בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

In Telshe, was not only the Rosh Seeing that many storekeepers , but also the Rav. His involvement in local used worn and inaccurate weights communal affairs would eventually affect the most and measures, Rav Eliezer issued powerful leadership position in Russia. an order requiring storekeepers PIRCHEI to exchange them for new ones. I came to Rebbi, there’s Agudas Yisroel of America inspect your Vol: 4 Issue: 18 - ו' אדר, תשע"ז - no need to be concerned. I will not give my March 4, 2017 weights. My weights are the ones my Kashrus certification All right, פרשה: תרומה - הפטרה: וה׳ נתן חכמה לשלמה... )מלכים א׳ ה:כו-ו:יג( father used, and he was a great unless the weights are Rebbi, but let’s tzaddik. They are surely in all changed. make a deal... order. משנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה! My son, even the strongest weights דף יומי: בבא בתרא מ״א מצות עשה: 2 מצות לא תעשה: become worn... 1


?rather fascinating hidden miracle וְעָ שׂוּ לִי מִקְדָ שׁ … )שְׁ מוֹת כה:ח( I will use new Rav Eliezer’s name became known far and wide, and when... non-Jews came to the market in Telshe, they would ask did not take up אָ ר וֹ ן tells us that the תּ וֹ רָ ה weights for the Jewish They shall make for Me a holy dwelling … The fact that the that their items be weighed on the Rav’s scales. מַ הַ רְ שָׁ ״ א is any space must be to teach us an important lesson. The ד׳ explains that the building of a home for חִ נּ וּ ְך customers that require The came and spoke directly ד׳ was the place where אָ ר וֹ ן s pen trembles as he poetically explains that the’חִ נּוְּך your certification, but difficult to understand. The for the other locals... is not physical and He is everywhere, the place of the ד׳ ֺ . Sinceמ שֶׁ ה the meaning of many to ( מִ צְ ָו ה צ ה) מִ צְ וַ ת בִ ינְ ןַ בֵּ י ת הַ בְ חִ י רָ ה This is holy. Oh! I need a man addresses in .was not physical. Therefore, it could not be measured physically אָ ר וֹ ן was בֵּ י ת הַ מִ קְ דָ שׁ His basic message is that the . בֵּ י ת הַ מִ קְ דָ שׁ I went to him last year like this for my aspects of the for a blessing and he by preforming These are some beautiful answers that were suggested by a ד׳ to be able to become closer to כְ לַ ל יִשְׂ רָ אֵּ ל No! My certification problems… Rabbi, I built for blessed my crops. This :class of nine– and ten-year-old boys . בֵּ י ת הַ מִ קְ דָ שׁ to the יְ רוּשָׁ לַ יִ ם is for ALL customers! need a big favor. actions, e.g. schlepping an animal through year was my best year did not take אָ ר וֹ ן The reason that the . תּ וֹ רָ ה represents אָ ר וֹ ן The  The . בֵּ י ת הַ מִ קְ דָ שׁ to perform in the מִ צְ וֹ ת in His Kindness gave us extra ד׳ These old weights must be I want my enemy to ever! we learn can never be תּ וֹ רָ ה up any space is to teach us that the , קְ ֻד שָ ה blessing, and , בְ רָ ָכ ה performed create additional מִ צְ וֹ ת removed from the store die. Please curse additional has no limits and therefore it cannot be תּ וֹ רָ ה s Kindness to those that go finished. The’ד׳ before you can receive my him! holiness, that will in turn add more of certification. there. measured in any physical way. .requires a person to be humble תּ וֹ רָ ה that everyone  We know that learning בֵּ י ת הַ מִ קְ דָ שׁ Many miracles happened in the represents, sits best with a person who is אָ ר וֹ ן which the ,תּוֹרָ ה could see. However there was one miracle that happened that was that the humble and does not take up any “space.” A humble person is ירַבִ לֵּוִ י notes in the name of (בָ בָ א בַ תְ רָ א צט.) גְ מָ רָ א hidden. The is not included in the dimensions willing to admit his mistakes to arrive at the truth. The more a אָ ר וֹ ן space that was taken up by the person is able to humble himself, the better he will be able to בֵּ ית In the first .[מְ לָכִ ים ו:כ as they are specified in] ק דֶ שׂ הַ קָ דָ שִׁ י ם of the . תּ וֹ רָ ה by understand and teach the truth of אַ מ וֹ ת ֺ were twentyק דֶ שׂ הַ קָ דָ שִׁ י ם the dimensions of the הַ מִ קְ דָ שׁ anytime, twenty תּ וֹ רָ ה is above time and space. We can learn תּוֹרָ ה  , אָ ר וֹ ן However, if one measured from any wall to the . אַ מ וֹ ת twenty is not limited to any special place תּ וֹ רָ ה of space on each side. Miraculously, the -four hours a day. Learning אַ מ וֹ ת Rav Eliezer met the governor Years later the governor became there were always ten in every situation. Even a תּ וֹ רָ ה did not take up any space. We are all aware that this miracle or time. We must always learn אָ ר וֹ ן .My dear sir, of the Vilna district, who had Russia’s prime minister and therefore תּ וֹ רָ ה could poor person must designate times to learn יוֹם כִ פּוּר on כֺהֵּ ן גָדוֹל let us pray heard about his integrity... happened in a place that no one except the .cannot be measured physically ,תּוֹרָ ה which represents אָ ר וֹ ן took a tape measure to the ,כֺהֵּ ן גָדוֹל instead that he even notice. No one, not even the will become your Rabbi, My close confidants, Do you Your check and verify the measurements! What was the purpose of this ספר החנוך על פרשת השבוע :friend, and then I have heard know how I became Prime minister? Adapted from honor, may your problem that you are a Well, when I was still a governor you see will be solved. holy person. I of Vilna, I was fortunate to meet the blessing in ask that you holy Rabbi, Rabbi Eliezer Gordon. Since all your please bless the day of his blessing I have seen endeavors! unusual success in all aspects of me. of my life. Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses once explained זַ צַ ״ ל R' Moshe Aharon Stern was born in , to R' that a mouth can be compared to a זַ צַ ״ ל R' Moshe Aharon Stern ח׳ אדר Herman’s ר׳ יַעֲקֺב יוֹסֵ ף ,Yomtov Lipman and Esther Stern 5758 — 5686 loaded gun. Before one shoots, he is in 1926 — 1998 daughter (of All for the Boss). From his youth, he learned in and he became very close to R' complete control of the bullet. It can be יְ שִׁ יבָ ה תּוֹרָ ה וְ דַ עַ ת to aimed at a target or into the air; but אֶ רֶ ץ י ִׁ שְ רָ אֵ ל and R' Reuven Grozovsky. At the age of 18, he traveled to where he remained for the rest of his life. once he shoots, he is no longer in , יְ שִׁ י בָ ה learn in the Kamenitz He control of it ... it will strike anything that . מַ שְ גִׁ י חַ and then the , יְ שִׁ י בָ ה in the מַגִׁ יד שִׁ עוּר Eventually, he became a .and gets in its path, even accidentally זַ צַ ״ ל R' Chatzkel Levenstein , זַ צַ ״ ל became very close to R' Elya Lopian ,ר׳ אַברהם שמוּאל זצ״ל was born in Carniany, , to זצ״ל R’ Eliezer (Lazer) Gordon in the Brisker Rav. He traveled to many countries and inspired people with his Likewise, before one speaks, he is in control ישיבה in his ר׳ ישראל סלנטר זצ״ל of תלמיד מבהק He was a .ר׳ חיים מװלוֹז׳ין זצ״ל of תלמיד a of his words. However, once uttered, harmful מֵ אֵ ש תָּ ם Several of his shmuessen are found in . מ וּ סָ ר among warm and unique ,ר׳ נפטלי אַמסטרדם זצ״ל and ר׳ שמחה זיסל זיו זצ״ל ,ר׳ יצחק בּלאָזר זצ״ל Kovno together with !of (Feldheim). words can do [accidental, but] irreparable damage רב in Kovno, but left after three months to become the רב others. R’ Lazer served as R’ Lazer then moved to Slobodka where he stayed for .ישיבה Kelm, where he opened a In 1897, he .ראשׁ ישיבה and רב six months, before finally settling in Telz, to become the לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל After a fire in 1908 Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication .השכלה to help fight the influences of משגיח as ר׳ לײבּ חסמן זצ״ל hired לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י R’ Lazer went to London on a fund-raising mission and was via email, please send an email to [email protected] ,ישיבה destroyed the Telz .while there. He was buried in the Edmonton Federation Cemetery in London נפטר This week's Pirchei Weekly is sponsored ד‘ אדר א‘ For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval www.leilshishi.com 5601 - 5670 1841 - 1910 hux; crul hck"j ci g"v anjv haghv vcjur ban, kzfr .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required Contest שובבים 3rd International Pirchei

contest שְׁ נַיִם מִקְרָ א וְאֶחָ ד תַרְ גּוּם of מִ צְ ָו ה — שׁ וֹ בְ בִ י ם with Wrap up of 6th grade , ֲ ח מִ י שִׁ י 5th grade until , רְ ִ ב י ִ ע י 4th grade until , שְׁ ִ ל י שִׁ י 3rd grade until , שֵׁ נִ י until ָפ רָ שָׁ ה theTorah True Emotions To participate, boys in 1st and 2nd grade had to complete the Living th th and the weekly winner will also מִקְרָ אוֹת גְּ דוֹלוֹת חוּמָשִׁ ים Participants will be entered in a raffle for a set of . ָפ רָ שָׁ ה and 8 grades completed the 7 , שִׁ שִׁ י until Please send a fax to 718 506 9633 by Sunday at 7:00 p.m.). All .( לָ שׁ וֹ ן הַ ק וֹ דֶ שׁ in תַרְ גּוּם an explanation of the) מעט צרי of פירוש with the חוּמָשִׁ ים receive a set of :The current contestants .םירופ after אי״ה During the years that followed, winners will be announced . חֶ סֶ ד and צְּ דָ קָ ה of מִ צְּ ֹו ת lives to the דַּ בֵּר לאֶ בְּ נֵּייִשְּרָאֵּ ל … מֵּאֵּתכָל אִ יׁש ראֲׁשֶ יִדְּ בֶּנּולִבֹו תִקְּ חּו אֶ תתְּ רּומָתִ י. Speak to the Children of … from every man whose their entire savings was disbursed to the poor and to Torah Grade 1 – Mordechai Nass, The Cheder; Yitzchak Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Chaim Aschendoff, Michael Babazadeh, Chaim Bash, Shuey Berger, Avrohom Dovid Blum, Shimon Brach, Levi Yitzchok Brecher, Eli Brody, Daniel Bruck, Ephraim Cohen, Moshe Cywiak, Yisroel Drillik, Simcha Fireworker, Binyomin Zev Florans, ,institutions. Avi Goldbord, Nachi Goldstein, Shlomo Gross, Avi Grossberger, Zevi Hirsch, Aharon Itzkowitz, Chagai Jaapon, Sruli Kagan, Sruli Krieger, Yair Lasry, Chaim Lederer .(ׁשְּ מֹות כ״ה:ב׳) heart will move him, you shall take My gift We know that buildings that are needed for national To R' Chaim, it was not enough to give only money to the Elchonon Lorber, Zevi Markowitz, Yechiel Yehuda Minzer, Yonatan Dovid Moradi, Effie Neuman, Nisson Noviko, Avromi Perl, Dovid Pomerantz, Shlomo Zalman Salgo, Zevy Schilit, Yitzchak Schlaff, Mordechai Slomovics, Mendy Sokel, Eliyahu Stern, Eli Steur, Bentzi Stroh, David Tepfer, Dovid Tessler, Tzvi Treuhaft, Avrohom concerns, such as the Capitol or the White House, are funded poor; they had to be shown love and respect as well. As our Sages Vaiselberg, Nesanel Vaiselberg, Avi Weiss, Moshe Wertzberger, Dovid Willamowsky, Dovi Worenklein, Nosson Yaiche, Chaim Zahler, ; was built teach, the comfort one offers a poor person is even greater than the , NY; Boruch Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Yehuda Tessler, Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Moshe Lasar, Yeshiva Shaare מִ ׁשְּ ָ כ ן by taxes and other forms of government revenue. The When R' Chaim married off his Tzion, Piscataway Township, NJ; Yerachmiel Rothenberg, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Mordechai Dovid Goldberg, Yeshivas Ohr HaTorah; Zev Cohen, Yeshiva .( בָ א בַּ תְּ רָ א ט:) and in which the money one gives him ׁשְּ כִ י ָנ ה as a place where Hashem would rest His Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Refoel Smith, Yeshiva Ketana Passaic; Dovid Rabinowitz, Yeshiva M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ; Shlomo Zalman Zigun, Yeshiva Derech Jewish People would serve Him. It was the “headquarters” of our daughter, it was natural for him to invite the poor people who were Hatorah, Wickliffe, OH. Grade 2 – Gavriel Mahperi, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Meir Benhamo, Pinchas Bookson, Moshe Dahan, Daniel Friedman, Ari Goldman, built through a regular guests at his home. But R' Chaim did more. He sat the poor Nachmi Herzberg, Eliyahu Jakubovic, Moshe Eliezer Kahan, Shimon Kaufman, Avrumi Kupczyk, David Mordechai, Yehuda Obermeister, Gavriel Orzel, Daniel מִ ׁשְּ ָ כ ן service to the One Above. Why, then, was the Shilman, Hillel Suliman-Zada, Zev Yankovich, Yisroel Yefet, Moishe Zimmerman, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Nesanel Yehuda Keller, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin; Yisroel request for private donations? Why was it not simply funded through people at the head table! Kaplan, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Rephael Shmuel Kaikov, Chaim Shain, Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst; Shmuel Baumann, Moshe Bentzion Blum, Moshe Brachfeld, a national tax? When R' Chaim’s granddaughter went to enroll her child in Shlomo Czeisler, Yisroel Yakov Feiger, Shlomo Fettman, Shimi Fireworker, Dovid Friedman, Aharon Yeshaya Gifter, Yossi Gray, Shmuel Haas, Yisrael Yehuda Haas, in which all the classes were said to be full, the Shmuel Hirsch, Aharon Horowitz, Isser Zalman Itzkowitz, Zisha Katzenstein, Shaya Landau, Avrohom Zev Levitin, Akiva Lieberman, Boruch Leib Mandel, Aharon יְּ ׁשִ י בָ ה that the an established אָ זְּ נַּיִם לַּתֹורָ ה writes in זַּ צַּ ״ ל R' Mehlman, Motti Neuman, Ahron Oberlander, Shia Ostreicher, Shlomo Reichman, Yosef Reisman, Dovid Rubinstein, Kalman Rubinstein, Shmuel Schreiber, Simcha welcomed the boy with open arms. He explained, Shapiro, Mayer Baruch Slomovics, Tzvi Eli Stern, Hillel Travitsky, Eliezer Weinberger, Yaakov Weiss, Sruli Yifat, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Yitzchok Aryeh יְּ ׁשִ י בָ ה was the special generosity head of the מִ ׁשְּ ָ כ ן main quality needed in building the ,is well established, and is sometimes forced to turn Kohl, Yeshiva Degel Hatorah, Spring Valley, NY; Aron Tzvi Papoff, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Avromi Atlas, Binyamin Kroll, Yeshivas Torah Institute יְּ ׁשִ י בָ ה through which it was built. It was precisely because its every piece of “Today, our gold and every scrap of wood was given with a pure, sincere away applicants. But I have not forgotten the day when we first Baltimore, MD; Chatzkel Rayman, Shmuel Avigdor Zabrowsky, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Mordechai Shlomo Smith, Yeshiva Ketana Passaic, Passiac, NJ; Yossi Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Chaim Feifer, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah, Wickliffe, OH. Grade 3 – Meir Nass, Nesanel Neuhaus, The opened many years ago. We had just a few students, and almost no Cheder; Eliyohu Helberg, Tiferes Elimelech; Chaim Auerbach, Ezra Chertok, Raphi Koshanfar, Dovi Lerner, Zevi Melcer, Yaakov Asher Moster, Tzvi Muller, Matan רַּ ֲ ח מָ ָ נ א .desired to rest His Presence in it ד׳ willingness of heart that ,seeks the heart. money. Your grandfather, my good friend R' Chaim, came and Verschleiser, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Yissachar Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Moshe Fastag, Avrohom Meir Fried, Zalmi Friedman, Daniel Gershbaum ד׳ ,לִ בָ א בָ עִ י Yehoshua Gershbaum, Moshe Shmuel Guttman, Mendy Herbstman, Moshe Koritz, Ari Korsinsky, Yerachmiel Lasker, Dovy Levy, Yakov Perl, Shmueli Schachter, R' Sorotzkin continues by saying that it is this special and presented me with a donation – the first we received from anyone. Moshe Yehoshua Stern, Dovi Werner, Yitzy Yaiche, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Gavriel Yisroel Aharon, Yehoshua Yoel Aharon, Shmuel Wind, Tani Wind, , Woodmere, NY; Yaakov Mordechai Shacham, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Baruch Berger, Gedalya Charish, Mordechai Shaul David, Michel םאִ אֵּ ין – needs students, but it also needs money יְּ ׁשִ י בָ ה special. The fact that He said, ‘A בֵּי ת הַּ כְּ ֶנ סֶ ת unique generosity that makes every ,Fishman, Nosson Gugenheimer, Refael Shmuel Hertz, Dovid Herzig, Dovid Yehuda Jacobowitz, Dov Karfiol, Naftali Laupidot, Yisroel Meir Moldaver, Baruch Sher .(אָבֹות ג:כא) ’ קֶמַּ ,ח אֵּ י ן ת ֹו רָ ה is built by Jews who willingly give of their resources בֵּי ת הַּ כְּ ֶנ סֶ ת every Eliyahu Slomovits, Yossi Steinberg, Yeshiva Toras Aron, Lakewood, NJ; Yehuda Leib Solomon, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah, Cleveland, OH. Grade 4 – Yonah Fogel, s Name makes the prayers uttered in these places so “I have never forgotten his generous and thoughtful Moshe Boruch Mahpour, Rafi Mordechai, Netanel Mostofsky, Avrohom Rosenberg, Falik Shedrowitzky, Alex Tusher, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Dovid Zazulia, Yeshiva’ד׳ to glorify gesture. Now I can repay him in some way.” Chaim Berlin; Boruch Kaplan, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Shlomo Moshayev, Yeshiva of Brooklyn; Yosef Friedman, Eli Weichselbaum, Yeshiva Ohr Shraga; Eliyahu .ד׳ pleasing to Berger, Moshe Blum, Yaakov Czeisler, Chaim Davis, Adiel Duchovny, Dovid Egri, Dovy Einhorn, Daniel Farkas, Shmully Frank, Ari Gray, Avrumie Hellmann, Ahron The generosity of heart that Jews demonstrate, both in R' Chaim was not one to speak about his accomplishments. Yehuda Herbstman, Shuey Lang, Yossi Lapidus, Yechiel Ledereich, Bentzy Leshem, Refael Oberlander, Dovid Rubinstein, Yaakov Schonbrun, Yaakov Schwartzmer, institutions and in helping individual Jews, is a quality Thus, in his younger years, there were some people who wondered Yakov Shienerman, Aryeh Leib Silberberg, Mayer Slamowics, Yossi Solomon, Eliezer Speiser, Avi Stahl, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Chaim Simcha ת ֹו רָ ה building that is unique to the Jewish people. what exactly he did with all those nickels and pennies he collected. Grossman, Avrohom Kaufman, Asher Yeshaya Knopfler, Yeshaya Litt, Yehoshua Perecman, Yitzchok Zev Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Yehuda Dear, Eliyahu Derman, Yitzy Eisenstein, Yehoshua Eisner, Shmuel Feuer, Ephraim Frankel, Zevi Gelbtuch, Avraham Gelman, Chaim Goldfarb, Yitzchok Chaim of Gunsberg, Moshe Hollander, Yoni Klein, Binyomin Levine, Moshe Sicker, Tzvi Steif, Gamliel Mordechai Sternberg, Menachem Taub, Yonatan Waintraub, Dovid מְּ נ ַּ הֵּ ל Therefore it came as a surprise to some when the legendary ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ , Torah Vodaath, R' Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, accepted R' Weissmandl, Daniel Zimerman, Shimi Zweig, Yeshiva of Spring Valley, Monsey, NY; Nesanel Yitzchok Adler, Boruch Yaakov Alter, Shua Cardash, Yair Eliyahu חֶ סֶ ד R' Chaim Gelb was a Williamsburg baker and a one-man Aharon Fox, Nosson Tzvi Friedman, Akiva Glenner, Asher Gutkin, Yitzy Jaeger, Yochanan Meystel, Henoch Montrose, Yaakov Meir Polstein, Yaakov Prawer, Moshe Dovid Schwartz, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Yaakov Abrahams, Sholom Dovid Behmanesh, Lev Ehsanipoor, Akiva Elman, Menashe Guttenberg, Yoel .שָ ֺלׁשסְּ עּודֹות for ׁשַּ בָ ת institution. Many people vividly recall the sight of R' Chaim hurrying Chaim’s invitation to join him at his home one about at weddings, a yarmulka filled with coins in his outstretched Only later on did it become known that in the 1930s, during the Great Hettleman, Chaim Levi, Yissacher Lieder, Moshe Ribakow, Yeshivas ; Lakewood, NJ; Ahron Nellein, Yeshivas Torah Institute; Baltimore, MD; ,Avrohom Rothenberg, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Mordechai Meir Heinemann, Tzvi Yehuda Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Ezra Kassin, Michoel Aron Levy , יְּ ׁשִ י בָ ה hand as he raised money for the poor. Depression, R' Chaim had raised thousands of dollars for the Yeshiva Bais HaTorah, Lakewood, NJ; Nochum Avtzon, Cobi Scherer, Yonason Singer, Eliezer Teitelbaum, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Yaakov ,to stay open. Faintuch, Shalom Yosef Goldman, Shlomo Goldman, Ari Horowitz, Chaim Joseph, Michoel Yuspeh, Hebrew Academy of Cleveland; Cleveland, OH; Simcha Levovitz יְּ ׁשִ י בָ ה As a young couple, R' Chaim and his wife had accumulated and it was this money that had allowed the $10,000 in their savings account and they decided to dedicate their Adapted from: More Shabbos Stories (with kind permission from ) Yeshiva Derech HaTorah, Wickliffe, OH; Sholom Benyominson, Yitzchok Karp, Shlomo Lapin, Yosef Purec, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Aron Shlomo Davis, Yecheskel Feld, Kesser Torah; Gateshead, UK. Grade 5 – Mordechai Kaplan, Eliyahu Nass, The Cheder; Mordechai Dovid Beylus, Moshe Gelb, Shmuel Gorbulsky, Eliezer Halberstam, Zevi Hershkowitz, Menachem Manis Lang, Eytan Weisz, Shmuel Chaim Yomtov, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Aharon Fried, Aharon Harel, Chanoch Harel, Dovid Hirsch, Moshe Simcha Itzkowitz, Yitzi Lang, Avromy Leshkowitz, Tzvi Elimelech Levitin, Shuli Lowy, Michoel Minzer, Yitzy Minzer, Shmuel Pearlman, Aharon Plotsker, Yehuda Aryeh Travitsky, Noam Zarinmanesh, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Yaakov Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; FocusonMiddos Brooklyn, NY; Avrohom Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Noach Aryeh Schechter, Yeshiva Darchei Torah; Far Rockaway, NY Mordechai Goldberg, Dear Talmid, Yeshiva of Spring Valley, Monsey, NY; Ari Wind, Yeshiva of South Shore, Woodmere, NY; Duvid Unger, Yeshiva Ohr Boruch D’Veitzen; Chicago, IL; Chaim ,sees removed a copy of the test, placing it in an Markowitz, ; Yossie Atlas, Dov Belsky, Yehuda Chaifetz, Menashe Moshe Hack, Reuven Kleiner, Tzvi Linzer, Sruly Lurie, Yehoshua Oratz ד׳ .Who concerned him ד׳ once related person; it was , זַ צַ ״ ל ,Stern מֺשֶׁ ה אַ הֲ רֺן 'R envelope, which he then sealed. “Here is the Meir Simcha Paige, Levi Yitzchak Salazar, Binyomin Statfeld, Aryeh Leib Stein, Chaim Steinhardt, Yoni Zeiger, Yeshivas Torah Institute; Baltimore, MD; Yaakov that, as a young man, his father was studying and records everything. Hazan, Yeshiva Toras Zev; Chaim Yeruchem Cohen, Chaim Shmuel Rayman, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Menachem Greenfeld, Yitzy Jacknin, Yeshiva accounting in a university. Mr. Stern noticed The dean asked, “What will you do if test that will be given in 2 days’ time. Do not M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ; Shalom Betzalel Borenstein, Ephraim Dick, Yehuda Leib Mandel, Yonason Simon, Naftoli Stoll, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah, Cleveland, OH; that the final exam to earn the degree was you cannot take the test?” Mr. Stern replied, “I open this envelope until that time. The night Levi Minkin, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI. Grade 6 – Mendel Kahn, Ruach Chaim; Eliyohu Falik, The Cheder; Nuta Sholom Hamel, Binyomin Zev will have to take the course over again.” after the holiday, when you’re permitted to Helberg, Tiferes Elimelech; Nissim Harari-Raful, Refael Shabtai, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Moshe Levy, Yitzchok Meir Rabinowitz, Shmuel Eliyohu Shain, Yeshiva .שָׁ בוּעוֹת scheduled to be given on the 2nd day of Ketana of Bensonhurst; Aryeh Brachfeld, Avrumi Davidoff, Mordechai Davidoff, Zev Lapidoth, Shimon Stahl, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Mayer Ozer Greenberg, He explained to the dean that, as an observant The dean then said, “There are two write, open the envelope and take the test. ; Brooklyn, NY; Yehuda Kaufman, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Shmuel Yankelewitz, Yeshiva Darchei Torah; Far Rockaway, NY; Jew, he could not take the test at that time. The weeks left before the test. Come to my office After exactly four hours, stop and place the test Naftali Grumet, Yeshiva Ketana of ; Inwood, NY; Shmuel Grossman, Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe; Kew Gardens, NY; Yehuda Anteby, Shlomo Mayer Davidson, dean sent him to his Jewish assistant, who on the day before the holiday. We will talk in another envelope, seal it, and bring it to me Yechezkel Friedman, Meir Kallner, Dovid Katz, Moishe Rothstein, Shloime Sauer, Yeshiva Beth Mikroh, Monsey, NY; Avrohom Dovid Eichenstein, Binyomin claimed that if he would provide a deferral, he then.” the next day.” Feldman, Zev Frank, Yosef Chaim Gholian, Asher Goldberg, Boruch Meiselman, Nachi Meyers, Dovid Mintz, Srully Solloff, Avrohom C. Sopher, Yisroel Meir Tendler, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Yitzchok Meir Kassin, Yaakov M. Levy, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Yossie Heinemann, Moshe Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos the dean understood that Chaim; Refael Hazan, Yeshiva Toras Zev; Lakewood, NJ; Yehoshua Ottensoser, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Yitzchok Zev Solomon, Yeshiva , תַ ְל מִ י ד Mr. Stern went to see My , בעֶׁרֶׁ שָׁ בוּעוֹת would be accused of favoring Jews. Mr. Stern On and is willing to give Derech Hatorah, Cleveland, OH; Yehoshua Hack, Aharon Eliezer Karp, Shmuel Rosenthal, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Dovi Steinhaus, Kesser ד׳ returned to the dean and thanked him, saying the dean in his office. The dean locked the door one who has full trust in that he would not be taking the test. securely and told him, “I am going to do up his career can be trusted in other areas as Torah; Gateshead, UK. Grade 7 – Yitzchok Zev Bensoussan, Yehuda Yosef Buzaglo, Yitzchok Deitel, Yosef Chaim Gold, Akiva Herman, Avrohom Yaakov Kaplan, to a Yaakov Katz, Mendel Kurinets, Gavriel Mirkin, Moishy Orange, Yitzy Pearl, Nosson Schloss, Elazar Shimonovich, Nathan Spitzer, Shaya Szanzer, Yeshaya Dovid זוֹכֶׁ ה Surprised by his stubbornness, the something for you that I have never done in my well. Is it a wonder that Mr. Stern was Wallerstein, Dovid Zlotnick, Mirrer Yeshiva Ketana; Eitan Brown, Yosef Chaim Gutman, Moshe Yaakov Herskovic, David Kapetas, Zevi Leibler, Akiva Merl, Yeshiva ,Ahavas Torah; Avrohom Eliezer Kaplan, Mendy Reiss, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Sholom Aaron Meller, Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst; Refael Yitzchok Friedman ?מֺשֶׁה אַ הֲרֺן 'dean said, “Mr. Stern, none of your friends is entire life. I must help a young man who is so son like R Yeshiva Ohr Shraga; Yedidya Grant, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Aryeh L. Perecman, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Gavriel Akerib, Yeshiva of יְהִ יזִכְ רוֹ בָׁרוְּך! ”!going to see you taking the test!” Mr. Stern sincere in his convictions ;Spring Valley, Monsey, NY; Moshe Hirsh Papoff, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Reuven Kassin, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Shmuel Pitterman, Yeshiva Toras Aron רֶׁ בִ י Your ,בְ יְדִ ידוּת explained that he was not concerned with any The dean went over to the safe and Lakewood, NJ; Binyomin Elimelech Gutlove, Yeshiva M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ; Binyomin Zev Lasar, Yeshiva Shaare Tzion, Piscataway Township, NJ; Mordechai A letter from a Rebbi based on interviews Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Mordechai Bielory, Chaim Golden, Shimon Kapilevich, Yisroel Mordechai Karp, Ezra Minkin, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Menachem Posen, Mechina L’yeshiva; Gateshead, UK; Mordechai Tsvi Abenson, Shimon Adler, Yitsy Bamberger, Efraim Eckstein, Benzion Englard, Binyomin Goldman, Tovia Leiberman, Dovid Leitner, Binyomin Levin, Yankele Levin, Pinchos Levkovits, Shmuli Prijs, Aron Tsvi Saunders, Beis Hatalmud; Manchester, UK. Grade 8 – Chaim Eli Shain, Ruach Chaim; Yehuda Auerbach, Eli Feuchtwanger, Gershom Gorbulsky, Naftali Hollander, Leiby . שַׁ בָּ ת on (פּוּרִ ים .i.e) חוֹל as will happen this year because one may not prepare for , שַׁ בָּ ת falls on עֶרֶ ב פּוּרִ ים  When ;or Mutterperl, Yeshurin Sorscher, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Yehuda Mosak, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin; Meir Reiss, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Daniel Gross, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas , שַׁ בָּ ת to shul before מְ ל גִ ָּ ה  Instead, one should bring the , שַׁ בָּ ת to shul on מְ ל גִ ָּ ה next week), one may not carry a) ,or Brooklyn, NY; Boruch Gedalya Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Yehoshua Reidler, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Azriel Yudkowsky , שַׁ בָּ ת to shul before מְ ל גִ ָּ ה Halacha  Instead, one should bring the .Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI . שַׁ בָּ ת This is after .עֵ רוּב even in an area that is enclosed with a proper .in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 לע״נ ר׳ משה בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל There's a new pirchei hotline! Call now - 718-663-0212 הִ לְ כוֹות עִ נְיָנֵי דְ יוֹומָ א: ּ�וּרִ ים שֶׁחַ ל ּבְמוֹו צָ אֵ י שַׁ ּבָת Contest שובבים 3rd International Pirchei

contest שְׁ נַיִם מִקְרָ א וְאֶחָ ד תַרְ גּוּם of מִ צְ ָו ה — שׁ וֹ בְ בִ י ם with Wrap up of 6th grade , ֲ ח מִ י שִׁ י 5th grade until , רְ ִ ב י ִ ע י 4th grade until , שְׁ ִ ל י שִׁ י 3rd grade until , שֵׁ נִ י until ָפ רָ שָׁ ה theTorah True Emotions To participate, boys in 1st and 2nd grade had to complete the Living th th and the weekly winner will also מִקְרָ אוֹת גְּ דוֹלוֹת חוּמָשִׁ ים Participants will be entered in a raffle for a set of . ָפ רָ שָׁ ה and 8 grades completed the 7 , שִׁ שִׁ י until Please send a fax to 718 506 9633 by Sunday at 7:00 p.m.). All .( לָ שׁ וֹ ן הַ ק וֹ דֶ שׁ in תַרְ גּוּם an explanation of the) מעט צרי of פירוש with the חוּמָשִׁ ים receive a set of :The current contestants .םירופ after אי״ה During the years that followed, winners will be announced . חֶ סֶ ד and צְּ דָ קָ ה of מִ צְּ ֹו ת lives to the דַּ בֵּר לאֶ בְּ נֵּייִשְּרָאֵּ ל … מֵּאֵּתכָל אִ יׁש ראֲׁשֶ יִדְּ בֶּנּולִבֹו תִקְּ חּו אֶ תתְּ רּומָתִ י. Speak to the Children of Israel … from every man whose their entire savings was disbursed to the poor and to Torah Grade 1 – Mordechai Nass, The Cheder; Yitzchak Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Chaim Aschendoff, Michael Babazadeh, Chaim Bash, Shuey Berger, Avrohom Dovid Blum, Shimon Brach, Levi Yitzchok Brecher, Eli Brody, Daniel Bruck, Ephraim Cohen, Moshe Cywiak, Yisroel Drillik, Simcha Fireworker, Binyomin Zev Florans, ,institutions. Avi Goldbord, Nachi Goldstein, Shlomo Gross, Avi Grossberger, Zevi Hirsch, Aharon Itzkowitz, Chagai Jaapon, Sruli Kagan, Sruli Krieger, Yair Lasry, Chaim Lederer .(ׁשְּ מֹות כ״ה:ב׳) heart will move him, you shall take My gift We know that buildings that are needed for national To R' Chaim, it was not enough to give only money to the Elchonon Lorber, Zevi Markowitz, Yechiel Yehuda Minzer, Yonatan Dovid Moradi, Effie Neuman, Nisson Noviko, Avromi Perl, Dovid Pomerantz, Shlomo Zalman Salgo, Zevy Schilit, Yitzchak Schlaff, Mordechai Slomovics, Mendy Sokel, Eliyahu Stern, Eli Steur, Bentzi Stroh, David Tepfer, Dovid Tessler, Tzvi Treuhaft, Avrohom concerns, such as the Capitol or the White House, are funded poor; they had to be shown love and respect as well. As our Sages Vaiselberg, Nesanel Vaiselberg, Avi Weiss, Moshe Wertzberger, Dovid Willamowsky, Dovi Worenklein, Nosson Yaiche, Chaim Zahler, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; was built teach, the comfort one offers a poor person is even greater than the Brooklyn, NY; Boruch Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Yehuda Tessler, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Moshe Lasar, Yeshiva Shaare מִ ׁשְּ ָ כ ן by taxes and other forms of government revenue. The When R' Chaim married off his Tzion, Piscataway Township, NJ; Yerachmiel Rothenberg, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Mordechai Dovid Goldberg, Yeshivas Ohr HaTorah; Zev Cohen, Yeshiva .( בָ א בַּ תְּ רָ א ט:) and in which the money one gives him ׁשְּ כִ י ָנ ה as a place where Hashem would rest His Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Refoel Smith, Yeshiva Ketana Passaic; Dovid Rabinowitz, Yeshiva M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ; Shlomo Zalman Zigun, Yeshiva Derech Jewish People would serve Him. It was the “headquarters” of our daughter, it was natural for him to invite the poor people who were Hatorah, Wickliffe, OH. Grade 2 – Gavriel Mahperi, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Meir Benhamo, Pinchas Bookson, Moshe Dahan, Daniel Friedman, Ari Goldman, built through a regular guests at his home. But R' Chaim did more. He sat the poor Nachmi Herzberg, Eliyahu Jakubovic, Moshe Eliezer Kahan, Shimon Kaufman, Avrumi Kupczyk, David Mordechai, Yehuda Obermeister, Gavriel Orzel, Daniel מִ ׁשְּ ָ כ ן service to the One Above. Why, then, was the Shilman, Hillel Suliman-Zada, Zev Yankovich, Yisroel Yefet, Moishe Zimmerman, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Nesanel Yehuda Keller, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin; Yisroel request for private donations? Why was it not simply funded through people at the head table! Kaplan, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Rephael Shmuel Kaikov, Chaim Shain, Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst; Shmuel Baumann, Moshe Bentzion Blum, Moshe Brachfeld, a national tax? When R' Chaim’s granddaughter went to enroll her child in Shlomo Czeisler, Yisroel Yakov Feiger, Shlomo Fettman, Shimi Fireworker, Dovid Friedman, Aharon Yeshaya Gifter, Yossi Gray, Shmuel Haas, Yisrael Yehuda Haas, in which all the classes were said to be full, the Shmuel Hirsch, Aharon Horowitz, Isser Zalman Itzkowitz, Zisha Katzenstein, Shaya Landau, Avrohom Zev Levitin, Akiva Lieberman, Boruch Leib Mandel, Aharon יְּ ׁשִ י בָ ה that the an established אָ זְּ נַּיִם לַּתֹורָ ה writes in זַּ צַּ ״ ל R' Zalman Sorotzkin Mehlman, Motti Neuman, Ahron Oberlander, Shia Ostreicher, Shlomo Reichman, Yosef Reisman, Dovid Rubinstein, Kalman Rubinstein, Shmuel Schreiber, Simcha welcomed the boy with open arms. He explained, Shapiro, Mayer Baruch Slomovics, Tzvi Eli Stern, Hillel Travitsky, Eliezer Weinberger, Yaakov Weiss, Sruli Yifat, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Yitzchok Aryeh יְּ ׁשִ י בָ ה was the special generosity head of the מִ ׁשְּ ָ כ ן main quality needed in building the ,is well established, and is sometimes forced to turn Kohl, Yeshiva Degel Hatorah, Spring Valley, NY; Aron Tzvi Papoff, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Avromi Atlas, Binyamin Kroll, Yeshivas Torah Institute יְּ ׁשִ י בָ ה through which it was built. It was precisely because its every piece of “Today, our gold and every scrap of wood was given with a pure, sincere away applicants. But I have not forgotten the day when we first Baltimore, MD; Chatzkel Rayman, Shmuel Avigdor Zabrowsky, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Mordechai Shlomo Smith, Yeshiva Ketana Passaic, Passiac, NJ; Yossi Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Chaim Feifer, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah, Wickliffe, OH. Grade 3 – Meir Nass, Nesanel Neuhaus, The opened many years ago. We had just a few students, and almost no Cheder; Eliyohu Helberg, Tiferes Elimelech; Chaim Auerbach, Ezra Chertok, Raphi Koshanfar, Dovi Lerner, Zevi Melcer, Yaakov Asher Moster, Tzvi Muller, Matan רַּ ֲ ח מָ ָ נ א .desired to rest His Presence in it ד׳ willingness of heart that ,seeks the heart. money. Your grandfather, my good friend R' Chaim, came and Verschleiser, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Yissachar Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Moshe Fastag, Avrohom Meir Fried, Zalmi Friedman, Daniel Gershbaum ד׳ ,לִ בָ א בָ עִ י Yehoshua Gershbaum, Moshe Shmuel Guttman, Mendy Herbstman, Moshe Koritz, Ari Korsinsky, Yerachmiel Lasker, Dovy Levy, Yakov Perl, Shmueli Schachter, R' Sorotzkin continues by saying that it is this special and presented me with a donation – the first we received from anyone. Moshe Yehoshua Stern, Dovi Werner, Yitzy Yaiche, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Gavriel Yisroel Aharon, Yehoshua Yoel Aharon, Shmuel Wind, Tani Wind, Yeshiva of South Shore, Woodmere, NY; Yaakov Mordechai Shacham, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Baruch Berger, Gedalya Charish, Mordechai Shaul David, Michel םאִ אֵּ ין – needs students, but it also needs money יְּ ׁשִ י בָ ה special. The fact that He said, ‘A בֵּי ת הַּ כְּ ֶנ סֶ ת unique generosity that makes every ,Fishman, Nosson Gugenheimer, Refael Shmuel Hertz, Dovid Herzig, Dovid Yehuda Jacobowitz, Dov Karfiol, Naftali Laupidot, Yisroel Meir Moldaver, Baruch Sher .(אָבֹות ג:כא) ’ קֶמַּ ,ח אֵּ י ן ת ֹו רָ ה is built by Jews who willingly give of their resources בֵּי ת הַּ כְּ ֶנ סֶ ת every Eliyahu Slomovits, Yossi Steinberg, Yeshiva Toras Aron, Lakewood, NJ; Yehuda Leib Solomon, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah, Cleveland, OH. Grade 4 – Yonah Fogel, s Name makes the prayers uttered in these places so “I have never forgotten his generous and thoughtful Moshe Boruch Mahpour, Rafi Mordechai, Netanel Mostofsky, Avrohom Rosenberg, Falik Shedrowitzky, Alex Tusher, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Dovid Zazulia, Yeshiva’ד׳ to glorify gesture. Now I can repay him in some way.” Chaim Berlin; Boruch Kaplan, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Shlomo Moshayev, Yeshiva of Brooklyn; Yosef Friedman, Eli Weichselbaum, Yeshiva Ohr Shraga; Eliyahu .ד׳ pleasing to Berger, Moshe Blum, Yaakov Czeisler, Chaim Davis, Adiel Duchovny, Dovid Egri, Dovy Einhorn, Daniel Farkas, Shmully Frank, Ari Gray, Avrumie Hellmann, Ahron The generosity of heart that Jews demonstrate, both in R' Chaim was not one to speak about his accomplishments. Yehuda Herbstman, Shuey Lang, Yossi Lapidus, Yechiel Ledereich, Bentzy Leshem, Refael Oberlander, Dovid Rubinstein, Yaakov Schonbrun, Yaakov Schwartzmer, institutions and in helping individual Jews, is a quality Thus, in his younger years, there were some people who wondered Yakov Shienerman, Aryeh Leib Silberberg, Mayer Slamowics, Yossi Solomon, Eliezer Speiser, Avi Stahl, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Chaim Simcha ת ֹו רָ ה building that is unique to the Jewish people. what exactly he did with all those nickels and pennies he collected. Grossman, Avrohom Kaufman, Asher Yeshaya Knopfler, Yeshaya Litt, Yehoshua Perecman, Yitzchok Zev Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Yehuda Dear, Eliyahu Derman, Yitzy Eisenstein, Yehoshua Eisner, Shmuel Feuer, Ephraim Frankel, Zevi Gelbtuch, Avraham Gelman, Chaim Goldfarb, Yitzchok Chaim of Gunsberg, Moshe Hollander, Yoni Klein, Binyomin Levine, Moshe Sicker, Tzvi Steif, Gamliel Mordechai Sternberg, Menachem Taub, Yonatan Waintraub, Dovid מְּ נ ַּ הֵּ ל Therefore it came as a surprise to some when the legendary ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ,Mesivta Torah Vodaath, R' Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, accepted R' Weissmandl, Daniel Zimerman, Shimi Zweig, Yeshiva of Spring Valley, Monsey, NY; Nesanel Yitzchok Adler, Boruch Yaakov Alter, Shua Cardash, Yair Eliyahu חֶ סֶ ד R' Chaim Gelb was a Williamsburg baker and a one-man Aharon Fox, Nosson Tzvi Friedman, Akiva Glenner, Asher Gutkin, Yitzy Jaeger, Yochanan Meystel, Henoch Montrose, Yaakov Meir Polstein, Yaakov Prawer, Moshe Dovid Schwartz, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Yaakov Abrahams, Sholom Dovid Behmanesh, Lev Ehsanipoor, Akiva Elman, Menashe Guttenberg, Yoel .שָ ֺלׁשסְּ עּודֹות for ׁשַּ בָ ת institution. Many people vividly recall the sight of R' Chaim hurrying Chaim’s invitation to join him at his home one about at weddings, a yarmulka filled with coins in his outstretched Only later on did it become known that in the 1930s, during the Great Hettleman, Chaim Levi, Yissacher Lieder, Moshe Ribakow, Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Ahron Nellein, Yeshivas Torah Institute; Baltimore, MD; ,Avrohom Rothenberg, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Mordechai Meir Heinemann, Tzvi Yehuda Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Ezra Kassin, Michoel Aron Levy , יְּ ׁשִ י בָ ה hand as he raised money for the poor. Depression, R' Chaim had raised thousands of dollars for the Yeshiva Bais HaTorah, Lakewood, NJ; Nochum Avtzon, Cobi Scherer, Yonason Singer, Eliezer Teitelbaum, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Yaakov ,to stay open. Faintuch, Shalom Yosef Goldman, Shlomo Goldman, Ari Horowitz, Chaim Joseph, Michoel Yuspeh, Hebrew Academy of Cleveland; Cleveland, OH; Simcha Levovitz יְּ ׁשִ י בָ ה As a young couple, R' Chaim and his wife had accumulated and it was this money that had allowed the $10,000 in their savings account and they decided to dedicate their Adapted from: More Shabbos Stories (with kind permission from ArtScroll) Yeshiva Derech HaTorah, Wickliffe, OH; Sholom Benyominson, Yitzchok Karp, Shlomo Lapin, Yosef Purec, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Aron Shlomo Davis, Yecheskel Feld, Kesser Torah; Gateshead, UK. Grade 5 – Mordechai Kaplan, Eliyahu Nass, The Cheder; Mordechai Dovid Beylus, Moshe Gelb, Shmuel Gorbulsky, Eliezer Halberstam, Zevi Hershkowitz, Menachem Manis Lang, Eytan Weisz, Shmuel Chaim Yomtov, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Aharon Fried, Aharon Harel, Chanoch Harel, Dovid Hirsch, Moshe Simcha Itzkowitz, Yitzi Lang, Avromy Leshkowitz, Tzvi Elimelech Levitin, Shuli Lowy, Michoel Minzer, Yitzy Minzer, Shmuel Pearlman, Aharon Plotsker, Yehuda Aryeh Travitsky, Noam Zarinmanesh, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Yaakov Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; FocusonMiddos Brooklyn, NY; Avrohom Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Noach Aryeh Schechter, Yeshiva Darchei Torah; Far Rockaway, NY Mordechai Goldberg, Dear Talmid, Yeshiva of Spring Valley, Monsey, NY; Ari Wind, Yeshiva of South Shore, Woodmere, NY; Duvid Unger, Yeshiva Ohr Boruch D’Veitzen; Chicago, IL; Chaim ,sees removed a copy of the test, placing it in an Markowitz, Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim; Yossie Atlas, Dov Belsky, Yehuda Chaifetz, Menashe Moshe Hack, Reuven Kleiner, Tzvi Linzer, Sruly Lurie, Yehoshua Oratz ד׳ .Who concerned him ד׳ once related person; it was , זַ צַ ״ ל ,Stern מֺשֶׁ ה אַ הֲ רֺן 'R envelope, which he then sealed. “Here is the Meir Simcha Paige, Levi Yitzchak Salazar, Binyomin Statfeld, Aryeh Leib Stein, Chaim Steinhardt, Yoni Zeiger, Yeshivas Torah Institute; Baltimore, MD; Yaakov that, as a young man, his father was studying and records everything. Hazan, Yeshiva Toras Zev; Chaim Yeruchem Cohen, Chaim Shmuel Rayman, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Menachem Greenfeld, Yitzy Jacknin, Yeshiva accounting in a university. Mr. Stern noticed The dean asked, “What will you do if test that will be given in 2 days’ time. Do not M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ; Shalom Betzalel Borenstein, Ephraim Dick, Yehuda Leib Mandel, Yonason Simon, Naftoli Stoll, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah, Cleveland, OH; that the final exam to earn the degree was you cannot take the test?” Mr. Stern replied, “I open this envelope until that time. The night Levi Minkin, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI. Grade 6 – Mendel Kahn, Ruach Chaim; Eliyohu Falik, The Cheder; Nuta Sholom Hamel, Binyomin Zev will have to take the course over again.” after the holiday, when you’re permitted to Helberg, Tiferes Elimelech; Nissim Harari-Raful, Refael Shabtai, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Moshe Levy, Yitzchok Meir Rabinowitz, Shmuel Eliyohu Shain, Yeshiva .שָׁ בוּעוֹת scheduled to be given on the 2nd day of Ketana of Bensonhurst; Aryeh Brachfeld, Avrumi Davidoff, Mordechai Davidoff, Zev Lapidoth, Shimon Stahl, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Mayer Ozer Greenberg, He explained to the dean that, as an observant The dean then said, “There are two write, open the envelope and take the test. Yeshiva Torah Temimah; Brooklyn, NY; Yehuda Kaufman, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Shmuel Yankelewitz, Yeshiva Darchei Torah; Far Rockaway, NY; Jew, he could not take the test at that time. The weeks left before the test. Come to my office After exactly four hours, stop and place the test Naftali Grumet, Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island; Inwood, NY; Shmuel Grossman, Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe; Kew Gardens, NY; Yehuda Anteby, Shlomo Mayer Davidson, dean sent him to his Jewish assistant, who on the day before the holiday. We will talk in another envelope, seal it, and bring it to me Yechezkel Friedman, Meir Kallner, Dovid Katz, Moishe Rothstein, Shloime Sauer, Yeshiva Beth Mikroh, Monsey, NY; Avrohom Dovid Eichenstein, Binyomin claimed that if he would provide a deferral, he then.” the next day.” Feldman, Zev Frank, Yosef Chaim Gholian, Asher Goldberg, Boruch Meiselman, Nachi Meyers, Dovid Mintz, Srully Solloff, Avrohom C. Sopher, Yisroel Meir Tendler, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Yitzchok Meir Kassin, Yaakov M. Levy, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Yossie Heinemann, Moshe Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos the dean understood that Chaim; Refael Hazan, Yeshiva Toras Zev; Lakewood, NJ; Yehoshua Ottensoser, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Yitzchok Zev Solomon, Yeshiva , תַ ְל מִ י ד Mr. Stern went to see My , בעֶׁרֶׁ שָׁ בוּעוֹת would be accused of favoring Jews. Mr. Stern On and is willing to give Derech Hatorah, Cleveland, OH; Yehoshua Hack, Aharon Eliezer Karp, Shmuel Rosenthal, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Dovi Steinhaus, Kesser ד׳ returned to the dean and thanked him, saying the dean in his office. The dean locked the door one who has full trust in that he would not be taking the test. securely and told him, “I am going to do up his career can be trusted in other areas as Torah; Gateshead, UK. Grade 7 – Yitzchok Zev Bensoussan, Yehuda Yosef Buzaglo, Yitzchok Deitel, Yosef Chaim Gold, Akiva Herman, Avrohom Yaakov Kaplan, to a Yaakov Katz, Mendel Kurinets, Gavriel Mirkin, Moishy Orange, Yitzy Pearl, Nosson Schloss, Elazar Shimonovich, Nathan Spitzer, Shaya Szanzer, Yeshaya Dovid זוֹכֶׁ ה Surprised by his stubbornness, the something for you that I have never done in my well. Is it a wonder that Mr. Stern was Wallerstein, Dovid Zlotnick, Mirrer Yeshiva Ketana; Eitan Brown, Yosef Chaim Gutman, Moshe Yaakov Herskovic, David Kapetas, Zevi Leibler, Akiva Merl, Yeshiva ,Ahavas Torah; Avrohom Eliezer Kaplan, Mendy Reiss, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Sholom Aaron Meller, Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst; Refael Yitzchok Friedman ?מֺשֶׁה אַ הֲרֺן 'dean said, “Mr. Stern, none of your friends is entire life. I must help a young man who is so son like R Yeshiva Ohr Shraga; Yedidya Grant, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Aryeh L. Perecman, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Gavriel Akerib, Yeshiva of יְהִ יזִכְ רוֹ בָׁרוְּך! ”!going to see you taking the test!” Mr. Stern sincere in his convictions ;Spring Valley, Monsey, NY; Moshe Hirsh Papoff, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Reuven Kassin, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Shmuel Pitterman, Yeshiva Toras Aron רֶׁ בִ י Your ,בְ יְדִ ידוּת explained that he was not concerned with any The dean went over to the safe and Lakewood, NJ; Binyomin Elimelech Gutlove, Yeshiva M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ; Binyomin Zev Lasar, Yeshiva Shaare Tzion, Piscataway Township, NJ; Mordechai A letter from a Rebbi based on interviews Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH; Mordechai Bielory, Chaim Golden, Shimon Kapilevich, Yisroel Mordechai Karp, Ezra Minkin, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Menachem Posen, Mechina L’yeshiva; Gateshead, UK; Mordechai Tsvi Abenson, Shimon Adler, Yitsy Bamberger, Efraim Eckstein, Benzion Englard, Binyomin Goldman, Tovia Leiberman, Dovid Leitner, Binyomin Levin, Yankele Levin, Pinchos Levkovits, Shmuli Prijs, Aron Tsvi Saunders, Beis Hatalmud; Manchester, UK. Grade 8 – Chaim Eli Shain, Ruach Chaim; Yehuda Auerbach, Eli Feuchtwanger, Gershom Gorbulsky, Naftali Hollander, Leiby . שַׁ בָּ ת on (פּוּרִ ים .i.e) חוֹל as will happen this year because one may not prepare for , שַׁ בָּ ת falls on עֶרֶ ב פּוּרִ ים  When ;or Mutterperl, Yeshurin Sorscher, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Yehuda Mosak, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin; Meir Reiss, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Daniel Gross, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas , שַׁ בָּ ת to shul before מְ ל גִ ָּ ה  Instead, one should bring the , שַׁ בָּ ת to shul on מְ ל גִ ָּ ה next week), one may not carry a) ,or Brooklyn, NY; Boruch Gedalya Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Lakewood, NJ; Yehoshua Reidler, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Azriel Yudkowsky , שַׁ בָּ ת to shul before מְ ל גִ ָּ ה Halacha  Instead, one should bring the .Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI . שַׁ בָּ ת This is after .עֵ רוּב even in an area that is enclosed with a proper .in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 לע״נ ר׳ משה בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל There's a new pirchei hotline! Call now - 718-663-0212 הִ לְ כוֹות עִ נְיָנֵי דְ יוֹומָ א: ּ�וּרִ ים שֶׁחַ ל ּבְמוֹו צָ אֵ י שַׁ ּבָת בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

In Telshe, Rav Eliezer Gordon was not only the Rosh Seeing that many storekeepers Yeshiva, but also the Rav. His involvement in local used worn and inaccurate weights communal affairs would eventually affect the most and measures, Rav Eliezer issued powerful leadership position in Russia. an order requiring storekeepers PIRCHEI to exchange them for new ones. I came to Rebbi, there’s Agudas Yisroel of America inspect your Vol: 4 Issue: 18 - ו' אדר, תשע"ז - no need to be concerned. I will not give my March 4, 2017 weights. My weights are the ones my Kashrus certification All right, פרשה: תרומה - הפטרה: וה׳ נתן חכמה לשלמה... )מלכים א׳ ה:כו-ו:יג( father used, and he was a great unless the weights are Rebbi, but let’s tzaddik. They are surely in all changed. make a deal... order. משנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה! My son, even the strongest weights דף יומי: בבא בתרא מ״א מצות עשה: 2 מצות לא תעשה: become worn... 1


?rather fascinating hidden miracle וְעָ שׂוּ לִי מִקְדָ שׁ … )שְׁ מוֹת כה:ח( I will use new Rav Eliezer’s name became known far and wide, and when... non-Jews came to the market in Telshe, they would ask did not take up אָ ר וֹ ן tells us that the תּ וֹ רָ ה weights for the Jewish They shall make for Me a holy dwelling … The fact that the that their items be weighed on the Rav’s scales. מַ הַ רְ שָׁ ״ א is any space must be to teach us an important lesson. The ד׳ explains that the building of a home for חִ נּ וּ ְך customers that require The came and spoke directly ד׳ was the place where אָ ר וֹ ן s pen trembles as he poetically explains that the’חִ נּוְּך your certification, but difficult to understand. The for the other locals... is not physical and He is everywhere, the place of the ד׳ ֺ . Sinceמ שֶׁ ה the meaning of many to ( מִ צְ ָו ה צ ה) מִ צְ וַ ת בִ ינְ ןַ בֵּ י ת הַ בְ חִ י רָ ה This Rabbi is holy. Oh! I need a man addresses in .was not physical. Therefore, it could not be measured physically אָ ר וֹ ן was בֵּ י ת הַ מִ קְ דָ שׁ His basic message is that the . בֵּ י ת הַ מִ קְ דָ שׁ I went to him last year like this for my aspects of the for a blessing and he by preforming These are some beautiful answers that were suggested by a ד׳ to be able to become closer to כְ לַ ל יִשְׂ רָ אֵּ ל No! My certification problems… Rabbi, I built for blessed my crops. This :class of nine– and ten-year-old boys . בֵּ י ת הַ מִ קְ דָ שׁ to the יְ רוּשָׁ לַ יִ ם is for ALL customers! need a big favor. actions, e.g. schlepping an animal through year was my best year did not take אָ ר וֹ ן The reason that the . תּ וֹ רָ ה represents אָ ר וֹ ן The  The . בֵּ י ת הַ מִ קְ דָ שׁ to perform in the מִ צְ וֹ ת in His Kindness gave us extra ד׳ These old weights must be I want my enemy to ever! we learn can never be תּ וֹ רָ ה up any space is to teach us that the , קְ ֻד שָ ה blessing, and , בְ רָ ָכ ה performed create additional מִ צְ וֹ ת removed from the store die. Please curse additional has no limits and therefore it cannot be תּ וֹ רָ ה s Kindness to those that go finished. The’ד׳ before you can receive my him! holiness, that will in turn add more of certification. there. measured in any physical way. .requires a person to be humble תּ וֹ רָ ה that everyone  We know that learning בֵּ י ת הַ מִ קְ דָ שׁ Many miracles happened in the represents, sits best with a person who is אָ ר וֹ ן which the ,תּוֹרָ ה could see. However there was one miracle that happened that was that the humble and does not take up any “space.” A humble person is ירַבִ לֵּוִ י notes in the name of (בָ בָ א בַ תְ רָ א צט.) גְ מָ רָ א hidden. The is not included in the dimensions willing to admit his mistakes to arrive at the truth. The more a אָ ר וֹ ן space that was taken up by the person is able to humble himself, the better he will be able to בֵּ ית In the first .[מְ לָכִ ים ו:כ as they are specified in] ק דֶ שׂ הַ קָ דָ שִׁ י ם of the . תּ וֹ רָ ה by understand and teach the truth of אַ מ וֹ ת ֺ were twentyק דֶ שׂ הַ קָ דָ שִׁ י ם the dimensions of the הַ מִ קְ דָ שׁ anytime, twenty תּ וֹ רָ ה is above time and space. We can learn תּוֹרָ ה  , אָ ר וֹ ן However, if one measured from any wall to the . אַ מ וֹ ת twenty is not limited to any special place תּ וֹ רָ ה of space on each side. Miraculously, the -four hours a day. Learning אַ מ וֹ ת Rav Eliezer met the governor Years later the governor became there were always ten in every situation. Even a תּ וֹ רָ ה did not take up any space. We are all aware that this miracle or time. We must always learn אָ ר וֹ ן .My dear sir, of the Vilna district, who had Russia’s prime minister and therefore תּ וֹ רָ ה could poor person must designate times to learn יוֹם כִ פּוּר on כֺהֵּ ן גָדוֹל let us pray heard about his integrity... happened in a place that no one except the .cannot be measured physically ,תּוֹרָ ה which represents אָ ר וֹ ן took a tape measure to the ,כֺהֵּ ן גָדוֹל instead that he even notice. No one, not even the will become your Rabbi, My close confidants, Do you Your check and verify the measurements! What was the purpose of this ספר החנוך על פרשת השבוע :friend, and then I have heard know how I became Prime minister? Adapted from honor, may your problem that you are a Well, when I was still a governor you see will be solved. holy person. I of Vilna, I was fortunate to meet the blessing in ask that you holy Rabbi, Rabbi Eliezer Gordon. Since all your please bless the day of his blessing I have seen endeavors! unusual success in all aspects of me. of my life. Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses once explained זַ צַ ״ ל R' Moshe Aharon Stern was born in New York, to R' that a mouth can be compared to a זַ צַ ״ ל R' Moshe Aharon Stern ח׳ אדר Herman’s ר׳ יַעֲקֺב יוֹסֵ ף ,Yomtov Lipman and Esther Stern 5758 — 5686 loaded gun. Before one shoots, he is in 1926 — 1998 daughter (of All for the Boss). From his youth, he learned in and he became very close to R' Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz complete control of the bullet. It can be יְ שִׁ יבָ ה תּוֹרָ ה וְ דַ עַ ת to aimed at a target or into the air; but אֶ רֶ ץ י ִׁ שְ רָ אֵ ל and R' Reuven Grozovsky. At the age of 18, he traveled to where he remained for the rest of his life. once he shoots, he is no longer in , יְ שִׁ י בָ ה learn in the Kamenitz He control of it ... it will strike anything that . מַ שְ גִׁ י חַ and then the , יְ שִׁ י בָ ה in the מַגִׁ יד שִׁ עוּר Eventually, he became a .and gets in its path, even accidentally זַ צַ ״ ל R' Chatzkel Levenstein , זַ צַ ״ ל became very close to R' Elya Lopian ,ר׳ אַברהם שמוּאל זצ״ל was born in Carniany, Belarus, to זצ״ל R’ Eliezer (Lazer) Gordon in the Brisker Rav. He traveled to many countries and inspired people with his Likewise, before one speaks, he is in control ישיבה in his ר׳ ישראל סלנטר זצ״ל of תלמיד מבהק He was a .ר׳ חיים מװלוֹז׳ין זצ״ל of תלמיד a of his words. However, once uttered, harmful מֵ אֵ ש תָּ ם Several of his shmuessen are found in . מ וּ סָ ר among warm and unique ,ר׳ נפטלי אַמסטרדם זצ״ל and ר׳ שמחה זיסל זיו זצ״ל ,ר׳ יצחק בּלאָזר זצ״ל Kovno together with !of (Feldheim). words can do [accidental, but] irreparable damage רב in Kovno, but left after three months to become the רב others. R’ Lazer served as R’ Lazer then moved to Slobodka where he stayed for .ישיבה Kelm, where he opened a In 1897, he .ראשׁ ישיבה and רב six months, before finally settling in Telz, to become the לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל After a fire in 1908 Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication .השכלה to help fight the influences of משגיח as ר׳ לײבּ חסמן זצ״ל hired לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י R’ Lazer went to London on a fund-raising mission and was via email, please send an email to [email protected] ,ישיבה destroyed the Telz .while there. He was buried in the Edmonton Federation Cemetery in London נפטר This week's Pirchei Weekly is sponsored ד‘ אדר א‘ For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval www.leilshishi.com 5601 - 5670 1841 - 1910 hux; crul hck"j ci g"v anjv haghv vcjur ban, kzfr .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required