Ontario Archaeological Society

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Ontario Archaeological Society Ontario Archaeological Society 1 Arch Notes New Series Volume 6, Issue 4 1SSN 0048-1742 July/August 2001 OAS news Arch Notes feature President's notes 3 An American View: CRM vs. Academia 11 From the OAS office 5 D. Sanford 8 OAS Hamilton Symposium DATE CHANGE 6 Arch shorts Slogan Contest.. 7 A preliminary tour of Egypt (Part 2) - B. Welsh 18 OAS chapters 24 Letter to Arch Notes - S. Leslie 20 ...more of the '50s - G. Roberts 21 Iceman Cremated 22 Ontario Archaeological Society Publications Editors, Ontario Archaeology R~bert Susan Jamieson, David Robertson, Andrew Stewart 519·472·8100 [email protected] [email protected] Editor, Arch Notes Frank Dieterman 905·333·9324 [email protected] Committees Education :F',,,,~,;,} ·,-;-c·.'-+-/'- Terri·Lynn Brennan, Megan Grant }Sl>:.;>t,;:;'fj?" ':tiiNl~-;:;,,,±\,,: Dir~r.of Heritage'iAilvP$cr..' Library ;. Tony StapeU{ '>,,>morma Knowllon, Andy Shoenhoeler 416·461·6834 oas@globa]s~rve.nel ;"",\ AJ. C:I~~~I~~~~~.~~~:,v~1 Centre Advisory Team Martin Cooper, Marisa Granieri & Director of Marketing Promotions '. MaclKay, John Peters, Margaret Roberts "........ L:~~~~~:~ Francis Sanderson, Darren Vermersch >',. ',:;~:}::::-\t:-_t;:-} [email protected] Symposium -'f"' Hamlllon 2001 - Brad Bandow Director df tv! f{~~ship Services Frank Dleterman Volunteer Coordinator Chair in place 519·894·9300 ...editor's note [email protected] Foremost - an outstanding thank-you to Glenna Roberts and Stewart leslie for their letters and reminiscences. Director of Publications Keep them coming, folks. Eva MacDonald 416·534·9384 Inside we have an American viewpoint on CRM and acade­ mia by Doug Sanford, Part 2 of Bruce Welsh's Egypt (watch­ [email protected] out Bill Bryson!), and a press story on Kwaday Dan Sinchi Executive Di rector The AN cover features a younger Bruce Welsh & friends in Jo Holden Egypt Bruce, if you're going to give me photos like this - they 1-888·733·0042 will be displayed prominently! 905·787·9851 If you read only one item in this issue -let it be this: [email protected] The date ofthe OAS Symposium has been changed to November 16-18, 2001. 3 OAS nelvs President's notes Chapters' comments, the draft guidelines will then be published in Arch Notes in order for the member­ ship to comment further before being asked to ap­ HE OAS welcomes Amy Barron as its first Pro­ prove them and any amendments at the Annual gram Development Officer. Amy started her six­ T Business Meeting to be held during the Symposium month contract with us on july 16, 2001. Her in November. first order of business will be to develop the Winter and March Break programming for 2002. Once that Tony has also been working over the past year with a is completed, she will move onto Spring 2002 pro­ committee with multi-disCiplinary and institutional gramming. Keep in mind she will be also developing representation that was asked to review proposed programming that will encompass the Adult Lecture changes to the Class Environmental Assessment • Series, nine week thematic programs, workshops, process. The committee's work has had great suc­ family oriented programming, and Saturday pro­ cess. The Social and Environmental Assessment Bul­ gramming. She will be asked to look at revamping letin (Summer 2001) by Hardy Stevenson and Asso­ our signature program, "Archaeology Unearthed". ciates Limited (HAS) provides a summary of the new All of this programming will be designed to be trans­ procedures. The new Class EA document, prepared portable so that any OAS Chapter can call up and by the Municipal Engineers Association, and ap­ ask for the programme outline, template, or the list proved by the Ministry of the Environment, consoli­ of speakers. dates the Class EA process and the schedules for all municipal projects. To obtain a copy of the Bulletin, Amy is currently is a PhD candidate at the University please contact HAS at 416-944-8444 (has@echo­ of Toronto in the Department of Near and Middle on.net) or visit their web page at http://www.echo­ Eastern Civilizations. Her excavation experience has on.nett-has. taken her to three different countries, and to five continents to view archaeological sites. She has a great deal of experience in delivering programs to As part of the International Year of Volunteer cele­ the public, both children and adults, both program­ brations, the Honourable Cam jackson, Minister of ming levels have had archaeological, historical and Citizenship recognized Terri-Lynn Brennan and cultural themes incorporated into them. Most re­ Norma Knowlton for their commitment and dedica­ cently she organized for the Markham Museum an tion as volunteers in Ontario. They were each pre­ adult lecture series that accompanied the ROM'S sented with a special lapel pin as a 2001 Ontario traveling exhibit "Egypt, Gift of the Nile" Our Execu­ Volunteer Award. jo Holden nominated them for tive Director, jo Holden, indicates that Amy is "en­ their exceptional volunteer efforts on behalf of the thusiastic, creative, and ready to try just about every Society. Congratulations Terri-Lynn and Norma. avenue I and the Town want to explore re value driven archaeological programming ...from adult programming to Sunday afternoon family program­ Eva MacDonald, our Director of Publications, has ming for 7 to 15 year olds, workshops for leisure indicated that Volume 68 of our Society'S journal learning and tune-ups for the professionals." Sure Ontario Archaeology will go to the printers by the looks like we have a winner! Let each of us give beginning of August. Eva also indicates that the Amy a warm welcome at our earliest opportunity. Howard Savage memorial volume (Volume 69), which has been guest edited by Dr. Max Friesen, is entering the final stages of production as well. If Tony Stapells, our Society's Director of Heritage Ad­ publication of the journal is to be put back on its vocacy, along with Charleton Carscallen, Director of proper schedule, however, additional manuscripts Chapter Services, and Frank Dieterman, Director of are needed for Volu mes 70 and 71 . So, the Editorial Membership Services, formed a committee to de­ Board encourages the SOciety's members to get velop ethical gUidelines for OAS members. A draft of working on those articles. Congratulations to all in­ the guidelines has been sent for review to the Soci­ volved, especially the Editorial Board of Sue jami­ ety's Chapters. Revised as may be appropriate by the eson, Andrew Stewart, and David Robertson. Arch Notes 6(4) July/August 2001 OA5 news 4 The OAS received a letter from Maggie MacKenzie, Stewardship" and for "Provincial Parks and Park Re­ Heritage Centre Coordinator for the Town of Rich­ serves". These documents have not been sent to mond Hill, thanking the Society and especially heritage organizations for comment. The MTCR has Lanna Crucefix, our Director of Marketing & Promo­ been reviewing the documents to try to ensure heri­ tions, and Andy Schoen hofer, volunteer flint knapper tage resources are protected as part of MNR's many extraordinaire, for all of their hard work that went and varied activities across the province. It might be into putting together a booth displaying Dean Axel­ helpful for MNR to hear if heritage groups or indi­ son's tools, and for organizing assistance for the viduals are interested in these processes that are Town's Heritage Village Day Uune 9). The letter meant to identify and mitigate impacts to the envi­ states, "If it was not for your efforts, Heritage Square ronment resulting from their activities. However, the would not have been the success it was. It is organi­ time to comment is very short. If you are interested zations such as yourself that keep heritage alive on in commenting, please Marilyn Miller at 416-314­ the Hill for our residents and visitors to 'learn it, live 7128 or Winston Wong at 416-314-7147. The it, and love it'." Way to go Lanna, Dean and Andyl!! documents can be downloaded from the internet. For the stewardship EA go to <www.mnr.gov.on.ca/ MNRlstewardea2001> or contact, Derryk Renton Linda Tobidone has been hired as a summer experi­ MNR 705-755-1820 ([email protected]. ence student. She is helpingJo Holden and Rob Pihl cal. For the Parks document go to <www.mnr.gov. on the McGaw Site. A second student will be hired on.ca/MNRparksea2000> or contact Dan Paleczny soon to assist Ellen Blaubergs and Greg Purnell with 705-755-1745 ([email protected]). their on-site programs. If you are in the neighbour­ hood, please drop in to see how well they are doing. Come one, come alii Part ofthe exhibit "Partners in the Past: U of T and OAS Digs" is now on temporary The Oak Ridges Moraine Protection Act has passed display at the OAS corporate office in the Elgin West first, second, and third readings in the Ontario Leg­ Community Centre in Richmond Hill. Prepared by islature. Once promulgated, the Act will impose a Pat Reed, of the Department of Anthropology, Uni­ six-month freeze on all development activity on the versity of Toronto the exhibit features photographs of Moraine. This will stop municipalities from accepting individuals and activities from the many excavations applications or adopting or approving official plans, that the two organizations have jointly conducted. official plan amendments, zoning bylaws or subdivi­ sion plans involving land on the Moraine. It will also stay development applications now before the On­ The Ontario Historical Society has awarded the tario Municipal Board involving lands on the Mo­ prestigious Dorothy Duncan Award to the Ojibwe raine and prevent the OMB from issuing orders with Cultural Foundation (OCF) for its outstanding service respect to such applications.
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