Birding District of -Trujillo The heart of Bird drawings: Adoración Fernández Merino Bird drawings: Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura PRESENTATION

Bird Tourism. Miajadas-Trujillo is a must for birders. For those interested in birdwatching or studying birds, this district is a must. Why? 1.- Resources. As well as the total number of birds that can be found here, their population sizes as well are very important. Added to this are the characteristics of the most habitats present in the area. They almost seem designed to facilitate seeing the birds well (reservoirs, open country, dehesas and irrigated land). The result is not jus an area that has a great richness of birds, but also very well- endowed in being able to show them: meeting the expectations of birdwatchers perfectly. 2.- Location and access. The district is situated in the centre of Extremadura, which means that it serves perfectly as base for not just exploring the district but also venturing beyond. In addition, by road the district is just two hours from Madrid, making Trujillo and its surrounding as the best option for those coming to Extremadura to watch birds. 3.- Competitive Advantage. Some of the areas that border onto the district Mia- jadas-Trujillo boast some excellent areas for birds that complement very well what this district has to offer. Places such as the nearby or Casas del Hito further demonstrate the value of Trujillo as a base for bird tourism in Extremadura. 4.- Servcies. This district can probably offer more accommodation specialised for birders than anywhere else in Extremadura. These places are run by expert birders in some cases or by people with many years of experience in providing personalised services to this type of client. These places are known around the world for their excellent reputation for catering for birdwatchers. There has also been the birth of a number of companies run by young people who offer guiding services for birders keen to get the very best out of their visit. Specialist infras- tructure is also being developed such as the hides at the Sierra Brava reservoir and the design of birding routes to show what the district has to offer.

2 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura


This area, covering more than 2000 sq km, lies in the centre of Ex- tremadura and is easy to reach being crossed by the A5 Madrid-Badajoz motorway. It boasts a wonderful diversity of landscapes from irrigated lands in the south, extensive dehesas (open woodland used for grazing) and plains of mixed farming in the centre, to mountainous areas in the north and west such as Monfragüe, and the Montanchez and Villuercas ranges with their woodlands of sweet chestnut, deciduous oak and cork oak. This variety gives the district a very special character. We can add the outstanding heritage that enriches the whole area, exemplified by the historic gem that is Trujillo. It is a land of traditional farming practi- ces, generating not only these diverse landscapes and world famous gas- tronomic products, but also an area of great interest for both the visitor and those who live here. The tourist sector is notable for its high quality service and choice, ensuring that all those who visit the district will have a rewarding and enjoyable stay. It is truly a land of discoverers and disco- very. 3 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura

Beyond city walls, beyond the museums and restaurants, the churches and palaces, this district continues to develop the skills and opportunities of its inhabitants, espe- cially young entrepreneurs, strengthening their competencies in areas of heritage, his- tory and gastronomy, amongst others…The design and promotion of attractive walking routes through different ecosystems in the district, which can be found on the internet on sites such as wikiloc and guiaruralgps, further adds to the range of activities available in Miajadas- Trujillo. Also on offer are birdwatching routes, designed by local experts for those who want to explore the ornithological riches of the area, and there are also cycling routes using drovers’ trails and traditional tho- roughfares enabling cyclists to immerse themselves in these landscapes. The list of year-round opportunities is growing. The district is rich for tho- se interested in fungi, occurring in the chestnut woods, oak woods, va- les, cork oak groves, pastures and dehesas in the glory that is autumn in Extremadura, whilst the splendours of spring are demonstrated by a rich flora, especially the orchids. In this publication we describe the ornitho- logical importance of the district with maps and texts, of interesting pla- ces to visit, a list of species that are resident here, as well as those which are seasonal or occur only on passage. We will highlight those species which a visitor can expect to see, always taking into account, of course, the right time of year, habitat, a dose of luck and, if possible, the help of a local guide.

4 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura THE BIRDS OF THE DISTRICT

Of the list of bird species that can be found in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo, we highlight certain species that are of special in- terest, either because of their conservation importance (endange- red or susceptible to habitat change) or because of their large con- centrations (especially in the winter) which make the areas such an important one to protect, study or simply visit. Other species are highlighted for their rarity or being those which are particularly at- tractive for those becoming interested in birdwatching and natural history in general. These species include some with scarce worldwide populations, but which occur here in good numbers, such as the Black Stork, which can be seen in places such as the Al- monte valley, Monfragúe and around the Sierra Brava reser- voir, the spectacular Black Vul- ture which can be seen in Mon- fragüe as well on its foraging trips over the plains of Trujillo, Magasca and Belén, the Spanish Imperial Eagle and others. The group contains species which can indeed be seen without leaving the city walls of Trujillo, the jewel of which is the Les- ser Kestrel, whose colony in the town is designated as a Spe- cial Protection Area for birds. Bonelli’s Eagle, Black-winged Kite, Montagu’s Harrier or Mar- sh Harrier (the latter with large winter populations in the irriga- ted zones) all find suitable habi- 5 tat in the district. Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura

Another group of spe- cies are those present at cer- tain times of the year in such numbers that it is almost im- possible to miss them. These include the Common Crane, which occur in thousands upon thousands, feeding both in the dehesas as well as the irrigated zones (on stubble of rice and maize), spending the whole winter here, and others that occur on passage. These include the Black-tailed Godwit, pas- sing through on spring passa- ge in vast numbers, proving a spectacle not just for the bir- der, but for anyone with an interest in nature. These wildlife spectacles, such as also the huge numbers of wintering duck, help to attract the interest of many young people to nature (tens of thousands of roost on the Sierra Brava reservoir in winter, along with thousands of Pintail, Wigeon, Shoveler, Black-headed and Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Great Cormorants, Grey Lag Geese…). Rare or uncommon species such as Barnacle Goose, White-fronted Goose, White-rumped Swift, Little Tern, Kentish Plover, Wood Sandpiper, Avocet and Spoonbill provide another excuse to visit the area. Another very interesting group, along with the large raptors, for which the district is well-known, are the steppe or open-country birds such as the Great Bustard, Little Bustard, Stone Curlew, Roller, Calandra Lark, Pin-tailed and Black-bellied Sandgrouse which can be found in places such as the plains of

6 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura

Zorita-, Trujillo, Magasca, Belén and . We should also add the large diversity of small birds, matching the ran- ge of habitats, which will help to raise the number of species that can be seen, thanks to the richness of the environment here.

7 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura PROTECED AREAS IN THE DISTRICT Map of RENPEX (Network of protected natu- With respect to protected areas, the ral areas in Extremadura) Miajadas-Trujillo district has a large coverage, attractive to birdwatchers and other nature lovers. Areas protected either at national or regional level include the Monfragüe Natio- nal Park near , and Zone of Regional Interest the plains of Cáceres, which borders the western edge of the territory.

Map of LICs (Sites of Community Interest)

Within the European Natura 2000 net- work the district has many designated areas. The Sites of Community Interest (LICs) include the River Almonte, Monfragüe and the Sierras de Cabezas de Águila.

8 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura

Within the network of Special Protection Areas for birds, as well as the edge of the Cáceres plains and , we also have the Almonte and Magasca Rivers, the plains of Trujillo, Monfragüe and the surrounding dehesas, the plains and Sierra Brava reservoir, the ricefields of Palazue- lo and Guadalperales, the Torre pool and the Lesser Kestrel colony of Trujillo. Without doubt a wide and diverse range within just a few kilometres.

Map of SPAs (Special Protection Area for birds)

9 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura

However if we include the IBAs (Important Bird Areas), a designation that does not afford statutory protection, but describes richness and im- portance, over 77% of the area of the district of Miajadas-Trujillo comprises IBAs. These includes zones of importance for steppe species, large raptors, waterfowl, waders and cranes, the latter occurring both in the dehesas as well as the intensively irrigated areas.

Map of IBAs (Important Bird Areas)

10 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura BIRDWATCHING ROUTES

The district offers birdwatchers at all levels of experience the oppor- tunity to see the most emblematic, attractive and representative species (Common Cranes, Black Storks, large raptors, Great Bustards) in a short period of time. There is the chance to explore the region and experien- ce over just a few hours some very spectacular birdwatching. The varie- ty of different habitats in just a few kilometres is a special feature of the district and enables one to develop short and easy routes to satisfy even the most demanding birder. Here we suggest some designed by local ex- perts to make it as easy as possible for those visiting the area for the first time.

Map of the birdwatching routes. Designed by ADICOMT THE BLACK VULTURE ROUTE The route starts from Trujillo, taking the direction towards Jarai- cejo. It provides good opportunities to see many types of birds, but above all raptors and especially vultures. Griffon Vulture, Egyptian Vul- ture, Black Vulture, Booted Eagle, Short-toed Eagle and even Golden Eagle are not hard to find along the route. The closeness of several ri- vers such as the Almonte and other tributaries that run into the Tiétar and Tajo rivers, in the heart of the Monfragüe National Park also means that the other emblematic species, the Black Stork, can also be found.

11 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura

THE GREAT BUSTARD ROUTE Taking the old NV road out of Trujillo, we take a turning for the village of Belén. Beyond the village we start the route, without doubt one of the best areas to see steppe birds throughout the year. In spring and summer, the area is also a favourite feeding area for Lesser Kestrel. Great Spotted Cuckoos also favour this area. We can complete this route taking the road to , which offers great chances to see, as well as steppe species, the three vulture species that occur in Ex- tremadura, this being a livestock rearing area close to the Monfragüe National Park and a favourite feeding area for these raptors. THE RAPTOR ROUTE We leave Trujillo towards the heights of the Villuercas moun- tains. This route has a great diversity of landscapes, a mosaic compri- sing olive groves, smallholdings, pastures and woodland of different types. This is an area important for birds of prey, such as Short-toed Eagle, Booted Eagle, Black and Red Kite and vultures. Also in the less mountainous areas, species like Azure-winged Magpies, Woodchat Shrike, Bee-eater and Hoopoe. Although the route starts in dehesas, it will take us to the foothills of the Villuercas mountains. At the end of the route, in , we reach deciduous woodland (oaks and chestnuts) as well as coniferous forest.

ROUTE OF THE CRANES After reaching Zorita, we then enter a zone known as the Zo- rita plains and visit the Sierra Brava reservoir. In addition to typical steppe species, in spring and summer it is easy to find Lesser Kes- trel and Montagu’s Harrier hunting over the open country, as well as Rollers. The Sierra Brava reservoir is one of the foremost wetlands in on account of its wintering waterfowl. Those who want a superb day crane-watching in the winter, we thoroughly recommend this route, espe- cially visiting the irrigated areas to the south in the Guadiana floodplain.

ROUTE OF THE RED KITE This route crosses a series of very different ecosystems. We visit open country, or steppe, part of the plains of , and subsequently the plains of La Cumbre and Ibaherando. These are good areas for steppe species. We also pass through dehe- sa, in a zone excellent for Red Kite, Booted Eagle, Woodchat Shrike, Rock Sparrow and with a chance of Black-winged Kite. The route is further enhanced by the course of the River Búrdalo and the oakwoods of . 12 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura SIERRA BRAVA RESERVOIR

This relatively new reser- voir is located in the south of the district, lying between dehe- sas and dry plains bordering the irrigated Guadiana floodplain. It is of great importance for birds, above all in the winter. To reach this site, one takes the EX-208 from Trujillo to Zorita, then taking the route to . From there, various access routes are possible (see map). We can view the reservoir from various points and there are three main areas of interest. The first is the right-hand margin where after crossing the dehesa there several hides located overlooking the reser- voir. Another zone is close to the dam. Finally, on the left hand margin, the reservoir can be reached after following the canal road from the dam to where it meets the road from Madrigalejo to Logrosán. At this junction turn left and then take an access track to the shore. The reser- voir is principally important as a roosting site for wintering duck, with m0re than 100,000 birds present. There are also large concentrations of Common Crane, gulls, cormorants. The presence of Black-necked Grebe, Black Stork, Spoonbill, Grey Lag Geese, Bean Geese, Barnacle Geese, Shelduck, Red-crested Pochard, Black-tailed Godwit, Black Tern, Purple Heron, Black-winged Silt, Collared Pratincole, Gull-billed Tern, Little Tern and Osprey adds further interest to the area. 13 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura TRUJILLO AS A CENTRE FOR BIRDING

Its strategic location in the centre of Extremadura and excellent system of roads across the district, along with proximity to great birding areas and excellent services available for visitors make Trujillo a real ner- ve centre for visitors from other countries coming Extremadura, or indeed other parts of Spain too.

Arrocampo () 60 Km 40 min. Guadalupe (Villuercas) 78 Km 1 hour La Serena (Quintana de la Serena) 90 Km 1 hour 20 min. Hornachos (y Campiña Sur) 125 Km 1 hour 40 min. Sierra San Pedro (Alburquerque) 127 Km 1 hour 50 min. La Albuera 140 Km 1 hour 30 min. Gredos () 160 Km 2 hours Mancha Húmeda (Daimiel) 250 Km 2 hours 30 min. Algarve/Alentejo (Beja,Portugal) 290 Km 4 hours Villafáfila 350 Km 4 hours Doñana 350 Km 3 hours 30 min. Gibraltar 450 Km 6 hours Delta del Ebro 700 Km 8 hours Pyrenees 740 Km 8 hours Mallorca 970 Km 12 hours Camargue (France) 1200 Km 11 hours Morocco (Agadir) 1350 Km 15 hours 30 min.

14 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura SPECIALIST ACCOMMODATION

CASA RURAL “EL RECUERDO” Opened in Spring 2005, this country guesthouse close to Trujillo is run for birders by a keen birder, Martin and his wife Claudia. It is centrally located for all of the main birding areas from Monfragüe to the north to Zorita and Sierra Brava to the south. Lagar El Recuerdo, Pago San Clemente, Trujillo. Cáceres. Móvil: +34 609684719 (Claudia)+34 609844631 (Martin). Tel: +34 927319349; E-mail: [email protected];;

CASA RURAL “LAS CANTERAS” Francisco is, as well as a birdwatcher, owner of a guesthou- se with 15 bedrooms. The property lies in the plains of Trujillo and not far from Monfragüe National Park. Finca “Las Canteras”: Carretera de Monroy, Km 6 Trujillo. Cáceres. Tel: +34 927330102; Móvil: +34 609861315. E-mail: [email protected];

HOTEL RURAL “VIÑA LAS TORRES” Juan Pedro and Belén run this attractive rural hotel si- tuated in the Sierra de los Lagares, 10 Km from Trujillo. It is a carefully restored house, with a warm and welco- ming ambience. Ctra EX-208, Km 87,6, Trujillo. Cáceres. Tel: +34 927319350; Fax: +34 927319355; Móvil: +34 635604949 . E-mail: [email protected]; 15 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura SPECIALIST ACCOMMODATION

FINCA “SANTA MARTA” This establishment, run by Henri, is strategically located in the geographic centre of Extremadura, ideal for ex- ploring the magnificent variety of birds in the area, as well as the beautifully conserved landscapes and medie- val towns. Finca Santa Marta, Pago San Clemente, Trujillo. Cáceres. Tel: +34 927319203; Fax: +34 927334115; Movíl: +34 658914355. E-mail: [email protected]

APARTAMENTOS “LA CASA DE LUIS” Self- catering rural apartments close to important bird- watching areas like Trujillo, Zorita, Sierra Brava, Monfra- gue National Park and Caceres plains. All the apartments are fully equipped with kitchen, two bedrooms rooms and bathroom. Contact: [email protected]. Phone: : +34 685150406 +34927342193

FINCA “LAS ABUBILLAS” Your stay on our “Finca Las Abubillas” will be a very plea- sant one!. Your two-person detached chalet is spacious and in the real style of Extremadura. The chalets are si- tuated in a beautiful holm-oak dehesa. Your chalet con- tains luxury equipment: fully equipped kitchen with dishwasher, microwave etc., twin beds, ample bathroom, comfortable seats inside and outside. All linen is included. You have your own private terrace. WiFi available. Carretera de Jaraicejo a Torrejon (Ex. 385), km. 2 . Jaraicejo. Cáceres. Tel: +34 608 31 12 86, +34 638 28 27 15. E-mail: [email protected]. www.

16 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura SPECIALIST ACCOMMODATION

CASA RURAL “EL TENADO” Familiar with the passion that birders have for their ho- bby and understanding their needs, Javier and Marisol built and equipped a guesthouse close to Monfragüe Na- tional Park which specialises in catering for birdwatchers. C/ Hernán Cortés, 10, Aldea del Obispo. Cáceres. Móvil: +34 679475955 (Ja- vier)+34679475956 (Marisol). Tel/Fax: +34 927311677; E-mail: birds@eltena-;


Conquista de la Sierra C.R. María 606014487 Cumbre, La A.R. El Aleznal 677388490 Garciaz A.R. Alto Ventoso 927332248 C.R. La Moranta 654248302 Herguijuela C.R. La Cantarera 927312247 Jaraicejo H.R. Montefragoso 927336189 Madroñera H.R. Soterraña 927334262 C.R. El Barruelo 618131501 Santa Cruz de la Sierra C.R. Casa del Conde 927342243 Santa Cruz de la Sierra A.R. Casino de Sta. Cruz 691409716 Santa Cruz de la Sierra C.R. Doña Blanca 682128302 Torrecillas de la Tiesa C.R. Beatriz 927338289 Torrecillas de la Tiesa C.R. El Cosil 669085994 Torrecillas de la Tiesa C.R. Suerte de Los Mozos 927338181 Trujillo Posada Dos Orillas 927659079 17 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura SPECIALIST GUIDING SERVICES

Each year the International BirdFair in Monfragüe takes place and provides evidence of the growing development of the birdwatching sector in the area. Just ten years ago, most of the focus of tourism in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo was on the historic attractions of places like Trujilllo. Services available to birders were still in their infancy. Year after year, the services have increased in number and in quality, ensu- ring that visitors are able to make the very best of their visits here. A group of keen birdwatchers started as pioneers in Spain the develop- ment of services in the market for visiting birders. In our district, this is reflected by some excellent resources available for the visitor.

“EL TENADO” Javier Esteban can offer as well as accommodation, his experience and knowledge to show visitors the or- nithological highlights of the district. C/ Hernán Cortés, 10, Aldea del Obis- po. Cáceres. Móvil: +34 679475955 (Javier). Tel/Fax: +34 927311677 E-mail: [email protected];

Guiding Services Guiding

“FINCA LAS ABUBILLAS” “EL RECUERDO” If you would like an experienced guide in Ex- Martin Kelsey offers day trips or complete tremadura, we can help. We can show you tours for those who stay at the guesthou- a number of particular bird species in Extre- se he runs with his wife. A chance to en- madura. We can also advise bird-watchers joy, in the heart of Extremadura, some of of different levels about the best places to the best birding that Europe can offer. visit. Our tours are tailormade, just tell us Lagar El Recuerdo, Pago San Clemente, what you want to see! Trujillo. Cáceres. Móvil: +34 609684719. Carretera de Jaraicejo a Torrejon (Ex. 385), E-mail: [email protected] km. 2 . Jaraicejo. Cáceres. Tel: +34 608 31 12 86, +34 638 28 27 15. E-mail: [email protected].

18 Birding in the district of Miajadas-Trujillo: the heart of Extremadura TRUJILLO

The town of Trujillo is located to 50 Km to the East of the capital province, on a granite rock “batholith” and on the road to Madrid. It is an urban complex developed over time, whose testimony has made of Trujillo one of the most important towns in the world. Trujillo co- mes from the Celtic root Turaca. The different epigraphic and funerary testimonies are good proof that the prerromanic Turgalium (Trujillo) became (during the roman occupation) a town of great importance for Emerita Augusta (Mérida). The name of Trujillo can be found in several cities in Venezue- la, Perú, Puerto Rico, Chile and Colom- bia. Around de Main Square we can find example of the noble architecture of the town. The Square was the first urban bu- siness point with market and churches surrounded by palaces. “Birding Corner” (Tourist office) Plaza Mayor s/n. Trujillo Foto: Chuty Tel.: +34 927322677