Re-Elect Carl A. Your State Senator
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n — MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Nov. 3, 1906 MANCHESTER SPORTS Mayor orders Hartford Road M H S , E C o u nativity scenes has a new look In soccer pla RE-ELECT ... page 3 ... page 11 page IS ) limlh CARL A. iUanrhrBlrr Manchester — A City of Village Charm Tuesday, Nov. 4,1986 30 Cents Leaders say N charter vote up for grabs Bv Alex GIrelll dicted the vote would be close, but Associate Editor said the majority will vote in favor V the charter change. He said that no matter what the outcome of the Most leaders In Manchester’s vote, the posture of consolidation charter-revision battle this nnom- proponents will be to ’^16t things ing predicted a close vote oh the controversial referendum Ques settle down.’ ’ tion 4, which has divided townspeo The Democratic majority on the Board of Directors has established ple into warring camps in the past some conditions for consolidation few months. YOUR and will stick by them if the vote is One leader predicted that a significant majority would votejn - _in4avmr of the change, he said. He said retmition of a volunteer fire today's election against changing d e p a rtm ^ t is one of those the charter to make it easier to consolidate the town and the conditions. " I f I had four dollars, I would not Eighth Utilities District. bet it on the outcome,” said STATE ‘T m feeling very good about it,” William Slelth, chairman of the said Robert Bletchman, president Committee for Charter Revision, of the pro-Eighth District group STEAL, or Stop Tampering with which has led the fight for approval the Eighth’s American Liberties. of Question 4. " It ’s up for grabs.’’ Slelth said that in view of the "Manchester wins when the longstanding controversy between important principles that the dis SENATOR the town and the 98-year-old Eighth trict defends survive; I predict District, it will be difficult to agree Herald photo by Tucker Manchester will win big,’ ’ Bletch on any consolidation plan. man said. " I think a narrojw vote in favor is concerns changing the Town Charter, while Eighth But James Sarles. a deputy fire Loretta Savilonis, center, gets some conflicting advice as chief in the district’s volunteer fire going to make \ it even more she approaches the Senior Citizens' Center this morning District volunteer firefighter Kenneth Boutin passed her department and a STEAL leader, difficult,” he saidi “ It is going to material calling for a “no" vote. take a lot of patlepce.” to vote. Mayor Barbara Weinberg, left, handed the voter voiced caution. If the majority W town voters literature urging her to vote “yes" on Question 4, which " I t ’s a horse race,’ ’ said Sarles, AS YOUR STATE SENATOR, NEXT YEAR SENATOR today favor the chart^change, the who was using computers to plot district’s power to veto a consolida the vote by area and sticking pins tion effort will be removed. The in maps to help make predictions. next step would be to form a SENATOR ZINSSER: ZINSSER WILL: He said the town is highly polarized consolidation commission, which Many want 8th to keep its power over the question of removing would propose a plan to be voted on Town Charter provisions giving the in a townwide election. district the ability to fend off majority of people at two polling alter casting her vote at Nathan and pushing ahead with Wallace Irish, a STBACmember An inlformdl poll of Manchester ★ Led the fight to successfully secure ★ Introduce legislation to control unsolicited consolidation of its fire and sewer voters Bt four polling stations this stations outside the Eighth District Hale School. consolidation. 4 who has been active in the fight services with those provided by the. m om in^ound that most voted — Keeney Street School and " I believe if the town had control ’T v e seen consolidation work in telephone calls - Junk calls - from computer and against the charter change, de town government. against changing the Town Charter Nathan Hale School — also re of the whole thing, taxes would go the town of Vernon,” said one funds for Manchester’s Sewage clined to make a prediction. " n i sec you at 9 o’clock,’ ’ Sarles and taking away the Eighth' jected the question, the informal up,’’ Allan Lunns of Cambridge Hilliard Street mah, who declined human. His legisiation lost because of sitrong “ My heart says we are going to said. The polls close at 8 p.m. Utilities District’s power to veto a survey found. Street said after voting at Waddell to give his name. win, but 1 really don’t know,” Irish Treatment Plant. Democratic Town Chairman School. Lunns said he voted mostly Roland Newcomb of Phelps lobbing by speciai interests groups in the House said. ’We’re getting a lot of good merger with the town. Ten people voted against Ques Theodore R. Cummings, an .avid The ballot item, which is listed as for Democratic candidates, but Road said he voted against charter vibes.” tion 4 and five voted yes, the exit this year. I supporter of consolidation, pre the fourth of six referendum went against the recommendation revision because he was suspicious poll found. of the Democratic Town Commit of what the leaders of the charter questions, has been the most " I f it’s not broken why fix it?” ★ Successfully Introduced legislation controversial aspect of the 1986 tee and opposed changing the change effort would do if the asked a woman at Nathan Hale charter. question were approved. campaign in Manchester. Exit School who did not want her name ★ introduce legislation to disbar any attorney polls conducted at Robertson and Of four people interviewed in “ I’d like to know what (Demo for $2.2 million to reconstruct Rt. 83. Polls favor O’Neill ^ used. ^ convicted of a felony from practicing law In this- Waddell schools — located In the about 20 minutes there, ail said cratic town Director Stephen) Eighth District — found that most " I used to live in the North End they voted against Question 4. Penny and (Democratic Town state. Special interest also killed this bill in the people Voted against changing the and my husband was a firefighter, At Robertson School, though, two Chairman Theodore R.) Cum ★ Successfully introduced legislation but Belaga sees win charter. so I know how those people feel,” of five people interviewed said they mings get out of it.” said House this year. While that was to be expected, a Pat Fales of Norman Street said support changing the town charter Newcomb, to provide for a 19.6 mile hiking trail By Judd Everhart But during a campaign stop in The Associated Press Bridgeport, Belaga said; "The from Manchesterto the Willimantic ★ introduce legislation to bring down the rising vibes are terrific. It’s exhilarating. HARTFORD — Democratic We have the momentum." Handful of races mean Senate control cost of insurance. j Gov. William A. O’Neill was The O’Nelll-Belaga race has River. — favored to defeat Republican Julie been heated at times as Belaga Democrats regain the Senate ma menon so'hietimes called the “ six- WASHINGTON (AP) — Voters That leaves Dole, a potential D. Belaga heading into Election tried to paint the incumbent as a jority they lost in the landslide that year Itch.” are electing senators in 34 states presidential candidate in the next Day, but the challenger refused to weak leader whose administration swirled Ronald Reagan into the In midterm elections at the today, but it is only a relative national election, paying more give up hope, insisting, "It’s going is built on cronyism. White House six years ago. six-year point of a presidency, the handful of close or dead-heat races attention to places like Florida and to happen.” O’Neill’s campaign was based on And although Republicans hoped party in control of the White House that will determine whether Demo- Alabama and Louisiana than to his Some 1.67 million Connecticut a “ Connecticut is working” theme that Reagan’s political magic as has lost an average of about seven that emphasized the state’s crats regain full control of own returns. residents were eligible to vote As the evening wears on. the camp^ner-in-chief would prove seats in the Senate. The smallest FOR MANCHESTER’S FUTURE RETURN SENATOR healthy economy. O’Neill outspent Congress. today. Secretary of the State Julia Kansas Republican is likely to be the ^ tr o llin g factor in preserving such previous loss of seats was four H. Tashjian said she expected Belaga by roughly $2 million to $1 Fully half the contests are that in the^OP.m ajority, many of their in 1966 which, coincidentally, is the name only and many others would intensely interested in Nevada, about a 70 percent turnout, or about million, a record in total spending leaders stressed the historical and number the Democrats need to fail into the major upset category if California and Washington for the I. 1 million. Polls were to be open in a Connecticut gubernatorial numerical odds against them as erase the current 53-47 majority. the underdog wins. final word on whether he will keep ZINSSER TO THE STATE SENATE today until 8 p.m. race. though preparing to explain a This year, Republicans were The most recent political poll, Take Senate Majority Leader the "m ajority” in his title. O’Neill spent Monday working For after a campaign marked by dcfc&t faced with defending far more conduct^ by the University of Bob Dole, for example. His Demo the telephones, calling Democratic massive spending and nasty televi Historically, the party of a seats — 22 to the Democrats 12 — town chairmen and other officials.