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1. Callto Order

2. lntroduction of Constable Michael Boyko and lnspector Jeremy White

3. Declaration of Pecuniary lnterest

4. Minutes- May 3t,2O2L

5. Business Arisine - Protocol for the Sharing of lnformation Between the West Grey Police Services Board and Municipal Council - discussion on Policyto send letters to members of Police Service

6. Monthlv Stats - May 2O2t

7. Chief's Report

8. Accounts

9. Correspondence Communications from the Ministry of the Solicitor General: 2I-0062 Call for Applications-Officers' Survivors Scholarship Fund 21-0063 Extension of Orders under EMCPA 2L-0O64 Respiratory Protection Policy and Program 21-0065 lncreasing Awareness about Youth Cannabis Diversion Program 21-0066 Victim Support Grant call for applications 2O2L-22to 2O22-23 2L-OO67 Entering Step One of the Roadmap to Reopen 2L-0068 Class A Manual Transmission Restriction

L 21-0069 Update on Pilot Project-Cargo Power Assisted Bicycles ZL-OO7O Proposed Regulations under the Community Safety & Policing Act 2L-O077 Requests for Occurrence Reports by Private Security and

I nvestigative Services Bra nch 2L-0O72 Approved Amendments to the Exemption Regulation under the Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015 2I-0O73 Provincial Strategies/Frameworks that align with Community Safety And Well-Being Planning

21-OO7 4 Onta rio Cl osed Ci rcu it Te levi sio n (CCTV) G ra nt P rogra m 202I-2022 -Thank You from Spruceridge Community School

9. Closed Session -in accordance with Section 35.4(b)of the Police Services Act wherein the Board may exclude the public from all or part of a meeting if it is of the opinion that intimate financial or personal matters may be disclosed of such a nature, having regard to the circumstances, that the desirability of avoiding their disclosure in the interest of any person affected outweighs the desirability of adhering to the principal that proceedings be open to the public.

10. New Business -Joint Committee to be formed between Board and Association to conduct a review of the current benefit plan. Letter to Association regarding this and request for names of their representatives to sit on this Committee.

11. Adjournment


The regular meeting of the West Grey Police Services Board was held via ZOOM on Monday, May 3'l ,2021.

Present: Doug Townsend, Chair Christine Robinson, Mayor Geoffrey Shea, Vice Chair Helen-Claire Tingling Chief Rob Martin Heather Webb, Secretary

Absent: Betty Moric

Meeting called to order by Board Chair, Doug Townsend at 9:02 a.m

Pecuniary lnterest None declared at this time

Minutes Resolution #040-2021 Moved by G. Robinson Seconded by H.Tingling THAT the West Grey Police Services Board approve the minutes of April 26,2021 as presented. Carried.

Business Arisino The correspondence from Chief Martin, dated October 26th,2020, requesting the annual review of his working conditions in relation to salary and benefits was then discussed. Following discussion it was suggested that a process be put in place to use going forward and a committee was struck to do so.

Resolution #041-2021 Moved by D.Townsend Seconded by C. Robinson THAT Ghristine Robinson and Helen-Claire Tingling be appointed to a committee to conduct the annual review of Chief Martin's working conditions with respect to salary and benefits in addition to his performance evaluation. Carried.

The Protocol for Sharing of lnformation between West Grey Police Services Board and the Municipal Council was the presented. The only change made from the review at last meeting was the new date for distribution of the annual report which is now June 30th.

1. West Grey Police Services Board Moy 31, 2021

C. Robinson asked that the sections of the current Police Services Act cited in the document be confirmed as correct, so document will come back to next meeting.

Chair Townsend will be presenting the document to Council on behalf of the Board and it was mentioned that he could advise them at that time what we have spent to date and that a budget Committee will be struck to begin work in preparation for the 2022 budget. ln conjunction with this policy Secretary Webb was reminded to ensure the meeting dates are provided to the clerk and posted on the municipalwebsite.

The members then moved on to the topic of Board training

Chair Townsend advised the members that he has spoken with Zone 5, Ministry representative, Diane Sprague regarding a Training Policy. He was informed that under the new Community Safety & Policing Act training will be mandatory and he sees no benefit to developing a policy now. lt is expected that this mandatory training will be developed by the OAPSB and be provided free of charge. With respect to going outside the Ministry for training, and because it would have budget implications, the members should ensure it has a direct application to the work they are doing and the needs of the community. lt was suggested that Kred Kaustinen, executive director on the OAPSB, would be a good contact for comments on the benefit of webinars provided by CAPG.

Policy on sending correspondence to members of the West Grey Police Service who are returning from leave was discussed. Although this is a goodwill gesture there was concern it may create other issues. The Chair is to connect with HR specialist for comment. This item to be revisited at next Board meeting.

Appointment of the 2022 West Grey Police Services Board budget committee was the next item on the Agenda.

Resolution #042-2021 Moved by C. Robinson Seconded by G.Shea THAT Helen-Glaire Tingling, Geoffrey Shea and Christine Robinson be appointed to the 2022 West Grey Police Services Board Budget Gommittee. Garried

Monthlv Stats Chief Martin presented the monthly stats for April 2021 and answered all questions to the satisfaction of the members.

Resolution #043-2021 Moved by H.Tingling Seconded by G. Shea

2 West Grey Police Services Boord May 37,2021

THAT monthly stats for April 2021 be received. Carried.

Chiefs Report -334 calls for service 24 of which were COVID related -60.5 hours of foot patrol -No secondary activity reported -No complaints -No use of force -No community events due to COVID-19 restrictions -Lost 7 sick days related to covid-19 - one Officer injured -Digital Management System cost still unknown but Ministry to pay half -Upgrading lT section to interface with National Missing Child Database -Annual survey has been submitted to Statistics Canada for 2020 -The opening of fishing season resulted in two fish & wildlife charges being laid -Under the Emergency Act Orders 15 people found fishing were sent back to areas they reside -The OIPRD complaint against two members has been closed-Section 11 underway -The OIPRD complaint against the Chief found no grounds and has been closed -The WGPSB Thank You ad for Police Week was well received by members -Tainted gas has been supplied by bulk fuel company MacDougall Fuels which may have budget impact once fullfleet damage costs have been assessed -One motor vehicle fatality which was an act of suicide occurred in former Normanby Township -One completed act of suicide occurred in Priceville -An 87 year old lost in a wooded area was found in good health

Chair Townsend asked if fuel suppliers insurance company has been approached for the damaged vehicle costs. Chief Martin advised that he would be following the Public Works lead on this matter.

G. Shea relayed message from a Neustadt business owner asking for more foot patrol The Chief advised he would speak with officers in that patrol area.

Resolution #044-2021 Moved by C. Robinson Seconded by G.Shea THAT the West Grey Police Services Board receives the Chief's Report Garried

Accounts It was clarified that the $981.58 paid to Jeff Schwehr was for HST portion of the repairs which is over and above the claim payable by insurance for the damage incurred to the CIB vehicle when it was rear ended during a significant snow event.

3 West Grey Police Services Board May 31,2O21

Resolution #045-2021 Moved by G.Shea Seconded by H.Tingling THAT West Grey Police Service accounts in the amount of $24,004.99 be approved for payment. Garried.

Chief reported at this time that flags had been lowered at station to half mast in respect for the 215 lives lost at Kamloops, B.C. Residential school.

Correspondence Communications from the Ministry of the Solicitor General: 21-0047 Proposed Regulations under the Community Safety & Policing Act 21-0048 Towing Provisions and the Consumer Protection Act 21-0049 Reduced Load Exemption for Additional Commodities 21-0050 2 year Secondment Opportunity 21-0051 Phase 2 COVID-19 vaccinations for front line Police Officers 21-0052 Update on second dose of COVID-19 vaccine 21-0053 Changes to the Sex Offender Registry 21-0055 Provincial Antigen Screening Program 21-0056 Launch of OIPRD statistical info webpage for public access 21-0057 Changes to Existing Emergency Orders and Reopening Roadmap 21-0058 Collection of Occurrence Data related to Animals left in Vehicles 21-0059 2021 Promotional Exams 21-0060 Basic Constable Training Program- Allocation request for September 21-0061 Legal Advice for Victims of SexualAssault Program -Thank You from Watson Family

Chief Martin indicated his disagreement with some statistical information posted on the new OIPRD info webpage related to West Grey Police Service. C. Robinson asked that we continue to seek correction of this incorrect data.

Resolution #046-2021 Moved by C. Robinson Seconded by G.Shea THAT the West Grey Police Services Board receive the correspondence and action as necessary. Garried.

Board took a brief recess from 10.42-10.46 a.m

4 West Grey Police Services Board Moy 37,2021

Resolution #047-2021 Moved by G.Shea Seconded by H.Tingling THAT the West Grey Police Services Board rise and move into closed session at 10:50 a.m. to discuss items permitted under Section 35.4(b) of the Police Services Act. Carried.

Resolution #048-2021 Moved by G. Robinson Seconded by G.Shea THAT the West Grey Police Services Board return to open session at 11:30 a.m. Carried.

Chair Townsend confirmed that only those items allowed were discussed in closed sesston

New Business G. Shea then provided an update to the Board Chair on the progress of the Business Plan Committee. Stakeholder meetings have been completed with school boards and, community groups. The community survey will be done online and by random mail out and required stats are to be made available at next meeting. He sees approximately 3 to 4 more meetings needed. ln order to complete the mail out of the surveys a request for funds from the Board would be required.

Resolution 049-2021 Moved by G.Shea Seconded by H.Tingling THAT the West Grey Police Services Board approve the allocation of $600 to the Business Plan Committee to cover the costs to mail out the paper survey. Carried.

It was recommended that a presentation be made to Council to update them on the progress of the Business Plan. This could be included when Chair meets with Council about lnformation Sharing Protocol. Arrangements to appear as a delegation to Council to be made with Director of Administration/Clerk for an appearance in August.

H. Tingling then provided a very detailed and informative synopsis of her attendance at the OAPSB spring conference. Highlights were discussions on the implementation of the Community Safety & Policing Act (CSPA), that adequate and effective policing will

5 be defined more specifically, requirement for development of a Diversity Plan, Ministers updated authorities, accountability of lnspector General of Policing, suspension without pay and mandatory training for members.

Other items touched on were new powers for Special constables, how technology is involved in policing, Board code of conduct and evolving trends with private sector support of police. lf members wanted more information they were advised that power point slides were to be available on OAPSB website.

Chief Martin had provided the draft2020 Annual Report for the members review. He asked that any comments be supplied to him by June 7,2021.

Members were also reminded to have bios submitted for website.

All business concluded the meeting adjourned on motion by C. Robinson at 12:36 p.m

Next meeting scheduled for June 28, 2021 at 9 a.m.

Board Chair, Doug Townsend Secretary, Heather Webb



Effective: Ausust 8. 2006 Amended

wHEREAS the west Grey Police services Board is, pursuant to section 31(1) of the police services Acf as amended (Bill 105), responsible for the provision of adequate and effective police services in the Municipality of West Grey; and

WHEREAS rHE west Grey Police services Board is required by section 32(1) of ontario Regulation 3/99' the Adequacy standards, to enter into a protocol with its Municipal council that addresses; 1) the sharing of information with municipal council, including the type of information to be shared and the frequency of sharing such information; 2) the dates by which the business plan and annuar report shall be provided to municipal council; 3) the responsibility for making public the business plan and the annual report, and the dates by which the business plan and annual report must be made public; and 4) if municipal council chooses, jointly determining and participating in, the consultation process for the development of the business plan.

THEREFoRE be it resolved that the west Grey Police services Board shall provide Clerk the Municipal for the Municipality of West Grey with; 1) notice of dates, times and locations police of the services Board meetings; and 2) copies of the public agenda and the minutes rerating to those said meetings;

AND FURTHER BE lr RESoLVED that no less than annually, the Board and the will host an information session on current policing issues in the Municipality of west Grey;

AND FURTHER BE rr RESOLVED that porice the west Grey services Board will; 1) on or before Decembe r 3L,2007,and every three years thereafter provide the Municipal crerk porice with a copy of the service,s business pran; 2) make a business plan available to the public no more than 30 days following it being released to the Municipal Clerk; 3) Provide copies of the service's annual report to the Municipal clerk and make it available to the public on or before June 30th, annually; and consultation 4) provide the Municipal clerk with notice of any public meetings, or other business plan' processes scheduled by the Board for the development of the

to the provisions of section 41 AND FURTHER BE tT RESOLVED THAT this protocol is subject Freedom of lnformation (1.1) of the Police servicesAct and the provisions of the Municipal and Protection of PrivacY Act.

Date Doug Townsend, Chair


For the month of : May 2021 2020 Monthly Previous Month YTD Current Month Year-to-Date Total Totals Total Total Motor Vehicle Accidents

Property Damage Only 110 61 8 69

Personal Injury Accidents B 6 1 7 Persons lnjured 10 8 2 10

FatalAccidents 0 0 1 I

Persons Killed 0 0 1 1

Other Month Activities 911 Hang Up 70 50 14 64 Abduction 0 0 0 0 Airplane Crash 0 0 0 0 alarm 18 15 6 21 AnimalComplaint 47 26 13 39

Arson 1 0 0 0

Assault 11 8 1 o

Attempt Murder 1 0 0 0 Attem pt/Threaten Suicide 8 5 3 8 BailViolations 5 o 2 11 B&E-Residence 20 12 3 15 B&E-Business 0 0 0 0 B&E-Other 0 0 0 0 Breach Probation 4 5 0 5 Counterfeit 0 0 0 0

Court Order 4 0 1 1

Dangerous Condition 6 4 1 5 Disturb the Peace 3 2 I 3 Domestic Dispute 27 18 4 22

Drug Offences 6 2 1 3 Escape Custody 0 0 0 0 Prisoner Escorts 15 7 4 11 Family Dispute 26 '13 2 15 fire 3 11 1 12 Fraud 17 8 2 10 Gaming and Betting 0 0 0 0 Gang 0 0 0 0 Harassment 10 I 4 13 Homicide 0 0 0 0 Hostage Taking 0 0 0 0 Hydro Wires Down 0 0 0 0

lmpaired/Over 80 mgs 10 8 1 I lndecent Acts 3 0 0 0 WEST GREY POLICE SERVICE MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT

For the month of : May 2021 2020 Monthly Previous Month YTD Current Month Year-to-Date Total Totals Total Total lnsecure Premises 1 1 0 1 Kidnapping 0 0 0 0 Landlord/Tena nt Dispute 5 24 3 27

Liquor Licence Act 0 5 1 6 Mental health Act 60 57 15 72 Mischief 24 B 4 12 Missing Persons 0 0 0 0

Missing Persons Locate 4 1 2 3 Municipal By-Laws 16 10 4 14 Motor Vehicle - Abandoned 7 9 3 12 Motor Vehicle - Recovered 3 13 2 15 neighbour Dispute 10 19 2 21 Noise Complaints 34 15 3 18 Non Police Matter 24 10 3 13

Non-Traffic Accident 1 0 0 0 Obstruct Police 0 0 0 0 Other Criminal Code 3 3 0 3

Other Federal Statute 1 1 0 1 Other Provincial Statute 6 2 0 2 Persons Reporting ln 6 12 0 12 Phone Calls 7 8 2 10 Police Assistance 111 164 39 203 Police lnformation 126 130 33 163 Police Pursuits 4 2 0 2 Possession Stolen Property 3 0 0 0 Prevent Breach of Peace 13 18 4 22 Property Checks 3 2 0 2 Property Damage 4 0 0 0 Prostitution 0 0 0 0 Property Related 29 32 11 43 R.l.D.E. Checks Conducted 51 37 17 54 Robbery 0 2 0 2

Routine Traffic Stop 2 1 0 1 SexualAssault 8 4 0 4

Shoplifting 0 2 1 3

Stolen Vehicle 20 14 1 15 Strikes 0 0 0 0 Sudden Death 6 3 3 6 suspicious Person 55 40 12 52 Suspicious Vehicle ?o 55 11 66 Thefts 33 29 '10 39 WEST GREY POLICE SERVICE MONTHLY VITY REP RT

For the month of : May 2021 2020 Monthly Previous Month YTD Current Month Year-to-Date Total Totals Total Total

Threats 7 3 1 4 Towed Vehicles 0 0 0 0 Traffic Complaint 76 60 25 85

Traffic Control 3 1 0 1 Traffic Enforcement HTA 31 17 13 30 Traffice enforcement Other 0 0 0 0 ADLS Suspensions 0 0 0 0 Traffic Hazard 17 17 7 24 Trespass By Night 0 2 0 2 Trespass To Property Act 19 10 2 12

Trouble With Youth 3 8 1 I Unwanted Person 11 15 3 1B Warrants Executed 20 34 11 45

Weapons 3 1 3 4 Miscellaneous

Value of Property Stolen $ 67,108.00 $ 82,095.00 $ t 1,567.00 $ 93,662.00 Value of Property Recovered $ 23,250.00 $ 18,936.00 $ $ t 8,936.00 Value of Property Recovered - $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 Other Services

Hours of Coverage 1 1864.5 10862.5 2467 '13329.5 # of POA and Bylaw Charges 492 278 1.44 422 # of Criminal Charges 186 87 24 1L1 # of Arrests 75 73 26 99 # Calls for Service 1447 1303 378 1681 # Hrs of Foot Patrol 283.5 166 165 MUNICIPALITY OF WEST GREY APs130 Page 1

Council/Board Report By Dept-(Computer) Date : Jun 25,2021 Time 8:29 am y'endor : @HO00001 To 22291192 Cheque Print Date 01-May-2021 To 31-May-2021

3atch : 129 To 129 Bank: 1 To 1 fepartment Ail Class : All y'endor Vendor Name nvoice Description Batch lnvc Date lnvc Due Date G.L. Account CC1 CC2 CC3 GLAccount Name Amount

)EPARTMENT 1900 Police Services :ACOOOOI CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE )-0212022AC-5 Renewal of membership dues: April 2021 - Match 2022 129 21-May-2021 28-May-2021 l-5-1900-2020 Police Services Gen Membership/Dues 550.1 7 :ARO3O82 CARSON CLEANERS qPRIL 2021 April mat rental for WG Police stn 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 | -5-1 900-201 5 Police Services Building Maint' 52 88 EXCO5O59 EXCEL BUSINESS SYSTEMS 416076 April copier read @ WG Police stn (1350) 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1900-2035 Police Services Equipment Maint' 17.21 FAROOOO3 FARLOW'S HOME HARDWARE 21015 APRIL Canadian flags for police 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2O21 1-5-1900-2013 Police Community Service 40.67 KAUOOOO3 KAUFMAN BRENT VIAY 11121 Guard Duty - May 8 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1900-2037 Police Services Lockup/Holding 195.50 KEH11O82 KEHOE LAW ENFORCEMENT DISTRIBUTORS INC 158051 Police: shirts, pants, etc 129 13-Mav-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1900-2019 Police Services Uniforms 2,614.94 MCCOOOIT MC CRACKEN TAMMY MAY 11/21 Guard duty - May 9 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2Q21 1-5-1900-2037 Police Services Lockup/Holding 115.00 MIN13080 MINISTER OF FINANCE c/o Ontario Police College 89871 Feb.1-l2CriminallnvestigatorsTraining:M.Roulston 129 21-May-2021 28-May-2021 1-5-1 900-201 8 Police Ser Course Stipendffraining 1,700.00 90062 2020 Promotional exams : June 28 M.Roulston/ LSanderson 129 21-Mav-2021 28-May-2O21 1-5-1900-2010 Police Service Miscenalleous 130.00 ONT13116 ONTARIO POLICETECHNOLOGYINFORMATION CO-OPERATIVE 2021-37 OPTIC Annual fee: April 2021 - March 2022 : 2O members 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1900-2034 Police Technology/Niche 1,92'1.00 OWE15OO5 OWEN SOUND POLICE SERVICES 4827-21 April - Police dispatch services 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1900-2036 Police Services Dispatch 12,233.34 4844-21 January - l.T. Support 129 21-May-2021 28-May-2021 1-5-1900-2034 Police Technology/Niche 1,356.00 4846-21 February - l.T. Support 129 21-May-2O21 28-May-2021 1-5-1900-2034 Police Technology/Niche 1,356.00 4B4B-21 A March - l.T. Support 129 21-May-2021 28-May-2021 1-5-1900-2034 Police Technology/Niche 1,356.00 4848-21 B March 27th Call out - 4 hrs 129 21-May-2021 28-May-2021 1-5-1900-2034 Police Technology/Niche 452.00 4860-21 May : toll free phone service / GPS web tracking on cruisers 129 27-May-2O21 2B-May-2021 1-5-1900-2034 Police Technology/Niche 49.20 PUR16030 PUROLATORCOURIERLIMITED 447360576 Courier services: April 19-22 for police 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2Q21 1-5-1900-2011 Police Services Office Supplies 15.27 447422011 Courier services: April 26-29 for police 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 VIUNICIPALITY OF WEST GREY APs130 Page 2

3ouncil/Board Report By Dept-(Computer) Date : Jun 25,2021 Time 8:29 am

/endor : @HO00001 To 22291192 Cheque Print Date 01-May-2021 To 31-May-2021 latch : 129 fo 129 Bank: 1 To 1 )epartment Ail Class: All /endor Vendor Name nvoice Description Batch lnvc Date lnvc Due Date G.L. Account CC1 CC2 CC3 GL Account Name Amount

)EPARTMENT 1900 Police Services l-5-1900-2011 Police Services Office Supplies 10.18 +47484306 Courier services May 3-6 for police 129 13-May-2021 14-May-2021 l-5-1900-2011 Police Services Office Supplies 20.36 147541596 Courier services May 10-13 for police 129 21-May-2021 28-May-2021 1-5-1900-2011 Police Services Office Supplies 20 00 tEC18O13 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA 1800000399 April fingerprint searches - 5 (ref#45266) 129 21-May-2021 28-May-2021 1-5-1900-2012 Police - RCMP/L1 Scanner Expense 125.00 3&19029 S & E LAWN CARE & SNOW REMOVAL LTD 2021-0439 May 13 - police stn grass cut 129 27-May-2021 2B-May-2021 l-5-1900-2015 Police Services Building Maint' 20.34 SHROOOOG SHRED ALL LTD 11'190 Police document shredding -April 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1900-20'11 Police Services Office Supplies 129.95 ST,I9331 STJOHNAMBULANCE-GREYBRUCE HURONBRANCH |-SJSGB-01 34i Apr. 7 Std 1st Aid CPR C + AED training (4) 129 13-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1900-2018 Police Ser Course Stipendffraining 200.00 STA19382 STAPLESBUSINESSADVANTAGE 56044301 Copier paper for police 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1900-2011 Police Services Office Supplies 52.43 56066070 File guide for police 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1900-2011 Police Services Office Supplies 23.72 SUBOOOO2 SUBWAY SUBS & SANDWICHES #44462 MAY 12121 Lunches for Police Training: April27,29, May 4,6 + 11 (5 days) 129 21-May-2021 28-May-2021 1-5-1900-2018 Police Ser Course Stipend/Training 266.00 WAT24O39 WATSON DIANNE MAY 11/21 Guard Duty - May 3 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1900-2037 Police Services Lockup/Holding 391.00 MAY 2021 Police Station cleaning contract: May 129 21-May-2O21 28-May-2021 1-5-1900-3011 Police Services Contract Labour 700.00 MAY 25121 Guard duty - May 21 129 25-May-2021 28-May-2021 1-5-1900-2037 Police Services Lockup/Holding 166.75 WHI24O33 WHITE JEREMY APR. 29/21 April2T - 5 baton holders 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1900-2019 Police Services Uniforms 195.05 Department Totals 26,475.96

DEPARTMENT 1910 Police Cruisers JD1OO9O J,D. MCARTHUR TIRE SERVICES INC 01CN0005646 Credit note: 2 Goodyear Enforcer Winter tires (from stock) 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 'l-5-1910-2034 Crusiers - Repairs & Maintenance -544.72 WAT24O39 WATSON DIANNE MAY 11, 2021 Cruiser cleaning april 27 + May 5 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1910-2034 Crusiers - Repairs & Maintenance 300.00 MAY 21 ,2021 Cruiser cleaning : May 13 + May 20 129 21-May-2021 28-May-2021 1-5-1910-2034 Crusiers - Repairs & Maintenance 250.00 VIUNICIPALITY OF WEST GREY AP5130 Page J louncil/Board Report By Dept-(Computer) Date: Jun 25,2021 Time 8:29 am

/endor : @HO00001 To 22291192 Cheque Print Date 01-May-2Q21 To 31-May-2021 latch : 129 fo 129 Bank: 1 To 1 )epartment Alr Class: All

/endor Vendor Name nvoice Description Batch lnvc Date lnvc Due Date G.L. Account CC1 CCz CC3 GL Account Name Amount

)EPARTMENT 1910 Police Cruisers

Department Totals 5.28


)1 1N0014090 Goodyear Eagle RS-A Police tires (4) 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 l-5-1920-2034 Cruiser#2 Repair/Maint -2017 FordEx 1,237.49 IEFOOO1 JEFF SCHWEHR'S AUTOMOTIVE LTD >-2190 Cr.#2: lnstall / balance summer tires 129 13-May-2021 14-May-2021 l-5-1920-2034 Cruiser #2 Repair/Maint - 2017 Ford Ex 90.40 I'ICDOOOO4 MC DOUGALL ENERGY INC \PRIL 2021 P( April : Cruiser fuel from Elizabeth Str depot 129 11-May-2021 14-Mav-2021 l-5-1920-2029 Cruiser#2 - Fuel - 2017 Ford Ex 647.03 Department Totals 1,974.92

)EPARTMENT 1921 Cruiser #11

JEFOOOl JEFF SCHWEHR'S AUTOMOTIVE LTD 22192 Cr.#11 : install / balance summer tires 129 13-May-2021 14-May-2021 l-5-1921-2034 Cruiser #11 - Rep/Maint - 2016 Ford Taur 90.40 vtcD00004 MC DOUGALL ENERGY INC \PRIL 2021 P( April : Cruiser fuel from Elizabeth Str depot 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2Q21 l-5-1921-2029 Cruiser#11 Fuel - 2016 Ford Taurus 't ,056.90 Department Totals 1,147 .30

)EPARTMENT 1922 Cruiser#10 JEFOOO1 JEFF SCHWEHR'S AUTOMOTIVE LTD 22191 Cr.#10: install / balance tires + add weights 129 13-May-2021 14-May-2021 l-5-1922-2034 Cruiser #10 Repair/Maint - 2020 Ford Tau 101.70 VICDOOOO4 MC DOUGALL ENERGY INC \PRIL 2021 P( April : Cruiserfuel from Elizabeth Str depot 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1922-2029 Cruiser#10 Fuel - 2020 Ford Taurus 295.48 Department Totals 397.18

DEPARTMENT 1924 Cruiser #3

JEFOOOl JEFF SCHWEHR'S AUTOMOTIVE LTD 22194 Cr.#3: lnstall / balance summer tires 129 13-May-2O21 14-May-2021 1-5-1924-2034 Cruiser #3 Repair/Maint -2020 Ford Expl 90.40 22299 Cr.#3: LOF 107,519kms 129 13-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1924-2034 Cruiser #3 Repair/Maint -2020 Ford Expl 86.95 MCD00004 MC DOUGALL ENERGY INC APR|L2021 P( April : Cruiserfuel from Elizabeth Strdepot 129 11-May-2O21 14-May-2021 1-5-1924-2029 Cruiser #3 - Fuel - 2020 Ford Explorer 1,680.05 Department Totals 1,857.40


Oouncil/Board Report By Dept-(Computer) Date : Jun 25,2021 Time B:29 am

/endor @HO00001 ro 22791192 Gheque Print Date 01-May-2021 To 31-May-2021

3atch 129 To 129 Bank: 1 To 1 )epartment Ail Class : All y'endor Vendor Name nvoice Description Batch lnvc Date lnvc Due Date G.L. Account CC1 CC2 CC3 GLAccount Name Amount

)EPARTMENT 1926 Cruiser #4

)1 1N001411 0 Goodyear Eagle RS-A Police tires (4) 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 l-5-1926-2034 Cruiser #4 Rep/Maint - 2016 Ford Taurus 1,237.49

Department Totals : 1,237.49

)EPARTMENT 1927 Cruiser # 1 IiICDOOOO4 MC DOUGALL ENERGY INC \PRlL2021 P( April : Cruiserfuel from Elizabeth Str depot 129 11-Mav-2021 14-May-2021 l-5-1927-2029 Cruiser# 1 Fuel - 2014 Dodge Ram 387.26 Department Totals 387.26

)EPARTMENT 1928 Police Cruiser # 7

JEFOOOl JEFF SCHWEHR'S AUTOMOTIVE LTD 22193 C#5: install i balance tires 129 13-May-2021 14-May-2021 r -5- 1 928-2034 Cruiser # 5 Rep/Maint - 2016 Ford Expl 90.40 Department Totals 90.40

IEPARTMENT 1929 Cruiser #8 JEFOOO1 JEFF SCHWEHR'S AUTOMOTIVE LTD 22115 Cr.#08: LOF, install/balance tires 54,B40kms 129 13-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1929-2034 Cruiser #B Rep/Maint -2020 Ford Explorer 177.35 \,ICDOOOO4 MG DOUGALL ENERGY INC CPRIL 2021 P( April : Cruiser fuel from Elizabeth Str depot 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021

1 -5-1 929-2029 Cruiser #8 Fuel - 2020 Ford Explorer 1,435.78

Department Totals 1 ,613.13

DEPARTMENT 1950 Police Commission HICO8O23 HICKS MORLEY HAMILTON STEWART STORIE LLP TD 569359 Professional services toApril 30th for Police Brd (ref#7812-3) 129 28-May-2021 2B-May-2021 1-5-1950-2050 Police Commission ConsultanVlegal 194.93 IVIEGOOOO2 MEGA HEALTH AT WORK INC 2021-042 April - 4hrs Disability Management Service 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1950-2050 Police Commission ConsultanvLegal 904.00 WAROOOO4 WARD & UPTIGROVE CONSULTING & HUMAN 73206 April H/R services for Police Brd 129 14-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1950-2050 Police Commission Consultanvlegal 1 ,1 86.50 WES24037 WEST GREY POLICE ASSOCIATION 36723 C SIU lnvestigation reimburse legal fees Jan.27-29,2021 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-5-1950-2050 Police Commission ConsultanUlegal 270.53 Department Totals 2,555.96

DEPARTMENT 3OOO WES24O37 WEST GREY POLICE ASSOCIATION 35859 A SIU lnvestigation reimburse for legal fees Oct. 19-21 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 1-2-3000-3170 Accrued Liabilities 945.70 36225 B SIU lnvestigation reimburse legal fees Oct.21-Nov. 19 129 11-May-2021 14-May-2021 UIUNICIPALITY OF WEST GREY APs130 Page 5

3ouncil/Board Report By Dept-(Computer) Date : Jun 25.2O21 Time 8:29 am

/endor : @HO00001 ro Z'2291192 Gheque Print Date 01-May-2021 To 31-May-2021

: '1 latch 129 fo 129 Bank : To 1 )epartment Ail Class : All

/endor Vendor Name nvoice Description Batch lnvc Date lnvc Due Date c.L. Account CC1 CCz CC3 GLAccount Name Amount


| -2-3000-31 70 Accrued Liabilities 1,072.82 Department Totals 2,018.52

)EPARTMENT 3510 EMO Tornado 2009

,VHI24O33 WHITE JEREMY \PRIL 29121 April 29: - Web cam w/mic 129 11-May-2Q21 14-May-2021 I-5-3510-2010 COVID EM COVID-19 Materials & Supplies 35.99 Department Totals 35.99

)EPARTMENT 9519 Police Capital Expense )wE15005 OWEN SOUND POLICE SERVICES 1855-21 A CDW Canada: HP 1820-24G Switch 129 21-May-2021 2B-May-2021

| -5-951 9-3000 Police Capital Expense 216.59 tB55-21 B Dell Canada: PowerEdge R340 Server 129 21-May-2021 28-Mav-2021

| -5-951 9-3000 Police Capital Expense 6,006.85 1855-21 C CDW Canada: Cyberpower 1500VA UPS, rack shelf, wall mount (Radio 129 21-May-2021 2B-May-2021 System Equipment)

| -5-951 9-3000 Police Capital Expense 874.38

1855-21 D CDW Canada: SOPHOS XG 86 REV.1 ENTPRT (Radio System Equipment) 129 21-May-2021 28-May-2021

| -5-951 9-3000 Police Capital Expense BBB.1O

1855-21 E COMODO SSL Store: Wildcard Certificate for Radio system 129 21-May-2021 28-May-2021

| -5-951 9-3000 Police Capital Expense 169.15 Department Totals 8,155.07

Computer Paid Total : 47,951.86

VIUNICIPALITY OF WEST GREY APs130 Page 5 Council/Board Report By Dept-(EFT) Date: Jun 25,2021 Time 8:29am y'endor : @HO00001 To 22291192 EFT Paid Date : 01-May-2021 To 31-May-2021

3atch : 129 To 129 Bank: 1 To 1 )epartment All Class : All y'endor Gode Vendor Name nvoice No. Description Batch lnvc Date lnvc Due Date 3.L. Account ccl cc2 CC3 GLAccount Name Amount

)EPARTMENT 1900 Police Services BELO2O85 BELL MOBILIry 33830 APR.25I: Police cell phones to May 24th 129 07-May-2021 07-May-2021 1-5-1900-2016 Police Services Telephone & Fax 111.76 CIBO3O19 CIBC CREDIT CARD SERVICES 3065 APR.24I21 2021 OAPSB Spring Conf May 26-28 reg'n: R.Martin 129 O7-May-2021 07-May-2Q21 1-5-1900-2023 Police Service Conference Expense 395.50 EASOOOOS EASTLINK

1 5680166 Police stn phone/internet/digital TV to May 26 129 17-May-2021 17-May-2021 1-5-1900-2016 Police Services Telephone & Fax 329.41 I/IUNICIPALITY OF WEST GREY AP51 30 Page 6 Council/Board Report By Dept-(EFT) Date : Jun 25,2021 Time B:29am y'endor : @HO00001 To 22291192 EFT Paid Date : 01-May-2021 To 31-May-2021

Satch : 129 fo 129 Bank: 1 To 1 )epartment All Class: All

/endor Code Vendor Name nvoice No. Description Batch lnvc Date lnvc Due Date 3.L. Account cc1 cc2 CC3 GL Account Name Amount

)EPARTMENT 1900 Police Services

{YD15021 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS ING. l1 0 JOHN MAY Radio Bldg hydro to April 27 - police portion 129 20-May-2O21 20-May-2021 l-5-1900-2014 Police Services Utilities 44.21 153 GEO MAY Police Stn hydro to April 27 129 20-May-2021 20-May-2021 l-5-1900-2014 Police Services Utilities 520.95 JNr21001 ENBRTDGE GAS (UNTON GAS)

153 GEO MAY Police Stn heat to May 11 129 20-May-2021 20-May-2021 l-5-1900-2014 Police Services Utilities 153.71 NIG24O1O WIGHTMAN TELECOM LTD. {iAY 10121 Ayton Police office phone/internet - May 129 17-May-2021 17-May-2021 l-5-1900-2016 Police Services Telephone & Fax 348.43 Department Totals 1,903.97

)EPARTMENT 1920 Cruiser #2 3ELO2O85 BELL MOBILITY ;3830 APR.25I2 Police Cruisers GPS data services to May 24 129 07-May-2021 07-May-2021

| -5-1 920-2034 Cruiser #2 Repair/Maint - 2017 Ford Ex 27.92 Department Totals 27.92

)EPARTMENT 1921 Cruiser #11 3ELO2O85 BELL MOBILITY )3830 APR.2512 Police Cruisers GPS data services to May 24 129 07-May-2021 07-May-2021 l-5-1921-2034 Cruiser#11 - Rep/Maint - 2016 Ford Taur 27.46 Department Totals 27.46

IEPARTMENT 1922 Cruiser#10 3ELO2O85 BELL MOBILITY )3830 APR.2512 Police Cruisers GPS data services to May 24 129 07-May-2021 07-May-2021 l-5-1922-2034 Cruiser #10 Repair/Maint - 2020 Ford Tau 27.46 Department Totals 27.46

IEPARTMENT 1924 Cruiser #3 3ELO2O85 BELL MOBILITY i3830 APR.2512 Police Cruisers GPS data services to May 24 129 07-May-2021 07-May-2021 l-5-1924-2034 Cruiser #3 Repair/Maint -2020 Ford Expl 27.92 Department Totals 27.92

)EPARTMENT 't926 Cruiser #4 3ELO2O85 BELL MOBILITY i3830 APR.2512 Police Cruisers GPS data services to May 24 129 07-May-2021 07-May-2021 1-5-1926-2034 Cruiser #4 Rep/Maint - 2016 Ford Taurus 27.46 Department Totals 27.46

DEPARTMENT 1929 Cruiser #8 BELO2O85 BELL MOBILITY VIUNICIPALITY OF WEST GREY AP5130 Page 7 3ouncil/Board Report By Dept-(EFT) Date : Jun 25,2O21 Time B:29am

/endor : @HO00001 ro 22291192 EFT Paid Date : 01-May-2021 To 31-May-2021

Satch : 129 To 129 Bank: 1 To 1 )epartment Ail Class: All

/endor Code Vendor Name nvoice No. Description Batch lnvc Date lnvc Due Date 3.L. Account cc1 ccz CC3 GLAccount Name Amount

)EPARTMENT 1929 Cruiser #B I t383OAPR.2512Police Cruisers GPS data services to May 24 129 07-May-2021 07-May-2021 , l-5-'1929-2034 Cruiser #8 Rep/Maint -2020 Ford Explorer 28.61 Department Totals 28.61

)EPARTMENT 1950 Police Commission ]IBO3O19 CIBC CREDIT CARD SERVICES )065 APR.24121 2021 OAPSB Spring Conf May 26-28 reg'n: H.Tingling 129 07-May-2021 O7-May-2021 l-5-1950-2023 Conference Fees 395.50 Department Totals 395.50

EFT Paid Total 2,466.30

Total Unpaid for Approval : 0.00 Total Manually Paid for Approval 0.00 Total Computer Paid for Approval 47,951.86

Total EFT Paid forApproval : 2,466.30

Grand Total ITEMS for Approval : 50,418.16 OF VIUNICIPALITY WEST GREY AP5130 Page 1

Souncil/Board Report By Dept-(Computer) Date : Jun 25. 2O21 Time 8:30 am

/endor : @HO00001 To 22791192 Cheque Print Date 01-May-2021 To 31-May-2021

3atch : 130 To 145 Bank: 1 To 1 )epartment 1900 To 1950 Class: 5 To 5

/endor Vendor Name nvoice Description Batch lnvc Date lnvc Due Date G.L. Account CC1 CC2 CC3 GLAccount Name Amount

)EPARTMENT 1900 Police Services \IGO1O88 AIG INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA \AAY 27,2021 JUNE: Accidental Death & Dismemberment 145 27-May-2021 28-May-2021 l-5-1900-1013 Police Services Life lnsurance 124.34 JUNO3O93 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.CANADA \AAY 27121 JUNE : Employee Life, Dep. Life, STD, LTD premium 145 27-May-2021 28-May-2021 l-5-1900-1013 Police Services Life lnsurance 5 330.50

Department Totals : 5,454.84

Computer Paid Total 5,454.84

I,IUNICIPALITY OF WEST GREY AP5130 Page Council/Board Report By Dept-(EFT) Date : Jun 25,2021 Time B:30am y'endor : @HO00001 To 7J291192 EFT Paid Date : 01-May-2021 To 31-May-2021

Batch : 130 To 145 Bank: 1 To 1 Department 1900 To 1950 Class: 5 To 5

Vendor Code Vendor Name lnvoice No. Description Batch lnvc Date lnvc Due Date G.L. Account cc1 cc2 CC3 GLAccount Name Amount

DEPARTMENT 1900 Police Services rEL2001 3 TELUS INTEGRATED COMMUNICATION cPRtL 28121 Long distant calls to April 26 145 20-May-2021 20-May-2021

1 -5-1 900-201 6 Police Services Telephone & Fax 28.82 Department Totals 28.82

EFT Paid Total 28.82

Total Unpaid for Approval : 0.00

Total Manually Paid forApproval : 0.00 Total Computer Paid for Approval 5,454.84 Total EFT Paid forApproval : 28.82

Grand Total ITEMS for Approval : 5,483.66 Ministry of the Solicitor General Ministdre du Solliciteur g6ndral

Public Safety Division Division de la s6curit6 publique Ontarlo@

25 Grosvenor St. 25 rue Grosvenor 12'l' Floor 1 2" 6tage Toronto ON M7A 2H3 Toronto ON M7A 2H3

Telephone: (416) 314-3377 Tel6phone: (416) 314-3377 Facsimile: (416)3144037 T6l6copieur: (416) 3144037

MEMORANDUM TO: All Chiefs of Police and Commissioner Thomas Carrique Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

SUBJECT: 2021-22 Constable Joe MacDonald Public Safety Officers' Survivors Scholarship Fund (CJMPSOSSF) Call for Applications

DATE OF ISSUE: May 28,2021 CLASSIFICATION: General lnformation RETENTION: June 28,2021 INDEX NO.: 21-0062 PRIORITY: Normal

Please find attached an application package outlining the eligibility criteria and the process to apply for the Constable Joe MacDonald Public Safety Officers' Survivors Scholarship Fund (CJMPSOSSF).

The CJMPSOSSF was established in recognition of the tremendous sacrifice made by our public safety officers and their families to keep Ontario safe. lt is a demonstration of the esteem that the people of Ontario have for public safety officers.

The CJMPSOSSF is available to spouses and children of public safety officers who died in the line of duty. The scholarship may be used for tuition, textbooks and eligible living expenses for programs leading to a degree or a diploma at an approved Canadian postsecondary educational institution. To date, the CJMPSOSSF has provided financial assistance to 89 recipients to obtain a postsecondary education. Additional details regarding eligibility criteria can be found in the attached 2021-22 CJMPSOSSF Guidelines.

For the purposes of the CJMPSOSSF, a public safety officer may include a municipal or provincial police officer, First Nations Constable, auxiliary member of a police force, (acting with the authority of a police officer at the time of his/her death), firefighter, correctional officer, probation officer, parole officer, or youth worker.

l2 -2-

Please see the attached guidelines for a more comprehensive definition of a public safety officer.

Please fonvard this information to the appropriate areas andlor persons for distribution The due date for submission of applications is June 28, 2021.

Applications and all required documentation must be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] or mailed to the following address:

Attention Yoko lwasaki, Community Safety Analyst Program Development Section External Relations Branch, Public Safety Division Ministry of the Solicitor General 25 Grosvenor Street, 12lh Floor Toronto ON M7A 2H3

Grant funding is subject to the Ministry of the Solicitor General receiving the necessary appropriation from the Ontario Legislature. lf you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Yoko, by e-mail at [email protected] or at (416) 314-3085.


,.--) ,/^ K 9o"-'' Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

Attachments c: Mario Di Tommaso, O.O.M. Deputy Solicitor General, Community Safety

Deborah Richardson Deputy Solicitor General, Correctional Services

Jon Pegg Fire Marshal of Ontario and Chief of Emergency Management Ministry of the Solicitor General Ministdre du Solliciteur g6n6ral

Public Safely Division Division de la sdcurit6 publique Ontario@

25 Grosvenor St. 25 rue Grosvenor 12tr' Floor 1 2' etage Toronto ON M7A 2H3 Toronto ON M7A 2H3

Telephone: (416) 314-3377 Tel6phone: (416') 314-3377 Facsimile: (416)314-4037 T6l€copieur: (416) 3144037

MEMORANDUM TO: All Chiefs of Police and Commissioner Thomas Carrique Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM: Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

SUBJECT: Extension of Orders under lhe Emergency Management and Civil Protection Acf (EMGPA)

DATE OF ISSUE: May 31 ,2021 CLASSIFICATION: General lnformation RETENTION: lndefinite INDEX NO.: 21-0063 PRIORITY: Normal

I am writing today to provide you with information about extension and upcoming revocations of Orders under lhe Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA).

As you are likely aware, the provincial declaration of emergency and Stay-at-Home Order (O. Reg. 1'1121) under the EMCPA are set to expire on June 2,2021 and remain in effect until then. Further to this, the government expects to enter Step One of the Roadmap to Reopen - a three-step plan to safely and cautiously reopen the province and gradually lift public health measures - the week of June 14,2A21.

For greater clarity, as of June 2, 2021, public health unit regions (as defined in the Health Protection and Pramotion Act) will continue to operate in the Shutdown Zone of Stage 1 (O. Reg. B2l2A), as indicated under O. Reg. 3ffi12A of the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-I9) Act,2020 (ROA).

Furthermore, the government has extended all Orders under the EMCPA, except for the following two Orders which will expire on June 2,2021. - O. Reg. 265/21 (Stay-at-Home Order); and - O. Reg. 266/21 (Residential Evictions)

For your awareness, the extended Orders include O. Reg. 293/21:Persons Entering Ontario From Manitoba or Quebec, which will remain in effect until June '16,202'l.

.12 -2-

Please note, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may further extend emergency orders under the EMCPA for up lo 14 days at a time.

The full list of Orders extended under O. Reg. 25121of the EMCPA are as follows:

Order in Gouncil / Date Made Previously Current Applicable Revocation Revocation Date Date 1. Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 8/2't June 2, 2021 June 16, 2021 (Enforcement of COVID-19 Measures), made on January 12,2021

2. Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 55121 June 2,2021 June 16,2021 (Compliance Orders for Retirement Homes), made on February 5,2021 3. Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 271121 (Work June 2,2021 June 16,2021 Redeployment for Local Health lntegration Networks and Ontario Health), made on April 9,2021 4. Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 272121 June 2,2021 June 16,2021 (Transfer of Hospital Patients), made on April 9,2021

5. Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 288121 June 2,2021 June 16,2021 (Closure of Public Lands for Recreational Camping), made on April 15,2021

6. Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 293121 June 2,2021 June 16,2021 (Persons Entering Ontario From Manitoba or Quebec), made on April 16,2021 7. Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 304121 (Work June 2,2021 June 16,2021 Redeployment for lndependent Health Facilities), made on April 21,2021

B. Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 3A5121 June 2, 2021 June 1 6, 2021 (Regulated Health Professionals), made on April 21 ,2021 9. Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 317121 June 2,2421 June 16,2021 (Agreements Between Health Service Providers and Retirement Homes), made on April 23,2021

l3 -3-

Enforcement of Orders

As a reminder, for offences under the ROA and EMCPA, police and other provincial offences officers, including First Nation Constables, special constables, and municipal by-law officers, have discretion to either issue tickets to individuals for set fine amounts or issue a summons under Part I of the Provincial Affences Acf (POA) or to proceed under Part lll of the POA by laying an information.

Police officers and other provincial offences officers have the authority to disperse gatherings or organized public events that are not complying with gathering/event limits, and can temporarily close premises where prohibited gatherings or organized public events are occurring and require individuals to vacate.

Further, analysis of enforcement data that your police service provides to the Ministry of the Solicitor General (ministry) continues to support data-driven decision-making.

The ministry continues to work with enforcement ministries and municipalities to collaborate and information share, including through the dedicated 1-800 Enforcement Suppo rt Line and email resource at EssentialWorkplaces [email protected] ln closing, I want to take this opportunity to once again thank you for your dedication and ongoing cooperative efforts to help keep our communities safe and healthy.

Sincerely, # A,

Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division c: Mario Di Tommaso, O.O.M. Deputy Solicitor General, Community Safety Ministry of the Solicitor General Ministdre du Solliciteur g6n6ral

Public Safety Division Division de la s6curit6 publique Ontario@

25 Grosvenor St. 25 rue Grosvenor '12'h Floor 12 6tage Toronlo ON M7A 2H3 Toronto ON M7A 2H3

Telephone: (416)314-3377 Telephone: (416) 314-3377 Facsimile: (416|3144037 T6l6copieur: 14 1 6) 31 44037

MEMORANDUM TO: All Chiefs of Police and Commissioner Thomas Carrique Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM: Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

SUBJEGT: Respiratory Protection Policy and Program

DATE OF ISSUE: June 4,2021 CLASSIFICATION: General lnformation RETENTION: lndefinite INDEX NO.: 21-0064 PRIORITY: Normal

At the request of the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD), I am sharing a communication regarding revisions to the Ontario Police Health and Safety Committee's (OPHSC) respiratory protection policy and program guidance note, which reflect amendments to regulations under lhe Occupational Health and Safety Act.

For further information, please review the attached memo from Assistant Deputy Minister Jody Young and accompanying Guidance Note package from the Ontario Police Health and Safety Committee.


Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

Attachments c: Mario Di Tommaso, O.O.M. Deputy Solicitor General, Community Safety Ministry of Labour, Ministdre du Travail, de la Training and Skills Formation et du Dt4veloppement Development des comp6tences Ontario Office of the Assistant Bureau du Deputy Minister sous-ministre adjoint Operations Division Division des op6rations

400 University Avenue 400, avenue University 14rh Floor 14" 6tage Toronto ON M7A 1T7 Toronto ON M7A 1T7 Tel.: 416 326-7667 Tel.: 416326-7667 Fax: 4162124455 Tel6c. : 416 212-4455

lilay 25,2021

MEMORANDUM TO: Rick Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division and Public Safety Training Division Ministry of the Solicitor General

FROM Jody Young Assistant Deputy Minister 0perations Division Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Subject: Guidance Note #15: Respiratory Protection Policy and Program

The Ontario Police Health and Safety Committee (OPHSC) is appointed by the Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development under Section2l of the Occupational Health and Safety Act for the purpose of advising the Minister and making recommendations on occupational health and safety issues that affect police personnel across Ontario.

This guidance note was developed to provide information to employers, supervisors, workers, joint health and safety committees and health and safety representatives to raise awareness about respiratory hazards and provide some suggested practices for the development of a respiratory protection policy and program. lt has been revised to reflect amendments to Reg. 833 Control of Exposure to Biological and Chemical Agents and 0.Reg. 490109- Designated Substances which set out requirements for respirator programs.

,2 The Ministry of Labour, Training, Skills and Development is seeking the continued support of SOLGEN in raising awareness of health and safety issues by distributing the attached guidance note to police personnel at all levels within the policing community.

Yours sincerely, v4

Jody Young Assistant Deputy Minister Operations Division Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

2 Ministry of the Solicitor General Ministire du Solliciteur g6n6ral

Public Safety Division Division de la s6curit6 publique Ontario@

25 Grosvenor St. 25 rue Grosvenor 12th Floor 12'6lage Toronto ON M7A 2H3 Toronto ON M7A 2H3

Telephone: (416\ 314-3377 Telephone: (416)314-3377 Facsimile: (416\3144037 T6l6copieur: (416) 3144037

MEMORANDUM TO: All Chiefs of Police and Commissioner Thomas W.B. Carrique

Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM: Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

SUBJECT: lncreasing Awareness about the Youth Cannabis Diversion Program

DATE OF ISSUE: June 7,2021 CLASSIFICATION: General lnformation RETENTION: lndefinite INDEX NO.: 21-0065 PRIORITY: Normal

At the request of the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS), I am sharing a communication regarding the Youth Cannabis Diversion Program (YCDP) under lhe Cannabis Control Act, 2017.

For further information, please review the attached memo from Assistant Deputy Minister David Mitchell, which provides details on the Youth Cannabis Diversion Program. lf you require further information, please contact David Mitchell, Assistant Deputy Minister, Youth Justice Division, at [email protected] I 647-222-7035

Sincerely, /17 K-

Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister

.13 -2-

Attachments . Promotional Video (link)- Youth Cannabis Diversion Program . Referral Form - Youth Cannabis Diversion Referral Form o Program Referral Guide - Youth Cannabis Diversion Program o Youth Cannabis Diversion Program (Brochure) . Youth Cannabis Diversion Program (Poster) . Question and Answer Reference - Youth Cannabis Diversion Program . Appendix: lnstructions for Previewing the YCDP Ministry of Children, Community Ministdre des Services d l'enfance and Social Services et des Services sociaux et communautaires Ontario@ Assistant Deputy Minister Sous-ministre adjoint Youth Justice Division Division de la justice pour la jeunesse

56 Wellesley Street W, 14th Floor 56 rue Wellesley O, 14e etage Toronto ON MsS 2S3 Toronto ON MsS 2S3 Telephone : 41 6-327 -991 4 Telephone : 41 6-327 -991 4 Facsimile . 41 6-327 -047 B Tel6copieur : 41 6-327 -047 I

June 1,2021

MEMORANDUM TO: Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division Ministry of the Solicitor General

FROM: David Mitchell Assistant Deputy Mitchell Youth Justice Division Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

RE: lncreasing Awareness about the Youth Cannabis Diversion Program

As you are aware, under section 10 of Ontario's Cannabis Control Act,2017 (CCA), it is illegal for youth under the age of 19 to possess, consume, distribute, purchase, attempt to purchase, grow or offer to grow cannabis. Section 20 (1) of the CCA allows law enforcement personnel, who have reasonable grounds to believe that a person who is under 19 years of age has contravened section 10 of the CCA, to refer the person to a youth education or prevention program approved by the Attorney General.

The Youth Cannabis Diversion Program (YCDP), delivered by Springboard Services, received Attorney General approval as a prevention and education program pursuant to Section 27 of the CCA. The program was launched in February 2019. The program is designed to educate youth (aged 12-18 years) about the risks of cannabis use and provide them with information to enhance their understanding of Ontario laws related to cannabis. lt also promotes confidence and self-awareness for youth to assess the impacts of cannabis use to make positive choices.

t3 -2

It has been 2 years since the implementation of the program, and the health and safety of youth and diversion of those youth who come into contravention with section '10 of the CCA remain key considerations for the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS).

MCCSS has produced a short promotional video that is designed to address questions about the relevant legislation, client referral process, key features of the program's content and how it is accessed and navigated. Springboard Services has also provided instructions and links to the proqram that will allow law enforcement personnel to access the program and learn firsthand about its features and content.

I have enclosed the referral form, program referral guide and other resources for the law enforcement sector to refer youth to the YCDP. The program referral guide outlines the associated procedures for law enforcement to facilitate a referral between youth and Springboard, provides an overview of the program and details about how the form should be used.

Police services and the appropriate special constable employers may incorporate the referral form into their existing record management systems to facilitate access by officers in the field. The program referral guide provides information on how law enforcement personnel can facilitate a referral to Springboard Services.

We are pleased to support this inter-governmental collaboration to raise awareness and protect youth and young adults from the harms of cannabis use. MCCSS is requesting that the attached materials be made available to policing services across Ontario by way of the attached All Chiefs of Police Memo.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] I 647-222-7035, if you have any questions or concerns.


David Mitchell -3-

Attachments: . Promotional Video (link) - Youth Cannabis Diversion Program . Referral Form - Youth Cannabis Diversion Referral Form . Program Referral Guide - Youth Cannabis Diversion Program r Youth Cannabis Diversion Program (Brochure) o Youth Cannabis Diversion Program (Poster) o Question and Answer Reference - Youth Cannabis Diversion Program . Appendix: lnstructions for Previewing the YCDP c. Bridget Sinclair, Director, Programming lntervention and Evaluation Branch, Youth Justice Division, MCCSS Mariela Orellana, Director, Agency and Tribunal Relations Branch, MAG Ministry of the Solicitor General Ministdre du Solliciteur g6n6ral

Public Safety Division Division de la s6curit6 publique Ontario@

25 Grosvenor St. 25 rue Grosvenor 12th Floor 1 2* etage Toronto ON M7A 2H3 Toronto ON M7A 2H3

Telephone: (416) 314-3377 Tdl6phone: (416)314-3377 Facsimile: (416)314-4037 T6l6copieur: (416) 3144037

MEMORANDUM TO: All Chiefs of Police and Commissioner Thomas Carrique Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM: Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

SUBJECT: 2A21-22 to 2022-23 Victim Support Grant (VSG) - Call for Applications

DATE OF ISSUE: June 10,2021 DATE OF REISSUE: June 10,2021 CLASSIFICATION: General lnformation RETENTION: July '19,2021 INDEX NO.: 21-0066 PRIORITY: Normal

I am pleased to advise you that the Ministry of the Solicitor General (ministry) is now accepting applications for the new Victim Support Grant (VSG) program tor 2021-22 to 2022-23.

This new grant will operate on a two-year cycle and provide funding to police services to collaborate with local organizations and/or lndigenous communities to enhance capacity to support victims and survivors of intimate partner violence and human trafficking. The grant will provide local police services with the flexibility needed to adapt to their own community's needs and fill gaps in responding to the unique needs of victims and SUTViVOTS.

Funding under this grant program is available to police services in Ontario, including Municipal and First Nations police services, Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) contract locations, as well as OPP non-contract locations for projects that focus on at least one of the following two key priority areas:

Applicants are required to collaborate with a minimum of one other relevant agency/organization. Some examples include: Violence Against Women Services, Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario (VCAO) agencies, Sexual Assault Centres (SAC),

.12 -2- lndigenous Victim Services, lndigenous Healing and Wellness Strategy agencies, lndigenous communities and organizations, anti-human trafficking service providers, survivor-led human trafficking organizations, community-based agencies, etc.

Police services can submit a maximum of one application in total, with the exception of OPP non-contract locations which can submit up to two applications in total (i.e., not two per individual location). The maximum funding for each project is $200,000 (i.e., $100,000 per funding year).

Grant funding is dependent upon the ministry receiving the necessary appropriation from the Ontario Legislature and is subject to funding availability.


All applications must be submitted through Transfer Payment Ontario (TPON) in addition to an email to [email protected] and [email protected] by 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Monday July 19th,2021. Submissions that are late, incomplete or not accompanied by the required documents requested by the ministry will not be considered for funding; no exceptions will be permitted. More details on the application process, including accessing the application and applying through TPON, are outlined in the attached Grant Application Guidelines and lnstructions document.

Please direct all inquiries regarding the VSG and/or the application process to Ram at [email protected] and Serena at [email protected].


,t' '{-.'? 9o't-'"

Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

Attachment c: Mario Di Tommaso, O.O.M. Deputy Solicitor General, Community Safety Ministry of the Solicitor General Ministdre du Solliciteur g6n6ral

Public Safety Division Division de la s6curitd publique Ontario@

25 Grosvenor St. 25 rue Grosvenor 12th Floor 12" 6tage Toronto ON M7A 2H3 Toronto ON M7A 2H3

Telephone: (416)314-3377 T6l6phone: (416) 314-3377 Facsimile: (416)3144037 T6l6copieur: (416) 314-4037

MEMORANDUM TO: All Chiefs of Police and Commissioner Thomas Carrique Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM: Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

SUBJECT: Entering Step One of the Roadmap to Reopen

DATE OF ISSUE: June 10,2021 CLASSIFIGATION: General lnformation RETENTION: lndefinite INDEX NO.: 21-0A67 PRIORITY: Normal

I am writing today to provide you with updated information about the plan to transition into Step One of the Roadmap to Reopen (the "Roadmap"), the Government of Ontario's three-step plan to safely and cautiously reopen the province and gradually lift public health measures.

As you are aware, on June 2,2021, the Stay-at-Home Order under lhe Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) expired, and public health unit regions (as defined in the Health Protection and Promotion Act) remained in the Shutdown Zone of Stage 1 (O. Reg. 8212A), as indicated under O. Reg. 3ffi12A of the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-I9) Act, 2020 (ROA).

All public health and workplace safety measures under the Shutdown Zone will remain in place until Ontario enters SteLOne of the Roadmap on June 11,2A21 at 12:01 a.m.

With the exception of the closure of public lands for recreational camping which will be revoked on June 11,2021, emergency orders currently under the EMCPA will remain in effect until June 16,2021. Please note, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may further extend emergency orders under the EMCPA for up to 14 days at a time.

As of June 11,2021, the full list of emergency orders in effect under the EMCPA, pursuant to O. Reg. 25121, are as follows:

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Order in Council/ Date Made Current Revocation Date

I Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 8121 (Enforcement of June 16,2021 COVID-19 Measures), made on January 12,2021

2 Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 55121 (Compliance Orders June 16,2421 for Retirement Homes), made on February 5,2021 3 Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 271121(Work June 16,2021 Redeployment for Local Health lntegration Networks and Ontario Health), made on April 9,2021 4 Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 272121 (Transfer of June 16,2021 Hospital Patients), made on April 9,2A21

5 Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 293121 (Persons Entering June 16,2021 Ontario From Manitoba or Quebec), made on April 16,2021

6 Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 304121 (Work June 16,2021 Redeployment for lndependent Health Facilities), made on April21,2021 7 Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 3A5121 (Regulated Health June 16,2021 Professionals), made on April 21,2021 8 Order in Council filed as O. Reg. 317121 (Agreements June 16,2021 Between Health Service Providers and Retirement Homes), made on April 23,2021 ln addition, orders made under the ROA will remain in force until June 19,2021, with the possibility of further extension if approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

Step One of the Roadmap

Step One will initially focus on resuming outdoor activities with smaller crowds where the risk of transmission is lower and permitting retail with restrictions.

The below breakdown is a high-level overview of Step One of the Roadmap, which includes but is not limited to the following measures. Please refer to O Reg 82120 for precise requirements:

. outdoor dining up to 4 people per table; . outdoor fitness classes, personal training and sports training up to 10 patrons. No games or practices permitted; r €ss€fltial retail al25o/o capacity and discount and big box stores can sell all goods; r flon-€ssential retail at 15o/o capacity and can sell all goods; . retail stores in malls closed unless the stores have a street facing entrance;

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. indoor religious services, rites and ceremonies including weddings and funerals at 15o/o capacity of the room; o outdoors religious services, rites and ceremonies including weddings and funerals are permitted with capacity limited to permit physical distancing of 2 metres; . horse racing, motor speedways without spectators; r outdoor pools and wading pools with capacity limited to permit physical distancing of 2 metres; . outdoor zoos, landmarks, historic sites, and botanical gardens with capacity limited lo 15o/o for ticketed areas; . day camps; . overnight camping at campgrounds and campsites, including Ontario Parks.

Enforcement of Orders

As a reminder, for offences under the ROA and EMCPA, police and other provincial offences officers, including First Nation Constables, special constables, and municipal by-law officers, have discretion to either issue tickets to individuals for set fine amounts or issue a summons under Part I of the Provincial Offences Acf (POA) or to proceed under Part lll of the POA by laying an information.

As the province cautiously moves ahead to re-open in stages, police officers and other provincial offences officers continue to have the authority to disperse gatherings or organized public events that are not complying with gathering/event limits and can temporarily close premises where prohibited gatherings or organized public events are occurring and require individuals to vacate.

Further, analysis of enforcement data that your police service provides to the Ministry of the Solicitor General (ministry) continues to support data-driven decision-making.

The ministry continues to work with enforcement ministries and municipalities to collaborate and information share, including through the dedicated 1-800 Enforcement Su pport Line and email resou rce at EssentialWorkplacesSupport. [email protected]. ln closing, I want to take this opportunity to once again thank you for your dedication and ongoing cooperative efforts to help keep our communities safe and healthy.

Sincerely, 'K' \'{,LY" Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division c: Mario Di Tommaso, O.O.M. Deputy Solicitor General, Community Safety Ministry of the Solicitor General Ministdre du Solliciteur g6ndral

Public Safety Division Division de la s6curite publique Ontario@

25 Grosvenor St. 25 rue Grosvenor 12rh Floor 12 6tage Toronto ON M7A 2H3 Toronto ON M7A 2H3

Telephone: (416) 314-3377 Telephone: (416)314-3377 Facsimile: (416)314-4037 T6l6copieur: (416) 314-4037

MEMORANDUM TO: All Chiefs of Police and Commissioner Thomas Carrique Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM: Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

SUBJECT: Class A Manual Transmission Restriction

DATE OF ISSUE: June 10,2021 CLASSIFICATION: General lnformation RETENTION: lndefinite INDEX NO.: 20-0068 PRIORITY: Normal

At the request of the Ministry of Transpo(ation, I am sharing a communication regarding changes to enhance road safety by introducing a Class A manual transmission restriction in Ontario.

For further information, please review the attached memo from Assistant Deputy Minister Shelley Unterlander. lf you have any questions, please contact Kim MacCarl, Manager, Driver Program Development Office al (416) 459-4044 or by email Kim. [email protected].

Sincerely, ,47 K.

Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division c: Mario Di Tommaso, O.O.M. Deputy Solicitor General, Community Safety

Attachment Ministry of Ministdre des Transportation Transports Ontario@ Transportation Safety Division Division de S6curit6 Routidre 87 Sir William Hearst Avenue 87, avenue Sir William Hearst Room 19'1 bureau 191 Toronto, ON M3M 084 Toronto, ON M3M 084 Tel: 647-535-6208 t6le: 647-535-6208 Fax. 416-235-4153 tdl6copieur: 41 6-23541 53

MEMORANDUM TO Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division and Public Safety Training Division Ministry of the Solicitor General

FROM: Shelley Unterlander Assistant Deputy Minister Transportation Safety Division Ministry of Transportation

RE Class A Manual Transmission Restriction

This memorandum is to advise you that that the Ministry of Transportation has taken steps to enhance road safety by introducing a Class A manual transmission restriction

Effective July 19,2A21, individuals completing the Class A or Class A restricted (AR) road test in a vehicle with an automatic transmission, including semi-automatic and automated-manual transmissions, will be restricted from operating Class AIAR vehicles with a manual transmission and only permitted to operate automatic, semi-automatic and automated-manual transmission Class A/AR vehicles. This restriction will be added to their driver record and will appear on the front of the driver's licence card as "RESTICOND G' and "Restr ClasslCateg. Avec restr" on the back of the card. The restriction applies to Class A/AR only and will not apply when operating lower-class vehicles (e.9., Class G/D).

For regulatory and enforcement purposes, a motor vehicle has a manual transmission if it is equipped with, (a) a driver-operated clutch that is activated by a pedal or lever; and (b) a driver-operated gear-shift mechanism that is operated by hand or foot and does not use the assistance of automation.

For greater certainty, a semi-automatic transmission or an automated-manual transmission is not considered to be a manual transmission.

New Class A/AR applicants will continue to have the option to attempt their Class A/AR road test with any type of transmission. lf individuals wish to operate manual transmission Class A/AR vehicles or wish to remove the Class A/AR manual

l2 -2- transmission restriction, they must pass the Class A/AR road test in a vehicle with a manual transmission.

Once the road test is passed, these individuals will be permitted to operate Class A/AR vehicles with manual, automatic, semi-automatic or automated-manual transmissions and they will not have a restriction added to their driver's licence. lndividuals who hold a Class A/AR licence prior to July 19,2021 may continue to drive Class fuAR automatic, semi-automatic, automated-manual or manual transmission vehicles. However, if Class A/AR holders are required to complete a Class AIAR road test as of July 19,2021 (e.9., Ministry-Required Testing) and complete the road test in an automatic, semi-automatic or automated-manual transmission vehicle, the restriction will be added to their driver's record and driver's licence. lndividuals that fail to comply with the Class A manual transmission restriction will be in contravention of section 32(9) of the Highway Traffic Acf, which makes it an offence for a driver to fail to comply with a licence condition. Section 32(10.1) makes it an offence for an owner to permit a driver to drive a vehicle contrary to a licence condition.

I would ask that you please share this memorandum with appropriate enforcement and police service partners. lf anyone would like to discuss this change, they may contact Kim MacCarl, Manager, Driver Program Development Office al (416) 459-4044 or email Kim. [email protected].

Thank you for your assistance in communicating these changes

Shelley Unterlander Assistant Deputy Minister Transportation Safety Division Ministry of the Solicitor Generat Ministdre du Solliciteur g6n6ral

Public Safety Division Division de la s€curitd publique Ontarlo@

25 Grosvenor St. 25 rue Grosvenor '12rh Floor 12" 6tage Toronto ON M7A 2H3 Toronto ON M7A 2H3

Telephone: (416)314-3377 T6l6phone: (416) 314-3377 Facsimile: (416)3144037 Tdl6copieur: (41 6) 31 4-4037

MEMORANDUM TO: All Chiefs of Police and Commissioner Thomas Carrique Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM: Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division


DATE OF ISSUE: June 10,2421 CLASSIFICATION: General lnformation RETENTION: lndefinite INDEX NO.: 20-0069 PRIORITY: Normal

At the request of the Ministry of Transportation, I am sharing a communication that reflects provincial regulatory changes under lhe Highway Traffic Acf (HTA)to add an additional requirement to Ontario's cargo e-bike pilot.

For further information, please review the attached memo from Assistant Deputy Minister Shelley Unterlander. lf you have any questions, please contact Angela Litrenta at 4 1 6-47 1 -3437 or a nqela. I itre nta @onta rio. ca.


Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

Attachment Ministry of Transportation Ministdre des Transports

Transportation Safety Division Division de la sdcurit6 en matibre de 87 Sir William Hearst Avenue transpori Room 191 87, avenue Sir William Hearst Ontario@ Toronto ON M3M 084 bureau 191 Tel.: 647-535-6208 Toronto ON M3M 084 Tel.: 647-535-6208

MEMORANDUM TO: Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division Ministry of the Solicitor General

FROM: Shelley Unterlander Assistant Deputy Minister Transportation Safety Division Ministry of Transportation

SUBJECT: Update to O. Reg. 141121: PILOT PROJECT - CARGO POWER- ASSISTED BICYCLES of the Highway Traffic Actto include a minimum weight requirement

This memorandum is to advise the policing community across the province of regulatory changes under lhe Highway Traffic Acf (HTA) to add an additional requirement to Ontario's cargo e-bike pilot.

Effective April 29, 2A21, a minimum weight requirement of more than 55 kg has been added to the vehicle requirements for cargo e-bikes found within O. Reg. 141121: PILOT PROJECT - CARGO POWER-ASSISTED BICYCLES. This amendment was made to clarify that those cargo e-bikes that weigh more than 55 kg are captured under the cargo e-bike pilot while those smaller cargo e-bikes that weigh 55 kg or less and meet Ontario's e-bike definition would be classified as e-bikes. Please refer to Appendix Afor a detailed list of vehicle and operating requirements under the pilot framework.

I would ask that you please bring this memorandum to the attention of your policing stakeholders. lf there are any questions regarding these amendments, please do not hesitate to contact Angela Litrenta, Manager, Road Safety Program Development Office at (416) 47 1 -3437 or Anqela.l [email protected]

Thank you for your assistance in communicating this change


Shelley Unterlander Assistant Deputy Minister Transportation Safety Division

1 S. Unterlander Page 2

Appendix A: Carqo E-Bike Vehicle and Operatinq Requirements

Vehicle requirements include: . The vehicle is a pedal-driven bicycle of conventional exposed fork-and-frame bicycle design and appearance that: (a) has two or three wheels; (b) is fitted at all times with pedals that are always operable to propel the bicycle; (c) has a platform, basket or container for carrying cargo, parcels or goods; (d) has steering handlebars; (d.1) has a weight of more than 55 kilograms (this is the vehicle's unladen weight or in other terms its weight without occupants or cargo); (e) has a width not exceeding 1.3 meters; (f) has a length not exceeding 4 meters; (g) has a height not exceeding 2.2 meters; (h) has wheels that have a width of not less than 35 mm and a diameter of not less than 350 mm; (i) does not have any structure that fully encloses the occupant area; and fi) has an electric motor with a continuous rated output power not exceeding 1,000 watts that is incapable of providing propulsion assistance when the motor vehicle attains a speed of 32 kilometres per hour or more. . The vehicle is deemed not to be a motor vehicle.

Operating requirements include: o No drugs or alcohol permitted when operating a cargo e-bike (consequences under the Criminal Code of Canada may apply) . lnsurance and registration are not required on a provincial level, however, municipalities may prescribe further requirements. . Municipalities must pass by-laws to permit their operation. . Where permitted, the vehicle must be operated in the bicycle lane or to the right- most side of the roadway. . The operator is not permitted to tow devices or other vehicles. . The operator must be aged 16 or over. . The operator is not permitted to carry dangerous or hazardous goods. . The operator is not permitted to leave the vehicle in a location that is intended for the passage of vehicles or pedestrians (i.e., bicycle lane or sidewalk). o Helmets are required for all riders regardless of age. . Passengers are permitted if the passenger is using a seat designed for passenger use that is manufactured for the vehicle. . When operated at a time (i.e., nighttime or in poor weather) where persons and vehicles are not clearly discernible at a distance of 150 metres or less, cargo e-bikes shall carry a lighted lamp displaying a white or amber light at the front and a lighted lamp displaying a red light at the rear (must be affixed to the vehicle, not the operator).

2 Ministry of the Solicitor General Ministdre du Solliciteur 96n6ral

Public Safety Division Division de la s6curit6 publique Ontario@

25 Grosvenor St. 25 rue Grosvenor 12il'Floor 1 2" 6tage Toronto ON M7A 2H3 Toronto ON M7A 2H3

Telephone: (416) 314-3377 Tel6phone: (416)314-3377 Facsimile: (416) 3144037 Tdl6copieur: (416) 3144037

MEMORANDUM TO: All Chiefs of Police and Commissioner Thomas Carrique Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM: Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

SUBJECT: Proposed Regulations under the Community Safety and Policing Act,2019

DATE OF ISSUE: June 14,2021 CLASSIFICATION: General lnformation RETENTION: July 26,2021 INDEX NO.: 21-0070 PRIORITY: Hish

Further to All Chiefs Memo 21-0047, the Ministry of the Solicitor General ('ministry') continues to develop regulations to bring lhe Communitv Safetv and Policinq Ad,2A19 (CSPAi into force. Thank you for your continued support, advice and guidance, including your feedback on the proposals that recently closed for input on Ontario's Regulatory Registry. We are reviewing all comments received.

The ministry has posted more regulations and is now requesting public and stakeholder input related to: 1. Codes of conduct for: a. Police officers, b. Municioal police service board members , and c. Members of the Ontario Provincial Police Governance Advisorv CoLrn cil 2 Investiqations 3 Active atlacker incidents: 4 Alternative provision of policinq functions ; and, 5 The Ontario Police Arbitration and Adiudication Commission.

The ministry welcomes your comments and feedback which can be provided by visiting Ontario's Regulatory Registry at the above hyperlinks. Comments can be submitted by July 26th 2021.|f it is preferred, the ministry is happy to meet to discuss your feedback on the above. We will continue to reach out as additional regulations are posted.

Thank you, as always, for your continued efforts to help keep our communities safe and healthy.


€_ €Jry

Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division c: Mario Di Tommaso, O.O.M. Deputy Solicitor General, Community Safety Ministry of the Solicitor General Ministdre du Solliciteur g6n6ral

Public Safety Division Division de la s6curitd publique Ontario@

25 Grosvenor St. 25 rue Grosvenor .,l2il, Floor 12" 6tage Toronto ON M7A 2H3 Toronto ON M7A 2H3

Telephone: (416) 314-3377 Tel6phone: (416) 314-3377 Facsimile: (416)314-4A37 T6l6copieur: (41 6) 31 44037

MEMORANDUM TO: All Chiefs of Police and Commissioner Thomas Carrique Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM: Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

SUBJECT: Requests for Occurrence Reports by the Private Security and lnvestigative Services Branch

DATE OF ISSUE: June 14,2021 CLASSIFICATION General lnformation RETENTION: lndefinite INDEX NO.: 21-0071 PRIORITY: Normal

As you may know, the Private Security and lnvestigative Services Branch (PSISB)falls within the Public Safety Division of the Ministry of the Solicitor General and is responsible for licensing security guards, private investigators and business entities that sell or employs security guard and/or private investigator services in Ontario. The Private Securitv and lnvestiqative Services Act, 20A5 (PSISA) provides the legal and regulatory framework for the private security and investigative services industry

As part of the licence application process, PSISB performs background checks in accordance with Ihe Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2A15. on all individuals and agency owners/partnersldirectors/officers. This includes conducting a police record check using the Canadian Police lnformation Centre (CPIC)with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, as a category ll(b) law enforcement agency to determine the applicant's suitability to hold a licence. When a query response is returned, in certain instances, PSISB will request an occurrence report from the relevant police service(s)to review the past conduct of the applicant pursuant to sec. 13 (2) of the PSISA.

The request for occurrence reports can be issued via CPIC or the PSISB investigator and police services can respond using the same channel. The ministry appreciates your timely co-operation in sharing any pertinent information with the PSISB, subject to any limits to disclosure under lhe Freedam of lnformatian and Protection of Privacv Act, R. S. O. 1 99A and Municipal Freedom of lnformation and Protection of Privacv Act,

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R.S. O. 1 990. lnformation provided can be critical in making a licensing decision that protects public safety.

Should you have any questions regarding PSISB's use of occurrence reports, please call our compliance line a|416-212-1590 or toll-free at 1-877-459-7070. For any additional queries please e-mail psisb"[email protected].

Thank you in advance for your cooperation


Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division c: Mario Di Tommaso, O.O.M. Deputy Solicitor General, Community Safety Mlnlstry of the Solicltor Genoral Mlnlst0re du Solllclteur g6n6ral

Public Safety Division Division de la sdcurit6 publique Ontario@

25 Grosvenor St, 25 rue Grosvenor 12h Floor 'l2u 6tage Toronto ON M7A 2H3 Toronto ON M7A2H3

Telephone: (416)314-3377 Tdl6phone: (416)314-3377 Facsimile: (416)3144037 Tdl6copieur: (416) 3144037

MEMORANDUM TO: All Chiefs of Police and Commissioner Thomas Carrique Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM: Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

SUBJECT: Approved Amendments to the Exemption Regulation under the Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015

DATE OF I$$UE: June 17,2021 CLASSIFICATION: General lnformation RETENTION: lndefinite INDEX NO.: 21-0072 PRIORITY: Normal

Further to the All Chiefs Memo 19-0066, I am writing to provide an update on upcoming regulatory amendments under the Police Record Cl?ec(s Reform Act, 2015 (PRCRA) that are coming into effect on July 1,2021.

The PRCM sets out standards to govern how police record checks are conducted and disclosed in Ontario. The Exemptions Regulation (O. Res. 347/18) under the PRCRA includes a number of exemptions from the Act, including exemptions that were set to expire on July 1,2A21.

Changes to the Exemptions Regulation were developed by the ministry in partnership with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and through engagement with policing partners, including the lndigenous Police Chiefs of Ontario and the Ontario Association of Cniets of Police. The amendments also reflect the input of many policing services and community stakeholders who contributed to the publip consultatiqn held bpt,wqen February and March 2Q21.

The regulation amendments are available on e-Laws and will come into force on July 1 ,2021.

The exemption for policing servlces will continue without changes.

.12 -2-

Amendments to O. Res.347118

The attached fact sheet provides an overview of the changes that are being made to the regulation. The amendments provide additional provisions for administering exempted police record checks, which include:

Greater transparency around how an exempted police record check is conducted and when information can or can not be disclosed; and o Processes to respond to requests from an individual to review their results, correct inaccurate information or request a reconsideration.

We appreciate your support in operationalizing these amendments. lf you have any questions or concerns, please contact:

Melissa Kittmer Director, Community Safety and Corrections Policy 416-528-5950 Mel issa. Kittmgl@ onta rio. ca

Thank you for your continued support and attention to this matter



Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Mlnister Public Safety Division

Attachment c: Mario Di Tommaso, O.O.M. Deputy Solicitor General, Community Safety Minisiry of tho Sollcitor General Minlstire du Solliciteur g6n6ral

Public Safety Division Division de la s6curitd publique Ontario9 Public Safeiy Training Division Division de la formation en matidre de sdcuritd publique

25 Grosvenor St. 25 rue Grosvenor 12h Floor 12" 6tage Toronto ON M7A 2H3 Toronto ON M7A 2H3

Telephone: (416)314-3377 Tdfdphone: (416) 314-3377 Facsimile: (416)3144037 Tdl6copieur: (416) 3144037

MEMORANDUM TO: All Chiefs of Police and Commissioner Thomas Carrique Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division and Public Safety Training Division

SUBJEGT: Provincial Strategies/Frameworks that align with Gommunity Safety and Well-Being Planning

DATE OF ISSUE: June 18,2021 CLASSIFIGATION: General lnformation RETENTION: lndefinite INDEX NO.: 2',1-0073 PRIORITY: Normal

As you know, on January 1,2019, new legislative amendments to lhe Police Services Act, 1990, came into force which mandate municipalities to prepare and adopt a community safety and well-being (CSWB) plan, in collaboration with their multi-sectoral partners, including police services and boards. As part of the planning process, municipalities and their local partners must utilize data from multiple sources and conduct consultations with their community to identify and address local priority risks to safety and well-being.

As a reminder, the deadline to prepare and adopt a CSWB plan is July 1 ,2021. This new deadline provides a six month extension from the original deadline to help ensure that municipalities and their community partners can continue to dedicate the necessary capacity and resources to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, while also providing adequate time to meet the legislative requirements to develop meaningful and effective CSWB plans.

The Ministry of the Solicitor General (ministry) has received feedback from local communities that there is a need to better understand the various provincial strategies/frameworks across ministries that align with CSWB planning. In response to this feedback, the ministry has developed a resource document which outlines broad, overarching provincial strategieslframeworks that align with CSWB planning and can support local CSWB efforts.

...t2 -2-

This resource document was developed in collaboration with the ministry's lnter- Ministerial Community Safety and Well-Being Working Group, which consists of representatives from nine Ontario ministries and the Federal government. Specifically, the document highlights collaborative, preventative and/or holistic approaches that aim to address local risks that lead to crime, victimization, addiction, drug overdose and/or suicide; that create protective factors in the community; and/or support vulnerable populations.

We know that communities are already doing a lot of great work to enhance the safety and well-being of Ontarians, and this resource document is meant to further support our local partners as they continue to develop and implement local CSWB plans.

I encourage you to share this resource document with your staff as well as with your municipal and community partners. As we move forward with C$WB planning in Ontario, the ministry is continuing to explore ways to support communities as they undertake the planning process and implement programs and strategies identified in their local plans. lf you have any questions regarding CSWB planning, please contact Tiana Biordi, Community Safety Analyst at [email protected] or Shamitha Devakandan, Comm u nity Safety Analyst at Shamitha. Deva l



Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division and Public Safety Training Division

Attachment Ministry of tho Sollcitor General Minbtdro du Solliciteur g6n6ral

Public Safety Division Division de la s€curit6 publique Ontario@ Public Safety Training Division Division de la formation en matidre de s€curlt6 publique

25 Grosvenor St. 25 rue Grosvenor 12h Floor 12" 6tage Toronto ON M7A 2H3 Toronto ON M7A 2H3

Telephone: (4 6) 314-3377 Tdldphone: (416\ 314-3377 Facsimile: (4 6) 3144037 T6l6copieur: (416) 3144037

MEMORANDUM TO: All Chiefs of Police and Commissioner Thomas Carrique Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

SUBJECT: Ontario Glosed Gircuit Television (CCTV) Grant Program - Galf for Applications for Fiscal Year 2021-2022

DATE OF ISSUE: June 24,2021 CLASSIFIGATION: For Action RETENTION: July 23,2021 INDEX NO.: 21-0074 PRIORITY: Normal

I am pleased to advise you that the Ministry of the Solicitor General (ministry) is now accepting applications under the Ontario Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Grant Program for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

This grant intends to expand CCTV systems in more municlpalities, as part of the Ontario Guns, Gangs and Violence Reduction Strategy (GGVRS).

The Ontario GGVRS is being implemented to deliver a comprehensive and effective solution to the issue of guns and gangs in the province. As part of the GGVRS, investments have been made to flght gun and gang violence through enforcement, intervention, and prevention. The Ontario CCTV Grant Program willfurther support police services and the communities they serve to increase public safety.

The Ontario CCTV Grant Program ls available to all municipal and First Nations police services as well as the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). The call for applications is being launched for a one-year grant cycle and will provide one-time funding to successful applicant s in 2021 -2022 (April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022).

l2 -2-

Similar to last year, eliglble applicants can submit ONE application per police service (municipal and First Nations police services as well as OPP contract locations). OPP non-contract locations are eligible to submit ONE application per OPP region (Central, East, North East, North West, and West). The maximum funding request for each project is $200,000 for one year (2021-2022r.

Police services will be required to pay for 50 per cent of the project costs. For example, if the total project cost is $400,000, the applicant must commit $200,000 of their own funds towards the project and the ministry would cover the remaining $200,000. Please see the attached Application Guidelines for more detailed information.

Please note that grant funding is subject to the ministry receiving the necessary appropriation from the Ontario Legislature.

All applications must be submitted through Transfer Payment Ontario (TPON) as well as via ema to and $ilvana. [email protected] by 4:00 p.m. Eastern $tandard Time on July 23rd, 2021. Submissions that are late or incomplete will not be considered for funding. More details on the application process, including accessing the application and applying through TPON, are outlined in the attached Grant Application Guidelines and lnstructions document.

Lastly, please direct all inquiries regarding the application process to Ram Thanabalasingam at [email protected] or Silvana Burke at [email protected].

Sincerely, (C'"q

Richard Stubbings Assistant Deputy Minister Public Safety Division

Attachments Spruce Ridge Community SchooT woufd fike to extend a HUGE "Wol-fPack" THANK YOU to our GRADUATION 202L Connunity Sponsors. Without your generosity and continued supportt we couLdn't have done this without you! ! @

J". Bob MacFarfane Fund Award for Diligence (x2)-Lily Townsend/DanieL Dietz 2. trlest Grey PubLic Library Creative Writing Award-Cheyenne Peitz 3. Candue Homes Geography Award-LiLy Townsend 4. Durham Masonic Lodge-Foundations for Learning Award-KayLa Bieman 5. Godfathers Pizza - Boys AthTetic Award-Codee Rahn 6. Godfathers Pizza - GirLs AthTetic Award-Lindsay CroJT 7. Ken Reay Transport Inc. - Generaf Proficiency Awards 1x3)- Defena Bechtef, Lexi Franks, Ava WeLtz 8. SRCS Student Councif Citizenship Award-Lexi Franks 9. Durham Legion - Robert & Joyce Meads Humanitarian Award (x2) Lindsay CroLJ-, LiTian Jarvis 70.Durham Legion Branch #308 - Mathematics Award(x2)- Del-ena Bechtef , Lexi Franks 1-1-. Pratt Plunbing & Heating Music Award-Jackson Ray 1-2. Cedarweff Excavating Ltd. Science Award-Emma Dobbs 13. RWTO - Award for Caring and Sharing-OJ-ivia Graham 14. Craig McDonal-d Reddon Program Achievement Award-CoJe FinJay J.5. Craig McDonaLd Reddon 'Character' Award-Isabeffa ATfen J.6. CUPE 1L76 Service Award-Jesse Bartfett, Dawson MarshaTf 77. SRCS Progress Award - Schoof CounciJ--Shayla Quarry 1-8. West Grey Pofice Services - Greenl-eaf Conmunity Awareness-Max Rahn L9. John Cowan Memorial- Award for Enthusiasm/Originality(x2)- All-ie Col7ins, Noah Cunningham 20. Grace Arnett Language Award-Lexi Franks 21-. Irvin Sharpe History Award-Ava Wel-tz 22. SRCS Drana Award-Aidan Hanna 23. SRCS Dance Award-Isabel-La ALfen 24. Durham Furniture Art Award-Sebastian ShevaTier 25, Durham Agriculturaf Society Award - Comnitment to School- Life- Henry Mitcheff 26. Danzer Canada Inc. French Award-MeL Main 27. OPC PrincipaJs CounciL - PrincipaLs Award-Lexi Franks 28. Bruce Power Science Award-Wifl Basson

\ MUNICIPALITY OF WEST GREY GL Department Report GL5330 Page : Date: Jun 2021 Time : 12:42

Year 2021 Budget: BUDGETVALUES-FINAL Period 12 Group by: Default

Account No, Description ccl Year to Date Budget Variance % Used

POLICE SERVICES 3019 Police Revenue

1 -4-301 9-541 0 Revenue Police Miscelli -325 -5,000 -4,675 7 1 -4-301 9-541 1 Revenue Police Acciden -569 -1,600 -1,031 36 1-4-3019-5412 Revenue PoliceAlarms -750 -4,000 -3,250 19 1 -4-301 9-541 3 Provincial Grants -59,1 36 -129,000 -69,865 46 1 -4-301 9-541 I Police Special Constabl -65,000 -65,000 0 100 1-4-3019-5420 Police Security Guard R 0 -2,000 -2,000 1-4-3019-5421 Police - Record Checks, -6,860 -12,500 -5,640 55 't-4-30',t9-5423 Police Revenue - WSIB -28,614 0 28,614

3019 Police Revenue -'16'1,253 -219,100 -57,847 74 1900 Police Services

1 -5-1 900-1 01 0 Police Wages 1,085,291 2,512,903 1,427,612 43 1-5-1900-10'11 Police Services CPP 56,847 78,954 22,107 72 '1-5-1 900-1012 Police Services El 19,540 26,034 6,494 75 1-5-'1 900-1 013 Police Services Life lnsr 31,302 70,403 39,101 44 1 -5-1 900-1 01 4 Police Service Omers 122,478 274,489 152,011 45

1 -5-1 900-1 01 5 Police Services Benefits 0 500 500 1 -5-1 900-1 01 6 Police Services EFAP B 0 600 600

1 -5-1 900-1 020 Police Rwam/Greenshie 54,455 146,247 91,792 37

1 -5-1 900-1 021 Police Services EHT 21,717 48,830 27,113 44 1-5-1900-1022 Police Services Worker 33,410 70,615 37,205 47 't-5-1 900-2010 Police Service Miscenal 1,458 8,000 6,542 18 ,t,642 1 -5-1 900-201 1 Police Services Office S 5,500 3,858 30 1-5-'t900-2012 Police - RCMP/L1 Scan 350 4,900 4,550 7 1-5-'1900-2013 Police Community Servi 655 3,500 2,845 19

1 -5-1 900-2014 Police Services Utilities 4,148 9,000 4,852 46 1 -5-1 900-201 5 Police Services Building 754 4,000 3,246 19 1 -5-1 900-201 6 Police Services Telepho 4,880 8,000 3,120 61

1 -5-1 900-201 8 Police Ser Course Stipe 9,050 30,000 20,950 30

1 -5-l 900-201 9 Police Services Uniform 4,324 15,000 10,676 29 1-5-'t 900-2020 Police Services Gen Me 776 3,000 2,224 26 1 -5-1 900-2021 Police Services Mileage 0 1,000 1,000

1 -5-1 900-2023 Police Service Conferen -1 99 5,000 s,1 99 1-5-1900-2024 Police Legal Fees 0 5,000 5,000 '1-5-1900-2025 Police Services Insuran, 53,502 21,000 -32,502 255 1-5-1900-2027 Police Services Radio L 962 1,000 3B 96

1 -5-1 900-2034 Police Technology/Nichr 9,936 35,500 25,564 28

1 -5-1 900-2035 Police Services Equipm 801 8,400 7,599 10

1 -5-1 900-2036 Police Services Dispatcl 6'l,574 148,839 87,265 41

1 -5-1 900-2037 Police Services Lockup/ 5,861 12,000 6,1 39 49 't-5-1 900-2049 Police Rents & Services 0 2,500 2,500

1 -5-1 900-3000 Police Services Equipm 3,247 25,000 21,753 13

1 -5-1 900-301 1 Police Services Contrac 5,079 16,018 10,939 32

1-s-'1 900-3012 Police Contract Labour I '1,739 10,000 8,261 17 1-5-'r 900-3077 Police Services Transfer 0 63,500 63,500

1900 Police Services 1,595,579 3,675,232 2,079,653 43 1901 Scenes of Crime

1-5-'1901-2010 Scenes of Crime Materir 1,000 1,000 MUNICIPALITY OF WEST GREY GL5330 Page 2 GL Department Report Date: Jun25,2021 Time 12:42 pm

Budget: BUDGETVALUES-FINAL Year 2021 Period 't2

Account No. Description ccl Year To Date Budget Variance % Used


1901 Scenes of Grime 0 1,000 1,000 0

1902 Traffic Control

1-5-1902-2010 Traffice Control Material 99 1,000 901 10

1902 Traffic Control 99 1,000 901 10

'1903 Griminal Control

1-5-1903-2010 Criminal Control Materie 141 2,000 1,859 7

1903 Criminal Control '141 2,000 1,859 7

1910 Police Cruisers

1-5-1910-2034 Crusiers - Repairs & Ma 2,970 0 -2,970

1910 Police Cruisers 2,970 0 -2,970 0

1920 Cruiser #2

1-5-1920-2029 Cruiser #2 - Fuel - 2017 2,700 9,333 6,633 29 I -5-1920-2034 Cruiser #2 Repair/Maint 2,715 7,167 4,452 38

1920 Gruiser #2 5,4'15 16,500 11,085 33

1921 Cruiser #11

1-5-1921-2029 Cruiser#11 Fuel - 2016 5,012 9,333 4,321 54 1-5-1921-2034 Cruiser #11 - Rep/Maint 2,330 7,167 4,837 33

1921 Gruiser #11 7,342 16,500 9,158 44

1922 Cruiser #10

1-5-1922-2029 Cruiser#10 Fuel - 2020 1,625 9,333 7,708 17 o 1 -5-1922-2034 Cruiser #1 0 Repair/Mair 431 7,167 6,736

1922 Cruiser #10 2,057 16,500 '14,443 12

1924 Cruiser #3

1-5-1924-2029 Cruiser#3 - Fuel - 2020 6,065 9,333 3,268 65 1-5-1924-2034 Cruiser #3 Repair/Maint 1,966 7,167 5,201 27

1924 Cruiser #3 8,031 16,500 8,469 49

1926 Gruiser #4

1-5-1926-2029 Cruiserlf4 Fuel - 2016 F 0 9,333 9,333 1-5-1926-2034 Cruiser #4 Rep/Maint ' I 1,264 7,167 5,903 18

1926 Cruiser #4 1,264 16,500 15,236 I

1927 Cruiser # 1

1-5-1927-2029 Cruiser# 1 Fuel - 2014 850 9,333 8,483 I 1-5-'1927-2034 Cruiser# 1 Rep/Maint. - 1,496 7,167 5,671 21

1927 Gruiser # 1 2,347 16,500 14,153 14

1928 Police Cruiser # 7

-667 't-5-1928-2029 Cruise# 5 Fuel - 2016 F 667 0 1-5-1928-2034 Cruiser # 5 Rep/Maint - 400 0 -400 MUNICIPALITY OF WEST GREY GL5330 Page 3 GL Department Report Date: Jun25,2021 Time 12:42pm Budget : BUDGETVALUES-FINAL Year 2021 Period 12

Variance % Used Account No, DescriPtion cc1 Year To Date Budget


1928 Police Gruiser # 7 1,067 0 -1,067 0

1929 Cruiser #8

61 1-5-1929-2029 Cruiser#8 Fuel - 2020 t 5,696 9,333 3,637 14 'l-5-'1929-2034 Cruiser #8 Rep/Maint -2 992 7,167 6,1 75

1929 Cruiser #8 6,688 16,500 9,812 41

1950 Police Commission

115 1,000 885 't'l 1 -5-1 950-201 0 Police Commission Mist 1,464 1,500 36 98 1 -5-1 950-2020 Police Commission Mer 1,500 1-5-1950-2021 Police Commission Mile 0 1,500 356 3,500 3,144 10 1 -5-1 950-2023 Police Board Conferenc 5,634 40,000 34,366 't4 1 -5-1 950-2050 Police Commission Con 16 1950 Police Commission 7,569 47,500 39,931

9419 Police Capital Revenue

-2,000 1-4-9419-6500 Contrb' from Other Doni 0 -2,000 -63,500 1-4-9419-6530 Cont'b from Revenue Ft 0 -63,500 -90,000 1-4-9419-6540 Police transfer from Res 0 -90,000 0 9419 Police Capital Revenue 0 -1 55,500 -155,500

9519 Police CaPital ExPense

5 1-5-9519-3000 Police Capital Expense 7,344 155,500 148,'t56

9519 Police Gapital ExPense 7,344 155,500 148,156 5

2,136,474 4',1 POLICE SERVICES Total 1,486,658 3,623,132