Minutes of AGM and OGM on Wednesday, 17th October, 2018 at 7.45 pm at St. Edmunds Presbetery, Croft Rd. Godalming.

Refreshments were provided by Angela Gilmour before the meeting.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Present: 15 representing 8 churches and TTT.

Michael Stubbs Chairman () Sally Pollard (GBC)

Gillian Martin Secretary (St. Mark’s) Rev. Paul Hulme (GUC)

Tony Bennewith Treasurer (GBC) Edouard Le Maistre (St. John’s,

Andy Poulsom Vice Chairman (TTT) )

Anna Seifert (Quakers) Pat Hilton (Busbridge)

Angela Gilmour (St. Edmunds) Colin Swait ()

Gwen Wheatman (GUC) Babs Bennewith (GBC)

Rev. David Parmiter (St. Edmunds)

Michael welcomed everyone and David Parmiter opened the meeting with prayer.

Apologies had been received from: Rev. James Rattue, Rev. Margot Spencer, Rev Jane Vlach, Rev. Maggie Stirling Troy, Sister June (Ladywell), Jo Lewry, John Stevens, Muriel Clark, Patsy Dunning and Jo Dix.

The minutes of the 2017 AGM, having been circulated, were accepted and signed.

Arising: Rev. Paul Hulme gave a thank you from the floor for the Worthing Day arranged by the pastoral assistants.

The Annual Accounts for 2017 / 2018 were presented by Tony Bennewith and accepted. As at 31st August the accounts show £1596 in hand; the budget for 2019 shows a deficit of £830.

There were tabled reports from the Trinity Trust Team, The Cellar, The Food Bank. These will be sent on to you. Final figures from Christian Aid Week will be requested from Muriel Clark and sent on. Michael reported news of Manna Ministries – They are presenting a show on December 15th 2pm and 7pm at St. Catherines School called “The Last Laugh” about anti – bullying.

Fairtrade Steering Group (Edouard Le Maistre): notice was given of 2 Fairtrade Days, Friday 9th November and Saturday, 10th November 11 am to 4 pm at 3, Braemar Close; lunch is available from 12.30 pm to 2 pm, donations for Christian Aid. Traidcraft is ceasing trading at the end of the year.

Chairman’s comments – Michael listed all the activities which had taken place during the year.(attached)

Elections and Appointments for 2018 / 2019:

Chairman – Michael Stubbs

Vice Chairmen – Maggie Stirling Troy and Andy Poulsom Past Chair – James Rattue

Hon. Secretary – Gillian Martin

Hon. Treasurer – Tony Bennewith

Clergy Rep. – Simon Taylor

Publicity and Prayer Breakfast Coordinator – Edouard le Maistre

Co-options – Gwen Wheatman (GUC), Anna Seifert (Quakers), Angela Gilmour (RC) and John Stevens (SSP&P and St. Mark)

Web Master – Noah Crick

Link Up Editor – Matt Farrow


1) The minutes of the open meeting on 27th June 2018 having been circulated were approved and signed. 2) Matters Arising - Staycation Worship at the Bandstand in 2019 will be planned for Sunday, 11th August.

Colin Swait asked about Dr. Jenna Brown’s plans – She is now back at work, going forward with plans and hopes to be Going Live in the New Year.

3) Forthcoming Events: a) Winter Festival on Saturday, 24th November, 10am to 2.30 pm Based in the Baptist Church. There will be activities, cakes for sale, gift wrapping and refreshments. Andy Poulsom will be pleased to hear from volunteers. b) Christmas Together Day, 8th December – Jacky Tickner is heading up a small committee. There will be a Santa Fun Run organised by the Town Council from 10 am. Usual Charity stalls, Blessing of the Crib and Town Carol Service. c) Churches Together Carols – Thursday, 13th December at 5.30pm – 7.30 pm at the Railway Station led by the Quakers: Friday, 14th December 7pm – 8pm at The Inn on the Lake led by Andy Poulsom and TTT. ( If you want to sing let Andy know, Nos limited to 15) d) Christmas Service info. for Vantage Point, flyers and the website - details to Edouard ASAP Information on Christmas Together Day, Christmas Day Lunch and The United Service in January will be included. e) Christmas Day Lunch – the team under Sarah Higgins has met and started planning. f) December 30th CT 5th Sunday Evening Service 6.30 pm at will be led by Andy Poulsom and Matt Blake. All welcome. g) United Service 20th January 2019 will be led by Rev. Paul Hulme at the . h) Comedy, Curry and Compassion Evening on March 30th 2019 at the Baptist Church – further details from Julia Stubbs ( [email protected]) i) Prayer Breakfasts (ElM) – the next 2 are at the Baptist Church (October 27th) and (November 24th). Edouard asked for churches to volunteer for 2019.

4) AOB – Anna Seifert spoke about white poppies for peace and encouraged everyone to take some for their churches; to be worn in addition to red poppies not instead of.

Chris Jagger from the Warehouse Christian Trust asked for some new trustees to come forward especially someone to take on fund raising.

The Life Issues programme was available from Sally Pollard.

Busbridge Church are holding a “Light Party”(All welcome) on Wednesday 31st October and details were available for the Wintershall Nativity from 12th to 16th December.

Future dates for 2019 – CTiGD Council meetings at 7.45 pm – Wednesdays 13th March 26th June and 16th October (AGM); offers of venues welcome.

The evening ended with a presentation from Andy highlighting many facets of the work of The Trinity Trust Team and a request for everyone to continue to support them both financially and prayerfully.

Closing Prayers – Andy Poulsom