Clerk: J Carr The Old Dairy Holt Road Burgh Parva website: Melton Constable email: [email protected] NR24 2PU Tel: 01263 808605

MINUTES of the Melton Constable Parish Council meeting held on 12th September 2017 7.30pm at the Country Club. Present: J Hayes Chair A Carr J Cox A Crawford M Hayes S Unsworth J. Carr Clerk

District Cllr Pierre Butikofer 0 members of the public

2715 Apologies for Absence On a PROPOSAL by Cllr M Hayes SECONDED by Cllr Carr it was AGREED to accept apologies from Cllr Tosney (Scout commitment) and County Cllr Aquarone 2716 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8th August 2017 On a PROPOSAL by Cllr Crawford SECONDED by Cllr Unsworth it was AGREED to accept the minutes of the meeting of 8th August as a true and accurate record. 2717 Declarations of Interest Cllr Carr – item 2730 c) – he is a neighbor and will not speak to this item 2718 Matters Arising from Last Minutes None 2719 County Councillor’s Report -read The £100m the County Council needs to save is not ‘in total during 2018-22’, but per year by 2022. This means in total £175m less will be spent on services during this four-year term. The effect of forcing these savings through earlier rather than later again has a big impact on the total reduction in what is being spent on services. If the savings were distributed more evenly across the four years the total reduction in spending in the period would be £156m, not £175m. Would parishioners please let Cllr Aquarone know if they feel services are being cut, so he can defend the interests of the community with reference to the Council Leader's pledge of "no cuts to frontline services". He has been approached by more local residents and plans to carry out a local residents' survey to ascertain the strength and breadth of feeling. This should add weight to the cause. Coop parking - previous contacts are exhausted so he has begun 'from the top' again, to try and find the right person to talk to locally. The issue of white lines is ongoing and a report will be given at the next meeting.

Page 1 of 4 Melton Constable Parish Council Meeting 12th September 2017 THESE MINUTES ARE APPROVED BY COUNCIL 1 District Councillor’s report NNDC have bought the community store in as well as Fair Meadow House as letting and holiday letting potential. Kier and NNDC have formalized agreed payment for additional brown bins. However, the waiting list continues to grow. Big Prawn planning application with regard to noise pollution - The Environmental Protection Officer, has commented that on occasion, the Big Prawn Co. use a temporary refrigeration unit i.e. one per month run overnight. They claim that once they get their new refrigeration up and running, they will not need the temporary one and therefore noise disturbance will stop. The Environmental Protection Officer is requesting the details of the new refrigeration to assess whether it will give rise to noise. Therefore, in consideration of these intentions, there will be no delay in the determination of this application.

2720 Members’ Reports Churchyard: fine Bus Shelter: thanks given to those who cleaned it recently Southside: The hedge running alongside the road in Marriott Way needs cutting – the Rangers will be contacted. On a PROPOSAL by Cllr Cox SECONDED by Cllr Carr it was AGREED to accept the offer of a contribution of £25 from Highways and request two cuts per year from CGM at £15 exc VAT, totalling £30. Play Area: A further grant of £1000 from The Big Society fund has been agreed, leaving the parish council with a balance of £1700 to complete the plans for the ball games area project. Planning approval for the fencing is still awaited. Cllr Unsworth agreed to inspect the Play Area in Cllr Hayes’ absence during September/October. Recreation Ground: the new goal nets and stakes have been vandalized and there is now only one picnic table on the ground. Handyman to repair damaged bench on far side. Northside: a pothole at the top of Kitchener Rd is to be reported to the Rangers. Allotments: Five plots remain vacant. Play equipment on plots has now been removed, apart from small swing on plot 72. Tenant to be written to again. The hedge bordering plot 72 and 2 Meadow Lane is to be cut down. On a PROPOSAL by Cllr Unsworth SECONDED by Cllr Carr it was AGREED to accept the quote of £285 and to request the cut to be as low as possible. Two plots are to have the buildings containing asbestos removed, due to damage and one plot containing asbestos being vacated after 1st Oct. 2721 Bus Service from Melton Council has concerns about the severe reduction in service. Cllr Cox agreed to draft a letter to Cllr Aquarone to ask for his help and support to address this issue. 2722 Waste on Grove Road land Part of the waste has now been removed and the hut on the bowling green boarded up. Cllr Cox is to draft a letter to Melbobby’s agent regarding the remaining concerns of council. 2723 Proposed Closure of Permissive Footpath Scheme On a PROPOSAL by Cllr Carr SECONDED by Cllr M Hayes it was AGREED on the letter, authorised by , , Edgefield, and Parish Councils, to be sent to Stody Estate, requesting a meeting to explore alternative avenues. 2724 M&GN Coach restoration proposal No reply as yet from one of the allotment holders on whose plot this carriage is partly situated. Cllr. Hayes offered to follow this up so that ' ownership ' can be determined. 2725 Local Green Space Designation Council’s report was submitted on time. We await a reply.

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THESE MINUTES ARE APPROVED BY COUNCIL 2 2726 Clerk Recruitment update To date we have two applicants. Interviews are planned for Monday 23rd October. 2727 Website A new website for the parish council has been designed. On a PROPOSAL by Cllr Carr SECONDED by Cllr M Hayes it was AGREED to approve the option to pay c.£65 per year for the domain name of without the advertising. 2728 Data Protection Training It was agreed to postpone this to the January agenda, when the new clerk should be available. 2729 Community Action Membership On a PROPOSAL by Cllr Carr SECONDED by Cllr Unsworth it was AGREED to renew our bronze membership at £20 p.a 2730 Citizens Advice Bureau donation request On a PROPOSAL by Cllr Carr SECONDED by Cllr Crawford it was AGREED to donate £50 2731 Planning Applications a. ADV/17/1267; 4 Briston Rd -Change of use - Council Supported this application b. PF/17/1311; Erection of an agricultural building – South Lodge, Melton Park NR24 2NH. On a PROPOSAL by Cllr M Hayes SECONDED by Cllr Carr it wass AGREED, with one abstention, to reply with no objection or comment. c. LA/17/1452; Internal & external alterations including installation of additional flue to facilitate conversion of barn to dwelling (retrospective) 5 Burgh Parva Barns, Holt Road, Melton Constable, NR24 2PU. On a PROPOSAL by Cllr Cox SECONDED by the Chairman it was AGREED with one abstention to reply with no objection or comment. 2732 Finances On a PROPOSAL by Cllr Unsworth SECONDED by Cllr M Hayes it was AGREED to approve the monthly statement for August. On a PROPOSAL by Cllr M Hayes SECONDED by Cllr Unsworth it was AGREED to approve the following payments: 101940 J Carr Salary (£784) Exp (£108.24) £892.24 101941 HMRC Clerks Tax £196.00 101942 Ladywell Accountancy Sevices PAYE £35.00 101943 Mazars External Audit £120.00 101944 Westcotec lighting maintenance - Aug £13.25 101945 G W Harrold & Ptnrs Allottmentt rent 2nd 1/2 yr £400.00 101946 J Morrison handyman - gate clearance £27.00 101947 CGM Group Area 1 cut no.2 £102.00 101948 Westcotec lighting maintenance - Sept £13.25 SO CGM Group ground maintenance £134.46 DD Eon electricity - Aug £22.03 TOTAL £1,955.23

2733 Items for October Agenda Stody Permissive Paths update Felbeck Trust Presentation - Trevor Williams Finances, add Donation of £52 for Remembrance Day, £50 CAB, CAN £20

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2734 Items for Information Council were shown an article in Clerks and Councillors Direct, giving legal advice regarding councils’ liability for play equipment on allotments, which supports the actions MC PC has taken. 2735 Date and time of next meeting It was agreed that the date and time of the next Parish Council meeting would be Tuesday 10th October 2017 at 7.30pm.

9.00 pm: Meeting Closed

Clerk ………………………… Chair …………………….

Dated ……………………

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