War and Peace Forum Welcomes Student's Opinions

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War and Peace Forum Welcomes Student's Opinions Kabir’s poems Inexpensive Football takes A look into the brought to CC. hobby ideas. Homecoming new women’s SCENE page 7 AMUSEMENTS game. soccer room. page 9 SPORTS page 10 SPORTS page 11 the Oct. 17, 2003 Issue 5 Colorado College Student Newspaper Volume 47 War and Peace forum welcomes student’s opinions LYDIA ANN CAYTON-HOLLAND see things that way.” 3#%.% %$)4/2 The topic shifted to human rights and the right to protest. Dick Wednesday night in McHugh Commons, junior Ilisha Cheney’s visit to campus last year Nottingham made root beer floats and handed anybody who was mentioned. Visitor Jared Gullek- came by a piece of paper urging them to “never be afraid to son supported the protests which express your feelings with those around you, no matter what accompanied his visit. He explained, your stance on war may be.” The same piece of paper lay “I do think it’s important to let your on each seat in a circle of chairs behind her. voice be heard, if you disagree with As those seats started to fill in, Nottingham and fellow something. So many people have junior Lacey Ramirez, founders of Coming Together and fought and died for that right.” organizers of the War and Peace Forum, stood at one side Others disagreed, arguing that it of the circle and began to address an audience of about ten is important to be able to separate people. “Coming Together,” Nottingham explained, “is an a person from his or her political open-dialogue group. We try to choose issues which imme- affiliations. Nottingham argued that diately affect us.” Then, Nottingham and Ramirez laid out Cheney “came here as a person, not several guidelines for their forum, all of them with the same a political figure.” general theme: be open minded. The conversation then altered Ramirez urged the discussion with her own personal slightly, discussing the effectiveness story. Her father is a war veteran. She explained, “war is Lydia Ann Cayton-Holland/Catalyst of protest as a mechanism for change something that is embedded inside him . in our society and why recent efforts by conscien- we don’t agree with killing yet we still have a military and a tious objectors don’t seem to be huge military budget.” In response, a boy sitting across from Students at the War and Peace forum discussing issues such working. Participants in the forum her mentioned the possible damaging effects of video games as censorship, violence, and capitalism. hypothesized that people have been and violent images on the mind of children. focusing on short-term solutions and haven’t taken the time asked the audience, “What do people think we should do?” As more people started to join in the discussion, the to work out long-term goals. Philisophy professor Jeremy Many ideas were proposed such as educational reform and forum topics changed from censorship, to violence as a tool, Bendik-Keymer said on the issue, “one thing that our cul- even small-scale efforts on the part of Colorado College. and to the idea of a society based on competition. Ramirez ture has that I don’t think even highly capitalized European Nasibova suggested that people focus on bridging the gap suggested the idea that the United States bases much of its countries have is that we operate on hyper-fast time.” Rue between opinions, not races, saying “no matter what we culture on “binary opposites.” Max Harper agreed asking, argued that the problem with our society was that “we have look like on the outside, on the inside we can all be the “Is there anything that we do as a culture that is coopera- such an incredible amount of information with the internet . same.” Nottingham elaborated, saying, “Instead of separat- tive or collaborative?” The conversation took off as people . we can read four newspapers, but we don’t do it.” ing ourselves based on political affiliations, race, religion, began to debate whether or not such competition is a result Once the shambled condition of the United States etc., we can work on bringing ourselves together on any of culture or human nature. Junior Danica Rue expressed had been sufficiently explained, junior Ulviyya Nasibova common ground.” her opinion, saying “I think it’s entirely a cultural thing to Block break trips lead students variety of outdoor places CHRISSIE LONG planned for next weekend. .%73 %$)4/2 Backpacking through Zion Canyon Our school is unique in the sense that we On Wednesday, immediately after class, can experience one class at a time, investing all of fifteen students will embark on a twelve hour car our energy and interest into one subject. However, ride to Zion National Park in Utah. The group when the three and a half weeks are over, most plans to hike in and camp on Thursday, spend Fri- students are looking for a break. day exploring slot canyons and seeking out arches. “The last week of the block is always really On Saturday, they will hike back towards the van, stressful no matter how much work you have,” said in position to start driving back to campus early sophomore Nicole Newman. Vikki Murray, also a Sunday morning. They hope to visit Angels Land- sophomore, said “I feel that on the block plan I am ing, a point at the end of a mile or two long finger, always doing work. When I finish one assignment encroaching upon a canyon. The group, consist- I have 150 pages of reading left.” She said, “I am ing primarily of freshman, plans to hike anywhere ready for block break.” from 5-15 miles a day. Matt David, one of the two After the last Wednesday of the block, ORC leaders, said “When the opportunity to go students leave the campus empty as they embark on to Zion presented itself, I was more than happy all kinds of trips to clear their minds and regenerate to sign onto this block break expedition in search their souls. of arches, thrills, and serenity.” Although he has Block breaks are almost necessary to never visited Zion before, he said that “anyone who many CC students. Murray commented that block has ever been to Zion has raved endlessly about its breaks are “the best invention ever. It totally revives majesty.” you. It is a time to leave academics behind and an opportunity to do something new.” Newman Chrissie Long/Catalyst “Spirituality and Healing” in the San- echoed, “I’ve tested myself and experienced new gre de Cristos Professor Jaber F. Gubrium, of the University of Mis- things. I’ve also had the opportunity to connect with Shove Council interfaith group is sponsor- souri-Columbia, spoke at Colorado College on Wednes- people over block breaks.” ing a trip to Baca, Colorado College’s mountain day night. Gubrium is the author or editor of twenty Not only is this break a valuable time to campus. Students have the opportunity to explore books. He is the founding editor of Journal of Aging rest and recover from the intensity of the block plan, the various spiritual centers in the town surrounding but it is also an opportunity to try something new. Baca, such as the Carmelite Monastery, Studies. On Wednesday he discussed life stories in the The following are summaries of block break trips social context. continued on page 4 2 Oct. 17 Stupid white men: vote Moore for President DAVID DOBBS have to make a drive to the county courthouse hikers got to talking about the elections that congealed mayonnaise, than reelect Bush. 34!&& 72)4%2 or Wal Mart or something, and I’m just too will be held in a year, how after reading Also, Michael Moore hates politicians, so I’ve never voted before. This is my excuse lazy to do that. So all I can think of doing Stupid White Men, they will definitely be why would he want to be one himself? for not knowing how these things work. I’m is just calling it out: “I nominate Michael voting for the other guy. Anything to get I’ve done some thinking, though. I talking about things like where I go to vote Moore for president!” Hopefully there’s Bush out of office. Then someone had the figure that at some point in our lives, and whether or not my state’s ballots are on someone at CC who sympathizes with me idea that Michael Moore himself should run we’ve all had to take at least one job that punch cards or voting machines. I knew who and maybe they we hated. Like washing the candidates for governor were in the last have a car and know dishes at a pizza place primary elections for my state, but I never how to get to the one year, or counseling truly knew what the difference between the county courthouse. a bunch of annoying kids two was, except that one was republican Michael Moore’s for a summer. Being and the other one won the election (I think permission/ President must be kind the guy’s name is Richardson). But, I’m acceptance might of like that, and couldn’t particularly concerned with how to nominate be a good thing to Moore take one for the a presidential candidate. get, too. team and be president I imagine there’s an amount of paper I know what for a term? Why not? I work involved, but that probably means I’d you’re all thinking: mean, all his ideas are This random, good simple ideas. His excited nomination goals are good-hearted has to come from and easy to accomplish.
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