,-4 ' » « ; • ' # - ■ J

r .. tibW esther Atenge Otily drculatioB :X jdil I reracMt •( V. S. SYm Umt BuMug roe theSldntt •< dnanary, IMl Inerenahig eleedbiese tfinigM; 6,626 / Fridny cleis^, wurmer with inter­ mittent Hght rate.

MesnSer o f Um Audit i , '• Bntsaa of ClrcalaUou JHancheMtsr-^A City of ViUogo Charm


V0L.LX., NO. 115 (OnaaiSed Adveirtlaing on Page t4)

id Bill;


Liglitning Thrust

Tribute to Lincoln at Washington Memorial

Call Made on Britain

Assembly Orders

Committee Probe To Tell ‘Peace Aims;’

^ Of Civil Service

^ Warning Is Renewed

^ favctigalion ol ‘^min-1 JcWS

istration and Opera- Hull Tells Rcporlcrs No Austin Not Proposing tion^ of System to De- Face Ghetto Laic Advices Received tJ W Incorporation in Meat-

termine Whether ‘Sim-1 . - - o • g * sure, But Aims Should plication and Improve- .AjESf* MCiOtS From American Diplo- P a t a S H a V Be.. Considered When mats in Area : Warning ® ^ In ijonformity ~ w fl Nazis in Amsterdam At‘ ir/ir State Capitol, * Hartford, Policy of Taking All Transfer of

Feb. IS,— (ff)— The General tacked After March; Precautions for Safe­ rials; Bill I»^ Favored Assembly ordered a legisla­ Residents of Old Jeto- Supporters of Govern­ tive investigation today of ty ^ of Americans. By Vole joF 15 to 8. ish SecUon Are Blamed ment Attempt to the “administration and oper­ Washington, Feb. 13.— (/P) Whship^ton, Feb. 13.— (/l^ ation’’ of the Civil Service Oust Commander of — A call on Britain to state System to determine whether Amaterday, (Via Berlin), Feb. — Concern was evidenced in Infantry Regiment. ^ it required “simplification and IS.—UP)—As a result of riots some diplomatic quarters to­ her “^ace aims” in establish- against Dutch Nasis on Feb. 10, day over the possibility that lir^ a post-war ordef of world improvement.’’ Formoea, Argentina. Feb. IS. 60<)00 Jews. h*re are facing We peace was voiced in the Sen­ The House adopted and sent to Japan was preparing for a (S>)—Reliable reports rsachlpt" the Senate a resolution for a immediate possibility of being en­ ate today shortly • after tha lightning thrust in the Far her* today said several Paragliay- legislative investigation of We closed In a ghetto. East against British or Neth­ Foreign Relations Commit- “administration and operation" of The Jewish section of the city. an mUltary men were klU^ and I T” ‘ We state's four-year-old merit erlands possessions. Secre­ wounded Monday In f/hattle at tee voted a 15 to 8 approVM • » •yatem. (Coattaued eo Page Six) tary of State Hull told report­ headquarters of an ififantry regl* the administration S aid-tO- The measure was adopted by a ers he had no late advices ment at a norWerrt post In Con- Britain bill. Senator Austin voice vote, only a few scattering from American diplomats in ce^ion. y of Vermont, the assistant Re- noea being audible. Bupporterif of tn« governmeni 1 ‘ ** * . • »__ji that area but he confirmed at Asunc^pfi were reported to have } publican leader, expiainao Leaders Join In Support Britain Sees that renewed notice had been attempted to oust Col. Alfredo that. in making this suggea- Republican and Democratic lead­ given to Americans in some Ra^»0^. commander of the regl- got proposing its ers joined in supporting the meaa- Thrust Soon ment and a supporter of We late in th# lease- ure. introduced by Majority Lead­ sections of the Far East to re­ ^resldent. Joae Felix ‘ er William L. Hadden. turn to the United States. gltnatlaa Chaotic The measure, dropping as a This, HuU said, waa in confqrth- Travelers from Asuncion, We | Britain s peya visws Sho i^ At Gateways K yw tW We governmenl’iypoHcy bombshell without any previous capiui, said the situaUon Were be considered when the negte- warning, came Icaa Wan 34 hours of taking all precautlona^or Ws after tbe Civil Service System tertt , , ------. -V safety of Americans In disturbed was chaotic, with widespread | tiations began for the trans­ £xpects Attacks at Gi­ fears of violence between the gov­ fer of war materials. been debated for more than four arcs, of the world. ' ernment forces end dissident hours before the Judiciary Com­ Rboelve Dtsturilisg Report. Britain. Austin sgld, should be braltar and Suez Ginal wiUlng to state her “peace alma" mittee. In oWer dl^roatlc quarters. It (Osnttaaed aa Page Two) The measure would create a In Attempt "to Isolate was teerned^at reports of a dls- —what she intended to do after the commission comprising two Sena­ 4urMng nstiire concerning possible war ended to establlah a “new asme- Forces Now in Libya. tlon of peace" by- which dlspates tors and two representatives with Japanese plans for move* In th* power to subpoena wiWeiaes. The Soutti Pacific had been received. would be settled wlWout realm to Arnold Savs force. body Would be required to report London, Feb. IS—(4>>—British T l^ e coincided with an Austral- ¥ to the Legislature on or before lan government statement that Should Be WUUug Te Take Stead circles said today twin German "She ahould be willing to com­ May 1 Its. findings together wlW a thrust, at Gibraltar and We Suez "the war he. moved Into a new report on measure, for "aimplifi- etage Involving the utmost grav­ Labor Stand mit ' toua," he cimtinuad. "that Canal were expected “wlWln Uie _ I thereafter In the Orient when we cation and Improvement" of We Walking up to We .lep. of We Lincoln Memorial in Washington line* ol _ ity." ~ system, which affects, some 13,000 next 30 days" in an effort to seal United States officials would not ' R ^ r a c i f a ■ r a a f take a stand we will not be left •tate'^smployes. soldiers, CoL Horace SmlW. presld.nUal aide, bi^gs a 0 0 0 8 E S I Were holding We beg—that she boW ends of We Mediterranean I of We Uncolb aUtue. An Army sergeant carries the wreath. w hlle^M ldcm and 'Mrs R ^ e v e lt ^ venture a guess on what moves will not abaiwkm u. awln the ease laveatlgatton "Not PoUtteaT maln,J»y their motorcar In We background. Beyond them la the re/tecUng pool In which the shadow Japan might be planning. The poa- and Umlate British forces In the of Manebukuo." Rep. WUIiam L. Hadden. House Libyan camp? ign. I of the Washington monument shlmmera. tebllltlea mentloiMd In dlplomaUc Austin went F)1-Yugeelavla's premlrf made no legislative recommenda­ SSStjaSS, sraa arreated taday Italian counter-attacks Urge transAUantic /steamera tions, asserting Wat “ oWer de­ this city Wbere he had beta aas- ■r occupying pooitlans con- which were loaded/ to capacity motoring homeward through Msd fereign mtalster left for ..ong-Range Guns Hurl Oerasuiy aboard a epeclal partments are primarily Involved plejred by aa laauraaco company. 4[ an important highway wlW war narterim^for England." the French Riviera after five Intense Artillery Ac­ In We question of labor policy." Police aald Bolts ilsappearad ^ ____lion at E I g « ^ 80. mile, from A spokesman snld the Germans, pteue today aad were re­ »■ ^ Shells Across Channel hours of consultation with ported to have reached Mu- The' anti-trUst chief told We Oct. XS, leavtag -uaaceouatod far We Sudanese frontier. tion to Prepare Way appraaiasat^ SSJMZJtSZ la aseaay Advice, from, the front indicat­ (Oeattaaad Oa Page Twe) Premier Mussolini yesterday ateh, aad beea met there by Against South Coast. Oerasaa Forelga Mlalster (Coattoued oa Paga Bis) laveated la kla "North .Ansrticaa ed we British were Improving at Bordlghera, Italy, waa un­ Toward Port of Valona “'ll *t Inveetaseat FUad. lac.” doaehim Voa Rlbboitrop. It a. their poaKiona before attempting London, Feb. TS.-^tff)— A lone derstood to have acquainted • • • to push on In the direction of waa reported here that the AWena, Feb. IS.—(P) — Greek German streaked through clouds Chief of State PeUin * with Yugeetev offlctels. Premier Norwich SUlrlke Bade Cheren, 110 miles Muth, where an- over the Englteh (Jbaanel today British Forces troops were reported today-to have War at New Norwich, Fhb. IS—

— Haa- oWer force advancing from the the results of the conference Draglaa Cvetkovlc ead Fer- uid riwt down w>me of We bar­ slga Matoter Alkaaader Cla- advanced Weir lines about Wree drede of rejolclag trockere weteoa»- west has encountered stiff Italian rage balloons over the Dover ere. in which France has a terri­ ed the ead ef the fear-day strike at reairtance. Said Repulsed ear-Markavic, would go oa to miles In We coastal hector after in n -»«— torial stake. Beechteegadea UC eoa Adolf an Intense artillery action to pre­ Grave Stage The U. 8. Platehlag Ceaspaay here A highway 'alao lead* from El- A t the eemc Ume, German long- Adolf Hitler, It U expected, ateo this aftornoaa. SatUeamat ef tha- gain to Massnua, important Rqd Hitter tewlght pare the wey toward Valona, Ital­ rnnge guns^ hurled ahaUa acroes ~ ' wUi M informed. ian-held port on Wa Albaalqn strike araa eaaeaanei at t p. aa Sea port 70 mites east of Cheren the channel in n bomherdment of Italians tlaim Poesi rraaco Taou t * Peuifi after a geaerhl Bsaettag ef the, and the ultimate ohjactiva of We Belgrade, Tugptlavla, Feb. 13-; coast. Deputy Prime Minister the EagUah south coast R c D c lle d in T w o S e c - ' (Franco and hi. heavUy cpard- UP)—The premier and foreign The Greek, eteo were reported to werkata’accapled by a aaaafaaaaa Britiab offensive- in Brttrea. BnUtefh arsre reported over sev‘ O f Australia Indicates vote aa agretaaeat that waa reach­ Strivlng to Bestora Order. P * . ^ ae_i 1 ed entourage arrived . in mld-af- minister of Yugoelavia, whoee ter­ have attacked over a wide fcpnt toi eral parte of the nortbaart coast tors of East A frica.! tenoon at Montpellier. France, We central aector and to be Wreat- ed at an aS-aight aaaatoa a f ptaafi Reports from Ubya sold that Balding at Mlninsnia ritory might offer a corridor for Crisis I A A h e a d effleare af Tte FedeciriM British force. Were were atrivlag where he talked wlW Petaln and cning "an important enemy base.” Bad weather kept.German air Naxi legion-: should Wey atrike at TlM fighting near Valona waa at Dyers.------to rertoee order in the country' Rome. Feb. 18 .:-(ff)—The Ital­ the Spanish party was entertained activity over Great Britain to at lunch. The motoresde continued Greece, left by apccial train for .aid to have occurred In the Sydney* Australia, Feb. 18—(^ aad a ceasaytee af IS tede.'Where naUve. have killed a ian high command announced to­ —A- Fadden. deputy prime minimum during the night and no toward the Spanish border In Germany today to dtecuas adher­ heights wlWin a abort dtetanca warkerl . number of Italian cotontets and eras mid to have provented any day that Italian counter-attack. minister of Australia, declared to­ • e • reputeed violent Brltteh aa- lata afterndon. of the Adriatic Wore. sriW the Ital­ pningcd their borae... major oporatkms by the Royal Air ence to We tri-power pact of Ger­ ian. teubbornly defandinx .troaff- day that We war bad reached a Marksla At a Otaaca Britiab mlUtary authortttes Mults in the Cheren sector of (The French • InsUted that the many. Italy and lapan. Force over Germany. ly fortified poaltlona. - The Ital­ new stage of We utamte gravity New ITark, F'eb. warned the naUve populatiao that Eritrea white Italian troopa In the former profeaeor at the SuMrior, ^ ^ l e r Dragtea ^ etk ovlc and to Austraila and Indicated that A few bombs were dropped by visit by Franco to Petam, hi. ian unit, at lengW were reported property of Italian coiotUala must Nasi night ffters ateng the British low tr Budaa repelled other Brltteh Alkaander Ctncar-Markovlc made "grave advices" eoacernliig the k tw eeted and that • looter, w ar Oeltege at Parla, w u only a We journey at the InviUtlon of dtetedffed by bajronet-thrurttng ersst coast, at polata from south- column. In the Omo river eector. Oreeka who found heavy loeaee tetuatloo ta. the Raelfir had beea courteoy call. ^ t^ German jovemment. It w m would M shot. wssteni Baglaad late Wales. German bombtag planes, a com­ had beea inflicted by Weir artUIery ApproxUnetcly 7,000 of captur­ munique said, atw ked British (Diplomatic aourcee at Ben, learned, ead were accompanied by Infbrmatloa on tha situation atato letreat. ed & n g u l'. Itallen popuUUoa One raider bombed a south SeoSwnm. minister to fclgrade. fire. Wstes coastal town, dsmoUshing troop eosicentratio*#. moving col­ lUMaa Bcatetoare Dc^iersle was reoatvad during a acarion of 30.000 Clviiun. w W mid to be umns and an air field in North (CenbUraed an Page Ste) Viktor Vesi Heeren. the War Advisory Council whirti at l a u still In rerideace there In mhUtloa three hsusss. A mother and her They were expected to meet Desperate reetetance ateo was three daughters and an svaeuee Africa. • put up by blackshirt contlngenU waa dramatirally adjouraed pead- to about 40,000 natives Attack Malta StraagbeM German leaders elWer at Berlin lag appearance of aervlce chlefa Uttte Activity la Libya friend were kilted in one bourn on Trefifinry Bfilanee or at fialxbttrg, in Austria. in the central sector, reports here trade which a bomb asade a direct hit. Italian air raider* were said to at a maetiag of the war cabtaet *1 UtUe miUtery ncUvlty w . kave carried out a almultaneoua Informed Berlin aourcee con- toBMMrrow. ported on the Ubyaa froot. In as adjotaing heuaie, a osan was Waahiiigtoa. Feb. 18—(ff)—The But the alackneaa of Uaiian ar- hMUvi when the structure sol- attack on Mikabba airport at the tUlaty fire in the late few days Air Chief Marteial- Sir Robert though Axis wmrpliM British Uediterraaean atrongbold poalUoa i3 the Tnaaury F«b. 11: ''"SSi&'SJiiU’T S X * Braaka-rapham, eoauaaader eff to hnv. nttaoked. BrnisaM vtrto- Mposd CO bias and his fsmUy. The newr. startled dlplesaatle was taken hy Greek efSeers as ce^ ’ Malta. ReceipU, 81fi41tj003J8;. expea firnteUen ef recent sUtsmenU by Britiab forcaa la tha Far Eate with ■By mm night Mace Rs eceops- Gsrawn alm aft arses lasorted aturee, $3a.fi50454.07; net bal- quarters which a few houn be- in the vieinity of C u t Aagik sad The Fascist AIr'foree ateo took by the British laM Frldsy. uice. $3.008.33».3fi8A4: customa aa f s m ' (Oia

- a rhUdren o f '* Mdowed mother,, ' • ■(. drowned. Hto body was -recovered. The reBcued ebUdreto wers report­ Teacher’s Post Urges Parly ed recovering. . KIDNEYS Nazis Claim 13 Offe/s New s-Diffeir ““ ' ' ' I""""." ' " ■' Aver Autoisls/ Canada Building System Four Children MUST __ Review Board Seen Armed .British "Magic Bullet' Not Yet Filled Britain Take Helm On West Pacific Bases Expect Admiral Are Negligent O f Airports to Alaska ./g^Thae program were Kodiak, Sitka, and Fails in EffoHs lo Save ! Yathan 6atchell to Leave W illkie Asserts 'Repub- To Be Eliminated EXCESS ■ ■ '■■ f Vessels Sunk t - u ...... Another When Ice HebUMHsi idorsiiig Assessnients nttawa Feb is Air Min-®Yukon. One,omcUI aald they would I n WeeSi for Duly in X^illkie*8 A ppeal fo r A»- , licans . H«v« *Golden Stair O fficials Say Appli­ atrataglc a-eat Pacific baaea today -,nras Ukewlae down for B Breaks on Lake. Vichy, France, Feb. 13.—(46- tot?^ C G Power annwnced today!be com pW ^ In Ume to go Into lOBBtlBiied From PagB Ob b ) Men Who Arm The National Guar^. , sistance Does Not Set Opportunity* Now. In a muRl-mUIlon dollar program ^-^th operating Reliable source* aald today they " ' ’ T SX 'StS •houM thirty be m««te ewere cations Arc Sent in that aa^.tem of alrporU through opemOon the coming aummer. expected the office of Admiral A m erica: for■ atrengthenlngstivngthenlng facllitlea at (repair repair faclliUefl. . 'Burlington, Vt.. Feb. 13—'^ — [ e c r e l DeW>if«»*®«* in speaking of a trans-AtlanUc Keynote for A ll; Crit­ 2 New York, Feb. 18.—(flV-The FSrmet, secretary to the presi­ *^The "co\*er-up" me he* the rec­ W ithout Signatures. steamer, usually trlsuallxe a vessel Nathan B. GatebeU. teacher of Guam, Samoa, Midway. Wake and An 11-year-old boy who rescued dency (of the Council of Minis­ ______Up AcUvl^ of good English in Manchester High achool, icize Term s of Bill. Republican party bad today a PalmyraUmyra IslandsIslands. . I 181 ent lo titeir |I under__ ■ — consideration. pubUcan oratora at Lincoln Day 'golden opportunity," the Repub­ was recruited from another youth. Curtis Maguire, of being one of the peraons princi­ ‘U p t The thc*e «ho\ilffviMn*nt perjrtanent DlAttfS plates Well-Informed sources said, how­ Seattle to the Yukon (because SIdadyv Hillman happened to coincide wlt^reports ever, that It Aas understood seven they carry Insufficient fuel for long bankments, railroad and port fa- a new “magic bullet’’ of .30 cali­ has been made. ’The poMUon must caUed on Republlcana to aeixe ’“a have the right to Uve under free­ l^ndon. Feb. 13.—(46—The gov- grab l^irtle, who waa too weak ' Im s of thto group ht* more c lo ^ local assessments. cwi bf u*#d OB or /iwt*r KebruEry bre that packs the power of the golden opportunity’’ and take the from Manila that the failles of bases would be constructed and flights). When this route Is fin­ clllties. . , ,u. be filled by the Ume achool open* Educated as a rabhh Sidney Hill­ dom and not under slavery. ern■nment...... today...... „ ordered------, youth* of to grasp the jacket. 'G uarded than ar* lodg* s*cr*U. If this to the plan, then th* Rs- 15 where Ibe re^mretkm le » re- The announcement of me regular .50 calibre machine gun on March 4. A waak from tomor­ lead In furnishing American Army officers on duty In the Kenneth Maguire, 8. brother of '• T h e r o S t %i obvious, and appar- equipped to handle the largest air­ ished It will bie possible for planes man has been In a flgh^^ever since Olvee Challenge to Party Philippines had becn/iinexpectedly 19 to register Feb. 22 for eervlce vtow group isn’t exactly up to to pounce on the convoy In the A t bullet, piercing an inch and m row the Bchooto oloa* to reopen on equipment to "the fighting men of "I give to you,” he said at the two of the rescued and one of ten M M irw l OBS. No one duty It should work In the In­ The application for a 1941 •’***•* planes and provide s route from to rush across western Csnadf In half of armor plate. This valu­ he waa 20—now he's having hto told to get ready tfl/leave soon for with Britain's armed forces. unlimited numbers." lantlc caused a sUr In Berlin. It March C , Britain.” National Republican Club’s 55th anythlSs^«bout the ^Ing* terest of individual taxpayers as trallon Is atUched to lb* 19to Edmonton to Whitehorse, in the was described as a conUnuaUon able air to national defense He declared that death awaits greatest teat as half the tekni boss­ the United State reelatrstlon cerllllcaU. Xft« was invented by James Enright, ing U. S. rearmament. The other annual Lincoln Day dinner, "this The State Efcpartment sonic thto itoup- •®*y hav* the wtU as In the Intorest of the of a raid sUrted laat Sunday the party if It finds "nothing challenge in the year 1941: Have .itoJSSScBm ln eot^ng 1^^^ slu in g ths application. It should when bombing planes and subma­ above, 29-year-old Minneapolis nobler to do than compromise haira BIU Knudsen of General time ago advIsM Americans In the * self it do*, but Otto fact to cer- SLeKher mailed, with-the fee en- „ , A chemical enclneer. Several Die Motors. we the vision, have we the ability, Far Etost to/rotum home because **N^that the Revl^ grwp rines were asserted to have sunk now "in one of the critical mo­ bqve we the leadership to take and tttot to IhatNio one can labould solicit complaints Thto closed, or brought to the nearest O r C C K S A f f U l i l 24,500 tons of ship# off Portugal. menta of hiatoiy,’’ Hillman was born In Uthuanla of the sttufctlon there. This ad­ branch oIBce or to the main , . Yugoslav Head March 23. 1887; emigrated to the America down this glorious path ' woxild be moving to the o P ^ ‘{e German authorities obviously a vice w ayurgently repeated to tan ohat to up- pltals, asked residents of the. city In Paraguay WhUe WlUkle spoke in New U. 8. in 1907; three years later led thaYS offered 4 to Vus? ito T Here's tke new... can far Juatleo. extreme. But Its business should In Hartford. Car ownere are u t j^ Advance Lines regarded cooperation of planes, York before the National Repub­ American residents of Shanghai street to contact toe oWce nearest their to attend a high mass for the dead the garment workers ta a great “Have you got It In you? tr Mr. X. M a certain at least be as open si that of Visits Germany submarines and surface veaseto In lican <3ub laat night, other Lin­ WlUkle reminded Republicans the U. S. consulate gen -i, othar town governing bodlet. ana , address whether ...... applying by mall Sunday. . Army Battle Chicago strike: president of the fherc. ’ M o m to o u t Mi w rd . and the war on commeroe as an effec­ Listed among the fatalities were coln Day banquets were being held that their party was founded to ilA Httltudt ffhoiild b* »t M p«r»on. ^ (Cootinned From Pag* One) tive means of beating the convoy ot Amalgamated Clothing Workers ..s inclusion of Guam in the «• the Rrrtew bto 17 persons, moeUy women, said to In every state and the District since 1915; one of the most suc­ preserve freMom and declared . ihouM h* aware of For Pact Talk system. (DonManed from Rage Oos) Columbia. Iowa reported 70 such of bases to be strengthened re- .frank. sessions. Italian prisoner* that Fascist guns First Conoertad Attack have been killed when shells cessful labor leaders in U, 8. hto- that If they began "tonight, to­ .lalled that Congress In 1939 and S ? f o r . if"*oo’ wu to pinners, California 20, Utah 15. Job Is keeping morrow and the hext day” to, f those who wish to know It, havs been moved back In an effort The first concerted attack on a struck » maternity hosplw There waa a rigid esnser- tory. HUlman’S „— — . _ 1940 refused to provide funds for - BMiM the *TO*"g experts tell us Balloons Shot (OoBtIflned from Page Ob s ) Woundsd soldiers from the ^AUm' troops .xxmmwD(joBoede Advtoablllly/*u»iTOw»u.j Of AM . — I relations at peak efficiency. preach "a poslUve doHrine” bis ^ihht offsets ons properiy in s who wish to Inspect their to'organise a new line of defense. British convoy was rsportsd last ship. developing the island. On those I A-.Greek opokesmim reported _nlan front a’ere reported to - have Not all the speechmakers agreedigrt--_ ]rp-Bri|^ Une-up of Yugoslavia, of Amsrtcan aid abroad, but-flome 1 accent; suffers tortures from stnu- Citing the pusing of 500 miles away. Chairman Vinson fjgt )-Greek opposed the present mlUtary die- For "Passive Defense” ■__ i Bcratl, MtW4<*^which sarAiilHwould tmffiBTImean TtjItalian capitals added to a general pic­ tha 88 ships attacked by the Ger­ modlficaUons, did not mention it become like the Whig party, mere­ The 14,700,000 asked for Guaip bases, communlcatlDn lines and tatorship. . ly the party of negation, merely O ur B ig * StraH flhrouded In F i« withdrawal from the Tepelenl re ture of tension and fear of swift- mans in the November raid es- dlrecUy In his speech. ^ ^ ^ . ,1/ waa earmarked for "passive (11^ I British moving developments; artillery emplacements on the Al­ Reports freoi the scene of the Senator Nye (R., N. D.) toW a waa “just dead right” in h; the party of \onpoeiUon, merely The Strait of Dover aUll was glon. cabed as a result of the heroic battle said the leader at the mUl- -views on how to meet "this crisia." fense” construction, such aa bottib' Rumania began moving civil­ banian batUefront were "effec­ PhUadelphla audience that Will- those who fln<0fault and who In proof shelters for personnel. Com' shrouded In heavy fog hut the Dead and wounded from Italian action by the armed crutoer Jervia tively” bombed by Italian war_ tary forces attempting to dust Representative Martin (R-M^im ) Back Attacks wind had veered from the south- air raids on Greece In the last live ians from PloesU. Olurgiu, Con­ Bay, which went down with her Ki?B Support of the legtslaUon one of the criUcal momenta of hto municatlon centers and power stants, and other centers which planes, the Fascist high command Ramos waa killsd, *nd Ramos hlih- represented a "betrayal” and de­ House minority leader, a p ^ re d tory find nothing nobler to do eart to the northwest with a calm days were reported' to total about guns biasing at the German rald- with Dewey at the WaMUngton plants. It was learned, and also to Y FURNITURE sea. The flying celling was high British bombers might attack in reported today. self was wounded. clared that "If Mr. WUlkle haa than comptomtoe, this great party make the harbor suitable for use page no. One air formation. Its commu not ^ stroy ed the two-party ays- banquet and deacribed th^^^pub- will pass/from the scene, suid I « with broken clouds covering the ItaUaas Lose M Planea order to L terfere with the Ger­ **Tlie <3*rman radio reported the by large and small Naval vessel*. man oil supply. Since Britain nlqus declared, attacked a Greek A Long ’Ume tern In .hi/onnntrvthis country, he has at Icsstleast llcan party aa as stlU “vlrUe,^ “vlrUe,'’’ He as­ a*' am here/tonight to challenge you For Samoa—a "stepping stone" I Damage don* by the raider* w The lUllans lost 2« planes and sinkings in a "apecial rsport, the airport, machine-gunning and 7se- serted It would not be "merely a to a higher destiny than the des- ***For the third successive day. severed diplomatic relations with first since the French campaign. contributed largely to it* destruc­ between Australia and the fleet’s IS O N ! Ideacribed as slight probably three others In these Rumania. Monday, Rumanians riously damaging numerous planes Flying a t'a speed of 120 miles party of oppoalUon." Martin voted tlny/Of compromise and negation ITS THE BESTI tn long range guns hurled raids without hitting a single mili­ Convoy SoattarBd tion." main base at Haws^—88.100,000 1 . Cl^e German n*ws agency, have been warned tn observe the on the ground." A twln-engta^ an hour, an alrplsh® would need Senator Taft (R.. Ohio), an­ against the leaae-lend bill but did and^failure and death." was Bought for "expansion of fa­ Come SOON, .'.for the exceptional valaes are “salllii^.; 1DNB. said last night that German 4IS serosa the channel In a ®®m- tary objective. Greeks said, while Military authorlUea Indicated about 800 years to make the trip not mention it at aU In his speech. lent of the Engllah south blackout. "enemy" bomber waa reported de­ other opponent of the lease-lend _pportiinlty for Republicans cilities and deveidpment of de­ ARROW SPUR ENSEMBLE the furniture right out of the atorcl Each picca of far*,- combat planes had soccasafully no Greek plane waa lost. that the convoy had been attack- around- tha - bub - that ths earth Senator Bridges of New Hamp / He said the DemocraUc party n x A O o coast A Bulgarian radio broadcast stroyed in an air fight. meaaure. asserted that WUlkle fense,” Includlng/the InstallaUon /ealured In tho March Bsquirs attacked Brtttoh a l r p ^ and Whole Italian divisions have - ItaUafls aald_-U)«t««. Pperatlo^M make In a year. "doea not and cannot speak for shire, speaking at Brooklyn. N. 'did not understand the basic func- of bombproof shelters. The Island \ niture on aale ia from our regular stock, of 4he same high C S m A U T E I troop encampments In Ubya w e^ was heard In Budapest asserting w bi^ the veiMitt were plched oir Y.; ■critlclxed- administration’^ been put out of action during the Bulgaris’a claims against Greece had cost them one plane. thF Re^pubman psrty.*' At-a^'^^^ ttontng-ofjthefrefr enterprise #**• h*s "one“"of 'the/finest harbors in. Quality for which Kemp's has been known for 19 ycR^K^ InasMy, ecorlng hlto ^ Seeks^Sfcret DebtUe 46 Italian counter-«tacks which one by on*. domestic policies. Then wlthqji tern, and that therein lay oppdr to an outlet to the Aegean. Informed aourc*s at the tame Ground operations in Albania 'quet at Harrisonburg. Va., Taft the South sea*. Leading the style league tUa montb la ■ Each piece bf fttniifure bn ante hla h«H subrtsatW hr barracks and grounded bombers.) Gen. Ugo Cavallero launched since were reported limited to patrol BBiierted there waa no “precedent saying how he would vole on tunlty for Republicans, whom he Midway island was listed for 84, AnthertUUve British setlmatod On fSavmxBases Leasing May Net Walt Much Longer Ume aald the German Air Force reduced. taking command Jan. 18. G w k and arUlIery acUvliy. or' principle for the view that a de­ I lease-lend bill, he declared: ^ declared "know how the free en­ 115,000 work on a submarine base team o f *tB»* grouped together In one more than 1.000 Axis planea have Dondon. Feb.^^(Ah-A H o^ sources said, and the percentage Greek clalma of fresh advances yeaterday made several feated candidate for president Is. "Americans whose mln< are — terprise system operates." bean shot down or deetroyed In tn Albania strengthened belief ful" attacks on Brittoh nulriUme and there Were Items totaling 816, g»l- of Commons member of lUUan dead, compared* with British Bomb Rhodaa STATE the titular head of the party.’ not closed to the channeU of re- The New Deal party, as he 000,000 for expanding the air bases gnmd outfit ^ e d tho Arrow Spur Enaem- Here la a typical value, for instance, that yon can’t afford •ila«iB«MtaM.BrBBi< Africa since the war began. Thto th# government tbday to allow wounded. wAt u id to hRve be^n among obsarvara that Germany objecUvee. . "I favor aid to Britain.'’ the Ohio liable Information are /onvlncedSonvinced termed the administration, waa a might not wait much longer be­ Two bomb hits were scored on Rome, Feb. 18.—Hff)-—British on Wake. Palmyra, Midway and to m iaa! ww said to Include M aircraft time for a secret debate on the clr- riuch higher than previously warplanes dropped "numerous senator said, “but I oppose the that, without the m .'erials we party without faith In the people, ble. th e ihlrt ha* neat conaerratlve aatln FUEL 01L..fV^c gBi. found abandoned at Benina. fore going to the aid of her Italian a 4.000-too meixhantman off the land cannot he said, "because Its Idea of win­ Johnston islands. cuiratances of leasing N^**. The Greeks said they occupied a flares and bomba” on the Italian leaae-lend bUl because tn my opin­ alone can supply, En WouM Htabilixe Situation roounUln height In an unspecified ally. northeast coast of Scotland, which long stand. / ning elections and controUlng ■tripea^ which aio repeated In tha ahorta. Ob m 24 Hoare! la the western hemisphere to tne waa forced to stop, they XEld. Island of Rhodes Tuesday night, ion In Ita pkesent form It authorises Navy officer* have long contend­ United States and th elr^ .w )^ - area yesterday. Uklng prisoners Political quarters said the Yu- "I think there ^ be no doubt votes to^by the method of govern­ ^ilAL 8500 gt^lav leaders were asked to gd to Another freighter of killing two women and a child and the presWen't to take us Into war." ed that development of Guam Into There’s a choice of ties and a handkerchief, quent sdmlnUtrsllon by\ the and automatic weapons while their „otHlNC CUT .Dewey Support# Measore as to whom ou/ sympathy and ment prossures and expenditures." Germany to discuaa "the present wport$d bombed off the obet- damaging dwellings, the ^tollan Yet, he pointed out, the Demo­ a strongly fortified base would tend Two Piece living Room Sinte Amercsn government anU-alrcraft batteries shot down high command announced today. . Blit aupport for the legflslatlon assistance sho^d be directed: M O R I A R T Y inMEIIIOR ' aement R Attlee, lord pr^ political situation Ih the Balkans” land tolands. ^ .. there can be /no doubt that our cratic party 'in the atruggle out to atabillxe the political situation good-looking enough to he alireast pocket three Fascist plane*. and joining the Axis. ■" A German warplkpe bombed and came from Thomas E. Dewey. New in the Fa#t East" but their argu­ In Choice of Beautiful seal, replied that the government No Italian counter-attacks were own welfare/aemonda It.” l-of which the Republican party waa BROTHERS The mtoalon to Germany follow­ machlne-gtmnsd a BriUsh mine­ Soybean Producer* York district attorney who, like bom as the champion of freedom ments were rejected. Senator fixture. Stop in, sign up for your* today. Tapeatriea. Reg. 5145.00 was very preiwed for time. bul> attempted In the past three days, sweeper and a patrol boat was re­ China and Mqnchukuo prod»JM Taft, was an unsuccessful contend­ Middle Weet Viewpoint Oantar W fiBl that the suggestion *»• ed the signing of a pact of “last­ * • • wa* the champion of slav­ Clark (D., Mo.), a critic of ad Value. he spokesman said/ ing peace and eternal friendahlp” ported attacked east of Qaeton- more soybeans tosn the United er) for lest year’s Republican presi­ Glvlng,^hat he described as the A choice of colors and Arrow collar atyl«a. At SfBBd fftoBsi brought to the attention of Prims YucpfflRV border town of Bltoij GOMB ery, but at least It was the champ­ mlnlatratloiB foreign policy, once «9 9 -5b between Yugoslavia and Hungary on-sea by another 'Nasi plane, the States, which. In turn, produces dential nomination. middle w est viewpoint. Gov. Har­ ion of something and It survived.” said that "any move to fortify February Sale Price...... Minister Churchill. •ameVeporto of exUemely heavy more soybeans than all of Europe Dewey told a Washington, D. C., lan J/Bushfleld of South Dakota Dec. 12. <1 sources said. The patrol boat was W I T H l H Guam Is cloaely equivalent to a Shirt M.3S Short* 85c Italian Hpsses In a flve-day series (At tbe Ume there waa specu- riddled and th# crew took to the combined. audience that he favored the bill, saidyOt Columbus, Ohio; Abandons Search declaration of war.” TU II BmndkorchUtf SSe of countir-attacks.) IsUon whether the pact was an ef­ boats, they added. with some "necessary further ree- ‘/The hysteria of w ar4hat is Tbe 84.700.000 asked for Guam Seven won^en end eeven children ,/eeplng throughout our seaboard fort of the Axis to strengthen ties WIND ervatkms." Boaton. Feb. 18.—<46—BeUef under the present program repre­ v-ere 'killed when Fascist planes with Yugoslavia. Hungary already * SHOWS OAILT! , WUlkle, in his first speech since -.itles like an epidemic of uncon­ that the Brltlrti freighter Kerve- bombed a hospital at Larissa yc^ S c o r f f B o m b H its TODAY - FRIDAY MATINEE ...... t :* * ! trolled smaUpox haa not touched sents only a small fraction ef Navy waa a member of the three-power returning from a flying trip to the gan foundered Simday with all estimates on the cost of tranMorm- terday. a GreekXrommunlque said. defense alliance of Germany, Italy Door** Open At 1:48.1 Bhtlah Isles, denied that “W u». ^ hands, poiwlbly 25 or 30 men, waa On British Camps .SAW ing the island into a big base. K £ M P Ctoaualtles In hn ItaUah’ rald Mon­ ;n in o "We sUll beUeve that an In and Japan. Berlin, Feb. 13.—(A*)—German EVE democratic way of life” cotW expressed by Coast Guard* today These have ranged from 880,000 INC day on Piracua It Mded. Included (Recent movements of German CIRCLE Doors Open At 1:8S-| periMi in Britain and Euroland vader who is unable to cross 20 after they abandoned search for warplanes raiding Brltlsh-held Satarday C oattai^ inUes of water in eight mqntlu has 000 to make the island reasonably 20 dead and 11 wound^.'Of whom troops into Rumania, estimated Calleate Ware To Ladle#! survive In the United Statep; the vessel. 33 were women and children. portions of Ubya "scored heavy I t NeoB to 1* BOS- no chance of attacking us across secure, to 8300.000,000 or more to THE STORE OF QUALITY now to total 600,000, have aroused caliber' bomb hits on BriUsh Cheera greeted him when Ut cried She had radioed that she waa make It proof against prolonged 3,000 miles of ocean.’' 'capslxing and taking water” 200 THINKING nervousness in Yugoslavia, whose troops, camps and military objec­ MATs. m m to the aascmbled Rrautdlcana major attack. He aald he wanted to "see the miles off Cape Sable, N. S. Three territory, as well as that of Bul­ tives in northern Cirenalca" and rnuBU***'DOROTHY I.AMOUB % “Have you got it in you-?" The Alaska basea listed in the garia, would afford a corridor for * dictatorial emergency power# (>>aat Guard cutter* found only PRKSCRIPTIONi? hit parked planes on an airport 4 0 554 He i^ d tribute npt only to I taken from the president and re­ attack on Greece and an advance R O BERT ^ MTS-eMiNni n s Abraham Lincoln , and George floating balesI o f pulpulp at the scene. near Bengasi, the German high PRESTON W . stored to the people.” ABOUT AH on . BURHER i toward the Aegean. The Vardar command announced today. SeKtS INCUWS VAX 'Washington, but to/Robert E. Lee. Called For and Delivered \river valley through Yugoslavia PRESTON I ' Senator Burton of Ohio, ad Navy Artvarda Coa tract Jn addition, a communique aa d. hero of the Bouth/hs well. He caU­ dresaing a raUy at Pontiac, Mich., Promptly Call "affords a natural route, noted in | British truck columns were dl^ rO STEB^C ed them "the thete great figures of Fpp SuBunop OP Foil InitoIIoHon ? t^rU l War history, for an ad-j said the Brtttab aid bfil If passed Washington, Feb. 18— Terau AmRgcd neMerwK hM Spoitaorad / drums more furiouaiy than tha io- carried hto dinner to a second 3sM b i Tbday. Noarly d8 tekaeces. Yon can't kny m better Lookliif Bakellte Case— terventiantota and war-makers ot rsotaurant where hs wsh peovMsd naa noMB TB M eet FroiB. M. Ha* leeM* to ask B u lg a k "to daclde agalnrt with ketchup. Then h# ran out of BulU-ia Anteana. Germany to to- aak bar, to commit the Democratic party.” Oatof TaeneCaslioifn cigarette. in th# s r ^ t h * GAMES Declaiing be was “astontolMd" htead and M ttsr and after he n saoa Write Uo. suicide." _____ ), 000 buUdlnga [tMcphonsd the first restaurant, it HOLAMD niUsb Naval bomhardment of . .54.00 Prii# Per Gsaw by WiUkie’s proposal to transfer 3 TERMS! TRADES! 2 5 G s h n s . j jnoce American diiatroyen to M L I was promptly dattvered. When be A. L. Owen M usic Genoa last Sunday. . 1 1 0 .0 0 Prbe Par said; "H Mr. Wttikl* had ^nricc (hi AO Radioa! - 560.00 Prize rrodaimad any auck vtowa tn tte dtolMa back to tbe first rebtaurant, C o , CENTER STREET AT WEST CENTER ST. ' TEL. W|0 baan trapped ta ^ 1 SFsdalGsffM . f tH U s The •riVar of tbe Ro#es“ * reid ahelter*. and B Popoio m ‘b«OT PrtBi 110.00. residential campalgB. ha w « « 265 Tniutw J Strort FREE BURNER SERVICE TO CONTRACT CUSTOMERS!' sartea U elvU SM AttsftlM AWesGsiBsa. kava aarr^ HnSSlr kawea of Laaesatar and Tark. ta %IM Th# f of cans in thaae might tbe United States has doulUed V - r . ■ Potterton’s m gpedal Cards 10c »rt*at Tuscan. Arts.. v*Tnarbadyi4SbTe^ Eagtoad. D tad rooB ^ of tba dW armhel ot LaacBBtar. wkHa tte Pleti^SrdKll^tto w ho^ White, aotsd Bmpocto. Kas.. ot I At tke Ceater. M f Mala St. whtta sBoe waa the etaMem J itad wcaaded la the [York. 'J-.' ;i;-y Vf- it-: I.>: -■. ■ : V';' J-'

i f ■I *

P A G B l -■T ■ ■' j MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1941 , i?-I"' rr.iTsrA Y . rrsr.v .’iA* 13. u ii n i s r i H ••.Vi .M.m : HKK \ »> v a N *-«I ;4TKH if O O H Way to Avert 45 Auxiliary Naval Vessels Local Student R u m a n ia n s Try to Live LS Strike Sought Seen Source of More Aid Oets Practice Like in Normal Times ► . ____ _ ■“ ■ ' « — ------Appeal Made hy Gover­ Waalilngton. Feb. 1*8—slbl* step toward extending fuf- This Week’s Feature! destroyer dia^te between Secre­ ther helpelp Ir merchant______tonnage- F r a MI m Ellen Fuller Begins New Series to Depict, nor of Yermont on which Wlllkle Mated wlto deatroy- Six W eeks of .Pracdeal Am«uig u«ue Oipiui i t w tary Knox and Wendell L. Wlllkle an and bombers as one of Brit­ Now Stool. Brink Railway Dispute. led some informed persona today ain’s three great Inunedlats needs. T e a c h i n g . How America Is Arming . mention the pool of 46 recently President Roosevolt, IfistrucUng TEA Ikod OMtiAW* W »r, But People , F» By The Associated Press converted auxUlary. Naval, vessela toe Maritime (Jornmlsston to pro­ I TF,V B o l t o n Bolton h No Public Dump, Food Of *very varlaty continues ___ y' as a potenUal source "of furtoer vide for "expedlUous and effec­ Miaa Elian Fuller, of I I Wash­ to be purchnaabt* In ctUa*. This A way to avert a strike on toe Omt l O WlllW! Hoeteai. , . . . . HsrUord: two FV.at.ra wlntar It heoomaa more eo In the iToupe and demonatratlona. Nothing la really scarce. The sole der auspices of the'Natlonal Asso­ WEAF-NBC-Red — 7:80 Xavier Not Applied to Anxlffartes ebM tor, to Be Princl- UrtHeeheeper, Oar nibblah and ft'haga Over a nationally and InternationiiUy at two German veuela, which have MARKETS Jean Coorafl.v; four scarfs, three palra of aookk Mmturv BCO this iSCtiOfI WSS tUIDRlSr tlm s SAd ths OfflftlSlB Of MIm Fuller la n « ^ 40 Syra­ By Bohert Bt. John food regulation is that all bread ciation of Manufacturers, will de­ Cugat orchestra; 8 FannlA Brice; this Ume.” Knok’a statement that no more tied up to escape war on the high the town Wiu nuke every attempt cuse unleveralty atudento who ara or Homeland m 1 O f f ic e r * hara Wiliee. oalr of sea boot atocklnga, and STt^T^M^Martford Hinir.aad Bucharast, Rumania — (Cable must'be made of a certain mix­ pict toe various phasea of arming 8;S0 Aldrich fazally; 8 Bob Burns Fifteen nUTOOd brotherhoods destroyers could be spared "with­ seas. The American merchant ma­ LOCATED ATI {Moaee, Joan Morin; FoodA Sylvia to and tola aort of thing. Tbla being aent out to ocoPerato wlto ture of flour nnd aold .slightly stale am ataun; 10)15 Chooea Up Sides, out depleting our fleet” did not, •SOUND W of flovaa. TheM» arUciaa that title may have led p ^ le to Corretpondene* of TCh*’ Bpoclal America by pa^ng microphone reprosentlng 1,300 employes voted rine. counUng Unker# ahlpa tn In- RICHMOND CIYLON TEA CARTON 19c . MO to Be Elected. |iRohineon. w*re*^knltt#d by people of Bolton believe that ctvlUaatlon haa not paat week a great deal of refute the home economics departmenta to cut consumption. vislta to different factories. Lenny Rosa, Bob Edge. to strike at 6 p. m., (a. a. t.) to­ strictly apeaking, apply to auxil­ teraational trade and domeattc 22 East Center St* has been dumpito along Clark Road of 13 center* throughout upstate News Service)—Cavlnir coat* $13 Ae for the peasants, they never WJZ-NBC-BIuCv-S Horace Heldt morrow ”to reriat a wage reduc- iaries, these sources noted. trade vessels, numbers more than and the twelve crept out to the remote parte of 'and reildenta along that particular The program, at 7 p. m., will The Navy secretary made toe on Wedneeday hrtngs 'j’* toll toWn. . New York. a pound In BucharMt. a fantaatlc used luxury foods. They aaw to It come on just an hour after the CBS show; 8:80 TommyDoraey..orchi- Uon of from 10 to 30 per cent,” 1,000. ★ 169 NORTH MAIN ST. Ordlnanee Bnaeted road are algo on the watch for the These achoola will cooperate In in their own way last autumn that tra; 8 Rochester* 'phOhannoiiic; raUway labor offictala said. statement yesterday, tn an Indi­ Bxpreaslon of Strict Viewpoint trarmsnla to two hundred for Bol nrlc* in thla part of the wotW, eerie* which haa been running for rect reply to WlUkie’a pica of RICHMOND - SOUO PACK RED RIPE GrocerIcA Fralt aad Vegetabtaa flw annual maatinif of the Toll*"*! W a p p i l i g The Selectmen of Bolton paaaM culprits to repeat the offenee. the program tor a total of 13 rat Jucharost ahop* atlll- ar* hill. they would have enough corn 10:45 P tom PhotogiM heni of liM la Receiveraillp fon aCe. • remarkable Appeal to Decency weeks. Mika Fuller wUl be In some time as "report to toe Na­ Tueaday that from five to ten Am­ In toe dMtroyer controversy. Only. OIMt* T. M. C A. win »>• hem rbcord for so small a town as sn ordinance In toe fall of 1840 AmtrloAn whlakey haa not yet (their native food) to last unUl tion." Thla one differ# somewhat London and New York\ two-way The line is In receivership, and Borne non-service officials suggest­ Mra W. W. Oraat ResidenU In Bolton are proud of Marcellua unUl March 1 when she spring. r erican deatroyera be aent to Brit­ % to evening at the Vernon Con- ISM, Mancheatet tit^ y people are alao knitting for prohibiting the dumping of gar­ dtsappenred from the market ev­ from the NBC aerlea In that It broadcast. some Vermonters expressed fear ain each month to meet her ’’des­ ed that Secretary Knox’s dlsputs TOMATOE52i:-"23c3 7725c StoTM Opea Tbaraday aad SaA- bage and refuse along toe roads Ih their town, small though It U. and will be replaced by another stu­ en fiiough It brings $• a quart. Notes Damage I* Rom* MBS—7:15 Here’s Morgan; 8:80 that If a strike began toe road wlto Wllllde might merely be an nrday EvenlagB for Year Can- toMUlnnin church. A t l ^ a ^ d dm m . <*nd no r^ o rd of they appeal to toe decency of dent who will remain for three seeks to give a general picture of perate need.” at alx-tblrtir o clock by S ; gartpents for the Red Cross U Bolton. This ordinance atates Popular brand# of Ameri^ I sat in a Rumanian‘home re­ the business of government. This In Chicago Tonight; 8:80 N^Sto- might cease operaUon* permanent­ Wlllkle, In New York, retorted expression of toe strictly Navy venleaoe. A eon waa bom to Mr. and Mra, that anyone found guilty of such other folks not to make the town weeks, and then ahe will return to olgaratt** contlnu# to find their cently and noted the huge craeke viewpoint which would give way Ika ladiM "Of the. Vernon church. the dumpifig piece of refuse, snd Marcellua on March 34 tpr her week-end It will deal with taxation. fonletta; 10:80 Chicago aymphbpy. ly. at once that ”)Ugh authorities” in 4 7 2 9 X abort hualneea ineeUng w jl Hnrold Cotton on Tueaday. at tha * 'M rt WlMstt wlahea to express an act shall be fined twenty-five way myatarloufty into B uo^nt that lined every wall. NegoUaUons In toe strike of toe administration had told him before a practical solution based sob AS s.®*** ” c dollars. It la tha IntenUon of to# empty liquor bottles. Smashed li­ final three weeks. and •omatlmar era booUegged at That’s what the earthquake did CIO employes of The ADls-Chal- on broader defense considerations. te in place at P'Wcb time thMc »Ul Hartford hoapltal. Mra. Cotton , ^"nrerX nk. for all the quor bottles at three places on to. The program has been organis­ Next Monday night Joe LouU What to expect Friday; The' that ”we are In a poaltlon, without '|te annual elecUon of offtrere. official.^ In Bolton and tha reM- AO cent* a pack. to ua,” my host said. war—CBS 8, 8 a. m.. 8:55, 8:30 p. lera Manufacturing Co., Mllwau- . They sold further that toe 45 waa, before her marriage, Mlaa work done for her unit Iruats roads of Bolton at the preaent Ume ed to give home economics stu­ Although this nmaalng little fights again, and a* usual toe NBC- any Injury to our Navy or na­ BREAD 2 ‘«~15e 'MiUOW rRISH^ aMaher of the evening will It mav continue .a the need for dents of tha town to see that any­ Then I counted 88 patchea of Blue la to broadcast toe event, m.; NBC 8 a. m„ 1:45 p. m.; NBC- k4ft, were renewed today In Waah- tional defense, to give Great Brit­ converted auxiliaries might pro­ EUithcr Wallea of Avery etreat, one who disobeys the ordinance be are hazards to tires, French Road, dents actual training In the teach onpttal has bean ehnkan by an papeiper over hole* In the wlndowa Ingipn after union and company vide the answer to both Winkle’s h e ^ Ja®** liWihart of C hcter. knlTed garment. 1. Sister than Birch Mountain. Clark Road and ing field, enabling them to under­ earthquake, torn oy a revolution acbeduled for Philadelphia, with Blue 8:55 a. m.; NBC-Red 8 a. m.; ain Immediate effective aaaistance daughter of Mra. Mary Wallea. ever before. Anyone desiring t fined the full amount. It has been Doore were bullet riddled. Mirror* MBS 11, 11:45 a. m., 1:15, 2, 5 p. delekationB held separate dirous- by furnishing her additional de- request and Knox’s objection to COFFEES The South Wlndaor Cardan duo toe dirt road from Herbert stand and cooperate In the rou­ and now alts on the brink of wa^ were broken. Ceilings were pock­ Gua Dorazio aa toe opp^ent . . . alons uat night. The strike, now parting with any more destroyers. FLOUR PASTRY ""“59c H the Youth RalUee in Tolland this work may obtain ithe practice of several unknown Hutchinson’s place to West atreet To give more time for toe dlscus- m. . . . WEAF-NBC-Red—1:16 TVS i« AT LOWEST PRICES EVER! met yesterday afternoon at tha help In ' persons to use the dirt roa^ con- tine organisation of a public fasUdioua shopper# atlll can find marked with bullet holes. In Ita W rt day, la holding up pro- ..lllkle’s Insistence on tola point The auxlUarlM required only Onenty and proved to he a moat snd Instnictlohp from seems to be bearing the brunt of school and to atudy child prob­ anything they dealre. from rare alon, toe CBS People’s Platform Paul Laval’s atiinga; 3:46 Vic and RNUT S lb Wood Memorial Library. Norman material netting West street and French “Soldiers fought a sniper—who ducUon oV $45,000,000 In defense caua^ some to recall that, among from SO to 60 days to convert, AN PwpoM bag 1 7 e 'a“6 3 c Prteat, of Wapplng. spoke on Mrs. Willett. „ • the offenders and these places wlU lems. During the three weeka French perfume to choice Bngllah really was upstairs.’’ on Saturday night la being extend­ Sade; 6:45 Dr. U A. Welgle on they said, and could be changed FLOUR To Hold Valentine Tarty Road for a dump. . . „ __ be watched closely from now oo. ed to 45 minutes. Argument will "Crlals Pacing Religion.” WABC- orders. ' others, he talked with Preildent iRkhiMHid 2Ul2Se ••House Plants”. The hoatesata Dump Rubbish In Front of Hoto here at Syracuse between practice woolen*, even though the price# But In the midst of theae Other labor developments In Rooeevelt after teaUfylng before back In toe im e length of time. BRO O KftID K 1 lb were Mra. Hattie 8. Vinton and The Women's Society /or If an appeal to decency brings no teaching periods, students will at­ are aomeUme# hreatht^lng. gtaphic acar* from two of Ru­ centerX around toe "Lend-lease” CBS—8:15 a. m. (west 2:80 p. m.) Since a number were converted Thcae -dirt road* have not been School of the Air; 3:15 Treasury of eluded: toe Senate Committee, on the FRESH CREAMERY relt of acUvlUea at Camp Mrs. Robert E. Burnham. tlan Service will hold a Valentine plowed out this winter and It waa results It would be pointed out tend study and evaluation cllntca ThU U how Rumania alfwra mania's worst disastera my host bill, particularly whether aW to Strike Not Vet Approved BriUsh aid bill. without changing their essential BUHER 1. Mdm 2U29C p in y . 7 th . North Bchool hom o that twenty-five dollars would pay from *v*ry oth«r country in Eu- Songs; 3:45 Exploring Space. WJZ- during the paat eea- There will be a bridge w d tot uncommon experience of one and hi* family were enjoying 11'e BriUln will increase the threat of Akron, Ohio—A x Federal con White House Silent armament. It was pointed out that hack party Ihe South Windsor on French Road to have for a lot oif garbage dispoul, ac- as If'nothing had happened. war. NBC-BIue—12:30 Farm and Home The White House maintained si­ they would be virtually ready for on Saturday ^J.^vSen^ ”*BiPlte abdication, marching Hour: 2 Music Appreciation hour; dilator attempted to mediate EVAP.M ILK^?r4'“can* Kybo 2tt33e LMMa Anatsarjr Firehouse Saturday n.rann is askod to bring a Vaien* S A b U h d^rJld rthofr f-rnt Ico^dTn, to ."cceptod regulation., In front of their building were labor dispute at The Selberllng lence on toe deatroyer contro- use today aa convoy ahlpa—the BMetlng of the clock, given by the Pteasant V d- tTne and an^irtlcla for tha su ctio n . T o l l a n d troops, toppling hulldinn ^ Brltiah radio, whose broadcast­ 5:80 Drama behind the News. MBS verayt but one development yes­ role In which Britain probably The' r e r w PrUea will be awarded. rioUng clvlUans, Rumanian# are —3:30 to 4:15 Philadelphia orches­ Rubber CO., Which haa defense or­ b No o k s id e (Ripley v: 19c of tha Stanley Nlcholg will be the aucUon- ing center In Lofidon haa felt toe ders for Ures and aaU-gas equip­ terday waa Interpreted aa a po# vyould employ them. Grade A dot • There ---- 'UCtlQIl. - Mrs. ja m .c h a irniML Mt*. d*lHi H. fttsM* to live a# though nothin effects of German bombing, la ex- tra . . . Some short waves:-Hat4 ’aiwy wom’-tlBItti’eSA-feb.-tteA.-__ •"TTlFiKTWIlfmi"” wiwUpnij 7jM CifflcertjMid .^em ment. Union workers authorised y|G G S «oo oanrlnalnn of the huMneae johnErick«mwm __ _ the recin. ------:p«idlfiffr«4Matlv(!baMndm'ij»n)M : ffrutrtkeCTftaFaff^yst approv e d -'^ with articlea for sale. _ . _ C o v e n t r y ence In Washington. Eh# la assist­ liig rather well. They drank their tsuica, sang ' BurCttifl S a ra ^ ha a Valentine like Supple Birch Tree wave programs- directed towarc toe dO-Unlted Rubber Workers Paraonal Tax CoHector Ephram lU have ing a non-clUaen neighbor In se­ A large force of State Highway Rumanian aonga and were in the America, particularly those con­ Speaks; DJD DZD DJC Berlin 8:Sd Mirabel 'Ure Jellies W Cowles will he at tha Wapplng curing naturnllzatlon papers. The They tell foreigners Rumania la midst of a folk dance when I left union InternaUonal board—after A Thought "?£ IhllaeifiC iir charorof" tlckata and decoratlone. workmen with Otto Horo, a* taining news and comment. Valentine day; 2RO Rome 10 News. the company rejected demands for Ban Reading poet Ottea next Friday afternoon, Th* aUff of 33 canvassers *p- next meeting of toe post and like a supple birch W i^ltben^ them. IVORY 2 i ! : r 2 5 e ARPU 2*£r2Sc Mrs. Stanley Nichols, who la head, are cutting out *n — ,------In Wapplng and working *1 Colt a hall on Friday night Feb. 14th. Ikuraday, Febrnary 12 which makes parts for manufac­ m l e s f-j believed,—^o h n 20:28, I Brtdgct Btima and Mra. Joae- Society tor ChriaUan Service art new mambera and additional con­ Thnraday, Feb. IS turers working on defense orders. NOXON POLISH Patent Fire Arnrui factory in tributions to meet the $680 nelsj- The Scout committee, and scout t . b n „ -»■» P.M* p. m ; partments Prohibit ----- gMaa B arnia^ Laaf«a sewing for the Red Crow. leader Margnret Jacobson, will be bualnen and Bngland, 4:0(i—Backstage Wife 4:00—Portia Faces Ufe. Hancock, Mich.—A strike affect­ In belief lies the secret of all PINN-RAD MOTOR OIL met on Wednesday. Feb. 5 on their ed to balance the 1841 budget ing 561 employe# of The Quincy Epistle of Bishops. fmitje Orlta, prealdcnt ^ ” Tm " miaworth High patronesses. Members of toe com* the side of 4:15—SteUa Dallas 4:15—We, toe Abbotts. valuable exertion.—Bulwer. CAMAY ketball team, which haan t .l^ t a regular meeting day and made in­ Membership due* *r# $1 annually. M ttee are Mra. R. B. Bennett, .K i^'w ho drsoruuW *S*«ni^*y to battle on 4:30—Lorenso Jones Mining Co. shut down producUon KIRKMAN’S BORAX SOAP M ^nata Lnthar Uagu* fant’s lackata and bonnets at the There I* also n current deficit of spending the winter, ®**Ii*t; hla oononent for A the Axis. 4:30—HlUtop Houae. at a copper works yeaterday. Wage Anaa tha membara oC the ^ther game in schoolboy com^tltlon m Mra. Portia B. Fuller, Mrs. John Program booka of the year for merlnf from m* that moment 5;45-^Toung Wldder Brown 4:45—Kate Hopkins. Stockholm, Sweden, Feb. 18.^— There are hundreds of square SOAP KIRKMAN'S Its last 48 itarta, moved home of Mra. SUnley Nichols. It $451, which Includes $122 due the Cummlak. Mrs. Herman LeDoyt, East Central Pomona Orange No. down roundk ey«tuaiiy mump Humanla. There 5:00—Girl Alone Increases and toe question of a (ft)—Reports from Oslo today said jSS^- oC the FUvt was decided to hold sewing seilons librarian and $220 due the Parker- 6:00—Ad Liner—Dance program. union ahop were a t Issue. miles In mountainous Utah which at a meeUng to be held th e lr ^ o n d Mrs. B, E. Flint. Mra. W. L. Rote. 3 and Subordinate Oranges in toe because he can take it. ^ anotoar eartoqu^e 5:15—Lone Journey 5:15—The O’Neills. toe police and church departments never have been vlatted by white GRANDMA’S MOLASSIS season by Iroundng East H sn^ on the Wednesdays when ths 8^ ElUot Coal CO., of WUUmantlc. M il Hattie M. Albro received Pomona Oranee district, were pro- They aro fatalUtl^ morrow, or a new rovoluUon, but 5:30—Jack Armstrong 2 11c , Maht o’clock. There Owing to shrinkage In Interest on 5:30—Ad liner. had forbidden reading in Nor­ men. 'tfKMTt^huAMSi loirtaam^ tho Wgb a c ^ -^ A B. Taylor, Hamnton were among th# callers 1 Tbat’a why Rumania In IM I Ift ment signed by all toe biahopa a ^ 1 I B C e x c e p t CONSOMME dren. Rockville and Mrs. Mark Carpenter the memonr of my grandfather, have been recelevd by the Board rent from the roat of Burop*. I jullA K. McGovyrn, 8:00—News Reporters B arrett SA lTf ASK fO R M 9 B O U K O er CHOWDER PMtrlet Commiaaloner dn4 each the Rev. Ckauncey Booth, long a of Tax Review. at to# Steele House Tuesday. 1 .ui«a»*nt from the roat of Burop*. | charging that, under toe existing] 2 ^ 2 5 c taaoB will preaent a. abort play or of South Bolton, visited Mark Bim vlvant* who uaed to order a j. o’Coonell ^ d 8:15—Food News 7:55—Newe, weather. . State R oad Leads 2 ss 37c pastor of the Congregational Morton E. Thompson of this Mro. Grover Harlow, m a ^ n of I 8:30—Al Perry’s Hawallana 8:00—News of E u rc ^ . government, act# of violence were i M f K A m s r V ■amthlng connected nith acoutr Carpenter at the Veteran's hospital encouraged, clergymen were | in Rocky HUl on Wednesday. church In South Coventry, and of town was elected a director for 8:40—Foods In Season 8:15—Shoppers Spedal — Music, my father. Doctor Timothy Dtm- To D evelopm ent coerced Into betraying confldenoi B alias To Duty Stafford Springs All members of the Board of three years of. Patrons Mutual 8:45—TU We Meet Again time. ock, who was born In South Cov­ Fire Insurance company at the 10:00—This Small Town 8:30—^New*. weather. of their communicants and the ju­ Bnltpe Captain Peter J. Dowgv- John O. Nerto i Education were present at the entry and there practiced as a S i^ ^ o f the feature* afteF the dicial system appeared to he crum­ Board meeUng on Tuesday eve­ annual meeting held at the home They ihay cut American clgtr-...Isi'SK \ ing gift* 'K to r.i.uv-. reiauves. 10:15—Xalghts of the Road 8:85—Shoppers SpeclaL wicx returned to hla duties on «T3. Stafford physician during hls long and use­ tegular bualneaa 10:80—EUen Randolph bling after toe Norwegian Su­ W*4besday following a a-eek a lll- ning. Supervltor I. B. Dunfteld was office In Glastonbury. 8:00—P r e i New*. Beverty, Mass., Feb. l8—(A)— ROUND ROAST ful life." The Tolland Grange ^ U «pon- 10:45—The Guiding Ugfat preme court resigned. MB. Sergeant Arthur Frey who present and arrangements were Mr. and Mrs. Winston Lewis of aor a public setback nerty at toe 8:15—American School of lAf Public Works Com­ Over It ,000 has tjeen reeel^ The Booth-Dlmock kfehiorlal 11:00—TTie Man I Married was acting captain during the made for the possible addition of Bloomfield, have moved into one Community Houae ir^ y ev^ Air. missioner Herman A. MacDonald Gets 1940 Threaklag Doas bv toe local commltl** In charge Ubrary waa dedicated Oct. 24, of Harry Llebman’S tenements on 11:15—A ^ tn s t The Storm 8::4S—Tha Mikado. that an approach leading week kaa now returned to night five new punlla to the Center end 1913. ft contains several thousand nlng. The officer# 6f toe Grann 11:30—The Rood of life of toe drive to raise South Schools. Plnney street. ______are In their turn commltteea to 10:00—^By Kathleen Norris. to a loal eatato development own­ duty. purchsse of a Field M ^le hitch- volumes to which all residents and ll;45—David Horum Fairmont, Minn., Feb. 18—(ft)— Card Party Velma Munro, a student nurse of charge. At UK* meeUng Mr*. 12:06 Noon—Treat Time 10:15—^h^nrt and Marge. ^ ed by a aUtc official was built It took some Ume, but EM Clif­ The Loyal Order of Moose will en. unit to ba aent to England^ visitors have free access. Grace JacObAtschairman. 10:80—S t^m other. ^ with state funds allocated to a lOPwBOflOM ^he Manchester Memorial Hospital The National Defense and V is.. ford, Pleasant Prairie farmer, hold a public linochle party this was reported yesteiday. Wednesday afternoon at the 10:45—Woman of Courage. Cftpe Cod community for highway finally got hls 1840 toroaahlng money hss been donsted by volun- Americanism progranw which i|V ictiiti of A uto 12:15—Gene and Glenn 11:00—Classic la Tempo. ' Firri NarisoSl Mscit rws avanlng at eight o'clock at their hom4 of her parents on Andover were to have b#en carried out by 12:30—th e W eather Man . construction. ____ done. RainA Uien snow blocked rooms on Blm street. tarv contributors. The comimttee [1 1 :16—M artha Webster. He told the Chamber of CJom- coaatotNtly hither In (prsU- Road. the Earle W. Green Po*t A. L. Fish-G am ^ B oard 12:85—Day Dream# the job laat fall, and ba was un­ ty- isU at da leumt pricttl Valeatlae Party anticipates that the wmalnlnglTM Louis A..Hfron haa notified the Cm eh Succum bs 11:S(D—Bic Slatar. merca last that ba mads the able later to get a rig untU yes­ neeSseary WUl ha received within Auxiliary lAst night at their meet- Ij 12:45—Rhythihs of the Day /WivMMry lAn wMk, but did not BnUowlng the bualneaa session of Beleetlve Service, BoArd of toe tng In the town hall. havA been 1:00—Nesrs, Weather 11:45—Aunt Jenny's Storlqs. terday to thresh 20 s e n of oatA Btanley Doboaz Unit No. 14, Amer- a toort time The local comiulttw change df hla addrea.* from An­ postponed, as the speakers were G ut Is O pposed .1:15—The Uttle Show 12:00 Noon—Kat Smith Speak*. identtfy the official or the town In SIRLOIN Jean Legion Auxiliary held Wed- Includes; Ravmond B. Kelsey of 1:30—Marjorie MiUs P. M. hft apaorh lb ths Hartford Connecticut Trust dover Roa^. Bolton to 217 North unabls to come owing to slcknM. Hartford. Feb. 18.—(ft)—John While oo" a visit to Ounp 8kl ■aaday evening, a Valentine party Elm atreet, Manchester. These program# adll probably Strot, about 85. who moved here 2:00—Your Neighbor 12:15—When a Girl Marries. Noted for Flavor 35c ward* he aald, he saw “a broad, FAST DAYS STEAKS took place with Mlaa Emma Bata Company, Stafford 8 p r I 2:15—Medley 'lime 12:30—^Romance of Helen T ren t branch; Clarence D. Benton. First I take place In April.. recently from ThompsonylUe. d ^ Hartford. Feb. beautiful highway twice as wide Jaat aSSSat waiar ta a SaMsIad ai aad M U Anna Martlay. In charge. 1 At last night’# meeting Mrs. vesterdav afternoon of a froctureo opimaUton developed at “ 2:80—Concert Matinee 13:45—Our Gal Sunday. imrnm/dr *•*• • Sillda i Sm 0*BM* were played w h prises Selectman; Richard Blsaonnette, os the F"««" Atate highway leading I Edna Lewis, Auxiliary president. skull and lacerated brain suffered prtaUms Commltt^ n u t t ;00—Mary Martlft 1:00—New*, weather. ' ' T He* aaamUi aran. la tfifty Awarded to the wlhnn* ap- Standard Card Clothing Company M aloney W ants -Ma Perkins 1:05—Main StrM t—Hartford. off toward tha aboro.” Ja* kaa aa mack VMaala Bi PORK LOINS “T9c V ‘ and Mia* Lur* Green, n chairman M'lTOur* earlier when he waa prop^ by Jtobet^, An -engimr with him, ha ■•* 2 Ika. kaafataak.. .ya* eeHial# u , H R M E V r ■ropftata for the occasion' luid William L Sorenson of toe of the CommltWe on Bdurotlon of k ^ ^ e d .'down by an automobtle. pper Young’s FsinUy 1:15—Woman la White. _— — ABnouncement waa made: that Warren Woolen Company. Mrs 1:80—Right to HappIneoA ■ortod. deacrlbed It as "a 106 per Lim it on Pow ers War Orphans, gave thclf reports ^^ii^m an Peter O. LeCompte 1^45—Vic and Bode plans AN complete for toe Ameri- Ralph B Thayer la chairman tor from toe National Defe*^ Ban­ 1:45—Life Can Be BeautlfuL cant ChMter 80 road leading to a S H O U L D E R S »16c rnnlam and Jfatlonsl Defense Somers. Any person who desire* quet which they attended at the reported booking the 3:00—Young Dr. Malone. real eatate devMopmant of a atate Per Slarae Hariat “WNa Eye” er Henrv A. Phillips. 80. of H art­ offlclaL" la e tln f to be held on Wednemlay to contribute may send hit. contri­ Hotel Taft In New Haven on Feb­ 2:15—Joyce Jordan, Girt Interna. PeadCaw evening. Whruary Ifilh Mr*. Gur. bution to any inembef of the com­ Norwalk. Feb. 13.—(An—U, 8.] ford. on a rocklei driving charge. Officer Ordering 2:80—Fletcher WUm. Chapter 80 I* a state law pro­ SHOULDERS *VPSZ. •* l7 c ruary 1st. Mr#. Helen MacFarland, % tS3SS ^w h2'^»fti th* viding for Ugbway ^propriationA don Bradley of Somers, Distriet mittee Senator Maloney. In hls ilrat pub­ haarUig room 2:45—Home of the Brave. J.fm L E 0 Chairman will be guest of toe. The follon-lng stale police offi­ lic expression regarding toe lease- stot**CAplteL polfitAd out that Last Shot Ig Dead 8:00—Mary Maigaxst McBride. auxOlary to t the evening, and pro­ cers wUl complete their refretoer lend bill, told a Catholic club’s 8:15—Oowen Treasury of Song. PIAS FOWL »23c gram will be preaented. The Junior course this afternoon. Thuiaday, Lincoln Day banquet audience last Don't B e • Cookie Rookie! 8:80—The New England Home. Jap General Talks TENAO SPEARS girla of the Auxiliary will be At the Stafford Springs aUte po- night that he would vot* for thf 8:45—Studio Matinee. AsparagutTw*' r m U for the Avettlng also Mias b*rr*ck* In Ih* fourth wrrk of tneMxii^ on on* condition—‘Hr T.»gnna Boocb, CsUf., Feb. IS— m i d d l e RIBS.£X)£.» 19 c boArd mu*t Ap«ad A Urge P*rt of tipi—The officer who ordered the 8:56—W ar Oommentary. weather r \ ECOaOWCAL Jennie B*U hA* been named Pan- training tor officers from toe vari­ CongTCM has th# right to with­ ItAlSlt.OOO wurpluA for operoUng To Mediation Unit — i AmricAft rttalrman tor ibe unit ous barrachs! From Beacon Falla. draw the power* extended to to# firing of the loilt shot in toe World Afporagucom** tmiryiBM T* Meal John A. Doyle and Donald. Paige; president.*' i **AcUnff fcudgAt Director Clau(M W ar i* dead. LUXURY LOAF >*25c PAIf y ie n of Tolland ODuti- -I am Mtlafied that tha preft- Kothing thrill# d woman guit* fio OoL WlUis Oraady Peace, U.S-A. Mua ntci* _ AOft Canaan. John A. Gunning •nd Ed- rotlrad. was commander of -rthe Date With Girl Ban^u>k. Thailand, Fab. IS.— t y ^Q Baldm A anMl (Ml toy a e .^ ?*' ;^n”prouHi>ot; Danielson. Uonei dent’a desire 1* for pe*c« hut 1 tturiev h“'4 accepted the advice of yp)-5w. 0«n. Ralahito SumitA LobitarMaot***” ® th* lAMM df to*‘TMUmd county I J. Charle* J. Heckler m u ch a s ft g tf t o f c h a rm in g FIowat* llto Ui S. Field ArtiUeiy la the Fish Specials ; wont vote to turrtntor the HghU S'K m « dw ^ « ATOdoB* fora*. A (Sernma shell, a Lead* to Arrestl Iiaad of tha Japanaaa COmmlarioti John of CongrwM.” ha aa**rt*d. ■fthr eonferrt^ toP***” ^ . let your Valentine have this administering armistice terms for NEW YORK ndBUte before the 11 o'clock Rod Parch FlIlaM O’Brien; Hartford. '*1 want our form of govarnroent of to# Board of FMftOriei And by sending Park HIU Flow eri.r’ Tltalland (Saim) and Freaeh Indo- STiAK COP , to tM ■ ^ znlsttce hour, kiUsd seven e x c u r s i o n s ! Fxlward J, Doollng, Roydro A matnUlned •• It w«A eaUbllah^. bi* of hls staff. He ordered rtitwe, planned to return to^ jr to TASTY VARMTY • 2 7 e lAittitry win b* d1*cuseed *t ’ Ronopaaka and WlUlnm McKen- not from lack of faith tn to# chief MlnneapoHA Fab. 18—(ft)—D*- SaigoB after a buy day la wl MACKEREL tiato there wW be a rscei fW find la rctaltatloB. It toettv* Capt BstiMri Faradaau da; Ridgtfield. Rof*r O. Nurohv maglatrato.** h* ASaartod In an- ploded over the German Mae* ex­ ba confarrad with Aembsra of tha plnlnlng that hU d*ctoUm wa* Mt set up a tamporniy dote bureau In and Edmund S. Flannlgan; Staf­ MlM Grant Speaks actly oa the hour. the Intarests of crlma datoeUoa. ^ywati«w CoBamlsajofl and called M TMft*4* ford Springs. WlUiam H. 8tepb*n meant to b* di*t*tofy to to* oa Preader Luaag Kpul Song • mm f*e to* «ntsrialnmeiit COhxMl Peace. 64. died a t hla Ha arrangod with the aoB aad John B. Yaakulka; wa*t' prtaldasL . „ . horn* hero Tuesday. graBL 0*0* *nd Olaim brook. WUUam H. Connolly and • ! b*U*v« th* to*** tond U to* To Club Members frlaad of a ama aunael Ha — hla mlaslrm tm * waa of to* C*rdlnal Dorenee Mlalka: Waatport, J#*** w*y. If tbar* to * way. to k#*p ua 8100 robbery to tall ataa If Biarkly to cohault with tiha com- CHrl Seoul* to b* •uapaet aakad her for a data. Fotoy *ad Frod VtrtlU. rrom haeoffllAg lnv*lv*d to MM I ip««m Oeftrude Grant wai and had a* othar aifalft- h i tylM* Auftltortam inay hop* to* ehanff** acceptod by to* Whsa the Biaa askad th* girl to ____ He said hla visit to tha totoy «r Priftay ?S -*^^to5tod by to* tonal* aueat snAaker at a meeting of to* 'Milford. Feb. 18— (ft) —P retty _ja*C him oa a cortala atrsat cor^ RSmauTQuh «f th* OJsA^bury June Season. 18. Bridgeport stsa- p r a n ^ was atcirely a courtesy ^ ' g itft* *tooo* toft *ffle* Oommilto*.'* • nar, poUe* kept ths data lastsad call and no mlUtary or political ^ h aMtofil ^ ocnmhsr who had bsen spuehlsm ■ad orrestsd him. Tlisy said they U dayA 43 of which ah* was ba a matters wen dlentied. UnAar th* Aret OMSUtuUd** t i subject wa* “The Art Of »« found ^ la kM*pack*ti. (Reports from Saigon lAV* b**n U ft^U * of DeMwnrA N*« ea VMIMac Mn*d coma, ^x>k*^K>k* to her I APPLES NATIVC COOKMC 6 to 2 3 c ORANOI5 mURL 2 > 3 t c ’ In a b o ^ to l M , „Jmb SuJBita laft for . of R*d Rn*a Hampshire. South OarMto*. had *^sr 27 " m i ««'"> llanos in said lado-Chtaa authoritlsa h(|d i; BIbIMphtle, Texas, thsir chief exdeuUvea srer* Hartford. FAS. ll^-^FV-Th* h*« tvhich Mis* Oraat has hca* con* first Urn*,no, groattng th ORANOM fiSTL 3®- OB r tf ttM At UM Vttorsa*' hbdpt Mctiag for tbA paat nghtoM ebsory "iidlorHospit "IT oosaplaiaad' of “repeated” armt** APPLES PMow^ 5 '**R5c kaowA a* -pnaldaatA'” , Hoaoliita. Feb. IS — (ft) — Th* tlea vMatlaaa hy 'Ast foeesA) CARROTS f-ffTHMA t r AdrtMUM tAl, Nrrriagt**. w iks will have It* final saawi penalttad l-foy Eueniii I* WWIIITN Mm#. a w i m . •wbMr t o ! Star-BuBatia *aM today that Sr- Oaaaral SiBBttA w to alao is head grapefruit 7 to 2 5 c flueuA A»*d*m»e of Japan’s adUtazy ml set on ta In- I •pHtMfoftV. •* fHfoft Ifti^ SUMQSr • I I T 5 BftMtetzy. Barbar* Mel N*w n * t aflor AAVtrAt W**ftF duraUaO' 2 I rol nyBB,'Hollywood aaovls aebor, W M mot. Th* matfhan w U oh^ bought th« targ* he did not ;g».Pfo^Tlifofola LBMONf - Sa** nitmdaa A ^ of Hawaii SEfiad for ap- any ta th* rt^Tuadhargk mmM ------TlUtfsdAyA. ftu» The AMphikd ta* ftm eours* sriU ha­ Thar* are apprcKlauttdy 800.000 ftto. Apie ftithA ever tSA A A< tnatt* I4d tA A:U ^ AEta i a j i i m e * of tob*------^ •d tty to Art*. dT 1 ****** hod f t J. ttoi «*•••. fiedeAnk** aula Bftd *■>••* aa l ^ l h t S a /


THDRSDAY, FEBRUARY 18,19,41 MANClrtESTER EVEinTJO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ Libyan Batttefroht Same Width os Pennsylvania To Consider Mancheeter PubUc H( Isolationist Arnold Says i If. f BritamSees ^ Influence of Pwents Salary Lists Date Book Set March tiauatlw •< Recepfwn Committee for Nazi Invasion Labor Stand Tomorrow •m Ih, whUa aba ramalna as Thrust Soon Is Stressed by. Speaker Feb. 14.—Wedding Gown Pag­ of Local S S k b M to r of tta AJOa. w®V>£^«* School Board to Take eant at Masonic Tample. Justice Department ^ b a t w o dUncolt Boosts Cog! Also, M. H. S.-Esst Hartford jm m ' h w food ahortafo and the S t a r I P i un«rtain poutical altu^w . At Gateways] Up Teachers’ Wages c.ige tut at State Armory. (Coattnoed From Page 0*e) Closor Contacts Between 1 j D r a f ^ P « 8 « In thia connection. 11 P**“ *'!" At Next Meeting. Next Week A gainst B ribes. (Odwtiaaad FroiB Rags O—) Father and Son Advo-j Quotations Feb. 16.—PA..'s vs. Meriden ta m caudillo committee that economic and so­ baaketball game at East Side Rec. IndociMl Yetler- \f to hava dlacuaaed •Jl No meeting of the Board of Washtagtan,_ Feb. A : to Britain and the poaalblllty of here to be an Imminent thrust] cial problems ralsM by Jurlsdlc- cated by Dr. Aachen- Feb.' 18. io, 20, 2^—Herald pubUo hearing' ta the Jnstioe D»> ^ n tu a l AmeHcan intervention in through that country hy t r ^ m H m slogans and aymbota of d«>- Eduoation thta month meana con- Cooking School at State Theater. 'Sq^Five More Men to Rumania, plus two dvlrtoBS of Uonal atrikes “have ceased to -be bach at Banquet. mocracy are good only to the ex­ aiderable buatneaa at the March Feb. lA—Annual banquM of partment’s deportation proeeefi' — —.z ,' on Mtondoy. “ ‘ln*Mch an eventuaUty the f ^ SS.OOO men In B u lf^ a . the concern of the Department of tent that toe people understand meeting. The school year ends ta Luther League of Emanuel 141' tags against Harry Bridge^ wagt ■tippllea which dpaln ia "AS soon as the Germane haw JuaUoe ” Tbta. be aald. was be- "We’re Influencing our children, why they are good and what they June and ta March the salary list theran church. coast CIO leadsr. win begin a t frmn Arxentlna - »a an whether we know It or not,” de­ mean. for the teachers for toe coming Feb. 19.—Secular concert by rranctaco Miarch 81, Attdn* oauBs of a recent Supreme Court J . W. Stndehalwr, U. S. eam- choir of South Metoodtat church.. neF General Jackson said today. 4P pt llaaeliMWf’j' rr,ult, obaervera ^ d . of 5S,"*T£»*!SS3w ^ ^ decision holding that a strike ol clared Dr. Walter A. Aachenbach, year ta prepared. Thta ta done so Btatea crtdlU to Buenoa Alrea have a route to Salonika through mlartoner of education. that toe teachers may have an Feb. 21.—30tb„ annual Masonic Bridgea, bora in Australia, w> Rupel pasa and alooi^erea roada, one union agalnit another over pastor of the Park Memorial Bap­ Ball at Masonic Temple. peatmny has denied ha eras * niifiht he cut off. jurtadlctlonal matUra waa eaempt- opportunity to conalder toe aala- ^ far rw i D»»«a»« •‘S on# Informant aaafj™***- . _ tist church of Springfield. Mass., I think we can depend on thp riea offered for too year 1941-42. Alao, annual Father and Son Communliit..^ afflllatad with say Talk On Territory Bhnree ed from the anU-trust tawe. guest speaker at the annual ban- • iSawrtay »• Could Cut Off ®*J**U| , average American's senss of tta- Tho board will alao have for con- banquet at Concordia Lutheran organisaUon^ N advoeatlaff Thua the Naals would be In a Arnold Uitod these as typea of uet of the Men’s Friendship mor to see the ridiculous sifie of church. " throw of the gbvaramant by I tons «ST wm *or * "*^ ^ Ian Riviera conference daalt 1**^*^ *Ubor r0itrainti” which tli# d#* Bideeptlon the poaalble need for ad­ poalUon to cut Grwk 2lub of toe South Methodist attempts to play prejudice of ditional teachers. Thta Month or violence. VariOiis ly with the Italian and *^"l**^ Ions to Athena with an armorao partment did not conalder exempt church. . — group against group. have advocated hta ywt««^y- '^ , ■Viarea in what the Axla e eg ^ a aa from the Sherman anU-truit act Onalificatlons of Teaehere Feb. 23.—P.A.’a va. Bristol in Im W|Mnt from th* '“®** drive southward. The theory of influence was --O r. Newdignte fiL Owenaby, baaketball ganve at East Side Rec. such 'grounds. __^_____ to theTventual allotment of French under the recent Buprenw Court jAtien Libre The February meeting a year uf2!L „g*t Monday awmin* The natural corollary, R w m brought ou‘ well hy toe speaker SoaUwni Psyebtatrie Aasoctetton. ago gave much'time to discussing Feb. 28.—Military Ball and Jackson said the guvhraniaag>s added, would be enc ixlement cd decision ta ths "Hutohsson case: elOng toe fact that CTark Gable, case agalnat Bridgea wni4d ha lete ^ ___ __ qualifications of teachers before Farewell party for National Guard ta taav* •• M*«aay and Srran" Yugoalavla. which eUll *■ 1 . The strike of one union toe movie star, ta one of hta best I guess Fm about the only one the salary recommendations were at State Armory. based up“P- Halva claimt on Ffance In hla fact that some 280,000 youths of —Cteriea A. Undbergk. on Ma Inset shows how all of Ubys covers eastern haU of U. S. Last year several changes were followed a couTM staillar to that era than attempt to meet the wall” around a locality. made ta the method of heating celebration of Mlantonomoh Tribe, inference with *,* g. Exciualon of efficient meth­ toe Nation were going under- recent speeches. No. , I. O. R. M., a t Sports Cen­ pursued by Labor Secretary Fsr» Tt Florance. at the time the liai- Rtoa shirUess emulating the movie and additional expense Incurred In 68 kins nearly three years ago. Tha ods of prefabricated matoriala making changes ta the Trade ter on Wells street. u V r oAnid pprehenslon In British from buUdtag conatrucUon. -fting. March 17.—Entertainment at trial examiner ta the' original S a ," AddreM of Welcome school building. Last year, a new proceedingu. Dean Jamea M. ltaS> maneuvers Ireles over the fate of Glhrsltar 4. The refusal of unions to al­ was WUUam J. Shields,—85 years Boy Scouts room was added In toe Robertaon SL Bridget's church hall. ^ » ? K J d w ’t madleai « * « * " * ^ Th^Gertnana. on the ailed lero hour for Invasion crouching as a fortress. _____, low small tadspendent . firms to re­ The dinner was opened by young of School street and Next Postmaster Here March 25.—Annual concert of dis of toe Harvard Law School, aHriad % of the M •?«>«• are undemtood to have offered M of the Western Command advance. James Wilson, chairman of toe school on North School atreet. Just found that Bridgea waa aw S Can Hold Fortreas Forever ^ kota, Jmy toolatlOniBI mem* main ta business. David Rodenhlus, three and one- what the changes will be in the G Clef Club, at Emanuel Luther ■SrtLl for the doctora' cheoh-up WnnoA •MV terirt*. r#QUir wo:Jd7 K n to mcetthe “enemy •We can hold Gibraltar forever orslgn RataUona club's banquet committee. He wel­ half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Given Flag member of toe Communtat party thcmaelve. only the annex- through a cut-0-over Ihe S^ ts T( 5. AcUvltlea of unions ta 'Im- comed toe large assembly of Fath­ schools next year will not be an church. SES^naaLd and automatical^ if need he,” one military Commlttaa, Is pieuwad in' a ra- poelng and matalatalng arUflclally Roy E. Rodenhuis of 137 West April 28.--16th anniversary con' although he declared the ntari" ^ ^ C o aaa »A. Foui^n of t^ Ltton of Alaace-Uorralne. Italy id eloaaup ' m ha ers and Sons to toe supper and en­ Center street was toe youngest To Have Lifetime Job known until the board meets next time leader waa ."energetically "and a German Army °"^8P*****® marksbls osndl the fiiiod prices to consumers." tertainment following. Herbert month, but they arc not expected cert of Beethoven Glee Club at »hla C3aaa lA men will o* finis far baa never publicly de­ soil would be sure to revive the g, 'Ths "make-work” syaUm by son. Mr. Shields was bom on Parents’ Night Exercises High school auditorium. radical.” ^ - ltd to ha raady dor *a’*'* ^ ^ fined her clalnw. /_ McKinney officiated as song lead­ OcL 16, 1856 and young David to be many. The alien regtatratlon act oC IS. Y, Stocks Spanish Republican movement which he said unions "require toe er and many old favorites were New Act of r^viurrsHia ' ®f to# service demand such action Held in Connection 1940 makes an altaln depoctaUs If next !• Wlihho»d»*K/®**P******?- ,h .t Local Stocks wmich the Germane helped snuff hiring of unnecessary labor (or w .nH Ijida- each I TVS* bom on Oct. 5, 1937. Many : with r e s ^ t to toe entire register. at any Umo ta the past" ha M r For thia reaaon About Town the purpoM of excluding others ^ r . * “ ta|ffr«iddads were ^ Candidates .for appointment to Marahal Retain haa 1^ *" out in Spain's civil war.” trying to outdo the others ta Makes It Undetermined With Meeting. Insurance Firm s N ew sdealer I^ses been a member of or artlltatan icco X g to uieTcture draVm Nails. from the field.” voice. Pro-dinner music was sup­ toe group of 300, with grandsons, postmaster of toe Manchester with any subversive organisation Jfoldlnf full Adams Exp ...... Unions May Bostrata plied by toe Saxophone Sextet Joaeph Rugia msgician, Term; Other Provl postofflce of toe first class will not Axlx until he loams tha price The Yoiing Feople'S Singing rumlshed by In British clrclss. the P?*®* 5 e ^ *^u ps*w 6to deSamd to tlvo of Wapptag, gave a very Im­ Troop 126, Boy ScouU of Amer­ H is Seeing Eye D og aa described ta the acL ^ h i, Italy Reach Company of the *» ‘vatlon Army g Central Bow, Hartford Air Reduc ...... ’ “J "Under toe Supreme court a de- with Fred Rogora at the plan®- be required to report for' a written Face Tax Boost At San Franctico Bridgaa d»* France wlU have to pay. Alaska Jun ...... ’ J* claion in toe Hutcheson After toe invocation by Allan pressive entertainment constating sions of Act. examination but muat givg ta their ica. .of ^ e Btautpuel Lutheran ctar^ "tola new attack amooal* In the Italian preea. cWma «" will hold a apeclal weapons of sleight of band, card tricks and Blxerte. TunUlA cvenl^ at 6:16. In preP»™‘‘°"^ *" Bid Asked ka, Greece. Arnold aald. "Joint »®4e r^ U y s MaeCtata of the MFC commtttoe. applications detailed infomatiom church was praented a Troop to»txeiaecutlon" and said tha pra» ____A ccord on Role* Mice. Comic*, , ^ in restraint of trade may be car­ orlentsJ box and cylinder msrstifl- Inga were "p«ut of tha drlva djLtrin. to Rocky HIU on Sunday, iua] 12» -ISO-' 1 JuSd“s^ M ^ Si^'cJtoJSque Rev. Dr. Karl K. Story, pastor of cation. Rukls received a fine hand According to an actof C o rp se , concerning their education, any Iriag at "Parents' Night” exer- Hartford. Feb. 18.—(SI—Con­ Hartford. Feb. 13.- -•■Gm' ried on by.—UtaoiVi. wWeb bkv* the South Chiuxh tqok over _ ' experience they nray have had in ctaM held ta the church vestry aeeb eye dog, at labor." the Suea canal date haSE fo^ Ihov are W IIII>b Mr»iu»u Aetna IWe of aimlause at toe cloae of hta effective -June Z5, 1938, post offices i postal service, and all other X2S>seaitss£sm£Buaiims rage Oaa) iB ll The underata conducted by M^or 1^<1 2S\t lUgl&ijRhHMPseaBlBMai Aetna UfE • • Story compUmentea tno- MMFV-ftffs^anbstfiBhuMwI^tsilRt^n/ In Nipomo, Calif., a justleft- member la «rged to h * ^ ^ * ^ * Automobile ST so Am Smelt ...... lao'^ baatlon In the eastern Medltl Not onto war* were ueaetheae attacks ment of status of tabor waa relished by the jroungaters Bwutmaater Albert state. face newBtand proprietor at IhlJ^thlt Spain now wanta 2514 27 \4 Am Tel and T e l ...... tee for toe fine job done ta secur- will he appointed ta toe claaslfled j line of workl hiislness, profession. Peterson by (3xrt H. Peterson, vice State CApItol, suddenly disap­ toe peace presents a ratling plh. Mid retain met FrenchJ??._w umhuhv Morocco. would,would tend to ex- I hie avenInK io that tranaporia Conn. General nean, they aald. iM t.ie made on umU'Ivl^------ta, but ^ atao up- happen to be ** present yearly tax boost of $700,000 under gl (Aa Freoch-ltallaa hof- Uon Md other d.taila may b* ar­ ^HrttfowfcFlro _ g j____ 8S Am Tob B ...... It waa indicated that B r lt ^ on shops owned by- —Dutch ■ ■ .Naata ——■- take work away from another. ing^ R record Rttendwice for the president of the Brotherhood, a bill sponsored by the State Tax peared about 8 a. m. todpy and a with bis picture on It to avary olein the Riviera talka. - toe labor world ta current dinner and entertalniitent. T t o e turkey dtaner with toe service without term by toe Presl-, votam‘r o f btSta which sponsors too troop. •" couple he marries. thtt moi^ n ff.) *A n Axla obaerver recalled that ranged. Hartford Stm^Boll. 66 AinWarWRl"^- ...... ^ |nnb^li»ln^ •U at hta be­ "remaining.:In enemy hande. loilme; secreUry of finance, M ^ Hartford Elec. W. . MH Bendix ...... toward ®b****'**' blocked off and closed to t r ^ o . Son Thompson potato out the serve an undetermined term tm- Income Into tax-exempt securities *1 faU Ui with the Axla Correntl; treaaurcr. ConNe Hartford Gaa . . . . . W Beth Steel ...... Prima Miniater ChurchlU In his After order fliiany waa rmtoped. vision’s actlvlUea had less removed from office ta the In­ cation, 20 per cent; business (or Paul's English Lutheran church loved dog, she was gona and a Mm (be "new order la Europe. Beth Steel 7, p fd ----- construed by some ^as ^ t l l e crest debt that the sons owe their professional) experience, quxllflca. troop of Hartford, also spoke, C a^ol attendant told Mr. Reid he li: curatlce, Fmncea 8. New Eng. Tel. Co. 160 Sunday broadcast "did not ask the communique said, "it ^ a m o father—which they could never P. O. Job Here terim from cause. ' Ontario produces more gold than A—Whether the Vichy govera- Marie Della Fera, Antoinette Unit, Illumlnat. Shs. 11# Borden ...... Bulgaria to abandon her neutrality an urgent necessity that aU non- organtasd tabor, hut added. 'Ihe act reads: ‘'Be It enacted tlona and suitability, 80 per cent Edwin Ferris, Troop 126 bugler, any other province or state ta saw "Gyp” Juat a moment before -KTie iM le and can c^ r up can Pac ...... ^^WeTtherefore, wish to a ^ repay—and he urged son-less'men total 100 per cent. opened the program with assem­ running across the Capitol lawn- Savino, cermonlora. Western Mass...... 27 in favor of BrlUln or anyone else, Jewtah InhaWtanta ol the quarter to look around them to aee If they by toe Senate and House of Repre­ North America. nacertaihttes" In Franw •Temple Beih IndiMtrlal Case (J. I.) ...... but to prevent nnd defend I t ’ leave Immediately. Thle action be­ that ta our sentatives of toe United States of bly, Burton Carlson gave toe \ oonaiderad by Honorable mention and a blue Cerro De Pas ...... These sources emphatlxed w t with toe guaranteed right M oo* could not find a loneaome, father- Quish, Grant and Hib- America, aaaembled, that postmas­ Scout Oath, WUUam Peterson read Acme Wire ...... 1* gan today." leaa. boy and try to niake hta life j . i* hta scribe report and the Flaming ij*Laecs«»ry.v...^..... Sholom News ribbon wa» awarded . In. the Kng*. Am. Hardware .. = r »» Cbas and Ohio ...... Britain at no time had naked Bul­ Tho Amsterdam Jewish counril, lecUv# bargaining ters of toe first, second and third attitude of the Ffeach the working of our ®odarn t a w happy by giving him tho great bard Make Applica­ Arrows and Flying Eagles patrols -Tha Ush setter puppy class at «»e dog Arrow H and H com 36'4 Chryaler ...... garia "to attack Germany.” under to# presldsn|V class aball hereafter be appointed New JanitorI ■ Coca Cola ...... seber, a leading diamond mer­ trial economy. We also b^*oatmast- ate. . , .’’ served. Pentland's Valentine Serv. njm t a threat to the J , Fainlr Bearings ... 136 Coml Solv ...... occupied territory” like Denmark ish quarter. Further Provtatona ice tactades deUvery of ^ U t U attitude of all Cons Edison ...... Thompson said that a father er here, for filing ta Washington Hart and Coolay . . . l»5 or Norway. The general belief w m muat live with hta aon and make a The act further ptovldea that J. Russell Pitkin Named your Valentine any>^cre llw th Afrtean oaUml^ aad toturday Feb. 15: ChUdran’s Locletlea of both Roman Hendsy Mach., Com 10 Cons OU ...... that, until Rumania is plac^ in I W a r a t N e w on February 25, are not being Local G irl Pledged ta the country by meana •.»Ffaitce'a attitude toward the cloae study of hta character and taken at toe local ortic*. Some are postmastera now serving under a To Take Charge of Land’rs Frary ft Clk 24 '* Cent Can ...... that category, the Royal Air Force H ospital N otes previous appointment may con­ of our bonded member­ tlMled Btatee. k“ t s : hta leaiitags so as to understand maktasr their appUdatltms for toe New Brit. Mcli.. com 41*^1 Com Prod ...... will not bomb the German-held G rave Stage t^ m toe better. ’ Many a failure tinue to serve itatll the end of East Side Building. ship ta .the Florist Tele­ an »MbU lavoUed Del Lack and West forms inecesaary to fill ouL dl- To D uke Sorority | graph Association! Which, If any. ^f theee polnta ba davotad to the celebration Cff home. North and Ju d d ---- 84 Rumanian oil flelda. Is„ recorded,------be said, ^ because a root to Wsshtagtoiu Postmkster their terms but they shall not 'ac­ Peck Stow end Wll. 7 Douglas Aircraft ... ObJecUvea of Campaign -, . . , . - . 1 quire a classified civil service bugaco hoped lo/clear up in hit the Ralestlnl. n Arbor Day. Oneg Scouts of the Du Pont Admitted yesterday: Mrn Grace father, without spending »*»“*cieni Qutah has announoed J. Ruaaell Pitkin has been named liwCermri with Retain waa not Bbabbath after the eervicee. Troop,p #ys.8, Boy Russell Mfg. Oo. . . . 17 The objecUvoa of the British (Oonttaoed Prom Page Ons> time with hta son, falls to under- ^ candidate and H. Oita Btattu except as provided for by Miss Jeannette Alden, of 456 I Methodist______church,< will hold Scovlll Mfg...... 26 Eastman Kodak ...... diplomatic campaign In the Bal­ Reed. North Coventry; Jolm IMg- toq/reappointment and claselflca- Janitor of toe Etast Side Recreation Main street, was pledged this week '^a^artnlned. Authortatd com* Tuesday. Feb. !•: A speciM Book North Elec Auto L it e ...... 27% ney. 209 East Center streetr Mrs. stand him. Grant ssld thta morning he has MMt in Bciiar indicated thet all Its‘annual parenU’ night Prof^m Sllex CO...... 10 kans were outlined aa followa; AU Fear Bound. ^ spplicaUon but It has not ss tlon, non-competlUvely, _ of toe ta- buUdtag. James Cole, who was to memberiJilp ta Phi Mu, national Review win be given by Mrs. A. at the church tomorrow evening, Gen Elec ...... “' J Mary Irish. 44 North S ch o rtstw t ^eadquartera at a i « W ^ ' x n n iBveivad, la varying degm, U Ostrowi St 7?45 p. m. in the Stanisy W orks...... 46 l_ T o inaure Turkiah aupport in The cloae aasoctatton of father been fll’.ed duL He said It was cumbent postmaster, toe janitor at the "Rec," has been aoclal sorority, at Woman’s Ool- | ^Ifg^y or Indirectly, in the and all the parents are urged to do., pfd...... 29 Gen Foods ...... 30% the Near East. Admitted today: Mrs. Chrtitlne to attend tomorroy* and son. he declared, ta not to bo probable that he would Appointment to poetn«terahlpa lege of Duke University, where she vestry. Men and women are Invited, 28*ii Gen Motors ...... 4^% Taflin. 19 Tanner s t r e e t ______^|^„t meeting. »«,*■ G transferred to the Bucklsnd school F n iF o 1iTiinnrl‘~* meeting. attend. Last week out of 27 Torrlngton...... 36 ',-j 2— To encourage the Oreeka to Minister ROD*rv u. carried out mice a year at the xhs application. may bo made from the P o e^ to fill'toe vacancy caused by the ta a member of the freshman class. UBede commentatora, interpret' Small admission charge. members In the troop 23 were Veeder - R o o t...... 56 SO GlUette ...... “R continue their fight agalnat the Birth: Today, a aon Mr. Md while Prime Minister Fatber'a and Son’s banquet but ^ ^ s Asetatast Proeecutor Service by promotion in acoora- One hundred and seventy-two Hecker Prod ...... “J Mrs. Thomas Woods, 29 Pearl Menzies is in Africa, inspecting resignation of William J. Moore, Me^Se afftclal Itelian communi preseht. A 100 per cent turnout New York Banks Italians. sbould bo maintained throughout Grant ta chairman of toe lo- ance with provtaltms of toe Cfivll who has gone to Florida. girls accepted bids to Duke's 13 | M e OB the meeting, flatly eatend Is the aim tomorrow night. Bank of New York. 345 Hudson Motors ...... ■37' 3— To indues Bulgaria to resiststreet. ^ , ___ Australian forces. the whole year for the benefit of cal Democratic town committee. Service Act and Rules but no per- Borarltiea following the annual Discharged today: George I^ng, Mr, Moore was named, for the M lh e official wmrdlng to tnoluda Olcl Tow n Em ploye Bankers T ru st...... 56 possible German Invasion by ao- leeoe Joint ,,, was assistant prosecuting attpr- U^n sbsll be eligible to appotat- Buckland school position last sum­ Rush Week, held at the beginning I TfaiHwfUMsn and Africaa “prob The' contractors sre pouring the Central Hanover .. 98>,4 compUahlng the first two objeo- 8 Keeney atreet; Mrs. J®*® Fadden. who Walter Mvers. bringing out the ney of toe Town Court and ta a ment as postmaster unless such mer after toe death of William of the second semester. 1 floor of the new hospital heating Chase ...... ^Itj Int Tel and Tsl ...... nar and Infant thority of toe P*^®* ®‘^cw ? role that the ftitoer- .. should ^ play ta 1 member of -- -the t . Zoningrw— n— Board "T'peraonof has actually resided within Mias Alden U toe daughter of I h In H ospital Johns ManvlUs...... ^ tlves. ... .V * land Turnpike: Frank Waters, «5Ujen*ie'a absence, and J N t a J ^ Donahue. When he resigned toe The Rome communique: pUnt today. • The two new bolU Chemical ...... 4] Authorized sources said that eata. He first oecame ta- toe deUvery of toe office to which school board decided to move Mr. Mr. and IJrs. George E. Alden. She "In talks which took place on era have been Installed with auto- a ty ...... Kennecott ...... while Britain could Increase her Starkweather r t ^ . | tm. leader ®f th«J*borj»^PJJ®^U» khotdd**^' understanding, foigly- terasttKl ta local civic^ fairs s o « he ta appointed, or within toe city ta a graduate of toe ManebestCT Lehigh Val Rd ...... I J Ck>Ie to that posiUon as It would tho B o n ln r and afternoon of Feb. John Dlgney, of 209 East Center roaUc oU humar systems ready Continental ...... fighting forces In the Near Bast Cenaua: 90 patients. in Parliament. ta*'*luid"conrifierate atTdl Umra. 1 after becoming a r e s i s t 1 1 or town where toe office is located give him better working hours. high school, where she waa a njem- M B t B o c ^ e f a between the street, for ovSr 40 yesre an em- for s trial operation soon. Com Exchange---- 48 Ugg and Myers B ...... WV aa the eltuatlon demanded' there ment setting He spoke of the great role that ta years ago, when he lived on for one year next preceding toe Thta left toe position ta the Rec her of the drama club, the Girl Re­ Duos and the CaudUlo and Span- Lockheed Aircraft ...... 321 pomitioiijind conciuolnf* plove and foreman of the town First National . .. 1650 was a limit as to how many men Speaker To Vice Preeldent •wnrrfMt a father to direct ■ hta I Keeney aU------— data of such appointment If the open. It was toe opinion of the serves, toa French club and the M Farelgn Minister Serrano highway department, waa »d®Rlrd Guaranty Trust . . . 292 she could send In view of the "What the future baa ta stow ^ son's way ta toe right, to counseL 1 DtatricL H > was not lined up with appointment ta made without board that a young man should honor grouF______■ Buusr, the Identity of view of the j Irving Trust ----- 11 threats to England. either of the factions that carried petlUve examination; or for Italian and Spanuih governments to Memorial hoepltal list night for P u b lic Re<*«**cU Naah Kelv ...... 4 . Of the 41 men who have held U not i^rectaely - ia - r ^ e t y to play and enjoy toe companion be named to the place and at its obeervatlon. Mr. Dlgney 1* stHl Manhattan ...... 15 Franlily Took Gambia clear 1s that Australia a sweiy ship of hta offaprlng during many on toe fight for control o« the year preceding toe date fixed for last meeting the name of Mr. Pit', ^PMS ascertained on European Nat Btac ...... ]l' the important office of Sp eyer m S X s It eassntlal there ahouW ta school and was instnmuntal to Vm Jtr-erm retained by the town In Its high- Manufact, Trust . . . 38'/ "When things were looking the the House of Representatives in R hRPpy ycRT* kin .was presentsd. Mr. Pitkin Is N « w pruklems and tkase which Interaat N Y Trust ...... "03 Nat C*sh Reg'^...... J* worst for us after Dunkerque we Srtth?r delay nor douM ataut the tiie two countries Ih the preeent wny dopArtmtnt In •« Hdvl®ory Warrantee the 76 United States OongresMS. Further, a father should remem­ brln^ig ^®^® ^ l? 4 s.**ir too* ^ w ^ ^ en t ta**^de a World War veteran and hai ttaan By warrantee deed recorded at Public National .. . 29 Nat Dairy ...... 13' quite frankly took a gamble by clamant (crying) troubles In the district justbrought oompetlUve—.—nafitlwa examtoaUon.anramlnation. employed by the VslvoUns OU Cr«am Deodorant klgtaric moment.” capacity. j .i. , Nat Distill ...... 30' only two have later become vice ber hta youthful fallings and give fore consolidation, •nw hosplUl today reported that the office of the town clerk, prop­ Title Guarantee . <. 2 sending urgently needed men and presidents: Schuyler . Colfax and greatest effort at prepar^M® hta son the benefit of those mta- I J , , , Postmaster Oenerel shall Company. He has assumed his ^M adrid's communique, appear­ N Y C’sntral ...... material to the Mediterranean Md over made.’ about. sa>M ing to restrict the scope of the Mr. Dlgnev had epent a resUem erty on Alton street has been con­ U S T ru st...... 1490 this country has Ukes, guiding hta son sroimd the appoint aU acting postmastera ta new duUea. He lives on Starling night but was more comfortable *NY NH and H ...... we won," one source conunented. John Nance Gamer. Third CMVerwUona t'6 Europe, said veyed by. Robert 8. Douglas to pitfslta which he bad experienced That there w fiThTm ^ than two P>®“ ; Stops Porspirertion today. He is lM*‘e 8% A communique that ha onM Bvad with common as medically eupervlHd Mrth eoo- tttlvo wamlnatloos. the nemw of Ray Banna’s Mriody Boys. Cafi | abandonad lanta^ ,? *2 Jr*dtaLo^ the German otaupatlon autoorittael E xti, fitrietly fwah, loeaL « tra larte troL" toe throe blgtiest ellglbtaa, if the '^ n c a n be added that the mfllp scarcity of food. It was flta®®Tl paopla—whom ha fffly undaratood. $642 after • o’dbek tonighL and. during a food ahoctage, thm aanouneed that The statamant supports twe eoteWWahed contains that Tha Mg haU has hsea dacoratafij 6247 ' political ctrcamstancca of Ftb. t , DaUM NaMe Ooillfih (Beariaky’aK • • • • • • IO ooittfiad for. appoint- historical saomsnt uaderhae tjiq fiour used to whiten the hair T b^ M la otfapilBg. ha « birth ceatrol bOta tetromiead la tha for tba occasion and ta'kaspfng| aasulted by pohtlcsl _opp^ W Ut, MMt T iM S*. Fl*k»4 (V m — • — Ganwal Assembly. Iw ate BDl 83$ msnt by tba aetaettag oIBcor. Chr- with the day. A lunch oen will ba ythTBiitiift a tathefa jP^taat a ^ a n d pwaw- tlflcatlon ta made without regard sysiffitomatlc that OSA to food 90JM peopta M ta of ths old . alon. To ulnstrata. ha ettafi tha aa^ B ooh m 1*18. aetv^ from 10:80 to IS o’clock or to aw unlcH tha Poatoince De­ and guaata win be able to have riaace, whs never bad great lova wing David had for hta partment spetSttw amt to Its re- ay met B Doe*, came to g S n t aon.^5Hdom, altlMata» ^ I efreMimmita at any tima durtag ■txtiSilh cantury elite did not Ita OW course of fighting w hi^! had tried to overtuni Ms quaat for thta period. Tkh STwith tom on ItaHan territory. ensued several combatants aa w w j Periii of among tho Lsgtan mambera have T f c , Heinr . _js Msmta eup*- work- fatber’a KlagdoaiL Ha epoka of tha Waynaavma. n . — m — Mrs. TtL •HkboraiMy sands by suta M msnsbafe of tbaAmatatuam. po-1 Krtenr Crackars <8 w h M .... :‘ 25 * u a d e r a ta i^ fathwhood of Joa- Jennte HUl ta ao Ths period of eUMMUty ta one- bSH fWBfflrttil’ none win b a : Stmtm 1 Bad observers ssld that IB xad rg ^ fanew.Tanofatei ..lR a.im ccUa.i»agwc 1 7 STREET, OPPOSITE C IR ^ Immediate entry into the ■MS as Cklllat. Itoe tows warn woong* ■Ik'fatber of Jeana as Mwwa la to tba grocery for year from tha dataa H entry of the after f^ e d t toplght FMaty of eyas not Sven pro- TIM quMt waa ^ ,t|KlBttsr'a raferaacH to the Fkth- howovar. far ^ BenldarPam »• A , ' ‘ d i a l 5IS7 — n u at d e u y i » y ! •> osmf’ s*C l» Fsh. 10 eiOopa of young Jaws, sc-J to teiM Otrmaa/f .tW ' I hw werksd out a dstaUad - sesmeadtaa at Ma tflp^ Iflta •mm Oi ^ of ilMwjlUrt^a^ ------!&• CMHL > nr

MAMCHESl^CB BVBNtNO ITBItALD. MANCHESTER CONN. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1941 f V, any poUUcal msstlng any SlANCHt’STER. \ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18.1941 kind of toUUtarlan ' n s It mails, MANCHEAI’KK ICVItNlNti MKKALU ^orceWffl R ecreation la involved, and to '^^Canada Trains, FUers talsgrapha and to such PURTY IP. « n m propaganda. i d O H T Subversive Ban eST SOTH .AT h e a l t h a n d d i e t Washington Be Stfonger TIm bommunlrt/'party, Uka all Etbioplana who had nothing erltb Center Itema /ac> Stimmttt' I— I— For Royal Air, Force othai' political partiiian may hold ft's m Im iI Vm <4W I •IlM i tMV« bwn 'jw^plnf c»o«*r »* ***• which to rtioot back at them. a d v i c e Today: •• •• Man About Manhattan I* Aa a pure metal it has some )ubUe mo*tinge but only national- ■ttuaUon tUMi otbwr, foUM The Japaheae navy haa done Why. all tba 6-8, Junior boyt’ gams room Cabinet Revealfl Meas* at and dqiBocratlc propaganda ffr G » * r t * Fugidf" . "T W( I unusual propertlee It’s the only British to ‘Have M oir M iry . rnHis mm* " s - CrTijrtu. alT i n ■ ii ' liav« rm*on, or b*He" ^ , PorwialMd^tlM t u t ^ ’ about. .urn anyamy? open, BIS. and W8. 'within ths constitution and laws” great work against China which was metal that burns freely in air.. Dntnininn Alan la D^vel-1 Instruction bsfors going on to ons sum Aimed at ^dtal* Msrfcsl I* sMb a Ibrlfty ' •I Ye BMlth aarvteo ITedeiBl. TOvemnient na* How it hums! Before they devel­ u o m i m o n a l s o M i r e v e i ^ id ssrvlce night-training Veteran Pilots, and 6- 8:30, Rec Junior baakstball of Cuba wUl bs permitted. ** •••* s IbrWty ptBM bttiBn •• Buy HrML S f n d l i had no navy, at all—aiid In bhiif- N ~ V.«.-N.n B.M anU-tnist actions ■SMosMry la-WMMe oppo^tton. and U“ ‘ ‘‘ '* oped photographic flash bulbs, ' opiniK Own Skr. Fight* schools. Mfre thsy are Joined ^ Better Fighters. leagua ES. itarian ActivitfM/ ing and bullying diaorganlaed little the problem of sleeping Impoeed fired. But when he eaw Address eomeeimlestloee lw.Tae -®ral blH corporation*,* aUaglng » O • ^ I •tii<4ton9 7;S0-8;S0, Men’s awlitimlng Ukely to block th* uUll*atlon of conspired to keep prIcM up powdsrtd magnssium was flash­ student pilots already partly series^ IssI countries like Thailand and Indo- by his grotesque height by buying ^^em and heard the crowd ^ r - BcnM. AttMtlen MeOry light powder, giving an Intense, classes ES. ftn^t>..pbuUd.n*-t. .n »nd\pooled pdtanU to k*ep otom ing Squadrons Which tralped In Auitralia, New Zea­ By Drew Middle to* Havana Fsb. 18.—Tha Cuban (^Ina and making thwatenlng a trailer and living In It with hU rawing he of Baaltb Servles instantaneous light. land or elaewhws. Then corns 8:30-9:50, Swimming team meet­ cabinet announced early today a fromNmanufacturlng "***"***®J“', . Will Be Separate Unit. An R. A. r . nghtar Station ing and practice. lh« couBliy tor th. gestures in the direction of the If yOu. ask what dlffatence that ’Those new fiarachute flares the two weeks at one of ths bombing ssrlaa of msaaures dsscrlbed as have army has developed for photo­ 7:50-10. Bowling alleya rstervsd FAT GIRLS tbooe viUlly ntcdod frcl»ht«r*. Dutch Bast Indies. But there Is Wintor Aches And Pates m aki.r^,u wlU get an imawer I and gtmnery schools, to famUlar- In England, Fab. 18.—e fact rcjJr’ihe* o^rg. w*shm,^«" Z y It make# plenty of difference. squadron hare contenda that the ■itl would not lake the United States without any apparent magnaaium made into a big bomb. British Empire d e fe n s e Royal Air Force will ha much ing ES. sl^ed Jan. 29 by President Plil- la appealing to girls and women bridgs. and are ^ e new club, as this comer What la It? \ I Get lateualve Tnateteg. 7- 8. Small g>'m reserved for yviktch oomea to our knowledge Pacific fieet anywhere as near as today I want to explain tomcUilng I f Dad had to bold your nose But this metal thst will bum In acbeme Is the commonwealth stronger this Miring than It was genclo Batlata. who strive for an attractlva, free- / M>« »«**««* pure state if you touch a match PreapecUve air observera Uka- the Norweglan*Amerlcan long to put it Where it belonga aa fee^^iKeTtlTn."’* w'’h*enVou has ^ ^ n " * :;- « P-Ulmed about them, where they come from, wbUe mother polled a doae of air training plan. Wade Wer­ In IMO because "we’ll have more |hsndball ES. The meaaurea Include: from-fat figure that a eld ^ faila to Z r Z ^ i Z U the most »--tlful n^htcU^ In to It does a squars about face and wise pass through succeaalva A ban on tha uas of Italian, SQMCIumOK *AT«* Dlay trombone for an and how to K«t rid of thefli. epaom aalU down your guUet ner tells of Its development In I courses at various schools, getting veteran pl^ta, better fighter air­ win admiration, < TMt wj ...... S m Lmpany. which 1. It did for the British RAF to elim­ •- th# world___ the old one ^ n i becomes one of the most imhuro- Tomorrow: German, Spanish or Soviet Rus­ Here'! the recipe that banishes as he does wUh Woody Herman a bad either....But Ben got big ^hos^ reader, of this ^ column w ^n you were this fourth of live dally stories 1 their most Intensive training In craft and wa’ll be fighting over br M«n ...... ! S I refugee IndurtrialLt Alfred Mol- inate Mussoimrs flying crates able of compounds In combination for The Special News Service 6-9. Junior hoys’ game room sian flags or smbisms except by fat and brings Into blossom all the « •%••••***.**** *Sa m orcheatra, jmu have s lot of cross­ hearted aa he usually d^s around who are proud of the fact t ^ t th ^ something about U. the air obaervera’ school, whare England.” f« i T#^T ...... terThTe .uepended lU actUitlea In from the Mediterranean altuaUoo. country touring to do. are walking baromeUra. with other substances. That doesn't and The Herald on “Canada’s Last spring, hs says, "sesms open ES. and WS. diplomats. natural attractiveness that every Thanksgiving, opened the plaM are sulphate of magnesium. make sense, but it's a chemical they speclallae In navigation, aer­ the engagement of workera. When you tour t*>e tell when it la going t® * let memories of a vue Part In the War.’’) llks anothsr sra. 6- 6:45, (Charter Osk Blues Most IteiHMct DsoMwrarles wdrnah posseases. We take It that Mr. Roosevelt’s and prepared SCO ^rkey dlnnem fact. ial photography and reconnala- Prohibition of talking or writing Every morning take teaapoon- It would aeem that the Interest j i.no' run Into a lot of small hotels that for homeless men. That night the forewarning twinge In ^ ta!^"preludlce you agalngt mag- sance. Like the prospective pl- "Ws wsrs kids playing at war basketball team ES ,p...... In answer to the In- aren't equipped with beds . ------Magnesium is e*- Take magnesite. That’s msg- By Wade Werner • • •/ But It was a game then, 7- 8:50, P. A. C. Girl# basketballabout the Ui)itad States or any ful of KruBchen Sidta In a glahs of just place caught fire and burned to in a joint, might Just as weU know nsslum though.----- pesium, calcium and three parts lota, they alao attend one of the ^ wrstssfff^ysSs: of the Connecticut delegation *" m ’ qulslllve reporter la well calculat- long enough for a six-foot-elx the truth about Uielr condlUon. w d pseted to have a mighty ‘»P?r- Ottawa -T- (Correspondence of now it’s a business.” practice ES. other democracy with disrespect hot water before breakfast; cut out the ground. . okygen. They make calcined bricks bombing and gunnery srtiools, but Ordera to authoritlea te halt pastries and fatty mcaU — go MARKETS Oongreaa might ver>- well Indeed and probably was intended— man to sleep In. Pardon us for going acadewe, after Uklng the Propsr atepa, artll tLit part in making better fight­ for six weeks Instead of two. (jne thing the Qennana have 8:30-10, Manchester Green ed So they bought the trailer. Nell from it to line the Inside of steel The Special News Service)—When light on white bread, potatoes, but­ be turned In the direction of thla serve as a very serious warn- but you can win bets with this be much more proud of the ing airplanes possible. fumsees. It’s upbumsbls. Air gunners also function aa ra­ not got Is a fighter to compare basketball game- ES. to plays the trombone all night and Magnesium has one P*®P*r*5\ the air war over Britain roart to with our new Spltflrea and Hurri- 7- 8, Women's plunge ES. ter and cream—that’s all. Do this 'iiin jate*” *^ sis# matter. Aside from the probablll-1 ^ - Tokyo. A war with* Japan .... . _ n . . a sleep, one___ if you know how to s^U. that those twinges do not c ^ e Prodnetion Limited dio operators In the R. C. A. F., so every morning. In three weeks then hlU his trailer for The longcst-non-sclentlfic wort m tuiymore and they ^ v e lost toelr thst makes it the darling of ^ Its grand climax—whether thst it the first thing a prtspecUve gun­ caneA” he declared. 6:30-8. Bowling alleys, reserved «MSI >sa«cass asrsts .rs buUdlng of | ^ould be Just something the Unit- while hla wife. Betty, (formerly airplane designers. It Is, the light­ In alloys- Imparts Its pow­ next week or next month or next Bet on the scales and note how the English language Is said to he reputation aa weather propheU. der-puff lightness to the com- ner gets, after the preliminary WlU Never Run Wild for Montgomery Ward Group ES PIMPLY SKIN many pounds of fat have vanished. te at the moment fully as Impor­ of Des Moines) drives. est metsi known to science. summer or later — one thing Is A # long as wa have those the 8- 10, Bowling alleys reserved for 1^- ef N. ■- ed Rtsles could take In Its stride.' load off antl-dlseatabllahmenUrianlsm •.. Most of these aches and pains pound, but loses Its pyromanlsc i training common to all rscrulta, la Here’s an Honest Offer Notice also that you’ve gained In Pall ssrriee silent, It Is, he says, quite a It’e Temperamental certain; Canadian fliers and Cans- Luftwaffe wlU never run wUd over Mr. Peloquln ES. •ervtee Ine. , tant a defense measure as the Another poser: Where w m the originate In what Is knojjm m • habits. MagneMum aUoys don't 18 weeks in a wirelesa school. Satlafactton or Money Back evergy, your akin seems clearer, FANCY YOUNG NORTHERN - 8 fo 14 POUNDS his mind. first White House situated? An­ rheumaUc diathesis and thU t «d - Magnesium Is temperamenUl. dlan-tralned fliers will be In the After that he gsta four weeks of Britain." 7- 10, Bowling alleys reserved for ^ Pablteaere Keace^tetWew^J^ building of submarines. It scsrce- Those top-notch comedy danc­ bum', which Is a pretty good thing, thick of It. It TOUR skin liBS brok«n out with your eyes sparkle with ihore glori­ Edward R. Grier swer: In New 'York at the Up of ency to rheumatic pains Is uay^\y Metallurgists because the pilot Of an all-mag- bombing and gunnery. ” What are tha new pllota like?” Burr Nursery Group WS. uxlv surfso* plniplss—r#»h»»—o#u«- ous health—you feci younger In IV seems probable that there ers (probably the best , In the ManhatUn.....It waa where the brought about by perha^ Inno­ ginning to overlook lU bad ^ b lt# The Dominion which in 1914-18 It thus takes about six months hs was asked. 8- 7, Small gym reaerved for|>S by lorsl Irrltstlon*. nr It vnn Bdwsrd Roble Grier, head Of country) Paul and Grace Hart­ knd appreciate its good qualities. neslum airplane would be all put produced some of the most bril­ tuttsr from an sxternaUy cauicd body, keener In mind. I would be any injurious competl- Battery la today and where you cent violation of the rules of living out If he dropped hla cl(?aret. to train air-crew members suffi­ "Well,” he replied, ”I hate to handball ES. Leading druggists America over LB theee man. got their start In the profes- It can’t stand to be lonesome. liant sky fighters In the whole con­ llchlnx, burninx iklii ■urenm*. hu TURKEYS the Arrow-Hart and Hegeman ciently to prepare them for the say It, but I think theas kids are 7-8, Small gym reserved for box­ V^SiWItADDIT ■CRBAII OP 1 tlon for workers between will also find the Aquarium a and eating, thereby gradually pil­ Production of msgneSliim In flict. already has three squadrons to your driiaalst snd art s mirnll sell Kruschen Salta, (a famous Blectric Company :pf Hartford, X n «5 a aerioua act. .small park, and some ferry boat ing up and accumulating toxins in Pure metallic magnesium doesn t final polishing they get overseas better than we were. They know ing ES. bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil and ^^fwrm^TlON* two concerns. Obviously, subme- In I>os Angeles with ohe of the this country has heretofore been on the battlefront of this war and use as directed. Soon you'll find It English formula) plain or new the system, which may be transient extat In nature. It’s always In limited to electrolytic recovery where they familiarise themselves more. If for us It’s' a bualnesa, it’s effer\-eacent—sparkUng—pleasant. HIAVY snu KIF - fORTIRHOUU !Hnc construction Is an actlvUy who dley slipping a glass store. Try one bottle; laata 4 HtAVY STHR IKF - SIRLOIN p ." ;.’’ass:i's;.jr» .t. his wsy to Florida, was not wide­ of it as a straight ballroom dance ties into the Hudson, you will find sulphur, hydrogen, and the like. fore the end of 1941. are assigned to definite squadrons. but these kids have and they're If after 10 days you are dlsesttefled. weeka and costa but little. If not greater degree of precision than team. But Paul was too homely around a nerve, causing neuritis, in It’s plentiful, but there’s a catch to recover magnesium from sea The new squadrons. Prime Min­ tube over them when they are Money B.trk. Every druKKtet sells raa rumr, fORTtUHOust, oonoM Meaebeaiet Evestna Htraie a wooded hill and on It the oldest water off the Texas coast. Orlgflnally it was planned to In very angry.” supremely aatlafled, money back. ROASTS ! the knocking together of emergen- ly known In Manchester, but for His carrot-colored hair and P't''*'" a muscle, causing muscular rheu­ In that Matn«*lh® sticks to Its ister W. L MacKenxle King haa small. Emerald OH on this guarantst. tree In Manhattan—a tulip .tree. matism, or In a joint, caurtng The government Insists there Is corporate Into the Royal Air Force The leader, hla face creased with Hf AVY CORN-HO ThwaSay, Fehniary l 8 |cy freighters. And besides It Is several yeara during the depth of pumpkin pan just naturally made chemical pals like grim death to assured his countrymen, will go the lines of responalbUlty, his eyes STEER REEF It Is said the Indians used to meet arthritis.. As time goes on they a serious shortage in magnesium into action “Identlfled aa Oana- all training plan graduataa arriv­ RIB ROAST ■' little less than ridiculous to as­ the depreaslon he was Important­ people laugh. old there, and according to legend. a poisoned pup. ing in Ehigland, whethar they were hart but grave, has won two med­ win eventually locate In some part, Separating it from Its friends needed for airplane production be­ dlan;’’ In‘ addition, thousands of HEAVY STEER - OVEN I Had • Job sume that, in any event, the sup­ ly, If very unoetentatloualy, a cause a few American corpora­ Onadlana, New Zealanders, Aua als, was captured and escaped. OR FOT ROAST raising havoc with the tissue in­ la a long and involved problem, other young Canadians trained aa Hla squadron has been aroqnd, BONELESS CHUCK ply of lebor for either of theee benefactor of this community. dlgnlS out\h» window and go a camping site. volved and causing much lots of tions corraled the basic German pilots, observers or air-gunners, trallans or Britons from far-eaat ' ign a d ^ WODde faced a difficult which heretofore Umlted Its use patents for Its recovery, and ftn areas. Therp was such a de­ too. It fretted over InacUrttjLj FANa FRESH NATIVE conceme would come from New. He had acquired on Upper Bol­ time, temper and energy, to » y In industry. It all but refusea to will go overseas to serve wherever outside LUle many months ago. 2 TO 2H US situation tn l^a poaltton aa prliml- nothing of the loss of earning leave Its chlorine, hydrogen and wouldn’t let anybody else produce theress. Is need — .a for ea-ABAthem Isw In ^baslhislet**Britain’s mand In (Canada,' however, for BROILERS Umdon or Its Immediate vicinity ton lake a large tract of land and ’’squadrons of our own” that ar- Its pilots fell aalssp over their FANa 9LUMR - MILK-FID aal M r * - " «*e Uncoln Day them, before.he makes.out his re­ calcium associates. % lit. air establishment. ^ to anything mors than a very built there a most attractive aum- eluded In the ‘"|'‘’';i'*v°Cere turn. Legal deductions Include Irangementa were mads to organ­ food in Belgium during the hart 4 TO 4M ROUNDS et the Matkatal RepubUcan taxable year In which they were ’'^ A *8lmllar toxic state In others Moat Vital Asalgn'isent FOWL , tner home. In the depression,s business and professional ise spectflcally Canadian aquad- fighting in Flanders. They went minor extent. recelvea.^ If the option waa exer- may ' produce a constant jack or The very slse and scope of (Can­ up from the coast „of England such as salaries, pensions, and bo- and quent use of the enema. Thoae ada’s contribution in the great I rons for (Canadian airmen. Hence •T LIQ UO R STO RES aub aVN«^ «e ^ e nttal - ihl w oM days, when retrenchment ised -for any taxable year which resistance ._ against colds frto have Dr. later to Isak Lsts t.24* -- mM atlMlI I f " M mtaq^^s. ti^S t t o y » . IS minister’s recent aaaur _____ n wae Ma job to builders w rtffi'ro^'T rb i Hntereatj’ bad' 'fleblll. TSepricmvio^ «.ahsorbed. thereby cluttering up rSuak S4'c(3dya _ tended to delay, imtu recently, watchword of most people of to with respect to depletion, contributions and simi­ know all too well the and also the article entitled uled to be provided hy (Canada thla British army escaping from Dun- | . PANCV OtNUINt MIlK-PtO OOg where. The more that weip need­ taxable years unless the Commls effects of coughs and colds that movement of (Canadian airmen to a TO a PouNot ta vw FRESH CUT w « o U party unity as weU as na- lar items definitely set out In the the body machine. Toxemia And InfecUona In Rheu- year will ^ Into action "Identified kerque. C ip t M saOO HADDOCK - ed the more would come. The pool means, Grier adopted a pro­ .loner of Internal R'^enue ap­ "hang on’’ or develop afresh at the the front. For (Canada’s most ...... ■ " LASoe eoatTiNa ooa MMal unity. A very difficult task instructions. Those with s low rertstance. and matlam’’ are invited to send their vital assignment in endplre defense as Canadian.” Ooafidenoe Strong aa Ever. t r ^ n m s ships gram of extensive Improvement on proves a change to a different slightest exposure. The systemic Some faces are missing at mesa. I ChlckiRB B TO a POUNDS LB i»1S* An earned Income credit of 10 those who de^re to become I*'** requests to the McCoy Health Ser­ waa to build up the great British In them may be a lot of Ameri­ N. v. *TVU 27 * n iiETO Tpdwar the esUte Involving almost entire­ per cent of the earned net Income, poisoning must first of all be clear- cana, for an indeterminate num­ No one mentions it Tbs confi­ f i R c y I r l t k i t COaNID Blip IB WtUkle tackled that hart, job on the Thamos could not be Sup­ •"'NlMncome .I-'the gross Incom^ from rkflpmatlc tendencies, rtould vice In care of this newspaper, en- commonwealth air training plan, FMSH aOUNOER - ^ ly manual labor and carefully de­ In svreaa of 10 smr cent of the rt from the body, before It can be rule starches and sugars out of the cloalng a large self-addreaaed en­ ber of United States citizens have dence of the R. A. F. runs as deep | He talhed turkey. He plied in the Immediate vicinity— brought to a point where the re­ designed to turn out an eventual / CHECK THESE VALUES KliRty LMb Ghtpi t*ta I f diet for a time, and should make velope and « centa In stamps. I 30,000 trained airmen annually. joined the R. C. A. F. Moat of and aa strong as ever. F lU f l t u 1 3* and It la fantaaUe to conceive of signed to give employment to as law The long-continued to the personal exemption and sistance Ilf so high ^hst ordinary One fighter pilot looked up from •tonasd at negation. He pointed every effort to stimulate elimina­ wU) see that your articles are mail­ And In order to build up this great them are flyers of experience, Rib Unb Cbtpi t. 23* many workers aa possible. Most ‘varying experience “ le . f ure^ credit for dependents. If any. for expoaura to cold haa no effect. Tn a commercial and transport pilots, his eating to comment: MACKEREL te the fate of the FederalUt party, the ship conatrucllon effort of the of Internal Revenue »howa that tion through the Intestln^^tract. ed to you promptly. training establishment, it waa of those employed were Manches­ the purpose of computing the nor­ la best accomplished by the u « of air enthusiasts, who have owned “Yea, Jerry’ll come over to have I WHISKEY VALVES SbBilier Linb CbtRi ta II* wfelcb dlad bscauae It was a party country, which needs tremendous numerous errors are made by tM- the akin, and the kldneya. The use necessary for a while to “plow u l Z * ter men and their number was mal tax. a cleansing diet, and. after thaL back” into the scheme as instruct­ their own planes; some of them a whack at ua. But we’ll ehoot FiiVEO. expansion, being halted because payers In their Income t®* Surtax net Income Is the baUnce adherence to fundamental rolM rt of the shower bath la excellent for Holds Patent Record hiln down just aa we did last sum­ P t r k C b t f i einrie^cuTa ta 21 * ai amation while the DemoctaUc asatetlng In thla dlrecUon, through ors practically all of the newly- with world war flying experience. "il))SUCID one or another private contracting large. Mr. Grier spent a great due to their failure to understand left after deducting exemptions mer. It'll be a big flag, but It M ity need under Jackson because clMriy what deductions from gross living and eating which will furn­ Its stimulatlnf effect on the tapU- No man haa at yet teaten taa trained men.” Many of them, after a refresher OLD PENWICK S n t k id N a n t* :^ T a :;^ ta 21* concern fears that a rival may hire many thousands of dollars on that and credits from the net Incoma ish the body with all of the essen­ patentiu record of 1^®®“ It was not until November that course at one of the Canadian air won’t last. Paaa tha butter, | FINCH’S itsMCsdulO* Hems a pbeiUve party. He poWt- tocome and what From this balance larlea. The drinking of plenty of please.” program—and took great care tial elementa It needa and at th# water la an aid. and sluggish Intes- Edtaon, who patented I4M dhffer- the first group of training plan fields, have been taken on as In­ Freib SbwMfrt uan posk u II* FANa LARGE ^ •d to the fate ef the Whig party aaray aome of Its help. earned Income credit ent inventions In his lifetime. structors for the commonwealth The commander said he bad not 1 WATCHMAN RYE that It was attended by as little taxpayer. In his own Interest, is same Ume, keep the organa of tlnss may be helped by the fr#' graduates could be sent overseas; GOLQ LIBEL Ifuyrt— It, too, baeams a pkrty of specified Items on which the nor­ elimination going along at a fast but that group meant.the begin­ air training plan. seen any American fighter planee. A aLtUD Blandad A flaUled C M k i i RMM*''::’i/raL-Mrr^ta 21* H R O R n a u l * publicity as possible; almost 1 u r g e d to read over the l ^ mal tax of 4 per cent Is computed. •y WItaon Dletllllna O*. 100 PROOF m g i— wblls etlH tbs Demo^ ning of a great procession. Since "They tell me they’re very 11% 4 Yrs. OM. To B« Taken in Stride stall. I nn the forma he understands good,” he added. ”I wouldn’t 4% I Yts. Old 10% 4 Yrs. Old iM b ti IbeiM en Wmere ta 1? .eratle party Used on because it November newly-trained pllote, About Meteors 5-YEAR-OLD When a Washington correspond­ Personally Mr. Grier was one of ' observers and alr-gunnera have trade my aircraft for one, though. 11% II Yrs. Old 12% • Yrs. Old atepA for apastthlng even though I hope we get lota from you peo­ 70% Grata Neutral Spirits ■OTTLID IN BOND ent asked President Roosevelt the most charming of men, an been crossing the Atlantic in a A million million meteors enter 40y. Grata Naulral SpIrH DON’T GUESS 3 : HAVE YOUR COFFH CU5TC5M was the policy of the world’s atmosphere every ple.” M A PROOF •0 PROOF eminently successful buBlneaa lead- steady stream. PULL whether. If the United States got The Royal (Canadian Air Force, year, according to aclentlata. Of Ws went to his room while he I PULL Into a war In the Far Bast, the er who was even before that a moreover, Is training not oply (Ca­ these, fewer than >6.000 weigh dressed for a patrol flight. He RILL QUART RED CIRGLE COFFEE 2 ^ 2 9 * "**He poteled to the fact that the ' saw m* looking at a picture of hla | QUART effect would be to hamper Ameri- student of basic elementa In the nadian volunteers, but young New more than half a pound. There is QUART 1.89 ..'t. NOW AT THE LOWEST NOa IN HtSTOtVt ItepubUcan party was bom of the Zealanders, Australians, Britons no authentic record. In all hlstOiY, daughter, aged two. 1.79 1.59 human scene, a progressive, liber­ «c human freedom. "That," ca’a aid to Britain, the President from the Argentine or from such of a human being ever being hit 'Yliat’B what one man Is fight­ promptly replied that the answer al Ihlnker. Ill health In these lOflU M IHl BtAUn ing for,” he aaid. Im declared, “waa the reason for corners of the empire as Singa­ by a meteor. later years prevented hla enjoy­ pore, or young United States air­ wa ooming into being. M we wlU wss no. LOOK M IHt wm 'D^fmnd Your Hoalih^* Citnu Frmt Soim! ment of the beautiful Bolton ea- | men of experience who yearn to >ul iMMmber that, we cannot faU. There la a good deal of algnlfl- get Into the fight across the sea. tats on which h# had lavished so look M IHE PRICE OLD WESTBURY MOHTICELLO GOOD SI2E-n.OAIDA 2 c i< :a 3 5 * 'Hut If we become, like the Whig canes In this circumstahee. The j Growth inustrated ORANCES many generous thousands. He j Growth of the R. C. A. F. In party, merely the party of oppoal- President dosa’ not often answer S ' ® R YI WHISKEY GOOD SIZE leaves behind him the rwxirt of s j these last 18 months is illustrated tlon, afiercly the party of thooo what hs calls ’iffy ” qussUons si CLUB GRAPEFRUIT ‘ FLORIDA 5 ro t 1 5 * very fin# gentleman who did hla 1 by the fact that when the war be­ tebe tod fault and who te one of hla pfsss confsrsness. Hs could gan It had 4,450 officers and men, 7 YIAR8 OLD EXTRA LARGE part In life and who U alncerely ! A Blend! of SIrolfhf WblsUea the moot oriUcal momonta of his­ oasUy have rsfuesd to answer this The nioney you save on a 1941 on April 1 of last year some 10,- 50%— 15 Yr*. OM Straight WWikty CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS mourned. i 700 and last month about 36,000. BOTTLED IN BOND— 100 PROOP 00,29* tory tod nothing nobler to do than one without eoiclUng any suspi­ By the end of 1941 it expects to 50y,— 3yr*. OM Straight Whiskay to oompromlse. then this great cion of a special reason. But hs have's total strength of 72,000; 90 PROOP DICANTIR BOTTLI U. S. NO. 1 GRADE did answer it, categorically. The Wk* Also a Soldier j including, of course, the squadrons POTATOES 15u.1T * party wtn past from the scene tinom Inference Is unmistakable that Mr. overseas, instructional and ad­ He* II* MishrMi u l P We cannot measure the effect Out of the long roster of Italian ministration staff at home, and :..the FIRST LEHER PULL ~ letbirglJttiN 2 Roosevelt not only la quits sura PIPTH raNcv CALIPOMM ^^pnUkle'a lipeoeh on that New generaU who have passed through air stations guarding the Atlantic QUART HlPt I tea 25* C n r i t t TiNoea aenlP that a war with , Japan would be and Paclflc coasts of Canada. 2.29 York audience; but lU measure on the British lines as prisoners there 2.49 too brief to constitute a strain on Meanwhile, Britain’s R. A. F. OF OUR ALPHABET A REAL VALUE Parfact SraakfeN Taam . ! ! A&P CoRaa and . I t .the voters of ^ party can be ap- la on* name that deserves to be has been, transferring its elemen­ progliaately aoUmatod—It will be our productive resources but Is signaled out from the others. U tary and Intermediate training es- quits willing to lea the Japanese tabllrtimeDts to this continent, is that of General Tellers, com­ assures fresh, potent drugs LIFE___ O O N U T S 'K . 10*00, have that fact to chew on.\ \ is only holf ths story^ where training can proceed calmly is th* aymbol that signifies iZ. mander of the Tenth Army, or j without entanglement In actual "Prescription.” Anti ours is a for every pceacriptloa. And, This less pries In dP«c( Fee m limited time emty l * 8 q««ekini a Bottleneck Anyone at all familiar with the Army of Cyrenaica, When he was hostUltiea. 'ITiue establishments PRESCRIPTION pharmacy. because w* fill many praecrip- CINZANO ITALIAN VERMOUTH United States Navy and Its per­ sent to the British rear It was In ' ■ are Independent of the common­ Our large volume enables us tions every day, our ovaehaad HThy doss tbs Shipbuilders and suNNYnao SILVEI8ROOK « K B sonnel has long been aware that an ambulance, desperately wound­ wealth training plan under R. C. tO' command th* axclnsivs is widely diatribatsd, residtiag 10.OUNCB BOTTU M eooeo pouiio - - Marina Bnglneen Union of Groton. A. F. control, and are training 1 . 1 9 BUnER PeiNTS IS • 4 t pmNTS MM .CREAMERY U 4 9 the entire naval #stabUshT«nI has ed while leading the famous eervlccs e ( skilled, registered jsi lower costa. Why not briag Inc., tod It necsssnry to sand tele­ some 10,000 young Britons for the the most unqusllfled confidence In charge of tanka and infantry air war. pbtrmarists. Rapid turnoiJBlif re»r next pcetcrlpdoa hare? MEDIUM SIZE DOZ grams to Connecticut members of FRESH EGOS 28* Its ability to put the Japanese fleet iouth of Bengasi, which was as All In Operatlaa By September Ccmfttm urging the reopening of Original plana called (^ c o m ­ out of action pithln a period'>)f fuUls as It was gtdlsnt beesuse | MILD CHEESE TASTY u21* tbs Oroton Iren Works shipyard ihining, flUlnleaa steel and aparkling glass. pletion of the commonwealth air G I N V A L V E S Urns so short as to be almost neg ths Rallsn tanks wsrs poor things j training establishment-evolving WELDON DRUG CO. WHITE OR COLORED (or tbs building of frrightsrs? llglbls—and for a long time hat I cbm ps^ to ths mechanlied for- aome 120 airfields,/ gunnery We Deliver »61 Mata Street CHEESE MEDIUM SHARf t. 23* j a t h I r t o n R E D C R O W N ftoa la apt one of the politically been looking forward to the day 1 tressetropsrstW by Wsvell's men. achoola and other tra e > g centers DIAL 8831 T O W N C L U I ntoded great unions. It is an in­ .. . .tr«m U .«l pore- —by April, 1942; ^ ths woric D t LUXl aAVOR EAVORinSI GRAND FlAVOtl whsn thst Job would bscome Its courilgeous general has be M TO . 1 . 0 5 3 CANS 2 3 * gBDsly csljed a company union. But ll veriai^ of training planes from MtTlLLflD BY o w n u .10 or 6BAPEFR0IT SECTIONS entirely a sea war. There la not ; was one who was also a soldier. the t^ te d States there, has been T PLBIOOtNMIt 00. 24M II EASTRY BMfl It docs not appear to be at pres- i dOHN DeKUVPflH 00. ' even a remote chance of our ever no Uuk of shlpe for the flying FLOUR RAG S3* 24M U lAG 9 9 * ent under the thumb the em­ i fighting on land there outside, ss's John F. Bausola Some 1,700 planes now are SUNNYFIELO use in the training estabUah- QUia OR REGULAR 12* ployer company. ^ j possibility, in the PhlUpplnsa. ' Blsetrleal Dspartneat. ROLLED OATS ■ It win be remembered that sotne Your Federal Bt: and by the end of th* year. I where we would be practically on I announced, there wlU be "well HUM VALUES weeks ago it waa announced from M fhM C i r i I ^ '2 9 * j our own soli. And such a war Income Tax ler 4.000.” 2 so 04 New London that a Norwegian- ‘ would be unlikely to occupy our , "Winter weather naturally com­ RONOMOLLO RON ROVNU RMOUMDOS Fi n t F l i t TCNMB.^tWtCT 2 CACANS N S 25* Amsrlcan group Ivrt purchaaenl No. 11 plicates training, but there 4s no LIONT ON OiUW fieet for more than a few weeka. (Shown at the left) That let-up in the pace. Snowplows and PUBRTO RICAN RUM CUBAN BUM C b f l T l i t . e ( P p**">«■ e^ 'poUUoa. It waa suppeood to be wtnA ra^ved for profiaalrmal asrv- training plan, for aevtn weeks of MismoUai’a ace-in-thc-hola. Yet It >mnim1*i received from the Oom- tUfsad out to be Junki and lu medRy Credit CSorporatlon iHaU- at a group of Eoettoa^titotuphiw'- ^ good at boasU .H^iggg ito |N fp a AaB-'ki '■rJ ■ hi. ..-l-".. . -/sT I -. • ' \ 7 . / FAGE '\ IIANCHESTER BVKNING HERALOiti MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, rEBRUART*fl8,1941 I

« asav/TT^^ THURSDAY, FEBRUABY18, IMI toeraaftsr Mrs. Ratobone, a na­ the fire, were moved to rooms employes saved on but ats ilANUHEtfTBK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, cw n . i v _ where they could not See the 100 head of cattle )■ Uta r Widow to Serve tive of New Haven, Conn., cabled Avfirt Panic Witneaaae eoM tW . , ' ■ j t\ Haile Selassie U * ... her imcle the was to bo named for flames, which cauied damage esti­ igteC list Gammons SERIAL STORY a*- -1'. mated unoflictally at'$$0,000. Thooa risked tketr Uses Jfi Assembly Orders In Parliament hta place. A second cable on with minor atlments were given toe burnlnf atnictiiire Will Girl Scouts Serve? Check Feb. 5 announced her ’'unanimous In Hospital they were farther em SUt* D*p«rtn»«nt "*>w iwt eca- Little Army Mon Who I s n ' t There Return Theme and unopposed adoption," which variotia tasks to keep them occu­ Estate Yalue DRAFTED FOR LOVE pied. the frightened Cattle tor tanpUte a*B«tn« » Committee Probe meant ohs would be automatically to stampede on several i or i iM in to Molrt ta wttbdimw<- comrxiaMT. iM i. New York. Feb. lS-;-f4>>— Mrs. A men’s dormitory housing »nlds^ W m BY RUTH AYERS NXA SaaVICB. INC. elected. . ■•i. ^ Altendanls Act Prompt* about 125 fhinor cases was dam­ Tha fire apparently a] startei? Of Civil Service Zulu Social Aid and Beatrice Clough Ratobone, Amer- She has two children, John Jr., aged e^lf^tly by sparks, but the hayjoft. . ^-t.' • Brittah tnavlag Company Shares Larg* 7, and Pauline, 5, who are staying ly When Bam Bums T o B e Filed SimUltaneoualy, it area reported Pleasure Club to Stir* tcan-bom tridow of a British fiy- rosin buUdlngs never were threat­ est Item with $56,000 Ing officer who was a Cohferva- here "for toe duration” with her ened. British women and children have (ConUnued From Page One) Yeaterdayi ApHl calta Abb, men in turn; lighted their cigareto pass White Folks. uncle, Paul L. Hammond. On Instiluliori Grounds lOftOO WItaMMi Fire begun leaving Shanghai and other ToU l; Other ItemsJ' ahe didn’t smoke; listened Uvt party membar of ParUamsnt. For Relief of leBt i»f Iiia««iria1i»t> p o l^ in the Far East in smaU vestIgaUon "probably would lead ratek tke m i^ g k t Ann ra- u,,y i^ve in their ban- has cabled members of her fam­ A throng estimated at 10,000 HI Danvers, Mass., Feb. 13.—(4^— New Orleans, Feb. 18—<0 — Ex- ily here that she ta about to suc­ Forget Te Vnlnck Handcuffs perSens, causing a traffic tia-up to beneficial resulU.’.’ »«t torwgh U» haze Poesible panic among 2,908 men­ Ptopetiy Goes to WId- *^?*'BriClah have not Issued ot- Hadden said that after yeator- According to the Inventory of becB waiting for ta to be held. kings of the Zulu Social Aid and ceed to her huaband’a seat In the described by pMice aa ona of the of pmoke and toe blur of musiq, greatest In history of toe New- iktaa advice to their naUon^ to day’s hearing boto H o w Md the osUte of the late Mrs. Susan April doeea’t tail her eister ot Plaasure Club today let tba news House of Commons. Bacramento—e*» B. Gammons of this town, a value Kent’s face kept coming, before patrol’! radio eUtion broadcast to hoepital when a fire visible for 15 burypert turnpike, wltnasoad toe evacuate, but It was Senate Judiciary Committees felt Kont'e bUadnaea, laariiig the news her. be pried out of them that the If elected, ahe would ha the esc Put 9-pufuoee Va-tro«nat thorltatively they are taking M they needed the assistance of a ot $150,867.71 has bean listed. Of might npset her, ndn the* audi­ organization’s Mardi Graz jam ond U. a.-borit M. P. Vlaeouataaa Deputy Sheriffs Jets Leech and miles leveled a huge hern on the Are, Many apparently were at­ nostril It shrinks sveOsBmaM|a> tracted to toe scene in toe belief branet; (3) Boothes tmtsttad; increasingly sertmis view of the "fact-finding commission’ In thta, a large part, over $56,000, In tion. 8he ends the call abruptly, horse will quadruple—and then AStor, a native of Virginia, has Charlea Ogle: "Return to Folaom hospital grounds was averted dur­ In stock of the Gammona-Hoilnan It waa Hal who bad a way of with handcuff keys.” The officers, ing the night by prompt action of the main buUdtnga wore,aflre. itetpi aadi eqt nesal psMSdssTwssrv situstion in southeastern Asia, dealing with the "numerous pro^ 4 but already she ta forming a plan. understanding her better than some —anything attempted by toe aerv^ In Parliament alnoe 1919. lug clogglng nKiciia with Japan ateadlly increaslnr her lems■’ created by the many pend­ company, and a real estate item Death In action of the airman, dsUvering two convicts to the attendants. Beverly and Peabody flremen of $29,500 contains Inventory of ; anyone she’d ever known, who white folks. Ssrlously UI pqtlenta In toe main aldad in fighting tos flames. Prior land, sea and air forces within ing bills relating to the merit sya- Trust la Tomorrow I extricated her early and drove her Aa a supreme nostalgic salute to John Rankin Rathbone. waa an stats prison, had forgot to unlock the manufacturing plant. the "bracelsts" that linked them. buildings, about 300 yards from te the flrememe arrlvaL hospital J gS S J T w o widow, Mrr 0»r- atrlking dlstiance of Singapore. CHAPTER IV ' home. Africa Uia lulus, composed of nounced last month, and shortly V IC U « a f B 0 4 l 0 i Financial circles said the stock Not "Partisan Matter” The value of stocks ta set st Nortoo ta loft 176 $87,520.35, with some stock items April Burnett was a great be­ "Feel like talking about what’a ^egro porters, longahoramen and market break was caused by re­ Rep! T. Emmet Clarle. Demo­ liever In. tomorrows. bothering you?” he asked. chauffeurs, will make the theme of rfUtocli Ot Uk> ports published in nstlve lanjpiage craUc floor leader. Joined Hadden considered of low value. Caeh and She etammared an anawer. "Oh, tm m m t checking accounts are $10,46S.'15 Perhaps Mother and Dad would their parade on Fat Tuesday, Feb. Wotar oowpoiijr. Inoom* <* Newspapers that President Ro<^- In asserting that the propoaal waa return ahead of time from the maybe It’a this war bualnesa, toe 2 L a toto bTpIwi to a d «i^ * r and $3,457.56 respecUvely. From 25, the return of liaile Selassie, velt had declared a war in the 'not. a partisan matter." camping trip and figure a way men going to training camps conquering Uon of Judah. m s . Bdith Weidner. Pacific was “Inerttable." He said that after listening to thta sum is to be drawn some You’ll be leaving, too, Hal?" $20,000 in bequests made under out of thta situation. Maybe Ann ".^ d for the flr*t time in our Hw atock to to go *<* WtUlom The new evacuation notices were yesterday’s debate, he was con­ would change her mind and come Hal waa handsome, with smooth being mailed to Americans In the vinced that a "great deal of prac- Mrs. Gammarch st tos plant on Aa usual the Zuhia heaving "The American consulate gen­ are we going and what have we Weddings^ must be sMred. That was where a ruoh order for the government, coconuts into the crowd, will wear eral In Shanghai refers to Its pm- S^ut it. SoldiJr at left blends Into the Fear lightning wearing a special camouflage netting designed to make him inviwme done in the past six the inapirrtion came In- so it looks oa If I'd be kept there nappy wlga seagraas akirta and vlous circulars addressed to Amer­ manded the veteran Thornhill as On behalf of her sister scouts throughout the for a while. Is that what waa wor­ black tighta and uniform coats ican residents In this consular dis­ to the fnem M lis colleague wears the he charged that the legislature Harrison, District of Ck)lumbia Girl Wright^Teasdale For a minute. It struck her aa rying you, April?" made during riflrf practice at Fort Ord. Calif. ______Rnnsevelt with a **pr6inl$sory note” in Washington. strange that ahe should be bother­ borrowed from friendly white po­ Thrust by Japan trict communicating the advlre of had done lltUe work since It con­ Friends In town have received April shook hsr head, uncer­ licemen. They wlU make tkslr own the State Department to withdraw Qmnta to “nav to the order of the people of the United ***? ing at aU. Yet somehow the mem­ vened In January. paired nSSiC S hoS ot the interest of national news of the recent marriage of ory of Kent’s unaselng eyes, the tainly. badges from tin can tops. to the United States, and now de­ Speaker Hugh M. Alwrn, Charles H. Wright, son of Mr. and Hal didn't try to ktaa he?, but Ex-King Joseph Mtablore, an (Owtaaetd er*“ sires to sUte that the department than to trust Roosevelt with emer­ (R ) named Rep« J w p h P. O - defense.” thought of how much thta week­ taking her handa said, ” WaIL Mrs. Daniel Wright, residents of end leave Jneant to him, made her undarUker, said tola year's king has renewed lU advice, which ta gency powers temporarily." . Connell (D) of Bristol thta town unUl they moved to whatever It is, April, If toe time will he Alonso Butler, a bonk por­ can conaular ®**1“ ’* V* intended to apply partlc^arly to The committee acted Anally Obituary E. Mitchell (R ) of West H w tfort pick up toe telephone resolutely. Jaoan and otbor 6^ar Kaat* Goodyear about two years, ago. ever comes wlmn you want to tell ter, who put up $150 for the honor OKI after reJccUng a proposal by Sen­ was Ukely to Mayor Jasper Mc- "Hello, Kent—bet you could women, children and to those men as the House members of Uie legtalaUve leaden expressed the The bride wsis Miss Ruth Teasdale, me, I ’'I be around. I fee} that way jM t to ‘Upereasa his popularity."^ f^ontalM had bM« whose continued presence »• " « ators Johnson (R.. Calif.) and Committee. hope that a brisker pace would be Uevy’s latest plea to refund the never gueM what sweet young abojtt you. aimllar aufftodona Bonds. The Socialist mayor, it was daughter of Mrs. Marian - T ^ a le hero worshiper this Is." The queap will be Rita Edwards, regarded as. urgently or essential­ Ellender (D.. La.) to restrict the Tho resoluUon empowered Sen­ set next week. They aald It *a^ and the ceremony was performed A month ago, a waek ago. tvtn iously havo *w®**,J’'* 5 understood, sought the legtalaUon She was all April now aa she S3, a acitoiatraaa. ly required. . president's authority to send Deaths ate President Joseph B. D o^es probable the Legislature would rtt Sunday evening in the new <;»ureh last.«nlght, April’a heart would " T ^ whits folks’ king just etopa M 1— fnnn‘T with tho Unlt^ •*ThUi advlc® !■ a further and American armed forces out of the (D) to name the Senate members. to avoid an Increased city tax rate. held the teiephr e ctfpped close have given a isktp or two at this. fia t w goremmonl’t policy four days next week to expedite of the Nazarene, 41st and Nobla once in front of city hall to oalutc necessary P«^««tlo!ta^nj^ure Only One Measure Ready • public hearings on the mass ot Similar requests by Mayor Mc- to her mouth, Her voice was like Now «he could t>fihly nod and aay X i^ e a n a to loavo poata- Btreeto, Bellalre. Ohio, by the Rev. Ann’s, but the flippant words were ’You’re a grand guy, hta queen,” said Mishiore, "but our naa whUa adequate and ta given In the Interm* Before the surprise IntioducUon biUa now In committee boxes. Levy in past legislative years have Yin ‘ ____ safety and convenience of Am <^ James H. Jones. The nupUAta hers. SS'S'S king meets hta queen four different „ faciUUca were atiU . • " — Jegjalators had Gov. Robett A. Hur- causej][ consldereble controversy in «> Mt.a^ Burpdsh to,,memp9rs Qi !l6C**l.^IlLJ!r9nt .or.two under ■ - ‘ ^ ___ 'ffure T^awT* he aald “ of nattonaf aecurl^.__ :______^ bavs sUted apeclflcally that any scUon.*a rwwlutlon for a commta- ehce that the first The governor said that before he drug store. a regular service. The organist, "Never mind about how I am aplomb. "And remember ,'thlR, "The State Department does not ships transferred to foreign coun­ ston Investigation ot safety ta^slaUoo enacted ^ ths sancUoned McLevy’s latest re­ Mrs. Paul Hudson, played "I Love Drihka Toast Bocii Tli 0 r c m ia n Urge contemplate sending a a p * ^ ■he crooned. “How 1a the con­ honey, there are other wajcFbf be tries must be returned. relating to manufacUuring and lature, that empowering the state funding plan, he would demand aU You Truly” as the bridal P*^y Ing drafted besides for tM army. “He drinks a champagne toast vsaael or special veaseta to a a ^ No amendment was put forwart to acquire and then l e w ^ quering warrior 7 ’’ -wps Withdraw Mrs. Margaret Urich of mercantile esUbUshments. of the facto pertaining to Bridge­ took their places at the altor. it "Oh. very well, thanUe." Hip (To Be CeatiaiiM) to her each time. And she gives Fib. 1» —(F>—United; the withdrawal. It to In the committee on Wendell L. | An announcement by Senator Federal government land in Wind­ port’s financial status. waa the first ceremony In the him the key to the city. The white that American natlonata wUI take Winkle’s suggestion that aid under sor Locks and Suffleld for a new worda were clipped. - ^ n n lw U o ahd conauiatea Cooper Hill Street Pass­ James P. Geelan (D) of New After disposing of Its routine church. _1 "Why didn't you let us know folks don’t have that. The key is advantage of such tranaportatlon the leglalallon be limited to Bri- England Army airbaae, waa. rapid three feet long, made of wood." \ 'J- ...... oat drculara today *‘«/ »^ ** facillUea aa may bs currenUy Haven, scene of the factory Me business, the Senate recessed untU The bride who was given m abqut your leave ahead of time so K-" -.;. adeitang withdrawal to the Ulh, China and Greece. es Away Quickly. costing ten lives which gave btrto ly bringing resulU. marriage by H a i^ we could have brought the band Expect to Hear\ Herbert Permllllon. president, available. ^ He sMd that the signing of deeds 1 p. m. to give senators a cljgnce htatorian of the club, and in civi- >*-^»ad Stataa of AmarlcM w ^ Voto In t\iimnltte*i to the proporal. that he would to discuss Geelan’s measure In friend, wore a princess style gown out and thrown a party? It’s not ISN'T IT EAST •cThta conaulate general, p u ^ ^ seek Immediate action on the reso- turning the property to the state of aqua blue and corsage o f' gK - ever) day a man of military af­ Underwood Ofifer lien life chauffeur for an aristo­ ant to the above advice, dealree Fourteen Democrats and one Re­ Mrs. Margaret M. Urich, wife of party caucuses. Uidwig Urich. died suddenly early Iqtton was the signal tor a series would get under way today, and denlas and sweet peas. Itor maid fairs cornea into our midst." cratic St. Charles avenue family, again urgently to invito the atten­ publican voted to tend, the bill to that Army engineers were now explained further the didoes of the the Senste floor while five Repub­ thta morning at her home 58 of cauedses. of honor, Mias Theda RU ^. also "I’m hardly that.*' He made a AFTER WATCHING *Krs^as?:^-t;v«.« tion of American clUsens of the The House met for less thM preparing speclflcaUons for the wore aqua blue with lace. T h o n « forced attempt at laughter. April Hartford. Feh. 13.—(iP)—Repre­ Zulus who, he said, this year reach categories above mentioned to the licans: two Democrats and a Pro- Cooper Hill street. She was Valuable Scholarahlpe sentatives of The Underwood-El- latanota aC aafaty w »fe «J * stricken early this morning and five minutes and then recessed to runways. _, Teasdale, brother of toe bride, lowered her voice. an all-time peak, zenith, and ne dMoa of Amarican naUooata desirabUlty of withdrawing to the rresstve opposed. The' vote; The governor toW newspaper­ liott-Plsber management and em­ plus ultra. MOTHER? Democrats for — Chairman the family doctor was called, but await ^nate acUon on the meas- was beet man for Mr. Wright. "Kent, in all serloueness, Ann ; _ j la tba tnUnuda of naOcaal ae- United SUtes.” men also that a statement of In normal times, educational wantpd mo tc sentf word to you." ployes will meet with the State "The white folks only attend one George of Georgia, and Senators death came quickly. Dr. D. C. Y. ur$. After receiving toe congratula­ laaiUta “ It WM aaaouBosd. Paul Adams. legtalaUve « P « - Bridgeport’s financial status pre openings for 25,000 children . a tions of those assembled, toe "Ann—la she all right?” Board of Mediation and Arbitra­ ball,” he said. "We are going to drop ta tba Harrison of Mississippi. Wagner Moore, medical examiner, ascribed have three, two for Negroes and the cause of death to natural sensUve of The ConnecUcut Man­ pared by Tax Commlssloiw year are provided by scholarships bridal party and about 20 relatives tion Friday at 7 p. m. ahadi martot aewpaatad tou of New York, Oonnally of Texas. ufacturers AssoclsUon. dtact^ed Charles J. McLaughlin wouldjbe and special places In London Attorney Frank Odium. Griev­ one for whites. At the one for •b< SeiiaCors Favor Thomas of UUh. Van Nuys of In­ causes, _ and friends enjoyed a dlnnw at April held toe hand-set a little ''laiBiwal of U. ft. govainineat ad- Mrs. Urich was born In Switzer­ the messure with Geelsn. and la­ available next week to the Icgla- schools and technical Institutes, RadcUfTs near S t Clalravllle, closer. So far, ao good. She ance Committee counsel, said toe whites we read the Zulu ritual for • 'S a IW L m OW atocka fell off aeaan or British Aid Bill of North Carolina. Guffey of Penn­ land and had been a resident of a voodoo dance and a pot bolting to the proposal on the ground that ing for a hearing on a stand by later. meeting to hear an offer from toe n to tha towwrt ftfur^ sylvania. Glass of Virginia and Manchester for 30 years. Surviv­ The ride of Paul Revere has °*Mr. and Mrs. Wright on tMlr like cannibals.” In hta oplnldh present state lawa orirlng that city to refund $1,688,- return from a wedding trip wiu "Ann will be all right," she hast­ management. mentba, whlta tba Unit- Byrnes of South Carolina. ing her are her husband; two been estimated at approximately A t 8 Friday night there will be coupled with municipal ordinances 000 In city bonds. make their home at 61 Morw ave­ ened ' on, "It’s only that she’s s .f«n«r exchange rate '(Centtmwd Frt»ia Pag* One) Republican for—White of Maine. daughters, Mrs. Carl Mlsselwltx of 10 mUes; exact distance, however, a maos meeting In the Lithuanian East Hartford and Miss Emma were ‘‘adequate. 1 See Opposition to Refund nue, Danielson, Conn. little—well, your coming home so Democrats against—Gillette of Hope For Brisker Pace is unknown. sudden and everything—’’ hall. n y ^ S a w r and m eiaaary** ^ there ought, alio, to be eome un- Urich. of Manchester: a eon, LajuIs Some sources said opposition Forced to Remove dereUndfhg for co-operative ^ - Iowa and Oark of Mlssmiri. While today’s agenda was sum, Kent .w^a- quick to answer. "I The strike at the Underwood _e to Americana to leave for Republlcans.agalnst—Johnson of Urich. also of Manchester; three lant, Involving requests for pay fenae of the g.OOO-mlle Atlantic staters In Swltierland and three know It. It’s all my fault Trying P hoaM waa given, the California, Capper of Kansas, Van- to pull the berolOa and not writ­ ersaae, bonuses and a guaran Clothes in Holdup I —ui iB accordance with the U. 8. shoreline In the western heml- grandchildren. teed annual vacation with pay, has Btata Depmrtment’a evacuation s^ere—a defense strong enough denberg of Michigan, Nye of North ing her." Dakota and Shlpstead of Mtnne- The funeral Is In charge of Un­ “You know how Ann ta," April been In progress since Jan. 28. iS ra t laat Octobtf. ^ \ to expel any intruder. dertaker W. P. Qutah and VriU be waa whispering, os if Ann herself Boston, Feb. 18—UP)—A- hold­ na were urged to tak (T h « BriUsh-aid bill, approv^ sota. held Saturday morning at 8:30 at Jby the Foreign Relations Commlt- Progreaaive against—Ls Follette might be overhearing. "She’s not, up man who forced Mias Irene | _ of adattav aUpplaL her home. 58 Cooper Hill Street, very strong." Brody, 18, a cleansing ship clerk, U A \m in substantially the form voted of Wisconsin. gaeUttaa. The dradara aald the followed with a funeral mass at 9 ’’She'll be fine tomorrow if 'she lore Lobbyists to remove her outer clothing and I by the Houae, would empower Reject SnbsUtnte Ptaa o'clock In St. James’s church. The President Roosevelt to procure and gets a goo<' rest, don't you think?" then escaped with $2.26 from a The committee also rejected, 17 burial will be In St. James’s ceme­ The eagerness In his voice made Register Names cash register was hunted by police | jaar* or lend war aupplles to na- to 4, a substitute program propos­ April’s fingers curl around the Uons whose defense he deemM tery. today. ed by Senator Taft (R-Ohio) un­ cord. 'The man, described as 20 to 25 I neceaaary to the aecurlty of the der which this country would have Advertisers "Ob, yea. t3h, my, I should say Hartford, Feb. 13.—UP)—Among years old, entered the shop last United SUtes.) ^ loaned up to $1,500,000,000 to 80,” Idle answered. "Everything the recent registrations wlto the night, picked up a pair of ahears Senator McCarran (D., Nev.) Britain, up to $500,000,000 to Can* bid You Know will be fine tomorrow." . asked whether Austin was "advo­ state secretary required under the and forced toe 'girl to a back ada and not more than $50,000,000 I suess it won't hurt me any legislative lobby act are: room. After rifling the regtater. cating a ^rttlah-Amerlcan form to Greece. That— either to slack up tonight. Army of life’ In the United States here­ Nathan A, Schats, Hartford, for he o^ered her to disrobe. When Ellender told reporters when he routine’s pretty tough, you know. the estate of Harry S. Bond on a after T’* , __ she Temoved her outer clothlng..| came out of the cIoscaI committee your You tfll Anr It’s perfectly all refund of unused portion of liquor she became terrified and screamed. Austin cited the ’JCommori law" session that the group had voted In North America, fur seals right and I understand. I ’U call license fee and also for the Out­ The intriider fled. of this country and England ab a breed only on the Priblloff talsnda h*r the first thing tomorrow." "spiritual bond" that waa stronger 13 to 9 against a proposed amend­ door Advertising Association. ment which would have stated "Yes, I’ll tell her. Any othfr James W. Carpenter, Hartford BergdcII's Cousin Enllstn than any mere written treaty. The steel Industry consumes 18.- kind words you want to peas f>OUCE McCarran said "BrltUh control that nothing In the act would give for. the Employers Reinsurance the president any authority, be­ 000,000 rubber hands and more along?" WM thrown off with th6 blood of "Why, yea,’.’ Kent spoke very Corpbcatlon of Kansas City, Mo., Philadelphia. Feb. 13.—<45— t 1. •/.’l yond what he already had, to send than 100,000,000 paper clips an­ on a tag refund. William Carles Bergdoll, 21, a 4343 our palrloU and I do not want to men of the Army and Navy to nually In Its offices. Audience quietly. "Say that she’s got to be resume It." okay tomorrow. I’m going to kid­ David R.' Woodhouse, Hartford, cousin of'Grover Cleveland Berg- "Neither do I," Austin said. points outside this hemisphere or for the ConntoUcut Funeral Di­ doll. World war draft dodger, has American possessions. i At some points, the Grand Can­ nap her for the whole day." Net Permanent AllUnce. , "H ’ro, orders from the top ser rectors' Aasociattoq, Bridgeport. enlisted in the Army and will be He waa not Austin added, "ao- Previously, committee members yon qf the Colorado measures 18 A. D. Adams, New, Haven, for Inducted here Feb. 19. Grover, a FIRE said two administration amend­ miles from rim to rim. ■geant I f you were here, I sup­ vocatlng a permanent alliance F you were going to buy the privilege o f talk­ pose Pd oalute.” the Connecticut HoopltkL Aaaocla- member of a wealthy Philadelphia ments to the bill had been adopted Uon and-for the ConnecUcttL.State brewing family, now ta serving a but thought we should get "cer­ During 1939. 5028 merchant He laughed. “Good night, April, tain commltmenU for leader^lp as s final vote was approached and thanks for calling." Nurses’ Association. sratence to Leavenworth Federal 5432 on the revised legislation. ships passed through Uie Panarna ing to a theatre audience about your busincaa In new sanctions for peace’ while I ’’Walt a minute. Carspn Carter, Martin F. Plunkett. WalUngford, penitentiary for evading aervics in Canal, an Increase of 302 over toe NORTH supplying badly needed aid to One would require the president Whoa, toeri!" She knew she for toe Soclaltat the W w d war. preceding year. . you^ould want to know all about the audience. fEngland...... to obtain authoriutlon from Con­ ahouM ■ay good nighL She knew Senator Barkley of Kentucky. ^ gress beforo he tould contract for ■he would spoil tos whole results 4321 the DemocraUc leader, announced future delivery of war materials The Great EaZtern was the first How many people?~Wbere do they live? How " of her Inspiration If she sayi an­ RUIIIH to be turned over to other nations. ship used In . laying the flrXt per other word. And yet.she couldn’t Ihnt formal debate on the Brittah manent trans-Atlantic cable. aid bill wovild begin Monday. The other would provide that much did they pay to get in? Th e answers to ■top herself. The Glitterbug, In­ Senator Lee (D.. Okla.) how­ money received In payment of deed! ■ ’ « g l j AMBULANCE ever. began an Immediate dlacus- transferred materisls should go The Suez Canal has no locks. these questions would’ have a hearing on the_ •’Yes?” he aald It Impersonally. alon of the measure with the as­ Into the Treasury's general fund "How. about me vohmteertng in after July 1, 1846. There are more than 50,000,000 X"- (UOUGAN) sertion that Congress waa "being value o f the audience to your business. Ann’s place tonight?” assaulted by the ’ greatest" cam­ head of sheep In the United "Thanks, April," he said, "but paign of Nasi propaganda which States. » that wouldn’t do. Good night and Little Mis$ Gingham thinks it’s fun to mcasuie and mix, M d hc^. wise mother encourages 5630 has yet been unleashed" In an at- good luck.” About Town In the City of New York alone She needed it She felt very ILLURAN) Umpt to delay lU passage^ there are' more automobiles than The Audit Bureau o f Circulations ii 8 empty aa she went upsUira to her housewifely instincts. Grown*ups, like youngsters, learn from watching* Young and "Delay of this bill ta as effec- In most foreign countries h e s e are the things you want to know dress. Kenb^had said. "Thanka, tlve ... ------defest."- —Lee saserted T national, cooperative association of aooo There will be a meeting of the but that wouldn’t do.” What he old homemakers quickly see their mistakes when they have the opportunity of watch­ 160 "Since England has now allocated 1 about .boo, the.he peoplepeo^ who- r read ybur adver- ^ Aneant, of course, waa that she all of her asseU for cash payment ^ Masonic...... Bsll..... committee...... at the Damascus Is said to be the I (QUUIH) I of orders already given, she can-; Masonic Temple at eight o clock world's oldest clty.^ rising too. In the Circul P 1 ^ Bureau has a staff of slrillcd auditors N ^^dn't do. ing a trained ipcdalist at work in a completely equipped kitchen. A nationally known I not place any more onlere until tomorrow night The femur, or thigh bone, ta the weoffer■wc uut* yea -«.inte....^------™ d«e men msi. .11 publiiher : Y^B Iaaa Blanca, everyone aald, I the leaae-lend bill passes. longest and largest bone In toe and once a year these men visit all pubUshCT I I t a a wonderful night club for a home economics expert will share her discoveries and years of research with observant 4340 Frrfer Hiller to RooMnelt. The Bridgewater canal croasre who use your rherchanmse and service. human body.. membera and make a careful audit of th «r town Uka Pattonavilla. A Mg shell •That is why every Hitler sym- the'Manchester ship canal on a of a place, t$ had a mnooto floor viaduct, near Manchester, Eng­ Just as a merchant buys and sells mefchan- audiences at die popular Cooking School to be conducted by this ncvi^papcr. Be among j patolzcr, ever>- appeaser and every Englishmen drink ah annual to­ drcularion’ records.’ The informarion from - and a good orchestra. Every now HOSPITAL Fifth'Columnist In America ta land. tal of four billion gallons of tea. diae on the basis of known sundarda of qual- and- then some of the big-name I trying to stop this bill. They are these audits is then issued in reports which banda you heanl on the radio came the eager guests who will attend. shouting that Its passage would The Liberty Bell cracked ity wdght and measure, so are we prepared here to plr.y a ona-nig?it engage­ ■ . ^ 5 1 3 1 .1835. while tolling the death In three daya. the silkworm are available to advertisera. imako President Rodaevelt a dlcta- spins 1000 yards of unbroken ment tor. They seem to prefer to have Chief Justice John Marshall to tell advertisera aU about our drcularion. Tonight April decided, Casa Hitler as a dictator permanently the V- S. Supreme Court. thread. Only through these A.B.C reports can you Blanca looked like Csaa Blank tff PERFUME WATER DEPT. ■ m e , why we belong to dm 4 ^ * ^ ; « g ^ « * * ' « * * • * '''“ • bar. It seemed suddenly too Mg, too nrach decorated, a sort of Imi- GIFT OF FLATTERY UtloQ of the real thing- And aveiT 3077 Western Outpost for U. S. Defense? danoa {dece the orchestra criayed Shfi'll bfi thrilled by Perfums—> waa Just la Imitation, too, of aonia lt*g 8 fihaer loxory that all wo­ STATE (A fM tP a> other hud that played It better. •» * April wore a new black net men lore to jaoeive. You can 7868 r ■ drees, with a skirt MUowtag la ynrdn-and-yarda and a bodice cun- choofie her favorite scent at alngly eprtngled with amaU aUver Weldon's Cosmetle Bar . . . and Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday MANCHESTER ifqntiiM Out of thta froth of swirl­ ing Mack, her yellow head with there axe dozens and dozens from the upbruahed curia rose Uka which to sdect. W ATER CO . sunburst ‘ standards. “What’s the trouble, April? FEBRUARY 18 - 19- 20 - 21 One ef the trio ot ybung men es­ Leatherlc Tw eed...... $2.35 5974 corting ■ he? leaned forward. "There’s a perfectly good rhumba LeLoBf Indiscreet ...... $2.00 going to -and you haven’t Aidca Btac G rass...... $3.75 DOORS OPEN 8*30 A M . SCHOOL STARTS 9*15 A M. noticed^n single imploring look in GAS CO. Yardlcy’s Bond Street.. . .$2.50 fflattiltfaltt Im i« 8 ^ Mir eyaa” . Ladiea! Pk*ae be sure to bring a pencil wHh you to fill in your con^n on the program a tu r "Senetoing got you 4 o w ^ " It Cetjr's L 'A ia u u it...... $2.00 5075 waa Hal Parka, the aioeat of the three; In fact the nicest man aba you reudi your seat. TU. to • -«**r •/ «** toW.. ./ Cto«to««* knew. m •• gtodb Antto* • "«r *to«« 4.S. C. por ■ while, April tried to for­ BACTRIC COT get Uw probtom O m t faced bar to Weldon Drug Co. tos SBomtog. ftba made barsalf PRIZES! FREE ADMISSION] M 5 S S s t that Ann w u ^ re* Freaeriptlon Pharmacists 5181 turn. If Ann didn’t surely there’d 901 Main S t .We Deliver Dial 3321 II ATizNkK raft ACTS AS A MEASURE OP ADVERTISING VALUE be way to oMistep Kant A.B.CW AUM T SUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS ■PACT* Aa a m cA u vK B w You *Mdfi uwaya sand notea. With to tha I— 8o33Pd»ito6a with tba , tksea ^fvoaiiig Herald eoepaeaWi n 2 ] to] j '

-Jtr ■ I F A G t l H l f l l I > MANUHIS8 TISM EVENU4Q MBKALD. BlANCHfiSTBR. CONN. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1941 I- ■■'■I : - . ■ ' - - ,, ; ■ \ «V to.N G HBKALD. MANCHE 8 TEB. COHN. THUK 8 DAV. FEBBOARY » . t»41. rwELvi S t . J o h n ' s T rim s M oria rtys to

S^ta Amta Triui^h ______:ling Stars Scramble Oto Mids Helea Estes, PacaHy Adeiscr ('x>mpiled by Stodeato o f M *e e h «*t*» H igh School THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 iLabels Porter’s Cap For Tbrone Vacated by Wa Simmons riu< ______■ ' X ------'------— ------— Gale Boosts Qiancet of VOL. Vin» NO.» First Aid At Home Two Victories \ 'Round the As Threat for Derby BF Bnrloa Pnttto Jimmy Demaret In New Grydi^ Trivial Thoughts Taught by Nurse AF FMlore ServfM Orleans Tourney. I S p o r t, Way to 1 Legion 0/ H o n o i^ Playersjn For Debatei^ Richmond, Va.—Ida Slmmone, buxum Norfolk, Va., blonde, has of his coat You taow it aesM Campusea By Eddia Sriata Story of Meal By Margaret FtoveU Stepped down from toe natlonsl women’s duckpto throne after a reign New Orleans, Feb. 18.—(SI—The Sacond Round Win; ------Sea Tragedy that every time Bud a back la turn­ By Gloria Saplaiua Wins $50,000 Test by New York. Feb. 1$.—(F) — Add ] Ho hum. What do you do whan ed someone (we know, we kne. used to playing golf In toeto. D;m!ni who ^ n ’t w m S I SllbPOSSilbros DmbSDrnba GroeCnGroeera | In Pictures you bays problems studss. tolw hides hla coat----Bud perhaps toe toe subject of a talk given by Four Lengths; Owner Local Sport to a pln-by-iin battle for toe crown. teeth of a booming gale viewed, Uyden’a joh-Jlmmy Phe- j O vk M iB f h v 6 9 t o 5 5 . thsm? Supposin’ you cant, then What an appetite this ought to “Submerged” Presented "bad humor man" knows some­ lira Wandt, echool nuree, to toe give a person—fried raU and yel­ Disprove Pow­ The National Duckpto Congress ruled toat bowlers must roll with satisfaction today toe heavy li^ „ Waahln^on . . . Tanks “ * V p e n e r D y OW lO 0*8, .. whit? T o S ^ n t shove them o w thing shout it (No accusation, Howard Undecided on weatherler descending______. upon the lO,- j haven’t heard a word from Joe i . — . ' to someone else do ^you ?;^h Home Economlce clasaee Wednes­ low punch. According to an article er Topk^^; Highlights. Chatter Wlto a sanctioned leSgue ot bep Sock and Buskin to however.) In "Windham Croaktoga’’ one of 000 NevK Orleana open tourna bTiit^ig^o and probably won’t ao' St. Johns o f the N orth End Beytng Prep*^™®^ By goeh! we’re sway off toe day morning. Mrs. Wandt dla- KentuckyX Race; Bull eligible for natlonsl recognition, money out of bowling. 1 have had Windham’s students bad that for and Miss Simniona eountered: ment. \ long as Mickey (^ r o n a , goM B rotllO T •ad Food Value Shown Three Assemblies. Ind anyway problems are m j^ y ••Can a man be accused of killing cusaed and gave helpful hlnU on That toe power of Reigh Cops 2nd Place* Joe McCIuakey won’t be the Miy to pass up numeroua rich sweep- AIthougH\ they eared little for around toe coast telling the ilapers I . .. F eet RHa "Hap personal things so we 11 put toein a meal during her trip to South local entry to toe Natlonsl AAU "You can’t eat the No. 1 rank­ atakea Just to sUy home and roU time?” asked a Jovial member of minor accldenU that can easily America recently. Do you envy to# Federal Government should ba the "occasldnal rains" predicted Joe Is worth 45 grand per . . . j ^ ea t Not Fattening. away fof a brainy day and think toe faculty. ^ track and field champloBshtoa at ing, but It jrou go around to toa with my team." for today, to ^ bellevad the dis­ Jack Dempsey cJis nlgntly from night to Cfipture SMOnd rotUKl Submergsd." sn happen to any-house. her? / Increased,” was toe subject of two By RobMt Mywx big Bweepitakas and win four or you up some thoughts. "Not If the clock strikes first "Bums which cover a large area Madison Square Garden on Febru­ Her advice to toe bowling be­ turbance whleh'caused high winds Miami to Inquire about his honors in the Rec Senior breath-Uklng tragedy of toe sea debates held with East Hartforl Los Angeles, Feb. 18—(4^—Mr. ary 2 2 ....Lockhart Rogers, erst­ five a jroar you can use tha money wileet • » « BoinaBM", A inovln* was presented by membem of answered toe studeftl. of toe body are Just as serious as The "Argua” reporta toat afie of ginner haa alwaya been •prac­ hers and galas llt^tostr native state estranged wife who Is seriously lU. ih t to Do you students like to read? j a small, deep bum," and when toe on Tuesday and Wednesday. iMan- Chxrlls Howard, the wealthy Ban while Manchester High and Wee- to buy groceriea. Right now, you tice, and more practice." yesterday would \ Increase their . . . Not more than a dossh or ao Langu* snd asm ths -Otar. UK»wi> to Iho «< «• ^ Sock and Buskin during a *t«'l««l Its present students capw from leyan Unlveralty athlete who Is can aay I’m out ta make aome oppoM th* Gn* Housers I e l o * « TuMdoy morning. assembly In observance of Nation­ Sure we knew It. Here’s a book j ^ ^ ’ve heard of a newspaper out skin Is burned, twice as much Pawtucket, Rhode IMuul where re cheater won both, Manchester af- Francisco borax owner, haa quite Poealble Sneoeosor chances of taklniD, major prise of Private Tommy Taller’s buddies you can read to kill Ume (If you ! ^ tu Infiuence to work U put on toe kidneys and t problem. holder of tbS state broad Jump money, If It contlnu^. to toe Guartermaster's Corps at playofTs for the Lengu* t told MW story of n»o*t #rom tho al Drama Week. "Submerg^ tt a port cards are Iwu^'^veekly! (Just. | firmaUve, 8, _Ra»I^ record, will compete to hls special­ Mlaa Simmons, krhe at one time realistic drama, true to happen­ like It better dead). lU cmied ] „ttto g toe teachers to put m end other organs. A bum or scald think what.V we— -—Jtoim.to a.to be thank­ tlve, 0; and Manchester negative, Hx doesn’t know whether to "If the wind b1ows\lt*S Jimmy Fort Dlx, N. J., hava tumbled to lionahip. Mortartys took ---- “MBCbBth” .... Oh-h-h Btop ^ that i homework over weekend*. shoot a double-barrelled threat at ty under toe colors of toa New or other has held virtually every Demaret against the 'field,” de­ toe fact toat ha not only la a top ings In life as those who read shouldn’t be covered with a band­ ful for!) Alao^st Pawtucket the 2, East Hartford affirmative. 1. world duckpto record for women, Irat hdlf dsdalvsly but groaning-lts really g o o i-*^ There's a catch—you might know age Frost bites are also com­ The Judges for Tuesday’s debate a tlOO.OOO purae, or save one bar-, Haven Harrlera... .Rogera Is now clared P. O. A. Champl^ Byron golfer, but a millionaire to boot. “Thu* MS n^papers and listen to radios student cpuhclL )ias much power doing graduate work at Prince­ dieted that Lucy Rose, Rose- inven’t been able to get start* I!^Si mfa of most thou con bo peclaUy if you like a nic*. —toe students have to study hard­ mon and can be prevented by and wiieii a student commits sn were Miss Estes, head of toe M. roll and aim It at more glory than Nelson, a Fort Worth boyfiow 11 v , . . Larry MacPhall had an Irish ft S T pork. boof. •"<> may observe. murder story. We’ll admit old inan er during the week. We might t ^ wearing stockings or long socks. ton. , Va.. veteran of eeven yeMt tog In Toledo. ' terrier In toe Garden dog show. ed since then and went down Suspense Is achieved and n>^* offepsie toe councU trya him. H. S. Btogllsh dept; Mr. Echmallan, gold. _ Kon the allaya and fourth ranking S t5 »o f toM the house- flhakeapeare was quite a guy tm It though, and It might (not) The remedy for froxen knees U Strangely enough, thla council has director of Manchester Trade Howard's crack Porter’s Cap "It wouldn’t be much fun play­ >efore the Sointfi, 58-89, for I S ? ’ j£ J )^ r l^ r t s in * fact im talned throughout the play. The We had a gander at the lee FXiI- duekpln bowler In IMO, would be setting s forward compartment in writing above our heads but Its work. to apply a solution of boric acld< proved unpopular with the stu­ School; Mr. Ordway, teacher ta thoroughly thumped a field of toe ing to a high wind but It would In­ Today’s Ooeat Star M ^ m o s t women contlnuaUy ask nice reading If you can read It. Ilea at the Springfield Cotleeum her aueceeaor. The IM I rankings crease my ohanccs of winning," Walter Stewart, Memphis Com­ [heir third loss in five staitt. a wrecked and aubmerged subma­ After an area has been frost bl^ dents at toe high school. Ellsworth High. Wednesday’s de­ finest three-year-olds campaigning The North Bndera, aiming for te fo ^ J u t a fe w common cuU of We can’t take up much more ten. It becomes much more sensi­ toe other night and stlU think It’e will not bo announced unUI July. admlttMl Demaret, a Houstonian mercial-Appeal: "Steve Casey, rine. Is fascinating In Itself. Tbe bate 'was Judged by Miss Holmes, to toe west yesterday when he won a four-etar plus attraction... .all their fifth straifi-ht trium ^ in tlm Ever hear this one? "FMhlons room thU week If we still wsiR to tive to cold weather. City boy (looking at his first Miss Mallon. and Mlsa McClelland, toe ISO.OIX) Santa AnIU Derby. Another strong competitor for who came from behind to win the another of those wrestling cham­ which are *•^’ *7***™!!)? l opening through remaliT friends with "Sporty, reaerved aeats have been sold for the duckpto queenship la Kather­ pions, haa alao volunteered for aecond round, started rat slowly y%x%at\t» Mice view* the play !■ Hie fourth exist for girls with no t a ^ , eU- Hiking to the Spring often wtodmfll) "Gee. Uncle Tom. that’s all members of E. H. H. S’s facul­ Four Length Msrgla event^last year. and at toe end of toe first quar­ ■ad ooually htfh h* ^ quette for boys with no breeding. R Cs,” snd “Jr."....Since the brings about toe need of reme­ every performance through Sun­ ine Vick. No. 2 bowler laat: year The pro-amateur competition Is Army service... snd hers we were wall, because the audience niuat some electric fan you have there ty. The beautiful chestnut son of day but tome rueh aeate arc avail­ ter were trailing 8 to 7. Thaa ausseO Cols birth of "Jr." over there we’ve dies for bug .blt€* and poison Ivy. In toe Tuesday afternoon debate, and U. S. all-evente and doublea sche<:uled for today with toe tour< thinking the war w'aa strictly on glwald 16o*t for a well rounded Ima^ne Its presence to compleU been sort of tossed about for space cooling the cows.” The Porter took charge of the race able....toe precision skating Leon (Buddy) ftaas. dec r tha Orykb taotbers and Wtitata Jrtth r^d^anopa and l ^ » might' be a good Idea to form a Wandt mentioned. Nature has outstanding features of the staged another amastng scoring van. Conn.,'who recently rolled and Jo Marsh, Devon, Conn., are Kaniiaa—where toe weather haa unvrtVi^ aa a pro to a /ew months. isator„ „ are iBow^ In destroys toU hope with toe jm- benefit of our own cloU?*"*; tories manufacturing for Groat .jhad plenty of run left—for ckL ’fbe Oaa Houm ChM i m t Important factor In m ^t on the court. ^ be now Bud Weden can keep track boys’ knitting club, girls. its own aid to bring tears to toe "Hearth” U a literary coluinn spree Tueaday night to swam ids Blnmona world’s record Individual game other candidates for to# No. 1 been known to become gusty on . . . Notrs Dam# and Nsw York S ketball three years for the Rea nouncement that toe ship’s oscUlss- Britain from sabotage, regulate and one quarter. If need be. Norwich, 105-75... .bl# John I for women of 801; Evelyn Broee, ranking. U. quint# win plsy to toa aevsnto never had a rimnee cnea tb* North vSrt^psrature. Thto tor has not been getUng mes|»ge eyes and wash out toe particle. which contains original short The point la toat toe $100,000 Out To Make Bowling Pay Her occasion. Bndera got ridllng. Thslr spaa* Mhd White., and also plays a mean 8 U not always eufflcient.c^ child labor, equalise toe education­ gle sank 83 baakete... .toe (b a ­ Nelson, elaborating on Dema full house to toe Garden tomorrow iMsps the food through to rescue ship# for twen­ lA' stories written by toe students. al opportunities in the poor sUtes, Santa AniU handicap March 1 Is tacular type of ptay really cUtamd nm e of baseball for the American Sports Editor 111 an additional relief U to pull toe teau cagers rocently ran up 121 rot's play during a blow, said Jim­ night. . . . PhUly papers are Ssea sot loss any ^ Leelon. Ruas has been a mem­ ty-four hours. The brave com­ and control prices to prevent in­ to be run at a mile and one (piar- potato to a stogie game. taking Louis va Doraxlo ao sari last mght and the Gas Howw Bassick Sinks MHS upper lid of the eye over the low­ "Northeastern News” submitted my won toe Ban FYanclsco match team must find a stothod of stapi ber of the Hl-Y for two years and mander tosista that the crew flation. The affirmative also ad­ ter, and so Is the famed Kentucky Pat VendrlUo earned hls eighth play two years ago "to a terrific ously one of ’em le printing toe shoot him through the ^ torpedo The H. S. W, sends Its best er Cuts and scratches are mis­ this aa A new version vocated the passing of the l^end- Derby later this spring. Porter’s ping thrtr steady Bow of baskata 5 2 5 , sausajift U ^ - at present Is their wishes to Frank Zimmerman, haps which need special care. A Row, Row your Boat." The col­ decision to 33 starts at H o lj^ e Eagles, Reds wind," and “beat toe field by four story of Doraslo'a life, written by the xames you esn see him selling tube, knowing that hls dead body In Close Relay Lease bill. Cap it weighted at a mere 104 for laat Monday night In gaining the T h in k s Pee W ee Reese toa eminent author, Mr. Dorasto, If thsy hop* to defsat tb* Sattta Y«»]. m Ss the moutha of the audi- would rise to the surface and fioat Jr., Sports Eklltor, who la con­ cut can easily grow Into w» ‘nfw- umnist thinks It’s a I. strokea’’ laat season at Indian in toe plajroffe. Jp with A1 Turklngton. Wes Vm - Frank Zimmerman, Jr. er than toe body al government, and tola Increased Soldier Takes Lone Star state Include Harry tod food rtsmsnta" Protelna tlctti hut hasn’t yet decided on » s ^^jyaei because Dunn, toe laveti cour and Herb Tenney sw lm ii^ . the two forthcoming Paint and the Santa Anita Handicap. T ^ t Is Haven Eagles since taking over toe McGrow ot toe Brooklyn Dod$ers, | i^"htgb man ter toa *vmd*g Plenty of xlr. Crowds hinder Powder plays under the direction centralisation will lead to the re­ ! Yanks by 46*41. Cooper of New LAndon, Onn., aabtsmls and fat are an couToe there. . __ has “ someone waiting for him." In the two twenty-yard frw styw Mioland. Should he mnd Porter's lead to toe eartern division of toe while hacking hls way out of an winner to 1938; Ralph Quldahl of Sports OoektaU with elevah hoops and tore* fowl more than they are helpful around of Miss Anna McGuire. A com­ striction of liberty. two shondant to meat, Chlklran i*e^ Russ has lived hjs, Uf* w* 1 Hobh, a cocky fellow, does hit Gordon Wilson took second p l ^ We are sorry'io have to aay that Manchester’s next debates wlU cap to, too? Howard frankly Is Skating Crown alligator nest with a aand wedge, Madison, N. J.; Dick Mate and The Birmingham Barons of.th# for a grand total of twaBt)rav*s m a t to bolld booaa and promota our regular sporta editor, Frank a fainted person. edy to line act, It concerns a con­ weeks ego, but with only a month I Frank’s Amocoa nosed out toe Southern Aasoctatlon are the first potote. Bellfor* did beat for toe In Manchester, and Saturdays find I keep up toe morale of hls with Muldoon taking fourth plac^ Nose bleeds are a common oc­ be with PlalnvlUe next week. In a quandary. Previous to yester- Lloyd Mangrum of Oak Park, lU., •m rth, while adulU use It t o r ^ him working diligently In a locM 1 good-humored chatter, Manchester won the forty-yard Zimmerman Jr., is going to be out test In which certain dramatic to go their margin looms bigger dtclarsd! Falcone 30 to 38 in a thriller to minor league teem to check In currence for some people. How’ —Eleanor Struff. day’s Derby, however, he had In-i 1 « a « toe West Side gym lest night to Ray Mangrum of Oakmont, Pa., w|5 d^utd maintain tha '•^y* market He’a kind of hike warin I character was taken by Louis of school for the next two weeks: clubs from numerous high schools tlmated he would gun for the C a n a d ia n L a n C e C o p p o p - *Y*fy day. ” lf nothing happens to Pee Wee and Ben Hogsn of White Plains with a plsyer roster . . . maybe Next Wednesday nM ifb •toAtagAA, la not fattening, either*.eitner, uIf a dash. Swimming for ever. If they aro very are participating, Its »tory re­ Reeae he is going to be the greet- the Independent League while toe ' up to* ragutar on toe social side, doesn t go to a g,,n^|ch_ who played the role with so... .don’t expect much fromf us. • XI, _ _ . __ ------* __Last I **asl nig night the Reds came from N. Y m leading 1940 money winner. one rosron Buck Shaw of Snta ■anon attclw* to theths loanlean cote.co John Simpson and doctor should be consulted. lates toe triato and tributatloim of handicap priae with Mloland alone. ert all-around ball nlaver(ilayer lf evtr Vikings found toe Yanks a head- wOl b* dance when he can out of IL 1 ^ took first and second'placM. W He may (mange hls plans. al Gains Fiimre Honors behind to earn a 8-2 tie with the aara asked to be withdrawn from and then toa ptayoff* E r t euppUse ^ f to best aid for a minor nose b l ^ these troupers before curtain saw, and 1 don’t except Ty Cjobb acha out managed to trip them consideration for th# Notre Dame. played between • to* [any and definitely doesn t like J ltt^ perhaps the ouUtandtog c.^r- diving event gave a Mcond p l ^ We guess Bristol showed that Girls’ Health Class As for yesterday’s race, It was - — ' Eagles and maintain their two tha actm, aormal system, s m buggtag; there Is reason toJ^heve I given by Bob la a cold cloth pressed, kt toe By Fraction. game lead. The tie also gave New or Mans Wagner or anybody else." 48 to 41. Bulldoge Beak Rangera ta that Mrs. Buck said: "I’d rather grot round wtimets, aBd^S^J0b M ______bIcICs to R. Doggart and a fourth place she earned her seventeenth perhaiB the most truly run of the The ouUtandtog players to the peopls who thlBk w y w bridge of the nose, and an ice Mg The coach Is a high-strung H a venundisputed----- . possession of "Dad blast it." he continued, as uve in a tent in California thim a wtnnera * f the second M V—rS*heeausa Oiey lack eu»- that Russ doesn’t “ } Richmond, who portrayed to* r®** to Roy Turklngton. . straight triumph by whipping the at toe back of the neck. T^e Deals With Eye Derby history. Porter’s Cap proved Amoco-Felcon game were Blan­ The Bulldogs best tos Rangers this point. Essentially a man or ^ ^ unkempt. ehrUl-volced CapUIn Robert Turklngton toM M. H. 8. quintet 42-23 at toe young woman, whose nervM be­ Philadelphia, Feb. 18—

' f . ■ '«■ ' ■■‘ir

THUB8DAT, FEBRUARY 18, IW l /■ f •si- ..-1

jibmrI|»Bt>r Conttag BnaCt

Mra. Robert Bell of 8t. Petera- HOLD WlNTEit OUTI >il Roy Johnaon, praaldant of the AUCB tXiniAN burr Florida, haa arrived In town (Kaeivai Aa Alice) , It la Mt enongli, that yow Mlaa Helen A. tAither L*a«ue of * '* •.^ 2 5 ^*,} rSIra vlalt with reUUvea and SPtBmiAL MEDIUM marriase to Edward V. Carinl will Lauheran church, and MIm KdlW frienda here, and to be helatlag plaat la eapabla nt pro­ U^IT^UC. ht 8t. B rt^ t * chuij*. ■nd MWa Norma Johnaon left yea* SevMtb llwighter el a Seveatb So« mtTowtt the marruge of Ben With a VelL tecting ye® agalaat wtathr*a S);a"h«o^*^itiraiwther^^^ terday to attend the nln^ ter. Mlaa Bernlca . '^ ‘*52?; Baadkiga Dally g A. M. la ® F. H* temperatures. It moat do aa UoMl convention of the A u fi^w i and Albert Swanaon of WMl Or By AppotabiMMit. la the Service within moderate fuel coetel MeXtthur, • Synod Luther League ^ ^ h - HarUord. Saturday at two o clock •f the Pecpie for SO Teara. f ^ . III 'They I*!®*** at the South Methodiat church. m Church Street. Hartford, Coen. Which demnnda the meet eS|- g— Mcanr tht pulp*^ •« The*% 'iriotlc Ueaguera in a apeclal coach at Phone g-2tS7 clent fuel. And that leuda right •tfiptfcoiltT church. #und»y. Ncu^aven, The convention o^na Paul Ballsleper, of 70 Tanner J ^ T T i e w or the blrthdayj^o today and contlhuea through Sun­ to our great Fuel Oill Far foMovrlnr ^ n - Uncoln and "'“ ’’inyton A^I^» street, an executive with the Ham­ meet heat, leant coat,' My cue day. ilton Standard Propeller pompMj^ the new pMtor ■nt aoclal Ume w a a enjoyed ana a buffet lunch aer>ed. ^ has returned from a bualneaa trip O i L taiik-smng. Down go cental Toxenaend Ouh N«- * "JJ. *"“ 5 lo Brownsville. Texas. He m a^ K aannon., Pn»tor i Wedding Gown A \-alentlne party and lie will, tomorrow...... the trip by airplane UgMtoditt church ot Nes^ I M ra. I*educ of B‘ve” “>» from the United Aircraft Held In L jS 2i for the p -t thnw, b|.be held tomxomorru*. orrow evening- ...... at I Mra.M anchester Green. There will l^ Pageant ka wM nppolnted early th^ < ^clock at the a brief bualneaa session when at­ East Hartford. ______FUEL 6t RAHGE OIL w m ianiT . tinnal church on . Spnue atreex. tendance ft the m ass m ating in Fri., Feb. 14, 8 p. m. In Any Quantity — Any Time ^ the local church w ho , Robert Wldham heada the com­ H artford. M arch 1. *ft*niOW and Jftolj^erted mittee. evening, with supper. ^ Masdtiic Temple Wholesale and Retail cussed’ The rem ainder of the tim e prescriptions h o l d ■^'w Tw ifew tf >-ouny will be devoted to setback playing Auspices Pa.st Matrons Called For and Delivered are planning to moxe ***■_, nartv tomorrow exenlng at and a good turnout of the m em ­ F. E. BRAY Ass’n., Temple Chapter, Promptly I BANTLT OIL COMPANY *^Turod:y, Febrxtarj- B ln^ P*/^^ clubhou.e on bers and friends is hoped for. iSi^lnardplac^A ll membeta and JEWELER ■ O. E. S. THE CENTER STREET ^ PHONE 5293 Serving the Public for 2.3 Years. frienda will be welcome to The W ennergren Construction Slhte Theater BulWinf U»ht Refreshments. CENTER PHARMACY All membarm of the t e n d . __ _ com pany today began the task of 737 Main Street Admission 25c. PHONE: 4253-3852 or 3856 converting M addens M ra Jam ea PlcKaon of M Haip- Laurel street Into ^°''^ ®P*r‘' ' ment building for John ^c- 1 itartford hoapHal today. O nn. local painting contractor, Watch and Jewelry S a B a c . ______w ho recenUy purchased th ' P»,°P- HOT PIZZA TONIGHT — AND SATURDAY, TOO! erty from M rs. M argaret M adden. Repairing At It’s the Best Ever! Try It! litet M emorial Tem ple I^thian W a ­ Fresh Steamed Clams — Spaghetti and Meat Balls SALE! PETER RABBIT ters, followed Its m eeting In M d Reasonable Prices fellows hall Tuesday evening Also Hot Dogs — Grinders — And Other Good Eats! w ith a aoclal tim e, during ''P'ejx My. and M ia. Lester Sm ith TRY EICHLER’S BEER — NEW YORK’S FINEST! SHOES and OXFORDS ly Temple. H artford showed^ plc- LarRCst Assortmeiit of ' Exclusive With Us! turea of the grand Greetins Cards for gi.as BUaa J'» to • R*«' KnlghU of P>thiaa •"f. All Purposes In Town N ow 81.47 slBl^rv «nd BCfn^i th^ b I a I® ci^iventlon held in Rockville early $200 in the w inter. R'^'-eahm enU w ere DIANA'S TAVEEN glBca « 'i to 10. Reg N ow 81 aerxed by Mra. Sarah M iller and 208 Spruce Street Near Oak Street her com m ittee. $150 lOH to 12. Reg A maetlng of the committee In Now 82.11» charge of the dance to be held by the A m erlcan-Llthuanlan ^tleena ^

Club at Uberty H^l on ; alreet Saturday night w»« *>* : -er*ieeiEi?.*A»®»~w» MBmmL i i hj p 'j '• • plete plana for the affair. “Old Man Winter is on Bova’ Oxfords. 82.49

Sisea 1 to g •• You’ll want a fuel that Re­

sponds quickly and biima

steadily. Fill your bln V ith

sitOlfiB'" \ Old Company’s A nt^cite.

You’ll be ready tb meet ^

I Vlt*’ iV O winter’s bitter blasts in

*1 Tire Sale ' *'** c o m fo r t.

After your doctor has Par A U aiited ‘Haie Only! •(aEfch / This Device Bniehed his diagnosis THE TEA ROOM “No Beers — No Liquors — Just Good Fw^' Leaves notWng to fue*^ in 1 the treatment invari- 883 Main Street 0pp. St. James s Church 1 work in the aellvering of oil G. E. WILUS SON, Inc. ^ 6.00 X16 i ably calls for a pre- & to your house. / Coal, Lumber, Masons’ Supplies, Paint I scription. ONLY You get every/hit of the 2« Main.. . Street . lei.Tel oi^ot125 Manchester 1 amount of oil you order and I The quieWetP you gel

the Red Seal Meter on the [that prescription, the E.\T BETTER CHEF’S SPECIALS

truck retards the amount AT THE OAK GRILL Buy A First Grade delivered and the figures I sooner you can start KoaHt Turkey Roast Beef D»nr* To the Sparkling Tunrx are printed on a ticket de­ taking the medicine. V eal Soalloplne ...AGAIN TONIGHT of the Oak Grill Swingoter* Half .Broilers Steaks livered to you. The Popular Dish! Armstrong Tire (6.00bcl6) That Prescription Can Be Veal C utlets

All our oil trucks are 1 In Your Hands In l.«as Than WINES - UQUORS Chicken C acclatore An Hour By Phoning etjuipped with meters. AND BEER For List Price $14.05 POLENTA and RABBIT WE CATER TO BANQUETS For service, quality, de­ Try It Tonight! pendability and accuracy so Oak Street ' |And Get Another Tir6 7057 Xel. S894 ALSO buv vour oil from . GRINDERS ^ Because we will call for O A K GRILL SPAGHETTI HAMBURGERS SPAOMEiii Visit Tonight! i your prescription and deliv­ For $1.00 er it to your home, careful- BALLANTINE AND RUPPBRT ON TAP! 1. T. Wood Co. Lly compounded. n ia -nfe Carries the Regular Armstrong Guarantee PHONE 4496 Saturday Night! Delicious Home Made Ravioli.

I . Against AH Road Hazards^_____ We Are At Your Service! HERE’S A THOUGHT FOR HUSBANDS!

Thto Tire Sold Exclusively At . CHARTER OAK ST. TAVERN QUINN’S 120 Charier Oak Street Gcnctalof Rgpmts PHARMACY



• i. HAUTFORD r o a d p h o n e 3 8 6 6 I T O THE POMPOT I

HbMock Fillets ’inehurat—Fresh 1

Sale FilleU Oysters pint 29c | ' Y0UR BEST WAY! Cod.. .Pollock i Spare yourself expense by Sew Texan (Fresh) 1 Fresh Halihnt 1 sending your Generator to us

Ssbaqa [ for expert repairs! We’ll save destroyed Beets bc|^. 6c Ivoutim e. And avoid a new Macketel Crisp—4'Olden Freah Scallopa Generator’s exwnse to you. ^ jdur work stands up — and Carrots bch. 7c | holds cosls down! PINEHURST 80 Size— Famous .\two»»d SHELLFISH SWISS-AMERIC^ ' RED ROSES NORTON GRAPEFRUIT WATCH HOSPITAL T O MAKE HER HAPPY Opened C h 0 ® d e r ELECTRICAL g Ameriraa Row - Hartli»r6 Opp. the OM SU te Hoxme Claaia 6 (or 25c INSTRUMENT CO. Quohauga (shell) Hilliard St. Phone 4060 I Steaming CUm* 27 (or $1.00 Cherrystone Clams RED TRADEMARKED COR ^ live In Your Basement? Why Not! 1 Femdel Rice TO KilP HiR COZY 1 U a_15c 2’a—30c With an attractive recreation room, you can have plenty Modem and Old Fasluon Dance S iJaeJ for P ^ Poiur - • com ^ ct s n . ^ PEAS ...... box 22c Sponsored By And why RED trademarked coal instead of some 1 Apple Juice taining __ and a comer for the^ family 1 Large can 20c ASPAR.\(.l .S TI1»S... box 3'2c THE AMERICAN-LITHUANIAN CITIZENS CLUB other? Because those RED trademark spots ideoti^ Turn your celUr into a game r®®"* f “ *®'^7l?*^Wa 8TR.4WBKRU1ES ----- box 27c To Be Held At Wallboard. It coats as little as 8o.00 a month. w« 1 Tea Gsrdeo Cherries genuine Famous Reading Anthracite-the low wh, have lots of amusing plans — there’s sure to be on

U u m d tr M i hard coal-noted for its long-burmng, yon like. Shurine Evaporated Liberty Hall—Golway si.

non-dinkering quaUties. Famous Reading Anthracite PHONE 5145 FOR THE COMPLETE STORY Manchester, Conn. MILK 14 tall cans $ 1 .0 0 TODAY! S.ATURDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1941 ia the ceUar means a cozier home, and far less wor

Music By Tony O’BrightV Orchestra. for the lady of the house who is daytime Prompter: C. Wlgartowskl. ^ 500 Size 3 tor 83c tender. May we aend you a few tons?

Door Prite! . Admisalon: 40 cents. 28c each Q Checkerboard Feed Store

H o m t F o r g e t 200 SIZE D IA L 7711 10 APEC PLACE MANCHESTER about 2 for 25c — 8 for 98e KLEENEX TODAY RE YMA NDER 'S ^ rOB |$ E m B FOOD AND A MATnCq TfBIKt

__ I Evaporatsd PIXNTT o r nOM* ■•A“ .5^]j2S^iND CHOPS 2 5 5

OyM «a.J?S£S^S5«SS CfNltR I1 L K 13 cans $ 1 .0 0 ^ F IN * H p iE S — U qC O B S AJA* BEEH ^ D ^ m TaaAgkt Ta th» T«m s at

A New Hawellae ■■leliihiMag OiLhirifa?

REYMANDER’S bk sta u ra o t

V 4 .