Z 20 Arkansan I) IDraurlrr VOLUME 35 FAYETTEVILLE, , TUESDAY, J ANUARY 21, 1941 NUMBER 29

Razorbacks to be University Theatre to Produce Coward's "Hayfever" in March Milleror T.Dorsey Razorbacks on Road to Another Title

Tryouts for Noel Coward's play, Distributed to "Hayfever" will be held in the Sought by Prom After Winning Pair from Aggies l Studio theatre, Feb. 5 and ~ from 4:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. m., 1t has Arkansas took a commanding Students May 15 been anounced by J. W. Warfield, Committee Tip-Off Man lead in the Southwest Conference director. basketbal race by downing Texas The 1940-41 Razorback will be on This is the final play to be given The Junior-Senior prom com­ A. & M. twice here last week-end, the campus and in the hands of by the University Theatre group mittee is bot relying on one agency 68 to 33, and 58 to 36. The Razor­ the students by May 15, John L. this year, and the date of product­ alone, but has contacted several backs are now the only undefeated Erickson, editor, said yesterday ion is tentatively set for March 11 agencies to secure a big-name band team in the loop. when he disclosed that approxi• and 12. for the Junior-Senior Prom and Paced by John Adams, Arkansas mately half of the work on the -----•----- holiday in April, Tom Layman, went wild in Friday night's game, yearbook has been completed. chairman of the committee, has an­ and looked like they were going to The remaining work that must nounced. establish a new scoring record. be done on the book is to get the Senior Officers Foremost in the committee's ob• But Coach Glen Rose must have feature panels finished and the pic­ jective is the contacting of two felt sorry for Cadets, for he sent tures made and engraved, and to orchestras-namely Glenn Miller in all available substitutes who write most of the copy. All the Get Commissions and Tommy Dorsey-and letting played most of the last half. Adams dummy layouts, the class sections, students make the choice between was high scorer with 17 points. and organization and football pic­ the two. Thus far only Woody Her· Noble Robbins and Howard Hick­ tures have already been turned Upon Graduation man and his "Band that plays the ey tied for second high with ten over to the engravers and are be• blues" are avail able, Layman re­ each. Ray Jarrett led the Aggies ing worked out there. ported. Meanwhile eforts are bP.ing with eight points. Erickson said that the printer for Commissions as second lieuten• made to contact other famous In the second contest, the Razor­ the Razorback this year is a year- ants in the Reserve Corps will be bands, including Miller and Dorsey. backs started slow, and never were book specialist, the Economy Press awarded 30 senior R. 0. T. C. of• Layman told his committee Fri· as hot as in Friday night's game. of Iowa City, la. ficers upon completion of their ad- day that several large bands could They were leading 30 to 8 at half "This concern has established a vanced military art course at the be signed up immediatelty, but by time. Again it was Johnny Adams very good reputation for quality close of the spring semester, Sgt. waiting a better band could prob· who paced the Porker assault, as work, and has bad the contract for Jack Greathouse announced yester- ably be secured. Selection of the he chalked up six field goals and the Sooner of the University of Ok- day. Eight other seniors who are orchestra will probably be made four free shots for 16 points. Hick­ lahoma· for 22 years in a row, and under age will receive certificates early next month as the spring sem­ ey was second again with nine. also had the work for the Redskin showing their completion of the ester opens, when the committee Fred Nabors was high for Texas of Oklahoma A. & M. for many courses which they may trade for wil know how much money will be with 11 points. years. Those two books are gen- a reserve commission on their ·available and how many students erally considered the biggest in the 21st birthday. plan to participate in the affair. The Razorbacks will be out of Midwest," he stated. The officers who will receive The fee of $2 which will cover action this week due to final Cover Design Approved their commissions · at the end of the entire day's events may be paid exams, but will return to the hard­ . h this semester are Maurice Britt, at the business ofice during regis- wood courts Feb. 1 when they meet Th e cover d es1gn as been se• Henry Brown, Oliver Buschow, the strong Kansas State Teachers lected and approved and will fol tration. The fee is optional, but all college from Pittsburg. Arkansas low a quality theme rather than ~ Jeff Coats, Bert Cotrell Jr., Carl juniors and seniors are urged to barely defeated Kansas State earl­ modernistic one. Although the ex- Davis, Dwight Dickson, James Dub• pay. ier in the season. act color combinations have not as ard• Gilbert Gammill, John Garber, The committee has been relying yet been chosen, the cover will James Gibson, Ralph Graham, Bev- on a Tulsa agency for most of its -----•----- show the north tower of Old Main erly Hays, Howard Head, Henry contacts with the big-name bands. embossed on the front probably in Holly, Jarvis Pitts, Thomas More• • ----- Tri Delt Representative scarlet and white, Arkansas colors. head, Lacey Morton, Claiborne "Since the yearbook is a lasting Pittman, Louis Ramsey, Herbert Reiman, Ted Rosen, James Rowan, Classification of Groups Visits Local Chapter thing, we tried to choose a design John Shaphard, Arthur Smith, Rit• that will have just the same appeal to the owner many years from now chie Smith, Charles Soule, James Entering Musical Events Miss Ruth McDowell, traveling as it will have when it is first re· Spears, Audly Toller, and . Omery secretary of Delta Delta Delta, vis• ceived," Erickson said. , Weathers .. Tho~e . who will be Announced by Shultz ited the local chapter last week. The Razorback recently purchas· awarded

!\rkan.aas IDranrler Trovelin" CollegeStudentsCouldLearnMuchi BOXERS sTATus Quo Official Student Paper University I From Jananese Proverbs in Library to EJi~a;~~t°~!11fti;erJ~fd::x~~~yi~ Qf Arkansas, Fayetteville '------.---' '.I:' tournament will not affect their It hap ned last week t~e ntght 1 ---- standing or prevent their entering Published Twice Weekly During of the heavy snowfall. Bill Penix I Tu case )'OU haven't noticed, author discusses most of the well into University intra-mural con­ th\'ilcoxin nave taken up very Salurday a few books of the known and widely spread clubs and tests, Roy Thomas, intra-mural University of Arkansas. . most general interest from the new lodges. Some of his intriguing sports manager, announced yester- abode 1 igh~ across the street from book sh lf are placed in a display chapter headings are "Animal day after a ruling on the matter Accepted for mailing at a special Reba Grass hous_e. and that night the Reference desk In the main Crackers," "Ancestor Worship," given out by oach Glen Rose. Gray and Wllcoxm were supposed ary "Hounds of Heaven," "Knights of -----• ----- rate of postage provided for in Sec­ to meet Penix to walk up the hill f-~1 r · tion 1103, Act of October 3, 1927, to school. Tn the dark Penix Thes books may be read in the Lost Splendor," and "Embattled Authorized ovember 3, 1919. spotted a couple swinging around main reading room until the next Haberdashery." the corner of the house and quick- Saturday, when a new display is "The Journal of Madam Knight" Classified Ads Member ly molded five hard snowballs. put up and the books of the preced- is the personal dairy of Madam Sar­ J:\ssociated Colle6iate Press When the couple got within firing Ing week may be checked out at ah Kemble Knight kept by her on FOR RE T : To University stu­ range, he let them have it, scoring th~ loan d_esk for home use. the long and dangerous trip in dents, two single rooms, available Distributor of four direct hits on them. Imagine The mirror Is the soul of worn- 1704 between Boston and New Feb. 1st. Phone 830. Mrs. J . A. his embarrassment when he discov- en." That might have been said by York. It presents a contemporary Carter. Colle5iate Die>est ered that It was not Gray and WI!- some disgusted J oe College with a viewpoint of the everyday affairs or coxin at all. but was a Mr. and peppery wit, but it Is quoted from provincial New England at that LOST: Who's Who key at the ...... HT"ED l"OR NATIONAL ADYC--Tl81NCJ BY Mrs. Howard who live In that "Japanese Proverbs," by Meizi Mat- time. Tradition says that among basketball game Satu'.ljday /night. National Advertising Service, Inc. neighborhood.. uzaki, as ts "Saying 'No' a woman the children of the neighborhood Initials R. E. T. on back. Finder C,,Jkg~ Publishers R,puunt,itive - • - shakes her head lengthwise." whom Madam Knight taught to please call Roy Thomas, 483. 420 MAOl60N AVE. N EW YORK. N . Y . La Gray, Incidentally, is up Here is the picturesque Japanese write were Benjamin Franklin and CMICJ.00 • 80STOII • Lor AIIOIUS • SA.II F•ARCIICO to her old tricks again. Last version of "Silence is golden." "A Cotton Mather. LOST: Gray mitten In the class­ Publication Office-Room 211, Un­ year In the old Traveler office work once said is beyond the reach "The Captivity of Mrs. Mary room building. Finder please re­ Ion Building. Telephone 688 she kept everyone nervous and of four galloping horses." This is Rowlandson" is another story of turn it to Elaine Duggan, phone jittery by her irrepressible de- what some students do when they early American life seen through a 883. sire to break coke bottles start off with a bang at four weeks woman's eyes. In it Mrs. Rowland- ELLIS STAFFORD . . . Editor LOST: Will whoever took my ANN RATCLIFFE . Business Mgr. against the walls and on the and finish up with a fizzle at fin- son tells of hel" capture by Indians floor. This little practice was als. "To begin with the dragon's and her escape. notebook from Classroom 105 finally halted when M Ike Bra- head and to end with the snake's please return, or l will flunk a Kermit Eggensperger . Man. Editor dyfolded her Into a waste pap- tail." "Corn Bread and Creek Water" course. R. A. Laue, phone 1678. Reba Gray . . . . Feature Editor er basket a nd rolled her into Many of the proverbs are given by Charles Morrow Wilson, Arkan- Bill Brandon . . . . Sprots Editor the hall. Now she is back in in three forms, the Romanized sas author, is a survey of poverty LOST: Shaeffer's fountain pen. Curtis Jones ... AssL Sports Eld. the new office tossing things Japanese, a literal English trans- in rural districts. "The Strategy Color-black and green. I lost this Evelyn Freeman . . Society Editir around. Last week she made a lation, and the nearest equivalent of Terror" by Edmond Taylor, tells pen Saturday morning probably on Elizabeth McGill, Mary Ruth Pate, pass at Curtis Jones with a in an English proverb. the story of "Europe's Inner the north side of Dickson Street be­ Freida Ann Jones, Charles Mar­ quart bottle of musilage, miss- "Angling in J apan" by Otoo FronL" tween George's and the Commerce tin Eugene Herrington, Kermit ed, and -you guessed it- Huzii, wil interest followers of Wal- "Coal" by Elwood S. Moore; Building. Finder please call 1858 Eggensperger, Imogene Patrick, smashed the bottle Into a mill- ton. It belongs to the same series "Trial Without Jury," and other or see me at the Commerce Li­ Marjorie Moore, Helen Tidwell, ion pieces on the floor. Im- as "Japanese Proverbs." The Ii- plays by John Howard Payne, edit- brary. William Couch. and Constance Mchesney, special mensely delighted by t he trick brary has a set of these books, ed by Codman Hislop and W. R. writers. she laughed heartily while which are written to acquaint the Richardson; "The Life and Letters FOR RENT : Large rooms. Single Traveler men cleaned up the reader with various aspects of of John Galsworthy," by H . V. Mar- or double. Phone 1018, 747 W. John Thane . ..•.•. mess. Cute kid, she! Japanese culture. rot; 'Industrial onflict," the first Dickson streeL Associate Business Manager - • - "Fifty Million Brothers," by yearbook of the Society for the Halbert Moody . . . • . . Beverly Hayes was going around Charles W. Ferguson, has a chap- Psychological Study of Social Is­ FOUND: A pair of glasses with Assistant Business Manager ter that wil Interest college stud- sues; and "Commercial Banks and flesh colored rims lying on the Freddie Ratcliffe . . . . . last week with friend Frances Carl Lee of the Kappa Kappa Gamma ents, especially the Hellenics on Consumer Installment Credit," by snow Saturday morning. Pete Caru­ Assistant Business Manager the campus, "Greek Meets Greek." John M. Chapman and others, are thers, phone 912. Rafe Andrews . . Circulation Mgr. lodge telling of his girl called Mary­ belle, who according to his story, Besides college fraternities, the other new books this week. Porter Young ... Publicity Mgr. TYPING of themes, term papers, Betty Lee Hewitt, Caroline Black, dressed like a million dollars, was cute as a bug's ear, and turned citations, etc. Corrections in spell­ Joan Black, Marguerite Fletcher, SPRING DANCE DATES ing and punctuation. Mrs. B. F. Hautense Stuckey. every boy's head when she was Korean Embroidered spotted. Frances tried and tried to - Harper, telephone 1446. 306 Uni­ learn more about this fem without Screens in Museum All organizations that wish to versity street. l-17-3t success, and finally persuaded Hayes to admit that "Marybelle" have a spring dance the second FOR RENT: Sleeping room, ad­ Everyone's heard about the tree joining bathroom. Available Febru­ The Editor Says was the name that he had tacked of life and it's magical powers of semester are requested by Garvin on one of the cuter models in the rejuvenation and everlasting life Fitton to turn in requests for ardy 1. In a private home, very !.---by E. M. S.---" window of the new Harkey's dress dates some time this week with­ ary 1. In a private home, very but did you know it is at the Univ• o'clock. 1-17-2t shop in Sonneman's UARK theatre ersity of Arkansas? W ell, not the out fail. The success of the well-laid building. original one perhaps, but a replica plans for a big Junior-Senior - •- of it is in the museum. While most of us are content The museum's tree of life is a Day this spring is now in , to trudge up and down the hills piece of magnificent embroidery hands of the students. The to and from school, we have set on a thick silk screen, bordered one bright young lass with us with blue brocade. It was made by special committees have been who r ides to classes on a velo­ hand in Korea. On the screen working hard on the project, cipede, which is another way shown in allegorical fashion ,ar e and now the rest of the jun­ of saying bicycle. The bright animals eating from the tree of one is Janie Cooper, of the Chi lile. There are deer and turtles, iors, seniors, and law students Omega Coopers, and she has a young and old, holding pieces of will have their chance to give bike complete with skirt guard the tree in their mouths. There are the move another boost to­ to carrier basket. She just also birds (supPosedly the sacred dumps her books in the basket birds of Korea) on or n ear the tree. wards the goal. If you want and pumps herself around right There is another richly em­ the day to be realized pay spry-l ike, and she even had it broidered screen that sits beside your two dollar assessment out during all the snow and the tree of life. It is a group of when you register this week. ice of last week. ancient proverbs and sayings written in classic Korean script. In paying regular registra­ Let's declare war on some of These two screens were gifts to these young whipper-snappers-·- from tion fees the University's tak­ the late Col. Hugh Dinsmore, am­ ing extra strong precautions the University High school. They bassador to Korea and !ormer res­ absolutely have no respect for their ident of Fayetteville, from the that students will understand elders. Ye editor was walking out King and Crown Prince of Korea. that the special fee for the of the Union yesterday afternoon, Formerly the screen with the tree Junior-Senior Day is absol­ calmly munching a candy bar when pt life was used in the Korean Em­ utely optional. It is marked about fifty of them (well, mebbe bassy between the living room and there were only ten) assaulted him dining room. as such on the course sche­ from the rear with well packed, At the time of their presentation dule and further notice is and very hard snowballs. The first to Col Dinsmore in 1884 the tree of given students where they missle tossed by the dear cWldren li.fe was supposed to be 300 years are to register. It is well to socked solidly behind his right ear, old and the proverb screen, 256 and then knowing that their sights years old. clear the matter for all that were set right, the assailants fol­ ______,____ _ the payment is not compul­ lowed up with a barrage that would sory, but at the same time, it put the Coventry technique of the Blue Key Members Hear= is well to encourage all to Germans to shame. consider the advantages to be Convention Report by Green for More fun ~~t of life Whil e the -Greeks•- and Ital­ . recognized under the pay­ ians and Italians battling it A report of the Blue Key nation­ ment. Present plans call for out in the snowy mountain pas­ al convention in Kansas City Dec. CbeW DehCIOUS . an all-day holiday from ses of Albania, it is comforting 27 and 28 was given by Bill Green classes with a convocation in to know that here in Fayette­ to members of the University chap­ the morning featuring a ville we have representatives ter of Blue Key honorary society of both peoples that think, Sunday night at the DOUBlEM\NT GUM Dai\~ prominent speaker. A gala talk, and live the American hotel. picnic in the afternoon or way. Witness the scene of Mr. Green gave a complete resume · y the banquet in the evening would Passarelli and his almost daily d evenings-en30 visits to popular George's, for of the two-day meeting, and sub­ Highspot your days an . ooUBLEMINT GUM- be next tm the program, and a bite to eat and a try at the mitted suggestions for activities . g reireshmg GUM at night a concert by a big­ marble games there. carried out by chapters of other fun of. cheWUl ooUBLEMlliT . schools which the Arkansas group 00thn 1 name band and prom in the - •- might consider. Owen C. Pearce, The velvety sro. e:: ~hewing. Delicious, ' 1< field house to wind up activ­ Yeh, you've probably heard these president, was in charge of the ities on the big day. A story two too, but it's too late to stop us, dinner meeting. adds to the nat~tii::r helps ro.ake your roof , , I cooling, real-nun adds fun to everything you o. in the Travieler last week stat­ sowit .here My 'tis:gal's Brevity dresses isare the as soul funny of ;a;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t ~{ ed that suggestions from all as hell and I can see right through £eel reireshed.: . ealthful, inexpensive t_reat ' 's j juniors and seniors who in­ the joke; and Yehudi is the little Chewing th1s h . ds your diges· , \ ~ tend to participate will be guy who swims around in the bath our breath • · · a:i . >s, ~ j water and holds the ivory soap up ''BERT•S'' helps sweet en y t th attractive. ~ "t welcomed on ideas for mak­ k Your ee . , , ing the celebration a success- FRESH HOT BUTTERED tion . . . helps eeP . to healthful, delicious , ful one. A poll will also be of these_ two o~chestras can POP-CORN Treat yoursell daily t ,.) taken in order to ascertain be obtatned W1ll be known oUBJ.EMINTGUM, t which of the famous orches- only in time, but there is a 5e--10c-25c o UBlEM\Nl GUM today --.{ tras available will be most good chance - with whole­ Next Door to Ozark Theatre satisfactory to all. Right now hearted student cooperation. Buy severa\ pac~ages ot no _,., ~ , sentiment seems to be pretty Let's all pledge ourselves Cokes-Candy-Cigarettes well divided between securing to work for the move, and AND Glenn Miller and Tommy let's all pay the special fee "TRIGGER" tool Dorsey. Whether or not one this week. Friday, J anuary 21, 1941 The ARKANSAS TRAVELER 3

CAA Exams Given This Week Society fvelrn freeman In Flying and Ground-Work C. P. T. P. flight tests that were snowed out last Friday will be held 4 612 faculty Tea Colorful at the airport Sunday. W. M. Berry, C. A. A. flying in­ spector, who was here Thursday Alpha Gamma Rho opened a new Student Dance Closes and Friday to give flight examinat­ field for fraternity entertainment ions to the University students when they gave a tea for the facul­ sodef)' for Awhile who are finishing the fall C. P .­ ty of the Agricultural school and T. P. course will return soon from their wives Sunday afternoon from Little Rock Sunday. Those stud­ 3: 00 till 5: 00 o'clock. Tiny white flakes of snow whirl- In the receiving line were: Mrs. ing down for over a day made Fri­ ents who pass the examination will Jenie Cate, housemother; Dr. and day night just right for sledding. receive private pilot's certificates Mrs. D. F. Eveleth, chapter advis- Marian Mr Crary was glimpsed fl y­ when they have passed a written er; Alan Stallings, president; and ing down the hill in front of Old examination in civil air regulations, Van Rowe, vice-president. Main. The Leverett street hill on meteorology, and navigation. The centerpiece of the dining which a sleigh would travel beyond Flying instructor Ray Ellis is the Dixie stables was the one on giving flight tests to his students room table was a large Alpha Garn- which Ector J ohnson coasted. this week. Inspector Berry will give ma Rho pin made or wood'. ~ real The final fli ng before exams was spot tests S1mday, picking stud­ sheaf of whea_t, a nd a mmiature the student dance Saturday night. th ents at random from those exam­ crescent and sickle. Tapers In e Revelers glimpsed were Ann Law­ ined by Mr. Ellis. When the select, fratern_lty colors, green and gold, son In green velveteen with a bow th nd th ed students demonstrate that they were lighted on e ~ b~e, a e ! of the same material at the should­ fly competently, Mr. Berry will Alpha Gamma Rho PIO rose was Ier and another at the waist, and upon the recommendation of Mr. used throughout the house !or fur- M. a urice Ash in a long sleeved, high Ellis, pass all those students that ther decoration. necked white crepe trimmed in have been examined by him. The tea pot _was alternately P;e- red, green, and gold f'lowers. The C. A. A. examination for pri­ sided over by. Mrs. Warren Giff- 1 Sipping a coke . at intermission, vate pilot's certificate will be given ord. Mrs. V. H. Young, Mrs. Deane , Martha Sherrill was spied in a to the C. P. T. P . ground school G. Carter, Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Mrs. dress with black velvet waist and class Saturday night. W. J. Baerg, Mrs. R. P ._ Bartholo- black taffeta skirt; a gold sequin mew, lmd Dr. !sabell~ W1lso?. Mrs. cap sparkled over her dark curls. L. l\!. Humph1 ey assisted with the Doris Bowie chose an American servmg also. _____ beauty taffeta quilted in gold, classical tunes to our liking, ASCA P will win its battle with the net­ • while Virginia Rhea wore blue net works, an increase in radio rates Eig~t Engineer Seniors Sign sprinkled with silver sequins. for its music, and the blessings of The Razorback victory over the music-loving Ame1;cans who care With RCA, Westinghouse Texas Aggies was noted by the nothing about the economics of the Varsity Club's dedication of "Blue Heaven" to the basketball team. battle but who insist upon their All 1940 graduates of the College What to do before the dance musical favorites. The fairness of of Engineering are now employed ASCAP's demands we will not dis­ starts after intermission was neat­ cuss. Our only conviction now is and three requests for men have ly solved by Wilbur Adcock and works to effect a settlement. been received this month, Dean that the day is approaching when Billy Phillips, who sat on Collegiate "Eventually those of us who really ASCAP music will return to the G. P. Stocker has reported. Digests on the steps and read IThis Collegiate World I enjoy our radio music will become Three seniors who will be grad­ networks, and several millions of other Collegiate Digests. tired of Stephen Foster, et al, and air-minded Americans will have uated in June have returned from --- - - •---- Few subjects have inspired the unless the new BMI can supply us Camden, N. J . where they went for columns of comment in the nation's brought it abouL" college press that have poured with an increasing number of final interviews for positions with Abrons Named Temporary GOOD popular, semi-popular and Patronize----- Traveler•---- ~overtlsers- the Radio Corporation of America. forth since ASCAP and the radio They are Gus Thompson, El Dor­ Chairman of Grad Club networks terminated relations. = ..::~~:::~~:::~~:::,;.~:::,;.~~:,:,;.~~:,:,;.~~:,':,;.:~:,':,;.:~ :.':,::~:.':,::~~:= ado; John Turner, Fort Smith; and Music, it seems proved once again, •"" ------• • • Howard Head, Fayetteville. Five Stanley Abrons, graduate student is a prime factor in the collegian's seniors have signed agreements to from New York City, was elected existence, and editorial reaction, work for Westinghouse Electric Co. temporary chairman of the newly for the most part, bas been clear­ when they graduate. They are organized Graduate club at an or­ cut. STUDENTS~ Frank Smith, Fort Smith, and Ned ganization meeting held Thursday The Harvard Crimson In an anal­ Frank, Claremore, Okla., who will night In the Student Union. ysis of the dispute points out that ARE DISCOVERI NG graduate this month, and J ohn The club's next meeting will be the main line of defense for the Randolph, Altus; Doyne Patton, held Thursday night, Feb. 6 when American Society of Composers, Western Grove, and Freeman John­ Dr. F. H. Harrington will review Authors and Publishers "is the fact son, Mena, who will receive de­ his tor thcomlng book, being pub­ that in the mid-twenties its right grees In June. lished by the University of Wiscon­ was recognized under the copyright ~he <0rchard -----•----- sin. law to assess broadcasters for - ----•----- etherizing its music. The society FOR DINING Mixed Chorus Rehearsal TOUR NAM ENT POSTPONED was fo r a while satisfied with a five per cent cut. But when net­ There will be a rehear sal of the T he girls badminton tournament works incorporated and, finding Mixed Chorus tonight from 7 to 8 has been postponed untll after fin­ themselves not liable to royalty Harris Hotel Rogers, Ark. o'clock in the ballroom of the Stu­ als. The volley ball tournament was fees, proceeded to juggle their dent Union, Prof. Harry E. Shultz, won last week by the sophomores books so as to lessen the amount "THE MOST BEAUTIFUL COFFE SHOP" head of the University music de­ when they defeated the freshmen. paid by individual stations, ASCAP partment, announced yesterday. began to feel double-crossed. Hence --- --•----- the new contracts placing a seven Prof. Shultz stressed the import­ WAA EXECUTIVE BOARD ance of prompt attendance by all and one-half per cent dent on in­ Dinners 50c to $1 Open Until 9 P. M. comes from all chain programs. members so that practice can be The W AA executive board will "On the other side of the musical finished within an hour. meet at 6 o'clock tomorrow after­ fence," continues the Crimson, •,., • ,., • • ,. • • • * ,., ...... noon in the women's gym. All mem­ "stand the networks, arguing that ======~ bers please attend. ASCAP has already dug too deeply -----•----- into radio's coffers and now seeks Alice's Beauty Shop Y.W.C.A. CABINET MEETING only to pursue its advantage. Fur­ UARK THEATRE BLDG. thermore, they say, charges should There will be a cabinet meeting be made upon the music presented, Operat ors: Martha, Doris, ot the Y.W.C.A. tomorrow after­ with no fee blanketing all spon­ Dut ch and Ivy noon at 5 o'clock In the women's sored broadcasts." TELEPHONE 560 lounge of the Student Union Build­ The Daily Kansan sees some good ing, it was announced yesterday. in the controversy, but closes on a note of impatience: "You may have to go to the 'Camptown Races' two or three times a day, but you do "' get to hear some of the really fine ; things of Stephen Foster that were formerly buried under the ava­ Fayetteville Printing Co. lanche of popular music. Even so, we'd rather have our choice of the Established 1893 whole shebang. So, boys, please settle the squabble and let's get PRINTERS-ST A TIONERS back to work!' The Syracuse Daily Orange, the CRA VENS BLDG. PHONE 131 Cornell Daily Sun, and the Daily Nebraskan resent the public's be­ ing "taken in'· by the whole situa­ tion. The Sun says that "again the • ugly head of the interclass struggle bas risen, and meanwhile the peo­ Fraternity and Sorority Crests ple of the are suffer­ ing as usual." The Nebraskan feels For Formal and Infor m al .that "ASCAP's monopoly seems not too healthy a thing," and finds that Dance Invitations "music lovers are getting angry at BMI for not having what they want and at ASCAP for denying them the right to bear their favorite • songs." The Daily Iowan hazards a guess Personal Stationery that the public will force the net- NAME and ADDRESS PRINTED COLLEGE BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 766 $1.25 The coziest, comfiest, Remember our Mon. and T ues. Specials smartest casuals et1 er ! • Free Oil Shampoo with Shampoo­ ANTIQUE TAN CALF, set-Manie $1.25 PARKER-WATERMAN - ESTERBROOK Free Arch with Lash and Brow with leather h eel and PENS - PENCILS - DESK SETS Dye 76c sole! Easy to have at Free Shampoo-set and Arch with this price! OFFICE EQUIPMENT - SUPPLIES $2.00 F acial Free Oil Shampoo or Color Rinse 01/1/1 with every permanent P ermanents rom $1.60 to $10.00 SHOE SECTION-Street f'lool' 4 The ARKANSAS TRAVELER Friday, J anuary 21, 1941 Student Senate ORKER Library,s Browsing Room Closer Contests Evident Asks Extension PRATTLE Off◄ Q • t R [ ti In 'Mural Cage Games by ers uie e axa on The intramural basketball games w re much closer this week and BILL BRANDON ''We'd be glad lo have student brightly colored lounge furniture the following results have been an• of Holiday Sports Edit or make suggestions as to what books would add even more lo the home• nounced by manager Roy Thomas. they would like to se in the like atmosphere of the room, but KA b at AE 21 to 1 for its The Stud nt Senate has passed While Arkan as remain th only browsing room," said Mr. Marvin they feel that even without it the first intramural basketball win In a pro,•islon that will extend the undefeated team in the Southwe t A. Mill r, librarian. Mr. Miller and browsing room should be a place thre years. Teufer, KA, and Thanksgiving vacation to include onference after two weeks of hec• the library staff are anxious to for quiet relaxation from the more ·wynne, SAE, were high scor rs Thursday, Friday and Saturday. tic play, the rest of the league have the tudents take more inter· studiou side of coll ge life. with six points each. The Bulldogs This plan met with the unanimous teams have s~arted jockeying f?r est in recreational reading as well of Greenwood defeated ECHO 27 lo approval of all enate memb rs. a position from which they will as the practical side of the library ----•----- 23 In a hard fought contest. Hilton and is now before Pre ideut J. W. have a shot at the crown. facilities. University Players to Hold Grant led the scoring again for the Fulbright for consideration. Almost all of the new books of third consecutive time with 11 There have been s veral at­ Three teams are tied for second fiction and others of g neral in­ final Meeting Tonight points for tb Bulldogs. Muir was tempts to have the vacation ex· w~th two wins and one !oss each. l terest are placed in the browsing high for ECHO with eight. tended before, but the Senat has Rice, S. M. U. and Bayloi • The Un- room. A number of new books were Dorm I d by Bush, a X, downed iversity of Texa~ has won two and ordered especially for th room niversity Players will hold always waited unlil the University their final meeting as a separate SX 23 to 16 while FFA won by catalog had already been printed. lost three for fifth place, and T.- this fall. Books that are not much forfeit from Town due to the ineli­ C. U. and Texas A. & M. a:e safely 1in demand by the students are organization from the Blackfriars President Fulbright explained that at 7: 30 tonight m the Studio gibility of Dunn. The Dukes club there was nothing that could be entrenched in the cellar with three from time to time replaced by more defeated KS in the most even losses apiece. popular ones. theatre. Tom Baugh, president, an• changed at that late date. However nounced today. The Players merg• game of the week. this year the proposal is being glv- Rice has again jumped into a According to Mr. Miller, the con• ed with the Black.friars in ovem­ -----•·----- n consideration at au early enough prominent position by drubbing tinned informal, unsupervised sta• ber. Connecticut college recently ob­ date. Baylor university 52 to 32 Saturday tus of the room depends on the in• All business or the Players will served its twenty.fifth anniversary. This proposal was the third ob­ night. The Rice Owls have lost terest the students take in it, and be terminated at the meeting, jective iu the Senate's three-fold -----•----- only one game ,that to the Univer· their attention to the rules for its Baugh states, and therefore it is Vassar college is completing a drive during the first semester. The sity of Texas, but they have been use. Books from tbe browsing urgent that every member attend. drive included an attempt to topographical map of the world, dogged by injuries all season, and rnom may circulate freely, but covering a wall space 16 by 48 feet. increase the wages among student have yet to put their strongest don't be so intent on that date to• ----•----- workers, on and off the campus. Architecture aepartment at the ---- - •----- team ou the court. Captain Placido morrow night or that new patent• University of Nebraska is replacing This has been very successful so Gomez has been out with a broken applied-for formula for apple pol• Texas Tecb.J.\ological college is far. All campus work, with the ex­ the standard German color chart holding a "give-a-brick" campaign ankle, and several other players isbing that you walk right by the with one using American pigments. ception of the Agri school, is now have missed one game with lnjur- loan desk without checking the _____ ., ____ _ to complete its West Texas Muse­ paying a minimum of twenty-five ies. book out. um building.______,____ _ cents for all student labor. Several Iowa State Teachers college cam­ of the business concerns off the The University of Texas Long• Credit for the pleasant informal­ panile, which ach morning bo ngs Dr. Thomas D. Howe of Duques• ity of this room for leisure reading out a musical greeting to 8 o'clock ne university is experimenting with campus have raised their wages to horns have proved to be the most ls due largely to Miss Edith Mar• that minimum. unpredictable team in the league. class-goers, is made up of 21,625 improvement of peas by applica• shall, loan librarian, who arranges pounds of copper and tin. tion of X-rays. The third phase of the Senate After dropping Rice, they seemed the book jacket displays and makes program was au active drive to en• to have been going downhill ever -----•----- the rows of books less formidable Among donors of $25,000 to Long ew York university has received courage the students to keep the since loosing two to the Razor· by breaking them with bits of campus in a better conditoin. There backs, and then bowing in defeat Island College of Medicine recently a $50.000 gift from Bernard Baruch have been numerous signs to this gre~uery and other decorations. was "a little girl," who gave $1 for for establishment of a professor• to S. M. U. 39 to 35 Friday night. The librarians realize that effect at different places on the Saturday night, they bad to stave "general purposes." ship in therapeutics. campus. It is the Senate's belief off a last half rally to eke out a that as soon as the students be• 43 to 39 decision over the lowly • come conscious of their duty there T. C. U. Horned Frog . • will be little destruction of grass. Incidentally, T. C. U. must be -----•----- ranked as the hard luclt team of the conference. The Frogs have lost their three league games by a total Young Shines as Frosh of 13 points.

Beat Tech 58 to 35 A dams L ead ing John Adams bas jumped into the The fre hmen pulled another vie• lead as the conference high scorer rfarit/ tory out of the bag Saturday after­ with 65 points, or a 16½ point av­ noon when they defeated the Ar­ erage per game. Thurman Hull, ;{,ADE FOR SMOKERS kansas Tech 58 to 35. Texas guard, is second with 53 /fJet/ff J::f The Shoats outplayed the team points. from Tech all the way, with both IJ' LIKE YOURSELF the first and second team doing an eq11al share of the playing. Contact Men Mainstays for the Frosh were Coaches Fred Thomsen and center Ott Young, and forward Nor­ George ole are due to return to You,ll enjoy Chesterfield's right combination man Green, who did most of the Fayetteville Saturday after an ex­ · of the world's best cigarette tobaccos. They individual scoring. Young was lead• tensive two-weeks tour over the ing scorer with his 18 points, and state. They have been contacting! give you something no other cigarette can offer. Green was ;;;econd with 11 tallies. high school players from all sect­ C. L. Chambers played bis USU· ions in an attempt to induce them Chesterfields are MILD . .. the way you ally fine game, and contributed to enter the University next fall. eight points to the Shoats total. want a cigarette ... not flat ... not strong. The young Porkers were leading Chesterfields smoke COOLER, and every puff by the comparatively small margin Idle of 29 to 21 at the end of the half, The Razorbacks will get a deser­ gives you that BETTER TASTE that Chest­ but managed to widen it in the ved rest from basketball this week erfield is famous for. A sk for Chesterfields. final half. while they are battling their sem­ Leading scorer for the Tech team ester exams. They return to act­ was Howard Rogers, who had 10 ion against Kansas State Teachers Light up and listen with points to his credit when the game college the following week-end. ended. Kansas State. incidentally, is the I * ANN SHERIDAN * ----•----- strongest college team the Porkers of WARNER BROS.' current hit Hunter college is offering a pro­ have met this season. Arkansas HONEYMOON FOR THREE gram of free public lectures on managed to squeeze out a 48 to 45 as she tunes in problems in economics and politl· win over them in an early season on her personal radio to cal science. contest. Kansas State won the Ok• -----•--- - - lahoma City Invitation Tourney at FRED WARING and The University of Georgia is add· Oklahoma City this year, dropping GLENN MILLER i ng a course in Portuguese the University of Texas in the final who each dedicate o number game. to her this week. - --- - •----- In Radio Since 1923 Seventy-five students from 21 for• elgn countries have formed au or­ RADIO CLINIC ganization at Ne: York universit~. " H eadquarters for Rad io" 1 TELEPHONE 1060 Columbia university bas complet-j 103 N. B lock Fayettevi lle ed is new $75,000 theatre, known as Brander Mathews hall. -----•----- Singers from 15 states and two foreign countries make up the 118· U.of A. CAFE voice chapel choir at Carleton col• lege. 400 Dickson H. T . HEAD -----•----- Best of STEAKS Nu Epsilon Tau Tan. honorary in• CH I LI-HAMBURGERS ter-sorority group at the University 24 HOUR SERVICE of Texas, is promoting a national campus knitting campaign to help the Red Cross. -----•----- Two University of Alabama co• Citizens Laundry eds who now are roommates and Complete Laundry sorority sisters traveled more than Service 6,000 miles on the same boat last We Rent Tux: Shirts summer without knowing each oth­ 226 N. Wet Phone 557 er. -----•----- COLLEGE BEAUTY S HOPPE ...... E conomy Dept. A I R CON D ITIONED . Shampoo Set 35c • ' Manicure 35c and 50c • Permanents $1.00 to$7.50 • Deluxe Eat Shop • Scalp Treatment $1.00 for men Copyright 1941, ' $1.50 LADIES Llccrn .!. MYEa, •• CURB SERVICE Operator TED MO TGOMEJRY Toucco Co. O n D ixon Ph. 145 Announcing Dressmaking Booth t ·I now open. Mrs. Chancy will call at ...... ,. • Ithe house for the work .