Tickets Now I the Skiff I Texas Christian University • • • • Fort Worth, Texas 76129 April 23, 1971
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Buy Poco, Volume 69, Number 51 Leon Russell Friday, Tickets Now I The Skiff I Texas Christian University • • • • Fort Worth, Texas 76129 April 23, 1971 Rights Bill Faces Vote, Loses House Approval By CANDY TUTTLE Glenn Johnson charged that the PPT had been writeen solely by The House of Representatives the North Vietnamese and ac- shot down proposals Tuesday to cepted by the National Student endorse the People's Peace Association without question. Treaty (PPT) and the Bill of Keefer explained that it had Rights although both items will been jointly written with the appear on the ballot in a special South Vie'namese National Stu- election May 5. dent Association which is sup- In a roll call vote, the House ported by the Saigon govern- decided to send the Bill o f ment. He also stated that "N o Rights to the student body, but large South Vietnamese news- would not endorse it Ramsom paper has taken a stand against Ellis, Town Student representa- total U. S. withdrawal." tive, asked the House members not to approve or disapprove the 'Backstabbing' whole Bill Any decision from the Asking all speakers to remain House would influence s'udent germane to the subject and to voting, according to Ellis. "cut out all backstabbing," Mike Back to CommittH Usnick wanted the House to un- derstand exactly what the trea The Bill of Rights was sent ty said so each member could back to committee by the House decide whether or not he should before bringing it to the studen's endorse it *aw*««»mamoa7sr3.^BWV *.* *- *■ * w^«*-- - -'•»<*n for a vo'e. In light of this, Mike Johnson, limited to ten min- Garrett question! .1 the commit- ART SALE—Photographic silkscnMns, «och at the on* above done by TCU utes cf speaking m accordance to senior Sharon Cororan, will be among the artistic wares offered in the Stu- tee as to whether or not the Bill parliamentary procedure, said dent Center Art Gallery April 26-30. Tho Gallery will be open from • a.m.- has received the needed revis that a peace 'reaty could only be 5 p.m. each day. ions The Bill had not been negotiated between sover- changed by the committee; i's eign states and that the Logan members believed the University Act of 1798 made it a crime for Court capable of interpreting any people to negotiate with any / questions that might arise from foreign country. Treaty the document's ambiguities. Lanny Gockin reminded t h e Peopl e s eace Bill Keefer, who had asked to House that it was not question- The following is the National 5. The Americans pledge to end present thv PPT to the T C U ing the origin of the PPT or its stud?n' body for ratification at StudeiU Association's People's the imposition of Thieu-Ky-Khiem feasibility, but whe'her or not Peace Treaty, which will be put on the people cf South Vietnam the previrus session of the the House should endorse it as Hous? answered many questions up for a student body vote on in order to insure their right to I .it tha' met ling concerning a whole. Wednesday, May 5, for endorse- self-determination and so that all th- PPT Citint! a recent Gallup The PPT will be presented to ment. (See House story ) political prisoners can be re- poll. K>efer stated that 73 per President Nixon on May 1, four JOINT TREATY OF PEACE leased. BETWEEN THE PEOPLE OF 6. The Vietnamese pledge to con* cf American citizens are in days before the TCU student favor cf t/>tal U S troop with- THE UNITED STATES, SOUTH form a provisional coalition gov- body will voice its opinion The drawal from South Vietnam by VIETNAM, AND NORTH VIET- ernment to organize democratic December U. 1971 indicating the results of the election will b e NAM: elections. All parties agree to re- PPT*! are th> true feelings of sent to the NSA for their infor- Be it known that the American spect the results of elections in the majori'y of Americans mation. and Vietnamese people are not which all South Vietnamese can enemies. The war is carried out participate freely without the in the name cf the people of the presence of foreign troops. United States. It drains Ameri- 7. The South Vietnamese pledge ca of her resources, her youth, to enter discussion of procedures School Joins City and her Honor. to guarantee the safety and po- We hereby agree to end the litical freedom of those South war on the following terms, so Vietnamese who have collabor- that both people can live under ated with the U.S. or with the In 'Business Week' the joy of independence and can US-supported regime. devcte themselves to building a 8. The Americans and Vietna- Delta Sigma Pi is again spon- Smith Inc. is planned for April 28 society based on human equality mese agree to respect the inde- soring "TCU Business Week," at 9 a.m. Ed Schultz and Jack and respect for the earth. pendence, peace, and neutrality joining with the city of Fort Bridges will consider "Security, 1 The Americans agree to im- of Laos and Cambodia in accord Worih April 26-30 to unite student* Industry of Today and Tomor- mediate and total withdrawal with 1954 and 1962 Geneva Con- and the community in the field row," and a question and answer from Vietnam and publicly to set ventions and not to interfere in o( business and commerce period will follow. the date by which all American the internal affairs of these two Officially proclaimed as "Busi Ethics In Business forces will be removed. countries. ness Week" by Fort Worth Mayor Paul Mason, president of the 2. The Vie'namese pledge that Upon these points of agree- R. M. St wall, the observance is First National Bank and president as the US Government publicly ment, we pledge to end the war designed to promote closer re- of the Fort Worth Chamber of sets a date for total withdrawal: and resolve all other questions in lationships between the busini M Commerce, will be guest speaker They will enter discussions to the spirit of self-determination community and students. at a 9:30 am session on April 29 secure the release of all Ameri- and mutual respect fur the inde- Black Problems Theme discussing Ethics in Today's can prisoners, including pilots pendence and political freedem "Problems Facing the Blacks Technology " captured while bombing North of the people of Vietnam and the in the World of Business' will be Concluding "TCU Business Vietnam. United States. the theme of the initial program, Week 1971" will be a presentation ,. There will be an immediate hegmning at 11 am , April 26 on "Innovation in Today's Indus ceasefire between U.S. forces By ratifying this agreement, Calling attention to the problem! try" by Charles D. Tandy, chair- and those led bj the Provisional we pledge to take whatever ac and offerine possible s lutions man of the board of the Fort Revolutionary Government o f tions are appropriate to imple will b- Otis Martin, President of Worth-based Tandy Corporation. South Vietnam ment the terms of this joint Superior Tr-1 Co cf Fort Worth 4 They will enter discussions An alumnus of TCI' and member treaty and to insure its accept- A pan-1 discussion by members of the University's Hoard of on the procedures to guarantee of the Fort Worth office of Mor Trustees. Tandy will speak at 10 the safety of all withdrawing ance by the government of the rill, Lynch, Pierce, Kenner and a in. on April 30. troops United States THE SKIFF Friday, April 23, 1971 All Centers May Need Licenses By ELAINE HOLLAND Even with this added interest, regulations on day care centers. school staff talks of other im- it doesn't need a larger enroll- Last of a Series there are not enough nursery Also a president's commission on provements such as a child's ment. schools or day care centers, ac- early childhood education is be- kitchen. What is needed for the future Education for preschool chil- is a space for observing infants dren has always been important cording to the nursery school ing planned. The commission The school will probably not staff; the percentage of children will probably be concerned wkn increase enrollment even in a and toddlers with their parents, in Home Economics, but now it of working parents attending li- standards for teachers and safe larger building. Since it is a lab more parent education, and ade is becoming important to every- censed centers or schools is sur- surroundings for the children. school, not a community school. quate student observation space. one, according to the staff of the prisingly small. The nursery school staff i s hoping for some changes in their TCU nursery school. All day care centers need to Recent studies emphasize the own school, they say. Last year meet certain standards to be li- was the first time they had three importance of a child's first five censed and the nursery school teachers with masters degrees 'phone 921-3101 years in his later development, staff says they hope all day and a director with a Ph.D. Now, they are talking of physical im- they say; studies show environ- care centers and nursery schools ment influences what we call provements in the school. will soon be required to have li- The rest of the Home Econom- Grand Opening Week IQ censes.