Forced Labor: A Type of Modern No person should be forced to perform work against his or her will.

Workers pay for Workers have their personal Workers are forced to work more Workers are not paid the and/or employment-related fees documents held by their than the maximum number of hours appropriate , are not employers set by law, or do not receive paid on time, or are paid with common common overtime pay. coupons/cash-alternatives.


forced labor issues labor forced Example of Example

✓ Hire workers directly when possible. ✓ Allow all workers to retain their ✓ Pay workers a that does not ✓ Pay wages to all workers, especially personal documents (e.g., require them to work overtime to temporary and migrant workers, on a ✓ When using third parties to fulfill staffing

do passports, work permits, travel maintain a normal standard of living. timely basis and directly to a worker’s needs (e.g., agencies, labor documentation) during recruitment bank account. agents, sub-contractors), implement ✓ Do not allow workers to work more and employment. controls to ensure that they do not charge than the maximum working hours set ✓ Compensate workers for overtime at any fees to applicants. ✓ Provide workers with individual by national law, including overtime. greater than regular hourly rates. lockers or storage space to safely ✓ Provide workers with a written contract in ✓ Ensure all overtime labor is voluntary. ✓ For each pay period, provide workers house identity documents. The their native language and explain to them and do not require overtime for a with clear wage slips which reflect storage provided should be that the contract contains rights and worker to retain his or her job. work performed, deductions made, accessible without employer responsibilities regarding wages, working and overtime worked. permission and in a location which is ✓ Do not retaliate against workers for hours, location of work, and working well-lit so female workers feel safe. refusing to work overtime (e.g., by ✓ Do not deduct pay from wages as a conditions. deducting wages). disciplinary measure. ✓ If a worker’s personal information is ✓ Pay for all fees associated with needed, obtain consent to make ✓ Provide workers with regular breaks. ✓ Ensure details about wages and employment (e.g., visa, work permit, photocopies of the documents and overtime are included in the written transportation, medical), and fully ✓ Provide workers at least one day off What businesses should businesses What promptly return the original contract provided to workers. reimburse workers for these fees if for every seven days worked, or the documents to the worker. previously charged. minimum set by national law (whichever is higher). ✓ Do not charge fees as a disciplinary action, or at contract termination if the worker has Provide workers of vendors and suppliers with access to an provided full notice or could not provide full anonymous hotline or complaint mechanism to report labor concerns notice because of abuse or threat of safety. confidentially and without fear of retaliation.