Press release 13 April 2010 Ministry for Rural Affairs New state secretary, head of planning and press secretary to Eskil Erlandsson

The Government has today appointed Magnus Kindbom to the position of State Secretary to Minister for Agriculture Eskil Erlandsson.

Magnus Kindbom is an engineer and his most recent post was as Head of Planning to Mr Erlandsson. He has also held the position of Secretary of the Youth and has been a local government politician in Västerås and Västmanland.

Magnus Kindbom will take up his new post immediately. Therese Nerlund, previously Press Secretary, is Mr Erlandsson's new Head of Planning.

Anna-Karin Nyman is the new Press Secretary to Mr Erlandsson. Ms Nyman's most recent post was at the Centre Party Parliamentary Secretariat. She has previously worked as a journalist and leader writer. She will take up her duties in the near future. Until then all media enquiries should be addressed to Press Assistent Caisa Ahlroth on +46 8 70 5190159.

Rolf Eriksson, who until today has been State Secretary to Mr Erlandsson, will take up a position as Head of Cabinet to Staffan Nilsson, who will be the new President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels. 2009

Press release 28 September 2009 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry for Rural Affairs contributes SEK 100 million to combat the food crisis and the impact of the financial crisis in the poorest countries The Government has given an additional grant to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), which is to be used primarily to support small-scale agriculture in developing countries. Up to 25 per cent is to be used by IFAD, in cooperation with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), to pay for technical expertise to support small-scale agricultural projects.

"Investing in farmers in the poorest countries is a way to increase food production, reduce famine and ensure that people are given the opportunity to support themselves. FAO estimates that food production needs to double by 2050; investments like this one are extremely important if we are to achieve this," say Minister for Agriculture Eskil Erlandsson and Minister for International Development Cooperation .

Investments in small-scale farming can help to increase food production in developing countries, promote growth and at the same time contribute to the fight against poverty. The work of IFAD, which is directed at exactly this sort of investment in agriculture and rural development, has an important role to play in the food security of developing countries.

International food prices have now dropped somewhat since their peak in 2008, but they remain high, especially on the national markets in developing countries. Food security problems are now also worsening in these countries because of the economic crisis.

Besides high food prices, the global financial crisis has also had a major impact on developing countries in the form of reduced trade, lower direct foreign investment levels, less tourism and lower remittances - and as a result shrinking national budgets. The financial crisis has also resulted in small-scale farmers becoming more vulnerable, as both access to loans and possibilities of finding alternative sources of income have reduced.

Contact Peter Larsson +46 8 405 10 00 Therese Nerlund +46 8 405 10 00

Press release 14 May 2009 Prime Minister's Office Ministers' engagements weeks 21-22 2009

Subject to change.

For further information contact the Minister's press secretary. Related Press contacts Calendar for Prime Minister Prime Minister's Office Calendar for Minister for Foreign Affairs Calendar for Minister for Trade Ewa Björling Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt 18 May Travel in Sweden

20 May Party leader debate ahead of European Parliament election,

25 May Travel in Sweden

Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt 18 May Participation in GAERC, Brussels Visit to Göteborg, Sweden

21 May Visit to Warsaw Visegrad Meeting

24-26 May ASEM, Hanoi

27-28 May Visit to Phnom Penh

Minister for Trade Ewa Björling 18 May Visit to Göteborg, Sweden

19 May Visit to Almi Företagspartner (Almi Business Partner)

19 May Dialogue meeting on the export ban on Swedish snuff in the EU internal market

20 May Advisory Committee on EU Affairs, Riksdag Meeting with World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick at World Bank meeting, Helsinki

25 May Speech at Africa Day Seminar on Strategic Partnerships for African Development, Stockholm 27 May Main speaker and award presenter at SwedenBIO's Annual General Meeting

27 May Informal meeting with African ambassadors based in Stockholm on EPA negotiations

28 May Competitiveness Council, Brussels

29 May Visit to Tranås, Sweden 2008

Pressmeddelande 28 augusti 2008 Landsbygdsdepartementet Total ban on cat and dog fur Today the Government will present to the Council on Legislation its legislative proposal on penalties for those selling or distributing cat and dog fur or products containing such fur.

On 11 December 2007 the EU member countries agreed to introduce a ban on the possession of cat and dog fur, and of products containing such fur, for sales, imports and exports.

The origin of this ban is that in some countries, brutal methods of killing dogs and cats are used when manufacturing fur products. The purpose of the legislation is to ensure that consumers can be certain that cat and dog fur is not marketed.

"It is very positive that there will be a law to combat this brutal handling of animals," says Minister for Agriculture Eskil Erlandsson.

Under the legislative proposal, the Ministry of Agriculture is to monitor compliance with the legislation. The Swedish Customs and the Swedish Police Service will otherwise be responsible for prosecuting infringements of the ban.

Under the law, it will be possible to sentence those infringing the ban to fines. The ban on the import and export of fur products will entail criminal liability under the Act on Penalties for Smuggling.

It is proposed that the law enter into force on 31 December 2008.

Kontakt Therese Nerlund 08-405 10 00 Olof Åkerrén Legal Adviser +46 8 405 17 37

Press release 22 July 2008 Ministry for Rural Affairs Sweden - Europe's new culinary nation The minister of Agriculture Mr. Eskil Erlandsson presented his and the Government of Foodvision - Sweden - the New Culinary Nation. The new national objective is that Sweden with its unique landscape, quality of food and knowledge will be Europe's new Culinary Nation.

-Sweden has all the conditions to be the foremost gastronomical country in Europe. We have fine raw materials, good traditions and fantastic cooks, says the minister of Agriculture, Eskil Erlandsson.

The Ministry of Agriculture has made a survey that shows 76 percent of the Swedish population are interested in a culinary experience while on vacation.

Today the turnover for tourism in Sweden is around 25 billion euros per year which can be compared to the turnover of export of private cars which is 7,5 billion euros per year.

- I am quite sure that food tourism can develop even further in our country. When I travel around Sweden I often meet capable entrepeneurs who work with food. Those who are primary producers, those who refine the raw materials and those who prepare the food. These capable people can help me and the Government to allow more companies and jobs to flourish in rural parts of Sweden says Eskil Erlandsson.

- This is the starting shot for the Culinary Nation -Sweden. I have plans in autumn to invite interesting entrepreneurs and people in the food branch to help me develop Culinary Nation - Sweden, concludes Eskil Erlandsson.


Sofia Carlsson Political Adviser to the Minister of Agriculture Tel. +46 70 519 01 69 2007

Press release 12 September 2007 Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Ministry of the Environment Ministry for Rural Affairs Climate billion to be presented in the budget The Government is strengthening Sweden's climate efforts. The upcoming Budget Bill will allocate a further SEK 1 billion for 2008 to 2010.

Minister for Enterprise and Energy , Minister for the Environment and Minister for Agriculture Eskil Erlandsson presented the contents of the climate billion yesterday. SEK 245 million will be allocated in 2008, SEK 415 million in 2009 and SEK 340 million in 2010.

The climate billion will strengthen efforts that the Government considers necessary and correct in the short term, and supplements other action for the climate.

The climate billion will bring increased efforts in a range of areas.

Energy efficiency measures The investment in energy efficiency will include procurement and market introduction of energy-efficient technology, energy declaration requirements for buildings, climate advice for consumers and business operators, and development of climate labelling of products and services. SEK 120 million will be invested in these areas in 2008, SEK 130 million in 2009 and SEK 60 million in 2010.

Climate research The Government is increasing the appropriation provided to the Rossby Centre at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute to prepare climate models and scenarios to support policy decisions. SEK 24 million will be invested in this area in the period until 2010.

Pilot and demonstration projects for second-generation biofuels Sweden has good potential to position itself as a leader in the work of developing second-generation biofuels. In all, a further SEK 150 million will be invested in this area over the three-year period.

Network for windfarming A national windfarming network will be created to promote more knowledge about wind power by strengthening existing initiatives and contributing to the establishment of new regional nodal points in the wind power area. SEK 20 million will be invested in this each year in 2008 and 2009.

Sustainable yield of bioenergy in agriculture and forestry Methods to achieve a sustainable yield of by-products from the forestry sector will be tested in pilot projects, in which the role of the forest as a carbon sink will also be studied. An action plan will be drawn up to increase bioenergy on forest and arable land. SEK 40 million will be invested in this in 2008 and 2009.

International climate investments Far-reaching climate measures in Sweden will be supplemented by international climate initiatives. These will contribute to sustainable development, transfer of environmental technology and stronger international climate cooperation. SEK 32 million will be invested each year, making a total of SEK 96 million.

Programme for sustainable cities and communities A sustainable cities programme will be developed. This investment will promote integrated solutions for water, energy and wastewater, conversion and new construction to produce buildings with minimal heating needs. It will also be part of introducing new technology that makes it possible to reduce the need of energy. These funds can be used to make it easier for companies and municipalities to substantially raise their environmental and climate performance by minimising resource and energy use. In all, SEK 340 million will be invested in 2009 and 2010. Contact Frank Nilsson Pressekreterare hos Anna-Karin Hatt Tomas Uddin Therese Nerlund +46 8 405 10 00