Jane, cleared 7·55 &.m. & 12.40 p.m. week days only. Certified bailiffs, appoitned under the " Law of Distre8~ Upshire, cleared 8 & Io a.m. week days only Amendment Act," Stephen Chetwood, ; George Eversfield, Waltham Abbey; J. Tydeman, County Magistrates for Waltham Abbey Petty Waltham Cross; Mark Gilbert, Enfield Wash; )lr. Sessional Division. Newman, ; Edward Cook, Cheshunt Dm:t{)n Sir Thomas Fowell hart. M.A. D.L. Wadies park, Fire Brigade, Church street; Waiter Colyer, captain, & Waltham Abbey, chairman 8 men Abdy John Thomas esq. LL.D. 69 Cornwall gardens, SW Metropolitan Police Station, Sun street; Joseph Edmondg, Bury Charles James esq. D.L. St. Leonards, Nazin~, inspector, 3 sergeants, 2 acting sergeants & I6 con­ Waltham Cross, deputy chairman stables Buxton Gerald esq. Birch hill, Theydon Bois, Epping Royal Gunpowder Factory, Capt. Hugh Huleatt R.E. as• Buxton Thomas Fowell Victor esq. Woodredon, Waltham sistant superintendent of works department; F. A. Abbey Renshawe, staff clerk; \V. J. Brattle, second division, Cl>isenhale-Marsh l.Yilliam Swaine esq. Gaynes park, clerk & cashier; l\lajor Urquhart R.A. captain in· Theydon Garnon, Epping spector; J. Knowler, master refiner; Jas. Findlay, Edwards A.rthur Janion esq. D.L. Beech Hill park, master worker; J. M. Thompson, manager of cordite .t Waltham Abbey nitro-glycerine factory; W. Thomson & M. Robertson, G-ellatly Peter esq. D.L. Albion hill, S.O chemists; Henry Craggs, chief inspector of police Joyce Robert George esq. Clareville, Caterham Valley, Public Officers. S.O. Surrey Lockwood Lieut.-~l. Amelius Richard Mark M.P. Oertifying Factory Surgeon, Medical Officer & Public ~ishop's Hall, Lambourne, Romford Vaccinator, Waltham Abbey District, Edmonton Union, :Marter :Major-Gen. Richard James Combe, The Upland, James Damer Priest D.P.H. Sewardstone road lV alton, Epping Collector of Poor Rates, Alfred Geo. Cook, High Bridge st l\Ielles Joseph William ~q. M.A. Sewardstone lodge, Registrar of Births & Deaths, Waltham Abbey Sub-dis­ Chingford trict, Alfred George Cook, High Bridge street; deputy, ParnEll John esq. The Grange, \Valtham Abbey John Eve, Sewardstone road Tait Major John C. Vestry Clerk, Frederick Charles Edenborough J essopp, Clerk to the Magistrates, Hubert Gough, High Bridge st High Bridge street Petty Sessions are held at the County court every tuesday at 10.30 a.m. The following places are included in the Places of \Vorship, with times of services. division: -High Beech, Holyfield, Sewardstone, Upshire Parish Church of Waltham Abbey, or Waltham Holy & Waltham Holy Cross Cross, Rev. Francis Burdett Johnston M.A. vicar; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m Local Board. Holy Innocents Church, High Beech, Rev. Josiah Norton Offices, High Bridge street. M.A. vicar; 10 a. m. & 6.30 p.m Board day, third wednesday in every month at 7 p.m. Baptist, Paradise road Rev. George Ki!by; 11 a.m. & Members of the Board. 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m. ; sat. 8 p.m Beck William, 'fhe Limes, Sewardstone road (chairman) Baptist, Fountain place; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; mon. 7·45 Champness Ernest, Cold hall p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m Chapmai1 Thomas, jun. Holyfield hall Baptist, Church street; 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m Cook William John, Alders grove, High Beech Baptist ~Iission Hall, Honey lane; 3 & 6.30 p.m Findlay James, Farm hill Wesleyan, Sewardstone street; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; Oram William, Sewardstone street wed. 7 p.m Parnell John, J.P. The Grange W esleyan l\Iission Room, Lippitt hill, High Beech; 3 & Palling George Marshall, Sun street 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Roddick Andrew, Quinton hill Salvation Army Hall, Quaker lane; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. Ward Frederick King, High Bridge street & daily, 8 p.m Webster Charles, \Varlies Schools:- Clerk, Frederick Charles Edenborough Jessopp, High Bridge street A School Board of 7 members was formed in 1872; Treasurer, Thomas Plomer Trounce, London Joint Stock Hubert Gough, High Bridge 'Str<>et, clerk to the board; Bank Limited, Hig-h Bridge street Warrington Gowler, Sun street, attendance officer. l\Iedical Officer of Health, James Damer Priest D.P.H. Board (boys), Milton street, erected in 1882, for 310 Sewardstone road children; average attendance, 258; George Middle- Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Charles William Wiggs, ditch, master; (girls), erected in 1874, for 210; aver- Sewardstone street age att-endance, 192; Miss Marian \Valker, mistress; Collector, George Eversfield, Sewardstone street (infants), erected in 18781 for 325 children; average Manager of Sewage Farm, James Mnmford, Townmead st attendance, 233; Miss Kate Rosewell, mistress Leverton's (boys & girls), Hig'h Bridge strPet, founded Public Establishments. in 1823 by Thomas Leverton, of London, who left Cemetery, Frederick Charles E. Jessopp, clerk to the £6,ooo in 3 per Cent. Consols, reduced by legacy duty burial board; Joseph Todd, superintendent, Seward- to £5.378 I7S. sd. for educating & clothing 20 boys & stone road 20 girls : the school has an income of £161 yearly & County Court (held monthly), High Bridge street; His is managed by -a. body of 12 trustees, of which J. Parnell Honor Judge Paterson; William John Bruty, registrar esq. J.P. is chairman; Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton hart. & acting high bailiff; Geo. Eversfield, bailiff. The dis- is a trustee; David Jones, master; Mrs. Jones, mist trict of the court comprises :-Cheshunt (Herts.), Board (mixed), iJ:milt by the late Sir Edward Buxton, C~ingford (Essex), Enfie~d Lock & part of Enfield Copt Hall Green, for rso children; average attendan