The Russian :

This is a teacher worksheet for Key Stage 3 geography. It is designed to complement a wider scheme of work either on climate change or on specifically.

Curriculum relevance Russia is an important stakeholder in the Arctic because:

• Russia is an Arctic state, roughly 20% of its landmass is within the Arctic Circle • Russia is investing heavily in extracting Arctic resources, specifically on the Yamal Peninsula • The Arctic has symbolic and nationalistic value. Russia has the world’s longest Arctic coastline • 50% of people living in the Arctic live on Russian territory

Where is the Arctic? Image 1 in Appendix A shows a map of the Arctic . The Arctic has different boundaries but the simplest way to define it is the area within the Arctic circle, 66°N. With this definition the area constitutes around 20 million square kilometers (8 million square miles), of which about 70% is ocean. The map in Appendix A illustrates how much of the high-latitudes is open water — there is very little land in the Arctic.

There are 8 countries which have land and a share of Arctic: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, USA (Alaska), Denmark (Greenland), Canada and Iceland. Across these 8 countries indigenous people make up about 10% of the 4 million people that live there. Out of these 4 million inhabitants in the Arctic, 2 million are Russian.

1. Go to Appendix B. Use an atlas and Figure 2 to identify the 8 countries with land and a share in the Arctic. Add the Laptev and the from the first Arctic Ocean image

The USGS (United States Geological Survey) estimates that 87% (360 billion barrels oil equivalent) of Arctic oil and is found in only 7 Arctic Ocean basins: the Amerasian Basin, East Barents Basin, East Greenland Rift Basin, Arctic Alaska Basin, West Greenland-East Canada Basin, West Siberian Basin, and the - Basin.

Climate change and The Arctic climate is warming 2 times faster than the rest of the world, making the the leading edge of global climate change and a hugely influential area. The high latitudes are seeing rapid temperature increases in the twenty-first century. This will have a huge effect regionally on the landscape and wildlife but also worldwide as global warming spirals out of control.

2. Go to Appendix C. Annotate the following labels on Figure 3: albedo of the Arctic Ocean, the of , incoming solar radiation, the Arctic Ocean and the main 3 greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide).

3. Why do you think one arrow appears to break the pattern — being reflected back into space? Watch this video from Professor Iain Stewart to help you answer

There have been dramatic changes in the Arctic from climate change:

• Summer sea ice extent in the Arctic Ocean has continued to shrink (with a smaller change in winter extent), by around 13% every decade according to NASA data

• Glaciers and the Greenland ice sheet are losing land ice — which is accelerating global sea level rise • Wildfires have increased dramatically (with an expansion of them into the Arctic tundra) • Concerns are growing over the possible societal consequences of Arctic change effecting mid-latitude weather systems, potentially impacting hundreds of millions of people • Arctic permafrost is warming at record levels causing the land surface to subside and collapse locally.

Permafrost is defined as ground that keeps below zero degrees Celsius for at least two following years. It consists of soil, rock or sediment and often contains ice. In the Arctic permafrost is thawing at a considerable rate leading to the decomposition of previously frozen organic matter. This is worrisome as it is estimated that permafrost soils have around 40% more carbon than the entire global atmosphere — which will be potentially released, adding further to global warming.

4. In Appendix D there is a photo of a cross-sectional view of permafrost ground. Next to it is a blank soil profile. Draw the cross section of the permafrost soil onto the blank profile including the active layer, permafrost table and ice wedge within the permafrost. Add the notes onto the correct part of the diagram.

A layer of soil on top of The permafrost table The ice wedge is the permafrost does not stay exists beneath the active bottom layer in this cross- frozen all year. The active layer. It is this part of the section, within the layer freezes in the winter soil horizon which is permafrost table. An ice and thaws in the summer. permanently frozen. wedge forms in a In colder where Permafrost thickness can polygonal pattern known the ground rarely thaws, range from 1 metre to as ice wedge polygons. the active layer is very thin more than 1000 metres in When this ice expands — only 10 to 15 depth. It can contain during winter it can crack centimetres ground ice. the surface.

Further information • Disappearing Arctic Sea Ice: the Global Climate Impacts infographic

• Find out where the ‘last ice area’ is

• Tundra explained

• Explore the Arctic and Antarctica and the impacts of climate change on wildlife through the interactive Our Planet website worlds

• Explore the WWF resources about our frozen worlds nature/frozen-world

• Geography Directions (the Society’s blog linked to scholarly journals) Arctic Ocean: why winter sea ice has stalled, and what it means for the rest of the world stalled-and-what-it-means-for-the-rest-of-the-world/


Appendix A

Image 1 the Arctic Ocean © Bennian Pond5


Appendix B

F 2 the 8 Arctic countries ©


Appendix C







Figure 3 climate change: the greenhouse effect and global warming ©


Appendix D

Figure 4 permafrost soil in the Russian Arctic © Thomas Opel

Thanks to Dr Caroline Coch (WWF-UK) for helping with the content of the materials