FULL MOON OCCURS ON: Saturday March 31st at 12:37pm UTC USA: PACIFIC 5:37am/ EASTERN 8:37am Rio de Janeiro: 9:37am Brisbane: 9:37pm Sydney / Melbourne / Canberra : 10:37pm

Equinox: Tuesday March 20th, 2018 at 4:15pm UTC



Hello fellow Moon Lovers, and welcome to our Libra Full Moon journey.

In this booklet - the second in my Full Moon series, we’ll be embracing the powers of the Equinox, exploring the dance of Balance that the energy of Libra is so compelled to partake in. Where there is difference, Libra seeks connection. Where there is self, Libra seeks the other. Where there is conflict, Libra seek peace.

In the Northern Hemisphere the Equinox on March 20th, and the Libra Full Moon that follows on the 31st, usher us out of the Winter and into the bright Spring. Days become longer and the weather (in theory!) more temperate after the harshness of Winter. And in the Southern Hemisphere the Equinox marks the journey toward darkness, the golden Autumn enticing us softly out of the long, hot, Summer days, onward toward the deeper nights of Winter.

With seasonal balance restored (if only momentarily) across the planet, it’s a good opportunity to explore the energies of balance and imbalance in our own lives. Libra’s zodiac symbol is a scale, after all! Fittingly, the first Full Moon after the Equinox is always going to be a Libra Moon. This is because the March Equinox marks the

2 moment that the Sun moves into the sign of . Remember, the Full Moon always occurs in the sign that is directly opposite the Sun. In this case it’s the Aries / Libra Polarity. (I outlined this astronomical / astrological scheme of things briefly in the Full Moon booklet - which you can download free of charge HERE and we’ll be exploring the lunar phases more fully in next month’s Full Moon booklet).

This month, as well as exploring the energies of Balance and Love, we will also begin a journey through the Elements - starting with Air, and followed over the next few ‘moonths’ by Water, Fire and Earth. I’m sure you’ll enjoy this. Working with the Elements is one of the keys to my magical and spiritual practice.

Ruled by the planet Venus, Libra embodies the qualities of the many goddesses who have been associated with this most beautiful jewell of a planet, including Venus in Rome, Aphrodite in Greece, Isis in Egypt, Ishtar in Babylon and Inanna in Sumer. All are regarded as aspects of ‘The Queen of Heaven’. We’ll begin our exploration of Venus (both the planet and the Goddess) this month as she wears her airy, diaphanous Libra gown, and return to her again at the Full Moon in October, when she takes on her sensual, earthy aspect. And this month we’ll also take the opportunity to discover the connection between The Goddess and the lunar phases.

After the solitary, detailed inward focus of , Libra leans outward, toward connection. This is the zodiac sign of relationship, opening the doors to the cosmic dance of connection. This Full Moon invites us to relate to others with discernment and grace. But that sharp sword of justice that Libra wields so well can be a little harsh sometimes! As well as bringing joy and peace, relationships also have the power to wound, stripping us bare like an icy wind. This month we’ll take a journey through the energies of the Heart Chakra and explore ways to bring balance, understanding, healing and harmony to our hearts.




Although we will study the ‘’ (the eight sacred festivals that mark the turning of the seasons in the Pagan calendar) in a couple of months, I feel that it is important for us to to acknowledge and embrace the energy of this month’s Equinox because it relates so strongly to the Libra Full Moon, and the qualities of balance and harmony.

There are two equinoxes each year - one in March and one in September, and they both mark the moment of equal day and equal night across the planet. In fact, the word ‘equinox’ means ‘equal night’. This March equinox coincides with Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, and the opposite is true of the September equinox.

WHY THE EQUINOX OCCURS Earth tilts on its axis at an angle of 23. 5 degrees as it orbits the Sun. This means that (other than at the moments of the equinox) either the Southern hemisphere or the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth will always points toward the Sun, and the opposite hemisphere point away. This is what creates the seasons, and the different lengths of day and night throughout the year. But at the Equinox, neither hemisphere is pointed towards the Sun - meaning that both Northern and Southern hemispheres receive equal amounts of daylight.

An energy of Balance unites the planet every equinox. Not only are day and night equal, but the extreme solstice weather of deep Winter and high Summer has mellowed into the more temperate seasons of Spring and Autumn. After the balance of the March

4 Equinox, where day and night are equal across the planet, we will begin to feel the subtle pull of darkness and light, creating difference between the hemispheres once again. In the Southern Hemisphere the nights will become a little longer than the days, and we will feel the pull towards darkness in the crisp Autumn mornings and evenings. I have such fond memories of Autumn in Melbourne - always my favourite season. The Australian Summers can be so harsh, and I always found it a relief to witness the days grow shorter, and to once again be able to welcome the kiss of Sun on my skin, rather than hide in the shadows from his burning Summer rays. Fruit ripens, and it’s time to celebrate the Harvest and all that we accomplished during the long and busy days of Summer. It’s time to begin to slow down and turn inward.

In the Northern Hemisphere, it is the days that are becoming longer, and the nights increasingly shorter. The Sun is calling life to grow and be fertile, to expand and increase. Here in New Mexico, as I take my morning walk up into the beautiful juniper and piñon forests of the Sangre de Christo mountains, the changes are subtle but nevertheless present. After the silence of Winter, I now hear more songbirds, and a noisy group of Stellar Jays greet me as I enter the path by the creek. The last small patches of snow are barely holding on in the shadows of the forest (although there will likely - hopefully - be at least another decent snowfall before the season truly shifts). Buds are swelling on the deciduous trees, and the surest sign of Spring is here - folks are once again complaining of allergies!

I like the image of the South and North meeting at the Equinox, and exchanging their gifts of increased day, or increased night. It’s almost as though the South says “have this gift of longer days and bright sunshine”, and the North politely bows and offers the gift of deep and sacred nights. And then, of course, they swap again, half a year hence. In this way our planet maintains a constant state of overall seasonal balance. Even at the most extreme points of seasonal difference between the hemispheres, (the Solstices of December and June) this exchange of energy, this dance towards balance continues. The waning year begins to wax, and the waxing year to wane.

EASTER The Libra Full Moon also plays an important role in the Christian Calendar. The date that Easter falls on each year is calculated based on the relationship of the Moon and the Sun. Easter Sunday is the first Sunday after the Full Moon which follows the March Equinox. (This is why the date changes each year, because the Moon and Sun cycles are not aligned). This year, with the Full Moon being on the first Saturday after the Equinox, it means that Easter Sunday is the day following the Libra Full Moon.

In the Northern Hemisphere the March Equinox has been celebrated as a time of rebirth for millennia.The ancient Celtic name for the Spring (March) Equinox is Eostre. You’ll notice that the word Eostre is very similar to Easter. Funny about that! Many ancient Pagan festivals were adapted and incorporated into the Christian sacred calendar. We’ll explore such correlations in more depth when we study The Wheel of the Year in a couple of months. The word ‘Easter’ also shares an etymological root with the word

5 ‘estrogen’, the female reproductive hormone. So we can see from these clues that the Christian Easter, with it’s eggs and rabbits, is an adaptation of a much older fertility festival sacred to the Goddess.

In the Autumnal Southern Hemisphere the March Equinox corresponds to the Pagan harvest festival of Mabon. It is a time to give thanks for the bounty of the harvest, and also to take stock and prepare for the Winter months ahead. So if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, you can easily adapt your Easter celebrations to include an honouring of the fertile Goddess and the reawakening of Life after Winter. And if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, then surely we can justify all that bounty of chocolate as part of a sacred harvest! But one thing we can all do is remember that this is a time of balance and peace across the globe, and the perfect opportunity to practice acceptance of the many different spiritual paths that we humans follow.


One of the important qualities of the sign of Libra is the pursuit of balance, and this Full Moon provides a great opportunity to explore our personal levels of balance and imbalance in the different strands of our lives. With equal day and equal night across the planet, we’re reminded that we, too, need to honour seemingly opposite aspects of our inner and outer worlds. In the sign of Libra we do not necessarily witness the state of balance itself, but rather the ongoing process of moving toward balance. There is a yearning for the temperate - neither too hot, nor too cold, but rather - like Goldilocks’s porridge - just right. But just because Libra aims for a temperate situation doesn’t mean that it always succeeds. Sometimes that search for balance finds the Libra part of ourselves swinging back and forwards like a pendulum between two extreme but equally attractive options.

People often joke about the sign of Libra being unable to make a decision, but that’s because Libra can see and hold space for many alternative views. Libra is willing and able to see both sides of the story. It’s this ability that brings Libra its diplomatic grace. Consider the Equinox again. It is both Autumn and Spring. Both happen simultaneously, yet are opposite energies. The seeming polarity, the opposition, actually contains a point of connection. Yes, one season is waxing and the other waning, yet they both experience the connection of equal day and equal night. Libra gracefully entices us to expand beyond the ‘either / or’ mentality and consider a ‘yes / and’ solution to difference.


The pursuit of balance requires diligence, courage and keen observation. Like walking on a tightrope, when we are aiming for balance, we become extremely aware of imbalance! Libra seeks equilibrium, the middle ground, the centre. I remember the classic see-saws in playgrounds when I was a kid. Essentially it was just a plank of wood anchored to a central structure that allowed each end to pivot up and down. I doubt that they would pass today’s safety requirements! (Remember landing hard on the ground when the kid on the other end decided to jump off?)

I used to love playing on them by myself. I’d stand in the middle, and try to find that sweet spot that allowed both ends to stay in the air. It actually took quite a bit of focus and strength. That’s what the Libra energy is like. It’s the constant aim to maintain centre. It requires action. We have to notice if one side is taking precedence over the other and then take action to restore equilibrium. What Libra is essentially aiming for is peace and harmony. It aims to transform duality and difference into unity and understanding. In order to attain these goals it is often necessary to experience the sometimes uncomfortable state of uncertainty. Sometimes there just is no clear choice and we must instead enter into compromise.


This Libra Full Moon offers a powerful opportunity and reminder to consider the seemingly conflicting needs in our lives, and do our best to find a workable meeting point between them. At the moment of the March Equinox the Sun moves out of the dreamy sign of and into Aries - the sign of the Individual. Aries leaps forward with the fiery determination of a bulb pushing through the soil and declares ‘here I am!’ But when the Moon becomes Full and the Libra energy of relationship and connection stands directly opposite the Aries Sun, we can experience the other side of the polarity. As well as ‘here I am’ we also experience ‘there you are’. In holding an awareness of both Self and Other, we can begin to transcend difference and find balance and unity.

In my own life I know, like all of us, that I have many seemingly conflicting needs. For example, I have a strong need for solitude, and an equally strong need for relationship and community. Although at times it feels like a struggle to honour both, I know that if I am to live a truly magical and soulful life I must find ways to create a balance between them. Imbalance leads to illness of body and soul. During periods of time when I’m touring and working very hard, finding time for solitude can be difficult. The imbalance is reflected in stress, or depression, or feeling run down, and I know that I must consciously claim some alone time if I am to come back to center. After many years of touring, I’ve learnt that I really must have regular times alone in Nature, or it’s really not very pleasant for myself or those around me. Now, when I’m on tour, I recognise this as a necessity, and claim this time alone - anything from a short walk in a local park, to a week away by myself to write and dream. What matters is that I’m honouring the call. The different needs in my life might not even appear to make sense. For example, a have a deep need for travel and adventure, and an equally strong pull toward hermitting myself at home. These needs seem to be pulling me in opposite and and seemingly un- reconcilable directions. That’s ok. Not everything in life need be logical. We just need to

9 be able to hold space and witness the tipping back and forth of the scales, and the move toward balance.

Equally, when we tune into our bodies we can recognise the areas that need to be brought into balance. Maybe we’ve been working too hard and need to rest. Maybe we’ve been indulging in wine and coffee and need to do a bit of a cleanse. And equally valid, maybe we’ve been monitoring and restricting our diet and need to balance this with some delicious indulgences. To honour only one aspect of a polarity can create disharmony and ill health. One lovely aspect of celebrating the Full Moon together with our global Full Moon Magic community is that we are connecting despite the differences in our locations and environments. We are reminded that Winter and Summer, darkness and light (and by extension, Self and Other, Goddess and God, stillness and movement, work and play etc) can coexist.

10 VENUS (Part One)

Venus is the ruling planet of both Libra (an Air sign) and Taurus (an Earth sign) and the energies of both the planet and the Goddess after which it is named colour our understanding of both signs, highlighting both their similarities and differences. Let’s begin our Venusian journey by exploring some of the qualities of the planet, and seeing how they relate to the sign of Libra.


The beautiful planet Venus is, after the Moon, the second brightest natural light in our night skies. Like an exquisite jewell we see her suspended above the Western horizon after sunset, or appearing like a shining messenger preceding the Sun in the pre-dawn sky. It is little wonder that she is named after the Roman Goddess of beauty and Love. Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun and is often regarded as Earth’s ‘sister

11 planet’, both because of their similarity in size, and also because Venus, like Earth, is a terrestrial planet with a solid core and a molten mantle. But I tend to regard Venus more like Earth’s cousin - similar, yes, but also strikingly different. For a start, Venus rotates in the opposite direction to most of the other planets (the exception being Uranus). This means that Venus’s days are longer than her years. She’s also a planet of extremes - the hottest in our Solar System, with a surface temperature that averages 462°C, and a dense atmosphere that creates an amplified ‘greenhouse’ effect. Mellow she is not! It takes Venus approximately 224 Earth days to orbit the Sun, and 243 Earth days to spin on her own axis, meaning that Venus’s days are longer than her years. And the lack of tilt in Venus’s axis means that there are no seasonal changes on the planet. I find this interesting, given it’s association with Libra. In a sense, Venus is always in an ‘equinox’ position, with neither hemisphere tilted toward the Sun.


Because Venus is an ‘inferior’ planet (orbiting the Sun within Earth’s orbit) from our position on Earth she can never appear very far away from the Sun in our skies. With a maximum distance of 47.8° from the Sun, Venus can appear as the morning or evening star, but never as the midnight star. She will always be close to the horizon - only visible before sunrise or after sunset. Venus actually goes through phases, too, similar to our Moon. As Venus orbits the Sun, different angles of her appear lit to observers on Earth. The illustration above is by the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei in 1623. He studied the phases of Venus, noticing that she appears smallest when ‘full’ (on the far side of the Sun, 100% illuminated, but at the furthest distance from Earth). She gains in size when closer to the Earth, but at her closest point (between Earth and Sun), she disappears altogether, just like our Dark Moon. The point where she appears brightest in our skies is about midway between Full and Dark. She is only half lit, but much closer - neither so far away that distance diminishes her light, nor so close that she’s subsumed by the Sun’s light. How fitting for the temperate Libra energies that the planet

12 is associated with. That was pretty clever of Galileo to work out, though it’s good to remember that the Mayans were making detailed observations of Venus 1000 years before him!

TWO STARS? To the Ancient Greek and Romans, the planet we now know as Venus was considered two different stars. As the morning star she was known as Phosphorus to the Greeks and Lucifer to the Romans, both names meaning ‘light bringer’. As the evening star she was called Hesperus by the Greeks and Vesper by the Romans - hence evening prayers are still called ‘vespers’. It is claimed that Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician, was the first to recognise that the two ‘stars’ were actually the same.

As I’m writing this, it is early evening, and if not for the soft blanket of clouds that sent gentle snow flakes flying this afternoon, I’d see Venus shining bright in the Western sky, just as I did last night. Here is a photo that I took in Melbourne a few years past. It’s about 6am, and Venus, as the Morning Star, is suspended just above the gum trees in the early morning light.


Aphrodite, or Venus as she was known to the Romans, was regarded as the representation of ideal feminine beauty. She was the Goddess of Love, Beauty, and sensual pleasures. One version of her creation story tells that she was born of the ‘sea foam’ when the ancient god Kronos castrated his father Ouranos, and his severed genitals fell to the sea. She first came ashore on the island of Cythera, looking just as lovely, I’m sure, as Botticelli depicted her in the well loved painting above. She then made her way to the island of Cyprus, and it is said that where she walked, flowers sprung up from under her feet.

Earlier goddesses associated with the planet Venus - such as Innanna in Sumer and Ishtar in Babylon - were multilayered and complex. Not only were they regarded as goddesses of beauty, but also of war. They held the energies of both creation and destruction. For Venus / Aphrodite this war aspect is still present, but hidden within the context of her passionate affair with the God of War - Ares to the Greeks and Mars to the Romans.

14 The illogical passions of both love and war are still connected, but transformed into an illicit affair. The two lovers are even ridiculed as one point, when Aphrodite’s husband Hephaestus (the lame God of the forge), lays a trap for them and catches them in mid embrace. But Venus is a representation of the Life force. She is Love. She cannot be tamed.

We’ll continue our exploration of Venus with the Taurus Full Moon.


With the close correlation between the Moon’s cycles and the cycles of womens’ fertility, it is little wonder that the Moon has been acknowledged as a Goddess in many regions since the earliest days of human culture. Her crescent horns, which in turn became associated with the sacred cow and fertility, can be seen in this ancient sculpture from the caves of Lascaux, France, with an estimated date of 18,000 BC!

And here are the Lunar horns again on this ancient Egyptian painting of Isis. Not only are they the horns of the cow, but also the horns of the waxing and waning crescents.

I recognise and honour the Moon as a representation of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine aspect of the that unites all beings. Before I went through menopause I

16 would experience that Lunar Goddess energy most potently during my monthly ‘moon time’. Now that I now longer bleed, it’s more apparent to me that this Lunar Goddess energy is present all of the time - for all genders - but that it is necessary now to make a conscious and regular connection with Her. She doesn’t come knocking! I’ve got to go to Her, dedicate my time and focus. And just as the Moon changes as she moves through both phases and signs, so too does the Goddess transform, from lively crescent Maiden, to voluptuous Mother /Lover, to wise Crone, and everything in between and beyond.

Every month our beautiful Moon moves through a cycle of Birth, Death, and Rebirth. Every New Moon we see a slender crescent on the Western horizon at twilight. Each night for the next two weeks this crescent will grow, until she becomes the Full Moon. For the two weeks after the Full Moon, we will see her decreasing in size, until she disappears altogether for 3 days! But low and behold, a day or so after the Dark Moon, there she is again, reborn and fresh in the twilight sky. And the cycle begins again.

Just as the lunar cycles lead us on a monthly journey from darkness to light, and back to darkness, so too the energy of the Goddess encompasses all aspects of the Life / Death / Life cycle. Within her great wholeness, life and death co - exist. She is beginning, completion, and ending. Some cultural representations of the Goddess align with a particular phase of the cycle. Others - such as the Greek Moon Goddess Selene - hold the energy of waxing, full and waning Moon. In the Goddess is most often depicted as having three distinct aspects - The Maiden, The Mother, and The Crone - which align with the New Moon, the Full Moon and the Dark Moon (or waning crescent) . These three aspects are represented by the symbol below, and together form The Triple Goddess

Let’s take a brief journey now through the phases of the Moon and how they correlate to different aspects of the Goddess.

NEW MOON - THE MAIDEN The Maiden aspect correlates to the New Moon. When the waxing crescent first appears in the twilight sky, she offers a sign of rebirth. She has broken out of the darkness, and embodies the energy of direction, determination and autonomy. The

17 Maiden energy is the power of the arrow flying from the bow. There can be an innocence to her, but there is also a great strength. She is playful, and connected with Nature, and she is also the warrior and hunter. Her arrow flies every New Moon, in the direction of what she wants, and as the Moon waxes, it carries her intention with it. The Goddess that I associate and work with most readily in this Moon phase is definitely Artemis (known as Diana to the Romans). I admire her strength and vitality. She reminds me to stay connected to Nature, to spend time in Wilderness, and to maintain a fit and healthy body. We’ll explore the Goddess Artemis more fully in our Full Moon booklet.


FULL MOON - THE MOTHER (AND LOVER) In her perfect roundness, the Full Moon is like a beautiful pregnant woman - ripe, fertile, sexual and luscious. The Goddess that corresponds to this phase is the Mother /Lover. Her energy is caring, protective, abundant, and generous. We see Her in mythology as the Earth Mother (Demeter, Ceres etc), and also as loving mother Goddesses such as the Egyptian Hathor, mother of Horus.

The sexual aspects of this phase of the Moon are honoured in Goddesses such as Aphrodite and Venus. It’s interesting that in Christian mythology, the Mother and Lover are split into two separate roles. Both are called Mary, a name which derives from the Latin root for ‘sea’ (maris, which gives us words such as marine and maritime). So we have Mother Mary, the beautiful nurturing Madonna, and also Mary Magdalene, who many regard not as a ‘whore’, which the bible suggests, but rather as the lover and partner of Jesus.


DARK MOON - THE CRONE This aspect of the Goddess is the most undervalued in our culture. She is the Grandmother, the wise old woman. She is kind and nurturing, but also challenging. She encourages us to walk our true path with integrity and honour, letting go of those aspects of Self that no longer serve us. She corresponds to the last crescent of the Waning Moon, and also to the Dark Moon. Since medieval times she has been maligned and treated with contempt. She turns up in Tales as the Wicked , The Hag, and the Evil Stepmother. But there is a deeper and more loving aspect to the Crone. She is the one who guides us over the threshold into death - and not only physical death, but every ending and beginning in our lives. In mythology, I relate to her most strongly as . She guards the crossroads, where each choice marks both a death and a life, as we leave one path and choose another. She is the torch bearer, navigating the darkness.


BLURRED LINES AND CROSS OVERS Although there are these three distinct phases of the Goddess, we find in mythology that every representation of the Goddess will have some level of blurred line, incorporating aspects of the other phases into her character and story. For example, the Greek Mother Goddess Demeter connects with the Crone / Hag when she is grieving for her lost daughter. Persephone is both the Maiden, and also the Queen of the Underworld. Complex Goddesses such as the Celtic Brigit certainly incorporate all three aspects of Maiden, Mother and Crone. Just like these mythological characters, men and women move through phases of being connected to a particular aspect of the Goddess or God. We may find that we have a certain alignment with a particular aspect, and then shift over time to another. The Triple Goddess model is just that - a model. It provides a handy way to begin to get to know the many mythological deities, and also to accept our own changing and evolving emotions and focuses.


There is no fixed or ‘right ‘ way to connect with the Goddess or with the Moon. Sure, there are strong traditions such as ‘Drawing Down the Moon’ in Wiccan tradition, but I take a much more free form and improvised approach. I believe that the most powerful way to connect with the Moon is to create a personal connection with her. Speak to her, dance with her, bathe in her light. I often curtsy and wave to her, and say hi when I see her. She is a living and potent energy that we can access from here on Earth.

Everything in the Universe is connected.The Moon’s phases do not only happen up there in the sky, they also happen within us, within everything on Earth. As we honour

20 the Moon’s phases as expressions of the Great Goddess, we are also honouring the Goddess within us - regardless of our gender. The Moon is our mirror - a visual reminder to witness and honour the ebb and flow, the waxing and waning of our own personal energies.


With Venus being the ruling planet of Libra, it’s appropriate that Love plays an important role in the energetic expression of the sign. Love is about connection. When we love, when we act lovingly, we are opening our hearts and reaching out beyond self, to other. The Libra Full Moon offers an opportunity for us to connect with the energy of Love in all of its forms, and an excellent starting point for this alignment with Love is the Heart Chakra.


No wonder there is confusion around the word ‘love’ . We use the same word to describe the emotional connection between parent and child, between friends, between siblings, between new lovers in the heady bliss of sexual union, and between stable and long term partners. We also use this word to describe our feelings towards certain animals, or places, or Nature as a whole. We even lazily use this word, and dilute its power, to describe objects or activities that give us pleasure, e.g., ‘I love chocolate’, or ‘I love going to movies’.

The Ancient Greeks had seven different words to describe love, including ‘ludus’ for flirty, playful love, ‘eros’ for sexual love, and ‘philia’ for the love between friends. But there is one love that encompasses all others, and that is the love that the Greek’s called Agape. This is a pure force that transcends all differences, of race, religion, sexuality, political borders, and even species. It is the Love that recognises the Soul in all. This is the Love of unity. When we focus on difference then we polarise and separate, but when we focus on unity, our cosmic heart expands with joy and peace. It is this form of Love (which I spell with a capitol L) that I consider the Cosmic Glue, the great force in the Universe that holds everything together, permeating every atom, every light wave, every thought, every star, every flower, every being, every heart. We are all one, and the energy of the Heart Chakra glows with this recognition of Universal One- ness. I am you and you are me.


The heart chakra is one of the seven major energies centres in our ‘etheric body’ - the palpable yet non-physical energy that permeates our physical body, and extends beyond it to form the Aura. These seven energy centres are aligned along the length of the spine, from the base of the spine to the crown of the skull. The picture below shows the location of the seven major chakras.

22 The chakras’ role is to process the energies that we receive from the Universe, and to create and monitor energy flow between all the various aspects of our Selves: spiritual, physical, emotional and mental. The chakras regulate the inward and outward flow of subtle energy, acting as gateways to our connection with the Universe, and helping us to maintain balance, health and happiness in our lives. Each chakra has a unique set of qualities that affect our health and well-being.

Located in the centre of the chest at heart level, the Heart Chakra is the meeting place of above and below. With three chakras below representing the world of physical matter (ruled by the elements of Earth, Water and Fire) and three above representing the world of Spirit (ruled by the energies of Sound, Light and Thought), the Heart Chakra marks the halfway point in the journey between above and below. This is the place where opposites meet and merge, creating balance and unity. It is a place of connection, integrating the energies of Goddess and God, of body and mind, of self and other. It is a place of centre, of balance, and, most importantly, of Love.

The energies of the Libra Full Moon align strongly with the energies of the Heart Chakra. Not only do they have the need to create balance in common, but they are also both ruled by the Element of Air. As we’ll see in the chapter on the Element of Air later in this booklet, Air is about transcending boundaries. It is expansive, inclusive, and creates connection. We often talk of ‘keeping our hearts light’, of being ‘lighthearted’. This is the Element of Air at work - the lightest of the Elements and the gateway between matter and Spirit. The zodiac symbol for Libra is a set of scales, which represent fairness and justice, and reminds us of the Egyptian of Maat, the Goddess of Truth and Justice. It is Maat who weighs the hearts of the dead against a feather. Only those whose hearts are light enough can enter the realm of the immortals.



Each of the seven major chakras has a particular symbol that gives insight into its qualities. Firstly, each chakra is assigned one of the colours of the visible light spectrum, beginning with red (the slowest vibration of visible light) at the Base Chakra, and moving to violet (the fastest vibration of visible light) at the Crown Chakra. The Heart Chakra, at midpoint in this ‘rainbow bridge’, is assigned the colour green. Green reminds us of Springtime, of fresh new beginnings, of newly opened buds. It is a colour of rebirth that brings joy, hope, and happiness. The symbol contains a six pointed star - one triangle pointing upwards and one down. Again we see here the energies of unity, of balance between above and below.

THE TWO CHANNELS OF ENERGY Libra is the seventh sign in the sequence of the zodiac, sitting between the Earth sign of Virgo, and the Water sign of Scorpio, and marrying the grace of Virgo’s solitary and discerning mindfulness with Scorpio’s passionate and transformative desire for union. Libra is a conduit between above and below, between Spirit and matter, just like the Goddess who was born when the sky fell into the sea. Similarly, in the chakra system it

24 is the Heart Chakra’s role to act as a conduit, a balancing point, between the two channels of energy that travel through the chakra system - The Path of Liberation, and the Path of Manifestation.

The flow upwards, from the base chakra to the crown, is the Path of Liberation. It gets the solid and fixed energy of the Earth moving upwards to sky. It is form moving towards formlessness. Earth is wonderful and grounding and full of sensual delight, but it is also limited by the physical realm. For example, it changes and travels much more slowly than the energy of thought or light. As we move upwards and the frequency of energy increases, we are able to transcend the limits of the physical world, moving into the realms of thought and of Spirit. We can see this as a metaphor of Goddess moving upwards to meet God.

The flow downwards, from the Crown Chakra to the Base Chakra is the Path of Manifestation. It is the path of formlessness moving toward form. This flow helps us to actualise our thoughts, ideas, and dreams. It brings the energy of Spirit down to the Earth plane. The downward flow brings strength, health, and joy in our physical bodies. This is God moving towards Goddess. Both directions of flow are necessary if we are to be healthy, spiritual, joyous and loving people. We neither want to be too stuck in the practical and physical world, ignoring the call of our spiritual selves, nor do we want to be ‘air heads’ , severed from the practical world of our bodies and of the senses. The Heart Chakra - and the Libra Full Moon - can help us to find that balance. I found a wonderful quote in my favourite chakra book, Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith: “Matter without spirit is a corpse. Spirit without matter is a ghost”.

HOW TO NURTURE THE HEART CHAKRA Our actions, our thoughts, and our emotions have an effect upon the proper functioning of each of our chakras. Sometimes the energy of a chakra is sluggish, underdeveloped and lacking vibrancy, and sometimes the opposite is true and the chakra is overactive and dominant. The ideal state is, of course, balance. We can help maintain the balance in our Heart Chakra (thereby increasing the flow of Love in our lives), by consciously focusing on Peace, by seeing the good in others, by being compassionate, caring and empathic. When we are kind to ourselves, to animals, and to other people, the petals of the Heart Chakra open, allowing Love to flow. Certain physical activities can help us maintain this chakra, such as placing our hands on our Heart Chakra and using our breath to send send positive energy, or opening our arms wide to expand the chest and remove blockages. And one very simple way to help bring balance to this chakra is to surround ourselves with, or meditate upon, the colour green - especially the green of Nature.

It is in the Heart Chakra that we can access the true power of Universal Love. Here is the gateway to our connection with the unity of all of creation. This chakra teaches us to nurture our souls, to ‘follow our hearts’ and to accept our authentic selves. In doing so, we are able to truly evolve into the most loving and compassionate person possible.

25 Through surrendering to Love we connect with our Higher Selves rather than our ego, and are then more clearly able to recognise and honour our true life purpose. A healthy Heart Chakra opens the pathways of forgiveness and trust. Love is abundant and limitless. Just when we think our hearts are already overflowing with Love, our Heart Chakra can surprise us by expanding even more, opening us up to a whole new ability to give and receive this divine gift. In fact, the more that we love, the greater our capacity for Love becomes.


A close connection with another human being is a particularly powerful form of the bond of Love. When we make a commitment to truly journey deeply with someone, we grow, we learn, and we transform. All close human relationships, whether between friends, family members, siblings, or lovers carry the potential for profound personal growth. A close relationship will hold up a mirror, demanding that we deepen our understanding of ourselves, and through that process, of others. Of course, we can choose to resist this opportunity - diving into true Soul connection can be scary, shaking our boundaries, our habits, and our sense of Self. But if we ignore the call of Aphrodite and turn away from Love, our hearts become harder and smaller, and we miss out on a powerful opportunity for growth.

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Relationships are working partnerships. For a relationship to maintain balance, certain conditions must be set and respected, for example: being kind to each other, spending time together, being honest, being loyal. The nature of the conditions is not what is important, it is that each person in the partnership agrees upon them and respects them. Maintaining balance and health in a relationship is dependent upon the willingness of each partner to honour the boundaries and conditions of the relationship, and also to both give and receive Love in equal measure. Partnerships require commitment, communication and cooperation. It is appropriate and healthy that a relationship has a set of conditions to keep it in balance.

But while a relationship is necessarily conditional, our hearts need not be. When our heart opens to another person, we connect with them on a Soul level and have the capacity to love them unconditionally. This mean that our feeling of Love for that person is not conditional upon them behaving in a certain way, doing or saying a certain thing. The person is free to be themselves. For example, I love my son Reuben. No matter what he does I will always love him and recognise the divine Soul within him. But in order to be in a relationship with him I have certain conditions: that we be caring and loving and kind in our dealings together. Similarly, my love for my husband Timothy is unconditional. I will always love Tim and wish the best for him, but our marriage - our working partnership - has a set of rules and boundaries that help us to maintain balance, joy and mutual respect. Its success is conditional upon us both recognising and honouring each others’ needs and desires.

The Heart Chakra is the place where Unconditional Love is centred. It helps us to recognise the divine essence within each person, and teaches us to love with the fullness of our being. Whether or not we are able to maintain a relationship with that person, though, will be conditional on their actions. No matter how much we love a person, if their actions are consistently in conflict with our boundaries of accepted behavior, then the relationship cannot healthily continue.

27 LOVE AS A VERB To love someone or something, it is not enough to simply feel a passionate emotion. To love is to act upon that feeling. Love is an ongoing practice, an active and ever changing art form, a set of skills which we can learn and improve upon. I know from personal experience that we can get better at loving. It’s easy to confuse intensity of emotion with Love; they can co-exist, but they are not the same thing. No matter how passionate your relationship might be, if there is lying or cheating or abuse involved, then it’s not loving. Sure, the deep and enduring Soul Love can still be present, but to love someone means to act lovingly toward them.

More than twenty years ago the author Gary Chapman released a bestselling book called ‘The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate’. The book outlines the different ways that we can give and receive love: physical touch, gift giving, spending quality time, words of affirmation, and acts of service. According to Chapman, we all lean toward a particular form of the expression of Love. We need to recognise and acknowledge the way that our partners express and receive Love, and equally we need to be clear about requesting the kind of Love that we need. Sometimes, in order to nurture our partners, we need to express Love in a way that doesn’t feel easy or natural to us. For example, we might like to express our Love by gift giving, but to our partner this doesn’t matter at all, and they might instead need lots of physical affection. Well, if the partnership is to endure, we’d better learn to touch more, and they had better learn to give us a thoughtful gift when it matters. It’s an act of observation, of understanding, and of compromise.

Love is a verb. It is the act of nurturing our beloved. If we love the Earth, then we should do all we can to protect her. If we love our partner, then we should behave in a way that allows them to feel nurtured. If we love ourselves, then we must discover what we need to do to nurture ourselves, and do it! It’s not enough to feel it. We must take appropriate action.

FALLING IN LOVE The ideal situation for really understanding another is not so much how a person reacts to extreme stress, but rather how he or she suffers the vulnerability of falling in love. Aldo Caratenuto (Jungian Psychologist and author)

A special mention must be made of that wonderful, uplifting, life changing and sometimes terrifying process of ‘falling in love’. The union of divine heart-love and sexual desire creates a powerful crucible for rapid soul growth. Regardless of whether the initial ‘falling in love’ period develops into a long term partnership or not, the act of falling is opens us to an awareness of the Divine Love that flows through the Universe. It transcends the personal. By being able to recognise the God or Goddess in our beloved, we are offered a gateway into understanding the God or Goddess within ourselves.


“The heart was made to be broken.” Oscar Wilde

The Sanskrit name for the Heart Chakra is ‘Anahata’, which means unhurt, or unbeaten. The heart is strong, and no matter how much pain we may endure, our hearts can heal, and remain whole and compassionate. Love overcomes all obstacles, and as long as we keep the flow of Universal love moving through our hearts - giving and receiving this Universal power - our hearts can endure. Through the act of truly forgiving those who have wronged us, we can clear the Heart Chakra of poison and pain.

But dealing with a wound to the heart is truly painful. We must nurture ourselves through the process, love ourselves, and do our best not to close down and shut ourselves off from feeling. In fact a wound to the heart, whether caused by grief, betrayal, cruelty or loss, can be one of the most profound ways of opening ourselves to a greater understanding, acceptance and appreciation of Love.


29 However painful it may be to endure a wound to the Heart Chakra, if we approach this wound with tenderness and love, it can actually become a powerful gateway for personal growth. When our hearts are hurting, our vulnerability creates the potential for a much greater level of understanding, compassion, and empathy with other people’s pain. I’d like to share a personal story of heartbreak with you, which although devastating at the time was the catalyst for one of the most profound emotional growth spurts in my life.

Many years ago now - back in 2001 - I went to America for the first time and fell in love with a Russian guy called Andre. I’d been separated from my first husband for over a year, and my heart was seeking a strong and loving connection. I’ve always been an openhearted and trusting person, and when Aphrodite decides to pay me a visit, I’ll drop everything, and change my life if necessary, to honour her gifts of Love. So there I was, head over heels, entering this new journey. We were together a couple of weeks before I had to head back to Australia, and once home, we wrote to each other obsessively until I had saved up the money to return to America about 4 months later, in September 2001, and meet Andre in New York. As it turned out, the timing was terrible. You’ll remember that September 2001 was when the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York occurred, and the whole world went into turmoil. Even so, I was determined to go, and after canceled flights and much anxiety, I eventually arrived in New York at the end of September.

I arrived in a city that was swept with deep grief and pain, as thousands of people did their best to deal with the loss of loved ones and the upheaval of all aspects of their lives. But an extraordinary change had happened since I had been there in May of that year. Everyone’s hearts were open. Despite the cliches, I’d never found NYC to be a particularly harsh place, people had always been friendly to me, but now the sense of heart was massively amplified. People would stop and talk, share their grief, share their loss. Shrines for public grieving were set up around the city. And with the threat of war looming, peace shrines were also created. Amongst all the grief, Love was actually triumphing.

But sadly for me, that public story of grief became my personal story. When I arrived in New York, I discovered that Andre’s heart had shifted and that he had not sustained the intensity of love that I had during our separation. Or maybe he had - I don’t know, it was a bit more complex than that, but the bottom line was that the Love that I’d flown across the world to return to was no longer there. So the city’s grief was intertwined with my own personal grief. My heart was ripped open, and for my own personal reasons, I could fully empathise with the loss that the people of New York City, and America as a whole, were experiencing. The pain wasn’t outside of me, it was part of me.

Of course, I’d experienced loss and heartache before, but this was something new. For a start, for once it wasn’t me making the decision to end the relationship! This was a

30 huge wake up call. I thought of the people who I had broken up with in the past, and how uncaring I had been of their feelings. I had felt pain at the closure of relationships, but it’s different when you are the one who is ready to leave. This time I really wasn’t ready to end; I was excited about a new beginning. So in the midst of my pain, I gained an entirely new awareness of what it was to lose someone. Where in the past I had experienced sympathy for those whose hearts I had hurt, I now experienced true empathy.

All I could do was give in to the grief. There was no struggle, nothing to decide. I just simply had to feel, and let the rivers of pain move through me. This flow was deeply cleansing, and as I sat with the pain, a great creative flow was also released. Needing the comfort of Nature, I left New York and went to stay with some friends in the forest of Western Massachusetts. This was the area where I had first met Andre, at the Rites Of Spring festival, in the beautiful green Beltaine Springtime. Now it was Autumn and those same trees were dropping their lovely golden leaves, shedding their past. Nature was a great teacher, and I spent many weeks in those forest, writing and letting go. In fact, this is where I wrote my album “The Lotus Eaters”. My heart had expanded to include the whole world. I was awakened, in pain, but alive. As my heart opened more and more, my creativity flourished, and interestingly my psychic gifts became much more pronounced too. I was able to read tarot in a way I never had before - entering into the other person’s experience.

We are all responsible for our own journeys, and every time I caught myself saying that ‘Andre broke my heart’, I would correct myself and say ‘Andre helped my to break my own heart’. And it really did need breaking. However loving I had been in the past, there was a shell around me that stopped me from fully feeling and witnessing the pain of another. I truly believe that this was one of the most profound periods of growth in my life, and that it has helped me to be more fully present and aware in my marriage to Timothy.

We humans are here to love, and to truly love we must be willing to experience pain. If we hold back from life through the fear of being hurt, then we forfeit the great gifts of Love. We must do all we can to keep our hearts open and loving during periods of heartbreak, otherwise that flow will turn sour and bitter, wounding us from within. Regardless of whether we regard ourselves as ‘Christian’ or not, Jesus is a great teacher in this respect. We see images of him with his bleeding heart, and what this is really telling us is that he is truly human. He has opened his heart to Love and pain, and in doing so is able to truly empathise with, and therefore help to heal, our own individual pain.


Throughout history diverse cultures have perceived the natural world as being made up of core components, or Elements. In ancient days these were regarded as the smallest components of matter. Although modern science continues to prove the existence of smaller and smaller components (atoms, particles etc), nevertheless the ancient concept of the Elements is still a profound and powerful metaphor, and creates a useful gateway to connect with the natural world.

In ancient Western philosophy and modern Western Pagan practices, all Life is seen as a union of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, with a fifth Element holding them all together. This unifying Fifth Element can be perceived in many different ways. Some like to think of it as Spirit. Others see it as God, or Goddess. Still others, like me, see it as the power of Love and Magic. Really, whatever name you give it, it’s the eternal energy of All.

Working with the Elements has become a central focus in my Magical and ritual practice. It’s opened me up to new ways of seeing and understanding my relationship with the Universe. The more that I work with the Elements, the deeper and more profound my relationship becomes with each one. I’ve been a practicing Witch for almost three decades, yet still am regularly surprised and delighted to discover new insights and qualities in an Element, and in their relationship with each other.

THE ELEMENTS IN OUR BODIES All Life is made up of the four elements. Think of our own bodies:

Our flesh and bones, our physical being, is Earth Approximately 70% of our body is Water We take in the fuel of food, and convert this to energy, creating the warmth of Fire Our lungs are filled with Air, and the atoms we are made of are primarily empty space And of course, it is Spirit that animates us

32 Equally, we need all of the elements in order to survive:

We need the food and the shelter of Earth We need to drink Water We need to breathe Air We need the Fire of the Sun and the hearth to stay warm And we need the power of Spirit / Love/ Magic to keep us whole

When we die, these separate components go back to their original source. We breathe our last breath. Our Spirit returns to the collective, or to the realms of the Afterlife, (depending on your belief). We become cold - our Fire returns to the Universe. Our body and the water it contains dissolve back into Earth. So this Fifth Element of Spirit is really what holds the other four together. I believe that at conception, Spirit is yearning for manifestation, and draws the other Elements together to create Life.

ELEMENTS IN THE LANDSCAPE We can see the dance of the Elements in every natural landscape. Observing their balance and proportions gives us insight into the personality of each landscape. For example, a desert has lots of Earth, Fire and Air, but little Water. There has to be some Water there for it to maintain life, but it is in much smaller proportions than the other elements. A rain forest has lots of Earth and Water, but can often be dark and almost claustrophobic - with lower proportions of Fire and Air. The seaside provides a wonderful balance of all four elements - with lots of Water, a big open sky of Air and Fire, and the Earth of the Sand. An interesting exercise is to meditate upon the shifting balance of elements in the landscape where you live. Even if a city is your local landscape, there are still patterns of weather and plant growth that determine its character.

NATURAL AND SYMBOLIC QUALITIES OF THE ELEMENTS Each element has its own unique character and way of expressing itself. For example, Earth and Water are affected by gravity. Fire and Air are not. Water can shift its form from liquid to solid to gas. Earth tends not to shift, but holds firm boundaries. Fire glows brightly. Air creates movement. etc etc etc. In the world of Magic, each Element is assigned a set of symbolic and esoteric qualities based on the way that it behaves in Nature. For example, Fire burns brightly and transforms the fuel of dead wood into light and heat. In ritual, then, we can call on Fire to bring light and passion into our lives, and to rid ourselves of unwanted '’dead wood”. There are a number of different symbolic systems to represent the elements, but here’s the one that I am most with:


The two upward pointing triangles (Fire and Air) are regarded as masculine, and the two downward pointing ones (Water and Earth) as feminine. An easy way to remember this is to visualise the pull of gravity that draws Water and Earth downward, whilst Fire and Air point upward, like a flame. Or you could remember the Feminine downward triangle of the yoni, and the upward pointing Masculine triangle as the lingham.

ELEMENTAL COMPASS DIRECTIONS Each element is also assigned a particular compass direction, time of day, and season of the year. These differ widely between different Magical traditions, and there is no fixed ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to assign the elemental directions. The alignment is also affected by which hemisphere you are practicing in. Below is a table that outlines the directions that I assign to the elements.


Air East East Fire South North Water West West Earth North South Spirit Centre Centre

You’ll notice that Air and Water are the same for both hemispheres, whilst Fire and Earth are in the opposite position in each hemisphere. This is because of the path of the Sun across the sky. In the Southern Hemisphere the Sun passes anti clockwise from East, via the North, to West. The Sun naturally represents the element of Fire, so it makes sense that in the Southern hemisphere the Element of Fire is assigned to the North, where the midday Sun is bright. The Northern hemisphere is the mirror image of this, therefore Fire is in the South.

Another way to align an Element with a direction is to tune in with the natural environment. For example, if you’re living on the East coast of Australia or America, it may feel better at times to welcome in Water from the East. Or if you have an outdoor fire pit in the Western corner of your back yard, maybe calling in Fire from the West would feel right.

34 I personally use a combination of these two approaches. I like the tradition of assigning an Element to a particular direction, and will more often than not stick to the correspondences in the table above. But if it’s really obvious on a particular occasion that an Element is better represented from a different point in the circle, I’ll go with that. It’s good to be flexible. Often, in the ritual circle, I do not assign direction to the Elements at all, but simply welcome them into the space, and enjoy a heightened experience of their presence. Whatever the case, when we stand or sit in the centre of our Magical Circle, and call in the Elements from the four corners of the world, we place ourselves in a position of true inner power, strength, and centeredness.

The best way to create an individual relationship with an Element is to be in direct contact with it. It’s important that we move beyond book learning and reciting tables of correspondence by rote, and instead go to places in Nature where the Element abounds. Standing on a hilltop or in a field under the wide open sky will teach us more about the powers of Air than any book can. Spending time at your local beach, lake, river, or even park pond will connect you deeply to Water. Connecting with your favourite local tree, or digging in your garden will connect you with Earth. Sitting around a campfire, or feeling the kiss of Sun on your skin will connect you with Fire. The possibilities are endless. It’s important not to get stuck with a fixed idea of each Element. Just like any true friendship, our relationship with the Elements will grow and deepen given time.

Each month for the next 4 months we will be focusing on an element. We'll start with Air, because this Full Moon ritual occurs in an Air sign (Libra). Over the course of the month, let’s allow our focus to stay with that Element, journeying deeply and discovering new ways of seeing, feeling, and thinking about it. We can share our insights in our Full Moon Magic Facebook group.


Unlike the other elements, we can never really see Air. Instead, we witness its interaction and effect upon other forms. We see the leaves rustling on a tree, clothing blown around by the wind, or the floating of thistle down. Air is the invisible carrier of sound. Music floats across distances, transcending space, and vibrating its way from instrument or stereo to our ears. As the carrier of sound, Air connects us to others, allowing communication through speech and a sharing of ideas. We can therefore call on the energies of the Air when we wish for clear communication. And Air is the carrier of scent, too. Air gifts us with the invisible exchange of perfume from the flower to our noses. When we light incense, the smoke dances in the air, allowing us to see and give form to what essentially is formless.

On a physical level, Air will expand to fill any available space. Because of this, Air can represent expansion of thought and mind. It’s also a unifying energy. When we are in the same room, we’re all breathing the same Air. The element of Air represents the world of the mind, of thought, and of the intellect. That feeling of exhilarating clarity we get when we stand on a mountaintop with the wind in our hair mirrors the feeling of a sharp and clever mind, full of bright new ideas. Like its ritual tool, the athame or sword, the element of Air represents the ability to cut through illusion, allowing truth to shine. But sometimes Air can feel cruel and harsh, like an icy, biting wind - erring on the overly rational and distanced from the emotional impact that words can have. Despite Libra’s energies of Beauty, Balance, Love and Grace, it can still (like the other two Air signs and ) wield a sharp sword. Maybe I’m just particularly aware of this because Andre, from the ‘Wounded Heart’ story above, was born under the sign of Libra!

Air also represents freedom. When we gaze into a wide blue sky, or the night sky of stars, we are reminded that the Universe is indeed infinite. Having ample space around us, in a physical sense, can activate this sense of freedom. On an emotional level we talk about feeling ‘suffocated’ if someone or something is not giving us ‘room to move’ or ‘breathing space’. We feel the airy power of freedom when we watch a bird in flight, and I certainly feel it when I take off in an aeroplane. We even talk of getting an ‘eagle eye view’ or an ‘overview’ of a situation, which brings a new perspective and a sense of

36 clarity and cohesion.

One of the most vital ways that we can connect with the power of Air is through our breath. Our first breath out of the womb is the marker of the start of a new beginning. Air, then, can represent fresh new starts, like the kiss of Springtime. Every breath can provide the opportunity to alter our consciousness. Air is not just empty space, but rather is a vital and powerful life force. In the Hindu Vedic system, the vital energy of life is referred to as Prana, and can be accessed through the breath. In Chinese healing energy work, life energy is known as Chi, or Qi, and is translated as breath, air, or gas.

Below is my Table of Correspondences for Air. The list is by no means exhaustive. Use it as a starting point to help you connect with the energy of Air. I’ve given a few ideas for mythological and natural correspondences, but be open to your own insights and ideas too.





RITUAL TOOL: Athame, Knife, or Sword

NATURAL SYMBOLS: Feathers, incense

LANDSCAPE: Mountains, beaches, open places


SENSE: Smell

ZODIAC SIGNS: Gemini , Libra , Aquarius

COLOURS: Yellow, white, pale blue, pastels

HERBS: Sage, lavender, bergamot

ANIMALS: Birds, butterflies


MYTHOLOGY: Mercury, Athena, Hermes, Loki, Coyote, Raven

RITUALS: Freedom, clear communication, study, travel,

QUALITIES: Clever, graceful, funny, trickster, unique, musical, youthful, Fool, clown, playful, quirky, rebellious, humanitarian, quick moving


The Libra Full Moon creates a great opportunity to get creative with our altars, opening to our own personal take on balance and beauty. Anything that you find particularly beautiful is going to be a good addition to this altar. I always like to include beautiful flowers for the Libra Full Moon, in honour of Venus. You may like to include extra images, statues, pieces of jewellery etc. You can choose particular objects that align with Libra to represent the elements, for example; a piece of lovely pink Rose Quartz for Earth; an elegant knife or letter opener to represent the Element of Air; a gorgeous chalice or crystal wine glass (or a glass of champagne!) for Water; a special pink, or white, or pastel coloured candle for Fire.

You many also be drawn to images and object that represent the energy of the Equinox. Eg, a set of scales or the yin/yang symbol. Images and objects aligned with the Heart Chakra would be a nice addition too. Maybe you’d like to include something heart shaped, or something with the clear, bright green of the Heart Chakra.

ALTAR CLOTH: I’d suggest white or pastel colours to honour both Air and Venus. That said, I often use the same black altar cloth for many , so just go with what you have and what you feel is beautiful.

And, as we are honouring the Element of Air this month, I’d strongly suggest that you include some sage (whatever you have on hand - fresh, dried, in the form of a smudge stick), as it aligns so strongly with this Element. Below is a short article where I share a bit of info on the properties of sage. It’s a wonderful herb for all rituals, but especially any ritual that has an ‘Airy’ focus - e.g., communication, travel, study, peace, freedom etc.


39 There are many different kinds of sage that are native to different parts of the world. The common sage that is now grown as a herb in a many a garden is native to the Mediterranean region, and has been revered for thousands of years for its healing, as well as culinary properties. It is related to rosemary and to the mint family. Salvia, the genus name for sage, is derived from the Latin word ‘salvere’, which means ‘to be saved’ - an obvious link to the herb’s healing properties. We still use the word ‘salve’ to mean a healing ointment. It’s interesting, too, that the word ‘sage’ also refers to a wise person, reflecting its connection to all things mental and clarifying.

White Sage, which has large whitish leaves that are bigger and broader than its Mediterranean cousin - is a native plant of the South West USA, and is commonly used in Native American ceremonies to purify people and places and send prayers to the Creator. This has become the most popular form of sage to use in modern ritual for cleansing our physical and spiritual energies. The smoke is very fragrant and I find it a little sweeter smelling than culinary sage. Bumble bees, Hawk Moths, and wasps pollinate White Sage and it is also a popular food for the Humming bird.

But all forms of sage can be dried and burnt for their cleansing properties. We use sage to cleanse our mind, body, Spirit, and prepare our ritual space. Sometimes I’ll use the leaf of common sagebrush which grows wild in New Mexico where we live, however the stems can be a bit harsh and smokey. Even so, I’ve noticed that this very small-leafed kind of sage is now appearing in smudge sticks in esoteric stores. Some people with respiratory problems such as asthma may have negative reactions to sage smoke so it's good practice to ask before smudging others. And smudging in a well ventilated space is also a good idea. (In the past, to get around any problems with using sage smoke in indoor group rituals, I’ve added a few drops of sage oil to some water in a little misting bottle, and sprayed this around the circle instead of using smoke.)


Purifying Anti- Inflammatory Helps lower blood sugar The tea is used to ease sore throats Used by the Greeks and Romans to preserve meat Antioxidant properties Increases mental abilities Delicious in cooking! Strengthens the memory Associated with the Element of Air


Thanks very much for participating in the Full Moon Magic journey. I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this booklet and exploring some of the qualities that align with the sign of Libra. Below are a few suggestions for further reading on related topics.

GODDESSES IN EVERY WOMAN Jean Shinoda Bolan AMAZON PURCHASE LINK A Jungian perspective on Mythology – exploring the archetypes that exist within all of us (regardless of gender). Its based around the Greek pantheon, and a good way to get to know the main characters more deeply. Very helpful for Self development.

WHEELS OF LIFE Anodea Judith AMAZON PURCHASE LINK A Marvellous introduction to the Chakra System. The best around.

HOLD ME TIGHT: SEVEN CONVERSATIONS FOR A LIFETIME OF LOVE Dr Sue Johnson AMAZON PURCHASE LINK This is one of the most helpful books I’ve come across on nurturing and maintaining relationships. It’s certainly helped Tim and I through some rough times.

20 LOVE POEMS AND A SONG OF DESPAIR Pablo Neruda AMAZON PURCHASE LINK Exquisite love poetry from Chile’s Nobel prize winning poet.


I look forward to continuing our Full Moon Magic journey with you. Please feel free to write to me with any feedback at [email protected]

To keep updated about the future Full Moon Magic concerts, remember to join the Full Moon Magic email list . And don’t forget to join the “Full Moon Magic with Wendy Rule” Facebook group, where we can share our personal experiences and photos of each Full Moon

Love and Magic
