The Pampa News — Saturday, Sept. 5, 2020 — 7B TheFunnies Daily fAmily ciRcUs TUNDRA Horoscope HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Satur- day, Sept. 5, 2020: Imaginative, romantic and fun, you are a royal in this life, and your creations are truly amazing. This year, you cope with many daily life situations and you come out on top. Money is very good. If single, you’re so entertaining and enjoyable that you have many attractive friends. If attached, it is for keeps, and you’re utterly in love. PISCES feels the magic with and in you. Aries (march 21-April 19) ★★★★ You get fired up today, and your thoughts and emotions are aligned. You might shift from happy one moment, sad the next, then back again. You are dealing with your self- awareness, appearance and the person you are becoming. Tonight: An inexpensive night out. Taurus (April 20-may 20) ★★★ It’s a good day to lie cARpe Diem low and think carefully before you act. Take time to reflect and meditate. As the day goes on, you become recharged and feel more in the power seat. Tonight: Call up old friends and throw an impromptu small gathering. gemini (may 21-June 20) ★★★★★ You interact well with a group, expressing your plans. You are friendly but impersonal in your dealings with others. Your thoughts might be quirky today, and so are some of your friends, who provide you with a variety of ideas. Tonight: Online networking. cancer (June 21-July 22) ★★★ Even though it’s the weekend, you are still think- ing about work. Your ambition to succeed is highlighted. You might feel stressed, so maintain your emotional balance and plan the night with friends. Do not ignore your exercise routine. Tonight: Attend a social event. leo (July 23-Aug. 22) ★★★★ Your experiences are Ask Amy... more intense than usual today. You have a strong sense of duty and feel obligated to fulfill your By Amy Dickinson promises. You also might be exploring metaphysical ideas Dear Amy: I’m in my mid-20s. I recently moved 1,000 now, possibly past lives and life miles away from home to Colorado for a job. Despite after death. Tonight: Watch a knowing no one here and going through a break-up shortly foreign movie. before the move, I don’t really feel lonely. virgo (Aug. 23-sept. 22) Even during the pandemic, I have stayed fairly active. ★★★★ You yearn for new My co-worker, “Kendall” started her job around the experiences today. You seek same time I did and immediately latched on to me. It’s a change from the routine, a nice to spend time with her, but I still very much like my break from the status quo. You alone time. have an interest in innovative She invites me to hang out several times a week. I usu- ideas and feel you can create ally accept once a week out of pity, and also because we hAgAR The hoRRible change through them. Plan are among the few females in a male-dominated work- a future journey. Tonight: Go force. somewhere you’ve never gone I hate hiking and doing outdoorsy things with her be- before. cause she brings her ill-behaved dog. She’s a high-energy libra (sept. 23-oct. 22) dog, and Kendall is not an experienced owner. I know from ★★★★★ Enjoy the harmony, experience that this dog needs firm and friendly training. beauty and pleasures of life. I’ve hiked with Kendall and her dog several times and You are popular today. Your it’s a circus every time. Honestly, I’m surprised one of imagination is keen. Ease up them hasn’t gotten hurt. on tasks and spread your good I’m trying to plan day trips to nearby national parks. I news. Your partner wants more don’t want to invite her, but if she finds out I went alone time with you, and you should she will literally whine to me at work. happily oblige. Tonight: Go Bottom line, how do I nicely tell Kendall to discipline her somewhere special with your dog (or leave her at home)? How do I say that sometimes I sweetie. want to do things by myself? scorpio (oct. 23-Nov. 21) — I Like Being Alone ★★★ The emphasis turns Dear Alone: it is possible to maintain a nice work- to your domestic scene today. ing relationship with a fellow female employee without Look for ways to communicate going on pity dates. better with those in your house- And yes, people and dogs are different, but both hold. Offer your services to respond to “firm and friendly” training. those who see you as the one There are two impediments to you enjoying Ken- with the answers and abilities. dall’s company: Kendall’s dog, and the fact that you Spend quality time with a child. often just want to do things by yourself. Tonight: Early bedtime. Talk to her! say, “i enjoy hanging out with you but sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) honestly, i also need more time to myself. i appreci- ★★★★ Your emotions might ate you asking, but i hope you won’t take it personally overpower your intellect today. when i don’t accept an invitation.” You are more involved with the “The second thing is different: i don’t want to go creative facets of your life. You hiking with your dog anymore. she’s a great dog, but moTheR goose AND gRimm also feel strongly attached to i think she needs some professional training. i really loved ones, particularly chil- believe it is unsafe to hike with her, so i’m not going to dren. Your challenge is to clear do it.” up odds and ends. Tonight: Dear Amy: My husband and I have been married for Complete a home project. over 20 years. capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan 19) Recently we were watching TV, and the husband in the ★★ You take care of details, TV show was asked what kind of wife he had. His reply especially related to your was: “A very, very lucky one.” health. Remember to exercise I asked my husband what kind of wife HE had. He and watch your diet. Stop wor- replied, “Human.” rying and fretting. Stick close What kind of reply was that? to home and focus on tidying Couldn’t he have replied “lucky,” or some other compli- up the house. You might exhibit ment? perfectionist tendencies today. Is my marriage in trouble? Or over? I was beyond hurt. Tonight: Catch up with old — Devastated friends. Dear Devastated: your husband’s comment was Aquarius (Jan. 20-feb. 18) failed and thoughtless, but unless there are other ★★★ Cultivate new ideas, things going on, being devastated by it seems out of but make sure they are down to proportion. earth. Be aware that you might let’s recap: The line, “What kind of wife do you be somewhat stubborn and have? A luck one” is one of those unfunny passively resistant to change. Health and insulting comments that pop up in bad sitcoms. you physical activity are highlighted. seem to interpret this as high praise, but i’d emphasize It is a good day for doing practi- that the “lucky wife” is actually a reference to how cal things. Tonight: Entertain at awesome the husband is. home. you made a “bid” to your husband. i assume that pisces (feb. 19-march 20) you wanted him to look you in the eyes and say, “i’m ★★★★ Your attitude deter- the lucky one,” or extend a proportional and loving bid mines everything today. Remain to you. flexible and open to sudden he didn’t do that. he messed up. he didn’t read the financial opportunity. Temper room. your spending, take care of maybe he misses all the bids. but the way to payments and create a plan. respond is to talk about it. if you often feel overall Follow your ideals and focus on devalued by large or small things he does (or doesn’t what you value. Tonight: Catch do), you two should make a good faith effort to reset up with a sibling or old pal. your relationship. BORN TODAY Twenty years is a long time. your question is proof Comedian Bob Newhart of how many opportunities we all have to respond (1929), singer Freddie Mercury with kindness, good humor, and love. it is actually so (1946), actor Michael Keaton easy to make another person feel good. i hope you will (1951) point this out to your husband.