First Church | FUMCL | eRevelations

Date: June 11, 2021 First United Methodist Church Purpose:

 Bring  Build  Send  As believers in Christ as the Son of God, and the as the inspired word of God, we: . Glorify God through worship . Build strong relationships in the church family . Grow in the knowledge of the truth as revealed through Christ . Serve people as a reflection of the love of Jesus Christ, and . Spread the Good News of the Gospel so that others may come to salvation though grace

Worship with Us on Sunday Mornings!

We would like to invite you to come and join us for our Sunday morning service.

Sunday Worship Time 10:00AM – Facebook Live Posted on

YouTube Live – Posted on

Church Office Hours: Monday thru Friday: 9:15 am – 2:15 pm | 424 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: 301-725-3093 | [email protected]

SERMON CORNER This Week’s Message: - The Word of God The Word of God pierces the heart. As we prepare for revival this week, we challenge everyone to make as many nights as possible and to spend more time than normal in prayer and in the Bible. Dedicate as much of this time as possible in the presence of God and His inspired Word and see what God will do! Scripture: Hebrews 4:12

Next Week’s Message: - Live the Message Which companies do you appreciate for genuinely living out their values? Most businesses in America are known simply for what they sell. We don’t often give thought to the values and ethics behind those goods and services. It’s rare—but refreshing—when we hear of businesses that are as well known for their values as for what they sell. How would you define “trust”? What makes a person worthy of trust? It can be easy to fool some people—at first. However, as they get to know us, it becomes increasingly apparent who we really are. They hear more than our words; they “hear” our actions. As followers of Christ we are to proclaim Christ’s salvation, but people also “hear” what our lives say. Our lives must match what we say in public. As we tell others about Jesus, it’s equally important that they see Jesus in us. Scripture: Colossians 3:1-3, 12-17

Ray McDonald’s Blog | Thoughts and Reflections Rev. Ray writes a devotional thought Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. You can sign up to receive his posts by e-mail by going to his blog page at Follow Rev. Ray: Twitter (@RayMcDonald)


Blog Page | 424 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: 301-725-3093 | [email protected] Upcoming Events


Revival Revival Revival Revival 7:00 PM First Church Communion Sunday 7:00 PM Revival eRev & Bulletin 6:30 PM Organ Gathering Service and Deadline 8:30 AM 2nd Cup Concert Fellowship Sunday School 7:00 PM Revival Service and 7:00 PM 10:00 AM Worship Fellowship Revival Service 12:00 PM Youth SS and Fellowship Class

6:00 PM Revival Service and Fellowship

Website: Please check out our new and improved website at If you see any mistakes or think something should be on the site that is not, please let the office know at [email protected]. We will try to perfect the site as we develop it. Thanks!

Building access by appointment only, and we can only occupy the Office, Narthex, Sanctuary, and bathrooms.

Church Office Hours: Monday thru Friday: 9:15 am – 2:15 pm

Follow First UMC:

Twitter (@RayMcDonald)

Facebook | 424 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: 301-725-3093 | [email protected] Tuesday Bible Study!

Join us for the Tuesday Bible Study at 7:00 pm live on Zoom as we Study: The Book of Matthew. Bible Study will resume on 6/22. Hope to see you there! If you need the logon info, contact [email protected] | 424 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: 301-725-3093 | [email protected] s to ensure they receive necessary support and services.

Join us Sunday at 10:00 am live on Facebook at

YouTube Live at

Hope to see you there! | 424 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: 301-725-3093 | [email protected]

Join us online

nd 2 Cup Sunday School – 8:30 am live on Zoom Multiple Topics – The Bible

Breakfast Club SS Class – 11:30 am on Zoom

Youth SS Class – 12:00 pm - Zoom

Monday night Bible Study – 7 pm live on Zoom Hope Defined: Job 14 (entire chapter) – Bible Study will resume on 6/21.

Class info is on our website - | 424 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: 301-725-3093 | [email protected]

7 PM First Church's Fellowship Time

Weekly on Friday

Description: Join Zoom Meeting

Contact the Church Office for Login Info | 424 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: 301-725-3093 | [email protected]

Hello Church,

I finished up my last message at Community Church on May 23 and now I'm taking a "mini-sabbatical" to renew and plan. So I'm making the turn and beginning to dream about our ministry together (although I still have MANY questions). I met with the SPRC last week to begin to plan the transition and task one is the SPRC team helping me get to know you. I'm looking forward to hearing your stories, connecting names to faces, discovering your church culture and listening to your dreams. Reverend Ray has been working hard to provide me a soft landing and I am appreciative of his help. I'll be praying for you as you enter into revival starting June 13. There is no more important tool the Church has been given than to pray . . . for the mission of the church, our community, our leaders, for a God-given vision. I've been praying for you. Pray for Ray as he enters a new vineyard, and please pray for me. It won't be long!

+Pastor Stan | 424 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: 301-725-3093 | [email protected]

Members of Katheryn Eye and Circle met on May 22, 2021. It was decided to combine both circles at this time and to meet the third Saturday of each month beginning September 18th, 2021.

New members will be welcomed to join us. | 424 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: 301-725-3093 | [email protected]

Bible Trivia Questions

1. In 2 Sam. 17, to what did Hushai liken David? a) A bear robbed of her whelps b) A whale with no tail c) A dog eating a fish d) A snake in a tree

2. What is significant about the author's relationship with Onesiphorus? a) Onesiphorus left the congregation b) Onesiphorus is the same as Timothy c) The writer never addressed Onesiphorus d) Onesiphorus and Paul argued and went their separate ways. e) Onesiphorus resisted "the truth"

3. What does Paul tell Timothy not to be ashamed of? a) Paul b) Dying c) Persecution d) The testimony of the Lord e) None of the above

4. What did Jesus abolish? a) The devil b) Death c) Sickness d) Poverty e) None of the above

5. Who refreshed Paul while he was in prison in ? a) Timothy b) c) Onesiphorus d) e) None of the above

Last week answers: 1) d 2) b 3) a 4) b 5) c | 424 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: 301-725-3093 | [email protected] | 424 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: 301-725-3093 | [email protected]