
Gauge- Self- and tt Production as Probes of New P hysics at High Energy e+e- Colliders

MikulaS Gintner. RNDr.

-4 thesis subrnitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of P hilosophy

Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Department of Physics Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Jrine, 1997 @ copyright 1997, Mikulaj Gintner National Library Bibliothèque nationale I*I of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. nie Wellington Ottawa ON K1A ON4 OttawaON K1AON4 Canada Canada

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We address two phenomenologicd problems. both related to the search for new physics beyond the SM with potential sensitivity to the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking (ESB). In the first problem. uTeanalyze the sensitivity of the process efe- -t Ev&' to anomalous triple gauge boson couplings at energies appropriate to LEP2 and the XLC?considering ail tree level diagrams and finite widths of the gauge . While it is unlikely that LEP3 rneasurements would reveal anomalous couplings. the 500 GeV NLC measurements should be sensitive to loop contributions to the triple gauge boson vertices (TGV) while the 1 TeV YLC will be able to measure such effects. The different polarizations of initial states give different correlations between bounds on anomalous couplings. Thus the use of polarized beams at the NLC energies can help disentangle the nature of anomalous TGV's. We also examine the sensitivity of the off W-resonance production to the anomalous couplings and find that useful information could be extracted from this region of phase space. In the second problem. we investigate tf production via fusion at e+e- colliders as a means to study the mechanism of ESB. We calculate the cross sections for four different channels of the reaction ef e- -t t&& -t titi using the effective vector boson approximation (EV.4). We find that the W1.V mode is sufficiently sensitive to distinguish different masses. LVe examine the error introduced to the o(ef e- + to calculation by using high-energy approximations of the C.; + tf cross sections rather than the full expressions and find it comparable to the error expected from the use of the EV-4. Acknowledgements

Since my very est days in Canada? I canot imagine my work and life without being surrounded by the exceptional and caring people 1 met at the Physics de- partment. I will always remember the friendly. warm and stimulating atmosphere created by the Physics faculty. staff and students. 1 would like to pause to remem- ber Roselyn Tighe who personifies al1 these qualities and love in my mernories. Thaolcs to her and dl of you for this wonderful esperience. My special thds go to my supervisor. Steve Godfrey, for his guidance and strong support. I was privileged to work closely with him and learn frorn his fine physics experience. 1 was lucky to meet other fine physicists who helped and influenced my work - Pat Kalyniak. Gilles Couture. Fawzi Boudjema. Tao Han. The list is for frorn cornpiete and 1 am indebted to them all. 1 would also like to thank Ivan Melo. my friend and colleague, and his wife Katarina. Their support and companionship were invaluable. To my aife Alena. for giving me the strength to pursue rny goal. my love. To our parents. for their support and prayers. 1 am grateful. To God. 1 give my thanks. Contents

List of Tables vi

List of Figures ix

1 Introduction 1 1.1 The Standard Mode1 - its strengths and weaknesses ...... 1 1.2 Search for the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking .... 3 1.3 On two interesting sectors of the Standard Mode1 ...... 5

2 The Standard Mode1 of electroweak interactions 9 '2.1 Electroweak fields and spmetries ...... 9 2.2 Electroweak Lagrangian and interactions ...... 12 2-21 and gauge bosons ...... 12 2-22 Higgs sector ...... 15

3 Effective Lagrangians 20 3.1 General notes about the formalism of Effective Lagrangians ..... 20 3.2 Extending the Standard Mode1 ...... 21 3.3 Anomalous triple gauge boson couplings ...... 26 3 3.1 Gaugeboson self-interact ions ...... 26 3.3.2 Effective pararneterization of the triple gauge boson vertices 29

A Feynman rules for the anomalous TGV's

B CALKUL - helicity amplitude technique

C Helicity amplitudes for e'e- -t ICwqq'

D Cross section formulae for li;b? -t tf

Bibliograp hy List of Tables

2.1 The vector and axial-vector couplings for individual fermions. ... 15

3.1 Trânsfomation properties of the individual terms of the PVWV in- teraction Lagrangian under discrete transformations...... 30

4.1 Cross-sections for eie- -t pCv,qq' and ece- + e+ueqijf including cuts on the invariant masses of the outgoing pairs. k&, and Mpa...... 54 4.2 Sensitivities to anomalous couplings for the various parameters. varying one parameter at a time. for s1I2 = 173. 192. 205. and 220 GeV...... 72 1.3 Sensitivities to anomalous couplings for the various parameters. varying one parameter at a time. for s'12 = 175 GeV. 500 GeV. and 1 TeV...... S4 4.4 Seositivities to anomalous couplings based on off-resonance cross sections varying one parameter at a time...... 87 List of Figures

3.1 Tree level Fey-omaa diagams contributing to the process e+e- i w+I,v-...... 3. Cancellation of the contribution of the Feynman diagrarns contain- ing the WWV vertices with that of the t-channel diagram to the e+e- + W+W' cross section...... 3.3 Comparison between the expected bounds on the tweparameter space from various processes 1...... 3.4 Comparison between the expected bounds on the two-parameter space from various processes II......

4.1 The Feynman diagrams contributing to the process e'e- -t p+v,qijf. 4.2 The Feynman diagrams that contribute to the process e+e- + e+ueqijf in addition to those of Fig. 4.1......

4.3 a(e+e- + e+veqqf)and ~(e+e-i p+v,qqf) as a function of s1l2. .. 1.4 Invariant mass distributions (MpLi,,.Me,, and Mq,-t) of final state

fermions in the processes e'e- + p+vpqq and eCe- -t e+veqqffor s1/2 = 500 GeV...... 4.5 The angular distribution of the outgoing W- with respect to the incoming for s112 = 200 GeV. s1I2 = 500 GeV. and s'I2 = 1 TeV......

vii Angular distributions of W for s'I2 = 500 GeV and (a) ei and (b)

ER. --..-m..-...... -...... Angular distri butions of the outgoing wit h respect to the IV- direction in the W rest frame...... - . . . . . Angle definit ions used in Our 5-dimensional angular distri but ion analysis...... 87% C.L. contours for sensitivity to tcz: Xz and gf for sl/* = 17.5 GeV. 87% C.L. contours for sensitivity to LsL and LgR for s '12 = 17.5 GeV. 87% C.L. exclusion contours for sensitivi ty to anomaious couplings for sl/*= 175: 192. 203. and 120 GeV...... 4.12 87% CL. contours for sensitivity to nz, At and gf for s112 = 500 GeV. 1.13 87% C.L. contours for sensitivity to LsL and LgR for sl/? = 500 GeV. 4.11 87% C.L. contours for sensitivity to anomalous couplings for polar- ized initial state for s 'i2= 500 GeV...... 4.15 87% C.L. contours for sensitivity to >iz and gf for sL/' = 1 TeV. . . 4.16 87% C.L. contours for sensitivity to LsL and LgR for = 1 TeV. . 4.17 Si%! CL. contours for sensitivity to anornalous couplings for polar- ized initial state electrons for s112 = 1 TeV......

Tree level Feynman diagrams contributing to the process eie- -t tf. The tree level cross section of the process e+e- + ti as a function of s1I2 neglecting the Higgs boson exchange diagram......

The generic diagram for the process eCe- -t t?&C$ -i ~ftf...... The differential luminosities for interactions between W+'s and W-'s emitted by the e' beams...... Tree level Feynman diagrams contribut ing to the subprocesses I/, I/; -+ 5-6 The cross sections of H7W + fifor different polarizations of I.V bosons...... 100 5. Cross sections o(e+e- + via vector boson fusion using the effective W/Z/7 approximation with MH = 100 GeV. ..101

5.8 o(efe- -t uV1.iiWr. -t ufitt) and o(ece- -t e+e-ZLZL + rte-tf) vs. s1I2 for several dues of .WH...... 103

5.9 o(e+e- + uüWW + ufitt) and o(eie- + efe-2Z -t efe-tf) for sl/*= 1 T'eV as a function of A&...... 101 3.10 Errors introduced by taking 2iV.lraz/s1/* + O for the I.I*tl.ITL mode

and the Z& mode of e'e- -t l4'ti...... 105 Chapter 1


1.1 The - its strengths and weaknesses

The Standard Model of electroweak and strong interactions (SM)[l. 21 is a gauge- theory based on the SU(3)xSu'(2) x I.i( l ) gauge symmetry group. It describes the electromagnetic. weak and strong interactions of and . the fun- damental constituents of . The formulation of the SM has represented a significant step in the quest for a theory unifying al1 the fundamental of na- ture. It has had a profound influence on the developments in high energy physics in the last two decades. The SM has provided a comrnon platform for a quan- tum description of three out of the four known forces in nature. It was successful in predicting new phenornena such as the existence of the Ur and Z bosons. the mediators of the weak interactions. and the existence of the t quark. the heaviest elementary known to us at present. Al1 measurements desiped to test the SM have been found to be in good agreement aith its predictions. Hence. the SM is the frontier of Our understanding of the laws of the microcosmos: it is the deepest level of the small-scale structure of the world into which our intellect and technology have penetrated. Despite au its successes, the SM is not a fundamental theory. First of ail. it is incomplete because it does not say anything about gravitational forces on the scale? where the classical theor? of fails. There are other de- ficiencies of the SM. Although they rnight sound "less noble7 than the missing description of . they are no less serious in preventing the SM from being the fundamental theory. For example. there are too many free parameters in the SM that must be supplied from experiment. There is no reasm provided for the existing family replication. There is no explanation for the origin of fermion masses. nor for fiavour mixings. Finally. the huge difference between the elec- troweak Fermi scale (0(102) GeV). and the Planck mass scale (0(1019)GeV). at which quantum gravitational effects are expected to becorne non-negligible. intre duces complications if there is no new physics lying in between. not too far from the weak scale. Hence. despite al1 the irnpressive experimentd confirmations of the SM we have witnessed so far. we have good reasons to search for a more fundamental theory even below the Planck scale. We expect that the new theory should give us answers to at least some of the above questions. We also expect t hat it will contain the SM as its low-energu approximation. How can we learn about new physics beyond the SM? The direct way would be by discovering associated new . That would require building an accelerator able to produce and detect such particles. However. the effects of new physics may be observable even if the new particles are too heavy. beyond the reach of eristing facilities. In such a case, new physics can reveal itself indirectly through small deviations between measurements and predictions of the SM. introduced t hrough effective vertices, loop corrections to the SM couplings and higher order processes. However, below the new physics scale. the contributions to observables would be suppressed by inverse powers of this scale, relative to the SM contributions. Thus. to search for the indirect effects of new physics below its scale? high precision measurements are required. At present, the SM has been tested by high precision measurements at the energy scale of O(100) GeV. These measurements tested some parts of the SM be- ond the lowest order of the perturbative expansion of the S-matrix. In particular. interactions of fermions to gauge bosons have been measured very well and found to be in good agreement with the SM predictions. Because of the insufficient beam energy of the existing ece- colliders on the one hand and large backgrounds and other uncertainties at colliders on the other hand. other parts of the SM have been probed much less stringently. In the following sections. we will focus on some of these weakly tested sectors of the SM.

1.2 Search for the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking

In order that the SM Lagrangian renains gauge invariant, there are no esplicit mass terms allowed in it aad thus al1 fields of the SM have to be introduced as massless. However. in reality. most of the particles have their masses different from zero. One of the great successes of the SM is that it can solve this discrepancy. saving the gauge principle while gi~yingmasses to particles. The fields that are introduced as massless acquire their masses through the so-called spontaneous breaking of the gauge symmetry This spontaneous breaking is realized by the ground state having a lower symmetry than the Lagrangian itselfl. In the case

'.&ually, the symmetry of the Lagrangian is hidden rather than broken. After the fields are reparameterized according to the ground state. the symrnetry of the Lagrangian is no longer

O bvious. of the SM? the weak gauge bosons have non-zero masses while the and are massless. Thus. onlx the electroweak part of the SM gauge symmetry group. the SC:(2)xU(l).needs to be broken: and so we cal1 this symmetry breaking *electroweak symmetry breakin$- (ESB). The question is how can we achieve the symmetry of the ground state to be lower t han the symmetry of the Lagrangian. In the basic SM scenario. the electroweak symrnetry is spontaneoilsly broken through the introduction of an elementary complex scalar doublet. The direct consequence of this scenario is the appearance of an elementary scdar particle, the Higgs boson. in the particle spectrum. The Higgs boson mass is not predicted by the theory and the Higgs boson has not yet been discovered by experiment. However. the mass must remain below 0(1) TeV in order for the SM to remain a perturbative theory and to maintain unitarity. This becomes a problem if the scale of new physics is too large, as for example the Planck scale. This is because the mass of the elementary Higgs scalar is driven by the contribution of nem physics through higher-order corrections to be as high as the scale itself. In order to stop the SM Higgs boson mass from becorning too large. one would have to introduce an unnaturally fine-tuned parameter t hat would cancel the huge radiative corrections. The electroweak symmetry breaking sector of the SM is only weakly constrained by the present experimental data. Even though ESB is a necessary part of the SM. responsible for introducing masses to particles. the actual mechanism of the symmetry breaking rema.ins unclear. The SM scalar doublet is only one of the possible solutions. The question of the actual rnechanism of ESB constitutes one of the most pressing problems in today. Quite generally. there are two scenarios for possible solut ions. The first scenario is a weakly-coupied electroweak symrnetry breaking secctor. Its simplest version is the elementary complex doublet of scalar fields discussed above. More complicated alternatives of this scenario include extending the num- ber of scalar doublets. They a11 suffer from the instability of the low Higgs mass against the influence of the Planck scale through radiative corrections. The so- lution to this problem lies in unnatural fine-tuning of parameters. The weakl- coupled ESB sector also includes supersymmetric t heories. They are free from the fine-tuning problem because here. the radiative corrections to the masses of fundamental scalars are cancelled by the radiative corrections of the corresponding super-partners. Thus the Higgs scalar spectrum cm remain light in these theories aithout the need for unnatural fine-tuning. If is behind ESB there would be a new spectrum of particles and interactions at the TeV-scale or below. The second scenario is a strongly-coupied eiectroweak symmetrgr breaking sector. In t his scenario the symmetry breaking is triggered by non-pert urbative st rong forces. Elementary Higgs bosons do not exist. One alternative is to introduce a Higgs-like composite scalar state. Itwscomposite nature would be revealed at the Te17 scale. Typical representatives of this scenario are tecbnicolor models built in analogy to chiral symrnetry breaking in QCD. In general. no matter what the nature of ESB dynamics. it should be revealed at or below the TeV energy scale.

1.3 On two interesting sectors of the Standard Model

There are two sectors of the SM, poorly measured to date. which may be fruit- ful in the search for the nature of ESB. They are the electroweak gauge-boson selj-interactions and the interactions. In the SM. the gauge-boson self- interactions are uniquely determined by the non-abelian character of the gauge symmetry of the SM. Measuring these interactions represents a direct test of the basic principles of the construction of gauge theories. The gauge-boson self- interactions are so deeply rooted in the internai structure of the SM that any deviation from their predicted SM form would have damaging consequences for the renormalizability and high energy behaviour of the SM. In addition, since the longitudinal components of the are 'eaten-up- degrees of freedom of the Higgs sector t heir self-interactions can reveal information about the mechanism of ESB. Constraints from direct measurements of these couplings at current hadron colliders are weak. With the upgrade of the LEP colliderz at CERN. sufficiently high energies have been achieved to produce real W pairs in e+e- collisions. Crossing the t hreshold of real W-pair production enables tests of the WWy and WWZ vertices directly. Roughly comparable precision can be achieved at the pp collider by studying gauge boson production [3]. Still. to reach the level of precision of the loop contributions to the triple gauge-boson vertices would require building the next generation of the ece- colliders3 with CM energy of at least 500 GeV. Significant improvements of precision measurements of the couplings can dso be expected from experiments at the LHC4. In 1995 the existence of the top quark was established conclusively. Its discovery has been confirmed by two independent groups. CDF and DO. at the Ferrnilab 1.8 TeV Tentron - collider. Its mas has been measured direct ly and found to be 175 GeV with an uncertainty of f6 GeV [4. 51. In addition to this direct evidence of the top quark there are indirect measurements of the top quark mass obtained from high precision measurements at LEP [4]. Still. there is a long way to go before we can claim to know top quark properties like its couplings. with accuracy comparable to that of other quarks and leptons in the SM. So the present weak constraints on the parameters of the top quark leave considerable

?The upgraded version is known as LEP2 or LEPSOO. It is expected to achieve energies up to 192 GeV and integrated luminosity up to 500 pb". 3Such a project is often referred to as the Next Linear Collider (NLC). Its energv is considered to be an-vwhere from 500 GeV to several TeV. 4Large Hadron Collider project at CEm with expected CM pp collision energy 14 TeV and integrated luminosity up to 100 fb" . room for deviations from SM expect at ions. Its very large mas malies the top quark a very suitable probe for investigation of new physics and the electroweak syrnmetry brea3iing mechanism in particular. As the heoviest known particle it lies nearest to the scale of new physics. Therefore. we expect that nea physics is most likely to have the strongest impact on the eifective interactions of the top quark compared to other light particles. In addition. because fermion couplings to the Higgs boson are proportional to the fermion mas. the top quark is the most strongly coupled fermion to the rnechanism of ESB. In our work we address two phenomenological problems. both related to the search for new physics beyond the SM with potential sensitivity to the mechanism of ESB. Ln the first one. we analyze the sensitivity of the process e+e- + butqijr to the anomalous triple gauge boson couplings at energies appropriate to LEP:! (175 - 220 GeC') and the NLC (500 Ge\-. 1 TeV). Weinclude al1 tree level diagrams and finite widths of the gauge bosons. .At SLC energies we examine how the sensitivity depends on the polarization of the electron beam. We also examine the sensitivi ty of the off W-resonance production to the anomalous couplings. In the second problem we investigate t f production via vector boson fusion at e+e- colliders as a means to study the mechanism of ESB. We calculate the cross sections for four different channels of the reaction ece- + .CF& lill/; -+ lttf using the effective vector boson approximation. For the CVW and ZZ channels we find how the corresponding cross sections depend on the mass of the Higgs boson. We examine the error introduced to the o(e+e- + ti) calculation by using high-energy approximations of the b; C.; + tf cross sections rather than the full expressions. This thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 2 we introduce the SM and its Lagrangian. In Chapter 3. after a brief introduction of the method of effective Lagrangians. we focus on the effective parameterkation of triple gauge boson self- interactions. .4t the end of this Chapter we present the current and expected experimentd limits on anomalous triple gauge boson couplings. In Chapter 4 we present our calculations of the sensitivity of the process e+e- -t evcqijf to the ùnomalous triple gauge boson couplings. Investigation of the ti production via vector boson fusion is presented in Chapter -5. Finally: our conclusions can be found in Chapter 6. Chapter 2

The Standard Mode1 of electroweak interactions

In this chapter we introduce the electroweak part of the SM. Since the strong interactions are not important to our caiculations we will leave them out of our discussion. W'e are mainly interested in three electroweak sectors: interactions of fermions aith gauge-bosons. gauge-boson self-interactions. and the Higgs sector.

2.1 Electroweak fields and symmetries

The electroweak sector of the SM Lagrangian represents a unified description of the electromagnetic and weak interactions [1, 21. This description is based on the x C'(l)v group which is a local gauge symmetrp of the electroweak La- grangian. The spectrum of the particles in the SM can be divided into three cat- egories. One category is the fermions. Fermions include leptons. particles subject to electroweak interactions: and quarks which also experience strong interactions. The strong interactions are not the subject of this study. so we will not discuss them further'. The leptons and quarks are organized into three families:

plus the corresponding . The LJ,:v,. v7. C. ,ü.r- are the leptons and the u. c. t. d. S. b are the quarks. The three families have identical gauge interactions. They difFer only by their masses and the CKM matrir couplings. The fermion fields are described through their left- and right-handed compe nent s

~L,R= [(lF ;(j)/2]+. GL.R = G[(l f YS)/?] (2.2)

In the SM t the left-handed fields are W(2) doublets. while t heir right-handed part ners t ransform as singlets. The generd transformation pattern of each family can be broken down as follows: leptonic sector:

quark sector:

where ui stands for the . 1- is one of the e-1 p-. r-. q, is the up-type quark, and qd is the down-type quark. The masses of the left-handed particles are identical to the masses of their right-handed partners. The neutrino appears to be massless wit h onlp a left-handed component. The gauge bosons represent the second category of SM particles. The very presence of the gauge bosons in the SM Lagrangian is a direct consequence of the gauge principle applied to the construction of the theo. This also fixes

IThe only thing we have to keep in mind is that each quark has three different strong charges (called colours). which increases the number of degrees of freedom that must be taken into accoun t . t heir interactions. Thus. the x CT(l)u gauge symmetry introduces four electroweâk gauge bosons; one photon 7.. and three weak vector bosons W*.ZO. T hese part icles have al1 ben verified experiment ally. The third part of the SM is the Higgs sector. In this sector the electroweak gauge group x Zj(l)y is broken to the Cr( 1)E,M of . The electroweak Lagrangian is local- symmetric under SCr(2)rxl'(l )y group. However. the ground state of the theory has a lower symmetry. much like a ferromagnet has a lower symmet ry t han the basic interactions. This p henomenon is cded elect rowealr symmetry brealiing (ESB) and it generates the masses of the weak gauge bosons and fermions. The actual mechmism responsible for ESB remains unknown. The simplest hypothesis introduces new fields in the form of a complex scalar SC(2)L doublet. This new scalar doublet has a non-zero vacuum espectation value and the vacuum itself ha. Lower symrnetry than SCr(2)LxLi(l)u.-4s a result. a physical scalar particle. the so-called Higgs boson. appears in the SM particle spectrum. It has not yet been discovered experimenrally and its mass is not predicted by the SM scenario of ESB. As a matter of fact. the Higgs particle is not at al1 neccessary for erplaining al1 the cunent erperimental data. Several alternative scenarios for ESB have been suggested. some introducing several fundamental scalars, others repiacing the fundamental Higgs boson with composite particles or even removing it completel-. Still. the search for the Higgs boson remoins the primary goal of experimental activities regarding the mechanism of ES B. 12

2.2 Electroweak Lagrangian and interactions

2.2.1 Fermions and gauge bosons

The SM electroweak Lagrangiân is inmriant iinder the local XC'(~)~gauge transfomation G,(x) + wJ(x)= L~(x)V(z)~,(x) (25) where Li(x) = exp [iF-Z(X)]~ V(x) = exp [i$~(x)] (3.6) and T are the three generators2 that act on the doublet fields and ai(x).

$(z) are real functions of 2'. Y is a quantum number operator called the . The relation of the 1- to the electric and of a puticle will be shorvn later. To build the invariant Lagrangian we need to introduce the covariant derivative

ivhere g, g' are dimensionless electroweak coupling constants and %p. B, are four eiectroweak gauge fields wit h the following transformation propert ies

1 Bl(r)= BJx) + -~?'~j3(x) 9' Then the covariant deritative transforms as

While the non-linearity of the SLi(2) commutation relations requires that there is a unique SC'(2)Lcoupling for al1 the fermions. the abelian group structure of

?The ri's have the following relation to the usud Pauli matrices ai : r, = cj/2.Then [ri,rj] = kijx~and T~(T,T,)= idij. the weak hypercharge provides no restrictions for assigning the weak hypercharge quantum number. In order to build the gauge-invariant kinetic terms for the gauge fields? the field strengths are defined as:

Bw 3, Bw - auBp Their transformation propert ies are

Yow. the part of the SM Lagrangian that describes fermions. gauge bosons and t heir mutual interactions can be written down: 1 1 - LF-ca = --B B'" - -KY- CCpY+ C iGj(3)jp~p~l(~) (2.15) 4 pu 4 2 The gauge syrnmetry forbids mas terms for the gauge bosons as well as the fermions because they would explicitly break the gauge syrnmetry. Insteâd? masses for t hese particles are introduced by the mechanism of ESB. The Lagrangian (2.15) contains the so-called (CC) interactions of the left-handed fermions with the charged boson fields CI);+ (Ur: + ie)/fi and Ui; = (WL - iLV3/& = (W:)t:

Because the quark fields in (9.16) are not identical with the mass eigenstates, there are interactions between quarks of different generations. However. these are relatively small and we neglect them in Our work. Both gauge fields WC and BP are neutral and massless. In principle. the physical states. let them be called Zp and A'. could be any linear combination of ci: ci: and Bk (2)= ( cosflr sinew) (2) - sin 8~ cos Then. the neut ral-current ( YC) interactions of the Lagrangian (2.15) bet ween the neutral physical bosons and fermions have the form

- Ij y. LNC = qj7, {A'[~T~sin 8w +gr7 COS Biv] Zwlgn cos Bw - g'Lsin (3-181 - + 2 &.])ej One of the physical bosonic fields shouid correspond to the QED photon. Identi- fying -4, with the photon results in the relations:

j ahere QI is the electromagnetic charge of the fermion, T/3 is the r-component of its w-eali isospin. and kf is the weak hypercharge. The SC interactions can now be split into two separate parts

where LQED= e.~,f~/~Qjf (2.22) is the electromagnetic of the photon with charged fermions and

e z,f;fP(vf - arrs j f. (2.23) = 2 sin ow cos Our is the of the Z boson with the fermions. Here. f denotes individual fermion fields and t.f and af are defined as

The vf's and a ,'s for individual fermions are given in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 : The vector and axial-vector couplings for individual fermions.

1 FERMION (f)/ ='f

The gauge symmetry of the electroweak Lagrangian is non-abelian. Conse- quentle in addition to interactions between fermions and gauge bosons. which are already familiâr from QED. interactions arnong gauge bosons t hemselves are also present. The strength of these interactions is @en by the coupling g. The gauge-boson self-interactions can be recognized in the kinetic term of the La- grangian (2.15). There are two kinds of self-interactions to be found there: cubic ones and quartic ones. The cubic self-interactions are given by the piece

mhere V,, = a&, - with V = W'. 2. -4. The quartic self-interactions are given by

2.2.2 Higgs sector

Insisting on the gauge syrnmet ry of the electroweak Lagrangian guarantees its renorrnalizability. On the other hand. there is no way to put explicit mass terms into the Lagrangian and maintain its gauge invariance. The solution of this dilemmais to construct a theory with a symmetric Lagrangian and a less-symmetric ground state. The secdled Goldstone theorem applies to this situation: Let G be a continuous symmetry group of the Lagrangian and H be a continuous synmetry group of the ground state, H C G. Let g + dim G and h a dim H be the numbers of generators of each of the groups. Then the particle spectmm of the theory is enriched by g - h massless -0 particles called Goldstone bosons. The simplest mode1 for generating the required masses for the SM particles is to introduce an SC;(2)Ldoubiet of scalar fields

\\rhere O+ = (oi+ i+,)/& and do = (q+ im4)/& with di's being real fields. The original massless Lagrangian 1)is then supplemented by the gauged scalar Lagrangian LS-CB= (D~O)~DV- V(b) (2.28) wit h (3.") where > O and A > O. The covariant deri$ative has the standard form


where 7, = 112. 1'; = 1 for the scalar doublet (2.27). The Lagrangian (2.28) is invariant under local SC'(3)Lx U(l)ytransformations. There are an infinite nurnber of degenerate ground states. The i has the same expectation value in al1 these states:

These states are not invariant under the SC:(2)r x CF(1 transformations and only one of them becomes the true physical vacuum. Because the electric charge remêins a conserved quantity. the physical vacuum must rernain invariant under the electrornagnetic C'(1) group. Following this requirement. a proper choice is the vacuum for which

where v is a real number. The particle spectrum is given by field fluctuations from this vacuum. It leads to the natural repararneterization of the scalaï doublet:

rvhere ë(r) (Goldstone bosons) and H(x) (Higgs boson) are real fields with zero vacuum expectation du es. The erponential factor in (2.33) has the same form as the SU(2)Lgauge transformation (2.6). Thus. the transformation can be chosen such that it cancels the ë(x) fields. The gauge. in which &) disappear from the Lagrangian. is called the ph ysical or unitary gauge. In this gauge the scalu Lagrangian (2.28) becomes


Shus. the Wf and Z bosons have acquired masses

where sin2Bir; zz 0.23: and a new physical particle - the Higgs boson - appeared in the spectrum. Its mass is where L< = 246 GeV. Photons remain massless as expected. The sacrificed Gold- stone bosons have supplied the longitudinal degrees of freedom to the noa massive W and Z bosons. The same mechanism also generates fermion masses when the following gauge- invariant fermion-scalar piece is added to the SM Lagrangian for every generation

where the f, are the so-called couplings. After ESB this Lagrangian trans- forms to imply ing the fermion masses

The parameters fi remain unpredicted and the fermion masses must be taken from experiment. The interactions of fermions with the Higgs boson are fixed by (2.40) and (2.41) in terms of fermion masses. In its electroweak sector the SM contains 17 free parameters. Four of them are g, g'? p2 and A. Usually, they are expressed through four other parameters which are combinations of the former ones. These are a. _il.lz, GF and hlH;the fine-structure constant: the rnass of Z boson. the Fermi constant and the mas of the Higgs boson. respective15 The adkantage of this set of parameters lies in the fact that the first three variables of the set are the best measured parameters of the SM. and MH.dthough unknown? is the object of intense interest. A multitude of free parameters appean in the Yukawa sector. For three generations and mass- less , there are 13 free parameters: 9 fermion masses and 3 angles and 1 phase pararneterizing the Cabibb-Kobayashi-klaskatva (CKM) matrin which de- scribes the inter-generational mising of the quark states. Wedo not discuss this phenornenon here. Thus. 4 1 13 gives us 17 free parameters of the electroweak sector as advertised. For completeness we mention that the strong S1'(:3)c sector supplies another one- possibly two free parameters: the QCD coupling constant a, and a. possible CP-violating 8 term in the strong Lagrangian. Chapter 3

Effective Lagrangians

In this Chapter we briefly introduce Effective Lagrangians as a model-independent parameterization of new physics beyond the SM. Two different scenarios are consid- ered: a linearly and non-Iinearly realized gauge symmetry. After this introduction we discuss the effective parameterization of triple gauge boson self-interactions. The three most common parameterizations of these interactions are introduced. In the last part we discuss the current and future experimental limits on the anomalous triple gauge boson couplings.

3.1 General notes about the formalism of Effec- t ive Lagrangians

The relationship between a particular and its loa-energy approximation is treated formallp in the language of the Effective Quantum Field Theon) (EFT). This formalism suggests that at energies below- a scale .A we do not have to use the full theory if some of its fields are heavier than this scale. Instead.

lFor more profound and complete discussion of the formalism of EFT. see e.g. references [Tl, 72, 76, 771. we can use the so-called effective theory that can be derived from the full theory by 'integrating out" aU heavy fields (Mi > A) mhich cannot be observed at low energy (E < A). The resulting effective Lagrangian can be written down in the form of an infinite sum

where a;are generally dimensional :\-dependent coefficients and Oi are operators built from the light fields (mi < A). The Qiare only constrained by the symmetries of the low-energy physics. In this sense the form of the effective Lagrangian (3.1)is independent of the theory from ahich it is derived. AU information on virtual heavy physics effects is "frozenn into the coefficients ai. Within its realm of applicability, i.e., below A. it provides a consistent and complete description of al1 low energy p henomena. Based on these properties, the formalisrn could also be used the other ivay around: when we know only the low-energy physics and the more generd theory is unknown2. The corresponding effective Lagrangian can be ivri t ten down using the knowledge of the light particle spectr-um and the 1ou~-energysymmetnes. The task is to construct the most general set of local interactions containing the given light fields and respecting these low-energy symmetries. Our ignorance of the full theory will be reflected in Our inability to calculate values of the coefficients of t hese operators. They will have to be obtained from esperiment. Thus. the coefficients rernain free parameters, parameterizing al1 possible new physics rvhich respects the gi ven low-energy approximation. Since the Lagrangian (3.1) contains an infinite number of terms it may appear that it has no predictive power. It seems that we would need to supply (through calculation from the full theor- or by measurement ) an infinite number of paru- eters in order to be able to calculate anything. Fortunately, this is not the case.

'The famous early example is Fermi's four-fermion theory of weak interactions. The terms in the effective Lagrangian can be arranged according to a hierarchy such that the lower order tems generate the dominant contribution to any ob- servable. To any order in this hierarchy there is only a fitenumber of operators which need to be considered. W-e can also estirnate the contribution produced by the remaining terms of higher orders. Then, due to its finite accuracy. an\-mea- surement at energy E < A can be described by a limited number of terrns in (3.1). The dominant terms of the effective Lagrangian cm usually be identified with the low-energy theory and they are built of operators of energy dimension < 1. As the energy E increases, more and more terms become important for achieving the given accurac: until the whole process breaks donn at the scale A. For E > A the effective Lagrangian violates S-matrix unitarity. Unitari ty is t hen restored in the full theory by heavy field effects. The energy at which unitarity is violated also gives an upper bound on the masses of the heavy degrees of freedom. In a weakly coupled theory (like the SM) this upper bound substantidly overestimates the masses of the heavy degrees of freedom. The effective Lagrangians can be used in perturbative calculâtions like "ordi- nary" Lagrangians which implies we have to also deal with infinities in loop calcula- tions. However. since the effective Lagrangians contain operators with dimensions > 1 as weU. the? are not renormalizable. The problem with non-renormdizable theories is that they can become finite only with an infinite nurnber of countert- erms. The effective Lagrangian already contains dl such operators and thus al1 the counterterms it needs. This would be of no help though, if we had to renormdize an infinite number of parameters. Fortunatele due to the hierarchy axgurnent corn- bined with the finite precision of our rneasurements there are only a finite number of operators that are needed to handle the loop divergences. We denote as L(4)that part of the effective Lagrangian that consists of op erators with dimensionality < 4. Based on the renormalizability of the L(4)we can distinguish two different classes of the effective Lagrangians. If the C(4) is renormalizable t hen the conditions for the decoupling t heorem [Tl] are satisfied and we are dealing with the so-called decoupfing scenario. This means that the contributions of the terms with dimension > 1 to an? observable vanish as A i m. In other words, if we deal with energies much less than At al1 these higher-term contributions are suppressed. The coefficients a;in the sum (3.1) are proportional to inverse powers of A and this becomes the basic element defining the hierarchy in the effective Lagrangians. The operators with higher dimensions are suppressed by the higher powers of the l/h. This scenario typically occurs ahen a dimensional parameter in the full Lagrangian (e.g. mass of a field) becomes very large. If the L(")is not renormdizable then the decoupling theorem does not hold and we have the non-decoupling scenario. In this case there are heavy physics effects that do not vanish as -4 -t m. Even though the coefficients ai are still proportional to inverse powers of -4' the question of hierarchy among the operators is more complicated. In the case of the effective Lagrangian with non-linearlp redized gauge syrnmetr- which is also considered in our work. the operators can

-c be organized according to the value of the expression d, + fn/2 - 2 [75. 76, r r 1, where d, is the number of derivatives (and gauge fields if the mode1 is gauged) and f, is the number of fermion fields. For a purel- scalar sector (1,= O) this leads to organizing operators according to the number of derivatives - the derivative expansion, The non-decoupiing scenario is typically redized when L,, is obtained by letting a dimensionless parameter become large (e.g. the scalar self-coupling in the Higgs sector of the SM). Taking the dimensionless parameter to infinity w-il1 generate non-linear interactions among the fields. 3.2 Extending the Standard Mode1

There are good theoretical arguments that the SM is only valid over a limited range of energies so that we expect the SM to be a low-energy approximation of a more complete theory. There have been numerous at tempts to const ruct renormal- izable extensions of the SM by enlarging its symmetry group or particle content. However, due to the lack of any significant discrepancy between SM predictions and experiment we have not yet ben able to discover a more fundamental theory. The multitude of viable alternatives leads people to realize the need for a general analysis of the extensions of the SM. EFT is an appropriate approach for such an analysis. The potential influence of new physics on low-energy rneasurements can be analyzed by extending the SM Lagrangian with effective operators built from the fields of the SM. in accordance with (3.1). It is natural to require that the new operators respect the standard SU(?)x Li(l) gauge spmmetry. There are two standard scenarios on how to deal with ESB [6l. 62. 721. In the first . the gauge symmetry is linearly realized. In this case the effective Lagrangian is built with the same particle content as thot of the SM; in particular, the Higgs boson is present in the particle spectrum and is relatively light. The leading term in the effective Lagrangian is the Lagrangian of the SM itself. Since the SM is renormalizable new physics decouples as its scale goes to infinit-. Other terms are non-renormalizable but their effects axe suppressed by the scale of neur physics. There is no theoretical (nor experimental) restriction on how large the scale of new physics should be3. The larger it is. the more the non-standard effects are suppressed by inverse powers of LI. Only experiment can give us more information about this scde. The existence of the Higgs boson has not yet been confirmed. In fact. the Higgs boson is not a necessary ingredient of electroweak symmetry breaking. This

3BeIow the Planck scale, of course. leads to the second scenario with the gauge symmetry non-linearly realized. The effective Lagrangian is built from the SM fields without the Higgs boson which means that L(4)is non-renormalizable. Thus. the heavy physics does not decouple as its scale approaches infinit- This scenario imitates the situation when the Higgs boson is either tao heavy or not present at di. In either case the low-energy Lagrangian will have bad high-energu behaviour. particularly for the scattering of longitudinal gauge bosons. rvhich must be fised by some new physics. Since the longitudinal gauge bosons are supplied by the ESB sector? along with new physics the mechanism of ESB must also be revealed. The scale of new physics cannot be too large in order to be able to take over the role of rhe Higgs boson in cutting off the growing amplitudes. Without the Higgs boson. the low-energv Lagrangian violates unitarit?; at a scale of roughly 4711- 3 T'eV so that new physics must appear below this scale. In this scenario. the leading term of the effective Lagrangian. the Is-GBof the SM (2.2s).is replaced by the non-linear sigma model


T are the SU(?)generators. and c = 316 GeV is defined by (2.37). The covariant derivative D, is D,Z = a,r - igW;ii~- ig'~,~r3 (3.1)

The u1.2.3 are the Goldstone Bosons that merge with the weak gauge bosons to make them massive. It is obvious that the effective Lagrangian technique can be used to search for indirect effects of new physics in both scenarios. However, this approach seems to be more effective in the non-linear case. This is particularly true in the quest for the mechanism of ESB. In the fint - lipht Higgs - scenario. the Higgs boson would be found and studied direct14 at the next generation of colliders. In the second scenario there is no Higemj in the spectrum of the effective theory. either because it is supposed to be ver? heav or even not exist at dl. as sorne alternative rnodels suggest. As we already mentioned. in this case t here must be nea physics at or beloa; 6(1) TeV and must provide an answer for the mechanism of ESB. Before we build experimental facilities that can reach this scale the only way to learn about it is through studies of its indirect eEects at lower energies.

3.3 Anomalous triple gauge boson couplings

3.3.1 Gauge-boson self-interactions

The gauge boson self-interactons are int roduced by the non-abelian charact er of the gauge symmetry upon ahich the SM is based. This \vas discussed in Chap- ter 2 where the self-interactions were show-^ to be described by the interaction Lagrangians (2.25) and (2.26). In contrast to the measurements of the couplings between fermions and gauge-bosons that have reached very high precision4 [4]? the self-interactions of gauge-bosons have been tested rather poorly5. With the next generation of new colliders this situation should change. Starting aith LEP3: future eie- couiders can be considered to be W factories. At energies 200 GeV and higher the cross sections for the production of W and Z bosons will strongly dominate over those for production of fermions and scalars [3].Measurements at future ece- machines aiong with those at the (LHC) will significantly improve the current limits on the gauge-boson self-interactions. The weak gauge bosons represent a very interesting system that embodies two fundamental principles: the gauge principle and syrnrnetry breaking. The pre-

- --- 'The SM has been verified at an accuracy of up to O(IO'~). 5More details about the current experimental limits will be given in Subsection 3.3.3. Figure 3.1: Tree level Feynman diagrams contributing to the process e+e- i W+W- in the limit of massless electrons. cise form of the weak boson self-couplings is uniquely given by the requirements of gauge invariance and unitaritv [3].Without contributions from the Feynman diagrams with the self-couplings the cross sections for the production of gauge bosons would keep increasing wi t h energy. event ually violating uni tari ty. This is illustrated in Fig. 3.2 for the process eie- + Wf U'-. Three diagrams con- tribute to this process in the SM (Fig. 3.1). Two of them contain triple gauge boson vertices (TGV). Any disruption of the SM form of the self-couplings would spoil this delicate cancellation of the contributions of the individual diagrams in- troducing discrepancies between the expected and measured cross sections which increases with collision energy. Therefore. at a fixed luminosity. the sensitivity of erperiments to the deviation would be higher at higher energies. The connection between weak gauge bosons and symmetry breaking is due to the fact that the longitudinal components of W and Z bosons are the Goldstone bosons of the ESB sector. Therefore, we expect that the mutual interactions of &'s and ZLosmust carry information on the mechanism of ES%. These interac- tions become particularly important as a means to study the mechanism of ESB if there is no light Higgs boson. Otherwise. our efforts would be better invested in s'" (GeV)

Figure 3.2: Canceilation of the contribution of the Feynman diagrams containing the U.-U'I' vertices with that of the t-channel diagram to the e+e- i W+W- cross section. The long-dashed line is for the (2 + y) s-channel cross section. the short-dashed line is for the neutrino t-channel cross section. The solid line represents the total cross section combining al1 three diagrams together. direct observations of the Higgs particle. In an? case. measuring the gouge-boson self-couplings is one of the major tasks in testing the SM.

3 -3.2 Effective parameterization of the triple gauge boson vert ices

Potentiai deviations of the gaugeboson self-interactions from their SM forms can be parameterized using the formalism of EFT. In Our work we investigate the triple gauge boson vertices WW-, and Ct'WZ. There are three main parameterizations of these gauge boson couplings that appear in the literature. The characteristic distinguishing the approaches is the degree to which constraints are imposed in terms of the syrnmetry and particle content of the low energy theory. The most commonly used parameterizations [16. 5:3] are described below.

General Fonn Factor Approach

The first approach is to describe the WWV vertices appealing to established sym- metry principles - Lorentz imariance and electrornagnetic gauge invariance. For the purpose of studying the WWV vertex in e'e- i I.V+W- there are seven independent WWZ form-factors and six independent WW? form-factors besides the electric charge of the M.- ['i.55. 56. 7.31. The effective Lagrangian has the form6 Table 3.1: Transformation properties of the individual terms of the Lagraogian (3.5) under discrete transformations.

where the V denotes either a photon or a Z boson. g, = -e and g~ = -e cot Orv- Further, W,, = a&, - &W,' VfiU= d,Gu - &Vu, cfiY= f~~~~~li~'and MM; is the W boson mas. The parameter g: is constrained by electromagnetic gauge invariance to be equal to 1. The given parameterization assumes the vector bosoo to be either on-sheiI or associated with a conserved current. In Table 3.1 we summarize transformation properties of the individual terms of the Lagrangian (3.5) under discrete transformations. In the static limit. some of the parameters of (3.5) can be related to more farniliar physical quantities. Thus the ri, and A, are related to the anomalous magnetic dipole moment. pw, and the electric quadrupole moment. Qw,of the Wf by

Similady: the k, and A, are related to the electric dipole moment' dw. and the magnetic quadrupole moment. Q of the Wf by

e dw = -(27 X,) 2 MW +

It would be a formidable task to analyze all these parameters at the same tirne. Fortunately, we can restrict their number by appealing to other measurements. Thus. we can ignore the CP violating operators as t hey are tightly constrained by rneasurement of the electric dipole moment of fermions (the electric dipole moment of the constrains the two CP violating parameters to 121. lÀl < O(i0-") [XI ) and other CP violating observables. The same argument can be applied to the C violating WCVy couplings. So if we do not consider C. P. and CP violating operators the number of terms in the Lagrangian (3.5) reduces to five

The remaining free parameters are g:. ii-,.o and which we will consider in this work. Note that this parameterization does not respect the electroweak gauge symmetry. This was criticized by sorne authors [62. 761 in the light of the fact that the electroweak gauge symmetry has been well established. In this context we would like to stress two points: First. using the parameterization (3.10) maintains the generality of the analysis. If we want to use the measurement of gauge boson self-couplings as a test of the electroweak gauge sçmmetry t hen we cannot use a parameterization where this symmetr- is built in as an assumption. In addition. Larious models with lower symmetries can be easily related to the generai param- eterization (3.10). Secondl- if so desired. the Lagrangian (3.10) can be considered at tree level to be a unitary gauge realization of a gauge invariant Lagrangian [16. 73. 761. The Lagrangian of eq. (3.10) has become the standard phenomenological pa- rameterkation of the WWy and CVWZ vertices. The first four terms correspond to dimension 4 operators and the fifth and sixth ternis correspond to dimension 6 operators. The mass in the denominator of the dimension 6 term would correspond to the scale of new physics. typically of order 1 TeV. However. it has become the convention to use $..so that the W magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole can be rvritten in a form similu to that of the . Yevertheless. one expects the dimension 6 operator to be suppressed with respect to the dimension 4 operators by a factor of Mg/(!\ = 1 TeV)* zx IO-^. At tree level the standard mode1 requires gf = nv = I and Xv = O. Typically. radiative corrections from heavy particles will change KV by about - IO-* and Xv by about - 10-3 (591. In particular. the contributions from a 300 GeV top quark and a 1.31 GeV Higgs boson to Ki* and Xv are of order IO-^. .;2nomalous TGV couplings in (3.10) appear as constants. However . higher- order terms. similar to those in (3.10). introduce momenturn dependence into the anomalous couplings (16. 5S]- For example. the operator

modifies the coupling by a factor proportional to q2/.12.Therefore. it would be more appropriate to talk about form-factors rather than constants. At hadron colliders, where the TGV couplings are probed via gauge boson pair production over a large range of q2 values. this fact cannot be ignored. Fortunatele when

studying W+W- production at an e+ed collider at fixed q2 = S. which is our case. the form factor behaviour is not so important.

The requirement of the x Li(l)u gauge symmetry leads to additional re- strictions on the effective Lagrangian describing the anomalous TGV couplings. There are two standard alternative extensions of the SM based on effective La- grangians wi t h the gauge syrnmetry ei t her linearly or non-linearly realized. These Lagrangians have already been introduced in Section 3.2. Below we describe hou- t hese approaches paramet erize the W W V vert ex.

Linearly Realired Higgs Sectot

We recall that in this case the effective Lagrangian contains the same fields as the SM including the Higgs doublet field b. Its leading operators are given by the renormalizable SM Lagrangian and dl heavy physics effects decouple. Considering next-to-leading operators without fermionic fields and conserving CP. there are 12 operators up to dimension 6: the' are ail of dimension 6 and separately conserve C and P. The corresponding part of the effective Lagrangian can be written as

where the full list of the operators 0;can be found in [?O. 62. 781. Therc are seven operators in this list that contribute to the process ef e- + W+M? Only five of these operators contribute to W-Wy and WWZ vertices. However. two of them. dong aith the rernaining two operators which do not influence TGV's. contribute also to gauge-boson two-point functions at tree level and t heir respect ive coefficients are stringently constrained by high precision low energ?. and Z boson data 1120. 781. Thus. we are left with three anomalous TGV parameters to consider. In the standard notation. the linearly realized TGV Lasrangian is given by [62, 731

mhere the anomalous couplings. fi's. are denoted here as cg. i^yl; and L,,. IV,, and

B,, are the SU(2) and U(1) field strength tensors given in terms of WB i;, WM;; by

The parameters from this approach can be rewritten in terms of deviations of the parameters of the Lagrangian (3.10) from their SM dues as

A In generd. the coefficients fi are expected to be numbers of order unit-. -411 the (3.10) anomalous deviations are t hen suppressed by the factor (e2/s:)(v2/4h2)= M$/A2. Hence. taking A 1 TeV. we might expect them to be of 0(10-2). However. it was also pointed out in [79] that the three operators of the effective Lagrangian (3.13) cannot be generated at tree level bg any renormalizablo under- lying t heory. Thus, the expected size of the corresponding anomalous coupling might be further suppressed by - 1/(16;r)*. Consequently. it might even be pos- sible that dimension 8 operators generared at tree level could dominate over the dimension 6 operators.

Ton-Lin early Realired Higgs Sector

In this case. there is no Higgs boson in the low-energy spectrum. The effective Lagrangian includes only the would-be Goldstone bosons which give masses to weak gauge bosons. The non-linear realization [S.611 is known as a chiral Lagrangian, due to its similarity to low-energ'. QCD rvhich possesses a chiral symmetry. The effective Lagrangian conserves the custodial SG'(2)= symmetry in the limit g' + 0. If we consider next-to-leading operators wi thout femionic fields such that they conserve C and P symmetries. the corresponding part of the effective Lagrangian has the form

where CNLCis given by (3.2) and the list of the operators Oicm be found in [61.78]. There are only two operators which contribute to anomalous TGV couplings aad not to tw*point functions. In the standard notation the effective Lagrangian of the TGV is given by [61. 731

where the anornalous couplings. ai's. are denoted hcre as LgL and LgR. The covari- ant derivative is given by (3.4). The field strength tensor IVpu is given by (3.14) and B,, is given by

Bw = (&A- &&)~3 (3.23)

Note that often in the Iiterature the coefficient 1/16r2 is replaced mith v2/:I2. Yeu- physics contributions are expected to result in values of LgLWgRof order 1 [54]. The parameters LgL and LgR are related to llgf and 3~~of (3.10) by


We see that ilg: and Ariv are again of order (e2/s;)(v2/4A2) = Mg-/A2 and corresponding terms in (3.10) of dimension 6. On the ot her hand. in the non-linear realization? Air's are expected to be of order M&/A4 aad the corresponding tem is effectively of dimension 8. The linear and non-iinear realizations are obtained from each other by identifying LgL = 7~~~7and LgR = 2~~.In the non-linear realization, the counterpart of LA is of higher dimension.

3.3.3 Current and future experimental limits on the anoma- lous TGV couplings

The measurernents of the gauge-boson self-interactions still have a long way to go before reaching precision cornpaxable to that obtained on the gauge-boson-fermion couplings. The LEP1 data has reached such high accurac- that the fermionic loops alone are no longer enough to reproduce the data [SOI. Bosonic loop corrections wi t h the gauge-boson self-interactions are needed to reach agreement wi th ex- periment. This can be interpreted as strong support for the non-Abelian gauge structure of the SM [73]. The bounds on nonstandard IVWV couplings can be extracted from the exist- ing low-energy data on measurernent s like neut rino- scat tering. polarized electron-deuterium asymmetry, and the (g - 2) factor of the muon. The TGV's oc- cur in loops and thus contribute to the observed processes. These indirect bounds turn out to be ody a little bit better than those given by the unitarity require- ments. which, using the parameterization of (3.10). restrict the deviations to be less than -- 1 [9]. The indirect measurements of TGV's via radiative corrections to precision electroweak measurements at the 2 peak [lS. 19. 201 give the following lirnits [18]: sgf = -0.033 & 0.031. 6ri, = 0.056 & 0.056. 6nz = -0.0019 zt 0.044, A-, = -0.036 f 0.034. and Xz = 0.049 rt 0.045. However. there are ambiguities in these calculations associated with running the couplings down from the scale of new physics to low energy and from possible fortuitous cancellations among oper- ators so that these lirnits are not particularly rigorous and it is necessary to use direct rneasurements for more reiiable bounds. Direct measurements of the WWV couplings have been performed by the CDF and DO collaborations at the Tevatron pp collider (6= 1.8 TeV) at Fermilab. using the processes pp + Wy7 Ww WZ. The- have obtained the following direct 9.5% CL limits frorn Wy production varying one parameter at a time (31:

DO: -0.9 < 16, < 0.9

CDF: Here. the possibility of a minimal C'(1)-only coupling (K = X = O) is ruled out at the 88 % CL by the DO measurement. That means that the photon couples not only to the W electric charge but also to its we& isospin. From bVW and CC'Z production, va.rying one parameter at a time and assuming that FCZ = k7 K and Xz = A, e A. theyobtained the following 95 % CL limits:



-issurning Ali7 = AX-, = O and AXz = O. both experiments exclude the point

"2 = gi = O at 99 % CL. This is direct evidence for a nonzero W1.t-Z coupling. Therefore the present limits from the Tevatron have conftrrned the existence of the weak boson self-interactions but the limits only slightly improved the bounds from unitarit- considerat ions. Furt her improvement can be expected from the upgraded DO and CDF detectors that should begin running at the Tevatron in 1999. It is expectcd that the Tevatron will collect O(1 - 10) W1data and its limits (- O(0.1)) will be cornpetitive with those from LEP?. In the longer term. measurements at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC: pp collider with fi = 11 TeV) at CERN will improve these limits considerably ['El.It is estimated that aith 100 fb-l, one can obtain 95 % CL limits on An, and AX, in the range (5 - 10) x 10-~[Sl]. With the beginning of operation of LEP2 at CM energy 161 GeV in 1996, the threshold for real W pair production at an ef e- coiLider was crossed and thus direct testing of the WWV vertex has started. So far LEP3 has collected, per experiment. about 11 pb-l at 161 GeV, about 0.4 pb-' and 1 during two short runs at 161 and 1 'TO GeV. respectively. and finally. about 11 pb-l at 172 GeV. The so-far achieved limits are still too loiv to irnprove the constraints on anomalous TGV's obtained at other machines: they are roughly a factor of two greater than the CDF and DO results [10001011. They are espected to be improved with further operation of the machine at higher energies (154 Gel' in 1997 and 158 GeV in 1998) and with the collection of more luminosity (- 100 - 150 pbV1/year per experiment . in three years). The expected limits are of the order of O(0.1) and are comparable aith those expected from the upgraded Tekatron. These limits will be surpassed significantly by the LHC. However, in the long term. the measurements at high encra ef e- colliders (NLC:& 2 500 GeV) will surpass those at the hadron colliders, reaching limits 0(10-~)and better. thus becoming sensitive to the SM and non-SM loop contributions to the TGV's. The effective parameterization of the TGV introduces several anomalous cou- plings - free parameters - each of them might assume non-SM values. In an actual experiment we observe the effects of al1 these parameters added up together. In some situations this 'adding' can even lead to cancellation of individual con- tributions. In any case. we would eventually like to disentangle this mixture and extract çalues of the individual couplings. The general philosophp to achieve this is to measure processes and observables in which the effects of individual anomalous couplings contribute in different linear combinations. Thus, different observables will have different sensitivities to particular parameters. Combining these mea- surements can help us disentangle contributions of the individual parameters. For example, in the rneasurements of TGV couplings. the hadron colliders may have a partly complementary role to that of e+e- colliders [73]. To understand this we have to take a closer look at the effective interaction Lagrangian (3.10) and realize that in the leading approximation the longitudinal polarization vector c, of the gauge boson is equal to kJMv and therefore gives zero contribution to the antisymmetric tensor V,, = &Vu - a&. The X terms involve only the field strengths and thus this coupling will predominantly affect the production of transverse gauge bosons. The tems with gf and K also involve individual gauge fields wvhere the contribution of their longitudinal components is enhanced by the factor proportionai to k,/Mv. Now. if we consider the reaction cf e- + IVCU--. the ri term cm be contributed to by two longitudinal fields in the final state. while in the g;? term at least one of them would be transverse. Therefore, we expect this reaction to be more sensitive to rc's. On the other hand. the typical reaction used to test the TGV couplings at hadron colliders is pp -t WrZ,Wk7. There? the rc term could contain only one longitudinal field in the final state, ivhile in the q: term t here could be two of them for CV'Z production. So the situation is reversed and there should be a greater sensitivity to the gf coupling. hnother example could be a use of polarized bearns at e'e- colliders. The same observable has. in general, different dependences on the anomalous couplings for different polarkations of the initial state of a given reaction. The sirnultane- ous study of polarized and unpolarized collisions can therefore give much better bounds on the anomalous couplings than either one of them separately The same applies to the use of different reactions, as was already illustrated above on the complernentarity of e+ed and hadron colliders. As a result. many processes have been studied to determine their usefulness for measuring TGVs. Probably the most studied and potentidy the most useful among the processes at LEP3 and the KLC is ece- -t W+W- [ï. 16. 34, 35, 36, 37, 381. This also includes studies of various four fermion final states in the process ecë i IVf W- + f1f2j"f4

139. 29. 40, 411. Other TGV sensitive processes include e+e- -t -yu9 (11. 32. 331: e+e- -t Zvü [29, 30: 311, efe- -t W+W-Y [S3j7 ece- + WcW-2 [83]. For an e-e- collider the process E-e- -t e- W-v, [2?] bas been considered. In general. it has been found that the limits from these reactions are not cornpetitive to those obtainable from e'e- + LV+W-. The XLC is often considered to be able to work as a y-/ or ey collider. The process ?y + WiW- (23. 28. 541 has a huge cross section even relative to e'e- -t WCW-. It contains only the WCV-7 vertex and thus would nicely complement measurements of TGV's in the e+e- iWCW- reaction. Another reaction with a reiatively large rate and sensitive to 1VWZ couplings is 77 + W+W-Z [EG]. In the e7 mode. there have been studies of ey + uW [23, 24. 25: 261 and ey + vWZ processes ["6]. Some of the expected limits on LgL and LgR parameters from processes at LEP& XLC and LHC colliders have been summârized in [73. 861. We show these summaries in Figs. 3.3 and 3.4 borrowed from [i3. $61. Fig. 3.4 also includes some results of this work. -EP 1 go, ,&,rome;er fi-...... Lzp- 1 ç0 2 parorneter fit ...... --.... w-.-

Figure 3.3: Cornparison between the expected bounds on the twc+parameter space

(&, L9,) (E~?E~)G (A~~.AK~) (see text for convenions) at the NLC500 (with no initial polarization) and LEP2 The YLC bounds are from e+e- -t W+W-. W+U7-y, Wf W-Z (for the latter these are one-parameter fits), yy + W+W- and e-e- + W-ve-. Limits from a single parameter fit are also shown ( "bars" ). Figure 3.4: Cornparison between the expected bounds on the tw+pararneter space

(LgL.LgR) at the NLC and LHC colliders. Limits are from e+e- -i W+W- using either only resonant diagrams with ISR and beam polarization. or al1 lvq4 dia- grams without ISR and beam polarization (limits obtained in this work). Limits from 77 + WCW- and the LHC limits from pp -t WZ,WC W- are also included. Chapter 4

Measurernent of anomalous TGV couplings in the process

In this Chapter we present our calculations of the sensitivity of the process eçe- + Euq$ to the anomalous triple gauge boson couplings. We begin with a general dis- cussion of the process e+e- + WCW- + 4f as a means to study the TGV's. Later. we present Our analysis of the semileptonic channel of this process; calcula- tion of the total and differential cross sections with al1 tree level Feynman diagrams inciuded. After a brief discussion of the Maximum Likecelihood method and its ap- plication to Our analysis, we present and discuss limits on the anomalous couplings that we obtained. These limits are based on a five-dimensional angular differential cross section and were obtained at three CM energy regimes: (175 - 220) GeV, -500 GeV, and 1 TeV. 4.1 The efe- + W+W- process as a tool for studying TGV vertices

There are a host of Mi and Z production processes that. in principle. could be used to study TGVk Some of them are more suitable for the task th= others. To determine the usefulness of a process me can start with a simple criterion like the size of its cross section and subsequently proceed towards more sophisticated analysis? taking into account potential backgrounds. higher order corrections. ex- perirnental setup and so on. We cm also search for the most sensitive observables and the most effective statistical techniques to extract the information ou TGV from the given process. It appears (731 that one of the most promising processes to measure TGV is e+e- + W'W- which is currently employed at LEP-. It has a relatively large cross section (see Fig. 3.2) compared to other W/Z production processes (731. Hoivever. the cross section is dominated by the production of transverse states of W bosons. This is also often the case with other processes. As we already discussed in Subsection 3.3.3 the longitudinal W's each contribute to the amplitudes a factor proportional to k,/ibfw. Consequently. the individual diagrams of e+e- + WzW; give divergent amplitudes, each breakhg unitarity as fi rises. However. by virtue of the liard identities of the . these divergences cancel when we add al1 the amplitudes together. resulting in good high-energy behaviour. In addition. because of the cancellation. the production of the longitudinal W's turns into only a minor contri bution to the total cross section. the rest of which cornes predorninantly frorn WT production from the neutrino t-channel diagram. Due to their t-charnel diagram origin. most of the transverse W's are produced in the forward region with respect to the colliding beam of the same electric charge as the W. Potential deviations of TGV couplings from their SM values disrupt the delicate cancellation. The consequent deviations of observables are amplified by a factor of s/M& for each IQ in the final state. Hence. we expect that the production of longitudinal W's is the channel most sensitive to anomalous TGV couplings md that t his sensi tivity rises with the energy. fi. RecaLl also t hat longitudinal CV's are interesting objects in their own right because tiiey originate in the ESB sector and thus carry information about the mechanism of ESB. The anaJysis of the e+e- + Wf W- process has been perfonned to the extent of the full radiative corrections by several authors [16?17. 49. 50, 51. 521. The radiative corrections have appeared to be quite large, mostly due to initial state radiation (ISR). ISR affects some distributions, e.g., it can shift the W's from the forward region towords the backivard region which can interfere wit h Our attempts to isolate the longitudinal W's from the transverse ones. Regarding the genuine weak corrections, a large part can be taken care of by the use of the Fermi constant GF and a running electromagnetic coupling constant. a. The W bosons are short-lived unstable particles. Therefore. in a real experi- ment, we observe their decay products rather than the W's themselves. It means that a more realistic analysis must look at the process e+e- + WçW- -t fifZ f3f4. The decay products of the W boson enable us to determine its polarization. Be- cause of the V - ii structure of the W interactions to fermions, the polar and azimuthal angular distributions of the final fermions constitute an excellent po- larimeter. However, four fermions in the final state bring another complication. Besides the three W-pair production diagrams there is a multitude of other di- agrams which have the sarne final state. e'e- + fifif3f4, but do not proceed via Pi-pairs. These constitute a potential background to our original diagrarns. This background can be reduced by restricting the inwiant masses of the decay products to be close to the W rnass. thus isolating the resonant diagrarns. On the other hand. even among the background diagrarns? there are some that contain TGV's and thus are sensitive to anomalous couplings. In addition. the real W boson is a resonance and has a finite width. Thus. by reducing the "background". we are losing not only some statistics but also potential sensitivity to the TGV's. To find a proper balance between these counter-acting factors requires performing a detailed analysis of a given process. There have been many programs developed to calculate 4 f processes at tree level [47]_[50]? [SI7 [69], [XI], especially for LEP2 [82]. but there are no complete calculation of radiative corrections. However. it is expected that the radiative corrections are dominated by ISR. which is not dif- ficult to impfement. Another problem that remains open is how to handle the width of the W boson in these calculations. Several schemes have ben suggested (3.5. 43. 641. There are three classes of the ece- + 4f channels: the leptonic channels, where both W's decay into leptons. the semi-feptonic channels. where one W de- cap into a pair of leptons and the other into a pair of quarks. and finally. the hedronic channels. where both W7sdecay into quzrks. The branching ratio of the decays of the W into dominates with about 68%. The probability of the

W boson decaying into one of the three leptonic channels - ef v,. p+u,, T*U, - is slightly above 10%. Therefore. it is expected that the hadronic modes will yield the highest statistics. On the other hand. there is a significant QCD background that will necessarily reduce our ability to extract useful information on the TGV couplings. In addition, when only hadronic jets are observed. t here are arnbigui ties in identifying the charge of the originating W. The leptonic channels give much cleaner signals. but t hey have Lower statist ics. Also. t here are two unobservable neutrinos and t herefore the kinematics of the event cannot be fully reconstructed. The semi-leptonic mode seems to be the most promising one. Regording the statis- tics and backgrounds, it is a compromise between the hadronic channels and the leptonic channels. The semi-leptonic mode has higher statist ics t han the lep tonic channels and cleaner signds than the hadronic channels. With only one unob served neutrino, using the const raint of the initial bearn energies. the kinematics of the event cm be fully reconstructed and the fi-+and W- can be discriminated by using chazge identification.

The process ece- -t W+W--includes two TGV vertices. IVWr and W W2. In the parameterization (3.10)' these two vertices are parameterized by independent anomalous couplings. In such a case, it ail1 not be easy to disentangle their contributions to measurements. For this purpose we can emplo polarized e* bearns and suppiement information from other processes which do not contain both vertices. or which have different sensitivities to a @en anomalous coupling. as was discussed in Subsection 3.3.3. In some approaches, like the chiral Lagrangian. the anomalous couplings of t hese two vert ices are related by addi tional const raint s and thus the problem is reduced or not present at dl.

4.2 Introductory remarks on our study of the

In our work we examine in detail the sensitivity of the semi-leptonic channel of the ef e- -t WCW-reaction to anomalous WWT and WU'Z couplings. We calculate the cross section and distributions of the ece- -t 4utqqf process, where Q is either ef or ,uf and qQ' can be either (ud) or (CS). as functions of the anomalous couplings. We study the sensitivity of this process at mrious centre of masenergies appropriate to LEP?. namely ive consider 175 GeV 5 fi 5 220 GeV1. We also consider energies of 500 GeV ad1 TeV appropriate to the XLC. .4t the ?iLC energies we study the usefulness of initial state polarization. The sensitivity of the

'At the time when this analysis was performed the CM energies at which LEP2 would be running were not yet decided. process is eduated by a maximum iikelihood analysis applied to a five-dimensional differential cross section baseci on angular distri but ions of the W's and the W-decay products. We 'eooked at the question of how important the non-resonant diagrams are regarding the sensitivity to the anomalous couplings and how much information about the TGV's can be found in off W-resonance production.

To study the process e+ë -t €*vq~'we included al1 tree level diagrams to the four fermion final states. Because of the typical energies under consideration we neglect masses of alI fermions in the process. Consequently. we also neglect an? interactions with the Higgs boson. Thus, there are 10 diagrams contributing to the efe- + ,uivPq~'final state which are shomn in Fig. 4.1. The TGV couplings we are studying are present in diagram (la). This. along with diagram ( lb) are the diagrams responsible for real 1V pair production. For the e%& final state the 10 diagrams shown in Fig. 1.2 must also be included with those of Fig. 1.1 for a total of 20 diagrams. Diagram ('la) of the second set also includes the TGV couplings. This diagram rnakes large contributions to single W production due to the pole in the t-channel photon . This indicates the potential importance of including the complete set of the 4 f diagrams when doing a more realistic analysis of the sensitivity of the e+e- -t W+W- process. It also cm be used to isolate the WUv? vertex from the WWZ vertex [G].The contribution of diagram ('a) with the WWni vertex has a peak for the e* scattered into very small angles. Thus. by isolating evenrs where e' emerges dmost aligned with the incoming beam of the same electric charge. the CI;Ui7 vertex can. in principle. be isolated from the WrW'Z vert ex. We include final width effects by using vector boson of the form (s - .MFF + irv which yields a gauge invariant result. Strictly speaking we should have included a momentum dependent vector boson width but this leads to problems with gauge invariance [35,43.63. 64). Although a number of solutions to Figure 4.1: The Feynman diagrams contributing to the process ece- i pCu,qij'. Figure 4.2: The Feynman diagrams that contribute to the process ece- -t e+u,qq' in addition to those of Fig. 4.1. this problem have ben discussed [35.43, 641 the difference between our treatrnent and more rigorous ones has a totally negligible effect on the TGV sensitivities we obtain from Our analysis. A more rigorous treatment must of course be included in Monte Carlo simulations that will be used to analyze real experimental data. We wili find that the non-resonant diagrams make non-negligible cootri butions to cross sections which are dependent on the kinematic cuts used in the analysis. These contribut ions are at least as important as electroweak radiat ive corrections. To eduate the cross-sections and different distributions. we used the C-ILKVL heiici ty amplitude technique [65] to obtain expressions for the matrir elements and performed the phase space integration using Monte Carlo techniques [66]. The basic definitions and relations of the CALKUL formalism are given in Appendix B. The Feynman rules for the anornalous TGV's that have been used to calculate the helicity amplitudes are given in Appenàis .A. The expressions for the helicity amplitudes are given in -4ppendix C. To obtain numerical results ive used the dues cr = 1/128, sin2 0 = 0.23. h.12 = 91.1S7 GeV. rz = 2.49 GeV. J.lw = 80.22 GeV. and rw = 2.08 GeV. In our results we included two generations of quarks. In order to take into account finite detector acceptance we require that the charged lepton and quarks are ai least 10 degrees away from the beam and have at least 10 GeV energy unless otherwise noted. The angular cut also helps us avoid the t-channel singularities conected with the forward production of mossless electrons/ in the process e+e- + eibqq'. In principle we should include QED radiative corrections from soft photon emission and the backgrounds due to a photon that is lost down the bearn pipe [46. 47. 501. These backgrounds are well understood and detector dependent. We assume the approach taken at LEP. that these effects can best be taken into account by the experirnental collaborations. In any case, although initial st ate radiation must be taken into account their inclusion~doesnot substantially effect the bounds we ob tain and therefore our conclusions.

4.3 Total cross sections

We calculate the total cross section as a function of 6 for both lepton modes: eie- + fvtqijf' rvhere t' = elp. The cross section is invariant with respect to the electric charge of the final lepton. To recognize contributions of the resonant and non-resonant diagrams to the cross section we apply various combinations of cuts to the invariant mass of the lepton-neutrino pair and the qij' pair. 'iamely. the cuts are IL&Z~~,~~- MIv 1 < 3 GeV. rvhere :bfl,,ql are the invariant masses of the tv and qq' pair respectively. In addition, a 10" cut away from the bearn is imposed on charged final state fermions. In Fig. 4.3 we show the cross sections obtained for diflerent combinations of the inkariant mass cuts. The corresponding values of the cross sections at energies of 17.5 GeV. 500 GeV, and 1 TeV are given in Table 4.1. Imposing the invariant mas cut on one fermion pair gives the single W cross section and imposing the cut on both fermion pairs gives the R'-pair production cross section. In both cases. the single Hi' and W pair thresholds are clearly seen. Although the single Mi production cross section is nonzero below the IV-pair production threshold. it is still too srnall to obtain adequate statistics to perform studies of W boson properties. For the mum mode the invariant mass cuts reduce the cross-section by 10% to 20% depending on 4.being betiveen 175 GeV and 1 Te\:, irrespective of whether the cut is on i& or rti,(. The combined cuts reduce the muon cross section by 20% to 30%. The relatively small effect of these cuts verifies the dominance of the resonant diagrams on the totd cross section. For the electron mode, the cross section without the cuts is larger than for the muon mode. The difference is small at 17.5 GeV but becomes increasingly larger at higher energ?: due to the Figure 4.3: o(e+~-i e+u.qqf) and o(&e- -t p+v,qQ') as a function of 6.-4 10" cut away from the beam is imposed on charged final state fermions and no cut on their energy. In both cases the solid curve is the total cross section without any cuts on the tu and qij' invariant masses. The dashed curves are for the cut 1 Mqs- Mt++/< .5 GeV, the dotted curves for IMt, - hiw-1 < 5 GeV and the dot-dashed curves for both IMqB- :Ghl < 5 GeV and IMtp- Mit.1 < 5 GeV. Table 4.1: Cross-sections for e+e- -t p+v,qQ and ete- -t eçveqij' including cuts on the invariant masses of the outgoing fermion pairs. lWtp and Mqg. -4 10" cut away from the beam is imposed on charged final state fermions and no cut on their energ. The cross-sections are given in pb.

enhancement arising from the non-resonant t-channel photon exchange diagams of Fig. 4.2. reaching a factor of 6 at 1 TeV. Imposing the cut on I&fqqt - Mwl < 5 GeV, affects the t-channel photon enhancement of the cross section only slightly. It reduces the cross section by 10% to 13%. On the other hand. when the 1i1.1,, - !Mwl < 5 GeV cut is imposed. which constrains the eu pair to be on the W mass-shell. the contributions of dl the diagrams of Fig. 1.2 seem to be tviped out and the electron mode cross section becomes practically identical to that of the muon mode. The reduction of the electron mode cross section ranges from 12% at 17.5 GeV to 85% at 1 TeV. When both cuts are applied at the same tirne' the reduction is 20% at 175 GeV and almost 90% at 1 TeV. Despite the relative smallness of the OR-resonance contributions to the muon mode they still contribute up to 30% of the cross section at 1 TeV. Clearly. they must be properly included when making high precision tests of standard mode1 processes. For the electron mode they are even more important and are interesting in the context of single W production. 4.4 Distributions

As was already suggested in earlier discussion. different kinematic regions of the process eie- + Cutqq' might have different sensitivities to anomalous TGV cou- plings. .As we will see later in t his Section. the phase space regions wit h the highest statistics are least sensitive to anomalous couplings. and tend to overwhelm devi- ations. while the regions most sensitive to TGV's have poor statistics. Hence, it is reasonable to expect that a differential cross section is a more efficient means of extracting the information on the TGV's than the total cross section. The question is ivhich distributions are most sensitive to anomalous couplings. Also. a good choice of distributions can help to further understand the contributions and sensitivity of the non-resonant diagrams. In Our rvork we do not extract bounds on anomalous couplings from the total cross section. These points about the sensitivity of the non-resonant diagrams can be arnpli- fied by examining n/IC,,q~ inkariant mass distribut ions. we show t hese distributions for fi = 500 GeV in Fig. 4.4. In addition. to examine the question of the impact of the initial state polarization on the sensitivity. we choose the initial electron to be either left-handed or right-handed. .As the unpolarized cross sections are dominated by the left-handed electrons t hey are quite similar to the left- handed electron cross sections, so we do not include them separatel-. -41~0.the qQ' in- variant mass distributions for left-handed initial electrons are similar to the M,, distributions. The LM,, distribution is identical to the Mu, distribution for the right-handed electron case because there are no right-handed electron amplitudes in the Fig. 1.2 set of diagrams. The differences in these cross sections reflect the differences and relative importance in the Feynman diagrams t hot contribute to a process. In Fig. 4.4 we show the SM distribution and then three non-SM cases. vaxying one parameter at a time: KZ = 1.1. XZ = 0.1 and A, = 0.5. Although the cross sections and the sensitivities to the TGV's are dominated by the production of real W's one can see that off-resonance production of the Ouqq' find state can be quite sensitive to anomalous couplings. We will explore t his in a later section.

When comparing the Mb distributions for eie; i fcvcq& the effects are espe- cidy pronounced for the euqq' final state where there is the possibility of single W production [45]. Weexamined numerous distri butions rvi t h the purpose of finding the distri bu- tions and isolating the regions of phase space most sensitive to anomalous cou- plings: da da da da da - - . etc. dm' dm,, ? dEu' ~cosB~~' dcosOeS. (41) There is, of course, overlap among the kinematic regions of interest in t hese distri- butions. To gauge the sensitivity of these distributions to the TGV's we typically divided them into 4-bins and performed a .y2 analysis. For fi = 500 GeV and integrated luminosity of 50 fb-' we found. for example, that the ri's could be mea- sured to a couple of percent at 95% confidence level. It turns out that this is not cornpetitive with the more sophisticated analysis of angular distributions we will describe below. For the purpose of understanding IV-boson properties the most interesting dis- tributions are the iarious angular distributions. For the first intuitive hint in this direction, recail that longitudinal W production is the most sensitive to anomalous couplings. while the total cross section is dorninated by transverse W's. When we sum up these tn-O contributions. the longitudinai part will be overwhelmed by the transverse production. We therefore have to find ways to separate these two con- tributions to the cross section. Because a large portion of the bVTgs originate in the forward production from the t-channel neutrino diagram. Fig 1.1 (b). unfolding the cross section in the W boson scattering angle enables us to separate the more sensitive regions with smdler cross sections from the less sensitive regions with larger cross sections. We cm similarly use other variables that are sensitive to the 1 O-'

10-3 1 0-5 1 O-'

Figure 4.4: Invariant mass distributions (iîlUul Me,. and MqPf)of ha1 state fermions in the processes e+e- + p+v,g$ and ece- -t e+u,qgf for fi = 500 GeV. Note the polarization of the initial electron. In al1 cases the solid line is the stan- dard mode1 cross section. the long-dashed line is for rcz = 1.1, the dotted line is for Xz = 0.1 and the dot-dashed Line for K, = 0.5. polarization state of the CI; boson; the polar and azimuthal angular distributions of the U' decay products. To understand these points better we plotted and anaipzed several of these angular distributions. We begin with the W-pair production cross section with- out decays to fermions [6î. 681. To leading ordsr. the amplitude for W pair- production is given by three diagrams; via an s-channel photon. an s-channel Zo and a t-channel neutrino exchange. The cross sections at JS = 200. 500. and 1000 GeV. for WLWL? wWT. and CVTwodifferent initial state polarizations. and as a function of the W scattering angle are shown in Fig. 4.5. They were cal- culated using the analytic expressions from ref. [;]. For the initial state e~et,only the first two diagrams contribute, which at hi& energy is dominated by iongitudi- na1 W production. Because of the delicate cancellations between the diagrams. it is U'c. production that is most sensitive to anomdous couplings. In contrast. the cross section for the e,e$ initial state produces both transverse and longitudinal W bosons with comparable rates. The ei cross section is dominated by a peak in the forward direction with respect to the incoming e- associated with the t- channel neutrino exchange, ahich is made up entirely of transverse W production. This contribution is relatively insensitive to new physics. The cross sections in the backward direction includes sizable longitudinal Ci' production accounting for about 25% of the total cross section in the backward hemisphere. However, in the backward direction where the 5-channel diagrams contribute substantially, the cross section for eg is dways quite small. For e;i there is a large change in the magnitude of the cross-section but only a small change in its shape. In Fig. 4.6 we show the angular distribution of the outgoing W plotted for several values of anomdous couplings at fi = 500 GeV and for different polar- izations of the electron beam in the process ef e- + pcv,qij". Disruptions of the delicate gauge theory cancellations lead to large changes to the standard mode1 cos 8

- I O I cos e

-1 O 1 cos 8

Figure 43: The angular distribution of the outgoing W- with respect to the incoming electron for Js = 200 GeV. fi = JO0 GeV, and JS = 1 TeV. The cross-section is given in units of R = 47m2/3s. In al1 cases the top solid line is for eie+ + WTW.the long-dashed line is for etef -t ÇVLI.if. the medium-dashed line is for eie+ + WLWL.the short-dashed line is for the total of these three, the dotted line is for ei~++ WTWT.the dot-dashed line is for e,e+ + IVT&. the double dot-dashed line is for eEe+ -t wWL.and the bottom solid line is for the total of these last three. Note that there is no bottom-solid line for JS = 500 GeV. results which are particularly pronounced. due to a factor of (s/!LI$), in the region where PVi production contributes. -4nother important means of disentangling the WLfrom the WT background is the use of the W decay products angular distributions. Defining O( and O, as the angle between the t or q and the U' momentum measured in the rest frame, the angular distribution in 0 pealis about cos 0 = O for longitudinally po- larized W bosons and at forlvard or backivard angles for transvenely polarized bosons. In addition. the parity violation of the U' coupIings distinguishes the two polarization states adding to the effectiveness of the decay as a polarirneter. In Fig. 1.7 we show the angular distributions for the outgoing quark with respect to the W direction (O,) for the three bins in the W scattering angle. cos Ow < -0.9, -0.05 < cos Ow < 0.05 and cos Ow > 0.9. (where we take Ow to be the W-angle with respect to the incoming e-) for the process eie- ipCvpqQ at fi = 500 GeV with the initial eiectron unpolarized. Several values of and Ar. are included to demonstrate the sensitivity of the distributions to anomalous couplings. The figure shows the dominance of the transverse W polarization at forward angles and the increasing importance of the W longitudinal polarization at cos O = O- Note dso the relative la& of sensitivi ty to anomalous couplings for the forward. dominant ly transverse W's and how the sensitivity increases as the scattering angle increases and longitudinal W's contribute a larger fraction of the cross section. LVe have shown the &a/d cos Ow d cos 8, distribution as it displays the most dramatic change in the shape of the distributions. However. interference between the transverse and longitudinal W's also depends on the azimut ha1 angle so that the azimuthal angular distribution also changes its shape. albeit to a lesser extent.

One hdssimilar effects in the angular distributions for the decay W -t tu- -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 cos O

cos O

Figure 3.6: Angular distributions of My for fi = 500 GeV and (a) EL and (b) e; in ece- + pCv,qq'. In both cases the solid line is the SM result. the dashed line is for KZ = 1.1: the dotted line for & = -0.1 and the dot-dashed line for K, = 0.5. The distributions were obtained from the full Monte Car10 by imposing the cut IMqq - ~Mwl< 10 GeV. IO-'





Figure 4.7: Angular distributions of the outgoing quark with respect to the W- direction in the W rest frame for the process ece- -t ptv,q~'. In all cases the solid iine is the SM result. the dashed line is for KZ = 1.1: the dotted line for XZ = 0.1 and the dot-dashed line for A, = -0.1. The distributions were obtained frorn the full Monte Carlo by imposing the cut IMqq - MW 1 < 10 GeV. Maximum Likelihood fit angular distribution

Following the previous discussion. in order to quanti- the sensitivity of the eie- -t Pvtqp' process to the anomalous TGV couplings, as suggested by Barklow [34] we use a combined distribution of five angular observables [16. 36, 41. 421: 0.O,,. Q,,.

&,? &,? and btu, where O is the Whscattering ongle. 4, is the polar decay angle of the quark in the W- rest frme using the W- direction as the axis. O,, is the azimuthal decay angle of the q in the W- rest frarne. and O<, and CD(, are the analogous angles for the lepton in the W+ rest frarne. The azimuthal angles are defined as the angle between the normal to the reaction piane. nt = p, x pw and the plane defined by the Mi decay products. n2 = p, x p,-. The individu& angles are shown in Fig. 4.S. There is an ambiguity in measurement of the qg obseriables since we do not expect to be able to distinguish which hadronic jet corresponds to the quark and which to the antiquark. we therefore include both cases in our analysis: we sum them and take an average. Unfortunately. this ambiguity has a negative impact on the sensitivity of the process. The statistical approach which makes the most complete use of the information in an event is the maximum likelihood method [16, 34: 361. To irnplement the maximum likelihood analysis we divided each of 8-O,,, d,,, Br,o and otu into four bins so that the entire phase space was divided into 45 = 1024 bins. With this many bins, some will not be very populated with events so that it is more appropriate to use Poisson stat istics rather t han Gaussian st atistics. This leads naturally to the maximum likelihood met hod. The likelihood funct ion is defined Figure 4.8: Angle definitions used in our &dimensional angular distribut ion anal- ysis. O is the W scattering angle, O,, and &, axe the decay angles in the W rest frames and @,, and ol, are the azimuthal angles. again in the W rest frames. where the P is the Poisson distribution given by

wit h T as its mean value. The T is a function of a parameter (or a set of parameters) p which we are trying to rneasure. The most likely due of p = po describing the given rneasurement. {ni}Z,, is the one that maximizes the function L(p). If we approximate L(p) in the neighborhood of po by the Gaussian function with a haif- width of a then for any p that is ka from po: p = po & ko:

where I(p) = ln C(p). If we want to quantify the sensitivity of a given experiment to the parameter p, we want to know "how many sigmas? a given value of the puameter p lies from the value po given bu our measurement. In our case. if n; is the measured number of events corresponding to some non-SM values of anomalous couplings. and if n:" is the dueexpected from the prediction of the SM. then the corresponding change in the log of the Likelihood function is given by

where the sum extends over al1 the bins. The number of events ni(p)is

where L is the expected integrated luminosity. From equations (4.4) and (4.5) the SM dulue lies dmsigma from the measured value. When vorying a single parameter at a time. the change in 1nL of 0.5 or 2.0 means that the SM mas excluded with 68% and 95% probability. respectively. Generalization to multi- dimensional paramet er spaces is st raightforward. Even more efficient in extracting the information on anomalous TGV couplings than a five dimensional angular distribution would be the andysis based on an event-by-event evaluation. In a few test runs for special cases of kinematic cuts we calculated the likelihood function on an event-by-event basis and found that the sensi t ivities improved a small arnount over the five-dimensional distribution case described above. However. looking for a balance between complexity asd efficiency of the cdculations we used the five-dimensional angular distribution. To check the sensitivity to binning we mried the number of dimensions and bins used in our fits. For this binning approach we found that the results converged to the tightest bounds using the five-dimensional distribution and four bins per dimension. The results we obtained are based solely on the statistical errors based on the integrated luminosity we assume for the various cases. To include the effects of systematic errors using the maximum likelihood approach requires an unweighted Monte Carlo simulation through a realistic detector. Since we did not have the facilities to do this- we attempted a simplified estirnate of systematic errors using a )r2 anaiysis to make our estirnates. We assurned a systematic error of 5% of a measurement. which we combined in quadrature with the statisticai error. In general. the systematic errors are negligible cornpared to the statist ical errors. The only times they made a measurable difference was for the high luminosity cases of the 500 GeV and 1 TeV YLC. and even there. the effect was quite small. It is straightforwaid to see ~hythis is so: with so many bins the number of events per bin is quite small resulting in a large statistical error. Thus. it appears that the total errors will be dominated by the statistical errors, but,, clearly. a full dectector Monte Carlo must be performed to properly understand the situation. A thorough kndysis of gauge boson couplings would allow al1 five parame- ters in the Lagrangian (3.10) - gf2ria ri,, Xz. A, - to vary simultaneously to take into account cancellations (and correlations) among the various contributions. This approach is impracticd. however. due ta the large amount of cornputer time that would be required to search the parameter space. Instead we found two- dimensional 87% CL exclusion contours for a selection of parameter pairs to give a sense of the correlations. In tables we show 95% CL exclusion bounds. varying only one parameter at a time while the rest remain at their SM values. For the case of the Chiral Lagrangian. the part responsible for TGV's is given by (3.21) (where we restricted ourselves to dimension four operators). Here. the parameter space reduces to two dimensions - LgL and LgR. In this case. the twedirnensional contours represent an analysis of the full parameter space.

4.6.1 Introductory discussion

One of the primary physics goals of LEP2 is to make precision measurements of W boson properties. including precision measurements of My-boson couplings with the photon and 2'. An important question for LEP2 is the sensitivity of the TGV measurements to the centre of mas energy and lurninosity2 [SZ]. This issue has been addressed in a number of papers. The classic paper by Hagiwara. Peccei, Zeppenfeld. and Hikasa ['il examined the sensitivity of anomalous TGV's to the process e+e- + WtW- and ho~the sensi tivit- baried wit h centre of mass energies relevant to LEP?. hlthough this paper did point out the importance of separat- ing longitudinally polarized W's from transversely polarized W's. the analysis was restricted to specific angular distri butions and specific W boson polarizations and varied only one parameter at a time. in addition. it did not include the contribu- tions from the background contributions: other tree level diagrams that coutribute

'The values of energies and luminosities. at which LEP2 is expected to operate. are discuçsed in Subsection 3.3.3. to the same four fermion final state. Sekulin [36] and Aihara et al., [lô] included the information about the outgoing W polarizations by using the angular distributions of the W boson decay products and used a binned maximum log likelihood fit to a five dimensional differential cross section with respect to the W scattering angle and the polar and azimuthal decay angles of the M.-+ and W-bosons. Both of these analysis looked at different center of mass energies relevant to LEP2 but neither included the background con- tributions. The analysis of Sekulin assumed the narrow widt h approximation for the W decays. The analysis by Aihara et al.. was more sophisticated and included initial state radiation, detector smearing. and vazious bernatic cuts introduced to reduce backgrounds. Aihara et al.. also assumed relations among the parame- ters. which. in the language of the non-linearly realized Chiral Lagrangian. talres LsL = LgR. Their general conclusion that the sensitivity to the TGV parameters increased by a factor of 1.5 going from 176 GeV to 190 GeV is consistent with what we find. The recent studies by Berends and van Sighem [4S] and by Papadopoulos [35] are the closest in spirit to ours. Both of these studies included full tree level back- ground processes and finite width effects. Berends and van Sighem also included initial state radiation but did not consider the variations with center of mass enerE and did not quanti- the sensitivities to IGV's. Papadopoulos looked at a range of centre of mass energies but restricted his study to specific angular distri butions and varied only one parameter at a time. In our work we rie al1 the mrious pieces of previous analysis together (except

ISR) and apply them to the analysis of the process e+e- -t bcqij': Recall that we include al1 tree level background diagrams and hite width effects and we perform a binned log likelihood fit to a five dimensional differential cross section. We vary the different parameters simultaneously so that correlations between them show up, and we vary both the center of mass energy and luminosities relevant to LEPLZ.

4.6.2 Results for LEP2 energies

In this Subsection we present and discuss our results relevant to LEPP. Lecalcu- Iated the sensit ivities to anomalous TGV couplings for the centre of mas energies fi =175. 192, 205. and 220 GeV. assuming the integrated luminosities of 300 pb-' and 500 We did not include a cut on Ml, or Mqqas these cuts. in generd. have virtually no effect on the sensitivities. except for the electron mode involving the WWr vertex, where the effect is still quite small. Vnpolarized beams are considered for al1 lirnits. We begin with a more detailed presentation of the exclusion contours for fi =

175 GeV. The 87% CL exclusion contours for the gf - h-zl K+ - sz. K~ - A-. and riz - Xz planes are show in Fig. 4.9 and for the LgL - LgR plane is shown in Fig. 1.10. The sensitivities of the couplings. varying one parameter at a time. are summarized in Table 4.3 along with the limits from KLC. In addition. although in less detailed fashion, these limits are also present in Table 1.2. where they are shown along with the limits obtained for other LEP2 energies. In each of these figures. contours are shown for the muon mode alone and then for the combined results of the e and p modes with both charge possibilities. We also show contours for a reduced integrated luminosity of 300 fb-l. For the LgL vs LgR plot we show contours for both the electron and muon modes since there is a visible difference for the two modes. By combining the four lepton modes the couplings cm be measured to bgf = &0.22. 6~~ = jz0.2, 61(? = k0.27. AZ = HUS. = k0.3. 6LgL = 355. and 6LgR =- i300. If the results of the four LEP experiments codd be combined, these lirnits could be reduced further. In order to invest igate how the LEP3 sensitivity to aaomalous couplings changes with the energy of collision. we calculated the exclusion lirnits for = 192. 205. Figure 4.9: 87% C.L. contours for sensitivity to anomalous couplings for fi = 175 GeV. In ad cases the inner solid contour is obtained from combining all 4 lepton charge states for L = -500 pb-', the heavy outer solid line is for the p+ mode alone for L = 500 pb-' , and the dotted contour is for the reduced luminosity case of L = 300 pb-' with dl 4 modes combined. Figure 1.10: 87% C.L. contours for sensitivity to LsL and LgR for \/; = 175 GeV. (a) The heavy solid line is for the pC mode. the dotted line is for the e+ mode and the inner solid line is for combining al1 four lepton charge states: al1 for L = 500 pb-'. (b) Both curves are from combining all four lepton charge states. The solid line is for L = 500 and the dotted line is for L = 300 pb-'. Table 4.2: Sensitivities to anomalous couplings for the karious parameters. varying one parameter at a time, for fi = 175. 192. 205, and '220 GeV. The values are obtained by combining the four lepton modes (e-. ef7 p-, and p+) and two generations of light quarks (ud, CS). The results are 95% C.L. exclusion limits for the given integrated luminosities.

and 220 GeV, in addition to 175 GeV. For the purpose of cornparison of the cor- responding sensitivities, we put them ail in the same graph. We show only the sensitivities that can be obtained by cornbining the e+. e-: p+. and p- modes.

The 87% confidence limit contours for the gf - KZ. IE,. - RZ. and LsL - LgRplanes for different LEP2 energies and the integrated lurninosity of 500 are shown in Fig. 4.11. The sensitivities of the couplings. varying one parameter at a time, are summarized in Table 4.2. At threshold. anomalous couplings are quite sensitive to energy wit h improve- ments in sensitivies going from J3 = 173 GeV to Js = 192 GeV ranging from about 1.7 for rcz to - 2 for The corresponding changes going from fi = 205 GeV to fi = 220 GeV are 1.2 for riz and - 1.4 for LgR This occurs even though the cross section only taries from 1.10 pb (1.15 pb) at 175 GeV to its maximum value of 1.28 pb (1.31 pb) at 200 GeV for the p (e) mode. Figure 4.11: 87% CL. exclusion contours for sensitivity to anomalous couplings for fi = 175, 192, 205, and 220 GeV. In al1 cases the contours are obtained from combining all four lepton charge states for L = 500 ~b-'. The contours correspond to increasing energ- going from the outer contour to the inner with the outermost contour corresponding to fi = 175 GeV and the innermost corresponding to fi = 220 GeV. The sensitivi ty can be understood by examining the helici ty amplitudes in detail which are given by Hagiwara et al., in Ref. (71- At threshold, the v-exchange diagram dominates so that at low energy the 7 and Z diagrams a.re down by a factor of ,O = di - 4M;-1s cornpared to the v-exchange diagram. Thus, at threshold the cancellation between the various diagrams are less important than at higher energies. Near threshold the contributions from anomalous couplings go roughly Iike ,8 with a further enhancement of roughly ,/$MM; for each longitudinal W boson in the final state. The net result is that in the threshold region the reaction ef e- + W+W- is not very sensitive to the TGV couplings. The coupling measurements are also limited by statistics, which are in tum related to the number of events. so that the achievable limits are inversely proportional to the square root of the integrated luminosity; 6 z L-II2. Reducing the lurninosity frorn 500 pb-l to 300 decreases the sensitivity by a factor of 1.3. In any case. these limits are at the very least an order of magnitude less sen- sitive than would be required to see the effects of new physics through radiative corrections and are comparable to the sensitivities that could be achieved at a high lurninosity Temtron upgrade. It is therefore unlikely that new physics will reved itself at LEP? t hrough precision measurements of the TGV's.

4.7 Next Linear Collider

4.7.1 &=5OO GeV

For the fi = 500 GeV NLC option we assume an integrated luminosity of 50 fb-'. .At 500 GeV the results are most sensitive when we impose the W's to be on mass- shell: i.e.. lMtY- Mwl < 10 GeV and lAlfq,-- Mwl < 10 GeV. This is slightly more pronounced for the electron mode. After these cuts are imposed the electron and

muon modes are essentially identical. The Si% confidence lirnits for the gf - KZ: n, - KZ? K- - &. and KZ - AZ planes are shown in Fig. 4.13 and for the LSr. - LgR planes in Fig. 4.13. In each of these plots we show results for combining the four final states and the p+ mode alone. We also present contours for 10 fi-' of integrated luminosity to show the effects of reducing the collider luminosit. The sensitivities. mrying one parameter at a time. are included in Table 1.3.

Using the maximum likelihood analysis ive find that sT, h-z, A, and Xz can be measured to better than f0.005 and gf to roughly I0.01 at 95 % C.L. including the invariant mass cut and assuming 50 fb-' integrated lurninosity If the integrated lurninosity were reduced to 10 fi-'. the bounds becorne weaker by roughly a factor of two. while combining ail four modes improves the single mode bounds by roughly a factor of two. These measurements of g;'. R,. and i(z should be precise enough to probe loop radiative corrections to the couplings. On the other hand. the rneasurements of A, and Xz are still an order of magnitude too large to see expected deviations from tree level values due to radiative corrections. The LsL - LgR contours are shown in Fig. 4.13. LgL can be measured to f3 and LgRto - k8 using a single mode and to f1.5 and k4. respectively. cornbining al1 four Lvqp final states. In the earlier discussion of angular distributions we pointed out that reactions with different initial electron polarizations have different dependences on anorna- lous couplings [38]. In the following, we explore the consequences of this behaviour. LVe restrict Our results to the dimension 4 operators, where deviations are most likely to show up. For the 500 GeV ece- collider we took 50 fb-' of integrated lu- minosity per polarization. Weonly include results for tivo combined lepton modes, p+ and e+. With the cuts applied. 1 il&,,,- &.liv1 < 10 GeV. the contributions of the background diagrams of Fig. 4.2 are very srnall. Thus the bounds obtained with the combination of the two l+ modes are similar to those that would be ob- tained if al1 the four lepton modes are combined at a half of the Luminosity. The Figure 4.12: 87% C.L. contours for sensitivity to anomdous couplings for fi = 500 GeV. In al1 cases the inner solid contour is obtained from combining al1 4 lepton charge states for L = .50 f b-l, the heavy solid line is for the p+ mode alone for L = 50 fb-'. and the dotted contour is for the reduced lurninosity case of L = 10 fb-' with dl 4 modes combined. These results were obtained by imposing that the W's are on mass shell; IMtU - Mwl < 10 GeV and ( Mqq- MW 1 < 10 GeV. Figure 1.13: SC% C.L. contours for sensitivity to LgL and LgR for \/5 = 500 GeV. The inner solid line is obtained by combining all four lepton charge states and is for L = 30 fb-l, the heavy solid line is for ail 4 modes and L = 10 fb-l and the dotted line is for the pC mode alone for L = 50 fb-'. These results were obtained by imposing that the W's are on mass shell; Iliftu - -&(< 10 GeV and 1Mqq - -MW-[< 10 GeV.

Figure 4.14: 87% C.L. contours for sensitivity to anomalous couplings for polarized initial state electrons for fi = 500 GeV and L = 50 fb-l per polarization and combining p+ and e+ final states. In al1 cases the solid curves are for ei, the dashed curves for e:: and the heay solid cunre for unpoiarized electrons (for L = 50 fb-'). Figure 4.15: 87% C.L. contours for sensitivitp to anomalous couplings for fi = 1 TeV. In both cases the inner solid contour is obtained from combining al1 4 lepton charge states for L = 200 f b-' and the dotted contour is for the reduced Iurninosity case of L = 50 fb-' with al1 4 modes combined. The p+ contour for L = 200 fb-' lies on top of the dotted curves. These results were obtained by irnposing that the

Wk are on mass shell; IMt, - MW 1 < 10 GeV and IMqq - l&l < 10 GeV. Figure 4.16: 87% C.L. contours for sensitivity to LgL and LgR for fi = 1 TeV. The inner solid line is obtâined by cornbining al1 four lepton charge states and is for L = 200 fb-l and the dotted line is for al1 4 modes and L = 50 fb-'. The p+ mode alone for L = 700 f b-' sits on top of the dotted contour. These results were obtained by imposing that the W's are on mass shell: IiMt, - < 10 GeV and lMqq- :&-I < 10 GeV. Fig. 4.17. They are similar to. but more constraining than. the 500 GeV case so we do not comment further. More important than the improvement in sensitivity is the usefulness of polarization for disentangling the nature of anomalous TGV's if deviations are observed. An important difference between the two polarizations. which can also be seen in Fig. 1.4: is that the cross section with left-handed electrons is about an or- der of magnitude larger than for right-handed electrons. .4t the same time the right-handed cross section is significantly more sensitive to anomalous couplings than the left-handed cross section. There is therefore a tradeoff between sen- sitivity and statistics? so that in most cases the bounds obtainable for the two polarizations are comparable. The unpolârized results offer no improvement over the polarized results since the right-handed cross-section is overwhelmed by the left-handed contribut ion. One exception to these comments is when we consider LsL or LgR,where the left-handed electrons are more constraining for L.sL, while the right-handed electrons are more constraining for LgR. For some combinations of the parameters the different polarizations give much different correlat ions which could be useful for disentangling the nature of anomalous TGVgsif deviations were observed.

4.8 Exploring the sensitivity of the off-resonance production

In this section we explore the information potential available from evqp final states off the W resonance. Referring to the inkariant mass distributions shown in Fig. 4.4, one sees that there is considerable sensitivity to anomdous gauge boson couplings even when the fermion pairs do not originate from real Mi production. We do not perform a rigorous analysis here. but demonstrate that there is consider- Figure 4.17: 87% C.L. exclusion contours for sensitivity to anornalous couplings for polarized initial state electrons for fi = 1 T'eV and L = 200 fb-' per polarkation and combining pC and e+ final states. In al1 cases the solid curves are for ei, the dashed curves for e,, and the heavy solid curve for unpolarized electrons (for L = 200 fb-'1. Table 4.3: Sensitivities to anornaious couplings for the various parameters varying one parameter at a tirne. The combined values âre obtained by combining the four lepton modes (e-, e+: p-, and pf) and two generations of light quarks (ud. CS). The results are 95% confidence leve1 limits.

mode 1 bf 1 kz 1 6tc7 A2 1 4 1 L~L1 L~R JS = 175 GeV, L=500 pb-'. no cuts on r 4-0.43 +0.39 +O.% +O36 - +0.61 CL -0.44 -0.38 -0.48 -0.35 -0.50 kilo +0.44 f0.40 +O.B8 22; E +0.34 +0.62 +120 +620 -0.43 4-35 -0.52 -0.35 -0.49 -110 -440 combined ~t0.22 +o.19 f0.27 +0.29 -0.20 -0.26 &O. 18 -0.26 f55 fz: fi = 500 GeV, L=5O fi-'. IiMtU(,,-,- MW/ < 10 GeV P f0.020 IO.007 d~0.005 f0.005 rt0.006 + .b +0.019 2::- & e -o,ozo &O-007 f0.005 k0.005 10.006 : 2::; combined I0.0095 f0.0035 f0.0025 10.0025 f0.0025 :- f Z:: fi = 1 TeV, L=200 fi-'. IMtUcqn- Mwl < 10 GeV I +. P kO.01 10.002 f0.001 f0.002 rt0.002 z:::; -;-; e IO.01 10.002 10.001 f0.002 I0.002 fj'::; 2::- combined f0.0054 10.001 f0.0006 I0.0008 f0.0008 f0.28 ?:::; able information in the non-resonant production. In particular. we do not consider possible backgrounds to non-resonant events and do not make any effort to opti- mize our cuts to enhance deviations from SM results. We consider fi = 200 GeV. ,500 GeV. and 1 TeV for both the evqp and pqij final states and include initial state polarization when appropriate. We base our results on the total cross-section upon imposing the cuts < &-- 15 GeV and Mfr~> MW + 15 GeV. ivhere ~Ll,~tis the inwiant mass of the final state fermion pairs and f f' stands for either lu or qij. These give rise to a large number of possibilities, so we only present the "best" case when the four possible final states are combined for each energy. For fi = 200 GeV we only considered unpolarized initial state electrons and positrons. The results here should not be taken too seriously because of the low number of events expected in these kinematic regions. For example- the standard mode1 predicts, for a.n integrated luminosity of 500 fb-' and combining al1 4 find states, only ?O events. when either h-i<,< .Ifiv - 1.5 GeV or Mt, > :V.lrv + i5 GeV. With this warning. the optimum results occur for Mie, < MW - 15 GeV and are given in Table 4.4. The results are slightly weaker for the case M,,- < MW - 15 GeV. -4lthough for a specific case sensitivities may differ between the p and e final states, they are generally quite similar. The case Acf, > hlLv+ 15 GeV is not neârly as sensitive to anomalous couplings. except for LgR adK,. These results. dong with the previous ones. which concentrated on the rdW production, indicate that the results are dominated by real W production. The off-resonance limits are roughly a factor of two to three weaker than those given previously for real W production and are not likely to contribute much to bounds on TGV's at LEP2- For fi = 500 GeV, and combining the four final states. the sensitivity is greatest when &, > i13 GeV except for a few cases. The results for

MqpCU~S are slightly less sensitive. Considering either the e* or p' final states separately we find that for the ef final states the Mt, > MW + 15 GeV case is more sensitive than the M,, > iMw + 15 GeV case. while for the pi final states they are comparable. With :\.lu > Riw + 15 GeV the er final states are more sensitive to couplings involving than the ,u' final states. In both cases. when we take &, > + 15 GeV, the cross section is dominated by the q4 pair originating from an on-shell fi'. This gives us the case of sing1e-W production. which receives large contributions from t-channel photon exchange and hence it is more sensitive to the WW? coupling. The results at 1 TeV are qualitatively similar to those at 500 GeV. so we do not repeat the discussion of the preceding paragraph. but only point out the few points that differ. Again. the highest sensitivity is for the constraint Mt,, > MW + 15 GeV. The achievoble bounds for this case are included in Table 1.4. They are typicallj- 4 to .5 times more constraining than those obtainable at 500 GeV: less than 1% for K, and KZ. u-hich is at the level of loop contributions from new physics. One interesting difference is that the muon mode for right-handed initial electrons provides the most stringent constraints for many of the TGV couplings.

-4s before. the electron final state offers the best measurernents of K,. From the above results it is clear that. although the constraints that could be obtained from off-resonance production are not as tight as those obtained from on-shell W production. there is nevertheless considerable information contained in these events. It appears to us that the method that makes optimal use of each event is to cdculate the probability of each event. irrespective of where it appears in phase space. and compute a likelihood function for the combined probabilities. The only experimental cuts that should be included are those that represent detector accept ance and t hat are introduced to eliminate backgrounds. Table 4.4: Sensitivities to anomalous couplings based on off-resonance cross sec- tions varying one parameter at a time. The m.lues are obtained by combining the four lepton modes (e-1 e+, p-. and p+) and two generations of light quarks (ud.

CS). The results are 95% confidence level limits. -4 dash signifies that the bound is significantly weaker t han the others. Chapter 5 tt production via vector boson fusion at high energy e+e- colliders

Its great mass endows the top quark with specid properties which make it a suitable probe for an investigation of the mechanism of ESB. In this Chapter. after a brief introduction to top quark physics, we examine the process eie- + titi which is considered to be a good candidate for such an investigation. Wecalculate the cross section of the process using the effective vector boson approximation. We investigate the sensitivity of this cross section to the mass of the Aiggs boson. We also evaluate the error on o(e+e- + tftt) caused by using a high-energy approximation for o(WW/ZZ + tf).

5.1 Introduction to top quark physics

Discovery of the top quark was a long anticipated event. Even before its direct observation at Fermilab. the top quark was pointed to by a wealth of indirect ex- perimental evidence. like that from high precision measurements at LEP and SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center). Through higher order Feynman diagrarns. even below its production threshold. the top quark makes important corrections to many observables in e'e- collisions. such as the width of the 2' boson or the bot tom quark neutrai-weak-current interactions. The compaxison of t hese SM pre- dictions with the high precision measurements favoured a top mass of 177 GeV with uncertainty of about +23 Gel' [1].The subsequent direct obseriation of the top quark at Fermilab's TeMtron confirmed this prediction, with the current due of the top quark mass being close to 175 GeV [4. 51. The discovery of the top quark marked a new period in particle physics - the physics of the top quark. The top quark is unique among the other known fermions: its maçs far exceeds their masses. and even the masses of weak bosons. (The second heaviest fermion - the - has a mass of roughly 5 GeV.) Because of its great mas. its decaj- products ma? include new particles and thus reveal new physics. But more certainly. its great mas mdes the top quark a very good probe for studying the mechanism of ESB. In particular. as the heaviest fermion available. the top quark would couple far more strongly to the Higgs boson than any other known fermion. Another interesting feature of the top quark is its rapid weak decay. Because of that, the top spin is transferred directly to the final state with negligible hadronization uncertainties. therefore allowing the helicity- dependent information to be propagated to the find state. Besides these "extras" there is an understandable desire to measure the mass and interactions of the top quark with the same level of accuracy as was done for other fermions. For example. the improved accuracy of the top quark mass. in combination aith the precision measurement of the W mas. will give us an indirect limit on the mass of the Higgs boson. The present level of accuracy of these observables does not provide restrictions rnuch better than those obtainable from theoretical considerations and Figure 5.1: Tree level Feynman diagrams contributing to the procass e+e- -+ tf. leaves us with the wide interval of possible values of the Higgs boson mass from about 100 to 1000 GeV [103]. For the moment. the Fermilab Teiatron has a rnonopoly on the direct study of the top quark. The next steps will be the upgrade of the Tevatron and building the LHC at CERN. with both projects running in the next decade. An e+e- collider with sufficient energy can also play an important role in measuring top quark properties [NI. It provides the usual advantages: a relatively clean final state. precise vertex detection which is important to study the decays of the top quark. and a reasonable eficiency for the reconstruction of various decay modes. The main process for the study of the top quark at the NLC is e+e- + tf (see Fig. .5.l). This process will be particularly useful at energies close to the tt production threshold for the measurement of the basic properties of the top quark such as its mas. width and interactions with weak bosons [Sl]. However. despi te the large Higgs-top coupling, the contribut ion of the Higgs s-channel is suppressed by the interaction of the Higgs boson with the e'e- pair by the factor of rn,/Mw e 6 x 1W6.relative to the contributions of the first two diagrams. The tree level cross section as a function of fi-ignoring the Higgs boson exchange diagram. is shown in Fig. 5.1. The light to moderate Hies mass could be measurable in s1I2 (TeV)

Figure .S.?: The tree Level cross section of the process eie- + tf as a function of fi neglecting the Higgs boson exchange diagram. this process at the ti threshold. where the cross section is sensitive to the Higgs boson contribution to the tf porential: an additional attractive short range arising from Higgs boson exchange increases the modulus of the toponium wave function at the origin, and thereby enhances the cross section [SI. 881. In the case of a heavy or neHiggs scenario? when the electroweak syrnmetry is broken strongly, we need to look for ot her reactions t hat would be sensitive to t his case. Processes with longitudinal kV bosons are naturd candidates for the study of the mechanism of ESB: since these bosons are direct participants in the ESB sector. Because of that. considerable work bas been devoted to understanding the heavy Higgs boson scenario using vector boson scattering at high energy colliders. For example. at the XLC the scat tering processes Wz Wy + W: CV; and WzWF -t

ZLZLhave ben studied using the reactions ef e- -t ufiW+ W- and eCe- -r vüZZ [Si]. However, the sensitivity of these processes appeared to be quite rnodest [SI]. Recently, the production of top quarks in the vector boson fusion processes has attracted growing interest [go, 91. 921. The fist studies suggest that it is a potentidly powerful tool for understanding the mechanism of ESB and that the sensitivity of these processes to the heavy Higgs boson could significantly overcome the sensitivity of vector boson scattering [SI]. ti production from vector boson fusion can be observed at high energy ece- colliders using the same mechanism as vector boson scattering: interactions of the vector bosons emitted from the e* beams. (It would be probably very difficult to study 14V2 -t tf at a hadron collider due to the large background from gg + tf.) The generic diagram for these processes at an e+e- collider is shown in Fig. 5.3. The cross section for e+e- -t ~ëtf contains an additional suppression factor of a2 relative to the cross section for eie- + tf. On the other hand. the fusion cross section o(Gl.1 -t tf) is enhanced by a factor of m:/iM,'V for every longitudinal gauge boson in the initial state. This is a manifestation of the equitalence t heorem whereby longitudinal vector bosons take on the couplings of the scalar Goldstone bosons from which they acquire mass.

Since o(eçe- -t tfttr) generally grows with fi, while a(e+e- -t tf) decreases as l/s. vector boson fusion becornes more cornpetit ive at higher energy.

5.2 Calculation of the cross section for e+e- -+

The algebra and expressions involved in esact calculations of tf production via vector boson fusion are tremendouslp cornplex. To the best of our knowledge Figure 5.3: The generic diagram for the process eCe- -+ ee&~i+ ~EtiThe

shaded bulb represents dl posible interactions of the subprocess k;& -t tf.

no full calculations of these processes exist in the literature. -An efficient way to simplify the complexity of the calculations is to use the eflective cector boson approximation (Ev.4) [93. 991. In this approximation, vector bosons are treated as constituents of colliding particles and the cdculational requirements are reduced to finding the cross section for the subprocess I/1 I1; -+ tf, with Pi being a real particle - W. Z or photon, and convoluting this cross section with the appropriate W/Z/y distribution functions. The EVA was used for the investigation of several processes in the past. including heavy Higgs boson production. vector boson pair scattering, and the production of heavy leptons at both hadron and ece- coliiders. In al1 of these studies the EVA has been shown to be quite accurate (510%) in the region of its expected didity when compared to the full calculations (see for erample [94, 98. 991). Although some calculations have also been performed for vector boson fusion tf production. the picture is far from complete. The total o(WW/ZZ + tt) with the CV/Z distribution functions. which have large contri bu- tions from low energy l/2 collisions even at high &. slows down the convergence of the approximate o(e+e- -t ~Eti).We address this question in our calculations and evaluate the actual error in o(e+e- -+ €?tf) caused by using the approximate expressions for o(lVW/ZZ -t tt). The effect of using the EV-4 for r he process in Fig. 5.3 is equivalent to consid- ering the four-momenta of the vector bosons in the limit X-: i :Cl$ with the hi's emitted in the fonvard direction. Bi -t O. In other words. the electron/ beams are treated as sources of on-shell vector bosons. In the hign-energy lirnit, when the energ- E of the ef beam is much greater than the vector boson mas. E » &IL-.the probability distributions of vector bosons in the e* are given by the following expressions [93]: for longitudinal ive& bosons:

for transverse weak bosons:

where x = (E - Er)/E is the momentum fraction of the electron carried by the vector boson. If the vector boson is the U" boson then


If the vector boson is the Z boson then 9 c', = - ( 1 - 4 sin OrV) 1 cos OW (5.4) 9 Ca = 4 cos ew where g = e/ sin Ow and e = J'.In the case of the photon. the distribution function has the form where meis a mas of the electron. The total cross section of the process in Fig. 5.3 is given by the integral

~herethe 2 1 r; c- is the differentid luminosity of the interact ing vector bosons

Since the C.; pair must have enough energy to produce a real tf pair. the lower limit in the integral (.j.i) must fulfil the condition ro 2 -Irn:/s, where rnt is the top quark mass. Substituting the expressions (X),(5.2), and (5.6) into the integral (5.8) we obtain analytic expressions for differential iurninosities of the subprocesses under consideration. For W&IqT + ti and ZLITZLIT+ tf we get [93] Figure 5.4: The differential luminosities for interactions between Wf 's and W-'s emitted by the ei beams at energy fi = 1 TeV. The solid line is for &IVL polarization? the dashed line is for WkWT and the dotted line is for WTIVT.

For y7 -t ti we get

In Fig. 5.4 we illustrate general behaviour of the differential luminosities by plotting the functions (5.9), (3.10) and (.j.ll)for W+W- mode. The luminosities for other modes differ from t hese only by multiplicative constants. As the second step in the calculation of the total cross section (5.7) we need to find cross sections of the subprocesses 14V2 + tf. The full sets of Feynman diagrams for individual subprocesses at tree level are given in Fig. .5.5. We have caiculated these cross sections and they are given in Appendix D. Since the full expressions for a(WW + tg and a(ZZ + tf) are very lengthy and not illumi- nating, they are only given in the approximation 2M~.z/fi= O. In Fig. 5.6 we show plots of a(WW -+ tf) as a functioo of & for different polarizations of W bosons. The mass of the Higgs boson considered for this graph is 1 TeV. The full expressions have ben used to plot this graph.

5.3 Results

To obtain the cross section a(e+e- -t lrtt), we take the invariant mass of the tf-pair to be at least 500 GeV. This cut translates into a lower limit on the integral

(5.7) of 70 = (500 GeV)*/s. In our calculations we use the full expressions for dl subprocesses, i.e. we include ail orders in ~Mw/&and 2MZ/&. we will discuss the effect of taking :bl~,~/&-t O below. Of these processes. it is the subprocesses involving longitudinal vector bosons which are of interest since the h's represent the ESB sector. The subprocesses with transverse gauge bosons are backgrounds. We also note that the effective vector boson approximation is less reliable for transverse vector bosons and those results should be viewed with caution (921.

In Fig. 5.7 u-e show the cross sections for e+e- -t P& for the various subpro- cesses where the lepton t is either an e or v as appropriate. Given that it is the pro- cesses ILVL + tf and their sensitivit- to the Higgs boson mas that are of primary interest. in Fig. 5.8 we show the cross sections for ef e- + vYC'çi WLi v~tfand e+e- -t ef e-&Zr. + e+ëtifor MH = 100 GeV. MH = 500 GeV, MH = 1 TeV, and = oc (which corresponds to the low energy theorem (LET)).In Fig. 5.9 we show the same cross sections as a function of the Higgs mass at fixed CM en- Figure 5.5: Tree level Feynman diagrams contribut ing to the subprocesses t; C; + tf: (a) ~~(72)-+ tf: (b) WW -i ti: (c) ZZ +- tf. s'" (TeV)

Fimwe3.6: The cross sections of WIV -t ti for different polarizations of W bosons. The solid line is for IVL polarization, the dashed line is for WLWand the dotted line is for WTWT.The Higgs boson mass is 1 TeV. ergy fi = 1 TeV. The steep decrease of the cross section for Higgs masses below 500 GeV is due to the cut on the tf invariant mass. Mti 2 500 GeV. Since the cross section of the relevant subprocess peaks at fi = Mw.a significant part of the cross section is thrown away by the cut if .LIH < 500 GeV. For the WLWL case the cross sections at = 1 TeV are .- 0.1 fb, -. O.? fb. and - 0.3 fb for ivH= 100 GeV. 1 TeV. and m. respectively. For the expected yeariy integrated luminosity of 200 fb-' these should be distinguishable. However. once t-quark detection efficiencies and kinematic cuts to reduce backgrounds are included, the M, = 100 GeV i

Figure 5.7: Cross sections o(e+e- i@ti) via vector boson fusion using the effec- tive W/Z/7 approximation with MH = 100 GeV. The solid line is for 17 + tf the dot-dashed line for iZL -+ tf. the dot-dot-dashed line for 7ZT t tf, the dashed line for GVLI/fi i tf. the short-dashed line for Il.jW;T + tt the dotted line for

Z&- -t tf. and the densely-dotted line for ZTZT + tf. situation is not so clear. We remind the reader that we already included a cut of MtF > 500 GeV and reducing this may increase the cross section enough to distinguish the cases. Although in Fig. 5.9 the cross section is the same for cer- tain values less than and greater than :WH 500 GeV this does not concern us here since if .b.lrr < 300 GeV the Higgs boson should be observed directly at the LHC. As the centre of mass energy increases. the cross section increases to 6 fb and 3 fb for !WH= 1 TeV and MH = 30 respectively at fi = 2 TeV and -30 fb and -- 15 fb respectively at fi = 5 TeV. Thus. the different scenarios should be distinguis hable at t hese energies. From Figs. 5-23 and 5.9 it is obvious that the ZZ fusion is more sensitive to the Higgs boson mass than the WTV mode. Gnfortunately. the cross section o(ZZ -+ tf) is at least an order of magnitude lower t han the cross section for t hr W W mode. At & = 1 TeV the corresponding ZZ mode cross sections are - 2 x 10-3 fb, -. 2 x fb. and - 1 x fb for :WH = 100 GeV. 1 TeV. and m. respectively. ahich at the luminosity of 200 fV1/year would produce at best only a few events. With the increase of the CM eenrgy to 3 TeV (5 TeV) the cross section increases to - 0.4 fb (- 2 fb) and - 0.12 fb (- 0.S fb) for iVfH = 1 T'eV and ccorespectively. An additional complication for the ZZ mode arises from the fact that its final state. e+e-tf? is identical to the final states of the y-: and 72 modes. These are not sensitive to and represent a hardly reducible background to the ZZ mode. Although Our figures are obtained using the complete expressions for the sub- process cross sections. for brevity. we have given in Appendix D expressions in the limit thot 2MWqz/& = O for WW + tf and ZZ -t tf. The complete expressions axe not only lengthy but their calculation is sufliciently cornplex to diminish the simplifying motivation for using the EVA. To help decide whether it is necessory to use the full expressions rather than the approximate ones shown in the appendix and to know how large an error is introduced by neglecting terms proportional to the differences between the exact and approximate expressions for e+e- + @if via WPV and ZZ fusion are shown in Fig. 5.10 as functions of the CM energy and the Higgs mas. For CM energies between 0.6 TeV and 5 TeV and Higgs masses between 100 GeV and m, deviations for WiWi and ZLZL range up to about 10%. This is comparable to the precision of the EVA which is claimed to be better than 10%. (Of course. the precision of EV.4 for e+e- + eEtr in partic- ular has not yet been established.) Errors for WTWT.WLW+, ZTZT. ad ZLZT s'" (TeV)

Figure 5.8: o(ece- + uDCt~CVL + vûtt) (upper figure) and cr(e+e- + e+e-ZLZL + e+e-tt) (lower figure) vs. fi for severai kalues of fi.The solid lines are for .VIH = 100 GeV. the dashed Lines for AMH = 500 GeV. the dotted lines for :Ch = 1 TeV. and the dot-dashed lines for MH = 3= (LET). ""l"~'~"'~~""~~~r=~~w~~~~~v~~=s-v slR = 1 TeV

Figure 3.9: a(e+e- + vûWW + v~tf)and o(e+~-+ efe-ZZ -t ece-tf) for JS = 1 T'eV as a function of MK. The upper set of curves is for WW fusion and the lower set of curves for ZZ fusion. The solid curves are for CVLIVL (Zr&-) fusion. the dashed curves for CV&+ (Z&) fusion. and the dotted curves for WTCtj (Z&) fusion. range up to 24%, 13%lFi-15%. and 3% respectively. However. as has been mentioned earlier. the EV-4 is expected to be les reliable for the LT and TT modes than the LL modes. The errors tend to diminish with energy but not dramaticallp and not always uniformly. The convergence of the approximation is slowed down by the convolution of a( WW/ZZ + tf) with the distribution functions which have large contributions from low energy Ii I.; collisions (as can be seen from Fig. 5.4) where the approximate expressions for o(WW/ZZ + ti) are less accurate. 1 2 3 4 5 s'" vev)

Figure 5.10: Errors introduced by taking 21Ww,~/fii O for the WLWLmode (upper set of curves) and the ZLZLmode (lower set of curves) of ece- + t&f. In both cases the solid curves are for ?CfH = 100 GeV. the dashed curves for ie = 500 GeV, the dotted curves for MH = 1 TeV. and the dot-dashed curves for ifi = X. 5.4 Summary

We calculated the cross section of the process eie- ité& + ttti. where Vih = 7i/rZ/W'W-/ZZ add is either an electron or neutrino, as a function of fi for various values of the Higgs boson rnass. The calculation was performed in the effective wctor boson approximation by convoluting the cross section of

the subprocess .; tti with the appropriate W/Z/fdistribution functions. We found t hat the cross section for the WW mode at fi = 1 TeeV is sufficiently large and sensitive to distinguish different Higgs boson masses. The sensitivi ty improves as fi increases. The ZZ fusion is not very promising due to its small cross section and the background from 77 and 72 modes. We eexamined the size of the error introduced in + tfif)bu neglecting terms proportional to 2~w.~/fiin the subprocess cross sections. We found that for CM energies between 0.6 Te\' and 5 TeV and Higgs masses between 100 GeV and sx;:deviations for VVLCtiL.and ZLZL range up to about 10% which is comparable to the error expected from the EVA itself. To fully assess the reliability of the EV.4 in t hese caiculations will eventually require cornparison wi th the full cdculations. Chapter 6


Two phenomenological problems were addressed in this work! both reiated to the search for new physics beyond the SM with a potential sensitivity to the mech- anism of ESB. In the fiat one (Chapter 4), we andyzed the sensitivity of the process efe- + futqij' to the anornalous triple gauge boson couplings at energies appropriate for LEP2 (175 - 320 GeV) and NLC (500 GeV. 1 TeV). In the second problem (Chapter 5): we investigated the tf production via vector boson fusion at ece- colliders as a rneans to studp the mechanism of ESB. In the following two sections we present conclusions for each of the two parts.

6.1 Sensitivity of the e+e- -+tvq$ process to the anomalous TGV couplings

We performed a detailed analysis of the measurement of the tri-linear gauge boson couplings in the process e+e- -+ Pvqij. We included al1 tree level contributions to this final state and included finite gauge boson width effects. We found that the off-shell W contributions for the p mode contribute from about 20% of the cross section at LEP2 to 30% at the 1 TeV NLC with the kinematic cuts we used. For the electron mode. the corresponding off-shell W contributions are about 10% and 90%, respectively. Clearly. the non-resonant contri butions must be included to properly account for the experimentd situation. To gauge the sensitivity of this process to anomalous gauge boson couplings we used the W decay distributions as a polorimeter CO distinguish the longitudinal W modes, which are more sensitive to anomalous couplings, from the transverse modes. we implemented this through the use of a quintic differential cross section. with each angular variable divided into 4 bins. and then calculated the likelihood function of non-standard mode1 couplings as compared to the Standard model. Using this approach we found that at LEP'I. operating at 175 GeV, and assuming an integrated luminosity of 500 pb-'. gf KZ, n,, Xz. and A-, could be measured to roughly f0.2 and LsL and LgR to k5O and f400 respectively. As W pair production is relatively insensitive to TGVs near threshold a modest increase in energy from fi = 175 GeV to JJ = 192 GeV would yield sizeable improvements in the rneasurements, ranging from about a factor of 1.7 for sz to - 2 for LSR. Subsequent increases in energy to 205 GeV and 220 GeV would not yield the same improvement. 4s was mentioned in Section 3.3.3, rnost LEP? data will be collected at 181 GeV and 188 GeV. It is extremely unlikely that measurements of this precision would reveal anomalous couplings. -4t a 500 GeV NLC with an integrated luminosity of 50 fb-l: gf? rrv and Xv could be measured to roughly k0.01. k0.005 and 410.0025 respectively and LgL and LsR to rtl and f4 respectively. At the 1 TeV SLC with 200 fb-l the corresponding numbers are Jgf - kO.05. &cz,, - itl~-~, 6LgL- kO.5 and bLsR - f1. The 500 GeV NLC rneasurements should be sensitive to loop contributions to the TGV's while the 1 TeV will be able to measure such effect S. In the NLC case, we also studied the influence of initial state polarization. The cross section with left-handed electrons dominates over the right-handed cross section. On the other hand, the latter is more sensitive to the anomalous couplings than the former. Due to a trade-off between sensitivity and statistics. in most cases the left-handed and right-honded bounds are cornpaxable. More irnportantly. for some combinations of the anomalous parameters the different polarizations give different correlations. This could be useful for disentangling the nature of anomdous TGV's. We studied the sensitivity of the off-mass shell cross sections to anornalous couplings by imposing kinematic cuts on the invariant mass distributions of the outgoing fermion pairs. A cursory analpsis found that the off-resonance cross section has some sensitivity to anomalous couplings and that useful information could be extracted from this region of phase space. Although the inclusion of W decays to fermions and the non-resonant diagrams does not alter the precision to mhich the TGYgscm be measured they do change the cross sections and kinematic distributions at the same level of radiative corrections and rnust be talcen into account for an accurate cornparison between experiment and t heory. The optimal strategy to rnaximize the information contained in each event is to construct a likelihood function based on the four vector of each of the outgoing fermions on an event-by-event basis. putting them t hrough a realistic detector simulation. This would make the best use of the information whether it be on the W resonance or not. Kinematic cuts should only be introduced to reduce backgrounds. Since the precision of these measurernents is beyond the level of loop induced radiative corrections it is crucial that radiative corrections are weU understood and be included in event generators used in the study of these processes. 6.2 tE production via vector boson fusion at e+e- colliders

It appears that tf production via vector boson fusion at e+e- colliders provides a promising tool for probing the mechanism of ESB and that the sensitivity of these processes to the heavy Higgs boson mas significantly overcome the sensitivity of vector boson scattering [SI. 90. 91. 921. Due to the tremendous cornplexit- of the algebra and expressions involved in the full calculations of the tf production. it is ver- useful to have and understand approximate methods for analysis of this process. In Our work, besides the analysis of the process itself? we attempted to better understand how a standard approximation influences the results obtained.

CVe calculated the cross section of the process e+e- + .; t&. where VIC; = y/?Z/W+ W-/ZZ and é is eit her an electron or neutrino. as a function of fi for various values of the Higgs boson masses. The calculation was performed in the effective vector boson approximation. i.e. vector bosons emitted from the e' bearns were considered to be on-shell and collinear with the bearns. The cross sec- tion was then obtained by convoluting the cross section of the subprocess % + tf tvi t h the appropriate W/Z/ydistribut ion functions.

For the calculation of a(eCe- -t (&) we found and used full analytical expre- sions for o(G& -t ti). With the cut !'LItt 2 JO0 GeV, o(ece- + lètf) through IVL fusion at \/S = 1 SeV is -- 0.1 fb. - 0.4 fb, and - 0.3 fb for .WH = 100 GeV, 1 TeV, and m. respectively. With the expected Luminosity of 200 fb-'/year these cases should be distinguishable. With the increase of the CM energy to 2 TeV (2 T'eV) the cross section increases to - 6 fb (- 30 fb) and - 3 fb (- 15 fb) for ;IfH = 1 TeV and m. respectively. The ZZ fusion is also sensitive to the Higgs boson mass but it has at least an order of magnitude lower cross section than the CVW mode. In addition. this process has 77 and 72 modes as its backgrounds. Therefore this mode is not ver? promising.

Since the full expressions for the O(~W/ZZ-t tt) axe extremely lengthy, one usually neglects terms proportional to 2Ml~,~/fiwhen using these expressions with the EV.4 for calculation of cross sections at high energy colliders. We exarn- ined the size of the error introduced by neglecting these ternis in c(e+e- + lëti). We found that for CM energies between 0.6 TeV and 5 TeV and Higgs masses between 100 GeV and m. deviations for T.ti& and Z,& range up to about 10%. This is comparable to the error expected from the ELA itseif. The errors for LT and TT modes have been found to be even bigger. However. in those cases the EV.4 is also claimed to be less reliable. The application of the EVA in ttiese calculations is based on the previous successful experience with other fusion processes. Its reli- ability in this case is not yet full- assessed and will eventually require cornparison wit h the full calculat ions. Appendix A

Feynman rules for the anomalous

In this Appendix. the Feynman rules for the anomalous TGVts based on the effec- tive Lagrmgian (3.10) are given in the unitary gauge:

where V is either Z or 1, AV = XV/M&. g, = e, g~ = ecotOrv, e = JGand g; = 1. Appendix B

CALKUL - helicity amplitude t ecrinique

The CALKCL technique [65] is an efficient computational method for processes involving massless external fermions. In this appendix we briefly surnmarize basic relations of this helicity amplitude technique rvhich we used in the cross section calculations of Chapter 4. Let k& kr be fixed Cvectors satisfying the folloaing relations

k,2 =O. li; = -1. 4 .ki = 0 (B-1)

Let u~obe the so-called basic spinor for a left-handed fermion with momentum b. Then

~RO= ~~ULO (B.2) is the right-handed spinor for a fermion with momentum Ilo. Spinors for fermions with any lightlike p (p2 = 0) can be defined as

This set of conventions defines the phases of spinors unambiguously except when p is parallel to ko. For p, q lightlike we define the spinor products s(p,q) and t(p,q)

113 b y

s(p. q) = ~R(P)uL(P). Q) ÜL(P~R(Q) (J3.4) The spinor products satisfv the following relations:

4~.d = -4q. P) and t(p.q) = -t(q: p) (B-6)

Is(P- dl2= -P Q (B.7) The foliowing are the relations that help us to rewrite amplitudes in terms of the spinor products:

C.\(p)ru,(q) = ~pü-,(q)r~u-~(p) (B.8) where r is an arbitrary string of 7 matrices and rRis the same string in reversed order: A. p = I1 for rightlleft-handed fermions. The equation

is called the Chzsholm identity. Further it can be shown that

where p' q, r are lightlike momenta. If we mrite the Cmomentum conservation law in the form +1 for initial particles where c, = Ciqpi = 0: -1 for final particles

(B. 1-51 where pi. q. r are lightlike momenta and we sum over al1 the external particles in the process. In our cakulations we use the following definitions of four-vectors K.kf :

k; = (O. O. 1.0) where a general four-vector pr is defined as

and t(p.q) is obtained by comples conjugation. Appendix C

Helicity amplitudes for

In this Appendix we summarize the helicity amplitudes for the process eoe- i l+viq~'.The corresponding Feynman diagrams are given in Fig. 4.1 and Fig. 4.2. .4nomalous couplings have been considered for WWZ and WIV-, vertices. The SM amplitudes can be recovered by substituting gv = KY = 1 and Xi. = O. The labels L and R in the amplitudes Me-,+denote left-handed and right-handed polarization of particles in the initial state. The four-momenta of individual particies are denoted by t heir symbols. Only amplitudes wit h non-zero contributions are given here. Fia. 4.1 a: ---1 Xv [t(u.e')s(~+.f) + t(v.e- js(e-! l)][t(q.l)s(l. 4') ;t(q. u)s(u.q')] 2 ~vr;~ x [t(e+,q)s(q7 e-) + tic'. q)s($. e-)] 1 Xv = 8{-t(*' v)s(~:ij')(2~3~ + -s)[s(ec. l)t(l,e-) + s(eC.v)f (v. e- )] DL :V& Xv +t(v. e-)s(eC.l)(gv + + -~tl:J[t(~.e+)s(eC. p)+ t(q. e-)s(e-. q)] iLf & Xv -t(q. e-)s(e+.ij')(g~ + r;v + --;-:Mf,)[t(v.!MU q)s(q.1) + t(v.ijl)s(q'. l)] 1 Xv +.-[t(u. q)s(q. 1) + t(u.p')s(ql l)][t(q.e+)s(e'? 4)+ t(q. e-)s(Cq')] 2 :t1$ x [s(e+, l)t(17e-1 + s(e+. v)t(v.e-)] I Xv --- [t(u,e')s(ec, f) + t(v,e-)s(e-: f)][t(q. l)s(l.$1 i-t(q, u)s(v. if)] 2 M$ x [s(e'. q)t(q,e-) i s(e+. ij')t(qf?e-)]}

Fig. 3.1 b: where

Fig. 4.1 c:


DLR = l6t(u.q)s(e-. i)[s(qr. e-)t(e-. e') - s(& l)t(l.eC)]


DLR = 16t(u. e')s(qf. l)[s(e-.l)t(lo q) + s(ë.<)t(q8. q)] Fig. 4.1 e:

2;i2a2Q, C7 = - . CI..

DR, = 16t(q. u)s(eC.q) [s(l. q)t(q. e-) + s(1. v)t(v.e- )]

Fig. 4.1 f:


;r2ct2 Cz = 2 sin' Bw cos2 Biv Fig. 4.-a: where

C=- ïr2a2 2 sin4 Ow cos2 8~ DL, = 16t(u.eC)s(<, e-)[s(l. e-)t(e-? q) - s(f.qr)t(if, q)] -2a2 C = 1 sin' Our.

Fig. 1.2 e:


72 a!2 Cz = 9 sin' Bw cos2 Blc.

Fig. 1.2 f: The vector and axial couplings are defined as follows

The propagators in the amplitudes are considered in the limit when al1 the external part ides are massless: where Miq r (q + a)2and .% E (1 + u)*. The s and t functions we used in our calculations are defined by equation (B.19) in the Appendix B. Appendix D

Cross section formulae for v,v, -+ tt

In this appendix we give the formulas for the tree-level cross sections for 1.; -t t5 The cross section for WW + tf and ZZ + tf are given in the approximation zr~z= O. In al1 the expressions below we use the following substitutions:

Qt is the electric charge of the top quark in terms of le/:and X, is the number of colours. Contributions from bot h transverse degrees of freedom are summed over. 1 ici1 +T$txi[-a: + (a: + ~j)-$]) 4 Mt

CI.L.Uk -t tf: (xW = O approximation) (D.15)



Ujl*hitf: (xw =O approximation)

&Zr. -t tf: (zz = O approximation)

ZTZT itf: (xz = O approximation) ZLZT -+ tf: (xz = O approximation) Bibliography

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5 Proceedings of the Workshop on Physics at Future -4ccelerators. CERX hl- low Report 87-07 (1987).

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[l'il For further recent reviews on TGV's see: 1. Hinchliffe. the proceedings of the International Symposium on Vector Boson Self Interactions. UCL.4. Feb 1-3. 1995. [hep-ph/9504206];F. Boudjema. the proceedings of Beyond the Stan- dxd Model IV. Lake Tahoe. California. Dec. 12-16. 1994. [hep-ph/9504409]:

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