The Evolution of Federal Reserve’s Term Auction Facility and Community Bank Utilization Kyle D. Allen Area of Finance Rawls College of Business Texas Tech University
[email protected] Scott E. Hein Robert C. Brown Chair of Finance Texas Tech University
[email protected] Matthew D. Whitledge Area of Finance Rawls College of Business Texas Tech University
[email protected] January 2015 Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Ken Cyree, Mike Eriksen, and Drew Winters for helpful comments and suggestions. Keywords: Federal Reserve lending, discount window, term auction facility, community bank, financial crisis, bank liquidity, commercial banks, FDIC insured banks JEL Classification Numbers: G21, G28, B58 The Evolution of Federal Reserve’s Term Auction Facility and Community Bank Utilization Abstract The TAF was designed to inject emergency short-term funds into all depository institutions, both large and small. We examine the evolution of the Federal Reserve’s design of the Term Auction Facility (TAF), and document and describe both community and non-community FDIC insured banks usage of the facility. Our research suggests that certain aspects of the structure of the TAF were changed by the Federal Reserve, which enhanced the ability of community banks to access funds from the facility over time. However, we find that community banks were far less likely than larger, non-community banks to use the TAF as a source of funding during the financial crisis, especially in the early stages of the financial crisis. 2 The Evolution of