DRAFT Minutes of a Meeting of Cornwood Parish Council Tuesday 3rd July 2018 in the Village Hall, Cornwood.

Present Chairman: Mr Terry Brown Councillors: Mrs den Hollander, Mr Haynes, Mr Mundell, Mr Hawkes, Mr Munford, Mrs Bonney Clerk: Maureen Haynes Public 1

Open Forum Nothing to report

0718/01 Apologies Cllr Hart, Cllr Offer (H)

0718/02 Minutes Minutes for the meeting held on the 5th June 2018 were confirmed and signed

0718/03 Declarations of Interest None

0718/04 Report of County Representative The hot weather is melting the surface of many roads so gritters are going out spreading fine gravel to stop tar getting on to car tyres.

0718/05 Report of District Representative SHDC – Again this month, there has been a large number of planning applications. – Cllr Hitchins has been reelected as chair of the authority. Two members are working on sustainability. The government is reviewing the national parks, in particular the relationship with AONBs (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty). The report should be published in 12 months. A recent study reported on the positive impact of open spaces on mental health. Fire risk has increased due to the hot weather.

0718/06 Police Report 24th June - a report of Public Order occurred – this is between neighbours in Lutton and is being investigated. 4th and 26th June - two reports of sheep in the road causing a highway disruption. 13th June someone reported they had located some bikes dumped in the river, and one looked newish. There have been no reports of bikes being stolen.

0718/07 Matters Arising 540 Highway Matters – clearing the road channels has been delayed till later in the year. The 20mph roundels are still in the programme of works. Cllr Haynes met with our Highways rep and planned to monitor traffic speeds in Lutton and Bond Street. The council agreed to rethink safety measures for pedestrians in Bond Street as bollards Cllr would continue to be knocked down and narrow the footway. Cleaning the gullies at Haynes Clergy Cottages will take place twice a year (once a year at present). The council agreed to replace the sign into Lutton. The damaged sign on Houndle Hill will be reported.

2666b) Public Toilets – Nothing to report

1 03/07/2018 Minutes 2688a) Recreation Areas – Clerk The council agreed unanimously to investigate upgrading Lutton recreation area. Cllr Bonney 2820a) Housing Survey – Rob Ellis,(Community Housing Lead for and West Councils) has expressed an interest in South Hams District Council facilitating a community led housing initiative in Cornwood. Three sites have been identified and it has been agreed to carry out an inspection of three of the identified sites to assess the viability of all sites in the first instance.

0217/03c Defibrillator – new pads have been ordered for the defibrillator outside the pub.

0417/08a Community Plan – Questionnaire is being developed for delivery in the autumn.

1117/07 TAP Fund – Cllr Haynes met with Devon CC to discuss location of bollards. See highway matters.

0218/08a Community Road Warden Scheme – Nothing to report.

0418/08 Emergency Plan – Nothing to report

0718/08 Chairman’s Time 0718/08a No decision has been made regarding the shop 0718/08b The Friends of Cornwood School asked if they could place a Totaliser chart in the Cllr den village. They are raising money for the playground. Cllrs asked for more details Hollander before making a decision. 0718/08c The Friends of Cornwood School are looking at ways of linking with the community Cllr den Hollander and would like to make the tennis court available for community use and have asked if the PC could contribute towards the cost of a gate. Further details requested. It was agreed that the PC should receive copies of the hall and charity accounts 0718/08d Dates for the Christmas lights and charity will be considered in September meeting 0718/08e 0718/09 Planning Applications Nothing to report Clerk

0718/10 Reports of Representatives WOLF – The company is going to produce an artist’s impression of the restoration plan (view from ). Production has been hampered by the bad weather in March.

0718/11 Footpaths A Cllr reported a sign “Bull Keep Out” at the north end of Pitman’s Lane. As this can’t Clerk be put on a footpath, the PC will investigate further. 0718/12 Correspondence The date for the next IDALC meeting has been confirmed. Cllr Brown will attend. Cllr Brown 0718/13 Works The green at Crossways is in a state of disrepair e.g. loose/broken slabs. Work to be Clerk carried out by a local contractor.

0718/14 Finance Annual Accounting Statement, Variances and Bank Reconciliation were approved and signed.

2 03/07/2018 Minutes 0718/15 Payments The following payments were authorised

Payee Goods/Service Amount (£) Maureen Haynes Stationery 103.83 Salary + expenses 330.41 McAfee Software 89.99 Robert Atkins Paving repair at Crossways 30.00 Cash Cleaner 80.00 Karen Morris Internal Audit 50.00 Cornwood Show Donation 100.00 HMRC PAYE 17.80

Bank Balances 30/06/2018

Treasurer’s Account £2 001.29 Savings Account £23 285.42 Sp. Savings Account £4 128.56 Total £29 415.27


Tuesday 11th September 2018 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Signed …………………………………….. Date ………………………………..

Minute No …………………………………

3 03/07/2018 Minutes