English German

“Hello!” „Guten Tag!“ “Good morning!” „Guten Morgen!“ The Baltic Sea “Good evening!” „Guten Abend!“

“Good bye!” „Auf Widersehen!“

“Thank you.” „Danke.“ “Please.” „Bitte.“ “You’re welcome.” „Bitte schön / Gern geschehen.“ “Yes.” „Ja.“ “No.” „Nein.“ Brandenburg Gate “How are you?” „Wie geht es dir?“ “I’m fine.” „Mir geht es gut.“ “My name is… .” „Mein Name ist… .“ “I am from… .” „Ich bin aus… .“ Deutschland

one eins two zwei three drei

four vier five fünf six sechs seven sieben • Berlin is 9 times bigger than Paris and has more eight acht bridges than Venice! nine neun • The Oktoberfest does NOT start in October! ten zehn • In Germany there are more than 300 types of bread.

Sources: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/Brandenburger_Tor_nachts_2012-07.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany http://www.fastenwandern.info/images/gebiete/ostsee-2.jpg http://files.dreamway.com/filer/19248/2011/5/11/werdenfelser-land.jpg http://www.deutschland- deluxe.de/sites/default/files/images/KoelnDomConstanzadomsuedseite%20klein_400p.jpg http://i.infoplease.com/images/mgermany.gif

Location: is located: - in the west of Germany - in North Rhine- - in the district „Kreis ” Area: - on the river - 34.084 square kilometers Area: 145.1 square kilometers Cathedral Capital:

- Düsseldorf Population: 73.000 inhabitants

Biggest city: Climate: - Cologne - temperature in Rheine

Population: throughout the year: between - - 17.571.856 5°C and 28°C. - average temperature is 8°C. District president: The Alpes - Hannelore Kraft

Sights in Rheine: • Area: 357.021 square kilometres • Rheine also is located in the „Münsterland“, which is a region in North Rhine- Population: 80.7 million Westphalia. • Capital and largest city: Berlin • nine border countries • in the North, Germany borders on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea The zoo „NaturZoo Rheine” The saline Gottesgabe” • in the South, Germany borders on the Alps Sources: • 16 constituent states https://img.oastatic.com/img/671/335/fit/3782278/luft bild-rheine.jpg • most populous member state in the European Union http://www.muensterland.de/fileadmin/_processed_/c sm_Saline4_97f18ff6ac.jpg • http://www.lietzow- Government: Federal parliamentary constitutional republic: naturfotografie.de/assets/images/Eingang_07EL0630_0 Sources: .jpg o President: Joachim Gauck; http://www.germany101.com/assets/img/germany101/county_ https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thu spots/north-rhine-westphalia.jpg mb/7/72/Falkenhof_Rheine.jpg/220px- o Chancellor: Angela Merkel https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=North_Rhine-Westphalia Falkenhof_Rheine.jpg http://www.metrogroup- • Christianity is the main religion in Germany, 66.8% of the marathon.de/assets/Uploads/DiasStartseite/Hafenstadt-dus.jpg The museum Falkenhof total population