Second Big Business Group Urges Missiles Race Rockefeller Panel Pushes Staggering THE MILITANT U S Arms Budget PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Vol. X X II - No. 2 NEW YORK, N. Y„ MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1958 P R IC E 10c By Harry Ring A new propaganda thrust for further acceleration of the nuclear arms buildup came Jan. 5 with release of a report by the Rockefeller Fund calling for an additional $9 billion in military e x -S ------*------penditures over the next three years and continuing increases Fears Talks until 1965. Release of the report Working People Across U.S. came on the eve of the new session of Congress which has before it Eisenhower’s proposal for a staggering $40-billions arms .budget. Like the ‘‘top secret” Gaither report, parts of w’hich were care­ fu lly leaked to the press, the Hit by Growing Unemployment Rockefeller report conjures up a picture of doom awaiting the American people i f they resist speeding the suicidal arms race. The report declares: " I t appears After N.Y, Subway Settlement that the United, States is rapidly Army Alters Predict Worst Since '41; losing its lead over the USSR in the m ilitary race. . . . Unless present trends are reversed, the world balance of power w ill shift Rising Prices Also Cut in favor of the Soviet bloc. I f Witch-Hunt that should happen we are not likely to be given another chance to remedy our failings." The Discharges Into Workers Earnings report studiously avoids the fact that the Soviet leap in military By Henry Gitano By Fred Halstead power has been accompanied not by “ aggressions” but by renewed I The U.S. Army continues to Serious unemployment has now hit almost every stigmatize draftees for alleged pressure for negotiations to major population center and basic industry in the United pre-induction ideas or associa­ liquidate the cold war. States. Florida’s winter resort areas and the chfemical tions, while pointing to its “vol­ But Washington is determined untary reform” which has up­ industry, which expects a boom & not to permit such liquidation of JOHN FOSTER DULLES, based on missile fuels, are the U.S. Secretary of - State, who graded 280 out of 650 dis­ the cold war and this is reflected charges reviewed. These all in­ exce.Vjions. Industries hardest in the Rockefeller report. While who fears that new talks with hit by the cutbacks include A ir­ Not a Solution, But the USSR would' slow arms volve “ security cases” between it protests that “the world craft, steel, auto, machinery buildup here and in West 1948 and 1955. knows we would never fig h t a manufacturing, railroads a n d It Will Look Good Europe. This month, the Supreme preventive war,” it declares in Court will hear cases involv­ lumber, in addition to such I Steel production operations, the next breath that ‘‘to deter ing two form er soldiers, cas­ chronically depressed industries traditionally rated in terms to appear, insofar as possible, aggression we must be prepared ualties of the army’s battle to as mining and textiles. of percentage of capacity, as not aggression at all.” to fight a nuclear war either Secure absolute, unquestioning “ There have been several fore­ slipped from 80% in Novem­ Continuing in this vein, it all-out or limited." conformity. They are Howard casts Itihat the ranks of the job­ ber to 53% at Christmas. It asserts: “ It should be our aim D. Abramowitz of Brooklyn and less w ill swell to as much as is about 60% at present with USES BIG LIE to keep jsuch situations from John Henry Harmon 3d of the 5,000,000 by February,” says the no improvement in sight. The One of the most sinister developing. When they do be­ New York subway official Joseph O’Grady (le ft), Mayor Wagner, and Transport Workers Bronx. Anthony Lewis in the Jan. 6 New York Times: That preferred rate is 100%. Below aspects of this jingoist propa­ come acute we may have a choice Union president Michael Quill, shake hands on a 32)4 cent two-year package increase which Dec. 23 New York Times re­ w ill put the number of unem­ 85% is considered wasteful only between evils. Our security the) hope will pacify militant subway workers.-A motormen’s strike last month took place over ganda tract is its declaration of ports that Abramowitz served ployed registered with govern­ and indicates stagnation. The . . . will then hinge importantly the need fo r U.S. armed inter­ in the army from 1961 to 1953 Quill's opposition, exposed labor spying by O’Grady, and drew strike-breaking threats from ment offices at the highest Jan. 6 Wall Street Journal vention in the internal affairs of on our willingness to support Wagner. when he was honorably released figure since August 1941 before reports that some steel pro­ friendly governments in situs- other nations. To justify such and placed in the reserves as the U. S. entered World War II. ducers are now clamoring ' to a reactionary, dynamite-laden tions which fit neither the sol­ required by the selective serv­ Of the major geographical divide capacity into “ active” dier’s classic concept of war nor course, it employs the big lie ice law. Two years later, in regions, the West Coast has seen a n d “ standby” categories. the dipVtnat’s traditional con­ now being used by imperialism 1955, he was charged with hav­ the worst recent rise in unem­ That way, it appears, cheer­ cept of aggressions.” Ford Local 600 Flays ployment. U ntil last June, when against the colonial revolution, ing been a “ Communist” in ful reports that operations namely that every struggle 1948 and 1949, and was given cutbacks on m ilitary aircraft TOI* EXECUTIVES were “ 100% of active capaci­ against imperialism is Moscow- an “ undesirable discharge.” production began, this area had ty ” would be assured. inspired and led. Permeated w ith the reactiona­ Harmon, whose service-record enjoyed the nation’s strongest ry global-rule perspective of Big Cleveland T-H Trial Because it becomes ever more ratings were all “excellent,” boom. October figures for d iffic u lt to portray huge social Business and the Big Brass, the was given an “ undesirable dis­ JAN. 8 — The (rial of eight fined solely to the Cleveland especially on guard -against registered unemployed in the employment has dropped sharply movements as mere Kremlin report was in Hact shaped charge” in 1954. He swore that defendants on charges of con­ area, but has recently been ex­ legal snares set by foes of labor. whole region were 5.1% of the and cash farm receipts declined pawns, the Rockefeller report is directly by top figures from he had never belonged to any spiracy to violate the Taft- tended to the Detroit area and In the interest of defending free labor force compared with 3.4% 10% from the 1956 level. In a driven to to. tured reasoning on both these circles. Members of organization except the NAACR Harttley slave labor law opened the UAW in particular.” trade unionism in America, we in 1956. Since October further (trend which is expected to con- the point. It says: “ Our security the Special Studies Project of and the Abyssinian Baptist in Cleveland on Jan. 6. Even H illiard Ellis, president of j say the conspiracy charges in layoffs have occurred which have tinue, over a million persons can be imperiled not only by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund Church. Harmon answered ev­ before the impanelling of the UAW Local 453 in Chicago, I the current Cleveland case must not yet been qfted in govern- le ft U.S. farms during 1957,, a overt aggressions but also by who approved the report include ery question about himself but jury the prosecution moved to protested the Cleveland prosecu­ be condemned in principle. Active ment reports. Boeing A ircra ft in heavy percentage of these in the transformations which are made (Continued on page 2) refused to answer queries about drop the charges against one of tion in a letter to the U.S. At­ support must be provided by Seattle, for example, is expected South, where the growth of in­ others. The army subsequently the defendants, Edward J. torney General in which he said: labor for the defense of the to drop its work force below dustry was Counted on to absorb raised his discharge to “ gen- Chaka. U.S. Attorney Sumner “I strongly urge you to cease trade union movement against 50.000 this month compared with them. However, according to (the oeral,” which makes him less Canary told the judge: “The gov­ and desist in your attack against this new attack.” 67.000 in mid-1957. The Seattle Bureau of Labor statistics, non­ of a pariah, though s till ernment does not have enough the trade union movement, and The Cleveland case is a fan­ area now- has ciose to 10% unem- agricultural employment fell in branded. evidence to proceed against squash the indictment.” tastic' frame-up that, unless ployment. Unemployment in- October in the eight South- Publish the Secret eastern states. Unemployment HUNDREDS BRANDED Chaka.” defeated, w ill sdi> dangerous surance claims in San Francisco The remaining defendants HITS ’CONSPIRACY’ COUNT precedents. It is the firs t tria l and the Los Angeles area are insurance claims (which do not There are hundreds of Har­ welcomed this development as Sam Pollock, president of the now at or above the 1919 level. reflect workers off the farms) mons and Abrainowitzes branded fo r conspiracy to violate the T-H an indication that the patchwork AFL-CIO Amalgamated Meat- law rather than for alleged The region least affected so ‘‘increased sharply in November” with “ disloyalty” discharges and frame-up was falling apart even cutters in Cleveland, has sent a far by factory layoffs is the in the same area- Only Florida, Gaither Report! all the consequences this en­ violation of the T-H law. The before the trial began. letter to unions staging: “ Any government alleges that Fred South, which expanded manu where thousands of seasonal tails. The Workers Defense A further heartening develop­ development relating to the facturing during 1957 at the ex­ resort workers were hired, is An Editorial League in a brief submitted on and Marie Haug filed false anti- ment is the increased support Taft-Hartley Law is of concern Communist affidavits. The latter pense of other areas from which not expected to show a sub­ behalf of Harmon, recounts from the labor movement. Ford to organized labor — and this industry has been relocating. stantial year-end increase in What kind of schemes are being cooked up behind what these victims, identified have repeatedly denied this. Local 600 went on record in sup­ case with its extraordinary ‘con­ But textiles, principal Southern registered unemployed. the backs of the American people by the Big Business by army serial numbers, have Other defendants have been roped port of the defendants in a spiracy’ aspect, merits wide at­ into the trial on charges of meet­ industry, has maintained below New England, chief loser to gang that shapes the country’s policies? had to face because of a witch­ resolution declaring: “This tention. The trade union move­ ing with the Haugs. One union­ average employment since A pril the South, showed a decline of hunt discharge. With human survival at stake it becomes imperative attempt to smear and slander ment has good historic reasons ist, Eric Kcinthaler, is alleged to 1956 and dropped in October (the 60,500 manufacturing jobs in US51-324-358: “ Decided to re­ trade unions and their officials to distrust ‘conspiracy’ charges. have “ conspired” solely by giv­ last reported month) to the 1957, most of them in textiles. that the Wall Street-Washington moves come under the turn to school and matriculate searchlight of public examination. A good beginning in by establishing guilt, not by fact Today, faced by a hostile climate ing another defendant a ride in lowest point since 1949. Significantly, fits machine-tool (Continued on page 3) but bv association, is not con­ of opinion, unionists should be In addition, Southern farm this direction is to demand immediate publication of the his car. (Continued on page 2) Gaither report submitted to Eisenhower last November, Just what does this report on “defense policy” propose? It’s supposed to be “ top secret,” but the Ad­ A fro-Asian Parley Pledges Solidarity Against Imperialism ministration has “ leaked” those aspects to the press it wants to make known while trying to keep other key By George Lavan the Bandung delegates who of­ sought to portray the Cairo financial and technical aid toi By offering aid without last two and a half years, sections of it suppressed. Directly on the heels of the ficially represented their gov­ conference as a gathering of the undeveloped nations of the | strings the USSR checkmates the USSR concluded agreements setback suffered by U.S. im-J ernments and spoke in more dip­ Communist Party and fellow- world without any military or] one of U.S. imperialism’s prin­ with ten Afro-Asian countries According to the testimony of columnist Drew Pear­ lomatic language. Although Chi­ perialism at the NATO Confer­ traveling organizations. But that diplomatic strings attached. He] cipal weapons fo r lining up the fo r the very considerable sum son, the report recommends “ preventive” war against ence has come the blow of the na and North Viet Nam were was not the case. The dominant said: “ We are prepared to help African and Asian countries in of $1% billion. (In these coun­ the Soviet Union. This has been vehemently denied by Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity represented at Bandung, the So­ force there was a coalition of you as brother helps brother, a world-wide military alliance tries, including India, Indonesia Administration spokesmen. Conference. Participating in the viet Union (most of whose ter­ the Soviet bloc, Asian neuralists without motives. Tell us what against the Soviet bloc. and Egypt, total U.S. aid dur­ week-long (Dec. 26-Jan. 1) ses­ rito ry lies in Asia) was not and Arab nationalists. you need and we w ill help Discussing the Soviet offer of ing the same period has Yet on Dec. 20 Arthur Krock of the New York Times invited. A t Cairo the Soviet you and send, according to our stringless aid, Thomas J. Hamil­ amounted to $900 million.) Once sions in Cairo, the capital of HIT EISENHOWER wrote that the full contents of the report are being kept Egypt, were over 500 delegates bloc was represented by the economic possibilities, money ton in the N.Y. Times (Dec. agreed to, Soviet programs are from the people precisely because it doesi favor the from organizations in 45 coun­ USSR, China, North Viet Nam, Because its resolutions (a) needed in the form of loan3 or 29) wrote: “ As far as strings begun “ with considerable dis- N orth Korea and the Soviet explicitly included the U.S monstrous course of “ preventive” war. Who is lying and tries and colonies in A frica and aid . . . Ito ] build for you in­ are concerned, there is no doubt patche,” the interest rates Peoples Republic of Outer Mon­ among the imperialist powers, stitutions for industry, educa­ Asia. that political considerations are very low compared to U.'S. who is telling the truth? (b) condemned the Eisenhower This was the most important golia. tion and hospitals. . . . We do have played a part in the Un­ loans, running from 2% to Furthermore, the Washington Post, to whom 'the Whereas Bandung had limited Doctrine and U.S. - sponsored forum fo r the views of the two- not ask you to join any blocs ited States' decisions to grant 2%%. Repayment is in easy in ­ itself to mere verbal denuncia­ m ilitary alliances such as the Gaither report was originally “leaked,” said that the thirds of the world’s population . . . our only condition is that or withhold assistance. . . . De­ stallments over 12 to 30-year tions of colonialism and ex­ Baghdad Pact, (c) urged a halt report favors a heavy increase in arms spending for two living on those two continents there will be no strings at­ spite the huge sums provided. periods, with often a period of pression of hope for its peace­ to nuclear bomb testing and the U.S. economic assistance has since the Bandung Conference tached.” grace before payments com­ reasons other than military. First, the authors of the ful transformation into inde­ arms race, the conference was of 1955. Where Bandung ir­ gone mostly to pay for troops mence. Payment is in the cur­ report see such expenditures as helping to safeguard pendence, the Cairo meeting a direct blow to U.S. foreign AID WITHOUT STRINGS ritated world imperialism and in Nationalist China [ Formosa!, rency or commodities of the went unequivocally on record in policy and prestige. By the Since Soviet foreign policy business profits during a period of slump. its press, the Caix-o conference South Korea and South Viet­ borrowing countries at world- support of actual independence same token it was a diplomatic has always been, U.S. propa­ Second, by forcing the Soviet Union to keep abreast made it absolutely livid with nam, leaving relatively little for market prices — and sometimes struggles such as that of the and moral victory for the So­ ganda to the contrary notwith­ capital improvement in other rage. This was because the in products of the industry be­ in an accelerated arms race, a further strain is placed op Algerian people against French viet bloc countries. There is no standing, defensive— it can make I Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity countries.” ing established by the aid prpr the economy of that country. The American people will imperialism, of the people of doubt but that the conference the offer of economic assist-1 Conference went much further gram. The report grudgingly Cyprus against British impe­ w ill have great effect in mo­ ante without strings. The unde­ STATE DEPT ADMISSION be made to pay through the nose for such a reactionary in its condemnation of impe­ admits: “ Those technicians sent rialism, and the Indonesian bilizing public opinion through­ veloped nations heretofore have] On Jan. 3 the State Depart­ game. They must demand the facts and the right to rialism in general and of U.S. abroad to date appear to have campaign of nationalization of out Asia and A fric a — placing been at the mercy of the cap­ ment reluctantly made public a foreign policy in particular. been regarded as competent and decide all questions of war and peace. Dutch investments and demand the responsibility for imperial­ ita list world, prim arily the U.S., report it had been concealing. their behavior so fa r has given The slashing commentary on the Gaither report in SOVIET BLOC AT CAIRO fo r West Irian. Moreover, at ist oppression and the danger fo r economic aid. The U.S. used I t gives the lie to previous U.S. rise to few complaints.” the -Jan. 6 issue of I.F. Stone’s Weekly certainly hit the Several factors account fo r its close the conference set up of war more squarely on the whatever economic aid it ex­ propaganda about Soviet eco­ The Soviet Union has a great nail on the head in this regard when it declared: “ Policy the difference. A t Cairo the a permanent secretariat whose shoulders of Washington a n il tended to bribe’ or pressure coun­ nomic assistance, which it has advantage. Imperialism does, not ought to be formed in the open, on the basis of public delegates were from organiza­ duty is expected to be, among Wall Street. tries to grant air bases to the always represented as piddling, really want the industrializa­ tions in the represented coun­ other things, the moral and ma­ Perhaps the greatest impres­ U.S., to join tile m ilitary pacts ineffective and solely a device tion of economically backward hearings, in which all points of view are explored, not tries, and were therefore closer terial aid of precisely such sion made at the conference against the LrSSR and to build to infiltrate Soviet agents for | countries for that undercuts its determined by a small elite in secret sessions on the basis fo r the most part to the real i struggles. came from the offer of the So­ up their armies rather than propaganda and subversion. economic exploitation of these of secret evidence.” sentiments of their peoples than I The capitalist press has viet Union’s spokesman to give their economies. The study showed that in the (Continued on page 3) Page 2 THE MILITANT Monday, January 13, 19!>$

Fischer’s “ Russia State of Social Sciences in the USSR By Arne Swabeck ism which has as its , aim the^i- elimination of all privileges. (Conclusion) Objective inquiry is stifled in Revisited” Two years ago ex - Senator all fields pertaining to existing Benton returned from a visit social relations. Scientific ob­ Soviet Scientists Better to the USSR and cried out in jectivity, the very essence of RUSSIA REVISITED by Louis Fischer. New York: Double* alarm: “ The Soviet Union is Marxist theory, would impinge day. 288 pp. $4.00. challenging us fundamentally on its special prerogatives. Per­ Posted Than American at what have traditionally been version takes its place, as can The U.S. foreign correspondent Louis Fischer return­ our two strongest points, tech­ be illustrated by a few concrete The extent to which Soyiet scientific advances have been nology and mass education." examples. speeded by planned data-assembling is indicated in a study by ed to the Soviet Union in 1956 after an 18-year absence. the Stanford Research Institute in California. According to the There is no doubt about this UNSETTLED ISSUE He spent the entire 20 days allowed him iu Moscow see­ now. Since the trium ph in bal­ Jan. 5 N. Y. Times, the Stanford report finds it ‘‘painfully ing old Russian friends and {'heir £------listic missiles and Sputniks, A t the 20th Congress of the apparent” that the West has nothing to match the Soviet children. What he found out is this fact has become su ffi­ Communist Party, Khrushchev setup. There scientific information from all over the world is flammed up in the paradoxical ciently clear fo r the whole world berated those who still had gathered by a central' agency, the Soviet A ll Union Institute of proposition: “ There have been Announce End to be aware of. But the unpre­ doubts about an issue he in­ Scientific and Technical Information, and distributed bo the no basic changes in the Soviet cedented progress in the natural sisted “ the party had settled be­ Soviet scientists. I t collects and processes information from 10,000 Union, but essentially condi­ Of Daily Worker sciences, in engineering and fore.” Apparently it would not scientific and technical journals published in 80 countries. The tions are different.” The Daily Worker will technique stands out in sharp stay settled. “The soc’alist sys­ Sbanfovd report s: ys, “Through the operation of this institute, Soviet scientists and engineers in even the remotest laboratories ILiving conditions have im­ cease publication with the contrast to the intellectual pov­ tem had triumphed,” said issue of Monday, Jan. 13, ac­ erty of its social sciences. From Khrushchev, the "socialist so­ can have available to them abstracts, summaries and trans­ proved over 1938 but are still lations of Western technical articles of direct interest in their bad fo r the masses. “ The So­ cording to a Jan. 9 editorial the latter no sim ilar achieve­ ciety had been built in the main announcement in the paper. ments have been recorded. in our country,” as long ago as field w ithin a few months after the original material was pub­ viet Union is the land of un­ lished.” In the U.S., the report found much time is wasted “ m ending queuing-for food, cloth­ The decision does not affect the adoption of the new Con­ the weekly Worker, which the WHEN SCIENCE stitution of the USSR in 1936. repeating work already done and reported bub inaccessible in ing, transportation, etc.” While FLOURISHES the present chaotic mass of technical literature.” shpwplaces, big stadiums, Pal­ announcement says, w ill con­ Turning to questions of ace of Soviets, university build­ tinue in expanded form. In Science and culture flourish ideological work, Khrushchev and make conspicuous advances ings rise, the average citizen explaining the decision, the pointed with pride to the pub­ especially during periods when lives in intolerably overcrowded paper said: “ Recently we lication of a Marxist textbook doubt about this, just listen to reaucratic straitjacket. How pre-1917 dwellings. I f a half have been informed by the men and women are engaged of political economy. He hailed could they portray the “ new in rational endeavor to change its authentic voice: trillio n privileged persons have Communist Party that it is the event: “ An important land­ "Payment according to the Soviet man” without a dear new apartments with modern not in a position at this time < their material and social en­ mark in the ideological life of and sharp distinction between vironment. Problems posed for the party.” It would be that, if work performed* Khrushchev conveniences, “ the remainder of to help raise the large proclaimed at the 20th Con­ the privilege-grasping bureau­ amounts needed immediately solution from the economic and the textbook promoted a deep­ Moscow’s seven million inhabi­ gress to be a “ socialist princi­ crat and the paltry rewards of tants are miserably or inade­ to meet our deficit. . . . It is social spheres, during these pe­ er understanding of nationalized the worker? How could they riods, stimulate new 'thoughts, economy in the transition to a ple.” How could it be? Is not quately housed” pointed ouft that lower party this the form of payment in the apply the demanded “ socialist membership, diminished re -; new ideas and new activity. Sci­ socialist society. But its basic realism” except in terms of the NO POLITICAL ARRESTS ence becomes important, and it analysis tends in the opposite capitalist world—a fair day’s sources and unresolved poll- • pay for a fa ir’s day work? actually deep-seated antago­ The sweeping terror of Sta­ tical differences combine to is given a definite purpose. direction. nisms between the bureaucracy Since the 1917 revolution men And to declare this to be a so­ lin ’s era has been relaxed and bring about an unsatisfactory This "Marxist” textbook at­ cialist principle, Trotsky said and the people? And this is reduced, although the repres­ and women in the USSR have situation.” The date the tempts to justify Khrushchev’s lbng ago, “ means cynically to precisely what is taboo. sive machinery remains intact been engaged in such endeavor. A vertical two-spindle copy-milling machine able to \york paper will 'suspend publica­ claim. Tt starts from the as­ trample the idea of a new and In Soviet historical research, atfd operative. “ The best news They created the first workers’ tion is exactly the date of its simultaneously on two pieces placed next to each other. The sumption that the USSR repre­ higher cultnre in the familiar perversion and falsification I heard in the Soviet Union is state ever to arise. Its contin take on more sinister dimen­ founding 34 years ago. machine has 'two tables that can be moved hydraulically in sents fu lly achieved socialism. filth of capitalism.” that there are no political ar­ ued existence in the face of two directions. Exhibited at the Soviet povilion at Leipzig Shortcomings are admitted, but Unquestionably the bureau­ sions. Despite the often re­ rests. I arked all my Soviet heavy odds, and its mighty peated w ritin g and rewriting, fa ir last March. as quoted by a British Marx­ cracy has compelling reasons friends and acquaintances, as strides in overcoming the back­ Fischer did not talk much ist critic, these are blamed on for its perversions. It is quite there is as yet no objective,’ well as numerous foreign dip- ward Tzarist heritage, consti let alone truthfu l, history of with workers or peasants bait "survivals of capitalism in the well aware that not capitalist Ipqiats, whether they knew of tutes a gigantic historical ex­ new and valuable contributions cial progress, are deliberately had to confine his observations consciousness o f m a n [which] survivals, but socialist ideals, the October Revolution, and, *my persons arrested by the periment. The problems of tran­ to political economy, philoso­ stunted in their growth. mostly to intellectual circles. have not yet been fu lly over­ visions of a socialist future, are much less so of the subsequent •ecret police. “ Not in the past sition from capitalism to so­ phy and history, among other developments. But he gives some informative DEGENERATION come,”—fo rty years after the still deeply embedded in the Jrear,” they replied, except in cialism are transferred from the scientific pursuits, not to men­ figures on the unequal status OF SOCIAL SCIENCES October Revolution. consciousness of the people. In the textbook on history; theoretical realm to the process tion progress in art and lit­ the student demonstrations at of the working people in the During its early stage, the In the proclaimed “triumph Recognizing this reality, it feels long in use, Stalin’s name ap­ Tiflis in March 1956. of life itself, merging theory erature. The great opportunity midst of the expansion of heavy social sciences occupied a cen­ of the socialist system” mon­ constrained to disguise the pears 56 times in the 39 pages and practice in social activity. to apply the M arxist method There are other consequences industry, the soaring of Sput­ tra l position in Soviet pedago­ strous social inequalities still measures breeding inequality, devoted to the chapter, the as a guide to action, could Great Patriotic War. To him » f de-Stalinization. The teach­ nik, and the easy living of the These problems Involve a good serve in turn, to enrich this gy. New tasks were posed by prevail. In many cases mone­ disproportions and oppression as in g of history in Soviet schools deal more than the constant ex­ tary rewards of the privileged alone went the credit fo r all ten to twenty millions who run method. the new social order: These socialist measures taken in ac­ and its presentation in 'Soviet the government, the economy pansion of the economic foun­ aimed at nothing less than the social strata are twenty times cordance with socialist princi­ victorious deeds. No other liv­ Journals is in utter confusion. dation and the increase in la Unfortunately this is not the as high as the pay of factory ing leader of the party, or any and the army. case. Under bureaucratic rule creation of a new culture in ples. Under cover of this dis bor productivity. Important as Soviet commander is mentioned The legends and values of the “ The average wage, whether a harmonious social develop­ harmony w ith the new social workers. A t the same time free­ guise, the bureaucracy attempts Stalin period have to be com­ these are, they form but one dom and democracy are throt­ even once. 'No doubt this his­ 509 or 800 roubles, spells mis­ ment is precluded. And contra­ foundation. With the growth of to legalize and preserve its pletely revised. But this is be­ ery, and the large below-aver- aspect of the necessary pre­ bureaucracy, however, such tled; the workers are deprived usurped powers and checkmate tory once again is being re­ dictory aspects show up w ritten. But how? ing done in doses, less with an age class numbering, with de­ requisites. Involved is also a studies degenerated; and today of any sense of ownership in na­ opposition. throughout the Soviet • struc­ A t the 20th Congress, Stalin’S' eye to the truth than to the pendents, at least thirty-five fundamental change in the ex­ a free and creative development tionalized industry; they are ture. crimes were denounced, but the, Immediate requirements of Sta­ million city persons, lives in isting social and political rela­ of the social sciences does not deprived of any voice in plan­ PHILOSOPHY SHRIVELS lin ’s successors. dire distress. Two indices as tions. For the socialist society On the favorable side of gen­ exist. Their social status is at ning or control of production. This type of perversion is re­ Stalin school of falsification examples: the average Soviet must of necessity be qualita­ eral culture must be listed the the bottom of the scientific Neither Marx nor Lenin would flected in all the social sciences remained untouched. Khrush­ TALK WITH MIKOYAN chev repeated the slander of worker would hard to spend a tively different from its pres­ expansion of the educational ladder. They are preoccupied recognize this as socialism. For philosophy "the effect has system which has no parallel the “Trotskyites, Bukharinites, This was confirmed in an month’s salary on millf every ent transitional stage between with study and application of been devastating. From its- rise in the West. Measures of so­ DEFENDS GROSS bourgeois nationalists, and oth­ unusually frank chat Fischer year if he and his dependents capitalism and' socialist' in the propaganda to justify and sup­ to the highest significance and cial welfare, such as the ex­ INEQUALITIES er malignant enemies of the trad with A. I. Mikoyan, Dep­ were to equal the average an­ US&R and especially from its port the policies and actions of real-life expression in the so­ tensive infant and child care, people, the men who would re­ uty Prime Minister of the So­ nual per capita milk consump­ present bureaucratic caricature. the bureaucratic regime. And ydt, the “Marxist” text­ cial transformation during the maternity leave fo r expectant store capitalism.” Obviously- viet Union, whose condemnation tion of Great Britain. . . . The Capitalist ideologists inter­ book defends the existing social early Soviet stage, it was later HOW MARXISM mothers w ith fu ll pay, free med­ this is a command to the his­ o f Stalin evoked tremendous ap­ Moscow Literary Gazette of pret this relationship to suit inequalities as good socialist forced into the bureaucratic COULD HAVE GAINED ical service fo r all' citizens, em­ straitjacket. Dialectical mate- torians to continue lying about plause at the 20th Congress and Sept. 1, 1956, stated that the their own purposes. Scientific practice of appealing to the touched off the de-Stalinization The transition of Soviet so­ phasis on prevention of disease objectivity, they insist, could material interests of the, work­ rialism, the powerful (Marxist the past, as a means of cover­ maintenance of each pupil in ing up the present bureaucratic campaign. ciety has turned up new ex­ and on promotion of general not he practiced in the Soviet ers. This is nob new. Even piece­ method of thought, was reduced the n e w government-operated periences at every step and on health, etc., are unexampled. distortions and prevent future ‘‘Let’s drink to the truth," I boarding schools would cost Union, for this would impinge work payment, a relic of bar­ to a mere ritualistic exercise. a vast arena. Lessons have been From this early high point change. toasted. “ Good," he agreed. 10G’5 roubles a month.” On the other* side, as indi­ on the accepted doctrine of barism still predominant in So­ provided capable of advancing cated above] the sciences most Marxism-Leninism. For such a viet industry, was, from its in­ philosophy has been turned into The irreconcilable conflict he- “ This morning,” I said, “ I twen the bureaucracy and the JEWISH QUESTION human comprehension of the closely linked to the social charge there is no validity ception, presented in terms of a barren wasteland. talked with a young Communist people constantly reintroduces laws of social development to structure have suffered stagna­ whatever. The truth is exactly a socialist measure. Political The paucity of significant who proclaimed that he loved The section on Eastern Eu­ the need of falsification of 'his­ new and higher levels. Out of tion, if not downright falsifi­ the other way around. To ju sti­ economy thus becomes a fa ith ­ contributions from artists and .Stalin. How is it possible to rope contains interesting mate­ tory and revolutionary tradi­ love a person who submitted his ria] on anti-Semitism in the these lessons it would not have cation. These sciences, which fy their privileges the ruling ful echo of the bureaucratic re­ writers is explainable, in the been unreasonable to expect should be in the van of so­ caste perverts Marxism-Lenin­ gime. Should there be any final analysis, also by the bu- tion to suit the policies and re­ country to such horrors?” Kremlin. Khrushchev told the quirements of the ruling caste. Mikoyan: “Yes, many still Poles, he reports on good au­ This relationship fundamen­ love him; he did much for the thority, that at the time of the ta lly conditions the develop­ country. I t w ill take time to "Doctors Plot” in January 1953 ment, or to be more exact, the change this attitude.” Stalin planned to deport all So­ . . . Rockefeller Group Pushes Missiles stagnation of the official social “Why don’t you publish viet Jews to Siberia. This was sciences. Subverted to the needs (Continued from page 1) class. As with the Gaither report, This is a fraud on both counts. Khrushchev’s speech?” independently confirmed by of the bureaucratic rule, they it is receiving favorable com­ This “finest thinking” boils down "Mikoyan: “It's too early. Jews Fischer met in Moscow. A t Nelson and Laurence Rocke­ have lost their capacity to pro-1 to an “arm-to-bhe-teeth” prop­ B ut hundreds of thousands have the same time that Khrush­ feller; General Lucius Clay, ments from prominent Demo­ SYRIA’S leading anti - im­ jungles of the colony. The French mote social advance. The anemic crats and Republicans. osition that can only inflict read it.” chev revealed this, he opposed chairman of the board of Con­ perialist party, the Baath So­ Cameroons, w ith a population of products o f the tim id academi­ “ The speech did not go far appointing' Zambrowski as first tinental Can; Henry Luce of the It) received an unrestrained heavy new inflationary burdens cialist Party, favors solution of 3.1 million, border on Nigeria cians have become a m irror im­ enough. Do you really believe secretary of the Polish CP be­ Time-Life-Fortune empire; John eulogy from James Reston, chief on the mass of the American the Israeli-Arab dispute through and were a German “ plrttec- age of the thought-stifling con-1 that Bukharin was a wrecker cause. he said, there were al­ W. Gardner, president of Car­ of the Washington Bureau of the people and at the same time a Middle Eastern Socialist Fed­ torate” until World War I. form ity imposed upon them. And ready too many “ Abramoviches” New York Times. Reston wrote, serve only to increase (the war and spy.* negie Corp.; General Sarnoff of eration including the Jews. In a * * * fettered by this domination,- (i.e. Jews) in the leadership. Jan. 6 that the report illustrates danger. Further, the Rockefeller Mikoyan: “ No, I don’t.” . . . RCA; and tihe notorious bomb- letter to the 'Niov. 23 New States­ THE U.Sf. AIRBASE at Sidi they can have no more pro­ Projected wholesale deporta­ that “some of the best thinking report is not part of a genuine “ But you understand, Stalin held rattling physicist-politician, Ed­ man, Leon Szur and Fenner Silimane, Morocco almost faced gressive function than the bu­ tions — religious restrictions: in the world on foreign policy public debate. It is part of a Big Us in his hand. Only one es­ ward Teller. Brockway, two British socialists, a strike by Moroccan employes reaucracy itself. that’s the measure of the d if­ problems is being done by Business propaganda drive to cape was le ft to us— what Or- For liberal window-dressing report on their recent conversa­ recently because a U.'S, mess A ll these problems are tied ference between Stalin and his private citizens and institutions chain the American people to its