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Prince George’s County) ...... 200,000

(BN) Crossland High School. Provide a grant of $325,000 to the Board of Education of Prince George’s County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the stadium bleachers and press box at Crossland High School, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County)...... 325,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 388 ZA03

(BO) Fort Washington Community Space. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees of the Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church of Fort Washington, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a multipurpose community space, located in Prince George’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Prince George’s County) ... 50,000

(BP) Greenbelt Station Hiker and Biker Trail. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $200,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Greenbelt for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Greenbelt Station Hiker and Biker Trail, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 200,000

(BQ) Hyattsville Police Headquarters. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $125,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Hyattsville for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Hyattsville Police Headquarters facility, located in Prince George’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Prince George’s County) ...... 125,000

(BR) Lake Arbor Golf Course. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $250,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the former Lake Arbor Golf Course property into community open space, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 250,000

(BS) Riverdale Park Municipal Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $25,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Riverdale Park for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Riverdale Park Municipal Center, including improvements to the facility’s grounds, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 25,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 389 ZA03

(BT) Riverdale Park Trolley Car/Public Amenity Space. Provide a grant of $250,000 to the Board of Directors of the Riverdale Park Business Association, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a trolley car into a public amenity space, located in Prince George’s County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $100,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property or in kind contributions. (Prince George’s County) ...... 250,000

(BU) Sarvis Empowerment Cafe. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Central Kenilworth Avenue Revitalization Community Development Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Sarvis Empowerment Cafe, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 75,000

(BV) Savor Food Hall. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Neighborhood Culinary Alliance, Corp. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Savor Food Hall facility, located in Prince George’s County (Prince George’s County) ...... 75,000

(BW) Success Factors Foundation Youth Development Center. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of No Gripes, No Worries, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Success Factors Foundation Youth Development Center, located in Prince George’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Prince George’s County) ...... 75,000

(BX) The Ivy Village Incubator for Nonprofit Excellence. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of The Ivy Community Charities of Prince George’s County, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of The Ivy Village Incubator for Nonprofit Excellence facility, located in Prince George’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of real property (Prince George’s County)...... 50,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 390 ZA03

(BY) Walker Mill Community Development. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Walker Mill Community Development Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a new mobile kitchen, located in Prince George’s County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Prince George’s County) ...... 150,000

(BZ) Chancellor’s Point Community Sailing Center. Provide a grant of $73,300 to the Board of Directors of the Historic St. Mary’s City Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Chancellor’s Point Community Sailing Center, located in St. Mary’s County, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund of $14,000. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions. (St. Mary’s County)...... 73,300

(CA) Hagerstown BMX Track. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $75,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Hagerstown BMX, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Hagerstown BMX Track facility, located in Washington County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions (Washington County) ...... 75,000

(CB) Queen City Elks Lodge No. 1051 and Success Temple No. 154. Provide a grant of $100,000 to the Board of Trustees of the Queen City Lodge No. 1051, I.B.P.O.E. of W., Incorporated for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Queen City Elks Lodge No. 1051 and Success Temple No. 154 building, including repairs to the building’s roof, located in Wicomico County (Wicomico County) ...... 100,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 391 ZA03

(CC) Believe In Tomorrow House at the Beach. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of (i) $50,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Believe in Tomorrow National Children’s Foundation, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Believe In Tomorrow House at the Beach facility, located in Worcester County. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in kind contributions or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act (Worcester County) ...... 50,000

Explanation: This action adds House of Delegates sponsored and selected Legislative Bond Initiatives.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 392 SECTION 2 – Chapter 22 of the Acts of 2017 as Amended by Chapter 9 of the Acts of 2018 and Chapter 373 of the Acts of 2019

ZF1700 SECTION 2 – Miscellaneous – Lake Linganore Dredging II ...... $ 4,000,000

Amend the following language:


(AU) [Downtown Frederick Public Parking and Infrastructure. Provide a grant of $4,000,000 to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Frederick for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, and reconstruction, including public utility, road, streetscape, and park improvements of the downtown Frederick public parking garage near the southeast corner of East Patrick Street and South Carroll Street, located in Frederick County. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this grant is not subject to review by the Maryland Historical Trust. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the grantee has until June 1, 2021, to present evidence that a matching fund will be provided. Notwithstanding Section 1(7) of this Act, this grant may not terminate before June 1, 2026] LAKE LINGANORE DREDGING. PROVIDE A GRANT TO FREDERICK COUNTY, MARYLAND, FOR THE DREDGING OF LAKE LINGANORE TO REMOVE SEDIMENT (Frederick County) ...... 4,000,000 0

Explanation: This language deauthorizes funding originally authorized to support the Downtown Frederick Hotel and Conference Center project that the Governor was repurposing to support the

dredging of Lake Linganore to remove sediment.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 393 SECTION 13

ZF2150 SECTION 13 – Maryland Stadium Authority – Department of

Legislative Services Building ...... $ 35,000,000

Add the following language:


(A) Department of Legislative Services Building. Provide funds to continue the design, construction, and capital equipping of the renovation or new construction of the Department of Legislative Services building (Anne Arundel County) ...... 35,000,000

Explanation: This language provides a preauthorization for fiscal 2022 to begin the construction or

the renovation of a new Department of Legislative Services Building.

ZF2550 SECTION 13 – University of Maryland, Baltimore Campus –

School of Social Work ...... $ 5,000,000

Add the following language:


(A) School of Social Work Addition and Renovation. Provide funds to begin the design of the renovations of buildings for a new School of Social Work ...... 5,000,000

Explanation: This action adds a fiscal 2022 preauthorization to begin the design phase for

renovations of buildings for a new School of Social Work.

ZF2650 SECTION 13 – University of Maryland, College Park Campus –

New School of Public Policy ...... $ 2,500,000

Add the following language:

(B) University of Maryland, College Park Campus – School of Public Policy Building. Provide funds to continue construction of the School of Public Policy Building ...... 2,500,000

Explanation: This language adds a preauthorization for fiscal 2022 to provide funds to continue

construction of the School of Public Policy Building.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 394 SECTION 13

ZF2675 SECTION 13 – Bowie State University – Humanities Building ..... $ 60,000,000

Add the following language:

RB23 BOWIE STATE UNIVERSITY (Prince George’s County)

(A) Communication Arts and Humanities Building. Provide funds to continue the design, construction, and capital equipping of a new Communication Arts and Humanities Building ...... 60,000,000

Explanation: This action adds a preauthorization for fiscal 2022 to continue the design and start the

construction of a new Communication Arts and Humanities building.

ZF2700 SECTION 13 – University of Maryland Eastern Shore – School of

Pharmacy and Health Professions ...... $ 17,716,000

Amend the following language:


(A) School of Pharmacy and Health Professions. Provide funds to complete construction of a new building for the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions ...... 13,716,000 17,716,000

Explanation: This action adds $4.0 million to continue construction of the School of Pharmacy and Health Professionals building. Due to a delay in construction, funding will be needed in fiscal 2022

to complete construction.

ZF2900 SECTION 13 – Coppin State University – Percy Julian Sciences

Building ...... $ 30,771,000

Amend the following language:


(A) Percy Julian Science Building. Provide funds to complete construction of renovation and an addition to the Percy Julian Science Building to house the School of Business and School of Graduate Studies programs 20,771,000 30,771,000

Explanation: This action increases the preauthorization for the Percy Julian Sciences Building

renovation by the amount of the fiscal 2021 reduction.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 395 SECTION 13

ZF3050 SECTION 13 – University of Maryland Baltimore County –

Sherman Hall Renovation ...... $ 6,000,000

Add the following language:

(B) Sherman Hall Renovation. Provide funds to begin the design of the renovation of Sherman Hall ...... 6,000,000

Explanation: This adds a fiscal 2022 preauthorization to start the design of the renovation of

Sherman Hall.

ZF3460 SECTION 13 – Merriweather Post Pavilion ...... $ 3,000,000

Add the following language:


(A) Merriweather Post Pavilion. Provide a grant to the Downtown Columbia Arts and Cultural Commission c/o Merriweather Post Pavilion to assist in funding the design, construction, reconstruction, renovation, repair, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements at the Merriweather Post Pavilion (Howard County) ...... 3,000,000

Explanation: This language adds a preauthorization for fiscal 2022 to continue the infrastructure

upgrades at Merriweather Post Pavilion.

ZF3462 SECTION 13 – Bay Sox Stadium ...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(B) Bay Sox Stadium. Provide a grant to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements at the Bay Sox Stadium, also known as Prince George’s Stadium (Prince George’s County) ...... 500,000

Explanation: This language adds a preauthorization for fiscal 2022 to fund infrastructure

improvements at the Bay Sox Stadium.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 396 SECTION 13

ZF3466 SECTION 13 – Garrett College – Community Education and

Performing Arts Center...... $ 700,000

Add the following language:

(C) Garrett College – Community Education and Performing Arts Center. Provide a grant to the Board of Trustees of Garrett Community College, Inc. d.b.a. Garrett College for the design, construction, and equipping of renovations and an expansion to the 800 Building on Garrett College’s main campus, which will become the Community Education and Performing Arts Center (Garrett County) ...... 700,000

Explanation: This adds a preauthorization for fiscal 2022 to provide sufficient funds to complete


ZF3468 SECTION 13 – Greenway Avenue Stadium ...... $ 750,000

Add the following language:

(D) Greenway Avenue Stadium. Provide a grant to the Greenway Avenue Stadium Capital Improvement Fund, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements at Greenway Avenue Stadium (Allegany County) ...... 750,000

Explanation: This adds a fiscal 2022 preauthorization for infrastructure improvements to Greenway


ZF3470 SECTION 13 – Prince George’s County Amphitheatre at

Central Park ...... $ 11,000,000

Add the following language:

(E) Prince George’s County Amphitheatre at Central Park. Provide a grant to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a new amphitheatre located at Central Park (Prince George’s County) ...... 11,000,000

Explanation: This adds a fiscal 2022 preauthorization for the Prince George’s County Amphitheatre

at Central Park.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 397 SECTION 13

ZF3472 SECTION 13 – The Y in Central Maryland – Infrastructure

Improvements and New Y Family Center ...... $ 1,000,000

Add the following language:

(F) The Y in Central Maryland – Infrastructure Improvements and New Y Family Center. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) of Central Maryland, Inc. for the planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements for existing Y family centers in Upton–Druid Heights and Waverly, and a new Y family center in Southwest Baltimore (Baltimore City) ...... 1,000,000

Explanation: This action adds a preauthorization for fiscal 2022.

ZF3474 SECTION13 – The League for People with Disabilities – Facility

Upgrade...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(G) The League for People with Disabilities – Facility Upgrade. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the League for People with Disabilities Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of an expansion at the Cold Spring Lane facility (Baltimore City) ...... 500,000

Explanation: This language adds a fiscal 2022 preauthorization for The League for People with

Disabilities facility upgrade project.

ZF3476 SECTION 13 – Baltimore Museum of Art ...... $ 2,000,000

Add the following language:

(H) Baltimore Museum of Art. Provide a grant to the governing board of The Baltimore Museum of Art, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Baltimore Museum of Art facility, including repairs to the buildings’ roofs, located in Baltimore City (Baltimore City) ...... 2,000,000

Allowance Change Authorization 0 2,000,000 2,000,000

Explanation: This language adds a preauthorization for fiscal 2022 for infrastructure improvements

to the Baltimore Museum of Art.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 398 SECTION 13

ZF3478 SECTION 13 – Andre De Shields Center for the Arts ...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(I) Andre De Shields Center for the Arts. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Fund for Educational Excellence, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, reconstruction, renovation, repair, site work, and capital equipping of infrastructure improvements for the Arts at Baltimore City College (Baltimore City) ...... 500,000

Explanation: This action provides a fiscal 2022 preauthorization for infrastructure improvements

for the Andre De Shields Center for the Arts.

ZF3480 SECTION 13 – Friends House Retirement Community ...... $ 100,000

Add the following language:

(J) Friends House Retirement Community. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of the Friends House Retirement Community, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Friends House Retirement Community, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County) ...... 100,000

Explanation: This language provides a fiscal 2022 preauthorization for the Friends House

Retirement Community.

ZF3482 SECTION 13 – Our House Youth Home ...... $ 100,000

Add the following language:

(K) Our House Youth Home. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of Our House Youth Home, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, reconstruction, renovation, repair, site improvement, and capital equipping of capital improvements for Our House Youth Home (Montgomery County) ...... 100,000

Explanation: This action provides a fiscal 2022 preauthorization for capital improvements for Our

House Youth Home.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 399 SECTION 13

ZF3484 SECTION 13 – Burtonsville Parking Structure...... $ 500,000

Add the following language:

(L) Burtonsville Parking Structure. Provide a grant to the County Executive and County Council of Montgomery County for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Burtonsville Parking Structure, located in Montgomery County (Montgomery County) ...... 500,000

Explanation: This language adds a fiscal 2022 preauthorization for the Burtonsville Parking

Structure project.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 400 SECTION 14

ZF3550 SECTION 14 – Maryland Stadium Authority – Department of

Legislative Services Building ...... $ 35,000,000

Add the following language:


(A) Department of Legislative Services Building. Provide funds to continue the construction and capital equipping of the renovation or new construction of the Department of Legislative Services building (Anne Arundel County) ...... 35,000,000

Explanation: This action adds a preauthorization for fiscal 2023 to continue the construction of a

new or the renovation of the Department of Legislative Services building.

ZF3525 SECTION 14 – University of Maryland, Baltimore Campus –

School of Social Work ...... $ 50,000,000

Add the following language:


(A) School of Social Work Addition and Renovation. Provide funds to design, construct, and capital equip the renovation of buildings for a new School of Social Work ...... 50,000,000

Explanation: This action adds a fiscal 2023 preauthorization for the renovation of buildings for a

new School of Social Work.

ZF3750 SECTION14 – Bowie State University – Humanities Building ...... $ 60,000,000

Add the following language:

RB23 BOWIE STATE UNIVERSITY (Prince George’s County)

(A) Communication Arts and Humanities Building. Provide funds to construct and capital equip the new Communication Arts and Humanities building (Prince George’s County) ...... 60,000,000

Explanation: This language adds a preauthorization for fiscal 2023 for the construction of a new

Communication Arts and Humanities building.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 401 SECTION 15

ZF4025 SECTION 15 – Bowie Racetrack Recreational Facility...... $ 3,000,000

Add the following language:


(A) Bowie Racetrack Recreational Facility. Provide funds to the City of Bowie government for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a Bowie Racetrack Recreational Facility (Prince George’s County) ...... 3,000,000

Explanation: This language adds a fiscal 2024 preauthorization to fund a recreational facility at the

Bowie Racetrack.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 402 SECTION 16

ZF4100 SECTION 16 ...... $ 0

Add the following language:


(1) Notwithstanding §§ 8-125(e) and 8-132 of the State Finance and Procurement Article, the first $102,000,000 in premiums from the sale of State bonds in fiscal year 2021 shall remain in the State and Local Facilities Loan Fund or Annuity Bond Fund and, on approval of the Board of Public Works, may be expended by the Comptroller only for the following purposes:


(A) University of Maryland at Southern Maryland Third Academic Building. Provide funds to continue construction of a third building at the University of Maryland at Southern Maryland campus, formerly called the Southern Maryland Regional Higher Education Center, to provide academic and research laboratory space, provided that notwithstanding Section 6 of this Act, work may continue on this project prior to the appropriation of all funds necessary to complete this project ...... 31,000,000


(A) School of Pharmacy and Health Professions. Provide funds to continue construction of a new building for the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, provided that notwithstanding Section 6 of this Act, work may continue on this project prior to the appropriation of all funds necessary to complete this project ...... 31,000,000

(2) Further provided that in the event that more than $109,000,000 in premiums from the sale of State bonds in fiscal 2021 are received, the amount of premiums available shall be used for the following purposes in the following priority order:


(A) School of Public Policy Building. Provide funds to continue construction of the School of Public Policy Building ...... 5,000,000

(B) Maryland Basketball Performance Center. Provide funds to design, construct, and equip a new Maryland Basketball Performance Center at the University of Maryland, College Park Campus ...... 5,000,000

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 403 SECTION 16



(A) Facilities Renewal Fund. Provide funds for the repair and rehabilitation of State–owned capital facilities ...... 10,000,000


(A) Deferred Maintenance and Site Improvements. Provide funds to design, construct, and equip various infrastructure, building system, and site improvements ...... 5,000,000


(A) Comprehensive Cancer and Organ Transplant Treatment Center. Provide a grant to the University of Maryland Medical System to design, construct, and equip facilities to expand clinical programs of the Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer and Organ Transplant Treatment Center ...... 7,000,000



(A) Therapeutic Treatment Center. Provide funds to begin design of a Therapeutic Treatment Center at the Baltimore City Correctional Complex ...... 8,000,000

(3) The Comptroller shall make any transfers or accounting adjustments and reconciliations necessary to implement the provision of this section.

Explanation: This language authorizes the use of bond premiums from the sale of State

general obligation bonds in fiscal 2021 for specified capital purposes.

Joint Chairmen’s Report – Capital Budget, April 2020 404