
4 September – 18 September 2005

Alex Bevan, Phil Edmonds, Russell Eynon, & Steve Hinton

Heermann’s Gull

Introduction Although three of the group had undertaken previous birding trips to North America, none of us had birded the West Coast. The timing of the trip very much centred around getting out on a pelagic, with Blue and Humpback Whales key targets. Flights were booked online at at a cost of £330 return and car hire through at a cost of £262 for a compact sized vehicle. All accommodation was booked whilst on the road and the only place where we experienced any difficulty was at . Prices ranged from $50 to $165 for a room for four people, with prices highest in Yosemite and the Point Reyes area. Although we missed several species we had hoped to see, a clean up on all our expected Whales and Dolphins more than compensated for this.

Site Information/References “ A Birder’s Guide to Southern “ by Harold Holt and “ Birding Northern California ” by John Kemper were both invaluable. These books were supplemented by a number of trip reports printed off the internet.

Route We flew into Los Angeles and our first day was spent on a pre-arranged trip to . After this we headed south along the coast to , before moving onto the Salton Sea, Joshua Tree National Park, Jawbone Canyon, Yosemite National Park, (1 st pelagic), Pinnacles National Monument, Santa Cruz and finally we spent several days at Point Reyes and nearby Bodega Bay (2 nd pelagic), before returning to the UK from San Francisco.

Daily Itinerary

Sunday 4 September After meeting up with PE at Gatwick Airport we caught a 10.15 Delta Airlines flight to Cincinnati, arriving at 14.00 local time. Our connecting flight to Los Angeles did not leave until 16.45 allowing us time to notch up Killdeer , Turkey Vulture , Chimney Swift and Great Blue Heron from the terminal building. We arrived at Los Angeles International Airport at 18.15 local time and after collecting our car from Alamo, we headed off along Coast Highway 101 to Ventura, where we booked into the Sea Shore Motel. 1 Monday 5 September An early breakfast was followed by a productive 2 hours birding Ventura Harbour. Highlights included Surfbird , Wandering Tattler , Marbled Godwit , Heermann’s Gull and Pelagic Cormorant . At 10.00 we boarded our boat for the trip to Santa Cruz Island. The boat was fast and not well suited for sea watching and apart from Western Gulls , all we recorded was 1 Storm Petrel sp and 1 Jaeger sp , along with a pod of distant unidentified Dolphins .

Upon arrival at Prisoner’s Harbour, Santa Cruz Island, we immediately spotted our main target bird, Island Scrub-Jay sat on top of a distant bush. As it was, the Jay proved very easy to see in and around the jetty area, with other highlights including Pacific Slope Flycatcher , Allen’s Hummingbird , Hutton’s Vireo and Western Tanager . The return boat trip proved slightly more productive, in terms of birds, with both Sooty and Pink-footed Shearwaters seen. Night spent at Best Western Motel, Newport Bay.

A rather tame Island Scrub-Jay Santa Cruz Island

Tuesday 6 September Morning spent at Upper Newport Bay, along Back Bay Drive in search of California Gnatcatcher. Although we struggled initially, we eventually located a bird at the junction of Back Bay Drive and Road. Lots of other supporting birds included Short- billed Dowitcher , Western Sandpiper , Virginia Rail , and Black Skimmer . The best part of the afternoon was taken up with the drive to the Salton Sea, via the Pacific Coast Highway to Oceanside and then on via Ramona to Brawley, at the southern end of the sea. A stop on the way at Julian, produced Nuttall’s and Acorn Woodpeckers , Mountain Bluebird and the only Phainepepolas of the trip. The remainder of the afternoon/evening was spent in and around Las Flores Drive, Brawley, with Gambell’s Quail , Gila Woodpecker , Abert’s Towhee , Verdin , Lesser Nighthawk and Common Ground-Dove being the pick of the birds. Night at Travel Inn, Brawley.

Verdin Spotted Sandpiper

2 Wednesday 7 September After an early breakfast we headed to the Sonny Bono Salton Sea , stopping on the way for a Greater Roadrunner. During a very hot morning we birded the Rock Hill Trail and saw several Yellow-footed Gulls . We also flushed a Burrowing Owl, which preceded to land nearby, giving excellent views. Plenty of other birds along the shoreline included American Avocet , California Gull , White-winged Kite , Greater Yellowlegs and Black Tern .

Moving onto Ramer and Finney Lakes, we searched, unsuccessfully, for Crissal Thrasher , before returning to Brawley for a late lunch. The rest of the afternoon was spent in and around Borrego Springs at Anza Borrego Desert State Park in search of Le Conte’s Thrasher . This proved unfruitful and we saw little in very hot conditions (110+). We eventually cut our losses and made our way to Joshua Tree National Park, where we spent the night at the Best Western in Twenty Nine Palms.

Thursday 8 September The early part of the morning was spent at Joshua Tree National Park. Highlights included Prairie Falcon , Rock Wren , Black-throated Sparrow , White-throated Swift , Black-tailed Gnatcatcher , Nashville Warbler and Warbling Vireo , along with a roadside Desert Tortoise . During the heat of the day we moved onto the Big Morongo Canyon Preserve where we spent a productive couple of hours. The Hummingbird feeders near the car park contained Anna’s , Black-chinned and Rufous Hummingbirds , along with California Towhee and Lesser Goldfinch . A quick circuit of the trails produced Summer Tanager , California Thrasher , Vermillion Flycatcher and Black-headed Grosbeak. Mid afternoon we set off on the 4+ hour drive to Mohave, stopping on the way at California City where we managed to squeeze in 30 minutes at the Central Park before dark, adding Western Wood Pewee , Wilson’s Warbler and Willow Flycatcher to the trip list. Night spent at Motel 6 Mohave.

California Desert Tortoise Joshua Tree National Park

Friday 9 September Today, we headed up Route 14 turning off left after some 20 miles at Jawbone Canyon. After a little bit of searching we managed to find a single Le Conte’s Thrasher in the area where the first white pipeline disappears into the hillside. We also obtained excellent views of Sage Sparrow and Sage Thrasher . We then continued north up Route 14/395 towards Mono Lake/Yosemite and a quick roadside stop south of Bishop produced the only Lark Sparrow of the trip. Further stops at Crowley Lake and South Tufta, Mono Lake produced another Sage Thrasher and some Yellow-headed Blackbirds . As we were unable to find any accommodation in Lee Vinning, we ended up spending the night a bit further south at June Lake.


Le Conte’s Thrasher Jawbone Canyon

Saturday 10 September First stop today was Bodie State Park and we arrived for opening time (08.00). After parking the car we continued along the track that leads out of the Ghost Town and quickly located 30+ Sage Grouse , right on the edge of town. Although initially wary, they eventually allowed very close approach and some great photographic opportunities. Lots of sparrows seen including both Brewer’s and Vesper’s Sparrow along with a close fly-by Golden Eagle and a group of Mountain Bluebirds . Moving onto Mono Lake we encountered large numbers of Red-necked Phalaropes and a single Bonaparte’s Gull .

Sage Grouse Bodie State Park

During the afternoon we headed into Yosemite National Park ($20 for a seven day pass) stopping first at White Wolf Campground where Yellow-rumped Warblers were particularly numerous. Red-breasted Nuthatch , Brown Creeper and Macgillivray’s Warbler were also soon added and a stop along the Merced River produced a fly away American Dipper . Next stop, Summit Meadow on Glacier Point Road, produced good numbers of birds including lots more Yellow-rumped Warblers , Nashville Warbler , Northern Flicker and several immature White-crowned Sparrows . A stop at Chervon Meadows/Crane Flats, a traditional Great Grey Owl site, failed to produce any birds of note and we returned to June Creek for the night.

Sunday 11 September Following a pre-breakfast visit to the south end of Mono Lake, where we saw Western Scrub- Jay and Warbling Vireo , we spent all day in Yosemite National Park. Sites visited included Saddlebag Lake, White Wolf Campground, Crane Flats and Yosemite Valley. Additional sightings to yesterday included Hermit Warbler , Townsend’s Warbler , Pine Siskin , Lincoln’s Sparrow and Cassin’s Vireo . As we exited the park on Highway 140, en route to Monterey we encountered 30+ Vaux’s Swifts along the Merced River. Night spent at Linda’s Motel in Monterey.


Yosemite Valley

Monday 12 September Today was pelagic day and we had pre-booked onto a Debi Shearwater ‘fall classic’ trip at a cost of $120 - . After meeting at Fisherman’s Wharf for a pre-trip briefing, we headed out into Monterey at 07.30. Little wind and cloudy conditions made for good all around viewing from the boat (no sun glare). California Sealions and Sea Otters set the scene as we left the wharf, with Elegant Tern, Common Tern and Pigeon Guillemot amongst the first seabirds encountered.

After a brief sighting of a Humpback Whale , the pelagic burst into life with the sighting of several large whale blows as we rounded Point Pinos. Following a minute or two of anticipation, 2-3 Blue Whales broke the surface and although we were never too close, we were treated to half a dozen or so rolls, from these magnificent animals. It would have been nice to have spent more time in the area, but Debi was keen to ensure that we had the maximum amount of time looking for the petrel flock later in the trip, so we had to move on.

As we continued out into the bay our first Rhinoceros Auklet was followed by large flocks of Sooty Shearwaters which contained smaller numbers of Pink-footed and Buller’s Shearwaters. Regular bits of food were dispatched from the rear of the boat and this soon attracted a following of gulls, which in turn brought in several Black-footed Albatrosses to the wake. Arctic , Pomarine and Long-tailed Skuas all put in an appearance along with the hoped for South Polar Skuas .

The cetaceans continued to compete very well with the birds, with Northern Right Whale , Pacific White-sided and Risso’s Dolphins , supported by at least half a dozen Humpback Whales . A few hours in, we finally found the petrel flock, which numbered in excess of 8000 birds, consisting mainly of Ashy Storm Petrels , but also containing small numbers of Black Storm Petrels and a single Wilson’s Storm Petrel .

Pink-footed Shearwater

We returned to Monterey at 15.00 and promptly booked onto another pelagic out of Bodgea Bay later in the week. Debi kindly offered to let us follow her and Hadoram Shirihai up to Pinnacles National Monument in an effort to see some of the re-introduced California Condors coming into roost. This proved to be a wise move, as we saw 3 immature birds, at one stage all sat in the same tree. We also added Oak Titmouse and Western Bluebird to our tally,

5 although we failed in an attempt to locate Great Horned Owl near Hollister. Night spent at Best Western Motel, Hollister.

California Condor

Tuesday 13 September This morning we headed back out to Pinnacles NM to try, unsuccessfully, for Lawrence’s Goldfinch . Several stops on the way between Hollister and Paicines Reservoir were unfruitful though we did add Western Kingbird . Highlights at Pinnacles NM included Oak Titmouse , American & Lesser Goldfinch, ‘Bells’ Sage Sparrow and Spotted & California Towhees . Mid afternoon we drove to , where we added both Long-billed Curlew and Great Northern Diver . Other birds included good numbers of Heermann’s & Western Gulls , large numbers of Willets & Marbled Godwits , several White-crowned Sparrows and a Marsh Wren at nearby . Night spent at Best Western Hotel, Santa Cruz.

Wednesday 14 September We spent the morning birding along West Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz, in search of Marbled Murrelets , and this proved very successful, with in excess of 50 birds being seen, several of which were very close inshore amongst the many Guillemots and Brandt’s Cormorants . Eventually, we headed off north along the Pacific Coast Highway, towards San Francisco, where we stopped at the Golden Gate Bridge viewing area for a few photos. The final part of the day was spent at Point Reyes where we undertook a brief sea watch from the lighthouse car park, which produced little of note. Night at motel in Inverness.

Golden Gate Bridge Alcatraz

Thursday 15 September All day spent at Point Reyes National Seashore. A productive early part of the morning around Five Brooks produced Townsend’s Warbler , Black-throated Grey Warbler , Chestnut- backed Chickadee , Golden-crowned Kinglet and Fox Sparrow . After a quick look at Bolinas Lagoon, we paid a short visit to Point Reyes Bird Observatory, before returning to the motel for coffee. The rest of the day was spent on the outer peninsula where we birded all the way up to and including the lighthouse, catching up with a number of eastern birds that had been reported in the area, including Hooded Warbler , Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Chestnut-sided Warbler . We also saw several Black-headed Grosbeaks and the lighthouse itself produced 6 Rock Wren , Fox Sparrow and Golden-crowned Sparrow . Finally, we stopped at one of the several ranches on the outer peninsula where the blackbird flocks contained good numbers of Tri-coloured Blackbirds. We also managed to find a pair of roosting Great Horned Owls . Night at motel in Inverness.

Black-Headed Grosbeak Golden-crowned Sparrow

Friday 16 September Today we headed to Bodega Bay for our second pelagic of the trip. We left port at 07.00 and the sea conditions were somewhat choppier than in Monterey Bay, with a constant swell. Although we didn’t encounter the volume of birds seen in Monterey Bay, we managed to add a number of additional seabirds and cetaceans to our final tally. A Glaucous-winged Gull in the wake was an early winter returnee and ex-pat Cardiff birder Steve Howell proved adept at picked out several Short-tailed Shearwaters amongst the large numbers of Sooty Shearwaters . However, the best was yet to come and with the majority of birders up on the bow watching several Humpback Whales , a commotion suddenly broke out at the back of the boat. Frantic shouts of ‘stop the boat’ by Debi Shearwater were quickly followed by shouts of ‘Cook’s Petrel ’. During the ensuing chaos, not everybody managed to get on to the bird as it sheared away down the side of the boat. At this stage the skipper immediately cut the engine and after pouring some cod liver oil onto the sea, we spent the next 50 minutes drifting around the slick in the hope the bird would be attracted back in. But it wasn’t to be and reluctantly we continued on our way towards the Cordell Bank. There was some keen discussion on board as to the identity of this small Pterodroma – those who had seen it well favoured the most obvious candidate, Cook’s Petrel , though there was an acceptance that on such brief views, it was difficult to rule out some of the rarer Pterodroma Petrels.

However, Debi is not the type to give up easily on a rare seabird, particularly one not seen on this trip since 1986 and several hours later we found ourselves back at the co-ordinates of the original sighting. Amazingly, Steve Howell, picked it up again and this time everyone on board obtained views of the bird, albeit, distantly in the wake. At this point, whilst trying to move the boat into a better position, the bird was lost from view, possibly landing on the sea. Another tense stand off ensued as the skipper again cut the engine and for half an hour or more we drifted around in the general vicinity of the second sighting. Fortunately, it was third time lucky and finally the Cook’s Petrel put in a close appearance across the back of the boat, enabling a number of photos to be taken, which dispelled any id doubts. Some bow riding Dall’s Porpoises and a Cassin’s Auklet rounded off a successful pelagic and we returned to shore at around 17.00.

Black-footed Albatross 7 The day wasn’t over yet though, as we accompanied Steve Howell to Bodega Head to check several areas of bushes for eastern migrants and we succeeded in finding American Redstart and Magnolia Warbler . We even tried our luck at nearby Creek for owls, but we could get no response to our CD playbacks. Night spent at Best Western in Petaluma.

Saturday 17 September On our final birding day we started off at Lucchesi Park, Petaluma, two blocks from our Motel, for a rather tame but apparently wild Ross’s Goose . A second visit to Five Brooks at Point Reyes proved worthwhile and we added the final two species of the trip, Pygmy Nuthatch and Ruby-crowned Kinglet . A quick look around the bushes at the south end of Bolinas Lagoon produced plenty of Chestnut-backed Chickadees and several Wilson’s Warblers . Final stop of the trip was Stinson Beach, just south of Point Reyes, but being a weekend, it was crawling with people and we finally packed our binoculars away and headed off towards San Francisco Airport, where we booked into the Bay Landing Hotel, well positioned for our early morning flight back to the UK.

Sunday18 September After returning the hire car, AB, RE & SH caught the 07.12 Delta Airlines flight to Atlanta, where we connected to a 16.40 flight to London Gatwick. PE caught a 10.45 flight to Honolulu, to spend the next two weeks visiting his daughter.


In total we saw 244 species. The list below follows the ‘Clements 5 th Edition’ sequence, nomenclature and taxonomy.

Pacific Loon Gavia pacifica 6 on Monterey Pelagic 12/9 and 5 off Santa Cruz 14/9.

Common Loon (Great Northern Diver) Gavia immer 1 Moss Landing State Beach 13/9 and 2 Bodega Bay 16/9.

Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps Seen in small numbers throughout trip.

Eared Grebe (Black-necked Grebe) Podiceps nigricollis Hundreds at Mono Lake on 9/9 & 10/9. Several also seen in Point Reyes area.

Western Grebe Aechmophorus occidentalis 3 at Salton Sea 7/9, 1 Crowley Lake 9/9, 1 Santa Cruz 14/9 and 1 Bodega Bay 16/9.

Clark's Grebe Aechmophorus clarkii 1 on sea off Santa Cruz 14/9.

Black-footed Albatross Phoebastria nigripes At least 12 around the boat during Monterey Bay Pelagic on 12/9, were followed by 21 on the Bodega Bay pelagic on 16/9. Superb views on both trips with birds coming right into the wake and sat on water within 20 yards of the boat.

Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis 1 on Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

8 Cook’s Petrel Pterodroma cooki A single bird on the Bodega Bay pelagic caused much excitement on board - the first record since 1986 on this particular trip.

Pink-footed Shearwater Puffinus creatopus 20+ during return trip from Santa Cruz Island on 5/9, 50+ from Monterey Bay pelagic on 12/9 and 350+ during Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

Buller's Shearwater Puffinus bulleri 15+ on Monterey Bay pelagic 12/9 and 50+ on Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

Sooty Shearwater Puffinus griseus A single bird between Santa Cruz Island and Ventura on 5/9 but very numerous on the Monterey Bay pelagic 12/9. Small numbers seen from land at both Santa Cruz on 13/9 and Point Reyes Lighthouse on 14/9. 900+ on Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

Short-tailed Shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris 3 birds seen during Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

Wilson’s Petrel Oceanites oceanicus A single bird amongst the huge number of storm petrels on the Monterey Bay pelagic 12/9.

Black Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma melania At least 20 birds amongst the huge Ashy Strom-Petrel flock, Monterey Bay 12/9.

Ashy Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma homochroa What a sight! We managed to find a flock of at least 8000 birds in Monterey Bay on 12/9. Storm Petrels everywhere!

American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Hundreds at the Salton Sea on 7/9 and small numbers seen elsewhere.

Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis Commoner of the two Pelican species.

Double-crested Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus Common along coast.

Brandt's Cormorant Phalacrocorax penicillatus Good numbers on both Monterey and Bodega Bay pelagics and at least 500 birds along West Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz on 14/9.

Pelagic Cormorant Phalacrocorax pelagicus 5 Ventura on 5/9 and small numbers on both pelagics and along West Cliff Drive Santa Cruz on 14/9.

Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias Seen daily.

Great Egret (Great White Egret) Ardea alba Small numbers seen on most days.

Snowy Egret Egretta thula Seen throughout trip and particularly common at Salton Sea.

9 Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis Hundreds of birds in and around Salton Sea.

Green Heron Butorides virescens 1 Upper Newport Bay and 1 Brawley, both on 6/9, 2 Salton Sea on 7/9 and 1 Point Reyes on 15 & 17/9.

Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 1 Upper Newport Bay and 1 Brawley, both on 6/9, 4 Salton Sea on 7/9, 2 California City on 8/9 and 2 Bodega Bay on 16/9.

White-faced Ibis Plegadis chihi 30+ Salton Sea 6/9 and another 80+ there 7/9. 200+ south of Merced 11/9.

Ross’s Goose Chen rossii A single bird at Lucchesi Park, Petaluma 17/9.

Canada Goose Branta canadenis 40+ Moss Landing State Beach 13/9, 30+ Point Reyes 14/9 and 50+ at Lucchesi Park, Petaluma 17/9.

Wood Duck Aix sponsa 4 at Five Brooks, Point Reyes on 15/9 and 2 there 16/9.

American Wigeon Anas americana 10+ Paicines Reservoir 13/9, 20+ Bolinas Lagoon 15/9 and another 20+ there on 17/9.

Gadwall Anas strepera 10 at Paicines Reservoir 13/9.

Green-winged Teal Anas carolinensis Surprisingly, 3 at Bolinas Lagoon on 15/9 was the only sighting.

Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Common.

Northern Pintail Anas acuta 6 Bolinas Lagoon 15/9 and 40+ there 17/9.

Blue-winged Teal Anas discors 4 Salton Sea 7/9, 12 California City 8/9 and 3 Point Reyes 15/9.

Cinnamon Teal Anas cyanoptera 25+ Salton Sea 7/9.

Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata 50+ Salton Sea 7/9, 1 Monterey 12/9, 11 Moss Landing State Beach 13/9 and 10+ Bolinas Lagoon 17/9.

Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris 6 at Paicines Reservoir 13/9.

Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata 1 male Ventura Harbour 5/9, 20+ Moss Landing State Beach 13/9 and 2 Bodega Bay 16/9.

10 Common Merganser (Goosander) Mergus merganser 1 Merched River, Yosemite Valley 10/9.

Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis 3 Salton Sea 7/9 and 4 Moss Landing State Beach 13/9.

Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura Seen daily.

California Condor Gymnogyps californianus 3 birds from the re-introduction programme were seen coming into roost at Pinnacles NM on 12/9.

Osprey Pandion haliaetus 1 Upper Newport Bay 6/9, 3 Mono Lake area 9/9, 2 Yosemite 11/9 and 1 Point Reyes 17/9.

White-tailed Kite Elanus leucurus 1 Upper Newport Bay 6/9, 1 Salton Sea 7/9, 3 Pinnacles NM 12/9 and 3 there 13/9. Up to 4 en route from Santa Cruz to Point Reyes on 14/9.

Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus 1 Santa Cruz Island 5/9, 1 June Lake 10/9 and a pair sat in a tree at Paicines Reservoir 13/9.

Northern Harrier Circus cyaneus 2 Upper Newport Bay 6/9, 1 Salton Sea 7/9, 6 Point Reyes 14/9 and a further 4 there on 15/9.

Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus Singles at Bodie State Park on 10/9 and Bodgea Bay 16/9.

Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii 1 Upper Newport Bay and another Brawley on 6/9, 1 Joshua Tree National Park on 8/9 and at least 4 in Point Reyes area 15-17/9.

Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo lineatus 4 en route from Santa Cruz to Point Reyes on 14/9 and 1 Five Brooks, Point Reyes 17/9.

Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Common.

Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos Superb views of an adult bird that flew past us at close range whilst at Bodie State Park on 10/9.

American Kestrel Falco sparverius Seen daily, with a maximum of 10 birds in Hollister area on 13/9.

Prairie Falcon Falco mexicanus 1 Joshua Tree National Park 8/9, 1 Mono Lake 11/9, 1 Paicines Reservoir 13/9 and 1 Bodega Bay 16/9.

Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus Singles at Mono Lake and Yosemite on 10/9.

11 Greater Sage Grouse Centrocercus urophasianus Great close range views of at least 30 birds in and around the Ghost Town at Bodie State Park on 10/9.

California Quail Callipepla californica 3 Crowley Lake 9/9, 40+ birds Pinnacles NM 12-13/9 and 80+ in Point Reyes area 14-17/9.

Gambel's Quail Callipepla gambelii Numerous sightings in and around Salton Sea and Joshua Tree National Park, included 30+ at Brawley on 6/9 and 15+ at Salton Sea NWR on 7/9.

Virginia Rail Rallus limicola Singles at Upper Newport Bay 6/9 and Bodega Head 16/9.

Sora Porzana carolina 2 birds along Rock Hill Trail, Salton Sea NWR 7/9.

Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus 20+ Salton Sea 7/9 and 2 Point Reyes 17/9.

American Coot Fulica americana Seen in small numbers at Salton Sea, Mono Lake, Paicines Reservoir and Point Reyes.

Black Oystercatcher Heamatopus bachmani 5 Ventura Harbour 5/9 and 1 Bodega Bay 16/9.

Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus 20+ Salton Sea 7/9 and 5 Moss Landing State Beach 13/9.

American Avocet Recurvirostra americana 40+ Salton Sea 7/9, 4 Mono Lake 10/9, 1 Bolinas Lagoon 15/9 and 3 there on 17/9.

Black-bellied Plover (Grey Plover) Pluvialis squatarola 10 Ventura Harbour 5/9, 5 Upper Newport Bay 6/9, 10 Moss Landing State Beach 13/9 and 2 Point Reyes 17/9.

Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus 1 Bodega Bay 16/9.

Killdeer Charadrius vociferus Common.

Snowy Plover (Kentish Plover) Charadrius alexandrinus 8 Moss Landing State Beach on 13/9.

Wilson's Snipe Gallinago gallinago A single bird at Salton Sea 7/9 and 3 at Point Reyes on 15/9.

Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus 2 Upper Newport Bay 6/9.

Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus 5 Salton Sea 7/9 and 1 Point Reyes 16/9.

12 Marbled Godwit Limosa fedoa Common, at Salton Sea and in coastal areas. Maximum of 100 at Moss Landing State Beach on 13/9.

Whimbrel (Hudsonian Whimbrel) Numenius phaeopus 1 Ventura Harbour 5/9 and 6 north of Santa Cruz on 14/9.

Long-billed Curlew Numenius tahitiensis 4 Moss Landing State Beach on 13/9, 6 Bolinas Lagoon on 15/9 and 1 there on 17/9.

Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca 1 Salton Sea 7/9, 4 Paicines Reservoir 13/9, 4 Point Reyes 14/9 and 10+ there on 15/9.

Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes A single bird at Point Reyes on 15/9 was the only sighting.

Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria 2 birds at the Salton Sea 7/9.

Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia 3 Santa Cruz Island 5/9 and 2 Upper Newport Bay 6/9.

Wandering Tattler Heteroscelus incanus 2 Ventura Harbour 5/9 and 1 Monterey Bay 12/9.

Willet Catoptrophorus semipalmatus Common at Salton Sea and all locations along the coast.

Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 2 Ventura Harbour 5/9 and 1 Moss Landing State Beach 13/9.

Black Turnstone Arenaria melanocephala 6 Ventura Harbour 5/9, 3 Monterey 12/9 and 2 Moss Landing State Beach on 13/9.

Surfbird Aphriza virgata 35+ Ventura Harbour 5/9 and 2 Bodega Bay 16/9.

Sanderling Calidris alba 50+ Ventura Harbour 5/9, 50+ Moss Landing State Beach 13/9 and 10 north of Santa Cruz on 14/9.

Western Sandpiper Calidris mauri 3 Upper Newport Bay 6/9, 6 Salton Sea 7/9 and 40+ Moss Landing State Beach on 13/9.

Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla 50+ Salton Sea 6/9 and 25+ there 7/9, 25+ Moss Landing State Beach 13/9 and 10+ Point Reyes 15/9.

Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos 1 Point Reyes 15/9.

13 Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus Hundreds at Mono Lake 10/9, 25+ Monterey Bay 12/9, 8 Point Reyes 14/9 and 10 there on 15/9. 10+ during Bodega Bay pelagic on 16/9.

South Polar Skua Catharacta maccormicki 4 on Monterey Bay pelagic 12/9 and 11 on Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

Pomarine Jaeger (Pomarine Skua) Stercorarius pomarinus 3 on Monterey Bay pelagic 12/9, 1 off Santa Cruz on 14/9 and 3 on Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

Parasitic Jaeger (Arctic Skua) Stercorarius parasiticus 2 between Santa Cruz Island and Ventura 5/9, 5 on Monterey Bay pelagic 12/9, 1 off Santa Cruz on 14/9 and 1 flying under the Golden Gate Bridge later the same day.

Long-tailed Jaeger (Long-tailed Skua) Stercorarius longicaudus 1 on Monterey Bay pelagic 12/9 and 2 on Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

Heermann's Gull Larus heermanni First seen at Ventura on 5/9 and subsequently seen at most costal sites.

Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis 15+ Salton Sea 7/9, 4 Crowley Lake 9/9, and 12+ Point Reyes area 15-17/9.

California Gull Larus californicus Seen almost daily. Particularly common Mono Lake.

Glaucous-winged Gull Larus glaucescens A single 3 rd calendar year bird following the boat during the Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9 was the only sighting.

Western Gull Larus occidentalis Common at Salton Sea and all coastal areas.

Yellow-footed Gull Larus livens At least 6 of this large gull along Rock Hill Trail, Salton Sea NWR 7/9.

American Herring Gull Larus smithsonianus 4 Salton Sea 5/9 and 1 during Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

Bonaparte’s Gull Larus philadelphia A single bird at Mono Lake 10/9.

Laughing Gull Larus atricilla 25+ Salton Sea 7/9 and 1 north of Santa Cruz 14/9.

Sabine's Gull Xema sabini 4 Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

Caspian Tern Sterna caspia 3 Ventura Harbour 5/9, 6 Upper Newport Bay 6/9, 50+ Salton Sea 7/9, 2 Joshua Tree National Park 8/9, 20+ Crowley Lake 9/9 and 3 Moss Landing State Beach 13/9.

14 Elegant Tern Sterna elegans 50+ Monterey Bay 12/9, 1 Moss Landing State Beach 13/9 and 40+ sat on rocks at Santa Cruz on 14/9.

Common Tern Sterna hirundo 1 juv as we cruised out of Monterey Bay 12/9 and 2 on Bodgea Bay pelagic 16/9.

Forster's Tern Sterna forsteri Small numbers seen throughout trip.

Black Tern Chlidonias niger 5 Salton Sea 7/9.

Black Skimmer Rynchops niger 100+ Upper Newport Bay 6/9 and 150+ Salton Sea 7/9.

Common Murre (Guillemot) Uria aalge 20+ on Monterey Bay pelagic 12/9, 7 Moss Landing State Beach 13/9, 250+ off Santa Cruz 14/9 and 200+ Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

Pigeon Guillemot Cepphus columba 3 Monterey Bay pelagic 12/9, just as we left the harbour, 1 off Moss Landing State Beach 14/9 and 7 Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus At least 50 birds seen off shore along West Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz on 14/9, included several very close birds.

Cassin's Auklet Ptychoramphus aleuticus 1 sat on the sea during the Bodega Bay pelagic on 16/9, flew directly away from us as soon as it got called!

Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata 10+ on Monterey Bay pelagic 12/9 and 9 on Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

Rock Dove Columba livia Seen daily.

Band-tailed Pigeon Columba fasciata 3 birds Point Reyes 15/9 and 1 Bodgea Bay on 16/9.

Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura Seen throughout.

White-winged Dove Zenaida asiatica 3 Brawley 6/9 and 2 Salton Sea 7/9.

Common Ground Dove Columbina passerina 50+ Brawley 6/9, 10+ Salton Sea 7/9 and 12 Joshua Tree National Park 8/9.

Greater Roadrunner Geococcyx californianus Good views obtained, with 5 Salton Sea area 7/9 and 2 Joshua Tree National Park on 8/9.

15 Barn Owl Tyto alba 1 flushed from trees at Tamarisk Grove Campground, Anza Borrego Desert State Park on 7/9 and 1 near Hollister 12/9.

Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus A pair roosting in trees on the road to Point Reyes Lighthouse 15/9.

Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia hypugaea A single bird flushed on the Rock Hill Trail, Salton Sea NWR 7/9, gave excellent views.

Lesser Nighthawk Chordeiles acutipennis 2 Brawley 6/9, 2 Salton Sea 7/9, 1 Borrego Springs 7/9 and 3 California City on 8/9.

Vaux's Swift Chaetura vauxi 30+ on way out of Yosemite along H-140 on 11/9, 1 Paicines Reservoir 13/9 and 10+ Point Reyes 15/9.

White-throated Swift Aeronautes saxatalis 100+ Joshua Tree National Park on 8/9, 10+ Yosemite Valley 10/9 and a further 10 or so with the Vaux’s Swifts on the way out of Yosemite on 11/9.

Black-chinned Hummingbird Archilochus alexandria 5 birds on feeders at Big Morongo Canyon Preserve on 8/9 included several males.

Anna's Hummingbird Calypte anna 1 Upper Newport Bay 6/9, 1 Salton Sea 7/9, 5+ Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 8/9, 1 Pinnacles NM 12/9 and 1 Point Reyes Bird Observatory 15/9.

Rufous Hummingbird Selasphorus rufus 1 at feeder in Big Morongo Valley Canyon Preserve on 8/9.

Allen's Hummingbird Selasphorus sasin 6 hummers seen on Santa Cruz Island on 5/9 were presumably all Allen’s.

Belted Kingfisher Ceryle alcyon Regular sightings.

Acorn Woodpecker Melanerpes formicivorus First seen during road side stop at Julian en route to Salton Sea on 6/9. Common in Yosemite and at Pinnacles NM. Also seen at Point Reyes.

Gila Woodpecker Melanerpes uropygialis 2 birds at Las Flores Drive, Brawley 6/9.

Nuttall's Woodpecker Picoides nuttallii 1 Julian 6/9, 2 Pinnacles NM 13/9 and 1 Point Reyes 15/9.

Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens 2 Upper Newport Bay 6/9, 1 White Wolf Campground, Yosemite 11/9 and 2 Point Reyes 17/9.

Hairy Woodpecker Picoides villosus Single birds at Upper Newport Bay 6/9, Yosemite 11/9, and Point Reyes 17/9.

16 Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus 3 Yosemite 10/9, 1 Pinnacles NM 13/9 and 2 Point Reyes 15/9.

Western Wood-Pewee Contopus sordidulus 1 California City 8/9, 1 Mono Lake and another Yosemite 10/9, 2 Point Reyes 15/9 and 1 there 16/9.

Willow Flycatcher Empidonax traillii extimus Singles at California City 8/9 and Mono Lake 10/9.

Pacific-slope Flycatcher Empidonax difficilis 2 Santa Cruz Island 5/9, 1 Point Reyes 15/9, 2 Bodega Head 16/9 and 1 Point Reyes 17/9.

Black Phoebe Sayornis phoebe Common.

Say's Phoebe Sayornis saya 6 Joshua Tree National Park on 8/9, 2 Bodie State Park 10/9 and 2 Pinnacles NM on 13/9.

Vermillion Flycatcher Pyrocephalus rubinus 3 birds at Big Morongo Canyon Preserve on 8/9 included a stunning male.

Western Kingbird Tyrannus verticalis A single bird near Hollister on 13/9.

Horned Lark (Shorelark) Eremophila alpestris 8+ birds in fields south of Salton Sea on 7/9.

Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor 1 Ventura Harbour 5/9, 5 Salton Sea 7/9, 1 Mono Lake 11/9, 5+ Paicines Reservoir 13/9, 15+ Point Reyes 14/9, and 5 there on 15/9.

Violet-green Swallow Tachycineta thalassina 200+ near Mono Lake 10/9 and 10+ Paicines Reservoir 13/9.

Northern Rough-winged Swallow Stelgidopteryx serripennis Singles at Ventura Harbour on 5/9 and Salton Sea on 6/9, small numbers at Paicines Reservoir on 12 & 13/9 and at Point Reyes during 14-15/9.

Bank Swallow (Sand Martin) Riparia riparia 2 Brawley 6/9.

Cliff Swallow Petrochelidon pyrrhonota 3 Paicines Reservoir 13/9.

Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Seen on an almost daily basis.

Golden-crowned Kinglet Regulus satrapa 2 at Point Reyes on 15/9.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet Regulus calendula 2 birds at Five Brooks, Point Reyes 17/9.

17 Phainopepla Phainopepla nitens 2 birds at Julian on 6/9.

American Dipper Cinclus mexicanus The only sightings were in Yosemite along the Merced River (at the junction of Highways 120 & 140). A single bird disappearing up river on 10/9 was unsatisfactory but a visit the following day produced excellent views of a feeding pair.

Cactus Wren Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus 5 Brawley 6/9 and 2 Jawbone Canyon 9/9.

Rock Wren Salpinctes obsoletus 5+ Joshua Tree National Park 8/9 and 2 birds Point Reyes Lighthouse on 15/9.

Bewick's Wren Thryomanes bewickii 5 Santa Cruz Island 5/9, 2 Julian 6/9, 3 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 8/9, 2 Point Reyes on 15/9 and 1 Bodega Head 16/9.

Winter Wren Troglodytes troglodytes Singles at Bodega Head 16/9 and Point Reyes 17/9.

House Wren Troglodytes aedon Singles at Upper Newport Bay 6/9 and at Bodega Head on 16/9.

Marsh Wren Cistothorus palustris A single bird at Zmudowski State Beach 13/9.

Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos Common.

Sage Thrasher Oreoscoptes montanus Singles at Jawbone Canyon and South Tufta, Mono Lake on 9/9 were the only sightings.

California Thrasher Toxostoma redivivum 2 birds at Big Morongo Canyon Preserve on 8/9.

Le Conte's Thrasher Toxostoma lecontei Prolonged views of a single bird at Jawbone Canyon 9/9 was one of the highlights of the trip.

Western Bluebird Sialia mexicana 4 Pinnacles NM 12/9 and 5+ there next day. 2 birds at Point Reyes on 14 & 15/9.

Mountain Bluebird Sialia currucoides A single bird at Julian on 6/9 and superb views of 10+ birds at Bodie State Park on 10/9.

American Robin Turdus migratorius 1 Mono Lake 9/9, 5+ Yosemite 10/9 and 1 Point Reyes 14/9.

Wrentit Chamaea fasciata 1 Upper Newport Bay 6/9, 2 Pinnacles NM 13/9, 2 Point Reyes 15/9 and 1 Bodgea Head 16/9.

18 Blue-grey Gnatcatcher Polioptila caerulea A single bird at Point Reyes 15/9.

California Gnatcatcher Polioptila californica 1 Upper Newport Bay on 6/9, at the junction of Back Cliff Drive and San Joaquin Hills Road.

Black-tailed Gnatcatcher Polioptila melanura 1 Brawley 6/9, 6+ Salton Sea 7/9, 5+ Joshua Tree National Park 8/9 and 4 Jawbone Canyon 9/9.

Bushtit Psaltriparus minimus 10+ Santa Cruz Island 5/9, 6+ Pinnacles NM 13/9, 10+ Point Reyes on 15/9 and 5 there on 17/9.

Mountain Chickadee Poecile gambeli Common in Yosemite.

Chestnut-backed Chickadee Poecile rufescens 20+ Point Reyes 15/9 and 15+ there on 17/9.

Oak Titmouse Baeolophus inoratus 1 Pinnacles NM 12/9 and 3 more there the following day.

Pygmy Nuthatch Sitta pygmaea Struggled with this one before finally finding one at Five Brooks, Point Reyes on 17/9.

Red-breasted Nuthatch Sitta canadensis Fairly common Yosemite. Also a single bird Point Reyes 15/9.

White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis A single bird at June Lake 9/9 and 2 birds in Yosemite on 11/9.

Brown Creeper Certhia americana 3 White Wolf Campground, Yosemite 10/9, a further 8+ Yosemite 11/9, 5 Point Reyes 15/9 and a single bird there on 17/9.

Verdin Auriparus flaviceps 6+ birds Brawley 6/9, 6+ in and around Salton Sea 7/9 and 1 Joshua Tree National Park on 8/9.

Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovcianus Small numbers seen at Salton Sea, Joshua Tree National Park, Hollister and Point Reyes

Steller's Jay Cyanocitta stelleri Easily seen in Yosemite. Also 2 at Point Reyes on 17/9.

Island Scrub-Jay Aphelocoma insularis At least 5 birds seen at Prisoner’s Harbour, Santa Cruz Island 5/9. Even came to bread!!

Western Scrub-Jay Aphelocoma californica 2 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 8/9, 2 at south end of Mono Lake on 11/9, and numerous birds at both Pinnacles NM and Point Reyes.

19 Black-billed Magpie Pica pica Only sightings were in and around Bodie State Park and Mono Lake with 4 on 10/9 and another 4 there the following day.

Yellow-billed Magpie Pica nutalli 3 birds just off H-156 near Hollister on 12/9 and 20+ between Hollister and Pinnacles NM on 13/9.

Clark's Nutcracker Nucifraga columbiana Numerous sightings in and around Yosemite.

American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos Common

Common Raven Corvus corax Seen regularly.

European Starling Sturnus vulgaris Common.

Cassin's Vireo Vireo cassinii A single bird at White Wolf Campground, Yosemite on 11/9.

Hutton's Vireo Vireo huttoni 3 Santa Cruz Island 5/9, 1 Bodega Head 16/9 and 1 Five Brooks, Point Reyes on 17/9.

Warbling Vireo Vireo gilvus Singles at Joshua Tree National Park and Big Morongo Canyon Preserve on 8/9, 1 just south of Bishop 9/9, 1 south end of Mono Lake 11/9, 1 Point Reyes 15/9 and 2 there on 17/9.

Orange-crowned Warbler Vermivora celata 20+ Santa Cruz Island 5/9, were followed by regular sightings throughout our time in California.

Nashville Warbler Vermivora ruficapilla 1 Joshua Tree National Park and 2 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 8/9, 4 Summit Meadow, Yosemite 10/9 and another 3 Yosemite on 11/9.

Yellow Warbler Dendroica petechia Seen frequently throughout trip. Particularly numerous at Point Reyes.

Chestnut-sided Warbler Dendroica pensylvanica A single bird along the road to Point Reyes lighthouse on 15/9.

Magnolia Warbler Dendroica magnolia A single bird at Bodega Head on 16/9.

Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendroica coronata Very common in Yosemite. Otherwise a single at Point Reyes on 15/9.

Black-throated Grey Warbler Dendroica nigrescens 1 at Five Brooks, Point Reyes 15/9, 1 Bodega Head 16/9 and another at Five Brooks, Point Reyes on 17/9.

20 Townsend's Warbler Dendroica townsendi 1 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 8/9, 1 Crane Flats, Yosemite 11/9, 2 Pinnacles NM 13/9, 1 Point Reyes 14/9, 2 there on 15/9 and 10+ on 17/9.

Hermit Warbler Dendroica occidentallis 3 birds in Yosemite 11/9 and 1 at Point Reyes 15/9.

American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla A single bird at Bodega Head on 16/9.

MacGillivray's Warbler Oporornis tolmiei All sightings in Yosemite. 1 at White Wolf Camp Ground on 10/9 and 2 at Crane Flats on 11/9.

Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas Seen on Santa Cruz Island on 5/9, numerous sightings Salton Sea area 6-7/9, 2 at Pinnacles NM on 13/9, 3 at Point Reyes 15/9 and a single bird at Bodega Head on 17/9.

Hooded Warbler Wilsonia citrina A stunning male along the road to Point Reyes lighthouse on 15/9.

Wilson's Warbler Wilsonia pusilla 1 California City 8/9, 1 Yosemite 11/9, 1 Pinnacles NM 13/9 and small numbers at Point Reyes 15-17/9.

Summer Tanager Piranga rubra 3 birds Big Morongo Canyon Preserve on 8/9.

Western Tanager Piranga ludoviciana 3 Santa Cruz Island 5/9, 1 Brawley 6/9, 1 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 8/9, 2 Pinnacles NM 13/9 and 1 Point Reyes on 17/9.

Green-tailed Towhee Pipilo chlorurus A single bird at Bodie State Park on 10/9 was the only sighting.

Spotted Towhee Pipilo maculatus 3 Mono Lake 10/9, 1 there on 11/9, 2 birds Pinnacles NM 13/9 and a single bird Point Reyes 15/9.

California Towhee Pipilo crissalis 1 Upper Newport Bay 6/9, 2 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 8/9, 3 Pinnacles NM 13/9, 2 Point Reyes 15/9 and 3 there on 17/9.

Abert's Towhee Pipilo aberti 4 birds Brawley 6/9 and a further 6 in and around Salton Sea on 7/9.

Brewer's Sparrow Spizella breweri 5+ birds at Bodie State Park on 10/9.

Vesper Sparrow Pooecetes gramineus 2 Bodie State Park 10/9.

Lark Sparrow Chondestes grammacus A single bird during a roadside stop, south of Bishop on 9/9 was the only one of the trip.

21 Black-throated Sparrow Amphispiza bilineata Excellent views of 4 birds in Joshua Tree National Park on 8/9.

Sage Sparrow Amphispiza belli 10+ Jawbone Canyon 9/9, 2 birds south of Mono Lake on 11/9 and 3 ‘Bell’s’ at Pinnacles NM on 13/9.

Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis 5+ Upper Newport Bay 6/9 and 2 Point Reyes 15/9.

Fox Sparrow Passerella iliaca A single bird at Five Brooks, Point Reyes on 15/9 and 2 birds later the same day at Point Reyes Lighthouse.

Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia heermanni Commonest sparrow, with a daily maximum of 20+ in Salton Sea area.

Lincoln's Sparrow Melospiza lincolnii 4 birds Crane Flats, Yosemite 11/9.

White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys 3 Summit Meadow, Yosemite 10/9, 6+ Moss Landing State Beach 13/9, 20+ Point Reyes 15/9 and 5+ Bodega Head 16/9.

Golden-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys A single bird along the track to Point Reyes Lighthouse 15/9.

Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis Very numerous Yosemite 10-11/9, singles at Pinnacles NM on 12 & 13/9 and 5+ at Point Reyes on 15/9. All birds seen well were of the ‘Oregon' type.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pheucticus melanocephalus A single bird on the road to Point Reyes Light House on 15/9 had been around for a little while.

Black-headed Grosbeak Pheucticus melanocephalus A single at Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 8/9, was followed by 2 birds at Point Reyes on 15/9.

Indigo Bunting Passerina cyanea A single bird on Santa Cruz Island on 5/9.

Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus Common.

Tricoloured Blackbird Agelaius tricolor 300+ along road to Point Reyes Lighthouse on 14 & 15/9.

Western Meadowlark Sturnella neglecta Singles at Mono Lake on 10/9 and near Hollister on 13/9.

Yellow-headed Blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus 6+ Salton Sea 7/9 and 30+ Crowley Lake 9/9.

Brewer's Blackbird Euphagus cyanocephalus Common.

22 Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus 30+ Upper Newport Bay and Salton Sea 6/9, 20+ Salton Sea 7/9, 5+ Big Morongo Canyon Preserve on 8/9 and 10+ Mono Lake area 10/9.

Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater 30+ Yosemite 11/9 and 70+ Zmudowski State Beach on 13/9. Probably overlooked elsewhere.

Cassin's Finch Carpodacus cassinii A single at Mono Lake 9/9 and 4 birds in Yosemite on 11/9.

Purple Finch Carpodacus purpureus A single male at Point Reyes on 15/9.

House Finch Carpodacus mexicanus Regular sightings, particularly in low lying areas.

Pine Siskin Carduelis pinus 3 Crane Flats, Yosemite 11/9.

Lesser Goldfinch Carduelis psaltria 30+ Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 8/9, 1 Pinnacles NM 12/9, 10+ there on 13/9, 5+ Point Reyes 15/9 and 3 Bodega Head 16/9.

American Goldfinch Carduelis tristis 3 Bodie State Park 10/9 and 2 at Pinnacles NM on 13/9.

House Sparrow Passer domesticus Seen Daily.


Blue Whale Balaenoptera musculus The number one target during our pelagic exploits and we didn’t have to wait long to nail it. As we steamed out of Monterey Bay and past Point Pinos, a shout of large whale blow, in the exact same area that Debi had seen two animals the evening before, set the pulses racing and as the first animal rolled, cries of Blue Whale went up. Good views of at least 2, and maybe 3 animals rolling several hundred yards off the boat. Undoubtedly one of the highlights of our California trip.

Humpback Whale Megaptera novaenangliae 6 during Monterey Bay pelagic on 12/9 and 20+ in Bodega Bay on 16/9.

Pacific White-sided Dolphin Lagenorhynchus obliquidens 15+ Monterey Bay pelagic 12/9 and 25+ on Bodega Bay pelagic on 16/9 including quite a few bow riding animals. Great views!

Northern Right Whale Dolphin Lissodelphis borealis 300+ on Monterey pelagic on 12/9, again included bow-riding animals!!!


Northern Right Whale Dolphin

Dall's Porpoise Phocoenoides dalli Nearly missed this one, but several bow riders during the afternoon of our Bodega Bay pelagic on 16/9 saved the day!

Harbour Porpoise Phocoena phocoena 1 off Santa Cruz 14/9.

Risso’s Dolphin Grampus griseus 20+ on Monterey Bay pelagic 12/9 and 30+ during our Bodega Bay trip on 16/9, including superb views of a pod lounging around yards from the boat.

Other Marine Life

Ocean Sunfish Mola Mola 2 on Monterey Bay pelagic 12/9 and 7 on Bodega Bay pelagic 16/9.

Blue Shark Prionace glauca 1 on Monterey Bay pelagic on 12/9.

Sea Otter Enhydra lutris Lots of sightings at Monterey and very close views at Moss Landing State Beach.

California Sea Otter

California Sealion Zalophus californianus Seen at Ventura Harbour and on both Monterey and Bodega Bay pelagics.


California SeaLion

Steller’s Sealion Eumetopias jubatus 1 sat amongst California Sealions as we finished our Bodega Bay pelagic.

Northern Elephant Seal Mirounga angustirostris 1 on Monterey Bay pelagic.

Harbour Seal Phoca vitulina Seen at both Monterey and Bodega Bay.

Other Animals Coyote Canis latrans (heard only) Grey Fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus Black-tailed Jack Rabbit Lepus californicus Desert Cottontail Sylvilagus audubonii Brush Rabbit Sylvilagus bachmani Mule Deer Odocoileus hemionus California Ground Squirrel Spermophilus beecheyi Virginia Opossum Didelphis virginiana Californian Desert Tortoise Gopherus agassizii

Butterflies Western Tiger Swallowtail Papilio rutulus, Checkered White Pontia protodice, Cabbage White Pieris rapae, Large Orange Sulphur Phoebis agarithe, Great Purple Hairstreak Atlides halesus, Western Pygmy Blue Brephidium exile, Marine Blue Leptotes marina, Acmon Blue Plebeius acmon, California Patch Chlosyne californica, Bordered Patch Chlosyne lacinia, Tiny Checkerspot Dymasia dymas, Mylitta Crescent Phyciodes mylitta, Painted Lady Vanessa cardui, West Coast Lady Vanessa Annabella, Red Admiral Vanessa atlanta, Common Buckeye Junonia coenia, Weidemeyer’s Admiral Limenitis weidemeyerii, Lorquin’s Admiral Limenitis lorquini, California Sister Adelpha bredowi californica, Common Ringlet Coenonympha tullia california, Monarch Danaus plexippus, Northern White Skipper Heliopetes ericetorum, Sachem Atalopedes campestris

Acknowledgements A big thanks to Debi Shearwater for two excellent pelagics and for helping us with sites for some landbirds. Also to Steve Howell who proved an eagle-eyed guide on the Bodgea Bay pelagic and who kindly spent some time with us back on land in search of “Eastern” birds around Bodega Head. Finally, to Norm from Brawley, who raided his fridge for some ice cool beers after he spotted us birding at the end of his garden! Very welcome indeed.

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