arXiv:2107.09567v1 [astro-ph.SR] 20 Jul 2021 yboi ia okn o vdneo nitrcinbetw interaction an of millime evidence uses for looking study Miras This symbiotic nebulae. planetary aspherical into nw e rsn rmtescnaysa.Tejtmyb dist be may jet The it. . with secondary aligned the nearly interactio from an of arising three evidence jet the clear known of No Two derived. were masers. images SiO line and continuum imaging analyzed, fteSOmsr ntesm-eua insR o n RT and Boo RX giants semi-regular the in variation by masers rapid SiO Sin- and the AGB large of show 2008). and (2020) al. semi-regular al. al et G´omez-Garrido of et et Ragland Hollis monitoring 2006; 1997; dish 2004, al. gle al. et et (Boboltz in Cotton mo- envelope reveal 1997b; inner and forms photosphere the the in in on dust appear centered 2016; tions ring generally a other al. masers of et about form Gobrecht These and the at 2013; 2019). silicate radii, al. Freytag et H¨ofner stellar & (Karovicova which 2 outflows at about the at distance stars the AGB of PNe. mospheres of formation the to a leading might loss shaping mass of Similar inter episodes vari- the stars. to a companion attributed show with are 2020) which 2014, tions al. shapes al. et spherical et Decin non (Ramstedt 2017; of stars ety al. AGB et of as- Doan sample 2018; of a 2017, formation of the winds molecul the in of in Observations role (PNe). pivotal Nebulae Branch a Planetary Giant pherical play Asymptotic of may surface companion stars the a (AGB) to of near influence region The the study. on active under is ronment motneo ls iaiso tla vlto a enr e been their has but evolution lately, The stellar ognized on components. binaries multiple close with of systems importance in exist to known are rpittpstuigL using typeset Preprint V neatosbtenABsasadascnayi ls orb close a in secondary a and stars AGB between Interactions i aesaeuulyfudwti h ustn at- pulsating the within found usually are masers SiO usata rcino ansqec tr,u o50%, to up stars, sequence main of fraction substantial A ersion ujc headings: Subject J uly eateto pc,ErhadEvrnet hlesUnive Chalmers Environment, and Earth Space, of Department I AESAD7M OTNU MSINI IAYABSASMIR STARS AGB BINARY IN EMISSION CONTINUUM MM 7 AND MASERS SIO 1 2021 21, A T E tl pnora .09 v. openjournal style X 1. INTRODUCTION uoenSuhr bevtr,Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. Observatory, Southern European ff cso h ls icmtla envi- circumstellar close the on ects ainlRdoAtooyOsraoy 2 deotRa,C Road, Edgemont 520 Observatory, Astronomy Radio National tr:ABadps-G tr:iaissmitc–Radio – Stars:binaries:symbiotic – post-AGB and AGB Stars: uum:stars aoaor ’srpyiu eBreu,Uiested B Universit´e de Bordeaux, de d’astrophysique Laboratoire BA colo hsc n srnm,Uiest fManche of University Astronomy, and Physics of School JBCA, BA colo hsc n srnm,Uiest fManche of University Astronomy, and Physics of School JBCA, / 06 / 15 .H E. .V W. ff umphreys c the ect eso uy2,2021 21, July Version .M .R S. M. A. lemmings ABSTRACT .D C D. W. ec- ac- e bevtoso h otnu n i ae msini s in emission maser SiO and continuum the of observations ter es .B A. a on ewe opnnsBadAi ia q a well a has Aqr R Mira. in A and B components between found was n e h w tr.NwJL bevtosat observations JVLA New stars. two the een .E S. s . st fTcnlg,Osl pc bevtr,499 Onsal 92 439 Observatory, Space Onsala Technology, of rsity .W M. , rigtecruselrevlpo h G tro possibly or star AGB the of envelop circumstellar the urbing audry toka taeoepsil xlnto fwysm G tr develop stars AGB some why of explanation possible one are it otton agt eedtce n cuaeyrgsee continuum registered accurately and detected were targets .K T. , ichards opaeaynble nteoehn,bt eetoptical recent both hand, one stars the (AGB) radio On and branch spectro–polarimetry nebulae. giant planetary asymptotic to from mechanism ing Miras. several in variations slower and Vir ena prlpuei i hra a.I hsppr we paper, this In gas. thermal also SiO winds, a in AB of plume Mira spiral portion A interacting a a Mira as the trace long seen star by masers ALMA formed AGB SiO using wall that case, from bubble found this radii In we stellar data prep). few baseline in a al., dwarf et only white (Humphreys the at of also B influence have the Mira we of AB, signs Mira discovered system al recently et binary Towards (Vlemmings environment 2017). near–circumstellar 2015, asymme- the cause and in influence try W basel likely and Long that Mira hot-spots stars surface. reveal AGB stellar Hya of the surfaces the near, of or observations at, ALMA is shaped is rial is debate. current mechanism of shaping matter mag evolutionary a or the binarity dominate R Whether fields of observations netic 2012). ALMA al. iconic et (Maercker the Sculptoris; e.g. be isolated previously be were the to that indicate lieved stars observations around ALMA companions of hand, presence references other and the On 2018) stell Vlemmings therein. the 2014; at al. or (L`ebre et near surface fields magnetic high unexpectedly dicate ittkowski n ftecretukon nselreouini h shap- the is evolution stellar in unknowns current the of One n ftebs lcst td o h u-oigmate- out-flowing the how study to places best the of One houri ,878Grhn e uce,Germany Munchen, bei Garching 85748 2, reu,365Psa,France Pessac, 33615 ordeaux, altevle A293 USA 22903, VA harlottesville, tr 1 P,UK 9PL, M13 ster, tr 1 P,UK 9PL, M13 ster, ie:tr ai contin- Radio – lines:stars / um ae bevtosin- observations maser submm N AQR. R AND A ∼ 5msrslto are resolution mas 45 ,Sweden a, everal and just ine ar - - . 2 Cotton et al. present observations of continuum and SiO maser lines using was 2 seconds and only the parallel hand data (RR,LL) were the JVLA of Mira and two other AGB stars with known com- recorded. panions, W Aql and R Aqr. Our aims are to study the effect The masers observed were the SiO ν=2,J=1-0 and ν=1,J=1- of the companions on the observed maser spot distribution. 0 transitions at 42.820587 and 43.122027 GHz respectively. Cotton et al. (2004, 2006) give a sequence of VLBA images Each transition was covered by 256 channels of 62.5 kHz of the SiO masers in the atmosphere of Mira. These appear as bandwidth( 0.9 km/s after Hanning). The center LSR veloc- partial rings with diameters in the range 60 to 75 mas. The di- ity of the observation∼ was 47 km/sec for Mira and -22 km/sec ameter of the ν=1,J=1-0 maser ring tends to be slightly larger for R Aqr and W Aql for which the true systemic velocity than that of the ν=2,J=1-0 masers. Mennesson et al. (2002) is approximately -26 and -18 km/sec respectively. The con- give a uniform disk diameter of the photosphere in K band of tinuum observations consisted of 58 spectral windows in the 28.79 0.10 mas. Wittkowski et al. (2016) give a diameter range of 41.0 to 48.7 GHz using 7424 1 MHz channels; of 28.5± 1.5 mas at 2.25 µm. Perrin et al. (2020) give the spectral regions containing the masers were× not included. photospheric± diameter in H band of 21.1 mas. The distance to Mira is given by Haniff et al. (1995) as 110 9 pc. at which 3. CALIBRATION ± distance 1” corresponds to 110 AU. The Hipparcos distance The conditions of these observations, Summertime, high (van Leeuwen 2007) is 92 11 pc. frequency and high resolution render the proper calibrationof ± W Aquilae (W Aql) is a binary S–type AGB star some- the data more difficult. In order to allow accurate comparison times showing SiO maser emission. SiO maser emission ob- of the continuum and line images they must be aligned both served towards W Aql (Nakashima & Deguchi 2007) disap- photometrically and especially astrometrically. The relatively peared for a time around 2011 (Ramstedt et al. 2012), which poor phase coherence of the data make this more difficult. could be due to disruption by an additional companion (the Photometric calibration is complicated by the relatively poor known companion lies at about 0.46 arcseconds from the S– sensitivity and strong resolution of the photometric calibra- type AGB star, about 180 AU at a distance to W Aql of 395 tor by the 45 mas resolution of the given data. Fortunately, pc). Peak SiO maser emission can reach 21 Jy (single–dish; the masers∼ in two of the targets are quite strong and allow Ramstedt et al. (2012)). relative phase calibration following the general approach of R Aquarii (R Aqr) is a symbiotic binary and a well– Reid & Menten (1990, 1997, 2007), adapted to the wide-band known host of millimeter and submillimeter SiO masers nature of the present data. (Boboltz et al. 1997; Hollis et al. 1997b; Gray et al. 1998; Data were translated from the archive format to AIPS for- Cotton et al. 2004, 2006; Ragland et al. 2008). Cotton et al. mat and were processed in the Obit package (Cotton 2008). (2004, 2006) give a sequence of VLBA images of the SiO Hanning smoothing was used on the line data to suppress the masers in the atmosphere of R Aqr with ring diameters of artifacts resulting from the interaction of the strong, narrow 31 to 33 mas. Infrared measurements of the photospheric maser signals and the finite delay range of the correlator. size show a range of values between 11.2 and 18.4 mas (Tuthill et al. 2000; Mennesson et al. 2002; Ragland et al. 3.1. Amplitude 2008; Wittkowski et al. 2016). The maser emission is variable but peak values in single– The traditional amplitude calibration scheme for connected dish observations lie in the range up to 300 Jy. R Aqr element interferometersis to compare the gain solutions of the consists of a and an accreting, hot compan- astrometric and photometric calibrators to infer the flux den- ion with a remarkable jet outflow. HST observations of the sity of the astrometric calibrator. This works well in the high jet shows considerable change over a several timescale signal-to-noiseregime with well modeled and only marginally (Hollis et al. 1997a). In 2014 the stars were separated by resolved calibrators but can produce poor results with low 45 mas (Schmidetal. 2017) or 9.8 AU at the distance to SNR data with strongly resolved photometric calibrators as is R Aqr of 218 pc (Minetal. 2014). ALMA observations the case here. All of the centimeter wavelength stable photo- of Bujarrabalet al. (2018) detect both stars with a bridge metric calibration sources, including 3C48 used in this work, are strongly resolved at the 45 mas resolution of this data. of material joining them, likely material flowing from the ∼ AGB primary to the accretion disk around the WD secondary. We have adopted an alternate approach of using an initial, Cotton et al. (2004) show an unusual rotating ring of masers assumed flux density for the astrometric calibrator and apply in January 2001. This ring was interpreted as arising in a ro- this calibration to the photometric calibrator. The ratio of the tating equatorial disk of material. apparent integrated flux density of the derived image of the photometric calibrator to its true flux density gives the factor 2. OBSERVATIONS needed to correct the assumed flux density of the astromet- The observationswere made on the JVLA near 7 mm wave- ric calibrator. Astrometric calibrators are generally physically length during 2019 August 12 from 06:00:00 UT to 13:00:00 very small sources, hence variable, but are well modeled by a UT under project code 19A-220 in the most extended (“A”) point at the current resolution. This approach has the advan- configuration. The target stars (astrometric/bandpass calibra- tage that a super accurate structural model of the photometric tors) were W Aquilae (J1939-1525), R Aquarii (J2348-1631) calibrator is not needed but only an accurate total flux density. and Mira, AKA omicron Ceti, (J0217+0144). The pulsation The adopted flux density of 3C48 at 40.98 GHz was 0.611 Jy phase for W Aquilae was 0.27, for R Aquarii was 0.21 and and at 48.6 GHz was 0.506 Jy (Perley & Butler 2017). The 0.79 for Mira. The photometric calibrator was 3C48. systematic error in the amplitude scale is estimated to be 20%. The observing sequence consisted of cycling between one of the targets (7 min) and its calibrator (2 min) for an hour 3.2. Phase and then proceeding to another target. Reference pointing The phase calibration approach of Reid & Menten (1990, was used with a pointing measurement made on the calibra- 1997) is to use the phase calibration derived from a self cali- tor at the beginning of each sequence. The integration time bration of a strong, simple maser to calibrate the phase of the SiOmasersand7mmContinuuminMiraandRAqr 3 continuum data. This can work well in the present case of Use of self calibration to set the coordinates of the derived AGB stars which may have very strong, non-thermal masers images results in a large uncertainty of the absolute positions. but very weak thermal emission from the photosphere. However, the resulting images should have accurate relative The original scheme of Reid & Menten (1990, 1997) was positions of both masers and continuum emission with respect appropriate for a narrow band system for which a standard to the reference maser. group delay calibration was adequate and did not need to be determined from the data-set in question. The continuum 4. RESULTS bandwidth of the current data is sufficiently wide that correc- No maser or continuum emission was detected from W Aql tions to the group delay need to be determined and applied to but strong masers were detected in Mira and R Aqr and were the data. used to calibrate the continuum. Frequency channels with The “phase” corrections derived from the self calibration of maser emission are identified from long term, scalar averaged, a maser are largely due to tropospheric refraction, hence are visibility spectra from individual baselines. The mean chan- narrow band samples of a group delay function and this needs 1 nel (0.9 km sec− ) visibility amplitude on a given baseline to be taken into account in transferring the maser calibration for W Aql is 18 mJy and 5 times this should be easily de- to the continuumdata which extends for several GHz from the tectable, a plausible upper limit to a maser peak is 90 mJy. frequency of the maser. Furthermore, the signal from a given Pimpanuwat et al. (in prep.) report that ALMA observations maser spot is very narrow band and inadequate to measure the of the ATOMIUM 1 project detected thermal but not maser relevant group delay. The calibration method used is similar emissions of several 1.2 mm SiO J=5-4 and J=6-5 transitions to that described by Matthews et al. (2015, 2018). in W Aql during June and July 2019. We have adopted the following scheme. Many maser features are well separated in velocity and are quite small; centroids can be measured to a small fraction of 1. System temperature calibration. Amplitude correc- the resolution. The maser rings can therefore be defined with tions were determined using program SYGain from the an accuracy much better than the size of the stellar photo- on–line calibration measurements. sphere. The noise contribution to the position uncertainty of an unresolved, isolated component is θFWHM /(2 SNR) 2. Group delay calibration. The continuum observations ∼ × where θFWHM is the full width at half maximum of the resolu- of the phase reference sources were used to determine tion and SNR is the signal-to-noise ratio. Since the spatial and the group delay error (program Calib). These calibra- frequency resolution of this data is such that masers overlap tions were transferred to the maser line data and used to in space and velocity, a list of “masers” was derived by fit- calibrate both data sets. ting one or two Gaussians to the image in alternate channels in each of the transitions. 3. Bandpass calibration. The observations of the phase reference sources were used to derive a bandpass re- 4.1. Mira sponse function for each of the line and continuum data for each target star using program BPass. The off–source channel noise in the maser cubes is 3.5 and 1 3.0 mJy beam− for ν=1,J=1-0 and ν=2,J=1-0 respectively 4. External calibration. The amplitude calibration and the CLEAN restoring beams were 51 45 mas at posi- × scheme described in Section 3.1 was used to derive the tion angle 41◦ and 50 40 mas at position angle -27◦. The × flux densities of the astrometric calibrators. These were integrated spectra of the SiO masers in Mira are shown in Fig- then used to obtain complex gain corrections (program ure 1. Calib) which were applied to the data. The locations of the masers are plotted on the gray scale of the continuum in Figure 2. The velocities and relative 5. Self calibrate a maser. A strong, simple maser ap- strengthsof the masers are shown in Figure 3. The SNR of the pearing in a few line channels was imaged by SCMap masers seen in Figure 1 exceeds 100 so the uncertainty due to for each target using self calibration. After several cy- noise of the maser locations is less than 0.25 mas, much less cles of phase only calibration, an amplitude and phase than the maser ring size of 60 - 70 mas (Cotton et al. 2004) or self calibration was done. the photospheric size of 28.79 mas (Mennesson et al. 2002). The velocity ranges of the masers in the two transitions isn’t 6. Transfer phase to continuum data. The time se- the same but this is also the case at several epochs shown in quences of gain corrections from the maser self cali- Cotton et al. (2006) and is common in the single dish spectra bration were transferred to the continuum data extrapo- of G´omez-Garrido et al. (2020). The continuum of the sec- lating phase in frequency using frequency scaling. This ondary, Mira B, is clearly detected but no SiO was detected is done with program SnCpy. except at the location of Mira A. No continuum was detected away from the two stars. 7. Doppler corrections. Program CVel was used to cor- The off-source RMS in the continuum image is 28 µJy 1 rect the spectroscopic data for the Earth’s motion. beam− , and the CLEAN restoring beam is 41 39 mas at position angle -79 . The peak of Mira B is 434 × 3 mas (53 ◦ ± 0.3 AU) from Mira A at an orientation of 95◦ from north 8. Image. The continuum data were imaged with no fur- ± ther calibration producing a wide-band image using through east. The peak flux density of Mira A is 2.7 0.6 mJy. The total flux density of Mira A is 5.0 1.0 mJy± with program MFImage. Channels in which maser emission ± might appear were excluded from the continuum imag- a deconvolved Gaussian size (FWHM) of 39.4 1.5 mas 32.9 1.5 mas at position angle -56.1 4 . ± × ing. A spectral cube was imaged (via Imager) from the ± ◦ ± ◦ maser data for each transition using the calibration from the self calibration. 1 4 Cotton et al.

Mira ν=1, ν=2 Flux Density (Jy) 0 50 100 150 30 40 50 60 Velocity (km/s)

Fig. 1.— Spectrum of Mira SiO masers, “+” is ν=1,J=1-0, and “x” is Fig. 3.— Color coded velocities of SiO masers surrounding Mira A with ν=2,J=1-0. “+” marking the locations of ν=1,J=1-0 SiO masers and “x” for ν=2,J=1-0 masers. Velocities are indicated by the color with a scale bar to the right. The 200 400 600 size of each symbol is proportional to the √ of the peak flux density. The off–source channel noise in the maser cubes is 4.4 and 250 1 3.9 mJy beam− for ν=1,J=1-0 and ν=2,J=1-0 respectively 200 and the CLEAN restoring beams were 59 41 mas at position 150 × angle -4◦. The integrated spectra of the SiO masers in R Aqr 100 are shown in Figure 4. 50 The locationsof the masers are plotted on the gray scale im-

0 age of the continuum in Figure 5. The velocities and relative strengths of the masers are shown in Figure 6. As seen from -50

Milliarcseconds Figure 4, the SNR of the masers exceed 100 so the uncertainty -100 of the maser locations due to image noise is less than 0.3 mas. -150 The off–source RMS in the continuum image is 36 µJy 1 -200 beam and the CLEAN restoring beam is 50 36 mas at − × -250 position angle -1◦. The continuum component in which the 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 masers are imbedded has a peak flux density of 6.1 1.2 mJy Milliarcseconds and an integrated flux density of 10.8 2.2 mJy and± a decon- Fig. 2.— Continuum reverse gray-scale of Mira with “+” marking the loca- ± tions of ν=1,J=1-0 SiO masers and “x” for ν=2,J=1-0 masers. A scalebar for volved Gaussian size of 58.9 1.6 mas 16.9 1.8 mas at a 1 ± × ± the grayscale in µJy Beam− is given at the top. The resolution is shown in position angle of 17◦ 1◦. The Gaussian brightness tempera- the box in the lower left corner. ture of this component± is 6,550 1490 K. For the equivalent Mira A being only moderately resolved and its profile, uniform disk, the brightness temperature± is 3,690 840 K. hence area, being not well constrained by the present data, The integrated flux density of the emission visible in± Figure 5 two possible extremes are a uniform disk and a Gaussian. We is 40 mJy. No continuum or masers were detected outside of directly use the factor of 1.6 in (Pearson 1999) to convert the the region shown in Figure 5. Gaussian size to an equivalent uniform disk size. We thus get for this extreme possibility a uniform disk diameter of 5. DISCUSSION 63.0 52.6 mas. The brightness temperature of Mira A cal- 5.1. Mira × culating its area assuming this uniform disk and a total flux The continuum emission from Mira A is slightly elongated density of 5.0 mJy is 1300 270 K. The brightness tempera- ± 40◦ from the direction of Mira B. Otherwise there is no hint in ture calculating its area assuming a Gaussian profile with the the present results of an interaction. While not well defined, flux density of 5.0 mJy is 2320 480K. The true brightness ± the maser ring is basically round. Numerous measurements temperature is likely between 1300 and 2300 K. Our total flux of the 7 mm SiO masers are available in the literature. The density was obtained by an intergral over the image pixels and maser rings seen at much higher resolution in Cotton et al. its error is dominated by the 20% estimated uncertainty in the (2004) and Cotton et al. (2006) are even less well defined but flux density scale. The errors on the Gaussian size include the also show little hint of an interaction. While there are varia- ff e ects of correlated noise in the image (Condon 1997). The tions in maser velocity around the ring seen in Figure 3, this true uncertainty in the brightness temperature is dominatedby is commonly seen in AGB maser rings and shows no obvious ff the uncertainty in the e ective area of the source. effect of the companion. SiO masers tracing the interaction The peak flux density of Mira B is 0.62 0.14 mJy with of the AGB star with a close companion was reported in π1 an integrated value of 0.64 0.14 mJy. This± component is at ± Gru (Homan et al. 2020) although with a closer companion (6 most marginally resolved with an upper limit of 20 mas. AU) than Mira B is to A. 4.2. R Aquarii Reid & Menten (2007) give a uniform disk size for Mira A of 54 4 mas 50 4 mas at position angle -30◦ 50 ± × ± ± SiOmasersand7mmContinuuminMiraandRAqr 5

R_Aqr ν=1, ν=2 Flux Density (Jy) 0 5 10 15 -40 -30 -20 -10 Velocity (km/s) ig ig F . 6.— Color coded velocities of SiO masers surrounding R Aqr with F . 4.— Spectrum of R Aquarii SiO masers, “+” is ν=1,J=1-0, and “x” is “+” marking the locations of ν=1,J=1-0 SiO masers and “x” for ν=2,J=1-0 ν=2,J=1-0. masers. Velocities are indicated by the color with a scale bar to the right. The size of each symbol is proportional to the √ of the peak flux density. 200 400 600 270 K at 45 GHz; however, this difference is within the er- rors.± The alignment of the SiO maser ring with Mira A in Reid & Menten (2007) generally agrees with that in Figure 2; 250 centered on the photosphere. They do not detect Mira B. Observations of Mira A in 2014 February by Matthews et al. (2015) give an elliptical Gaussian fit at 200 46 GHz of 37.5 2.1 31.7 2.0 mas at position angle 147 ± × ± ◦ 6◦ in excellent agreement with our 2019 August results. 150 C However,± the flux density quoted by Matthews et al. (2015), 7.6 1.5 mJy, is 1.5 σ higher than our 5.0 mJy and their ± 100 uniform disk brightness temperature of 2110 440 K is correspondingly higher than our 1300 270 K.± The differ- ence between the current results and those± of Matthews et al. 50 (2015) is 1.5 σ. Matthews et al. (2018) presents evidence A_SW for variations in the sizes and shapes of several other Mira 0 B_SW variables so the differences between our results and those of Reid & Menten (2007) and Matthews et al. (2015) may

Milliarcseconds -50 simply reflect changes in Mira A. The observations of Matthews et al. (2015) detected Mira B and give a deconvolved Gaussian size at 46 GHz of 18 -100 ± 5 1 6 mas at position angle 172◦ 30◦ with a flux den- sity× of± 0.97 0.2 mJy. This is in good± agreement with our -150 C_SW upper limit of± 20 mas although the star is at most marginally resolved in both cases. Since Mira B is thought to be a white -200 dwarf, any resolution of this object is very unlikely to be of the star itself but more likely an accretion disk around it. -250 While we detect no emission away from Mira A and B, Wong et al. (2016) show ALMA observations of a plume of

200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 molecular gas in an arc from Mira A up to 3” in the direction Milliarcseconds away from Mira B but do not associate it with an effect by Fig. 5.— Continuum reverse grayscale of R Aqr with “+” marking the lo- Mira B. They also report that the SiO density drops sharply cations of ν=1,J=1-0 SiO masers and “x” for ν=2,J=1-0 masers. A scalebar past 4 stellar radii. 1 for the grayscale in µJy Beam− is given at the top. Labels mark features ap- ALMA observations by Kami´nski et al. (2016) of gas phase proximately corresponding to those in Schmid et al. (2017). The circle shows the location of the secondary as estimated from the orbit of Bujarrabal et al. AlO, the precursor molecule to Al2O3 in aluminum dust, (2018). The resolution is shown in the box in the lower left corner shows that the density peaks at about 2R⋆. This is near the size of the radio photosphere and the SiO maser ring seen in with a flux density of 4.8 0.2 mJy and a brightness temper- Figure 2. ature of 1680 250 K in± 2000 October. This is somewhat smaller than our± uniform disk equivalent of 63.0 52.6 mas. The Reid & Menten (2007) flux density of 4.8 mJy× is in good agreementwith our value of 5.0 mJy. Our larger size results in a lower estimated uniform disk brightness temperature, 1300 6 Cotton et al.

1 2 3 4 sented in Schmid et al. (2017) which also include the poten- tial secondary. The 7 mm image in Figure 5 is strikingly 150 similar to several of the Hα features south-west of the AGB star shown in Schmid et al. (2017), especially their features C, ASW, BSW and CSW and are approximately indicated in Fig-

100 ure 5. These features in Figure 5, with the partial exception of C, are presumably related to the jet. This correspondance is puzzling given the 5 between the observations and the very short recombination times of these features estimated by 50 Schmid et al. (2017). This suggests either longer recombina- tion times or a continuing source of ionization. The continuum feature associated with the SiO masers in 0 Figures 5 and 7 is elongated in the general direction of the jet and is not centered on the maser ring but rather on the com- Milliarcseconds panion white dwarf. This suggests that this feature also en- -50 closes the secondary and some of its emission is from the jet. The Gaussian brightness temperature of this feature, 6,550 970 K is greatly in excess of that expected for the photospher±e

-100 of an AGB star further suggesting that much of the emission is from the accretion disk/jet which is nearly aligned on the sky with the AGB star. The circumstellar masers seen in Figures 5 and 7 show -150 100 50 0 -50 -100 little evidence of being affected by the jet or the secondary Milliarcseconds star. The VLBI image of the masers in R Aqr shown in Fig. 7.— Like Figure 5 but a closeup of the emission enclosing the stars ff 1 Ragland et al. (2008) show masers streaming o in the di- and a scalebar labeled in mJy beam− The circle shows the location of the secondary as estimated from the orbit of Bujarrabal et al. (2018). rection of the north–east jet in 2006 September but those in Cotton et al. (2004, 2006) do not. The continuum emission see in Figures 5 and 7 is similar in 5.2. R Aquarii shape and orientation to that reported by Hollis et al. (1997b) The orbit of the secondary star in R Aqr has been the sub- from 1996, a half orbital period earlier, but with a different ject of debate for a number of years. Hollis et al. (1997b) offset from the SiO masers marking the atmosphere of the suggest that an extended feature seen in a VLA 7 mm im- AGB star. This suggests that in both cases, the emission is age corresponded to the secondary. However, Schmid et al. dominated by the jet from the accretion disk around the white (2017) dispute this interpretation and on the basis of high spa- dwarf and that the image of Hollis et al. (1997b) does show tial resolution Hα imaging suggest another. A spectroscopic the location of the secondary. orbit has been determined by Gromadzki & Mikołajewska Unfortunately, the poor absolute resulting from (2009) who derive an eccentric orbit (e=0.25) with a 43.6 the atmospheric instability in the current data prevent them year period but cannot determine where on the sky the from being very useful quantitatively in refining the orbit. secondary appears. Detection of the secondary star by The distributions of masers in AGB atmospheres are ex- Bujarrabal et al. (2018) allowed them to update the orbit of tremely variable as they track conditions suitable for maser Gromadzki & Mikołajewska (2009) giving an estimate of the amplification rather than following concentrations of mate- location at the of the observations presented here. The rial. Observations several months apart, as shown in the ref- region of emission enclosing the stars is shown in Figure 7 erences for VLBI observations usually show very different with the estimated location of the white dwarf shown as a cir- distributions. The frequent monitoring of the Mira TX Cam cle. AsforMira, Figure6showsnoclear signatureofan effect (Gonidakis et al. 2013) shows very turbulent behavior. of the secondary on the velocity structure of the ring. The nature of the SiO maser distribution in January 2001 However, ALMA observations by Bujarrabal et al. (2018) from Cottonet al. (2004) was of a very different character show plumes of CO gas which they intreprete as arising from than at much later epochsin showing a high degree of symme- the outflow from the AGB star being focused into its orbital try across the ring. In April 2001 the general velocity pattern plane by the white dwarf companion maximizing the accre- of the masers was consistent with a general rotation but with- tion onto the secondary. They also detect continuum emission out much evidence for an equatorial disk. Hollis et al. (2001) between the stars with a spectral index suggesting dust. Such claim some evidence for differential rotation in Dec 2000 as structure would be obscured at 7 mm wavelength in 2019 by well as earlier with a pole of the rotation at a position angle the inner jet emission seen in Figure 7. of 150◦. By 2006 (Ragland et al. 2008) the velocity structure The continuum emission seen in the ALMA 0.8 mm obser- was incompatible with the differential rotation of 2000-2001 vations are not expected to be the same as the 7 mm contin- and the 2019 velocity structure in Figure 6 is also incompat- uum emission as the former is dominated by the photosphere ible. The 2000-2001 event may have been a transient feature and the dust forming around the star and the latter is from although the orientation of the apparent pole is difficult to ex- free-free emission from ionized material in the circumstellar plain by an interaction with either the gravity of, or the jet envelop. coming from, the secondary. The jet is closer to the direction This system contains a very extended and complex jet to of the pole of the putative rotation rather than orthogonal to the north–east and south–west which is presumed to arise it and the orbit of Bujarrabal et al. (2018) shows a substantial from the secondary star (Hollis et al. 1997a,b; Schmid et al. separation between the two stars in 2001. 2017). The jet material is quite visible in the Hα images pre- SiOmasersand7mmContinuuminMiraandRAqr 7

6. CONCLUSIONS is extendedin the directionof the jet. The continuumemission Observations of 7 mm continuum and SiO masers in three is centered on the location of the white dwarf estimated from symbotic AGB stars are reported. The continuum data were the orbit of Bujarrabal et al. (2018) rather than on the AGB phase referenced to the masers allowing sensitive imaging and star as indicated by the SiO masers. That, plus the high bright- accurate registration. Techniques for photometric calibration ness temperature of this feature, indicates that it is dominated and this phase referencing were developed to exploit these by emission from the accretion disk + jets associated with data. the white dwarf. Bujarrabal et al. (2018) also shows gas ap- No masers were detected in W Aquilae which prevented a parently flowing from the AGB star onto the secondary. The sensitive continuum image from being made. Both Mira and alignment of the continuum peak of R Aqr with the predicted R Aquarii have strong masers which allows deep continuum location from the orbit of the secondary by Bujarrabal et al. imaging. The image of Mira shows the masers well centered (2018) appears to support their orbit. on the photosphereof Mira A and the white dwarf Mira B was well detected. No clear evidence of an interaction between the We thank B. Pimpanuwat/ATOMIUM consortium for the white dwarf and the envelope of Mira A was found. J=5-4 and J=6-5 measurements. This work made use of The inner portion of the jet in R Aquarii is visible in the the AAVSO International Database contributed by observers continuum image and the radio emission around the AGB star worldwide.

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