Administration of George W. Bush, 2008 / June 6

Thank you all for coming. Please enjoy NOTE: The President spoke at 6:43 p.m. on yourselves. May God bless you and your the South Lawn at the White House. families. And may God continue to bless the United States of America. Thank you for coming.

Remarks Following a Meeting on Earthquake Relief Efforts in China June 6, 2008

Thank you very much, Bonnie, for invit- response of the—so far of our American ing me here. I’m proud to be here with citizens have been impressive—unprece- Secretary of State Rice, Secretary of Treas- dented and unparalleled in its compassion. ury Paulson. Ambassador, thank you for There’ll be more work that needs to be being here. done. My message to the Chinese Govern- I’ve just been briefed about how the ment is, thank you for welcoming our aid, United States private sector, faith-based thank you for taking a firm response to community, NGO community’s responding this disaster, and just know the American to what is a horrible human disaster in people care about the people of China. China—estimated 70,000 people have died, When a brother and sister hurts, we care 18,000 people missing, 15 million people about it. homeless, and the tally is still being count- And so that’s why our response has been ed. There’s no question, this is a major so robust and so compassionate to date. human disaster that requires a strong re- I want to thank you all from the bottom sponse from the Chinese Government, of my heart for showing the great compas- which is what they’re providing, but it also sion of America. responds—a compassionate response from Thank you. nations to whom—for—that have got the blessings—good blessings of life, and that’s us. NOTE: The President spoke at 11:43 a.m. at I told the folks assembled here that I’m the American Red Cross National Head- not surprised that the American people quarters. In his remarks, he referred to have responded to this challenge. And the Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, chairman of the reason I’m not surprised is, we’re a com- board of governors, American Red Cross; passionate, decent nation that cares deeply and China’s Ambassador to the U.S. Zhou about a stranger who hurts. And so the Wenzhong.

Remarks at a Swearing-In Ceremony for Steven C. Preston as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development June 6, 2008

Thank you all. Please be seated. Thank and Urban Development. And I’ve come you. Welcome. Thank you. It’s a—so glad to introduce you to your new boss, Sec- to be here at the Department of Housing retary . I want to thank HEARING with


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Steve’s wife Molly, five children, and his Secretary Preston will work to strengthen mom and dad, Lee and Ursula. homeownership with the same dedication Mr. Secretary, thanks for coming—Sec- he brought to his previous job of strength- retary Kempthorne; and Director John Wal- ening the American small-business commu- ters. It’s good to see two of your prede- nity. As the head of the SBA, Steve pre- cessors here, Steve—Alphonso Jackson and sided over loan guarantee programs that . Thank you all for coming. are similar in structure to those run by This is a time of turbulence in the hous- the Federal Housing Administration. And ing market and slow growth for our overall just as entrepreneur across our Nation economy. This morning the Labor Depart- found a trusted friend in Steve Preston, ment reported that our economy lost so will America’s homeowners. 49,000 jobs in May and the unemployment rate rose to 5.5 percent. This rise was Before coming to the SBA, Steve gained caused, in part, by a surge of new, young valuable financial and leadership experience entrants into the job market, but it’s clearly in the private sector. His impressive career a sign that is consistent with slow economic has taken him from investment banking to growth. senior financial posts at major corporations. To help keep this economy growing, we Wherever he’s gone, Steve has earned the did pass an economic stimulus package that admiration of his colleagues. He takes on provides tax rebates for American families this new challenge with my full confidence and incentives for businesses to invest in and my trust. new equipment. We’re beginning to see the Steve takes over for a good man, my signs that the stimulus may be working. longtime buddy, Secretary Alphonso Jack- And now the Congress needs to take the son. I thank you for your compassion and next steps. At a time when Americans are your hard work. You helped change a lot concerned about higher gas prices, Con- of lives. And I wish you and Marcia all gress needs to pass legislation that ex- the very best. See you back in . pands—it will allow for the expansion of [Laughter] American energy production. I also want to thank Deputy Secretary In this period of economic uncertainty, Roy Bernardi for his service. He filled in the last thing the Americans need is a mas- as the Acting Secretary during this transi- sive tax increase. So Congress needs to tion. He spent nearly 7 years of his life send a clear message that the tax relief here at this Department. And I appreciate that we passed will be made permanent. your hard work on behalf of all Americans. Unfortunately, these policies are being blocked by the Democratic Congress. So As Steve takes office, his first priority I call on congressional leaders to put par- will [be] * to help lead my administration’s tisanship aside and work with me to enact response to the challenges in the housing these important initiatives for the American market. We’ve taken aggressive action to people. help responsible homeowners to keep their This Department is also critical to meet- homes by giving the FHA greater flexibility ing the challenges we face in our economy. to offer refinancing options. We’re also We need strong leadership in the Sec- helping to bring together what’s now called retary’s office. Steve Preston is the right the HOPE NOW Alliance. By working to- man for the job. He’s a financial expert gether, participants in the mortgage indus- who understands how the housing market try have helped more than 1 million—11⁄2 impacts our broader economy. He’s a million families stay in their homes. HOPE skilled manager. He’s a person of character HEARING and integrity. * White House correction. with


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NOW is working, but we’ve got more to communities are more vibrant and hopeful. do. The United States is fortunate to have such Yesterday we learned that the foreclosure devoted public servants in this Department, rates continued to rise in the first quarter. and I’m grateful for your service. So Steve will work with Democrats and You’re going to have a worthy leader in Republicans in Congress to address this Steve Preston. I thank the Senate for con- challenge. We need to pass legislation to firming Steve as your new Secretary. I now reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. We ask the Senate to confirm the three remain- need to pass legislation to modernize the ing HUD nominees to help him lead this Federal Housing Administration and allow Department. State housing agencies to issue tax-free Steve, I appreciate your stepping forward bonds to help homeowners refinance their to serve your country once again. I con- mortgages. By taking these steps, we’ll help gratulate you. And now I ask my Chief more responsible homeowners weather this of Staff, Josh Bolten, to administer the oath rough patch and, at the same time, of office. strengthen the dream of homeownership for generations to come. I’ve got confidence that we’re going to NOTE: The President spoke at 1:55 p.m. at meet these challenges, and I got confidence the Department of Housing and Urban De- in the people who work in this Depart- velopment. In his remarks, he referred to ment. I appreciate what you do every day Marcia Jackson, wife of former Secretary of to expand the dream of homeownership. Housing and Urban Development Alphonso I thank you for your efforts to provide low- R. Jackson. The transcript released by the income Americans with access to affordable Office of the Press Secretary also included housing. You work hard to make sure our the remarks of Secretary Preston.

Message to the Congress on Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Actions and Policies of Certain Members of the Government of Belarus and Other Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Belarus June 6, 2008

To the Congress of the United States: certain persons undermining democratic Section 202(d) of the National Emer- processes or institutions in Belarus are to gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides continue in effect beyond June 16, 2008. for the automatic termination of a national The actions and policies of certain mem- emergency unless, prior to the anniversary bers of the Government of Belarus and date of its declaration, the President pub- other persons pose a continuing unusual lishes in the Federal Register and transmits and extraordinary threat to the national se- to the Congress a notice stating that the curity and foreign policy of the United emergency is to continue in effect beyond States. These actions include undermining the anniversary date. In accordance with democratic processes or institutions; com- this provision, I have sent to the Federal mitting human rights abuses related to po- Register for publication the enclosed notice litical repression, including detentions and stating that the national emergency and re- disappearances; and engaging in public cor- HEARING lated measures blocking the property of ruption, including by diverting or misusing with


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