Wildlife at the Which of these dragonflies and damselflies can you spot? There’s lots of wildlife at National Trust places but we’ve suggested a few locations where these species are more common. Blue tailed Brown hawker damselfly The males always have a blue dragonfly spot on the ‘tail’ and blue eyes. They can occur in large A common dragonfly seen numbers along with other near canals and lakes, which damselflies. is easily recognised by its chocolate brown body Suggested locations: All with tiny yellow and blue markings. It has distinctive Common blue transparent brown wings. Suggested locations: damselfly Berrington Hall, , Farnborough Hall, Is blue and black and can be Hardwick, found hovering gently over the surface of most waters. Suggested locations: Calke Common Abbey, Croome, Dudmaston, Hardwick, Kedleston Hall, darter Large red Lyveden dragonfly damselfly A summer and autumn Is deep red with black legs species that can be spotted and a gold band on its tail. well into November. Males are bright red while the Suggested locations: All females and immature adults are golden-brown. Suggested locations: Most Banded places with pools demoiselle dragonfly Broad Has exquisite coloured wings bodied – distinctive blue bands on the male and pale green on chaser Four spotted the female. It can be found along riverbanks. dragonfly chaser Has a short, flattened Suggested locations: body. The male is dragonfly Attingham Park, Belton powdery, skyblue Active dragonflies which can House, Charlecote Park, The and the female is be seen around ponds, lakes Weir Garden greeny-brown. and in woods. When perched Suggested locations: Belton House, Calke Abbey, Croome, you may be able to get close Dudmaston, Kedleston Hall, Lyveden for a good look and easily see the four spots on the wings. Don’t forget to share your wildlife photos with us on Facebook, Twitter Suggested locations: and Instagram #NTMidlands • www.nationaltrust.org.uk/midlands Belton House, Calke Abbey, Croome, Dudmaston, Ilam Photography ©northeastwildlife.co.uk ©Jamie Gould ©National Trust Images/Carl Hawke/Corrinne Manning. Park, Longshaw, Lyveden Please recycle after use. © National Trust 2016. National Trust is a registered charity number 205846.