
, I'''' >'? .... - '. " .... ~t .... ""r .. .•' • All The News ,. Of Aft ros S:,00):0;; .>,~e\ ,~ Tn. Pointes !very Thursday MornIng i ,.',,Complete News CoverageofAlt the Pointes -,. -" -- - VOLUME I6-NO. 2 f Ie Per COp;t .•. 00 Per ..Yea. . 'GROSSE POINTE,. MICHfGAN",' MAY<,'26. ;'1955 .. FuDy Paid Circulation , . .

. .

...... -:, ,-1 ... HEADLINES r Excavatio'n ' Starts on .'.Ne:\¥': Filter' a'ads In :Fa:rms' " ". lEmergency .. ,. ~. r, t~enager's..Arrest Regulations Furnishes Solution. Established it" 'ompikd. by 1b. Gross. Poitlltl News Farms Approves ResoiutioPl Thursday. May 19 To 35' Theft Cases Banning All Sprinkling During Daytime THE GOVERNMENT assigned "Ch h G ." B k Aft J 01 C ht St 10 a committee to uraft a code of urc . ang ro en er uvenl e aug ea Ing The Farms ~ouncil approved conduct for American military Hubcaps .Informs on Other'Members the establishment of emer- captured and put under torture . Of YouthfuJ Band gency water regUlations effee- by Communists. The committee tive as of- Friday," May 20. A will co~sist of a groups of PEm- Long hours of' hard w0rk by two Woods police officers resolution signed by Mayor tagon officials and retired gen. resulted- in the arrest on Sl.Ll1day, May 22, .of six tei:magers William Connolly was adopt- erals and admirals. who specialized in'robbing churches. The Woods officers, Det. ed at a meeting on Monday, theDefensegroup Secretaryto recommendWilson askedways .Sgt. Walter O'Dell IDldd Det. Everett,. Plumb,f Wwere investigat-h h May: 23, "mth a few minor for military personnel to defen'Cl ing the breakings an 'entertammgs 0 two oods c urc es, changes. themselves against brainwash- St. 'Michael's, which was broken into twice, the first time on. A section of. a clause which ing and other physical and mental April 22, and the second on May 1; and Christ the King stipulates.that the regulation will tortures' in the event of cap- Lutheran Church, on May. I..(+) remain in force mitil September ture. Appointment of the group The two ran down tips, checked M . l 10; 1955, has been changed t() reflects concern over the num- prints and invest~gated at least emOrla read. "until further notice!) Also. ber of people who broke 'under 75 persons who mIght have been premises with un d erg r 0 \t n d Communist captivity in Korea involved or who. might know sprinkling systems ha-ve beel1;nkal- and elsewhere. about the burglanes. Center Dr;veII lowed additional time for sprl .. * • * Get First Break ling. THE GOVERNMENTFriday, May 20can sav~ a,teenagerTheir' firstwasbreak.arrestedcamefor steal-when Short $3, 500 Th~O~g~~~~O:a~:: fol- six billion dollars and beyond.... . ed l'ng h"":bcapsoff cars parked in lows: Premises 'having even house that there could be returned to the Woods Theater parking lot. HAS numbers' shall be permltt to t he treasury about seven billion v A 1M' I - d dollars which would be provided Under' quest...:""nu'19, this young ope to nnounce ucceS$ sprinkle lawnS only.. between the man told O'Dell and Plumb he ~t nnua emorla ' hours of 5 a,m. and 9 a.m.) an otherwise. ed kne..v who the church burglars Day' Ceremonies between ,10 p.m. 'and 2 a.In. 01'\ This information was divu!6 were and named names. even numbered calendar. dd days.h ' 'by Herbert Hoover, former Presi- Two' 9f those' na:med were M . 1 D . Premises havmg 0 ous. dent,- and chairman of the Com- pI'cked up l'mmedl'atidy bY' the '11emonab hI" m'ayth cel;emonlesgardens of numbers shall 'be' pernlitted hto mission on Organization of the two offI'cers ,and taken to. the WIth We e a.M e . 1 Center sprinkle lawns only'. between9 .t d• Executive Branch of the Govern- , _ 'Y • Th station-' '''here they' were ques- e , ar emorla hours of 5 a.m. .and a.m., an . - :.. -Picture by Freel Runnells tioned. Then the-' youths were next Monday mornIng. e 10 p.m. to 2. a.m.' on odd num .. ment. He gave this savings esti- The steam shovel went to work at the Farms'pumping station l~st week, digging out the holes for t~o new filter taken to Detroit Precinct No. 15, annual drive for funds for the bered calendar. :days. matesthe annualin a meetingprepared ofaddressthe Na-to beds, which will relieve the water shortag.e situation for the Farms _and CitY. Because much of the matenal'to, . be used for further' questioning by De- Center also ends on that day. Between. midnight and 2 ba.m. tiona!' Industrial Conference has to be made to special order, officials be~eve the; beds' will not be completed until the end of the summer. troit polic~.. " Contributions from many who even and odd. house num ~

Board. e . Detroit retained custody of the have not yet donated w~ll be shall be .determm~ o~ the basll He said 70 percent of the com- Vacant Lots ITrl alGardens 'a-t Center P I. .C k two boys. and arrested four other needed to crown the campaign of the ~ght's-ta~g ,time., mission's recommendations of five . '0 'ICe rac youths, two of. them juv~nil~, with su~cess .. Ph:es hatvmg und~gr~ubnd years ago have been adopted. . wh/'l had been implicated! ," As of May 23 onbr 2 004 of the sJ?r . g .sy,s e~ ~ no, .e~ ' T t f Fell d ethR PI t D . S . Solves 35 Cases. .', -) ",. . gm mght sprmkling until 11 p.rn.. ~~~Ul~:no::;y ~:t~/~~~:~arge s or 1 e WI ,.' areIe~~. Y,#t~,~.~o!l,z":_.,,\f;,, ',,;c. ~,.. d :,..".~,:;" '. ...., ,c""'_~ .. ,~ ~".f.:>_' •. ,,~.. " ., """'".~.~: ,';J; 'J,," •.', • -- .-' ","'mol!l~.-of..th~ ,0n'-the,.East SIde campaign goal is $30,000. D~;y Sprinklin.J' •• l N? THE UNITED STATES is not . -" -,' i - . .. '" - • - • , ••. ',_ _ . and:tn, St: ClaIr ~h.ores,and those . To Rcmor Heroes No sprinllling is permItted })e- ~~~inl~_~..•:ra~tenaOdUggbal:n10ed'~erycRomuaBoys: of Var"lous Or'g'a~'niz...tions Various Clubs Comp~te to, .Create Love.hest 'of 10 Beds on. Hel" 'of Parents.'o Needed; If ot ~~"b~m~ss,,!~.'. . Col. D..Walter Allard, ,Veterans tween the hours of'~9a.m. and 10 u ...- ..,. l k s.d . f ~f · I P "rt.. r:'I' ':.' . 0 Held' In .adcl1tlOn to the two ,. . . h . t p.m. . . sia in the de~elopment of Inter- And Municipal Officials ' . a e I eo; emo~la rope \', CommunIty Is Tn ,Be R,d of' ~eqt"'!;, al).I>.*oi~et:s,,are"Wil- ti::ag:"~i~ilit: fn,81J.:';,.:f Special anangements, may 'lS. ~~~~m~yn~}nmgt~~lle(b.,a~~~)~In'b~~ Coop'erate in Drive Nurs~rl~s qp,op~rate. '. . . Childre'n MoleSters' :-li~'1!!-:"".Ge_~j~~t."~'8;' pf"~0543 the annual Memorial Day pr.o- permitt:d only at the discret~oh fense Secretary Charles E. Wi!. ---- In the early sprmg.of. . 1~52,~:"generous. tract..,. of ground. ,on Th P' ;' -- red rt- Waltham;of ii714 Wade;DaVId.HaroldW. WIlson,Vi. Marsh,17, g;~m.. The serv~ce. WI'n honor of The.the City,CIty manager.which received aU of e son, in a speech in 'Washington, If Grosse Pointe has recent- the lake side. of the former Russell A. Alger home was turned t romtgeo.poglC , oeptal'n 17 of i034 Navahoe; and Carl D.. cltduens'of tthh(;'poIlz:tew~o.swervr.edldits water from the Farms, will 'd' th t" 'l't d t' th'd fT' 1 G d' Th' d t th men s a e In all. u ' f G an gave elr IVes In 0 . sal ...e na Ion s mIl ary pro- ly looked to you like a la y over. 0 e I ea 0 a rl~ • ar. en. . IS..,W:~ u.e 0 e en-:, th ". kd" ex per- Brown,.)~"o 5055. r,ay. W II and the Korean War. confor~ to the same water re- gram must have stability. fresh out of 'the beauty parl~r thuslasm of Mrs. Wood Wllhams and her aeslre to pattern. an. ell" ~rac _.o~ on s. ., The 3:5 robbenes netted the ~ w tern ra walnut plaques striction. regulation. In Chicago. Air Force Secre- "experimental.ga~den'" in this ':OInmunity: simi~ia! to those in verts, accordmg. to offICIal youths m~re.tb:an $2,40~. wi1l\e Pla~ [.;;the Center foy. The Shores, getting a small tary Talbot said the United there's a good and sufficient the East, partlcularly StockbrIdgE!,.Mass.. Her mterest was sources.,. . .Busy m Detroit . er commemorating Korean serv- share from the Farms and the States has the best air fleet in reason. Plenty of man-hours, shared 'by Mrs. ,Howard Freeman Smith. ' The Grosse Pomte Fraternal Bes\des, the two c\lurch.. ill ice. These will be replaced with rest. from Deb;0lt, also .passed the world, but he too warn&d woman-hours and boy-hours 'Miss Eleanor Roche of the0 .'Order of Police, Lodge 1.02: the 1'Voods~th~ Y0l:lths~obb7clone -t.ronze ta1.'lets after one yea" is sunilar restrlctio~, copu~, of against cornplacen<:y. Symington . . '. - ., _ , '!'n St ClaIr Shores' nll1e m the U LJ '~hi h 'led t II '1la called for a "military balance have been spent these past few POinte, landscape archit~t, con- spot"into a wheel design with', 10 composed ,of ~nrk police' offic- 1 : '.'p , .' t" 'd' . ht allowed for additions and correc- w .c. were mal 0 a VI g. verted'the rock and root,mfested. -, "." "h- ed-- .. ' th 8000 ColUlor, reclfic ~ea. an. elg ." \. resldent.;.. sheet" from President Eisen- May time weeks .to r~d the , 'garde~ b~we~n the: spokes..., ,~!S,.,p~~,: ~~ '~C?re a!l,' others throughout Detroit. tlon~:.. , .. _ The Park and the Woods gM hower. community of some of its most I-The historIC millstone present~d' 'pamphlets, which wlll. be . The .business places., -robbed Ra~smg ?f the colors and. h~f_ th~ir water. from Detroit and are • • • persistent. eyesores,-. un.kempt .poli.ce See.king the Ga~den Ce~ter by:, ~eorge g~v:eI.l.~o the q~,osse P?lnt.e wer~ in. petrC?it)~t.p~a~SJ:lores mastmg wlll tak~ pl~ce at. 10.~~ expected to pattern .their legi~la- Sunday, M::y 22 and trash-strewn vacant lots. Lubo!f IS ihe hUD-of th~s wheel. Board of Education for distrl-: and Warren Township. a.~. MC'nday, With members. tion after that city. TWO NEW BLOWS were aim. Hit-Run Driver Crushed stone paths from each bution to school children in" The "ahurch gang" 'first' began Gll'l Scout Troop 94~ .aD;~ Boy _ ed at absentee ChFd of State Under the direction of Mrs. "spoke". the School'District '. operations in March. Scout Tr0C!P619 partICIpating. F A Bao Dai by South Viet Nam Otis U. Walker) general area -- Committee Makes Choice " . '." " ,Advance of the colors, led by arms pproves Premier Ngo Dinh Diem's Gov- chairman of the Clean-Up cam- Park police are look4Ig for a Each JiCmUaryfor the first three- The .pamphlets are tIt~~d AT" H ld' C' "t the Honor Guard. of t~e 99th ernment and its Nationalist sup. paign, "Scrubaroo",' four of the hit-and-;un d:iver . who struck years a coIrimitte~ ,consisting....of ~esS'age :from Your.'Poll~e,. I?e~ .0 0 oncer AAA Gun Battallon WIll take $964,612 Budget porters. Two top aides of the municipalities have already com- and, ~~rl~ly -~jured. _a,19-y~~- Mrs. V/,illiains',,,-Mrs.Smi:th,...Mrs., p~~n~" _and conta':Ils .~tal m~. '0" C' t'. .L place at 10:55. . . ex-emperor were ordered arrest- pleted this phase of the clean-up old glrl,on ~hursday) May 19. Perc1v.al DOdge; .i~s. Charles' B: form.atl'?~to par~nts l.nreg~rd to. n en er awn To I11trodu~eDl~ni~rles The Farms council on Monday, ed on the charge of treason. effort. Park Police' Cbief Arthur, Crouse'and'Mrs. Arthur E..FIero.- the safety of theIr chIldren. Col6nel Allard will mtroduce May 23, approved a budget :01 Four others, implicated in the Boys Volunteer Louwers di:scloserconcert under ChrIs~ Church, Will glve the In rate by $1.08 per ll,OOO assessect tionary Committee sent a tele- the ~old HI.Y and TuXISClubs. J;hr~ug~ a ~ary~and.apey, where ,wer!!~l~~d and, ralsed,,~y varl.- !are'concerned, and i"speCi~l!mes..:.the, JOJ?t auspIce~ o~ the Gro~se vocatIOn. . valuation. gram to President Eisenhower tacklmg 18 lo~. Mrs. M. Ro~ert ~t mtersects .at Mack aVen\le, o~ nurseTles for the Trial Gar-' ." _ ointing to the "dos" and. Po~nt~ War M~morial Assocla- May.or Fred W. Park~r, Jr., ~f . The tax rate is now $16.S0per and to the heads of 42 other Olp, ax:e~chcu7IDan, supervIsed when.a gre~.195~ or.19.~2Chev,-' dEms.',' ,_ _'... ' l ~~~,~" for parents ~d the~ ',tion, on J~e 4 at,4 p.~. the CIty of Gro~se Pomte ~1l $1,000 assessed valuation.. nations, informing them- of the t~e actiVIty, w~t~ Herbe;t Heger, r~let :struck the wheel of the This year Mrs. Campbell se- obligation' to. heJp :t:id .the com~ '. ,T{le_Qx:~l!~s~~..~~_~..!-'~~e!lted.on read. the Gold S~ .Honor. Roll. This. increase is ~ade necessary Committee's support of Diem and ?uector of Publlc Serv~ce, lend- blke. . , ' lected .the all American' award .mUnitY of the."vermin.preying o.n the .Cent~~'s terrace o~erlo~kmg Plat:lD:g of the, wreath will be principally becaUse of the addi .. the claim that Bao Dai has been mg c0In:p~ete ~peratlOT\ :from The girl was knocked to ,the__selections'for the pas~ years plus women and young.'chUdien: '-- " th~ ~a~.eW1th.t'p'eJ?eaut~fulAlger undet' th~. aUSPIAmceso~ VF"feP.ost .tiona! requirement of 65 cents f~r deposed. the mUniCIpalslde. ground, fracturi~g her shoulder the new .listings- of this season '.', "-.; ;, Hou.se.~acting~s background and 995 A~ihar~,. erlc~ glon debt. service .on:th.e :voted bond • • • On the same day Canterbury and skull. , . and the se'edlings were pUrchased . A message to school ehil,d;el} sounding. board~',. :~~.,. Post 303 AUXIlIaryand. GIrl Scout issue and 43 cents from the eoun- Monday. May 23 andTuxisboy~to~kcare,inshort The driver, not &topping,.con':"~eady to plant: '. stresses the,~act,that,;.all,po!l~e:7'~':'.!:'h,~ ~u~e.nc.~. will enter the Troop 940. , .," cil's action ,to ,proVide additional THE UNITED STATES su- order.. of the Clty'Sprablem spots. tinued west towards Maryland EaCh. year it _has been Mrs. ~e~eiart~~~f~e:~er~aWIS~ ]imphi.tliea~ervIa.the newly plant- .volle~, ,T~~:~ ~~h~h':~9~ contingent funds. f~r possib~e spects that Rus.~ia is trying to Mrs. w.. H. Mack and No.rbert and then. north -on Mack. Campbell whO h~ $levQtedhours 0 d th~ the 'oli<:e~an is, al'~~'y~ .ed T:r:1alGa;'dens:, gIven y ttalion with Color emergeflcy approprIatlons. , split the Allies. This was brought Neff, CIty. Cle~k, master-mmded Donna was taken to Bon Se- and hours of painstaking, planning: anfr' d" p : . .y, Robert. Kerr..s, handsome and AAA Gun ~a VFW' d L' A breakdown of the budget for about when the Soviet rejected the effort m thIS area. . cours Hospital by Park police. to desigri'these plots -into 'a co- a len..., " talented ~ritone, will be the fea- Guards of t e an eglon the fiscal year is as tollows: ad. certain terms and conditions set May 14 .was a banner day m Authoritip.s.are making a check ordinated thing .of beauty to give The' children ~_e.asked to .re- tu;red SOlOIst. . posts.. ministrative, $59,859.89; police, by the Western .powers for a top~ both th~. :t:'arms and the Woods, of the paint chipPEd off -:the car ..pleasure .to.the many enthusiastic :port, pr have ;someone.report ~o~ ' Refreshments included in the ,To.Dedlcate p~q:eSn War $165,152.07;fire, $114,203.26;pub~ level Big Four conference to be Mrs.ea WI~llam F.. COnnolly, Jr., at the scene;. and checking all gardeners of this community the!?:.. !. Any s~ranger ~ho trl~ pric.e of admission w:ill pe, served Dedl~ab~~ of ~:de- °t~: direc- lic works, $227,707.08; sewage held this summer. a: chauma.n. WIth a, crew of garages -in case the driver might 'visiting: the_ garden until Jack to. J?ID them. m , play, 2.. ~)f m the pergola of the for~al gar. ~laque ...w ,be J, 'd t pumping, $35,012.79; recreation- An edit('lrial in Pravda attacked nme G:old HI-Y l~ds slIcked up have his damage fixed, '. Frost.' ruins its charm. They can stranger' who asks to. go w~th. :dens .f~l1ow:ing:the concert. tlon of Marlon Kel~ogg,presl en pier park $40,150;geneI'a1, $139," these terms as if they had beel) ~3 unsl'ghtly lots. In the Farm~. Chief Louwers sdd the left .see'what'is adaptable' to .this'area ,ihem; 3•.,~:qY'~?,_~ger who tr:~ ..,.Tickets are $1.00for adults and ()f. the ~oar~ of dir~t?rs .of the 488.65) andl extraordinary, $91,- set by the United States alone. HattJ~ Furto~, CIty C:I~rk, was front fender, o( the car was and make notations' of selectionS:'~o.talk Wlt~,them or touch, th~ Me lor students an.d may be pur- War Memorl~l ~ssocI~bon.. 687,37. The Soviet line Implies that only the cooperalmg mUJllClpal of- dented by the Impact with the for their own gardens another m the movle,,"': chased at the Center, '32 Lake T~ ben~dict~onBW:11 be fgl~ This comes to $873,261.il, l<> the American leaders are bein~ (Continued on Page 5) bike. season. - 'Get'LicenSe Number Shore: road, or by calling rr:U. ~yd ~~ ~ ~h Sar o~h~ h which is added a debt service of unreasonable. State Department Draw for Beds They should always remember 1..60:30~.Rain c:b.ecksw~~lbe glV-I a Y .. roe eat thee f~d $91,351.81,bringing the city's to~ officials said the ~rav?a stat~. Blue Devl-ls- Captu}"e 'Top Each AP:.il the. Tri~l Garden to ,m~r~ ~own,.the. ,car licen:s~ en_.for Wedn~~day,-evem~g,,June Addltlonal donors 0 2 tal expens~ to $964,612.92. ment must be studIed In detall. representatIve ,trom e~ch of the. 'nUitnberof any::sUSPICIOUSstrang~ 8, .m, cas~ of mclement weather. (Continued on Page ) _

In the meantime they have. no 12 Garden 'CliJIbSin the"Pointes er; and' always~.try to rememb€r:. . c ' • Accent n Y th comment to ~a~e o.nthe subJect. Border C;ties'.Loop T;tle me.e~.,to. draw'-a. nUlIl'1per~ Th~t. what~~e l?oks !.i!te.. .p' " 'k C -ZSf. k t G 'ns 0 ou ...... II, patti;Ctilar J?-umber\ denotes the The m e s sag e "to ,patents. is' . ar .0unc l Ie s () u __ Tuesday, May 24 .. ------, ,p10tth,ey.wil~plap.t~e_last.Tu~ equally important" and .. wheri.'.... " • Accent was on youth last Sat- We~~~~:' BASIL O'CONNOR,head of th~ The Border Cities League's .dotte each winning it t-.vice,Royal. day ,an~': P~IO~to :theillc children bIjng home. the: ::J;n" Rout"ng urday when the. Babe ~uth Foundation for Infantile Paraly- most coveted trophy, the All Oak and Highland Park, the oth~r, I?ecoratlon D~y und:er the' dfr~- pamphlets, they __should, :.;ead it I - Hassle Over' Bus. II League players marohed down sis, charged that the Salk Polio Sports award, will, remain ~ BCL schools, have never wo~ It;. '~lO~.C?f,',. Mis.. Flemmg!":planti?g 'over carefuny"~and constantly're-' _ , Ker..chevalavenue and the young~ Vaccine program has ~me Grosse Pointe High School's The Blue Devils scored a total; .~~au-man.. .' ;' '.. '. mind 'thei!-~'.chiidrenof.,'the 'dan- '..'Despite emotional pleadings, in- chan.ge supported at th.e hearmg est ~own parade:s were Cor~y

e mixed into politics. He telegraph- trophy case, in. the lObby of the of. 145 points,: which. were eamed ; •. A new Idea lS._b~~~..trledt"this: gers involv.ed~'if,.they do not~ad- suItmg charges and inconclusive was U1a~guratedto alevI~te street Caulkins, 7, and his brother Bnl, ed U.S. Surgeon Gen. I.eonard new auditorium.gymnasium, for on the oasis of 30 points for a '-year at the suggestion"of.Mrs. here to the rUles. ". '. ',. . '- . . congestion on, Wayburn at the aged two. Scheele to release to the public another year. league championShip 25 points .Willi~s. Each' bed.-ot the-nwheelf , ,. . ,~",", " . ..~rc;x>f:.br .a group CJf .l:1'a~eM8!~- 'jogging point. . Bill couldn't quite maek it on the findings of the Salk Vaccine With the spring sports program for second place: 20' points. for' will be'in one.color of diversified "~bc?v~a~h ~ePOJ't~rhin~s':-: ~n~:'~.esideJ.1ts,the P~rk CounCIl The conclusive vote carne.after f~t .so his father, Ja~ pulled produced by the Cutter Labora- completed at the school on Fisher third, etc, - shades and hue~. . .pICIOUS0 . ~,p,o. ce,- ~ pea.. vpt.ed un.~~o~~y._Monday. eve- an hour and seventeen nunutes him m a wagon, but Corky trot~ tories of Berkeley, Calif. Scheele road, and only the final baseball The Devi1JJ' 1954.55. season' The :permanent planting .;com:- ~'.'" , nings, '}4ay:'23to support the find- of hit and run hassling at the ted along beside them. Although has called a full-dress confer.. games left to be played through:- record is 'as folfows.:,,:;:~OQtb8ll,:injitee(c~nsists.;of'¥r~~ '\Villiams,.,Eggs Before' Ben ings'of.~e:Planning Commission public hearing scheduled at tb~ illness kept. a third Caulkins. enc~ of the nation's polio fighters: out the rest of. ~'le league, the first (30 pts.);',basketball,"tie for 'Mrs:, S~th;.:~:pOdg~ and ..Mrs. 'A' K b' S'.h I and,) c,ontin'Uf:..the present Lake request of the Maryland reSI- Peter, 5, away hom the parade • .. • Blue Devils have clinched the second (22lh); swimming, third, Fr~~n.ck:. ~i ::F:~rd.,.~S. R~s~ll t er y C 00 . Shore Coach.Lme.bus ro~te north dents.. . he he'~ the band from his bed- Wednesday, May 25 trophy for bhe second consecu. (20); tennis, :first (30); track .. Alger .ls:.mtensely'.mter~te.d m , 1lJ1~:'".outh_~I1 Ma.x:ylan~.avenue The emblttel"ed body of h0ll1:eroom wmdow. 'SC1ENTISTSd R from Red China tive year. second (25) and baseball tie"for'. au. plans""pe'x"ta"i'ning:.to.:the Th" f'. st d' "":"'f"'K b ,to' and from the .Clty limits. owners, summoned'bythecouncil The young Caulldnl oome br an .USSlaare scheduled t0 h0Id In all the P'omters have won second (22%)-10tal'points' 145~.. ' 'graund's. :- -'. . ,'"S h e,1 ~lr .h'era," "i1"'en 0hi' k er ,.'Y -As .the busseS' run. now, the to present reasons for th.en- con- th.elr baseball enth'1.aam na- ve a conference on the effects of this trophy eight times outright The on1y_way, th~ Pointers', " '_~holee Iris ?lanted c ~Q hn~~ed 8: "li".:,lcf~ .s'A;r,~..:CharIirvoDt' line. jogs 'from Way- tention that the buses. should be turally. Even though his boyw atomic radiation on humans. No and tied with Fordson once. ThiS finaa total points'might'be alte~ed: c. T,tle,t'oCk. _".,W"._ !:O. ;£.:~.~'":.-::!~.-_:'::.c•.: •...,..,~>_."J .,.. i"

Page Two (; "R:.OS S E~ PO' N TEN EW S ThursClay. May, 26, '1955 , . - ~.'. ... , .' DOLL REPAIR SHOP , Donors Needed 'to Put, Center' Drive: Over ro'p:,,~,~":M'ef!lQrial Day Complete line of wigs. shoes \ • .., r "". - ~ f \"i • stockings and/dresses. He (Continued from Page 1) Mr. anll Mrs. Tom R. Mason, Miss Brehrn, Mrs. Harry Bellows, Mr. nemming,.Mr ..and Mrs. Clarence Gilber{.:E~ Delaney,~ Robert '. D.' Mrs....Stephe~ "Olesak, M'f~~,B,:H. Arnold, F. ~ger BaC?n, Mr. and Repairing Dollil Since 1895 reported since last week, includ- Margard F. Meek, Mrs. Louis and Mrs, L. J. Carey, Mr. and Fricke! Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Gab- Fr.enzel,. John Harding, Dr. and Pa,dqock,:Mr. ahd .M~s..Pai1-~eed:, 1Mrs. James A. ~auble, Mr. and tl11 ed: Mendelssohn, Carl Meyer, O. H. Mrs. Chester F. Carpenter, Mr. riel, L. B. Gascoigne. Mrs: James J. Harland, M;!. and. B.. ~heridan, MarJorle..G. ,!aylor, IMrs. A. J. Boylston, Mr. and Mrs COl\U»LETE LINE OF . Me May 12 Morton. apd Mrs. Harry J. Chapman, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. ,Stanley A. Gitre, Mrs.' E. R. 'Holtz, :Rev.. and ,Mrs. Mrs:. ehas •. B. Warr.ffi;' Jr:, Mr. Patrick 3. Bmke, R. E. B~s, NEW DOLLS AND Yo Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Duffield, Iv.k and Mt;s. John Mortson, and Mrs. E. C. Cllase, Jr., Mrs. Grosse Pointe Faculty Wives Marcus W.\ Johnson, Mrs. Eugene and Mrs. H. Gordon Wood,. Kent Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. CollmtJ, DOLL CARIIA.ES ( Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Bastien, Jr., M. J. Neumann, Herman A. Philip K. Coe, Walter B. Connol- Bri.dge Group, Mrs. Clair C. Klav.er, Mrs~.H;omer' R. Marson, A.....~imme~n .. Dr. and Mrs. M. Mr"( and Mr~. James Cope, :1\1r. 'of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Booth, Noormann, Mr, and Mrs. R. E. ly, Dr. and Mrs. Harold E: Cross Grubb, Valentine Guenther, Mr. ,Mr. and Mrs. ,Miles . McKee, M~ ,Sba~ffer,- ~orber.t Neff, and and Mrs. Odilon J. Dumas, Wal- KAMMERER tic Frank I. Redau, Joseph Brotz, OHIa, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Geo. E. Cruickshank, Mrs. G. :r": and Mrs. A. W. Houghland, Henry Miracle Mile, Ser",ice, Moir's Ser, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw D. Hakim. tel' W. Faust, Mr. and Mrs. Fred BABY CARRiAGE CO. ye. Lawrence D. Buhl, Mr. and Mrs. Parsons, T. A. Petrie, Mr. and DeBolt, Mrs. Edwin Denby Per- H. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Covert "vice; KF,ltlil.een A I. Morrison, ,'"May' %3 Fendler, Mr. and Mrs. Hald~an 8705 GRATIQT WA 1-2710 Dy H. N. Bumpus, Dr. and Mrs. Le- Mrs. Lansing M. Pittman, Mr. cival Dodge, Mr. and Mr;. Ed- R. Hunter, Chauncey J. Hupert, John Posseli~s,' ;r." G., Rhein,. Mr.' E. L. Ahe~1Mrs. Alma W. Am~ Finnie,. Mr. Thomas K. FlSher, at Fischel' • ;::= land Carter, Mr: and Mrs. John and Mrs. Victor Ptasznik, Mrs. ward J. Donovan. Geo. M. Ingram, Dr. and Mrs. and ~:r~.7!1. ~. Sayr6rt' ~dwm F. berg, ,Dr... ane;{ M~:~.O~IB:l1 M. Barrett s F1ower~ Chanders, N. F. Chamberlin, Mrs. Sherwood Reekie, Joseph Rem, Fred W. Eggerking; Dr. and ';Edward K. Isbey, C. Baynard S~orey;. K.; Know Stringer,. Clair ' Rufus W. Clark; 'Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Ritter, Senior Club, James Mrs. James M. Fisher, Burdet+.e Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. G.' J. A~','StucheIl, apd, Mr. and Mrs., • Oti! M. Dickey. P. E. Dillman, Sharkey, Mrs. J. G. Sta~dart~ Jr., E. Ford, H. T. Ewald, Jr., James Kastenberg, Mx'. and Mrs. R. 'E. :I3enjamin' S.' Warren, Jr. - W. Hawkins Ferry, Mr. and Mrs. r ," I ,.:-' 't', Dr. S. W. Staryk. Gordon F. Farquhar, Mr. and'Mrs, H. James Kin'g, Edgar J. r.Lorkowski, Mr. " May. %Q. N.8 Wm. Clay Ford, Eudora B. Foster, Strayer, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Tay- Gram, Jr." Dr. arid Mrs. E. .J. and Mrs. Joseph G. Maurer, Mr. 'Mr. and Mrs. T.; 'G. Brownell, t'S 0 'c re Col. J. J. Fulmer, Mrs. C. Hafke, lor, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Ivan B. Guenther, H. D. Gumpper,' Mrs. and Mrs. 'Hudson Mead, Mr. and 'Mt:' and Mrs'.-:J.~ta-wre'n~e:Bue~',~''..".-~ - -- -- ;'"-- .. e • Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hirt, Mr. Taylor.' Mr. an~ Mrs. ~. Theunis* Robert G. Hartwick; Mr.' and Mrs,. Mrs. S. D. Moreton, New Iadom .Jr., Mr. an9.Mrs:'D.~!1d:~:.-~ur- " ~. "",'. _ ,•. _.'1_ and Mrs. D. J. Hodges. sen. Misses June C. and Harriet J. E. -Hinzman, Mr. and,l\us. Club. ,gess, COU:rf1and'~~~k'Gal'rier,;J1f; .,-.'I-''',,~, -w. ' A. C. Hollerbach, Jerome W. M. Thomas. Carroll F. Henn' Mr. and' Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, ,E. ' W. Parc~lls, Mr.' and "Mr's.Jo:S~h ~D:".Col1inlt,':~ "',., ...... t" '''';,' ",.~ '... Fine Carpeting Howard, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Hul. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thon1ts, iBud Hu'dson J~hn Huetteman' Mrs. Jesse W. Shields, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. G. Coury, C. Garritt • Q I I II' swit, Gladys and Roy W. Jacob, ;Jas. D. Vernor, Dr. and Mrs. Jr., Mrs. Bu;ton D. Jones, Mrs:' Edwin S. Pratt, Margaret , Bunting, W. M. Bellridge; Mr.. ua ity nsta atlons Mr. and Mrs. R. Jaworski, Mr. Arthur J. VOl'wald, Starr L. James T. Keena, Mr. and Mr~. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scherer, and Mrs. Edward B. Erickson, -- • Low Prices and Mrs. Frank E. Jenney, Mr. Wade', Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wa1s- James B. Keliy, Mr. and Mrs: Prewitt Semmes, Dr. Frank J. John P. Frazer, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Jerome E. J. Keane, worth. Elmer A. Wagner, Mr. and Thomas B. McCarthy, Mr. and Sla~en, Mr. _and Mrs. Hal H. John Sidney Heil, Dr. and Mrs. • Terms Arr.,nged Mrs. F. C. Kidner, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. James B. Webber, Jr., Mrs. Mrs. Frank M<:Kinnon,E. J. Mer. SmIth, Jr., rv.l.r.and Mr's. Thos. J. Stewart Hudson. ~ ¥ E. C. Kindra, Sr., John E. G. Russell 'Wilton, Wm. Winkler, eel'. E. Snyder, Mrs. Ea,ward D. Spald- Stanley M. Huestis, Mr. and Kline, Chas. A. J. Kotcher, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Verner Zeising, F. C. Miles, Mr. arid Mrs. Earle ing, Mrs. w,m. P. Steven,s, Mr. Mrs.' Clarence H. Koebbe, Mrs. and Mrs. Augustus C. Ledyard, Mrs. Linn L. Zimmer and A. M. A Miller C E M h M and Mrs. Reinhold Thomas, J. L. R. B. Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. Sta.!lley Lucinski. Carol McIvor, Fleming. J~hn H 'Mu'ell~r ~~a_ a~,hn r~. Train, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frazer Ra~ph S. Lane, Mr. and Mti. Fred L Mr. and Mra. Herbert W. Mandel, May 13 O'Brien: Mrs. M: .W.Spet~ibone: Whitehead, Joseph Wozniakt• and M:' Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Haw8.rd carpeting co. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Manson, Mr. E. H. Allard, James I 'x-. Barnes Edward J. Pongracz, Howard G. Mr. and Mrs. Edward F, WrIght. N. Maynard, Mrs. Keru:-9th' L. and Mrs. Reginald MacArthur, & Co., Wm. Berno, Clarence E. Reed, Mr. and Mrs .. Rollin Rug- May 19 Moore, Mr. ~d Mrs. J. A. near Buckingham y J 5839 E. WARREN TUxedo 1-6022 sell, Wm. H. and Alice'E._Symon.s, 'II. ... ~. adn~...Mrs:..!T' DBa' llAm~ry, MMulleHn,-Mr'GN1Nc~ IMuMsmansk , I Dr. and Mrs. Robert Shellig; ,Syd' J,Y.J,r.,an .....yJ,~s"';;~ '., 8E~J'.ue, 1'5. enry . leo, r. an d Doe8n't it make any dilference~ R. 'Scott, Helen W. Sel1ew"'N'. A. ,-..." ' _ . :.,- Shook, Howard Shaw, J:'J."Smiih,' . '~.; i . . Yea ea1l get f]1lotes from folka who say that "brandt O. Wm. Sullivan, D9..hald - 'N. '...•1",,1' Sweeny, Mr. and Mrs... Ch-ss:' .. . ~. .. , " :::~;:DY~:@M;:~:~,II banking" doesn't reall,. make any difference as far 4& eMIIIDunity weD-bemg is eoneemed. 'ratham, Mr. and Mrs.' Ch'as.' D. ",::,~'~:'~1;,~'.~~;< •• ..... ;0. . ,~. ments, ebeer for the monotony of aut6lnobile design, John D. Bayne, Mr. and Mrs. j: ,,'. ,...•.K,~, .' .. the earioasly limited pattent of car prieflL Arwood G. Bedell, Mrs. W. C. "'::II:c:.:',':':':,~:,:y':;',:";;;,',,:,:,:';':' .. ' ',",:;' Bishop, Mrs. Harold R. Boyer t '«'~:r" 'x l;' ~Don the IMeyeractully h... Much to say?) Ann A. Brown, G. E. Broir,n: :>iJ;{',' . ~J~.': .;t; . ,"', Mrs. Henry C. Buhl, Leo Carrier, '''\_~:'':.. :.:""" ~I\::..:,:;::;< ' .',. : ~: L~)~~~'~':1:~t:':;~:~~t.::~~:;~: , ~<~w::;)~~~", '<", ',' ~ "1',*.,< .,' .I"~'tt I,' I, .. ~ eeI8OIidafJoM, eentral eont:rol • • • an these Mr. and Mrs. Casgrain, Mr. and .gies of acqaisitiOD, are sapposedly of interest OIlIy to Mrs. Joseph W. Caskey, Joseph '~'!!~~Iiiit#.~tt',....,\~;}<':'.'*,,' "'I'~::::I::_%:':,",'Il.:..: ~.:.:t:.,. .',. .~I .~Few. ' '-- and Wanda Chronowski~ FE ~W. 1"

Clapsaddle, Mrs. Chas. S., Cole, ":.: ~'... '''': ,.'.. (rNho .. affect., ttM hw ••• or YOU?) ...:..... Mr. ~nd Mrs. Bernard Corriillie " ", J ~':r "'."l',(:;~~::~t' : .~;~~;~. 'i~~10i~?;;~~~ Shiben .. Courey, A. W. Crabb,'" .•' . ,'" 'Nill"", , .' ,is... ", I ~ shoes, of Clarence E. ,Day and Family,' De- for tnshmee. We 'buy lots them In thi~ Four Insurance Agency. Jill::..:m_.~...~~.""<", ..:.....," eoantry. Better than half a billion pam a year. And Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Detwiler, ,,',' we pay all the way fnm a cJoIlar to • t6lOple of h1J1l- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice deVuyst, .~: tired for t1tem. Now. Mrs. Herman Dey, Arthur E. ..(~::~~~~..:: ~" I~,~'~~tllltl , ('900 -dependent shoe factories Diekofft Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. !111; :~.. ~~'..". .'; ":':,:, < " ", " " ~:::~;~I:i\:ttf:Mt\\1:<~w'~':',x. :~.; Doughty, Rol;>ertJ. Duff, Dr. and ...... ~ looM :«YH ~~«O ,. ",ak. for lWen COMpetition!) Mrs. A. J. &kel, Dr. and Mrs. Harold B. Edsall, Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Ellington, Mr.' and Mrs. < '. ~. A few shoe manufadurers, however, have become in.. C. W. Estabrook, .Wm. J. Elliott. ,. i. ordiDately' ambitious. Looks like they want to bur up H. T. Ewald Foundation, Hele,n l~~~f~~!'_,~i:~;' every.,braneh of the industry and hog the whole show. H. Finster, Louis A. Fisher, C. W., ~ <;.. .. •• H~£.q ~ ~ ~ If they eould eontrol enough tanneries. factories, and Floss, R. W. Fonda, LO'!lisGle~e, stores, it -would be ]JOIiSible for them to tell you, in Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gotfre

Palms, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Otto r • " . . . Pochert, Mr. and Mrs. Howard .Join Oar FAMlLY SHOE CLlJB - Buy 12 Pain, R. Price, Rober,.t G. Rein, Mrs. Get 13th Pair ~EE (No Tune Limit) John G. Rumney, Hazen J. Schu- macher, Arthur J. Scully. I' Mrs. Stanley E. Sh~pherd: J. I S. Sherer, Mr. and Mrs. Verne H. I Sidnam, Mr. and Mrs. Howal'd , '11IE MIOI1GAN anROPODY ASSOCIATION at ~ou~get.because G. Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. 'Look the br~ak aemind. You That , Smith, J. Henry Smtih, Mrs. Ken- neth R. Strang, Mrs. Edwar~ . MAY: 22-28 IS Torosian, Geo. H.. Verbrugghe, ! 1.. # , John L. Vogt, Dr. and Mu. Fredi . • MICHIGAN POOT HEALTH WEEK erick B. Watts, Mrs. Henry K' ',e Mercury breaking 'sales records ~ ond Ur~ You to Walker, Anne Wallace, Mr. and is I .... 1 Mrs. Geo. R. Wilson, Mr. and SIIIC1',._ A 'AMIlY CH.OPODIST , Mrs. W. F. Zabriskie, Mr. and ,r .. - --... -' Mrs. E. L. Koning and Mr. ,~n~, .- ..... 'I Mrs. Ritter Newell. ...,. "n" May 17 Chesler Bool Shop Mrs. Elmer Benzin, Gordon J. YOU GET MORE MONEY" \ B1rgba'uer, Mrs.' Alfred R. Boet- NO OTHER CAR OFFERS YOU BIGGER REASONS FOR BUYING IT Child.,.e-n' 3 SAoe Specialist noel', E. O. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. FOR YOUR PRESENT CAR K. B. Brown; P. N. Buckminste~ 1 " l:S911 Eo WARREN, at Buekingham TUxedo 5..0863 • Exclusive styling shared by no • Dual exhausts at no extra cost on Mrs. Herbert Buhler, Mrs. H. C. other car all Montclairs and Montereys , Bulkley, Arthur D. Christopher, Mercury's rec.or~-breaking I Dr. and, Mrs. R. B. Clarke, Mr. • New SUPER",;TORQUE V -8 engines on • Ball-joint 'front-wheel suspension and Mrs. Frank Couzens, Jr., Mr. sales a'Uow us to operate at high every model (188 and 198 horae- power)-backerl,by Mercury's • Anti-foulin~ high-compr.ession ,'/:,1- I' ,r.tJj,II,".-" and Mrs. Edw. J. Daisley, Paris , ..!!I: 1:.T~II'8r:".''''_ DiSanto, H. E. Downing, Dr. and volume •.You get a far bigger. record 'of producing V-8 engines spark plugs , ~ Mrs. Chas. C. Eade, Mr. an'd Mrs. exclu:sively' I. • Consistently. highest retale' value , ....4 . 1. r i ~ 1' Stanley L. Fildew, Mr. and Mrs. allowance . E- 4-barrel vacuum carburetor on in its field, aecording to authorita- a...., ~ H. G. Frear,' Dr. Geo. C. Fred- every model. at- no extra cost tive reports, " - "'0 G\'A%I~~~~ ! j erickson, M~lrshall F. Troester. C\.IAMID ~:-D fuaa,"R$~ e' -,GARMINrs J. A.' 'Gwatkin, Mr. and Mrs. . , CUAH'D , Diy Edwin' A.~Hibbardt. Mrs. Helene " y ...,APPRO.-. )~ YOU ,GET MORE NEW- "" ..... :..,

.''-'5 ~,~ IY' IXCL AND"H'SH W. Hecker, Richard: 'E:~Hinks, ~~_ "Ii':' r ~ ~ ,,11140'" ({.'...... IINUy us.y, LUS,.. 10 Paul L. "'jolUisOn; ::.:MlcnaeC:anGi CAR FOR YOUIt- MONEY .. ,-; CISS Arma JucewiCll, 'Err1est"'B~ \Kelly, . 2 S ~ S'HA,f' JII O, 1'IX, ,,~,' .. Jr., Geo. S. LaFor.esi: Mrs. E. A.: IT PAYS TO FOR FUT,U~E'STYliNG, 9 Lindquist,- Mrs. Otto Lundell,' - Prices f~r a big~l88-hi, Me~cury I J Daniel- A. McGinty, Paul Nagel, owN A SUPER POWE~ • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Netting,: mERCURY . f 'I' ,i Jane K. Ogden, 'MJ;. and Mrs. Custom 2-door start below 13 ,': John M. O'Gorman, Chapter AO' , Don.t miss the btg television hit. Eel Sullivan's "TOAST OF THE TOWN" sUnday '!venin. ~ ~~.< P E 0 Sisterhood, Mrs. Wm. R.' . models in the low-price field'.* 7:00 to 8:00. Station WJBK*TV'.Channel 2. Also. be sur:e to see "PRODUCxRs" SHOW~~r next Monday evening, 7:00 to 8:30. Station WWJ-TV. Channel t. . - f Pierce, Mr. and Mrs: Fay L. -ialed ellt comparl.o" .f malluioctunni ~SlSI.ned lit. or factory r.idil price. ir~~!I:~ Seeley, J. Grover Sh:-ea,Mr. and Mrs. Allen N. Sweeny, Mis:ies - ~~el~l 5 H0 IRE PA II! Alice and Ethel'Tucker, Mrs;' Ed- ~ ~ .Sped&) " win Turashoff, Robert j. Waler, \ ~.. fih .....~'1. " Week bd1DC Rep:r 11;0 Welcome Wagon Club 'ofl'Grosse SEE YOUR NEAREST MERC,URY DEALER! June C SWEATERS servlcf' '" Pointe, .Mr. ,and' Mr,s. Lawrence

for you Wilson and Pearl T'. Zamba-. ' . .-, L. ~.' w~ • ~. Cle.aned &: Blocked • • Added +' <> , '- Cello Wrapped ....49c • Convenience May. 18 ., 0h SKIRTS «Plain) 49c , ,_ Mr. and Mr$"t :"Edward G. 1M;;;;;;;:","»» m';:7u_JbbShW sun.; i.::,.n."I'in:'Wbsiisjis:Js::nSS.iU'SJJ'SJI nni"''';;;;;:: :: : : :: : ..~~ Acomb, Mr. and~.. ~ ..M1'B.- ~I" Wo.' D. • ' ~: .•",.? ", .. . '. - :.-..,;;,:... , " • Baldwin, C. Broolts::;l3.egg, Wm. ",,'" ':: E. Berchtold, Mr. and~M1'S~Herlry ,-:-;. - ,:;-""'S,ee' the New 195:1Merru~y ,

E. Candler, Mrs. Dean I;. C()n~ I .~[ I •• • • way, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M:-. ,.1.'-.' GROSSE Corson, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. POtNTE Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. TRACY "'OTOR SALES, Inc:. l~n, Jr., Mr. and ~s. Raymond 20737 Mack Ave. WOODS R. Dykema, MliS.Arthur L. Evely, 130 Kercheval Avenue : Grosse Pointe 'arm. Or. Edward Fine, Fred A. C. ' " ... '. ',- ". ..~ ~ .< I"" • "

a 2 0' , 4 ..... ,. a ~ . ~ -, ... - '""":"-~ ..

• ~ j, .. #,', ... _" - "": . ,,' '.~ . . - ,'. - ; 'I •

• 1 l< • ... •• - j." - ~ v' : .. , . '.

Thursday, May 26, I~S5 G ~O S S ~ 'p OlJ~rTE'; "NEWS . Page n;.... \ ._~~~.. ~__ ., _r•. _ . . BAVE'.'111E ANSWERS NECK AND, NECE Lawyers Honor Nathan Goodnow When it CO)iles to drawing co,n- Money is one of the best thiDga. To B~ Graduated at. Annapolis - GPHS GraduatesCo~tinue elusions. some. people .are truly {(.ltt and today- most peOple ar. Nathan B. G0o?now, 48, of 75 At ont') time during hi.I care'er, natura1~bOrn artists. <' • out-and after it. Handy, wa<; elected president of he specialized in trial work and . To Make Good. in College • the Detroit Bar Association on labor laws, but for the last 10 cr.. tl. Monda!, May 23, su~ceeding Chris years he bas been occupied mostiy By Diek Harding". percent were A, 35 percent B). Jllc~~ YoungJohn. with corporate and trade assdcia- G.i\H.S~" Jow:.nallsm Student Only: nine percent of their' grades "YOU TRIED THE REST .,. .• NOW TRY THE BESTI" Goodnow, a former University tion practice.' . Fc~ the fill}} consecutive year were below average (,below C)t 'o.f petI:oit athlete, has been prac- He was first vice-president of .Grosse' Pointe High School's only one percent 'failure. ticmg m Detroit for the past 25 r~c- the lawyers' group Il:lllt year. ommended graduates' have made' Or the 145 re;c~memnded grad- years, and' is a partner in In 1927-29, he was a U. of D. uates 47 entered' the University Dykema Jones and Wheat. football end, and 'vas named to au average higl;1er,th&.."1 midway of Michigan and.' achh~ved an

thet school's all-star team in a between' B . and. C, 1.53. (B':"'2t honor ,pOin~ average' of 1:37. Come to an Old Fashioned lettermen's poll in 1946. • C=l) in the~ first semester i,n The: 17 recommended alumni Strawberry Socia I Goodnow is a past' dean of the colleg~. That s a record hard to who entered Michigan State Col~ Detroit Alumni Senate of Delta beat!. ... . 'lege last"fall made a 2.01 a~erage~ and Lawn Party Theta Phi law fraternity and is ~hlS recor~ IS higher. than any Wayne Un:iversity claimed 14 'a memb€t of the American Bar previuu5 five-!ear perioq. in. his'~ recom:mel\ded studen~. and' they Thuriday, June 2 Association, the American' Judi- tory. In fact.m only three. other earned a 1.72 honor.pomt aV,erage. from 7 to 9 o'clock cature Society, the American' years was 'a cOmpara-Ple'showing Seven,teen of the recOmmended Institute of Management an